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In This Issue
EXTREME TEAM NEWS Official Publication of the Texas High School Rodeo Association
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TeXas RaM deaLeRs
THSRA is a non-profit organization (501-C). Production of this publication was funded by membership dues and is provided complimentary to members of THSRA. Non-members may purchase annual subscriptions for $25.00
schedule of events FRIday, June 5 6:00 PM - Queen Contest - Judges Meeting, Introduction, Impromptu Questions Round Building 7:30 PM - Queen Contest - Dinner 8:15 PM - Queen Contest - Speech and Modeling
Announcement of the 2015-16 Queen - Directly after the meeting Region Team Pictures taken 5:00 PM - 1st go Reined Cow Horse Event - Horse Barn 7:00 PM - Ariat Olympics Competition - Coliseum 8:00 PM - Dodge Ball Tournament: Region vs. Region - Coliseum Presented by American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches 9:00 PM - Ariat Jackpots - BLUE BARN ARENA - Barrels, Poles, Team Roping 10:00 PM - Contestant's Welcome Dance - Round Building
saTuRday, June 6 8:00 AM - Queen Contest - Horsemanship - both rounds - Coliseum 8:00 AM - NRA Shooting Contest - Callahan County Shooting MOnday, June 8 Range TeXas RaM deaLeRs & CH GRaPHICs sPOnsORs OF THe day 6:00:00-8:00 PM - Sponsors, Abilene Officials, & THSRA 8:00 AM - START 1st GO-ROUND Directors Dinner - Round Building Barrel Racing (1st half) - Outdoor Covered Arena Team Roping (1st half) - Outdoor Covered Arena sunday, June 7 Goat Tying (1st half) - Outdoor Covered Arena ResIsTOL, BOOT BaRn & KuBOTa TRaCTORs sPOnsORs OF THe day Calf Roping (1st half) - Coliseum 9:00 AM - CHECK-IN - Open - Coliseum Bareback - Saddle Bronc - Bull Riding - Coliseum 10:00 AM - Church Service by Terry Holland - Coliseum 8:00 AM - Cowboy Church Daily Bible Study - Coliseum Booth 11:00 AM - Queen Contest - Personal Interviews and Test 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM Directors Reception - Free BBQ Lunch 1:00 PM - ALL CONTESTANTS MUST BE CHECKED IN Big Country Hall - MANDATORY EQUIPMENT CHECK/INSPECTION for ALL Contestants, Parents, & Officials Lunch - Big Country Hall Rough Stock Riders and MANDATORY Safety Seminar 1:00 PM - CONTINUE 1st GO-ROUND 1:30 PM - SCHOLARSHIP RECEIPIENT PRESENTATION Breakaway Roping (1st half) - Coliseum Ranch House Steer Wrestling (1st half) - Coliseum 2:30 PM - CONTESTANT'S MEETING - Coliseum - ALL Pole Bending (1st half) - Coliseum CONTESTANTS MUST ATTEND 4:45 PM - 1st go Awards for Reined Cow Horse - Horse Barn - Awarding of 2015 Scholarships 5:00 PM - 2nd go Reined Cow Horse Event - Horse Barn - QUEEN CONTESTANTS PRESENTED 7:00 PM - Texas Ram Dealer's Truck Push Contest - Coliseum Regional Queen Contestants Introduction - Category Awards and
9:00 PM - Ariat Jackpots - BLUE BARN ARENA - Goats, Steer Wrestling, BAW, Calf Roping Tuesday, June 9 ARIAT, HEEL O MATIC & CACTUS ROPES SPONSORS OF THE DAY 8:00 AM CONTINUE 1st GO-ROUND Barrel Racing (2nd half) - Outdoor Covered Arena Team Roping (2nd half) - Outdoor Covered Arena Goat Tying (2nd half) - Outdoor Covered Arena Calf Roping (2nd half) - Coliseum Bareback - Saddle Bronc - Bull Riding - Coliseum 8:00 AM - Cowboy Church Daily Bible Study - Coliseum Booth 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM National Team Benefit Lunch - Big Country Hall 1:00 PM - CONTINUE 1st GO-ROUND Breakaway Roping (2nd half) - Coliseum Steer Wrestling (2nd half) - Coliseum Pole Bending (2nd half) - Coliseum 4:00 PM - Cactus Ropes Endorsee, Lari Dee Guy, Ground clinic Big Country Hall 4:45 PM - 2nd Go Round & Top 15 Awards for Reined Cow Horse - Horse Barn 5:00 PM - Short Go Reined Cow Horse Event - Horse Barn 6:00 PM - Go Round Winner Interviews by Terry Holland Entertainment Pavillion 6:30 PM - SUPERSIZED Ariat Jackpots - Outdoor Arena Barrels, Poles, Goats, Steer Wrestling, BAW, Calf Roping Team Roping 7:00 - 10:00 PM - Dragsteer Roping at entrance to Outdoor Arena sponsored by AFCC 7:00 PM - Region Secretaries, Presidents and Sponsors Appreciation - MCM Elegante' 10:00 - 10:30 - Cowboy Church Service by Brandon Henderson During Jackpot Break Dragsteer Roping Short Go Round Wednesday, June 10 LONE STAR FEED & PRO VIEW EQUINE SURVEILLANCE SPONSORS OF THE DAY 8:00 AM - Cowboy Church Daily Bible Study - Coliseum Booth 8:30 AM - Reined Cowhorse State Champion & National Qualifiers awards 9:00 AM - 1st Rodeo Performance - Coliseum 2 - 4 PM - CAVENDER'S SPECIAL KIDS RODEO & PARTY - Coliseum Special Kids Contestants, Adult Volunteers, and ALL THSRA CONTESTANTS 4:00 PM - Pro View Equine Surveillance Special Event 5:00 PM - All Cutters must be checked in 6:00 PM 1st Go Awards Presentation 6:45 PM - Grand Entry - all regions / Team Cinch members will be introduced 7:00 PM - 2nd Rodeo Performance - Cancer Awareness Pink Night 10:30 PM - Ariat Jackpots - Outdoor Arena - Goats, Steer Wrestling, BAW, Calf Roping
Thursday, June 11 McCOY'S, PRIEFERT & TEXAS FARM BUREAU INSURANCE SPONSORS OF THE DAY 8:00 AM - Cowboy Church Daily Bible Study - Coliseum Booth 9:00 AM - 3rd Rodeo Performance - First Go Round Boys Cutting - Horse Barn Arena - First Go Round Girls Cutting - Horse Barn Arena 2:00 PM - Priefert / McCoy's Joe Beaver's Annual Dummy Roping - Big Country Hall 3:00 PM - Voting Delegates, Student Officers, Officer Candidates, and Scholarship Winners Mandatory Meeting - Ranch House 4:00 PM - THSRA Board of Directors Meeting - Ranch House 6:45 PM - Grand Entry - all regions 7:00 PM - 4th Rodeo Performance - McCoy's Mutton Busting & Family Night - $2 Hot Dog and a Coke After Rodeo - Ariat Jackpots - Outdoor Arena - Barrels, Poles, Team Roping 10:00 PM - Contestant's Dance - Round Building Friday, June 12 WHATABURGER & DR. TANDY FREEMAN SPONSORS OF THE DAY 8:00 AM - Cowboy Church Daily Bible Study - Coliseum Booth 9:00 AM - 5th Rodeo Performance - Second Go Round Girls Cutting - Horse Barn Arena - Second Go Round Boys Cutting - Horse Barn Arena 6:00 PM - 2nd Go Awards Presentation & Top 15 awards for cutting 6:45 PM - Grand Entry - all regions 7:00 PM - 6th Rodeo Performance WhataRodeo Night 10:00 PM - Contestant's Dance - Round Building Saturday, June 13 BLOOMER TRAILERS & CAPITAL FARM CREDIT SPONSORS OF THE DAY 8:00 AM - Cutting Finals - Horse Barn Arena 2:00 PM - 2nd Go Awards Presentation & Top 15 awards 2:45 PM - Grand Entry - all regions 3:00 PM - Final Performance - Top 15 Contestants in each event - Introduction of Bloomer Team and drawing for Bloomer Trailer after Barrels - Drawing for Ram Truck - after Poles after rodeo - Finals' Champion Buckles awarded - Round Building after rodeo N H S R A FINALS CONTESTANT'S MEETING STATE CHAMPION AWARDS
PLEASE NOTE - Due to unseen conflicts, this schedule is subject to change. Please check the OFFICIAL DAILY SCHEDULE posted outside the rodeo office.It is the responsibility of each contestant to be in the arena and ready when their respec-
tive event is underway. Current as of 5.8.15- Events are still being added and times above may change. Go to thsra.org for latest schedule.
tenative ORDER OF EVENTS June 8- 13, 2015
ORDER OF EvENTS - 1st gO monday & Tuesday morning Outside Arena Coliseum Barrel Racing Calf Roping Team Roping Bareback Goat Tying Saddle Bronc Bull Riding
monday & Tuesday Afternoon Coliseum Breakaway Roping Steer Wrestling Pole Bending
ORDER OF EvENTS - 2ND gO mORNINg PERFORmANCES - 9:00 A. m. Steer Wrestling Barrel Racing Breakaway Roping Calf Roping Goat Tying Team Roping Pole Bending
EvENINg PERFORmANCES - 7:00 P.m. Bull Riding - 1st Section Steer Wrestling Bareback Barrel Racing Breakaway Roping Calf Roping Saddle Bronc Goat Tying Team Roping Pole Bending Bull Riding - 2nd Section
Team Cinch was created to honor nHsRa members who excel in the arena and in the classroom. Congratulations to the following rising stars from Texas!
ROdeO TeAM Bareback Boys Cutting Saddle Bronc Steer Wrestling Bulls Tiedown Team Roping Queen Girls Cutting Goat Tying Breakaway Poles Barrels Team Roping
Lane McGehee Samray hooper Blaise Freeman Chase Wilson Brody yeary John douch Jase holder Tanner Green - Co Captain Coleby Payne Kennady Johnson Bailey Reina - Co Captain Whitley Whitewood Kambria Mcdougal Samantha Chick Bristan Kennedy Laramie Johnson
SHOOTing TeAM Light Rifle Trap
Morgan Myers Trevor humphries
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2015 THSRA State Finals Grand Entry Guidelines
2015-2016 Ariat Reporters
e will have morning & evening grand entries on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and also for the short go matinee on Saturday. Each region has been assigned 2 performances but I made them on the same day so it would be easier to remember. I also divided up the Monday and Tuesday morning grand entries because the student officers tend to have other commitments those mornings and need help. Please have at least 5 members from your region to help carry flags. More than 5 would be nice. I assigned 4 regions for Friday since contestants have started going home by then. If there are not enough contestants for all of the flags, then they will be asked to carry a second flag. If you have a member that likes to carry sponsor flags, they are welcome to help at any performance. Some understand it is a good way to get their horse in the arena before competition. Contestants will be asked to hold the flag pole upright and make one lap around the edge of the arena at a slow lope so that the sponsor flag is displayed behind them while the announcer reads the script for their flag.
1. Aubrie Fields 2. Bliss Bolton 3. Sawyer Przilas 4. McKenzie Ray 5. hannah hemphilla 6. Lauren Keene 7. Brandi Bratton 8. Melissa Garcia 9. Emily Hoffman 10. Brooke Boiles
Region Assignments for Monday & Tuesday morning: Monday – Regions 1 through 5 Tuesday – Regions 6 through 10
Region Assignments for morning & evening performances:
Wednesday – Regions 1, 2 & 8 – Team Cinch members will be introduced that evening Thursday – Regions 3, 5 & 7 Friday – Regions 4, 6, 9 & 10 Saturday – All Regions
Morning performances:
Line up at 8:45am in the back of the alley. Start at 9am.
Evening performances:
Line up at 6:30 pm in the back of the alley. Start at 6:45pm. Saturday’s matinee grand entry starts at 2:45pm. All regions are asked to send contestants to help with this one. Line up at 2:30pm in the back of the alley – or as quickly as you can following the 2nd Go and Top 15 awards.
REGION I All Around Cowboy Kory McConnell All Around Cowgirl Shelby Spielman Rookie Cowboy Dusty Frazier Rookie Cowgirl Shelby Espenson Queen Bareback Zach Hibler Saddle Bronc Dusty Frazier Bull Riding Dalton Kasel Steer Wrestling Kory McConnell Calf Roping Monty Reed Team Roping Zane Patterson & Trace Patterson Boys Cutting Brady Fields Barrel Racing Shelby Spielman Pole Bending Shelby Spielman Goat Tying Kelsey Espenson Breakaway Shelby Spielman Girls Cutting Kennady Johnson Reined Cow Horse Jesse Valdez REGION II All Around Cowboy Dakota Felton All Around Cowgirl Delani Wood Rookie Cowboy Tyler West Rookie Cowgirl Kenna Hayes McNeill Queen Brighlon Kilpatrick Bareback Tyler Handley Saddle Bronc Blaise Freeman Bull Riding Andrew Alvidrez Steer Wrestling Walker Harris Calf Roping Dakota Felton Team Roping Dakota Felton & Edgar Tarango Boys Cutting Samray Hooper Barrel Racing Bristan Kennedy Pole Bending Swaize Lee Goat Tying Hannah Martin Breakaway Swaize Lee Girls Cutting Delani Wood Reined Cow Horse Samray Hooper REGION III All Around Cowboy Brody Yeary All Around Cowgirl Cheyenne Britain Rookie Cowboy Laramie Allen Rookie Cowgirl Catherine Clayton Queen Bareback Clint Mayo Saddle Bronc Brody Yeary Bull Riding Brody Yeary
Steer Wrestling Brett Stuart Calf Roping Hagen Houck Team Roping Chase Chambers & Andrew Hill Boys Cutting Kutter Burnett Barrel Racing Megan Meadows Pole Bending Annie Herring Goat Tying Katie Stewart Breakaway Skylar Southerland Girls Cutting Eva Blanton Reined Cow Horse Nolan Self REGION IV All Around Cowboy Kolton White All Around Cowgirl Maci Ray Rookie Cowboy Daniel Dunham Rookie Cowgirl Lena Whitehead Queen Chloe Costello Bareback Nick Farino Saddle Bronc Ty Eppler Bull Riding Kolton White Steer Wrestling Kolton White Calf Roping Dalton Dunham Team Roping Cole Surls & Chandler Calvin Boys Cutting Brock Roberts Barrel Racing Raelee Self Pole Bending Raelee Self Goat Tying Alexandria Cawthon Breakaway Lena Whitehead Girls Cutting Chloe Costello Reined Cow Horse Dalton Crosson REGION V All Around Cowboy Logan Cook All Around Cowgirl Addie Liles Rookie Cowboy Bradford Fisher Rookie Cowgirl Addie Liles Queen Madey Pipkin Bareback Trey Thomas Saddle Bronc Logan Cook Bull Riding Keyshawn Whitehorse Steer Wrestling Shiloh Stone Calf Roping Logan Cook Team Roping Laramie Johnson & Blake Wheeler Boys Cutting Skyler Woolls Barrel Racing Whitlee Reed Pole Bending Emily Smith Goat Tying Brylie Jo Sprayberry Breakaway Laramie Johnson Girls Cutting Emily Smith Reined Cow Horse Colleen Bridges
& Blake Griffin REGION VI All Around Cowboy Ryan Nettle All Around Cowgirl Morgan Brown Rookie Cowboy Ryan Nettle Rookie Cowgirl Paige Dawson Queen Bailey Snyder Bareback Kutter Kollaja Saddle Bronc Bull Riding Colby Hill Steer Wrestling Ryan Nettle Calf Roping Ty Islet Team Roping Trey Lamarca & Colton Arredondo Boys Cutting Ben Peeler Barrel Racing Lindsei Harvey Pole Bending Morgan Brown Goat Tying Laramie Zant Breakaway Laramie Zant Girls Cutting McKenna Greene Reined Cow Horse REGION VII All Around Cowboy Dylan Schroeder All Around Cowgirl Payton Powell Rookie Cowboy Paden Hurst Rookie Cowgirls Sophie Palmore Queen Bareback Paden Hurst Saddle Bronc Paden Hurst Bull Riding Paden Hurst Steer Wrestling Mitchell Hutto Calf Roping Dillon Gonzales Team Roping Cord Kohleffel & Kaine Warnken Boys Cutting Trevor Humphries Barrel Racing Sophie Palmore Pole Bending McKenzie Parks Goat Tying Jenna Bratton Breakaway Madison Milligan Girls Cutting Bailey Reina Reined Cow Horse Garrett Reynolds REGION VIII All Around Cowboy Logan Weeks All Around Cowgirl Davette Stegman Rookie Cowboy Brandon Lansford Rookie Cowgirl Mary Grace Bluntzer Queen Sissy Winn Bareback Saddle Bronc Brandon Lansford Bull Riding Brett Garza
Steer Wrestling Call Brown Calf Roping Cameron Crow Team Roping Justin Delagarza & Daniel Braman Boys Cutting West Henderson Barrel Racing Davette Stegman Pole Bending Sissy Winn Goat Tying Brooke Branscum Breakaway Montana Cox Girls Cutting Davette Stegman Reined Cow Horse REGION IX All Around Cowboy John Douch All Around Cowgirl Tacy Webb Rookie Cowboy Brad Roundtree Rookie Cowgirl Carly Staggs Queen Bareback Dustin Brewster Saddle Bronc Colby Winfrey Bull Riding Tristan Mize Steer Wrestling John Douch Calf Roping John Douch Team Roping Lane Ardoin & Hayden Rasco Boys Cutting Hunter Hicks Barrel Racing Kelsey Thompson Pole Bending Carly Staggs Goat Tying Tacy Webb Breakaway Jake Hughes Girls Cutting Morgan Starns Reined Cow Horse Whitney Anderson REGION X All Around Cowboy Chantz Webster All Around Cowgirl Samantha Chick Rookie Cowboy Garett Chick Rookie Cowgirl Kyndal Terry Queen Bareback Saddle Bronc Parker Fleet Bull Riding Daniel Keeping Steer Wrestling Clayton Coone Calf Roping Chantz Webster Team Roping Garett Chick & Ross Ashford Boys Cutting Chantz Webster Barrel Racing Ava Antolik Pole Bending Heidy Sieperda Goat Tying Samantha Chick Breakaway Katie Keith Girls Cutting Sadye Simpson Reined Cow Horse Katy Davis
SUNDAY - Barrels, Poles, Team Roping
mONDAY - Goats, Steer Wrestling, Break Away, Tie Down SUPER TUESDAY - All Jackpots events, event winners receive Bayou West Saddle Pad
2015 STATE FINALS CONTRACTORS ANNOUNCED: Stock Contractor - Mundorf Rodeo Company Rough Stock Judges - John Tom Powledge & Glenn Sullivan Timed Event Judges - Bobby Flores & Steve Thompson
WEDNESDAY - High Stakes Team Roping 2:00 Nightly Jackpot Goats, Steer Wrestling, Break Away, Tie Down THURSDAY - High Stakes Calf Roping 2:00 Nightly Jackpot Barrels, Poles, Team Roping
Photographer - Jennings Photography
FRIDAY - High Stakes Break Away 2:00 Nightly Jackpot Goats, Steer Wrestling, Break Away, Tie Down
Videographer - D&C Productions
mORNINg PRACTICES - Every morning starting at 6:30am
Announcers - Chris Rankin & Rawley Duntley (outdoor arena)
Jackpot Arena Contractor - J&J Rodeo Company Award - Kelly Slover Buckles and NRS Saddles
Come & Support Your Region Olympians While They Compete in Our Wild West Events!
O BAREBACK RIDING 1st GO Monday Morning after 1st Section of Bull Riding (June 8, 2015) and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 188 Nelson, Ty Pearland 7 2 660 Thomas, Trey Elkhart 5 3 453 Roberson, Brayden Miami 1 4 428 Hibler, Zach Wheeler 1 5 381 Kollaja, Kutter Columbus 6 6 179 Levassar, Cody Bellville 7 7 427 Hibler, Layton Wheeler 1 Monday Morning after 1st Section of Bull Riding (June 8, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 8 553 Fedor, Colby Grandview 4 9 640 Neel, Travis Woodville 5 10 500 Jackson, Braden Madisonville 9 11 475 Brewster, Dustin Huntington 9 Tuesday Morning after 1st Section of Bull Riding (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 12 202 Roberts, Haden Alvin 7 13 593 Eddleman, Colton Shamrock 1 14 170 Hurst, Paden Navasota 7 Tuesday Morning after 1st Section of Bull Riding (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Night (June 10, 20154) Performance 15 320 Mayo, Clint Stephenville 3 16 482 Chandler, Dylan Buffalo 9 17 582 Sinks, Chase Rockwall 4 18 232 Handley, Tyler Andrews 2 19 276 Berry, Leighton Weatherford 3 20 185 McGehee, Lane Victoria 7 21 474 Baize, Dillon Groesbeck 9 22 552 Farino, Nicholas Maypearl 4 BARREL RACING 1st GO 2nd GO Run in Reverse Order Monday Morning 8:00 AM (June 8, 2015) and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 123 Rodgers, Bridgit Waco 10 2 576 Ray, Maci Mabank 4 3 415 Christian, Carly Amarillo 1 4 269 Wood, Delani Stanton 2 5 190 Palmore, Sophie Kirbyville 7 6 420 Espenson, Shelby Hart 1 7 521 Stroade, Whittnee Donie 9 8 568 Melvin, Katlyn Paradise 4 9 347 Bernhard, Erin Boerne 6 10 331 Southerland, Skylar Poolville 3 Monday Morning 8:00 AM (June 8, 2015) and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 11 21 Arnold, Morgan Edinburg 8 12 476 Brown, Landri College Station 9
THSRA Official draw 13 590 Whitehead, Lena Point 4 14 208 Sullivan, Rachel Dayton 7 15 156 Ducharme, Kaila Cypress 7 16 216 Barrington, Clara New Home 2 17 56 Herrmann, Mollee Sandia 8 18 437 Macy, Brogan Post 1 19 326 Palmer, Shaylan Merkel 3 20 543 Chinners, Sarah Van Alstyne 4 21 654 Smith, Kurston Logansport, LA 5 22 369 Harvey, Lindsei Seguin 6 23 234 Hartley, Brenna Midland 2 24 565 Lyon, Timber Perrin 4 25 481 Castleberry, Ashley Montgomery 9 26 632 Lewis, Jessica Splendora 5 27 177 Kretzschmar, Kasey East Bernard 7 28 321 Meadows, Megan Aledo 3 29 443 McLain, Magen Miami 1 30 182 Maples, Jacey Richmond 7 Monday Morning 8:00 AM (June 8, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 31 305 Hatfield, Destiny Hawley 3 32 459 Thelander, Avry Dalhart 1 33 355 Dawson, Paige Burton 6 34 146 Bannert, Shelby Boling 7 35 197 Powell, Payton Hungerford 7 36 518 Staggs, Carly Teague 9 37 501 Kaminski, Kenna Bellville 9 38 323 Murray, Tillar Ft. Worth 3 39 17 Winn, Sissy Chapman Ranch 8 40 71 Stegman, Davette Needville 8 Monday Morning 8:00 AM (June 8, 2015) and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 41 199 Raley, Marci Brenham 7 42 650 Shaver, Megan Jasper 5 43 27 Bluntzer, Mary Grace Robstown 8 44 655 Smith, Lexi Logansport, LA 5 45 198 Pruett, Kylie Cedar Lane 7 46 94 Coates, Ashleigh Millsap 10 47 84 Antolik, Ava Georgetown 10 48 80 Woodin, Katie Mission 8 49 262 Van, Jordan Midland 2 50 634 Loper, Heather Tyler 5 Tuesday Morning 8:00 AM (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 51 117 McDougal, Kambria Weatherford 10 52 290 Cox, Mikayla Alvord 3 53 383 Langle, Taylor Bastop 6 54 47 Elsworth, Tristin Edinburg 8 55 102 Friar, Tana Taylor 10 56 291 Criswell, Kody Mason 3 57 134 Toal, Kailey Kaufman 10 58 581 Self, Raelee Sumner 4 59 410 Zant, Laramie Shiner 6 60 240 Lee, Swaize Brownfield 2 61 614 Elliott, Lara Arp 5
Tuesday Morning 8:00 AM (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 62 457 Spielman, Shelby Dalhart 1 63 397 Purvis, Shelby Fair Oaks 6 64 584 Stephenson, Alyssa Keller 4 65 509 Payne, Stevey Ray Donie 9 66 496 Hodges, Zandie Huntsville 9 67 633 Liles, Addie Pollok 5 68 529 Winfrey, Kelsie New Waverly 9 69 103 Frazier, Kayden Comanche 10 70 48 Garcia, Melissa Corpus Christi 8 Tuesday Morning 8:00 AM (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Night (June 10, 2015) Performance 71 644 Phillips, Abby Marshall 5 72 96 Crawford, Camry Troy 10 73 236 Kennedy, Bristan Levelland 2 74 554 Folmar, Carson Sulphur Springs 4 75 351 Brown, Morgan Brackettville 6 76 266 Whitewood, Whitley Bandera 2 77 45 Dierlam, Kristin Boling 8 78 378 Jenschke, Ciara LaVernia 6 79 288 Cleveland, Marki Iowa Park 3 80 26 Berry, McKayla Alice 8 Tuesday Morning 8:00 AM (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 81 468 Wright, Holly Canadian 1 82 567 McClaran, Madeline New Boston 4 83 524 Thompson, Kelsey Goodrich 9 84 461 Tippett, Kami Memphis 1 85 646 Reed, Whitlee Center 5 86 200 Reina, Bailey Wharton 7 87 274 Armstrong, Ali Lexington 3 88 436 Lowrey, London Pampa 1 89 217 Barrington, Katherine New Home 2 90 247 Mertz, Chase Eldorado 2 91 252 Powell, Megan Eldorado 2 92 384 Lehrmann, Bryana Brenham 6 Tuesday Morning 8:00 AM (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 93 645 Rains, Caroline Henderson 5 94 101 Fowler, Laney Sanger 10 95 359 Epps, Cheyenne Pinehurst 6 96 418 Didway, Rilee Pampa 1 97 264 Weatherman, Avery Balmorhea 2 98 277 Blanton, Eva Dallas 3 99 566 McCaffity, Madison Canton 4 100 523 Taylor, Darcy Bryan 9 101 82 Ashford, Macy Lott 10 BREAKAWAY ROPING 1st GO 2nd GO Run in Reverse Order Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 214 Armstrong, Katy Mason 2
2 462 Valdez, Jesse Dimmitt 1 3 351 Brown, Morgan Brackettville 6 4 346 Bennight, Bailey Bastop 6 5 486 Davis, Maison Kilgore 9 6 156 Ducharme, Kaila Cypress 7 7 1 Britain, Cheyenne Stephenville 3 8 518 Staggs, Carly Teague 9 9 37 Casas, Ana Beeville 8 10 30 Branscum, Bailie Bellville 8 11 633 Liles, Addie Pollok 5 12 636 Martin, Mersadie Lufkin 5 Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 13 69 Slagle, Abby Floresville 8 14 407 Wiatrek, Zoey Floresville 6 15 93 Chick, Samantha Salado 10 16 173 Kersh, Kassie Waller 7 17 410 Zant, Laramie Shiner 6 18 183 Mazoch, Emorie El Campo 7 19 81 Armour, Colby Weatherford 10 20 244 McNeill, Kenna Hayes Hobbs, NM 2 21 656 Smith, Shana Logansport, LA 5 22 523 Taylor, Darcy Bryan 9 23 246 Mertz, Arden Eldorado 2 24 424 Frost, Payten Newkirk, NM 1 25 529 Winfrey, Kelsie New Waverly 9 26 605 Collmorgen, Helena Lufkin 5 27 362 Fajkus, Morgan Paige 6 28 331 Southerland, Skylar Poolville 3 29 86 Beers, Stephanie Liberty Hill 10 30 243 McAngus, McKenzie Eldorado 2 31 72 Stephenson, Jordan Tilden 8 Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 32 647 Richard, Kaycee Grand Lake, LA 5 33 45 Dierlam, Kristin Boling 8 34 457 Spielman, Shelby Dalhart 1 35 413 Brown, Lydia Stinnett 1 36 241 Lewis, Tristin Paducah 2 37 266 Whitewood, Whitley Bandera 2 Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 38 240 Lee, Swaize Brownfield 2 39 629 Johnson, Laramie Shreveport, LA 5 40 369 Harvey, Lindsei Seguin 6 41 142 Allison, Haley Orange Grove 7 42 242 Martin, Hannah Junction 2 43 564 Lynn, Harley Blue Ridge 4 44 393 Peeler, Annabeth Floresville 6 45 303 Hairford, Sadie Aubrey 3 46 376 Jay, Bailey Boerne 6 47 379 Jessee, Shaye Lynn LaVernia 6 48 626 Hemphill, Hannah Huntsville 5 49 122 Rikard, Nikki Lampasas 10 50 515 Schueneman, Sonora Madisonville 9
O Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 51 390 Montague, Calli Boerne 6 52 437 Macy, Brogan Post 1 53 418 Didway, Rilee Pampa 1 54 113 Keith, Katie Tolar 10 55 271 Allen, Dakota Menard 3 56 497 Hughes, Jake Buffalo 9 57 133 Thomas, Tate Alvarado 10 58 536 Braudrick, Jayci Durant, OK 4 59 125 Russell, Lexie Buchanan Dam 10 60 592 Woodall, Sarah Malakoff 4 Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 61 129 Stanley, Jennifer Holland 10 62 588 Waldrop, Kaylee Telephone 4 63 425 Haley, Madison Canyon 1 64 46 Dohmen, Rosalie Victoria 8 65 310 Horton, Mariah Mineral Wells 3 66 287 Clayton, Catherine Dublin 3 67 590 Whitehead, Lena Point 4 68 186 Milligan, Madison Navasota 7 Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Night (June 10, 2015) Performance 69 568 Melvin, Katlyn Paradise 4 70 419 Espenson, Kelsey Hart 1 71 606 Collmorgen, Kate Lufkin 5 72 436 Lowrey, London Pampa 1 73 105 Goforth, Madisen Azle 10 74 71 Stegman, Davette Needville 8 75 268 Wood, Cadi Stanton 2 76 200 Reina, Bailey Wharton 7 77 234 Hartley, Brenna Midland 2 78 614 Elliott, Lara Arp 5 79 602 Champion, Ima Buffalo 5 80 27 Bluntzer, Mary Grace Robstown 8 Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 81 117 McDougal, Kambria Weatherford 10 82 576 Ray, Maci Mabank 4 83 477 Bruening, Hailey Huntsville 9 84 41 Cox, Montana Odem 8 85 62 McKinney, Brittany Berclair 8 86 545 Cooper, Lainey Ivanhoe 4 87 197 Powell, Payton Hungerford 7 88 332 Stewart, Katie Stephenville 3 89 527 Webb, Tacy Midway 9 Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 90 547 Domingue, Shelby Dekalb 4 91 533 Ballard, Jasie Combine 4 92 293 Danley, Hayley Graham 3 93 145 Atkinson, Molly Anderson 7 94 434 Latham, Sadie Goodwell,
O OK 1 95 492 Garrett, Jessica Bryan 9 96 196 Phillips, Hannah Katy 7 97 154 Christian, Maddie Sugar Land 7 98 313 Jordan, Brooke Covington 3 99 510 Phillips, Paige Madisonville 9 100 291 Criswell, Kody Mason 3 BOYS CUTTING 1st GO 2nd GO Thursday (June 11, 2015) and Friday (June 12, 2015) 1 538 Briggs, Josh Pilot Point 4 2 284 Burnett, Kutter Vernon 3 3 485 Currie, Colton Lovelady 9 4 617 Fisher, Bradford Liberty 5 5 55 Henderson, West Orange Grove 8 6 495 Hicks, Hunter LaPorte 9 7 235 Hooper, Samray Andrews 2 8 167 Humphries, Trevor Buffalo 7 9 170 Hurst, Paden Navasota 7 10 503 Luke, Spur Willis 9 11 320 Mayo, Clint Stephenville 3 12 391 Nettle, Ryan Brenham 6 13 251 Patteson, Tyler Midland 2 14 394 Peeler, Ben Floresville 6 15 201 Reynolds, Garrett Sweeny 7 16 580 Roberts, Brock Celina 4 17 206 Schroeder, Dylan Waller 7
THSRA OfficiAl dRAw 18 137 Webster, Chantz Dennis 10 19 667 Woolls, Skyler Sour Lake 5
18 353 Curry, Denton Crosby 6 19 619 Freeman, Ross Kountze 5
Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 20 120 Preece, Pistol Troy 10 21 124 Rucker, Cimarron Liberty Hill 10 22 630 Jones, Garrett Devers 5 23 213 Alvidrez, Andrew Seminole 2 24 371 Hill, Colby Del Rio 6 25 34 Byrne, Colin Eagle Pass 8 26 430 Kasel, Dalton Muleshoe 1 27 599 Bottoms, Logan Beaumont 5 28 623 Hall, Billy Laird Hill 5
BULL RIDING 1st GO Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 317 Livingston, Koal Burleson 3 2 478 Campbell, Boudreaux Crockett 9 3 417 Custer, Brett Elk City, OK 1 4 232 Handley, Tyler Andrews 2 5 168 Hunt, Coletyn Santa Fe 7 6 176 Kovar, Calvin Joe Damon 7 7 350 Brown, Jesse Bandera 6 8 638 Mitchell, Ezekiel Baytown 5 9 270 Zapata, Robert Sonora 2 10 431 Kerbo, Logan Borger 1 11 631 LaFleur, DJ Devers 5 12 235 Hooper, Samray Andrews 2 13 112 Keeping, Daniel Gorman 10 14 469 Wright, Quade Canadian 1 15 219 Berryhill, Chance Bronte 2 16 649 Shaffer, Ty Henderson 5 17 60 Lansford, Brandon Cotulla 8
Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 29 38 Castillo, Landon Victoria 8 30 368 Hargrave, Kody Elgin 6 31 339 Yeary, Brody Brock 3 32 589 White, Kolton Sumner 4 33 248 Munoz, Jose Presidio 2 34 340 York, Drake Burleson 3 Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance
35 595 Auzenne, Caleb Houston 5 36 322 Morrow, Jake Eastland 3 37 76 Villa, Raul “RD” Corpus Christi 8 38 365 Glass, Kameron Gonzales 6 39 373 Huffaker, John Kerrville 6 40 215 Atkinson, Canyon Big Spring 2 41 36 Casares, Tevin Weslaco 8 42 49 Garza, Brett Riviera 8 43 250 Ochoa, Aaron Odessa 2 44 622 Grimes, Dalton Conroe 5 45 505 Mize, Tristan Bryan 9 46 114 Lightfoot, Calder McGregor 10 47 447 Oles, Lane Claude 1 Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Night (June 10, 2015) Performance 48 212 Willner, Brandon Santa Fe 7 49 218 Bearden, Zack Sterling City 2 50 23 Atkinson, Keith Karnes 8 51 664 Whitehorse, Keyshawn The Woodlands 5 52 224 Dean, Triston Merkel 2 53 392 Odermatt, Clayton New Braunfels 6 54 57 Hohman, Gus Uvalde 8 55 150 Brabston, Cody Pasadena 7 56 372 Hobbs, Neil D’Hanis 6 57 170 Hurst, Paden Navasota 7
O CALF ROPING 1st GO 2nd GO Run in Reverse Order Monday Morning 8:00 AM (June 8, 2015) and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 227 Freeman, Tanner Gail 2 2 488 Edwards, Spin Midway 9 3 160 Gonzales, Dillon Richmond 7 4 659 Stone, Shiloh Joaquin 5 5 544 Christophersen, Cooper Clarksville 4 6 441 McConnell, Kory Hereford 1 7 423 Frizzell, Cy Muleshoe 1 8 265 West, Tyler Mertzon 2 9 348 Boatright, Levi Georgetown 6 10 233 Harris, Walker Mertzon 2 11 561 Humphrey, Mark Texarkana, AR 4 12 209 Terrell, Jay Magnolia 7 13 438 McCarley, Cameron Happy 1 14 138 Webster, Clint Dennis 10 Monday Morning 8:00 AM (June 8, 2015) and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 15 358 Eppright, Cullen Cost 6 16 665 Winfree, Jesse Orangefield 5 17 334 Thompson, Tyson Munday 3
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18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
192 Parnell, Cal Damon 7 43 DeLaGarza, Justin Freer 8 65 Meyer, Scott Sandia 8 275 Barron, Brady Mineral Wells 3 399 Reitz, Neilon Goliad 6 571 Myers, Holden Van 4 24 Beall, Ti Woodsboro 8 398 Reese, Troy Hempstead 6 607 Cook, Logan Alto 5 79 Weeks, Logan Uvalde 8 189 Oates, Garrett LaVernia 7 489 Ennis, Joshua Huntsville 9 54 Gutierrez, Matt Brackettville 8 450 Patterson, Zane Spearman 1 144 Atkinson, Austin Anderson 7 537 Briggs, Bryce Pilot Point 4 572 Myers, Layton Van 4
Monday Morning 8:00 AM (June 8, 2015) and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 35 42 Crow, Cameron Floresville 8 36 562 Jackson, Jhett Quitman 4 37 119 Phillips, Laramie Iredell 10 38 259 Sumners, Corbin O’Donnell 2 Monday Morning 8:00 AM (June 8, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 39 548 Dunham, Dalton Clarksville 4 40 487 Douch, John Huntsville 9 41 261 Tucker, Sean O’Donnell 2 42 289 Cochrane, Ty Tolar 3 43 311 Houck, Hagen Byers 3 44 225 Felton, Dakota Mt. Home 2 45 137 Webster, Chantz Dennis 10 46 22 Atkinson, Eric Odem 8 47 109 Harper, Luke Goldthwaite 10 48 499 Imus, Wyatt Brenham 9 49 107 Halford, Denton Stephenville 10 50 661 Turner, Trent Pollok 5 51 377 Jeffrey, Carson Cat Spring 6 Tuesday Morning 8:00 AM (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 52 404 Trammell, Clayton Gonzales 6 53 297 Felton, Sy Dublin 3 54 273 Allen, Laramie Llano 3 55 295 Dougherty, David Gainesville 3 56 442 McLain, Cutter Miami 1 57 309 Hobbs, Lane Whitesboro 3 58 513 Roundtree, Brad Madisonville 9 59 569 Mills, Clay Detroit 4 60 100 Flores, Pete McGregor 10 61 662 Waddle, Aubrey New Waverly 5 62 456 Sims, Wyatt Happy 1 63 558 Hicks, Carson Sulphur Springs 4 64 433 Lacina, True Amarillo 1 65 257 Stewart, Sid Stanton 2 66 375 Iselt, Ty Lincoln 6 Tuesday Morning 8:00 AM (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 67 32 Brown, Call Sinton 8 68 620 Garcia, Adolfo Cleveland 5 69 163 Greener, Weston Sealy 7
THSRA Official draw 70 508 Partin, Kayne Kosse 9 71 205 Sbrusch, Wyatt Angleton 7 Tuesday Morning 8:00 AM (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Night (June 10, 2015) Performance 72 184 Mazoch, Kolton El Campo 7 73 432 Kirkpatrick, Zack Idalou 1 74 174 Koehn, Garrison Weimar 7 75 178 Krolczyk, Luke Cypress 7 76 238 Kernick, Trevor Big Spring 2 77 75 Vickers, Wesley Sinton 8 78 502 Kilgore, Brody Huntsville 9 79 385 Lindsey, Jaylon Waller 6 80 624 Hall, Justin Pearland 5 81 391 Nettle, Ryan Brenham 6 82 228 Gibson, Charlie Midland 2 83 304 Harris, Ty San Angelo 3 84 356 Dawson, Janson Smithville 6 85 613 Elliott, Austin Arp 5 Tuesday Morning 8:00 AM (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 86 471 Allen, Justin Bryan 9 87 39 Chafin, Rhett Lacoste 8 88 516 Spivey, Marlen Huntsville 9 89 609 Craig, Ethan Henderson 5 90 278 Bray, Ky Stephenville 3 91 95 Coone, Clayton Liberty Hill 10 92 411 Baldwin, Brokk Amarillo 1 93 116 Mathews, Cooper Cleburne 10 94 92 Chick, Garett Salado 10 95 570 Mize, Colton Springer, OK 4 96 253 Rankin, Brody Roaring Springs 2 97 451 Reed, Monty Mtn. Park, OK 1 98 594 Arceneaux, Jacob Houston 5 99 517 Staggs, Cade Teague 9 100 108 Harbour, Tristan Gatesville 10 101 652 Sirman, Corley Pollok 5 GIRLS CUTTING 1st GO 2nd GO Thursday (June 11, 2015) and Friday (June 12, 2015) 1 142 Allison, Haley Orange Grove 7 2 277 Blanton, Eva Dallas 3 3 153 Bratton, Jenna Bryan 7 4 1 Britain, Cheyenne Stephenville 3 5 351 Brown, Morgan Brackettville 6 6 33 Burkholder, Bailey Pleasanton 8 7 352 Buth, Madison Burton 6 8 91 Byrd, Mackenzie Cross Plains 10 9 480 Campbell, Kaylee Lovelady 9 10 221 Clearman, Hadley Novice 2 11 14 Costello, Chloe’ Kaufman 4 12 97 Davis, Katy Glen Rose 10 13 355 Dawson, Paige Burton 6 14 547 Domingue, Shelby Dekalb 4 15 302 Graham, Mikayla Henrietta 3 16 2 Greene, McKenna Inez 6 17 164 Grimm, Taylor Cypress 7 18 305 Hatfield, Destiny Hawley 3 19 169 Hunter, Hannah Bellville 7 20 384 Lehrmann, Bryana Brenham 6 21 181 Lockstedt, Brianna Sealy 7 22 318 Lucas, Jaime Lynn Crockett 3
23 115 Luce, Sarah Comanche 10 24 62 McKinney, Brittany Berclair 8 25 568 Melvin, Katlyn Paradise 4 26 323 Murray, Tillar Ft. Worth 3 27 575 Novak, Hayley Terrell 4 28 506 Oates, Justice Fairfield 9 29 507 Oliver, Peyton Carlsbad, NM 9 30 393 Peeler, Annabeth Floresville 6 31 195 Phillips, Haley Katy 7 32 197 Powell, Payton Hungerford 7 Thursday (June 11, 2015) and Friday (June 12, 20154) 33 576 Ray, Maci Mabank 4 34 200 Reina, Bailey Wharton 7 35 579 Rickman, Haylee Kaufman 4 36 203 Rucker, Madelynn Cat Spring 7 37 330 Shultz, Jaxon Abilene 3 38 128 Simpson, Sadye Nemo 10 39 653 Smith, Emily Alto 5 40 519 Starns, Morgan Lovelady 9 41 71 Stegman, Davette Needville 8 42 585 Sullivan, Madison Poolville 4 43 73 Swaim, Lindy Tilden 8 44 527 Webb, Tacy Midway 9 45 17 Winn, Sissy Chapman Ranch 8 46 268 Wood, Cadi Stanton 2 47 269 Wood, Delani Stanton 2 48 409 Wood, Maddie Boerne 6 *POSITION DRAW WILL BE DONE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH AFTER ALL CONTESTANTS HAVE CHECKED IN. GOAT TYING 1st GO 2nd GO Run in Reverse Order Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) after Team Roping and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 355 Dawson, Paige Burton 6 2 510 Phillips, Paige Madisonville 9 3 242 Martin, Hannah Junction 2 4 133 Thomas, Tate Alvarado 10 5 71 Stegman, Davette Needville 8 6 618 Foley, Mackenzie Lufkin 5 7 523 Taylor, Darcy Bryan 9 8 117 McDougal, Kambria Weatherford 10 9 268 Wood, Cadi Stanton 2 10 303 Hairford, Sadie Aubrey 3 11 496 Hodges, Zandie Huntsville 9 12 384 Lehrmann, Bryana Brenham 6 Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) after Team Roping and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 13 89 Boiles, Brooke Lorena 10 14 343 Arledge, Tera Milano 6 15 583 Sinks, Lacy Rockwall 4 16 641 Oliver, Jayci Zavalla 5 17 136 Wallace, Hanna Tolar 10 18 587 Wagner, Molly Winnsboro 4 19 366 Goode, Ciera Red Rock 6 20 541 Cawthon, Alexandria Rockwall 4
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
220 Bolton, Bliss Gardendale 2 105 Goforth, Madisen Azle 10 463 Vigil, Karlee White Deer 1 596 Bailey, Kaycee Marshall 5 196 Phillips, Hannah Katy 7 67 Quinn, Logan George West 8 593 Antonick, Taylin Overton 5 27 Bluntzer, Mary Grace Robstown 8 354 Darnell, Madalynn Weimar 6 419 Espenson, Kelsey Hart 1 454 Sharp, Sierra Hereford 1 379 Jessee, Shaye Lynn LaVernia 6
Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) after Team Roping and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 33 492 Garrett, Jessica Bryan 9 34 332 Stewart, Katie Stephenville 3 35 477 Bruening, Hailey Huntsville 9 36 46 Dohmen, Rosalie Victoria 8 37 434 Latham, Sadie Goodwell, OK 1 38 626 Hemphill, Hannah Huntsville 5 Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) after Team Roping and Thursday Night (June 11\, 2015) Performance 39 293 Danley, Hayley Graham 3 40 464 Wells, Matty Hereford 1 41 420 Espenson, Shelby Hart 1 42 118 Norwood, Madysen McGregor 10 43 266 Whitewood, Whitley Bandera 2 44 271 Allen, Dakota Menard 3 45 234 Hartley, Brenna Midland 2 46 157 Evelo, Kirby Boling 7 47 269 Wood, Delani Stanton 2 48 602 Champion, Ima Buffalo 5 49 115 Luce, Sarah Comanche 10 50 153 Bratton, Jenna Bryan 7 51 486 Davis, Maison Kilgore 9 Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Team Roping and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 52 93 Chick, Samantha Salado 10 53 573 Nichols, Beth Golden 4 54 246 Mertz, Arden Eldorado 2 55 152 Bratton, Brandi Bryan 7 56 90 Butler, Hadley Meridian 10 57 465 White, Sierra Happy 1 58 341 Young, Ashleigh Arlington 3 59 545 Cooper, Lainey Ivanhoe 4 60 255 Rees, Katie Westbrook 2 61 145 Atkinson, Molly Anderson 7 62 159 Frenzel, Jacey Edna 7 63 515 Schueneman, Sonora Madisonville 9 Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Team Roping and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 64 312 Johnson, Shayna Springtown 3 65 658 Sprayberry, Brylie Nacogdoches 5 66 37 Casas, Ana Beeville 8
67 131 Strickland, Haley Gatesville 10 68 357 Douglas, Emily LaVernia 6 69 173 Kersh, Kassie Waller 7
Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Team Roping and Wednesday Night (June 10, 2015) Performance 70 527 Webb, Tacy Midway 9 71 197 Powell, Payton Hungerford 7 72 310 Horton, Mariah Mineral Wells 3 73 244 McNeill, Kenna Hayes Hobbs, NM 2 74 547 Domingue, Shelby Dekalb 4 75 31 Branscum, Brooke Bellville 8 76 565 Lyon, Timber Perrin 4 77 1 Britain, Cheyenne Stephenville 3 78 457 Spielman, Shelby Dalhart 1 79 633 Liles, Addie Pollok 5 80 462 Valdez, Jesse Dimmitt 1 81 177 Kretzschmar, Kasey East Bernard 7 Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Team Roping and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 82 287 Clayton, Catherine Dublin 3 83 369 Harvey, Lindsei Seguin 6 84 577 Ray, Mckenzie Mabank 4 85 69 Slagle, Abby Floresville 8 86 30 Branscum, Bailie Bellville 8 87 142 Allison, Haley Orange Grove 7 88 536 Braudrick, Jayci Durant, OK 4 89 653 Smith, Emily Alto 5 90 518 Staggs, Carly Teague 9 91 590 Whitehead, Lena Point 4 92 243 McAngus, McKenzie Eldorado 2 93 435 Logan, Emily Texico, NM 1 94 45 Dierlam, Kristin Boling 8 Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Team Roping and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 95 410 Zant, Laramie Shiner 6 96 50 Giese, Kathryn New Waverly 8 97 280 Bray, Presli Stephenville 3 98 530 Wright, Megan Magnolia 9 99 351 Brown, Morgan Brackettville 6 100 636 Martin, Mersadie Lufkin 5 101 132 Terry, Kyndal Cleburne 10 POLE BENDING 1st GO 2nd GO Run in Reverse Order Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) after Steer Wrestling and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 653 Smith, Emily Alto 5 2 154 Christian, Maddie Sugar Land 7 3 282 Buchanan, Shelby Clyde 3 4 464 Wells, Matty Hereford 1 5 509 Payne, Stevey Ray Donie 9 6 93 Chick, Samantha Salado 10 7 207 Skweres, Andrea Pearland 7
8 468 Wright, Holly Canadian 1 9 376 Jay, Bailey Boerne 6 10 240 Lee, Swaize Brownfield 2
Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) after Steer Wrestling and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 11 191 Parks, McKenzie Bellville 7 12 370 Heald, Montana Marion 6 13 52 Gonzalez, Christina Palmview 8 14 497 Hughes, Jake Buffalo 9 15 405 Ware, Kaelin College Station 6 16 645 Rains, Caroline Henderson 5 17 418 Didway, Rilee Pampa 1 18 349 Brister, Rebecca Angleton 6 19 290 Cox, Mikayla Alvord 3 20 129 Stanley, Jennifer Holland 10 21 581 Self, Raelee Sumner 4 22 229 Glass, Ilyssa Jal, NM 2 23 155 Denena, Maggie Hempstead 7 24 125 Russell, Lexie Buchanan Dam 10 25 518 Staggs, Carly Teague 9 26 319 MacIsaac, Megan Argyle 3 27 80 Woodin, Katie Mission 8 28 306 Herring, Annie Graford 3 29 367 Greenwell, Madison Hallettsville 6 30 237 Kenney, Brikayli Gardendale 2
THSRA OfficiAl dRAw Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) after Steer Wrestling and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 31 457 Spielman, Shelby Dalhart 1 32 590 Whitehead, Lena Point 4 33 419 Espenson, Kelsey Hart 1 34 351 Brown, Morgan Brackettville 6 35 313 Jordan, Brooke Covington 3 36 646 Reed, Whitlee Center 5 37 268 Wood, Cadi Stanton 2 38 132 Terry, Kyndal Cleburne 10 39 633 Liles, Addie Pollok 5 40 287 Clayton, Catherine Dublin 3 Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) after Steer Wrestling and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 41 415 Christian, Carly Amarillo 1 42 51 Goebel, Kylie Orange Grove 8 43 72 Stephenson, Jordan Tilden 8 44 598 Bandy, Lori Keatchie, LA 5 45 143 Allison, Hannah Orange Grove 7 46 220 Bolton, Bliss Gardendale 2 47 231 Graham, Sydney Abilene 2 48 584 Stephenson, Alyssa Keller 4 49 338 Wright, Bailey Fredonia 3 50 106 Greer, Cheyenne Abilene 10
Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) after Steer Wrestling and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Perf 51 82 Ashford, Macy Lott 10 52 668 Gabany, Victoria Katy 9 53 236 Kennedy, Bristan Levelland 2 54 146 Bannert, Shelby Boling 7 55 511 Poorman, Shelby Katy 9 56 130 Stevens, Cali Tuscola 10 57 611 Douget, Haley Silsbee 5 58 644 Phillips, Abby Marshall 5 59 69 Slagle, Abby Floresville 8 60 264 Weatherman, Avery Balmorhea 2 61 542 Chaddick, Savannah Whitesboro 4 Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) after Steer Wrestling and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Perf 62 504 McBee, Cash Madisonville 9 63 563 Jordan, Sierra Rockwall 4 64 166 Gutfranski, Lexi Katy 7 65 530 Wright, Megan Magnolia 9 66 533 Ballard, Jasie Combine 4 67 494 Henderson, Pamela Streetman 9 68 618 Foley, Mackenzie Lufkin 5 69 123 Rodgers, Bridgit Waco 10 70 50 Giese, Kathryn New Waverly 8
Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) after Steer Wrestling and Wednesday Night (June 10, 2015) Performance 71 384 Lehrmann, Bryana Brenham 6 72 48 Garcia, Melissa Corpus Christi 8 73 269 Wood, Delani Stanton 2 74 17 Winn, Sissy Chapman Ranch 8 75 446 Nixon, Jaiden Nara Visa, NM 1 76 156 Ducharme, Kaila Cypress 7 77 576 Ray, Maci Mabank 4 78 347 Bernhard, Erin Boerne 6 79 115 Luce, Sarah Comanche 10 80 655 Smith, Lexi Logansport, LA 5 Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) after Steer Wrestling and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 81 323 Murray, Tillar Ft. Worth 3 82 71 Stegman, Davette Needville 8 83 568 Melvin, Katlyn Paradise 4 84 443 McLain, Magen Miami 1 85 244 McNeill, Kenna Hayes Hobbs, NM 2 86 496 Hodges, Zandie Huntsville 9 87 420 Espenson, Shelby Hart 1 88 501 Kaminski, Kenna Bellville 9 89 559 Holder, JaeLeigh Soper, OK 4 90 387 McKee, McKaitlin Hockley 6
91 346 Bennight, Bailey Bastop 6 92 555 Gates, Tieren Paris 4 Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) after Steer Wrestling and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 93 459 Thelander, Avry Dalhart 1 94 615 Elms, Shaylon Orangefield 5 95 127 Sieperda, Heidy Dublin 10 96 305 Hatfield, Destiny Hawley 3 97 151 Brammer, Emily Missouri City 7 98 465 White, Sierra Happy 1 99 325 Pickett, Anna San Angelo 3 100 27 Bluntzer, Mary Grace Robstown 8 101 204 Sabin, Bayli Richmond 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
REINED COW hORSE 1st GO 2nd GO Sunday (June 7, 2015) and Monday (June 8, 2015) 472 Anderson, Whitney Anderson 9 600 Bridges, Colleen Kilgore 5 537 Briggs, Bryce Pilot Point 4 538 Briggs, Josh Pilot Point 4 413 Brown, Lydia Stinnett 1 283 Burkes, Skee Henrietta 3 602 Champion, Ima Buffalo 5 221 Clearman, Hadley Novice 2
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9 14 Costello, Chloe’ Kaufman 4 10 546 Crosson, Dalton Avery 4 11 292 Cunningham, John Stonewall, LA 3 12 97 Davis, Katy Glen Rose 10 13 421 Fields, Brady Sudan 1 14 298 Foreman, Bronc Santo 3 15 302 Graham, Mikayla Henrietta 3 16 621 Griffin, Blake Center 5 17 235 Hooper, Samray Andrews 2 18 440 McCathern, Jacob Hereford 1 19 441 McConnell, Kory Hereford 1 20 445 Myers, Dylan Vega 1 21 575 Novak, Hayley Terrell 4 22 189 Oates, Garrett LaVernia 7 23 448 O’Neal, Zac Guthrie 1 24 194 Phillips, Bailey West Columbia 7 25 201 Reynolds, Garrett Sweeny 7 26 329 Self, Nolan Pilot Point 3 27 454 Sharp, Sierra Hereford 1 28 458 Spillers, Sam Amarillo 1 29 462 Valdez, Jesse Dimmitt 1 *POSITION DRAW WILL BE DONE SUNDAY, JUNE 7TH AFTER ALL CONTESTANTS HAVE CHECKED IN. SADDLE BRONC 1st GO Monday Morning after 2nd Section of Bull Riding (June 8, 2015) and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 422 Frazier, Dusty Gruver 1 2 589 White, Kolton Sumner 4 3 28 Bomer, Slade Utopia 8 4 170 Hurst, Paden Navasota 7 5 339 Yeary, Brody Brock 3 6 226 Freeman, Blaise Gail 2 7 308 Hilliard, Ethan Denton 3 Monday Morning after 2nd Section of Bull Riding (June 8, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 8 508 Partin, Kayne Kosse 9 9 612 Easley, Brett Pineland 5 10 299 Fox, Jonathan Aledo 3 11 32 Brown, Call Sinton 8 Tuesday Morning after 2nd Section of Bull Riding (June 9, 2015) and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 12 528 Winfrey, Colby Donie 9 13 66 Pollock, Will Utopia 8 14 551 Eppler, Ty Clarksville 4 Tuesday Morning after 2nd Section of Bull Riding (June 9, 2015) and Wednesday Night (June 10, 2015) Performance 15 483 Cole, Kyler Madisonville 9 16 421 Fields, Brady Sudan 1 17 607 Cook, Logan Alto 5
18 19 20 21 22
THSRA Official draw 60 Lansford, Brandon Cotulla 8 630 Jones, Garrett Devers 5 99 Fleet, Parker Axtell 10 475 Brewster, Dustin Huntington 9 235 Hooper, Samray Andrews 2
STEER WRESTLING 1st GO 2nd GO Run in Reverse Order Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) after Breakaway and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 639 Morgan, Brody Orange 5 2 400 Rippstein, Kuy Yoakum 6 3 374 Iselt, Clay Lincoln 6 4 294 Dement, Keegan Weatherford 3 5 170 Hurst, Paden Navasota 7 6 398 Reese, Troy Hempstead 6 7 562 Jackson, Jhett Quitman 4 8 333 Stuart, Brett Bridgeport 3 9 233 Harris, Walker Mertzon 2 Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) after Breakaway and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 10 613 Elliott, Austin Arp 5 11 594 Arceneaux, Jacob Houston 5 12 95 Coone, Clayton Liberty Hill 10 13 589 White, Kolton Sumner 4 14 345 Baird, Logan Simonton 6 15 158 Franz, Coleman Bay City 7 16 591 Wolfe, Cal Palmer 4 17 171 Hutto, Mitchell D’Hanis 7 18 625 Hamilton, Josh Joaquin 5 19 475 Brewster, Dustin Huntington 9 Monday Afternoon (June 8, 2015) after Breakaway and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 20 75 Vickers, Wesley Sinton 8 21 162 Green, Tanner Cotulla 7 22 416 Clark, Ry Morse 1 23 549 Dunham, Daniel Clarksville 4 24 444 Moore, Payson Clovis, NM 1 25 205 Sbrusch, Wyatt Angleton 7 26 391 Nettle, Ryan Brenham 6 27 315 Kukuk, Tygen Milsap 3 28 659 Stone, Shiloh Joaquin 5 29 441 McConnell, Kory Hereford 1 Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) after Breakaway and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 30 487 Douch, John Huntsville 9 31 601 Broussard, Blaise Opelousas, LA 5 32 531 Yargo, Luke New Waverly 9 33 324 Payne, Grady Keller 3 34 335 Tucker, Camerron Ft. Worth 3 35 572 Myers, Layton Van 4 36 438 McCarley, Cameron Happy 1 37 281 Brown, Colton Nocona 3 38 395 Pierre, Chase Brookshire 6
Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) after Breakaway and Wednesday Night (June 10, 2015) Performance 39 571 Myers, Holden Van 4 40 144 Atkinson, Austin Anderson 7 41 548 Dunham, Dalton Clarksville 4 42 508 Partin, Kayne Kosse 9 43 189 Oates, Garrett LaVernia 7 44 558 Hicks, Carson Sulphur Springs 4 45 58 Hurt, Cooper Dilley 8 46 570 Mize, Colton Springer, OK 4 47 422 Frazier, Dusty Gruver 1 48 32 Brown, Call Sinton 8 Tuesday Afternoon (June 9, 2015) after Breakaway and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 49 337 Wilson, Chase Decatur 3 50 627 Jenkins, Tanner Orange 5 51 665 Winfree, Jesse Orangefield 5 52 289 Cochrane, Ty Tolar 3 53 426 Harter, Cody Amarillo 1 54 342 Young, Preston Arlington 3 55 206 Schroeder, Dylan Waller 7 56 209 Terrell, Jay Magnolia 7 57 147 Barham, Brady Madisonville 7 58 607 Cook, Logan Alto 5
TEAM ROPING 1st go - Outside Arena 2nd Go - Run in Reverse Order Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) after Barrels and Friday Night (June 12, 2015) Performance 1 399 Neilon Reitz Goliad 6 Logan Shelton 401 Goliad 2 473 Lane Ardoin Marquez 9 Hayden Rasco 512 Gause 3 210 Colton Valenta Needville 7 Luke Krolczyk 178 Cypress 4 254 Trey Reed Jal, NM 2 Jayden Kirkpatrick 239 Lovingston, NM 5 12 Brighlon Kilpatrick Abilene 2 Wesley Cooper 222 Hamlin 6 180 Weston Livanec El Campo 7 Kolton Mazoch 184 El Campo 7 110 Tyler Horn Marble Falls 10 Clayton Coone 95 Liberty Hill 8 657 Kyler Spell Silsbee 5 Jesse Winfree 665 Orangefield 9 537 Bryce Briggs Pilot Point 4 Carson Hicks 558 Sulphur Springs 10 610 Tyler Crone Winnie 5 Logan Cook 607 Alto 11 451 Monty Reed Mtn. Park, OK 1 Dylan Myers 445 Vega 12 63 Justin Medina Laredo 8 Efrain Mendiola, Jr. 64 Laredo 13 245 Michael Mendoza Iraan 2 Puncher Williamson 267 Midland 14 514 Sam Runge Jewett 9 Kolt Tucker 525 Marquez 15 200 Bailey Reina Wharton 7 Wyatt Sbrusch 205 Angleton
Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) after Barrels and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 16 629 Laramie Johnson Shreveport, LA 5 Blake Wheeler 663 Flint 17 522 Cade Sutherland Livingston 9 Peyton Ferguson 490 Coldspring 18 187 Tyler Moon Angleton 7 Jaydon Greak 161 Clute 19 570 Colton Mize Springer, OK 4 Colton Brittain 539 Rockwall 20 163 Weston Greener Sealy 7 Blaine Belknap 148 Alvin 21 257 Sid Stewart Stanton 2 Kade Cotton 223 Midland 22 61 Ronny Lucich Refugio 8 Jose Ramirez 68 Beeville 23 175 Cord Kohleffel East Bernard 7 Kaine Warnken 211 Schulenburg 24 285 Caleb Butler Decatur 3 Ty Harris 304 San Angelo 25 513 Brad Roundtree Madisonville 9 Cole Weaver 526 North Zulch 26 361 Ty Evans New Braunfels 6 Bo Evans 360 New Braunfels 27 92 Garett Chick Salado 10 Ross Ashlford 83 Lott 28 300 Jarett Freeman Tolar 3 Conner Riddle 328 Graham 29 651 Cayl Sieber Arp 5 Clayton Lowry 635 Wills Point 30 455 Kade Sherwood New Home 1 Zack Kirkpatrick 432 Idalou 31 53 Tyler Gunter Tilden 8 Tucker Smith 70 Callihan 32 256 Kade Smith Post 2 Brody Rankin 253 Roaring Springs Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) after Barrels and Friday Morning (June 12, 2015) Performance 33 111 Wyatt Inderman Goldthwaite 10 Luke Harper 109 Goldthwaite 34 412 Jace Evan Bland Turkey 1 True Lacina 433 Amarillo 35 498 Taylor Hurst Navasota 9 Cannon Steger 520 Jewett 36 348 Levi Boatright Georgetown 6 Bailey Starns 402 Port Lavaca 37 249 Cole Neagle Midland 2 Tyler Straub 258 Stanton Monday Morning (June 8, 2015) after Barrels and Thursday Night (June 11, 2015) Performance 38 532 Cagney Anderson Emory 4 Maci Ray 576 Mabank 39 603 Tyler Chapin Cleveland 5 Adolfo Garcia 620 Cleveland 40 77 Chase Watt Jourdanton 8 Davis Watts 78 Charlotte 41 278 Ky Bray Stephenville 3 Paden Bray 279 Granbury 42 382 Trey Lamarca George West 6 Colton Arredondo 344 Refugio 43 332 Katie Stewart Stephenville 3 Cheyenne Britain 1 Stephenville 44 244 Kenna Hayes McNeill Hobbs,
NM 2 Garrett Watley 263 Alpine 45 484 Taylor Connell Lovelady 9 Ethan Campbell 479 Lovelady 46 135 Slade Townsend Fredonia 10 McCray Profili 121 Anderson 47 60 Brandon Lansford Cotulla 8 Abby Slagle 69 Floresville 48 380 Colton Johnson Boerne 6 Josie Feller 363 Boerne 49 141 Cuyler Winters Venus 10 Blake Bentley 87 Joshua 50 557 Tyler Harris Athens 4 Ty Green 556 Greenville 51 492 Jessica Garrett Bryan 9 Cody Garrett 491 Bryan 52 59 Dawson Jacob Victoria 8 William “Brady” Bednorz 25 Orange Grove Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Barrels and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 53 652 Corley Sirman Pollok 5 Tommy Fenley 616 Pollok 54 643 Jordan Parsley Troup 5 Colton R. Johnson 628 Shreveport, LA 55 574 Trenton Norris Yantis 4 Dane Reed 578 Sumner 56 488 Spin Edwards Midway 9 Boudreaux Campbell 478 Crockett 57 591 Cal Wolfe Palmer 4 McKenzie Ray 577 Mabank 58 450 Zane Patterson Spearman 1 Trace Patterson 449 Spearman 59 597 Mason Bailey Zavalla 5 Mersadie Martin 636 Lufkin 60 144 Austin Atkinson Anderson 7 Kyle Kelso 172 East Bernard 61 140 Tyler Willberg Temple 10 Brett Willberg 139 Temple 62 493 John Glesmann New Waverly 9 Brody Kilgore 502 Huntsville 63 386 Jack McCaleb Bulverde 6 Baker Moltz 389 Spring Branch Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Barrels and Thursday Morning (June 11, 2015) Performance 64 98 Jacob Faulkner Florence 10 Matthew George 104 Florence 65 637 Kasen McCall Lufkin 5 Carson Seago 648 Livingston 66 466 Clayton Williams Amarillo 1 Kory McConnell 441 Hereford 67 79 Logan Weeks Uvalde 8 Greg Cordova 40 La Pryor 68 403 Jose Tovar El Indio 6 Joel Poth 396 Pleasanton 69 470 Yaleigh Yarbrough Elk City, OK 1 Ry Clark 416 Morse 70 303 Sadie Hairford Aubrey 3 Hunter Koch 314 Vernon 71 230 Sage Good Midland 2 Tyler West 265 Mertzon 72 333 Brett Stuart Bridgeport 3 Tyson Thompson 334 Munday
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Entries 4 head for $20 for average roping $10 a man $20 a team for jackpot Average roping daily after morning rodeo performance Jackpots nightly after rodeo performance 2 teams per roping will qualify for the finals June 12th PRIZES FOR FINALS 2 trophy Montana Silversmith buckles Wrangler jeans certificates and more
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O THSRA Official draw O Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Barrels and Wednesday Night (June 10, 2015) Performance 73 559 Jaeleigh Holder Soper, OK 4 Ty Eason 550 Sulphur Springs 74 191 McKenzie Parks Bellville 7 Connor Benton 149 Rock Island 75 444 Payson Moore Clovis, NM 1 Kanan Winders 467 Earth 76 137 Chantz Webster Dennis 10 Cooper Mathews 116 Cleburne 77 206 Dylan Schroeder Waller 7 Jay Terrell 209 Magnolia 78 388 Tucker Menz Boerne 6 Logan Wenske 406 Yoakum 79 534 Cooper Bane Athens 4 Kolton White 589 Sumner 80 227 Tanner Freeman Gail 2 Blaise Freeman 226 Gail 81 604 Joe Collin Clark Lufkin 5 Ricky Corpus 608 Center 82 286 Chase Chambers Wichita Falls 3 Andrew Hill 307 Blossom 83 22 Eric Atkinson Odem 8 Michael Valdez 74 Refugio 84 586 Cole Surls Athens 4 Chandler Calvin 540 Pattonville 85 273 Laramie Allen Llano 3 Lafe Allen 272 Llano 86 499 Wyatt Imus Brenham 9 John Douch 487 Huntsville 87 225 Dakota Felton Mt. Home 2 Edgar Tarango 260 Levelland Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Barrels and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 88 364 Justin Garza Schertz 6 Gregory Wilkison 408 Stockdale 89 404 Clayton Trammell Gonzales 6 Janson Dawson 356
Smithville 90 107 Denton Halford Stephenville 10 Kirby Blankenship 88 Lampasas 91 439 Colton McCarley Happy 1 Cameron McCarley 438 Happy 92 162 Tanner Green Cotulla 7 Coleby Payne 193 Kemp 93 43 Justin DeLaGarza Freer 8 Daniel Braman 29 Refugio 94 336 Guy Wade Tyra Vernon 3 Brady Kyle 316 Archer City 95 535 Bryce Braden Horatio, AR 4 Jase Holder 560 Soper, OK Tuesday Morning (June 9, 2015) after Barrels and Wednesday Morning (June 10, 2015) Performance 96 423 Cy Frizzell Muleshoe 1 Jabin Rice 452 Hobbs, NM 97 35 Isaac Cardona Eagle Pass 8 Toby DeLeon 44 Angleton 98 301 Chase Gasperson Decatur 3 Weston Podzemny 327 Bridgeport 99 425 Madison Haley Canyon 1 Jace Thomas 460 Dalhart 100 126 Tyler Ryan Marble Falls 10 Ryan Becker 85 Marble Falls 101 419 Kelsey Espenson Hart 1 Cooper Carlisle 414 Ropesville 102 429 Treylr Jackson Springlake 1 Cutter McLain 442 Miami 103 661 Trent Turner Pollok 5 Rhett Parmer 642 Pollok 104 186 Madison Milligan Navasota 7 Dillon Gonzales 160 Richmond
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Shuttle Service
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JOEL KIRKPATRICK 2388 HWY 82 • Crosbyton, Texas 79322 806.697.2336 • jrtzkirkpatrick@hotmail.com
TED WhITE PO Box 341 • Happy, Texas 79042 806.764.3469 • ted.white99@yahoo.com SECRETARY - MIKEY DUGGAN PO Box 1414 • Canyon, Texas 79015 806.655.9910 • m.j.duggan@att.net
MIChELE SPIELMAN 12036 FM3139 • Dalhart, Texas 79022 806.570.7470 • spielman@xit.net PRESIDENT- STEVE MCCONNELL 425 CR 510 • Hereford, Texas 79045 806.346.2492 • stevem@wtrt.net
By Kennady Johnson
– ARIAT Performance Reporter
hat is rodeo? Webster defines rodeo as an exhibition or contest in which cowboys show their skill at riding broncos, roping calves, wrestling steers, etc. But rodeo really has a different meaning to everyone. To a spectator, it’s a night out where they get to break out their boots and hats and
watch cowboys and cowgirls compete. To a contestant, it’s just another rodeo. Hoping they will draw a good one, hoping their horses works, and hoping the Good Lord is on their side so they can pull a check, earn some points and maybe even win a shiny new buckle. To the rodeo moms and dads, it’s making sure the entries are sent in on time, making sure the video camera is charged and ready to record every run. Its late nights and celebration, and occasionally a pat on the back saying “It’s ok, you’ll get em’ next time.” To the rodeo committee, it’s making sure they give everyone the best rodeo possible. It’s months of planning and meeting and tough decisions, it’s long nights and countless hours all because they care so much about the sport. They care about how it bring families together, how it exposes them to the western way of life, and they care about the opportunities it allows. So, what does rodeo mean to you? To me it means I can do what I love with the people and animals I love. It means I get to spend every weekend with people who share the same morals and values as I do. It means I get to travel to new places and make memories that will last a life time. Sure, rodeo is about roping sharp and riding hard, but it’s also so much more. And we call this thing a rodeo.
PO Box 843 • Andrews, Texas 79714 817.371.8882 • hooper9319@yahoo.com
2522 CR C3500 • Stanton, Texas 79782 432.940.1136 • woodrodeogirls@yahoo.com
SECRETARY - JODY MCELROY Box 224 • Balmorhea, Texas 79718 432.940.0385 • secretary@thsra2.com
2347 FM 829 • Stanton, Texas 79782 432.458.3439 • kwstewart93@gmail.com
PRESIDENT- KENNY STEWART 2347 FM 829 • Stanton, Texas 79782 432.661.5084 • kwstewart93@gmail.com
The Ultimate Goal mindset going into the finals. One member, Bliss Bolton, has qualified for state in the pole bending and the goat tying. This means that instead of focusing on just one event, she has to make sure that two horses are in shape and ready for the tough week, as well as that she is mentally prepared for By BRENNA hARTLEY – ARIAT Performance Reporter the challenges that each individual BLISS BOLTON COMPETING IN ONE OF hER STATE ith region rodeos concluded and sum- event will pose. For the goat tying, QUALIFYING EVENTS, GOAT TYING. mer rapidly approaching, numerous Bolton ties on the ground at least members of Region 2 are not yet three times a week and at least once finished with their high school rodeo season. a week off of her horse. “I really want to make sure that I am tying very technically correct, and For several of our members, their minds are that I’m doing everything I can to make sure I’m prepared to do my best,” Bolton says. “In the set on getting prepared for the State Finals pole bending, I really like to try and improve on my riding rather than the way my horse is runRodeo, held in June. Qualifying for the state ning,” she states. “I also like to go back and watch old videos to see what I can do better for the finals is an honor and an accomplishment, next rodeo.” She also tries to ride her horses every day to keep them in the best possible shape. and is the next step in contestants making It is clear that Bliss is dedicated to the sport of rodeo, and will do whatever it takes to ensure her their way to nationals. With state less than success. The week of the state finals will no doubt be difficult, but both her and her horses will be a month away, students are working hard to ready to take on whatever challenges they may face, and are determined to do the best they can. Another Region 2 contestant, Edgar Tarango, will be going into the state finals as the Region make sure they are confident and ready to 2 team roping champion heeler. He has already achieved a lot in the region rodeo season, but compete and succeed. still, he will have to compete with some very competitive team ropers from all around the state Each individual contestant will have their of Texas. Edgar’s ultimate goal for the state finals is to make the short round, and then go even own method of preparation, practice, and further to nationals. He is working to achieve this goal by “practicing on my consistency, timing, and working with my horse. I also need to make sure I keep both myself and my horses in shape and on the right path in order to make it to nationals,” Edgar says. Overall, the contestants of Region 2 who have qualified for the state finals are anything but unprepared. They are motivated, hard working, and determined to compete to the best of their ability and finish the year out well. For some, the road will end at the state finals, which is a great accomplishment and a great way to finish the year. For others, they may even have the opportunity to advance to the high school national finals in July. No matter what, these contestants have come very far in their rodeo careers, and have proven to both themselves and to others that they are very good at what they do. The State Finals Rodeo may be challenging, but the qualifiers of Region 2 have shown that the possibilities are endless for what they can achieve, and I am confident that Region 2 will be extremely well represented this year. REGION II CHAMPION HEELER, EDGAR TARANGO.
CONGRATULATIONS TOTHSRA ALL 2015 STATE QUALIFIERS 301 South 11th Street O Abilene, Texas 79602 2015- 325-672-9948 325-672-6082 June | Catering
Sponsor Spotlight:
loomer Trailers has been the Official Trailer of the Texas High School Rodeo Association for the past 9 years raising over $680,900.00. When Randy Bloomer first approached the association his initial goal was to provide scholarships for each Senior that was not GPA based and since that time the growing program has enabled the funds raised to benefit each region and each member. Randy Bloomer, Owner and CEO of Bloomer Trailer Mfg Inc feels the future of rodeo can be better with not only the support system of the parents but also the communities and business leaders in the western industry. Bloomer Trailers and the Bloomer Family have dedicated the past 9 years in helping shape the future of rodeo by sponsoring a team each year to go through an in depth program that will compete at the IFYR in Shawnee, Oklahoma also referred to as the "Cheyenne of High School Rodeo" Over the past nine years Bloomer Trailers High School Rodeo Team has produced several National High School Rodeo Champions, CNFR Champions, NFR Qualifiers, several PRCA Rookies of the Year and had their first World Champion in 2014...Bull Rider, Sage Kimzey. Each of the professional athletes have reflected
that their training with the Bloomer program has helped their career tremendously. This year Bloomer Trailers has chosen 33 athletes from 13 states after a careful selection process. They host a team meeting for members and their families for a weekend in April in Salado, Texas. Bloomer Trailers along with some Bloomer Pro Team Cowboys and Cowgirls teach each athlete that goes through the program about many aspects in the professional world of rodeo as well as handling life situations. The team meeting prepares the athletes in several areas including; interviewing for television/ radio, professional photo shoots, obtaining sponsors, live filming and the professional side of rodeo. Randy Bloomer host the meeting along with photographers and production teams, guest speakers and trainers including Bloomer Pro Team members Stran Smith, Tuf Cooper, Charly Crawford, Chandler Bownds and Marty Yates. Broadcasters and TV personalities Jennifer Smith and Alexis Bloomer and NHSRA Sponsor American Hats President Keith Mundee. Team members also work with companies such as Justin Boots, Panhandle Slim, Rock and Roll Denim, Cinch Jeans and Cruel Girl Jeans. Bloomer Trailers are proud to be the Official Trailer of the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, THSRA, World Series of Team Roping, National Reined Cowhorse Association, Lazy E Arena and the Official Sponsor of the United States Team Roping Association. Bloomer Trailers is approaching their 17th year in the trailer manufacturing business with 60+ employees. At Bloomer Trailers their passion is building the highest quality trailer day in and day out. They focus 100% of their attention to Trailers and how to make them better and safer for their customers and their horses. For more information about Bloomer Trailers and their Dealers please go towww.BloomerTrailers.com, for more information about the Bloomer High School Team for Jr's and Sr's please email rodeoteam@bloomertrailers.com. Also, follow Bloomer Trailer on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Remember the road trips are always rewarding in a Bloomer Trailer....
2015 Bloomer Trailers High School Rodeo Team Members TEXAS
Andrew Alvidrez - Bull Rider, 2013 State Champion Bull Rider. Tera Arledge - Goat Tying, Breakaway & Team Roping Tacy Kay Webb - Goat Tying, Breakaway & Team Roping Kelsey Thompson - Barrels & Poles Savannah Chaddick - Barrels & Poles Carson Hicks - Tie Down Roping, Steer Wrestling & Team Roping. NHSRA Qualifier. Zack Kirkpatrick - Tie Down Roping & Team Roping mitchell Hutto - Steer Wrestling Jay Terrell - Steer Wrestling & Tie Down Cooper mathews - Team Roping & Tie Down Chantz Webster - Team Roping & Tie Down Sadie Hairford - Team Roping, Breakaway, Goat Tying, Barrels & Poles
Zach Hibler - Bareback Rider. NHSRA Qualifier. Trey Thomas - Bareback Rider & Bull Rider Blaise Freeman - Saddle Bronc Rider & Bull Rider. NHSRA Qualifier. Paden Hurst - Saddle Bronc Rider, Tie Down Roper & Team Roper
mason mardesich - Saddle Bronc, Tie Down, Team Roping & Steer Wrestling. NHSRA Qualifer.
Alex Odle - Poles, Barrels, Breakaway & Team Roping. 2014 State Champion Sydney Schleich - Poles & Barrels. 2013 State Champion Cheylin Corman - Poles, Barrels, Breakaway & Team Roping. All State Basketball.
Jase Staudt - Tie Down & Team Roping. 2014 State Champion, Team Roping, Tie Down, Cutting and All Around Champion.
Blake Vickers - Team Roping & Tie Down. NHSRA Qualifier
Hunter Green - Bareback Rider. 2014 State Champion. LHSRA Bareback Champion.
Kelsey Phillips - Barrels, Breakaway and Pole Bending. Cheyenne Richards - Goat Tying, Breakaway & Team Roping. NHSRA Qualifier. Qualifier.
Cody Craig - Team Roping & Tie Down. NHSRA Qualifer. Jeff Flenniken - Team Roping & Tie Down. NHSRA Qualifier.
Jaydn Hollenbeck - Breakaway, Goat Tying and Poles. NHSRA Qualifier.
Jacob Spencer - Bull Rider, NMHSRA Bull Riding Champion Abby Medlin - Breakaway, Goat Tying and Team Roping, NHSRA Kyle Eike - Steer Wrestling, Tie Down and Team Roping. IHSRA Steer Qualifier. Wrestling Champion.
Paige Wiseman - Breakaway, Goat Tying, Pole Bending, Barrel Racing & Team Roping. State Champion All Around, Breakaway, Cutting, Pole Bending & Goat Tying.
Wyatt Rogers - Bull Rider, Steer Wrestling, Tie Down and Team Roping. OHSRA Bull Riding Champion.
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MIKE BRITAIN 645 CR 393 • Stephenville, Texas 76401 254.485.1170 • mjbfarmsinc@aol.com
FULTON MURRAY 7 Westover Road • Fort Worth, Texas 76107 214.789.4884 • jfmurray3@mac.com
940.365.1548 • mhairford@matadorresources.com
MATT hAIRFORD 6464 Paradise Drive • Aubrey, Texas 76227
PRESIDENT - MIKE BRITAIN 645 CR 393 • Stephenville, Texas 76401 254.595.0563 • mjbfarmsinc@aol.com SECRETARY - KELLEY WILLIAMS 8853 Greenhaven Dr. • Fort Worth, Texas 76179 817.706.8236• kelley.williams@thsra3.com
Region III Brings the Heat
– ARIAT Performance Reporter
here's a lot that goes into preparing for the THSRA State Finals in Abilene, and I got the chance to talk with a few of Region 3's elite athletes on how they're preparing for the big show and what they're looking forward to the most! "The state finals is a great event that brings the best out in all the tough Texas regions. I like the competition and I want redemption from winning 5th last year" says Paden Bray, when asked what he looks forward to the most about the State Finals. "I look forward to it all, getting to see everyone, getting to get on some of the best stock, and getting the opportunity to show off what I've been working for all year" says Region 3 All-Around Cowboy, Brody Yeary. "I'm most excited about getting to go back again this year, it being so close to my hometown & getting to run in such a great rodeo environment" says Shelby Buchanan. Presli Bray says what she looks forward to as a Freshman heading into her first High School State Finals is, "Getting to be competitive with kids from all around the state, and getting to see friends from the other regions!" There's a lot of countless hours of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears that go into preparing for such an event as the THSRA State Finals! Here are how some of Region 3's athletes are getting ready for the big show! "I've been working on keeping my horse in the best shape he can be in, all in all keeping him relaxed & ready to compete to the best of his ability. As for getting myself
prepared for finals, mentally has been my toughest challenge, I think one of the biggest things I have to remind myself is, God is in control & has a plan" states Shelby. "I have been keeping my good horses working good by doing lots of dummy work and as for mentally prepared, I have been going to lots of ropings to keep my mental game sharp" says senior Hunter Koch. "I have been practicing on making the little things the big things to have great runs! As far as mentally, I think you have to tell yourself you can do it and you can be competitive with anyone if you believe in yourself and put your trust in God to help you through it!" says Region 3 freshman, Presli Bray, who qualified in the goat tying. "I am just visualizing my self there, riding my bulls and horses and getting on practice stock" says senior Brody Yeary. "I rope with my partner Ky all the time and work at it with him as a team. Mental is a big part of it. By the state finals we will be prepared, both mentally and physically" says Paden Bray, who qualified in the team roping with cousin, Ky Bray. From what these contestants had to say about how they're preparing for the state finals, it sounds like Region 3 will definitely be "Bringing the Heat" to Abilene! I can't wait to see everyone there and would like to wish each and everyone of you the best of luck!
ChUCK SINKS 555 Sinks Road • Rockwall, Texas 75032 214.869.4719 • ssbarexcavating@aol.com
SECRETARY - JULIE WHITE 2469 CR 33100 • Sumner, Texas 75486 903.737.7750 • julzjo66@yahoo.com
STATE DIRECTORS / REGION OFFICERS BILL ChINNERS 740 Jim Jones Rd • Van Alstyne, Texas 75495 903.482.0544 • wchhinners@aol.com
ChAD FOLMAR 406 Briarwood Trail • Sulphur Springs, 75482 903.439.6412 • cwfolmar@gmail.com PRESIDENT- CHRIS WOLFE 630 E FM 813 • Palmer, Texas 75152 214.403.4638 • chris.wolfe@bldr.com
Unsung Heros
By MCKENZIE RAY– ARIAT Performance Reporter
f there's one person that you can count on to be able to handle most any situation that could arise at a rodeo, it's the secretary. Rodeo secretaries are the unsung heroes of the sport. They're the first ones to arrive, and more often than not, are the last to leave. They keep not only our rodeos, but our associations running smoothly. It takes a certain kind of person to be a rodeo secretary. Someone who's personable, dedicated, and hard-working. Julie White is all of those things and more, and it's one of the many reasons why she makes such an amazing secretary for us in Region IV. Julie started her work as a secretary in 2000, for the Texoma Junior Rodeo Association, where she served as their secretary for 9 years. In addition to that, Julie also served as the Oklahoma Junior High Rodeo Association secretary for 3 years, during which time she again worked for the TJRA for another 2 years. In July of 2014 she took the position in Region IV, and has been the very best that we could ask for. Julie's involvement in rodeo was family driven from the very start, "I would say that my daughter's love of horses started this journey for our family." She said, "Katie began rodeoing at
5 years old, and Kolton started participating in play days when he was 2 years old." Julie's husband, Rodney, had started team roping after the passing of his late brother, and the family started putting on team ropings and weekly practice sessions in their arena. "Rodney, gave up his roping to start hauling the kids to rodeos. We as a family just jumped head first into the rodeo life. Rodney has served on the board of directors for most of the associations our kids have been a part of. I felt that being a secretary would be my 'contribution' to our way of life." Julie said. When asked, Julie will tell you that her favorite thing about Region IV is her son, Kolton White, who's a senior this year. "Getting to be with him and travel down the road with him is very important to me." But of her favorite high school rodeo memory? "My all time favorite memory is watching my daughter, Katie, win the reserve champion Breakaway roping in 2010 and making the National Team. I hope that Kolton can do the same this year!" Julie plans to return as our secretary for the 2015-2016 rodeo season, and says, "As far as what I hope to accomplish this upcoming year would be for the year to run smoothly, and to meet all my deadlines. I hope to make this rodeo season an enjoyable and a memorable one for each and everyone that participates in Region IV! I would like to see all have a great rodeo season. Fearless IV has a great group of kids and parents!" Lastly, Julie would like to thank those who have helped her the most with her secretary duties this year, "Mimi Barker, Janna Prinz, Bobbi Wolfe, and most especially, Holly Folmar. I could not have done it without your help!" She said. And from all of us in Region IV, we would like to thank you, Mrs. White, for everything that you've done for us this year! We all look forward to another year with you!
2014-2015 REGION IV CHAMPIONS Girls Cutting Champion: Chloe Costello
Boys Cutting Champion: Brock Roberts
Reined Cow Horse Champion: Dalton Crosson
KUBOTA MORE POWER TO YOU SALES EVENT See Your Local Kubota Dealer for Details!
STATE DIRECTORS / REGION OFFICERS GENE ARCENEAUX 13448 Coon Road • Winnie, Texas 77665 409.296.3818 • garceneaux@sigindserv.com
JEFF LUMMUS PO Box 646 • Orangefield, Texas 77639 409.313.7765 • jhlummus@yahoo.com
CARTER ELLIOTT 17125 FM 850 • Arp, Texas 75750 903.521.2034 • candjcattle@gmail.com
PRESIDENT- GENE ARCENEAUX 13448 Coon Rd • Winnie, Texas 77665 409.296.3818 • garceneaux@sigindserv.com SECRETARY - PHYLLIS ARCENEAUX 13448 Coon Rd • Winnie, Texas 77665 409.656.8088• regionvsecretary@gmail.com
By hANNAh hEMPhILL – ARIAT Performance Reporter
’ve always been told it takes courage, strength and commitment to make your dreams come true. As athletes, our determination along with attitude dictates the outcome of any competition. Character traits
such as drive, ambition, and grit can make the difference in winning or losing. The great sport of rodeo prepares us by encouraging competition and challenging us to be our best, give our best and perform our best. Rodeo requires determination, drive and dedication which set the groundwork for the tools you will need to succeed in life. Rodeo requires practice and patience and dealing with diverse groups of people which prepares us as we interact in college, the business world or in our everyday lives. Rodeo teaches compassion whether it is for the animals or the other cowboys and cowgirls you are competing against and this is something we will carry with us and use not only to succeed in our professional careers but most importantly in our Christian life. Rodeo allows us the opportunity to make lifelong friends that support and encourage us as well as challenge us to achieve new goals and with these support systems in place our success is certainly achieveable.
STATE DIRECTORS WESLEY CALDWELL 3918 Kerr Creek Drive • Gonzales, TX 78629 830.672.3902 • wcaldwell@gvec.org
RIEDE MYRICK 154 Center Cove • Giddings, Texas 78942 979.542.2306 • riedemyrick@yahoo.com
SECRETARY - NENA BOETTCHER PO Box 833 • East Bernard, Texas 77435 281.468.8973 • region6thsra@gmail.com
MATT MUELLER 1344 CR 203 • Paige, Texas 78659 979.966.9548 • circlemranch2008@yahoo.com PRESIDENT - BUBBA BENNIGhT 143 Bailey Blvd • Bastrop, Texas 78602 512.461.6091 • bubbabennight@yahoo.com
Winning Isn’t Everything
– ARIAT Performance Reporter
in or lose always keep a mindset of a champion. Most of us always seem to experience losing before winning. You always have to go through lows before you can reach those highs. Wining isn’t always everything. “Sometimes it’s hard to keep a positive attitude on the road because you spend a lot of time by yourself, may not be winning and may not be going how you want to, but you have to remember at the end of the day this is what I choose to do. Nobody’s making me do this.” – Sherry Cervi. Sherry Cervi is the 2013 reigning WPRA World Champion barrel racer also owns numerous barrel racing records and four WPRA world championships. Sherry Cervi is one of the most decorated barrel racers of all time. But she didn’t start out that way. As a kid Sherry Cervi succeeded in about ever event she did but barrel racing. She would continuously practice and practice till the sun went down. She struggled until she really found a horse that clicked with her. But the harder things got the more
determined she became. Even one of the best went through those times of failing but one thing was for sure she never gave up. Winning doesn’t teach you how to keep pushing. Losing is a way to make you work harder when things aren’t going your way. “To be a champion, I think you have to see the big picture. It’s not about winning and losing; it’s about everyday hard work and about thriving on a challenge. It’s about embracing the pain that you’ll experience at the end of a race and not being afraid. I think people think too hard and get afraid of a certain challenge.”- Summer Sanders There is a lot of truth behind every champion that has lost. It’s really about how bad you really want something. Also about how far you are willing to push even when you are tired of losing or even coming in second. Always remember this quote from Wilma Rudolph, “Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.
Untitled-1 1
2/26/15 4:16 PM
What High School Rodeo Meant to Me
STATE DIRECTORS / REGION OFFICERS JOhN ATKINSON PO Box 540 • Anderson, Texas 77830 979.482.2018 • johnstephenatkinson@hotmail.com
MELISSA RALEY 6100 Hoddeville School Rd • Brenham, Texas 77823 979.830.0878 • melissaraley@texasbb.com
SECRETARY - ANNE DOLLERY PO Box 886 • Caldwell, Texas 77836 979.272.2249 • adollery@aol.com
RUSSELL BARhAM 8389 Oxford Cemetary Rd., Madisonville, Tx 77864 936.348.5994 • barham1965@gmail.com PRESIDENT- CLINT RAWLINSON 12432 N. SH 71 • El Campo, Texas 77437 979.637.0500 • rawlinsonclint@gmail.com
STONE – ARIAT Performance Reporter
igh school rodeo meant a lot of things to me. Some of those were that it was a place I could go to hang out with people that I didn’t go to school with and meet new friends, it meant I was going to get to spend the weekend doing the thing I liked to do the most and it meant I was going to get to spend the weekend with my parents outside of our everyday lives. Getting to hang out with the people that I didn’t get to see in my everyday life meant a lot to me because it allowed me to meet new people and gain a lot more friendships and bond with people that I never would have if I wouldn’t have competed in high school rodeo. They are like a second family to me and they are people that share my same love for the sport of rodeo. Spending the weekend at a rodeo meant a lot to me because rodeo is a way of life to me. I have had the dream to rodeo ever since I could walk. I grew up riding horses and going to rodeos and I have loved the sport of rodeo since the first time I got on a horse. My family means more to me than anything which is why anytime I get the chance to spend time with them I take it. I was able to spend the whole weekend with them. Family is what keeps me going for many reasons such as they are always there for me and support me in any and all ways possible. High school rodeo is very family
oriented. It was always quality family time and it was a mini family vacation when we couldn’t afford other vacations. Every High School rodeo weekend me and my family would load up the truck and trailer and head to Edna. We would always jam to a playlist full of rodeo songs that would help get us pumped up for the long weekend ahead. Every night we would grill something for dinner and have a little dummy roping with friends. We even scooped horse poop out of the trailer and blew up air mattresses to accommodate extra friends and hauling partners. Region 7 held a Cowboy Prom each year at the December rodeo which brought its own set of family fun and good times. It gave families and chance to spend time together and get to know each other outside of just the stands or behind the chutes. I always looked forward to going to High School rodeo because it meant I got to hang out and spend time with my friends and family. Region 7 has brought me so many opportunities and brought so many people into my life. One huge thing it has done is help me receive some scholarships that will help me pay for college. It has also helped me become more competitive as well as help me figure out what I want to do with my life. High School rodeo meant a lot to me. It was great times, great memories and I am glad I got to call Region 7 my home. I wish great times, great memories, family fun and lots of success to all present and future Region 7 members!!!
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KIM STEGMAN 5202 Foerster School • Needville, Tx 77461 979.793.6067 •kimstegman@aol.com
PO Box 833 • East Bernard, Texas 77435 281.468.8973 • region8thsra@gmail.com
KEN SLAGLE 954 CR 140 • Floresville, Texas 78114 254.424.5833 • slaglekl@yahoo.com 115 Thompson Rd. • Jourdanton, Texas 78026 830.570.7754 • randy.watt@f-e-t.com
By Montana
Cox – ARIAT Performance Reporter
s the year comes to an end, we start to think about those who are moving on to bigger things. I would like to take this time to put some Region 8 seniors in the spot light. The first senior, Miss Bailee Branscum, she comes to us from Bellville, where she attends Bellville High School. She has competed in high school rodeo for all 4 years of high school. She is attending Ranger College in Stephenville Tx, where after she is planning on moving to Tarleton University in Stephenville. She hopes major in business to pursue her career in fashion coordinating. Bailee tells me that “Lynn Smith has made a big impact on my life inside and outside of the arena.She helped make me a better goat tier and helped me learn how to push myself inside and outside of the arena.” Also Baillee told me that “Region 8 showed me how to just go out there and have fun doing what you love and not worrying about trying too hard. Everyone there was always so supportive of each other and it was pretty cool to be able to have such a great experience meeting everyone at region 8”. Another outstanding senior is
Miss Lindy Swaim, she comes to us from Tilden Tx, where she is a senior at McMullen County High School. She will be attending Tarleton State University in Stephenville Tx. to pursue a degree in Early Education. She wants to become a Kindergarten teacher. She tells me “My dream is to be able to touch the lives of children and push them to their full potential, so that they may live a successful live.” She has been a member of the THSRA for four years and during that time she has served as an officer for region 8 every year, including: Queen, Extreme Team News Ariat Performance Reporter, and President for 2 years. She has qualified every year to state finals in girls cutting or pole bending. Her favorite event is pole bending. Her favorite horse is Dynamite. She says “I would like to thank my parents for all their love and support. I wouldn’t be where I am with out them. I am truly blessed to have them as my role models.” Also she tells me “THSRA has given me so many memories and I’ve met a lot of good friends through this great organization. Rodeo has taught me many great life lessons: how to stay positive, have good sportsmanship, and always learn from your mistakes.” Our last senior is Mr. Wesley Vickers, who is a senior at Sinton High school. Wesley is going to attend Blinn Jr. College for his basics then transferring to Texas A&M University to pursue a degree in civil engineering to one day become an architect. He tells me “My dads made the biggest impact in my life, by not only helping me in rodeo but also in life. He taught me to be respectful and to give 100% in everything I do.” He also tells me “Through region 8 I have had the opportunity to make life long friends.” Region 8 wishes all the seniors the best of luck in the road ahead of them, and to remember “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” Dr. Seuss.
WESLEY vICKERS photo by Jennings
LINDY SWAIM photo by Jennings
The Time Has Come...
TeXas RaM deaLeRs
6717 FM 1452 • W. Madisonville, Texas 77864 979.268.4994 • jschueneman@shorthornres.com
3951 CR 3385 • Lovelady, Texas 75851 936.348.0220 • starnsranch@windstream.net
SECRETARY - KIM ACKEL PO Box 67• Hamshire, Texas 77622
409.781.3902 • kimackel@thsra9.com
119 CR 451 • Buffalo, Texas 75831 903.388.6164 • j_w_westbrook@yahoo.com
204 CR 6763 • Dayton, Texas 77535 713.553.6421 • eddiedyson@thsra9.com
By KELSEY ThOMPSON– ARIAT Performance Reporter
he time has come..... STATE FINALS. As these last few weeks of school are flying by I know competing at the prestigious THSRA State Finals is all I'm thinking about! Another thought also crosses my mind, I can't believe how crazy tough Texas's Finals are!!! I mean how many other states have 10 regions that also have a finals of their own to determine who goes to state?! That's mind blowing! Then to make it Nationals from Texas, holy cow that's like making it to the NFR! Between the performances, awesome dances, the Special Kid's Rodeo, Ariat Olympics, and the very generous jackpots that are put on; How can you beat that? But we wouldn't be such an idolized state if it wasn't for all the members, hard working directors, alumni, and parents that have dedicated their lives to make Texas High School Rodeo the BEST OF THE BEST. So thank you to everybody for that. Now for the first time qualifiers, I
hope I have amped you enough that you're packing the trailer right now!! On the serious note, first time qualifiers, things can be overwhelming. So much is going on and sometimes you don't make the best use of your time. Trust me, I was a victim of this. BUT I didn't have anybody giving me this advice. 1. Don't choose driving around with friends over working/taking care of your horses. I know it's tempting, I'm 18; been there before. But with being there before, I know any day I would take back those driving late nights with friends to be wrapping legs or working my horses. Because guess what, I didn't do well the next performance. Your horses are not used to being confined in a stall for a week, there are some things you have to do different to keep them performing well. 2. Don't overthink your runs. I know this is hard to do, but I promise it will be a extremely important factor in whether you do well or not. You come into state with a game plan and most of the time it's different than the game plan that got you there. So don't change anything that's not broken. Go in there and make the run you have practiced a million times. 3. Abilene + Summer = Excruciatingly Hot Weather! *** VERY IMPORTANT*** Fill up your horses water buckets at least 4 times a day. Sounds like a lot, but it's hot as a barrel racer after a bad run underneath those barns. Make sure to drink yourself too, you don't want a dehydrated rodeo contestant or horse. 4. Take care of YOURSELF! Going back to the previous bullet, you have got to take care of yourself as well. Drink lots of water, eat well (well as in good for you not well this is really delicious), and get rest!! Don't stay out all night when you are up at 8 A.M the next morning. Again be smart on the usage of your time. 5. Finally, HAVE FUN. Even though you are there to win and compete, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself as well. Participate in activities, I promise it will be so worth it if you do. The simplest activities can be the funnest if you are doing it around friends. Just once again, State is all about time management. Balance the fun and serious, and you'll come out on top. If you made it to Texas State Finals, Congrats. You're officially apart of an elite group of kids that are the best in Texas. If you didn't, take what you're feeling now and turn that into drive for next year. Because I promise you, you want to be here at least once! See everybody in Abilene!!!!!!!!!!!
JOSEPh ThOMAS 4312 Conveyor Drive • Burleson, Tx 76028 817.454.2059 • jthomas@chemical.com SECRETARY - ANGELIA CUDD 150 CR 327 • Gatesville, Texas 76528 254.394.3888• cuddranch@yahoo.com
JAMIE MCDOUGAL 3046 Dusk Drive • Weatherford, Tx 76088 817.598.9560 • jthomas@chemical.com PRESIDENT - JERRY WRIGHT 434 CR 315 • Oglesby, Texas 76561 254.290.4965 • jerrywrighthomes@hughes.net
BOILES– ARIAT Performance Reporter
odeo is a lot like life in general," Trevor Brazile brings to our attention, "just when you think you've got it all figured out, the tricky and the hard parts, The Lord humbles you and puts you right back into your place only to remind you all your talents truly belong and came from him." For many of you out there, your final Texas High School Rodeo is now behind you. Looking back over your career with us, whether it be all four years or just 1, I hope you can come to realize the impact the sport has made on you and carry away with you through life the lessons and memories each and every friend and competitor has helped you to take away. The legacy you leave behind isn't all about what you accomplished in the arena, although that's great, it's about much more than that. It's about the work; habits and accustoms you have made that can then carry over into the grander plan of your life. It's about the impact you have made on others and the glory you have brought to God. Some of our graduating seniors this year have spoke on behalf of the greatest thing they were able to take away from their experience as a
region X competitor. For Denton Halford, it has been the life long friends he has made and the ability to be able to compete alongside with so many of them. Casey Carol claims the memories and friendships she has made over the years have helped her to grow into the person she is today. Macy Ashford says, "The greatest thing I have taken away from high school rodeo is getting to show off my hard work in the rodeo arena by competing and getting rewarded by advancing to state. It shows me that all my hard work and all the hours in the practice pen are worth it!" Like any human being, we stumble and fall, seeing that has helped Tana Friar to acknowledged the family bond created over the years. "When one of us goes through something bad everyone else is there to help pick you back up and set you back on your feet. I love my rodeo family." States Tana. So, who better than those you are closest to take advice from? Take the advice many of the seniors will give, and cherish every moment you have your family and friends living this crazy beautiful life. Be able to walk away with not just something you are just proud of at the moment but walk away leaving a legacy you can look at in ten or so years and still be proud and thankful of. Region X is honored to have had so many amazing people be a part of the family over the years and as a whole are sad to see y'all leave. We wish each and everyone of you the best of luck with everything life has to bring!
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at the Texas High School Rodeo State Finals These events brought to you by American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches MONDAY - FRIDAY: Morning Bible Study 8:00 AM at Cowboy Church Booth - Coliseum SUNDAY, JUNE 7: 10:00 AM Church service by Terry Holland - Coliseum & 8:00 PM Dodge Ball Tournament TUESDAY, JUNE 9: 7:00 PM Dragsteer Roping - Outdoor Arena & 10:00 PM Church Service by Brandon Henderson during jackpot break
TexAS JuniOR HigH ROdeO ASSOciATiOn newS
hen you read this, the 2015 TJHRA State Finals will be complete and our State Champions will be crowned. This means that we will be taking a very competitive team to Nationals next month with the goal of bringing home another National Title. It seems like we were just kicking off our 2014-2015 rodeo season and I hope you realize what a great organization we have from the region level all the way to the state finals! Serving as the top level of competition for grades 6-8, TJHRA is the association to join for athletes who love their sport and value good competition. This summer, help us spread the word to more families about this great association! When you are at other events, make sure parents know that this is an option for their child and tell them a little more about TJHRA. Created in 2004, the NHSRA Junior High Division was established to bring the excitement of the sport to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders and to serve as a feeder system into the high school ranks of the Association. Today, all 47 states and provinces that belong to the NHSRA also produce a Junior High Division as well, with over 2,500 members in total now competing. Junior High Division students compete in a variety of events, including Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Goat Tying, Breakaway Roping, Tie-Down Roping, Chute Dogging, Team Roping, Ribbon Roping, and Junior Bull Riding. Next month, the "best of the best" from each state and province qualify for the National Junior High Finals Rodeo. Approximately 900 competitors show off their talents in the event and compete for thousands of dollars in scholarships and prizes. Since the first Junior High Finals was held in 2005, Gallup, New Mexico has served as the host site. A Challenge for you. Put the statement below on a facebook post along with a picture of your TJHRA member competing to help us spread the word about TJHRA. Want to know how to join the TJHRA? Simply contact Anne Dollery or region secretary for more information. Go to www.tjhra.org or visit their facebook page, Texas Junior High Rodeo Association.
www.tjhra.org 41
Texas Junior High Rodeo Association News Region IX Finishes Its Season with New All Around Champions
By McKenna pavelock– Region IX Jr. High Student Secretary
ith another season in the books, TJHRA Region IX cowboys and cowgirls are ready for state! The top ten winners in each event will advance to Gonzales, Texas this May to compete against the best Texas has to offer. Leading the way will be our all around cowboy and cowgirl, who not only finished the season off in the points lead but also will be leaving junior high competition behind for good as they move on to high school next year. Riley Webb was our All Around Cowboy this year, and he earned that title by finishing his season as Boys Goat Tying Champion, Reserve Champion Chute Dogger, Reserve Champion Calf Roper, third place team roper, and third place ribbon roper. Not many cowboys can say they finished their year with top three finishes in every event. When asked if he had a favorite event out of so many that he finished so well in, Webb simply said, “My favorite event out of all the other events would have to be tie down.” Aly Ghormley was not only the All Around Cowgirl, but finished out her eighth grade season with her third straight Region IX pole bending title. A former Texas Pole Bending Junior High Champion, Ghormley also finished as the Reserve Champion Girls Goat Tyer, fourth place breakaway roper, and ninth place ribbon runner. She said of all the events she competed in pole bending was her favorite. “My horse, Midget, is the one who has the heart to run and push. I am so lucky to even have the chance to even say he’s my horse,” she said. Success did not come without hard work. “I have worked hard this year practicing and getting ready for the rodeos,” Ghormley said. “I’m not going to lie to you. I had my ups and downs.”
Webb agreed, “Winning the all around was a big achievement in my life because it showed that all my hard work and determination had paid off.” Hard work aside, each champion credits their family for helping them achieve their success. “Without a doubt my parents have been the biggest help in my success, and I thank God for having such great parents to teach and have patience with me. Without them, I wouldn’t have had a chance in having a shot at winning the all around. I would also like to thank Jeff Yates for all the good advice and all the calves he had let me come rope and tie,” Webb said. Ghormley credited her family as well. “Hands down I give all the credit to my big sister, Meagan Elizabeth Ghormley. Meagan was the 2010 Texas High School Rodeo State and National Pole Bending Champion! She’s the one who got me interested in rodeo and any chance she can she is willing to help and teach me any lesson I might need.” Winning the all around titles did not come without its challenges, either. Webb said that one of the biggest challenges was Region IX’s double rodeos. “It was a little bit of a challenge to keep a positive attitude. If I had a bad first rodeo or did bad in an event, I just had to remember there were more chances to redeem myself.” For Ghormley, there were two major challenges this season. The first was not having her big sister around who was attending law school. “This is my first year to really be hands-on rodeoing without my sister to be there beside me the whole time. However, any chance she got, she would take time out of her busy schedule to help me. One other big challenge was aly ghormley balancing sports, rodeo and keeping my grades up, but I put it in my head what I wanted to achieve and it happened.” Webb and Ghormley are both outgoing eighth graders who made some special memories during their last junior high season. “When it came down to the last rodeo in the tie down, me and three of my friends were all within two points of each other. I was second to go and the first one missed. I was in the middle and came out and drew a good one and missed. My friend who was winning it wound up tying his calf down to win the whole deal. Even though I didn’t win, it was still a special memory because it was a great opportunity and experience to have with three of my close friends,” said Webb. “I have made so many memories,” Ghormley smiled, “but the one moment that I really cherish is at the last rodeo when it was my turn to go and stand in the arena during our eighth grade grand entry. I then realized this was my last junior high rodeo ever at Region IX. I will never forget that feeling.” Sixth grade girl Lacy Bruening and eighth grade boy Hagen Herring topped off their first year in Region IX by taking home the Rookie All Around Cowgirl and Rookie All Around Cowboy saddles. Sixth graders Savannah Jenson and Chance Little took home reserve all around buckles. “The advice I would give to upcoming sixth graders that want to win the all around is give every event 100% effort, and on the things that don’t go as planned, mentally remind yourself riley webb to stay positive and believe in yourself,” Webb explained. Ghormley added, “Figure out what you want to achieve and once you do that don’t let anything or anyone stop you from reaching the goal. Everyone is a champion. No matter what happens, and even if you fail your first time, get right back up and try again.” Reserve All Around Cowboy was Cash Enderli. Reserve All Around Cowgirl went to Kenzi Burleson. Champion Team Ropers were Blake Georg and Will Farris. Champion Ribbon Roper and Runner went to Gatlin Peck and Kenzi Burleson. Champion Girls Goat Tyer was Kenzi Burleson. Chute Dogging Champion was Cash Enderli. Wes Silar was our Calf Roping Champion. Charlie Fisher won both the Bull Riding and Steer Riding Champion saddles. Taylor Lawson won the Girls Breakaway Roping. William Lindsey took home the Champion Boys Breakaway title, and Georgia Lea Ray was the Barrel Racing Champion. Region IX officers were Aly Ghormley, President; Lyndie Dunn, Vice President; and McKenna Pavelock, Secretary.
Texas Junior High Rodeo Association News
Region X Recap R
by Angelia Cudd, Region X JH Secretary
egion X Junior High finished off their regular season with rodeos #11 and #12, March 7th and 8th at the Circle T Arena in Hamilton, Texas where all their rodeos were held. Region X Junior High would like to thank the Circle T staff for doing a great job helping make the Region X rodeo season a success! Region X Junior High and Junior High State are both losing a great president this year!! Vicki Jarosek’s granddaughter, Kyleigh Powell, is moving up to high school this next year and Vicki is moving on too. She is an inspiration to everyone she meets. She is the toughtest woman I have ever met, but at the same time, I think she has the biggest heart, a heart of gold!! At every rodeo, she is always in the arena working harder than anyone. She loves each and every one of the kids and they all love her too! As she has said many times before, “she was there for the kids!” She will be sorely missed by everyone in Region X Junior High. Thank you Vicki for everything!!!
Texas high school rodeo facebook page Your source for insider information!
DELEGATE CHUCK SINKS 972-771-5721 ssbarexcavating@aol.com SECRETARY ANNE DOLLERY 979-272-2249 adollery@aol.com
gsfields@fivearea.com chad.hiatt@yahoo.com Robb_Wells45@yahoo.com
806-946-6138 806-676-4402 806-346-5109
REGION II CASEY BAIZE 512-618-9233 CLINT GRIFFIN 325-226-0430 CHUCK SENTER 806-562-0041 REGION III MIKE BRITAIN 254-595-0563 KEN BRAY 817-219-0436
mjbfarmsinc@aol.com kbray@equibrand.com
tricbad@embarqmail.com ingleropehorses@gmail.com
903-880-5919 903-355-8318
REGION V DAVID COGBILL 409-781-8254 Joe Glen Kahla 409-489-1012 JEFF PARSLEY 903-842-4720 REGION VI NATALIE BENNIGHT 513-304-8507 DANNY DUCKETT 512-289-0724 CLAY BASS 512-847-5056
like us on facebook!
936-661-1783 979-578-1420 281-437-8214
csbaize@yahoo.com cgriffin@kgelaw.com csenter@FirstBankLubbock.com
dlcogbill@icloud.com jgk@mklawyers.com jparsleygeraniums@earthlink.net nbennight@yahoo.com Dkconcreteconstruction@gmail.com
Construction.BASS@yahoo.com chrisoates@sbcglobal.net drawlinson@reatarealty.com scottshook@yahoo.com
REGION VIII MATT SCIBA 361-571-7888 matt@lifepointevictoria.com BILL SCIBA 361-582-6711 bill_sciba@yahoo.com JASON UNDERBRINK 210-854-7718 jasonunderbrink@yahoo.com REGION IX DON EDWARDS 281-387-8383 Edwards_Saddles@yahoo.com MIKE GHORMLEY 281-785-0077 mghormley@me.com JOHN SCHUENEMAN 979-268-4994 jschueneman@shorthornres.com REGION X RENEE WHITE 512-217-8165 weitzrr@gmail.com JOHN DOWNING 254-770-7064 cdowning@vvm.com ANTHONY WILLIAMS 512-269-9903 jwilliams852@yahoo.com STUDENT OFFICERS PRESIDENT AVERY SULAK V.PRES MAKENNA SHOOK SECRETARY KATE JOHNSON
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