2 minute read
By TYLIE MCDONALD – Performance Reporter
The 2022-2023 rodeo season has come to a close for the members of TJHRA and THSRA Region IX. Many athletes across both associations are beginning to prepare for their state finals. While high school athletes will make the trip to Abilene in June, junior high athletes will head south to Gonzales, May 21-27, to have a chance to punch their ticket to the National Junior High Finals Rodeo. Among Region IX’s junior high state qualifiers is the girls rookie all-around champion, Preseley Jacobs.
Presley comes from a family of champions, including her older sister, Reese Jacobs. Reese is a former TJHRA Team Texas member, where she represented in the girls goat tying and became the world champion at the 2021 NJHFR. Presley looks to follow in her sibling’s footsteps as she has already made it her goal to “make it to nationals as a sixth grader.” Jacobs sets her standards high and is known to never back down from a challenge. While she has qualified for the state finals in all her events - goat tying, breakaway roping, and ribbon running - she is most fond of her rookie all-around title. “One of my biggest goals over the course of the year was to win the rookie all-around saddle, because it was a saddle my sister never won,” Presley said. When asked how she plans to prepare for the state finals, Jacobs stated, “I plan to improve my skill and speed in each of my events and keep my mental game strong.” With so much success, it is clear that Presley has a good crew in her corner. “My parents and sister are always so helpful and push me to be my best,” she proclaimed. In addition to her family, Jacobs expresses gratitude toward Stephanie Saculla and Lacy Bruening, who have both played a large part in molding Presley into the athlete she is today. Along with her supporters, Presley is blessed to have two equine athletes, Mia and Bandit, who help her get the job done. Mia is Presley’s goat horse who is “always faithful” and never lets her down. Bandit is her rope horse who makes Jacobs's job easy and “does his best” every run. Aside from being a cowgirl, Jacobs represents New Waverly ISD, where she enjoys playing volleyball. Her athleticism shines both in the arena and on the court.
Presley’s first year of junior high rodeo was everything she expected and more. “I have made many new friends and competed against tough competition, which has helped better my skill level,” Presley stated. Jacobs and all other Region IX contestants will be exciting to watch at the 2023 TJHRA State Finals. On behalf of Region IX, we would like to wish all of the junior high contestants safe travels and a blessed experience in Gonzales.