944media Phoenix

Page 1

SOUND &VISION Rock Fall Style

MTV Video Music Awards Exclusive


So You Think You Can Dance?



Future Shock

Internal Affairs

944 anct the MTV Video Music Awards present

Chris Bangle's BMW Concept Car comes to you

What to wear when taking the company down.

the nominees for "Besl Dancing in a Videoďż˝

all the way from the year 2108

one shredded document at a time

24 Hours in New York


The Righteous Gardener


Dusk Till Dawn

Follow this check.list to become an official

Actress Katio Chonacas ls exploding with 10 films

Whan the party tasts all night, be sure the clothes

New Yorker

in the next two years

do, too - consequences be damned










Moss Spa Candle-tJ: yoga cs one of many green seMCes pravided by this eco-k.lxury spa


Armani Exchange SCottsdi1le Sqwre·s newest and proudest addition to its fashK)(l names


Trendsetter All the accessories necessary to be me hit of the baJthis fall


No Respect

comedians want sorna k,'J\,e .•. and tor you 10 tip yOur wa1ress


A Stand-Up Guy I'm Charlie Murph,/, bitch


Suited Michael Phelps ISll't the onty one making the jumpsuit look good


Boutiques Off the Beaten Track On a mission to find fashion. a 944 staffer travels to no man's tenet Phoenix, Gilbert and (gasp) Peoria


Re-Introducing Raw lnoo;ative Dining Group open.s Sushi Roku. named Sushi Masters of 1he Va'$ey


Net Gains AVP comes to Glef'ldole fOf" its second year ond the party gets bigger and better. we·re throMng a pool party!



0 ;'J





Founded & Created by Mark Gorzen




GAOUP PU61..1$H!;R Jacqueline Bicknell LAS VEGAS PUBLISHER Ryan Doherty LA ASSOCIATE PUi3L1SHER Jenica Travcf'S





AIR A$SOCIA1E Jasmine Jenkin&


PHOE N l>C" AiJO CORPORATE HEADQUARTE RS 4253 N. Scotu,dale Road, Ste. 200 Scottsdale, A.Z 85251 480.423.1944 Office I 480.423.5944 Fax l OS AMOE LES


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(publisher's letter]

You Could Be Our] o �e��\ �i?��!:,� del editor's choice

Alyssa Julia Reinke


Nick Names: l.Jj:J UJ Birthday: OCtober 1, 1991 Hometown: C�go. l. Occ.upationg: Model for the Ford Robert Black Agooo, and student Pen.onal style: COmbinattons of eclectic pieces. Th,nk Edie Sedgwk:k moots Carrie Bradshaw.

Favorite fashion designers: �enciaga . Nicolas Ghesquiefe and Givenchy Most embarrassing outfit: A wi�e beater tank top with "Boondock Saints" printed on it and worn over a bright yelow polo, cordlJO'f knee-length shorts and pink striped socks 'Nit:h a pair of Keds Fashion trend to be kiled off: Baby doll dresses - they are 1ust not flattering! On wearing white after August: AbsoluteM I don't like following rules! Motto: Go btg or go home!

"May v.ot nve i in teresting times." I� heard 1t.is qwt throughout rny I fe and at no time has It s88rnad more 1 ..ipprojri.::1:c tin it docs Odcf'/. Take a quick look at tho state of g'obal affairs,

tt·erc are more t'"'l<lf c·10 h topics to potentially put il damper Or'1 ar11.,'0ne's day. } Llect1ons,�Ofll'), global warrn:ng, the war on terror and fuel prices: a.I t�pics

aftlie foremnfof our minds as we approach the November elections. So ,..11th a!I these heavy issuesweighing in, let us take a look at the IX)Stives in our community. After a long summer we can all OOk forward to an upcoming season filled wtth cpporrurvty. The taJI t:n,gs to Phoero: ne.N hotels, resr..aurants. entertairmen:tvenues. national events and fashion recognition that will continue to drive our reputation as an en�ertainment and lifestyle destination With sormn,,,of lfe 's chahenges, we need to embrace these oppor t1S1ilies.and ulillz.e them as the great oscapes that v.'e so desperat�deserve. Certainly the 944 We-style represented 0'1 the pages of OLI'" SG'.'€1rl cities prondes an escape from those troublesotne tcpks we tace day to day. (Dk.I I really just pay $4 for a gallon of gas?

viewers' choice

Stacey Lynn Scott

Hometown: Canajoharie, New YOl'k Current Hometown: UIS Vegas, Nevada Birthday: August 22, 1986 Occupation: Modeling Personal style: I'm down-to-Earth and a tree split! Most embarrassing outfit: So far there's beEtl no embarrassl� outfit on me yet ... Favorite fashion designet: Ctwistian Siriaro Fashion trend to be killed off: Gf'Moy�h8$ Favorite outfit: Pa;,anas Motto: "You tTla'/ &ff 1·m a dreamer. but I'm not the r:n-/a18. I hq)e somedayyoo w"1join us, and thewat:I \Nil be as one.� --Jom Lmion

No mind. I wi I just h1 page 52 and disco.ier f.ve reasons to ia,.,e a fedora.) Enjoy this Fall Fashion Issue, and please take the time co partake in the world 944 can provide. In addition to the magazine in your hands, come see us at 944. COin or any of our events we have schedu4ed this month. 9d-4 is a lre5tyte, come and enioy it. As a final note, I would like to cong,atulate 944 San Diego on their 5-year and 944 Los Ange�s oo the"r 2-year anniversaries. 944 has grown up righl before OUrO),'OS.

I welcome any feedback or ideas you have,

BRIAN RUEDE Publisher 944 Phoenix


·Correction: In the 7.8 issoo Greg Donnally was referred to as the ·Founder of RA. He is a "Co·Founder."

black tie

Moss Spa

Written by Julie Stooe


In the center of the busy Waterfront District

offers a l natural or organic products in its boutique

a refuge can be found for those who want to

and in its spa se<Vlces. As the only retaler of Anakiri

unwind. Moss Wellness Spa, which opooed 111 April

in the Valley, Moss specially selects which brands

above Urban Outfitters, is Arizona's first eco-luxury

lo sen to ensU(e tts purest quality. The spa IS also

spa, combining groon lifestyle practices with the

developing its own self-tlt!ed product lrne to be sold

luxury treatments of a spa. �vou can sLII have your

to the masses in the next few months. The entire spa

pampering and be eco-f<ierldly,"' says Spa Director

is supplied filtered air through an IQAir HealthPro

Samira Ka ti. '' It's not aM'DYSa hippie htt:lc pine.a: Yoga,

filtration system, which cleans it to cpe(atin<J room

Pi•atas, beauty and spa services are m1ail.able with

standards. Coed 11door and outdoor waiting areas, a

ifldMdualized attentoo. Yoga therapy is a tv10-oourae

private k:>ulge and cateri'lg fn::rn Owe & tvy and Sauce

devek:iprnent aeated specificat/fO< the elem by Yoga

(served on plates, not thrcw-a...vay tal<e-ou1 boxes)

instructor Zuzana Kolinkova. For those Wfih special

give �toss ttie glamour that's not atvJa-JS associated

conditions, the r.rst session is a consultation and the

with going green. ·Every time [customers! come in

second meeting is t0 teach the ciient the wecialized

or go on the Web site, they can learn more about

routine Kol nkova deve!oped for them. Other y0ga

being eco-luxury," 8a'/S Kaifl. "It's a 1)(1.que concept

classes include yin yoga at n ght (illuminated by candle light), 6ow y0ga and meditation. Also pa,1 of

arid that's what we·ra going !ex.·

taking care of their cu:stoo,ers as best they can, Moos

www.mossspa.com I 480.945.6772

what's new

Armani Exchange

Written by Julie Stooe

0 > 0



The first Armani Exchange in Arizona opened

casual looks can be tound to accommoda.:e tor any

on August 18 on the second level of Scottsda'e

spec,aJ occa&On. A 10-foot-high V)deo wall displays

Fash1ot1 Square. Just in time fot fall fashion. the

ttie latest colections and trends, just it1 case anyone

trends most will likely find in the shop are of simple

m.ssed them oo the racks. Already a popular choice

sophistieation. "Modern elegat1ce sets the mood and

atnOog the regulars at the fa.shiooable mall. Armani

casual refinement eaSil-j mixes with sporty 11flueoc:es

Exchange offers a variety of preml.Jm trends for a px:;e

to create th8 ur\Sll.X'.ilad kx:ik of a.ft8'-$ChOOI style," says

most of us can affOfd in these arduous times.

its publie relatiOM representative in a press r8'ease. Just in tirne tor ,;1ďż˝ the tall events. e,egance. S(X)r1y and

www.armaniexchange.com I 480.994.0216

You Look so Unique and Stylish Wow, nobody has wom that before -"Nell, excluding the ffve other guys in here wearing the exact sarne thing. Oh, and tt'i0$8 dorky k1ds who wore one to their prom. And your grandpa ...



Book of Secrets• Prince is one fascinating fel'ow. Ever hear about the alleged Brnzlian oocane scand..-il? That, a'ong wrth other great tales from tus life can now be read 11 his first book, 21 N)[)hts, coincicffig with his 50th birthda</. He's a big bOJ ncrw. Simonsays.com

02 _03 04 _05

Smelly Washer• Has an\tone seen our .. uh ... Smelly Washer pooder? We need it to clean the washing machine. Oh. and w e also lost a rolled-up $20111 there too. Smellywasher.com




They're Quite Useful Ever find yourself in a s tuation in the club where you wish you had a tCM.·el handy? Or a rabbit? (Women love magic, too. Honestly.) Imagine how many items can be stuffed in the space ba1ween your noggin and a fedora!

Water Clocks• To help cut back on e!ectrlcrty. use up the waler. n1e hydro-powered beds,de clock jU$t noeds a dash of sail (no, not Smelfy Washer) to perform al its fullest. Plus forgetting to fill the cioci< with water is a really good excuse for being ia:e to work. Bedolwhatsnext.com Weed Whacker• This will surety impress the boss. Next time on the gait ooursewith

Nothing Says Cuban Like Hats We don't really knOIN what the hell th s moans, but someone said it in our editorial meeting and ii seemed funny to us- and if it's not t o you. then you probably wear a fedora.

the superiof", be generous ertC(Jgh to whack those pesky weeds awaytrom his horrible lie irrthe ta1 grass. Don't wooy, this device doesn't make its US€f look nerdy at all. Gcod luck w,th that raise.• Bigdaddydriver.com Remote Control Dog Collar • Isn't it annoyir"lg when a.II the neighborhood (jogs con'·.e tran"lplf'lg through the kitchen? Thanks 10 the Plexidor e1ectr0t"lk:: pe! door, o� the pcx:ich ot lhe hol.1$8 can get In tha tiny passage-.va,; \•,o;th h.s collar key. Simply clip the key to the col1ar and let the dog q;)8(l the ooor for itself. • Dogdoors.com


Women Love Them It's a well-known fact that all women are at trac1ed 10 men in ridiculous headgear. Just look at Beany from Beany and Cec.11, that son of a gun l11era'lv had to carry a stick with him to beat the women off. It's true, we swear.


You Finally Found the Next�--' Just like leather bracelets, hemp necklaces, s. ..·eatbands or sunglasses (with or without rhinestones ) .it ntght, fedorus will stand the test of time and there's no possibl.e way they'll look dated Of incredibly stup<l by ... next month.



BL the "ft "Girl tlm Se,uon with Our favored Fall Items

\Vrirtm b)' Nt1.n.y &su

Get a pulse on the latest in Scottsdale and beyond. Here are the must.have items of lhe moment - whether i fS beauty inforrnat10n 10 improve he;Jlth and vitality or the f nest little extras that are certain to make any house a home or clothing straight frorn the runways of Milan, Pans, London and Ne,r., York. these products are perfect for the posh woman.

lippmann collection

...._--===- "" .__

l tic wozrvb o colors 1r tho bust'-. two lip colors

wc·e mostorully placed togc;ror to complement the s< n, <1nd with three eye shadows,

ard a Ip sheer. wea�ers will loo< polished withoJt looking overdo'le. $55 I www.bobbibrown.com

sho.vs are these higl"'-lacquered shine rail polishes by

I lot o'I the rail 2008 runway

. a1d wi.:r st'ades Iace to 131ac<, ;'.:\hapsody i11 Wh te and Stop ard Sta(e,

$15 each I Nordstro m, Scottsdale Fashion Square I 480.946.4111 Tl'e Slatk n & Co .JP gyr· ockers. cars, closets and CLbi:::les. S5 I Bath & Body are hand-oesigned a!ld prirted Works, Scottsdale Fashion Square I 480.947.9050 T1ese sceT1ted sheets o' paper by the on recyclecJ paoer. perfec: for refresh ng drawe's ,rnd liTlens. $28 I www.soapandpaperfactory.com Th s drama�i::: ensf:!mh e !rem 's la:est collec11or. consis:s of a chic jumpt�t.i: w 1h the �;igr)atu•e L. gLag p·inl and a cas·)mere ctott'i stole. wT11C"l ras a go·geous In r)g of chocolate and po,.voer rasch<il kr1i:. Jumpsuit $3,105 and Stole $1,850 I www.mis soni.com , whi::::h captures all tt·o glarncurof clussic tum:pgo wi:h added tolld1os of mcdcrri ot1y cor·vcrioricos. $14,650. Don't want to �ucnd tllOrc th<.i-i �o Gs? Check out t·1c co-c colloct on. wt 1ich stB�ts at a eruc·1 lowcr price. $260 I www.samsoniteblacklabel.com they are a must for any 'ash on IT'aven.

is made f'orr biodegra::table plastic and crea:es an 01-trie-go. oleasaflt sce'"lt to fres/len






says .hats lhha� Ne r� try1:19 to� ocal designer Ang dress �arJe) knows tn s a I too Nell ·Looti: 1t s not 1Ke avso rt don t th"lo< 11 evor w1!1 st,e says �aut '""e have such a str reason that tt atlgnorn NhO Nork


Big Bang Theory

Jesse Tgnjatovic looks to M,zke the VMAs Bigger, Better Writt.-r. �'1 Rym Crosby

perbmarces with tt'ou:sarlds cikids and cues ar'd set

pieces mOVing. Something that takes chances."

One ot the dlances fgnjatmic is taking IB hiring

relative nev.1corner Russell Brand kno.vn best tor his

the world to Russel Brand - again.

"Yeah, It's insane right now.fl admits Jesse

and we put them 1n the room and it was very much

olf-the-cuff. They had fun with each other; it was a

show-s;:opping tum eat1ier in the year in the movie.

very relaxed environment."

neN comedic voice. even If it was unknaM"i to tne U.S.

rapper Lil' Wa.{f',e, teen soosatic<Js the Jonas BrothetS,

Forgetting Sarah Marshafl. "We just wanted to frld that

Someot1e wtlo is teetering oo break!flg through," he sa,;s, referring 10 tr.e energyCh'is Rock bought when

Toepertoonera b this year's6\1€fltl"ldl..de pla:n.Jm

Prl<and Kd Rod(, !:).rt theronrnercialswilh Lt>iQUtouS

Ms. Spears definitely got 1he rumor mill buzzing.

he hosted Iha VMAs. ·we,,•ro:tr11 someone that's 90,'(lg

lgnj.')l(NiC is predictably tight-tipped about whether

rea'ly be someone where anyth:l"lg c� happen."

to happen with hef . She's one of the mainstays, like Michael Jockson, M.ldonn-il or Prince. She's part of

1oc.:�.»Zeon a ltve st'V)W, aJ1d be willing to push 11 and The first test tor Brand came with the promo

� veteran MTV producer 1s taking Oler movie I studkls, having fun wiih Britney, arld introducing

and Russell wanted to come up with someth ng,·

lgnjotovic says. ·s11e·s open to hav.ng tun with th·ng.s

videos he did for the show with the ubiquitous

Spears, which teatures just the t\Yo stars riffing in a

soundstage with an etepham. "We all real� wanted to work with her again, she wanted to do some stuff

she will perform or ooL "You nwer knowYi.�1.rs going

tl1e fabric. Even with lastyaar rt. was an opportunity we

�ttoc:aebra:e her and we chcx.Jght it was going to

be a comeback as 'Nell you knoN," he laughs. "Maybe

ifs another year i1 the makingl"

tgnjato,..,ie, who ,s preparing for his second tum as

executive producer of 1he Video Music Awards, for Dan ofThievas. ·11 goos from bad< in February having

four or five poopla triking abovt the shew in a room. to noo.•.r when it just builds to hundreds of people . It's hectic but it's exciting:"

lgnjatovic, who has worked at MTV for 14 years,

took OJer the VMAs in 2007 #or their adventU'"OUS shOYI

at the Palms m Las Vegas. �Last year I JUSl wanted to compfete!y shake it up and do someth.ng thai hadn't

been done with the format in an awards sl"low'. arid so I was like. 'Let's go take eve, a hotel!"'

The resu't was a capricious show !hat bounced

around to various par�es w'1lhi n the suites a'I CNe< the

casiiio. and notonouslyfooturecl a spectaculariy poor

pertormar.ce by Britney Spears, v.•tvch was fo'10',,'/ed

by energizing dance number from Chris Brown. "I was just wanting her to gel through it, I think we all

just wanted her to succeed,� says lgnatovic, who

pkits the show from a control rom inside of a mobile truck. "It was tough going afterwards. That Chris o

Brovm perfo.nnance just realty b<ought the whole show back, and I 1hink ii is going to be a historic MTV award shOW' per1ormru,co. •

For lgnjatCMc, the next logical step is to do ii b;gget and better this yoor. '"Because of the writers strike, I

just felt l:ke this is the year that MTV shOuld come back to Los Angaes," he says v.r.th excitement. "Take over

a movie studio. and try to build on what we did last i year in a b gger WfJ/. When at a movie stuOO, make it bigger, bolder and mo<e cinematic!"

The everit is taking place at Paramount Stud,os,

wtlich lSfitting since it acted as a 9'0Und ze<o or sorts

for 1he strikers. "This year we're on a back lot. Let's

not just uooone stago, lot's use Iha who�damfl back lotl • enthuses 19(l)<Y.ovic. •Let's 90 shoot stuff on N6'W

York Street and Chicago Street. Let's create these











·This is your captain speaking. It's 85 degrees and we'll be amving at gate six. Bagga�--e can be claimed at carousel No. 1. W�come to New YOt'k Fu'@ing City.� Even befo� the flight auandant has prepared d00<s tor arrival and crosscheck, remembef what we are abou1 to !ell you: there are packed fi ghts from around the world anivtng around the same time you are. Skip the bathroom and head outside to the cab line. If you're lucky, the line wi·1 be retatr/Oly short and for a foe of S45 plus tolls. you'll be oo your way and in the Oty in no time. When it comes to your hote l Dnd pre· planning. don't dwe'.I too much on the !ocattOn, but do bOOk ahe.3d. You can get to whe<e you need to go by cab, train or foo1. Ho,.•.,e,,.,er, consider slaying someplace that afters more than just a bed. More and m()(e hotels are taking advantage or unused real estate and crooting super luxe rooftop lounges. Although not exactly a new concept, ttl8<e's notn ng like unwindng w,lh a cocktail and some at the most spectacular vievvs oghl in front of you. 60 Thompson in SoHo (60 Thompson St., 87 7.431.0400} is known for the super­ exclusive A60, whk:h boasts some pretty amazing 1/le'NS of downtCMfn. The catch: You have to be a guest in order 10 access the view. The Roosevelt Hotel's mad46 (45 East 45th St., 212.885.6095) is one of the newer rooftops and boosts spectaw!c1r views of m.dtown. Try a mad46 signature cock ta Is [Ike 1ha Mad Mo,i:o w tn shaved coconut and a 1,...t, ta c�ate stick i11Stead of a. piece of sugar cane. There's also Salon de Ning at The Peninsula Hotel {700 5th Ave., 212.856.2888), which features two







outdoor terraces wrt.h sumptuous daybeds, perfect for chilling out after a day of flyirtg. And you can nev&" go wrong w lh The Hotel Gansevoort in the Mea1packing District (18 9th Ave., 212.206.6700). a favonte destinalion among travelers and locals. The hotspot offers 360 degrees of city and river views, wtth an outdoor pool as the best place to kill some time. It you've 901 1he green, book the penthouse at Hotel on Rivington (107 Rivington St., 212.475.2600) i1 the Lower East Side. COrnplete with an outdoor shO'A'8r and Jacu:w, you a lso have your very awn landscaped rooftop. If you'ra not staylrig a1 a hotel with its very own roof k>unge then coo&der bvnl(.ing near the newty opened

Highbar in Midtown West (251 W. 48th St., 212.956.1300). Although it"s smack-dab in middle of Manhattan, you'H feel like you're at the beach with its vibrant color scheme. With plenty of places to lounge ou1. thls is a great roof top alternative to the hmels. SO you've 901 your ho:el. All you need to do is figure out your scene. From here i on Ot.lt, coos.der this gwde to be someth ng akin to a Choose Your Own Adventure book. The neighbo(hood (or 'hoods) you choose to party in could load to a very happy rinish or you may fnd yourselt wishing 10< an alternate ending to your 24 hours in New York City. That said. it a.n outcome sucks, pick another ptace, hop in a cab and see what happens Manhc1ttan is small - the island iS only about 13 m les long and a little more than two m les across. But the City 1s one of lhe most densely packed places (think peop1e, dogs, baby strollers. ho!OOQ and halal meat carts. cabs, buses and buildings) 1n the country, and with the clock ticking, It's time for a quick dose of cul1ure. It you're not into the arts (you might think twice after read ng our picks), no prob'em-o - Skip th s paragraph and head to the West Vi'lage for a bite to eat and a smoke. The Apple 1s brimming wrth 8'.Je<Y kind of museum, gallery°' perf0<mance venue imaginable, Not m sound overly clk:M, but there truly is something fOf' everybody in this tQl.'m. From the Museum of Sex to The S.._--yscraper Museum to the famed Metropdita.n Museum of Art, 1his city's got whatever floats your boat. Not convinced? Perhaps having a dl'irlk ai The Guggenheim Museum's Art after Dark w�I change your mind (1071 5th Ave., 212.360.4274). On the firSI Friday o1 the month. ent()y a glass of red, listen to a DJ or barid like Ratall:i t, and roam the gal:eries f0< only S25 until 1 a.m. The Rubin Museum 1n Chelsea (150West 17th St., 212.620.5000) hosts a similar evoot called K2 r:Nery Friday night Same deal: drinks. live music, cinema and access to the museum's collection of an from the Hima'ayas and surround ng regions. Now that you've discovered some deep and profound L,uth in \JVil!em de Kooning 's ·compositiO(l,• it's fin.ally time to dabble in the City's nightli fe . Although the city is packed wilh plenty of ac1ioo, we'ra keeping it simple and focus ng on a few of our tave 'hoods here



Located belov., 14th Street and west of Sixth Avenue, the West Village is the '""estem halt of Greenwich Village, once a mecca for those St.'.Jrvlng, crea1ive Boho types - in fact, tha area was known as Little Bohemia. West Village still allracts an sorts of artists practicing their cratt, but the area's modem day 1nhabrtants are more of the very rich and famous variety. If you can get into Vanity Fair edior Graydon Carter"s Waverly Inn (16 Bank St., 212.243.7900), you deserve a pat on the back because untess you're sornebocty or you knov, somebody who knows somebody, you probably YIQ(1'1 get in. Carr.eron O.az, Kate Hudson and Lindsey Lohan usualfy stroll through the door. so you get the drift. Other dining options include The Smith's (79 Macdougal St., 212.260.0100), Iha baby of two of the c,ly's big time restaurateurs, Cindy Smith and Dannv Abrams. Besides the ,nnovatwe Americ&1 cuisine, Smith·s hidden back bru is popu1ar for its Grilled Cheese Special n·ght - th'nk gnPed brie sandwich with truffled honey and sl ced prosciutto. Aoother WV hotspot The Spotted Pig (314 W. Greenwich St., 212.620.0393). Great for brunch or late-n.ght dinner, th.s t,ght. two·story eatery doesn't accept reservations, but anv wart is well •North •t for both the food and people watching For an after·d nner Montecrlsto, head west to Bar and Books {636 Hudson St., 212.229.2642}, one of the few remaning places where smokirig is stil allowed inside - for a fee.

CI-IELSEA Bordering the West Village to the North, it's probabll/ faster to wall< to Che'sea than hop a cab If traffic on Eighth Avenue is a hol mess. Not a bad plan, since Chelsea's a mixed bag as rar as neighborhoods are concerned. Gay­ and•tamily fnend¥, this once industrial part of New York City slill has an edgy, albeit som01Nhat tame, vibe as you head !o..vard lhe Hudson Rive, where many of the city' s fantastic an gallenes are located 1*, weII as some otthe glitterat1'slavorite clubs and lounges . •

Mansion New York (530 W. 28th St., 212.629.9000) combines pure fabulousness with

theatrics. and lots ot star power (think: Zoo91{ Deschanel, D,ddy, Will.i.am and Kim Kardashian). Sofas are covered in sumptuous Pucci pnnts and there [s atw�s some kind of performance taking place. even overhead as aerta1is1s somet mes perform while parti0fs gaze up. There's al so 10AK (453 w. 17th St., 212 .242.1111) - more restaurant and lounge, arid much less club, the place is the brainchild of the guys 'Who created hotspots Butter, lotus, The Park, and G Spa & Lounge. Combined, these dudes have about 40 yoors of experience in the NYC n ghtlife biz, so you can only tmag ne what lOAK looks like. This place is all about the scene and no expense was spared, so expect plenty o1 beautiful people and a stun.n ng ln�ericr complete with oak-lined ceilings at1d lots of gold touches even in lhe john. OK, it's about 4 a.m. and you're famished. The Empire Diner (210 10th Ave., 212.243.2736) is one ot Stella Keitel's tavorrte places and best of all its open 24/7. In all honesty, the place is a tittle rn0re posh than most diners, but the food 1s fairly inexpensive and more importantly good.

and cornbread that'll put the kibosh on any diet, Blue Smoke is actual1y a twofer - after feasting on a pile of Kansas City ribs, head i downstairs to the Jazz Standard fOC' ave mus c from newcomers and old souls the wo�d of jazz. funk and bluegrass. For the uli.imate bar experieoce, and where reservations • are a must after 9 p.m., a stop at lhe Roso Bar inside Ian Sch,ager's Gramercy Park Hotel (2 Lexington Ave., 212.920.3300) is a must. An eclectic mix of French and Asian design, the 1 p ace resemb•es a Toulouse Lautrec painting come to life. The Rose Bar is certa.nty a treat for 1he eye and the palote with bartenders serving up tasty concoctions such as the Apple


These two neighborhoods. situated east of Sixth Avenue and above Union Square. are defirntely highbrCN1 and may not appeal to those wh:h spiky hair and frosted tips. Still, the area. rnost notably marked by the famous Flatiron Building, 1s very ch.c and incredibfy soph shca!ed, especially to the east where the Flatiron District becomes Gramercy and Gramercy Park (the small, fenced in green space that's only accessib!e to the residents who live in the 1ownhouses and co-ops lh.:lt surround iQ. For a glimpse ot0 1d New York, consider a de10ur or an all-night pit stop at the Flatiron Lounge (37 West 19th St., 212.727.7741). Mxologist Julie Retner has developed a reputation for her masterfully creative martin, fl ghts (yes, fl ghts!). Inspired by Sinatra and the Rat Pack. "Flight Back In Time" is a lnbute worth sampling over and over again. Another New York classic 1S Gramercy Tavern {42 East 20th St., 212.477.0777). Restaurateur Dann}' Meyers opened his second restaurant over 10 years ago, but !his place stilt kicks. Wilh an impressive selectron of wi ne and spectacular food. it's no wonder Gramercy Tavern was honored th,s year by The James Beard Foundation with rts "Outstand ng Restaurant Award �. If that sounds a httle too formal, how about this? Barbecue and New Yorkers? For a while il seemed the twain would never meet, until Blue Smoke (116 E. 27th St., 212.447.7733) arrived on the scene. With a wide selection of barbecue






Maca Mattini: a mix of Saga.tiba Cacha�a. St. Germ�ine e 1derflower I quor, fresh lime Juk;e Md app!e cider.


You say you're a t:ttle bit rock ·n· roll. a rwe b.t punk with a hint of fun'<, and maybe you're even a bny, tiny bit OOUFTtfY. Well then, you belong ill the East Vil age, cause this p&ace is - or was - the ptace 10< you. Located between 14th Street and Houston and east of &oact.,13'y, the East Vllag,e wus home to aH sorts of tunky outsiders. from Beatniks and hippies to starving a1t,sts and punk rockers. Lately, this part of tovm has undergone a major shift in demographics. and what was once a part of Nev.r York made up of affordable housing Ci.a. squatters living in abandoned or condemned bu ldings), now consists of gleaming glass condos and oo­ ops that go foc a cool m.l!K)fl, easy. Osspite the gentrification, it's stll a fun neighbof'hood and there are P*?'f'lty of bars, lounges, reStaL.Kants and tattoo par10f'S worth checkrlg oot. PDT {113 St. Marks Pl., 212.614.0386) has a real speakeasy vibe to it and that's probably because ycu have to enter through a phone booth inside Crif Dogs, a hot dog joint that makes some out­ of-this-worlct. fLJ1ky vneners The place is tighl. but good d<inks and a selec:!ton of hot dogs from the crazy neighbor make this place a winner. A more or:ien choice for excellent food. spectacular cocktails and an impress ive list of spirits (whiskey dnnkers

rejoice) would be Death & Co. (433 E. 6th St., 212.388.0882), whieh does ii a.II very, vety wetl.

With the cali ber of food and dnnk - ernphas;s on the dnnk, these guys make some funky concocnons with names lke The Electoc Kool-Aid Acid Test-you'd think lhe place would be i n a chi-chler pa(l of town. Fortunmety, alOOg with the hamlers facelift, came some great ngtitlife options in add:tK)(l to the dives. Besides the txx>ze and

food, the EV has a long history of nurtunng artists, and a great pf.ace to really get a sense of the Oty's 11.:tvor and cullure is the Nuyorican Poets Cafe (Nuyorican being a hybrid of the words Ne.v York and Puerio R;ca.n). Founded in 1973, 1he caf� ho$1S a poetry sJam starting at 10 p.m. every Friday night (236 E. 3rd St., 212.505.8183}. Gan't find the perfect $0C..M::f1 r to commemorate y0ur 24 ho� in NYC? How about gettcng some ink? Award-winning artists David S8na and ROdng<) Melo are knc,.vn t0< creating maste<pieces at their EV tanoo shop, North Star Tattoo (74 E. 7th St., 212.228.6724).



,� Sl!PT!UB1!A



New Yorkers often use the phrase -up-and-coming" to describe a neighborhcod that's undergoing a pos.bvo {fingers crossed) transformation New Yorkers, especia!ry those who work 11 real estate. also use that phrase to describe certan neighborhoods that ore not and never ever w,n be up-and-com,.ng, but happen to have a Starbucks ITT the area. Greenpoint falls into the first category. Thanks to the high oost of liviflg 11 Manhattan, people are crossing the East River at'ld stak.-ig c:i claim n i a part of BK that was dcminated by irldustr"y and Polish ll'lmigrants. G(eenpoir.1 is st�I h()r'f)e to generations of P oles. bul the 'ho,oo is enjoying some buzz, with the open ing of boutlques. restaurants. caf8S and yes, a viable nightlifo. The oriy thing thai: does st.K:k 1s that Greenpoint is located on the G Line, one of the more chanenging subway lines s.nce it doesn·t run in!o Manhattan - and that means you'll have to take at least two 1rains. If you're lookmg for a little special sumpin' sumpin'. make a stop at Alter {109 Fritnklin St., 718.784.8818). r.e,.•1 and recOn$l.lVCtad vintage pioces plus beauti'ut, one-of-a-kind baubles. In terms of tx>o!e, though, check out Black Rabbit Bar (91 Greenpoint Ave., 718.349.1595). Located in a 19ttl cefltl•Y rON house, this place has an inctedibty cozy old v.tOrid � ,.,nth it simple tumishings. working fireplace and gorgeous 1Noodwork. S:mpl,I put. It's just a great spot 10 enjoya boer and listen to local bands jam out. Another spot to enja,, would be CoCo66 (66 Greenpoint Ave., 716.389.7392), which si one part tozz, one part OJ and one part live mu:sk;. You can get a little of evecything at this bar and the same goes b the decor. CoCo66 stil retans some �ts of its former li fe as a wood shop •.vhi'ie blending ITT modern touches like a cool zinc bar.


LIC was, and in sorne ways sti I ls, very raw, however, developers have a'ready broke ground and erected massive condos and

apartment buildings with spectacular vie-.ws ot the East River and Manhattan (a little tip, the best view of Manhattan can only be found out$ida of Manhattan). Fortunately, o,1er the last coop'e of years. a scene has emerged. One spot worth hilling up if you're in the atea is Water Taxi Beach (2 Borden Ave., www. watertaxlbeach.com). Th,s man-made beach along the East River has real sand trucked in from who-koo1Ns-1,•/here, tropical drinks and mus ic. Kick up your feet up and watch the sun set. After you've ptayed in the sand, take a cab or hop the 7 train to the N/W train at Oueensboro Plaza and head to Astona. Astoria Is often associated with Greek culture arld for good reason: the 'hood has the largest concentration of Greeks -and some of the best baklava -outside of Athens. Much of the action is on 30th Avenue \•/here loca's hit up the Greek caf�s and sip frappes (a Greek class c made from instarit coffee, rn lk, slfgar and water) and cocktails into the wee hours of the night. A few avenues dO'INn, thero's Cafe Bar (32-90 36th St., 718.204.5.273). The design of i:his place rocks thanks to its multiple sleek vintage p eces. including dining chars reminiscent of Uhura's seat on Enterprise A Cool and very la d back, Cafe Bar serves up some amazing Medilerranean-insp red dishes (try the meze), funky cocktails and even organic wine. You may see a few hipsters clad in plaid here, but this place is truly a mixed bag- in a good way. When the warm weather rolls around, the line outside the Bohemian Hall and Beer Garden (29-19 24th Ave., 718.274.4925) is davnting and you may be tempted to bo l t. Remember, pat i ence is a virtue. Afler passing through a dark little bar, the place opens into a massive outdoor space with plenty of picnic tables and live music. Fo, a true Beer Garden experience, order a p i tcher of beer and a plate of sausage.


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Future Shock

Chris Bangle's BMW Concept Car is Out ofthis Universe


l)?rit1e11 by i'dl Drnl.'i'

the future, according to science fiction movies, everyone will wear idootical si l ver jurnpsuts aJI tne time. In the autonlOtive future. accOl'd!ng: to C'lrs Ba.flgle, the sitvet •wmps1,,it may go on a car. not on the dnve·. i You may not know Chris Ba'1g-e, but odds are you &tner !OYe h s-wo<i<.orhata it. As chief of design for BMW Group, he is responsbSe '0< the trurk treatmem CYl BMWs ike the 24, also known to h s crihcs as the-Bang,e Butt.· Sofno have been so harsh as to descrioo the Z4 as havif"{J been desigried "w'Tl a machete.·

via hydraul,c 300 eklctrlc actuators allo\.ov!ng the U$0r to lltorat,, change lhe shape of the body. rtie fabric skit") 1tsetf takes a few hours to install. rna-<ing dent removal and a pant ,ob obsolete. Even a color and sty'.e change could be dooe 1n less tifT\e than it takes for a good detailing. And because of the flexible structure of the bcxty, tracitiona! blemishes ·1ke body seams can nide a"./tiay like magic. There aren't trad"".1onal dears per so on tho Gt\JA they flex cpen, as do the heaobght covers, vlhich w nk in and out of sight. The engine compartment

Now tne dos,gf'l !o.:im he hoads has Introduced a qu;.mtum loap 11'1 a�Of'notivo c:Jesjgn - a shape-shitting sports car. The GI\JA (Geon,etry and functioos In �w Adaptions) Light VtSionary Mode' was installed 1n tho 81v'1W museum 1n Mul"ich ifl ear1y June. though Bang-Efs toom has been 1,vork;ng on it for QU te some tme. Bangle's grooo has been asking some p-otty stra�e avestions about ca.rs: Wha: 1f a car could dress for the occas,.on juSt as t'le drive< does? '1/1/h.; does a car ti.ave to look the same al the tJne? Why must o car's exterlOf oo fll.ade of rne:ar? The GINA ugt'l: Voo,-.ary Model 1s one ansv-Jer to some of �ose questions. The GINA was actually but:. some Six year-sago oo the venerable (and vanished}

is accessed through what appoars to bo an lncioon. A spoiler can be maOO to grcm out of the rear section. Morph your car to flt your mood Whatever the fate oc the CINA may be, beari,ig in mind that most concept cars never get a p{)'Ner plant, much ess see production. wtiere w1 t all the gadge!s show up in Bt>IW's line? Odds are we'h see b;ts and pieces on different models before th s �1rt(;U.ar rido hits thO bricks. Of C01.1rse, that's what SOO"l8 said about tre 28. BMW says, "The d,asuc reinterpretation of fo.md (:lf funClt()!"1C:I ty and structure rpears that drivers nave a completely MW exper ence \'/hen they hand e their car.� And that exper-e<ice looks arna.Liog.

Z8 cnassis a'"ld has a 4A Itor V8 and six·soeod aut�tic tra,smiSsion. The ovtor s.c:in is fabric, stretctled o,;er an a!umr,um frame whose elertents are pos1boned

Find a new outfit at www.bmw.com

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Koren Richter"$ ®$i0fl IOI' a Blood i$ the � 81.:ickT•shi:t.

The Art of Fashion From the Wall to the Wardrobe \17rirrm by Brooke S;�et






hose wflo like to snag a collectible at a h igh-end

Perhaps it's the accessib I ty of fashion that's

gallery or festival can display me pricey p,.ece in

behind the recent trend ot artists lending their tra.ned

their li\Mg room where it wlfl be ogled by guests. The

eyes to top-notch designers. From the esteemed

privileged fast.::inistas that p:::ked up a collectible from

French fashion house Louis Vuitton to the hip

last season's Louis Vuitton collection will be admired

loy baron KidrobOI, m0re and more trendsetbng

by the masses at Fashion Square and sized up by the

designers are collabOrahng with artists, bring ng

lad� vvho linch acmss t<Mn. Lesson Seamed? When

high art to the hungry public. Most of the pieces.

it conies to being seen, art worn trumps art hung.

Ike a work of art, are limited ed tion, so only the


LEFT: Cam1il� Mooogramou'lage Tte!lll!i byMurilkamilorLouis Vuit1on ABOI/E;Baauti'ullos,ers Dunk Set by Nike

lucky few with itchy credi! card trigger f.ngers can own a piece of the collection

The mix cf high and low (art as high, clothing as low) is highlighted 1n all the pieces. and not

Pioneering the !rend is fashion mogul Marc

necessari� wt1h a clear rc,lationship. It's no accident

Jacobs. creat�te d rector for Louis Vuitton. In 2001,

that the artists picked are ripe with pop-g'am, from

Jacobs tapped PoP artist Stephen Sprouse to create

cartoonish images to graffiti. The painngs seem to

the brand's ubiquitous graffi1ilogo bags. He folbw'8d

beg the question ot who·s highbr�'I: Vuitton or the

that success w ith Takashi Murakami. The Warhol·

artists themselves?

esque Japanese artist knO'Nn for his neo-Pop style

Always on top of the trends, Florida bag guru

brought his unique take to the LV logo. mixing bright colors with attentlon-grabb'ng eyeballs and cherry

Nazly Villamizar is also launching a collaborntwe co11ection with Miami artist LEBO. The leather bags

blossoms. Who d dn't covet the orig nal black and

started as an exhibit piece, but after garnering

white bag with lhe ne1, .1y Technico!ored logo? The

rn1eres! from New York galleries and boutiques,

limited-edition pieces, originalty released in 2002.

the duo docided to expand the collection. The

so ld for $5.000 a pop - a bargain compared to an

half-moon, squaro and envelope-shaped teather

actual Murakami canvas. The dar1ing duo thenwoot on to create agendas and key chains. Murakami's ptaytul bent adds levity to Louis i

purses come adomed with LEBO's s•gnature flare: bold graffiti in vibrant oranges and reds Mth b'ack accents. Mlt's a challenge tor both of us," Villamizar

Vuittoo's h smric L and V, a logo laden with classic

says wtlen asked about the pull between the two

clout, having launched in 1854. On the heels of

mediums. Ml-te doesn't have anyth.ng to do with

the Murakami success, Jacobs teamed with

design. I don't have anything to do with art. And men

controvefsial American painter Richard Prince.

you look up and it's beautiful. It's a very [nteresting

The pair worked on Lou s Vui!lon's Spfing 2008

combination of two talents.�

cclleclion, wh:cil debvted at a n,irlway show tha1

The allure of graffiti art goes beyond bags. In

featured supermodels in nurse uniforms, a nod lo

2002, hipster brand Kklrobot debuted on the toy

Prince's well-known series depict ng nurses re­

scone. Four years later, afler becoming a curt fava

imagined frc)(l', pulp romance novels.

thanks in part to their oddly adorabl,e Dunny and





"It's a challenge for both of us. [LEBO] dcesn't have anything to do with design. I don't have anything to do INith art. It's a very interesting combination of two talents." - Nazty Villamizar


t.EFT: UH10!00"Na:i;I� \li11Mii1Ar RtGHT, Till to,- Kidrot>ot

Most of the pieces are limited edibon, so only the lucky few with itcrry credit card trigger fingers can ONn a piece of the collection.

Munny figures. they launched an apparel co!:lection.

The uber-cool kicks -an essential addition to

with each limited+edilion hoodie designed by a

ar'P/�tor's doset-were i�ble lola.nd. The

notable graffiti artist. from French inker Tilt to San

demand for tho collection (complele wdh overnight

Francisco's Huck Gee. the sweatshirts a I have a

lines) sparked ari episode of HBO's Entourage, as

un·que style and their own brand ot street cred

the snea"<er-hoarding Turt1e couldn't even score a

Nick Berry, the skateboard artist. put h s tag on a

pair after dropping the name of h,s movie star pal.

gumdrop p•nk and baby blue number that sold out

(Of course, 1he NiKes featured on the show were

in one day. In fact. most styles of the graffiti-clad

designed by "Fukijama•· rather than Fujiwara - a

hoodies were qu!ckty snatched tJp.

none-too-subtle tip-off.)

As with Vuttton. Kklrobot's relationship with the

Afterward, the cEOObrities get in on the acoori. The

art.sis ,s not a clear case of high versus low. Case

list of act,esses, singers and models collaborating

in point: Huck Gee, !he graffiti artisl known for his

with deS:gners is star-studded. ChlOO 5ev1gny, star

Skullhead figu,ine, dressed his iconic character

of ind o f lms and besl-dressed lists, launched her

in garb from high-end des gners, including �}arc

cmn line for Open ng Ceremony, an avant-garde,

Jacobs, Jil Sander and Rick Owens. The nearly

NYC-based boutique. Ka�e Moss wowed at Britain's

S300 "'toys-" sold at Bameys.

Top Shop. And never one to let a trend pass by,

Combine the words hipster and I mited edition

Madonna launched a collab0<ation with H&M.

and the sneaker companies wi'I follow. Nike did

Wh le fashion doesn't appreciate quite as much

just that, nabbing Hiroshi Fujiwara, ihe Japanese

as art, Murakami bags and Fujiwara sneakers fetch

innovator beh nd Harajuku culture. Long before

a pretty penny on auction Web sites like eBay. So

Gweo Stefani star1ed singing about -and dreS&n,g

while browsing for the next big thing, remember to

like - girts in the reg:ion. Fvjiwara was bringing

ask if tnat canvas comes ill a c'utch.

the subset's unique styflngs to Japanese fashion mavens. Paired up w,lh Nike, he croated the HTM






tine (named for him. Nike's designer, and Nik:e's

Don dual designs at www.nazlyv.com or

vlC(:l president).






. �v '

0 a'

t ...




' ,.


-<V '






a Saturday night in Phoenix, and people are starting to line t the Tempe lmprov to see 1his week's headliner. The huge crowd

ps around the top balcony and back down the stairs. Four hundred or

THE FEATURE PERFORMER Tucked off Third stree1 in Old Town Scmtsda!e, r�ht ne)(t iO Dos Gfingos and

eople pack the club on this nigln, plunk down a few bucks to fill the

the one patk1ng garage in the area, Is The Comedy Spot It's a Friday n:ght,

d,ink. minimum and maybe have a meal. H's the kind of place where

and takcng cash at the doof 1s the club's o,.,.,-ne,, sean Dillin, a reti,ed comic

comic would love 10 perform.

himself who now hos1s show-s. COO'ledy classes and whatever else he can fit into

Bui ona thing noticeably absent from this parllcular per formance?

the small room on Th rd. It's a nice room to ba sure, with professiQnal booths

Local comedians. Tonight 1s Saturday night, after all, and tonight is the

organized throughout and the standard brick wall fa.;:ade behind the mic that's

moneymaker. Comics from the Valley get their chMce for five minutes of

beccme the go-to design for clubs since the '80s.

fame on Thursday and Sunday nights when tor two hours, 12 guys or girls

The audience is led to their seats by a young kid in his 20s with spikey hair

get the chance to go on stags and make an impression on the club's owner,

and a Star Wars T·shirt. who, as it turns out. 1s a•so ton ght's MC. Tucked in <1

Dan Mer, and see if he can help skyrocket them to fame. But first, before

comer booth 1s a trio of loud

they get a chance to even do that, they've got to work their way up. So they start at the bottom.


guys who sit with a pair of attractive young girls. They'll be tonight's performers. some of them a.lte,na.ting between the

It's a Wednesday night 1n Phoenix, a night that most people sper1d at heme

a p.m. an<l 10

p.m. shows. The hood iner

or1 the couch watching the latest reality show or sitcom. In a small bar near

has been perlorm•ng for 15

the heart of downtown, a mic cracks and up to a small stage walks a guy

years, but has been living a

in his m•d·20s wearing a shirt and tie that's so tight he looks l ke a sausage

life in cbscurity. It's not that

I nk with paisley wrap. He grabs the mic and says, -How's everybody do,ng

he's net funny, because he

tonight?" The people in the crowd clap.

1s - in that d ck/fart/pussy

Both of them.

toke kind of w�. Throughout

It's a typical Wednesday at The Hidden House. and although it appears

the course of the evening.

to be a dive bar in Central Phoeni)( located in a strip mall, in reality it's a

the audience is treated to

d.ve bar in Central Phoenix located in a strip mall that also has a weekly

a routine from a 1uoman in

comedy show. (Oh and $6 steaks, served complete with trench fries. a

her 60s about he, nipples

"� you want to be a celebrity, or an actor, you move to LA. But here we're doing it because we want to make people laugh." Kirk Buckhout

roll and half a can of corn alongs de whatever cond,ments could hi into

scraping lhe floor, a fem pedophile one-liners and so many pot references tha!

a recycled Miller hrgh-life bottle six-pack case.) The club is poorly lit, the

maybe next time there will be a "bnng your own bong" sign on the door.

stage is cobbled together from what appears to be an o'd door and some

But there is one thing difterent about this shQl..v . Through a I the dick jokes,

two-by-tours. and the stools are so uncomfortable that standing seems

the so-so service from the wait statf. and the headliner's weird resemblance to

like a belter option. SI ghtly obscured from V1fm is an oval-shaped bar that ·s surrounded by

Kathy Bates, there's one standout stand-up. He's a face lamii ar to regulars of The Hidden House, Kirk Buckhout.

comics, all of whom will go up at one point or another during the night. They're

Sean Di lin is the propreitor of The Comedy Spot, a small club located ill

the regulars at the Hidden House, the crew who's here week after week,

the heart of Old Town that's been steadily climbing the ladder for six yea'5

practicing the r craft and getting better- hopefully- with wery punchline.

now, which is longer lhan a tot of the competition. -1·ve seen other comedy

Their hands alternate belween holding a pencil that's fur;ousty scribbling on

clubs, even comedy chains - Rascal's came inlo 1own and 1ried to make

a yet•ow pad and a glass of wha1eve, hquor they can get comp'd.

a go of it, and they lasted a year.� Dillin says.

The guy in tho paisley tie started the ovening ln the audience, blending

The compolltioo has gollen pretty fierce through the years. too. "There's

in with the other regulars, the only difference being a cheap micro cassette

been a k>t of things that have happet1ed behind the scenes that a lot of people

recorder that's turned on to record before he gets on stage. As the even·ng

don't kna..v about wh·ch has gone far beyond just a business rivalry. Which I

progresses, the audience starts to swell in size, and by 9 p.m., the Wild

don't want to really go 1ntot Di I n says. "It's one thing to compete, bus nesses

Turkey is flowing, the tloor is packed, and everyone's having a good time. Klfk Buckhout and Steve Ma)(well are two comics who have been performing fer the bel:ter part of a decade here in the Valley, and helped to sta�t the Wed11esday night shows at the Hidden House. They've heard It all

back and forth. it's another thing when a business seel(s out WaiJS to close another business.� But some of the com:cs who have worked with Dillin in the past ar8fl't afra d to speak out about their expenences with the former stand-up.

before: "Why live in Phoenix? Why not move to LAr In Buckhcut's case,

Brian Ricci is a stand-up comic ...mo currently vlOrks as an assistant mB.llager

he d d. ·1 moved back 10 Phoeni)( because you can do longer sets he:e

for the Tempe lmprov. Before he started working for Mer, he spent lhree yea,s

wilh peopta who want to do comedy ," Buckhout says. �u yolJ wan1 to be sl celebrity. or an actor, you move to LA. But here we're doing it because we

helping out at The comedy Spot. Ricci says, ·se-011 would send people to uy

want to make people laugh."

Go see who's doing this. lf they're doing that, I don't want them here:·

to f-nd out-he'd even send me and say, ·see who's performing there ton·ght.







F«x::ithough, isn't theoot,J�claim�"{lthis. "Doy0uknoNhcwnlcl1yMy$pgce

of ocmed/." Bud<hout says. "The local people they put up-they'll put up the ·wacky

friends I've lost because of Sean? He's made them delete me," 'Sa/S Jill 13,yan, another

\/1/ea.lher 91.1{ Brad Perry. The only wc1y that's going ro be more otfensi-10 IS if they

local stand-up � who has a \Neekty s.11aw at Bongo's in Chandler. Ricci put it a

put b!ackface on top of his black face." Buckhout has appeared on the lmp<ov's

lirtle bt more bh.lllty: "You put sometx:x:fy else in charge of that mom. none of !Mt

stage. but the act he performed there V.'3Sn't ,eally his best 'NOl'k. T hat mutine is a

will haPr,en. It con"leS from the top, Md that all feeds dovvn.�

iltle more ... blue.

Dif� rooms have<fflerent audiences, and diff€fen1types of o.vners. Ma:<¥.ell

8X(.iair\$: �R.'r.her than launch mJOOlf 1.,4) Dan Mer's ass,

cxtaking<!fl'/ofSEtanDi lln's bulshit. y(X.JCM stilwork

one ti th:'.>se r(X)rTI$ withoifl beccming ooe of their flyi1g fucking monkeys: For his part, D1111 doesn't warn any part of the contro.tersy. �1 just want to keep th.ngs positive, I want to produce my sh'.N,s, and that's it; he says. �It� want to be rNOlved i'I soap operas, then I don't wanna be in..dved . iitha!." He's not blind to the ruroors, thcugl, arxt v.ani.s to wt them all behi'ld hm. "tf a,'fytxxjyVlf&rlts todostand-upcornedy, I've got a clib, you're·.rvek:;ctoe to per form." Dalin says.


One of the problems. rt seems. is thal the eas,,•wa,.; to get laughs cs to curse and

"Rather than launch myself up Dan Mer's ass, or taking any of Sean Dillin's bullshit, you can sbll work one of those rooms without become one of their Hying fucking monkeys." Steve Maxwell

f..weat. After all, dick jokes get reactions. "'A let of the young comk:s i".lre so blue and so drty and not ciever, not funrry. I wanna s00 a - I love Jerry seinfekl. 1-ie does not use a SV,'e.Jf word. I love 8li.Jn Regan. He does no1 use a single swear word; � Mer. "I also - my faJCMite ccmic in the \vood was Ridiard Pryor. I loved Lenny Bruce. 1 b.,ed Goo-ge Catlin. But those guys 1,,vere genlus when the'{ used that languaga They didn't use that language beforetl")ey·were doing stand­ up for 20 yea,s.

·sec.ose we ha,,e s1""°"'ds and t>ecouse we

ca<e about C()l"r"l(;)(f;, it means yoo'va got to be funny.ft says Mer. �vou have to understand, at some po nt sornetxx:ly's got to take responsibiity tor wt1at goes on that stage, and M's me."

Sunday ngn isn't ei<actly prime-time for oomecty, but it's not appa'8f"lt at the Tempe lrrp'()Vonthtspartirular day. And any si!J,s of the bcal comeci:community inf.-ghting


are hard to 5nd at first g!ance. The show was supposed to start at 8 p.m.. but tJ./ 8:30 the stage is still dark and people were still loading into the bu'Jding, filling up

It takes a loog tme to work up way through the ranks as a comedian. and there are

the balcony. It's time for the Corne6f Draft, a mon!hly event where a hat is passed

lolscthul'dles to jump ab"'IQ the way. At !tie begiming, there are clubs l<e the Hidden

ar und the audience and anyone who wants a chance towcM, the cro.vd is given five minutes lo showcase theu-skills. 11's a poputareven1 tho.I seems to bring out rol OOJlS.

House th.al may not spring to mfid as being great plaoes to perform, but they do

To tho left of the stage. abcxlt five lables back, a couple IS rececving ther" OOssert, a

their waJ 1110 the smallet dubs. Ike The ComoctySpot. and if tha,/re good enough,

fres� baked cookk?vlith van.11a ice cream melting over the top that b::iks delk::ious.

the Tempe Im prov. B,,eryone has a different idea ofwhat's funny, but v.tien a com-.c


Ad;acent to them is another table that's packed with people, laughing hystecicalfy even before the sh:JN starts. As the evening goes oo. everY{Xle at the table goes up to pertorm -exoept for two vefY farniliar looking people. Two of the comics from The Hidden 1-iouse.

have good crowds. Afler sperdna some tme trolling clubs. a stancl-L.ip can w·ork

figures it out, the wor1d is their ofilg.

Bucktlout is one of toose com:cs. He·s v,torked tor S8l/9fl years now, and he's fouod an act that works well for him. Ii may not be dean enOUJh b the lmpro1, but that's OK 'Mlh him. He's 11 it for the love at the art. and uttimatety, that's the most

It's rd a s:umrtg revelatrn to Sci,/ the Tempe lmpmv IS the biggest club in the Valley, and it's maintained it's popularrty by pro,Ading a famty-friendfy enl/ronment.

mponant thing.

Which is a way of business that not e10ty comic sees eye to eye on. Some even go

hierarcl"lcal club war and constam ccmpetition? According to the com:cs and ckJb

so far as to voice their opinions. Loudly.

0tmers. while LA ha$ the ce:.ebrilies and Vegas has the casino crOM:1, here in Phoerlix,

Buckhour i.sn't a tan of ttiecomadyperbmed at the hnpro.,. "'It's theApplebee's

All of this �ads back to the orig,nal quesbon: Wh<f stay in Phoenix, with it's

it's all abOU11he comody.


Comedian Charlie Mu1phy Hits the Road \.flrirr.m by Ed Condr,m


unny apparently runs in the 1amily. There were the Marx Brothers, there's John and Jim Be1ushi, and Chris and Tony Rock. And let's not fo,get Eddie and Ctlarlie Murphy. Bet(er late than never could be the mantra

tor the latter. Murptr{s career was delayed Of a stmt 1n me navy and time spent in the late '80s as part cf his mega-successiJI sibling's entolll'age. Aftet scoring SOrne sma, parts in filros, Murphy became a notable name thanks to Chappel/e's Sh<Mt. The brilliant COmedy Cen1ral pt"ogram 'N3S short-lived, but ii helped Murphy, 49, launch his career as a. stand-up. Murphy, who can currEmtty be found per!Ofming across the country, is a ctass.c s1oryletler much like his brother. In this intervi8W wrth 944, lhe laid¡back performer diSCU$$8$ how his act is hke a roller coaster ride in the dark, audience hecklers and Barack Obarna.







944: There are fewer and fewer comics that

The shew helped a lot, bUi people knew who Charlie

tell stories like you. Why Is that?

Murphy was before the show·.

CHA..'=,,UEMURPHY: I don'tknow. l've�..vaysbeenatie to tell stories . That's somethi1g that wewere all able to

Will Barack Obama beat John McCain?

do ir, my houseQ(Owlng up. I got a couple of stories to

We'll see. I would li;,;e to see that happen. bu! I wouldn't

tell. Check out my shoN lo see what I mean.

bet on it. Here's how to judge if Obama will Wl'l. Look t,o.,,, ttlOy Judge black arto;ts on American ldd. When

Your shows are always unpredictable.

you ha"J8 a very talented black perlooner onAmenc.:m

They're tike a roller coaster nde in the dark. You

ldOI, vh) IS eo...«i rT'0'8 talerr.ed than the write J;8iormer-,

don't know ...mere I'm going to go.

the black artist gets voted oot. I don't think it's racism, pooplaµ;t want to vote tcr thar o.ivn kind, and thB'S am

With all the weird stuff you've experienced,

IT"O'e whr..e � in America. I don't tniri< it's anything

you should write a book.

personal. It's juS! thew� it is. Bu1 I will saJ that I la/ed

I amwnting a book, whlchwill be out next year. It's

Obama·s book. The .Audacity of Hope. I learned a Im

called Making of a Sra11d-Up Guy.

about pcfJtics from that book. You were in the military. A lot of young

"I never get into one of those Joke contests with hecklers. They're not funny people. They're iaiots."

African-American kids are going to Iraq. What's going on now is different th;:in my situation. This is a sad. homble sitl.Rltion. I went into the rnlitary to get an education, to get ahead. I didn't go into n because I wanted to fight anybocfy. But iOOay people are getting their kids taken awc11 from them. It's not good in the least bit. I'm Jooking for.Nard to when this is all over. ltTI be a great day, a histo,ic day. It's a bad time to go into !he m t:tary. People are dying

Is it a tell-all book or about your rise?

there. As far as I'm concerned, they're dying for

lt's abou! me get11ng·where I am today. I'll leave the

nothing. It's unbelievably 00.d.

tell-all books to somebody else You're not sugarcoating it. It is just like How do you deal with hecklers?

your act.

I don't get hecklers much because rm not someone

What I do 1n my act is real, I don't make stuff up. I

that appears vulnerable onstage.

look at reality and go tor it. The thing I do is find the funny in everything. Funny is everywhere. No matter

But what happens when you do get a heckler? The heckle<s I gei: are UStJafyrealfy'drunk. I ask them to

hO 'N awful or ugly it is, there is funny there. As a comedian. my iob ,s to go out there and find it.

Qu:et OONn. I never get into one ol lhose JQke oon!ests wiltl heck lets. They're not flXIJ"f people. They're idiots.

Will you ever work with your brother Eddie?

These are people !hat spend money to IJy and ruin

We'll work !ogeth8' son,etimo. We talk abOul it We're

everyone's time. 11·s all bocause of tho:r personal crap.

a�Nays 1alking about wtiat we can come up with. We

Ifs stupid and it's something that shouldn't be allowed.

have something spec,a1. We're brothers.

So when there is an out-of-control heckler, I come down hard oo him. Nobody likes a heckler. The<e's not one good thing about them. I'll have them thrown

You have something special with Dave Chappelle. Think you'll work with him again?

out if ii ge(S to that point. vvtio needs them?

It's always fun working ·with [)a./e. Vi/ho in this industry

Does it bother you when people ask you to do

seen h,m around and he's entoYing I fe. You have to

the "I'm Rick James, bitch!" line? I don't mind at a!I. That'swtiat pul me where I'm at

respect the fact that it's not all about projects and money for h m. But I haven't been begg.rtg him. I

It's Ike having a hit song. People want to hear 11.

don't need 10 beg anybody. I'm dOtng all ,ight.

wouldn't want to work with Dave Chappe!le? I've

I'm willing to bet that I' I alv.rays have people ask me to do it and !'rn good with that. Chappel/e's Show

Chuckle w ith Charlie at

he'ped me crosSO>Jer to a bigger audience with it.


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The Believer Actor Luke Grimes Always Knew he Would be Here

\Vritun by £1; Koorii






"There is a certain amount of theatricality in church.� Luke Grimes says over a m d•afternoon pint and smoke. "But there's a bit of theatricality in anything that }'Ou truty believe in." Ar. 24, the boyishly handsome Grimes has trte 1an and d rty blonde coif remindlul of Leoflardo DiCaprio in the earSy ·gos. He has atso reamed the di mensions of belief for most of his life. [nitially through his upbring ng with a father who was a Pentecostal past0< in Northwestem Ohio. ·11 was old schoai and app1ied the bible to everyday life," he explains. ·But it 1Nasn·t farth based on tear:· Yet when Grimes decioecl he wanted to become an actor - not because he had 0\/er taken a thoote,ciass or been involved tn acting through high school - h.s parent$ fully supported him, laking out a second mOf"tgage on their house and sending him 10 the American Academy of Drarnatie Arts in New York City. Atter tv.ro years o1 study and a summer of pouring concrete for his brot11et·in-law's conc,ete company back in Ohio, GrirT1es packed up a used car and drove wesi until he hit Los Angeles with 1ust over $600 in his pocket "I al\v.;iys knew I would and up in LA .� he says. "Eve, since I v/8.s httle. it was the movies that taught me the most about the work:!.





i f J �

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:t �

� "'

More than anythingI e.1er learned in school, at least.· He '""as fortunate to land an agent arx:I manager nght oft the bat. but then spent the next year-plus auditioning tirelessty with nothing to show f(}( ,t beyond a steady erosion of confidence. Maybe he wasn't good enough; maybe he would have to hitchhike back to Ohio with the unwavering be l ef that acting was his destiny !r)al!y destroyed. "'And 1henIjust go11o a Point whereIdecided J didn't t carewiat anyone thought,� Grimes explains. "That I was going to stay and keep tryi11g until I was homeless.· As fate often plays it, just when he throw cauhon to the wind- or perhaps because his father was praying for him-Gnmes booked a role in Dimens�n's upcoming All The Boys Love Mandy Lane. an intr iglJ ng high school horror tilm about a guy who has a crush on a beautiful girl and starts k iIng off the competition. G,imes· character is "basically an arrogant dickhead 17-year-o'd. which sett-admittedly, the vniter told me wasn't very deep. But J tried to add to the role. caI ' on some memories or peopleIknew in my own life.M One good th ng often leads 10 the next Shortty thereafler Grimes was cast 1n Vari Film Group's Assassination Of A High School President as yet another high schooler co-starr ing with the likes of Bruce Wil is, among other well-respected veleran thespians. "The funniest thing about it was that be ng in a film wrth i Bruce Wil is seemed to f nally val.date rne as an actor to everyooe I knew," he lilughs. "l would tell them and they'd be lilce, ·oh. yoo're rea.lJy an actor!' As if I'd just been wasting the last six years of my life.� What's even funnier, is tha1 this 1s the lull before the storm for Grimes, as all cf these fi'ms will have just been released when chis article hits the stands. a good month after this irterv.e.v. He recently finished filming an untitled cam Archer f,lm

"The funniest thing about it was that being in a film with Bruce Willis seemed to finally validate me as an actor to everyone I knew." with Ellen Sarkin and may have been cast in yet another film, which he can·t talk about. He plays drums in a band. called Mitchell's Felty, with his roommate in small clubs around Los Angeles- the music is for him, he says, so he doesn't burn out on aCling. Is Grimes on the brink of breaking out. where beers on an ernp1y Ho llywood pat-.o 1n the late afternoon become a thing of the post? ·trs hard to know how I would react if I became famous,• Grimes says. ·1'd J ke to be'ieveIwas built fC< it, but no Ofle really knovvs until they're in the thick of it. At the end of the day, Ijust wnnt a career I can be proud of."

More Online.







"I just concentrate on being positive. When I was growing up I never watched the news or scary movies because it came across as negative to me and I wanted to keeP, my mind untainted by negativity for as long as possible.

The most important thing to know about Katie Chonacas is that no matter wttere she is or whom she 1s ,.vith, she likes to make things happen. She's bea11tiful, but also sharply a1tentive and endlessfy outgcxng: "'My favonte p'.ace to be is in a room where I don't know anyone,• she says. "Because then I can be anyone I want to be." Those roorris ., ..,m be scarce over 1he next couple of year$ 3$ Chonacas will be in 10 films- count 'em, 10- over the nexl two years, gracing everywhere from multiscreen cin�exes to the obswre straight-10-ovo sectt0ns of a Nelflix que. In early September she can be seen worldwide in R,ghteous Kill, opposite heavyweights Robef't De N ro. Al Pacino ai,d rapper Curtis "50 Cent" Jacksoo. In Ma/Or Mo"ie Star sho co-stors with Jess.ca Simpson and Vrvica A. Fox, and in next year's Streets ofBlood she plays a crack whore 111th an uzi. opposite Val KIimer and again, 50 Cen1. In fact, sha's so busy that lhe moment she leaves our inteMew she heads down to New Orleans to begin filming Werner Herzog's remake of Bad Lieutenant: Port of Calf New Orleans -1 usually spend most ot rny free time en spas. trymg to re'ax as much as possible,q Ctionacas says, unapo!ogeticany. ·one time In Cabo I got a tive-hour massage. two women worl<ing on me 1he Whole time. Some peop!e I ke to go oul and spend money at bars on drinks. I spend mifle 1n the spa on massages.� White her experience ont:{ bolslers 1he idea to serve booze in $P6S, Chor\3Ca.S th.rives oft this type of release. When she was a young girl growing up in Detroit. Mich. - before the adolescent roodel ng contracts and the lritimidatirig move to Los Angele$ after high schoo l - Chonacas ran lOk's vlith her futher and learn ng strategies for achieving various goa's, which she has &oce appled ro her eNeryday Nfe. And quiteeffecLvety it seems. Beyond tha 10 flms over the next two years, she has modeled around the world, composed a pop album wh ch landed her on tour with !he afOfementioned 50 Cent and even made tile semi-firl81s as a

dance.- on ABC's Dance Fever. (I even offered to let her write this art,cle, to add yet another feather to her cap, but she reluctantly decl nes.) "I dragged ITTf feet over the r.rst few years I was in Los Angeles, because I was p'anting seeds: she explai11S. Planting seeds, Chonacas continues, with pe�e and companies, that she could lake a step back from ror a few months while she, say, vacatiOned in Greece or toured with Ford as a car showroom model. Where these magic seeds come from or how she plants them, she doesn't reveal- bt.1 they are undoubted1'; hot commodities these days, much like Chonac:as herself. If. that is. somoooo can manage to isolate eithsr of their ene<gy. "t was just naturalty bc:tn wlt11 It," Chonacas saJS. when asked about her endless energy. �, just concentra!e on being posit,ve. When I was growing up I never watched the ne.,vs °' scary movies because ii came across as negative to me and I w·an1ed to keep my mind untain10d by negativity for as long as possible.� Instead she likes to obse<Ve. Rel8Yflg a women she stood behind in Starbucks earlier in the day, ChOllacas transforms Into the fiftysomething Beverfy Hills sociol te she witnessed try to order a SO'/ mocha tropuccino right before my eyes. express1ng how she held hef arms and wore her sunglasses inside and condescend ingly addressed lhe baristas. "It's those little delats that makes me love acting:" Chonacas says. "Why does she act that way? What can you learn a.boot her pe:sonality t),J he: pos.tioning? How does ii make her charactei- even more complex?" u·s these little things. tile carefully placed seecls which have helped ChoMcas b!oom. NOIN ifs our tum to observe wh.:rt kind of flov,,,e, she bl ossoms in10.

More Online.



0 ,.




The Cultural Reuvance of the jumpsuit

Writtl'n �'f}11/ir Swn,


h, the jumpsurt. The much maligned uni-cloth

fans. race car fat'\$, science nMs and alrmst ar"ty"Cne

wonder sooms to have an uncamy abJity to pop

can tal<.e some:t,ing � from the exhibit.

up on the fashion world's collSQOus at least once a

Wfth two p&atfonns on the outer edge ot The Katy

decade. And since PhoelllX likss to faJ1cyrtse'f a place

Bman Fas™>n Design Gallefy, the plattoonswill moot

where trmds cfe hard, a garm001 that's mom than just

in the back at the large, oioud-

jeans and T-shirtsisottentxm fOOl'OO aoo looked uix,n

shaped ple:ioglass smge and

with mOfe than a pass.og curios:ty.

the waits v/31 be painted blue

But thiflgs are changing for the jumpsuit - and,

throughout. The theroe of the

by extension, Phoenix. F�di. Stella Mc:Gatlney and Marc Jacobs inclvde sleek, '70s...Jooking des:gns 1n

sky iS � to represent

the, R8S<>'t 2009 colectk>os. Eve,, h0<0 tn the Val,,/.

!:om one gerva to a�ther.

we a.re cautiousty Wcfll"ling up to the idea. thMks to ooe special fashc,,otAe lac'y.

h:)N the i umpsUt l.X"O, Jl,Jn� The exhibit includes an original Charles Lindbe rgh

/IJmost anyone can take something a.rva;from the exhibit.

Dennrta Se>,vell, curator of fashion design at the

fight suit. a piece from Stala

Phoef'MX Art Museum. wants to open�'s nTlds

McCartney's 2008 Spnng

to the fashion garment. Debunng Septernbe< 6, the

cd1ection aoo the neN Speedo LZR Racer swimsuit.

"One For A!I and All For One: The JumpslJt" exhibit

Used DJ most of the swimmers in the 2008 Beijing

shoNs the t'Jstory, current relevance and diversity or

().ympics, the Racer suii helped break world records for aquatic athletes in seemingfy' every race. The sk11-

the jurnpsu:t "[The exti:xt] ptOJides somett'il'lg for ever,p,e 11 the

D<.e fabric is r� of elas!ane-ny!onand polyl.M'ethane.

commul)ty," Se\'1€:1 says. Mb<ed of the museum's c,.,m

which are cut by laser b the most accurate detoil. The

colloct100S and donations from 11st tutions aro!Xld the

seams i:VO ultrasonically oonded. allowing It to be the

COITTJ"f, tt.s exhibit features 35 ,-impsuits of a diverse

most hydrc:)dJnarm:: slit ever. it's part.ally thanks to tt"ls

range. Fash!Ol'nstas. history butts. mechanics, Elvis

sut <l"iat Mchael l'tiel:JS b,oke""""' wmld '8CO<dsar<f So odd it bekmgE, ohwa11.

\NC41 8IQhl gold medals in the Beijing Otympics arne. The LZA Racer sut, among many other garments, wlbeondsi:tay trro..g"l February 1. 2009. Sho.•.teaSinJ the versatility of the jL.11T1psui1. inducing the industrial 10 the high-end fashion rendering, !he su:t continues to be a piece for ttio brave soi..es- eilher styisl.iealty or astronomically. For Sowell. this risk taker is ateadyworking on her next exhtit in tt'l8 foshioo design ga&:iry. Not reveamg toomud'I, she &l'/S 1tiedisplay .vill be about ttstoricism 1

and we can expect to see such apparel as a 1900s go,m wi1h a Renaissance sleeMl. The mixarrends frml cit'�ent eras. aloogwith Se..vel's abity ro nm '1he most dreaded item 1110 a masterpiece. makes us assume that will be an inlligLing shoucase as w�I.

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Ooutiques fk>urish in their usual residences li�e l..::>Kier1aoo Comm.:x'IS, Fashion Square and any strip

racked l() in Ills boutique. including Aogue Status (by Rob D,rdek �om RobandBig), Jet Fik>t "1dGdd Coin.

all availatle to oor southern neigtlbors. Though it does

mal north of Camelback Road. But ooe of the most

Just as un,que as the brands is the d0CCf. Graffiti artist

carry me ciches ike most boutiques- True Rel5gon.

important rules or fashion is to move in a different

and friend of Agosta. "Reakt,� a-ecr.ed the street mural

Rock & Republic and Juicy Courure are just a few -

direction than everyone. That's when one really gets

on the north wal whre an originaJ Nintendo. records

·we're hopt)g that some day this smal l tcwn shop \Nill

noticed. We've laken special notes of these lolo.vr19 bootiques, who dared to s:ep outside the Sco!tsdale

and albt..m covers don the other walls. Fresh off the

go,N up to be likerts older st.fngs to the north. C'mon,

skeefs of Pecria. 623 offers styles for those who tilke

suburban people still wear those brands.

box and open up fashiooable shops 11 sometimes the

the road less traveled.

2212 E. Williamsfield Road, Suite 101, Gilbert

most unthinkable locations in the Valey.

8248 W. Deer Valley Road, Peoria I 623.825.0306

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PEORIA 623 Clothing

Free People are Jllst some ot the many brands that are



Bunky Boutique Located in the h stone Roosevelt. District, Bunky

O.vner Daniel Agosta has bved his entire 22 years in

Vibe the Boutique

Pec.1a, wt.ch is wtty he's pn::iv;ct;rig the people of his

Locatedf'lthene.vSanTanVilage,jUS1offlocp202 and

Boutique is a S1aple of CkMlntoo:n A'loerMX. Next door

hometoom a place to get the!r fash;enab!e threads

nctth cf Pecos Road, is not or� a cMization, but also

to The Rooseva't. the two buJdings were conjo.ned

other than a ma'.I. Agosta was a�ays iftto off-beat

G.tiert's .. ey OM1 fashicx1 bol.Jtique. Fiooilg sui:x:ess in

homes when lhe>J were first built in 1910. There are

fashion himself, and that's exactly 1he feet one gets

their fl'SI Queen Oeek 1oca100 by offering <iscounted

even s1ill many old school characteristies left in the

wt'$,\� Into 623. localed on 1ha r'X'.lfthea$t corner

designer wear, o,.•mers Gerl and Hoory Compeau

buik:li'lg inctiding the oogh)I bathtub wi1h its spr.:3Vv"W'lg

of DeetVaney Road and 83rd Avenue. Brands usual�

opened the Gilbert store to offer the latest trends in

foot tha'I sits under tho rack of kX:al ct"wtdren's dotOOg

only ava:Jable in New York. Los Ange� 0r online are

hgh-end labels. Charlotte Ronso,1, J & Company and

designer, Carrlenza's line. For its men's and won'l8n·s








collecoons, CM1ner Rachel Richards chooses !abets from New York, San Francisco, Seatse and Pornard. She bef.eves Phoell!X is mCMng in a directioo not too far off from those unique urban cctes. MOJstomers here are ITIOl'e fashiol)-forward, more modem," says Rd\ards. -11ry toOOindependent labetsand I think� in Ph::>et1ix appreciate that." And what trends wil the people cf Phoeoix et'ljOy tti.s upcoming f.:ilt? �A rn:xlem but 70$, preppy look; says Riehard$. Looks like Phoonlx 1$ going back to rts retro roots. 812 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix 1602.252.1323 I www.bunkyboutique.com

One of the most impJrtant rules of fashion is to move in a different direction than everyone. CHAr.lDLER Royale Noire Boutique Located on the southeast corner of Kyrene Road and Chandler Bm1)eo..,ard, Royale Noire brrlgs street and courure together m the city ot .. ChancHe,1 O.vner Shea Wooten. who opened hel'OOUtique at 18 yearsd::t. has given Chandler sornetlare and even plans to open another location soon. Takilg alter her mother Dyanna Wootf:1;1, who owned six fashion boutiques in the Bay Area of Gal ifom.a when the fami\' lived there, Wooten wi!I open a second Ro;a)e Noire next sl.l'nmer at Gosmopoitan MJII in Las Vegas. *I thought d I go into bLISrl8SS for myself, I can't gel f..act," says WOOl()1. (Now that's a smart businesswoman.) Expanding her 8f'TlJ:'.*'OC11ward, Wooten is a'.so cwenttyworlang wth a team� graphic de,sJJners to develop her o.vn label. Her line

will carry the same theme as her boutique, street meets OO.Jture, and 'Ml featl.f8 both men's ancl \o\'OITlel'l's styies, Whowould\le guessed this fashion mor�started n a Phoen ix sl.burb better known for whine/ soccer moms? 5995 W. Chandler Boulevard, Chandler I 480.785.5216 www.royalenoire.com

CENTRAL PHOENIX Rowdy Boutique Kristin Dus and MGliss..1 �-mes. o.vnars of Rowdy Boutique, located on 7th Street, just S()Jth of Gamelback Rood, ..lc,.,e the area's okt school charm.· Hlhere's a buzz about Phc::ero: and people are starting to get 4,� &JfS txis. Ottering high-end txards sudl as Jenny Han, Lu Lu Lam0 and (true to their roots) The Ph::ienix Yacht Oub, their boutique draws in a great mix of people. Antone from Arcadia ancl MOC<I Valley, pro'essionals from OOwntown and mcrns going to and ffOrn Xavi01' Hi{tl School 1r.st the shop. Though Dus and Owecis enjoy the:r loca!Joo, ihey're ooosiderng opening asecord stOr"e. "Once we hit the two-year mark µanuarv 20Cl9), we1 see," sa;s Dus. Until then, they have a fashion SOON a! the Hard Rock cate on Sep-�mber' 9 and are also partq:)lting in Phoenix Fast»on Week in the first week of October. 4717 N. 7th Street, Phoenix I 602.277.0 5 10 I www.therowdyboutique.com For more fashion in odd places, visit 944.com for the complete list.






Tutl$a.r\Olu!IJ$, �rlecl!J&oerncnl$fO• toofunky$h01).

the world, they can come and have a meal that just blows them r,.•my." Maen is convinced that it won't be an oocornmon site to see the rookies d1owing 00.•m oo any of the various \and sate) rols while sea�ed nex1 to diners eflQYing ltve aprons sudl as coodls or Santa Barbara s..veet shrimp with caviar. Those within the Sconsdale set who still aren't buy;ng it won't be able to resist reason No. 3: Sushi Roku's (n"lk menu has feceived C(X"ISUlling treatrnenl by The Modern M1xologist, Tony Abou-Ganim. ·Ha helped usdes,gn new cocktails and some are on our menu now,· says Maen. Cummins adds that some ot their staff have been so inspired by Abou·Ganim"s teach:ngs that they arnnON becoming "cocktail chats" and are crattilg meir CM/fl a-t.ang dtYlks. Tired of a� martinis and Red Bull and vodkas? The mix masters will happ1¥ craft delectable cocktails that cater to wha.t&Jec'the menu has l'I stcreoo a pat'OC:Ular"everwlg. (There's P'enty of wine and sake, too.) If their case stil i$n't s1roog enough, oonSider tho.1 Sushi Roku w·111 b8 in one of Sconsdale's soon-10-00l'K)ttest locations m t:he coming mon1t1s. The strategic


or a•fish�c·onacfos. there's no better strip to

satisfy a craving for raw, Japanese-style eats

and preSbgious partne<shipwith the W Hotel wdl be a

Southwestern triangle: Scottsdale. "'Scottsdale's an area that IVS wantedrodofcrl1"lEWl')'"

draw tor lcx:als l�ing to check out the new edifice,

than the portion of Scottsdale Road that extends

)ears." sa;s Kalz. "I went to Anzma State tcroolege and

and at Sushi Roku,

through Old TOV1m. RA, Sea Saw, Stingray, Geisha A

I just lo.'ed thai area. ti's up-and-coming and gro.ving,

Maen ensures that open

Go Go- the list could continue in what appears to

and I\,a thCllJ(tlt for years OU' oonoept AOOld flt pertect�/

arms v..�I be extended to

be a tiled n.iche. There's a r.ew culinary contender in

ii ()(I Town Scottsdale." Residents and tourists alike

Valley resk!'ents.

th.s battle for sushi sup<emacy, however, as Sushi

w�I be templed t1,' recommended favorites (crafted by

�we d o n ' t want

Roku enters the ring on September 5.

&ecv11Ve Chef Tim Fields, fonnerty of The Boulders

to be a tourist�dnven


The restauranl ·s corner wi11 be in the eagerty

Reso,I) such as the tm� sliced, sostwri�sty<>)<>lk:>.vtol

restaurant." he says. "Of

anLcipated Scot tsdale edition of the W Hotel, wt'tk:h

with chilies and l"ghUy searing eds, the miso-marinated

co...-se we'll be there for

wiN soon open its doors to guests (finafy!). Complete

cod and Hana.bi (crispy ricetcippedvk.h spicytuia ard

them (with restaurant

with a Zen pc,nd and a patio that over1cx:il<s the hotel's

sesame ol�, as wel as an American-style breaktast

and in-room ser vice].

pool. Sushi Roku is baci<ed DJ the luxulious muscie

though some Japanese items could be added in the

but 11..,gwant to be there

of the StarNood Hotel's famous franch.se aOO is the

future. But those who trequent Old own·s scene may

for the locals."

bfainch Id of the LA-based Innovative Dr1ing Group,

be skeptical as towt\8! differentiates Sushi Roku from

"[IDG} is 1ust that: it's the tdea to take traditional


its competi:ors. e

"I've thought for years our concept would fit Qerfectly in OldTOM'I Scottsdale." -Craig Katz

T h e r e' s a l s o a coosisteocy of product. Phoenicians who regula,ty visit Las Vegas and Los Angeles, and 81"e tarni!;ar •Nitfl

concepts. and recreate them in an atmosphere

"One ara where we·uprobably be unique to any

8fld in a way that wi I be unique, fun and create a

other sushi restaurants ill Scottsdale is that there

each city's Sushi Roku, will see a menu, according

great d"ning experience f0r the 25- to 50-yea,-old

is no fish market in SCOttsdale, [but] there are flSh

to OJmmifls. �Iha! they knQ\111, thal they lave and tha1

sophisticated, trendy anci chk: crowd.� says Ph I p

markets andverKlors in t.csAngeles." Cummins says,

lhey aren't sutprised by."

Cummins, an IDG partner. "We're reJ/ty' a le.:.'lderin this sectorof fun, escapism

offering ooe argument. IDG's mas1&" chefs in LA are

Selleral reasons strong, skepb-cs will find it hard to net at least check out Sushi Roku. The partners

knONn to frequent the markets for fresh ingredients

ond trendy, but high-quulity, sush i oors.� says fellow

caught oft the CalitomiD coast and regularly tty in tsh

at IDG are convinced th.ot one visit IB all it wi I toke

partnQ' Lee Maen, wtlO, aklng,vith Crag Katz. romds

trom Japan. Because ot the proximity to 1DG·s other

to secure their cl entele hook, line and sinker.

out the company's leadership. Having established a

locations, those same resources will be avalabk3 to

strong presence in tne LA area sillce 1997 with Sushi

Scottsda!e's Sushi Rok-J.

Roku and oiher concepts such as BOA Steakhouse and Katana, the trio - who in tially made a name

Still not convinced? Maen bnngs up reason No. 2.

"What's going to keep them coming back is great food. great design, a good price," says Maen. "But most importantly, tile thing that sets us apart Is the culture of our people and the fact

for themselves thfougt1 various endea11ors in the

"You can come as a rio.,,ice, and you can Sit thel'e

that we·re going to treat people special. We'll treat

nightlife industry - made 1he move to Ws Vegas

-v.<l1 take cate cl yo., and teach you tr.ngs.· he says.

the rocks1ars Ike normal people and 1he nor,nal

(w11h a Sushi Roku and BOA. and a forthcom ng

l'ov can h.Ne your C:··irr0rnia roll ;)r'(1 your $pi()/ tuna if

peo�e like roc'<.s1ars.·

Katc.na that is slated to opeo in S&pternber 2009)

that's what you like, but trien for those exotic people that

and r'\O"N has their Sttes set on the fnal point in the

vr&1t to be adventurous or are used to dir)irx; arourxi






Find fresh fish at www.sushiroku.com


Seeing Red

The Keating Hotel in Downtown San Diego

Theh $l()t b.Jildir)9 � the Kooti� Hotel in&.i

(any r()()(r'Vna:8$ better be of the intimate variety). The

structure at first glarx:e. The 7-fooMall win doNS. the

room, which may be� bit otf•puttng to sooie. Another importarrt thing to recnember: The Keating


I Diego's Gas.lamp Oistnct seems like a traditional

wlite trim am the countless bricks wol.X1 look at home n any back-and-\M'l�e i:ticto fran the ttm cJ the oerituy.

Walk throllgl the red awning entrance, thot>;.1h, and suddenty modernity screams ttvoi,;ah the doors

Red, black, stain!ess st.eel and dark wood sp<ead

throughout the 35-roorn, boubQue hotel. The simpe, smooth. ll).)SCIJine dOCOI" fts the frve-siory bu 1ding

- and there's a g ood roo.90'1 forthat Rninfarina, the Hali.an car de:';Jgn ers behind the iaw·dropping looks of Fooari and Maserati, crafted tne di stinct look for the Keat ill:l and it's basement-lfNa lounge, • 1(pronconced "mi11JSone,"torthose\Nho need a little hep� "We de'ne wnat a Pininfaflna hotel is bytak1tl g into account the his:'".oricaJ natu re of the Keating and bfingi ng the exteror elemects o f brick and gr a nite to il'r.eriol' spaces. This

project is the aggregatOO of ele,nents, historical and contern; :x::rary," says Paolo PininfaMa,the head of his

stainess stool S'lk also iL,1sOUt rr.o the main area ot the

was designed with urban socaalites 11 mild. The hotel

cbesrdt'Qeagymcrapoct. crdctieroonscanbeatit

!cud due ro the constant stream cl ng,tly re..ielets on Che

s,,....,. bek>N. (lrecily's trwsn,g,rorg ns!O<ic bu;kjngs w,e,'1ed 1tle-�omr �lhooec,i�.aw

wirxlows whenthe KeotJ"lQ was bei ng created.) \r\flile rorne mght see !t'lOOO attrbJ.es as draA-bad<s,

this poses mintmal P'Qblems as the Gaslarnp draws

\Ii.Sitars out with a glut ot restaurants, bars and other entertaiTnentwr.hilvl"aJking ctrance. 1ha Keating also has a stalfoteight coocages, with at least 1Y.'Oon post

at an times, to help w1h making recanmendations or

anything else a gues! n eeds. These nuances alk:)l/l.led

Pwlinfarina to push the enl/efope and trythllgs new for both their comp any and the ho�. "This is a laboralory where you can experfnen!

namesake company. "This is the spirit of Pininfarina, combinin g tradition Nith 111\0Va!JOn." Tho roomsthemset..<escertai'lo/ pro.,,e this!X)int as

wilh tho !X)tentiru of design and Cf0t1:0 naN sofiJhons.

conaeta floors with smoo!h lines, modem harcM'ara in

their homes.�

oonJjemented byrrriTlalist fllntUB. Special attention must be paid to the bed. tha.Jg,. ACaltornia kingfeather

properties a cross the globe, but regardless of what


the; maintan eietnems such osexposed brci<i.%illsand

the bathroom, and a Bang & Ou'son SOUld system. all

bed with a down ccrnk:fter', this might j.J S! be one or the softest resll'lg places in to.Ml. The ba1hcooms can be desetcbed as mar>/ 1tw1gs

as ,,veil, but "1radi!,onal" is ce.-tairYy rl()t one of lhem. Most r00ms hEPu"e ono/ a shcwer ptacod prorriir.entty in the room- in o:heri.�rds, not behind a dosed door






Th.s is tne dream car for car designe<s," Pinin'arina 5.a)'S. "You can push the deSign because people in a hc>!el me more opt to tolerate expJrimentabon than i n

Pinintarina still has p'ans to open other hotel

C0"00S from i:hal: plan the Keatir)'J has morethan earned its designation as the oompanfs flagship project And fCI' those ;,'Jho choose to experience it, they �ill leave feefax:J the urge ioscream about the hote4's modernity

- even as they walk outthe doors.

Drive over to www.thekeating.com


The A VP and Wesq;ate Look to fmprove Fan Experience and the Bottom Lme \l"i'rhun by D.B. Miubell






\ I\ frten theAVP came to to.•m last t..,iay to put on their inaugural Glendale Open, V V officials, players and tans 1i1.-ere all given a rude reminder as to the pohrer of a hoat wave in Iha Valley. But in sp to of the opprossivo temperatures tha! garnered almost as many head ines as the action on the court. the event was deemed a success by all parties irwo,'ved. Westgate City Genier and pro beach volleyba!I haven't taken the success as a gi,.ien, though, and this year have made some major changes to increase tao experience and draw a larger cmv.id ·we \N8l"e 1.tcraly in a paf1<ing lot [lasl �,ear]: S,;fyS Man Olson, a pro on !he AVP tour who pla�'ed on the Unive<sity ot A!izona's celebrated men's club team. And tha.t 's no1 ati exaggeration en his end. courts were se1 up in o parking 101 on the east s de of the complex last year. Th s year, Westgate has moved the event to their west parking lot in order to have close proximity to the pool at the four-star Rer1aissance Glendale Hotet & Spa, where they wi I be host,ng parties and other festivities dtKing the three days (edit0<'s no�e: 9dd wi I be co-hosMg a pool party with Westgate and the AVP at the Rena.ssance). tri Order to pu1 lho evont on, na tons ot sand wi I be trucked in to bui'd the main and side courts. Addit�na:ly, this year Ule tournament has been dut>bed "Glendale Best of

\'\'estya:eorr,cials .Sf"'!,J10l2!$1\IUl0$ CIOwdtitrt,OJ•thM 13,ooopeop1e,arxl e.>:oectMO,e ti""" 15,000 this time around.

the Beach" and will footure a �Kiog and Queen of the Beactt format, whd1 was i seen on the Las Vegas stop lasi year. On¥ the top s x male and temale teams {12 players tota� are invited, and each player then advances to pl3y a round-robii format wittl ditferent partners. "Fans will still get greai two-orH'{II() volleyball action. but see something different from anything else on the tour," Groff says. "It ,,..,ill be great from the tan's perspective." While a'.I of these changes may signal that the AVP and Westgate felt they needed to make s ignificant altcrJtions to the·r event, Groff says ii has more to do hovv much the area has grown up and external forces. "Alter last year, we were looking at hosting the tour in April or Morch, the first or second stop on the tour, but we didn"t want to put the Super Bovvl (that was held n Febn;ary] right on top of them," he says. "So we saw (he opportunity to do the event In Sep:ember, which ,s great in Phoenix, and when the king and queen format was ava�able we jumped at the chance." Additiooal!y, at the-time of last year's event, on:y a handful or restauranls Md bars were open, but Wostgate will have 12 Ihis year wl1h Hell 's Half Acre close to ihe action and a newly opened Saddle Ranch. By moving the tournament to late September, Groff and other ootables at

Westgate hope to avoid any of those dreaded 100-plus temperatures that tested the endurance of both atti'etes and fans. Acc0<ding to Olson, at one point the temperature on the man court was measured at approximately 123 de,gmes. Even with such sti1ing heat during the dfr,J, though. large cro Nds appeared during the evening sessions, inciu::Mlg sell-outs dumQ the f.nals. "I h:Ml to cO'Tlit. in spite of the weather, there was still a pretty gOOd turnout," says OISO(l. "I was surprised." Heat be damned, Westgate officials So'/ the event made its mark in the Valley. �The event was a huge success," says Dave Groff, the president of Westgate Sports and Entertainment. "We had 13.000 peop'e come during the course of the weekend, and even though there was J Sur\S pla-JCff game that night we still received C1 sports page coverage the next morning.H As Olsoo points out, though, l:hevibe of the whole scene was different last year a1 Westgate than in the previOUs four years when the AVP brought its fan-frie ndly sporting event to Tempe Town Lake. Proximity to Arizona State University, an estab&,shed part ci town and c.oolet tampl:lfatures lad to strong erowds lhrough0u1 the tour's time in the East Va'.ley. Still. citing more opportunity tor growth - both in sheer size or the event and profit - in addi!IOn to the lightened workload fOf the 1





soiree 1

10th Annual Al's Finest Event Benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation


Check Out 94<1.

For More Event Photos Posted Daily

Ritz-Carlton I 08.16.2008

I[ was another successful event for AZ's Finest as they threw a grand gatheririg to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Some of the honorees for 2008 included Kaley O'Kel'ey of ABC 15. Kyle Bel! of Charity Benefits Unlim 1ted ar.d ca1herlfl8 Herman of the corporate omce of 1he Anzona Diamondbacks. PHOTOSBYBAlAN l(!LLY






soiree + 1

Check Out More Event Photos Posted Daily

Bid for Bachelors Scottsdale Plaza Resort I 08.08.2006 ThrO'Niflg fresh meat to the cougars. the Bid for Bachelors presented many tine young men for the bidd.ng. Of course. this was all for the sake of the Liver Founda11on, which means many peop!e lucked out tonight PHOTOS av JOSE DI! ORTA







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Hugs and Drugs

Truly. someone did suggest a couple issues ago that we "tone doNn� our usual battering of strippers and crac!<.heads. with the understand ng that the North Scottsda!e and wannabe Wal! Street Journal

September is Specialfor Birthday Presents

crowd gets a litile itchy when reading of South

W,ittm hl The I a.111. Gir/.i

Wink wink. Anyway, it has taken every ounce of

Scottsdale smutty goings-on. And they should. energy not to discuss our favorite theme, and we know that y0u, oor dear readers. have suffered 100. Tha.1,kfully, Jesus Intervened with tha b.g Des.art Divas prostitutiO(l and money-laundering bust a.nd gave us something to salivate on rather than the usual vodka sundolilmer. This is news people! And no matter what anyone says, our largest and most naughty readership is in North Scottsdale. (You know it.)

The world awaits our saving. Censorship is un-American. Don't tread on me. In case you live under a rock. in early August there was the biggest ever prostitution bust invoMng guns. fancy cars and money laundering, and we nearly missed ill Thank goodness one of the bus�ed homes is located in Paradise Valley, which made it easy tor our spy network to mon IOI' 1his fascinating development. Oh, how we pored over those mug shots of semi high-priced and not very attractive hookers, just pm1,�ng for anyone who might look famiiar. Bingo! Would you expect anything less from the gals who s ngle handedly solved the Baseline Killer Mystery? Our findings will not be detai ed in this column. but ra1her our future best-selling tell­ all novella, as 944 pays sh"te. Pumpkins. you'll just hafta wail a IJ!tle longer. What is ii about guys and hookers anyways? One word: lazy. As of dead! ne U seems the attorney general has yet to publish names of all the handicapped Viagra poppers who spend ttieir


extrn dough on these ladies of the night. Lucky for

e have come awc1y from summer break and

repeattharnamousquolat,,,Sta::ytromVal\lyGi/, "l.rta

those guys we'll be out of the country when the list

are re'.axed and ready to dig in. What do we

isn't tairl"'? Or do we take a Wa'terCronki:e stand and

hits the stands, providing them a little leeway to

have to shew fOI' rt besides a fading tan and depleted

fgTI for our p.Jmalistic beliefs? Even Rupert Murdoch

bank account? For starters. a couple cf hate letters

knovvs that smut sels and oo matter wtio would like

hire a pub"ic•st. Console yourselves with the fact that come September we'll return for our birthday


party - un'ess we are murdered Princess Diana­

{from an old cdege roornma".e no less!) complalMg

to deciy it, this Is a recession. The I am. G rls are sick

about OLI' tteatmefll of N(l(th �tsdale, fake-t�tied

of being repressed cok.lrnnists and instead want to be

style (it's possible!). In a nutshell. we'll be back 011

soccer rn::xns and fOl.'tcwved with an eotor's complain1

Fashionable lnvestigahve Reporters who have their

lhe case. post-hangover. Of co1.irse, should we

of t1arassman1 towards SOuth SC011$dale. f.aka-Ullied trolops! 1M\al todo? Wecanrx,t wi'l 8'1d v.ihat C('l earth

oon telavisicx, network and go to cool pa-lies and kl$$

attend a fancy drBSS party with hunky Prince Harry

hot glf'/$. n,e VK.)l'$d awa.ts our salr'lg. Coosors.�ip ss

and play h do the swastika. we may never return!

should we write tibouf? [):) we hang our he.ads and

un-American. D0,1't tread on me.

5ayonara. suckers.






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