December 2014 Extreme Team News

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Wish List

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eXTreme Team news

eXecuTiVe Board sTaTe presidenT sTeVe dickey

holly delaune 1sT Vice presidenT mike cook

lauren TuTTle sTumBerg 2nd Vice presidenT alan Bohlen

sponsor spoTlighT – page 06 aVa anderson

secreTary/Treasurer susan Baldwin

Brian roBerTs naTional direcTor coTTon george

Junior high naTional direcTor John Bland

ariaT performance reporTers

sponsor spoTlighT – page 14

Queen coordinaTor dee dee dunda markeTing holly delaune


kennady Johnson REGION II

Brenna harTley

ranch family: The mcconnell family

cheyenne BriTTain

page 15

hannah hemphill



mckenZie ray REGION V


ciera goode REGION VII

skyler sTone

delegaTes aT large mikey duggan


monTana coX REGION IX

sierra Blanch whiTe - page 18

kelsey Thompson REGION X

Brooke Boiles sTeVe mcconnell chris wolfe

BuBBa BennighT

roBerT sBrusch

sTudenT officers sTudenT presidenT cheyenne BriTain sTudenT Vice presidenT mckenna greene sTudenT secreTary kadie BeTh wisener Queen kennady Johnson


Thsra official sponsors


Wish List page 20



region region region region region

i ii iii iV V

08 09 11 12 16

region region region region region

Vi Vii Viii iX X

23 24 26 28 30


TeXas Junior high diVision 33


presidenT - shelBy spielman Vice presidenT 1- kory mcconnell Vice presidenT 2- dylan myers secreTary/hisTorian - sierra whiTe

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year kennady Johnson


Joel kirkpaTrick

sTudenT officers

region i

sTaTe direcTors / region officers

Ted whiTe secreTary - mikey duggan

michele spielman presidenT- sTeVe mcconnell



– ariaT

was the night before the WNFR, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The ropes were swung by the chimney with care, in hopes that a Gold Buckle soon would be there.” So maybe that’s not how the story goes, but I think it’s a keeper! What’s not to love about this time of year? The air is getting colder, and the holidays are soon approaching. But what makes this time of year that much more special for us rodeo kids? You guessed it, the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas! We look forward to watching those 15 contestants turn in record breaking times and scores just as much as we look forward to opening presents on Christmas Day! The WNFR is way more than just another rodeo to us, in a way, it’s a kind of holiday in the rodeo world. And I can assure you that

someday you will be seeing Region I contestants competing for a World Championship at the Thomas and Mac Center. We all have goals and plans, and every step we take gets us closer! Keep your eye on the prize and never give up! Because even after our high school rodeo careers are over, there’s no doubt you will be seeing more of us in the college and pro rodeo ranks of rodeo. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy WNFR!

kelly wood

sTudenT officers presidenT - cadi wood Vice presidenT - delani wood secreTary - megan powell

secreTary - Jody mcelroy

sTaTe direcTors / region officers melissa hooper

region ii

kenny sTewarT

presidenT- kenny sTewarT



everything happen. There are a few significant adults in particular who hold the title of State Board Member. These men and women help to ensure the quality of their region and to see that their region is well represented within the state. The members representing Region II are Melissa Hooper, Kelly Wood, and Kenny Stewart. Melissa Hooper is the mother of SamRay Hooper, who is the 2014 National Boys’ Cutting Champion. She is married to Kyle Hooper, and also has four other children, Brenna harTley – ariaT Vanessa, Paydon, Jeremy, and Molly. In addition to the duties hen people think of high school rodeo, of being a state board member, Melissa works with her family they think of young contestants. Most training cutting horses and ranching. She has been around the are in awe at how motivated, respon- rodeo world for a while, as she was a member of high school sible, and talented these students are and rodeo while in school. After being away from rodeo for quite how amazing it is that they can manage their some time, she was reunited with the sport when she married kenny sTewarT and son, sidney academics and rodeo with such ease. What into a rodeo family. Melissa decided she wanted to be a part of they don’t always know is that the parents the board when asked because she “had major support for the of each contestant are some of the most region and the high school rodeo association as a whole.” She supportive and devoted people out there. says she “loves being a state delegate and feels privileged to Without the help and support of parents who represent Region 2.” The second state delegate, Kelly Wood, are behind them every step of the way, rodeo has two daughters, Delani and Cadi Wood, who compete contestants would be unable to do the things in high school rodeo. Both of these girls have won the Allthey live to do. Parents are the backbone of Around title in their high school rodeo career, and Cadi is a the competitors, as they are the ones provid- former National Breakaway Champion in high school rodeo. ing the financial aid, supplying the livestock, In addition to hauling the girls to various rodeos and maincadi and delani wood and organizing every rodeo. The high school taining such a busy schedule, Mrs. Wood also works as a state rodeo association as we know it would not be board member for the region. She first became involved with high school rodeo when her daughter, possible if it weren’t for the adults who put so Cadi, began her freshman year, and her favorite aspect of high school rodeo is “the ability to make much of their time and money into making new friends and be reunited with old ones.” The last board member of Region II is Kenny Stewart, father of high school rodeo member, Sidney Stewart, and junior high rodeo member, Stran Stewart. Both boys are multiple event cowboys, and Kenny’s wife, Naomi, also barrel races. Kenny was introduced to the rodeo world at 18, and has never left the atmosphere after all this time. He and his two sons even rope together in team ropings all over the state of Texas. Stewart has been a member of the board for four years, and his overall vision for the high school rodeo organization in the future is “to remain just as it is, because it is already great.” The overall mission for the high school rodeo association is to offer an opportunity for family bonding, to positively promote the sport of rodeo, and to offer an opportunity for continuing education. None of this would be possible if it were not for the board of directors who do an outstanding job at making sure everything is run smoothly and handled in the most efficient way possible. As a region, organization, and family, we will always be grateful for melissa hooper and her family the hard work and time that these people put in for the good of the contestants.


9 10

sTudenT officers presidenT - Tillar murray Vice presidenT - cheyenne BriTain secreTary - caTherine clayTon mike BriTain

sTaTe direcTors / region officers

fulTon murray secreTary - kelley williams

region iii

maTT hairford presidenT - mike BriTain


Then in our pole bending, Shelby Buchanan ran a time of 20.681 at our first rodeo, and then came back the next day to run another beautiful run, with a time of 20.644! Those two smoking runs, combined with her other 4 solid runs this year, puts Shelby at a close second place in the pole bending! Leading our team roping so far this year is Brett Stuart and Tyson Thompson, who posted a time cheyenne BriTain – ariaT of 4.77 at our final rodeo before our winter break shelBy Buchanan and her compeTing aT The ere at Region III it’s that on November, 16! In the steer wrestling, Jace Allen horse, chico, 2014 Thsra sTaTe finals! is clinching the lead by 3 points so far over fellow time of year again, when the first half of the 2014- senior, Keegan Dement. In the barrel racing, Ali 2015 rodeo season is coming to a close Armstrong has been clocking in some fast times so far this year and is currently leadand we are getting ready to enjoy our win- ing our barrel racing by 13 points! In our calf roping Hagen Houck has the lead by 3 ter break and re-group for the second half points over Sy Felton. In the breakaway roping is where it’s going to get tough! Our of the rodeo season! Our first 6 rodeos of top 4 girls are separated by only four and a half points! Sadie Hairford holds the lead the year were packed full of tough com- with 31.5 points, Katie Stewart is a close second with 30 points, then splitting 3rd and petition! Our first two Region III rodeos 4th we have Brooke Jordan and Cheyenne Britain with 27 points each! In our cutting events, Eva Blanton is leading the of the season were on September 20-21, girls with 39 points and Will Patterson with our first cutting held on Friday night is currently leading the boys with 38 September 19! Lariat Larner started off points! In our rough stock events Brody our goat tying this year with a smoking Yeary is dominating, while he is cur6.4 second run Sunday September, 21, rently leading the saddle bronc riding then came back and finished off our 6th with 58 points, he is also leading the rodeo on November, 16 with another bull riding with 48 points! In the bareamazing run of 6.3! Talk about bringing back riding Clint Mayo and Leighton lariaT larner goaT Tying aT The the heat! With Lariat’s consistent quick Berry are tied for the lead, each of them region iii region finals lasT year! runs, she is easily sitting in the top 5 as with 10 points! We have also held 2 we finish up the first half of our rodeos! reigning cow horse events this year, and even though it’s a new event to High School Rodeo, Region III has some tough competitors participating in this event already! Our current reigning cow horse leader is Ashton Dunkel with 19 points. By the looks of the standings, Region III is definitely RED HOT this year! Our contestants are looking forward to this 1/24 & 1/25/2015 | Stephenville break in the rodeo season to take some time off, regroup and finish up the year strong, before heading 2/28 & 3/1/2015 | Stephenville to the THSRA State Finals in June! Our first rodeos 3/20 thru 3/22/2014 | Stephenville | Finals back for the second half of our 2014-2015 season will be January 24-25, and we are looking forward to Friday night before Rodeos | Cuttings the competition being just as tough!


REGION III 2014-2015 THSRA Rodeo Schedule


chuck sinks

sTudenT officers presidenT - cal wolfe Vice presidenT - cheyenne swoope secreTary - kolTon whiTe sTaTe direcTors / region officers Bill chinners

region iV

secreTary - Julie whiTe

chad folmar presidenT- chris wolfe


PERFORMANCE REPORT Where High School Rodeo Got Its Start!

– ariaT


n a cool, clear, weekend in mid October, top high school rodeo athletes from all over the state of Texas traveled to the place where high school rodeo got its start. Halletsville, Texas, is a fairly unassuming south Texas town. At first glance it's hard to see the rich history hidden beneath the surface; but one trip to the 'Texas High School Rodeo Hall of Fame' will change all of that for anyone hoping to learn more about the "Home of the Rope Barrier". One learns that the first high school rodeo was held in Halletsville in 1946, and then in 1947 the town hosted the first ever Texas High School State Championship Rodeo. This lead to other states following after Texas's lead, and in 1949, contestants from states such as Louisiana, Montana, and New Mexico,

dalTon dunham photo by Jennings

came to Halletsville for the first National High School Finals Rodeo. And one thing becomes certain as you walk through the museum, seeing the trophies, buckles, and saddles of athletes from the past; Halletsville is the home of champions. Region IV showed up to make a statement on that clear weekend in October, and make a statement we did. In the Steer Wrestling event, Kolton White kicked us off with an kolTon whiTe photo by Jennings 6.5 second run, taking 6th in the long go round. Kolton would climb to 4th place in the average after a 5 second run in the short go. Then, in the barrel racing, both Maci Ray and Raelee Self qualified for the short go, Maci winning the long-go round with a 15.867 to come back 1st, and Raelee turning in a time of 16.194 to come back 6th. Raelee had some trouble with her run, tipping the second barrel to place in the average. Maci, however, turned in a 15.957 second run, to narrowly win the average by two one-thousandths of a second. Then came the Calf Roping, where Dalton Dunham tied his calf in 10.55 to come back 6th to the short go. When all was said and done, Dalton kept his spot in the average, earning a 6th place check in a tough field. In the breakaway, McKenzie Ray stopped the clock with a 4.02 to head into the short-go 7th in the average. McKenzie turned in a 2.4 second run on her second calf, climbing up to 2nd overall in the average when it was all said and done. In the Goat Tying, Lainey Cooper tied her goat in a wicked fast 7.8 seconds to take 5th in the long go. Lainey came back on Sunday with an 8 second run, narrowly missing an average check as she took 7th. Jase Holder and Kolton White roped their steer in 6.8 seconds to take 2nd in the average after the long-go round, and though the short go didn't go as they planned, the duo were still able to place 5th overall in the average. And finally, Region IV dominated the Pole Bending in the long-go, with Raelee Self, Carson Folmar, and Dlaney Prinz all qualifying for the short go, coming back 3rd, 6th, and 7th, in the average. Although Carson had some tough luck, both Raelee and Dlaney turned in clean runs in the short go, Raelee, running a 20.0 second run on her way to first place in the average. Each and every competitor from Region IV gave it their all, most just narrowly missing the short-go. But no matter what happened inside the arena that weekend, each and every one of us still had a blast getting to rodeo where our association got it's start!


Tandy R. Freeman, M.D.

One Team... 36 Gold Buckles, 218 WNFR Qualifications. #HOMProTeam





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Ben Gambrell 01/10/2014 One of the key things about roping a Heel-O-Matic is the ability to have such range when it comes to speed changes, Thanks... See More

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Heel-O-Matic Training Systems November 29 Our friends at Montana Silversmiths sent a sneak peek of the World Champion buckles! Good luck to our #HOMProTeam WNFR




Brit Ellerman 06/02/2014 Heel-O-Matic has the best roping machine products that money can buy. If you are a beginner or a professional, these products are essential to going to the next level with your horse or your roping.

few more to the 36 you’ve already won!

Heel-O-Matic Training Systems November 28 We’re loaded up and ready to head out bright and early, tomorrow morning! Come see us at Cowboy Christmas, South Point, and NRS at the MGM. — traveling to Las Vegas.

Write Review


Untitled-2 1


8/28/14 9:49 AM

The McConnell Family of Region I ongratulations to the McConnell Family, Steve and Linda, along with their two children, Kortni and Kory. This family needs very little introduction as they’ve been long-standing members of THSRA for many years. Moreover, this agricultural family is well known throughout the farming, ranching and rodeo industries. They own and operate McConnell Horse and Cattle Company, located in Hereford, Texas. Upon graduation from TSU in 1988, Steve married Linda, and they moved back to his hometown of Hereford, to start up their family enterprise, which provides custom cattle care to area stocker operations, in addition to raising and training horses. The whole family helps out with training roping and barrel horses, which they compete on, and they also take in outside horses to train as well. The cattle operations and the training of horses go hand-in-hand since they utilize both in their day-to-day operations. Steve is also employed as a herdsman for Olson Land & Cattle Company. His wife, Linda, serves as the Executive Director of United Way of Deaf Smith County. These parents keep busy to say the least, between managing their own business, and working outside jobs, they also make time on the weekends to haul to high school rodeos, college rodeos and every jackpot in between. All this does not come without some sacrifices though, as the parents talk about feeling spread thin right now. Especially since, their daughter Kortni is no longer residing at home, she is currently attending Tarleton State University on a rodeo scholarship, but she manages to haul their young barrel horses around Stephenville, which keeps her quite busy as well. Kortni grew up competing in THSRA, and now she competes at the college level in barrel racing, breakaway and team roping. Their son, Kory is a Senior this year at Hereford high School. Like father, like son, Kory is an active member of THSRA, competing in calf roping, team roping and steer wrestling. His daily schedule is packed full of events and responsibilities, as he leaves out every morning before daylight to help his uncle ride colts and then its off to a full day of school activities. Upon his arrival back home, his evening hours are dedicated to training horses and practicing his roping and steer wrestling. The siblings help out with doctoring and turning out the cattle on wheat. Plus every year, their annual family ritual is for Steve to schedule the shipping of cattle off to wheat during spring break. While most kids are enjoying a time of vacation and relaxation, Kortni and Kory wake up long before the crack of dawn to help out with the shipping and other chores around the ranch. The McConnell

family unanimously agrees, “We love this lifestyle, because we get to do it together as a family. “ Always looking forward to their family time, the McConnell’s enjoy the simple things of life. They enjoy sitting down at the supper table together, which may not be quite as simple as it sounds, due to their hectic schedules. Nonetheless the family makes every effort to come together every night for dinner. Once a year, when New Year’s Eve rolls around, they take a big family break and drive into Amarillo to eat at Outback Restaurant and to take in an early show at the movie theatre. Like many other rodeo and agricultural families, they enjoy spending their weekends hauling down the road together. THSRA has had a strong impact on the McConnell family, as Steve was a member during his high school tenure and currently serves on the Executive Board. He quips, “This time its even more fulfilling to me, because I get to share it with my children and see them be a part of this great organization too.” The biggest benefit, says Steve, “Is that we can do it together as a family unit, and that means a lot to us, since there aren’t many opportunities for an entire family to participate together in sports activities. We also enjoy the special friendships that have been forged with other rodeo families over the years. We always look forward to the future, and the opportunity to meet many more like-minded families with the same interests.” The McConnell’s believe that the agricultural lifestyle and THSRA produces young people that are hard workers and achievers in every aspect of their lives. “We are very proud of THSRA youth, they work hard to maintain their grades and rodeo commitments,” said Steve. “We’re also very appreciative of McCoy’s Building Supply and its support of THSRA and other youth organizations, “ says Steve, “Our family feels very honored to represent Region 1, and be chosen as this month’s McCoy’s Farm and Ranch Family.




presidenT - shellie lummus Vice presidenT - ck wrighT secreTary - shaylon elms

sTudenT officers

sTaTe direcTors / region officers gene arceneauX

Jeff lummus

secreTary - phyllis arceneauX

region V

presidenT- gene arceneauX

carTer ellioTT


hannah hemphill – ariaT


ponsors are essential in the Rodeo World, the expense of our sport and what it costs to put on a rodeo is astronomical. Sponsor’s make it possible to grow our sport, to offer our athletes incentives to compete in the arena and to bring in the fans. Region V has numerous sponsors that always step up to the plate and support the great sport of Rodeo. Carter Elliott one of our Directors took on the task of putting together Region V’s CHAMPION’S MATCH. Mr. Elliott along with sponsors like RANDALL CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM, LEVI SIEBER, and TEXAS ROPING STOCK thought it would be a great idea to form a Match Roping that

would challenge the winners of the breakaway, tie -down and team roping from each of our Region V rodeo’s. These ropings would allow our contestants to face pressure, fine tune their skills and prepare them for what State holds in store for each of them as well as a big pay-day ….The first of the Champion Matches took place after our rodeo on October 4th, Lara Elliott and Kaycee Richard would face off in the breakaway with Lara Elliott coming away with the first win. The calf roping matched two of Region V’s best ropers, Austin Elliott against Tyler Crone and of course was a nail biter and came down

REGION V 2014-2015 THSRA Rodeo Schedule

4/11 & 4/12/2015 | Marshall | Finals

ross freeman aT The founders inViTaTional Taking home The TiTle

to the last calf to produce the winner, Austin Elliott. In the team roping Joe Collin Clark and Ricardo Corpus competed against R.D Carter and Rhett Parmer for the first match and after a fierce battle R.D. Carter and Rhett Parmer came away with the team roping win. The next battle of the Champions on November 1st in Nacogdoches matched Laramie Johnson against Shana Smith in the Breakaway with Laramie Johnson coming up with a win. In the calf roping Jesse Winfree matched Logan Cook in an epic battle with Logan Cook walking away with the win. Team

ropers Austin Elliott and Colton Johnson faced off against Cayl Sieber and Wade Grogan with Austin Elliott and Colton Johnson taking the money. Congratulations to these winners and to the future Champion match winners and a special THANK YOU to Carter Elliott and our sponsors for giving Region V members the opportunity to fine tune our skills and compete for the ultimate prize and for the opportunity to be THE CHAMP OF THE CHAMPIONS. And while we are on the subject of CHAMPIONS congratulations to Ross Freeman for winning the bullriding and Trent Turner and Rhett Parmer for winning the team roping at the Founding Fathers Invitational High School Rodeo in Hallettsville, Tx On October 11th, way to represent Region V while competing against the best of the best. This Breakaway maTch ropers, rodeo was a great success and I can’t kaycee richard & lara ellioTT wait for next year… As I close I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR but please remember the reason for the season, The Birth of our savior, JESUS CHRIST, for without him we are nothing. So until next time, LET GO AND LET GOD…..

Team roping maTch ropers (lefT) ricardo corpus & Joe collin clark, (righT)

Tie-down maTch ropers Tyler crone & ausTin ellioT



“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not man.” Colossians 3:23 familiar scripture verse in the Bible, many of us have read or heard, is one that Sierra Blanche White, has befittingly chosen to take to heart, as her life's motto, which says much about her academic and sports ethics. Every day in the life of this WHATAKID is packed full of non-stop activities, and as soon as Sierra's feet hit the floor, she's running at top notch speed to accomplish her daily activities with integrity. Sierra is a 17 year old Senior this year, attending Happy High School, in a 'town without a frown', which is none other than Happy, Texas. Yes, it really is a town on the map! During the school year, Sierra's academic day begins at 8:00 am sharp, and the rest of White's day is jammed packed full of classes, with her favorite subject being English. She is also working towards her future plans on attending college to earn a degree in nursing. The last school bell of the day signals the next phase of her day, which includes many extracurricular activities, as she is an active member of Student Council, National Honor Society, and FCCLA. Moreover, Ms. White is an A-Honor Roll student, and she serves as Student Council President, Yearbook Editor, and she further serves with the National Honor Society. Depending on the sports season, Sierra's after school hours are dedicated to multiple sports activities, including basketball practice or track and cross country running. White is an accomplished sportswoman and she is a 2 -time State Track Qualifier, a Regional Cross Country Qualifier,


an All-District Basketball Player, and a team member of the Mile Relay State Champions. Sierra's day, by no means ends on the sports field, and upon her arrival back home from a full day of sports and school activities, it's time to exercise her horses and practice for upcoming THSRA rodeo competitions. White is also in preparation for a future career in college rodeo sports. In the meantime, she is busy helping her father with the cattle and other chores around the family ranch. Then it's time for homework before lights out for the night. Her cowgirl way of life, with its riding, roping and rodeo competitions runs deep within her veins, as she quips, “My absolute favorite horse is my 9 year old Grey mare named Cleopatra. I can pretty much do everything on-breakaway, poles, barrels, goats and heel too. She's not very big, but she's got more heart than any other horse I've been around. Tuffy Thompson, my granddad, bred and raised her. He gave this horse to me when she was just a yearling.” White has competed in many arenas and competitions around the United States, but some of her favorite events have taken place in Texas and Oklahoma. Sierra's favorite memories revolve around THSRA State Finals in Abilene, the IFYR in Shawnee, and Rumble on the Red in Altus, Oklahoma. “Shawnee is always a blast, but last year, Rumble on the Red was very special to me too, because I won the poles.” says Sierra, “I get to do what I love, while honoring the memory of Aaron Custer and Ed Drury.” Sierra definitely has a lot of drive and determination, and over the years she's worked hard to be able to compete and honor her fellow champions. “When I was in 7th grade I had to have surgery on my leg due to a significant length difference”, she explains, “And with help from God and great doctors, my legs are even in length, and I've been blessed to run at the state track meets and to compete in many other sports, including rodeo. This experience has made my faith in God stronger and I realize that anything is possible with Him!” In addition, Sierra looks up to her grandparents, Tuffy and Judy Thompson, and she says, “Both of my grandparents have shown me that hard work and perseverance really does pay off. When my grandad was young he would have to ride three miles just to rope calves. With the help and support of my grandmother, Judy, he went on to be a two-time World Champion Steer Roper. They have taught me to always be humble and remember others.” “I'm so thankful to be able to be a part of THSRA and the sport of rodeo, which has taught me countless life lessons, and its given me friends for a lifetime”, says Sierra, “I feel very blessed and honored to be chosen as Region 1's Whatakid!”

Come view the entire collection at the NFR Cowboy Christmas Gift Show & the South Point Western Gift Show in Las Vegas, Nevada December 4th - December 14th


! s y a d i l o py H




Wish List

NRS caps $19.99

The Original Cowboy Pajamas

Quantum Performer Women’s Boots Lightweight, portable, fun roping dummy, The Dragsteer Roping Dummy $199.99 Loyola Men’s Jacket


Whataburger Gift Cards

Sookie Sookie Pearl and Green Cross Necklace $99.99

Collapsible, portable, realistic, Heel-o-Matic Hox Heeling Dummy $390.00

Sugar and Spice Ranch Christmas Break Mother/Daughter Horse Camp!

HILDE Fleece Hoodie

Relaxed fit Grant jean $79.95

The Original CasaZia Navajo Saddle Pad $119.99

Great stocking stuffers! 2014 George Strait Team Roping, $29.99 & 2014 Bob Feist Invitational, $59.99

Cowboss Men’s Boots

Apparel by Twisted J – RRP017-Created Opal Price: $325

Cruel cropped denim jacket with left Customizable sleeve embroidery and metal buttons Compact – $79.95 & Purple rayon ¾ sleeve Makeup Tote faux wrap dress with light aqua cro$34.50 chet sleeves – $49.95


Cowboy Sleepwear! as seen in:

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Untitled-3 1

8/28/14 9:47 AM

presidenT - Bailey BennighT Vice presidenT - lindsei harVey secreTary - morgan faJkus

sTudenT officers sTaTe direcTors wesley caldwell

riede myrick secreTary - nena BoeTTcher

cierra goode

region Vi

maTT mueller presidenT - BuBBa BennighT


– ariaT

egion 6 is back in action. After having all of October off we hit it hard the month of November. With 4 rodeos that were in November kept members busy. Also we completed rodeos 3 and 4 along with 5 and 6 with our new region secretary Nena Boettcher, with many more to come. In January we will be having a region cowboy prom. It’s scheduled to be January 10th at the American Legion hall from 9-1. Tickets are priced at $15. This year we are enforcing a dress code. Girls may wear a dress of their choice but guys must wear western attire if not wearing a suit. Aside from region news, Christmas is right around the corner. With

Christmas coming up, region 6 members have been talking about what they have on their wish list. On senior Logan McCasland’s list he wants a rough out coats saddle with a matching head stall/ tie down and breast collar, a case of ropes, and a new truck. On senior Sydney Huff”s wish list she wants new boots, new saddle, clothes from buckle, new earrings, new shoes, and a teacup pig. Off of her list the one thing she wants the most is a new saddle. One other member that has a wish list is Lane Frazier. On his list he wants new things for his truck. He also said

sydney huff

lane fraZier

that his favorite thing about Christmas is that he gets to spend time with his family. Christmas is a time of the year where our members will be hanging out with family. Not only will they be with family but they will be spending December practicing for January’s rodeo. Region 6 wants to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! logan mccasland

REGION VI 2014-2015 THSRA Rodeo Schedule



Rodeo Christmas Wishes

presidenT - kassie kersh Vice presidenT - Brady Barham secreTary - marci raley

sTudenT officers

sTaTe direcTors / region officers John aTkinson

melissa raley secreTary - anne dollery

region Vii

presidenT- clinT rawlinson

russell Barham



skyler sTone – ariaT

f your Christmas wish could be for rodeo, what would most of us wish for? God to make the ride with us? The perfect winning run? Or maybe much more. I know that most of us could extend our list to include several things that we would wish for. Some things that come to mind that most of us would wish for include; -a dependable truck that won’t break down -a trailer with good tires -money for fuel and travel expenses -entry fees paid -a good draw and/or good ground -a good sound horse -healthy rider -tack that won’t fail

goose for chrisTmas

-faithful, dependable hauling partners -supportive family and friends -patience with ourselves and our horse -ability to learn from our mistakes Actually, these are things that all rodeo contestants wish for every time they leave for a rodeo. They are the things that are essential to all of us for success. All of these things have to be in place for things to go right when hauling to a rodeo. Many rodeo contestants however can focus on the sky and Theo wrong things and 1/11/2015 | Edna | 2 rodeos often not realize that it takes more than just the rider and the animal for success. During the Christmas season it 2/21 & 2/22/2015 | Edna is a great time to really focus on the bigger picture. To take time to give glory to God and be thankful for the blessings that he has given to all of us and be thankful that he has given us the chance to be a part of this great sport. We need to remember to give him the glory when we win as well as when we lose. Above all we need to remember that “we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us “(Phil 4:13). When we put God first in all things we do, he will then bless us with helping complete our lists.

REGION VII 2014-2015 THSRA Rodeo Schedule


Kadie Beth Wisener

I’m Kadie Beth Wisener but, most people call me KB. I am the daughter of Kevin and Jerrie Wisener. I have two lovely older sisters Kallie and Sadie. I absolutely love the sport of rodeo; it’s honestly one of the best sports out there. Not only is rodeo a sport, but it a family. I am very dedicated to rodeo and can’t wait to see where all it takes me in life. People who devote their hard work and talent to rodeo inspire me. My freshmen year I competed in barrels and in poles. I am very blessed to say that I qualified for state in pole bending. Although state didn’t quite go as planned I had a really good time and learned lessons that will help me in the years to come, which I am look forward to. I am very grateful that Lufkin Ranch and Rodeo sponsor me in all my rodeo events. I attend school at Crimson Christian Academy in Lufkin, Texas as a sophomore. This past year I had the highest GPA in my freshmen class. This year I will be serving on the student council as secretary. I am also very involved in my community. I’m a member of the SAY WHAT group that is ran by Texas Department of Health. I’m also an avid hunter, last deer season I killed a buck that scored 171 2/3 Boone and Crockett inches which placed me seventh in region six as non-typical. In everything I do I try and give 100%. The most important thing I would say about me is that I’m a Christian. I think God every day for sending his son to die on the cross for me and my sins. I would like to thank all the people involved with Texas High School Rodeo for letting me be your 2014-2015 state secretary.


sTudenT officers presidenT - lindy swaim Vice presidenT - aBBy slagle secreTary - maTT guTierreZ kellie Beall

sTaTe direcTors / region officers

kim sTegman secreTary - nena BoeTTcher

region Viii

ken slagle presidenT- randy waTT



Region VIII’s Great Leaders

calls home. Mr. Slagle competed in region 8 during his high school years. He was a rough stock rider through out his high school years. The one significant thing that he remembers is that “he broke a lot of bones and made the doctors a lot of money”during his competitive years. Today, Mr. Slagle enjoys team roping with his daughter Abby. Mr. Slagle loves coming to the rodeo to help the kids and watching each and every one succeed. His favormontana cox – ariaT s most of you all know a ite part about being a region 8 State Director is that he enjoys helping the region is nothing with out kids in any way they may need it. Mr. Slagle believes that region 8 could their leaders. Well Region grow by being more involved in the community and expanding on the 8 would be nothing without our special needs rodeo. Mr. Slagle wants the parents and competitors of the State Directors! Ken Slagle and region to remember to “ not get so caught up in the competitive side that Kelly Beall. They put aside their you lose site of the fun and the love of rodeoing and life long friendships”. Our second director is the legendary Kelly Beall who has not only been personal time and work to help a state director when her daughter, Lacey Jo was in high school but also our region. Ken Slagle, a first time direc- since her son, Ti was in Junior High rodeo. She has been a State Director tor, who’s daughter, Abby, com- for a total of 7 years as of this year!!Also she was a student director in petes in breakaway, goats, poles region 8 back in the 1980’s. Mrs. Beall is from Woodsboro, Tx and enjoys and team roping, is excited about helping all of the kids compete at their best. Mrs. Beall has experienced his role as State Director. Ken success at the high school rodeo level herself when she won the Region works at Doggett Equipment in 8 Breakaway title and then advanced to the National High School Finals Floresville, Tx, also the place he Rodeo in Douglas, WY. She knows first hand what it takes to be the best and still be humble in all aspects of rodeo. She is a wonderful example of a positive role model that we should all REGION VIII aspire to be! Mrs. Beall would also like to 2014-2015 THSRA Rodeo Schedule remind everyone that winning is not everything, we all need to remember the special memories and time well spent with family 1/10/2015 | Sinton | 2 rodeos and friends that are important. Now of 2/14/2015 | Sinton | 2 rodeos course it is always more fun when you win but keep it all in perspective. I do not know what we would do as a Region without our State Directors. I am just very proud to know and learn from these great leaders!


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fast dragging, fast roping, and fast horses! won both rodeo's of the day! In the Bull Riding the guy's just had a little off day with no qualified times, but they'll be back in Crockett. The Penny Polebender of the day was definitely Carly kelsey Thompson– ariaT Staggs, winning both rodeo's s rodeo's #4 and #5 came to a by more than 7-tenths!! Our close in Caldwell Texas on a Saddle Bronc was a excitesunny October 26, we are also ment with Tyler Carmeans about to come to a close on the last and the steer wrestler gone Tacy weBB region rodeo for 2014! November roughie, Kayne Partin being 23, we will have rodeo's #6 and #7 our champions for the day! in Crockett Texas! Now going back The Steer Wresting title to Caldwell, it was a extremely sucwent to All-Around Cowboy cessful weekend, fast dragging, fast John Douch for rodeo #4 roping, and fast horses! and Region 7 member Brady In the Breakaway roping, Carly Barham rodeo #5. The Team Staggs was our champion for rodeo #4 Roping got pretty intense and Darcy Taylor was our fastest girl with John Glesmann and for rodeo #5! Goat tying was HOLY Brody Kilgore being our COW fast with Hailey Bruening winteam to win the first roping ning the first rodeo, and Tacy Webb of the day, then Taylor Hurst winning the second. The Bareback and Cannon Steger dominatJohn douch Riding boys unfortunately had bad ing at the second roping! luck the first go, but Dustin Brewster Finally in the Tiedown ropcame out and showed them how it ing John Douch did it again to win the first rodeo, and another Region 7 member was done at the second rodeo! In (And former Region 9 member!!!!) Jay Terrell scored great to win the second one! the Barrel Racing, Kelsey Thompson As the Thanksgiving Holidays are approaching, so are some of the biggest Barrel Races, Calf Ropings, and Team Roping REGION IX of the year! So GOODLUCK to all Region 9 contestants wher2014-2015 THSRA Rodeo Schedule ever you may be going! But regardless of if you will be taking Thanksgiving week off or you won't have a time to sit down till 1/25/2015 | Buffalo | 2 rodeos that turkey meal, be thankful you are able to do what you love 2/15/2015 | Caldwell | 2 rodeos to do!!! Make sure to thank your parents, grandparents, friends, horses, and especially the Good Lord above you that are able



sTudenT officers

sTaTe direcTors / region officers John schueneman

presidenT - Jake hughes Vice presidenT - megan wrighT secreTary - hailey Bruening

chris sTarns secreTary - kim ackel

region iX

presidenT- eddie dyson

Julie Jordan


to have that turkey meal. And also that when January 25 comes around, you're blessed enough to travel to Buffalo Texas to compete once again. Finally Region 9 would just like to congratulate our winners at the Hallettsville Texas, Texas High School Rodeo Founder's Invitational! This was such a prestigious honor to win a event, you had to be Top 3 in your event from the previous year to even be able to compete! So from all 10 Regions, the Top 3 from each region battled it out to see who was the best of the best! John Douch won the Tiedown Roping and The All-Around Cowboy award, then everyone's favorite Tacy Webb won the Breakaway! Just having one winner from Region 9 would be amazing, but two?! Let's just say, Region 9.... is definitely "Oh so fine"!

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sTudenT officers presidenT - clinT weBsTer Vice presidenT - kaTie keiTh

Is the Cost Really Worth the Reward?

Brooke Boiles– ariaT

Vanessa halford

sTaTe direcTors / region officers

Joseph Thomas secreTary - angelia cudd

presidenT - Jerry wrighT

Jamie mcdougal



any may ask theirselves in times of difficulty if the cost is really worth the reward, but as 2012 world champion and 2013 reserve world champion barrel racer Mary Walker says, "at the end of the day you can either sit down and quit, or go on. And I chose to go on." You never know how close you are to greatness when you quit, and you may just be one rodeo away from a winning streak. The man on top of the mountain wasn't just placed there. During this holiday season we hope you embrace every moment with your family to make lifetime memories. When asking Hanna Wallace, Senior at Tolar High School

hanna wallace aT region rodeo

what her favorite holiday memories are she recalls her favorite memory is driving around the neighborhoods in town and looking at the Christmas lights with her Nana and the rest of her family. Hanna has been a part of the region X family for 2 years now. She states her favorite part of high school rodeo is the family we all are. "I don't know about other regions but at region X we are all without a doubt a family." Says Hanna. Many know at first hand the valuable lessons you are sometimes forced to learn when rodeoing and for Hanna, HSR has taught her how to be competitive in the arena and a friend all other times. Her goals for this year are to make it to nationals in at least one event. After high school Hanna plans to go to college, hopefully on rodeo scholarship, and earn her degree to be a high school government teacher. Hanna, we wish you all the luck in the world in accomplishing your goals and conquering your future! With only half of the rodeos left, anything is still possible. Stay hooked and keep climbing the mountain during this break we have, but don't forget to take time and appreciate the reason we celebrate Christmas, for Christ our Lord has been born. God bless and safe travels to all!

REGION X 2014-2015 THSRA Rodeo Schedule



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Junior high

Texas Junior HigH rodeo associaTion news LETTER FROM THE TJHRA SECRETARY ear Junior High Contestants and Families: I always reread my articles from the year before and then begin a new one, have you ever gone back and read where you were a year ago and where you are now. Last year at this time of the year I was putting finishing touches on my oldest son’s wedding and still had my youngest son recovering from his accidents from during the year. Well, I can say it has been a great year. Shawn and his wife have moved back to Caldwell and Kody is back in school at Sam Houston and is back to what he loves, steer wrestling. We are all healthy and we are all looking forward to the holidays to rest and relax. Now that I have caught you up on my family, it is a time we can all look back of where we were last year and see where we are now. Christmas time to me is always a time for re-organizing our life and goals. So with everyone being half way through their region rodeo season, take this time to reflect how your first half of the season went and think how you could make it different for the second half. Maybe a little more practicing on the ground or working on our horses, take some time during the holidays to work on your goals and then when you finish your region rodeos you will be way ahead of the game! As you read this month’s Extreme many of us will be staying up really late to watch the NFR or traveling to Las Vegas. I want to wish everyone luck that are participating, of course we know Texas sends the most cowboys and cowgirls to the NFR and how awesome is that! Just a few that will participating this year that went through the TJHRA are Tuff Cooper, Trey Benton, Marty Yates and Reid Barker. Each year we will have more that qualifies and to think they started in the Junior High division is just so exciting! Many more of them were involved in THSRA of course, since there was not a junior high rodeo division when they started. So see setting your goals high now, one day could pay off big! Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas…..enjoy your families! Anne Dollery 33

Texas Junior HigH rodeo associaTion news REGION 7 KICKS OFF RODEO SEASON WITH A BANG!!


egion 7 Junior High has kicked off their rodeo season with a BANG! When the article comes out we will have just finished our Rodeo 7 & 8. With our December rodeo we will also have our Cowboy Prom where all the high school and junior high contestants and families have a great time to unwind and relax with a steak dinner and dancing. Many families use this for their family Christmas cards. During the evening we stop and have a live auction that is our major fund raiser for the year. So we all look forward to that weekend in Edna. We are a little small this year but are we powerful! Our student officer team this year is President – Avery Sulak (who is also the State President), Vice President – Makenna Shook (who is the State VP) and Secretary – Connor Atkinson. They will all be helping in collecting socks and boxes for our community service project to send to the Wounded Warrior VA Soldiers. Region 7 has a deep heritage of doing at least one project each year – it is very rewarding to give back to those that need it!

Our standings are changing each rodeo, the races are on for our top Cowgirls and Cowboys to attend the state finals at the end of May. So if you want to keep up with Region 7 go to and click on the Region 7 standings. Our adult officers – President – Clint Rawlinson, Vice President – Brandon Bratton, Secretary – Anne Dollery, State Directors – Dee Ann Rawlinson, Chris Oates, and Scott Shook have all our prizes ordered and are happy to report that we will be giving Cowboy Classic saddles to all event champions and the All Around Cowboy and Cowgirl. Each state qualifier 2 through 10th will be receiving a Kelly Slover buckle. If you are ever interested in attending one of our rodeos please contact Anne Dollery at or 979-412-2551 and she will be glad to get you entered. Edna has a great facility that everyone should come visit and who knows you might just want to stick around and join our region next year!


Sell 3 Bloomer Tickets and Get One Free That's right, if you sell 3 Bloomer Tickets, your family will get to enter one time for free! Claim this offer when your turn in your Bloomer tickets to your Region Secretary and she will give you a free ticket to put your families name on!


Texas Junior HigH rodeo associaTion news REGION 8 LOOKS FORWARD TO AN EXCITING SEASON!

emma smiTh –


egion VIII Jr High rodeo kicked off its season with another great group of cowboys and cowgirls. It’s awesome to see our old rodeo friends and having the opportunity to make new friends. Our region welcomed many new families this season with 50% of our membership from rookies! We are enjoying making new friends and the rookies are having a great season; bringing

some fierce competition. Pole Bending competition has been heating up with some exciting 20 second runs consistently taking the top 3 placing’s! We elected a new group of officers this year. Fisher Underbrink was elected President. Fisher is an 8th grader and brings to us great leadership experience since being his 3rd year in Region VIII. Fisher’s favorite event is team roping which he partners with his brother Hunter. Serah Kate Blair was elected to VicePresident. She is an 8th grader and is in her 2nd year in Region VIII. Serah brings a positive attitude to our rodeos and always makes us smile! Her favorite event is breakaway roping. She has three horses that are all sisters that she competes on. I am Emma Smith, Secretary for Region VIII. I am in 7th grade and my 2nd year at Region VIII. My favorite event is Barrel Racing. I qualified this past year to compete at Nationals Junior High Rodeo in Des Moines, Iowa on the Texas Team for Barrel Racing. Unfortunately, I became ill with salmonella poisoning and spent 3 evenings in the hospital ER. I had a rough go but I never gave up. I was determined to make my runs. I hope to bring to Region VIII my can do attitude and love for the sport; to strive to do your best. It’s about the Journey! My motto is being scared to death but saddling up anyway… John Wayne. As much as we love our rodeo sport, we love the people that help make it all come together for us! Our region is blessed with many hard working parents and volunteers. They have been going the extra mile to make sure the rodeos are running smoothly, fair for all the contestants and all the while still helping us try to compete at our best. As contestants, we are so grateful for all their support and generosity to help us become better individual competitors as well as a great rodeo region family. We have all been working really hard at raising money for our awesome end of year awards. The region has had many successful silent actions and will be hosting a Team Roping Event on Saturday, Dec 13th at the Show Barn Arena in Pleasanton, Texas. I look forward to seeing the outcome of this season and wish all the Region VIII contestants an exciting season. Giddy Up!


Texas Junior HigH rodeo associaTion news


Kate Johnson

2014-2015 JUNIOR HIGH STATE DIRECTORS eXecuTiVe Board naTional direcTor presidenT 1sT Vice-presidenT delegaTe delegaTe


delegaTe delegaTe delegaTe secreTary

sTaTe direcTors region i

region ii

region iii

region iV

region V Joe glen kahla region Vi danny duckeTT


region Vii

region Viii


ate Johnson, the 2014-2015 TJHRA Secretary, is the 13 year old daughter of Cullen and Melissa Johnson. This Region I cowgirl is a seventh grader from Abernathy, Texas and a second year member of the Texas Junior High Rodeo Association. Breakaway Roping, Goat Tying and Ribbon Roping are her rodeo events and at the 2015 TJHRA State Finals, Kate plans to compete for the title of Miss TJHRA Princess. Kate is a member of Texas 4-H and loves to play the guitar. She also enjoys spending time with family and friends. “I love this association and all that it stands for. The Texas Junior High Rodeo Association allows junior high kids to compete on a higher level and gives them the confidence to be their best. The TJHRA pushes me to be better at rodeo and at life. Being a leader for TJHRA is an honor. Thank you for allowing me to represent you.” ~ Kate Johnson


region iX

John schueneman region X

sTudenT officers presidenT aVery sulak makenna shook secreTary kaTe Johnson








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