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7d 1-4 YEARS

Double Knitting and 4-ply




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ELF HOODS IN DOUBLE KNITTING Top left and bottom right on cover

For 1 to 2! and 2! to 4 years

MATERIALS Each 2 ozs. Main and 1 oz. Contrast of Bairnswear Scotch or Bri-Nylon Double Knitting. 2 No. 7 "Aero" Knitting Pins. ABBREVIATIONS K., knit; P., purl; st., stitch; st.st., stocking stitch (K.l row, P.l row); tog., together; sl.l, slip 1 knitways; t.b.l., through back of loops; wl. fwd., wool forward; p.s.s.o., pass slipped st. over; 0, means no stitches to be worked for that particular size; patt., pattern; M., main colour; C., contrast; beg., beginning; Cont., continue. TENSION Work to tension stated at beg. of each hood. NOTE: Figures in brackets refer to the 2nd size. Where one figure is given, this applies to both sizes. edge from** to end. Join the edgings at each corner. Fold the edging in half on to wrong side and slip st. loosely. Make a 45-inch long cord. Thread cord through hem at lower edge. Make 2 pom-pons and attach 1 to each end of cord.

e ag e nt ag e bi e nt ag e bi ag e nt nt ag e vi ag e bi e nt nt th ag e bi vi ag e e nt nt g g e th bi vi ta ta e ag e in age in ge th b v a nt t e ag e nt bi ge bin age th e vi nt t ta ag bi ag in ge in ge he t e b v nt nt ta ta ge g e e e n n bi vi ta ta th ag e vi ag e bi in ge bin age e nt th nt v a h e t e e vi ag e bi nt nt e th ag e nt vi ag e bi g th e vi nt nt ta th ag bi vi ag he vin e t e e nt nt e th ag e vi ag e bi th e nt nt th ag e bi vi ag nt nt ag nt

ELF HOOD (top left on cover) Tension: 8t sts. and 21 rows to 2 ins.

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Cast on 27 (31) sts. in M. and K.2 rows. Cont. thus: Join in C. 1st row (in C.)* K.l, K. through centre of next st. one row below, slipping the st. on the pin off at the same time, repeat from * to last st., K.l. 2nd row (in C.) K. to end. 3rd row (in M.) K.l, * K.l, K. through centre of next st. one row below, slipping the ~ t. on the pin off at the same time, repeat from* to end. 4th row (in M.) K. to end. These 4 rows form the patt. Keeping patt. correct increase 1 st. at end of the 4th then every following 12th row until there are 32 (36) sts. Work 26 (46) rows straight. Now K.2 tog. at end of the 2nd and every following 12th row until 27 (31) sts. remain. Work 8 rows straight. Cast off in patt.
















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MAKE UP Fold work in half and join the shaped edges to form the back seam. With right side facing and using M. knit up 71 (83) sts. evenly round front edge of bonnet. ** Purl 1 row. Next row Increase in first st., K. to last st., increase in this st. Purl 1 row. Next row K.l, (wl. fwd., K.2 tog.) to end. Purl 1 row. Next row K.2 tog., K. to last 2 sts., K.2 tog. Purl 1 row. Cast off evenly. With right side facing and using M. knit up 61 (67) sts. evenly round lower edge of bonnet. To complete, work as given for front

ELF HOOD (bottom right on cover)

Tension: 11 sts. and 14 rows to 2 ins.

Cast on 69 (81) sts. in M. and work in K.1, P.l rib for 8 rows. Join in C. and patt. thus:1st row (in C.) K. to end. 2nd row (in C.) K.l, P. to last st., K.l. Using M. repeat last 2 rows once. 5th row K.l M., (3M., 1 C., 2M.) 11 (13) times, 2M. 6th row K.l M., P. (3 M., 1 C., 2 M.) 11 (13) times, 1 M., K.1 M. 7th row K.l M., (2M., 3 C., 1 M.) 11 (13) times, 2M. 8th row K.1 M., P. (2 M., 3 C., 1 M.) 11 (13) times, 1 M., K.1 M. 9th row K.1 M., (l M., 2 C.) 22 (26) times, 2M. lOth row K.1 M., P. (1 M., 2 C .) 2路2 (26) times, 1 M., K.1 M. 11th row K.1 M., (2 C., 3M., 1 C.) 11 (13) times, 1 C., 1 M. 12th row K.1 M., P. (2 C., 3M., 1 C.) 11 (13) times, 1 C., K .1 M. Repeat 9th, lOth, 7th, 8th, 5th and 6th rows once in this order. Work 2 rows in M. and 2 rows in C. Break

off C. and proceed in st.st. until work measures St (6!) ins. from the beg., ending after a P. row. Shape thus:1st and 2nd rows K.61 (73) sts., turn P.53 (65) sts., turn. 3rd and 4th rows K.45 (57) sts., turn P.:n (49) sts., turn. 5th and 6th rows K.29 (41) sts., turn P.21 (33) sts., turn. Next row K. to end of left hand pin. Purl 1 row. Arrange these sts. on 2 pins, place them tog. (with points pointing to the right)

and cast off tog. knitwise on the wrong side fastening off the last st. along.

MAKE UP Press work lightly under a damp cloth with a warm iron. With right side facing knit up 61 (71) sts. evenly round lower edge. Work in K.l, P.l rib for 10 rows. Cast off evenly in rib. Turn under half the ribbing and slip st. loosely on wrong side. Make a 45inch long cord. Thread cord through hem at lower edge. Make 2 pom-pons and attach 1 to each end of cord.

BONNET AND HELMET IN 4-PLY e ag e nt ag e bi e nt ag e bi ag e nt nt ag e bi vi ag e e nt nt th ag e bi vi ag e e nt nt e th ag e bi vi ag e e nt ag e nt th ag e vi ag e bi nt e nt ag nt bi i g i g h e t a e b v a nt e e nt ag e nt ag e bi ge th bi vi ag nt nt ta g g e nt bi vi ta ge bin age ta th e vi ta in age in ge e e nt th n b v a e th e e vi ag e bi nt nt e th ag e nt vi ag e bi g th e vi nt nt ta th ag bi vi ag he vin e t e e nt nt e th ag e vi ag e bi th e nt nt th ag e vi ag e bi e nt nt g th bi vi ag ta e nt ge bin th vi ta e e n vi ag nt vi

Top right and bottom left on cover

For 1 to 2! and 2! to 4 years

MATERIALS Each 2 ozs. ofBairnswear La Laine or Crepe Laine; Bri-Nylon or Scotch Knitting. 2 No. 10 "Aero" Knitting Pins. 1 cable pin for bonnet. ABBREVIATIONS As Elf Hoods in Double Knitting. TENSION Work to tension stated at beg. of each hat.


NOTE: Figures in brackets refer to the 2nd size. Where one figure is given, this applies to both sizes.






end through the sts., draw up and fasten off.

(top right on cover) Tension: 14 sts. to 2 ins.

Cast on 87 (105) sts. 1st row K. to end. 2nd row K.4, P. to last 4 sts., K.4. Repeat these 2 rows for 5 (6) ins., ending after the lst row. Knit 9 rows. (garter st.) Fold the garter st. section in half (wrong side inside) and K. tog. one st. from left hand pin and one st. of the first garter st. row (9 rows back) all along the row.

Shape top 1st and every alternate row K.l, P. to last st., K.l. 2nd row K.7 (8), * K.2 tog. t.b.l., K.l, K.2 tog., K.l2 (16), repeat from * 3 times, K.2 tog. t.b.l., K.l, K.2 tog., K.7 (8). 77 (95) sts. 4th row K.6 (7), * K.2 tog. t.b.l., K.l, K.2 tog., K.lO (14), repeat from * 3 times, K.2 tog. t.b.l., K.l, K.2 tog., K.6 (7). 67 (85) sts. Cont. decreasing 10 sts. in this ma:r'mer on every following K. row until 27 (25) sts. remain. Break off leaving an end. Thread

CABLE BORDER Cast on 21 sts. and K.2 rows. Cont. thus:1st row K.3, (P.l, K.6) twice, P.l, K.3. 2nd row K.4, (P.6, K.l) twice, K.3. Repeat these 2 rows twice. 7th row K.3, P.l, (slip next 3 sts. on to cable pin and leave at back of work, K.3, replace and K. the sts. from the cable pin, P. l) twice, K.3. 8th row As 2nd row. Repeat last 8 rows 17 ( 19) times more, then 2nd and 1st rows once. Knit 1 row. Cast off evenly.

MAKE UP Press work lightly under a damp cloth with a warm iron. Commencing at the crown, sew back seam to where the garter st. was folded in half. Placing wrong side of border to right side of bonnet and using a flat seam join east-on edge of bonnet to garter st. edge of border. For the cords cut 30 pieces of the wool, each 15 ins. long, and make 2 plaits, knotting the ends to form tassels.

THE HELMET (bottom. left on cover) Tension: lOt sts. to 1 inch measured over the rib (without stretching the fabric).


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Cast on 7 (9) sts. 1st row K.1, (K.1, P.1) to last 2 sts., K.2. Repeat this row (moss st.) for 8 ins. Next row K.r, * (P.r, K.r , P.r) into next st., repeat from * to end (last st.), K.O (1). 19 (23) sts. Cont. in double moss st. thus:-路 1st row (P.l, K . l) 9 (11) times, K.l. 2nd row As 1st row. 3rd row (K.l, P .l) 9 (11) times, K.l. 4th row As 3rd row. Repeat last 4 rows until work measures 2! ins. from the increase row, ending after 1st or 3rd row. Break off wool. Slip sts. on a spare pin and leave. Work a second ear piece the same. Keeping the double moss st. sections correct throughout proceed thus:-Cast ori 16 (18) sts., patt. across the 19 (23) sts. of ear piece, cast on 53 (55) sts., patt. across 19 (2 3) sts. of second ear piece, cast on 16 (18) sts. 123 (137) sts. Next row (K.l, P. l) 8 (9) times, patt. 19 (23), (P. l, K.l) 26 (27) times, P.l , patt. 19 (23), (P.l, K.l) 8 (9) times. Following row K.2, (P.l, K.l) 7 (8) times, patt. 19 (23), (K.1, P.l) 26 (27) times, K.l, patt. 19 (23), (K.l , P.l) 7 (8) times, K.2. Repeat last 2 rows until work measures 4 (4!) ins. from where the sts. were cast on, ending after a wrong side row.

3rd row Rib 14 (16), patt. 19 (23), sl. l , K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 43 (45) , K.3 tog., patt. 19 (23) , rib 14 (16). Ill (125) sts. 5th row Rib 11 (13), K .3 tog., patt. 19 (23) , sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 39 (41 ), K .3 tog., patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K.2 tog. , p .s.s.o., rib 11 (13). 103 (117) sts. 7th row Rib 12 (14), patt. 19 (23), sl. l, K.2 tog. , p.s.s.o., rib 35 (37), K.3 tog., patt. 19 (23), rib 12 (14). 99 (113) sts. 9th row Rib 9 (11 ), K.3 tog., patt. 19 (23) , sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 31 (33) , K.3 tog. , patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K.2 tog.,p.s.s.o. , rib 9 (11). 91 (l 05) sts. lith row Rib 10 (12), patt. 19 (23) , sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 27 (29), K.3 tog. , patt. 19 (23), rib 10 (12) . 87 (101) sts. 13th row Rib 7 (9), K.3 tog., patt. 19 (23) , sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 23 (25 ), K.3 tog., patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 7 (9). 79 (93) sts. 15th row Rib 8 (10), patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 19 (21), K.3 tog. , patt. 19 (23), rib 8 (10). 75 (89) sts. 17th row Rib 5 (7), K.3 tog., patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K .2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 15 (17), K.3 tog., patt. 19 (23) , sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 5 (7). 67 (81) sts. 19th row Rib 6 (8), patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 11 (13), K.3 tog. , patt. 19 (23) , rib 6 (8). 63 (77) sts. 21st row Rib 3 (5), K.3 tog. , patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K .2 tog., p .s.s.o., rib 7 (9), K.3 tog. , patt. 19 (23), 路 sl. 1, K.2 tog., p .s.s.o., rib 3 (5). 55 (69) sts. 23rd row (K.2 tog.) 2 (3) times, patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., (K.2 tog.) 3 (4) times, patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., K.O (2) tog. , K.1. Draw up and fasten off.





Shape top 1st row Rib 13 (15), K.3 tog. , patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 47 (49), K .3 tog., patt. 19 (23), sl. 1, K.2 tog., p.s.s.o., rib 13 (15). 115 (129) sts. 2nd and every alternate row Work without shaping.

MAKE UP Join back seam. Make a pompon and attach to top.

Do write if in need of advice on this pattern to P.O. Box 7, NoTTINGHAM, enclosing a Ball Band of the wool specified and a stamped, addressed envelope. ERNA FARBER, BAIRNS-WEAR LTD. ,


JH Nottingham

Prices apply only in Great Britain and Northe:rn Ireland

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