Constructing environments logbook for week 1 and week 2 by Ran Tao(Student number: 668728)

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Logbook-WEEK 1 Constructing Environments Student Name: Ran Tao Tutorial 16

Student Number: 668728

Knowledge map-WEEK 1

Tutorial activity 1 In this task, every group should built a tower which spends least materials but as tall as you can. The material we used is squares of MDF(Medium density fibreboard). Our group chose circle as the foundation at beginning. However, we found that gaps between squares would make the foundation not stable and spend more materials. We changed into square. And in order to achieve a stable foundation, we repeated built together,






The second part of the task is to build the tower as higher as possible. We decided to use the principle of load path principle. To put the narrow side of material lies on the foundation, then put one material to fix the gap between two thin rectangular. This method not only boost the efficiency of the build process, but also save some materials. In addition, the suitable structural forces make the tower more stable. The loads on the path will divided into two direction, it means the forces are separated and engage at the foundation. Only if some of bricks lost, this tower can also stand stable. The construction system we employed are two. At the footing the square foundation gives the loads to the ground. At upper floor, it bear

the force from the sided bricks. The load path diagram Shows that the force divided into two directions. During the deconstruction process, we found that the bricks which are piled up two layers are easily to remove, and the tower still stable. However, when we tried to remove the vertical bricks, the tower began to shake. In another word, we cannot reduce much more materials. Because the loads should go down from two direction, when one of the brick move, there is no supporting points to separate the forces.

The comparison with other group This group is the highest tower among four groups. It was also can move the most materials. It probably due to the structure, especially the foundation. They used the circle as the footing, unlike ours, they built two side of them, in another word, the two way system. Which is more efficient for square or circle. Furthermore, the circle foundation separate loads into all directions. The construction of wall is also different. It based on the stretcher band which has the longest path to divide the load. The other way is put bricks into two different side(front and side), which is the most efficient method to upper the tower.

Logbook-WEEK 2 Constructing Environments Student Name: Ran Tao Tutorial 16

Student Number: 668728

Tutorial activity

Secondly, we tried to upper the tower, it seems mass from the graph. At beginning we used cross to build this stage, but it was not stable enough as we imaged. Therefore, we cut some pieces of balsa wood to stick in the intersection of the cross. It seems work. However, the total shape of the tower became tilt.

This week we need to use pieces of balsa wood to build tower which should be stable and close to the ceiling. Firstly we decided to start the tower as triangle because it is the most stable shape. But other groups have used that, therefore, we used square as the foundation. We used the USU glue to stick the structure, but it is really difficult to stick the wood strongly. It is better to use masking tape to join them. At first stage, we tried to increase the loads. We cut woods to tick two of the start point in the middle of the side of foundation. On the top of the woods, use a wood to connect four sides, just like the parallelogram. The sides of foundation is made up of several triangles. The loads will separate equally, the structure is more stable. However the spend on materials is increased.

This method refers to the lateral stability. It is one of the braced frame- a timer or steel frame braced with diagonals members. (Kbrace). The loads separate into the two woods, it mainly engage at the downward woods. From the graph we can see the fore direction.

Finally, we finished the tower by construct rectangular. Actually, the tower is not stable enough. Particularly, the second part of it. The significant problem is that we did not have a specific planning of the design and not familiar with stability and the structural force. The separation of force in the foundation is too separate. There should be a clear path for loads. Additionally, when we cut the woods we should scale the gaps clearly and use cutting mat to help. All the joints are fixed. Maybe we can try the butt joints. It will be more flexible to change the shape of the tower. Furthermore the usage of the materials is not efficiency. The strength of the woods is too weak, it is a good idea to cut them into shorter pieces to reinforce the foundation.

Comparison with other group This group’s tower is more stable. From the graph, this tower probably almost made up of triangles. The foundation begins with a big triangle, which consist of four isosceles. The load path has regular divided. The most structural joint used here is also Fixed joints. But it much stable than ours. On the second floor they used knee bracing. Moreover, during the connection of each stage, They use small triangle to support the load from the Woods, it not only stabilise the tower, but also allow the load transfer to the next stage and the foundation.

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