Mervinskiy 406

Page 114

114 15. Alleged Breach of Fair Procedures: 21-Day Period for Submissions (a) Summary of Parties’ Positions (1) FBI 231.

FBI contends that the DPC failed to comply with its obligation to provide fair

procedures to FBI (including its rights to be heard, to make representations and for those representations to be considered and taken into account by the DPC) by affording an inadequate time to FBI to make submissions in response to the PDD. 232.

FBI submitted that the DPC was obliged to provide fair procedures in the conduct of

the inquiry under s. 110 of the 2018 Act and relied in that regard on the obvious cases such as East Donegal Cooperative Ltd v. Attorney General [1970] IR 317 (“East Donegal”) and Dellway Investments v. NAMA [2011] 4 IR 1 (“Dellway”). It maintained that the obligation to afford fair procedures to FBI stems not only from Irish law, but also generally under EU law and, particularly, under the GDPR. It relies on the judgment of the CJEU in Case C-46/16 Valsts ieņēmumu dienests v. LS Customs Services, 9th November, 2017, ECLI:EU:C:2017:839 (“Valsts”) in which the CJEU referred to the “right to good administration” being a general principle of EU law which must be complied with by Member States when implementing EU law. It also relied on Case C-349/07 Sopropé v. Fazenda Puplica [2008] ECR I-10369 (“Sopropé”) and case C-277/11 MM v. Minister for Justice, judgment of 22nd November, 2012, ECLI:EU:C:2012:744 (“MM”) in which the CJEU referred to the rights of defence and the right to be heard as fundamental principles of EU law. 233.

FBI also relied on the provisions of Recital (129) and Article 58(4) of the GDPR

which refer specifically to the right to be heard and to due process and makes specific reference to the Charter. FBI relied on Article 47 of the Charter and the right to an effective remedy in the case of a breach of its rights under EU law.

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Articles inside

JUDGMENT of Mr. Justice David Barniville delivered on the 14th day of May Index

page 197

24.Abuse of Process/Improper Purpose

pages 192-195

25.Summary of Conclusions

page 196

22.Adequacy of DPC’s Reasons

pages 181-183

23.Duty of Candour

pages 184-191

21.Alleged Disproportionality of Simultaneous Inquiries

page 180

20.Alleged Discrimination/Breach of FBI’s Right to Equality: Inquiry into FBI Only

pages 167-179

17.Alleged Breach of Fair Procedures: Involvement of Commissioner at Investigation and Decision Making Stages

pages 151-156

16.Alleged Breach of Fair Procedures: Premature Judgment

pages 132-150

15.Alleged Breach of Fair Procedures: 21 Day Period for Submissions

pages 114-131


pages 80-113


pages 69-79

12.Whether PDD/DPC’s Procedure is Amenable to Judicial Review

pages 53-68

11.Structure for Consideration of the Issues Raised

pages 51-52

10.Resolution of Mr. Schrems Proceedings

pages 49-50

Correspondence Post the DPC’s 28 August 2020 Letter and PDD8

pages 35-45

9. Procedural Background

pages 46-48

DPC’s 28 August 2020 Letter and PDD7

pages 22-34

6. Developments Post Judgment in Schrems II

pages 17-18

Relevant Factual Background…………………………………………………4

pages 8-12

Failure to Await Guidance from EDPB and/or Failure to Take Timing of EDPB

pages 19-21


pages 3-5

Structure of Judgment………………………………………………………..…….. 3

page 7
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