Duty of Care
Organisation Strategy
Date 09/05/2012 Page 1 of 1 Issue 1.0
The prosperity of Europe is built on that of its businesses. Businesses are a key element in growth and employment, and the re-launch of the Lisbon strategy in 2005 made Enterprise and industry policy one of the priorities in Europe. It is our organisations intention to explore potential of this strategy to seek new innovatavitive ways of using exsisting technology to improve social dialogue with our workforce and clients with the aim of developing knowledge and skills to reduce the burden of regulation, introduce black box technology to protecting lone workers, reduce business cost and environmental impact to achieve growth and sability. Employment & Skills 1: Recruitment 1.1 Documents and employment policies 1.2 Different types of worker 1.3 Taking on staff 1.4 Advertise a Job 1.5 Employment Checks
Key Red = Legal Framework Blue = Regulated Activity
2: Staff Pay 2.1 National minimum wage 2.2 Pay and Pensions 3: People Management 3.1 Equality and diversity 3.2 Staff motivation and performance 3.3 Working time 3.4 Redundancy, restructure and change 3.5 Trade unions 3.6 Employee engagement 3.7 Holiday and other leave 3.8 Maternity, paternity and adoption 4: Staff Development 4.1 Skills training for directors and organisation owners 4.2 Training 4.3 Qualifications 4.3.1 Qualifications Framework 5: Resolve conflict and staff leaving 5.1 Problems at work 5.2 Dismissals and staff leaving 6: Employment & Skills 6.1 Site Map
Issued by: Len Gair: Director of Group Projects
Approved by: John Hodgkinson: Managing Director