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4.4.2 Land prices and data centre locations

Figure 31 - Electricity prices (per Kilowatt-hour) for industrial consumers in EU Member States in 2015

Indexed value 2015


EU28 average 100

Austria 79 Belgium 90 Bulgaria 91 Croatia 79 Cyprus 151 Czech Rep. 116 Denmark 70 Estonia 86 Finland 66 France 83 Germany 83 Greece 67 Hungary 118 Ireland 130 Italy 102 Latvia 86 Lithuania 101 Luxembourg 76 Malta 149 Netherlands 103 Poland 89 Portugal 109 Romania 77 Slovakia 136 Slovenia 87 Spain 117 Sweden 53 UK 198 Source: Eurostat. 2016. Electricity prices for industrial consumers Consumption between 70,000 and 150,000 MWh nrg_pc_20566

4.4.2 Land prices and data centre locations Most of the preceding cost elements (labour costs and electricity) associated with a data centre location are likely to be relatively similar throughout a Member State. However, land

66 Eurostat only had data for eight Member States in the highest consumption category (over 150,000 MWh). This would have been more appropriate for data centres. Relative differences between Member States at the highest consumption category are unlikely to be very different from those presented in the table.

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