Issue2 freshvegan

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FRESH VEGAN Issue 2 March 2014

£3.95 $6.66 €4.80 Euros



Cornwall Edinburgh

Day Radley private Chef

Street Food

Vegan food magazine for the UK and Europe

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Jacqui Deoir


Ron Fairfield


to our second issue of Fresh Vegan Magazine, it has been three months in the making and we are proud of our hard work and really hope that you love what we are doing.







Twitter Whilst every effort is made to provide our readers with accurate and authentic content, Fresh Vegan Magazine may not be held responsible for any errors in content or recipes. All content is copyrighted to either Fresh Vegan Magazine or to the Contributors whose work it originally and has been provided with the permission of the contributors to be include in this issue. No part of this magazine may be used or reproduced without written permission of the publisher, Fresh Vegan Publishing. © fresh vegan magazine 2014


, with The feedback from the first issue has been people emailing to say what a fantastic magazine and how much it has been needed in the UK and Europe. “A well put together read, some lovely recipes and reviews” “Loving the magazine, so slick and beautifully laid out. It’s a credit to your hard work, just what the vegan community needed” “Wow it’s a brilliant magazine, I love it ! and I will be passing on to all my like minded friends” “Loads of ideas and recipes, went straight into the kitchen after reading, Thank you”


With the magazine proving to be incredibly it confirms our vision for a more connected and compassionate Vegan Food Magazine, featuring all of the UK and Europe, not just high profile Chefs, Restaraunts & food writers, has been the right way to go. We continue with new, creative, and talented caterers from all over the UK and Europe and we celebrate the growing Vegan market in both catering, and fantastic new festivals that are appearing all over Europe. This issue has seen us, here in Cornwall (the south west of the UK), suffer some terrible flooding and storms that will affect the costs of food production throughout the UK. Read the interview from a small independent food producer in the article “Food to Plate” by Ron Fairfield and get the inside story.

We have over 10,000 readers and growing

day by day. We are often asked “where can I buy a printed copy?”, for now we feel that a digital download copy will stay with our readers for longer than a paper version that will end up in landfill. We are looking into a printed version, in the meantime support us by purchasing your download and help us grow and realise our longterm vision.


, this is still the case We promised that the first 4 issues would be and you will be able to read each one online in the form of a flipbook on our website. All downloads, including back issues, can be purchased from our website at £3.95. We will now be going bi-monthly after the next issue, and eventually monthly, so watch out for news. A really

big thank you, to you, our amazing readers.

Jacqui Deoir

GET IN TOUCH ..Tell us what you think and what you would like to see in Fresh Vegan Magazine

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nside spring

March - April 2014

Vegan Cornwall

Visiting Cornwall, find some of the little gems to visit whilst eating, staying or shopping for Vegan goodies


Cookery School

Day Radley Private Chef

Day is featured on our front cover and provides great recipes for the next three months.


Cornish Seaweed Company

the exciting world of food from the sea off the Cornish Coast

... and much more

LoVeg - Prague

Fancy brushing up on those kitchen skills? or maybe Vegan friends visiting? We interview Rachel Demuth.

Vegan Society Interview

The Vegan Society celebrates it’s 70th anniversary in 2014 so Fresh Vegan Magazine gets the low down on its history and future


visiting Prague then this is a place you must not miss, eating with some amazing City views over Prague. An experience to savour


Important Diary dates for the coming months.

Front Cover Image Leek Latkes

used with kind permission from the amazing Private Chef Day Radley who’s wonderful recipes may be found inside this issue of Fresh Vegan Magazine.

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70th Veganniversary History The Vegan Society, the world’s first, was born in November 1944 - after a lengthy gestation. As early as 1909 the ethics of consuming dairy products were hotly debated within the vegetarian movement. In August 1944, Elsie Shrigley and Donald Watson (a conscientious objector later to be acclaimed as the Vegan Society’s Founder) agreed the desirability of coordinating ‘non-dairy vegetarians’; despite opposition from prominent vegetarians unwilling to even consider adopting a diet free of all animal products. In November, Donald organised a London meeting of six like-minded ‘non-dairy vegetarians’ at which it was decided to form a new society and adopt a new name to describe themselves - vegan derived from Vegetarian. It was a Sunday, with sunshine, and a blue sky, an auspicious day for the birth of an idealistic new movement.

Today The Society’s strength is its membership. Countless thousands of people have benefited from joining the Society - initially, with advice and support to help with the transition to a vegan diet, through to help with more practical issues finding non-animal products and maintaining a vegan lifestyle within a largely unsympathetic society. Once their veganism has become established, many members continue their membership to support the Society’s work persuading more people to go vegan (for the benefit of people, animals and the environment) and to encourage manufacturers to make more veganfriendly goods. Today, the Society remains as determined as ever to promote vegan lifestyles - that is, ways of living that seek to exclude, as far as is possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. With your help, veganism will soon be accepted and understood across the globe. Ultimately, the use of animal products (such as meat, dairy, eggs, leather and wool) will be viewed as an inhumane and unsustainable practice from a much less enlightened age.

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Fresh Vegan Interviews Samantha Calvert from the Vegan Society Q1: Hi Sam, this is a very exciting year (2014) for the Vegan Society, how do you plan to celebrate? A. The Vegan Society is planning to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its founding in 1944 with a year of celebrations and fundraising starting on 1 November 1944. The Society aims to raise £70,000 towards its important educational work during the year. As part of this VegfestUK has generously made The Vegan Society its nominated charity at Vegfest London in September 2014 where the Society will take centre stage in talks, cookery demonstrations and gate collections. The Society will also be launching a major public campaign to draw attention to the benefits of veganism. Q2: How has the Vegan Society changed in it’s mission, if at all? A. The Vegan Society’s core mission to promote the vegan diet and lifestyle and to support people who are or wish to be vegan remains unchanged. However, in the last twelve months there have been some changes in the emphasis of the work and where resources are apportioned as well as a change of approach to the work. The Society is directing its limited resources to supplying more information online with the development of a new website and to contacting members and supporters more often using e-newsletters and social media. The Society has also undergone a visual identity redesign to refresh its brand. With the employment of a Volunteer Co-ordinator the Society plans to make more use of the varied talents of members and supporters in all aspects of its work. There is also a greater focus on advocacy and policy with the employment of a member of staff who focuses on these issues. In order to make veganism more

mainstream, demand and supply is needed, as well as an understanding on the part of service providers why vegan diets are important. Veganism is regarded as a philosophical belief and matters from a perspective that respects equality and human rights. Better availability of vegan products is achieved through educating and influencing caterers, dietitians, manufacturers, better labelling - including our trusted and growing sunflower trademark logo displayed on vegan products worldwide - and ultimately changes in practice and policy that benefit vegans, other animals and the environment.

The Society is keen to reach out to non-member vegans, vegetarians and meat reducers to encourage and support them in their journey towards a full vegan lifestyle. It believes that it is important to promote the positive aspects of the vegan lifestyle and to encourage rather than criticise would-be vegans in their early steps towards a more compassionate lifestyle. The Society has also set up an advisory board of academics in a range of fields who are able to assist in advising the Society, work with the Society at scientific and policy events and share findings of their research with a wider audience. Q3: You must be very excited about the new surge in interest in a Vegan diet, how do you think that this interest can be maintained and what part will the Vegan Society play? (sorry several questions). A. The Vegan Society is greatly encouraged by the increase in interest in the vegan diet and lifestyle. We have noted a substantial increase in the number of people signing up for the vegan pledge.

We have also seen an increase in Google searches for the term vegan, an increase in footfall at vegan festivals, and increase in the number of vegan recipes books and a number of high profile people becoming vegan. We see veganism as poised to enter the mainstream and to become more widely accepted as happened with vegetarianism in the 1980s. Forbes. com has said that veganism is one of the top food trends of 2013. The popularity of food trends will ebb and flow but once a diet becomes more acceptable to mainstream society it is permanently repositioned and it should become more accessible to everyone over the next few years. The Vegan Society hopes to capitalise on this interest in veganism by becoming the first place that prospective, new and existing vegans look to for online well-informed and unbiased information and advice. The Society is increasingly working in partnership with other organisations and companies related to diet, health, equality, environment etc., and with policy and decision-makers to influence the wider debate about plant-based diets and alternatives to the use of other animals in all aspects of life. We must achieve change at policy and institutional level in order to embed veganism in society. Ultimately, the UN ought to be discussing these issues, as well as the World Bank, FAO, WHO etc. Q4: Is the new vegan interest more health related do you think than the original concerns over exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing and any other purpose? A. In the UK vegans still tend to follow a vegan lifestyle rather than just a vegan diet. However, in the US - where there is a great deal of interest in veganism - it has often been associated with health concerns and ‘dietary veganism’ is quite common. We are also seeing a trend towards part-time veganism such as the diet outlined in the ‘Vegan Before 6’

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book where a vegan diet is promoted before 6pm but an omnivorous one after 6pm. While this is not veganism as The Vegan Society defines it, the Society welcomes any reduction in the consumption of animal products in society as a whole: it all contributes to a reduction in the suffering and slaughter of animals. Q5: The story about Beyonce wearing a real fur collar whilst espousing a Vegan dietary lifestyle has stirred mixed emotions amongst Vegans. Fresh Vegan Magazine espouses an open encouragement, but non

vegan lifestyle as we became better informed about veganism and were able to afford to replace non-vegan items of clothing or household items. It is important that we do not overwhelm prospective vegans with the need to change every aspect of their lifestyle overnight. This is not to say that The Vegan Society is changing its definition of veganism. Veganism remains the attempt to live without the use of all animal products in all aspects of life. However, we feel we won’t win

can do to promote veganism is to challenge perceptions. Perceptions of the food and perceptions of the people. Vegan food is seen as selecting from a limited range of foods. It is seen as dull, unappetising and even self-sacrificial by omnivores. We have to challenge the stereotypes with recipes and food photography that shows veganism at its best. We also have to make sure that vegans are not seen as stereotypes either but as all types of people who happen not to use animal products.

judgmental, approach towards people who are attempting to follow a Vegan lifestyle, what is the Vegan Societies stance?

converts to our lifestyle by angry and vitriolic criticism of people who are attempting to temporarily reduce the use of animal products in their life.

And we also have to be seen as a welcoming and supportive community to new vegans.

A. The Vegan Society feels that the best way to promote our objectives and to grow veganism is by supporting people who are interested in becoming vegan.

If we intend to win the war against the use and abuse of animals we have to win the battle with our image as vegans. Vegans have to be a welcoming and supportive comunity to prospective converts and not an angry, hypercritical and demanding one.

No one wants to join a party where no-one is welcoming them and people are angry with them when they are doing their best to fit in. Every vegan needs to remember that he or she has a PR job to do for the vegan lifestyle. You may be the only vegan someone knows.

Q6: As a new Vegan food Magazine what do you think we can do to better encourage a Vegan lifestyle?

You need to inspire people and not turn them away from the diet. The Vegan Society is working hard to get these messages out to society but every vegan has a part to play too.

While wearing fur to a vegan establishment is certainly insensitive it is important that new vegans realise that they can move towards a vegan diet and lifestyle at their own pace. Few of us are life vegans. Most of us have made a gradual change to a

A. The two most important things we

“You need to inspire people and not turn them away from the diet. The Vegan Society is working hard to get these messages out to society but every vegan has a part to play too�. Page 6

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Wheatberry is a vegetarian-cumvegan-cum-largely gluten-free street food venture, based in the Northeast. Full of healthy ingredients using ‘Salads, Spreads and Sprouts’ and is the brainchild of Victoria Turnbull. Fresh Vegan finds out more... Hello Victoria can you tell our readers about your background and how you went about setting up Wheatberry in the North East UK I’ve dipped in and out of catering over the years (freelance chef, head chef of a local hotel), doing other things in between, my last full time job before I started working as a freelance chef was for a local advertising agency. Having been there 8 years I decided to go back to my first love which was cooking. That was 9 years ago and I haven’t looked back since! I set up Wheatberry as I’ve always been a massive salad fan! After being exposed to shops like Wholefoods on holiday in the USA and visits to London I spotted a gap

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in the market here in the North East. There really just isn’t anywhere that specializes in the sort of products we produce. We get a lot of comments from customers when we do the food festivals saying “it’s such a refreshing change to see vegetables on a food stall rather than all the burgers and sausages in buns”! Wheatberry is on a mission to “Spread vegetable love across North East England”! How long have you been doing this for Victoria? I had the idea for Wheatberry late 2012 and decided to go for it in February 2013 launching at the Bishop Auckland Food Festival at the end of April 2013 – so quite a quick turnaround! Where can people expect to find you and what times of the year do you do stalls? Wheatberry are currently doing a pop-up in Fenwick Department Store, Northumberland Street, Newcastle. We have a fabulous self-serve salad bar (Wed to Sat) where you can also try the signature Wheatberry wrap

and a new range of whole juices plus our own “Grab & Go” refrigerated cabinet (Mon to Sun), stocked with boxed salads, whole juices, spreads and sprouts. What festivals and markets can we expect to see you in, in 2014? There’s lots on the horizon for 2014! We’re hoping to trade year round in 2014, doing Farmer’s Markets in Morpeth, Tynemouth and Newcastle. Food Festivals in Newcastle, Whitley Bay, Tynemouth, and the North East Chilli Fest at Seaton. We regularly add new events to our website - please check for further details All events are currently to be confirmed so please check our website for up-to-date information of when and where we’ll be! It’s a lot of work setting up and doing these stalls how long do you have to prepare before each of the markets/ festivals?

Organisation is key! It probably takes about 3 days prep before a 2 day festival. Not only all the salads and spreads but the packing of the salad boxes, utensils, stall furnishings etc etc! The vegetable preparation is very time consuming! Also, with festivals, you never really know how much you’re going to sell. Our first 6 or 7 events of 2013 we sold out every day by early afternoon! Preparing everything in my small kitchen at home also has its limitations on capacity! Tell us more about what you offer

people at your stall, which salads are most popular and where you buy your ingredients from? We offer a mix of options – customers can either get something to eat straight away i.e. one of our signature wraps – choose a bread (wholemeal chapatti or gluten free chickpea & chive), choose a spread (raw hummus, beetroot & dill, fava) then add 3 salads of your choice plus a sprinkling of sprouts and a dressing. Other options are salad boxes and

deli pots of spreads or sprouts to take home and enjoy later! Our bestselling salad tends to be the roast vegetables and chickpeas, followed closely Beta Blast - roast sweet potato, sweetcorn, black beans, spring onion & coriander. Our raw hummus tops the spreads popularity spot, closely followed by the fava! We have an excellent fruit and vegetable shop nearby called Hutchinson’s which stocks a mixture

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of British produce and the more exotic fruits and vegetables. Some herbs and vegetables also come from my allotment – including beetroot, purple kale, chives, parsley and Jerusalem artichokes! We also use some seasonal organic produce from a local company North East Organic Growers who are based in Bedlington, Northumberland. I’m lucky to live near the West End of Newcastle which gives me access to amazing Asian food shops stocking ingredients such pomegranate molasses, sumac, barberries, freekeh and giant cous cous and an abundance of herbs and spices! For ingredients such as organic chickpeas and turtle beans which I need in large quantities, I use a company in Edinburgh called Real Foods who offer online ordering and delivery. Do you prepare the same foods each week or do they change for the seasons?

I try and base my salads on the seasons, what is in the allotment and what is readily available at reasonable cost. In the winter I tend to make more grain based salads that can be eaten hot or cold. You make all your own wraps and breads too I notice, you really do have a very fresh approach to your food preparation, do you feel that makes a difference? Yes, due to the nature of most of Wheatberry’s products they have to be made and consumed within a couple of days (salads) whereas the spreads have a slightly longer shelf life (5 days as they are additive and preservative free). Although time consuming, I do like to make my own wraps so that they don’t contain any preservatives or additives. Fortunately the wraps freeze very well, so I can make a large batch and freeze them for future use. My current speed is 30 per hour!

Where does all your inspiration for your food come from any influences? As mentioned previously a lot of inspiration comes from travelling and exploring new cuisines. My father worked in the middle east for 25 years, and as a teenager I used to go and visit him during the holidays. I can’t believe back then that the first time I tasted hummus (in Saudi Arabia) I really didn’t like it! Now it’s one of my favourite things! I subscribe to a couple of American magazines – Bon Appetit and Vegetarian Times and these give me lots of ideas – a recent favourite being Ranch Dressing made with among other things miso and silken tofu! I’ll be trying this one out on Wheatberry fans in 2014!



Serves: 6

Serves 6

Preparation Time: 1 hour

Preparation Time: 10 mins plus 1 hour marinating time

3 large sweet potatoes, peeled & cut into large cubes 3 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp smoked paprika 250g frozen sweetcorn, cooked as per packet instructions (or use fresh or canned) 400g can black beans (also known as turtle beans) 5 spring onions, washed & sliced Small bunch coriander Preheat oven to 180c, lightly oil a metal baking sheet. Place cubes of sweet potato in a large bowl, add the olive oil and sweet paprika and toss together. Spread mixture out on the baking sheet and place in oven for 20 – 25 minutes until cooked through. While the sweet potato is cooking, in a large bowl mix together the black beans, sweetcorn and spring onions. Remove sweet potato from oven and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Gently mix together with the sweetcorn and black bean mixture. Garnish with the coriander.

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1 large bunch kale, ribs & stems removed 2 carrots, peeled & finely shredded 1 tbsp maple syrup 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp sea salt flakes Roll kale leaves together and shred with a sharp knife. Place in a large bowl, add olive oil and toss through, then sprinkle over salt and massage through for a couple of minutes. Cover and leave to marinate for 1 hour. After an hour, add the maple syrup and shredded carrots and mix together. Taste. If the kale is too salty for your taste, add a little more maple syrup.

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Trish, the founder of Passion 4 Juice, realised 29 years ago her love for juicing and sharing her knowledge with other people. Beginning with combinations like carrot and apple, she gradually progressed to more extraordinary and unusual taste sensations. Whilst at University she had the idea of turning her passion for juicing into a business. Having suffered allergies and asthma her whole life, eliminating diary from her diet at 14 helped improve her asthma. It wasn’t until age 30 after seeing a nutritionist, kinesiologist and following an elimination diet and juicing, she was cured of asthma and allergies. Plucking up the courage to leave the security of the corporate world in 2003, Passion 4 Juice was born. The launch was at Glastonbury 2003 and since then thousands of festival goers have experienced the remarkable Award Winning taste sensations that are Passion 4 Juice. In 2010, after the birth of her second son, she went on a 10 day juice fast and during the fast decided to enrol in a Diploma for Nutritional Healing. Encouraging people to not settle for junk at festivals, Passion 4 Juice is the award winning healthy fast food alternative. With their eye catching Mobile Juice Bars they can be seen at festivals within the UK and Australia. The menu consists of an extensive range of juices, smoothies, super foods, healthy snacks, light meals, and organic fair-trade coffee. Using local and organic produce wherever possible, all of their ingredients are fresh, healthy and sometimes unexpected! Passion 4 Juice are constantly experimenting with more raw and vegan recipes Using seasonal fruit and Vegetables such as, apple, date, lemon, mandarin, orange, pear, tangerine, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chestnut, kale, Jerusalem artichoke, leek, parsnip, potato, swede, sweet potato, turnip, and herbs like Garlic and ginger. Asked which is her favourites? Trish said, “One of my favourites all year round is the Great Aussie Thirst Quencher with tantalizing apples, tangy lime. But if limes are a bit tricky to get then try it with lemon. I like to tempt with the taste of summer with this recipe. Also some of my other favourites have to be the root veggies and I love the medicine juice with sweet potato, beetroot, kale, celery, sprouts, carrot, lemon, garlic, ginger and celery. This is sure to keep any illnesses away. I like my juices strong, punchy and zingy!

Email: Pawlett Lodge, High St, Drybrook GLOS, UK Gl179EU

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Detox Special

Feel brand new and cleanse your system with a healthy dose of magnesium, potassium and betacarotene You need:

5 carrots 1 stick of celery 2 apples (red or green) 1 raw beetroot bulb (unpeeled)

Juice the celery, carrots, and apples and place in a glass. Juice the beetroot and add as a beautiful swir. Add a shot of wheatgrass or spirulina to boost your immune system

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BEETROOT Nutrients Vitamins A and C, very high in potassium and sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phoshorus, manganese and folic acid BENEFITS Excellent intestinal cleanser Eliminates kidney stones Good blood builder Detoxifies liver and gall bladder

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3 Apples 1 stick of Celery 1/2 a Cucumber

4 Carrots 2 Green Apples 1 Orange, peeled A thumb of fresh ginger

Juice all the ingredients and get ready for pure alkaline softly being absorbed into your cells..... mmm

Juice the carrot and ginger, followed by the apple and orasnge.

Add a shot of Spirulina to make your own liquid sunshine Pure alkaline, our bodies are constantly battling to maintain a balanced Ph level This is difficult for some people because of the lifestyle they live. Consuming highly processed and cooked foods, stress, and pollution increase the acidity in our bodies. This can lead to disease. Foods which leave an alkaline residue help prevent disease.

Feel the ginger warm you from the inside This juice was inspired by those funny hats worn by the Aussie lifesavers. The colour reminds you of this juice, and hence the name. If you want to crank up the heat add more ginger and less orange

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Germany the new powerhouse of Veganism by Vegan and vegetarian food writer and photographer Chava Eichner Once upon a time being a German vegan felt more arduous and challenging than trying to rescue a princess from her enchanted tower. However, during the last decade, Germany has steadily turned into a magical fairy-tale wonderland for vegans. A powerful drive in the last couple of years has propelled this sausage-andmeat guzzling country to the forefront of cruelty-free trendsetting. Last November, while visiting my family, I researched an article on Veganism in Germany – the results were truly delightful and shocking in equal measure. Being vegan in Germany is considered really cool right now! With each visit to my home region of Bavaria I am greeted with more vegan food choices, new vegan products, more vegan cookbooks on the shelves and endless exciting news about recent developments. This is delightful. Yet, at the same time, I am shocked that the public perception and acceptance of veganism here in the UK seem to lag behind by such a long way in comparison.

In 2013 it wasn’t Jamie Oliver’s latest, but Vegan For Fit by vegan guru Attila Hildmann that grabbed the number one spot in the German cookbook bestseller charts. Its sales were way ahead of all the most famous German celebrity chefs. The local health food shop Ährensache, in my hometown of Bad Aibling, has traded for twenty years and has always been a favourite place for me. But this year I was greeted with a huge choice and variety of new products that really bowled me over. I chatted with Gerlinde Deininger, the owner of the shop, and she confirmed exactly what I was thinking: in Germany, veganism is the next big thing… well actually it is the present big thing! To see this happening in front of my eyes is both exhilarating and incredibly inspirational. Young people, particularly, are beginning to make healthy and ethical eating choices for the sake of their own bodies, for animal welfare and the long-term wellbeing of our planet. Now Germans love good food and (maybe it’s a cultural thing!) they will not put up with tasteless or bland food options in their shops. Their wallets speak loudly and clearly… and the amazing choice and variety of produce on the shelves are a true testament to this. German health food shops today stock a vast range of delicious vegan sandwich spreads and pates made from high-quality, often organic, ingredients. One of my particular favourites is a horseradish spread or dip with a sunflower seed base. It’s creamy, nutritious and utterly delectable. These spreads and dips always threaten to tip my suitcase over the airline weight limit on my return flight to the UK!

“Between eight and nine percent of Germany’s vast population is vegetarian, and included in that figure are 800,000 vegans”

I just can’t wait to see the UK embracing vegan lifestyle choices just as positively and whole-heartedly. After all, so much energy and effort is being invested everyday by local groups, national campaigning organisations, vegan show organisers and cruelty-free companies. So let me tell you a bit about the latest headlines from Vegan HQ in Germany. I hope, like me, you will then feel full of inspiration, renewed energy and enthusiasm to be part of the movement for a happier, healthier and kinder planet… Between eight and nine percent of Germany’s vast population is vegetarian - and included in that figure are 800,000 vegans. That’s a huge number of consumers creating a daily demand for cruelty-free food options in supermarkets, shops and restaurants.

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And these people have created an amazing momentum that is proving hard to stop.

Since becoming vegetarian and then vegan in 1999, the wide range of meat-free alternatives in the chiller cabinet in Ährensache has always been an interesting focal point for me. Anything from vegan sausages to doner kebab, grain burgers and marinated tofu is on sale. And in the last few months there’s been a real boom in the vegan cheese market as well. As a food writer and photographer, these new products get me really excited and impatient to drag my ‘loot’ back home and start experimenting in the kitchen. Browsing the stacked aisles, I came across the organic fresh produce section. The owners have spent many years building up strong and fair relationships with the local farming community. And so their fruit and vegetable display is brimming with wonderful, seasonal produce ‘Aus der Region’ (from the local region).

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Apples and pumpkins from the Bodensee (Lake Constance) area, local organic potatoes and onions etc. Mrs Deininger also told me about a very conscious move towards more sustainable, regional crop planting which is offering a real alternative to her customers. The farming area around the Bodensee turns out to be a wonderfully fertile ground for producing soya beans. So now, instead of relying on imported soya, Hofgut Storzeln is using these locally produced soya beans to make dairy-free milks. After feeling all the energy and passion fuelling this amazing change that is giving veganism such a great name in Germany, I felt a bit deflated at first on my return to the UK. It didn’t last long, though! Just thinking of publications like Fresh Vegan magazine, all the wonderful vegan fairs and festivals up and down the country and knowing the power we exercise every day with our wallets and shopping trolleys, gives me a real sense of hope. So watch out Germany, we are ready to change the world for the better, with you!

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Vegan and vegetarian food writer and photographer Chava Eichner (www.flavourphotos. com) has travelled the world in search for inspirational ways to combine her passions for food and photography. Her commitment to sharing how delicious and decadent vegan food can be has seen her collaborate with some of the most influential names in the industry, including The Vegan Society, Animal Aid and Cook Vegetarian. The Vegetarian Society asked Chava to apply her vibrant style to the food images that help promote National Vegetarian Week. “I get to work with some wonderful, passionate people, who genuinely care about the world around them.” Chava explains. “It’s extremely satisfying in every sense of the word.” Check out her beautiful recipe blog at:

“The local health food shop Ährensache, in my hometown of Bad Aibling, has traded for twenty years and has always been a favourite place for me. But this year I was greeted with a huge choice and variety of new products that really bowled me over. I chatted with Gerlinde Deininger, the owner of the shop, and she confirmed exactly what I was thinking: in Germany, veganism is the next big thing… well actually it is the present big thing! “

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LoVeg in Prague

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LoVeg restaurant is located in Prague old city just near the Castle. Described as having a cosy Zen atmosphere with the architectural beauty of Prague, it seems that this is a great place to start your Vegan experience. There has been a lot of attention on Vegan expansion in Prague, there are a few Vegetarian places to eat but in the past 2 years Vegans are finding they can now eat more easily.

What are the traditional dishes in Prague and are you able to create these dishes as Vegan? Everybody who ever visits our country will tell you that our traditional dishes are mostly made from a big portion of meat in different styles with some kind of sauce. The favourites ones are the “Goulash” and “Sirloin sauce” , both usually served with dumplings.

Hello Karel, can you first tell our readers where your restaurant is based in Prague and what people can expect to eat when they come to LoVeg.

What is your background in catering Karel, where did it all start for you?

Hello Jacqui, our restaurant is based right in the old centre of Prague on the way to Prague castle. We are actually a few hundreds meters from the Castle in a very nice historical house with a small terrace which offers beautiful views to a castle and the old city of Prague..

How long have you been open now We are quite new here, and opened in September this year 2013. .We like to help develop a vegan style of eating, which is still in its beginnings here in the Czech republic.

So yes, something special is happening with the thinking of many people here in Prague and the Czech republic. Now you can find a lot of places where you can meet vegans in special events and places, but you need to know where to find them, but still it’s a minority, of course..

It must be expanding as Veganz the amazing Vegan supermarket is opening here, so look out for Prague !

When you come to visit us you can expect a friendly family atmosphere in attractive location with delicious vegan food inspired by international cuisine and also typical Czech specialities cooked in a vegan style.

coming from, but I can tell you from my personal point of view, I’ve been vegan for two years now and in that time I used to try and connect with people with similar opinions and found to my surprise that most of them are also vegans.

We prepare this two meals in vegan style with home made dumplings and I think I can say they are a big success. People often tell us it is even better than the original. There has been a change in the past 2 years with veganism, can you tell us why you feel this is and is this influencing the City of Prague. I’m not sure what kind of change you exactly mean and where this is

This is quite funny story. Six months ago I was Production Manager in the biggest commercial TV here in the Czech republic, It was spring and I suddenly felt very strongly I needed to be in touch with the earth and fruits and vegetables and I wanted show people it’s possible to prepare great tasty and healthy plant based meals. I decided to attend all the big music festivals in our country during the summer and try to sell the best food people had ever tasted. We were quite successful with it and had really great strong feedback from our customers. Ingredients for a Chef are important do you buy locally and Organic? That‘s so true, ingredients are very important for good cooking. We try to source all locally and organic as possible here, but sometimes it is not so easy to do this in our market,

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specially in the winter time a lot of these fresh ingredients are imported. We plan to have our own organic field next spring that should solve the problem of availability. What is your favourite dish to cook Karel? Our Chief’s and I have a special dish we like to cook and and we call it “What the house gives to you”, It means that very interesting and tasteful recipes comes from a moments idea using ingredients we have or are available at that time. Because we love the fresh taste of meals you just put it in the pan with some spices and fry it quickly together. If you know how to mix it properly you can get absolutely perfect dishes. I personally love the dishes made from potatoes, mushrooms and spinach. Prague I hear has amazing street markets, do you buy any of your produce from there and if so what can people expect to see that we wouldn’t see in UK?

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In Prague’s streets and squares now you can find a developing system of street markets where every day there is somewhere a farmers market. We can buy most of our fresh local seasonal ingredients but in winter time it is closed and it opens again in spring. Sometimes we buy our main ingredients for our daily fresh soups and daily specials. Would you create something traditional for our readers so they can try making it at home, until they can come and try out in your restaurant (as I plan to do soon)? Of course. It will be my pleasure to write you the traditional recIipe for our vegan style Goulash, which is a really typical Czech dish. You can try it and let me know how it worked. What is your Inspiration to cook ? I am inspired when I have fresh healthy vegetable and other fine ingredients around, andfresh fragrant spices, great mood inside me and fine people around. With some good music these conditions are nearly

ideal for making some great meal... Very important helper in kitchen is always the intuition, I love to cook with it..:)

Vegan style Goulash Important note:Karel cooks largely by intuition and feeling, therefore there are no amounts in his recipe, so approach it in the same way as you would a stew style meal. Ingredients:

White Onions Vegan Meat - Soya, Seitan or Tofu Garlic Chilli Sweet Paprika A little flour as a thickner A liile dark beer or red wine Vegetable Stock

Tomato Puree Dark Soy Sauce Bay leaves Pimento Salt and Black Pepper

Method: Finely slice white onions, and prepare the same amount of vegan meat (soya, seitan, tofu). . Heat up the oil in the pot and put the onions into it. When they start to colour, put in some finely chopped garlic and chilli pepper. Wait until the onions caramalise to give the goulash it’s typical color and taste. Sprinkle with sweet paprika spice

and wait a few moments until you recognize the nice full smell of the fried spices. You can add some flour to get denser consistence or you can leave it without that.. To get more taste you can add some extra flavor (dark beer, red wine..) Add stock to turn from frying into strewing. You can add some tomato puree and dark soy sauce to give the goulash more strength and color. Now some bay leaves, pimento, black pepper and salt.

this time you can add bread or rice.




+420 602 150 202


LoVeg Nerudova 36 Praha 1 - MalĂĄ strana Nerudova 36 10100 Prague, Czech Republic Phone +420 702 901 060 Email

Cook everything for some time depends on vegan meat you use. Next time I will give you a recipe for traditional dumplings as a side dish,

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hannah banana bakery What you need

230g margarine 300g caster sugar 2tbsp ground flax seeds mixed with 6 tbsp warm water 2tsp vanilla essence 375g cake flour (plain flour with 2 tbsp cornflour in it!) 1/2 tsp baking powder food colourings of your choice lots of sprinkles

What you need to do

Cream together the sugar and the margarine until mixed and smooth using a stand mixer or electric hand whisk. Add the flax seed mixture and the vanilla and mix. Add the flour and baking powder and mix with a spoon (the batter will be very firm). Split the dough into 2 equal pieces and add food colouring to 1 half. Place each dough separately between 2 pieces of baking paper and roll out into 8� squares approximately 1/8 inch thick. Slide the rolled doughs in the paper onto a baking tray and place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Remove the doughs from the fridge and take them off the baking tray. Remove 1 side of baking paper from each dough. Place 1 dough on top of the other dough with the baking papers on the outside. Stick the doughs together by gently rolling on the back of the top baking paper with a rolling pin. Remove the top piece of baking paper and then using the bottom piece of baking paper, roll the doughs together into a tight spiralled log. Gently wrap the log in cling film and place in the fridge for 1 hour on a baking tray. Remove the log from the fridge, unwrap and roll into a deep baking tray full of sprinkles to coat the outside of the log. Wrap the log in cling film and place in the fridge for 4 hours. Remove the log from the fridge and unwrap. Cut into 1/4 inch disks and place on a greased oven tray. Bake in a pre heated oven at 180 degrees C for 9-11 mins until slightly golden. Leave cookies to cool on the baking tray for 10 minutes before gently moving them onto a cooling rack to cool completely.

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Smarter Fitter Smoothies

by Monica Shaw

Monica Shaw is a food writer and web girl who’s fascinated by the connection between what we eat and how we feel. Trained as a mathematician, Monica worked at a bank before going freelance and pursuing a career focused on food. Her background has given her the drive and ability to understand the science behind what we eat, and through her own experimentation and learning she’s discovered how and what to eat to feel energised and eager for all of life’s adventures. She now divides her time between writing about food and working with foodies to help them make better use of the internet. She has two books, The Healthy Vegan Breakfast Book and her latest, Smarter Fitter Smoothies. Her book, Smarter Fitter Smoothies came about as a result of a curiosity about breakfast food and her search for the ultimate breakfast that is delicious, energising and satisfying, without the sugar crashes of many breakfast foods. After various stints with crepes, muesli, porridge and various things on toast, smoothies entered the breakfast foray, and she soon discovered that a good blend of fruits and vegetables is a stellar equation for feeling awesome. Monica explained, “Smoothies sometimes get a bad wrap for being full of sugar, but such is not the case with my smoothies. My smoothies rely on lower-sugar fruit, high fiber vegetables, healthy fats from nuts and seeds and, quite often, avocado to achieve a delicious blend and a satisfying, nutritious breakfast that won’t result in a hunger emergency thirty minutes after you’ve eaten it. And yes, I do mean “eat” - I used to think smoothies equated to “liquid calories” (which I avoid) but a good, wholesome smoothie is thick, rich, delicious, satisfying and definitely qualifies as a “food”. As much as I love smoothies, sometimes I hanker for something I can eat with a spoon - especially during the

cold winter months. Bircher Muesli is one of my all-time favourite breakfasts, and happens to be as versatile as a smoothie, too. There’s something about Bircher that’s positively addicting. I converted my sister and my parents over the Christmas holidays, and have met a few other addicts thanks to Flickr and my blog. One person recently wrote to say “I just discovered it when I was on vacation in Hawaii and have been completely obsessed since.” So what exactly is it about Bircher that makes it so appealing? There’s a definite “feel good” factor to eating Bircher in the morning, and perhaps we owe that somewhat to its history as a “healing” food.

It was originall developed by Maximillian Bircher-Benner, a Swiss a Swiss doctor who used raw food to treat patients at his sanitarium in Zurich. Bircher combined soaked oats, fruit and nuts with grated apple and lemon juice to create a naturally sweet breakfast cereal designed to energize and heal the body. Email: at Mobile: +44 078 5804 6739

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Double Beetroot Apple Refresher

Pear and Avocado Thickie

Cinnamon Spice Smoothie

The beet root and the greens feature in this recipe.

Fresh pear and avocado go really well together and the avo, combined with the flax seed, make this smoothie super thick and creamy. Feel free to change up the flax seed with other seeds or nuts. What I like about this smoothie is that you know the avocado is there, and the pear gives it just a little sweetness.

You can use canned or homemade pumpkin puree for this smoothie (see my hefty tip below).

You could use spinach or kale instead of the greens, but if you’re lucky to get beets with the leaves still attached, make use of them in your smoothie! 1 apple (150g) 1 small beet (70g) 1/4 cucumber (50g) 60g beet greens (5 large leaves with stems) 1 tsp flax seed (5g) 1/4 avocado (30g) 1/4 lemon a few ice cubes water Cut the apple, beet and cucumber into chunks (you can leave the skin of the beet on - just scrub it well!). Put everything in the blender with enough water to blend. Blitz on high until silky smooth. 270 Cals, 11g Fat, 40g Carbs, 5g Protein, 13g Fiber

1 large pear (~200g) 1/2 avocado (~60g) 1/4 small lemon, peel removed 1 cup kale (~50g) 1 heaped tsp flax seed (~5g) 1-2 dates (optional) a few ice cubes small pinch of salt water Dice the pear and add to the blender with the remaining ingredients and a little bit of water. Start blending and add more water as needed (the less water, the thicker the smoothie!).

1/2 cup pumpkin puree (~150g) 1 pear (~150g) 2 dates handful of cashews (~15g) 1tsp flax seeds (~5g) 1/2 tsp cinnamon a few ice cubes water nutmeg Cut the pear into chunks. Combine everything in the blender and add enough water to blend. Blitz on high until smooth. Garnish with nutmeg (and a stick of cinnamon for added flair). 200 Cals, 6g Fat, 37g Carbs, 5.5g Protein, 9g Fiber

320 Cals, 21g Fat, 29g Carbs, 5g Protein, 13g Fiber

Breakfast Ideas The following is my favourite go-to recipe, which I always garnish with sliced banana. My second favourite recipe substitutes apple for pear and raisins for dried cherries. Like I said, it’s incredibly versatile and just so delicious.

Monica’s Bircher Muesli 100 grams jumbo oats
15 grams flax seeds
20 grams almonds
15 grams raisins
5 prunes, chopped or whole
1 wedge of lemon, juiced
1 apple, grated
1/8 tsp cinnamon The night before you plan to breakfast, soak the oats, flax seeds, almonds, raisins and prunes in just enough water (or milk) to cover. In the morning, mix the above with the lemon juice, apple and cinnamon. Serve with toppings such as fresh fruit, agave nectar or soya yogurt.


Cut a pum pk seeds the in in half, take out n bake cu the t side dow at 375F/1 n 90C for 4 5 -90 minute (dependin s g on the p umpkin s soft. Let c ize) until ool, then scoop the into a ble pu nder and puree. Fre lp in ice cub eze e trays fo Pear Pumpkin r your ble convenie nding nce.

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Day Radley Private Chef

Day Radley is a private chef in London, specialising in delicious healthy vegan food. In 1998 she became vegan, leading her to uncover the amazing array of possibilities for vegan cuisine. In 2011 she left the UK with just one small backpack and a head full of vegan chef dreams. She has worked across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia as a Head Chef, learning the cuisine of many different cultures during her travels.

Day launched The Vegan Chef Network in 2011 which provides a space for vegan chefs to support each other with knowledge and advice. 2014 sees her branching out with a series of short films on creativity with animal free cooking. You can read more about Day’s cooking adventures at her website

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March Recipe

Leek Latkes with cauliflower ‘cheese’ In March we welcome the new Spring veg, but don’t forget about the last of those lovely Winter vegetables. In this recipe we celebrate them, comforting and warming and entirely British. Makes 4 portions as a starter or 2 as a main

For the Latkes Ingredients

500g parsnip, peeled and chopped into chunks 1/2 leek, finey sliced 1/4 teaspoon white pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt 500g waxy potatoes, I used apache


Preheat the oven to 200c. Grease a 12 cup muffin pan. Boil the parsnip for about 10 minutes until it is quite soft. Drain it and leave it to cool. Sautee the leeks in a little oil for 5 minutes. Put the parsnip into a large bowl and use an immersion/hand blender to puree. Add the leeks, pepper and salt to the parsnip. Mix thoroughly. Grate the potatoes (skin on), add to the parsnip and mix. Taste this to check it has enough salt and pepper. Divide the mixture between all of the cups in the muffin pan. Press your thumb into each so that the mixture goes up the side and there is a deep indent in the middle. Bake for 30 minutes until golden and crispy around the edges.

For the Cauliflower ‘cheese’ Ingredients

1 small cauliflower, cut into small pieces 1 can cannellini beans, drained and washed 4 tablespoons nutritional yeast 1 clove garlic 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon fresh thyme 2 tablespoons of water


Steam or boil the cauliflower for 10 minutes until it is just soft. Put the beans into a bowl with the nutritional yeast, garlic, salt and water. Use an immersion/hand blender to puree. Add the thyme and the cauliflower. Heat gently in a pan for 10 minutes. Now load the leek latkes with the cauliflower, sprinkle a few thyme leaves on top.

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March Recipe Banana Notella Pancakes

Mmmmm, the best thing about March? We are given a great excuse to eat pancakes. These pancakes are gluten free, vegan and super easy. The Notella is so very very moorish. To make the Notella Ingredients (for 8 pancakes) 150g / 1 cup hazelnuts 4 tablespoons agave 4 tablespoons coconut oil 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons cocoa or raw cacao Method Preheat the oven to 200c. Put the nuts on a pan and toast in the oven until the skins come off easily. Take out and leave to cool until you can handle them. Rub them between your hands roughly, this will remove the skin. Put the nuts in a blender with the syrup, oil and water. Blend until this is a smooth paste. Add the cocoa and blend again. To make the Banana pancakes Ingredients (for one large pancake) 1 large banana 1/4 cup gluten free white bread flour 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoons almond milk Method Cut 4 slices off the banana, these will be put inside the pancake. Put the rest of the banana into a jug with the flour, baking powder and milk. Blend with an immersion/hand blender until smooth. Warm up a non-stick pan on the hob. Once hot, pour the pancake batter into the centre of the pan. Flip once it is cooked on the bottom. To assemble, put the pancake on a plate, spread Notella in the centre, add the banana slices and fold up the pancake. Dust with cocoa if you want to be fancy.

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April Recipe Red Cabbage Pilaf

In April spring onions and red cabbage come into season. This quick recipe keeps the vegetables fresh and flavoursome with a wonderful fragrance from the curry leaves. Makes 2 portions Ingredients 2 teaspoons black mustard seeds Sunflower oil A handful of curry leaves, washed 1/2 red cabbage, finely sliced 8 leaves cavolo nero, stalks removed and roughly chopped 1 bunch spring onion, cut into 3cm pieces 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon Pinch of turmeric 1 cup basmati rice 4 tablespoons raisins 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons seeds, toasted Juice of half a lemon Method Heat a large frying pan, add the mustard seeds and toast until they start to pop. Add a splash of oil and the curry leaves. Fry for a couple of minutes. Add the cabbage, cavolo nero and spring onion. Fry for 10 minutes, adding a little water if it starts to stick to the pan. To make the rice, add the spices, rice and raisins to a pan. Add enough water to 1cm higher than the rice. Bring to boiling on a high heat then reduce to a simmer. Cook for 10 minutes or until the rice is cooked. Add salt, seeds and the lemon juice. Add the rice to the vegetables and fold in. Serve immediately.

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May Recipe

Thick Watercress and Quinoa Soup with Balsamic Red Onions In the UK we grow wonderful watercress. It’s a fantastic thing to cook with, so peppery and tasty you don’t need to do much to it. Makes 4 portions as a starter, 2 portions as a main Ingredients 3 small red onions, finely sliced 1/2 cup red wine 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar 1 cup water 1/4 cup molasses sugar or dark muscovado 3 cups boiling water 1 teaspoon stock powder

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1/2 teaspoon salt 1 garlic clove, minced 80g watercress 1/4 teaspoon white pepper 1 cup white quinoa Method Put the onions, wine, vinegar, water and sugar in a frying pan. Bring to a boil on a high heat. Then reduce to a medium heat. Cook for 20 minutes until the onions are soft. If the pan gets dry, add a little more water. Put the water, stock, salt, garlic and quinoa in a pan. Simmer for 15 minutes or until the quinoa is very soft. Add the watercress and blend with an immersion/hand blender. Add the pepper. Taste to see if you need more seasoning. Cook on a low heat for about 10 minutes. To serve, put the soup into a bowl and gently place a large spoonful of onions on the top.

May Recipe Beltane truffles

In May the Beltane festival celebrates fertility and abundance. These raw chocolate balls contain maca, a superfood known for its aphrodisiac properties. The pomegranate molasses is sharp and intense, a great contrast to the bitter cacao.

Method In a bowl combine all of the ingredients, mix thoroughly. Chill in a fridge for 30 minutes. Divide into 8 and roll into balls. Put 1 tablespoon of cacao in a bowl. Put the balls into the bowl and roll until the are covered. Put back in the fridge for 30 minutes before serving.

Makes 8 Ingredients 6 tablespoons raw cacao powder plus 1 tablespoon for dusting 1 teaspoon chia seeds 1 teaspoon maca 1 tablespoon pomegranate molasses 2 tablespoons almond milk

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Vegan CornwallEat Sleep Shop

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Artist Residence Boutique Guesthouse

A Vegan and Vegetarian friendly 11 room boutique guesthouse in the historic heart of Central Penzance on Chapel Street. Contemporary design housed within a Grade II listed 17th Century Georgian mansion makes for a magical ‘old meets new’, with a fun and funky informal vibe. Guests range from romantic couples to solo travellers, from culture seekers and art lovers to cornish explorers - attracting all ages. Each of the rooms have been individually designed and decorated by Cornish & British artists. Choose one that appeals to your inner artist - from wacky street art murals in Jo Peel to Pinky Vision pastel sea-scapes, vintage butterfly themed Dolly Divine to cool & chic A.R Blank. The Georgian House, 
20 Chapel Street
, Penzance
, West Cornwall, TR18 4AW Tel: +44 (0)1736 365 664 Page 35

Johnnys in Hayle

Johnny’s Café

Vegetarian founder of Johnny’s, Mirand,a started with a smal gift and fashion shop which expanded into selling wholefoods and then when the opportunity arose a full blown Vegetarian and Vegan Cafe. Miranda believes in re-using and respecting the beauty of old craftsmanship, the environment and in fresh good quality, wholesome vegetarian and vegan food. In a family friendly environment they serve fresh Vegetarian and Vegan homemade breakfasts, lunches, cakes and during the Summer the occasional themed evening meals. Johnny’s boasts great interior styling, where you can relax with comfortable quirky recycled tables and chairs The outdoor dining area has glorious views of Hayle Estuary and in the distance St. Ives. Within the Cafe is a small wholefood shop which stocks speciality breads, Cornish produce and unusual gifts many recycled. Free wi-fi is also on offer. 50-51 Penpol Terrace, Hayle, Cornwall TR27 4BQ 01736 755928

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Jordan’s in the gateway to St. Michael’s Mount

Family run Jordan’s café and gift shop

Situated at the gateway to St. Michael’s Mount and boasting spectacular views over Mount’s Bay. Ideally located right next Marazion beach, one of the safest bathing beaches in Cornwall (and a Mecca for windsurfers and kite surfers) Jordan’s is a favourite with locals and visitors alike. Open all year from 10am daily, they have a selection of fairtrade organic teas, coffees and hot chocolate on offer as well as fruit smoothies and plenty of Vegan options. Their Coffee is especially good and they take pride in serving it just the way you want it. It can get extremely busy in the Summer, so be prepared to wait, but it’s worth it. Jordans Cafe The Station Carpark Marazion Tel/Fax: 01736 360502 Email:

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Fore Street, Marazion, Penzance, Cornwall TR17 0AH 01736 711 879


This is charming little Deli is in the picturesque village of Marazion, gateway to St Michaels Mount. Space is limited and gets very busy during the summer however Abi and her team are very friendly and will reserve a table for you. Serving fresh food daily with Vegan and Vegetarian options to eat in or take away.. There is a range of deli items for sale, many of them are local Cornish goodies. The one down side is that they have no toilet, local pubs are accommodating however!

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The Granary Penzance

The Granary in Penzance

is a Vegetarian and Vegan Wholefoods and Health food Shop selling Organic and local unsprayed fruit and Vegetables and often getting more unusual fresh items. They have a wide selection of vegetarian and Vegan items for sale from the chiller and freezer cabinets and a large range of Gluten free items. At lunch times they serve salads, sandwiches and bakes with a good choice of Vegan options made fresh every day. Our favourites are the Vegan sandwiches and freshly made Vegan Samosas. 15D Causeway Head, Town Centre, Penzance TR18 2SN 01736 361869

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Farmers Market Penzance A weekly market of local fresh produce with Vegan and Vegetarian goodies to taste and take back to your holiday cottage or B&B. St John’s Hall, Alverton Street, Penzance, TR18 2QR Every Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm

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Archie Browns

is located in the centre of Penzance on Bread street. It started as a cafe in a location opposite the current premises and had been a health food shop for 30 years Bought by the now current owner Helen Swift, who changed the then store room into the bright colourful cafe it is today. Both the cafe and the shop are spacious, so at lunchtime it can be noisy and extremely busy, it is, I feel, the hub in Penzance at lunchtime. Breakfast is on offer from 9am – 11am and then lunch from 12 closing at 4pm. There is a staple menu with salads, bakes and big blackboard with specials every day. Downstairs there is a very large choice of foods to suit all diets, toiletries, nappies, both, organic and earth friendly as well as organic alcohol selection, supplements, cleaning products, fridge and freezer foods to choose from. Lots of choices for travelling vegans and gluten free! Winner of “Natural Lifestyle Retailer Of the Year “ coming top out of 600 entries For your supplies, treats and lunches this is one of the many places in Penzance but the only dedicated Vegetarian/Vegan cafe. Archie Browns Bread Street Penzance Cornwall TR18 2EQ

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Caroline and Tim I guess you could say that the Cornish Seaweed Company is bred from a deep love and respect for Cornwall. Cornwalls magical coastline, unpredictable ocean, waves and robust folk, combined with the pretty appalling economic situation in which Caroline (a renewable energy engineer) and Tim (a conservationist) were making things work as a cleaner and waiter. Because they have both worked extensively around the world in a variety of different roles; from white water raft guiding to Engineers Without Borders, in the developing world, and carrying out research and leading teams deep into remote rainforests, they have witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of climate change, the mounting pressure on natural ecosystems, and the associated food problems that arise from a rapidly growing population and increasing consumption.

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they therefore understand the urgent need for a sustainable way of living and aim to contribute to a lifestyle which is both ethically as well as environmentally sound.

shop, often all the way from China. Smallscale, local produce really is key to a happier life and leads to a lower carbon footprint.

Having been buddies for years they thought it was high time they rubbed brain cells and put some of their entrepreneurial energies into getting the Cornish Seaweed Company off the ground!

By providing produce from our own waters we hope to contribute to a low-carbon economy that takes care of its environment.

“We aim to provide you with sustainably harvested, local, edible seaweeds and introduce these as an alternative food source that is healthy, nutritional, tasty, and good for the environment. It is important to acknowledge the importance of seaweeds for marine life and we need to balance this with its use by humans. We therefore adopt an ecosystem approach, meaning that we promote conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. Most, if not all, the seaweeds currently for sale have travelled thousands of kilometres to reach your local supermarket and food

We really hope and believe that seaweed becomes part of everyone’s diet and that we come to recognize it for what it is. A superfood, both environmentally and nutritionally�

Interview with Caroline from cornish seaweed company Q. When did you decide to start doing this? A. I had been working overseas for a while and came back in April 2012 and wanted to get into the renewable energy field but it was at the time that Government policies and funding changed so suddenly the jobs disappeared. I was living in my van spending a lot of time outside when I heard a radio program about a seaweed company in Ireland. We found that no one is testing imported Seaweed and as long as the importers “trusted” the exporters that was enough. We were working with Exeter University doing research into the impact of seaweed harvesting over time, Tim my partner is a research fellow with the University but we struggled to get fresh seaweed that hadn’t been stored in a warehouse for several years because no one harvesting seaweed in the UK. After talking the idea through with Tim we decided to go and see what the company over in Ireland was doing. They were really helpful and after learning as much as we could we came back to start finding out what we needed to do to get the necessary permissions. The first thing we found was that no one was really sure! We stared with harbour master, then the fishery authorities and then the Crown estate, the National Trust, the Council, the Duchy. After convincing the Council who knew nothing about it that they were actually responsible for issuing the necessary license, we were set up and ready to go. We had various organisations giving us business advice, all the while filling out innumerable different forms and paperwork, all before we harvested any of the products. Now we sell online as well as looking for new distributors. FV. How is your Seaweed harvested? C. Tim and I harvest by hand in a sustainable way, sometimes we rope friends in to help. We only harvest on spring tides around the full moon or the new moon, we harvest with scissors and we worked very closely with Natural England when we started to make sure we developed a harvesting method that meant we only take half of the plant. We only harvest in the low tides when we can get to it but in the summer we do swim to it. We only pick around 8 species from a huge range and we cut it from the “stipe” which is a hold fast onto the rock as they have no root system and absorb everything through their skin, taking all of the minerals of the ocean through their cell walls. We check that it is a healthy plant and we only harvest in their seasons, spring to autumn, with the green seaweeds more in the summer. After gathering for about four hours we gather the harvest into sacks and take it back to the car. We take the harvest back to poly tunnels and the drying racks where we sun dry it, turning it every day, where it takes between 2 to 4 days until it goes crispy dry (in the winter it would take a week or more). We send samples from each batch to be tested for microbological activity. When it passes the tests we bag it up ready for selling. FV. Can you harvest all year round? C. You can and it has no negative impact, but it is dangerous and cold and slippery. Also it regenerates over the winter so it is better to leave it to be ready in the spring. Also we want to dry with natural sunlight, so spring and summer is better. We also use the autumn and winter to prepare for sales and look for distributors and keep building the business. FV. What is the shelf life of the end product? C. At the moment as we are a new business and because we only have two years worth of product we only have a one year shelf life, but we will have a two years shelf life once we have done the testing. We dry down to 0.5 water content so it is incredibly dry. FV. When people have it at home and leave it out will it attract moisture? C. Yes it will, so it needs to be kept in a sealed container to keep it dry. FV. I learned the trick of using a small amount stored in water just prior to use and it expands a lot! C. Yes after drying it is a 6th smaller than when we harvest it, so if we bring 60kg back from the beach we will only get 2kgs of dried product, which is why it is an expensive product but it goes a very long way. Whilst experimenting with Carrageen in recipes for jellies that called for 20gms, we used 5gms and it worked really well with exactly the same results.

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FV. How and why did you decide on the varieties that you have? Kombu, Dulse, Sea spaghetti, Nori and sea salad. C. Because they are the nicest, the most fun the use, they have great colours and they are traditionally used in cooking all over the world so people know about them. FV. How did you identify these particular varieties? C. We learnt whilst we were in Ireland, we can now identify them just by how they feel, it is just a learning process. FV. In my ignorance I thought that the reason I bought these products from Japan was that they were only available from Japan! I didn’t know they grew here in the UK C. There are 1,500 different species around the coast of the UK but I think that the reason people think it is Japanese is because it is a large part of the Japanese diet. FV. Which is your best seller online, and what sells best to Restaurants? C. Sea salad online which is a mix of sea greens Dulse and Nori and you can snip it into cooking or just eat it raw. Also Sea spaghetti you can which you can steam it or boil it to rehydrate and it tastes a little like asparagus. Kombu is the one that sells best in Restaurants and is the most widely used. FV. I am curious about the actual properties of seaweed and the vitamin and mineral benefits? C. Importantly for vegans they have all of the Vitamin B complexes and especially B12. Dulse has 89,000 parts per million and as a percentage seaweed has a greater amount of B12 than meat. Much higher iron content than Iron and so it goes on. FV. So what can we do to help? C. Being in Fresh Vegan Magazine is great, but if people ask for our products in their local deli or whole foods shop then maybe we can find new places to sell this amazing natural product fresh from the coast of the UK. FV. Looking forward to creating some amazing recipes with this and we wish you great success for the future....

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SEA SPAGHETI RECIPE by Jacqui Miso dressing 20g maple syrup 5g white miso 20g apple cyder vinegar 15g toasted sesame oil Thumb size piece of grated ginger ½ tsp black sesame seeds Blend all ingredients adding black sesame seeds to dressing and place to one side

Vegetables for sea salad 1 small carrot peeled and sliced thinly and then julienned 1 half of red and yellow pepper thinly sliced and cut into 3 ½ courgette sliced and julienned or use spiralizer ¼ cucumber sliced and julienned 1 stem of fresh mint, leaves removed rolled up and sliced finely 4 stems of coriander, leaves picked and removed Spinach option, leaves picked and fanned on plate or bowl for presentation ½ tsp sesame seeds 1 tblspn pumpkin and sunflower seeds Sprinkled on top

Sea Spaghetti Take the whole packet of seaweed and soak and rinse 3 times to remove excess salt. Now you can at this stage once rinsed leave raw or you can place in a pan of salted boiling water for 2 minutes. This recipe works just either way, delicious raw or cooked but I prefer raw to absorb all the nutrients at their best. Drain your spaghetti either cooked or raw and add the spiralized/julienned courgette/zucchini. Add the prepared dressing in small amounts and mix, leaving 1 tblspn to drizzle at the end. Add your cut vegetables and coriander and then place on your plate adding the seeds and mint at the end

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Hazelnut, chocolate mousse cake with fresh raspberries by Madeleine Van Zwanenberg The base

1½ cups hazelnuts ½ coconut sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla powder 1 tablespoon coconut flour ¼ cup melted coconut oil ¼ cup melted cacao butter Pinch of pink Himalayan salt Pulse the hazelnuts in your food processor until they are like a flour. Add the coconut sugar, vanilla powder, coconut flour and pulse again. Pour the melted coconut oil and cacao butter into the flour and mix until it is sticky. Press firmly into an 8 inch (21cm) spring mould and put in the fridge to set.

How to use Carrageen (Irish Moss)

Carrageen is a seaweed found around the coast of England and for this recipe I used a packet of Cornish Carrageen harvested and packaged by the Cornish Seaweed Company. It comes in 30g packets which makes a good couple of cups of carrageen paste. The mild taste of the seaweed doesn’t spoil sweet or savoury dishes. It is primarily used as a setting agent with the added benefits of being rich in protein, B vitamins, magnesium and iodine. It means you can use it in place of so many nuts as it lightens a very rich chocolatey mixture.

Blend everything in your high speed blender until smooth and creamy. Pour about a third on top of your hazelnut base and arrange a layer of raspberries on top. Put the rest of the chocolate mousse over the raspberries and smooth the top. Pop back into the fridge to set. This cake will freeze although the fresh raspberries will become soft and soggy once you defrost it. However, I’m not sure this will detract from the cake!

Cake Toppings

You can eat it like this once it is set, or you can add another dimension to it by covering it with a chocolate ganache so it is almost like a Sacher Torte like I have done in the picture, or serve some raspberries soaked in alcohol and coconut sugar with each slice, or even make a raspberry couli by blending raspberries with some coconut sugar and then passing it through a fine sieve to get rid of the seeds. You can ask your guests if they can guess the secret ingredient – I bet they wont be able to. I made the chocolate coating with 1 cup melted cacao butter 1 cup cacao powder ⅓ cup agave syrup ½ cup melted coconut butter A pinch of pink Himalayan salt Whisk them well until well blended and then pour gently over your cake. If you put your cake onto a foil covered baking tray. You can collect the chocolate that runs off the cake and reuse it another time. Pop the cake into the fridge to set and then decorate as you like. I made some tiny chocolates to put on top and then sprinkled a little gold glitter on for some sparkle. Cut into the cake with a hot knife so you keep the slices looking neat and wipe the knife clean between each cut. Then sit back and enjoy the sounds of your friends and family enjoying your special cake

Before use, wash the seaweed well to get rid of any sand and shells. Put into a dish of clean water and let it soak for 15 minutes. Put the cleaned, soaked seaweed into your high speed blender add 1 cup of the soaking water if it is clear of “bits”, if it is not, then use fresh water and blend on high for several minutes until it is a thick creamy paste. Put it into a plastic tub with a lid and keep it in the fridge for when you need it. It will easily keep for a week. If you look at the companys’ web site they have several recipes for their seaweeds. You can also add a tablespoon of the paste to your smoothies to enhance your nutrition.

The Chocolate Mousse 2 cups cashews soaked for 4 hours ½ cup carrageen paste ½ cup maple syrup ⅓ cup water Pinch of pink Himalayan salt ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder 2 teaspoons vanilla extract ½ cup cacao powder

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Field to Plate

by Ron Fairfield

If you take the road from Penzance to Rosudgeon, passing the magnificent St Michaels Mount that floats in the ocean just off the shore at Marazion, you drive along keeping an eye out for an A board tucked into a little pull-in that promises Organic, local produce.

You park up and wander into what can only be described as a big shed nestled amongst trees, however what comes next is an Aladdin’s cave of Organic, and local, seasonal produce with some imported goodies that enhance the lives of their producers. The 17 acre farm and shop is the work of Tim, a passionate, grower and someone who doesn’t hold back when it comes to discussing the sad state of food production across the planet. He has a local

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reputation for sending the odd customer out with a flea in their ear if they show an ignorance about why Supermarkets are an anethema to what Tim, and others like him, are attempting to do. I asked Tim how he got into the farm business and why in particular, Organic, ethical and as local as possible. T: “I decided that instead of talking about how important local, organic and ethically sourced food is, that I wanted to start doing it for myself and others”, “it was about 15 years ago when I got the opportunity to do it, someone was prepared to invest some money in it, so I did it!” FV: So someone’s belief started it all? Over the 14 years that you have been in business how has it

changed and are you doing what you set out to do? T: Yes it is what I set out to do but it has changed as we have enormously increased our range, and we have had to. If we had carried on just growing and selling local veg then we would have gone out of business a long time ago. FV: So is the idea of getting back to purely local and seasonal untenable? T: There are a small number of people who see the value of that but most people are sucked into the Corporate way of buying (Supermarkets) and have been talked into believing that it is the only way to do it and because they have to many things in their lives, they don’t seem to have time to think about where they should buy their food.

FV: Has there been a change in the customers that you are getting now after 14 years? T: Yes, yes these days we have fewer customers who spend more on average. We also have less passing trade. FV: Less passing trade? Why do you think that is? T: Simple, because they believe the myth that Supermarkets are cheaper, and Supermarkets have teams of people with PhD’s who are trained to convince people to believe that myth. I believe that I can provide generally better produce than the supermarkets and for the same products I suggest that we are no more expensive, and often cheaper, but people don’t believe it. People shop in Supermarkets because they think it’s cheaper. FV: Is the wave of Supermarket bashing by some celebs and others a sign of fighting back? T: I don’t believe that there is a serious voice out there or a real

source of public information to help people make good choices that would change things, and the further threat from the big bio companies such as Monsanto and Dupont is just a further sign of how big corporate business is ruining our food choices. FV: So do you now see yourself as being a small specialist outlet and grower. T: It’s not what I set out to be, but yes it is what I have become. FV: So what did you see the business becoming? T: I thought you would see more and more of businesses such as mine but I really underestimated peoples understanding of the situation and desire to change it. FV: Give our readers your understanding of terms such as Organic, Unsprayed etc. T: The history of food production since the 1920’s has been a picture of poorer and poorer soil quality due to the move to using plentiful cheap

oil to produce synthetic fertilizers resulting in degraded top soil that is sick and needs chemicals to force it to still grow crops. Organic is a legal term that refers to the growing of crops or production of raw ingredients under the Organic licensing laws, produced by the Soil Association or such organisations. The important thing about the term Organic is the condition of the soil, it has to produce healthy products that resist pest attack and disease. Unsprayed is, in my opinion, a stupid expression because it suggests that farmers will pour poisons onto their land because they can! Of course unsprayed may mean that the soils is prepared in a similar way to Organic but it doesn’t tell the whole story and therefore is not an accurate way to describe the process, it’s a meaningless term that shouldn’t be used in my opinion. FV: What about the growing trend for the term “Fair Trade”, is it really fair trade?

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T: Your guess is a s good as mine, but yes I think it is. The organisations that I know of and trade with do provide basic education for the children of it’s workers with better working conditions, as opposed to the wage slaves of the large corporate producers. FV: So Tim, 14 years on what are the challenges of today as opposed to when you stated? T: Growing is much more difficult, Climate change is a real problem, I could rely on the weather with more accuracy then as opposed to now, the weather conditions are less stable, there is a greater proliferation of pests and the huge threat from the Corporate food giants. All of these make for a very challenging situation for what I set out to do. Selling has become more challenging especially as far down the country as here in Cornwall, with not enough local buyers and the growing cost of transporting further up country it is difficult. FV: So how do you see the future of businesses such as yours? T: in a word Bleak! I don’t think

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in 5 years time that we will exist. My ability to source local Organic produce is being challenged by a lack of young growers coming in to replace the old producers that I rely on. Some of my producers are now in their 70’s and have no one in any meaningful way to take over from them. There are some people coming in with Grants that prop up the façade that the Government cares about this, but they never last because as soon as the grant runs out they pack up because they are not prepared to do the work, and it is incredibly hard work. FV: So what can people do to maintain good choices in Organic, local, and ethical produce. T: People have got to stop listening to the idiots, and the establishment and start to think for themselves. In this day of so much information, much of it is biased. It is very hard to get real information anywhere. The agreement that has just been signed in Bali (the end of 2013) is yet another situation where the Americans are pushing the corporate bandwagon forward, making it easier to pillage developing countries of

their raw materials. So I don’t see any improvement on the horizon at the moment. FV: So what can we do? Should people look for the small grower, buy locally, is that a guarantee of avoiding the dangers that you have mentioned? T: No it isn’t a guarantee and I can only talk about my business. I source local wherever possible, Organic mostly, and fair trade as a main principle. For the small grower/seller the future is very very difficult. People are very price driven when they are shopping so we do come up against that. FV: So is price as part of your mix something that you have to consider? T: Yes, of course. Supermarkets will play with the price of things that people are familiar with and engage in falsified lowered prices by paying their suppliers very low prices then charge higher prices for products that people are less familiar with. Corporate Globalisation is the threat. FV: So will the larger Organic producers stand a better chance?

T: Yes I have a friend who is from generations of farmers, who has inherited land which he converted to Organic about 20 years ago, he works incredibly hard but is dependant on demand in order to continue long term. There will always be a niche market for those who want (and can afford) real food. FV: So Tim what should people do? T: If you listen to Johnathon Porrit, a British environmentalist and writer, he will tell you that you could grow Organic for the whole planet, and I think you could, given a massive change in the system. But whilst the power structure is based on profits for share holders then it won’t change. FV: So the answer seems clear, more local customers? T: Yes but where are they going to come from, it comes back to the point that people have to vote with their

wallets and make positive choices for Organic, local ethical shopping and eschew supposed convenience to invest in a sustainable future, then perhaps businesses like mine will survive. Lastly there is an environmental benefit, a recent study showed that we had a larger amount of wildlife on the farm plus we have a large number of Hives around the farm to help pollination. True sustainability, that can’t and won’t happen in a chemically driven farm situation. FV: So the answer is clear, choose Organic, ethical and wherever possible local and make a difference. Thanks for sharing your story with the readers of Fresh Vegan Tim, and good luck for the future. Trevelyan Farm Rosudgeon Cornwall TR20 9PP 01736 710410

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Artisan Sandwiches by Jacqui

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SWEET POTATO BEET & CARROT WITH CHIPOTLE MAYO Chipotle Mayo You can make your own vegan mayo but I rarely do as it is not something that we use a lot of in our house. 1 cool chilli chipotle 4 tbspn vegan mayo Âź lime juice and zest Seasoning Heat up a skillet or frying pan and toast the chipotle chilli to release the smokiness and the unique flavour, it will soften at this stage so then place in a bowl and just cover with boiling water to infuse. Leave for 30 minutes and then blitz in a food processor with the mayo or you can chop as finely as you can and or mash in a pestle and mortar adding your mayo, lime juice and zest. We are looking for a runny consistency packed with flavour and leave to one side until you are ready to assemble the sandwich Filling 1 large sweet potato 1 large raw beetroot 2 carrots Handful of spinach Lettuce of choice Red onion rings Handful of coriander with stems removed Vinaigrette of choice Firstly mandolin/finely slice or on fine blade in food processor the peeled beetroot and then slice into thin strips, do the same with the carrot, placing each in separate bowls to avoid beetroot bleed. Season with salt and pepper and a tsp of vinaigrette and allow to marinade whilst prepping sweet potato. Place sweet potato in a steamer for 40 minutes so it will not be soggy and absorb water, leaving the skin on. Needs to be just soft but not mushy or indeed if no steamer you can boil and mash the filling instead of slicing and searing, choice is yours. Allow to cool and slice, brush with olive oil and gently place on heated char grill/broiler or you can fry in a non stick pan, to give a nice smoky flavour. Remove once cooked and place to one side. Slice onion rings ready to assemble sandwich and also prepare your salad leaves and spinach, removing the stems from the spinach. Now to assemble, take your bread or roll and spread the chipotle mayo lightly and then add your lettuce, then spinach and then a layer of sweet potato, then add some more of the chipotle mayo and then your coriander and onion rings, then lastly the layer each of beetroot and carrot There you have it a very filling, smoky delicious deli sandwich

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What you need 6 slices good quality toasting bread (I used sourdough) 1 medium aubergine/eggplant 1 300g pack of firm tofu Cos lettuce 4 Sundried tomatoes hydrated No Moo Vegusto cheese Vegan Mayonnaise Capers Tomato ketchup Fresh dill 1-2 gherkins

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Marinade for tofu & Aubergine/Eggplant Bacon Âź cup/60ml/60g of tamari or soy sauce 1tsp liquid smoke (available on line) 2 tsp maple syrup


Tofu holds a lot of water, so I the night before place the tofu in a dish and place a plate or Tupperware lid on tofu and weigh down to release water. You can do this 2-3 hours before you cook or you can leave it if no time, but it does make a difference to the texture for baking and frying.

Next slice both the tofu and your aubergine/eggplant laying the tofu to one side. Slice aubergine/eggplant into thin slices or use a mandolin, once sliced lay on top of an oven tray covered in tinfoil that is well oiled. Preheat the oven to 475f/ 240c, gas 8 or fan 220. Oil your aubergine/eggplant and place in oven for 7 minutes keeping an eye for burning, remove and turn over for another 3 minutes and then remove from oven and place on a plate to cool down.

Then place your sliced tofu on oiled oven tray and drizzle over some of the marinade above, leaving enough for the bacon. Place in oven reducing temperature to 350f/180c/fan 160 and bake for 5 minutes and then turn over for another 5 minutes, remove and allow to cool down. Next dip the aubergine/eggplant in the marinade and place back on the tray and bake for 3-5 minutes longer, the time will vary depending on the age of your aubergine/eggplant, so keep an eye on the bacon, it should be soft once removed as it will harden slightly as it cools. Place on a plate and then start to prepare the sandwiches.

Thousand Island spread Take 2 pickled gherkins and slice and chop 4 tbspn mayo 2 tbspn of tomato ketchup of choic 2 tsp capers crushed and chopped Seasoning and mix all of this together along with fresh dill chopped to taste. Next toast your bread slices, you need 3 per sandwich, cool down and then spread the thousand island dressing on toast slices. Next after washing your cos lettuce cut leaf in half and place on first slice of toast, then add tofu slices, bacon crossed over in an X and then I place 3 slices of vegusto cheese, using a potato peeler, so nice and thin, then add your hydrated sundried tomato and then the next piece of toast and start again, finishing with the 3rd slice of toast. This is a tall sandwich and best served cut in half with skewer through the 2 halves, place on plate with Chermoula coleslaw.

Chermoula recipe 3 tablespoons harissa 1 large bunch of chopped ÂŹflat-leaf parsley 1bunch of chopped mint 1 large bunch of chopped coriander leaves 6, garlic cloves, peeled 1 tbspn smoked paprika 2 tbspn ground cumin 1 small chilli Juice of 1 lemon 2 preserved lemons 300ml/10 fl oz of extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon sea salt and pepper Remove stalks from all the fresh herbs and either place in food processor

or chop finely, I personally place half in food processor and the other half I hand chop to give texture. I add the preserved lemons in with the herbs and garlic and harissa. I make my own harissa which is in the last winter issue of Fresh Vegan or you can use Rose harissa from belazu which is good but fresh is always better. Add all the other ingredients and allow to marinade for as long as you can, I usually make the day before. Chermoula is great to have in salads on top of Moroccan dishes, to marinade tempeh or tofu and great for the bbq with roasted aubergine or eggplant. I just added some of this to red, white cabbage sliced with red onion and grated carrots and there you have a mayo free coleslaw

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Big thank you to the suppliers who contributed to Jacquis Sandwiches

Cool Chile Co 1 Enterprise Way Triangle Business Centre London NW10 6UG United Kingdom t: +44 (0)870 902 1145 e: w.

Plamil Foods Ltd Folkestone Kent CT19 6PQ England p: +44.(0)1303 850588 f: +44.(0)1303 850015 e:

Vicky’s Bread, Sweet William Cottage, St. Martin, Helston, Cornwall TR12 6DE tel: 01326 221521 email:

Page 60 An extra thank you to Rachel for the homemade artisan Rolls

Thank you to all the lovely companies who donated fantastic ingredients for the sandwich feature. Please visit their products as they are some of the best around. Unless you tell us about your favourites!!

What we like! Adob e Esp Lovin resso g thi Set Cat p s rotec website mad w ti h o og nl e so no . They a eague on ive 15% l s to o any p a ha any o nimals were ve a vega urchase f the n po harm prod web lic site, u certa cts they ed in ma y, king inly w sell o n orth 4 PO supp this RCEL o rting AIN E SAUC SP E

Smoked, dic ed ch in a tomato ipotle chillies and vinegar sauce, great in mayo or use to marinade ve getables an d tofu £4.00

RS R DISH WAS , MATCH ESSO CU PS HE IN This all co R & MIC G GIFT B & ROW O mes AVE X in a m S box atching AFE gift £22. 50

a Cocoa Te Panama te maker d chocola ibs to n u ro -g e e ston cacao n Duffy’s th d this great raw flavour, add e te u a iq re ose has c r a un ur tea fo ome black chai lo on o y to d ti s ad a h s it n e w s atier taste to a cafie loose tea for a k c tea or bla £3.00



y-sourced all ethicall hest re a h ic h hig as w Herbal Te d organically to the dards an ce u st d ic ro m p a d n n y a iod certified b Demeter- trade partners ir a by their F package £1.40 per

Box of the best vega n sweets Delivered to your do or every month or on a great gif e off box. Makes t

ly box month r the d in K gan r afte The Ve to your doo llent for ce d x e e ir nth, deliv tics the mo ffers cosme to f o t s o 1 le , s b n a vail ega ge ucts a new v d prod 5 incl posta o o f d 9 . an 2 1 £ UK buy in

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£20 pm o r £22 one -off

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Tapori Tiffins

Tapori means, “One who is at ones peak”

I have long been a researcher for foods that help soothe the Soul and bring a balance to our own unique rhythm and spirit. I am also in search of food tasting and looking fabulous, I, like everyone else, loves food to be tasty and fills me with Ooh and Ahh at the delights I am eating. I was excited, whilst searching for those special places I am always looking for, when I found Tapori Tiffins an Ecological, Ayurvedic, Vegan restaurant in Sweden. Tapori Tiffins is placed in Malmo Sweden, inside the Mitt Mollan galleria in Malmo’s cosmopolitan quarter and was opened in July 2013. I asked Zeenath the creator behind Tapori Tiffins about how the idea became a reality and what drives her Ayuvedic vision... Veganism has had a lot of press in recent year or two and increasing all over the world. Is this the case with more plant based foods and veganism in Sweden There has been a steady growth of media-based initiatives focussing on the vegan food and lifestyle in Sweden. With the proliferation of digitally networked media, new veg-exclusive blogs, online TV shows and webzines have popped up every year for the last decade or so. The media platform to audience ratio is delicately balanced so that it is not yet too crowded a party on the content production side. For instance,, which won the 2013 best veg-blog award at Scandinavia’s largest veg-fair, Vegomässan attained favourable reception within a year of its launch. Based on mere personal observation however, I would unabashedly stake the claim that there is still a long way to go for veganism to be part of popular discourse and lifestyle. Veganism as an ethical choice remains within an exclusive, albeit growing, circle. It is not uncommon to greet the occasional, ‘Oh! You serve vegan foods only! How do you survive as a business?’ comment at my kitchen, located at a food court where of the 5 restaurants, 2 of us feature vegan and vegetarian items on our menu exclusively. Granted that if anything, the normalisation of veganism would blunt its activist edge. The motivation to normalise is indeed fuel enough for initiatives to expand the consumerist mindset of what good food can be for the body, the senses and the eco-system. Some veg-exclusive media initiatives claim their intention is

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to enhance veg-food and lifestyle within the mainstream milieu without putting on the activist hat. For instance, Björn Gadd, of the blog initiated along with wife Hanna, launched the online vegfood show, ‘Mat I Munnen’ (Food in the Mouth) in late 2013 with the aim to enhance appreciation of food, rather than ‘beat the veg-drum’. To sum up, there still remains a big gap in the making of a veggie dominant discourse. Pioneers, come stake your claim! Tell us more about Ayurveda and Raw combinations and how this is balanced throughout the seasons Ayurveda provides a holistic perspective on the intake of food by focussing on the body, the ecosystem and seasonal change. Vitality (prana) in our foods is not only a matter of freshness and preservation of vitality in the foods but also of local and seasonal availability. Awareness of the constitution of our body (prakruti) is a matter of making conscious choices by being attentive to the changes our body is going through (vikruti). Here are some classical habits and routines to adopt when partaking of a warm and raw vegan diet with an ayurvedic perspective, Sip warm water with a lemon as the first food item in the morning and also between meals to aid elimination (agni) Indulge in self-massage to trigger healing energy. For your first attempt, start by massaging your ears. Surround yourself with aroma of essential oils. For instance, orange for vata, lavender for pitta, rosemary for kapha. Include cardio-vascular exercises as part of your daily routine to, among other benefits, improve the quality

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of your sleep. Eat cooked foods when the weather is cold and at dinnertime. Eat cold foods, like salads, at lunchtime when digestion (agni) is at its peak. Chew ginger before meals to improve digestion. Chew fennel seeds after meals or drink fennel tea to prevent gas or bloating. Include vegetables and add a higher amount of greens in your juices, to decrease dryness. Include all six tastes in your food plate for a balanced and satisfying meal. Salty, sweet, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent. Example, salt from shoyu to enhance taste and appetite; sweet from grains in moderate portions to prompt satisfaction; sour from berries to stimulate appetite; pungent from garlic to clear sinus passages; bitter from green leafy vegetables to detoxify; and astringent from cauliflower or teas to bring about a balance. Choose foods as per your dosha. Adopt a self-learning route to knowing your mind-body constitution and its changing dietary needs. Eat with awareness. Do not rush while and after eating. You will know to bring in changes to your habits and routines when you are experiencing food cravings, insomnia, weak digestion, constipation, diarrhea and a general lack of vitality. Can you explain what Ayurveda in your food represents and how you prepare this for your customers Ayurveda, as with any other knowledge and practice related to foods, has become specialised, exclusivist and, in parts, purist. Those who seek a conscious path to nutrition within the ayurvedic fold tend to reach for expert advice and

increasingly rely less on self-awareness as a guiding path, thus creating oneself as a consumer and not a practitioner of conscious eating routines. My upbringing in India included meals at the dining tables of relatives, neighbours and friends where conscious eating guidelines, indeed ayurvedic eating guidelines, hovered in the form of grandmothers’ tales, example set by uncles and admonishments by aunts. This living mode of guidance to conscious food habits is what I hope to encourage through my restaurant kitchen. Discussing with guests, indeed debating with them as a way to persuade ayurvedic knowledge in one another; featuring menus with smoothies for dosha types, tridoshic warm and raw meals are some ways in which I set a departure point for encouraging visitors to take an interest and curiosity in their own eating habits and routines. Tell us more about your cooking classes Zeenath, what could people expect to learn on your courses My cooking is an evocation of memory from the dining tables of my childhood. Being of pan-Asian descent and being part of an active social circle, my family dining table, as indeed the dining tables of my relatives and friends featured a variety of regional cuisine influences. I continue to exchange recipes and photos of home meals via WhatsApp with my school buddies! Brought up in India, and currently residing in Sweden, I share cooking techniques like tempering, fermenting, pressure cooking using locally available, seasonal and gluten free ingredients. All items on my menu are the result of experiments pushing at increasing the ecological quotient. For instance, my current successful attempt has been raising the ecological quotient of the dosa or south Indian pancakes made from fermented rice and lentil batter. I have been using ecological green mung beans, and brown basmati rice as an alternative to hulled black lentil (urad) and ground white rice I share these recipes and some favourites from my childhood through my cooking lessons. Which is your most favourite season to cook in and what would this be I quite enjoy exploring the locally grown, seasonal fare during the Swedish winter. This previous winter, apples and green kale were main ingredients for my recipe explorations. Green kale rubbed with sea salt and olive oil dehydrated to a lip-smacking crispness at 42°C for about 6 hours. Apple chutney with ginger and five

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spice combination from Bengal. Green kale masala buckwheat chapatis. Apple and pumpkin rice paper potstickers with sunflower seeds. Green kale – strawberry smoothies with cardamom. Finally what tips do you have for the Spring season Jerusalem artichokes. Buy them pre-washed and eco to minimize prep time. You can keep the peel on if you have chosen eco. High in fiber and easily digestible by diabetics sunchokes, or Jerusalem Artichokes, are a good root vegetable alternative for kapha and pairs fashionably with vata and pitta. Blend up a Creamy Vegan Spiced Sunchoke Soup. Pressure cook (or boil) 2:1 parts of sunchokes to potatoes with a couple of garlic cloves and bay leaves in just enough water to aid the disintegration. When cooked, remove bayleaf and keep aside. In a pan, heat oil, add cumin seeds. When seeds are fragrant add onions. When onions are translucent, add minced ginger, a pinch or two of turmeric, a teaspoon of ground coriander, a pinch of fresh or ground chilli. Pour out spices hot and sizzling onto the boiled sunchokes. Blend while adding salt to taste. Soups up!

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Soft gluten free pancakes Soft gluten free pancakes made from fermented rice and lentil batter. A breakfast and snack-time favorite in South India. The fermentation process increases nutrients and aids digestion. Fermenting foods also reduces cooking time. Makes 12 to 14 dosas. Preparation time: 2 to 3 days Cooking time: 5 min Equipment required: A very good blender Non-stick or cast iron skillet Ingredients: a.1 cup Urad dal / Split, hulled black lentils b. 2 cups Basmati rice c. 2 Tsp Chana dal / Bengal gram dal (optional) d. 1/2 teaspoon Fenugreek seeds e. 1 tsp Salt f. Oil g. 1 Onion Preparation for Day 1: Rinse ingredients a. to c. in cold water. Leave to soak for

6 hours or overnight in a container with thrice the amount of fresh water. Drain excess water, leaving enough to aid the grinding. Blend to a smooth consistency with ingredients d and e. Preparation for Day 2: Keep slightly covered overnight to 36 hours. The fermentation is complete when a sour smell pervades and there are bubbles on the surface of the batter. In cooler climates, aid the fermentation by placing in an oven preheated to 100°C withthe heat turned off, but the oven light left on overnight. Place the container on an easily cleanable surface in case the batter attempts to run out of the container! Preparation for Day 3: You can now store the batter in the refrigerator for upto 6 days. When you want dosas, start by letting the batter reach room temperature. Smear a few drops of oil on a medium heated skillet with the cut side of half an onion. Pour the batter on to the middle of the skillet and spread the batter gently and quickly in outward circles. When bubbles form on the surface, flip over. Try making a spongy version and a crispy version by working with the thinness of the batter spread on the skillet. Try variations by adding chopped cilantro or onions or cumin seeds to the batter before spreading it on the skillet.

Coconut Chutney

Makes enough to accompany 12 dosas. SET A 2 cups of either Coconut flakes / fresh, grated Coconut or Coconut milk 1 inch Ginger, grated Juice of half a Lime Salt to taste 1 Tbsp Channa dal / Bengal gram dal (optional) Handful of fresh, chopped CIlantro (optional)

SET B 1 tsp Mustard seeds 4 to 5 Kadi patta / Curry leaves 1 tsp Oil of mild flavor If using chana dal, dry roast it until slightly browned. Dry grind to a fine powder. Blend with the rest of the ingredients in Set A. At this stage you have a quickly prepared coconut chutney that is ready to eat. You can add fresh chopped Cilantro. If you want to bring on the bells and whistles, then drop the cilantro and move on to Set B. Heat the oil and add mustard seeds. When the seeds start to crackle remove from heat and add curry leaves. Dunk this flavour bomb into the mix from Set A. This cooking technique is called tempering or ‘tadka’, a way to extract flavour by heating whole spices in oil.

The coconut chutney keeps in the fridge for upto 6 days. You can also make a big batch of Set A and freeze it airtight for upto 3 months.

Apple Chutney Inspiration for variations in accompaniments to the dosa can be sought in South Indian regional chutney recipes incoporating vegetables, nuts and lentils. Our restaurant is located in the south of Sweden and we tried the locally grown apple called Ingrid Marie for a tart chutney accompaniment to the dosa. Makes enough to accompany 12 dosas 1 tsp Cumin 1 tsp Mustard Seeds 1 tsp Oil 8 cups Apple for cooking, peeled, cored, sliced 1/2 cup Sugar 1 Green chilli, chopped 1/2 cup water Heat oil. Add cumin and mustard seeds until they crackle. Add the remaining ingredients. Boil for about 40 minutes or until the mix has softened.

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Emma is a post-graduate student from the UK and lover of healthy vegan food. She loves exploring different types of cuisines, from Middle-Eastern to Indian to Asian, macrobiotic, raw, and cooked. She writes a blog where she shares her foodie adventures ,fun in her kitchen, exploring the vegan options out and about, as well as vegan products she discovers.

Coconut Colcannon Cakes This is a fun way to jazz up two vegetables you might think of as being boring- swede and cabbage. Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish mainly consisting of mashed potatoes and cabbage. I’ve given it a twist using swede for a change, shaping the mix into little patties and coating them in coconut for a crunchy crust after baking or pan-frying.

What you will need 1T Coconut Oil (+1T for pan-frying) 1 Onion, chopped fine 2 Medium Swede, peeled and diced (Approx 1kg/2lb) 1 Medium Savoy Cabbage, outer layers removed and shredded 1/4C Coconut Milk Salt and Pepper 1/2C Shredded Coconut

What you will need to do Steam or boil the swede until it falls off a fork when pierced (30-40 minutes). Meanwhile SautĂŠ the onion in the coconut oil in a frying pan over medium heat until translucent. Add the shredded cabbage and continue to cook for 5 minutes until softened and bright green. Mash the swede well and add the coconut milk and plenty of salt and pepper. Stir through the cabbage and leave mixture to cool in the fridge for at least an hour. Shape the mixture into patties (I used a 1/2C measure) and press in the shredded coconut on both sides. If baking line a sheet with parchment paper and bake at 180C for 20 minutes, flipping halfway. To pan-fry, heat another tablespoon of coconut oil In a frying pan and cook for 5 minutes on each side over medium heat. You could try variations with potatoes and kale or add your favourite spices, fresh ginger, garlic or herbs. Makes 10 patties

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Roasted Carrot Hummus with Spiced Nut Topping Hummus 400g/1lb Carrots, peeled and cut into 2� chunks 4 Whole Cloves of Garlic, squashed with the flat of a knife 1T Olive Oil 1/4C Lemon Juice 2T Tahini 1/2t Ground Cumin Salt & Pepper to taste Handful of Fresh Parsley

Spiced Nut Topping 2T/25g Blanched Almonds 2T/25g Blanched Hazelnuts 2T Sesame Seeds 3/4T Coriander Seeds 1t Cumin Seeds 1/2t Fennel Seeds 1/2t Sea Salt Black Pepper to taste Preheat oven to 200C/400F Toss the carrots and whole garlic cloves with the olive oil in a roasting dish and cook for 3035 minutes until tender and beginning to brown. Meanwhile, prepare the nut topping. Place all the ingredients, excluding the salt and pepper, into a frying pan and toast over medium heat for approx 5 minutes. It should begin to smell fragrant but be careful it doesn’t burn! Leave to cool and then whir in a food processor briefly until coarsely ground. Set aside. After removing the vegetables from the oven, squeeze the garlic from its skin into a food processor along with all the remaining hummus ingredients, excluding the parsley. Process until smooth then add the parsley and pulse so that you have little green flecks throughout. Serve the hummus on fresh bread or crackers sprinkled with the spiced nut topping.

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vegan fare, just because there are no animal products in something does not necessarily make it suitable, there are the environmental and moral considerations. We research our suppliers, and try and make sure the ingredients used are from the best businesses possible. We try and support other small and local businesses, and use organic wherever possible. Do you make everything yourselves in Tall Poppy?

Hello Tall Poppy, can you just explain to our readers where you are based and where you are from... Hi there! We are a 100% vegan catering company based in south Birmingham. We started up as an event cake bakery in Wales, but had to rapidly expand into other cakes, then savoury food, as our stalls kept selling out at the fairs and festivals we attended. We then moved to Birmingham to open up a store front in Selly Oak in August 2013, and haven’t looked back! What has been the journey towards being Vegan and have you always been a Vegan Company or did you have a Vegetarian catering business before this? The whole family has been vegan for 8 years now. We started by reading the China Study, and went vegan overnight. The more we then read about the ethical, moral, health and environmental reasons behind veganism, the more solid we got in our beliefs. Eight years later, with 2 healthy children who have always been vegan, we can’t really see a reason to ever not be! The business has always been vegan, cakes taste just as good, if not better, dairy- and egg-free. How did you prepare for opening your cafe ? (I know there will be many new Vegan businesses wishing to set up and would like to know why and how you decided to set up a cafe) We researched the area, luckily we knew quite a few people around, and realised that there would be plenty of business if we marketed ourselves right. Setting up in a student area was to our benefit, the premises have plenty of footfall, and we made sure the prices would suit a student budget. We also realised that there were not enough vegans in the area to rely solely on those people to make ends meet, so we made sure to appeal to a wide variety of customers, and make great tasting food. We have also maintained the event catering, delivery and postage of cakes and cookies, and large event cake aspects of the business. Do you believe it is important to be as ethical as possible with your ingredients in your business? We believe the ethics are an integral part of making

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We make almost everything from scratch. The breads used in our burgers and paninis are homemade, which means we can avoid any strange dough improvers the large companies need to put in. We make our own barbecue sauce, mayonnaises, and aioli. We even make our own “butter”, for the buttercream in our cakes and cupcakes, and to cook with, as I am not a fan of the margarines available in supermarkets. What could we expect to see on your menu when we come to eat there? We have a core menu of regular savoury items, our BBQ jackfruit is extremely popular, we have people buying it by the tub at vegan shows, we also make vegan crabcakes, homemade bean burgers, and a variety of paninis. We also have a varying selection of cupcakes, decadent brownies, soft, chewy cookies, fluffy muffins, and a range of gluten-free options. What is your most popular dish at Tall Poppy? Our Crabby Jack invariably sells out. A burger made from jackfruit, seasoned with the flavours associated with a Maryland crab cake, smothered in our homemade roasted garlic and lemon aioli on a homemade bun will satisfy a lot of cravings, and keep you feeling warm and toasty for hours! Are your customers solely Vegan? Relatively few of our customers are vegan in fact. Some have heard about us and are curious, some end up eating with us as they accompany their vegan friends for lunch, others don’t realise we are vegan, and a few need a little reassurance that almond milk tastes as good in a cappuccino as cow milk, and then become regulars every morning. What do you look for when creating new dishes for your menu or specials? I am always reading, researching, and playing with new and unusual ingredients, which is how we came up with all our jackfruit options. We try and keep everything as seasonal as possible, suited to the weather, and use the best ingredients. We listen to our customers, and try and incorporate favourite dishes, and flavours and ideas that are being requested. We primarily try and make food that we love to eat!

WE asked SOS What seasonal food for Spring do they like to eat? Our favourite spring ingredient is fresh peas. They are so much more versatile than people think, there is much more to a beautiful spring pea than just boiling it.

Almond Feta and Spring Pea Bruschetta A beautiful starter, or a light meal, perfect for a blossoming spring day. Smooth, buttery, fresh peas perfectly accentuated by the tang from the feta, and crunch from the sourdough toast Ingredients: Almond Feta: 100g almonds, soaked overnight 25g apple cider vinegar 5 tsp oil (sunflower, or other oil of preference. Coconut oil tends to make the feta too solid, so more water needs to be used to maintain spreadability) 6 grams garlic, minced ½ tsp salt 25 ml water (more if using a solid oil like coconut)

Pea and Mint Mash 200 g fresh spring peas 5-10 leaves mint, coarsely chopped or torn 2 tbsp coconut oil or vegan butter Salt and pepper, to taste 6-8 slices fresh sourdough bread Blend all the ingredients for the almond feta together, using a food processor, or good blender. Can be made several days in advance and stored in a Tupperware in the fridge. Make the pea mash. Warm the butter in a pan, add the fresh peas, and gently cook until they are just al dente. Using a fork, squash them a bit until the desired texture is reached, for a smoother result you can use a food processor, add the mint and seasonings. To assemble Toast the sourdough, smear with a generous amount of the almond feta. Add the freshly mashed pea and mint mixture, and enjoy!

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Warm Potato Salad A quick, easy meal, making the most of our beautiful spring produce, great by itself, or ideal to pair with some baked tofu for an extra protein punch.

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Ingredients: 250g new potatoes 50 g marinated artichokes, chopped 50 g sundried tomatoes, chopped Bunch of spring onions, finely chopped 200 g pea sprouts 150 g chickpeas 150 g lentils Other veggies that are available, avocados, asparagus, whatever looks good! Extra virgin olive oil Juice of half a lemon Balsamic vinegar, to taste

Directions: Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes, or until done. Drain, and set aside. Grill the asparagus, if using, and quickly warm through the chickpeas and lentils. Place all the ingredients in a large bowl, add olive oil, lemon juice, and balsamic vinegar, toss to coat, and serve immediately.

Lemon Poppyseed Loaf Lemons are another fantastic spring ingredient, but even as the weather warms, we still need a little bit of a treat to stave off the last of those winter chills.

Ingredients: 275g plain flour 175g caster sugar 2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder ½ tsp salt 250 ml nondairy milk 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 50 ml vegetable oil Zest of 2 lemons Juice of one lemon 1 tbsp poppy seeds

Drizzle: Juice of ½ lemon ½ cup – 1 cup icing sugar, depending on how thick you like it! Preheat the oven to 175. Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a large bowl.

The drizzle can be poured over either when the cake is still hot and in the tin, or when the cake is cooled, and used as more of an icing. Phone 0121 472 6066 Email Web

Mix the wet ingredients together in a smaller bowl. Add to the dry ingredients, being careful not to overmix, stir until just incorporated. Pour into a prepared loaf tin (greased and lined), and bake for 40-60 minutes. Check after 40 minutes, a toothpick should come out clean from the middle. If it is not fully cooked, return to the oven and check at 5 minute intervals. Leave to cool on a wire rack.

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Oz is the talented cook behind Sultan’s Delights, a middle eastern inspired kitchen.


fter making regular trips to her stall at Street Diner, I knew I had to feature her in the next issue of Fresh Vegan. Her food is incredible; fresh, inspired dishes, vegan baklava (a personal addiction of mine!) and an array of different dishes every week. Oz was born in northern Turkey, near the Black Sea’s coast. Her inspiration for food came from her mother, who made sure she grew up in the kitchen, understanding the value of preparing and enjoying beautiful, fresh food. Cooking was a passion for her, and she loved to cook for friends and family – even strangers that passed in the street! She brought Oz to watch food being prepared from scratch, joining women as they gathered in a communal garden to make winter pickles, flatbreads, tomato and pepper paste and wedding food. As she grew up, Oz swapped traditional cooking for classical archaeology, gaining a degree while she lived in Antalya, and began discovering the wonders of Arabic-inspired food: spicy, nutty flavours, za’atar, tahina. Living in uni accommodation, without the luxury of ready meals, meant that Oz quickly returned to the kitchen, and become head chef of the household. In the late 90s she came to England to improve her English, and embraced the eclectic mix of food that was available in London at the time. Working as a waitress she soon found her way into the kitchen, taking the place of sous chef, and after meeting the love of her life she came to Brighton, where she managed a local Bagelman shop for seven years. Sadly in 2009 she lost her dear mother, and it shook her working life. Taking to the kitchen, she replicated the comforting smells of her childhood, throwing herself into cooking her mother’s darling pastries, recreating the smell of pounded and roasted poppy seed bread. Professional catering began in 2010, after she tested the waters by selling her pastries and dips at Diplock’s Yard farmers market. Soon afterwards she invested in some cooking equipment and threw herself into setting up Sultan’s Delights. From the beginning Oz experimented with the flavours that she had grown up with, and those that she had discovered along the way. Arabic, Moroccan,

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Persian – cuisine that all had common ingredients, spices and flavours. She took classic dishes and made them vegetarian - which raised more than a few eyebrows! Taking part in Street Diner was a real turning point for Sultan’s Delights. After qualifying for a permanent spot at the market, Oz now has a welcome platform to try new dishes, and experiment with different ingredients. The street stall has opened up more opportunities for her – group bookings, dinner parties, birthdays, Christmas parties, where she now caters for up to 130 guests. The colours, flavours and passion that come through Oz’s food make it clear why her customer’s come back week after week, and welcome her into their homes for special occasions. At her stall you can expect to find sweet potato and broad bean falafel, beetroot and orange salad, orange blossom baklava, squash tagine, and incredible vegan boreks. Why vegetarian and vegan? “Simply – I love animals and vegetables! I grew up in a meat loving country, and was so sad to see our pet chickens becoming a meal. I was a child, and didn’t understand at all. When I started uni I learnt more about the food chain, intense farming and animal cruelty. I came from a country that was a jungle of stray animals, and started carrying food with me to feed the strays – people couldn’t understand my strange love of animals! “I also love my veg. I find veggie cooking more challenging – I’ve got a lot of friends who would not touch vegetarian food, and I love to see them eating my meals and changing their views on veggie/vegan cooking. I think we’re almost conditioned to have meat with every meal and if we don’t, we won’t feel satisfied. I try to show everyone that there are so many alternative ways of cooking, and I’m sure it’s only a matter of experimenting to find our favourites. For me – it’s rice. I was brought up around rice fields, and my mother cooked it every single day. I love cooking and eating it in so many different ways. “ You can find Oz selling her wonderful food at Street Diner, Brighton, or get in touch with her if you would like her to cater your next special occasion. You can also find her on Twitter (@SultansDelights) and Facebook (/SultansDelights). IInterview by Christina of Paperbagblog A digital marketing manager, freelance writer and lifestyle blogger.

email cmwilmowski Elle Magazine voted “The Street Diner Brighton”, (where Sultans Delights has a stand), one of the top five in the UK

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My journey began when I had been working through depression, experienced since childhood, and was investigating how to get myself back to functioning fully as the creative and talented person I truly did feel I was deep down inside. Juicing literally saved my life! I was given books to read from Raw foodies I knew at the time, telling me it was the best thing ever, and I experimented a lot! I realised that even though this was helping me there must be another way so that I could still enjoy eating with friends whilst being healthy.

by Jacqui Deoir Jason Vale the “Jamie Oliver of Juicing” as quoted by OK magazine ! I first heard of Jason Vale 8 years ago when I started to really pay attention to what I had long known that you are indeed what you eat and drink!

listen...........REALLY listen to your body. The juices in 5lbs in 5 days are the best put together in 1 book from all of the books Jason has written and it’s great, you can cleanse and nourish your body and mind in 5 days and then eat your favourite healthy recipes at the weekend. Now I know this will not appeal to everyone and I have recommended the regime to many people, and only those who truly wish to change lifelong patterns and weight issues pick up these books and just go for it !

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for a juice after a juice cleanse, your physical body and mind call out for the green stuff, the beetroot, the vegetables and before you know it, the bad habits of picking and eating the processed foods slip away and instead you reach for a juice ! Personally I am more of a dooer than a reader but I bought “7lb in 7 days” with hesitation as it sounded a bit too much like a slimming week and I’m not into fad diets, but I am into a healthier approach to food and how it nourishes your whole body and mind and having heard so many great things about the book I felt I had to give it a go.

I love food and the social interaction of creating food and sharing, I am a creative person, a chef and professional caterer and I love to share my passion, so Raw just didn’t cut it for me eating this way 100% of the time, however juicing was like a direct connection to source of all joy and happiness in one glass, yep sounds evangelical I know but honestly when you start to juice it changes your life, your cells shout out

I have been juicing now for over 6 years and it is a journey of discovery and of understanding what works for you, I have 3 of Jason’s books and this is one of my favourites.

The foreword in 5lbs in 5 days is by a Doctor do you need a higher recommendation than that ?

mind and your stamina to exercise and have fun.

Jason’s books are easy to read and in this book, as in the rest, there is always lots of support, facts and encouragement to wake you up and help you realise the power of Juicing! I know 7lbs in 7 days was a HUGE success because it did what it said it would and if you are looking to lose a little weight, a lot or just wish to be healthier you have to give these books a go. You will be transformed after your 5 days not just on the scales but in your

My other favourite is “Juice Yourself Slim” I love the juices in this one as I personally found 7lb in 7 days too acidic for me, and the biggest leason I learn’t from juicing and eating healthier is to

I have recommended this book and others to my clients, friends and family and the ones who have done this are wowed over by the results not just physically in weight but the clarity you experience, the aches and pains in your body disappear, my depressions were for the first time in decades under control and my aches and pains from having a prolapsed disc in my lower spine were gone and my sciatica also disappeared. But you must keep going, this isn’t about a quick fix, it can be if you like, but

the more you put in the more you will always get back. When I was sent this book, kindly sent by the Jason Vale Team, I decided to actually do the exercises this time rather than just the juicing and my goodness what what a transformative experience that was ! I had gone from playing at exercising to being super competitive with myself on the bike daily. On day 3, I reached that high people talk of when exercising, and from the Monday to the end of the week I had started on my exercise bike doing 20 minutes at 20 mph and loosing 250 calories to a whopping 40 minutes at 26 mph and 320 calories burnt, I felt on a high, my mood was massively improved, my aches and pains had completely gone

and for the first time in years I could see that I could have a regular exercising routine alongside upping my daily juicing intake to help become healthier, more alive, present and lose weight - what is not to like! I highly recommend, when starting to juice, to follow a plan like this. Jason being the alchemist that he is has worked out everything your body requires daily with no strain on the body at all and with long term benefits unlike so many other promises from weight related programmes. What I loved about this book is that on each of the days you have your list of juices to make up and the recipes are on those pages, so no need to flick through to find the recipes it’s all there for you

and also nutritional information on what is great for your body with one of the ingredients, be it pear, kale of pepper, you are learning as you are going along! Superb Everything you need is in this 256 page book, or you can download the app from the juicemaster website, so no excuses, come on get on the juicy journey. If you would like to read the diary of my 5 day journey you can find this on the Fresh Vegan Blog. “5lbs in 5 Days” by Jason Vale is available for the RRP of £9.99 from all good bookshops. Published byHarpers Collins ISBN 978-0-00-755589-5

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Book Review by Jacqui Deoir World Food Cafe: Quick and Easy I love this book and highly recommend this to be in every kitchen whether you are vegan, vegetarian or Omnivore, with something for everyone and over 90% of the recipes already vegan, it really is a wonderful book to own. Beautifully illustrated, Chris and Carolyn Caldicott have travelled through the world to bring you wonderfully presented images alongside the most delicious recipes from Bangladesh, Chile, Japan, Helsinki, Lapland and Namibia, it is a culinary adventure to excite the eyes and tantalise your taste buds. It is entitled Vegetarian but it truly is in essence a vegan book with a few vegetarian recipes and even these are easily adapted.

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Each chapter covers a country described in a story like fashion that gives you the feeling of travelling alongside them as you take the journey through this book married with exotic images to capture your imagination. Each country features 10 recipes so plenty to choose from. On the next pages I have chosen some of my favourites (which was not easy) to feature in the magazine and to give you a feel for the recipes, the energy and the beauty that has gone into producing this book. Recipes taken from: World Food Cafe: Quick and Easy Recipes from a Vegetarian Journey (9780711232969) by Chris and Carolyn Caldicott, published by Frances Lincoln all photographs: Illustrations © Chris Caldicott and Carolyn Caldicott 2013.



rs Offer To orde r World F ood Cafe the disc ou : (RRP: £ nted price of £ Quick andEas y at 1 20.00), telephon 6.00 including p&p* e 01903 8 28503 o email: m r a and quo ilorders@lbsltd te the o ffer cod e APG4 3. Alternati vely, se nd a che to: Little qu h Departm ampton Book S e made payab le ervices ent, Littl M PO Box e 4264, W hampton Book ail Order S orthing, 3RB. West Su ervices, ssex BN 13 Please quote th e include your na offer code APG me and 4 address 3 and details. *UK ON LY - Ple a from ov erseas. se add £2.50 if ordering

YELLOW SPLIT PEA FRITTERS makes about 24 225g/8oz yellow split peas, soaked overnight 2 medium onions, very finely chopped 2 red chillies, finely chopped ½ teaspoon turmeric ½ teaspoon paprika

a good handful of chopped coriander ½ teaspoon black pepper salt to taste, oil for frying To garnish thinly sliced shallots or red onion, mixed with a little chopped coriander and red chilli. lemon, cut into wedges

Drain and rinse the soaked yellow split peas. Blend half until a smooth paste forms and roughly chop the remaining half so that they still retain some bite. Combine the prepared yellow split peas with the remaining ingredients. Scoop out a dessertspoon of the mixture, roll between your hands to form a ball and then flatten to make a thickish patty. Repeat until all the mixture is used up. Fry the fritters in a wok, five at a time, until they are golden brown on both sides. Drain the fritters on kitchen paper before serving piping hot, sprinkled with the onion garnish and a good squeeze of lemon.


2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 teaspoon grated ginger root 2 tablespoons tomato purée

1 tablespoon honey 4 tablespoons light soy sauce ½ teaspoon chilli flakes

Combine the garlic and ginger with the tomato purée. Stir in the honey, light soy sauce and chilli flakes

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BUCKWHEAT NOODLES & SPINACH WITH DIPPING SAUCE & WASABI 450g/1lb soba buckwheat noodles 5 spring onions, thinly sliced 1 sheet nori seaweed, cut into thin 4cm/1½in-long thin strips 1 dessertspoon black sesame seeds

500g/1lb 2oz spinach wasabi, to serve, for the dipping sauce 120ml/4fl oz shoyu or light soy sauce 120ml/4fl oz mirin 240ml/8fl oz water

First make the dipping sauce. Place all the ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil. Boil rapidly for a couple of minutes and then reduce the heat and simmer for a further few minutes. Remove from the heat and pour into individual bowls, ready to serve with the noodles. Cook the soba noodles as instructed on the packet, drain and thoroughly rinse in cold water to remove all traces of starch – the noodles should feel nice and elastic. Wind the noodles into neat bonfire-shaped piles on individual plates. Sprinkle with half the spring onions, nori strips and black sesame seeds. Plunge the spinach in salted boiling water until wilted, drain and then rinse with cold water. Place in a colander and press any excess water away. Slice the spinach into 2cm/¾in strips. Place the spinach next to the noodles in as similar a shape as possible, and sprinkle with the remaining nori strips, spring onions and black sesame seeds. Finally, place ½ teaspoon of wasabi on each plate. To eat, mix a little wasabi in the dipping sauce and then dip the noodles and spinach in the sauce until coated. Accompany with silken tofu topped with ginger and chives if you wish.

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MUSHROOM CEVICHE juice of 5 large limes 2 tablespoons avocado or olive oil 2 hot red chillies, thinly sliced 300g/10oz oyster mushrooms, roughly chopped ½ small red onion, thinly sliced

½ medium green pepper, thinly sliced handful of chopped Coriander To serve 2 small, ripe avocados and 10 cherry tomatoes, chopped and tossed with a good squeeze of lime juice and seasoning to taste sweet potato slices fried in olive oil until golden (optional)

Whisk the lime juice, avocado oil and chilli together and season to taste. Gently combine with the mushrooms, red onion, pepper and chopped coriander, making sure all the vegetables are coated. Add seasoning to taste. Cover with cling film and chill in the fridge for 45 minutes. Serve on a flat dish topped with the chopped avocado and cherry tomato salsa. Add fried sweet potato slices if desired.

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Run by Rachel Demuth, who has been a professional vegetarian chef since the early 80s. She was a founder member of Neals’ Yard Bakery in Covent Garden, London and in 1984 opened Broad Street Bakery in Bath pioneering organic, vegetarian and vegan cooking. In 1987 she started Demuths restaurant, which is now one of the most successful vegetarian restaurants in Britain, specializing in unpretentious, creative and healthy food. She has written three vegetarian cookery books as well as travelled extensively, teaching vegetarian cooking, sharing ideas, picking up tips, gathering recipes and cooking techniques around the world. In 2001 she started the Vegetarian Cookery School to teach people how to cook the ‘Demuths’ style of delicious, uncomplicated and easy to make vegetarian food. Q: Hello Rachel can you tell us how you started your journey and passion with food? After graduating from University as a recent convert to vegetarianism with a degree in African history, I had a bet with a friend that I couldn’t find a job in a day which led me to a job in Neal’s Yard Bakery in London, where I discovered my passion for working with food. Inspired by everything I had learnt about ethical business and vegetarian cooking at Neal’s Yard, I moved to Bath to open the organic Broad Street Bakery. In 1987, confident there was a market for a high quality vegetarian restaurant, I opened Demuths Restaurant. In 2001 in response to growing demand for exclusively vegetarian and vegan cookery courses, I launched The Vegetarian Cookery School in 2001. In 2013 I sold Demuths restaurant to the head Chef and it’s now called Acorn Vegetarian Kitchen. Q: With whom did you train Rachel, or are you self taught? I trained as a baker and vegetarian chef at Neals Yard Bakery in Covent Garden. Neals Yard Bakery was a cooperative, where we moved around different parts of the business every 6 months, so as well as learning to cook and bake I also got a good grounding in running a bakery and café. Q: What made you decide to move from the kitchen and teach instead? Do you miss working in the kitchen? I worked as head chef in Demuths Restaurant for 10 years and very much enjoyed it, but it’s very hard physically and all consuming. I decided to move to front of house and to make sure I didn’t slip back into the kitchen, on my last shift I threw my kitchen work shoes away and I didn’t go back to cheffing! Instead I worked on planning the menus and ran front of house.

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Q: In the time that Demuths has been teaching Vegan and Vegetarian cooking how has what you teach changed and why? I started the cookery school in 2001 and since then vegetarian food has become much more mainstream and no longer thought of as “cranky”. The growth areas now are in plant based diets, vegan and raw food. Wheat free and Gluten free has also grown. Q: Has the change in availability of Vegan and Vegetarian ingredients changed things and how? We like to cook with the most natural, freshest ingredients we can find and don’t cook with vegetarian and vegan meat substitutes. Yes it‘s far easier to find unusual vegetables, there is a greater organic range and for our clients world ingredients are easier to find in stores and on the Internet. Q: Do you feel that the increase in Celebrity Chefs and Cookery programmes has increased people’s interest in learning how to cook themselves? Celebrity chefs have definitely increased the popularity of a career in the kitchen, as youngsters can aspire to these “ Chef Super stars” in the same way as football or pop stars. Cookery programmes show people what is possible and raise their expectations of what restaurants should be serving and what they would like to learn at cookery schools. Q: Do you feel that there is room for a purely Vegan Cookery School in the UK? Yes I think there is now. I have seen an increase in demand for our vegan courses and raw food courses, and we are putting far more on this year. Q: How often do you have Vegan Cooking classes at Demuths Cookery School? We run Vegan courses about once a month, from Detox, Vegan Fast & Delicious, Vegan Gourmet and raw food courses. In June we are running a 4 day Vegan cookery course, which will be a chance to immerse ourselves in the joy of a wholly plant based diet. Many of our vegetarian courses use very little dairy. Our World courses such as Thai are 100% vegan and all our courses can be adapted to suit a vegan diet. Q:

Finally which is your favourite season to create and use the best ingredients?

All seasons have their seasonal highlights, now its time for pink rhubarb and soon the wild garlic will be ready to pick. I enjoy cooking with ingredients that have a definite British season; asparagus in May, wild mushrooms in October or kale & cavolo nero in January. If I had to choose one season it would be late summer when my garden produce is at its ripest and you can go out into the garden in the evening and pick your supper. The best vegetables are the ones straight from the garden.

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Th ried T ree Seed S oma oda Celer to and Ca Bread ne Curly iac an d Lee llini Bea n Pât Roas Kale and ted B Ê Cavo k Soup lo Ne eetro Puy L o r ta o entils and F nd Squas Chips h Roas resh Sala ted C S P arrot esame To omegran d ate Fa fu Cauli lafels with flo T Almo nd an wer Tabo ahini Dre ssing uleh d Pea r Puf f Tart lets Sun-d

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Photo by Rob Wicks

Vegan Wild Garlic Soup

Raw wild garlic is very pungent, but when cooked, it has a delicate flavour, which can be lost easily, so be generous and add the garlic to the soup towards the end of the cooking. Wild garlic leaves are best when very young, so pick small tender leaves, the moment the garlic begins to flower, the leaves become too strong in flavour. Pick a few flower buds to decorate the soup. Prep 15 minutes. Cooking 30 minutes. Serves: 4 Ingredients: 1 onion, chopped 1 tbsp rapeseed oil 250g new potatoes, scrubbed & cubed 125g wild garlic leaves, washed and roughly chopped 1 litre vegetable stock or 1 litre water with 1 tsp vegetable bouillon squirt of lemon salt & freshly ground black pepper Method: In a large saucepan, sautĂŠ the onion in the rapeseed oil for about 10 minutes, until soft, add the cubed potatoes & quickly stir-fry. Add the stock to the onion & potatoes. Simmer until the potatoes are just soft, which will take 15 minutes, depending on the size of the cubes of potato. Add the wild garlic, cover and simmer for a couple of minutes until wilted, but are still a vibrant green colour. Either serve at once chunky or liquidise to a smooth consistency. Check for seasoning & add a squirt of lemon juice, salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper. Decorate with garlic flower buds.

All images copyright of Demuths and may not be used or reproduced without permission

Demuths Vegetarian Cookery School 6 Terrace Walk Bath BA1 1LN UK Office Telephone: +44 (0)1225 427938 Email:

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Dani Mitchell runs d.a.n.i.delights organic raw vegan foods based at Field Good in Dunsdale She started developing her organic raw vegan foods three years ago and began sellingher products at markets across Yorkshire. The success of the stalls has led on to running regular pop-up raw cafes, a raw food pot luck in Teesside, home raw

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deliveries, party and event raw catering, new moon detox juice cleanses and she has just opened her organic raw vegan cafe alongside her organic veg, fruit and groceries shop at Field Good. Dani will shortly be offering coaching and courses in raw food nutrition and lifestyle optimisation.

Dani can be contacted via email on, via phone on 07884 045742 via her facebook pages Dani Delights and Field Good. Her organic raw vegan cafe is at Field Good, Redcar Road, Dunsdale, Guisborough, TS14 6RH

PARSNIP & BROCCOLI ServesRISOTTO food Tuesdays, Wednesdays, FriRAINBOW days and Saturdays from 10am- 3pm with specialist SERVED occasional WITH CARROT & raw bistro evening events. CORIANDER BITES

Ingredients: 1x organic parsnip (‘riced’ using S blade in food processor) 4x florets of organic broccoli (‘riced’ using S blade in food processor) 2tbsp organic tamari 1/2 tsp Himalayan pink salt 1x clove organic garlic (minced) fresh milled black pepper to taste 5x organic cherry tomatoes (halved) 50g fresh organic peas juice of half an organic lemon 2tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil

50g organic walnuts (soaked overnight and drained) 1tsp fresh organic sage 1tsp fresh organic rosemary 1tsp fresh organic thyme fresh organic basil to garnish Peel and chop the parsnip and break the broccoli into florets. ‘Rice’ them together in the food processor using the S blade. Add in the drained walnuts, tamari, Himalyan pink salt, black pepper, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, sage, rosemary and thyme to the food processor and combine together.

Place the mixture into a bowl, add the cherry tomatoes and peas and stir them in by hand with a spoon. Garnish with basil.

CARROT & CORIANDER BITES 100g organic almonds (soaked overnight and drained) 50g mixed organic sunflower and pumpkin seeds (soaked for 2 hours and drained) 1 large organic carrot (chopped) 1/2 organic onion (chopped) juice of half an organic lemon

1/2 tsp Himalayan pink salt 1tbsp organic tamari 1tbsp green nori sprinkle 3x organic sundried tomatoes in oil (drained and chopped) Add all the above ingredients into your food processor until well combined. Shape the mixture into bite size rounds and serve with parsnip and broccoli rainbow risotto.

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SUPERHEROFOOD MUESLI with ALMOND MYLK ingredients: 500g mixed organic pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts (soaked then dried in a dehydrator at 118 degreesF or on lowest temperature in an oven with door ajar) 125g organic goji berries 300g mixed organic chopped brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts (soaked then dried in a dehydrator at 118 degreesFor on lowest temperature in an oven with door ajar) 100g organic dried apricots (chopped) 100g organic sultanas 100g organic dates (pitted and chopped) 100g organic raw shredded coconut 100g organic oat bran 250g organic porridge oats 2x organic bananas (sliced thinly then

dried in a dehydrator or on lowest temperature in an oven with door ajar) 3tbsp organic cacao nibs 2tbsp organic lucuma powder 2tbsp organic maca powder 2tbsp organic linusprout (sprouted flaxseed powder) 3tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil 3tbsp organic agave nectar Pre-soak the nuts and seeds for 8 hours then dry until free from moisture on dehydrator trays at 118 degrees F or on lowest temperature in oven with door ajar.

ALMOND MYLK 1/2 cup organic almonds 1 and 1/2 cups spring water 1tbsp organic agave nectar to sweeten (optional) Pre-soak the almonds overnight in water then discard the water. Blend the soaked almonds with the spring water in a blender or food processor. Strain the mixture through a nut mylk bag. If sweetening is required pour the strained mylk back into your blender or food processor with agave nectar and blend for a minute.

Chop the nuts into chunks. Mix the porridge oats and oat bran with the olive oil and agave nectar until evenly covered then dry in dehydrator at 118 degrees F or on lowest temperature in oven with Contact Dani door ajar for 8 hours or until crunchy. Add all the above ingredients into a large bowl and mix together until well combined. Store in a large airtight container.

email: phone: 07884 045742 facebook pages Dani Delights & Field Good. Organic raw vegan cafe “Field Good� at, Redcar Road, Dunsdale, Guisborough, TS14 6RH - serves food Tues, Wed, Frid and Sat from 10am- 3pm with occasional specialist raw bistro evening events.

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Bounce into Spring

by Anna Middleton

As Spring approaches, we see and feel the emergence of life all around us. If we want to align with this burst of energy in nature, it’s the perfect time to consider giving ourselves a little detox to cleanse at a deep cellular level. This can help us to feel lighter, think with more clarity, give our skin a fresh glow, lose weight and generally feel more vibrant. A cleanse also nourishes our liver and gallbladder. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, these organs are connected at an energetic level to decision making and planning so nurturing them really helps set us up for the year ahead. We don’t need pills and potions in order to detox, the body is so amazing that once we take note of the food, drink, thoughts and activities that cause stress and cut these out as much as we can, we often find that our body will function at a more optimal level. The main foods which cause us internal stress are stimulants such as sugar, caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate and energy drinks), alcohol, tobacco and drugs (both pharmaceutical and recreational). Other substances to be mindful of are gluten (mainly found in wheat, barley, oats and rye – can cause pain, bloating, fatigue and inflammation of the intestines), pasteurised dairy (which amongst other effects makes the calcium in milk insoluble and can cause rickets and bad teeth) and nuts (which are high in phytic acid which binds to minerals in food and prevents us absorbing them – they are better consumed once soaked and dehydrated or fermented).

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Excessive consumption of any of these food groups can cause long term havoc to our health. For some people, cutting out caffeine, sugar or wheat is a huge challenge within itself and for others, embarking on a juice fast or eating veg or raw food is more appealing. If there’s still a chill in the air, we may feel more drawn to steamed veg and warm broths for a few days which will also give our digestive system a chance to rest. The key is listening to our own body and to find what works for us. Making changes to our eating habits can facilitate huge changes so it’s essential to give ourselves the support we need in terms of encouraging toxins to leave the body. Movement is key in helping us eliminate – whether our preference is the gym, dance, yoga, walking or bouncing on a re-bounder, participating in as little as 20 minutes of exercise a day will sweat out toxins and get our blood and lymph systems moving to help aid in the removal of toxins. Aside from exercise, there are a whole host of nurturing techniques which can support us during a detox process. Steam rooms, saunas and infra-red saunas all help to open up the pores in our skin and encourage us to sweat. Massage, skin brushing, castor oil packing and epsom salt baths are also incredibly supportive whilst cleansing and most are cheap and easy to implement at home. It’s good to be aware that not all detox symptoms we experience are physical, we may find ourselves

feeling irritable, exhausted or emotional. This is one of the main reasons it’s great to take the time out to go to a health centre or spa to detox where you are surrounded by like minded people and it’s a more conducive atmosphere for rest. Whenever and wherever we embark on a cleanse, it doesn’t matter how long or intense the program is we wish to follow, it’s more important that we listen to our own needs. Taking some time out of our regular schedule to factor in down time for rest and to indulge in a little pampering will enable us to feel the benefits of cleansing and set up us for the year ahead.

Healing Broth To help replace magnesium which can be depleted by alcohol and caffeine, this is an easy broth to make and sip during the day or to drink whilst fasting. Magnesium is high in rich green leafy veg. Fill a pan with approximately 1 litre of water. Add spices - ginger, ½ tsp cayenne, pinch of salt (this also works with fennel, cumin, turmeric) Fill the pan up with green leafy veg (kale, chard, spinach etc) (this recipe also works well with additional veg such as carrots, onion & celery) Simmer for one hour Strain veg out (and discard) Serve liquid Optional extra – add torn up sheets of nori seaweed to broth. You can find more about Anna at:

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Deena Kakaya is a food writer and cookery teacher. Her recipes are her own, her influences are from the world with an Indian strand running through them. Her vision is to bring gorgeous veggie meals to life with new recipes that work with people’s lifestyles. The ordinary person may not want a gastronomic adventure worth ages of effort every day, but Deena has a vision to share rousing, sensational worldinfluenced recipes for the open-

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minded busy person who loves to eat, she is someone who loves vegetarian and Vegan food to be explorative and worldly. Deena believes we can always change the accent of a dish with new ways and new flavours, “you can completely transform a dish of aubergines using different spices and methods, cooking foods using influences from the throughout world is akin to travelling…be it bringing out the adventurous side of us, or making us feel more educated…or even if it is just to show-off, it is fun”.

Indian-spiced tender stem broccoli and potato stir fry This is a light, mildly spiced glowing dish that offers bite in the broccoli and depth in the potatoes. The curry leaves offer a fragrant touch and the splash of vinegar helps to lift the dish. I have used sesame oil for a nutty flavour, and there’s a little kick of chilli.


Ingredients to serve 4 as a side dish

In a deep, non-stick pan heat the sesame oil.

200g Tenderstem broccoli 200g baby potatoes 5-6 curry leaves ¼ tsp. mustard leaves 1 tsp. cumin seeds One large onion, thinly sliced 2 tbsp. rice wine vinegar 2 tbsp. sesame oil 1 sweet red chilli, finely chopped ¼ tsp. ground turmeric 1 tsp. minced ginger 2 cloves of garlic, minced Salt to taste

Wash half and boil the potatoes in plenty of hot water for approximately ten minutes, or until the potatoes are cooked but still have a bite.

Quickly add the mustard and cumin seeds, with the turmeric, chilli and curry leaves. When the seeds sizzle, stir in the onions and sauté for a minute. Stir in the minced ginger and garlic and sauté for another minute before introducing the potatoes and broccoli. Coat the vegetables well with the tempering. Add salt to taste with the rice wine vinegar and cook the vegetables for approximately 5 minutes and stir intermittently.

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Mini sweet peppers filled with edamame beans, sundried tomatoes, Quinoa and spices

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These little peppers are bursting with goodness and a mixture of flavours and textures to liven the senses as well as exciting them. Sweet tomatoes, nutty edamame beans, fluffy Quinoa and a few selected spices make this a Moorish stuffing.

Ingredients to serve 4 100g oily sundried tomatoes 100g edamame beans, cooked ž tsp. garam masala 1 tsp. smoked paprika Salt to taste 1 tsp. dried oregano 1 tbsp. lemon juice 100g cooked Quinoa ½ tsp. chilli powder (optional) 1 tsp. toasted and lightly crushed cumin seeds 300g mini sweet peppers

Method In a food processor, turn the sundried tomatoes and edamame beans to a coarse paste. Remove the sundried tomato and edamame bean mixture into a bowl before adding the garam masala, oregano, Quinoa, smoked paprika, salt to taste, cumin seeds and chilli powder. Wash the peppers and slit them from top to tail in order to stuff them, but leave a small gap at each end so not to break them apart. Stuff the peppers generously with the mixture and place them onto baking paper. Drizzle the peppers lightly with oil and then bake them in the oven at 180degrees, for approximately 15-20 minutes or until the peppers have blistered and lightly browned.

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A Newly married couple who left their jobs as chefs to pursue their desire to bring raw, natural and healthier foods into people’s lives. Ever since a major operation in her early 20s, Ish has been fascinated with how food can heal and strengthen the body; she discovered a new found respect for the body and the incredible things it does, and how food plays such a vital role in this from the subtle to the extraordinary. Before deciding to become a chef, Matt studied Immunology at University, so has always had an interest in the immune system and physiological processes and their relation to nutrition. They believe that as humans we have lost the innate ability to use food to heal and nourish, when an animal is sick it instinctively knows to eat certain herbs or leaves, as humans we have these instincts too, but it has been lost in a world of over processed, chemically manufactured salt and fat sodden foods that end up doing the exact opposite of nourishing us. It is no coincidence that women crave chocolate when they feel down, in it’s pure and unadulterated form cacao is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, and has been used for thousands of years by civilisations for the effects of its huge range of anti-oxidants and phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals which do everything from rebalance our hormones, to lighten our mood, calm us down, increase our libido, support our immune system, give us strength and energy, prevent illness and destroy disease and abnormal cells. Chocolate is the perfect example of eating to instinct - the ‘indulgent’ ‘naughty’ nature it has been given has been created by a confectionery industry who boil the goodness out of it and laden it in fat, sugar, soy, and chemical flavourings and preservatives. They hope they can help change the confectionery industry and make real chocolate a part of people’s lives again. Their mission is to create sweet treats that are delicious, but also nourish and protect us, as food is meant to do. What was your inspiration for creating Raw chocolates, Vegan cakes and food at your street stall in Stockbridge Edinburgh?

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We have always been interested in the connections between food and well being – before becoming a chef, Matt studied immunology at university, so he has a good knowledge of the immune system and how it works, and Ish has been fascinated since a young age in diet and it’s relation to beauty, health and happiness. Although we are not 100% vegan in everything we do, we find that following almost entirely raw and vegan principles in our business creates products which most promote health and well being in our customers. Quite simply this is the kind of food we love to cook and eat ourselves, and we hope that by making tasty and delicious food we can convince others to take on more of

We sell a variety of cakes, such as double chocolate sweet potato brownies, carrot cake with coconut sugar frosting, chocolate beetroot cake with raw chocolate icing and olive oil and rose cake with lemon icing. We always have a soup which changes every week but is usually based on flavours from a particular country or cuisineexamples are Tuscan vegetable and chickpea, North Indian parsnip & celeriac, & Pumpkin with lemongrass and chilli, with everything we make gluten free. Can you tell us a bit more about your stall at Stockbridge Market in Edinburgh and when this takes place? Stockbridge market takes place every Sunday of the year from 10am-5pm. There are a range of wonderful and diverse stalls, selling everything from vintage furniture and handmade jewellery to homemade pasta, paella, organic fruits and veg and of course raw chocolate. It’s always bustling with friends, families, dogs and it’s great place to people watch as everyone is always dressed to impress. Do you do any other markets, pop up events, festivals etc

these principles in their diet. We wanted to create healthy food that everyone can eat, regardless of their dietary intolerances or choices – all of our food is also gluten free, wheat free, and we never use artificial preservatives, flavours or colours of any kind. What else do you create and sell at the markets? As well as our boxes and bars of raw chocolate. We also sell a variety of ‘superfood’ based dips and dressings, such as Goddess Dressing, made with hemp seeds, ume plum vinegar, tahini, barley grass, spirulina and chlorella, Acai and incan berry ketchup, Portuguese black eyes bean dip, Raw beetroot and cumin seed dip, Butternut squash hummus, raw pea and mint dip, and roasted aubergine and kale dip.

We regularly take a stall at the Grassmarket in Edinburgh. We may take stalls at festivals next year but that is not confirmed. What food creations can we expect to see from you in this year and in the future? We’ll be working on our raw chocolates and getting them ready to sell in shops – we hope by the middle of next year they will be available to buy in shops nationwide. Our fig and orange is our latest creation, and we’re always thinking up new flavours and trying to pioneer new ways of making raw chocolate phone: 0131 447 72 74 email: web:,

Double Choc and Macadamia Nut Brownies, Gluten-free, soy-free, refined sugar free, & vegan Dense, rich and moist, no one would know these super chocolaty brownies are hiding healthy secrets. The oat flour adds a lovely creaminess, but if you can’t find it just use all pain flour. Likewise you can also use caster sugar in place of the coconut palm sugar, though then it wouldn’t be refined sugar free. Makes 12 slices Ingredients: 100g plain gluten free flour 50g gluten free oat flour (Bob’s Red Mill brand make a good one) 50g cacao or cocoa powder 200g plain vegan chocolate 150g vegan sunflower spread, or your vegan spread of choice. 150g coconut palm sugar 70g flaxseed 150ml warm water 1tsp bicarbonate of soda 1.5 tsp baking powder 100g macadamia nuts (optional), roughly chopped pinch of sea salt First grease and line a medium sized oven tin (a size of around 6x8 inches works best and it will need to be reasonably deep) preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius/ fan 160/Gas mark 4. Place the flaxseed in a small bowl and pour over the warm water. Leave for a few minutes to thicken. Sieve the plain flour, cocoa, bicarb and baking powder into a bowl and stir in the oat flour if using, and a little pinch of sea salt. Set aside. Break the chocolate into smallish pieces and place it, along with the sunflower spread, in a glass bowl set over a pan of simering water (a bain marie), making sure the bowl is not touching the water. Let the chocolate and Sunflower spread slowly melt together over the heat. While they are melting, in a mixer with a paddle attachment, or a bowl with a whisk in your hand, beat the gloopy flaxseed mixture with the sugar until well combined. Mix in the dry ingredients a third at a time, making sure the mixture is well combined, but not over mixed. Now carefully fold in the melted chocolate mixture and the macadamia nuts if using. Pour the mixed into the prepared tin and bake for approximately 30 minutes. When the brownie is ready it should be slightly risen and dry on top, but still slightly soft when you press it. If you find you have undercooked it, chilling it should make it set hard so you can cut it. Once cool, dust with cocoa powder and slice into squares or rectangles. Serve with fresh raspberries or a raspberry coulis made by quickly cooking off a few handfuls of frozen raspberries with a splash of water and a tablespoon of sugar.

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Lemon and Lavender Cake with lemon butter cream for the cake 250g self raising flour (gluten free can be used if you prefer) A small pinch of sea salt 200g vegan margarine or vegan ‘butter’ 250g caster sugar 4 tbsp ground flaxseed 120ml warm water 1 organic unwaxed lemon, zested and juiced 2 tbsp fresh or dried lavender

for the icing 180g vegan margarine or butter 360g icing sugar, sifted 1 organic lemon zested fresh or dried lavender to decorate

method Grease two 8” or 9” cake tins and line the bases with greaseproof paper. Preheat the oven to 180degrees/gas mark 5. Combine the flaxseed, warm water and lemon juice in a small bowl and stir. In a large bowl or mixer, beat the sugar and vegan butter/margarine until pale and fluffy. Slowly add the flaxseed mixture, mixing well between each addition. Fold in the flour in three stages, making sure everything is well combined each time. Finally fold in the lavender, lemon zest and the tiny pinch of salt and give one final good, but gentle mix until all the lavender and lemon zest are well dispersed. Divide the mixture between the two prepared cake tins, smooth the tops and bake in the preheated oven for between 30-40 minutes - the cake is ready when a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. Leave the cakes to cool in the tins for ten minutes, then remove from their tins onto a wire rack to cool completely before you begin icing. To make the icing, soften the butter or margarine in a mixer or in a large bowl with a rounded wooden spoon. Once well softened, slowly add the sifted icing sugar in stages, beating well between each addition. Once all the icing sugar is added and the icing is light and fluffy, add the lemon zest and a small squeeze of lemon juice, and mix again to incorporate. Spoon 1/3 of the icing on to one half of the cake, spreading it almost to the edges. Sandwich the other cake on top and then tip the rest of the icing on to the top of the cake. Using a butterknife, gently push and spread the icing over the cake and down the sides, smoothing as you go. Complete the cake with a sprinkle of the lavender, and a curl of lemon zest if you like.

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Ryan Walker @

Bread Street Brasserie Point Hotel Edinburgh After reading a review a few months back there was one particular line that seemed to stand out in my mind. It was all in all a very good write up and I was especially proud because the writer was neither a vegan nor a vegetarian. It stated; “While I was on a raw food preparation course this summer, many of the other attendees were raving about special Vegan nights at the Bread St. Brasserie”. It sort of brought home the fact that what started as a one off dinner, for what I thought would be about ten people has now become a monthly event growing in popularity mostly through word of mouth. The Point Hotel vegan nights first started in November of 2011, or maybe 2012, it was a quiet night and looking at the menus, I decided to write my own vegan set menu. It was three courses, two choices then but nonetheless the hotel general manager agreed to let me hold a vegan night as long as I could guarantee customers. After an email to EVA (Ethical Voice for Animals) and OneKind about the event, I was given contact details to a Facebook group called VEG (Vegan Edinburgh & Glasgow). Having not known any vegans prior to this, I was surprised by the support and interest about the dinner. It was a decent night with many compliments and happy customers. I continued the vegan menu nights every few months, now with three choices per course, up until mid last year, the hotel was having a face lift and the first event for the new restaurant launch was to be a vegan one, unfortunately the refurbishment was behind schedule, so the dinner took place in the hotel’s bar bringing in over 70 attendee and having to turn away over 30 more due to the restricted space of the bar area. It was then I made the choice to make the vegan nights a monthly event. This event has become the Bread Street Brasserie’s most popular night and word of mouth continues to grow, many of the other chefs attitudes towards vegan food have grown more positive and the head chef, Kenny Leary, is always coming up with ideas or suggestions to improve dishes being served. I’m always proud when people travel far distances to try what we offer, especially those from Glasgow, who already have many vegan options and restaurants close by. I appreciate all the help and support given and hope to see these nights at The Point Hotel grow.

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Ryan Walker Banoffee Tart For the tart case: 240g flour 50g icing sugar pinch salt 125g margarine (cold and firm) 1/2 tsp lemon zest 3 tbsp water Sift the flour, icing and salt into a bowl then add the zest and margarine. Rub together to create a bread crumb texture. Sprinkle in the water then bring together to form a dough. Cling and refrigurate for an hour. Meanwhile start the toffee sauce, I’ll do a rough quantity as I had to make enough for 4 large tarts. 150g brown sugar 150g margarine 75 ml soya milk/cream 4 tbsp syrup 1 tsp vanilla Add all, excluding the vanilla to a pot then bring to the boil. Lower to a simmer and cook, stirring often, until a thick gloopy sauce is made. (The mix will thicken more as it cools, so don’t be making fudge. Or do, if you have extra. Once the desired consistency is made, stir in the vanilla. Remove dough from the fridge and roll out, cut circle(s) of grease proof paper for the cake tin(s) add the rolled out pastry then more grease proof over the top of the pastry cases. Fill with dried lentils then place in a preheated oven at 180c for ten minutes. Remove from the oven and take out the grease proof with the lentils, if there are any “wet marks” on the pastry case(s) put back in oven for a few minutes without the lentils. Remove from cake tin(s) and place on wire rack to cool. For the topping: Double vegetable/rapeseed oil to soya milk (example: 200ml oil to 100ml soya milk) Maple syrup Vanilla Icing Tofu Add the soya milk and a little vanilla and maple syrup to jug and using a hand blender, blitz while gradually adding the oil, add icing sugar and silken tofu, I went for half a 350g block for a 400ml milk/800ml oil mix, but could have added extra for a firmer topping. It depends how you want the creamy part to be. Blitz again to get a thick smooth cream. Set in fridge for about half an hour Once the pastry has cooled, add the toffee sauce, then slice some banana and put them over the toffee. Spread the cream mix over the top and grate dairy free chocolate over the top.

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Above image courtesy of Jamie Scott Point Hotel Website:

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s l a v i Fest Ron Fairfield of Fresh Vegan Magazine caught up with the organiser of the Vegfest Vegan Festivals Tim Barford. Tim has been a music and gig promoter since he was 16 (from 1980 onwards), organising benefit gigs for issues such

The Ethics and Health Foundation (EHF) was established in 2009. We help people to ‘live a better life’. EHF considers how individual actions impact personal health and wellbeing, and that of other people, animals and our world. Anyone who thinks something small cannot make a difference has never been in a room with a mosquito!

Jacqui spoke to Victoria about her work setting up the great yorkshire festival and asked how it all started. Certainly. I’ve been vegan for 19 years from a very early age. As soon as I realised that meat came from an animal I stopped eating it as I have always loved animals so much. A few years ago I decided that I wanted to do more to help to save animals in need which is when I joined IAPWA as a volunteer events co-ordinator. Although the festival and other IAPWA work that I do keeps me very busy unfortunately I need to pay my own bills so I work in paid employment as a benefit assessment officer, although not related to veganism is very interesting, and my workplace is extremely supportive of the charity work I do. I’ve travelled to Borneo 3 times in the last 2 years to help with animal rescues, treatments and re-homing and local education on animal welfare and neutering and I plan to go again this year after the festivals. I am also climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

as anti apartheid, cruelty to animals, anti vivisection and CND to mention just a few. His first festival was in Bristol in 2003 and drew in 1,200 people to celebrate what Tim says society sees as “an unattractive lifestyle, that means giving up things you like”. He also caused some dismay amongst more fundamentalist Vegans by merging

Everyone has different ideas of what is ethical. EHF supports peaceful and harmonious living without exploiting other people, animals or our environment. By considering and discussing a very wide range of issues and ideas, we encourage people to develop their own code of ethics. Our massive festival event in Liverpool is designed to help you to Live a Better Life with 120 stalls offering everything from delicious vegan food and drink to natural beauty and fairtrade clothing!

in September to raise funds for IAPWA which is very exciting and I’ll be climbing with 3 other vegans that I’ve met through organising the festivals who I’m looking forward to meeting Q: What made you decide to take on such a BIG project Victoria? A: I want to make a huge difference to the lives of animals worldwide. The bigger the event the more we can spread the word on how great veganism really is and dispel the traditional myths of veganism being a limited and unhealthy diet. We can demonstrate to people the direct link between animal welfare and veganism and gain support from people all over the UK. When I first became vegan I would have loved the opportunity to go somewhere in the North where I could find hundreds of great vegan products in one room and not have to walk around checking the ingredients of everything. There will be lots of new and exciting products for people to try and I want to introduce people to lots of new vegan foods and give them the opportunity to expand their vegan diets as well as letting people know how they can get involved with any of the incredible charities that will be there. Q: What is your vision for the future of your festivals?


Weekend tickets for the Bristol Vegfest - see the competitions page for details Vegan and Rock and Roll with live bands playing throughout the festival, something that continues to be a part of the Vegfest culture. Festival Dates: March 29th-30th 11am-6pm Brighton Hove Centre May 23rd-25th Bristol Ampitheatre

Cookery demonstrations, film screenings, talks, a prize draw and free goody bags for the first 200 people to arrive will add to the event! This unique event will broaden your horizons and provide you with many opportunities to taste, try and buy fantastic goods from the best natural, cruelty free and ecological companies around! Delicious hot and cold food will be served throughout the day, all 100% vegan (meat, dairy and egg free) Sat 12th April 10am - 4pm Admission is just £1, under 5’s free!

A: I want the festivals to become bigger and better every year. This year is the first year we are running the festivals so watch out next year for even bigger events! The whole aim of veganism is to promote animal welfare and a love and respect for animals and this is what I want to come out of the festivals. Not only are we supporting the IAPWA charity but we are also very heavily supporting all of our stall holders and sponsors and hope that they will all get a lot of support from the event and have the opportunity to introduce their vegan products/animal charities to attendees of the festival. Q: If you could have anyone you wanted at your festival who would you have and why? A: If I cou ld have a vegan celebrity attend the festival it would be Leona Lewis as her work for animal welfare is truly inspiring and she supports many different animal charities as well as being fully vegan herself due to her love of animals. I would also have all of the IAPWA animals there so that people could really see the great work that the charity does. These animals (as are all animals) are truly great and the reason why I want to promote veganism and animal welfare to save more animals and drastically improve animal welfare standards worldwide.

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MARCH 2014

MAY 2014

Mar 29th 30th VegfestUK Brighton, 11am-6pm (both days), Hove Centre (Brighton BN3 4AH)

May 10th Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival, 10am-6pm, The Queens Hotel (Leeds LS1 1PJ)

APRIL 2014

May 10th Colchester Vegan Fair 11am-3pm, Colchester Arts Centre (Colchester CO1 1NF)

April 12th Live a Better Life fair 10am-4pm, St George’s Hall ( Liverpool L1 1JJ)

May 17th Manchester Vegan Fair 11am-5pm Chorlton Irish Club (Manchester M21 9DJ)

April 26th Viva! Incredible Veggie Roadshow, 10:30am - 4pm Gloucester Guildhall (Gloucester GL1 1NS)

May 23rd 24th 25th VegfestUK Bristol the Amphitheatre (Bristol BS1 5LL)

Readers Competitions - win great prizes Vegfest Tickets - Win 2 Weekend Tickets for Bristol Vegfest May 23rd to the 25th, The Ampitheatre Bristol Win the beautifully illustrated WORLD FOOD CAFE - Quick and Easy Beautifully illustrated Chris and Carolyn Caldicott have travelled through the world to bring you the most delicious and wonderfully presented images alongside the recipes, from Bangladesh to Chile , Japan, Helsinki, Lapland and Namibia it is a culinary adventure to tantalise your taste buds. RRP. £20


Email your name, address and phone number to with the name of the competition in the body of the email

Good luck to our readers Page 108

The first 6 people to download the Spring Fresh Vegan Magazine will receive a FREE copy of the Pasion4Juice book

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Georgina Sirett-Armstrong-Smith

is an accomplished astrologer, reader, healer and spiritual counsellor. She has been living in and around Glastonbury for over 27 years with her partner and seven cats.

The Year Ahead 2014 is the year of the Horse according to the Chinese calendar. Is your life too set to gallop towards a better future this upcoming year , or bolt or fall at the first fence? We fill our hopes that the prospect of a New Year always brings along with it anticipation and new excitement and why not? the way most of us feel it has just got to get better..right? Mmmmm well…I do believe that we are still in for more of an economic global money collapse but it almost has to happen , the

ARIES HOROSCOPE (Mar. 21- Apr. 20)



CANCER HOROSCOPE (June 22-July 22)

LEO HOROSCOPE (July 23-Aug 22)

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world has been living beyond its means for a long time. Out with the old in with the new. The ongoing squares from URANUS which rules the Internet, revolution, freedom and PLUTO, which rules the collective Unconscious, the Plutocracy, banking, recycling, psychology and the Soul are in the midst of creating this. We’re almost at the 4th out of seven of their squares which started in 2012 and continue to tighten the screws until 2015. Beware of charismatic leaders in 2013-14 trying to enforce their will upon people, they just might be another dictator in the making. Be prepared for riots and the dismissal of political leaders by Supreme Courts. Between 2013-15, forcasts serious trade union trouble and problems with education, the military (being exhausted and reduced in size), health and the public service. Up to August 2014 suggests very hard times

for President Obama . Obama’s presidency may be in total chaos by mid 2014. The political pressure on Obama during 2014 may just be simply overwhelming Even the UK and Germany will not escape as other countries default on its repayments. This bides very serious concerns for Europe’s export driven economy, as its foreign buyers won’t have any money, or they will decide to default on payments or simply not pay at all. The next decade looks like a bleak time for Europe economically. One or more countries may feel compelled to draw back from the European Community to save themselves any time up to 2015. So be prepared to tighten your” horses girth”, not just for 2014, but also 2015..its still going to be tough. And wrap up warm the early part of 2014 it will be icy.

March 2014

April 2014

Having spent a lot of energy in the 1st 2 months its just hard to get going this month and everyone is looking to you for inspiration. Take care not to blow your top. Go for a run.

Do not be your own worst enemy this month and get your knickers in a twist. Try to remain calm and you will find the solution within you not in someone else.

March 2014

April 2014

The mist is lifting in time for you to see a million things to be done yesterday. Stop procrastinating and get on with it. No one is going to rescue you except you. Trust yourself, you will succeed , you always do.

Stubborn you, no! its stamina! And you need this month when everything seems to fall apart. Be prepared to change at a moment’s notice without losing your cool.

May 2014 Finally this month you can accelerate where you have been held back. Just as well as you were fit to bust and nothing would have held you back. Well better late than never. Your patience would not have held out.

May 2014 Just when you think that nothing could get worse, be careful any opinions you have are kept to yourself as they may not be well received and thought of as judgments. Don’t worry things do come right in the end.

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

You have been on a forced go slow for 2 months and now all of a sudden chaos breaks out and you need to jump to attention and switch the brain back on and call it back from vacation.

Your knowledge will be stretched to the max this month. Looking for more answers will not help, instead, stop and listen to yourself and trust you already have all the answers,

Now listen carefully this month and pay attention. You may just miss an important point someone is making and you may land yourself in a deep hole. So listen carefully

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

Moaning over, you now turn to your usual creative and proactive self. Take a little time to relax and pamper yourself with a treat, you have earned it. Don’t worry every plan you have set will carry on without you.

You are looking like the swan this month, serene on top and emotionally paddling like hell underneath. You feel as if you could drown under the ongoing slaughter, You won’t! You can handle the situation.

Well last month tested your emotional roller-coaster and you came out of it feeling wrecked , but stronger and even the better for it ,as you managed to ditch a lot of baggage along the way .

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

You are a chilled out Lion this month and feeling relaxed. However, not everyone realizes you are not to be disturbed and someone may make the mistake of waking up the angry Lion in you.

This is a month to show everyone what you are made of and that you can lead others . You are in your comfort zone and well deserve the praise coming your way. Bow and accept.

No one, not even you is excused from problems. You thought you had sailed through the year so far unblemished. Check yourself out in the mirror and face a few home truths before you have a run in collision.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

LIBRA HOROSCOPE (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

March 2014

April 2014

This month you seem to be not quite with “it” and it’s hard to get going and get a grip on things. It’s quite unsettling, trust yourself for once and go with the flow. You will soon become more alert and return to earth.

Returning to Earth from last month you find it’s been inhabited by aliens and it’s all gone quite mad. Find a secret spot and wait it out, during which time you find your own solution to the problems.

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

A month to take off the rose colour glasses and you will find that all along where you agreed with everyone else, that they got it wrong. You seem to be the only one to see it. Yes, believe it ARE right!

So you have had these bright ideas, so now comes the effort to need them to work. Get your shoulder behind it and dig your heels in and stay with it. No pain no gain.

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

You don’t even like yourself this month and you make it known. Feeling alone and not understood. Your reservoir is low and needs a good boost. Time to put on your creative hat. Give yourself a kick up the bottom.

You are feeling extra sensitive this month and its no good externlising it, its all your issues that have surfaced and have to be faced. A time for self reflection into that lake of shadows.

No more Mr Nice guy, you have had enough this month with going along with everyone else and just smiling. Time to back off, find shelter and put the do not disturb sign on your rock.

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

Its all seems flat this month and boring. Too slow for you Saggi’s . Take advantage of this time to relax, recharge the batteries. Give your self-permission to get off the roundabout for a few days.

You may be right in thinking that the world has gone bonkers this month and speaking a foreign language. Well now is the time that you may feel out of sync with everyone. Either join them or carve your own way.

You feel like escaping this month. You don’t feel appreciated by anyone or even yourself. So go ahead get away and pamper yourself and have some selfrefection and you will find all the self-approval you need.

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

When the time is shift into a top gear and this is the month that you do not stop achieving your goals and well planned dreams. Why not, you took long enough to get going so don’t stop now.

You may meet some opposing forces in all the new changes you are making. Stick with it , your efforts will be rewarded . It’s not a time to doubt you have bitten off more that you can chew.

You are on a roll, having stepped up to all the changes you have been making , you are so in your power now and grounded now that you feel good and go from strength to strength .

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

You see everyone’s point of view, but this month is not the time to voice it. Sometimes people just need a shoulder to cry on with a there there there. So allow yourself to be leant on.

Just when life gets a bit boring its time to spice it up with something new. Finding a new challenges and a big need for a clear out of the old and in with the new. Time for a makeover.

April 2014

May 2014

Is everyone speaking a different language or from another planet this month? That’s what it feels like. You are not the only one , most people are in a fog. Just follow your plans and they will catch up at some point.

Stop being so happy to believe others this month, rather than trusting yourself. It’s time to believe in your own ideas and beliefs and to question others instead.

March 2014 The Sun is shining on you this month and it is time for you to step up and be yourself and shine. Be yourself and not what others want you to be. Not a month for self-sacrifices, instead be in your own power.

This month is a time to stand by your faith and be strong. Everyone is whizzing around you and you need to find your ground. So instead of the usual swell, it feels like a tsunami.

May 2014 Sometimes when faced with a heap of mess you stand out in your best light as you set to the task of a major clear up. Its not what you ordered, or is it? Sometimes you can’t help but reinvent the wheel to make it better.

You are pacing the bridge of decisions and feel torn to run and hide or live in a fantasy . Well no matter which way you swim you will have to stop, face the wall, and decide, so conserve your energy and just stop

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by TEEN VGN Happy New Year to all of the Fresh Vegan readers out there! We hope you had a fantastic and happy holiday and we are certainly looking forward to what we have planned for 2014! In the last issue you may have read about our current campaigns. One in particular being our School Letters campaign, in which we are aiming to reach one school in every city of the UK and hoping to help change their lunch menu’s to include Vegan food for our compassionate young people! Firstly, thank you to everyone who donated to our campaign! We are so overwhelmed and encouraged by the phenomenal support and belief you all have for us and what we do. We have reached our target for our school letters but please continue to donate as we hope to be able to expand and take the letters to even more schools in the near future! When we asked our young people what kind of Vegan food they’d like to see in their cafeterias they answered like typical teens; Vegan burgers, Hot dogs, Lasagne, Pizza, Spaghetti Bolognese, Vegan Mac’n’Cheese, a variety of Sandwiches. We believe that it’s not much to ask of a school to provide these simple alternatives for Vegans. In our letters we will also include requests for healthier food options such as beans, nuts and pulses, a range of types of salads, tofu dishes etc. We’d like to ask our UK Schools to have at least one Vegan dessert for our youngsters i.e. Vegan Cheesecake or Ice cream. The schools will also be advised to contact big UK Vegan food companies to find out the best way to include their products into a school lunch menu. We will provide the schools with the necessary contact details. In the future, TeenVGN would love to be able to visit these schools and discuss with them, in person, the importance of changing their school menu to suit the needs and lifestyle choices of their students. Of course, this will take a great amount of funding for our transport costs to each of the schools that we need to visit in order for our campaign and mission to be successful. Please consider donating to our campaign or even better, why not become a Supporter of TeenVGN? You can either contact or find our Supporter page at Thank you so much for reading, we hope to have your support for this mission which we truely believe is vital for young compassionate people to feel as though they aren’t outcasts in this cruel world!

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