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4.7 Labour costs and data centre construction and operating costs
Figure 28 - Key components in the construction and operational phases of development for cloud data centres
4.7 Labour costs and data centre construction and operating costs
The previous section highlighted that labour costs are key components of both the construction and operational phases of cloud data centre development.
Labour costs represent approximately 55 per cent of construction costs and 80 per cent of operational costs. Figure 29 provides an overview of labour costs for construction workers in EU Member States. The average cost is €22,929 per annum. Highest costs are recorded in Denmark (€51,676 per annum) and Ireland (€47,577) where prices are 125 per cent and 107 per cent above the EU average, respectively. Cheapest costs for construction workers are found in Romania (€4,869) and Bulgaria (€5,085) which are 21 per cent and 22 per cent of the EU average, respectively.
Figure 29 - Labour costs for construction workers (FTE) in EU Member States in 2012
Indexed value 2012
EU28 average 100 Austria 183 Belgium 120 Bulgaria 22 Croatia 52 Cyprus n/a Czech Rep. 56 Denmark 225 Estonia 67 Finland 158 France 136 Germany 147 Greece 82 Hungary 57
Ireland Italy Latvia
207 134 50 Lithuania 37 Luxembourg n/a Malta n/a Netherlands 178 Poland 35 Portugal 69 Romania 21 Slovakia 45 Slovenia 79 Spain 120 Sweden 174
UK 184 Source: Eurostat. 2016. Total labour costs for construction workers (FTE) in 2012 in businesses with 250 to 499 employees lc_ncost_r2 Data last updated on 25th May 2016
Figure 27 provides an overview of labour costs for telecommunications workers in EU Member States. The difference in labour costs for telecommunications personnel is not as great as for construction workers. The average cost for telecommunications workers is €58,148 per annum. Lowest costs for telecommunications (like construction workers) are found in Romania (€14,447) and Bulgaria (€10,812), this is 25 per cent and 19 per cent of the EU average, respectively. Highest costs are recorded in the Belgium (€98,568 per annum) and Sweden (€88,350) where prices are 70 per cent and 52 per cent above the EU average, respectively.
Figure 30 - Labour costs for telecommunications workers (FTE) in EU Member States in 2012
Indexed value 2012
EU28 average 100 Austria 126 Belgium 170 Bulgaria 19 Croatia 47
yprus Czech Rep. Denmark Estonia Finland
90 59 124 43 117
France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy
128 119 66 49 115 106