Mervinskiy 497

Page 62

Guide on Article 8 of the Convention – Right to respect for private and family life

251. The Court has held that the introduction of a time-limit for instituting paternity proceedings is justified by the desire to ensure legal certainty and thus not per se incompatible with the Convention. However, in Çapın v. Turkey the Court ruled that a fair balance needs to be struck between the child who has the right to know his or her identity and the putative father’s interest in being protected from allegations concerning circumstances that date back many years (§ 87). In that case, the Court found that the national courts had not properly balanced the competing interests at stake because they had not assessed the exceptional circumstances of the case namely, the applicant’s claim that he had been told as a child that his father was dead and that, once he was eighteen years of age, he had left his home country and lived abroad for twenty-five years, estranged from his mother and his relatives (§§ 75-76). The Court also reiterated that everyone has a vital interest to know the truth about his or her identity and to eliminate any uncertainty about it. 252. In Odièvre v. France [GC], the applicant, who was adopted, requested access to information to identify her natural mother and natural family, but her request was rejected under a special procedure which allowed mothers to remain anonymous. The Court held that there was no violation of Article 8 as the State had struck a fair balance between the competing interests (§§ 44-49). 253. However, where national law did not attempt to strike any balance between the competing rights and interests at stake, the inability of a child abandoned at birth to gain access to nonidentifying information concerning his or her origins or the disclosure of the mother’s identity was a violation of Article 8 (Godelli v. Italy, §§ 57-58).

3. Legal parent-child relationship 42 254. Respect for private life requires that everyone should be able to establish details of their identity as individual human beings, which includes the legal parent-child relationship (Mennesson v. France, § 96). Therefore, Article 8 protects children born to a surrogate mother outside the member State in question, whose legal parents according to the foreign State could not register as such under domestic law. The Court does not require that States legalise surrogacy and, furthermore, States may demand proof of parentage for children born to surrogates before issuing the child’s identity papers. However, the child’s right to respect for his or her private life requires that domestic law provide a possibility of recognition of the legal relationship between a child born through a surrogacy arrangement abroad and the intended father, where he is the biological father (Mennesson v. France; Labassee v. France; Foulon and Bouvet v. France). 255. In its first Advisory Opinion, the Court clarified that where a child is born through a gestational surrogacy arrangement abroad, in a situation where he or she was conceived using the eggs of a third-party donor, and the intended mother is designated in a birth certificate legally established abroad as the “legal mother”, the child’s right to respect for his or her private life also requires that domestic law provide a possibility of recognition of a legal parent-child relationship with the intended mother. The choice of means by which to achieve recognition of the legal relationship between the child and the intended mother falls within the State’s margin of appreciation. However, once the relationship between the child and the intended mother has become a “practical reality” the procedure laid down to establish recognition of the relationship in domestic law must be capable of being “implemented promptly and efficiently” (Advisory opinion concerning the recognition in domestic law of a legal parent-child relationship between a child born through a gestational surrogacy ar42

See Medically assisted procreation/right to become genetic parents.

European Court of Human Rights


Last update: 31.08.2021

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Articles inside

List of cited cases

pages 140-161

D. Correspondence of private individuals, professionals and companies

page 130

6. Correspondence with the Court

pages 123-124

5. Correspondence between prisoners and their lawyer

page 122

4. Telephone conversations

page 121

E. Surveillance of telecommunications in a criminal context

pages 131-133

2. Bulk interception regimes

pages 138-139

C. Lawyers’ correspondence

pages 127-129

2. Positive obligations

page 116

3. Pollutant and potentially dangerous activities

page 114

2. Noise disturbance, problems with neighbours and other nuisances

page 113

E. Journalists’ homes

page 110

C. Commercial premises

page 108

D. Law firms

page 109

5. Home visits, searches and seizures

pages 106-107

2. Tenants

page 103

1. Property owners

page 102

2. Examples of “interference”

pages 99-100

6. Material interests

page 96

7. Testimonial privilege

page 97

5. Immigration and expulsion

pages 91-95

3. Children

pages 77-87

4. Other family relationships

pages 88-90

2. Parents

page 76

B. Procedural obligation

page 72

9. Statelessness, citizenship and residence

page 68

7. Gender identity

pages 64-65

3. Legal parent-child relationship

page 62

2. Right to discover one’s origins

page 61

10. Deportation and expulsion decisions

page 69

11. Marital and parental status

page 70

8. Right to ethnic identity

pages 66-67

11. Privacy during detention and imprisonment

page 59

9. Home visits, searches and seizures

page 57

10. Lawyer-client relationship

page 58

8. Stop and search police powers

page 56

6. File or data gathering by security services or other organs of the State

pages 53-54

5. Information about one’s health

page 52

2. Protection of individual reputation; defamation

pages 47-50

7. Police surveillance

page 55

1. Right to one’s image and photographs; the publishing of photos, images, and articles

pages 45-46

9. Environmental issues

page 42

C. Privacy

page 44

10. Sexual orientation and sexual life

page 43

5. Health care and treatment

pages 37-38

4. Mental illness/mesure of protection

pages 35-36

8. Issues concerning burial and deceased persons

pages 40-41

3. Forced medical treatment and compulsory medical procedures

page 34

1. Private and family life

pages 14-19

C. In the case of a negative obligation, was the interference conducted “in accordance with the law”?

pages 10-11

2. Reproductive rights

pages 32-33

B. Should the case be assessed from the perspective of a negative or positive obligation?

pages 8-9

Note to readers

page 6

2. Home and correspondence

pages 20-22

2. Professional and business activities

pages 26-29

D. Does the interference further a legitimate aim?

page 12
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