Documents & Records Policy

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Quality Manual

Documents and Records Policy

Date 01/02/2012 Page 1 of 5 Issue 6.0

Purpose 1. Controlling documents and records is essential to achieving quality objectives, successful management and personal development in our organisation. 2. It is the responsibility of all staff to maintain and control documents and records relevant to their work environment as they are required for Legal, Safety and Audit purposes. 3. Person(s) named in section 2.9 of the Quality manual shall maintain effective control of all documents and records in the quality management process. Any defects or nonconformities of documents or staff assigned to use documents within the scope of their Job profile shall be report to the manager immediately and corrective actions taken to correct the nonconformity. 4. Quality Standard Auditors require the organisation to establish and maintain a quality manual that includes: a) The scope of the quality management system which is to; To provide organisations with Conformity Solutions Systems, to support the provision of Consultancy and, provide training and driving services to the public and private sectors with the specific aim of empowering Organisational Leaders to conform to EU Decision No. 768/2008/EC and the requirements of the Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide Act 2007. b) Detail any justifications for any exclusions [non-identified] c) Document procedures established for the quality management system. d) Provide a description of interactions between processes of the quality management system [See Section E of the Quality Manual].

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Bobtech Group Ltd 2012Š

Quality Manual

Documents and Records Policy

Date 01/02/2012 Page 2 of 5 Issue 6.0

Control of Documents 5. Documents entered into the Quality Manual shall be controlled. It is vitally important that all documents are quality checked prior to use to ensure their inclusion does not put the organisation at risk or affect the performance of the organisation, its managers and staff members. 6. Below are the key controls points required to comply with organisational requirements; a) Documents entered into the Quality Manual must be approved for adequacy by the Director of Group Projects prior to use, b) A review and re-approval of updated of documents must be undertaken twice yearly [See Register of Documents and Records] c) Documents must be identified and revision status changes must remain current, d) Documents at the point of use have the relevant version numbers and location identification number, e) All documents must remain legible and readily identifiable, f) All documents of external origin determined by the organisation to be necessary for planning and operation use are identified and their distribution controlled, and g) Quality checks will be implemented by external auditors to ensure an unintended use of obsolete documents and non-conforming documents are reported to the named person(s) in section 2.9 of the Quality Manual. 7. Documents (including records) are a key priority for the organisation to establish effective planning; operational controls, hygiene and product safety, vehicle safety, staff safety to maintain processes to meet our statutory duties, regulatory and customer requirements. Note1: A “documented procedure� shall be established, implemented and maintained. and referenced to its corresponding policy to ensure clarity of use.

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Bobtech Group Ltd 2012Š

Quality Manual

Documents and Records Policy

Date 01/02/2012 Page 3 of 5 Issue 6.0

Control of Records Records are a special type of document that must be controlled. 8. The organisation is required to established records of evidence to demonstrate effective use of the Quality manual and records of conformity to Legal, Safety and Operational Standards. The person(s) responsible for managing records and evidence requirements is named in section 2.9 of the Quality manual. 9. Documented procedures for usage, controls, identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of documents/records are located section 2.8 of the Quality Manual. 10. Records are required to be completed in black ink, remain legible, readily available, and retrievable. Non-conforming records and quality issues must be reported to the person(s) responsible for documents control [See Quality Manual section 2.9]. 11. To achieve organisational objectives documents and records will only be accessed via the operational manual. Access and restrictions will apply dependant on operational need, status and access arrangements as specified by the Data protection Act.

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Bobtech Group Ltd 2012Š

Quality Manual

Documents and Records Policy

Date 01/02/2012 Page 4 of 5 Issue 6.0

Control of Processes 12. The organisation is required to establish documents, implement and maintain a quality management system to the specified requirements Audit, National and International Standard requirements. These requirements shall be implemented through the Quality manual and individual staff members job profile. 13. A document control system has been established to effectively check the flow, relevance, reliability quality and adequacy of documents being added to the Quality manual. 14. The “Development Matrix” identifies the key processes and sequences of interactions relating to operational requirement to enable the organisation to comply with statutory requirements, Health, safety and welfare, Training, workplace education, and marketing of products and/or services. 15. To ensure operational controls are effectively maintained documents contained within the Quality manual are designed to determine controls, flow of interactions and information between processes. Quality checks are imbedded in the Quality manual and operational documents to ensure statutory requirements are met and to reduce the risk of operational, product or service failure. 16. Operation documents shall be managed by competent staff and managers who will feed in nonconformities and operational risks to the person(s) identified in section 2.9 of the Quality Manual to ensure statutory requirements, operational controls and process links are managed and maintained effectively. 17. Monitoring, measurement and analysis of timelines for, production controls, product design, personal development, customer satisfaction/service levels and product failures and ineffective t performance will be gained from the integrated management process which shall be controlled through the Quality manual. This control point shall ensure the organisations statutory duties and customer satisfactions requirements are met. Any sub-standard or non-conforming documents or control records must be reported to the responsible person(s) immediately [See section 2.9] 18. Outsourcing processes. Should the organisation require the need to outsource a process form a third party that requires document usage an internal system shall be established to define the control the process, flow and impact that those documents have on the organisation and the Quality manual. The procedure for “outsource process” document controls shall be found in the Quality manual “Control Process” File. 19. Documents from “outsourced processes” should not be included or added to the Quality manual without the Director of Group Projects permission. Documents should not be altered or amended without approval from the Director of Group Projects. All nonconforming documents shall be reported to the Director of Group Projects immediately.

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Bobtech Group Ltd 2012©

Quality Manual

Documents and Records Policy

Date 01/02/2012 Page 5 of 5 Issue 6.0

Management Responsibilities 20. The Bobtech organisation is totally committed to the International Standard ISO9001. Those charged with assisting the Managing Director with implementing this standard and document control shall be found in section 2.9 of the Quality manual. It is their duty to understand and apply management controls stated in this policy and applicable procedures. 21. Any defect in documents or non-conformity by document user shall be reported the Director of Group Projects directly who shall take action immediately to resolve the matter or remove the document or defect from circulation. 22. A matrix of documents and external links to legal requirements has been established to control a document is included in the Quality manual. This control process is designed to identify the source and author of external documents so remedial action can be taken and revised versions or new documents can be issued within 48 hours of the nonconformity or defect being raised. All defects and non-conformities shall be reviewed at the monthly quality management review meeting. 23. Documents used in the Quality manual provide; a) Subject matter that is vital to the organisation and staff to conform to statutory, legal, safety and operating requirements, b) Communication to conform to regulated requirements in order to inform organisation managers, staff and customers, c) Information to aid the development of the organisation and staff, d) Quality control points for auditing purposes, quality services checks and conformity to compliance requirements, e) Communication tool to promote the Quality products and services the organisation has to offer, f) Mechanisms to communicate risks, defects, non窶田onformity, quality issues and complaints that may affect the performance of the organisation and staff. 24. Questions, concerns or clarification of any of the points regarding this policy will receive a response within 48 hours. Click here and state the number of the point you wish to raise and the question you wish to ask. John Hodkinson Managing Director, Bobtech Group Ltd.

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