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YUHONGL I ( VASCO) Cont ac t : 9178861362 y l 4827@c ol umbi a. edu

Educat i on

Wor kshops

Col umbi aUni v er s i t y-M. S.ADVANCEDARCHI TECTURALDESI GN May .2021-May .2022

“ I s l and”-Ber nar dTs c humi ,Val er i aPaezCal a

Qi ngdaoUni v er s i t yofTec hnol ogy-Bac hel orofAr c hi t ec t ur e Sept .2016-J ul y .2021

Bui l di ngonBui l di ngs-WONNEI CKX-PRODUCTORA

Awar ds

Sep.2021Dec.2021,Col umbi aGsapp

Jan.2021Apr i l .2022,Col umbi aGsapp

Madr i dLABI RDWor k s hop|OpenI nf r as t r uc t ur ei nUr banSpac es

Feb.2018,Uni ver si dadPol i t ecni cadeMadr i d,Spai n|Di r ect or :Ni col ásMar ur iMendoza

Eas tAs i aAr c hi t ec t ur eFor um -I nt er nat i onal St udentWor k s hop 2018,Fi r s tPr i z e

The4t hDi gi t al Tec t oni c sI nt er nat i onal Wor k s hopofi SMART

Ar c hOutLoudMul t i pur pos eSt adi um I nt er nat i onal OpenI deasCompet i t i on 2019,Honor abl eMent i on

Eas tAs i aAr c hi t ec t ur eFor um -I nt er nat i onal St udentWor k s hop

As i anI ns t i t ut eofLowCar bonDes i gnTr ai ni ngPr ogr am 2018,Fut ur eTal entSc hol ar s hi p

ReThi nk i ngBI M

Dawei CupFut ur eRes i denc eDes i gnCompet i t i on 2018,Ex c el l enc ePr i z e

Ski l l s

Apr .2019,Robot i ccl aypr i nt i ng

Feb.2018,Uni ver si dadPol i t ecni cadeMadr i d,Spai n|Di r ect or :Ni col ásMar ur iMendoza Sep.2021Dec.2021,Col umbi aGsapp|Di r ect or :Mar kGr een

Fus hunRoadRenov at i on 2018,Sec ondPr i z e

Model i ng:Rhi nocer os,Revi t ,Gr asshopper ,Rhi noI nsi de,Sket chUp,Aut oCAD Render :Enscape,Var y,Lumi on I l l ust r at i on:Phot oshop,I nDesi gn,AdobeI l l ust r at or ,AdobePr emi er e ModelMaki ng:KukaRobot i cAr m,3DPr i nt i ng,CNC,LaserCut t i ng

Wor kExper i ence

Exper i ence

Ar c hi t ec t ur al Des i gn&Res ear c hI ns t i t ut eofTongj i Uni v er s i t y( Gr oup)Co. ,Lt d. J une.2019-Aug.2019| I nt er n

Di gi t al Ar c hi t ec t ur e&Manuf ac t ur eLabor at or y[ DAM_Lab] As s i s tChr i s t osPas s as ,apar t nerf r om ZahaHadi dAr c hi t ec t sf oraper s onal pr oj ec ti nQi ngdao;Hel ps t udent sus epar amet r i cdes i gnt ool sandoper at eKUKA r obot i car mf ort hei rpr oj ec t s ,andc onduc tex per i ment soff ut ur edi gi t al f abr i c at i on met hod.

St udi oZhuPei J an.2020-Feb.2020|I nt er n Di gi t al Ar c hi t ec t ur e&Manuf ac t ur eLabor at or y[ DAM_Lab] May .2019-May .2021|Tec hAs s i s t ant

Publ i cat i on J our nal ofAs i anI ns t i t ut eofLowCar bonDes i gn( AI LCD2020) Fi r s tAut hor-Di gi t al Robot i cCl aySt r uc t ur e<02/ 2020> Adv i s or :DaWan&Xi ny uShi

Ar c hi t ec t ur al Des i gn&Res ear c hI ns t i t ut eofTongj i Uni v er s i t y( Gr oup)Co. ,Lt d. Par t i c i pat ei nZhous hanpr oj ec tofSc i ent i f i cObs er v at i onNet wor kLab,Bei s han Labor at or ypr oj ec t ,Hanc hengGr eenl andCent erpr oj ec t ,andLous hanguan Mus eum Ex hi bi t i onHal l pr oj ec t ;c ont r i but ef ort hei nv es t i gat i on,phy s i c al model mak i ng,ar c hi t ec t ur al des i gn,andmul t i pl epl anwor ket c .

Languages Engl i s hChi nes e

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