Urban Planning and Design Portfolio

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urban planning & design
FOLIO Chih-Po Hsu
2019-2022 Selected Works
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 2
01. 作品總覽 Overview p.3
02. RevitaLiving > > > Strategic Renewal Area of Xinyi Road p.4
03. Urban Festival > > > TOD Program of MRT Zhongshan Station p.10
04. Living Museum > > > Historic Renaissance of the Living
p.16 • 05. 何德榮融 > > > 臺中製造好宅設計競賽/ 共融 x 智慧 x 綠建築 p.22 • 06. Urban Design Poster > > > Tianmuer / UltrAuqa Ecore p.28 目錄 Contents

04. Living Museum (2021)

05. 何德榮融

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 3 01. 作品總覽 Overview • 作品總覽表 作品名稱(年份) 規劃設計主題 / 作品理念 /負責項目 02. RevitaLiving (2022) • 臺北市信義路策略性更新地區劃定 • 經由防災型都市更新計畫將臨沂街段打造為寧適悠閒住宅區,提供優質住宅環 境並串聯周遭綠帶系統,提供都市裡地再發展契機 • 擔任組員:綜整規劃概念、基地建模、繪製空間示意圖 03. Urban Festival
• 臺北市捷運中山站大眾運輸導向發展TOD策略規劃 • 保留赤峰街建築空間紋理並結合當地歷史特色,以線形公園為軸帶串聯捷運中 山站及臺北車站,強化創意生活產業發展潛力 • 擔任組長:擬定TOD規劃策略、繪製主計畫圖及願景圖
• 臺北市北投舊城區再造 • 延續新北投生態博物館以生活博物館為概念,經由再現歷史意象、活化舊空間、 增加街區趣味性,串聯新舊北投地區重塑舊城區空間氛圍
• 擔任組長:擬定街區再生策略、繪製主計畫圖、磺港溪示意圖
(2021) • 臺中市社會住宅規劃設計提案 • 以共融、智慧與綠建築為規劃特色,結合地區歷史特色與生活軌跡,重現過去 眷村緊密關係意象,營造共融生活居住環境 • 擔任組員:基地風環境分析、建築設計繪圖、手冊排版設計 06. Urban Design Poster (2019-2020) • 都市景觀綠廊帶串聯 • 擔任組長:景觀規劃設計、建模渲染願景圖、海報設計排版



Strategic Renewal Area of Xinyi Road

Year: Spring 2022 Location: Xinyi Road,Taipei

Course: Urban Design and Environmental Planning Theme: A Strategic Renewal Area Plan Instructor: Kao, Li-Shin Role: Collaborative Works of 4 Members / Master Plan Urban Amenity Living Area: more livable and green

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 4

Alleys are under 6m,and building age are 40-45 years (public and structure safety).

/ Strategy

01 Road widening 12M 6M 8M

02 Review land use plan

03 Build green belt

Connecting to MRT Dongmen station and build circulation network.

Rebuild street blocks, and create incentives to urban renewal through planned unit development.

Rezone park and green space.Using green buffer zone between commercial and living area.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 5 / Issue
45  30~45 Building Age(Year) Below 6M Road Width(Meter)

/ Site A: Zoning & Urban Design Guidelines

Zone-Commercial & Living: Green buffer zone between commercial and living area.Setback 2M for sidewalk and open space.

Open space & Green Belt: Small parks connecting to Xinyi Rd. green network for leisure activities to create convenient and more livable area.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 6

Site A: Detailed Plan

Before After Green Belt

Alleys are under 6m, no sidewalk system.


Road widening and green buffer zone for planned unit development.

/ A-A' Section Plan

Connecting to Xinyi Rd. green network.

· Green space: street furniture to create friendly walking enviroment for pedestrians

· Street design: urban landscape to create enjoyable walking experiences

· Bulk Reward for Urban Renewal: more high-density of development


Before A A A' A'


Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 7


Site B: Zoning & Urban Design Guidelines

Zone-Commercial & Living: Green buffer zone between commercial and living area.Setback 2M for sidewalk and open space.

Open space & Green Belt: Small parks connecting to green network for leisure activities to create convenient and more livable area.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 8

/ Site B: Detailed Plan

Before After Green Belt

Alleys are under 6m, no sidewalks, and not functional.·

Road widening, rearrange street blocks for area redevelopment.

/ B-B' Section Plan

B B'

Connecting to open spaces and parks to build green network.

· Green space: street furniture to create friendly walking enviroment for pedestrians

· Street design: urban landscape to create enjoyable walking experiences

· Bulk Reward for Urban Renewal: more high-density of development

Before B B B' B' After

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 9

Urban Festival 03.

TOD Program of MRT Zhongshan Station

Year: Spring 2021 Location: Zhongshan MRT Station, Taipei

Course: Architecture and Urban Design Theme: Transit Oriented Development Instructor: Chiang, Chih-Cheng Role: A Team Leader of 5 Members Works

/ Master Plan

Linear Development: Creating a Creative Milieu with cultural history features, street vitality, and a comfortable walking space.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 10

Site Analysis


MRT Transportation

Convenient Transportation: MRT volume rank 5 and route intersection between MRT Red and Green line.

Building Age Building Height

Old Buildings: The average age of buildings is between 40-50 years.

High Density Development: Buildings above the 10th floor are around the MRT station.

Taipei West Gateway MRT Daily average volume in the past 5 years

Cultural Resources

Cultural Assets: Lots of craft shops and art galleries are around 6 cultural assets.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 11 /
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 Taipei main station Ximen City hall Zhongxiao Fuxing Zhongshan 79,519 95,618 122,013 140,145 303,345


Linear Connection

Creative Industry

Connecting MRT Shuanglian and Zhongshan Station to Taipei Main Station.

/ Planning & Design

Linear Park

Zhongshan Linear Park

Experience-oriented industry and tourism to attract more visitors.

Linear development to connect shopping area and historical street blocks.

Creating green corridor and a comfortable space for walking.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 12 /
Green Corridor: Shopping and leisure activities

Planning & Design

Point-Commercial Use and Creative Industry

Quality of life,shopping and commercial spaces around the MRT Station exits.

Through urban renewal to get higher floor area ratio with the bulk reward.

Site A

Site B

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 13

/ Planning & Design



Zhongshan Market is an important location and near two cultural assets.

Creating comfortable walking space from the MRT exit to Zhongshan Market.

Connecting to green corridor, and creative milieu with shopping and commercial space.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 14
Zhongshan Market Renewal: Mixed-use and tourist market

/ Planning & Design

Chifeng Street-Creative Industry

There are special stores on the Chifeng Street because of the old houses.

Cultural history attracts creative stores and crafts shops that tourists would visit.

Connecting to the Zhongshan Linear Park and nearby cultural assets.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 15
Old buildings with special architecture styles and collective memory. Old bulding new life: Mixed-use spaces for select shops and restaurants to create a creative milieu.


Living Museum

Historic Renaissance of the Living Beitou

Year: Fall 2021 Location: Beitou District,Taipei

Course: Urban Design and Environmental Planning Theme: Historic District Renaissance Plan

Instructor: Wu, Jie-Ying

Role: A Team Leader of 4 Members Works

/ Master Plan

Living Museum: Connecting the MRT Beitou Station to the MRT Xinbeitou Station to stimulate the tourism.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 16

/ Site Analysis

History Natural Resources

Huanggang Stream: Flows through the living space, but has insufficient flood discharge capacity problem.


Historical & Cultural Resources

Catering and Retailing: Between MRT station and Beitou Market. Hot Springs and tourism: Wenquan road, Guangming road.

Cultural heritage dispute and how to preserve historic buildings are important issues.


Centered on the MRT station, along with Guangming Rd., and extended to hot spring area.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 17

3E: Functions of museum

2E: Improve the environment and quality of life

/ Planning & Design

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 18 /
Strategy & Vision
Historical Square: Pavement and street furniture are vintage and wooden style to increase historical image and interest. Guangming Rd. Section Plan: Cooperated with urban renewal to increase security and coherence. Belt Connection-Guangming Rd.: Making streets more coherence secure entertain, and connecting to historic alleys around.
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 19 /
Planning & Design
Belt Connection-Huanggang Stream: Creating waterfront tourist area to connect parks and green space. Street Revitalization: Historical imagery alleys and revitalizing old buildings to recreate the Old-Beitou atmosphere. Historic Buildings Street Revitalization-Zhongzheng Street Riverbank walking space: Increasing the imagery of the water. Huanggang Stream Urban renewal: Reconstructing with original style and featuresres. Aracade and pedestrian area for commercial and tourism use.

P20-Tourism and Recreation

Beitou Market

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 20
Land Vitalization: The key point of MRT Beitou and Xinbeitou Station belt connection.Market space will renovate and P20 will become a tourism and recreation space for shopping.
Planning & Design
Introducing creative industries to be a tourist market. Tourism business: Exhibition, restaurant and etc. Connected with Guangming Road to build comfortable and enjoyable walking space. Connected with Huanggang Stream to create open space of river view.

Connecting to other Taipei City popular tourist attractions,including Yangmingshan, Tamsui and Shinlin.

Tourism Network: Tourists could take bus and MRT Red Line to Yangmingshan, Tamsui and Shinlin for watching the nature scene, visiting historic spots, and enjoying street food with one or two days trip.

Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 21
6000000 8000000 10000000 12000000
Vision-Tourism Network 0 2000000 4000000
MRT Station Volume(2020) Tamsui Jiantan Xinbeitou
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 22 何德榮融 05. 2021 Made in Taichung 臺中製造好宅設計競賽 指導老師: 陳姿伶 老師 團隊成員: 許之博、李悅恩、游騰惟 / 空間平面配置圖 .基地面積: 10,959 平方公尺;土地使用分區: 第二種住宅區(法定建蔽率60% / 法定容積率上限320% ) .社會住宅實設面積: 3,125.5 平方公尺(實設建蔽率28% / 實設容積率320% ) 共融 x 智慧 x 綠建築
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 23 自然氣候:平均氣溫23.3℃;夏季吹西南季風,冬季吹東北季風 風環境分析:夏季西南暖風、冬季西北冷風通過 交通運輸:鄰近地區主要幹道文心路及捷運櫻花文心站 公共設施:鄰近5所國小,周遭有3處小型鄰里公園綠意環繞 歷史文化:曾為銀聯三村眷村,何德福德宮為居民重要信仰中心 / 基地調查分析
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 24 / 規劃概念& 空間設計 『共融』生活模式: 透過建築量體配置與空間設計維繫居民間緊密關係網絡,並滿足個體、群體與環境多元層面空間需求。 個體層面/ 個人:獨立且具私密性,滿足基本需求 多房型居住單元:包含一房型、二房型、三房型 單元量體:採單元堆疊手法,轉化眷村單元相連意象 .開放空間:樓層露臺與空中廊道,供居民日常休憩使用 .個體層面/家庭:半私密與半公共,提升良好互動 群體層面/社宅內部居民:半公共與公共,增進情感交流 群體層面/社宅與周遭鄰里 :公共與開放,共好生活場域 .環境層面/自然與建物空間:陽光、水、風、綠意連結性
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 25 / 量體配置 建物格局採正面朝北向,提供穩定日照光源,降低照明用電使用,並考量西屯地區風向進行配置,打造舒適具通風採光生活環境。 .建築量體配合西屯地區風向,通風面朝向西南方,夏季吹暖風,冬季則阻隔寒風,保留建物間空隙距離與建物高度落差促進風環境流通。 建物空隙:通風廊道 高低層差:促進風流動
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 26 /
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 27 / 規劃設計願景 廟埕廣場與綠帶退縮 連接各棟空中廊道 整體俯視圖 量體與周遭環境配置 綠化開放空間及露臺 共融式兒童遊樂場
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 28 06.
Urban Design Poster
Portfolio Chih-Po Hsu Urban Planning & Design 29 06.
Urban Design Poster
urban planning & design Chih-Po Hsu 2019-2022 Selected Works

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