A.Karamitsos Public Auction 502

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A.KARAMITSOS 34, Tsimiski Str. - 54623 Thessaloniki - GREECE tel.: +30 2310 264 366 - fax: +30 2310 274 031 www.karamitsos.com e-mail: karamitsos@karamitsos.gr

WORKING HOURS: 07.00 - 15.00

Saturday, 8 November 2014 PUBLIC AUCTION

No 502

Books, Maps, Prints, Photography, Tobacciana featuring special section “Thessaloniki”

Start Time: 15.00 Viewing Arrangements: “Athens Auctions” Store

Monday, 6 October 2014 - Friday, 7 November 2014 (working hours)

“Hilton Athens” Hotel

Saturday, 8 November 2014: 11.00 - 12.30 “Hilton Athens” Hotel 46, Vasilissis Sofias Ave. - Athens • tel.: +30 210 7281000 • fax: +30 210 7281111 “Athens Auctions” Store Pindarou 7 & Alexandrou Soutsou 2 - Athens • tel.: +30 210 3250173 • fax: +30 210 3250176

ΟΡΟΙ ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΩΝ Όλοι οι λαχνοί περιγράφονται προσεκτικά και πωλούνται ως γνήσιοι και αυθεντικοί εκτός αν περιγράφονται άλλως. Ο αγοραστής μπορεί να απορρίψει το λαχνό και να τον επιστρέψει εντός 7 ημερών (ημερομηνία σφραγίδας ταχυδρομείου) απο την λήξη της δημοπρασίας, αν αποδείξει ότι δεν είναι γνήσιος ή ότι περιγράφηκε λανθασμένα. Οι λαχνοί πρέπει να επιστρέφονται όπως παραλήφθηκαν αρχικά, χωρίς καμμία διαφοροποίηση. Λαχνοί που εξετάσθηκαν προηγουμένως από τους υποψηφίους αγοραστές δεν επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από αυτή. Οι αγοραστές δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα επιστροφής μικτών λαχνών, συλλογών, λαχνών που έχουν ελαττώματα σε μικροαξίες, καθώς και φωτογραφημένων στον κατάλογο λαχνών, για ελαττώματα ορατά στη φωτογραφία (κεντράρισμα, περιθώρια, οδόνττωση). Όταν η αξία του λαχνού είναι στη σφραγίδα και όχι στο γραμματόσημο, ο λαχνός δεν μπορεί να επιστραφεί για ελάττωμα του γραμματοσήμου. Κάθε λαχνός περιέρχεται στον πλειοδότη, που προσφέρει την υψηλότερη τιμή. Σε περίπτωση ίσων ταχυδρομικών προσφορών, πλειοδότης θεωρείται αυτός που η προσφορά του έφθασε πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς. Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς. Μεγάλοι λαχνοί μπορεί να μην μεταφερθούν για viewing στην Αθήνα ή να μεταφερθούν κατ’επιλογή. Viewing λαχνών, που δεν μεταφέρονται στην Αθήνα, μπορεί να γίνει στα γραφεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας. Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως. Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Έξοδα συσκευασίας δεν χρεώνονται. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου αποτελεί για την Εταιρία και απόδειξη παραλαβής του υλικού από τον αγοραστή. Στην τιμή κατακυρώσεως προστίθεται ποσοστό 18% για προμήθειά μας και επί πλέον ο αναλογών ΦΠΑ επί της προμήθειάς μας. Όλες οι τιμές στόν κατάλογο είναι σε ΕΥΡΩ. Απούλητοι λαχνοί με τιμή εκκίνησης “OFFER” δεν διατίθενται προς πώληση μετά τη λήξη της δημοπρασίας. Η τιμή πώλησης των λαχνών με την ένδειξη “OFFER” ορίζεται από το ποσό της προσφοράς, με κατοχύρωση του λαχνού στην υψηλότερη. Ο πλειοδότης (είτε βρίσκεται στην Αίθουσα, είτε έχει καταθέσει την προσφορά του μέσω τηλεφώνου/email) είναι υπεύθυνος για την εξόφληση του τιμολογίου, εκτός αν έχει συνεννοηθεί γραπτώς ειδάλλως με την Εταιρία. Οποιοσδήποτε λαμβάνει μέρος στη δημοπρασία είναι γνώστης των προαναφερομένων όρων και τους αποδέχεται πλήρως. Οποιαδήποτε διαφωνία μεταξύ των συμβαλλομένων μερών τίθεται στην κρίση και δικαιοδοσία του αρμοδίου Δικαστηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης.

CONDITIONS OF SALE All descriptions are reliable and accurate and the lots are sold as genuine and authentic, unless the contrary is indicated. The purchaser may reject the lot and return it within 7 days (post office date stamp) after the end of the auction, if he proves it is not genuine or incorrectly described. The lots must be returned intact and as originally despatched. Lots which have been examined by the buyers before the auction cannot be returned. Also, lots purchased in the room cannot be returned after leaving the place. Buyers have no right to reject mixed lots, collections containing undescribed items, or described as having defects. Any illustration is part of the description and items cannot be returned for defects visible in it. When the value of a lot lies in the cancellation and not in the stamp, any defects of the latter shall not be a reason for rejecting the lot. The highest bidder shall prevail. In case of equal mail bids, the earlier arrived will be considered as succesful. Telephone bids are acceptable, but should be confirmed in writing. Before start selling or the date of the auction the Auctioneer has the right to withdraw any of the lots, to divide it into two or more parts, or to join two or more lots into one. Large lots may not be available for viewing in Athens unless especially selected. Viewing of those unavailable lots is still possible in our offices in Thessaloniki. Bids should be received at least 2 hours before the start of the Sale. Payment must be made in full just after the end of the sale in the room, or within 10 days after receipt of our invoice. Foreign buyers can pay by credit card (we accept Visa and Mastercard) or by Bank Cheque, personal cheque and money order in foreign currency or in euro. Interest shall be payable by the purchaser on any overdue account. The Auctioneer has a descretion to waive payment of the interest. Title shall remain to A. KARAMITSOS until payment in full is received. Any buyer could be excluded if he is not a person of good faith, according to the Auctioneer’s opinion. The invoices and the lots will be mailed to the address given on the bidding form. Postage and insurance is charged to the buyers. No packing cost is charged. The receipt for “Registered” letter by the Post Office constitutes delivery receipt for the Auctioneer. A 18% buyer’s commission will be added to the “hammer price” for each lot, plus the respective Value Additive Tax (VAT) on our commission. All prices expressed in the catalogue and all bids are in euro, unless otherwise is stated. Unsold lots with starting price “OFFER” are not available for sale after the end of the auction. The sale price of lots marked as “OFFER” is defined by the highest offer, highest bid wins the item at said price. The bidder (either via mail or in the room) is responsible for the invoice’s payment, unless otherwise aggreed, in writing, with the company. Anyone who will take part in this Auction is familiar to the conditions of sale and accepts them. Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Court in Thessaloniki, Greece.

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Contents Macedonia & Thessaloniki small scale maps. . . . . . 1 Thessaloniki town plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Views of Thessaloniki. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 WW1 - Medals - Zeppelin. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Medals & Decorations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Antiquarian Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Books - Greece - History . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Books - Geography - Travelling. . . . . . . . . . .32 Archive Photographs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Cabinet - CDV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Engravings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Documents - Bonds - Miscellaneous Lots. . . . . . . 83 Tobacciana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87


Picture postcard / Εικονογραφημένη κάρτα Real photograph, photocard / Φωτοκάρτα, πραγματική φωτογραφία Map / Χάρτης Rare, very rare, etc. / Σπάνιο, πολύ σπάνιο κλπ. Good quality or condition / Καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Very good quality or condition / Πολύ καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Fine quality or condition / Ωραία ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Very fine quality or condition / Πολύ ωραία ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Library book / Βιβλίο Document / Έγγραφο Newspaper / Εφημερίδα Engraving / Γραβούρα Magazine / Περιοδικό Ephemera / Εφήμερα Bonds & Certificates / Μετοχές Ceramic / Κεραμικό Advertisement / Διαφήμιση

Macedonia & Thessaloniki small scale maps

Lot. 3001 M CANTELLI DA VIGNOLA Giacomo, “LA MACEDONIA”, from “Mercurio Geografico” Rome, 1684-1690. Rare copper engr. beautifully hand coloured map of central & northern Greece with Thessaloniki in the centre. The ancient placenames are corellated with the new ones in this important map (i.e “Apollonia nunc Seres”, “Sofia ot. Sardica”). Map dim.56x44cm. In wooden frame, overall dim.75x63cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 400 €

Lot. 3002 M Lot. 3003 M D’ANVILLE J.B.B. “GRAECIAE ANTIQUAE “ΘΕΡΜΑΙΚΟΣ ΚΟΛΠΟΣ (ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ) ΦΙΙ”, K.u.K. Militr. Specimen GeograPIHcum... MDCCLXXXIII... Geographischen Institute, Kiepert H., Iphicrates Kokkides (Ιφικράτης Weigelio-Schneideriana.” with inset “GRAECIAE Κοκκίδης), Vienna 1884. Scale 1:300000. The second sheet of the (laxe sumptae) PARTES BOREALES...” 1727-1780?, important map “ΧΑΡΤΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” outline hand coloured copper plate map of Greece (also known as “Kokkidis map”), the first official state map of Greece & Macedonia. Map dim. 48x51cm. Horiz. & vert. representing its expanding territories, after the annexation of Thessaly. folds. Very Fine. Not in Zacharakis. Zach.101 VAR. It is a derived map based on the old French mapping (Expedition de Moree), on in-situ land surveys carried out by Greece headed by the Starting Price: 120 € senior military engineer Iphicrates Kokkidis & on extended land surveys by the international delimitation commission appointed to draw the new borders of Greece according to the decisions of the Berlin Conference. All placenames & landmarks in Greek language. Some interesting details: The old Peraia quarantine & the Thessaloniki - Mitrovica railway (constructed in 1871). Map dim. 51x45cm. Wooden frame. Brown spots. Starting Price: 350 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3004 M “Salonik, Seres, Xanthi, Kastro, Phersala E.6”, K.K Militrisch-Geographisches Institut Wien 1884, scale 1:750000. Scarce map representative of the German cartography in Greece presenting from Volos to the SW to Komotini (Gumuldjina) to NE, including Sporades and islands of the North Aegean. Highlighted points/routes on map on colour pencils, vertical crease on left edge. Map dim.40x38cm. Lux wooden frame 56x52cm. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3006 M Rare Ottoman map of Macedonia, Thesaloniki & Chalkidiki, c.1890. The map is in Ottoman Turkish and presents the main settlements and the railroad network of the area. Dim.35x35cm. In frame. Starting Price: 80 €


Lot. 3005 M “GOLF von SALONIK”, 1885, K.u.K Militargeographisches Institut Wien, scale 1:300000. This accurate map of the Thermaikos gulf is an example of the influential German cartographic work in Greece. It is based on the work of H. Kiepert & the measurements & survey of I. Kokkides (greek officer). Map dim.51x45.5cm. In wooden frame. Few light brown spots. (“Θεσσαλονικης ανάδειξις”, pp.267). Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 3007 Μ Ottoman map of Thermaikos Gulf & Chalkidiki, c.1900, dim.72x63cm. The map depicts in high detail the hydrography and releif, settlements & place names, the road & railroad network of the broad area. On a town scale the map depicts the first steps of the expansion mainly to the east. Map paper parts attached on linen fabric. Overall Fine impression, few brown spots. In frame. (“Θεσσαλονίκης ανάδειξις...”, pp.270). Starting Price: 200 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3008 M “ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ”, Ι. Πετρώφ, τυπ. Νεράντζη Λειψία, c.1900. Map of Macedonia of the Greek Revolution period, presenting the turkish and greek military campains and main battles. It depicts in details the campaign of Captain Nikotsaros (Αρματολός Νικοτσάρος) c.1807. Symbolical cartouche: the Ottoman crescent surrounds a bleeding heart (Macedonia) which is divided in three parts (“mother Greece”, “Serbian” & “Bulgarian” propaganda) while a snake (Austria) is reaching Thessaloniki. Dim.32x48cm. Very Fine. In wooden frame, overall dim. 56x72cm. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3009 M “1912 WAR MAP / The Balkan States”, publ. C. S. Hammond & Co. The borders of the balkan states are formed according to the Treaty of Berlin (1878). The map also presents the railroad networks & the fortified towns. Map dim.42x59cm. Very Fine. In wooden frame. Starting Price: 60 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3010 M “Η ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΕΛΛΑΣ 1912-1913”, εκδ. Σ. Χρηστίδης, λιθ. ΣΤΑΓΓΕΛ, Αθήνα, c.1913. Interesting map presenting formation of the borders in the Balkans, at the end of the Balkan Wars & according to the Treaty of Bucharest. On upper part portraits of King Constantine I, Queen Sofia & Prince George II, along greek flags, arms & crowned two headed eagle. Faults along folds. In wooden frame. Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 3011 M “PENINSULE DES BALKANS” c.1914. Interesting map of the Balkans after the Second Balkan Wars and in the beginning of WWI. Soldiers in typical uniforms of Greece, Serbia, Turkey, Albania & Bulgaria are depicted within map. Conflict areas represented in dashed lines. Vallona (Vlore - Albania) are under Italian occupation & “ETAT YOUGO-SLAVE” label over former Yugoslavia. Map dim.20x29cm. Creased & one tear. In wooden frame. Starting Price: 70 €


strongly recomend to visit the online auction “ We for additional and more detailed lot. images at: www.karamitsos.com ”

Lot. 3012 M “Carte Ethnographique des MACEDO-ROUMAINS (Koutzo-Valaques)”, ed.1924. Ethnographic map of the Aromanians - Vlachs in the Balkans, with indication of Vlach, Serbian, Greek-Turkish (single colour), Albanian & Bulgarian populations. The map is an edition of the Societe Nationale Aromana -Sofia and it is in French and in Vlach language. Map dim.30x31cm. In wooden frame. Creases along folds, signs of self adhessive tape. Rare. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3013 M “Saloniki Truppenkarte”, Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesens, Nr.8-C, 1943. Topographic map, centered in Thessaloniki, displaying in high details the terrain, land use, hydrography, road & rail networks. The extent of the town in World War II is also sufficiently presented. Map dim.55x69cm. Wooden frame, overall dim.70x82cm. Creased along middle fold, otherwise Very Fine. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3014 M LAPIE Chevalier, “Carte Generale de la Turquie d’Europe / Plan de SALONIQUE / Plan de RHODES”, 1822. High detailed map of the SE partof Aegean including half eastern part of Crete & Dodecanese with two inset plans of Rhodes & Thessaloniki. Early depiction of the town of Thessaloniki presenting the town within the walls. Map dim.50x40cm. Very Fine. In wooden frame. (“Θεσσαλονικης ανάδειξις...” pp.30). Starting Price: 130 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Thessaloniki town plans

Lot. 3015 M SALEM H., “Plan de la Ville de Salonique”, Thessaloniki 1890-1892, scale 1:2500. Rare early town plan, impressive dim. 115x94cm!, drawn by H. Salem and printed in cyantype in Thessaloniki, after the great fire of 1890. The town is divided in numbered residential/buildings blocks, while many public buildings & monuments are presented. The map is bilingual (French & Ottoman Turkish), and depict the main reconstruction plan for the Destroyed from the fire town center. The New Plan is characterized by an overall “regularity”, as there is an obvious effort for almost rectangular building blocks and strait/ parallel road network. The line of the horse-drawn tramway is also represented. Tears along the edges, creases along folds, chipped upper left corner & self adhesive tape on two spots. In frame. This is one of the earliest known plans of the town of Thessaloniki and the only known to exist until now. («Θεσσαλονίκης ανάδειξις…», pp.36,106,162). Starting Price: 3500 €

“Please enquire for viewing & shipping of the framed Lots” 6

A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3016 M “SALONICA HARBOUR and Oriental Railway Station”, War Office - No.2444, March 1909. A rare plan of the harbour, depicting in high details the facilities, infrastructure, as well the position of hotels, public services & other buildings. The plan also focus on the Oriental Railway Station positioned west of the port and the rail network. Plan dim.51x27cm. In wooden frame overall dim.70x45cm. (“Θεσσαλονίκης Ανάδειξις...”, pp.230). Starting Price: 150 €

Lot. 3017 M “Map of Salonica and Sorrounding Country”, War Office - No.2443, March 1909. This rare map of Thessaloniki is a source of interesting information about the expansion of the city by locating public buildings, consulates, religious centers et al. at the south. The railway & tram network is also accurately presented. A short key of “Town References” is also provided. Map dim.47x58cm. In wooden frame. Very Fine. (“Θεσσαλονικης ανάδειξις”,pp.128). Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 3018 M “SALONIQUE”, Imprimerie xincographique du Service geographique de l’armee, undated c.1910(?). Scale 1:100000. Interesting French military map, using Turkish placenames for most settlements & landmarks. Map dim.45x71cm. Wooden frame. Very Fine. Starting Price: 80 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3019 M “Plan de la Ville de Salonique / Τοπογραφικός Χάρτης της Πόλεως Θεσσαλονίκης”, 1916, scale 1:10000, ed. of the Journal “L’Independent”, printed in Thessaloniki at Gatenio (Λιθογραφείον Γκατένιο). Map shows the formation of the town center between the two great fires of 1890 & 1917, and the expansion of the town to the NE. Indication of roads and main buildings, churches, mosques, synagogues. Short key of the main roads in greek & french. Foxing along folds. Map dim. 61x41cm. In wooden frame. Rare. Starting Price: 180 €


Lot. 3020 M Lot. 3021 M “SALONIQUE - KALAMARIA”, 1917, Armee d’Orient - “ΜΙΚΡΟ ΚΑΡΑΜΠΟΥΡΝΟΥ” Γ. Συντ. Πεδινού Πυροβολικού Service Topographique, scale 1”20000. Interesting French (3rd Artillery Reg.), 1925, scale 1:20000. Hand drawn map, based millitary map presenting the formation of the town at the on a French millitary map (as mentioned), of today Kalamaria. end of WWI. Detailed location of the allied camps, airports The builded refugee district seems to be limited North of the and facilities SE of the town at Kalamaria area. High Karaburnu moorage (Μικρό Καράμπουρνου), while the core detailed hydrography, relief and land use. Also depicted part of today Kalamaria, Aretsou & Nea Krini still remains unbuilt. of the city’s expansion to the SE. Map dim.53x43cm. In Handwriten sketches on the map, prob. “table-top exercises”. wooden frame. Very Fine condition. (“Θεσσαλονικης..p.179) Map dim. 56x45cm. Creased, tears mainly along margins. In Starting Price: 90 € wooden frame. (“Θεσσαλονίκης ανάδειξις…”, pp.304). Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3022 M “ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ / ΚΑΛΑΜΑΡΙΑ”, Λιθογραφείο Γ’ Σ. Στρατού, 1927. Map showing the town center and the inland to the north. Although dated on 1927 it presents the formation of the town before the fire of 1917. Among the few place names, it is mentioned “TZEKI” the lands of Jake Abbott (Τζέκι Αμποτ) located at the today De La Salle (ΔΕΛΑΣΑΛ) college. Map dim. 65x51cm. In wooden frame. Fine condition. Starting Price: 110 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3023 M Lot. 3025 M “ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ - Πρόχειρος Έκδοσις”, 11η Μεραρχία, “UMGEBUNKARTE VON SALONIKI” 1928-1930, Γεωγραφική Υπηρεσία Στρατού, 1928. Σπάνιος χάρτης μεγάλων printed c.1940, Scale: 1:20000. A unique plan of Thessaloniki, διαστάσεων (65x95cm), παρουσιάζει την πόλη μετά την έντονη presenting in high details the city’s expansion and the “new” ανοικοδόμηση (~από το 1921) λόγω έλευσης προσφύγων. Οι refugee districts. The map provides valuable information along συνοικισμοί Τούμπας, Χαριλάου, Καλαμαριάς, Νεάπολης, the usage of urban space of that period. Many names of the Βενιζελοχώρι (Τριανδρία) εμφανίζονται διαμορφωμένοι refugee districts are still the same up to date. Also many placeκαι στα όρια του ήδη δομημένου αστικού περιβάλλοντος. marks from the Ottoman period. Map dim.71x92cm. Some Ενδιαφέρουσες πληροφορίες και για τη χωροθέτηση των παλιών tears & self adhesive tape along Margins & few faults along αθλητικών γηπέδων της πόλης (ΠΑΟΚ, ΑΡΗ, ΗΡΑΚΛΗ). folds. In frame. (“Θεσσαλονίκης ανάδειξις…”, pp.122,124,174). Σημαντικά κτήρια και ναοί / συναγωγές (ανάμεσά τους και αυτή Starting Price: 400 € του Μπετ Σαούλ Beth Saul Synagogue) αναφέρονται. Κλίμακα 1:10000. Με φθορές κατά μήκος των πτυχώσεων. Σε ξύλινο κάδρο. («Θεσσαλονίκης ανάδειξις…», pp.67-68). Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 3024 M “ΕΠΕΚΤΑΣΙΣ ΑΠΟ ΜΙΚΡΟ ΚΑΡΑΜΠΟΥΡΝΟΥ ΜΕΧΡΙ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΚΗΣ ΣΧΟΛΗΣ”, c.1930, scale 1:10000. Rare plan of today Kalamaria (Καλαμαριά) area, showing the extend of the refugee settlements of Aretsou & Nea Krini (Αρετσού & Νέα Κρήνη), the properties & land use along the seafront. The extent of the Jewish settlement Camp Campbell (probably before it was burned at 1931) is also depicted. Hand-drawn in black pen. Plan dim.78x41cm. In wooden frame. Very Fine. Starting Price: 130 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3026 M “ΣΧΕΔΙΑΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΠΟΛΕΩΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ”, ed. Ι. ΞΕΝΑΚΗΣ, Volos (Βόλος), 1930-1935, scale 1:10000. Map / plan of Thessaloniki, based on E. HEBRARD’s redevelopment plan for the center of Thessaloniki after the great fire of 1917. The map shows the building blocks, the roads, railroad & trams network. On the left edge of the map is located the New Railroad Station (1932). Dim.100x68cm. Folded, with few minor spots. In frame. (“Θεσσαλονικης...” pp.319) Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 3027 M “ΤΟΠΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟΝ ΔΙΑΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΤΗΣ ΠΟΛΕΩΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ / ΚΛΙΜΑΞ 1:10000”. Detailed plan of Thessaloniki c.1935, hand-drawn in black ink on tracing paper. Some areas (dashed lines) in Harilaou are probably under construction. Plan dim.76x42cm. One tear on left edge & small water-stains on corners. In frame. (“Θεσσαλονίκης Ανάδειξις...” pp.318). Starting Price: 200 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3028 M “Stadtplan von Saloniki”, Truppenausgabe, Ausgabe Nr.3 - Stand IV. 42, c.1940, scale 1:10000. High detailed map of Thessaloniki, presents efficiently the thick urban space & transportation networks (indication of the tram routes & the tram stops!). The streams that cut through the “new” districs on the SE are also mapped in details. Very Fine. In frame. Map Dim.70x92cm. (“Θεσσαλονίκης ανάδειξις...”, pp.256). Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 3029 M “THESSALONIKI”, British Military map, Second ed., 1944 (based on Greek map of 1933). Deatailed hydragraphy, relief, roads & railway network. The map is showing the town of the mid 30s. Map dim.43x59cm. Wooden frame. Crease along folds. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3030 Μ “Town Plan of Thessaloniki”, 512 Fd. Survey Coy., R.E., 1944, scale 1:10000. Acurate plan of the town based on air photograph dated 1943. An extensive numbered “Key to government municipal and industrial establishments” is provided, locating the hotspots of the economic, administrative and everyday life of that period. Map dim.92x64cm. In frame. Creases mainly along folds & corners & some brown spots. (“Θεσσαλονίκης ανάδειξις...”, pp.326). Starting Price: 100 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Views of Thessaloniki

Lot. 3031 ENGR ENDERLIN J. “THESSALONICH.”, 1686 from “Archipelagus Turbatus”. Panoramic view of Thessaloniki from the sea. Rare copper engr. dim.18x13cm. Very Fine in lux frame ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.30). Starting Price: 270 €

Lot. 3032 ENGR LOSCHGE L. “THESSALONICH.”, 1687 from “Neu Vermehrte Beschreibung...”. Rare panoramic view of Thessaloniki from the sea. Coloured wood engr. dim.12x7cm. Very Fine in lux frame ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.31). Starting Price: 170 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3033 ENGR DAPPER O. “SALONICHI.”, 1688 from “Neukenrige Beschreibung...”. Rare panoramic view of Thessaloniki from the sea. Copper engr. dim.16x12cm on full sheet (31x19cm). Very Fine in lux frame ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.31). Starting Price: 220 €

Lot. 3034 ENGR “Vue de la Ville de Salonique”, des. by Fauvel, lithogr. by Sorrieu. Rare lithogr. from COUSINERY E. M. “Voyage dans la Macedoine”, Paris, 1831. Relatively accurate depiction of the town sorrounded by the walls. Engr. dim.22.5x15cm. Light brown spots. Wooden frame - ready to hang overall dim.42x36cm. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.36). Starting Price: 160 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3035 ENGR SCHEDEL, D. Hartmann. DE MACEDONIA. Nuremberg, Anton Kolberger, 1493, Latin text edition. Woodcut, image 230 x 220mm, set in a page of text. An imaginary view of Macedonia from the famous ‘Nuremberg Chronicle’. In wooden frame. Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 3037 ENGR VECHELIO Cesare, “Mattrona Macedonica”, 1590. An early uncoloured woodcut from “Degli Abiti Antichi e Moderni....” printed in Venice, depicting a Macedonian lady. Engr. dim.10x15cm. In lux frame (gilt), overall dim.25x32cm. Foxing on white margin edges, engraved area Very Fine. (ΠΑΤΙΕΡΙΔΗΣ & ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ, pp.69). Starting Price: 70 €


Lot. 3036 ENGR SCHEDEL, D. Hartmann. Von macedonia. Nuremberg, Anton Kolberger, 1493, German text edition. Woodcut, image 230 x 220mm, set in a page of text. An imaginary view of Macedonia from the famous ‘Nuremberg Chronicle’. Restoration to right margins. In wooden frame. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3038 ENGR NICOLAY Nicolo, “Femme de Macedoine”, plate 54, 1580. Copper engraving from “Le Navigationi et Viaggi Fatti nella Turchia”, Venice. Few brown spots. Very Fine. Engr. dim. 17x28cm. Lux frame ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, “Τα χαρακτικα της Θεσσαλονικης...”, pp.67). Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 3039 ENGR VECHELIO Cesare, “Nobile Donzella”, 1590. An early uncoloured woodcut from “Degli Abiti Antichi e Moderni....” printed in Venice, depicting a noblewoman of Thessaloniki. Engr. dim.10x15cm. In lux frame (gilt) overall dim.25x32cm. Chipped edges and foxing on white frame, engraved area Very Fine. (ΠΑΤΙΕΡΙΔΗΣ & ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ, pp.70). Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 3040 ENGR VECHELIO Cesare, “Sposa Thessalonica”, 1590. An early uncoloured woodcut from “Degli Abiti Antichi e Moderni....” printed in Venice, depicting a married woman from Thessaloniki. Engr. dim.10x15cm. In lux frame (gilt), overall dim.25x32cm. Creased on edges, engraved area Very Fine. (ΠΑΤΙΕΡΙΔΗΣ & ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ, pp.69). Starting Price: 70 €

A. Karamitsos # 502

ENGR Lot. 3041 ENGR Lot. 3043 “DODONA. THESSALONICE. TEMPE”. Rare imaginary MASSACRE OF THESSALONIKI, prob. engraved by MERIAN Matthaus c.1660. Hand-coloured copper engr. copper engr. depicting Dodona, Thessaloniki & Vale of Tempe presenting the masacre of 7000 inhabitants of Thessaloniki from Gronovius J., “Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquitatum” 1699. A Bridge and a river is crossing Thessaloniki’s center. Engr. at Hippodromus by the Germanic soldiers under the dim.22x33cm. Three tears on left part and small waterstain orders of Theodosius at 390 AD. Engr. in full sheet (text on lower corner. Lux frame, ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & in german). Engr. dim.11x14cm, Sheet dim. 18x32cm. Very Σταμάτης, “Τα Χαρακτικά της Θεσσαλονίκης...” pp.34). Fine & ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.159). Starting Price: 200 € Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 3042 ENGR WAGNER J. Chr. “SALONICHIA. Iuden Messias”, from “Delineatio Provinciarum Pannoniae et Imperii Turcici in Oriente”, Augsburg, 1684. Wood engr. Composition of scenes from the rise and fall of Sabbatai Zevi, the rabi who claimed to be the Messiah of the Jews until he was forced to convert to Islam by the Ottoman Sultan. Engr. dim.23x13cm. Ready to hang. Very Fine & RARE. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.161). Starting Price: 180 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3044 ENGR Luyken J., “De keyzer Theodosius doet 7000 persoonen te Thessalonika ombrengen”, 1740 from “Tafereelen der eerste Christenen, bestaande in 92 konstprenten”. The “Massacre of Thessalonica” by the Gothic troops under the Roman Emperor Theodosius I in 390 against the inhabitants of Thessalonica, who had risen in revolt against the Germanic soldiers. Engr. dim.15x13cm. Wooden frame. Very Fine. Starting Price: 80 €


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Lot. 3045 ENGR POCOCKE Richard, “Arches, and a Plan of a Church at Thessalonica” from “A Description of the East...”, London, 1745. Rare views of “Las Incantadas” - Μαγεμένες, (the famous Corinthian colonnade at the Ancient Agora), the Arch of Galerius & a plan of Rotunda. Engr dim.18x37cm. Lux wooden/gilt frame. Very Fine. Rare. Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 3046 ENGR POCOCKE Richard, “Gezigt einer Zuilenrei te Salonichi” from Pococke’s book “A Description of the East...”, London 1745. A rare view of “LAS INCANDADAS” monument, with the statues not depicted. Engr. dim.20x20cm. Very Fine. Ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.85). Starting Price: 85 €

Lot. 3047 ENGR “Habit of a Thessalonian Bride in 1581”, Bride from Thessaloniki, beautiful coloured copper engr. Based on drawing by Jean-Jacques Boissard, from: T. Jefferys (ed.), “A collection of the dresses...”, London, 1757. Engr. dim.26x20cm. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης “Τα χαρακτικά της Θεσσαλονίκης..., pp.72). Very Fine. Lux frame ready to hang. Starting Price: 120 €


Lot. 3048 ENGR “Habit of a Lady of Macedonia in 1568”. Beautiful copper engr. Based on drawing by Jean-Jacques Boissard, from: T. Jefferys (ed.), “A collection of the dresses...”, London, 1757. Engr. dim.26x20cm. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.73). Fine. Lux frame ready to hang. Starting Price: 100 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3049 ENGR “Arc de Triomphe d’Auguste et de M. Antoine” COUSINERY E. M. “Voyage dans la Macedoine”, Paris 1831, designed by Cassas, lithogr. by Sorrieu. Rare view of the Golden Gate (Χρυσή Πύλη), the entrance to Thessaloniki from the West. Engr. dim. 21x17cm. Few brown spots. In nice frame, ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.98). Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 3051 ENGR “Temple des Cabires...” COUSINERY E. M. “Voyage dans la Macedoine”, Paris 1831, . Rare view of Rotunda (ΡΟΤΟΝΤΑ) - Thessaloniki. Engr. dim. 21x17cm. Brown spots. In nice frame nice frame, ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.102). Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 3050 ENGR “Arc de Triomphe de Constantin le grand” COUSINERY E. M. “Voyage dans la Macedoine”, Paris 1831, designed by Fauvel, lithogr. by Sorrieu. Rare view of the Arch of Galerius (ΚΑΜΑΡΑ) - Thessaloniki. Engr. dim. 21x17cm. Excellent condition. In nice frame, ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.101). Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 3052 ENGR “Ruins d’un Cirque a Salonique” COUSINERY E. M. “Voyage dans la Macedoine”, Paris 1831. Rare view of LAS INCANTADAS (ΜΑΓΕΜΕΝΕΣ) the legentary Caryatids of Thessaloniki at the entrance of the Roman Agora. Engr. dim. 21x17cm. Very Fine. In nice frame, ready to hang. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.99). Starting Price: 170 €

Lot. 3053 ENGR Three (3) lithographic prints of women from Thessaloniki & Macedonia from Firmin Didot A., “Costumes Anciens et Modernes”, Paris, 1860 (translations of VECELIO’s Cesare book of 1590). All framed in one lux (gilt) frame. Each engr. dim. 12x18cm. Overall dim.57x34cm. Very Fine. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.75). Starting Price: 100 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


strongly recomend to visit the online auction “ We for additional and more detailed lot. images at: www.karamitsos.com ”

Lot. 3054 ENGR TEXIER Ch. - PULLAN Popplewell R. “CARAVANSERAI THESSALONICA”, 1864. Chromolithography from the “Byzantine Architecture” printed in London. Architectural plans of the Byzantine Inn (Karavan Sarai) of Thessaloniki. Engr. dim.25x38cm. Wooden frame, overall dim.43x57cm. Very Fine. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.114). Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3055 ENGR TEXIER Charles, “S. E. View of the Church of the Holy Apostles, Thessalonica” 1864. Rare view of the Church of the Holy Apostles from the single ed. “Byzantine Architecture illustrated by a series...”, publ. London, Day and Son. Engr. dim.33x27cm. Few brown spots. Nice wooden frame. Starting Price: 90 €

WWI - Medals - Zeppelin

Lot. 3056 French commemorative linen handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * LE GENERAL SARRAIL * CARTE GEOGRAPHIQUE DE LA MACEDOINE POUR LES POILUS * MES PENSEES SONT A VOUS .... OH! MA CHERE FRANCE”. Panseys decoration. Black print on dull mauve canvas. Very Fine condition. Square, ca. 30 x 30 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Starting Price: 50 €


Lot. 3057 French commemorative cotton handkerchief “LAURIERS DE LA VICTOIRE * SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * YENI - DJAMI”. Laurels decoration. Black print on blue canvas. Very fine condition. Square, ca. 30 x 30 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3058 French commemorative silk handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * VILLAGEOIS”. Flowers decoration. Black print on yellow canvas. Very fine condition except for large stain on top. Square, ca. 32 x 32 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Starting Price: 30 €

A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3059 French commemorative cotton handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE * LES PENSEES DE LA PATRIE - LES LAURIERS DE LA VICTOIRE * LE GENERAL SARRAIL * LE SQUELETTE DU ZEPPELIN L Z 85 DE 170m. DE LONG, ABATTU PAR LES ALLIES DANS LA NUIT DU 4 AU 5 MAI 1916 ET EXPOSE PRES LA TOUR BLANCHE A SALONIQUE” (Same text in English, too). Black print on yellow canvas. Very Good condition (two small stains). Square, ca. 30 x 30 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3060 French commemorative silk handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * ΛΕΥΚΟΣ ΠΥΡΓΟΣ - TOUR BLANCHE”. Flowers decoration. Black print on salmon canvas. Very Fine condition. Square, ca. 30 x 30 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3063 French commemorative silk handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * FONTAINE HAMIDIE”. Art-nouveau flowers beatiful decoration. Dark blue print on white canvas. Very Fine condition. Square, ca. 30 x 30 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Scarce. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3064 French commemorative silk handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * EGLISE SAINT - SOPHIE”. Flowers decoration. Black print on whitish canvas. Fine condition. Square, ca. 32 x 32 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3061 French commemorative cotton handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * LE TAUBE CAPTIF A SALONIQUE LE 11 FEVRIER 1916 * LE POILU A SALONIQUE”. Panseys decoration. Black print on greenish grey canvas. Very fine condition. Square, ca. 30 x 30 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Scarce. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3062 French commemorative silk handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * EGLISE SAINT - SOPHIE”. Flowers & panseys hand-coloured decoration. Dark olive-green print on flesh canvas. Fine condition (stain at lower right). Square, ca. 32 x 32 cm.Framed, ready to hang. Scarce. Starting Price: 60 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3065 French commemorative silk handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * ΛΕΥΚΟΣ ΠΥΡΓΟΣ - TOUR BLANCHE”. Flowers decoration. Black print on light yellow canvas. Very Fine condition. Square, ca. 31 x 31 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Starting Price: 40 €


Lot. 3066 French commemorative cotton handkerchief “SOUVENIR DE SALONIQUE 1916 * LE GENERAL SARRAIL * LE SQUELETTE DU ZEPPELIN L.Z.85 DE 135 m. DE LONG , ABATTU PAR LES ALLIES DANS LA NUIT DU 4 AU 5 MAI 1916 ET EXPOSE PRES LA TOUR BLANCHE A SALONIQUE”. Panseys decoration. Black print on white canvas. Very Fine condition. Square, ca. 32 x 32 cm. Framed, ready to hang. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3068 VF An Unusual & Unique Letter Opener made from a piece of the Great War German Zeppelin L.Z.85, shot down over SALONIKA HARBOUR in Greece by the guns of the British Warship H.M.S. AGAMEMNON on 5th May 1916. Beautifully fashioned, it is marked on one side: “ZEPPLIN LZ 85 5 MAY 16 SALONIQUE”. Approx. 20cm. in length. Framed, together with a photo showing the Zeppelin wrecked in swamps at the Vardar (Axios) mouth. Ready to hang. Scarce & excellent. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3067 VF Identity tag of bombardier R.J. Hurrel, made from a piece of metal (aluminum) from the German Zeppelin L.Z.85 which was brought down by allied fire flying over Salonica harbour on May 5th, 1916. Bombardier R.J. Hurrel was killed in action on December 26th, 1918 and buried in the Mikra Military Cemetery, Kalamaria. Framed, together with a PPC (Ed. Rollet) showing the Zeppelin destructed in front of the White Tower. Ready to hang. Scarce & VF. Starting Price: 50 €


Lot. 3069 VF A rare example of a WWI souvenir (pendant) crafted from the wreckage of the German Zeppelin LZ-55 (tactical designation LZ-85) which, while flying over Salonica, was damaged by fire from the battleship HMS Agamemnon on 5 May 1916 and it came down in the nearby Vardar (Axios) marshes. 9cm. in length, marked “LZ 55 SALONICA”. Framed, together with a photo showing the reconstructed skeleton of the Zeppelin at the White Tower. Ready to hang. VF. Starting Price: 50 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3070 VF Two rare examples of a WWI souvenir (pendants) crafted from the wreckage of the German Zeppelin LZ-55 (tactical designation LZ-85) which, while flying over Salonica, was damaged by fire from the battleship HMS Agamemnon on 5 May 1916 and itcame down in the nearby Vardar (Axios) marshes. Both marked “LZ 55 SALONICA MAY 1916”. Framed, together with a PPC showing the remains of the Zeppelin exposed all around the White Tower. Ready to hang. VF. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 3071 VF A rare aluminum shield fashioned from a piece of wreckage of the German Zeppelin LZ55/85 mounted on a piece of dark brown/ black bakelite. A rather large piece of wreckage, 11.5cm. from top to bottom, and just over 7.5cm. wide - the aluminumsection being decorated in typical period punch embossing and die struck alpha numeric characters “ZEPPELIN LZ 53 SALONICA MAY 5TH 1916”. The reason the number on this piece is LZ53 instead of 55 or 85 is most likely a result of misidentification due to the fact that the Zeppelin had two numbers; LZ55 was the serial number and LZ85 was the registration number. Framed together with a photo (printed in a magazine) showing the reconstructed framework of the Zeppelin and unexploded bombs. Rare & VF. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3072 VF A most unusual and rare aluminum shield fashioned from a piece of wreckage of the Great War German Zeppelin LZ55/85 which shot down over SALONIKA HARBOUR in Greece by the guns of the British Warship H.M.S. AGAMEMNON on 5th May 1916. Recovered from the Vardar (Axios) Marshes it was partly reconstructed and put on display at the White Tower, Salonika, before being shipped back to England. The shield is mounted on a piece of dark brown wood. In the centre there is a photo (8x12cm.) showing the skeleton of the airship and the White Tower. An unusually large piece of wreckage, 24cm. from top to bottom, and almost 20cm. wide - the aluminium section being decorated in typical period punch embossing and die struck with alpha numeric characters “ZEPPELIN / SALONICA MAY 5TH / LZ 53 / 1916 DER TAG”. The reason the number on this piece is LZ53 instead of 55 or 85 is most likely a result of misidentification due to the fact that the Zeppelin had two numbers; LZ55 was the serial number and LZ85 was the registration number. A very rare, splendid collectable which retains a pleasing patina overall, with signs of burnt areas from crashing in flames, would make a great item for the discerning Zeppelin collector. Starting Price: 350 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3073 VF A souvenir pendant from the Salonika Front of WWI, engraved on the reverse of a Serbian coin of 5 dinars, with inscription: “TO MRS TAYLOR FROM R.S.M., J.B.SHIELDS / O.L.I. SALONICA”. A unique piece of war memorabilia retaining a pleasing patina, ideally framed for exhibition. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3074 VF A souvenir pendant from the Salonika Front of WWI, unofficial identity tag, engraved on the reverse of a Serbian 2 dinars coin of 1915, with inscription: “M.S.S. E.A. HUNT * SALONICA 1916-7 * M*/ 23153 * M.T.A.S.C.”. A unique piece of war memorabilia in excellent condition, ideally framed for exhibition. Starting Price: 50 €

strongly recomend to visit the online auction “ We for additional and more detailed lot. images at: www.karamitsos.com ”

Lot. 3075 VF An original WWI embroidered cloth and pale pink silk cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of a pigeon and flowers. It has a nice green fringe on all four sides and it measures 25x25 cm. A lovely original memento from this important part of WWI, framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 35 €


Lot. 3076 VF An original WWI embroidered cloth and pale pink silk cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of the White Tower and trees. It has a nice green fringe on all four sides and it measures 25x25 cm. A lovely original memento from this important part of WWI, framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3077 VF An original WWI embroidered cloth and deep blue silk cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of Royal Artillery cipher ‘Ubique’ and ‘Quo fas et gloria ducunt’ (the mottoes of the Royal Engineers and the Royal Artillery) topped by Eastern Orthodox style crown, with a gold metal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and measuring 25x25 cm, framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 40 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3078 VF An original WWI embroidered cloth and bright magenta silk cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of a laureate Rod of Asclepius cipher, topped by Eastern Orthodox style crown, with a gold metal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and measuring 25x25 cm, framed and ready to hang. Superb. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3081 VF An original WWI embroidered rose-lilac silk men’s square pocket handkertchief “Souvenir de Salonique 1917” between star and crescent, hand-crafted with all four sides bordered with handmade lace, made with crochet, measuring 22 x 21 cm., framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3079 VF An original WWI embroidered cloth and magenta silk cushion cover “Happy Christmas Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of the tughra (signature) of the Sultan Abdul Hamid II, with a gold medal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and measuring 25x26 cm, framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 3082 VF An original post-WWI embroidered white silk square pocket handkertchief “Souvenir de Salonique 1919”, hand-crafted with all four sides bordered with handmade lace, made with crochet, measuring 21 x 21 cm., framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 30 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3080 VG An original WWI embroidered yellow silk men’s square pocket handkertchief “Souvenir de Salonique 1917”, hand-crafted with all four sides bordered with handmade lace, made with crochet, measuring 21 x 23 cm., framed and ready to hang. Some minor stains and signs of wear. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3083 VF “Tramways de Salonique / 2eme Classe” four consecutive tramways tickets, mounted on thick cardboard together with a colour PPC “Souvenir de Salonique. Vue de l’ avenue des Campagnes pres du ‘Chateau mon Bonheur’” (ed. Matarasso), framed and ready to hang. Scarce & VF. Starting Price: 50 €


Medals & Decorations

Lot. 3085 VF Bronze Regimental Sports Medal from the Salonica Front, mounted and framed for exhibition. Diameter: 5cm. Pierced for suspension. Engraved by L.Cariat, shows on one side Atalanta & Hippomenes with the 3 golden apples of the Greek mythology and on the other side it is engraved: “SALONIKA CHAMPIONSHIP 1/2 MILE G. BEACH. U.A.S.A. 14 Juillet 1918”. G. Beach was most probably serving with allied forces in Salonika at the time and won this as part of an inter-service sports competition. The date is actually given in French – suggesting it was an “inter-ally” meeting. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3087 VF Medal of the Greek - Turkish War 1912-13 (Navy). Engraved by G. Iakovidis, with ribbon and three clasps (ΝΑΥΜΑΧΙΑ ΕΛΛΗΣ, ΧΙΟΣΛΕΣΒΟΣ, ΕΛΛΗΣΠΟΝΤΟΣ). Signs of rust. (Stratoudakis 109.02. D16+D17+D14). Very Fine plus. Starting Price: 130 €


Lot. 3086 VF TURKEY: Medal for the Ottoman-Greek War of 1897 - Yunan Muharebesi Madalyasi 1897. Circular silver medal, pierced for suspension, the face with tughra of Abdulhamid II encircled by a laurel wreath with a rose at the base; the reverse inscribed “Greek War, Day - Sunday, 23rd of Zildake (11th month of the Hejira calendar), 1314 - 1897”. Awarded to the soldiers who fought the Ottoman-Greek War. Without ribbon, framed for exhibition. Very Fine. Starting Price: 75 €

Lot. 3088 AXF Medal of MILITARY MERIT 1917 in bronze. Manufacturer: Huguenin. Inscription “ΕΛΛΑΣ 1916-1917”. With 4th class plain full ribbon. (Stratoudakis 112.4.02). Oxidized. Almost Extremely Fine. Starting Price: 28 €

Lot. 3084 Ottoman Signet Ring dated AH 1327 (1909) prob. for wax sealing or negative cachet. Origin probably Chios island. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3089 AXF INTERALLIED “Victory” Medal 1914-18 in bronze. Commemorative medal to those who took part in the military actions during the WW1. With original ribbon. Engraved by Henry Nocq. Oxidized. (Stratoudakis 114.01). Almost Extremely Fine. Starting Price: 30 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3090 VF Turkey, “Order of the Mejidie”, (1851 after the Crimean war period), 4th class. Seven pointed star in silver with gold central medalion & red enameled band with four plaques. Red crescent in enamel. Ottoman mint hallmark on reverse. Original ribbon in red with two green vertical stripes. Suspension ring repaired otherwise Extremely Fine. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3091 XF Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Cross with full ribbon in red. The cross opens on reverse. Extremely Fine. Starting Price: 35 €

Antiquarian Books Lot. 3092 B LAVARDIN, JACQUES DE, “The Historie of George Castriot, surnamed SCANDERBEG, King of Albanie”, Inprinted for William Ponsonby, 1596. Dim.18x27cm. p. [12] in front + 498 + [18] (index). 19th cent. calf, gilt, raised bands. Restoration on title page, foxing, edge-wear. A rare first english translation of Lavardin’s history of the Albanian hero, itself a French version of Barlezio’s Italian original. Starting Price: 1000 €

Lot. 3094 B GUILLATIERE (Georges Guillet de Saint-Georges), “An account of a late voyage to ATHENS, containing the estate both ancient and modern of that famous city, and of the present empire of the Turks: the life of the now Sultan Mahomet the IV. with the Ministry of the Grand Vizier, Coprogli Achmet Pacha. Also the most remarkable passages in the Turkish camp at the siege of CANDIA. And divers other particularities of the affairs of the port. By Monsieur de La Guillatiere, a French gentleman. Now Englished.”. London : printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for H. Herringman, at the Blew Anchor in the lower walk of the New Exchange, MDCLXXVI. [1676]. “IMPRIMATUR. Roger L’ESTRANGE”. Book label “Thomas Maitland Dundrennan”. 16mo, pp.422. FIRST EDITION (in English). Decorative calf, raised bands, gilt title & board edges. Rubbed, bumped upper corners, very fine copy. Starting Price: 1700 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3093 B “Introduzione alla storia della pratica delle medaglie di Carlo Pattino tradotta dal francese da Costantin Belli.” Editor:”Venetia, M.DC.LXXIII (1673). Presso Gio. Giacomo Hertz, 1673”. One volume in-12o, pp. [24], 168. Hardbound, late 19th/early 20th century full polished pigskin. Signs of wear on the spine. Interior fresh and in good condition. Allegorical frontispiece signed by Jacopo Ruffoni with the coat of arms of Michiel. Rare book. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 3097 B “Appendiculae duae novae ad numismata antiqua; a Cl. Vaillantio olim edita,...promotore R.P. ANTONIO GROPPER,... Vienna, Kaliwoda, 1744”. 88 pages + 2 copper engravings with sketches of coins, 10x16cm., hardbound. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 3099 B ΘΕΟΤΟΚΗΣ Νικηφόρος, “Κυριακοδρόμιον: Ήτοι Ερμηνεία και μετ’ αυτήν Ηθική Ομιλία εις τας Πράξεις των Αποστόλων...Tομος Β.”, Εν Μόσχα: Εν τω της Κοινότητος Τυπογραφείω., 1808. dim.22x25cm, pp.347-814+vi. Original leather binding with edge-wear.Few pages creased, otherwise very Fine. Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 3095 B Henri Wetstenium, Amsterdam. 1683. 12mo. 2 vols bound in 1: “CAROLI PATINI, Introductio ad HISTORIAM NUMISMATUM. Antehac Gallice bis edita; Nunc Latine versa, & novis accessionibus locupletata”. 2nd vol. “Suares, J. M. De nummissmatis & antiquis dissertatio.” Hardbound, late 19th/early 20th century full polished pigskin. Illustrated examples of early coins throughout. Ex libri on title. 252+52 pages. Very fine rare book, low starting price. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 3096 B Henri Wetstenium, Amsterdam. 1685. 12mo. 2 monographs bound in 1. Copper engraved frontispiece with the title “Maxima Numismata Rariora Selecta ex Bibliotheca Em. Card. Carpegnae” the first page of the second monograph is cut. 23 copper engraved illustrated examples of early coins. Hardbound, late 19th/early 20th century full polished pigskin. Ex libri on title. [20]+168+52 pages. 8x14cm. Very fine. Starting Price: 70 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3098 B ΣΕΡΑΦΕΙΜ ο Πισίδειος (μητροπολίτης Αγκύρας), “Σημαβή παχτζέ ττονανμασσή. Γιάνια, Σετζηλμίς μπηρ γερέ τζεμ ολμούς, γιαζηλμίς τουρ πάζι μετίν ολάν Αζιζλερίν Μάρτυρος λουκλαρι...”, Ενετίησιν τυπ. Γλυκύς, Νικόλαος (ο εξ Ιωαννίνων), 1783. In Karamanli (Καραμανλήδικα). 8vo, pp.ii+220 (missing title page and the final 4 pages 221224). Contemporary quarter leather, title “ECLOGION TURCO FLOS SS TURCO / VENEZIA PADOVA 1783”. Waterstain On first 38 pages, creases, brown spots, prob. cuts on the upper margins. RARE. Starting Price: 400 €

Lot. 3100 B “Rapporto del Cav. N. C. Manzaro, presidente della musica della societa Filarmonica di Corfu ec. ec. relativo al dono di alcune opere di Monsigny e Gretry fatto alla medesima del Chiarissimo di lei Socio Onorario J. Lardin di Parigi, Corfu, dalla tipografia Scheria 1851” in fol. of pag. 54. + tables. 23x31cm. Αισθητικοκριτική ανάλυση των κλασσικών μουσουργημάτων των Γάλλων Monsigny και Gretry, το μόνο μουσικοκριτικό κείμενο του συνθέτη. Starting Price: 450 €

Lot. 3101 B “ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ των επί των κυριοτέρων παραλλίων θέσεων όλης της Γης, ΦΑΡΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΥΡΣΩΝ και πολλών άλλων αντικειμένων και σημείων, προς χρήσιν των Ελλήνων ναυτών, υπό Μ.Π. ΜΑΝΖΑΒΙΝΟΥ... Κωνσταντινουπόλει, Τυπογραφία Ε. Καγιόλ, 1851” (Description of...LIGHTHOUSES AND BEACONS... for use by Greek sailors, by M.P. Manzavinos...Constantinople, 1851). 136 pages, 11x17cm., hardbound. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 50 €

Books - Greece - History Lot. 3102 B HOWE Samuel Gridley, “An historical sketch of the Greek Revolution”, White, Gallaher & White, New York 1828. dim.12.5x21cm, pp.xxxvi + 452. Folding map at front. Contemporary half leather. Faults on map & minor foxing, otherwise very fine. In 1824, shortly after Howe was certified to practice medicine, he became fired by enthusiasm for the Greek Revolution and the example of his idol Lord Byron and joined the Greek army as a surgeon. Howe’s bravery, enthusiasm, and ability as a commander, won him the title “the Lafayette of the Greek Revolution”. RARE. Starting Price: 370 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3103 B MULLER C.O., “THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE DORIC RACE, translated from the german by Henry Tufnell and G. Cornewall”, J. Murray, London 1830. 2 vols, 8vo. First edition (english translation). Original boards / calf spine. Rubbed edges, cracked hinge, foxing throughout. Starting Price: 120 € Lot. 3106 B ΔΩΡΟΘΕΟΣ (ΨευδοΔωρόθεος), μητροπολίτης Μονεμβασίας. “Βιβλίον ιστορικόν: Περιέχον εν συνόψει διαφόρους και εξόχους ιστορίας. Αρχόμενον από Κτήσεως Κόσμου, μέχρι της αλώσεως Κωνσταντινουπόλεως, και των ακολούθων Σουλτάνων”, missing title page and pages 1-6. pp.539. Original binding with major edge-wear, foxing throughout and some pages shaken. Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 3104 B “ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΕΩΣ ΤΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ / REGIERUNGS-BLATT DES KOENIGREICHS GRIECHENLAND / 1833” The Official Gazette, Nos. 1-42, 1833, bound in one volume, 334 pages incl. a 24pp. index at the end of the volume. Text in Greek & German. In No.21 (3/15-6-1833) p.157, the proposed designs for the flags of the new State of Greece are shown. 21x31cm., hardbound, binding of the time, with some faults on the spine. Starting Price: 500 €

Lot. 3105 B “ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΓΓΕΛΙΩΝ, Έτος 2, 1836” (Official Gazette of the announcements of the Greek State Services), Nos. 1-104, Year 2, 1836, printed in Athens at the Royal Printing House, hardbound in one volume, 416 pages. Ex libris “ΘΡΑΚΙΚΟΣ ΠΑΤΡΙΩΤΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ * ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ”. 20x26cm.Very fine. Starting Price: 300 € Lot. 3107 B “Γ.Β. ΚΑΖΑΣΟΓΛΟΥ, ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ ΥΜΝΟΣ, ΚΩΣΤΗ ΠΑΛΑΜΑ, ΜΙΚΤΗ ΧΟΡΩΔΙΑ, ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 1947” έντυπη παρτιτούρα με χειρόγραφη αφιέρωση του μουσουργού. G.B. KAZASOGLOU, Scores for the Olympic Anthem, written by Costis Palamas, 1947. Ex Libris of Hellenic Foundation National Socialist. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3108 B Andrea Mustoxidi: “DELLE COSE CORCIRESI, Volume Primo, Corfu, Nella Tipografia Del Governo, 1848”. Hardbound, first page repaired. 27x21cm. Ex Libris “ΑΚΑΔΗΜΙΟΣ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ ΤΗΣ ΙΟΝΙΟΥ”. Pages: 151, 161-336 (i.e. 161-338), 377-464, [641]-696, LXXII. (461). The book “Delle cose Corciresi” was printed in Corfu, at the Government Printing Office of the State of Ionian Islands in 1848. The author Andrea Mustoxidi (1785-1860) was an offspring of an old aristocratic family of Corfu, leading archaeologist of the time, very well educated, with academic writing and publishing experience, having already published his first book in 1804. However, the first edition was incomplete, problematic and mysterious. To begin with, the indication “VOLUME PRIMO” on the title page clearly states the author’s intention to publish (at least) a second volume. However, not only did he not issue a second volume, but the first is also full of gaps and other peculiarities. However, the book was already scarce and expensive in the early 20th century. Today, all accessible copies of the large libraries are in this same condition (A detailed report is attached to the book). Very Rare. Starting Price: 600 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3110 B Lot. 3111 B Lot. 3109 B COMSTOCK John, “History of the ABOUT Edmond, “Greece and “ΑΝΔΡΕΟΥ Ζ. ΜΑΜΟΥΚΑ, ΤΑ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΗΝ Greek Revolution: compiled from official the Greeks of the present day”, ΑΝΑΓΕΝΝΗΣΙΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ, ήτοι documents of the Greek Government; Thomas Constable, Edinburgh, συλλογή των περί την αναγεννωμένην Ελλάδα Sketches of the war in Greece”, Hartford, 1855. 12mo, pp.360. FIRST συνταχθέντων πολιτευμάτων, νόμων και άλλων 1853. 8vo, pp.527. Second Edition with EDITION (in english). Half επισήμων πράξεων από του 1821 μέχρι τέλους του appendix on Byron and events up to 1851. leather / marble boards, wear 1832. Εν Πειραιεί, Εκ της του Ηλία Χριστοφίδου Decorative hardcover. Rubbing, chipped on joint, interior excellent. τυπογραφίας Η Αγαθή Τύχη, 1839” (Andreas spine head. Starting Price: 40 € Z. Mamoukas, “The National Assemblies of Starting Price: 65 € the newly founded Greek State from 1821 through 1832, Piraeus, 1839). 10 volumes bound in 2 hardbound books. 13x20cm. Vol. 1-5: 16+127+162+152+147+148 pp. Vol. 6-10: 143+166+164+ 159+159 pp. Ex Libris Leonidas J. Chrysoveloni. Rare and very fine. Starting Price: 150 €

Lot. 3113 MAG “ΕΣΠΕΡΟΣ” complete 1882-1883 volume, pp.384. Period binding with faults, interior in fine condition (4 pages with small tears not toutching the text). Highly informative & illustrated (including maps). Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 3112 B “Tου εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΦΙΛΟΛΟΓΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΥ τα περισωθέντα, από 1865 Δεκεμβρίου μέχρι 1870 Μαίου, Τόμος Δ’, Εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει, τυπογρ. Ι.Α.Βρετού, 1871” & “Ο εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΛΟΓΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ, σύγγραμμα περιοδικόν, Τόμος Ε’, (1870-71), Εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει, τυπογραφείον Ι.Α.Βρετού, 1872” (Greek Philological Association of Cons/ple, 1871-72) bound in 1 vol.m, 264+242 pp. + 12 off-text litho. prints. 19x26cm. Starting Price: 150 €

Lot. 3115 B “ΜΙΛΤΩΝΟΣ Ο ΑΠΟΛΕΣΘΕΙΣ ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΣΟΣ, κατά μετάφρασιν εκ του αγγλικού υπό Παύλου Φρατσιάνου”, εκδ. Δ. Φέξης, ΑΘΗΝΑ 1896. dim.18x27cm. pp.314+6. Numerous full-page woodcuts by Gustave Dore. Original binding with edge-wear. Foxing throughout. Starting Price: 75 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3114 B “THE JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES, Plates 30-38 of Vol. IV, No.1, April, 1883, Published by the Council and sold on behalf of The Society for the promotion of Hellenic Studies, by Macmillan and Co., London” large size 29x38cm., hardbound. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3116 B ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΔΟΥ ΤΡΥΦΟΝΟΣ Ε., “ΟΙ ΒΙΟΙ ΤΩΝ ΑΓΙΩΝ ακκαθαρθέντες και συμπληρωθέντες δια πολλών ιστορικών, χρονολογικών και γεωγραφικών σημειώσεων...”, Γεωργίου Δ. ΦΕΞΗ, Αθήνα 1895. dim.16x23cm, pp.1088. Numerous full-page engravings. Original quarter leather, wear on spine & edge-wear, dampstains. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 3117 B CRETE related documents & newspapers: 1) ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΑ ΤΗΣ ΠΡΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗΝ ΣΧΕΔΙΟΥ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΥΜΑΤΟΣ ΔΕΚΑΕΞΑΜΕΛΟΥΣ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗΣ, Χανιά, 1901, σελ.54. 2) Οριστικός Απολογισμός των Εσόδων και Εξόδων της Πολιτείας της Χρήσεως 1899 3) Προυπολογισμός των Εσόδων και Εξόδων της Πολιτείας, δια τας χρήσεις 1901 και 1902 4) Προσωρινή Κατάστασις ... εσόδων 1900,...από 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 1900 έως 31 Μαρτίου 1901 5) Ίδιο με το προηγούμενο, ... από 1 Σεπτεμβρίου έως 30 Απριλίου 1901 6) Φύλλα της εφημερίδας ΕΜΠΡΟΣ των 29/1/1902 (x2), 31/1/1902, 1/2/1902, 2/2/1902 (x2) και 7) Φύλλο της εφημερίδας ΝΕΟΝ ΑΣΤΥ της 3/2/1902. Starting Price: 180 € Lot. 3118 B GRASSI (Alfio). “Charte Turque, ou Organisation religieuse, civile et militaire de l’EMPIRE OTTOMAN: suivie de quelques reflexions sur la guerre des Grecs contre les Turcs. Paris; Librairie Universelle de P. Mongie aine, 1825”. 2 Vols. 8vo hardbound, leather spine of the time, bindings worn on top and bottom. 1st vol. covers broken but not detached. Some stain spots scattered throughout, general impression very good, though. Some manuscript notes on the first pages “erased” with blanco. Frontispiece engraving, 439 (I) + 468 (II) pages. Ex libris Greek Royal Library (ΙΣΧΥΣ ΜΟΥ Η ΑΓΑΠΗ ΤΟΥ ΛΑΟΥ). Ex libris “ΘΡΑΚΙΚΟΣ ΠΑΤΡΙΩΤΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ * ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ”. First edition of this compendium of laws and institutions of the Ottoman Empire, written by the military commander of Syracuse, from several historical sources and facts found by the author himself. Very Rare and sought after.. Starting Price: 3000 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3119 B “(Centre Industriel du Bresil) LE BRESIL, Ses richesses naturelles, ses industries,..., Tome I, Introduction - Industrie extractive, Paris, Librairie Aillaud & Cie, 1909”, 416 gold gilded pages, incl. colour prints, hundreds of photos & 2 large folded maps. Leatherbound with gold dedication to the King of Greece on cover: “A Sa Majeste GEORGE Ier Roi des Hellenes, Hommage Respectueux de la Commission d’Expansion Economique des E.U. du Bresil”. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3121 Β “DELOS - Fascicule XIV - Ecole Francaise D’Athenes”, De Boccard, Paris, 1933. Folio, pp.48. Complete folio with plates of the mosaics from the “House of Masks” (Οικία των Προσωπείων) and 9 additional plates (3 double with linen spine). Hardcover with linen ribbons. Minor wear, overall very fine. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3120 B “ΔΕΛΦΙΚΕΣ ΕΟΡΤΕΣ / FETES DE DELPHES / DELPHIC FESTIVAL / FESTE DI DELFI / DELPHISCHE FESTSPIELE 1927” printed program (“ESTIA” Printing House) of the festival, with salutation of Angelos Sikelianos (in Greek, French, English, Italian & German) and 15 pages with iimages & illustrations of the site, the theater, the chorus, etc. 25x35cm. Wear at covers and edges. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3123 B “ΚΑΝΟΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΒΟΥΛΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ” (Regulations of the Greek Parliament), 5 different volumes, as follows: 1907 (82pp.), 1909 (90pp.), 1911 (148pp.), 1914 (159pp.) and 1917 (153pp.). Also, “ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ, 1911” (Constitution of Greek State, 1911). All approx. size 9x12cm. and all printed at the National Printing House in Athens. Very fine group. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3122 B “Ο ΠΟΙΜΗΝ Ο ΚΑΛΟΣ (Σειρά Μαθημάτων δια τα μέσα κατηχητικά σχολεία) / Βοήθημα δια τους διδάσκοντας”, Αθήνα, Εκδ. Αδελφότητος Θεολόγων η “ΖΩΗ”, 1933. pp.133, period binding. Wear on boards, interior VF. Starting Price: 35 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Books - Geography - Travelling

Lot. 3124 B TOURNEFORT Joseph Pitton De, “A Voyage into the Levant... containing the antient and modern state of the Islands of the Archipelago; as also of Constantinople, the Coasts of the Black Sea, Armenia, Georgia, the Frontiers of Persia, and Asia Minor...”, London: Printed for D. Browne et al., 1718. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. 4to (20x26cm), 2 Vols, pp.xlii, 402 + 398 (+18 index). Folding map by J. Senex and 152 engraved plates (many folding). Book label “John Mills”. Panelled calf, raised bands. Rubbing, edge-wear and foxing. This is one of the most important accounts of travel in the East, conducted by Tournefort, scientist and trustworthy observer that recorded what he saw with accuracy. “He travelled extensively in the Archipelago, visiting most of the islands in the Cyclades (Andros, Tinos, Delos, Santorini etc.) and many in the Northern Sporades (Samos, Mitylene, Skyros, Tenedos). He also spent a considerable period in Crete before going to Constantinople and Asia Minor, the coasts of the Black Sea and then overland through Armenia to Persia” (Blackmer). Weber 460, Contominas 744. Starting Price: 800 €

Lot. 3125 Β HOLLAND Henry, “Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c., during the Years 1812 and 1813”. FIRST EDITION, printed for Longman, Hurst et al., London 1815. 4to (22x28.5cm), pp. x, 551 (+ list of plates & errata). With 12 engraved plates after drawings by the author (Ioannina, Metsovo, Meteora, Larissa, Tempe, Suli, Argyrokastro, Tepeleni, Apollonia) and one map. Panelled calf, decorative raised gilt bands. Some light browning, cracked spine (front board). Holland served two months as a physician to Ali Pasha in 1812. Nice copy. [Blackmer 825; Weber 37, Contominas 333]. Starting Price: 700 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3126 B Pouqueville F.C.H.L. “Travels in Epirus, Albania, Macedonia, and Thessaly”, Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co., London, 1820. pp.iv+122, Dim.14x22cm. With four engraved plates, including “Ali Pacha Vizier of Janana”. Contemporary quarter cloth. Few brown spots. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3127 Β EMERSON James (Tennent), “Letters from the Aegean”. New York: J. & J. Harper, 1829. 8vo, pp.248 (+6 adv. - reviews of the Harper works listed). First Edition USA. Contemporary quarter leather. relief cachet “CONCORD N.H. HISTORICAL SOCIETY”. Emerson, who added the Tennent surname in 1831 was a great supporter of Greek independence. Here describes his travels through Greece and Turkey in “characteristic sketches of manners and scenery”. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3128 B COUSINERY, Esprit Marie (1747-1833). Voyage dans la Macedoine. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1831. First edition, 2 volumes in one, 4to (21 x 27cm.), pp.vii, 270 (+4 contents) + vi, 202 (+4 contents). Engraved folding map by Lapie and 23 engraved or lithographed plates, some folding. Quarter leather, decorative boards. Some spotting and browning, occasionally heavy, a bit rubbed on edges. Large tear on one folding plate, missing part of the bastard title of Vol. I. Cousinery had travelled widely in the Levant on various consular assignments, serving as consul of France in Thessaloniki for several years. In this account on Macedonia (at that time very little known to the Europeans) he summarizes all the geographic, ethnographic, historical, archaeological and numismatic knowledge acquired in his stay in the Levant. He focuses especially on Thessaloniki / Salonica, Edessa, Serres, Cavalla and Thasos, and some of the antiquities he collected on earlier voyages are also discussed. The lithographic views are after Fauvel. Many of the plates are considered very important and rare. [Blackmer 419; Droulia 1959-60] Starting Price: 3000 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3129 B HEUZEY Leon, “Le Mont Olympe et l’Acarnanie exploration de ces deux regions, avec l’etude de leurs antiquites, de leurs populations anciennes et modernes, de le ur geographie et de leur histoire”, Librairie Firmin Didot Freres, fils et cie,Paris 1860. AUTHOR INSCRIPTION, dedication with signature. 8vo, pp.494. With total 16 plates: 1 folding map, 10 plates (one double page) & 5 plans of archaeological sites (one double page). Contemporary half leather, restoration on title page, dampstains, overall condition Fine. A comprehensive work, that contributed to the discovery of archaeological sites and the ancient history of Acarnania. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3130 B FIELD Henry M., “The Greek Islands and Turkey after the War”, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1885. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp.228. Color frontispiece map. Green cloth binding, few pages loose. Henry Field travelled along the shores of Asia Minor in 188284, following the Russo-Turkish War of 1877. The voyage took him to Cyprus, Patmos, Rhodes, and on through the Greek islands, past Constantinople to the Black Sea. Starting Price: 80 €


Lot. 3131 B BENT, J. Theodore, “THE CYCLADES or Life among the insular Greeks”, LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO., 1885. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp.xx,501+6+12(adv). With folding map of Cyclades. Original cloth. Rich information on the Cyclades islands derived from Bent’s visit between 1883-1889. Archaeological finds made by Bent during his travels are in the British Museum. Edge-wear & spots on front board, interior overall Very Fine. Rare. Starting Price: 300 €

Lot. 3132 Β SANDYS John Edwin, “An Easter Vacation in Greece with lists of books on greek Travel and Topography and Time-Tables of the Greek Steamers and Railways”, MacMillan and Co, London 1887. 12mo, pp.xvi+175. Folded map of Greece and a plan of Olympia. Few loose pages. Extended account of Greece transportation networks. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 3135 B BAKER James, “Turkey in Europe”, Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris & New York, 1877. Second Edition. 8vo, pp.xv+560 (+8 “A selection from Cassell Petter & Galpin’s Volumes”). Two folded maps. Middle cracked, age tonning, edge-wear. Starting Price: 60 €

A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3133 B TOZER Henry Fanshawe, “The Islands of the Aegean”, Clarendon press, Oxford, 1890. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp.xii+362. Folding map of Aegean. Original blue cloth gilt. Accounts of three seperate journeys in the Aegean made in 1874, 1886 & 1889. Book label. Tears on map and minor edge-wear, otherwise very fine. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3134 B GARNETT J. M. Lucy, “GREECE OF THE HELLENES”, London 1914, Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd. 8ο, pp.246 (+pp.24 Pitman’s Catalogue). Numerous illustrations from photographs depicting views of places, monuments, personalities, everyday life. Hardcover in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3136 B HAMARD P. J., “Par dela l’Adriatique et les Balkans, Autriche meridionale, Serbie, Bulgarie, Turquie et Grece, par l’abbe Hamard”, Delhomme et Briguet, Paris/Lyon [1890]. 8vo, pp.402. With 29 engr. views of towns, churches, monuments & costumes. Period binding, quarter leather with raised bands, rubbing. Foxing throughout. Scarce. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3137 B MILLER William, “Travels and politics in the Near East”, T. Fisher Unwin, London 1898. 8vo, pp.515. Scarce book embodying Miller’s observations of four trips to the Balkan Peninsula in the years 1894, 1896, 1897, and 1898. Richly illustrated with engr. and b&w photographs. Hardcover. Rubbing & light foxing. Fine. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3140 B FRASER John Foster, “Pictures from the Balkans”, Cassell and Co, 1912. 12mo, pp.x+298. With 4 full page plates from photographs. Original red cloth, wear on front board and foxing throughout. Ex libris. Starting Price: 10 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3138 B BERARD Victor, “Pro Macedonia: l’action austro-russe.- Les bombes de Salonique.- Le memorandum bulgare.Une action anglo-francoitalienne.- Aux Hellenes”, Armand Colin, Paris, 1904. 12mo, pp.209. Half leather, raised bands, gilt title. Cracked hinje & spine. First and only edition. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3139 B GANDOLPHE Maurice, “LA CRISE MACEDONIENNE ENQUETE DANS LES VILAYETS INSURGES (SEPTEMBREDECEMBRE 1903)”, PERRIN ET Cie, Paris 1904. 12mo, pp.971. Quarter leather. Ex Libris. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 70 €


Lot. 3141 B MONROE Will Seymour, “Bulgaria and Her People: with an Account of the Balkan Wars, Macedonia, and the Macedonian Bulgars”, Boston: The Page Company, 1914. FIRST EDITION, 8o, pp.410. Folding map & 65 b&w photographs with views of Balkan War refugees, Vlachs and places such Sofia, Varna, Batak, Tirnovo. Handwriten DEDICATION BY THE AUTHOR. Ex Libris “Angelos Papaioannou”. Decorated cloth binding. Rubbing. Very Fine. SCARCE. Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 3144 B OLLIER Edmund, “Cassell’s Illustrated History of the Russo-Turkish War” c.1880. 2 Vols, dim.19x27cm, pp.576+583. Ricchly illustrated. v. 1. From the commencement of the war to the fall of Plevna, including an historical sketch of the Russian and Turkish Empires. v. 2. From December, l878, to the ratification of peace, including a history of Cyprus and of the Afghan War. Half leather, raised bands, gilt title, rubbing. Very Fine coppy. Starting Price: 110 €

Lot. 3142 B CVIJIC Jovan, “LA PENINSULE BALKANIQUE Geographie Humaine”, Armand Colin, Paris, (1918). 8vo, pp.528. An extensive human geography research of the Balkans with numerous sketches & maps (9 large size / folding). Ex libris “Angelos G. Papaioannou”. Contemporary hardcover. Rare. Starting Price: 150 € Lot. 3143 B WHITE Leigh, “The Long Balkan Night”, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1944. 8vo, pp.473. Blue cloth binding, edge-wear, pencil notes. The book is focusing on conditions among the Jewish population of the Balkans with the author leaving Belgrade after the Nazi invation. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3147 B JAMES Lionel, “With the Conquered Turk, the story of a latter-day adventurer”, Small, Maynard and Co, Boston, 1913. 8vo, pp.xxi+315. With 33 illustrations many from photographs and 2 maps. Original blue cloth slightly faded. Interesting account of the Balkan wars following the turkish army. Starting Price: 70 € Lot. 3145 B BIGHAM Clive, “With the Turkish Army in Thessaly”, London, Macmillan 1897. pp.127. With 12 plates & 9 folding maps. Views of Larissa, Elassona, Velestino and plans of the main battles. Original boards, edgewear. Book label “Royal United Service Institution”, ex libris “Angelos G. Papaioannou”. Very fine copy. Scarce. Starting Price: 90 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3146 B ROCHOLLS Theodor, “Theodor Rocholls Skizzenbuch vom griechisch-turkischen Kriegsschauplatz, Sommer 1897”, Leipzig, P. Reclam [1898]. Dim.31x21cm. RARE EDITION with 39 sketches from the Greco-Turkish War by the German military painter and war artist Rocholls Theodor. Original binding in Very Fine condition. 9 sheets creased vertically. Foxing. Rare. Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 3148 B “The World’s War cartoons (blood and iron) : THE BALKANS IN CARICATURE / edited by T.D. Hadjich”, London : C. Palmer and Hayward, 1916. FIRST EDITION. dim.27x18cm, pp.48. “Text in five languages, English, Francais, Italiano, Espanol, Deutsch”. A unique collection of the World’s War cartoons specifically relating to the Balkans. Fine copy. Scarce. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 3149 B [ARMENIAN MASSACRE] BRYCE, James. “The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire 191516. Documents presented to Viscount Grey of Fallodon, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs”, London, 1916. 8vo, pp.684 with a folding map. An incredible account of the genocide and forced migration of the Armenians instigated by the Ottoman government during the First World War. Contemporary quarter leather, wear on original boards, interior Very Fine. Rare Starting Price: 75 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3150 B KENCHINGTON Frank, “Dick Whittington. A Pantomime in three acts / A Souvenir of Salonika Christmas 1915”, PRIVATE EDITION, London 1916. 8vo, pp.48. Five (5) full page prints. Ex libris “Angelos G. Papaioannou”. The men of the 85th Field Ambulance staged a pantomime on the Struma Front in Macedonia in 1916, playing about fifty times to the fighting men.. Original hardcover, spine & boards edgewear. Interior Excellent. Starting Price: 75 €


Lot. 3151 B “ALADDIN in MACEDONIA, Aladdin. A Pantomime By the Members of the 85th Field Ambulance”, Andrew Melrose, London, 1917. dim.19x25cm, pp.112. 3 colour plates & 3 b&w sketches. The men of the 85th Field Ambulance staged a pantomime on the Struma Front in Macedonia in 1916, playing about fifty times to the fighting men of the 28th Division. Ex libris “Angelos G. Papaioannou”. Original boards, rubbing & edgewear. Interior Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3153 B FEYLER F. Colonel, “La Campagne de MACEDOINE 1916 et 1917: Illustre de Photographies par Fred BOISSONNAS”, Editions d’Art Boissonnas, Geneve, 1920. 4to, pp.118. Author’s handwriten dedication dated “1921”. 3 maps and 24 plates after the photographs of the famous Swiss photographer Fred Boissonnas. Views of Thessaloniki, Kilkis, Rupel, Florina, Monastir. Ex libris “Angelos Papaioannou”. Contemporary Quarter leather. Very Fine condition. Rare copy. Starting Price: 270 €

Lot. 3152 B FEYLER F. Colonel, “La Campagne de MACEDOINE 1917 - 1918: Illustre de Photographies par Fred BOISSONNAS”, Editions d’Art Boissonnas, Geneve, 1921. 4to, pp.122. Author’s handwriten dedication. 6 maps and 18 plates after the photographs of the famous Swiss photographer Fred Boissonnas. Views of the Macedonian front,Skra, Vardar, Doiran, Veles, Skopje, Kossovo. Ex libris “Angelos Papaioannou”. Quarter leather. Very Fine condition. Rare copy. Starting Price: 140 €


Lot. 3154 B FEYLER F. Colonel, “Les Campagnes de Serbie 1914 et 1915: Illustre de Photographies par Fred BOISSONNAS”, Editions d’Art Boissonnas / Librairie Jean Budry & Co, Geneve / Paris, 1926. 4to, pp.133. Author’s handwriten dedication dated “1926”. 4 maps and 16 plates after the photographs of the famous Swiss photographer Fred Boissonnas. Ex libris “Angelos G. Papaioannou”. Contemporary Quarter leather. Very Fine condition. Rare copy. Starting Price: 130 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Archive Photographs

Lot. 3155 RP “SPA” (the spa town in Belgium) old (1884) album with 11 albumen photos on thick carton paper, 14.5cm x 9.5cm each, printed by “G. ENGEL a SPA, Papeterie de Luxe, Cristaux de Boheme”. Hard covers ruined by moisture but photo pages intact. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3156 RP Luxurious photographic album c.1890, containing 31 real photographs from Constantinople (10), Budapest (2), Athens (3), Piraeus, Corfu (3), Rome (4), Salerno, Positano, Sorento, Capri, Napoli, Pompei, Tivoli. Eighteen (18) PHOTOCHROM photos (23x17cm) by PHOTOGLOB ZURICH (P.Z.), eight (8) b&w albumen photos by BONFILS (27x20cm) & five (5) handcoloured photos by ALINARI (25x19cm). Album (dim.39x26cm) with leather boards and impressive metallic - bronze decorative elements. Photographs in EXCELLENT condition. RARE. Starting Price: 1200 €

Lot. 3157 RP RHOMAIDES. c.1890. Photographic ALBUM entitled “Souvenir d’Athenes” with twelve (12) albumen (20x14cm) photos presenting views of Acropolis monuments. All photos attached on thick cartons with pre-printed “RHOMAIDES ATHENES” caption. Mostnumbered. Few brown spots. Starting Price: 400 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3158 RP Beginning of 20th century, worn leather bound album with thick carton pages with small photos (40x50mm to 55x80mm) nicely arranged from 2 to 9 pieces per page, some with handwritten captions in French, some with stain spots & one loose page. Included images from Salonica (22), Constantinople (189), Athens (60) and Eleusis (16). Very interesting and rare. Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 3159 RP “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ATHENES” Folder with red (worn) decorated cloth hard covers, with 12 sepia old real photos of Athens on carton paper, of which three make a wonderful panorama of town. Photos detached from original joined sequence. 14x9 cm. each. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 3161 RP “ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΗΝ 200 ΝΑΡΚΩΝ Β. ΝΑΥΤΙΚΟΥ ΤΥΠΟΥ ‘ΑΡΓΟΝΑΥΤΗΣ’ 1938”. Φωτογραφικό λεύκωμα 20 ασπρόμαυρων φωτογραφιών (τυπώματα αργύρου) διαστ. 22.5x17cm, απο την επίσκεψη του ΔΙΑΔΟΧΟΥ ΠΑΥΛΟΥ και του ΙΩΑΝΝΗ ΜΕΤΑΞΑ στις εγκαταστάσεις του εργοστασίου Ισ. Στυλιανού Κοντογιάννη. Στο εργοστάσιο αυτό (στην οδό Μεθώνης 34, Αγία Σοφία Πειραιώς) κατασκευάστηκαν για πρώτη φορά με επιτυχία στην Ελλάδα και για το διάστημα 1936-1939 Νάρκες Θαλάσσης που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν μετέπειτα στις επιχειρήσεις του Ελληνικού στρατού τον ‘Β Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Η συγκεκριμένη επίσκεψη καλύφθηκε κινηματογραφικά από τους αδελφούς ΓΑΖΙΑΔΗ και την «Νταγκ Φιλμς» (το παρόν άλπουμ και οι φωτογραφίες πιθανότατα να είναι και αυτά έργο τους). Starting Price: 250 €


Lot. 3160 RP 1947, Family album with approximately 200 photos of a wedding of a French couple and their honeymoon trip to Italy. 100+ photos are from the wedding and of personal nature (friends, etc.) and the rest from places, like Orvieto, Fiesole, Firenze, etc. VG. Starting Price: 60 €

A. Karamitsos # 502

recomend to visit the online “ We strongly auction for additional and more detailed lot. images at: www.karamitsos.com

Lot. 3162 ENGR Pierre-Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere. Reproduction of the earliest (1839) known daguerreotypes of Greece by the Canadian photographer P. G. Joly de Lotbiniere, publ. in “Excursions Daguerriennes: Vues et monuments...” 1842. Propyleae with part of the franciscan tower on left part of photo. Dim.21x15cm. Sheet dim.38x27cm. Brown spots on carton. Starting Price: 120 € Lot. 3163 ENGR Pierre-Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere. Reproduction of the earliest (1839) known daguerreotypes of Greece by the Canadian photographer P. G. Joly de Lotbiniere, publ. in “Excursions Daguerriennes: Vues et monuments...” 1842. Akropolis & Temple of Olympian Zeus. The ottoman mosque can be seen in Parthenon & three columns can be seen in the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Dim.19x14cm. Sheet dim.32x23cm. Starting Price: 160 €

Lot. 3164 RP MARGARITIS Philippos. Athens. 1850-1855. Two RARE very early photographs of Athens presenting a Panoramic view of the town from Acropolis hill (dim.31x18cm) & the Arch of Hadrian with Acropolis on the background (dim.23x27cm.). Mounted on carton. Very Fine condition. RARE. Starting Price: 550 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3167 RP Δ. ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ - D. Constantin. c.1865. Large albumen photo (dim. 27x37cm). Caption “Parthenon - W. Front.” in pen on mount. Early photo of the Parthenon. Title & signature “D. Costantin a Athenes” in negative. Overall dim. 58x47cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 3165 RP James ROBERTSON & Felice BEATO. 1855 or 1856. Temple of Athena Nike, two men (one with traditional costume evzonas) and a boy. VERY RARE photo from the period of the cooperation of the two famous early photographers between 1855 & 1856. Dim.26x30cm. Signature “Robertson & Beato” in negative. Attached on carton. Almost Excellent condition. Starting Price: 550 €

Lot. 3166 RP Δ. ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ - D. Constantin. c.1865. Large albumen photo (dim. 27x37cm). Caption “Tower of the Winds from the N. N.E.-N.-N.W.” in pen on mount. Early photo of the Tower of the Winds. Title & signature “D. Costantin a Athenes” in negative. Overall dim. 58x47cm. Few spots on carton otherwise Excellent condition. Starting Price: 200 €


Lot. 3168 RP Δ. ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ - D. Constantin. c.1865. Large albumen photo (dim. 27x37cm). Caption “Erecheum from the East” in pen on mount. Early photo of the Erechtheion. Title & signature “D. Costantin a Athenes” in negative. Overall dim. 58x47cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 3169 RP Δ. ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ - D. Constantin. c.1865. Large albumen photo (dim. 27x37cm). Caption “The Acropolis from the W.” in pen on mount. Panorama of Acropolis. The Frankish tower can be observed on the hill. Title & signature “D. Costantin a Athenes” in negative. Overall dim. 58x47cm. Wear on carton and few chipped spots on photo. Starting Price: 150 € A. Karamitsos # 502

-- The following two (2) photographs are taken by William J. Stillman. Stillman was an influential artist, journalist & photographer. His views of the Acropolis monuments are considered to be aesthetic and romantic observations, distinct from most photographers who captured Athenian monuments. The images of Acropolis were highly regarded and avidly collected already from the end of 19th century. Such photographs are rarely available for purchase, particularly uncommon as albumen prints and are presented in photographic archives of important libraries and museums around the world. --

Lot. 3171 RP STILLMAN William James, 1869. Rare albumen photo (24x19cm), the interior of Parthenon - Acropolis. Numbered “14” in negative. Attached on carton. In Excellent condition. The current photo also appears in the archives of MOMA Museum in New York. RARE. Starting Price: 350 €

Lot. 3170 RP MORAITIS Petros (Πέτρος ΜΩΡΑΙΤΗΣ), c.1860. Rare panorama of Acropolis & Temple of Olympian Zeus. Signed “P. Moraites 42” in pohoto, number “42” in negative”, title “athenes” by pen on mount. Dim.34x25cm. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 300 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3172 RP STILLMAN William James, 1869. Rare albumen photo (24x19cm), depicting Erechtheion & Caryatids of Acropolis. Numbered “23” in negative. Attached on carton. In Excellent condition. The current photo also appears in the archives of J. Paul Getty Museum. RARE. Starting Price: 400 €

Lot. 3173 RP Athens c.1870. Two early albumen photos prob. by FRITH Francis depicting Acropolis with the Frankish tower (21x16cm) & the Tower of Winds (14x21cm). Signs of title in negative on one photo. Starting Price: 75 €


Lot. 3174 RP Paul Baron Von des Granges, Piraeus c.1870. Albumen photo (36x16cm) of the port, signed in negative “des Granges ATHENES”. On mount with caption “Pireus Athens”. Two-decked English Royal Navy battleship, along with other smaller battleships & steam vessels. RARE Starting Price: 150 €

Lot. 3175 RP Rare view of Adrian Arch c.1875 (prob. Pascal SEBAH). Albumen photo (26x20cm) attched on carton. Creased one corner. RARE. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3176 RP BEER Alois c.1875. Two (2) albumen photos (21x26.5cm) depicting Phaliron coast & Tower of Winds in Athens. Photographer cachet on reverse. Handwriten caption in pencil. Slightly creased. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3177 RP Athens c.1875. Five (5) large (26x20cm) albumen photos of the city from various viewpoints with Acropolis on the background. Unknown photographer. Two photos numbered in negative. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 220 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3178 RP MANDRAKI - RHODES c.1880. Albumen photo (25x21cm) by the photographer RUBELLIN based in Smyrna. Early depiction of Mandraki with windmills. Handwriten caption in pencil & cachet of the photographer on reverse. Foxing. RARE. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3179 RP ATHANASIOU K. Albumen photo (26x21cm) view of Areopagus c.1880. From Athanasiou album “Vues et monuments d’Athenes”. Number “33” in negative. Attached on carton. Tears on carton, photo in VERY FINE condition. Ref. “ΑΘΗΝΑ 1839-1900 Φωτογραφικές μαρτυρίες” pp.121. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3180 RP Nafplio - Nauplia c.1880. Albumen photo (26x20cm). Panoramic view taken from the sea. Number “89” in negative. Attached on thick carton. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3181 RP Piraeus c.1880. Albumen photo (25x19cm) Panoramic view of the port with numerous steam & sailling boats. Photographer ATHANASIOU K. Number “73” in negative. Attached on thick carton. Carton with faults, photo in VERY FINE. condition. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3182 RP RHOMAIDES - BORRI. c.1880. Twelve (12) albumen photos of Athens (10) & Corfu (2) depicting Acropolis monuments & Corfu port. All Rhomaides photos numbered in negative, some with two numbers. Two with Rhomaides signature in negative (two different), many with the signature errased in negative (!). All attached on thick carton, gilt edges. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 250 €

strongly recomend to visit the online auction “ We for additional and more detailed lot. images at: www.karamitsos.com ” Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3184 RP BONFILS Felix. Rhodes c.1880. Large albumen photo (22x28cm), title in negative “1285. Rue des Chevaliers a Rhodes”. Signed in negative. Slightly creased mainly on corners. Starting Price: 50 €


Lot. 3183 RP Athens - Acropolis c.1880. Twelve (12) albumen (13x10cm) photographs attached on carton with printed titles in Greek & French. Some of the photos published in books: “ΑΘΗΝΑ 1839-1900 Φωτογραφικές Μαρτυρίες” Μουσείο Μπενάκη, & “The Acropolis of Athens 1839-1959” Yiakoumis H. Fine. Starting Price: 170 €

Lot. 3186 RP OLYMPIA, prob. RHOMAIDIS (Ρωμαϊδης). c.1890. Large panorama ancient Olympia with the Old MUSEUM building, consisted of three (3) attached (linen fabric) photos, dim.77x22cm. Photos numbered “I”,”II”,”III”. Pinholes on corners otherwise VERY FINE & RARE. Starting Price: 160 €

Lot. 3187 RP RHOMAIDES. c.1890. Six (6) large photos impressive dim. 50x38cm! each depicting Theatre of Dionysus, Theatre Herodes Atticus, Lysicrates monument, Propyleae, Prisons of Socrates & Temple of Apollo at Corinth. All numbered & one signed in negative, some eith prnted caption on reverse. One with major faults, the rest lightly creased & with small tears along edges. Starting Price: 210 €


Lot. 3185 RP Temple of Jupiter, Athens c.1890. Coloured with the PHOTOCHROM technique by P.Z. (Photoglob Zurich). Title: “17295, P.Z. - ATHENES. TEMPLE DU JUPITER OLYMPIEN”. Dim.23x17cm. Slightly creased corners. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3189 RP Woman in traditional costume late 19th cent. Beautiful sepia photograph (22x29cm). Slightly creased corners. Starting Price: 30 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3188 RP Ancient Greek antiquities c.1900. Seven (7) b&w photos (22x29cm) depicting mainly statue busts, numbered in negative. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3190 RP BOHRINGER Athen. Photogravure of Theatre of Herodes Atticus (22x16cm). Relief cachet of photographer. Fine. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3191 RP “M. LIONDAS, SALONIQUE” large photo of students and professors in the yard of a school, on nicely decorated passe-partout. Photo size: 25 x 19.5 cm. Rare & VF. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3193 RP ALINARI Fratelli ed. c.1900. Five (5) albumen photos (19x25cm) including Panaghia Kapnikarea, Adrian Arch, Erechtheion & Dipylon cemetery - Athens. Creased corners, few with tears & brown spots. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3192 RP SMYRNE - IZMIR. c.1900. Panorama b&w photograph dim.89x18cm!! comprised by four albumen photos attached and mounted on thick carton, middle folded. In Very Fine condition. Ready to hang. Starting Price: 300 € Lot. 3194 RP SYROS 1895. Two (2) sepia photos (20x9cm each) depicting Syros port from the sea. Various steam & sailling boats in port. Both attached on thick cartons. Starting Price: 70 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3195 RP (Adrien’s Arc, Athens) sepia albumen photo 11cm x 8.5cm, on carton paper (c.1890-1900).VF. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3196 RP “Mens Sana in Corpore Sano” impressive cabinet photograph of Young Turk Athletes exercising in acrobatics. 10cm x 17cm on thick carton paper. Very Rare. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3197 RP BOISSONNAS Fred. c.1908. Parthenon from Philopappou hill, b&w photo (22x16cm) attached on carton with photographer relief cachet “Boissonnas GENEVE”. Very Fine. Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 3198 RP 1920’s b/w photo “GRAND EPICERIE NATIONALE / N. PECHLIVANOS & FILS, Maison Fondee en 1907” Greek owned Provision Store in Egypt. Impressive photo taken by “PHOTO SAVOY, Kasr-El-Nil, Cairo”. Size: 23.5 x 17.5 cm. on thick passe-partous carton paper (small part of the lower right corner missing). Rare & VF photo. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 3200 RP “Weaving Smyrna rugs” nice outdoor photo on thick Lot. 3201 RP carton, ca.1900, probably “Fete day, Athens, 1900” (Dance in Megara) very by the photo-studio of nice outdoor photo on thick carton. Embossed MERLIN in Athens. Photo on photo “COLLECTION MERLIN, size: 10.5cm x 13.7cm. VF. ATHENES”. Photo size: 13.5cm x 10cm. VF. Starting Price: 30 € Starting Price: 30 €


Lot. 3199 RP “Orange Market” (Vendors with donkey) very nice outdoor photo on thick carton, ca.1900, probably by the photo-studio of MERLIN in Athens. Photo size: 14cm x 11cm. VF. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3202 RP “Μαθητικά Συσσίτια” 1917. Ασπρόμαυρη φωτογραφία με σφραγίδα “ΠΑΤΡΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΠΕΡΙΘΑΛΨΕΩΣ 1917 / ΤΜΗΜΑ ΥΓΙΕΙΝΗΣ”. Διαστ. 17x13cm. Starting Price: 20 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3203 RP “Wreckage of a train that was blown up in Usak by the Greek army (16-8-1920)”, b/w real photo from the Greek expedition in Asia Minor, 14 x 9 cm. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3205 RP MILIONIS Antonios (ΜΗΛΙΩΝΗΣ Αντώνιος). ALEXANDRIA c.1920. Greek officials and members of the Alexandria Patriarchate participating in public event. Photographer’s relief cachet on face, and cachet on reverse. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 3204 RP MACEDONIA - THRACE c.1920. Eight (8) b&w real photos depicting family traveling on donkeys-mules, Gipsy with monkey, water buffalos & cariages carying tobacco. Dim.~11x8cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3206 RP “Prince (later King) Paul Christian of Greece” (1926) archive photo taken on the occasion of his visit to USA. Size: ca. 10cm x 18cm. Rare. Starting Price: 20 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3207 RP B/w real photo, 12cm x 18cm, showing the politician Alexandros Papanastasiou. VF. Starting Price: 15 €


-- The following sixteen (16) lots present 25 aquarelles of traditional costumes based on the photographs of Emily Lester. Emile Lester worked as a photographer in Athens from the beginning of the 20th century. Lyceum Club of Greek Women (ΛΥΚΕΙΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΔΩΝ) possesses 30 photos, unsigned and without negatives. c.1925. Dim.13.5x22.5cm. On mount. --

Lot. 3208 Eleven (11) aquarelles presenting traditional costumes from Greece. Starting Price: 300 €

Lot. 3209 MACEDONIA Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3214 SΑMOS Starting Price: 40 €


Lot. 3210 KEA Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3215 SOULI Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3211 KASTELLORIZO Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3216 ASIA MINOR Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3212 ATTICA Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3217 TRIKERI Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3213 CORFU Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3218 THESSALY Starting Price: 40 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3219 MANI Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3220 RHODES Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3225 RP “Φωτογραφείον ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ - ΑΜΑΡΟΥΣΙΟΝ”: “ΕΣΤΙΑΤΟΡΙΟΝ ΤΟ ΝΕΟΝ, ΙΩΑΝ. ΣΟΥΡΠΗ” (at Kastalias Sq. in Maroussi) b/w photograph 17x12cm. attached on thick carton. VF. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3227 RP NELLY’S. Woman in traditional costume from Nemea, signed in pencil “Νεμέας / Νέλλης Αθήναι” on mount. Photographer’s cachet in French & “copyright by Nelly’s”. Dim. of photo: 17x23cm. Starting Price: 50 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3221 CYPRUS Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3222 CYPRUS Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3223 EPIRUS Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3226 RP Thessaloniki c.1930. Rare view of the city centre & east walls from the sea. Dim.18x13cm. Faults on lower left corner. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3228 RP “Photo NELLY’S Athens, Ahenes- Le temple de Jupiter et le Stade vues de l’Acropole” large 38x29cm panoramic view of Athens. “Atellier Artistique Nelly’s” & “Copyright by Nelly’s” cachets on reverse. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 220 €


Lot. 3224 RP GENTHE ARNLOLD. 1930. Twelve (12) original silver print, b&w photographs of Rhodes, dim~34x25cm each, with Genthe’s signature & title in pencil, on the mount. Handwritten pencil title also on reverse along with glued label “From ARNOLD GENTE 41 EAST 49th STREET NEW YORK”. All titles in Italian. Eight (8) photos in Very Fine condition with only some faults on carton passe-partout (not affecting the photographs). Four (4) photos with GENTHE ARNLOLD. 1930. Twelve (12) original silver print, b&w photographs of Rhodes, dim~34x25cm each, with Genthe’s signature & title in pencil, on the mount. Handwritten pencil title also on reverse along with glued label “From ARNOLD GENTHE 41 EAST 49th STREET NEW YORK”. All titles in Italian. Eight (8) photos in Very Fine condition with only some faults on carton passιpartout (not affecting the photographs). Four (4) photos with water-stain affecting appr. 33x5cm of the upper part or the left side of the photos. Arnold Genthe (1869-1942) was an internationally recognized American photographer born in Germany. Genthe made a name for himself as both a pictorialist and a portrait photographer, working from the turn of the twentieth century into the 1930s. Amold Genthe achieved a depth and breadth that few artists of the 20th century can claim. Genthe mastered portraiture, landscape, and architectural photography in a uniquely pictorialist style. He traveled extensively during his lifetime, photographing. The current twelve (12) photos are coming from his 1930 travel to Greece, where among other places he also visited Rhodes Island. The presented photographs are not just compelling works of art, they serve as historic documents. Amold Genthe’s photographs are found in many important collections throughout the world. Starting Price: 3000 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3229 RP 1937, a b/w photograph, 12x18 cm., showing the President of the Greek Government Ioannis Metaxas on board the steamship from Thessaloniki to Piraeus, together with Pindaros, Leon Melas, Leonidas Gavros, Eugenios Phokas and Vassilios Papadakis. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3231 RP “Speech of the President of the Greek Government Ioannis Metaxas, on 26th October 1936” a b/w photograph, 18x24 cm., with handwritten dedication & signature of J. Metaxas. Press photo “Photo Reportage Megalokonomou”, Athens. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3230 RP Two (2) b/w photographs, 18x24 cm., showing the President of the Greek Government Ioannis Metaxas with officials at ceremonies. Press photo reporter “Photo - Film Kourbetis”, Athens. VF. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3234 RP Ο ΙΕΡΟΣ ΛΟΧΟΣ στη Β. Αφρική, 1943. Greek “SACRED BRIGADE” in N. Africa. Eleven (11) b&w photographs depicting views of the Greek Special Forces who fought alongside the British SAS in the Libyan desert and the Free French Forces in Tunisia. Description in greek and english on reverse & round “GENERAL HELLENIC PRESS DIRECTORATE ME” cachet. Five (5) dim.18x21cm, two (2) dim.~18x14cm & four (4) dim.~14x8cm. Overall Fine condition. Starting Price: 170 €

Lot. 3232 RP Παραχώρηση δικαιωμάτων αναπαραγωγής φωτογραφιών σε DELTA ed. 11 φωτογραφίες από τους γνωστούς φωτογράφους Γεώργιο ΜΠΟΥΚΑ (10) & Νίκο ΖΩΓΡΑΦΟ (1). Στο πίσω μέρος οι φωτογραφοι παραχωρούν τα δικαιώματα αναπαραγωγής των φωτογραφιών στον Εμμανουήλ ΔΙΑΚΑΚΗ (DELTA editions) για την παραγωγή καρτ-ποσταλ διατάσεων. Τα κείμενα είναι υπογεγραμμένα από τους φωτογράφους, ενώ σφραγίδες των φωτογράφων και ημερομηνίες πλαισιώνουν το κείμενο. Στις φωτογραφίες απεικονίζονται μέλη της βασιλικής οικογένειας: Παύλος, Αλέξανδρος, Γεώργιος Β, Κων/νος Α, Αλέξανδρος, Σοφία & Φρειδερίκη. Επίσης απεικονίζονται ο Ιωάννης Μεταξάς και ο Μητροπολίτης Σμύρνης Χρυσόστομος (με υπογραφή του Ν. Ζωγράφου). Μέγεθος από 10x13cm μέχρι 18x24cm. Starting Price: 250 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3233 RP “Manovre di sbarco a Calitea / Rodi, li 27 Maggio 1941-XIX” two b/w real photographs, 13cm x 18cm, from the Italian manouvres in Rhodes. VF & Scarce. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3236 RP Royalty, two photos (13x18cm.) showing King Paul of Greece at public events. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3235 RP Royalty, “King Paul & Queen Frederika of Greece with people” real photo, 14 cm x 9 cm. Starting Price: 6 €

Lot. 3238 RP Royalty, “King Paul & Queen Frederika of Greece at a reception in Athens” photo on carton. Photo size: 13 cm x 18 cm. Starting Price: 10 €


Lot. 3239 RP Royalty, “King Paul & Queen Frederika of Greece at a reception in Athens” photo on carton. Photo size: 18 cm x 11.5 cm. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 3237 RP Royalty, two photos (10x15cm. & 13x18cm.) showing princess Sofia of Greece (later, Queen of Spain) at public events in Greece. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 3240 RP Royalty, “Crown Prince (later King) Constantine of Greece, with his 3 silver cups, won at a military show-jumping competition held at the Athens racing stadium” press photo taken on 18.10.1962, copyright KEYSTONE PRESS Agency inc., New York. Photo size: 21 x 25 cm. Starting Price: 15 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3241 RP Kalathos AIRPORT Rhodes, c.1960?. Two (2) aerial real b&w photographs (21x21cm) on single sheet. FINE. Rare. Starting Price: 85 €

Lot. 3242 RP Rhodes AIRPORT c.1960?. Two (2) aerial real b&w photographs (21x21cm) on single sheet with information (in Greek) about the airport. Slightly creased. Rare. Starting Price: 85 €

Lot. 3243 RP ROYALTY Dodecanese 1965. King Paul ‘A & Queen Frederica. Photographic album with 235 b&w photographs (~6x6cm each) on twelve (12) carton sheets. Photos by “Αφοι Μεγαλοκονομου - Αθήνα”. Fine. Starting Price: 80 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Cabinet - CDV Lot. 3244 Lot. 3245 Lot. 3246 Lot. 3247 Lot. 3248 Lot. 3249 Lot. 3250 Lot. 3251 Lot. 3252 Lot. 3253 Lot. 3254 Lot. 3255 Lot. 3256 Lot. 3257 Lot. 3258 Lot. 3259 Lot. 3260 Lot. 3261 Lot. 3262


MORAITES P. CDV albumen photo (9x6cm) c.1870 depicting Acropolis with frankish tower. RARE. "King OTTO & Queen AMALIA of Greece", early (ca.1862) CDV albumen portrait photo, probably taken by the photographer P. Moraites. Photo size: 5.7cm x 9.5cm. VF & Rare. "George I, King of Greece", early (ca.1870) CDV albumen portrait photo, probably taken by the photographer P. Moraites. Photo size: 5cm x 8.5cm. VF & Rare. "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α' ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ / ΟΛΓΑ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ", early (ca.1870) CDV albumen portrait photo, probably taken by the photographer P. Moraites. Photo size: 5.5cm x 8.5cm. VF & Rare. "G. KOLOMBOS Photographe, ATHENES" early (before 1865) CDV albumen photo, a portrait of Admiral Antonios Kriezis (who died in 1965), former Prime Minister of Greece, with photographer's sign on back. Photo size: 5.5cm x 8.5cm. Rare. "G. KOLOMBOS Photographe, ATHENES" early (before 1865) CDV albumen photo of the portrait of John Capodistrias (who died in 1931), Governor of Greece, painted by Dionysios Tsokos, with photographer's sign on back. Photo size: 5.5cm x 8.5cm. "P. MORAITES / Photographe de S.M. le Roi, ATHENES" early (before 1874) CDV albumen photo, portrait of "Jean PAPARIGOPOULO, Conseile d' Etat de Russie", with photographer's sign on back of carton. Photo size: 5.5cm x 9.5cm. VF. "Queen OLGA of Greece (in her youth)", early (ca.1860) CDV albumen portrait photo, probably taken by the photographer P. Moraites. Photo size: 5.5cm x 8.5cm. Rare. "Π. ΜΩΡΑΙΤΗΣ / ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΟΣ / ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ" early CDV albumen photo, portrait of a "Α. Οικονόμου, 1863". Photo size: 5.5cm x 9cm. "P. MORAITES & Co. / Photographe de la Famille Royale, ATHENES" early CDV albumen photo, portrait of a man, with photographer's sign on back of carton. Photo size: 6cm x 9.5cm. "DISDERI, PHOTO (Paris)" early CDV albumen photo, portrait of a "Georgios Galatis, 1868". Photo size: 5.5cm x 9cm. VF. "B. Kargopoulo, Phot. (Pera / Constantinople)" albumen CDV photo, portrait of a man, 5.5cm x 9cm, on thick carton paper with photographer's sign on back. Two pinholes (on carton only). "B. KARGOPOULO (Constantinople)" CDV photo, portrait of a man, 6cm x 9.5cm, on thick carton paper with nice photographer's sign on back. "B(asile) KARGOPOULO - Constantinople (Succursale a Andrinople)" albumen CDV photo, portrait of a lady, 5.5cm x 9cm, on thick carton paper with nice photographer's sign on back. Two pinholes (on carton only). "N. ANDRIOMENOS - Constantinople, Grand Rue du Pera" albumen CDV photo, portrait of a young man, 6.5cm x 9.5cm, on thick carton paper with nice photographer's sign on back. "Atelier N. ANDRIOMENOS (Constantinople)" albumen CDV photo, portrait of a young Turk, 6cm x 9cm, on thick carton paper with nice photographer's sign on back. (Probably) "P. MORAITES, Photographer" early exceptionally handcoloured albumen cabinet photo, portrait of a sitting woman in traditional costume, ca. 1860. Attached on thick carton. Photo size: 10cm x 14.5cm. Very fine condition & rare. (Probably) "P. MORAITES, Photographer" early exceptionally handcoloured albumen cabinet photo, portrait of a standing woman in traditional costume, ca. 1860. Attached on thick carton. Photo size: 10cm x 14.5cm. Very fine condition & rare. Royalty KING GEORGE I of Greece, c.1870. Cabinet photo by ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ). Albumen photo on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870's in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field.


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A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3263

Lot. 3264

Lot. 3265

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Lot. 3267 Lot. 3268 Lot. 3269 Lot. 3270 Lot. 3271 Lot. 3272 Lot. 3273 Lot. 3274 Lot. 3275

Royalty QUEEN OLGA of Greece, c.1870. Cabinet photo by ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ). Albumen photo on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870's in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, man in traditional Aegean costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870's in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, man in traditional military costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870's in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, man in traditional military costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870's in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. "PARNASSE, (Photographe) CONSTANTINOPLE" cabinet photo, portrait of an aged man, 10cm x 14cm, on passe-partout with nice photographic studio sign on verso. VF. Prince Andrew of Greece c.1895. Cabinet photo by the photographers "Kantas Soeurs Athenes". Fine condition. "Α. ΓΑΖΙΑΔΗΣ, Πειραιεύς" albumen cabinet photo, portrait of a standing man in uniform, ca. 1870. Attached on thick carton with photographer's sign on reverse. Photo size: 10.5cm x 14.5cm. Very fine condition & rare. "Solon Vathis, Paris" cabinet photo, portrait of a young woman, ca. 1890. Attached on thick carton with photographer's name. Photo size: 10cm x 14.5cm. Very fine. Ναύτης του Ελληνικού Θωρηκτού "ΨΑΡΑ" c.1900. Φωτογραφία cabinet (16x10cm) "CABINET PORTRAIT". "Souvenir d' Amitie, Fevrier 1895, Athenes, Grece" albumen cabinet photo of two men, by the photographers "Kantas Soeurs, Athenes". Attached on thick carton with photographers' sign on reverse. Photo size: 10.5cm x 15cm. Very fine. "'ΑΣΤΡΑΠΗ' - Φωτογραφείον της Αυλής της Α.Μ. Του Βασιλέως, ΜΙΧΑΗΛ ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, εν Πειραιεί", cabinet photo, portrait of a family, 10cm x 14cm, on passe-partout with nice sign of the photographic studio on verso. "Caracalos & Cie, Rue des Roses, SMYRNE", cabinet photo, portrait of a young woman, 7.5cm x 14.5cm, on passe-partout with the photographer's name printed on front. Scarce. "Ateliers Apollon, Constantinople" photo of a woman with a hat, 5.5cm x 10.5cm, on thick carton passe-partout.

Lot. 3244

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Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

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Lot. 3276 M BORDONE B. “Nio - Cardiaci”, “Amurgo” & “Pario Antipario” 1528-1560, three woodcut maps on one sheet from “Libro de tutte l’Isole del Mundo”. Maps dim. 14x8.5cm. Handwriten period notes on margins, strong impression. Excellent condition. Zach.501,502,503 Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 3277 M BORDONE B. “Rhodo” & “Simie” 1528-1560, two woodcut maps on one sheet from “Libro de tutte l’Isole del Mundo”. Maps dim. 14x8.5cm. Handwriten period notes on margins, strong-dark impression. Excellent condition. Zach.517,519 Starting Price: 160 €

Lot. 3278 M ORTELIUS Abraham. “ΘΡΑΚΗ Thraciae Veteris Typus”, c.1590. Double-page copper engraved historical map, hand-coloured, showing northeastern Greece (incl. Mount Athos), southern Bulgaria, and northwest Turkey. Three decorative cartouches. Dampstain on lower margin not crossing neatline & small scratched spot on title. Map dim.48x36cm. In nice wooden frame. Overall dim.72x60cm. Zach.2505. Starting Price: 180 €


Lot. 3279 M “ARCIPELAGO” copper engraved map by Porcacchi da Castilione on a complete page “DESCRITTIONE DELL’ARCIPELAGO” (p.74) from book “L’Isole piu famose del mondo” published in 1605 at Padova. Size: 15x11cm (map), 19x27cm (sheet), VF condition with stain on sheet’s left part. Ref. Zacharakis 2727/1779. Starting Price: 80 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3281 M 1630 early copper engraved map of Greece titled “GRAECIA” from Mercator-Hondius “Atlas Minor” atlas French ed. Very detailed depiction of towns and villages. Dim. 18x14cm. Stain spots. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 3280 M MERCATOR G. “Macedonia Epirus et Achaia” hand coloured copper plate map from “Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes” French ed. 1607-1633. Map of central and north Greece. Size: 43x36cm. Very Fine condition. Zacharakis: 2207. Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 3282 M “CEFALONIA” copper engraved coloured miniature map by Bertius P., in “Tabularum geographicarum contractarum...” 1650 ed. by Janssonius 1650 (Latin). Dim. 13x9,5cm, in Very Fine condition. Ref. Zacharakis 371/236. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3283 M “ACHAIAE Noua & accurata DESCRIPTIO. Autore I.Laurenbergio” by J. Laurenberg, after 1650 copper engraved map with German text on verso. German edition (not included in Zacharakis) probably by Janssonius “Atlantis majoris” Amsterdam c. 1660.Handcoloured, with two beautiful cartouches. Map Dim: 57x39.5cm, in Very Fine condition with slight browning spots. Zacharakis 1910/1281 Starting Price: 260 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3284 M “Is. d’AMORGO et de ZINARA”. Full colour copper plate by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description de l’Univers”. Attractive prospect of the islands of Amorgos, Kinaros & Levitha. Engr. dim 15x11c. Fine. Zach. 2134 Starting Price: 40 €


Lot. 3285 M “Is de PELAGNISI DROMI”. Full colour copper plate by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description de l’Univers”. Attractive prospect of SPORADES. The coast of Thessaly shown to the upper edge of image. Map dim. 14x11cm. Very Fine. Zach.2143. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3288 M CORONELLI V. M. “Fort di LEMNO” 17th cent. Copper engr. map of LEMNOS (Aegean) island fortifications, in page with text. Engr. of OTTOMAN cachets of Lemnos on reverse. Map. dim. 17x13cm. Sheet dim. 33x46.5cm. Small tear on left white margin, one brown spot in text. Map & engr. in Very Fine condition. Not in Zacharakis. Starting Price: 60 €


Lot. 3286 M “Turquie en Asie” Full colour copper plate by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description de l’Univers”. Map showing the extent of the Turkish Empire in Asia. Map dim.11x14cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3289 M CORONELLI V. M. “Le Sdile o’ DELO” 1690-1696, copper engr. map of Delos & Rineia islands from “Atlante Veneto-Isolario”. In page with text & text on verso. Map dim. 16x13cm. Sheet dim. 33x46.5cm. Minor faults on sheet white margins, map in Very Fine condition. Zach.1124 Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3287 M CORONELLI V. M. “Citta di RODI” 17th cent. Copper engr. map of the town of Rhodes (Aegean) & fortifications, in page with text. Map. dim. 17x13cm. Sheet dim. 33x46.5cm. Very Fine condition. Not in Zacharakis Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3291 M “RHODUS” copper engraving (19x25 cm) by unknown engraver on a large page from a book. It is believed that it’s a work by Vincenzo Maria CORONELLI from one of his numerous works because this topographical view of the town is similar to the one which comes from “Corso Geografico...” only in smaller size. Sheet size: 30x48cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 50 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3290 M “Nieuwe Pascaart Voor een Gedeelte Van de Zeekusten Van BARBARIA Beginnende Van C. Mesurata Tot Caap Rufato Als Meede de Wet Kust Van Candia door Vooght Geometra t’Amsterdam by JOHANNES VAN KEULEN Boeck en Zeekaart Verkooper en Graad-boogh Maker Aande Niewen-brugh Inde Gekroonde Lootsman Met Previlegie voor 15 Iaaren / XIX” copper engraved map published in Amsterdam ca. 1690. Size: [59 x 51 cm]. Excellent condition. Zacharakis No.2616. Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 3292 M WELLS Edward, “A New Map of Antient THRACE: as also of the Northern parts of old Greece, viz. Macedonia and Thessalia.../Sutton Nicholls sculp.”. Colour copper engr. map from “A new set of maps...” 1700-1738. Map dim.48x38cm. In wooden frame. Very Fine. Starting Price: 75 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3293 M “Het Eilant STANDIA” Decorative hand colored in wash engraved map from the “Description exacte des Isles de l’ Archipel...” by O. Dapper, French edition, 1703. Size: [17 x 13 cm]. Condition: Excellent, in frame. Ref. Zacharakis No. 902. Starting Price: 50 €


Lot. 3294 M “Afbeelding der Oude Stad RHODUS ou Description de la Vieille Ville de RHODE”, 2-page folio from the book “Naukeurige, Beschryving der Eilanden...” by DAPPER Olfert, the French ed. of 1703. 27,5x35 cm. Small part missing from bottom margin. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3295 M TOURNEFORT J. PITTON, “Isle de Thermia”, 1717 copper engr. map of the island of Kythnos. Map dim. 10.5x16cm. Slight foxing. Zach.3529. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3296 M “Die Stadt Rhodes. - Rhodes” Copper-engraving. Decorative bird’s eye view of Rhodes with its port & ships in the foreground by Mallet A. M. Publ. Frankfurt, 1719. ~15x10cm. Condition: Excellent, hand-coloured. Ref. Zacharakis p.108. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 3297 M “RHODUS” (view of port) original engraving from “Peregrinus in Jerusalem (Fremdling zu Jerusalem)” by Myller, A. M., Vienna & Nurnberg (1729, 1735). Engraver: J. Hiller, A.J. Mansfelt, J.J. Ditzler, J.F. Fischer and others. Size: 14 x 17 cm. Rare & Very good condition. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3298 M Unidentified German map of Magna Graecia entitled c.1750 “Das alte Griechenland mit dessen vmliegenden Insvlen”. Some areas (such as Euboea or Chios) are presented proportional much larger from the reality. The presentation of Chalkidiki is also interesting, with Sithonia & Mount Athos been somewhat merged. Map dim. 42x30cm. Folded as issued (prob. part of a book). Few brown spots. Overall impression Very Fine. Zach.3755. Starting Price: 75 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3299 M Robert De VAUGONDY, “ASIA MINOR in suas partes seu provincias divisa”, from “Atlas Universel”, 1757. highly detailed copper engraved map of Turkey, including the islands of the eastern & northern Aegean, Cyprus, Iran, Irak, Armenia & part of Syria. Large title cartouche. Map dim.63x49cm. Light waterstain on upper part and lower corners. Starting Price: 75 €

Lot. 3300 M “Plan se la Citadelle d’Athenes / Pl.III” 1758 copper engraving by J.D. Le Roy, engraved by Montigny from Le Roy’s “Les ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grece...”. Detailed plan of the Acropolis, engr. dim.: 45x29cm. Crease along margins not touching the engr. area, otherwise in Fine condition. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 3302 M “MOREE” & “Isle SERVI” J. Roux, 1764, from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades de la Mer Mediterranee...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.74. Copper engraved map of Zante, Dim.: 20x14cm. Traces of light brown spots. Zach.3021. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3301 M “Plan de la Plain de Sparte / Pl.XXVI” 1758 copper engraving by J.D. Le Roy, engraved by Littret from Le Roy’s “Les ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grece...”. Detailed topographical plan Sparta plain. Engr. dim.: 45x29cm. Crease and small tears along margins not touching the engr. area, otherwise in Fine condition. Zacharakis 2024. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3303 M “Port St. NICOLO sur l’Isle Serigo” J. Roux, 1764, from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades de la Mer Mediterranee...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.80. Copper engraved map of Cythera, Dim.: 20x14cm. Fine. Zach.3022. Starting Price: 35 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3304 M “Port Lion autresois Port d’Athenes” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.84. Copper engraved map of Poros, Dim.: 20x14cm. Light brown spots on margins, slightly creased on upper right corner. Zach.3026 Starting Price: 30 €


Lot. 3305 M “Plan du Port NIO sur l’Isle de ce nom” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.92. Copper engraved map of IOS port. Dim.: 20x14cm. Traces of waterstain on margins. Zach.3033 Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3306 M “Golphe de CASSANDRE” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.97. Copper engraved map Gulf of Cassandra - Chalkidiki. Dim.: 20x14cm. Traces of waterstain on margins. Zach.3038 Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3307 M “Port St.Antoine sur l’Isle de LEMNOS” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.100. Copper engraved map of Lemnos island. Dim.: 20x14cm. Traces of waterstain on margins. Zach.3040 Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3308 Μ “Plan du Port SIGRE sur l’Isle METELIN” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.101. Copper engraved map of Sigri port - Lesvos. Dim.: 20x14cm. Traces of waterstain on margins. Zach.3041 Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3309 M “I. SCIO” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.106. Copper engraved map of Chios island & town. Dim.: 20x14cm. Traces of waterstain on margins. Zach.3002 Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3310 M “Isle IPSERA” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.107. Copper engraved map of PSARA island. Dim.: 20x14cm. Traces of waterstain on margins. Zach.3043 Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3311 M “Plan du Port Siagi” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.108. Copper engraved map. Dim.: 20x14cm. Traces of waterstain on margins. Zach.3044 Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3312 M “Golfe De Stanchio” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.128. Copper engraved map “Golf of Kos” depicting BODRUM Peninsula & Gulf of GOKOVA. Fine. Zach.3052 Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3313 M “Port MASTIC sur l’Isle de SCIO” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.130. Copper engraved map of LIMENAS port area on the SW coast of CHIOS. Fine. Zach.3054 Starting Price: 40 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3314 M “Port De SCHIATO” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.141. Copper engraved map of port of SKIATHOS. Fine. Zach.3060 Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3315 M “Port de PSARA” J. Roux, 1764 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.147. Copper engraved map of Psara & port north of the current island port. Fine. Zach.3066 Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3316 M A page from the first edition of the famous book “M[arie] G[abriel] F[lorent] A[uguste] Comte de Choiseul-Gouffier: Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece, c.1, Paris, 1782” with the plates 60: “Plan de la ville et de ports de Rhodes / Redige par F. Kauffer & Grave par J. Perrier” & 61: “Vue du port des bateaux a Rhodes A,P.D.R. / Dessine par J.B. Hilair & Grave par N.C. Varin”. Sheet size: 34 x 52 cm. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3317 M “PLAN DU PASSAGE DES THERMO-PYLES accomode au temps de l’invasion de Xerxes dans la Grece Pour le Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis Par J.D.BARBIE DU BOCAGE. Mai 1786 Vendemiaire An VIe/Grave par P.F.Tardieu Place de l’Estrapade No 18/L. Aubert scupist” edition “An VII” 1799. Some light tears on margin edges otherwise in excellent condition. Zacharakis 227 Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3318 M “ESSAI SUR LA TOPOGRAPHIE DE SPARTE Pour le Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis. Juillet 1783/P. De La Haye fils” coper plate map by Barbie du Bocage from J.J.Barthelemy’s “Receuil de cartes et plans...” 1788-1791,1795. Depicting the environs of ancient Sparta, with extensive key to 37 sites described by Barthelemy. Map Dim.: 20x31.5cm. Lower edge line missing, three small worm holes within title area. Starting Price: 12 €

Lot. 3320 M “Imperii Romani Distracta. Pars Orientalis” colour copper engr. map by R. Bonne at 1787. Shows eastern part of Roman Empire with Black Sea at the centre of the cartographic frame. Cyprus also represented. Slightly chipped margin edges. Very Fine. Map. dim. 24x36cm. Starting Price: 45 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3321 M “L’ELIDE ET LA TRIPHYLIE Pour le Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis. Par M.BARBIE DU BOCAGE. Aout 1786/ Guill De La Haye” coper plate map by Barbie du Bocage from J.J.Barthelemy’s “Receuil de cartes et plans...” 17881791,1795. Map Dim.: 17x21cm. Few worm holes on margins. Zacharakis 199/118. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3322 M “ATTICA from an Actual Survey by Mr. Stuart/Drawn by A.Arrowsmith/J.Walker sculpt.” J. Stuart 1794 from “Antiquities of Athens”. Large detailed topographical map of Attica from Oropos to the north to Sunion to the south and Salamina, Egina and Makronisos island with detailed depiction of relief and use of land. Map. Dim.: 65.5x62cm. Few small brown spots, otherwise in excellent condition. Zacharakis 3451/2255 Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3324 M “TURKEY in EUROPE Drawn from many Astronomical Observations and SURVEYS/TURKEY in EUROPE Contains Romania, Roumelia, Greece, Albania, Turkish Illyria, Bulgaria, Tributary States, Islands” Unidentified copper engraved map c. 1795, depicting Greece and the wider Balkan area. Map Dim:22x27cm. Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 3788/2425 Starting Price: 40 €


Lot. 3325 M “L’ARCADIE Pour le Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis Par J.D.BARBIE DU BOCAGE. Mai 1786 Pluviose An VIe/ P.F.Tardieu Place de l’Estrapade No 18/L.Aubert sculpist” copper plate map by Barbie Du Bocage from Barthelemy’s “Receuil de cartes et plans...” edition “An VII” 1799. Some tears on margin edges otherwise in excellent condition. Zacharakis 210 Starting Price: 30 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3326 M “TURKEY in EUROPE and HUNGARY/Barlow sculp.” P. Barlow c. 1800 from “Complete & Universal Dictionary”. Copper engr. map, dim.:22x18.5cm depicting the extent of Turkish domination in Europe. Some foxing on lower part, otherwise Very Fine. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3327 M VAUGONDY R. “Carte des Premiers Ages du Monde. GEOGRAPHIE ECCLESIASTIQUE de la Turquie d’Asie et de la Perse...”, Paris, late 18th cent. map of Turkey, Anatolia & Arabic peninsula, showing the geographical division of Patriarchs. Map dim.25x24cm. Map area in Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3328 M “GRAECIA Pars Septentrionalis aliter MACEDONIA THESSALIA & EPIRUS cum THRACIA”, copper engraved map “Published April 1st.1808, by R.Wilkinson” in London, engraved by B.Smith with detailed topography and place names. Size: 22x28cm, condition: VF, with minnor stains. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3329 M “ATTICA / Turkish Dominions in Europe” Thomson J. c.1815, Engr.: Mitchel E. Two highly detailed maps on single sheet. Attica on left & Greece and the Balkans (Rumelia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia, Dalmatia etc). Each map dim.33x46cm, sheet dim. 75x55cm. Tear along lower part of centerfold (on margin), otherwise Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 100 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3330 M “ACHAIA Exhibiting the Travels of ANACHARSIS between the years CCC.LXIII & CCC.LVI Before Christ / E. Baker E. Bourne”, pub. Wilkinson 1818. Map depicting the travels of Anacharsis in Greece. Map dim. 27x43cm. Small tear on bottom margin. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3331 M “Essai sur les Environs de DELPHES” engraved by A.Tardieu and published in “Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece”, 1825. Copper engraved antique map in very good condition. Size: ca. 20 x 14 cm. plus margins, in frame. Starting Price: 18 €

Lot. 3332 M “Essai sur la Bataille de Platee” engraved by A.Tardieu and published in “Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece”, 1825. Copper engraved antique map in very good condition. Size: ca. 22 x 15 cm. plus margins, in frame. Starting Price: 16 €

Lot. 3333 M “Map of the OTTOMAN DOMINIONS in ASIA with the adjacent frontiers of the Russian and Persian Empires...” WYLD J. 1855/1864 large 50x70cm hand coloured, high detailed map. Presenting the extent of Ottoman Empire, including Turkey, Cyprus, Anatolia, Middle East, Irak, Iran etc. Tears along margins. Starting Price: 85 €

Lot. 3335 M “GRIECHENLAND”, Flemmings Kriegskarte (Kettler, Bludau, Herkt), 1916. Large colour map showing the extent of Greece after the Balkan Wars (Treaty of Bucharest). West Thrace under Bulgarian occupation, North Epirus under Greek occupation, Dodecanese under Italian occupation. Two inset maps of the balkan countries borders at 1861-1881 & 1881-1912. Three inset maps of Thessaloniki, Athens & Isthmus of Corinth. 18 pieces attached on linen Fabric overall dim.82x67cm. Wooden frame. Waterstains on edges and within map. Starting Price: 100 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3334 M RAPKIN J. “Ionian Isles and Greece” c.1856 (Tallis J. London) Original outline colour. Double page steel engraved map of Greece with vignette illustrations of the Temple of Jupiter Olympus, Corfu, ships and an ancient chariot. Decorative scrolling and title cartouche around the edges of the image. Map size 24x32cm. Very good condition. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3336 M “Samos, Icaria, Fournoi, Patmos, Lipsoi, Arkoi, Agathonissi, Farmakonissi” Turkish map (only Ottoman names), scale 1:200.000, litho. printing (ca. 1920), folded in 8 parts & mounted/enforced on cloth. Size: 60 x 50 cm. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3338 M “Mer Mediterranee, PORTS ET MOUILLAGES DANS L’ ARCHIPEL, Edition de Novembre 1929 (Corr. 1930, 1931)” large French maritime map on thick paper. Includes 5 different hydrographic maps: 1. Asie Mineure, CAP KRIO ET RUINES DE GNIDE. 2. Ile de Rhodes, PORT DE LINDOS. 3. Ile de Kos, RADE DE KOS. 4. Ile de Kalymnos, PORT DE KALYMNOS. 5. Ile de Patmos, PORT DE SCALA. Total size: 53 x 75 cm. VF. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 3337 M “ALBANIA” 1920-1930’s large colour map, italian edition of the “Cartografia dell’Istituto Italiano d’Arti Grafiche, Bergamo” showing the headquarters, branches and deposits of “Beer Korca”, the principal italian maritime lines and the air italian lines connecting the Albanian towns. Scale 1:500.000. Size: 80x80 cm. VF. Starting Price: 15 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3341 M “1:200.000 Turkey sheet E.2 AYVALIK” British colour lithographed map reproduced by 512 A.Fd. Survey Coy., R.E., March 1942, revised and reprinted by 512 Fd Survey Coy., R.E. Aug. 1943. Information taken from Greek & Turkish maps. Size: 90 x 58 cm. Starting Price: 20 €


Lot. 3339 M “Β. ΣΠΟΡΑΔΕΣ ΣΚΙΑΘΟΣ ΣΚΟΠΕΛΟΣ κ.τ.λ / Ν. Περιστέρι Ορμ. Βασιλικό / Ν. ΣΚΑΤΖΟΥΡΑΣ ΟΡΜ. ΣΚΑΤΖΟΥΡΑΣ”. Greek hydrographical chart of SPORADES - Aegean, with two small inset charts of moorages. c.1933, 21 x 16 cm. In frame, ready to hang. VF. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3340 M “ΒΟΡΕΙΑΙ ΣΠΟΡΑΔΕΣ Νήσος ΣΚΥΡΟΣ - ΚΥΜΗ - Ν. ΣΚΑΝΤΖΟΥΡΑ”. Greek hydrographical chart c.1933, 21 x 16 cm. In frame, ready to hang. VF. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 3342 M “CYCLADES Prefecture (Part I)” large colour map of the National Statistical Service of Greece, revised & printed in 1963. Scale: 1:200.000. Size: 70x100 cm. Folded three times. VF. Starting Price: 15 € Lot. 3343 M “Mittelmeer / Turkische Kuste / Bodrum bis Fethiye” large hydrographic map Nr.614 of the German Hydrographic Institute of Hamburg, edition of October, 1976 (with 8 detailed maps incl. some of the Dodecanese islands). Size: 115 x 90 cm. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3344 M “Agaisches Meer / Haffen und Ankerplatze der Kykladen und Dodekanes, Blatt III” large hydrographic map Nr.1091 of the German Hydrographic Institute of Hamburg, edition of March, 1978 (14 detailed maps of islands). Size: 115 x 85 cm. Starting Price: 50 €


A. Karamitsos # 502


Lot. 3345 ENGR ORTELIUS Abraham, “Tempe: Thessaliae pars, delineatum et editum auctore Ab. Ortelio 1590”. Impressive copper plate, provides a depiction of the illusory paradise of the Vale of Tempe in Thessaly, Greece. The view features jovial scenes, under the striking and prominent mountain peaks while Pineios River curves through the valley. Engr. dim. 48x37cm. Excellent condition. In lux frame, ready to hang. Starting Price: 300 €

Lot. 3347 ENGR “CORPHV” Merian M., 1638 from “Neuwe Archontologica...”, birdeye wiew of Corfu, showing harbor, town, fortifications, topographical details & ships. Dim. 35x12cm. Vertical folds, otherwise very fine. Starting Price: 70 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3352 ENGR “Les Isles de l’Archipel”, off-text full page engraving, adjacent to the first page of the book “Description Exacte des Isles de l’Archipel. et de Quelques Autres Adjacentes; Dont les Principales Sont Chypre, Rhodes, Candie, Samos, Chio,...” by DAPPER Olfert, Amsterdam: George Gallet , 1702. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3346 ENGR “MERCANTE GRECO” Full-page woodcut costume by Cesare Vecellio (c. 15301601) & woodcut probably by Christopher Krieger from Nuremberg, publ. in the contemporary book “Degli Habiti Antichi e Moderni...” , Venice 1590 by Cesare. Sheet size: 115x182 mm. VF. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3348 ENGR “CANDIE” Full colour copper plate by MALLET, A. M., publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description de l’Univers”. Attractive miniature view of Heraklion harbour on the island of Crete. Illustrations of fighting ships. Map dim.11x14cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3349 ENGR “DAPHNE” Full colour copper plate by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description de l’Univers”. View of Daphne, near Antioch (Antakya, Turkey). Map dim.11x14cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3350 ENGR “DAPHNE” Full colour copper plate by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in Frankfurt 1685 in “Description de l’Univers”. View of Daphne, near Antioch (Antakya, Turkey). Map dim.11x14cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3351 ENGR “STANCHIO” and “RHODUS” Wonderful copper engraved views of Chios and Rhodes, from “Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn, Door de vermaardste Deelen van Klein Asia. De Eylanden Scio, Rhodus, Cyprus, Metelino, Stanchio, &c. Mitsgaders de voornaamste Steden van Aegypten, Syrien En Palestina ...” published 1698 in Delft by Herik van Krooneveld. Size of view: 28 x 37 cm. Size of paper: 33 x 40 cm. Minor repaired faults, mainly on margins. Starting Price: 120 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3353 ENGR JOHANN BERNARD FISCHER VON ERLACH. Ο ΚΟΛΟΣΣΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΟΡΟΥΣ. “Le Colosse du mont Athos en Macedoine feton le dessein qu’en forma Dinocrate Architecte du grand Alexandre”, from “Entwurff einer Historischen Architectur...”, Vienna, 1721. Rare hand coloured copper engr. depicting mount Athos as Colossus. Engr. dim.43x30cm. In wooden frame (gilt). Overall dim.65x54cm. Starting Price: 300 €

Lot. 3356 ENGR ORTELIUS Abraham, “TEMPE Delineatum et editum auctore Ab: Ortelio”, c.1730. Impressive copper plate, provides a depiction of the illusory paradise of the Vale of Tempe in Thessaly, Greece. The view features jovial scenes, under the striking and prominent mountain peaks while Pineios River curves through the valley. Beautiful title cartouche. Engr. dim. 48x37cm. One tear 4cm and crease along folds. In lux frame, ready to hang. Starting Price: 230 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3355 ENGR “Helepole de Demetrius Poliorcete au Siege de Rhodes avec ses Ponts Baissans” 1729 folding copper engraving 32x22cm. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 3354 ENGR Scheuchzer Johann Jacob, b&w copper engr. 16x18cm, presenting a DRAGON flying over mountainous landscape, in “Ouresiphoites Helveticus...” 1723. Very small holes within engr.area. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3358 ENGR “TURKISH DRESSES. 1 a Bashaw of three Tails..2 an Officer of the Janisaries & Superintendant of their Kitchen. 3 a Turkish Gentleman. / Engraved for BANKES’s New System of GEOGRAPHY Published by Royal Authority”, 17.5x12cm, circa 1775. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3357 ENGR ALLOM T., “The favourite Storyteller of Constantinople”, printed by C. Hullmandel, Fisher, Large lithograph 23x37cm from “Constantinople and the Scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor” drawings by Thomas Allom. Waterstain & small tear on lower margin & creased lower right corner (not affecting the engr. area). The Lithograph Very Fine. Starting Price: 65 €


Lot. 3359 ENGR “The famous COLOSSUS of Rhodes” very fine decorative copper engraving , complete page from the book “MIDDLETON, CHARLES THEODORE. A New and Complete System of Geography. London, 1778.” Size of engraving: 25 x 16 cm. Sheet size: 35 x 22 cm. Starting Price: 40 € A. Karamitsos # 502

strongly recomend to visit the online auction “ We for additional and more detailed lot. images at: www.karamitsos.com ”

Lot. 3360 ENGR “Vue du Kiosk du Palais d’Ainalu - Kavak” & Vue de la Porte dite d’Andrinople”, 1782, two copper engr. on single sheet from “Voyage pittoresque de la Grece” by M. G. Choiseul Gouffier. Sheet dim.53x33cm, engr. dim. 22x16cm (each). Few very small brown spots, otherwise Very Fine. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3361 ENGR “Habillemens des femmes de Smyrne, des Grecques et de Iuifves de cette ville”, 8 copper engravings in one frame (44x40cm.) on a large two-page sheet (52x44cm.) extracted from a book of the 18th century. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 100 €

ENGR Lot. 3362 ENGR Lot. 3363 “Turc amoureux”, Marichal “Femme Grecque”, Marichal Sylvain from ‘Costumes Sylvain from ‘Costumes Civils Actuels de Tous les Civils Actuels de Tous les Peuples Connus’, Paris:Pavard Peuples Connus’, Paris:Pavard (et al.) 1788. Original hand (et al.) 1788. Original hand coloured copper engraving coloured copper engraving. depicting Greek woman. Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine. Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 € Starting Price: 40 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3364 ENGR Lot. 3365 ENGR “Femme de la Carie”, Marichal “Femme Turc allant par les Sylvain from ‘Costumes Civils rues”, Marichal Sylvain from Actuels de Tous les Peuples ‘Costumes Civils Actuels de Tous Connus’, Paris:Pavard (et al.) les Peuples Connus’, Paris:Pavard 1788. Original hand coloured (et al.) 1788. Original hand copper engraving depicting coloured copper engraving woman of Caria (Asia Minor). depicting Turkish woman. Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine. Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 € Starting Price: 40 €


Lot. 3366 ENGR 3 sheets prob. from the same book “Abbidung des Tempels von der Minerva zu Athen / T.V. p.187” copper engr. 27x16.5cm, “Tempel der Minerva zu Athen & Der Tempel Erectheion zu Athen” & “Zeichuing von Athen & Ein Tempel zu Athen”, presenting the monuments, topographical diagrams and detailed plans, mid. 18th century. Foxing, small tears along folds (as issued). Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3367 ENGR “Prise de Rhodes par les Chevaliers de St. Jean (15 Aout 1310)” steel engraving “Peint par Feron, grave par P. Brunelliere, dessine par Girardet, diagraphe et pantographe Gavard” from the “Gallerie historiqoe de Versailles. Size of engraving: 18,5 x 18 cm., size of sheet: 46x31cm. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3368 ENGR “PLATON SUR LE CAP SUNIUM AU MILIEU DE SES DISCIPLES / No.24 / Voyage, Chap. LIX”, large 30x19cm, from “Voayge du jeune Anacharsis en Grece...” Jean Jacques Barthelemy, center folded, foxing throughout. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3370 ENGR “(Costume from Dodecanese)” very beautiful handcoloured engraving “Octavier Delviant, Delin. - Dadley sculpt.” published (1.1.1802) by W. Miller, Old Bond Str. London. Size of engraving: 22 x 30 cm. Framed & VF. Starting Price: 40 €


Lot. 3369 ENGR Scenen aus Griechenland, c.1800 “B. Pfitzer”. Two engr. on one page entitled: “Verm. Gegenst. CXVI. Miscellanea. CXVI. Melanges CXVI.” PLUS a page with descr. text in German & French entitled: “Fig.1 Ein Schafer aus Morea / Un berger Moreen” & “Fig. 2. Der Neu-Griechische Bankelsanger / Le troubadour de la nouvelle Grece”. Engr. dim 17x23cm. Hole in text page. Page with engravings Excellent. Starting Price: 60 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3371 ENGR STACKELBERG, O. M. von Baron. “Elatea (Aujourd’Hui Baba) sur le Penee”. Baron de Stackelberg del. Villeneuve Lith. Tempe. J.F. d’Ostervald 1834. Rare lithograph of Elateia at the Vale of Tempe from Stackelberg’s “La Grece. Vues Pittoresques et Topographiques”. Engr. dim. 28.5x40cm. Lux frame, ready to hang. Very Fine. Rare. Starting Price: 170 €

Lot. 3372 ENGR STACKELBERG, O. M. von Baron. “Gonnus dans Defiles de TEMPE”. Baron de Stackelberg del. Villeneuve Lith. Tempe. J.F. d’Ostervald 1834. Rare lithograph of the fort of Gonnus above the valley of Tempe from Stackelberg’s “La Grece. Vues Pittoresques et Topographiques”. Engr. dim. 28.5x40cm. Lux frame, ready to hang. Very Fine. Rare. Starting Price: 160 €

Lot. 3373 ENGR STACKELBERG, O. M. von Baron. “Condylon dans Les Defiles de Tempe”. Baron de Stackelberg del. Villeneuve Lith. Tempe. J.F. d’Ostervald 1834. Rare lithograph of the Vale of Tempe from Stackelberg’s “La Grece. Vues Pittoresques et Topographiques”. Engr. dim. 28.5x40cm. Lux frame, ready to hang. Very Fine. Rare. Starting Price: 160 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3374 ENGR STACKELBERG, O. M. von Baron. “Vallee Entre Les Monts Ossa et Olympe”. Baron de Stackelberg del. Villeneuve Lith. Tempe. J.F. d’Ostervald 1834. Rare lithograph of the course of the river Pinieos between Mounts Ossa & Olympus Stackelberg’s “La Grece. Vues Pittoresques et Topographiques”. Engr. dim. 28.5x40cm. Lux frame, ready to hang. Fine. Rare. Starting Price: 150 €

Lot. 3375 ENGR “The Sunday Magazine, No.245, April 30th, 1836” (8 pages) with a 14x20.5cm engraving on the front page: “The market place, and celebrated plane tree, at Kos”. VF. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3379 ENGR “The Unspeakable Turk: The Optimist / Between Russia and the deep sea” whole-page two prints (20 x 27 cm), front/recto on shame sheet, from the British magazine “Punch, or the London Charivari”, December 16, 1914. Starting Price: 10 €


Lot. 3376 ENGR ΧΡΗΣΤΙΔΗΣ ΣΩΤ. “Η ΜΑΧΗ ΤΟΥ ΛΑΛΑ”, χρωμολιθογραφία, 43x33cm, Αθήνα, Δ. Κ. Κοκκινάκης, c.1900, Αθήνα, Δ. Κ. Κοκκινάκης. Σέ ξύλινη κορνίζα. Λεκέδες. Σχισίματα στα περιθώρια. Starting Price: 100 €

A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3377 ENGR ΧΡΗΣΤΙΔΗΣ Σ. “H A.A.M. Ο ΣΟΥΛΤΑΝΟΣ ΑΜΠΝΤΟΥΛ-ΧΑΜΙΤ ΧΑΝ Β / S.M.I. Le Sultan ABD-HAMID HAN II”. Large chromolithographed print (47x67cm), c.1900. Trilingual (Greek, French, Ottoman Turkish). Printed at “ΛΙΘ. Γ. ΣΤΑΓΓΕΛ” by “Δ. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΙOY”. With faults, professionally restored. Lux frame. (VAR of ΔΟΥΡΒΑΡΗΣ Α. “ΣΩΤΗΡΙΟΣ ΧΡΗΣΤΙΔΗΣ”,σελ.192). RARE. Starting Price: 450 €

Lot. 3378 ENGR ΧΡΗΣΤΙΔΗΣ Σ. “Οι Σουλτάνοι της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας / L. M. Les Sultans se l’Empire Ottoman”. Large chromolithographed print (47x67cm), c.1900. Trilingual (Greek, French, Ottoman Turkish). Printed at “ΛΙΘ. Γ. ΣΤΑΓΓΕΛ” by “Δ. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ”. With faults, professionally restored. (ΔΟΥΡΒΑΛΗΣ Α. “ΣΩΤΗΡΙΟΣ ΧΡΗΣΤΙΔΗΣ”, σελ. 118,200). Lux frame. RARE. Starting Price: 350 €

“Please enquire for viewing & shipping of the framed Lots” Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3380 ENGR Χρωμολιθογραφία διαστ. 58χ43εκ. “Ο ΕΞΕΥΤΕΛΙΣΜΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΙΤΑΛΩΝ ΑΠΟ ΜΙΑ ΧΟΥΦΤΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΝΗΣΙΩΤΩΝ” & “Η Δωδεκάνησος υπό την μάστιγα του απεχθούς τυράννου”, “Ο Βάσος Βέργης προσεύχεται προ της επιδρομής του στην Παναγία”, “Η Διαφυγή του Ηρωος δια μέσου του Ιταλικού στόλου”, Εκδ. οίκος “ΑΣΤΗΡ” Αλ. & Ε. Παπαδημητρίου, Αθήνα. Με σχίσιμο στο κεντρικό δίπλωμα και στις άκρες. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 3381 ENGR 4 modern b/w prints: 1. Rhodos (Οδός Ιπποτών), 2. Rhodes / Medieval town, 3. Old town - Rhodos, 4. Rhodes: General view of the old City (from an old picture). Starting Price: 40 €


Lot. 3382 ENGR ΓΡΑΒΒΑΛΟΣ Παναγιώτης (χαράκτης). Original designer’s sketch, hand painted. Essay for the 2,50 dr. stamp of the commemorative issue for the Union of Dodecanese - never approved. Signed by the engraver P. Gravvalos, 1967. RARE. Starting Price: 200 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Documents - Bonds - Miscellaneous Lots

Lot. 3383 DOC “ΣΤΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΑΙ Πληροφορίαι των εν τη Ασιατική Τουρκία ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΩΝ”, c.1914. 12 προτυπωμένες σελ. με χειρόγραφες πληροφορίες σχετικά με: είδος εργοστασίου, έτος ίδρυσης και όνομα / εθνικότητα / υπηκοότητα ιδιοκτήτη, αριθμό εργαζομένων, ετήσια παραγωγή, αξία εγκατάστασης, είδος και προέλευση μηχανημάτων. Περιοχές αναφοράς: Ν. ΕΦΕΣΟΣ, ΠΕΡΓΑΜΟΣ, ΒΡΥΟΥΛΛΑ, ΒΑΙΝΔΗΡΙΟ, ΣΩΚΙΑ, ΑΛΑΣΕΧΙΡ Φιλαδέλφειας. Σπάνιο ιστορικό τεκμήριο. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3386 DOC Lettersheet of the Union of Dodecanese people in Athens, written on 6th June 1929, signed by the President & the Secretary, with violet handstamp of the Union. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 3387 VF “ΝΟΣΟΚΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΚΑΒΑΛΛΑΣ ? Ο ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΣΜΟΣ / ΠΥΡΕΙΑ / προς όφελος του Ιερολυ Νοσοκομείου ‘ο Ευαγγελισμός’ της Ελληνικής Ορθοδόξου Κοινότητος Καβάλλας”. Vignette, 3.5x5.5cm in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3384 DOC Passport issued by the High Commissioner of Greece in Smyrna, printed “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΣΜΥΡΝΗΣ / Ο ΥΠΑΤΟΣ ΑΡΜΟΣΤΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ ADMINISTRATION HELLENIQUE DE SMYRNE / LE HAUT COMMISSAIRE DE GRECE”. Issued in Smyrna on 14th November, 1920, for a young (22 years) Greek lady who was leaving for permanent installation in France. The passport bears Turkish revenues (including one ovpt. “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ / ΓΡΟΣΙΑ 100” plus numerous foreign revenues and administrative cachets and visas, including the French Consulate in Smyrna, the Greek Consulates in Paris and Frankfurt, the Italian Consulate in Frankfurt, Swiss and German in/out cachets, etc. Very interesting and rare. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3385 DOC Eleftherios Venizelos signature on a sheet embossed “SECRETARY OF STATE FOR WAR”, “WAR OFFICE/WHITEHALL, S.W.” and coat of arms. Also handwritten “March, 19th 1920”. Starting Price: OFFER


Lot. 3388 Comprehensive collection dealing with the postal history of Greece in WWII, through mail covers of that period presented along with additional relevant historical information, photographs, note-books and sketch maps. The collection is divided in two parts. The First part is concerned with mainland Greece, starting from the early Italian invasion to the German invasion period and including mail covers from mainly British and Greek forces. In total 29 covers and 2 letters from Greece bearing various military and censor cachets. The second part is focusing on the story of the British Cpt. Lawrence, presenting his mails mainly from Crete, where he was established with British troops at Tymbakion camp, before the German invasion. Lawrence was caught as P.O.W and sent from Crete to Camp StalagVIII Germany. This collection includes 11 mail covers from and to Lawrence sent from/to Palestine, Crete and the POW camp at Germany, 13 original photographs from Crete and StalagVIII camp and sketch maps. Also includes a very interesting – historical value - 4 pages handwritten by A. Lawrence note-book conducted while he was POW at Crete and Germany, entitled “POW mail”. Starting Price: 2000 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3389 BOND Share N0.327 of the “ΣΑΜΙΑΚΗ ΑΤΜΟΠΛΟΪΑ” (24 Nov.1902) canc.superb “ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΙΣΣΑΜΙΑΚΗΣ ΑΤΜΟΠΛΟΪΑΣ” in violet. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3391 BOND 1922, Kingdom of Greece, certificate for the bearer of 5 bonds of 100 drs. each, with 1 coupon attached. These certificates are associated with the well-known emergency banknotes which were cut either in 1/2 or 1/4. Each citizen loaned the government with the other half of the cut banknote and, in return, he was given a specific bond (like this) with coupons which were used for payments on a specific date. Starting Price: OFFER

Lot. 3390 BOND “ITTIHAD” Societe Anonyme de Navigation Ottomane, certificate for 2 shares of 1 Turkish Pounds, 9/22 June 1911 THESSALONIKI, No.124335-124336, light green with large steamship vignette. ITTIHAD was an Ottoman shipping company founded in Thessaloniki in 1911 just before the Balkan Wars. Three horiz. Folds. Excellent condition, in lux frame overall size 45x65cm. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 3392 BOND 1922, Kingdom of Greece, 2 certificates for the bearer: 1 and 5 bonds of 100 drs. each, with 1 coupon attached. These certificates are associated with the well-known emergency banknotes which were cut either in 1/2 or 1/4. Each citizen loaned the government with the other half of the cut banknote and, in return, he was given a specific bond (like this) with coupons which were used for payments on a specific date. Starting Price: 5 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3393 BOND 1922, Kingdom of Greece, 2 certificates for the bearer: 1 and 5 bonds of 100 drs. each, with 1 coupon attached. These certificates are associated with the well-known emergency banknotes which were cut either in 1/2 or 1/4. Each citizen loaned the government with the other half of the cut banknote and, in return, he was given a specific bond (like this) with coupons which were used for payments on a specific date. Starting Price: 5 €

Lot. 3395 VF Private check, issued on 26th JuLY, 1920, drawn on the Irving National Bank of New York City. VF. Starting Price: OFFER

Lot. 3397 VF 1939, seven bills of exchange with 1dr. fiscal affixed & cancelled on each of them. VF. Starting Price: OFFER

Lot. 3394 BOND 1926, Hellenic Republic, certificate for the bearer of 5 bonds of 100 drs. each, with 5 coupons attached. These certificates are associated with the well-known emergency banknotes which were cut either in 1/2 or 1/4. Each citizen loaned the government with the other half of the cut banknote and, in return, he was given a specific bond (like this) with coupons which were used for payments on a specific date. Starting Price: OFFER

Lot. 3396 VF Private check, issued on 10th June, 1927, drawn on the Bank of Coney Island New York City, with 5 different cachets of the Bank of Laconia, Sparti & Athens branches. VF & scarce. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3398 VF 1931, three personal checks with 80l. fiscal affixed & cancelled on each of them. VF. Starting Price: OFFER

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A. Karamitsos # 502


Lot. 3399 BOND “Regie Cointeresse des Tabacs de l’ Empire Ottoman, Une Action, No. 001480” stock certificate issued 21 May 1914 in Turkey. VF & Rare. Lot. 3400 BOND Starting Price: 50 € “Societe du Tombac Concessionnaire du Monopole de l’Importation et de la Vente des Tumbekis etrangers dans l’Empire Ottoman, Dix Actions A de Cent Francs au Porteur No 34,781 a No 34,790”, stock certificate issued 18 May 1898 in Constantinople, complete with attached dividend coupons numbered from 1 to 45. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3403 BOND “Manufacture de Tabacs et Cigarettes CAMCONGO, Action de 1000 Francs CONGOLAIS Au Porteur, No 013748”, issued 15 June 1954 in Belgian Congo, complete with attached dividend coupons numbered from 1 to 60. VF. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 3401 BOND “Societe du Tombac Concessionnaire du Monopole de l’Importation et de la Vente des Tumbekis etrangers dans l’Empire Ottoman, Cinq Actions A de Cent Francs au Porteur No 19,491 a No 19,495”, stock certificate issued 18 May 1898 in Constantinople, complete with attached dividend coupons numbered from 1 to 45. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3405 BOND “Tobacco Bank ‘PLOVDIV’, Plovdiv 1917” Bulgarian stock certificate for 100 Leva, overprinted ‘Tobacco Factory “Levski”’, without dividend coupons. VF. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3402 BOND “Societe Anonyme de Regie Co-interessee LIBANO SYRIENNE des TABACS et TOMBACS, Action de Cinquante Livres Libano-Syriennes ou Mille Francs Francais, Au Porteur - Entierement liberee, No 004170”, stock certificate issued 31 July 1935 in Beyrouth, complete with attached dividend coupons numbered from 28 to 54. VF. Starting Price: 10 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3404 BOND “Compagnie Francaise de Tabacs, Manufacture Royale LA HONRADEZ, Action de Cinq Cent Francs Au Porteur, No 10,300”, issued 15 April 1870 in Paris, with attached dividend coupons numbered from 16 to 60. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3411 BOND “THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY, Common Stock certificate for 100 Shares, Number S220687”, issued 9 May 1969 in USA. VF. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 3407 BOND “Societe Anonyme des TABACS d’ORIENT & d’OUTRE MER / Action de CENT FRANCS au Porteur / No. 314,128” share, issued in Paris, 5.3.1928, complete with coupons numbered from 10 to 40. VF. Starting Price: 10 €


Lot. 3406 BOND “Regie Cointeresse des Tabacs de l’ Empire Ottoman, Cinq Actions, No. 112236 - No. 112240” stock certificate issued 21 May 1914 in Turkey. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3410 BOND “TOBACCO PRODUCTS CORPORATION, Common Stock certificate for 2 Shares, Number G 33951”, issued 8 April 1927 in Virginia State, USA. VF. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 3408 BOND “Societe Anonyme des TABACS d’ORIENT & d’OUTRE MER / Action de CENT FRANCS au Porteur / No. 330,592” share, issued in Paris, 5.3.1928, complete with coupons numbered from 10 to 40. VF. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 3409 BOND “Societe Anonyme des TABACS d’ORIENT & d’OUTRE MER / Action de CENT FRANCS au Porteur / No. 334,366” share, issued in Paris, 5.3.1928, complete with coupons numbered from 10 to 40. VF. Starting Price: 10 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3412 BOND “Compagnie Internationale pour l’ INDUSTRIE DU TABAC ‘INTERTABACCO’, Action de Dividende, 2me Serie” stock certificate No 18281”, issued 1930 in Antwerp, Belgium, complete with all 30 coupons attached. VF. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3413 BOND “The MATCH and TOBACCO TIMPER SUPPLY Company” Share Warrant to bearer for one share of 1 pound, No. 352,138, issued 1926 in Portugal, with attached dividend coupons numbered from 6 to 50. VF. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 3415 VF PROOF Packet of cigarettes. Matsagos (ΜΑΤΣΑΓΓΟΣ) tobacco industry, based at Volos. Starting Price: OFFER

Lot. 3414 F “Fabrique du Tabac” c.1750. Fifteen (15) copper engr. on five (5) pages, from Diderot & D’Alembert - Economie Rustique, Fabrique du Tabac. Wonderfully illustrated overview of the manufactory of tobacco of the 18th century. Dim of each full page engr. 17x23cm. Waterstain on lowerleft corner otherwise Very Fine. Starting Price: 130 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3416 VG Large Meerschaum (from block) pipe, probably from Denmark. Contains a windcap (prob. silver) which is lidded and long half wood stem with horn mouthpiece. Makers marks “JG.P.S.”. Overall size ~48cm. Hole covered with resin. Starting Price: 75 € Lot. 3417 VG Meerschaum (from block) pipe with wooden stem & horn mouthpiece. Early 20th century. Overall size 26cm. Cracks on base. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 3418 VG Large Meerschaum (from block) pipe, prob. marine. Contains a windcap (prob. silver) lidded. Mark “B 12” on windcap. Large wooden stem & horn mouthpiece. Overall size 61cm. Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 3422 VF Meerschaum (from block) pipe, early 20th century. Wooden stem & horn mouthpiece. Overall size 26cm. Fine. Starting Price: 45 €


Lot. 3419 VF Meerschaum pipe. Eskisehir - Turkey. Beutifully carved from sepiolite, smoking pipe. “Horses” figures. Meerschaum stem. Length:22cm, max width: 6cm. Very Fine condition. Unused. Starting Price: 70 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3420 F Large Meerschaum (block) pipe from Germany, late 19th cent. Contains a windcap (prob. silver) lidded and long wood stem, horn mouthpiece. An 18th cent. coin of Charles VI - Holy Roman Emperor is attached on windcap lid “CAROLVS VI D.G. ROM .IMP.SEMP. AVG.”. Overall size 55cm. Starting Price: 130 €

Lot. 3423 VF Large Meerschaum (block) pipe, probably sailor’s from Denmark. Contains a windcap (prob. silver) which is lidded and long half wood stem with horn mouthpiece. Makers marks “G.T.” & “N.S.”. Overall size ~38cm. Fine. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3421 VF Large Meerschaum (from block) pipe, prob. from Germany, late 19th cent. Contains a windcap (prob. silver) which is lidded and long half/wood stem & horn mouthpiece. Overall size 64cm. Fine. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 3424 F Large Meerschaum (from block) pipe, prob. marine. Contains a windcap (prob. silver) lidded. Decorated long half woodhorn stem & mouthpiece. Overall size 98cm, meerschaum part 13x9cm. Faults on windcap lid. Starting Price: 150 €

to visit the online auction for additional “ We strongly recomend and more detailed lot. images at: www.karamitsos.com ” Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3425 VG Large Meerschaum (from block) pipe. Contains a windcap (prob. silver) lidded. Missing stem & mouthpiece. Faults on windcap’s lid. Size 15x11cm. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3426 G Meerschaum pipe. Eskisehir - Turkey. Beutifully carved from sepiolite, smoking pipe. Sultan” head figure. Meerschaum stem. Length:41cm, max width: 7cm. Crack behind head. Unused. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 3428 VF Porcelain pipe. Early 20th century prob. Germany. Hand-painted figure of “Deers in forest”. Wooden stem. Overall Size 32cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 15 € Lot. 3427 VF Meerschaum pipe. Eskisehir - Turkey. Beutifully carved from sepiolite, smoking pipe. “Horse” figure. Meerschaum stem. Length:45cm, max width: 5cm. Very Fine condition. Unused. Starting Price: 110 €

Lot. 3430 VF Porcelain pipe. Late 19th. prob. Austria. Figure of peolple in farm. Wooden stem horn mouthpiece. Overall Size 26cm. Starting Price: 20 €


Lot. 3429 Porcelain pipe. Late 19th. prob. Austria. Handpainted “Hunting” & “farmer” themes. Wooden/ horn stem. Windcap lidded. Overall Size 37cm. Broken, partly repaired. Starting Price: 5 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3431 F Porcelain pipe. Early 20th century prob. Austria. With windcap, lidded. Handpainted “horses” figure. Wooden stem. Overall Size 32cm. Fine. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3432 VF Porcelain pipe. Early 20th century prob. Austria. Windcap lidded. Hand-painted “Deers in forest” figure. Wooden/horn decorative stem & mouthpiece. Overall Size 52cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 45 €

Lot. 3435 VF Porcelain pipe. Early 20th century prob. Germany. Hand-painted figure of “deers”. Wooden/horn stem & mouthpiece. Overall Size 32cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3433 VF Porcelain pipe. Early 20th century prob. Germany. Hand-painted figure of the German poet Christoph Martin WIELAND. Wooden stem. Overall Size 32cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3436 G Porcelain pipe. Late 19th cent. BOSNIA. Hand-painted with windcap. Wooden stem & horn mouthpiece. Overall Size 34cm. Broken & repaired. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3437 VF Porcelain pipe. Late 19th cent. Hand-painted with figure of “WILHEM I”. Windcap lidded. Stamp “FRIEDR. BOEGER”. Wooden stem & horn mouthpiece. Overall Size 54cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 35 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3439 VF Porcelain pipe. 1881 prob. Germany. Hand-painted emblem “FF/FF”. Wooden/horn stem. Overall Size 22cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3438 VG Porcelain pipe. 1840, Germany. Hand-painted with figures of Gutenberg & Faust. Wooden stem with inset bone pieces & horn mouthpiece. Overall Size 67cm. Cracks, repaired. Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 3441 VF Porcelain pipe. Late 19th. prob. Austria. Hand-painted figure of a girl. Wooden stem. Overall Size 26cm. Unused. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3440 VF Porcelain pipe. Late 19th. prob. Austria. Hand-painted “Deers” figures. Wooden stem. Overall Size 24cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3442 VF Porcelain pipe. Late 19th. Austria. With windcap, lidded. “Emil Koller... Baden”. Mark “1/2 9” on windcap. Hand-painted “Deers” figure. Horn stem. Overall Size 20cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3443 VG/F Two (2) Meerschaum bodies in original case. Dim.8x6cm & 6x5cm. The larger one with few light marks caused from use, the other one with cracks on base. Both used. Starting Price: 55 €


A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3444 F Meerschaum pipe, c.1900. Egg shape. In original case. Mouthpiece broken and glued, meerschaum part in Extra Fine condition with very light marks from age. Used. Dim.22cm. Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 3446 VF Meerschaum Pipe. High detailed lady figurine, c.1910. Used. Light scratches otherwise Very Fine. Dim. 11x5cm. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3448 F Meerschaum Pipe. High detailed lady figure, c.1910. Used w/o stem & mouthpiece. Light scratches, six pin sized holes on base & on head. Dim. 8x6.5cm. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3445 VG/F Two (2) Meerschaum Pipes. Lady figurines, c.1910. Used. “hat” edges broken & glued on one pipe, light crack on the other pipe. w/o mouthpieces. Dim. 5x4.5cm & 7x4cm. Starting Price: 22 €

Lot. 3447 F Meerschaum pipe. Fine carved figure of a deer in woods. Dim. 12x6cm. Small break on deer’s horn otherwise Fine. Unused. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 3449 VF Meerschaum pipe. Zulu shape, with silver band (British Hallmarks) & horn mouthpiece. Dim.12.5cm. In original “BW” case (wear from use). Overall Very Fine condition, few light scuffs from use & age. Used. Starting Price: 35 € Lot. 3450 G Meerschaum Pipe from England c.1898. High detailed lady figurine, with silver band bearing Chester hallmarks. Used. In original case (with faults). Various cracks on body & broken stem. Meerschaum part Dim. 8.5x7cm. Starting Price: 38 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana


Lot. 3451 VG Meerschaum Pipe from Austria. Egg in Claw carved, c.1910. Used. In original case. Broken mouthpiece & meerschaum with light wear/scuffs from use & age. Meerschaum part Dim. 8.5x5cm. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3452 VF “ED. LAURENS “LE KHEDIVE” Manufacture de Cigarettes Egyptiennes ‘Surfine’”. An original empty cigarette carton box for 25 cigarettes. Size: 7x7x2.5cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3453 VF “ED. LAURENS “LE KHEDIVE” Manufacture de Cigarettes Egyptiennes ‘BOLERO’, Extension Hollandaise, La Haye”. An original empty cigarette carton box for 20 cigarettes. Size: 8.5x8x2cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3456 VG “Oriental. Tab.-U.Cigarett.-Fabr. ‘YENIDZE’, Marke: FIORI”. An original empty cigarette tin can box for 50 cigarettes. Size: 14.5x9x3cm. Scratches of paint and signs of rust. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3454 VF “ED. LAURENS “LE KHEDIVE” Manufacture de Cigarettes Egyptiennes Surfine ‘BOLERO’”. An original empty cigarette tin can box for 100 cigarettes. In original condition, has some small paint loss. Size: 15x10x3.5cm. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3457 VF “25 Zigaretten EGYPTISCHE III.SORTE, Osterreichische Tabakregie”. An original empty carton packet for 25 cigarettes. Size: 11x7.5x1.5cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3460 VF “IDEALES, 18 cigarillos selectos al cuadrado, papel blanco, TABACALERA, S.A., Elaboracion Espanola”. An original UNOPENED carton packet with original enclosures included. Size: 8.5x7.5x2cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 20 €


Lot. 3455 VG “ED. LAURENS ‘PRINCE DE MONACO’” Egyptian Cigarettes (Alexandrie, Geneve, Bruxelles, La Haye). An original empty cigarette tin can box for 20 cigarettes. In original condition, has some paint loss and signs of rust. Size: 8.5x7.5x2cm. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3459 VF “Cigarettes ELITE, C. COLOMBOS. Ltd., Le Caire, Grande Fabrique de Cigarettes Lot. 3458 VG Egyptiennes, Bureaux “ACROPOLO & Co. pour l’ exportation, High Class Cigarettes Malta”. An original tin and Tobaccos, Factory - can box for 10 cigarettes. PAREL, BOMBAY”. An Size: 9x7.5x1cm. Very original tin can box for fine condition. 50 extra special cigarettes. Starting Price: 20 € Size: 8x11.5x3cm. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 3462 VF “PAPASTRATOS Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Trade Mark, Athens”. An original cylindrical tin can box for tobacco. Diameter: 7cm. Height: 5cm. Unusual and very fine. Starting Price: 20 € A. Karamitsos # 502

Lot. 3461 F “GIBSON GIRL Cigarettes MANOLI, Berlin”. An original 1910’s Art Deco tin can box for 50 gold tipped high class cigarettes. Size: 11x7.5x3.5cm. Signs of rust but scarce. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 3463 VG “NESTOR GIANACLIS ‘KING’ Cigarettes, au CAIRE, Egypte”. An original 1920’s empty cigarette tin can box for 100 cigarettes. Size: 15x12.5x3.5cm. Scratches of paint and signs of rust. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3465 VF “SCHINASI BROS ‘NATURAL’ Egyptian cigarettes, Turkish Tobacco & Cigarettes Manufactory, Factory No. 30, District of N.C.”. An original empty cigarette tin can box for 100 cigarettes. Size: 14x11x3.5cm. A couple of scratches of paint, o/w VF. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 3468 VF “OVERSTOLZ ZIGARETTEN, HAUS NEUERBURG Zigarettenfabrik, Coln, Trier, Hamburg, Munchen”. An original empty carton packet for 25 cigarettes. Size: 11.5x7x2cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3464 VF “SCHINASI BROS ‘NATURAL’ original Egyptian cigarettes, Factory No. 2109, 3rd. Dist. State of N.Y.”. An original empty cigarette carton packet for 20 cigarettes. Size: 10x7.5x2cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3466 VF “Echte Orient - tabake, 25 ORIENT zigaretten, VEBJASMATZI, Dresden”. An original empty carton packet for 25 cigarettes. Size: 11.5x7.5x2cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 12 €

Lot. 3469 VF “ΚΑΠΡΙΣ, Σιγαρέττα εξαιρετικά γλυκοσέρτικα, Ελληνικός Καπνοβιομηχανικός Οργανισμός, Ε.Τ.Π.Ε, Αθήναι, Δρχ. 3,50”. An original carton packet for 20 cigarettes. Size: 9.5x7.5x1.5cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 15 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Tobacciana

Lot. 3467 VF “THE ORIENT CIGARETT COy, Cairo, OBELISK, Ladies size”. An original empty carton strong square packet for cigarettes. Size: 7.5x7.5x2cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3470 LUX “SIMON ARZT - Egyptian Cigarette Manufactory, United Arab Republic”. An original empty cigarette carton packet for 20 Filter cigarettes. Included advertisement slip and aluminum foil that covered the cigarettes. Size: 9.5x7.5x1.5cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 20 €


Lot. 3471 LUX “KYRIAZI FRERES - FINAS” from Cairo (Egypt), in Hamburg. An original empty cigarette carton packet for 10 cigarettes. Size: 9x7.5x1cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3472 LUX “MURAD - The Turkish Cigarette, S. ANARGYROS, P. Lorillard Co., Successor, Greensboro, N.C.”. An original empty cigarette carton packet for 20 ‘Class A’ cigarettes. Size: 9x7.5x2cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3474 VF “TURKENHOST Orient Heller Feinschnitt BECKMANN TABAK”. An original 1960’s empty tin can box for 50 grams. of tobacco. Size: 13x8x2cm. A couple of minor scratches of paint. Starting Price: 16 €

Lot. 3478 VG “MURATTI’S ‘AFTER LUNCH’ cigarettes, London”. An original 1920’s empty cigarette tin can box for 20 cigarettes. Size: 8.5x7x2cm. Signs of rust on the surface. Starting Price: 25 €


Lot. 3473 VF “SIMON ARZT - Egyptian Cigarette Manufactory”. An original empty cigarette tin can box for 20 “SULTAN” cigarettes, from the branch in Bonn, Germany. Size: 9x8.5x1.5cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3476 VG “M. MELACHRINO & Co. Manufactory of the best Egyptian Cigarettes (No.9), Factory No.30, District of North Carolina”. An original empty cigarette tin can box for 50 cigarettes. Size: 14x11x1.5cm. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 3479 VF “A. BATSCHARI HOFLIEFERANT BADEN-BADEN SLEIPNER cigarettes empty tin box - 50 cigarettes gold tipped”. In original condition, has some scratches and rusty parts. Size: 11x7x3.2cm. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 3475 VF “M. MELACHRINO & CO. Egyptian Cigarettes, Factory No.30, District of North Carolina”. An original empty cigarette carton packet for 20 cigarettes. Size: 9x7x2cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 3477 VF German cigarettes tin can box, circa 1910, for “10 MURATTI ARISTON Gold Cigarettes, Cigarettenfabrik Muratti A.G. Berlin”. Size: 8.x7x1cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 3480 VF “DIMITRINO & Co., Le Caire (Egypt)”. An original empty cigarette tin can box for 10 “LORDS” cigarettes. Size: 7.5x7.5x1cm. Some minor scratces of paint, o/w very fine condition. Starting Price: 25 € A. Karamitsos # 502

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