Duty of Care
Our Contribution to sustainable Development
Date 09/05/2012 Page 1 of 2 Issue 1.0
Corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR involves companies integrating social and environmental objectives in their business operations and in their interaction with the actors concerned. Therefore it is our organisations straegy to use innovatavitive ways and exsisting technology to improve social dialogue with our workforce and clients with the aim of developing knowledge, skills and ability to reduce the burden of regulation. Promote the effective use of black box technology to protect the organisation, workers and lone workers and/ or vunerable workers to reduce cost and environmental impact with the objective of achieving growth and sability through the services we provide. 1: THE PRINCIPLES OF OUR STRATEGY 1.1 Promote CSR through our Duty of Care Qulaity Manual to workers, clients and consumers of our products. 1.2 Identify areas of the statutory and regulatory process where our services will add value to our organisation and its workers which shall develop social inter-action and reduce environmental impact. 1.3 Comply with our sectorial requirements and codes of conduct to create product for our clients and customers to achive their CSR and Duty of Care objectives in the own sectorial environment. 1.4 To provide a product that adds the same social vaule to enable Entrepreneurs, Sole traders, Small to Medium Enterprises and Large Organisations compete at the same level. 1.5 To provide consumers with clear jargon free information and guidance on specific legal and regulation obligations that apply to their particulary organisation or area of work. 1.6 To provide a guidance service and training to legal and reglatory requirements where feasable and aforable solutions where not. In all cases CSR must be integrated into all organisation and worker training programmes and be compliant with EU “Services� Directive 2006/123/EC 1.7 To ensure CSR objectives are met we shall encorporate black box recording mechanisames to monitor and measure conformity to legal and regalatory requirements. Additionally we shall use black box technology to manage and monitior performance and satisfaction levels of or workers and consumers. 2: TRANSPARENCY OF OUR CSR PRACTICES 2.1 Codes of conduct (concerning workers' rights, human rights, protection of the environment, training requirements etc.) Shall be included in this duty of care quality manual; 2.2
Management standards, roles and responsibilities, have been integrated in to the duty of care quality manual in order to map out the social and environmental aspects of the day-to-day activities and products provided by our organisation;
Instruments for measuring performance (such as internal/external evaluation reports and product monitoring) shall be accessed through the duty of care quality manual;
Products shall be labeled and accessed through the duty of care manual;
Standards for Socially Responsible shall be accessed through the duty of care quality manual. Investment towards implementation shall be at the discretion of direct investors in the project.
Issued by: Len Gair: Director of Group Projects
Approved by: John Hodgkinson: Managing Director
Duty of Care
Our Contribution to sustainable Development
3: OUR CRS PRACTICES SHALL INCLUDE MANAGEMENT OF; EMPLOYMENT & SKILLS 3.1: RECRUITEMENT 1.1 Documents and employment policies 1.2 Different types of worker 1.3 Taking on staff 1.4 Advertise a Job 1.5 Employment Checks
Date 09/05/2012 Page 2 of 2 Issue 1.0
Key Red = Legal Requirement Blue = Regulated Activity
3.2: STAFF PAY 2.1 National minimum wage 2.2 Pay and Pensions 3.3: PEOPLE MANAGEMENT 3.1 Equality and diversity 3.2 Staff motivation and performance 3.3 Working time 3.4 Redundancy, restructure and change 3.5 Trade unions 3.6 Employee engagement 3.7 Holiday and other leave 3.8 Maternity, paternity and adoption 3.4: STAFF DEVELOPMENT 4.1 Skills training for directors and organisation owners 4.2 Training 4.3 Qualifications 4.3.1 Qualifications Framework 3.5: RESOLVE CONFLICT AND STAFF LEAVING 5.1 Problems at work 5.2 Dismissals and staff leaving 3.6: EMPLOYMENT & SKILLS 6.1 Site Map
Issued by: Len Gair: Director of Group Projects
Approved by: John Hodgkinson: Managing Director