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Temple City Older American of the Year Senior Programs

Zumba Gold
We connect our body with the rhythm of cumbia, merengue, salsa, and bachata.
Location: Live Oak Park Community Center, 10144 Bogue St.
Line Dance
Step into this old western dance with a twist! Learn basic line dancing set to country and non-country music. Level I for beginners, level II and III for experienced dancers.
Location: Live Oak Park Community Center, 10144 Bogue St.
Jim has been a member of the Temple City Kiwanis since May 30, 1984. During that time, he has served as President for four (4) non-consecutive years. He has volunteered with Cub Scout Pack #156 for many years, leading “hands on” skills in building things. Jim works with the Builder’s Club at Oak and Key Club at Temple City High School in building Camellia Parade floats. He is the “go to” person to fix everything and anything. He is truly an outstanding senior and the community is grateful and thankful for his contributions to Temple City.
Summer Sessions registration starts June 1, 2023