Architecture Portfolio 2017

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Architecture Portfolio Bibby Hong


[ About Me ]

- 洪紹萍 / Bibby - 0930-525-798 - 1992 / 03 / 09 - - Line ID bibby8139 - 2010 ~ 2015 - 逢甲大學 建築系 畢業 - 2012 & 2013 - 張世鍾建築師事務所 實習 - 2014 - 劉偉彥建築師事務所 實習 - 2015/07 ~ 2015/09 - 張景堯建築師事務所 工讀 - 2015/12 ~ 2017/03 - 坐設計事務所 室內設計師 - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Indesign - AutoCAD 2D - Sketchup 3D - Thea render - Lumion - V-ray for sketchup - Rhino 3D

[ contents ]

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

a kind of energy | Perfume

.................. 01-06

Reconstruction of Jong-Chin Bldg.

.................. 07-10

Reconstruction of Situn District Library

.................. 11-14

Transfer station of Central Dist., Taichung

.................. 15-18

[ S ] - files | Shifen old street & Mine Museum

.................. 19-32

TAYA Exhibition design

.................. 33-36

The Puli house 12F interior design

.................. 37-40

The Puli house 5F interior design

.................. 41-44

GAllant Queenlet reception center design

.................. 45-46

Location : inexistence Type : design approach Level : Year 1 / first semester

Location : Taichung Type : reconstruction of school building Level : Year 2 / second semester

Location : Taichung Type : new library Level : Year 3 / first semester

Location : Taichung Type : new transfer station Level : Year 4 / second semester

Location : Shifen, Taipei Type : graduation project Level : Year 5

Location : Taya, Taichung Type : exhibition Company : Zuo-studio

Location : Taichung Type : interior design Company : Zuo-studio

Location : Taichung Type : interior design Company : Zuo-studio

Location : Taichung Type : reception center Company : Zuo-studio

Unit 1 Taichung ,Taiwan / 2011

Architecture Portfolio


a kind of energy | Perfume

what I see

into the heart

keep thinking

start chasing

Unit 1

Attractive women comes with confidence and intellectual beauty. Charm like beautiful roses always have thorns, both fascinating and dangerous.People in pursuit of attractive things, are able to inspire potential,do things usually will not do,Not even common sense. This project trying to explain the abstractive energy of charm form different ways.

Olfactory bulb 嗅球 Brain olfactory nerve fibers 嗅神經 Olfactory cells 嗅細胞

Nasal cavity Mouth

Case study In the 18 century,French who love clothing and cosmetics showed extraordinary enthusiasm to perfume,and the whole court is full of flavor, known as the "Perfume Palace", the whole Paris has become "perfume capital".Perfume is a way that woman set off the charm, but also increase the attractiveness. Smell Perfume is one way a woman exudes charm, and it contains elements of fashion and art.Perfume give women confidence and strength, I try to use perfume, to bring out the charm of a woman ever-changing flexible

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cilia 纖毛

Odour molecules 氣味分子 protein 蛋白質

receptor 受器

NA+ ion channel 通道

Enzyme 酵素

2017 Architecture Portfolio Unit 1

Pink innocence,cute


Red passionate,woman

Using curve to painting tenderness and sensibility of woman. According to the color on the canvas and different shades to create the image from the inside out.Represent the distributing of woman’s charming. Attract vision gather toward the center of canvas,it symbolizes that more close to a woman,you’ll more be attracted.

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Burgundy charm,mature Black mysterious,danger

Concept Development / Spray test


Architecture Portfolio


Water, alcohol and flavors makes perfume, volatilize will due to the different degrees of dissolution of various flavor and essential oils .

Perfume Classification & Alcohol concentration

Unit 1

香精_ Parfume 20% 香水_ Eau de Parfume 20-10% 淡香水_ Eau de Toilette 12-5% 古龍水_ Eau de Cologen 3% 清香水_ Eau Fraiche 1-2%

A first few minutes is "first note", the taste shed by the organic solvent , is the most volatile perfume taste.

After half hour is "base note", is the last stage of the perfume stay. combined with the user's body odor and exudes fragrance of personal charm.

And then is "middle note"usually floral.


Olfactory impression Overlay

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Architecture Portfolio Unit 1

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Design Concept

我將建築做為一個小型的藝 術廊,裡面擺放藝術作品與品 牌香水,營造一種置身香水王 國的藝術殿堂。

Unit 1

Architecture Portfolio


用香味飄散作為建築的最初 概念,以側面的高低與整體的 疏密暗示方向性。


Top View

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Unit 1


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Architecture Portfolio


Unit 2


Reconstruction of Jong-Chin Bldg. Project Site | Taichung ,Taiwan , 24°10'48"N 120°38'54"E / 2012

SITE _ Feng Chia University 407台中市西屯區文華路100號

Dadu River

Unit 2

Architecture Portfolio

Mt. DaDu

main road





Case study

Pedestrian Connection

新加坡碧山公立圖書館 Bishan Community Library

芬蘭 Lohja 市公共圖書館Library

加拿大威斯勒圖書館 Whistler Public LibraryLibrary

Spatial Planning

Element I want to operate 1.Floor-to-ceiling Windows 落地窗 2.Study area with scenery 讀書空間+風景 3.Folding roof 折板屋頂 4.Irregular space 不規則空間 5.Penetration effect 穿透效果

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Concept Development / Folding 2017 Architecture Portfolio

Create large flaps in the course of folding,semioutdoor space and layers came out accidentally.Try to escape the founder framework and break up neat skyline.

Unit 2

Concept / Mountain Mountain / Dynamic / Block River / Static / Moving Route Mountain is the main concept of this desigh, I thought the architecture is same as mountain. Even so many decades fade away,people who use this building have changed,function also changes,but architecture will always standing there,accompany people grow together,even change together. And who lives in this building , also can feels landscape and different of building.

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balcony Cafe

A combination of extending platform and sitting area of Cafe,provide a wide range of scenery.


Increase Cafe in open space of architecture department.It's a good space to offer opport unity to communicate.

Architecture Portfolio

Exhibit space Display design works of student at exhibit space, combined cafe and libra ry to become a Art line.

Conference Room Conference Roomry to become a Art line.

Noticeboard Seventh floor plan

Set up a noticeboard at important moving route.

Unit 2


Library No tables and chairs set up in the library,reading can be very casually sitting on the floor.There is a good scenery to offer a long-time stay space.

Discussion room Have to pass a small garden to arrive discussion room, it's be used as larger classroom.

Conference Room You have to pass a small garden to arrive two floor. Conference Room is for recept more important guest,usually can also be used as a discussion room.

Sitting area In the middle of floor is atrium, whitch surrounded by seating areas.

Eighth floor plan N

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North Elevation

Architecture Portfolio

South Elevation

Unit 2

South section

East & West section

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Unit 3 Reconstruction of Situn District Library Project Site | Taichung ,Taiwan , 24°17'29''N 120°64'90''E / 2013


SITE _ Taichung City Situn District Library 40744台中市西屯區福星路666號

Architecture Portfolio

Taichung Port Rd. Fuxing Rd. Henan Rd. Huilai Rd.

What I see ?

Definition young people 讀書使用行為

old people 老人休閒活動

business district 商業區

Unit 3


According to site analysis,I define as a "intermediary space" of conversion environment, an area between noisy and quiet.

student 假日讀書行為

family 親子活動行為

residential area 住宅區

Design Diagram / User What I think ?

community sentiment

What can we enjoy together?

Long hallway Elderly activities + walking way

Staying area What function makes people stay?

Leisure What atmosphere makes relaxing?

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Case study Casestudy brings to me...

Additional functions

Architecture Portfolio

Bring activity Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts. _Le Corbusier


ramp > space > opening space Human > activity > view

Architectural promenade

How about...

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Unit 3

* Walking

Design Concept Let’s take a walk


主要是讓圖書空間與自修空間有環繞的景觀 印象,外圍包圍走道與弧形玻璃,想創造在內 部迴廊移動行走時,周圍的景觀隨之改變的 樂趣。

Architecture Portfolio

利用幾片沉重的石牆鑲嵌著空間的入口, 利用視覺導引的作用帶入不同機能,有趣的是 石牆雖然絕對的切斷了一樓與地下室,卻由延 伸的樓板劃穿,成為水平的引導。

Unit 3

1.Entrance 2.Grass slope 3.Coffee 4.children's reading room 5.talent class 6.Office 7.Hall

first floor plan

basement plan 1.Counter 2.Toilet 3.Performance hall 4.Parking lot

second floor plan 1.Library 2.Computer room 3.Conference Room 4.Toilet

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third floor plan 1.Study Room 2.Discussion Room 3.History Storeroom 4.Reference Books 5.Toilet


North Elevation

Architecture Portfolio

East elevation

Unit 3

A - A’ Section

B - B’ Section

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Unit 4 Transfer station of Central Dist., Taichung Project Site | Taichung ,Taiwan , 24°13'68''N 120°68'48''E / 2014

Site Introduction

Abstract 建物 _ 中興停車場 地址 _ 台中市中區成功路301巷39號 面積 _ 10000m2 (3000坪) 計畫 _ 交7


Department Stores、Bank convenient traffic

Architecture Portfolio

Night market Food Park

Unit 4

台中火車站造就了舊市區超過八十年的繁榮 也見證了舊市區將近二十年的沒落 如今台鐵高架捷運化即將完工 配合社會各界在舊市區興建捷運站的共識 以台中火車站為核心的舊市區將有機會找到新的春天

Case Issue The city's dynamic

Solution Stratified different speed into different layers , Reducing risk factors , create different area . 40~60 km/hr BRT 50~60 km/hr 15~25 km/hr bike

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4~7 km/hr people

2017 Architecture Portfolio Unit 4 臨中正路,由外地人潮進入 都市的方向美化街角意象, 設置地標性建物。

restaurant 23F hotel 10-22F exhibition 4F taichung future Gallery 3-4F store1F forwarding station 1F

臨主要入口,是基地的最寬 面,配合基地內廣場做入口 退縮。

預想的人流方向,將步行商 機帶入基地內,與柳川做呼 應。

轉運站進出車方向,不在主 要道路,作進出的動作,避 免阻塞中正路交通。

商場用停車場進出方向,利 用單向道做單方向的客車動 線。

未來BRT藍線經過的路段、 臨基地一側,需要配合規劃。

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N Architecture Portfolio


1. Bus station 2. Square 3. Counters 4. Entrance 5. Store

Unit 4

O Ground floor plan 轉運站空間

就功能而言代表著不同交通系統銜接轉換的中繼過度空間,是一種屬於轉換與流 通的空間形式,以空間的方式達成銜接與溝通。 同時具有過渡性、轉換性、集結性、活動等性質。 應要將交通系統干擾降至最低。


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Third floor plan

1. Restaruant 2. Grass 3. Bridge 4. Entrance 5. Counters 6. Atrium

1. Terrace 2. Track 3. Counters 4. Atrium 5. Future gallery

Architecture Portfolio

Second floor plan

Unit 4

Fourth floor plan

Tenth floor plan

1. Bookstore 2. Office 3. Future gallery

Room floor plan

1. Lobby 2. Restaurant 3. Lounge bar

South elevation

East elevation

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Unit 5

Unit 5

Architecture Portfolio


[ S ] - files | Shifen old street & Mine Museum Project Site | Shifen ,Taiwan , 25°04'37''N 121°78'26''E / 2015

格洛斯特大教堂在電影中成了霍格華 茲魔法學校,聖索菲亞大教堂成了博 物館,建築物是人類創造的遺留,在 後人的意志下不斷被改造,一個空間 對應到一個背後的意涵,不同空間的 組成讓意涵塗上一層又一層的思想。

Case Issue Futurism [Machinery] [Speed] [Continuous]

Definition of projection Different units form entirety

Many artists trying to put movement on canvas , what are the possibility in architecture ?

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INSTANT 2017 Architecture Portfolio

Experiment1 爆炸

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Unit 5

According to explosion experiment , we found the movement of energy . we want to catch the power that spread from inside.



Unit 5

Architecture Portfolio

Experiment2 連動

According to mechanical experiments , we want to show how every unit act. We want to catch every single move of this machine.

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2017 Architecture Portfolio

Experiment3 溶解

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Unit 5

According to dissolution experiments , we record each status of different time . We want to catch any change of Styrofoam’s shape.

Site Analysis

106 Road

Chiping Tunnel

Old living function

Unit 5

Architecture Portfolio


After studying,actually operating on the site,how to appear the“time�of shifen ?

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New living function


Projection of Shifen


Completeness Point 3 _ Mine Museum

Architecture Portfolio

Instant Point 1 _ Shifen Old Street

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Unit 5

Continuing Point 2 _ Conveyer Belt

2017 Architecture Portfolio

Site / Point one Shifen old street

Unit 5

老街的不同活動只出現在特定區域,於是 我們置入三道牆,分別定義了代表老街的 三個瞬間。 第一道是[歷史的瞬間],延伸的廊道對應 靜安吊橋,在穿梭時會不停的看到車站與 軌道,時光膠囊的牆讓遊客的記憶成為歷 史瞬間的一部分。 第二道是[活動的瞬間],這段區域集中了 所有商業行為,在鐵軌上放天燈是十分寮 的特色,於是我們提供了鐵道旁的廣場, 在這道牆上做了電子屏幕,去分散實體天 燈可能會造成的汙染問題。 第三道牆是[人文的瞬間],在後半段是觀 光客的折返處。從牆延伸出觀景平台, 配合景觀在牆上鑲嵌許多視野通透的文 創空間,而圖書空間對應到老榕樹與十 分國小。

觀景咖啡 時光牆

Instant of Humanism _ section

Instant of Activity _ section

Instant of History _ section




紀念品店 十分願景館

觀景平台 頂樓Bar


Instant of History _ plan

Instant of Humanism _ plan


Instant of Activity _ plan

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Site / Point two Converyer Belt

過去造就平溪區黃金時期的煤礦,同樣也產生了破壞生態的弊 病,當時運作的機具成了煤礦博物館遺址的一部分,距坑口 1230公尺的洗煤場與卸煤櫃,目前處於完全廢棄的狀態。 藉由線性的矮牆,沿著運輸帶重新定位,討論觀光與機械的力量 是否能一點一滴撫平這一道傷痕。


[平溪棄土場一日不棄,基隆河的惡夢就不會過去] Transportation Belt Coat Bunker

Architecture Portfolio

Washing Plant

Unit 5

Converyer Belt _ section 砂石分類槽


Converyer Belt _ plan

觀景平台 休憩空間



Memorial Wall

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新平溪博物館位於舊新平溪煤礦坑遺址,在這塊充滿歷史紋理的基地 上透過挖開地表揭開一段歷史。 藉由下挖的兩側,在舊有歷史上置入 新空間,探討歷史記憶的重碩。 從山腳遠望可見一道細長的牆崁入這片土地,象徵歷史的一道傷痕。 沿著入口一路通到坑道遺址下方的觀賞隧道,觀光客可深入到隧道內 部去體驗坑道裡的黑暗、狹窄、封閉的空間,體會礦工於地底下工作的生 活。 縫隙兩邊有著截然不同的風貌,兩者形成強烈的對比,透過動線安排 使兩者產生連結,來到這裡 的人可以體驗到新與舊在動線過程中不停交織。

Unit 5

Architecture Portfolio


Site / Point three Mine Museum

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2017 Architecture Portfolio Unit 5 tunnel 1283m vent 800m


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model photo

Architecture Portfolio


Point one | Shifen old street

Unit 5

Instant of History

Instant of Activity

Instant of Humanism

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Point two | Converyer Belt

2017 Architecture Portfolio Unit 5

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Unit 5

Architecture Portfolio 2017

Point three | Mine Museum

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Architecture Portfolio Unit 5

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Unit 6

Architecture Portfolio


TAYA Exhibition design Project Site | Taya , Taichung ,Taiwan / 2016

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Unit 6



8 2


TAYA 5F Exhibition layout plan 1. Elevator hall 2. Service&Experience area 3. Bar 4. Cooking area 5. Open Wardrobe display area 6. Display areaA 7. Display areaB 8. Display areaC

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2017 Architecture Portfolio

Service&Experience Egg

Unit 6

根據不同的高度,製作成 不同的體驗平台,協助客 戶在體驗廚具的同時了解 最適合自己使用高度。同 時它也是工作人員跟客戶 進行講解的區域。

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2017 Architecture Portfolio Unit 6

Kitchen Area Ceiling design


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2017 Architecture Portfolio

Kitchen Area 3D render

Unit 6

Open Wardrobe display area 3D render

Feedback 廚具展場規劃是我開始工作以來的第一個案子,從現場丈量到思考展示櫃細部, 讓我了解到建築設計與室內設計在尺寸上面有這麼大的差別,讓我對我筆下的數字負 責,思考更多以前從不會去思考到的實際面的問題。 從這個案子開始認識到學校跟工作是兩個生態,因為預算、使用、業主等等的因 素去更改設計、捨棄一些很棒的概念,也帶給我一定的衝擊,但也教了我要用更客觀 的角度去看待設計這件事情。

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Unit 7

Architecture Portfolio


The Puli house 12F interior design Project Site | West Dist. , Taichung ,Taiwan / 2016

6 6 7 11

9 4

Unit 7







12F layout plan 1. Entrance hall 2. Dining room 3. Living room 4. Kitchen 5. Multi-function room 6. Working balcony 7. Storeroom 8. Master bedroom A 9. Master bedroom B 10. Bedroom C 11. Bedroom D

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Architecture Portfolio Unit 7

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Unit 7

Architecture Portfolio 2017


Architecture Portfolio Unit 7

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Unit 8





Unit 8

Architecture Portfolio


The Puli house 5F interior design Project Site | West Dist. , Taichung ,Taiwan / 2016




5F layout plan 1. Entrance hall 2. Living room 3. Dining room 4. Kitchen 5. Studio 6. Master bedroom A 7. Bedroom B

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Architecture Portfolio Unit 8

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Unit 8

Architecture Portfolio 2017


Architecture Portfolio Unit 8

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Unit 9


GAllant Queenlet reception center design Project Site | Wuri Dist., Taichung ,Taiwan / 2017



Architecture Portfolio


Unit 9

2F layout plan



4 1

1F layout plan

1. Entrance 2. Dining area 3. Bar area 4. Kitchen 5. Dining area 6. Kitchen 7. Terrace

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Architecture Portfolio Unit 9

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