OPA Retreat 2015

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The Organization for Professional Astrology Presents


OPA Retreat October 22 – 25, 2015

Asilomar images courtesy of Aramark Leisure

Asilomar Pacific Grove, California

A 4-Day Experience of Cosmic Knowledge and Vibrant Community

10 Track Immersion sphere

Intimate Learning Atmo

Panel Discussion

For All levels of Expertise Ocean-front Location

OPA astrology.com The OPA Retreat is an uncommon

learning experience . . .

cutting-edge knowledge in an intimate atmosphere. Enlightening, diverse, and exciting, the program is tailored for both beginners and seasoned professionals. Tracks are available for different levels of astrology backgrounds.

Schedule 2015 Saturday Night Celebration

Wednesday, Oct 21 7pm – General Welcome … Let the magic begin!

Keynote, win unique prizes, and much more ($30)

Thursday, Oct 22 (DAY 1)

Theme of the Day: Transitioning from the Cardinal Cross to the Mutable Cross • Presentation: five different perspectives on how this will influence and change your Astrology practice. • Small Group Discussion: personal reflection and application of the theme.

Friday, Oct 23 (DAY 2) • •

TRACK IMMERSION 20 minute presentations:

1. Astrology and Mystical Kabbalah (Kathryn Andren, kathrynandren.com) 2. Sleeping Dogs - Unaspected Planets (Wendy Stacy, wendystacey.com) • Friday Night Bonfire & Chocolate Story Telling

Saturday, Oct 24 (DAY 3) • •

TRACK IMMERSION 20 minute presentations:

1. Same Charts, Different Paths: Astrology for Twins (Julie Yeaman) 2. The Death Chart – a journey Continued (Boaz Fyler) Saturday Night Celebration

Sunday, Oct 25 (DAY 4) • • •

TRACK IMMERSION PANEL - 5 different techniques to analyze a chart Program ends at 4:30pm

View Track List

DAY ONE Theme:

Transitioning from the Cardinal Cross to the Mutable Cross (Thursday, Oct 22)

With Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius, and the Nodal Axis in Virgo/Pisces, the celestial climate brings a strong emphasis on Mutable sign influence. This will undoubtedly affect the direction of events for the collective and our personal lives – how will this affect our client work, our practice, our own life experience? Rick Levine, Alexandra Karacostas, Arlan Wise, Anne Ortelee, and Chris McRae offer their view on the subject. The audience will subsequently break into small groups and reflect on their own view of this important shift.


5 Different Techniques to Chart Analysis (Sunday, Oct 22)

The study of astrology comprises diverse schools of thoughts. On this panel, we invite astrologers who each possess a very unique approach to analyze the same chart. Undoubtedly, each one will highlight different aspects of the chart and may focus on different issues. This will offer an extraordinary insight into the wealth and diversity of chart analysis methodology. Among the presenters: Chris Brennan (Hellenistic/Traditional), Maurice Fernandez (Evolutionary), Sandra Leigh Serio (Psychological/Predictive), and more…

Track List Choose 1 of 10 tracks: Please make your selection early as there is a maximum of 10 people per track. You will have the option to change tracks until September 1, 2015, if desired track is still open.

Arlan Wise Basic Chart Interpretation

This workshop will enrich your knowledge of astrology and enhance your chart reading skills. By boosting your understanding of the fundamentals of astrology you can establish a solid foundation for all subsequent learning. You will gain experience in reading charts through practice sessions in a safe, non-critical environment. We use the charts you bring, your own and those of friends and family, as our textbooks for the course. This instruction on signs, houses, aspects, planetary cycles, chart patterns, and chart analysis includes writing exercises, astrodrama, stories and myths. The course introduces you to OPA’s signature peer group work. Have fun while you learn astrology for your own personal growth and for future work as a professional astrologer. Beginners and intermediate

Anne C. Ortelee Working with Chart Patterns: from Crosses to Mystic Rectangles

Clients frequently arrive with complicated chart patterns that produce stress in their lives. Astrology is uniquely gifted in its ability to describe and then present options on how to work productively with the chart’s energy. Patterns covered will be T-Square, Grand Cross, Grand Trine (they aren’t as easy as advertised), Finger of God, Hammer of Thor, Seesaws, Oppositions, Stelliums, Buckets, Bowls, Heles, Bundles, Mystic Rectangles and others. Beginner, Intermediate.

Monica Dimino Vocation and Careers for 21st Century Astrology

Astrology has been used for professional consulting for centuries, and we astrologers count on it for so much of our client work. But the work world has changed quite drastically, especially since the major conjunction of Uranus with Pluto in Virgo in the mid-sixties. Now, 50 years later, the workplace hardly resembles the landscape that our astrology addressed in the past. What rules computers, the Internet, the numerous spin offs from our high tech world? How do we work now? What does all this do to our professional planning? Using our

Register Register for the 2015 OPA Retreat by completing this form or by registering online at www.opaastrology.com.

Special Deal!


‘til December 15, 2014

+ 6 month Membership Bonus!

• $370 until June 1, 2015 • $410 until September 1, 2015 • $450 after September 1, 2015

astrological lens, we will surf this new world and link it to the signs and houses and timing devices that the zodiac offers.Along with this, individual work issues will be studied. Perhaps it's time for us to develop a new collective philosophy about work in general. In this three day intensive we will link astrology to vocational outlines, honing this skill for our clients and ourselves.

Alexandra Karacostas Peer Group Work: OPA’s Signature Process

This track offers OPA’s trademark and unique learning process where participants go through peer-group work to refine their skills as professional astrologers. Together, we discuss the different issues of our profession, analyze each other’s charts, and reflect on possible problematic episodes that have emerged during our practice and client work. The advantage of this program is that it allows participants to express their own unique style, while at the same time evaluating skills, talents, and techniques in a much more precise manner, all essential in the practice of professional astrology. The development of self-knowledge is an equally important part of the curriculum.We will explore how we each plan to enhance our professional practice as astrologers, creating a business plan with goals we hope to achieve in the coming year. Participation in this track is a step toward becoming certified in OPA’s Certification Program. This is a comprehensive program for anyone seeking to become a certified professional astrologer while enjoying the benefits of working with peers! Practicing Astrologers

Maurice Fernandez Spiritual Development and Breakthrough in the Chart

In this workshop, Maurice will discuss the dynamics of spiritual development, what in the human psyche compels us to become spiritually conscious, and how we can identify this process in the chart. Each person has a unique journey for self-realization and the liberation of the soul. We will look at the participant’s chart to recognize what their chart reveals about this process. Intermediate and advanced

Chris McRae Unfolding our Evolutionary Journey

Techniques or tools used in this study will bring an understanding of natal chart dynamics; the art and nuances of progressions; cycles that weave their way in and out of our lives; plus an assortment of other techniques gleaned from so many years of star-gazing and application. These are

For registration/questions: contact Geri Bellino | 303-501-5212 oparetreat2015@gmail.com

Cancellation Policy $75 cancellation fee by August 25, 2015, $150 Cancellation fee by Sept 20, 2015, no refund after Sept 20.

Accommodations Asilomar Ocean Front, Pacific Grove, CA Make your reservation through Asilomar (all room prices include 3 meals.) 888.635.5310 | www.visitasilomar.com We can help with room pairing, contact Geri Bellino for details.

Book an Airport Shuttle Monterey Airport (8 miles) San Jose Airport (80 Miles) San Francisco Airport (110 Miles)

tools I use daily with my clients who invariably have a stressful issue they bring to the consultation that reaches back to the natal chart patterns. Looking at astrological events that were in place at important past events in our lives can add additional insight and understanding many years later. I believe we are on an evolutionary journey that is integrated with our soul pattern. Learn from Chris's 45 years of working with clients and thousands of inquiring students who have passed through her semester-structured course. In this intimate group experience, you will be able to tap this bountiful resource. All levels

secondary progressions, solar arc progressions, transits, and eclipses. It may seem confusing and complicated to put all of these factors together in a birth chart but in this workshop we will breakdown each factor and look at it individually and as part of the collective whole. Astrology is a wonderful tool for alerting you to possible life developments, both traumatic and enriching. This workshop will show you the wonders of the astrological birth chart, its astonishing layers and magical ability to time events. We will use charts from class participants and also those of famous people. Intermediate and Advanced

Chris Brennan Zodiacal Releasing: Timing Peaks and Transitions in One’s Career and Life Direction

Richard Smoot Working with the Antiscia: Exploring our Full Self

The topic of this intensive is a Hellenistic time-lord technique known as Zodiacal Releasing, which is used to time peak periods and transitions in a person’s career and life direction. Zodiacal Releasing was only recently rediscovered through a translation of a 2nd century text by an astrologer named Vettius Valens, and it is quickly becoming recognized as the most impressive and powerful timing technique that has survived from the ancient traditions. It was recently integrated into Solar Fire, and it is also available in Sirius and Delphic Oracle. We will start with some basic and intermediate Hellenistic techniques for determining planetary condition, since you cannot predict how certain planets will manifest when they are activated until you determine their status in the chart. After this initial presentation on planetary condition we will then move into a detailed overview of how to calculate and interpret Zodiacal Releasing periods. Our main emphasis will be learning how to use the technique in order to identify periods of heightened importance and activity within the context of a person’s career, as well as how to determine whether the quality of a period will be experienced as more subjectively positive or negative. At the end I would like to conclude with a discussion about the application of Zodiacal Releasing within the context of a consulting setting, and specifically the ethics of what is appropriate or not appropriate to say to a client even if you can determine it with their chart. Intermediate and advanced astrologers.

Sandra-Leigh Serio Predictive Astrology

Astrology is very good at predicting the types of experiences you will have in a lifetime but the actual events can be more difficult to pinpoint. In this workshop we will synthesize five major factors in determining experiences/events in a person’s life. The five factors are the natal promise,

Registration Form

2015 OPA Retreat Choose 1 of 10 tracks

(Please mark your first and second choice) Option to change tracks until Sept 1, 2015, if track still open

In this workshop we will discover the hidden parts of one’s personality and when and how these hidden characteristics could show themselves. Also known as “Solstice Points” the Antiscia of planets represent our shadow selves as described by Carl Jung. A shadow is not a real object, but an interpretation of an object. Such are Antiscia points in a chart; they are a representation of unconscious compensating values to those held by the conscious personality. The “shadow” often represents one's dark side, those aspects of a person that exist, but are not shown normally. To know our shadow is to know dimensions of ourselves that we can explore. When activated by transit or progression, the Antisica points can appear in conscious form and the person can “act-out” and are often seem by society as exhibiting “abnormal” or “antisocial” behavior. For us astrologers this means we can locate periods of time in a client’s chart where stress or other circumstances can reveal a reaction that appears to be out of that person’s character. We will learn how to find and understand the Antiscia points in our own charts and the charts of well-known people. Intermediate and advanced

Rick Levine Becoming a Better Astrologer

This three day workshop combines presentation, discussion, group process and astrodrama to improve the skills of the professional astrologer, to give the consulting astrologer useful tools to apply in his/her client work, and help the serious student facilitate a transition into professional astrology. Participants will be expected to share their birth data, since interactive processes rely on our individual charts. Day 1: Overview. Improving Client Consultations, Theory and Practice. Day 2 and 3: Hands On. Group participant charts used real-time to illustrate principles, including astrodrama, role playing, interactive readings amongst participants and group discussion. All levels

• Name ______________________________ Email ______________________________ Address ____________________________ State/Country/ZIP ___________________

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Arlan Wise | Basic Chart Interpretation

Phone _____________________________

Anne C. Ortelee | Working w/ Chart Patterns Monica Dimino | Vocation and Careers...

Date ______________________________

Alexandra Karacostas | Peer Group Work

Amt. Enclosed ______________________

Maurice Fernandez | Spiritual Development Chris McRae | Evolutionary Journey Chris Brennan | Zodiacal Releasing Sandra-Leigh Serio | Predictive Astrology Richard Smoot | Working with the Antiscia Rick Levine | Becoming a Better Astrologer

Register online with credit card at www.opaastrology.com or mail check and registration form to:

Geri Bellino 2525 Arapahoe Ave - #E4-853 Boulder, CO 80302. USA

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