作品集 Portfolio_ Kaiwen Yang

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K a i - W e n , Y a n g


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Email kaiwenyang708@gmail.com Mobile 886+ 976171203 ( 2018-2022 ) 國立臺灣科技大學 設計系-工業設計組 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Industrial Design Group of the Department of Design ( 2016-2018 ) 國立臺南高商 廣告設計科 National Tainan Commercial Vocational Senior High School Department of Advertising Design Behance 我是楊凱雯,目前在明基電通(BenQ)擔任工業設計實習生,畢業於臺灣科技大學設計系工業設計組 ,專長是設計發想、外型設計與建模,具備設計研究與解決問題的能力,大學期間曾於水越設計與唐 草設計擔任設計實習生,負責公司專案上的設計協助,並曾將專業所學實現於USR社會實踐計畫, 其中也更堅定這正是我的熱情所在,其餘的興趣有運動、繪畫、初學日文和吉他,未來期望自己在工 業設計的領域累積更豐富的經驗,同時也計畫學習設計管理方面的領域。 I am Yang Kai-wen, currently working as an industrial design intern at BenQ, graduated from the NTUST of Industrial Design, specializing in design thinking, appearance design and modeling, with design research and problem-solving skills, worked in Agua Design and Ndd design as a design intern, responsible for the company project design assistance , and has been the teaching assistant in the USR social practice plan, and this is where my enthusiasm lies. With other interests in sports, painting, beginners in Japanese and guitar, I look forward to gaining more experience in the field of industrial design in the future, and I also plan to study the field of design management. 01 學 歷 Education Kai-wen , Yang 楊 凱 雯

經 歷 Experiences

實 習 Intern

助 教 Teaching assistant

USR 行動工程師培育計畫 - 實習助教 ( 2020.02-2020.06 )

USR Engineer Program _ Internship Assistant (Opinions and experiences to provide/Project assistance/Schedule)

Dong Ao elementary school of Nan Ao village,Yilan _ Sustainable Education Workshop BenQ 明基電通 工業設計實習生 ( 2022.06-now )

BenQ _ Industrial design intern (Design research surveys/Product design/CMF design/3D model /3D render)

BenQ Coding monitor RD2410 Design (2022.07-09)

Qisda x Action star travel docking station (2022.09-2022.10)

Ultra Short Throw Projector for Gaming (2022.09-now)

BenQ GW90 monitor Design (2022.11-now)

3D Render (RM IFP, Educational website banner, Docking station..)

Zowie mouse GLB

BenQ USB (WD01AT), BenQ TV remote control (RC-H220) CMF design

BenQ Q談順口 設計演講活動 (主辦人員) Q talk design lecture (Organizers)

Agua Design 設計實習生 ( 2021.07-2021.09 )

Agua Design _ Design intern (Think of proposals/Research surveys/Design planning /Action execution /Design marketing)

浮洲公園遊具設計 Design of Fuzhou park equipment 未來環保夜市 Future eco-friendly night market SDGs議題研究與資訊設計 SDGs Issues information design 2021 Action for Education 宜蘭國際設計教育論壇 2021 Action for Education 金門島島島前期訪談 Kinmen and the islands

基隆山海城指標設計 / 繪圖 Keelung indicator design 新竹關西色彩工作坊 Hsinchu Kansai color workshop

Ndd Design 暑期設計實習生 ( 2020.07-2020.09 )

Ndd Design _ Summer design intern

(Product design/Graphic design/Space design)

國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心主視覺、空間指標設計 Main visual and spatial indicators design of NTCRI 立達信光電集團IOT設計前期研究與燈具創新提案 LEEDARSON IOT design pre-research and lamps innovation proposals Oval台生修正帶機構修正與造型設計發展 Oval correction tape with mechanism correction and appearance design

人文講座通識課程 - 助教 ( 2019.09-2022.06 )

General Studies Course in Humanities Lectures _ teaching assistants (Poster design/contact/reception/Communicate response)

社 團 / 活 動 Club / Events

2020 USR行動工程師培育計畫_四季國小永續教育工作坊 ( 2020.09-2021.01 )

USR Engineer Program _ Four Season elementary school Sustainable Education Workshop (Event planning/Data collection research/Implement content planning/design/Planning execution)

台科大絃韻吉他社108級幹部 - 設計 ( 2016.09-2018.06 )

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 108 committee member of guitar _ Design Officer (photography/design /Event planning and execution)

高中班/畢聯會 - 攝錄影幹部 ( 2016.09-2018.06 )

Senior High School student council _ Video and graphy Department (Event planning/Activity execution/Event photography/Documentary filming/Movie clips)

活動 / 工作坊-主辦人員與參與學員

Events/Workshops Organizers and participants (Painting theme design/Field painting execution)

2020小晴設-成大臺科北科聯合工作坊_日落大道 (主辦人員) XQD workshop (Joint workshops) _ Sunset strip (Organizers)

2020 Behance Portfolio Reviews (主辦人員) Behance Portfolio Reviews (Organizers) 2019 台灣科技大學-設計營_飛行渡口 (主辦人員)

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology design camp _ Flying ferry (Organizers) 2019 小晴設-成大臺科北科聯合工作坊_違約快遞 XQD workshop (Joint workshops) _ Defaulted delivery (Participant) 2016 台灣科技大學-設計營_醒著做夢 (參與學員)

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology design camp _ Waking up and dreaming (Participant)

宜蘭東澳國小 永續教育工作坊

Red Dot Award Design concept__入圍 , 2022 EYEMATE _ 產品設計

人因工程智能化設計__佳作 , 2021 Babybubble _ 產品設計

華人新銳創意之星設計獎__入圍 , 2016 禁錮 _ 平面設計

Red Dot Award Design concept shortlisted , 2022 EYEMATE _Product Design

Human Factors Engineering Intelligent design Honorable Mention , 2021 Babybubble _ Product Design

Creative star design award udges' Award , 2016 Imprisoned _ Graphic Design

Creo (Pro/E) Rhino Keyshot

Adobe Illustrator (AI)

Adobe Photoshop (PS)

Adobe Premiere (PR)

Adobe Experience Design (XD)

Adobe After Effect (AE)

2 D 3 D
獲 獎
技 能
Usual practice
Chinese (native) English (intermediate) Japanese (beginner) 語 言 能 力 Language 中文 (精通/母語) 英文 (中等) 日文 (初學)

「 凱雯於2022年7月中開始在BenQ設計中心實習,實習期間,我們一直採取On Job Trainning方式,指派不同任務。其中,最令人印象最深刻的 是Rhino 的SubD 自學成果發表,除了指定題目之外,她比其他同儕願意挑戰難度更高的產品練習。在不同的設計提案中,她也展現年輕設計 師的豐沛設計能量,不僅在手繪的提案數量或是3D 建模時的細節微調,都讓主管印象深刻。在電玩投影機的前期研究討論中,常常提出不同想 法與見解,讓整個研究案有不錯的成果。下班後,好人緣的她,跟著大家一起打羽球,團隊有了她的加入,氣氛融洽不少。我很願意推薦凱雯這位 年輕、有活力又有好想法的設計師。」 - Qisda佳世達科技 設計整合處主管 | 朱書賢 Paul Zhu (前BenQ明基電通 品牌設計整合處主管)

做得更好,都讓我很驚訝。當有事情要找他時,每次都能很快的出現,能感受到他對所有事情事非常認真 的,不管是社團、課業,他都能兼顧得很好,不會輕易放棄任何一邊,是最值得共事的好朋友。 - 社團共事夥伴_社長 | 余承臻

關於楊凱雯,其他人這樣說... 「 凱雯從實習以來,一直保持積極向上的精神,學習能力也非常好,很快就適應BenQ的步調,幾次提案裡 面可以看出凱雯細心的洞察力與創造力,並能夠精準提出她的觀點及看法。身為同期進來的夥伴,在這 短短幾個月的相處中,常常可以感受到她的能量,也相信凱雯未來擁有好的發展,一起加油。」 - BenQ明基電通 工業設計師 | 詹仁翔 Jimmy Chan 「 跟凱雯共事的這段期間,看到她在有限時間內盡力把事情做好,真的是很盡責的工作夥伴,從草圖階段 貢獻出不同面向的想法,到最後提案能用多元的表現手法來展示提案概念,讓我看到她無窮的潛力&對
凱雯是個很認真的人,我想對他來說效率是非常重要的事情,他都能安排好他的時間,並在指定時間內 達成,且對每件事都絕不馬虎,跟他相處起來很輕鬆愉快,每次遇到問題時他都能有問必答,是一個非常 可靠且能信賴的合作夥伴和朋友。 - 課堂同組做設計的夥伴 | 馮懷萱 凱雯是個開朗的人,總是掛著笑容,不會帶給人負面的感受,非常好相處,因此和他在一起的時候都過得 很開心。跟他同班的這七年,在他身上學到很多,他有效率、好相處、替人著想,最重要的是他不管面對任 何事都抱持著認真、不草率的態度,是個非常腳踏實地的人,因此和他合作時通常都很安心。 - 一路從高中當到大學的同班同學 | 陳星如 凱雯做事總是讓我很放心,每次把事情交給他都能最有效率地做完,還常常想出更有巧思的方式把事情
設計的熱情,祝福她在設計的這條路上繼續發光發熱,走出一條屬於自己的康莊大道。」 Internship Club School
- Qisda佳世達科技 資深高級工業設計師 | 陳彥伯 Yiebo Chen

Intern achievement (BenQ, Agua Design, Ndd Design) School project

04 目 錄 Content
28 Shang
Inclub 2020
BenQ (2022.06-now) Intern achievement sketch
sketch BenQ Coding monitor RD2410 Design (2022.07-09) Qisda x Action star travel docking station (2022.09-2022.10) Ultra Short Throw Projector for Gaming (2022.09-now) BenQ GW90 monitor Design (2022.11-now) 3D Render (RM IFP, Educational website banner, Docking station..) Zowie mouse GLB BenQ USB (WD01AT), BenQ TV remote control (RC-H220) CMF design 3D render 3D printing
reciew CMF design sample

A monitor for programmer.

BenQ RD2410 ,,

Display and peripheral hub designed for Programmer.

Eye protection


工程師遠距工作的機率高、講究自己的生產工具與冗長的工時,在對於個人的辦公環境產品,他們願意花時 間研究和預算打造具備護眼、符合人體工學並經濟生產效率的產品,然而甚麼樣的螢幕才符合他們的需求? Engineers
of working remotely, pay
to their
production tools and
working hours.
environment products, they are
eye protection, ergonomics and economical production
needs? 使用時大多需要雙系統連接,願意多花錢選購具備KVM功能的螢幕,其他需求則會特別講求對比眩光、字體 的解析度或是符合人體工學的周邊產品。 Most
dual-system connections, and they are willing to spend more to buy a screen
function. Other needs will pay special attention to contrast glare, font resolution, or ergonomic peripheral products. 設 計 背 景 | Background 打造專門為工程師設計的顯示器以及周邊裝置中樞,以舒適優先考量,一鍵就能進入神馳模式的螢幕,包含新增KVM切換的快捷 鍵 (包含跨裝置、滑鼠、鍵盤等周邊),以及增加程式模式(coding mode)、Hidpi支援、Switch POT。 The device is connected intelligently, and the switch is in place with one key. One-key switch device display. Zero threshold for cross-device data access. Quick adjustment and switching of multiple devices. Create a monitor and peripheral device hub specially designed for engineers, with comfort as a priority, a screen that can enter the dash mode with one click, including new shortcut keys for KVM switching (including peripherals such as cross-device, mouse, keyboard, etc.), as well as adding Programming mode (coding mode), Hidpi support, Switch POT. 設 計 價 值 主 張 | Initial ideal
have a high probability
researching and budgeting to create
efficiency. But what kind of screen
of them require
with KVM
High productivity
Professional and accurate. Support Hidpi. Coding Mode. Comfortable integration. Switch Hub near the keyboard

Hotkey puck

The Hotkey puck at the bottom of the screen is the touch panel, highlighted with a strip of metallic printing color, and the middle block is the ambient light sensor (BI sensor). On the left, users can quickly adjust the program mode, and on the right, KVM (Multi-Computer Switch) source switching.

The color of low-end models is mainly made of black plastic material, and only the middle IO hole is decorated with Mylar pieces. the material of medium and high-end models is mainly metal spray paint, and the gray scale is used to reduce the contrast between colors and improve the overall texture.

將螢幕背蓋空間做凹陷壓縮,節省空間並同 螢幕下方的Hotkey puck為觸控面板,用一條金屬的印刷色凸 顯,而中間區塊為環境光感測裝置 (BI
(多電腦切換器)訊源切換。 低階機種的色彩歸會主要以黑色咬花的塑膠材質為主,只有中間的IO孔位使用Mylar片裝飾。 中高階機種材質主要為金屬噴漆,蹦使用灰階降低色彩間的對比性質,提升整體質感。

Front 45

Back 45

coding monitor RD2410
Portable docking station Qisda x Action Star Travel Docking Station ,,


observed that photographers, videographers, designers, travelers and engineers who need to transfer large-capacity data are using USB Hub or M.2 SSD Enclosure in use, the life of the cable is shortened due to the long-term bending of the wire, and the heat dissipation effect caused by the material is poor, which in turn affects the connection and transmission. There are many devices that are usually carried, and other accessories are worried about scratching and installed in additional storage. Pain points such as bags or the use of protective sleeves will affect the replacement rate of this product.

the cable outlet direction, IO hole position and status indicator according to the user's usage situation.

我們觀察到攝影師、影像工作者、設計師、旅行者與工程師這類型需要傳輸大容量資料的使用者族群,在使用USB Hub或是M.2 SSD Enclosure使用上遇到,因長期彎折的線材導致電纜壽命減短,材質用料導致散熱效果差,進而
在USB4 Travel doccking with M.2 SSD使用上用戶多搭配筆電使用,用來增加儲存空間、外接螢幕、傳輸大容量 檔案或是連接其他裝置 (像是鍵盤、滑鼠、相機等等)用途。而面對Docking與M.2 SSD Enclosure分別會面臨到線 材收納、散熱、至換SSD等問題,而我們也針對用戶的使用情境去安排出線方向、IO孔的位置與狀態指示燈。 We found that in the use of USB4 Travel docking with M.2 SSD, users often use laptops to increase storage space, connect external monitors, transfer large-capacity files, or connect other devices (such as keyboards, mice, cameras, etc.) use. In the face of Docking and M.2 SSD Enclosure, there will be problems such as wire storage, heat dissipation, and replacement of SSD, and we also arrange
設 計 背 景 | Background 在產品上我們期望打造堅固扎實的整體,將連接線整合於機身,使用者在操作上直覺易用,並能夠輕薄易攜帶,不占用你 旅行的任何一點空間,外觀上則是採用理性專業與質感生活的意象著手設計。 In terms of products, we expect to create a sturdy and solid whole, integrating the connecting line into the fuselage, the user is intuitive and easy to operate, and can be light and easy to carry, without occupying any space during your travel, and the appearance is rational and professional. Design with textured living imagery. 設 計 價 值 主 張 | Initial ideal PRODUCTION SOURROUNDINGS USER overall solid Lightweight Easy to carry Easy to use The wire is integrated into the body, not messy Partial metal shell, easy to dissipate heat & increase body strength No sharp shape, no scratches on other items LED is good for identifying SSD transfer status The direction of the connecting line can be changed SSD is easy to install Plug and play, no need to install drivers Wire can be folded Compact low profile body






The bending of the storage hole is designed with an arc to avoid excessive bending of the wire due to storage, so that the wire can be completely retracted into the overall shape during storage; the opening is also specially designed so that it can be easily opened when replacing the SSD card.

在產品上埋放LED燈,用以標示資料正在傳輸中。將燈光置放於上蓋下方,以不直視 、漸變的打光方式呈現,除了避免光線直視的干擾,同時也為情境製造唯美效果。

Embed LED lights on the product to indicate that data is being transmitted. The light is placed under the upper cover and presented in a non-straightforward, gradual lighting method, which not only avoids the interference of direct light, but also creates an aesthetic effect for the situation. Solid

State Drive
Cable management Indicator light

Replacement of different textures


Replacement of different materials and colors

To integrate into life, we provide different materials (such as leather, fabric, metal, etc.) and different texture designs. Users can freely mix and match according to personal preferences, similar accessories styles or colors.

融入生活,提供不同材質 (像是皮革、布料、金屬等)以及不同 的紋路設計款式,使用者可依照個人喜好、相似配件風格或是 色系自由搭配。
Cloth label
Leather Cloth Metal

World Airport Awards









Agua Design (2021.07-2021.09)

Design of Fuzhou park equipment

Future eco-friendly night market

SDGs SDGs Issues information design

2021 Action for Education

Hsinchu Kansai color workshop


Main visual and spatial indicators design of NTCRI

LEEDARSON IOT design pre-research and innovation proposals Oval correction tape appearance design

Intern achievement
Ndd Design (2020.07-2020.09) Intern achievement
transport options, e ciency and
Taxi availability and prices
of luggage trolleys (airside & landside)
comfort, ambience and design
cleanliness, oors, seating and public areas
facilities throughout terminals
Immigration - queuing times / system
Immigration - sta attitude
Waiting times at Security screening
and Attitude of Security sta
facilities, queuing systems and seating
Way nding and Terminal signage
of Boarding Calls and Airport PA's
Flight Info Screens clarity quality of information
Friendliness of Airport Sta Language skills for Airport Sta Ease of Transit through Airport
Shower facilities in terminal
Washroom facilities
Entertainment facilities
areas, Day rooms, Hotel facility, rest areas
facilities provided
Shopping tax free
other outlets
retail outlets
bars, cafes and restaurants winners at the 2020 awards
Singapore Changi airport 2021 Tokyo Haneda airport since 1999
data research
data research sketch
Location of Airline Lounges Washroom and
Cleanliness of
TV and
Children's play area and
Choice of
Choice of
Automated desk lamp combined with eye tracking Use EyesMate's series of products, keep your eyes healthy. A solution for the modern problem with eye strain ,,

lives have been

with many technological products, and we have long been accustomed to using technological products to meet human needs. Whether dealing with our daily affairs such as our lives and work, the relationship between technological products and human life is indeed inseparable.

Whether you are working or having fun, as long as you start, you will definitely use it until your eyes are congested. This lifestyle has created high myopia, initial symptoms of eye disease, and even damage to other physiological organs. Even if modern technology is designed to be better and easier to use as much as possible, we should not become slaves of technology, but should control our own dominance.

無論是在工作或娛樂,只要開始就一定會用到眼睛充血為止。這樣的生活習慣造就了高近視族群、初部眼睛疾病症狀, 甚至是其他生理器官的損害。 雖然現代科技都盡可能設計得更好上手、更容易使用,但相對的,我們不該成為科技的奴隸、更應該掌控自己的主導權。 我們的生活週遭早已經充斥著琳瑯滿目的科技產品,而我們也早就習慣於使用科技產品來滿足人類的需求,無論是處 理我們的生活與工作等日常事務,科技產品與人類生活的關係確實密不可分。
你有科技成癮或工作成癮的症狀嗎? 06
誰 需 要 ? 我們該如何讓用戶正視自己的工作習慣? How can we make users face their work habits? 我們該如何引導用戶抽離工作的狀態? How can we guide users to leave the state of work? 依醫生端與用戶端之反饋,將問題聚焦在用戶沒有意識及動力做眼部的休息行為,並從現有監控系統與產品的基準點上,提出整 合資訊系統與介面。 上班族 居家辦公者 長時間使用書桌者 According
Weak consciousness Product defects Problem convergence 設 計 規 劃 Design planning
wants it? Office worker (Office field) Home office (Home field) Long time use desk users 07
to the feedback of the doctor's terminal and the client, the problem is focused on the user's lack of consciousness and motivation to do eye rest behavior, and from the reference point of the existing monitoring system and products, the integrated information system and interface are proposed.
產 品 測 試 過 程 Product testing process 個 人 貢 獻 Personal controbution Because this time the project has a preliminary contact and understanding of the operation mode of the technology, back and forth test face recognition, ambient light sensing, LED light, color light test adjustment, etc., the shape and material repeatedly clearly position the style. Responsible for pre-design research (interviews, literature), innovative proposals, draft demos, 3D product modeling, model making, video making, product marketing (website), and assist in implementation for other projects. Partner: Shu-yi Zhu 負責設計前期研究 (訪談、文獻)、創新提案、草模Demo、3D產品建 模、模型製作、形象影片製作、產品行銷(網站),其餘項目則是給予 執行上協助。 合作夥伴: 朱書逸 因為這一次的專案對技術的運作模式有初步的接觸和了解,來回 測試人臉辨識、環境光感測、LED光線、色光測試調整等等,造型與 材質一再地明確定位風格。 08

EYEMATE is a systematic product combining office desk lamp and eye-tracking techniques, aiming to improve life quality for users who badly use their eyes for work or entertainment and those who want to get rid of bad habits. The eye-tracking technique collects users’actual eye-using time and eyes closed and eyes open conditions, so as to enable EYEMATE to decide whether the user should take a rest according to his cumulative eye-using time and fatigue level. In this way, users are also able to monitor their eyes conditions and physiological status.

Meanwhile, with the varied brightness and multiple reminders features, EYEMATE helps the users to switch between work and rest, so as to strike a good balance between them. In addition, through information records from EYEMATE Life System, users’performance on multiple devices, such as mobile, desktop, and tablets, are able to be effectively integrated, so as to help users cultivate habits for good eye health through any device anytime and anywhere.

間取得良好平衡。且透過EYEMATE LIfe系統的資訊紀錄,有效整合了手機、電腦、平板等 科技產品的使用狀況,以落實在生活中無論使用任何產品都能養成正確用眼的習慣。
EYEMATE是一款結合眼部追蹤與辦公桌燈具的系統產品,提供給在工作或娛樂中無法「 健康」的使用眼睛與想改善不良生活習慣的使用者。通過眼部追蹤技術取得用戶實際用眼 時間與眼部開合狀態,以判斷用戶累計用眼時間與疲勞程度是否應當休息,在工作當下便 可立即掌握眼睛與生理相關信息。 並利用產品的光源變化與多項提醒功能引導用戶在工作和休息之間切換,在工作與生活
媒介 電鍍金屬、塑膠、人像辨識技術、、光感測技術、眼部追蹤 Electroplated
尺寸 H672 × W122 × D603mm 09
metal、Plastic、Facial recognition、Light sensing technology、Eye tracking
運用科技角度智慧評斷,用更具說服力的數值代替生理警訊。 依據用戶多元的情境背景,提供更貼近、適用的護眼建議方案。 提升個人化的系統設定來滿足用戶不同的生理條件。
Using eyes Rest times 12:03 3/4 times 25 20 15 10 0 2 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 19 20 21 22 It symbolizes that the eyes slowly become tired over time. Critical values are often exceeded. Highest blink frequency Minimum blink frequency 22 min 13 min 10
Judge through technique perspectives, using more persuasive data to replace the physiological warning. Enhance personalized settings to meet every user’s distinguished physiological conditions demand. Provide a more user-friendly and more applicable solution for eye care based on users’ diverse contextual backgrounds.
Reading Computer Focus Off On 11 Working Time Break Time Varied Brightness 將用戶累計的用眼時間轉化為光源的色溫漸變 (藍光轉變成黃光),用眼時間已到極限將自動切換上方暖色氣氛光模式,以引導用 戶暫停手邊工作。

Being able to connect with mobile phones, EYEMATE is used as a way of the transfer of information. It can quantify real-time tracking data, and convert it into abstract dynamic effects, representing that eyes vary as time pasts. The system also arouses the awareness of eye care and enhances concentration levels.

A series of data collected by the EYEMATE Life System, users are able to cultivate habits for good eye health through any device, anytime and anywhere.

It symbolizes that the eyes slowly become tired over time,use satiric means and.

透過EYEMATE Life系統串聯各項系統產品的數據,以落實在生活中無論使用任何產品都能養成正確用眼的習慣。

With an outlook consisting of sharp silhouette elements, and material details made by layering design and different metal effects, the product presents a futuristic style and technological design simultaneously. It also harmonizes light, aesthetics, and technology, and applies them to eye health management at the same time.

外觀擷取切削和包覆的特徵,並透過相異的金屬效果 打造材質細節,產品兼具未來與科技設計,匯集光線、 美學、科技、眼部健康管理於一體。 Instagram Youtube 13
Here, science is up to you to explore.
| 探 探 所 | Tech Tech ,,
Traditional Children's Play Science

Interact with children

15 HMW 分析 + HMW design thinking 「 我 們 家 長 該 如 何 引 導、正 確 的 教 導 我 的 小 孩。 」 「 要 怎 麼 透 過 遊 玩 來 讓 孩 子 學 習。」 「 如 何 增 進 雙 方 彼 此 的 感 情。」 「 怎 麼 紮 實 的 讓 孩 子 所 學,運 用 在 日 常 生 活 中。」 “ How should parents guide and properly teach my children. ” " How to let children learn by playing. " “ What can be done to enhance the emotion and interaction between parents and children.” " How to make what children learn and apply in their daily lives.“
與孩童的 交流互動 孩童發展
Child development
16 設 計 規 劃 Design planning 玩中學 + + + 增加學習興趣 提升專注力、持續力 有益於日後學習效果 操作性 台灣 傳統 生活 取材 操作 工具 具吸引力 提升學習效益 變化性高 互動性 增進家人感情交流 創造回憶 合作、競爭等社會技能 感官體驗 有效輔助學習 觀察力、探索學習 引起好奇心 我們根據蒐集來的回饋與建議,統整出教具應具備的四大面向。 Based on the feedback and suggestions collected, we have unified the four major aspects that the teaching aids should have. 台灣傳統童玩 X 力的科學實驗 我們打算規劃出能夠熟悉生活中的材料特性應用,並結合認識台灣文化傳統與基礎科學原理,達到玩中學,讓孩童遊玩 中能夠實際動手操作、組裝成自己的玩具,透過競爭與合作來培養基本學習能力。 Learn from play Increase interest in learning Improve focus and sustainability Beneficial for future learning Operability Attractive Enhance learning benefits High variability Interactivity Enhance family emotional exchanges Create memories Social skills such as cooperation and competition Sensory experience Effectively assist learning Observation, exploratory learning Arouse curiosity Taiwanese traditional children's play & Scientific experiments on forces We intend to plan out the application of material characteristics that can be familiar with life, and combine the understanding of Taiwanese cultural traditions and basic scientific principles to achieve play learning, so that children can actually operate and assemble into their own toys during play, and cultivate basic learning ability through competition and cooperation. Taiwan traditional life coverageOperational tools

After countless flight failures in a short period of time, the test content includes accessory material test, weight test, size test, flight stability test, fan shape flight test, flight effect, learning content proofreading, etc.

短時間內歷經無數次的飛行失敗,測試內容包含附件 材質測試、重量測試、大小測試、飛行穩定度測試、扇 葉形狀飛行測試、飛行效果、學習內容校對等。 產 品 測 試 過 程 Product testing process 個 人 貢 獻 Personal controbution Mainly responsible for pre-design investigation and research (interview, literature), innovation proposal, draft demo, 3D product modeling and rendering, model making, video making, and project schedule. Partner: Huai-xuan, Feng 主要負責設計前期調查與研究 (訪談、文獻)、創新 提案、草模Demo、3D產品建模與渲染、模型製作、 形象影片製作、專案進度安排。 合作夥伴: 馮懷萱

Using the combination of module toy parts and publications, from the perspective of traditional children's play,cut into the scientific world to explore, guide children from life to explore science, let "play" to accompany children's important learning stage. Here, science is up to you to explore.

利用模組玩具零件與刊物的結合,從傳統童玩的角度,切入科學世界探索, 引導孩童從生活中發掘科學,讓「遊玩」來陪伴孩童的重要學習階段。 在這裡,科學由你來探索 18

Series of teaching materials combination, each period will extract the scientific principles contained in children's play, it is designed as modular parts, children can be arbitrarily assembled, free control of the causes of the experiment, and from the corresponding card to follow the principle to find out the answer, with graphic scientific journals to assist the absorption of knowledge.

Based on STEAM education, replace rigid traditional textbooks that allow children to learn science unknowingly and use it well in their lives while playing. period will be "bamboo dragonfly " as a starting point to explore the scientific secrets.

系列教材組合,每期將萃取童玩中蘊藏的科學原理,將其設計成模組化的零件, 孩童可以任意組裝、自由控制實驗中的變因,並從對應卡牌中循著原理找出解 答,搭配圖文並茂的科學刊物輔助知識的吸收。 以STEAM教育為基礎,取代生硬的傳統教科書,讓孩童在遊玩過程中不知不覺 學習科學並善用於生活中。本期將以「竹蜻蜓」作為出發,探索其中的科學秘辛。
20 learn from play Modular part design Interactive 4 玩中學 模組化 零件設計 互動性 圖文 整合 實際 動手操作 Visual integration Hands-on
21 Behance
22 3 3 | | 手 部 復 健 遊 具 | Re-sporting ,, Sports Injury Stage Training Assistive Design

Although there are many ways to prevent sports injuries, no matter how careless and well prepared, it is still possible to occur, and the hand is the part where most exercise may be harmful.

Although sports injuries cannot be completely avoided, how to make the rehabilitation, which is always boring, more enjoyable execution.

23 儘管很多方法可以預防運動傷害無論再怎麼不小心、準備周全, 還是有發生的可能,且手部是大部分運動都可能危害到的部位。 運動傷害雖無法完全避免,但怎麼讓總是枯燥乏味的復健,變得 更讓人樂在其中的執行。


How to improve durability?

進步程度可視化 (外在依從感正面回饋)

成功率高的挑戰 (提高勝任感內在動機增加)

痛覺注意力轉移 (其他感官體驗事件轉移)

提升反覆操作頻率 (引發興趣之行動)

Visualization of progress (positive feedback on external compliance)

Challenges with high success rates (increased intrinsic motivation to improve competency)

Pain-induced attention shifting (other sensory experience event shifting)

Increase the frequency of repetition (actions that arouse interest)

Expected to achieve benefits

The benefits of grip training rehabilitation, it is expected that in addition to solving the most important sports injury problems, it is also possible to achieve certain results in the improvement of mobility, muscle strength training and grip training before schoolchildren.

運動傷害 復原

Boosts muscle mass Increase mobility

Recovery from sports injuries

Stroke rehabilitation Children's grip training

24 設 計 規 劃 Design planning grip strength Rehabilitation Wrist joints Target group 因運動導致的手部傷害患者 Patients with hand injuries due to exercise + + 隨便家裡拿個東西用一用就好了 Just grab something at home and use it. 復健一次只要五十元,有各式儀器治療可使用 Rehabilitation is only fifty yuan at a time, and various instruments can be used for treatment. 目 標 族 群 提升 肌肉量 提升 活動力 中風 復健 孩童 握力訓練 預期達成效益 進行抓握訓練復健的好處,期望除了能解決最主要的運動傷害問題外,在活動力的提升、肌力訓練與學齡孩童前的握


健者設計,著重復健動作的握和手腕 關節活動,利用遊戲的進行屏除傳統 附件的乏味,增添趣味感並能將痛覺 注意力轉移藉此完成復健動作。

Designed specifically for who experience hand movement injuries, the grip and wrist joint activities that repeat the movements, the game's on-screen removal of the boredom of traditional accessories adds fun and diverts painful attention to complete the rehabilitation.


The three easy-to-use paths and grip designs are paired with two sets of steel balls, and modularity allows patients to operate gradually depending on their situation, combining a personal and group play experience.

Using the easy-to-understand game concept to move the ball smoothly to the other end, the score depends on the ball stop to the ball hole and the patient press grip at the same time, the device sensed the ring around the light effect to give back, and the score is displayed on the several panels, the ring-shaped high design inner wall has hidden magnetism, to prevent the ball accidentally rolled out.

26 三款難易度不一的路徑與握把設計搭配兩組大小的鋼球,模組化使患者能夠視自身情況 漸進式操作,兼具個人與團體的遊玩體驗。
利用易懂的遊戲概念將球順利移動至另一端,得分取決於球停至球孔與患者同時按壓握把,裝置感應連動周圍環狀的 光效果作回饋,並將分數顯示於數位面板上,環狀高起的設計內壁具有隱藏磁性,防止球不慎滾出。

The use of rehabilitation in playing easy-to-understand game aids to trigger the motivation will be repeated, play to achieve the action of the rehabilitation hand, increase the experience of other sensory events will be painful to divert attention, while through scores and simple data to see their progress, improve positive feedback and challenge.

Behance 利用復健者在遊玩簡單易懂的遊戲輔具引發會反覆使用的動機,遊玩下達到復健手部的動作,增 加其他感官事件的體驗將痛覺轉移注意力,同時能透過分數及簡易數據檢視自己的進步程度,提 升正面回饋與挑戰性。
28 | 全 齡 共 融 公 園 規 劃 | Inclub All Age All Rebuilt All Inclusive 這 裡 包 容 所 有 人, 享 受 如 同 俱 樂 部 般 的 一 切。 ,,
enjoy everything like in the club.
Inclusive of everyone,

Parks are one of the places where the elderly often move, and we have observed that there are potentially disadvantaged venues and planning for the use of middle and elderly people, and in recent years, many communion parks have been designed mainly for children. With low variability, lack of safety protection for most equipment, intuitive use, and low versatility among age groups, and classifying it as a future design goal, we will design an accompaniment park facility that is friendly to the elderly, and through redesign, we hope that anyone who comes here can communicate and use it.

29 公園是老人經常活動的長所之一,而我們觀察到潛在著不利於中高齡使用的場域與規劃,且近年來多共融式公園多以孩童 為主來設計。變化性低、多數器材缺乏安全防護、多以直覺去使用、在年齡層間通用性較低等問題,並把它歸類成為日後的

Target group

目 標 族 群 依據共融設計之定義界定,優先鎖定中高齡族群(其中又更細分為go-go與slow-go),再依序延伸至孩童、一般人等。

According to the definition of " inclusive design ", priority is given to the targeting of middle- and older groups (which are more subdivided into go-go and slow-go) and then extended sequentially to children, the general population, etc.

設 計 規 劃

Design planning


Based on the feedback and suggestions we collected, we have unified the four major aspects that should be had.

Target group


Negotiable ethnic groups

將舊有的設施進行改善,再不 改變訓練部位的情況下重新 設計讓設施更好。

Create new experiences and excitement

Create new experiences and excitements, adding to the afterlife and diversity of new experiences that are different from existing activity areas.

老人與小孩能夠一起操作使 用,增加交流互動。

Old facilities are improved

The old facilities will be improved and redesigned to make the facilities better without changing the training site.

在運動的同時能夠達到按摩 的效果。

facilities for young and old

The elderly and children can operate and use together to increase communication and interaction.

Sports massage facilities

The effect of massage can be achieved while exercising.

31 針對設施的造型進行測模測試,智力訓練的遊玩模式修正。 Mold testing is carried out for the shape of the facility, and the play mode of intellectual training is corrected. 產 品 測 試 過 程 Product testing process 個 人 貢 獻 Responsible for pre-design research (interviews, literature), innovative proposals, draft demos, 3D product modeling, model making and render, model making, DM design, and assist in implementation for other projects. Partner: Haui-xuan, Feng 負責設計前期研究 (訪談、文獻)、創新提案、草模Demo、3D產品建 模與渲染、模型製作、DM設計,其餘項目則是給予執行上協助。 合作夥伴: 馮懷萱

The park is one of the places where the elderly often move, and to come here, you can come to the club, to communicate with anyone, to exercise and work out together and to gather emotions, without any restrictions, without limitations of use, to welcome everyone.

Redesigning the old facilities without changing the training site makes the old facilities better, creates new experiences and stimuli, increases the diversity of the park by adding different from the existing activity areas and new experiences, the selection of materials is also more user safety considerations, and is committed to creating a common operation and use of young and old, increasing the space for communication and interaction.

32 在不改變訓練部位的情況下重新設計使舊有設施更好,創造新的體驗和刺激,增加別於現 有的活動部位以及新體驗來提升公園的多樣性,材質上的選用也較為使用者安全考量,並
公園是中高齡經常活動的場所之一,來到這裡可以像是俱樂部,與任何人互相交流、一起 運動健身並凝聚感情,沒有任何限制與使用上的侷限,這裡歡迎所有人。
設 計 細 節 Design detail

Involved in facility design and regional planning, the training effect of old facilities to retain and improve, redesign, increase the diversity of facilities, create new experience and stimulation, break the spatial zoning, planning the environment in which young and old can travel together , enhance the emotional exchange of all-age communication and interaction, hopes to create a different image of the park in the past.

The use of high brightness, warm color color, and the natural landscape near the space can match each other, to avoid the child-based high saturation color collocation; the material selection guidelines according to the outdoor, easy to maintain, durable, beautiful and safe as the benchmark selection.

Rubber Iron Non-slip carborundum

33 涉及設施設計與區域規劃,將舊有設施的訓練效果保留並改良、重新設計,增加設 施的多樣性,打造新的體驗感受與刺激,打破空間區域劃分,規劃老少皆能齊聚共
採用高明度、暖色系色彩,並以空間附近之自然景觀能相互搭配,避免多為孩童為主的高飽和 度色彩搭配;材質選用準則依適合戶外、易保養、耐用度、美觀與安全為基準選擇。
橡膠 鐵 ABS 防滑 金鋼砂

Divided into rules and irregular shapes for spatial planning, in order to enable field planning can be used more widely everywhere, for the current environmental shape of different parks for the proposed planning, owners can according to the needs of a variety of styles of choice and matching.

Sense of balance

Physical facilities

Compound forging

Lumbar leg exerciser

Arithmetic turntable

Magnetic tracks

Magnetic rod

Cognitive facilities Ground markings

Multi-ranger Seating area

34 進行不同空間的規劃,使場域能夠更廣泛運用在各
處,針對目前不同環境的公園形狀進行提案規劃, 業主能更具需求有多元的選擇搭配。

The facility description board in the park has a QR code icon can be scanned into our relevant website (pictured), to see more detailed design content and details, including the introduction of facilities, materials, size, use and efficiency, and the design of the front and late transparent, to provide a sound design planning and future extension and progress, to convey our core concept values.

公園內設施說明牌上皆有QRcode圖示,掃進我們的相關網站(如圖),更多詳細的設計內容與細節, 包含設施介紹、材質、尺寸、使用方式與效益等,並將設計的前中後期透明化,提供完整的設計規劃 與未來的延展性、進展,傳達我們最核心的價值。
Image Making Cultural Abstraction | 文 化 意 象 藍 芽 喇 叭 | Shang 36
文化 Culture 音樂 Music + 藍 芽 喇 叭 Bluetooth speaker Ancient musical instrument - Sheng 古 代 樂 器 笙 試著將古至今的音樂媒介結合,讓使用者觀賞同時擁有傳統的韻味造型以及現代的科 技便利,讓產品也能成為居家值得收藏的藝術品。 Try
to combine the music media of ancient and modern times, so that users can enjoy the traditional charm shape and modern technological convenience, so that the product can also become a collection of works of art at home.

The principle of the sound of the air column, inherited the ancient reed musical instrument - the dragonfly.

Following the diversity of modern Bluetooth speakers will be the shape of the geometry of the shape of the spout, although small but all dirty, respectively pull out low, medium and high-pitched speakers will be the sound quality shunt, is a major feature of this design.

追隨現代藍芽喇叭的多元性將笙的造型幾何圓潤化,麻雀雖小但五臟俱全,分 別拉出低、中、高音喇叭將音質分流,是此設計一大針對的特點。 空氣柱的發聲原理,傳承古代簧管樂器-笙。
Behance 通用化的設計可使喇叭偵測到使用者想要聽音樂自動與手機連 線,易懂的按鈕及可切換式螢幕顯示,操作起來更輕鬆簡單。 The
generaldesign design can make the speaker detect the user wants to listen to music automatically connected with the mobile phone, easy to understand the button and switchable screen display, easy to operate.

謝謝貴公司主管們的耐心閱讀 !

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