1 minute read

This Court has personal jurisdiction pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 6504(e)(2) which

Figure 2

42. Similarly, Google offers its own content-based rubric that identifies whether an app


is child-directed (“Manage target audience and app content settings”16), including whether apps:  Support non-readers, or early readers, with limited reliance on text  Have a simple design with large iconography and clear, consistent interactive elements  Center on pretend play, and simple problem solving, and/or creative free play  Are positive in tone or silly, and have a happy ending or clear takeaway  Contain funny and/or popular characters or stories, even slapstick humor and hyperbole  Utilize badges, collecting characters, unlocking levels, or other age-appropriate incentives  Relate to early education, like language development, early literacy, and basic math  Require logic or spatial problem solving, but not necessarily deductive reasoning and abstract thinking (which may still be too hard)

16 Google, Play Console Help, https://support.google.com/googleplay/androiddeveloper/answer/9867159?visit_id=637522057853722464-2168424342&rd=1#agegroups&zippy=%2Cage-and-under%2Cages-- (last accessed July 30, 2021).

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