Workout Plans for Men
There are three body types in generalendomorphs, mesomorphs and ectomorphs. The body type determines how one responds to a workout routine.
Endomorphs are people who are usually on the bulkier side, and more likely to gain weight. Mesomorphs are those who are naturally athletic. Ectomorphs, also known as hard gainers are the ones who are naturally skinny and those who find it the hardest to gain mass. Get Free Workout Plan for Men There are some things to keep in mind irrespective of your body type if you want to gain well. First, do not over train and give your body enough time to rest. Second, make sure your nutrition goes hand in hand with your workout regime. When you keep these tips in mind, you will be able to follow this workout plan for men to
build muscle to get the results that you want to see. Things to remember with this plan How frequently should you workout: This workout plan lists one routine for each day. Perform one complete routine once each week. Rest one day in between each day of working out. The sequence: Once you have completed the given sets for one particular exercise, you can move on to the next one. Progressing: Add weight as you go along. By the end of one month, the deadlifts and squats should be increased by 15-20 pounds and the bench press should have increased by about 10 pounds. At the end of the month you should
have gained about three pounds. If you have not seen this result, you probably need more calories in your diet. How to eat Protein is most essential for muscle gain. For every pound of body weight, you need to consume 1 gm of protein. Make sure your diet includes healthy carbs like oats, brown rice and potatoes. For snacks include foods that are high in calorie and also healthy. The best options are seeds and nuts. You should have sources of healthy fat in your diet. Virgin olive oil is one of the most preferred sources of healthy fats when you are on a diet. The actual routine
This is the break-down of the workout routine for men that you may follow to see gains progressively. The workout plan is divided into three days. Between each day you take a break in order to recover. visit-