Mervinskiy 406

Page 180

180 21. Alleged Disproportionality of Simultaneous Inquiries: 386.

FBI originally contended that it was disproportionate for FBI to be subjected to two

simultaneous inquiries in relation to substantially the same subject matter, namely, the DPC’s own volition inquiry and its ongoing consideration of Mr. Schrems’ reformulated complaint. While raised as an issue in these proceedings in respect of which specific grounds were pleaded in the statement of grounds and addressed in Ms. Cunnane’s first affidavit of 10th September, 2020, FBI took the position in its written submissions that this issue should be addressed in the context of Mr. Schrems’ proceedings. 387.

The DPC rejected the contention that there was any disproportionality in the approach

taken by the DPC. It did not accept that being subjected to parallel processes, one a complaints-based process and the other an own volition inquiry, in itself, gave rise to any disproportionality. It noted that the GDPR and the 2018 Act envisaged that both forms of inquiry were available to the DPC. However, it was also satisfied to deal with the issue in the context of Mr. Schrems proceedings. 388.

Mr. Schrems did not object to this issue being addressed in the context of his

proceedings. 389.

At the hearing of these proceedings it was agreed that the issue would be left over to

be addressed in Mr. Schrems’ proceedings. However, in the period between the conclusion of the hearing of these proceedings and the date on which Mr. Schrems’ proceedings were due to commence, Mr. Schrems’ proceedings were compromised as between the DPC and Mr. Schrems. FBI was not a party to the arrangements agreed between the DPC and Mr. Schrems. FBI informed me that it was reserving its rights and that it was not asking me to decide this outstanding issue. In the circumstances, I do not propose to address this issue any further.

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Articles inside

JUDGMENT of Mr. Justice David Barniville delivered on the 14th day of May Index

page 197

24.Abuse of Process/Improper Purpose

pages 192-195

25.Summary of Conclusions

page 196

22.Adequacy of DPC’s Reasons

pages 181-183

23.Duty of Candour

pages 184-191

21.Alleged Disproportionality of Simultaneous Inquiries

page 180

20.Alleged Discrimination/Breach of FBI’s Right to Equality: Inquiry into FBI Only

pages 167-179

17.Alleged Breach of Fair Procedures: Involvement of Commissioner at Investigation and Decision Making Stages

pages 151-156

16.Alleged Breach of Fair Procedures: Premature Judgment

pages 132-150

15.Alleged Breach of Fair Procedures: 21 Day Period for Submissions

pages 114-131


pages 80-113


pages 69-79

12.Whether PDD/DPC’s Procedure is Amenable to Judicial Review

pages 53-68

11.Structure for Consideration of the Issues Raised

pages 51-52

10.Resolution of Mr. Schrems Proceedings

pages 49-50

Correspondence Post the DPC’s 28 August 2020 Letter and PDD8

pages 35-45

9. Procedural Background

pages 46-48

DPC’s 28 August 2020 Letter and PDD7

pages 22-34

6. Developments Post Judgment in Schrems II

pages 17-18

Relevant Factual Background…………………………………………………4

pages 8-12

Failure to Await Guidance from EDPB and/or Failure to Take Timing of EDPB

pages 19-21


pages 3-5

Structure of Judgment………………………………………………………..…….. 3

page 7
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