number of correctly predicted final four brackets out of 11 million entries
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A First Amendment Newspaper
Wednesday, april 2, 2014
vol lxxviii issue 4
Financial Aid fair coming in April By Joe Moreno Staff Writer •
Representatives from Citrus College student services - including Disabled Students Programs and Services, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, the Veterans Center, the Citrus College Foundation, Student Employment, Student Affairs and the Student Health Center - will be at the event to help educate students on programs around campus that may benefit them. “It takes all of us working together to help students matriculate through college and be students of completion,” Thomas said. Community vendors from Foothill Credit Union, the Department of Social Services, H&R Block and V.I.T.A. Tax Services will also be in attendance to help guide students through everything from tax credits to health insurance. Students who need help navigating the Covered California Health Insurance Application
he financial aid process need not be one of confusion, wasted time and missteps. So before you give up, telling yourself that you would not qualify anyway and throwing your computer out of the window in anger, know that help available to those who actively pursue it. With that end in mind, the Financial Aid Office will host a FiEvan Solano Clarion nancial Aid Literacy Awareness On March 28, a magnitude 5.1 earthquake shook La Habra and parts of the San Gabriel Valley. The temblor was felt as far as parts of Fair on April 10 in the Campus Glendora, San Dimas and Chino Hills. According to the USGS, Citus College sits on top of the Alquist-Priolo fault zone. Center Mall from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It’s purpose is to help inform students about the many services available to them at Citrus College. “The whole idea of the fair is for literacy, for students to receive information about financial aid and to learn more about our process,” said Carol Thomclassified as a moderate earth- was not affected by the temblor as, director of financial aid. quake, struck a mile outside of or its succeeding aftershocks. - See Aid, pg. 3 By Joe Moreno By Jessica Soto La Habra at 9:09 p.m. March 28. Large tremors such as these Staff Writer • News Editor • The second occurred March have left people wondering if S P O T L I G H T 29, a mile outside of Row- we are prepared for larger scale By Jessica Hernandez land Heights and measured earthquakes, or if a stronger Contributing Writer eedback is key to immagnitude may be too much 4.1-magnitude. provement. To that end, Two foreshocks occurred ap- for Southern California to hancommunity colleges ccording to the Unit- proximately an hour prior to dle. around the country are gearing ed States Geologi- the La Habra temblor. One reg- According to the Los Angeles up to administer the Commucal Survey website istered at a 3.6-magnitude and Times there have been more nity College Survey of Student the dormant fault that runs the other was measured at a than 100 reported aftershocks Engagement to help measure since the first earthquake hit La through Citrus College lies on 2.1-magnitude. students’ perception of their The La Habra epicenter was Habra. the Alquist-Priolo fault zone. schools. Though dormant fault lines located two to three miles be- “Fire and life safety, access Citrus College will participate can go more than 100 years low the surface and is the first and structural safety are all in the CCSSE starting April 23. without any seismic activity, earthquake to measure greater in order,” according to Fred The University of Texas at Austhe recent earthquakes raise than a 5.0 magnitude on this Diamond, director of facilities. tin, which created and adminDiamond is confident that all questions regarding the effects fault line since 2008. isters the national survey, will those earthquakes will have on A USGS representative stated the buildings on campus follow randomly select 46 classes to that an earthquake on one fault, state mandates. Citrus’ fault line. participate in the 37-question Two earthquakes have oc- like the Puente Hills fault where Evan Hicks, 22, communisurvey that takes approximately Dyane Duffy curred in the San Gabriel Valley the La Habra temblor occurred, cations major, was on the 101 45 minutes to complete. Dyane Duffy returns from a year long sabbatical to premiere the does not directly affect another. freeway in the last week. “Next Chapter” art gallery featuring former Citrus art majors. Full Therefore, Citrus’ fault line The first, a 5.1-magnitude, - See CCSSE, pg. 3 - See Quake, pg. 3 story and photos on page 8-9.
CCSSE surveys coming
l.a. region rattled by earthquakes
On to ‘The Next Chapter’
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
QUOTE of the
ISSUE “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Announcements Memory Techniques Learn various techniques that will help improve your ability to recall course material. Held in the Student Services Building, SS 281. April 2 at 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. April 7 at 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Diamond Bar to beautify Grand Avenue
Too Many Miles May Mean a Travel Fee
In an effort to beautify Grand Avenue, Diamond Bar has decided to spend $1 million to restructure the street. Diamond Bar Public Information Coordinator, Cecilia Arellano, told the San Gabriel Valley Tribune that the city was going to have an open house to hear what the residents think about the Grand Avenue Project. The plan is to add new seating and bus shelters along the street with new landscaping. The funding is coming from a federal grant. The city is looking to begin construction in September. City officials plan to use the remodeling as their way of rebranding their city. The greenery the city has chosen to plant consists of London Plane trees, Red Grass Palm and Coast Rosemary. The plants will be drought resistant and there is a chance the plants will be on display at the open house for the residents to look at. Architects are to bring samples of the concrete pavers, the city hopes to use these pavers to create colorful crosswalks. New medians are also in the proposal and if approved will include photos of city images or public art.
Due to the increase in carpooling , fuel-efficient vehicles and people taking the train, less gas is being purchased which means less federal tax being collected. As a result of the decreased tax revenue, the Southern California Association of Governments has stated that it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with road construction and improvements with less money coming in. The federal tax placed on gas is 18.5 cents per gallon. This number has not wavered for 20 years. The Highway Trust Fund, at this rate, will be bankrupt by July according to a SCAG official. This hidden crisis has caused lawmakers to hastily search for a solution to this problem. The answer: a vehicle miles traveled fee. The fee would assess motorists by their cars’ odometer readings. A bill would be received each month or year and the price would depend upon how many miles have been traveled. Without the federal money, Southern California freeways and bridges are left vulnerable. Therefore the search for a new source of income has become a pressing issue.
Source: San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Learning Styles This workshop will survey multiple intelligences and help students discover their own learning styles. Held in the Student Services Building, SS 281, April 3 at 9 – 10 a.m.
Note Taking Improve note-taking techniques during this workshop, which will also provide a better understanding of lecture and textbook material. Held in the Student Services Building, SS 281, April 8 at noon – 1 p.m.
Math Anxiety Learn valuable note taking, test taking & relaxation tips to improve your confidence in math. Held in the Student Services Building, SS 281, April 9 at 4 – 5 p.m.
Sex 101 Week:
Body Image and Intimacy Presented by Melanie Klein, MA., from Santa Monica College. Held in the East Campus Center Wing April 2 at 1 p.m.
Free, Anonymous HIV Testing HIV testing will be provided during “Sex 101 Week” in the Campus Center Mall on April 3 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Mirror, Mirror Presented by the Citrus Theater Department, this student-directed, dark comedy by Sarah Treem and directed by Ana Mateo is based on Snow White. Held in the Citrus Little Theatre. Tickets: $12, Student/Senior: $10. April 4 and 5 at 8 p.m. April 6 at 2 p.m.
“Sing-A-Long-A Sound of Music” Come watch the classic Julie Andrews film complete with subtitles and full-screen Technicolor. The sing-a-long allows the audience to sing along with their favorite songs. Costumes are not required, but are highly encouraged. Held in the Haugh Performing Arts Center April 19 at 2 p.m.
In Memorium Linda Foster, retired payroll technician died March 22. She was a valued member of the Payroll Department from Dec. 1997 until June 2008. Foster was a numbers guru and did her family’s bookkeeping as well. Services are still pending. She is survived by her husband Larry Foster. Kenneth Broomfield, a custodian of Citrus College since 1988, died Feb. 9. He was a valued member of the custodial staff, his friends knew him as “Broomer.“ He is survived by three brothers and one sister. Services are pending.
Source: San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Covered California: Let The Test Begin
L.A. is Sweeping Trash From Landfills
Last-minute enrollment for Obamacare to beat the March 31 deadline clogged the Covered California website. The 5.7 million page views overwhelmed the system causing officials to allow those who had trouble accessing the application forms to meet with certified agents on April 1 or call a representative in order to enroll by April 15. Peter Lee, executive director for Covered California, said in a teleconference that the deadline was not being extended. Instead, he was relying on the honor system to allow Californians one final chance to sign up. “We were prepared for a last-minute surge of people coming to our website, but sometimes there’s only so much you can do operationally,” Lee said. More than 1.2 million people enrolled in health care plans through Covered California. Those advocating for the health care reform say the real test for the Affordable Care Act is about to begin. Some will still be able to purchase a plan if they are newly married, divorced, lose a job or adopt a child.
The Los Angeles City Council is in the process of approving a controversial transformation of garbage collection for tens of thousands of businesses and apartment buildings. The new system is expected to pass April 1 and would strengthen the city’s control over the commercial trash-hauling market. Landlords for large apartments and businesses chose between multiple trash vendors using bids, according to the Bureau of Sanitation an estimated $250 million market serves 63,000 properties. Under a new “exclusive franchise” system, Los Angeles would be divided into 11 zones for garbage collection. Trash companies would compete to win city contract for the 11 zones. San Jose and Orange County have already implimented systems like this, but Los Angeles would be the largest city in the country to enact a system like this. The successful bidders would have to provide separate bins to businesses for recycling and food waste.
Source: Los Angeles Times
Source: Los Angeles Times
Leland Yee’s a ‘Hypocrite’ According to Gun Lobbyists
Washington Mudslide Death Toll Rises to 27
An affidavit filed in federal court in San Fransisco said there is a chance that Leland Yee had conducted multiple crimes, some of which were to engage in a conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and illegally import firearms. Yee, a prominent figure in California’s Democratic legislative majority, has spent years crusading against guns and violent videogames. The chairman of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms issued a statement mentioned in the Los Angeles Times which read, “If these allegations are true, Sen. Yee is easily the biggest hypocrite on gun control to walk the halls of the capitol in Sacramento, if not the entire United States.” Yee’s press secretary, Dan Lieberman, told the Times the office would not comment on the FBI raids. Yee was arrested in San Fransisco on March 26. There were 26 other people identified as having violated federal statutes in the complaint.
The death toll as a result of the Washington landslide continues to increase. Some of the victims are still unidentified. The Snohomish County medical examiner said officials have identified the remains of only 19 of the 27 confirmed victims and are working to confirm the rest. All those indentified were from Snohomish County and died of multiple blunt-force injuries, according to the examiner’s office. After the March 22 disaster in Oso, Wash., 22 people were still missing. Officals released the names and ages of the missing. Utilizing a team of 500 rescuers and workers, a smaller work group has been put together to continue scouring the disaster site where some debris was piled 60 to 75 feet high, officials reported. The height of the debris presents a challenge for search dogs whose sense of smell might only detect scents up to ten feet below the ground. Some of the dogs have indicated there may be human remains in areas where there is still standing water.
Source: Los Angeles Times
NATO Cuts Ties With Russia North Atlantic Treaty Organization foreign ministers have suspended civilian and military cooperation with Russia as of April 2 and have ordered plans for bolstering defenses in Eastern Europe to show the Kremlin that it will protect allies from any further Russian aggression. NATO’s 28-member states closed ranks in unanimously voting to increase pressure on Moscow to cease the massive number of troops threatening the Ukraine border. An alliance official reported that 35,000 to 40,000 Russian troops were deployed to Ukraine’s eastern boundary. Russian President Vladimir Putin told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that he had ordered a withdrawl of troops from Ukraines but Russian media reported the redeployment a 500-troop contingent, while Ukraine media stated the unit was quickly replaced. Source: Los Angeles Times
Source: Los Angeles Times
British Government Investigates Muslim Brotherhood
After reports that members of the Islamic group fled to Britain after Eygpt’s crackdown in order to plot strategy and possibly plan terrorists attacks, reported officials on April 1. Prime Minister David Cameron has ordered Britain’s intelligence agencies, its embassies in the Middle East and outside experts to help the governments understand the group’s aims and how they may affect British interests. The investigation, led by Britian’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, John Jenkins, is to issue his finding this summer. Last July the Egyptian military removed the country’s democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and began a harsh crackdown on the organization. Morsi and other senior members in the group are on trial while other members have gone underground. Authorities want to know how many of the group’s members may now be based in Britain after fleeing Egypt. Source: Los Angeles Times
Wednesday, april 2, 2014
CCSSE Quakes
- from pg. 1
the survery poses questions to assess institutional practices and student behaviors that are correlated with student learning and student retention, according to the CCSSE website. “It’s about how much they’re learning,” said Lan Hao, Ph.D., Citrus College director of institutional research. “To some extent it’s about the quality of the education they’re receiving at the college and how much they’re engaged and participating.” In 2006, the University of Texas completed a major validation research study that examines the relationship between student engagement and community college student outcomes. The survey measure five benchmarks – active and collaborative learning, student effort, academic challenge, student-faculty interaction, and support for learners – to help determine areas in which colleges can improve. Citrus has participated in the CCSSE every other year since its inauguration in 2006. The 2014 survey will mark the fifth time Citrus has administered the survey.According to the 2012 survey results, Citrus has room for improvement in the benchmark areas of active and collaborative learning as well as student effort. “Our score in collaborative learning is a little lower than peer colleges,” Hao said. “This is something definitely we need to improve as a college. So we have recommendations to faculty to foster an environment that encourages the students to ask questions.” On the other hand, Citrus excelled in the benchmark category of support for learners. The support programs offered at Citrus satisfied students, but a much smaller percentage of respondents actually utilize services offered, Hao said. In conjunction with CCSSE all Citrus faculty are encouraged to complete the Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement, which engages professors to help provide depth to the CCSSE study.Using the results from both CCSSE and CCFSSE, Citrus conducts focus groups to gatherinformation and gain a better understanding of student perception on campus, Hao said. There is a cost associated with CCSSE. Approximately 1,000 students will participate in the CCSSE this year, at a cost to Citrus between $8,000 and $9,000, Hao said. Student participation can make or break it’s validity. “If their class is chosen to take CCSSE please take it seriously. Please answer the questions to your best knowledge,” Hao said. For more information on CCSSE and CCFSSE, visit ccsse. org or contact the Center for Community College Student Engagement at (512) 471-6807.
- from pg. 1
when the 5.1 earthquake occurred. “It felt like a wave. I felt bumps in the road and thought it was just normal,” Hicks said. Hicks followed by saying, “It’s California, you’ve got to expect them here.” The earthquake in La Habra left Southern California rolling for at least 30 seconds. Although this may not seem like much time with the size of the earthquake, the length of time can directly affect the severity of property damages. Major reports of damages caused by these temblors at businesses were broken windows and shattered merchandise. Officials in Fullerton, Brea and La Habra, the cities hit the hardest, still have red tagged properties while they assess damages. When a building is red tagged it means that the structure is unsafe or unstable. Fullerton still has 25 homes red tagged due to the temblor. It’s been 20 years since a strong earthquake has rocked Southern California.
Irfan Khan MCT Campus
Andrew Lashbrook fills a jerry can at a ruptured water main in Fullerton, Calif., on March, 29, 2014. A 5.1 earthquake on Friday caused the break, leaving the neighborhood without water.
The Northridge earthquake on Jan. 17, 1994 measured at a 6.7-magnitude. It hit Los Angeles with a force that collapsed freeways, started fires and killed dozens of people. The overall cost of damages was $49 billion.
Having an earthquake kit ready and an emergency plan prepared can decrease the chance of an individual getting seriously injured. The kit should include enough water and food to last each person three days.
Emergency plans should include information informing people to stay away from objects that could fall and get into a door way or under a table if possible. There should also be an evacuation plan. The American Red Cross
website,, demonstrates how to obtain an earthquake kit, make a plan and be prepared. For more information, including tips about what to do to recover post earthquake, go to
Financial Aid
- from pg. 1
MCT Campus
Careers start here
“The websites provide you tudents are required to declare a major by By Careesa Campbell with occupational ideas based the time they have suc- Opinions Editor • on your skills, interests and values,” she said. “It’s fun because cessfully completed 15 units at it’s like putting the pieces of a Citrus College. However, some students may pick their majors without consider- puzzle together.” Using the online tools may lead students to reing what their decision may entail. To help students find academic pathways that alize that their interest in a career path may not work for them, career counselors at Citrus College match their overall compatibility with it. have created the Career Development Workshop Workshop 3 shows students how to develop networking skills through social media sites Series. Raul Sanchez, Career/Transfer Center coordina- such as LinkedIn, making it easier for them to tor, says the ultimate goal of the workshops is for find internships and job opportunities. the individual to gain an understanding of oneself Sanchez describes workshop 4 as a support and find an appropriate career according to his or group. “With the support that we have at Citrus, any major is doable,” Sanchez said. “Our goal is her characteristics and skill sets. “Everybody is different, so it would be unfair to to make the students’ career development progive 30 students the same recommendation when cess meaningful to them and not pick a major there are 30 different personalities, values and in- because they heard it was cool or just because a friend chose it.” terests,” Sanchez said. Each series includes four different workshops In April and May, four different workshops will with hands-on activities that cater to each stu- be presented once a week. The workshops last about an hour and will be dent’s needs. Workshop 1 is designed to help students select a held in the Career/Transfer Center computer major, whether they are struggling with choosing a lab (SS 281). program of study or need affirmation of their deci- Series 2 will continue on April 8, 22 and 29 at 12:30 p.m. sion. Stephanie Yee, Career and Honors Program Series 3 will be held on May 8, 15, 22 and 29 at counselor, says during workshop 2, the counsel- 3:30 p.m. ors introduce students to four websites where they Students are asked to RSVP via the Career/ Transfer Center on the second floor. can conduct self-assessments.
will be able to consult with representative from the Department of Social Services and learn how to become compliant with the Affordable Care Act, Thomas said. During the 2011-2012 school year 62 percent of students at Citrus College received some form of financial aid, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Whether a student is a freshman or a student looking to transfer in the fall, Thomas said there will be vendors there to help with each aspect of the financial aid process. “This is for every financial aid student … it’s for staff to understand the process, too,” Thomas said. There will also be games, prize giveaways and a free meal provided by Carl’s Jr. for students who participate in the fair. “Honestly, I think students need guidance to help apply for financial aid,” said David Perez, 21, an accounting major at Citrus. “The very first time applying it was confusing, but after that it was easy. I’ve been at this school for three years now so I know what I’m doing.” The fair will afford students the opportunity have their questions answered by professionals who will be able to offer advice as well as provide students with literature on their particular service. Students can expect more than just a workshop on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. They will be able to discuss the Cal Grant, provisions of AB540, tax credit infor-
mation, Pell Grant and scholarships opportunities. The Citrus College Foundation will be on hand to encourage students to apply for scholarships. The Foundation is offering 60 scholarships this year, with up to 100 awards being given out, according to the Citrus website. Students who are looking to cash in on tax credits can consult with H&R Block. Joe Sanchez, a tax expert with H&R Block in Azusa, said the company will be on hand to help students understand and take advantage of government programs which may help pay for expense such as fees, books, housing, mileage and materials. The Financial Aid Department will also be seeking feedback from students on the programs and services offered at Citrus College by having them complete a survey. “This is what we use to know how students feel about the services their receiving,” Thomas said. “We are all about improvement and if there’s something we can do better.” Students who are unable to attend the fair may stop by the Financial Aid Office to receive information they may have missed out on. For more information of the Financial Aid Literacy Awareness Fair visit the financial aid page on the Citrus College website. While there, students may also check for other financial aid workshops to be offered throughout the semester.
Wednesday, april 2, 2014
phi theta kappa hosts REGIONAL convention By Cameron Wisdom Staff Writer •
he Citrus College chapter of a nationally recognized honor society was recently selected to host a regional convention for chapters located within California and Nevada. The convention, organized by Phi Theta Kappa, took place at Cal Poly Pomona on March 28-29 and featured presentations from regional officers, advisors and alumni intended to help members grow as scholars and leaders in their respective communities. A member of the executive board of Phi Theta Kappa, Rod A. Risley, Ph.D., spoke at the conference and commended Citrus College for its efforts to become a college of completion and petitioned other regional chapters to follow the same model of success. The chapter received an award for hosting the conference as well as coming in third place for their respective region with collective research towards Honors In Action, a project that provides opportunities to apply learning and practice real world problem solving by developing an in-depth, action-oriented project related to honors study topic research. For its role as host, the Citrus chapter will be considered for a five-star ranking, the highest ranking that a chapter can achieve. The local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, known at Citrus as Beta Nu Eta, is comprised of students with high
academic achievement who wish to gain experience and exposure beyond what can be achieved by simply being successful in the classroom. Chapter president Alejandra Morales explained that students involved with the society aim to inspire growth in fellowship, leadership, service, and scholarship among members as well as in the community it serves. Prospective members are required to have completed at least 12 units with a 3.5 grade point average and must maintain their GPA to remain a member. A one-time registration fee of $75 goes towards costs of graduation regalia and scholarships offered by the society. With an emphasis on their foundational cornerstones among members of the local chapter and the student body, the chapter has worked closely with Geraldine M. Perri, Ph.D. superintendent/president, and her office. The chapter has conducted awardwinning research and constructed new strategies in the effort to make Citrus College an optimal choice when pursuing an education. “We have been very fortunate to be able to partner with the presidents office to receive a lot of support in making sure that Citrus College is pursuing strategies that will successfully allow students to complete whatever goals they may have here” said adviser Brian Waddington, history professor. According to Sam Lee, Ph.D., dean of language arts and enrollment management, the purpose of the college of completion project is to focus on strat-
Cameron Wisdom Clarion
Merhawi Ghebrecristos, 21, linguistics major, and chapter adviser Brian Waddington, professor of history, dry off a vehicle during a PTK sponsored car wash on March 15. The wash was held to raise money to pay for the chapter to attend the conference.
Courtesy of Alejandra Morales
Members of the Citrus College and Mt. San Antonio College chapter of Phi Theta Kappa with adviser Brian Waddington in a group photo during their regional conference. The Citrus chapter would go on to be awarded for hosting the conference.
egies and methods to improve academic completion for students. “The whole college of completion idea came out of (Phi Theta Kappa) and was taken on as one of their projects,” Lee said. Prospective members can expect several advantages immediately upon enrollment in Phi Theta Kappa. Enrollees are eligible for scholarships available exclusively to PTK members. They can also expect special recognition at graduation, and universities and colleges often give special consideration to members of PTK in transfer applications. “You gain valuable experience in the field of research under your belt when it comes time to graduate and transfer out, and you also get notified from many schools outside of Citrus College who see that you are a Phi Theta Kappa member and who want you at their school, ” Morales said. Several members of the Citrus chapter of PTK have been recognized for their extensive research in their chosen academic fields. Merhawi Ghebrecristos, 21, linguistics major, conducted research on historical links in the teachings of virtue among different cultures and societies was recently published by the Honors Transfer Council of California, an organization that highlights the achievements and work completed by talented and motivated students. Ghebrecristos and fellow member Chase Goldsmith were selected to represent Citrus’ chapter of Phi Theta Kappa on USA Today’s All-USA Community College Academic Team and will be recognized among a select few of the states top community college students in Sacramento. Being a member of PTK may prove beneficial beyond the completion of ones academic career as well. “That alone is a nice advantage for many students. You can list that you are a Phi Theta Kappa member not only on college applications but job applications and resumes throughout your life,” said Waddington. Meetings are on Fridays at noon in the Honors Lounge located in the Centers for Innovation building, room 136.
Wednesday, april 2, 2014
pointing political science in a positive direction Professor Christensen uses active debate to engage students
By Joe Moreno Staff Writer •
uvenile delinquents and college students are not usually mentioned in the same breath. Professor Niel Christensen deals with both. By day he teaches social studies at a juvenile court placement facility. By night he makes political science more relatable to Citrus College students. “It is really like two bookends,” Christensen said. Citrus students who enroll in his Political Science 103 class can expect much more than a three-hour lecture on government. Christensen actively engages students, challenging them to participate in lectures. He turns his classroom into a forum where students can debate topics and learn from each other. “He keeps you interactive. He’s always looking for a way to get the class involved to start some kind of a discussion or to catch the students’ attention,” said Patricia Gonzalez, a 37-yearold business administration major. Samantha Lorey, a 20-year-old dental hygiene major, said she used to think that political science was “dumb.” After spending a few weeks in Christensen’s class, her opinion changed. “I didn’t know anything about the government,” Lorey said. “I’ve learned a lot because of his teaching style. He’s funny and he’s not boring. I think everyone should take him as a govern-
Joe Moreno Clarion
Professor Niel Christensen instructs his Political Science 103 class. Christensen’s energy helps keep students engaged during the three-hour night class.
ment teacher.” Many students describe political science as dry and monotonous. But by posing controversial questions, Christensen lures students into discussion and stimulates thinking. Christensen’s delivery is animated and his sense of humor keeps students hanging on to every word. Take his story about a young man whose girlfriend catches him videotaping his teenage female neighbor in her bathroom. Christensen’s class goes in to an uproar after he asks them if the young man has broken any laws. Numerous voices can be heard at once as his class debates the young man’s constitutional rights. “Professor: homeless, hungry, will lecture for food,” Christensen said as he joked about the situation many teachers faced during the Great Depression. “His enthusiasm is off the charts,” said 20-year-old microbiology student Gabriel Mora. The 52-year-old Christensen first started as a substitute teacher while he was on a break from law school. He
fell in love with the classroom and has been teaching ever since. Christensen said his philosophy developed from his experience as student and he tries to emulate styles he enjoyed while in school. “I like the style where a teacher can ask the question and involve the group. I don’t like where a teacher drones on and almost forgets the class is out there,” Christensen said. From PowerPoint presentations to illustrations on the board, Christensen uses a variety of visual aids to help maintain his students’ attention.0 Christensen keeps students involved by using scenarios that relate to principles he is teaching. These case examples make it is easier for students to remember, Gonzalez said. The federal government and family dinners are two subjects Christensen seamlessly meshes to help explain legislation to his class. Christensen compares family rules made at family meetings to legislative changes made by the federal government to help the nation’s family: the United States. Christensen said he takes experiences
in his own life and uses them to teach concepts of government, by doing so he is able to capture students attention by making government relatable. Christensen attended Mount San Antonio College and earned his bachelor’s degree in political science at Cal Poly Pomona where his father served as academic vice president. Christensen later earned his master’s degree in political science from Cal State Fullerton. Identified as dyslexic when he was 15, Christensen said he struggled academically throughout high school and early in college, not so much because of his condition, but because of lack of effort. “I wasn’t stupid, I just wasn’t motivated,” Christensen said. Christensen hopes students who are struggling will persevere and not let excuses get in the way of accomplishing their goals. “If you want to make something of yourself, then make something of yourself,” Christensen said. “If you’re waiting around for someone else to make something of you, it’s not going
to happen.” In his day job, Christensen tries to help teens reform their lives through his teaching social studies at Boys Republic, a juvenile placement facility located in Chino Hills. “Most of them are pretty decent kids. They’ve just gotten involved with the wrong group,” Christensen said. Christensen has been teaching high school for 21 years. He said the students at Boys Republic have taught him that most human beings are fundamentally good. “I enjoy the dynamic of Boys Republic, I miss the dynamic where you have more intellectual conversations, which is why I want to work at the community college part-time.” Christensen said he hopes to one day teach full-time at the community college level. “I’ve always wanted to teach at the community college level,” Christensen said. “I really enjoy the interaction and the level of the students.” He may not be able to get students to the polls, but in his classroom there is plenty of political participation.
Wednesday, april 2, 2014
Tagging student’s interests Being an educator means learning to reach your students and help push them to the next level. Sometimes getting out of the classroom is the best way to learn. By Evan Solano Editor-in-Chief •
fter a yearlong sabbatical, art professor Dyane Duffy has returned to both curate an art exhibit featuring former Citrus College art majors who continue to work in their medium, and to present ideas for new art courses. The exhibit titled “The Next Chapter” opened at the Hayden Memorial Library on Feb. 24 and will be on display until April 21. “The art show is meant to highlight artists that have graduated from Citrus and have moved on to transfer to universities to either get a bachelor’s in fine arts or an associates in fine arts and are working in the field,” Duffy said. On display were works from former Citrus alumni Harrison Freeman, Daniel Jacob Horine, Matthew Hillseth, Shi Li, Luselia Marin, Lolbette Moreno, Tracy Pritchard Moore, Fikriye Ozmeral, Leighton Collier Roux and Michael Tran. “’I’ve kept in touch with quite a few students over the years and I wanted to get a variety of universities and colleges represented.” Duffy said. According to Duffy the exhibit’s title is an affirmation to pursue “the next chapter of their life”, and so far the response from her classes have been inspiring. “Students have been really impressed with the work...I know for students here to see somebody who has gone to a school or college that they would love to go to, it would be inspiring,” Duffy said. The exhibit consists of various mediums and showcases a wide range of talent and diversity. Luselia Marin, who currently teaches art at Bonita High School in La
Verne has three pieces that use charcoal and graphite to draw to work on her figurative works. “There are a lot of valuable learning experiences that I gained at Citrus, and an educational setting like this gave me the opportunity to participate in various museum and gallery exhibits, field trips and guest artist workshops,” Marin said. “I still continue to enroll every semester in art classes at local community colleges and participate in weekly figurative workshops throughout the Los Angeles area.” Metal sculptor Matthew Hillseth, 28, has a piece in the exhibit titled “Copper Carriage”, which is part of a series of what he calls, “doodles”, that he
“I think it’s a good motivation to keep going, keep plugging away and keep making art. When I left Citrus I thought I was going to be a painter,” said Hillseth, who says he got into sculpting while taking an elective class at Cal State San Bernardino. In addition to curating the exhibit in the Hayden Memorial Library, Duffy also took a trip to study graffiti art, in the hopes of bringing an urban art class to campus. While in New York, Duffy attended a graffiti art courses at Ontario College of Art and Design called “From Graffiti Art To…” to discover more about how graffiti art has changed the art world and how it has evolved over the years
“[Students] are absolutely interested in it, it’s the next big thing.”
-dyane duffy Art professor
developed years ago, which he describes as rebellion against the idea of the “heroic steel industrial sculptor” movement of the 1960s. “People were building large metal sculptures and I do the same thing only mine there is no purpose behind. I am not trying to monumentalize or memorialize something.” Hillseth said. “My work takes a different approach to a lot of the work coming out of Citrus. The art department is primarily painting and drawing, and to have a metal sculpture that students can see helps broaden their outlook on what mediums you can work with and what ideas you can present with different mediums,” Hillseth said. Hillseth hopes the exhibit helps show students how far they can go with art.
“I went to New York and met with some people and looked at urban and graffiti art, and I’ve written up a class that will be for an urban art class.” Although Duffy has the course outline and written out, it has yet to be approved, but is hopes that the earliest the course could be offered is a year from now Ultimately, Duffy has a simple reason why there is a benefit to offering urban art courses at Citrus– student interest. “Throughout the years students have always been interested in it, its something they see everyday and its something they relate to,” Duffy said. “There’s sort of an unknown factor with [graffiti art], so what happens next with it is exciting.”
Professor Dyane Duffy (third left), pictured along side former Citrus students Daniel Jaco Moore at “The Next Chapter” art exhibit premiere in the Hayden Memorial Library. The ga
Harrison Freeman’s “Nolan Ryan vs Aurtro Gotti” is a mixed media painting that uses acry line art on a collage panel. According to Duffy Freeman’s inspiration was the motion and a George Bellows boxing painting but applying to his sport of preference.
an Solano Clarion
Wednesday, april 2, 2014
Evan Solano Clarion
“Copper Carriage” is an copper sculpture done by Matthew Hillseth. Duffy loves the “playfulness” of the piece. “I think of it almost as a playground type of structure,” Duffy said.
Dyane Duffy
Artist Leighton Collier, pictured above at “The Next Chapter” art exhibit opening on Feb. 24. Behind her, patrons are viewing her photographs that she has on display.
Dyane Duffy
ob Horine, Lolbette Moreno and Tracy (Pritchard) allery is on display until April 28.
ylic paint with action of a
Evan Solano Clarion
“Ten Pieces of John” is a series of oil painting on wood panel done by Tracy (Pritchard) Moore that uses expressionistic and exaggerated color. Duffy calls it an excellent figure study. “I like the way he’s in a relaxed pose,” Duffy said.
Evan Solano Clarion
Evan Solano Clarion
“Mickey Ward vs Arturo Gotti” is a mixed media piece done by Harrison Freeman. According to Duffy, Freeman had just finished watching the film “The Fighter” and was inspired to paint this.
“Wrapped” is one of photographs from performance artist Leighton Collier, pictured in the above photo. Collier, who is the model in the photo was completely restricted by individually wrapped pieces of satin ballet ribbon. The piece is inspired by her love of dance.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Swimming standout leaves others in wake By Eric Burger Staff Writer •
n 1992, Desiree and Saul Pena had their second daughter, Samantha. A year and a half later, she was “thrown into the pool” and hasn’t left since. “The funny thing is, the way I learned to swim, my dad just threw me in the water. I was one and a half. He picked me up and threw me in and ever since then I have been in love with the water,” Pena said. Samantha is more than just a swimmer, she is a very impressive athlete. “Soccer and swimming are my two passions,” Pena said. “I realized at an early age that Samantha would be an awesome athlete. At the age of 2 she was able to swim 25 yards without assistance,” said her mother Desiree Pena Being so athletic and active can lead to health troubles, and Pena has had chronic knee trouble since the age of 11. Being an exceptional athlete you have to have a bit of an edge so Pena turned to her love of swimming to “fill the void competitively.” Pena is relatively new to competitive swimming but the transition is seamless. “Technically I have only had like four years of swimming and I’m pretty fast
Photo courtesy of Citrus College Sports Information
Sophomore swimmer Samantha Pena, 21, majors in business at Citrus College. Pena attended Gladstone high school.
for never doing it,” Pena said. Her best competitions are the distance sprinting events such as the 500 or the 1000-yard dash. She shows prowess as an aspiring coach as well. She is currently coaching Northview High School’s swim team. Samantha is a passionate person both in the pool and outside of it. “Personality wise she is amazing,” said teammate Kathy Guyten. “Samantha has a wonderful personality. She is a born leader, funny, passionate, and above all inspiring,” said Mrs. Pena. Pena’s role model is her nephew. “My nephew was born with cerebral
Photo courtesy of Samantha Pen a
Samantha Pena, 21, shows exceptional athlete ability by performing a breaststroke on her way to the finish line for the Owls. You can catch Pena and the rest of the Owls in the pool on April 4 at Pasadena City College.
palsy and he had a level four hemorrhage in his brain. He was supposed to be a vegetable and now he walks, talks, he is my role model. I look up to him,” Pena said. “That kid shows no pain, no weakness, nothing and he is only 7. That is my hero,” Pena stated with passion. To have to go through so much as a
young child is incredible and shows a lot of persistence and strength, which is just what Pena shows in the pool every time she competes. Goals for this year are to “go to state finals and I know I can if I push myself or at least top eight in the conference.” Pena said. Samantha is having a solid year in the
pool, posting good times almost every time out. However, the team is struggling, coming in last place at the March 14th meet in Bakersfield, only posting 45 total points in the process. The Owl’s next meet is April 4th at Pasadena City College.
Sophomores in the swing of things By Joe Moreno Staff Writer •
xperience is paying dividends for the men’s golf team. Sophomores Matt Nolan, Joshua Davis and Homerson So have helped pace the Owls, posting the best individual scores in competition so far. “It’s tournament experience, on course,” said head coach Julian “Trip” Horton. “90 percent of golf at this level is mental.” Horton, now in his fifth season, has coached the Owls to fourth place
finishes in two of their four spring 2014 Western State Conference (WSC) tournaments. Horton’s one-on-one coaching approach and patience have help develop the golfers’ games, said firstyear assistant coach and former Citrus golfer Daniel Olivas. Davis fired a one over 73 at Alisal Ranch Golf Course, the best individual score on the spring 2014 team. Davis placed second overall behind College of the Canyons’ Edouard Fiszel who shot a one under 71 at the Feb. 18 WSC event hosted by Santa Barbara City College. So has been equally impressive this
Photo courtesy of Citrus College Sports Information
Golfer Homerson So is in his second season on the men’s golf team at Citrus College. So attended West Covina High School and plans to major in chemistry.
Photo courtesy of Citrus College Sports Information
Homerson So lines up a putt in a tournament during his freshman season. So is one of four sophomores on the men’s golf team.
year, finishing in the top 15 individually in each tournament. He also placed second overall individually, shooting a two over par 74, Feb. 26 during the WSC Bakersfield Event at Rio Bravo Country Club. So credits his short game for his success this year on the links. So said he has excelled on the greens this year, especially with his putter. “I’m more mature now, I’m more patient,” said 22-year-old standout sophomore So. “I used to be really hot tempered, now I am kind of calmer.” Rounding out the top three sophomores Nolan recorded a top-10 finish of his own shooting a 79 on Feb.
10 at Valencia Country Club, tying for ninth in the tournament hosted by College of the Canyons. “These guys all have talent,” Horton said. “When you get at a level where everybody is competitive, having the mental game to play tournaments and not get anxiety, and not put stress on yourself, they’re getting pretty good at it.” As a team, the Owls started off hot finishing in the top four in two of their first four contest. “We just keep getting a little better each tournament,” Horton said. The Owls have not been able to duplicate that success they
experienced early in the year, as the team finished in the bottom half in their last seven tournaments. “We’re always practicing. We all practice basically everyday,” said freshman golfer Cody Cragg of Chino. The team hopes their practice time will translate to success as they hit the home stretch of their conference schedule with four remaining WSC tournaments. The men’s golf team will host the WSC Citrus Event April 7 at Marshall Canyon Golf Course in La Verne. Eighth teams will tee-off starting at 11 a.m.
Wednesday, april 2, 2014
Dillon Cooper Clarion
Sara Moore, #15, holds on a Moorpark College base runner at first base. Moore has committed five errors in the 2014 season.
Dillon Cooper Clarion
Sara Moore, #15, singles to left field in the 14-6 win over Moorpark on Feb. 18, 2014. Moore went 4 for 4 in the game with four RBIs.
There’s Moore Where That Came From
rom T-ball to the Citrus pretty much everything. She is a very softball diamond, dedication hard worker, team player and always By Jessica Soto and superstition have given gets the job done.” News Editor • this softball player a career to cherish. Moore’s work ethic, skill and Step one: Focus. determination are evident in her stats. Each of these surgeries entails a “Obviously the other teams look Step Two: Listen to “Heard Me,” by minimum two month recovery up your stats and they try to work RL Grime. Step Three: Put on right cleat before process, not including physical around you. So that’s why I’m always therapy. left. continuously moving around the line This season will be the last for Moore up, so they have to pitch to me,” Moore These are the steps Sara Moore, sophomore infielder, must take before as an Owl. said. Injuries aside, Moore looks to her The improvement in Moore’s taking the field -- no excuses. And since she’s batting .484 for her grandmother for motivation, “My athleticism is “unbelievable” said Citrus College career, has 74 RBI’s and grandma passed away my senior year head coach Jackie Boxley. 14 home-runs, there is no need to fix before I graduated and she was my “She’s gotten a lot more fit this year. biggest fan . . . She’s my big motivator She’s just tearing it up, she has so much what isn’t broken. Moore has been playing softball for me to play and all that. I wasn’t strength and ability,” Boxley said. since she was 4-years-old, “It was a big gonna play but whenever I think I’m “She was already good, but she is sore or that my body hurts and that I amazing now.” family thing,” she said. As a child, Moore would watch her don’t want to play anymore, she just Moore will be playing her last regular sister play T-ball and softball, and kind of pushes me still because she season game as a Fighting Owl on wanted to see me play in college.” would play with her to practice. April 22 in a doubleheader against In her two seasons on the Owl Santa Monica College at 3 p.m. “She loved the game and excelled at it early on,” said her father Charles softball team Moore has proven “Any time she ever wants to be apart Moore. “Sara used this to her herself a valuable player on the field. of a program that I am a part of . . . she “I know with her at first base no ball is always welcome here,” Boxley said. advantage and let the game support is gonna get by her,” Raven Preseau, “Owls for life. That’s what we say.” her education.” Moore played on the softball team all infielder, said. “I can trust her to catch four years while attending San Dimas High School, three of which she spent on the varsity team. Moore started her softball career playing second and third base, but at Citrus she plays first. Although her skills in the field are key to getting runners out, behind the bat is where her talents really come out to play. “Sara’s on-the-field growth has been through her hard work and dedication,” Charles said. After graduating from SDHS in 2011, Moore played second base at Odessa College in Odessa, Tex. She only attended Odessa for the summer and fall semesters before she was forced to come back home due to an injury to her shoulder. While at Citrus, her injuries have become more prominent. “I have to have a couple of surgeries after this,” Moore said. “”I have to have complete reconstruction of my elbow and my shoulder.” Moore also described the surgery she will need Dillon Cooper Clarion to remove the bursa sacs in each of Sara Moore, #15, waits to pounce on a pitch during the Moorpark game on Feb. her knees along with needing to have 18, 2014. Moore is batting .553 this season with nine home runs. bones realigned in her right foot.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Enter for the chance to have your poetry featured in the Clarion. Maximum of 250 words. Can be as short as a haiku or as long as a short story. No profanity and no defamation. Contest begins April 2. All entries must be submitted by April 11. Contestants may bring a hard copy of their entry to TC 123 or email submissions to
Photo courtesy of Madam Fierce
‘Fierce’ females harmonize to fame By Anne Marie Miranda Staff Writer •
love of Americana and folk music inspired Citrus students Jessica Clark, Kristal Chammas and Melanie Pfirrman to form Madam Fierce. Their intention is to let their band’s name to speak for itself. “We all loved the word ‘fierce’ and thought that the word ‘madam’ tied the name together and represented the fact that we are three strong women,” Clark said. The group showcased their talents for Kevin Lyman, founder of The Vans Warped Tour on March 19 in the Campus Center. In his speech that day to students about the importance of leaving “the L.A bubble,” Lyman talked about opportunities in Nashville. After hearing Madam Fierce, Lyman critiqued the singers and told them their sound would do well in Nashville, not knowing that the group had already taken that step. Lyman also mentioned the importance of band unity and he noted that Madam Fierce blended well and pre-
sented a cohesive image. “It was very enriching to have someone who has accomplished so much appreciate our sound and take the time to give us his opinion and direct us,” Clark said. Madam Fierce recorded its self titled debut EP, in 12 days in October 2013 in Nashville, and is planning to release it in summer 2014. “The music culture in Nashville is unlike anything else we have ever witnessed. We love rock ‘n’ roll, blues, country, bluegrass and folk music,” Chammas said. “We felt like we were breathing all of that in while we were in Nashville.” “There is so much history in that town and to be able to record at a ranch…what more could we want in a project? We knew we were home.” While in Nashville, they met Gary Clark Jr. a Grammy-winning guitarist and actor, whom they look up to as a huge inspiration. “We feel like we learned the true value of music while being in Nashville in a way. It was a very nurturing experience,” Chammas said. The trio takes pride in their image and works hard to manifest visual creativity. Their style of dress and vocal technique give them the edge that is Madam Fierce. “We feel as though we all individually bring something different to the table when we’re on stage together,” Clark said. “It’s always awesome to look into the crowd and see people really understanding our message and being touched by what we’re trying to convey on stage. We want to move people.” Throughout their experiences together as a band, the girls have learned the importance of staying positive
even in the face of rejection. “I think the biggest challenge with any band is to be able to turn negatives into positives. Not everyone is going to like us or enjoy listening to our music,” Pfirrman said. “If you want to be in the industry, you have to be able to accept harsh and cruel comments written about you and learn to be able to accept the word ‘no.’ It’s crucial to not let any of these things discourage you. Instead, use them to your advantage and let it only motivate you to continue.” Meanwhile, the band is working as hard as it can. “In a world where there are so many talented people who want exactly what we want, it’s important that we constantly do all that we can to stand out and show what we have to offer,” Clark said. “The girls and I have learned a lot about what it’s like to have people against us, people who want to see us fail, but it has only brought us closer together. It has given us that extra push we need to succeed. I have no doubt that we can overcome everything and anything, and I couldn’t be more proud of us,” Pfirrman said. “The best thing we can hold on to is each other, and we each believe as long as we stick together and continue to look out for each other, there’s nothing that can hold us down.” Until their self-titled EP is released, live performance footage may be viewed via YouTube posted under the name ‘Madam Fierce’ and at www. Madam Fierce will be singing the National Anthem at Staples Center on April 4 before the 7 p.m. match-up between the Los Angeles Lakers and Dallas Mavericks.
Wednesday, april 2, 2014
fairy tale comes to life with the cast of ‘shrek’ By Anne Marie Miranda Staff Writer •
hat ornery ogre that we all know and love, along with his “noble steed” and friends travel from Fairy Tale Land to share their happy-ending story with Citrus College. The Citrus College musical theatre workshop presents “Shrek the Musical,” based on the DreamWorks animation motion picture. The musical gives more background than the animated film and introduces new characters adding twists to the story the audience think they already know. Shrek rescues the enchanted princess Fiona from her tower in order to regain the rights to his swamp that is invaded by the fairy tale characters sent there by Lord Farquaad the conniving Lord of Duloc. Among the songs introduced in the musical are “I Know it’s Today,” which reveals the true isolation princess Fiona feels having been locked in a tower since she was seven years old. Other songs included in the musical are, “Freak Flag,” “Who I’d Be,” “What’s Up, Duloc,” and the classic Monkeys tune from the movie, “I’m a Believer.” Along the way Shrek has to overcome obstacles like putting up with a loud, sarcastic donkey and a fire-breathing dragon.
Evan Solano Clarion
The cast of Shrek pictured left to right Josh Tangermann,Kylie Monar, Napoleon Jelks and Montana Rose.
I sat down and chatted with some of the main performers in the show: Shrek played by Josh Tangermann, Fiona played by Kylie Molnar, Prince Charming played by Napoleon Jelks and Queen Lillian played by Montana Rose. Q: How many people auditioned for “Shrek?” JT: “For the actual production of
Shrek, I think about 60 people auditioned but for the Role of Shrek, I only know of about five people.” Q: How was the audition? JT: “The audition was incredibly nerve wracking. Even though the folks behind the table want us to do well, they are still incredibly difficult to perform in front of.” Q: What has been the most chal-
lenging part of the production? JT: “The most difficult part about the process I would have to say just getting the character down. People don’t often play an ogre so, it’s difficult. Thinking about being 400 pounds and green doesn’t come very easily to most people.” Q: How do you and your co-star Fiona interact? JT: “Kylie, who plays Fiona, and I get along really well. She’s very talented and such a wonderful person. Being on stage with her is tons of fun, even though she can be a pain in the butt.” Q: What do you think people will like about the performance? KM: “I think that people are really going to love the lightheartedness of the show. The show has a great story about friendship and love that I think many people can relate too just maybe not the green, ogre part. Also, the fun characters and costumes.” Q: What is your favorite musical number? NJ : “My favorite number is “What’s Up, Duloc” and “I’m a Believer.” Rehearsal has been fun, learning all the dances and songs. We have rehearsals everyday and we work our butts off. I’m glad I auditioned.” JT: “My favorite number is “Who I’d Be.” It’s such a wonderful emotional moment for Shrek, and I love the story that he is able to share with the lyrics. But, on top of all of that, it hits really close to home for me.” KM: “My favorite is “Freak Flag.” I re-
ally enjoy watching them come more and more into their character each time they perform it! The song is just so fun and all about being yourself. Q: Do you have any advice for people who want to try out for future musicals here at Citrus? KM: “My advice to anyone who wants to get into musical theater is to do it, work hard, and be confident in yourself. Take dance classes. So many people can sing, but if you can dance as well that gives you a one up. It’s all about believing in yourself and your talent.” Q: What are you most excited about for this performance? NJ : “I’m excited for everyone to see the show, everyone has worked really hard and I know it’s going to pay off. | Q: What part do you play in the musical? MR: “I play Queen Lillian, Fiona’s mom. I also play Little Bo Peep.” Q: What do you think the audience will get out of it? MR: “It’s a fun, clever show. The music is upbeat and quirky. We’ve got a great cast. We’ve worked really hard and I think the audience will get out of it a show that is visually gorgeous, technically genius, vocally stunning and professional grade.” Come check out the show on April 11 at 8 p.m. and April 12, 13, at 2 p.m. in the Haugh Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $22 for students, $20 for seniors ad children and children are $15.
a degree doesn’t guarantee
nternships are becoming increasingly important for students. They are a golden opportunity to showcase your talents and education. However, do not expect them to be easy. In fact most will require long hours of work with little or no pay. Nevertheless, internships offer many benefits besides experience. An internship can also help you decide if a certain major or career is right for you. It is better to find this out early on in your education to help steer you in the right career path. Some university programs are requiring their students to intern in order to expose them to real work experience before they graduate. But if you are offered an unpaid internship, do not stay at the same one longer than a semester. Young college students expect to get
good jobs after graduation as a reward for all of the hard work and investment put into their education. However, according to a new research by the Federal Bank of New York, young graduates are more likely to end up working jobs that do not require a degree, are part-time and offer little pay. Graduating from college no longer ensures a job. Because of the surplus of graduates and a short supply of jobs that require a degree, many college graduates will not get the opportunity to work their way up the career ladder to their dream job.
This recent study should serve as a warning to every college student. In this competitive job market, we have to start building a career while in college. According to a 2013 survey by the National Associations of Colleges and Employers, employers made full time offers to 56.5 percent of their interns. While the internship will not guarantee a job with the employer, one will still have the experience to find another job. During an internship, one will have to show commitment, professionalism and interest by asking questions
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 and volunteering for assignments. They also expand one’s network by meeting industry leaders and other fellow interns. Internships are not handed out to just anybody. One must build a network and gain connections during college, which will serve as references for resumes, internships and jobs. Don’t be a stranger to your professors; ask them for career advice. They can end up being a great reference for an internship or job opportunity. Maintain a high GPA and challenge yourself by being part of the honors program and the STEM Academy. Being a part of these programs will make you stand out, give you priority admission to certain universities and can also offer scholarship benefits. Interning is not a waste of time. They will help you gain experience out of the classroom and will help you discover your passions and strengths. Most importantly, they will build your resume, which will help position yourself for future employment opportunities. It is not enough to have a college degree or a good GPA. Employers are now looking for specific skill sets and experience that will separate you from your peers. To be competitive and stand out, students need to get involved in an internship.
The silent relationship killer By Jessica Soto
Editor-in-Chief Evan Solano
Managing Editor Dillon Cooper Online Editor Sylvia Aparicio News Editor Jessica Soto Photo Technician Joe Moreno Sports Editor Dillon Cooper A&E Editor Sylvia Aparicio Ad Manager Jessica Soto Staff Writers Katie Jolgren Michelle Arias Joe Moreno Eric Burger Cameron Wisdom Line Artist Justin Williams Contributing Writer Jessica Hernandez Photographers Evan Solano Dillon Cooper Joe Moreno Jessica Soto Careesa Campbell
News Editor •
hen thinking about relationship violence the majority of people will instantly think of physical abuse. A man comes home from spending the night out with friends and his girlfriend doesn’t like that he was out so late, so she hits him repeatedly and he does nothing to retaliate. There is a deeper abuse, one that festers within a person and eats away at their self-esteem. After refilling his glass of wine, she walks over to him and hands him the glass, it spills into his lap. He stands up abruptly and screams at her, calling her names and cursing. Emotional abuse affects thousands of men and women every year. The Bureau of Justice Statistics released the average annual percentage of nonfatal intimate partner victimizations (IPVs) from 2001 to 2005. Nonfatal intimate partner victimizations can range anywhere from a simple shouting match to stab wound or gun shot wounds that didn’t lead to death. In the same study, 95.7 percent of women reported abuse by their male spouse, while 82.4 percent of males reported abuse by their female spouse. The highest occurrence of nonfatal IPVs were among adults age 30 or older. The second highest percentage, 65.7 percent, occurs between the ages of 21 and 29. A reported 25,710 women were seriously injured in an IPV case and 13,350 were raped or sexually assaulted. For men, 4,335 were seriously injured and 580 were raped or sexually assaulted. Although the statistics weigh heavily on the side of female victims, clearly men experience abuse as well. And contrary to popular belief abusers are using their control—not losing it.
Advisers Margaret O’Neil Stacy K. Long Page Designers Vivian Romero Laura Nuño Eric Burger Dillon Cooper Evan Solano Joe Moreno
Physical abuse is the most commonly reported abuse as opposed to the emotional damage. This is due to the lack of tangible evidence for emotional abuse. But the proof is in the victim. Emotional scarring can affect a person’s ability to interact regularly in social environments. The victim’s selfesteem can plummet and not only will the victim(s) stay in the abusive relationship, but there will always be an excuse. Victims will commonly be more proned to aggressive behaviors, they may also show signs of depression and anxiety. They are also at higher risk of substance abuse, eating disorders and encountering further domestic abuse. Approximately 33 percent of abuse victims will go on to abuse their own children. “But he doesn’t hit me,” is the most commonly used reason for women to stay in an emotionally abusive relationship. The majority of women, and a small
percentage of men, continue to take the beatings and put-downs by the ones they love. I was talked down to. My ex-boyfriend made me feel like I wasn’t good enough. Like I was just there for him to literally use and emotionally abuse. It made him feel better about himself. He told me I was stupid and any time I brought up a topic, he found a way to make me feel like I wasn’t smart enough to talk about it. I woke up every day wondering if he was cheating on me. Then one day I found out he had. It crushed me but I wasn’t surprised. We stayed together, I forgave him. That was my biggest mistake. There was not a single day that went by I didn’t wonder if he was cheating again. How could he do this to me? How am I not enough? The answer was, he was the problem - not me. It took me nine more months to fi-
nally speak up and tell him I couldn’t handle the emotional strain the lack of trust he was putting on me. I was scared because I loved him, but I realized I deserved better. Emotional abuse takes multiple forms -- no matter how mild or extreme, it scars a person and stalls progress for future relationships. Remaining in an emotionally abusive relationship can lead to further abuse that may result in physical harm. Hightension situations can escalate without warning. If you or someone you know is being physically or emotionally abused in their relationship, take a moment to acknowledge your self worth and realize you deserve better. The fear of leaving is normal, but there are resources to help you, don’t remain a statistic. For support, assistance and information call the 24-hour National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800799-7233
The Clarion is produced by journalism students and is distributed every other Wednesday during the semester. Ads are not endorsed by the Clarion. Editorials are the opinion of at least 75 percent of the Editorial Board. All other opinion is that of the writer. Views expressed do not represent those of the adviser, faculty, administration, Associated Students of Citrus College and/or CCCBOT. Libel will not be published. The Clarion welcomes feedback from our readers. If you have any gripes, questions, or comments ... we want to hear from you! Send your letters in at All correspondence must include your student ID#, major and signature. Letters may be edited for content.