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The battle for the title of State Champion
What an exciting time to be a Texas Junior High Rodeo contestant! The state finals in Gonzales, Texas are just around the corner. The past weeks have been filled with countless late nights in the practice pen, preparation, and nights lying awake, dreaming of the finals.

For the junior high rodeo world, May is what everyone waits for. All the work of the past year has been in preparation for this time. Many miles are traveled as the top ten of every event from every region gather in Gonzales, Texas, to battle for the title of State Champion, and a qualifying spot to the Junior High National Finals.
In Region VII, we are sending our top athletes to show up and show out for the region. Some of these top athletes include Region VII’s All- Around Cowboy –Trevor Bentley, All-Around Cowgirl – Maci Cook, and Rookie of the Year – Connor
Bounds! Congratulations to you cowboys and cowgirl who worked so hard to achieve this goal.
Our Texas Junior High State President surely did not let his presidential duties stop him from coming out on top. Trever Bently sure did earn his keep in the Bentley household, bringing home his awards after the region finals. In earning his spot as All-Around Cowboy, Trever not only won one of his events, but qualified to the state finals in 5 events! Trevor was the boy’s breakaway champion, reserve champion in the chute dogging, 3rd in the ribbon roping, 3rd in the boy’s goat tying, and 9th place heeler in the team roping! Wow, you got quite the resume going for yourself Trevor! Congratulations Cowboy!
Our Girl’s All-Around Champion, Maci Cook, showed just how tough cowgirls can be, qualifying for state in 6 events! Maci was the girl’s breakaway champion, reserve champion ribbon runner, 3rd in the pole bending, 5th in the goat tying, 7th in the barrel racing, and 8th place header in the team roping! Wow,
Maci, you have really been working haven’t you!
It takes a lot to win the title of All-Around Champion. Not only do you have to pay the fees for all those events, but you also must put in the work and practice every event. Also, you barely get a break throughout the day, especially on those days where we run two rodeos in one day. I think there should be an award to the parents of the all-around winner, because they are the pit-crew behind the whole thing. Having a horse saddled, kid prepared, and all the right tools in the right place at the right time is a full-time job! Congratulations to all of those involved as well. Lastly, congratulations to our Region VII Rookie of the year, Connor Bounds. Connor, qualified for state in the Team Roping with his partner Sutton Wood. Rookie of the year is a great accomplishment as a young cowboy. Congratulations Connor!

All of Region VII is wishing out junior high contestants all the luck and safe travels as you head to the finals. Good luck and represent well! We are all cheering for our Region XI family!