PORTFOLIO of architecture
Ma r tín Ca s tro
MARTÍN CASTRO Architect Focus on construction, design and heritage.
WORK EXPERIENCE Construction labourer - Janis Semets Design
0457 672 713 m.castro2140@gmail.com 13 Stannington Ave, Heathpool SA 5068
January 2023 - May 2023 This job for a small residential builder mixed labouring with off ice duties. It helped me to understand f rom the inside many aspects of the Australian way of building and residential design. Heritage division - Montevideo city Council May 2019 - August 2021
The internship at Montevideo city council covered a mixture of off ice work and construction. I was in charge of building inventory and regular supervision of renovation works carried out by the institution. Remote work for France May 2021 - May 2022 Freelance representation works, perspective collages, modeling and rendering for Arq. Gabriela Parodi. OHÁSIS Arquitetura sustentável (POA - Br) October 2018 - December 2018 Member of the representation & design team of the Brazilian studio specialized in sustainability Ohásis. h t t p : //o h a s i s a r q u i t e t u r a . c o m . b r/ E. PEZZANI Arquitectos April 2016 - June 2017 Casual draftman works and building survey in Autocad.
April 2021 - April 2022
U n i t IV - “ Co n s t r u c t i ve Te ch n o l o g i e s ” pa r t o f t h e p o s tg ra d u a te i n specialization for intervening architectural heritage.
FADU - UDELAR (MVD - Uy) March 2014 - March 2021
REFERENCES Charles Mirams - Au 0406 076 204 charlesmirams@hotmail.com Archit. Alejandro Berro - Uy (+598) 1950 4706 alejandro.berro@imm.gub.uy Archit. Gabriela Parodi - Fr (+33 7) 6176 4372 gabiparodi@gmail.com
Bachelor degree in Architecture at the National University of Uruguay. UNISINOS (POA - Br) August 2018 - December 2018 Student scholarship at Porto Alegre, Brazil. Escuela Superior de la Construcción March 2011 - December 2013 Construction technical school.
RELATED ARCHITECTURAL WORLD TOUR May 2022 - October 2022 In Uruguay as part of the formative process students get to travel the world visiting renowned studios and buildings.
//UCPA 2020 - 2021 Final degree project Martín Castro & Mauro Pizurnia Taller Berio FADU – UDELAR
The final degree project centers on revitalizing the former El Día newspaper workshops at Piedra Alta 1720. Recognizing the area’s potential for cultural enterprises, a thoughtfully crafted cultural program aims to rejuvenate the ex-industrial space. Guided by principles such as envisioning the project volumetrically (m³), adopting an open floor plan for diverse uses, and highlighting facilities to structure spatiality, the intervention aims to transform the building’s massive volume. The design intentionally contrasts the old with the new, ensuring that the original nature of the intervention is both preserved and celebrated.
//VIANA 2020 - 2021 Consolidation project Architect in charge: Alejandro Berro Heritage Division Montevideo City Council
The Montevideo City Council’s Heritage Division is engaged in the restoration project of the historic farmhouse once owned by Montevideo’s first governor, José Joaquín de Viana. Dating back to 1756, this construction boasts thick brick walls, ranking it among the capital’s oldest civil structures. Inspired by J. Ruskin’s philosophy, our restoration project aims to not only ensure structural stability but also celebrate the inherent beauty of this historical ruin. Despite limited time and resources, we prioritize highlighting the remnants of the original construction, preserving its historical significance for future interventions.
Módulo estructural
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