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WORKING HOURS: 07.00 - 15.00
Saturday, 7 February 2015 PUBLIC & LIVE INTERNET AUCTION
No 511
The Costas Politis Collection “Zeppelin mail to and from Greece”
Start Time: 16.00 Viewing Arrangements: “Athens Auctions” Store
Monday, 12 January 2015 - Friday, 6 February 2015 (working hours)
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ΟΡΟΙ ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΩΝ Όλοι οι λαχνοί περιγράφονται προσεκτικά και πωλούνται ως γνήσιοι και αυθεντικοί εκτός αν περιγράφονται άλλως. Ο αγοραστής μπορεί να απορρίψει το λαχνό και να τον επιστρέψει εντός 7 ημερών (ημερομηνία σφραγίδας ταχυδρομείου) απο την λήξη της δημοπρασίας, αν αποδείξει ότι δεν είναι γνήσιος ή ότι περιγράφηκε λανθασμένα. Οι λαχνοί πρέπει να επιστρέφονται όπως παραλήφθηκαν αρχικά, χωρίς καμμία διαφοροποίηση. Λαχνοί που εξετάσθηκαν προηγουμένως από τους υποψηφίους αγοραστές δεν επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από αυτή. Οι αγοραστές δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα επιστροφής μικτών λαχνών, συλλογών, λαχνών που έχουν ελαττώματα σε μικροαξίες, καθώς και φωτογραφημένων στον κατάλογο λαχνών, για ελαττώματα ορατά στη φωτογραφία (κεντράρισμα, περιθώρια, οδόνττωση). Όταν η αξία του λαχνού είναι στη σφραγίδα και όχι στο γραμματόσημο, ο λαχνός δεν μπορεί να επιστραφεί για ελάττωμα του γραμματοσήμου. Κάθε λαχνός περιέρχεται στον πλειοδότη, που προσφέρει την υψηλότερη τιμή. Σε περίπτωση ίσων ταχυδρομικών προσφορών, πλειοδότης θεωρείται αυτός που η προσφορά του έφθασε πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς. Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς. Μεγάλοι λαχνοί μπορεί να μην μεταφερθούν για viewing στην Αθήνα ή να μεταφερθούν κατ’επιλογή. Viewing λαχνών, που δεν μεταφέρονται στην Αθήνα, μπορεί να γίνει στα γραφεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας. Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως. Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Έξοδα συσκευασίας δεν χρεώνονται. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου αποτελεί για την Εταιρία και απόδειξη παραλαβής του υλικού από τον αγοραστή. Στην τιμή κατακυρώσεως προστίθεται ποσοστό 18% για προμήθειά μας και επί πλέον ο αναλογών ΦΠΑ επί της προμήθειάς μας. Όλες οι τιμές στόν κατάλογο είναι σε ΕΥΡΩ. Απούλητοι λαχνοί με τιμή εκκίνησης “OFFER” δεν διατίθενται προς πώληση μετά τη λήξη της δημοπρασίας. Η τιμή πώλησης των λαχνών με την ένδειξη “OFFER” ορίζεται από το ποσό της προσφοράς, με κατοχύρωση του λαχνού στην υψηλότερη. Ο πλειοδότης (είτε βρίσκεται στην Αίθουσα, είτε έχει καταθέσει την προσφορά του μέσω τηλεφώνου/email) είναι υπεύθυνος για την εξόφληση του τιμολογίου, εκτός αν έχει συνεννοηθεί γραπτώς ειδάλλως με την Εταιρία. Οποιοσδήποτε λαμβάνει μέρος στη δημοπρασία είναι γνώστης των προαναφερομένων όρων και τους αποδέχεται πλήρως. Οποιαδήποτε διαφωνία μεταξύ των συμβαλλομένων μερών τίθεται στην κρίση και δικαιοδοσία του αρμοδίου Δικαστηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης.
CONDITIONS OF SALE All descriptions are reliable and accurate and the lots are sold as genuine and authentic, unless the contrary is indicated. The purchaser may reject the lot and return it within 7 days (post office date stamp) after the end of the auction, if he proves it is not genuine or incorrectly described. The lots must be returned intact and as originally despatched. Lots which have been examined by the buyers before the auction cannot be returned. Also, lots purchased in the room cannot be returned after leaving the place. Buyers have no right to reject mixed lots, collections containing undescribed items, or described as having defects. Any illustration is part of the description and items cannot be returned for defects visible in it. When the value of a lot lies in the cancellation and not in the stamp, any defects of the latter shall not be a reason for rejecting the lot. The highest bidder shall prevail. In case of equal mail bids, the earlier arrived will be considered as succesful. Telephone bids are acceptable, but should be confirmed in writing. Before start selling or the date of the auction the Auctioneer has the right to withdraw any of the lots, to divide it into two or more parts, or to join two or more lots into one. Large lots may not be available for viewing in Athens unless especially selected. Viewing of those unavailable lots is still possible in our offices in Thessaloniki. Bids should be received at least 2 hours before the start of the Sale. Payment must be made in full just after the end of the sale in the room, or within 10 days after receipt of our invoice. Foreign buyers can pay by credit card (we accept Visa and Mastercard) or by Bank Cheque, personal cheque and money order in foreign currency or in euro. Interest shall be payable by the purchaser on any overdue account. The Auctioneer has a descretion to waive payment of the interest. Title shall remain to A. KARAMITSOS until payment in full is received. Any buyer could be excluded if he is not a person of good faith, according to the Auctioneer’s opinion. The invoices and the lots will be mailed to the address given on the bidding form. Postage and insurance is charged to the buyers. No packing cost is charged. The receipt for “Registered” letter by the Post Office constitutes delivery receipt for the Auctioneer. A 18% buyer’s commission will be added to the “hammer price” for each lot, plus the respective Value Additive Tax (VAT) on our commission. All prices expressed in the catalogue and all bids are in euro, unless otherwise is stated. Unsold lots with starting price “OFFER” are not available for sale after the end of the auction. The sale price of lots marked as “OFFER” is defined by the highest offer, highest bid wins the item at said price. The bidder (either via mail or in the room) is responsible for the invoice’s payment, unless otherwise aggreed, in writing, with the company. Anyone who will take part in this Auction is familiar to the conditions of sale and accepts them. Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Court in Thessaloniki, Greece.
ZEPPELIN MAIL TO AND FROM GREECE The “LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin” was a large dirigible or, more specifically, a rigid airship in the early 20th century. It was named after the German pioneer of airships, Ferdinand von Zeppelin. It flew for the first time on September 18, 1928. In October 1928, the first long-range voyage led the craft to Lakehurst, New Jersey. Later, “Graf Zeppelin” toured in Germany and visited Italy, Palestine and Spain. In 1930, “Graf Zeppelin” undertook a number of trips around Europe and, following a successful tour to South America in May 1930, it was decided to open the first regular transatlantic airship line. After some test flights to South America during 1930 and 1931, there opened a scheduled service between Friedrichshafen and Recife (Pernambuco) in north-eastern Brazil in April 1932. In order to expedite delivery from Athens, Salonica and other towns and islands of Greece (including the Aegean islands under Italian occupation) to numerous countries in South America, North America and countries in Europe, mail was sent via the “Graf Zeppelin” and the “Hindenburg”. The Zeppelin Company had introduced a treaty that would allow mail to be transported via the airships once it was delivered by train or the Deutsche Lufthansa to Berlin, Frankfurt or Stuttgart or the airship hub, Friedrichshafen, and then on to its final destination. Greece became a member of the treaty state in 1932. Therefore, the mail originating in Greece could be delivered to North or South America more expeditiously. Previously, mail from Greece went by ordinary land route to Marseilles and then by air to its destination. Airmail rates from 1929 through 1940 were continuously changing. On October 30th, 1930, the airmail rates to South America were Drs. 30 per 5 gr. for letters and cards. The airmail rate to Brazil was Drs. 25 per 5 gr. The rate for printed matter was Drs. 50 per 50 gr. and Drs. 60 for all other South American countries. After December 11th, 1932, the air mail rates changed to Drs. 30 per 10 gr. Airmails posted in Salonica and Athens from May 8th, 1933 (destination USA or neighboring countries) varied from Drs. 18 to Drs. 70 per 10 gr. according to distance traveled. The first mail posted in Athens on March 16, 1932. Mail posted in Athens for the sixth flight (due to late arrival) was placed on the seventh flight. In 1933, the A.E.I. issued 3 commemorative stamps to be used only for the Rome flight. On May 2, 1933 stamps were distributed to the local post offices to only be used for the Rome flight that was affected on May 27th, 1933. The commemorative Zeppelin stamps were to be used after May 20th, 1933. However, two covers, one posted in Athens, May 5th, placed on board the “Graf Zeppelin” for the first South America flight, May 6th, 1933, and the second cover, posted May 12th on the island of Crete, are examples of unauthorized usage of the Zeppelin stamps. At the Athens post office all airmail received a special red five lined cachet. Upon arriving in Rome, it received the Rome marking.
II Mail posted in Patras on May 26, 1933, was picked up by the Imperial Airways and delivered directly to Brindisi, bypassing the Athens post office – thus failing to receive the red five lined cachet. Some mail addressed to Germany and other parts of Europe stayed on board for the next leg, receiving the Friedrichshafen backstamp upon arrival. Nine pieces of mail destined for North America via South America received the green cachet of the second South America flight. The airmail rate for the special Rome flight was Drs. 150 for cards and Drs. 250 for covers. Of the 1.170 pieces of mail from various towns or islands of Greece received at the Athens post office, approximately 400 cards or covers were insufficiently franked, intercepted by the postal authorities and sent to their destinations via regular route. Some insufficiently franked airmail slipped through the postal controls and received the proper markings and was then carried by the Zeppelin to their destination. The cachets shown in the following pages, were placed in the mail bags to identify each flight for the years 1932 and 1933. On March 22, 1935, the Deutsche Lufthansa AG and the Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH founded the Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei GmbH – DZR with seat in Berlin. The airline company took over the airship “LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin”, which had operated the South-Atlantic route since 1930. During 1935, the “LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin” continued to operate the South-American route with great regularity. During 1936, 13 flights to South America were made by the “LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin” and 8 by the “LZ 129 Hindenburg”.
6001 200 ₏ Lot including Count Zeppelins memorabilia: 1) SIGNED letter, dated 1st May, 1901, with text referring to the airship’s disaster at (Frankfurt) Greisheim, where on 25th April, 1901, 200 people were killed in a chemical factory explosion. 2) a visiting card with his name printed on it. 3) An envelope written by him, posted on 9.9.1914 and 4) a postcard with his image and printed signature.
6002 150 € A rare piece of the Graf Zeppelin LZ 127, canvas piece of its “Skin”, 6.5x6.5 cm.
An interesting well made old fundraising badge from the 1920s, with needle pin. Approx. 3x4 cm. Machine embroidered in a thin pressed metal framework. Maker marked Ges Gesch. Kruse & Sohne. In very good condition for age. This was produced for The Zeppelin-Eckener Spende (Zeppelin Eckener Fund): To finance LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin, Eckener and his fellow Zeppelin officers traveled throughout Germany giving hundreds of 6003 60 € lectures and raising funds for the Zeppelin-Eckener-Spende (the Zeppelin Eckener Fund). While the Spende raised only 2.5 million of the 7 million marks needed to build LZ-127, with an additional million marks from the government, and financing from its other operations, the Zeppelin Company was able to begin construction.
6004 2500 € Front Back Postbag used for drop mail from the Zeppelin airships. The air mail pouch consisted of dark yellowish oil-paper, had a sand filling and a 2.70 m. long black-white-red ribbon. Very rare document from the early time of air navigation and air mail in remarkably good condition.
6005 250 € FF 32
6006 120 €
6007 200 € FF35A
6008 350 € FF 35A
6009 450 € FF 35A
6010 200 € FRIEDRICHSHAFEN*24.MRZ.29 first flight cover to “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*31.III.29” via Athens by GF, commemorative canc. “LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / ORIENTFAHRT 1929” in red. (Hellas FF35A).
6013 200 € FF 35A
6011 160 € FF 35A
6012 200 € FF 35A
6014 230 € FF 35A
6015 230 € FF 35A
6016 500 € FF 35B
6017 250 € FF 39
6018 320 € FF 39
6019 300 € LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN*22.4.1929 first flight cover to “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*?.ΑΠΡ.29” by GZ Algerian Cruise. (FF 39A).
6020 270 € FF 39
Front 6021 650 €
6022 200 €
6023 120 € FF 137
6024 500 € FF 137
6025 120 €
6026 150 €
Egypt Return Flight
6027 100 â‚Ź
6028 600 € FF 230A1
6029 350 € FF 230A3
6030 350 € FF 230A3
6031 250 € FF 230A4
6032 265 € FF 230A4
6033 350 € FF 230B4
6034 350 € FF 230B4
6035 400 € FF 239A / 230A4
6036 240 €
6037 200 € FF 230A5
6038 200 € FF 230A5
6039 350 € FF 230B5
6040 380 € FF 230B5
6041 600 € FF 230A7a
6042 600 € FF 230A7a
6043 600 € FF 230B7a
6044 600 € FF 230B7a
6045 350 € FF 230A7
6046 350 € FF 230A7
6047 300 € FF 230A8
6048 400 € FF 230A8
6049 400 € FF 230B8
6050 300 € FF 230A8
6051 420 € FF 230C8
6052 280 € FF 230A8
6053 220 € FF 230A9
6054 200 € FF 230A9
6055 400 € FF 230B9
6056 400 € FF 230B9
6057 450 € FF 230B9
6058 380 € FF 230B9
6059 140 €
6060 100 €
6061 100 €
6062 2000 €
6063 750 â‚Ź Hellas A5-A7, mint never hinged blocks of 4.
6064 250 â‚Ź Hellas A5-A7, used blocks of 4.
6066 (A5-A7 pairs** ) 1000 â‚Ź
6065 (A5-A7 singles** ) 500 â‚Ź
6067 600 € A5
6068 150 € FF 293E2
6069 600 € FF 293A1
6070 600 € FF 293A1
6071 250 € FF 293A1
6072 250 € FF 293A1
6073 250 € FF 293A1
6074 250 € FF 293A1
6075 300 € FF 293B1
6076 290 € FF 293B1
6077 350 € FF 293A2
6078 320 € FF 293A2
6079 200 € FF 293A2
6080 200 € FF 293A2
6081 270 € FF 293A2
6082 400 € FF 293A2
6083 400 € FF 293A2
6084 270 € FF 293A2
6085 210 € FF 293A2
6086 230 € FF 293A2
6087 230 € FF 293A2
6088 210 € FF 293A2
6089 210 € FF 293A2
6090 210 € FF 293A2
6091 210 € FF 293A2
6092 300 € FF 293A2
6093 190 € FF 293E2
6094 2500 € FF 293A2a
6095 200 € FF 293A2a
6096 200 € FF 293A2a
6097 190 € FF 293A2a
6098 210 € FF 293A2a
6099 300 € FF 293A2a
6100 300 € FF 293A2a
6101 200 € FF 293A2a
6102 200 € FF 293A2a
6103 450 € FF 293A2b
6104 450 € FF 293A2b
6105 450 € FF 293A2b
6106 500 € FF 293A2c
6107 500 € FF 293A2c
6108 320 € FF 293B2
6109 440 € FF 293B2
6110 600 € FF 293D2
6111 390 € FF 293D2
6112 395 € FF 293D2
6113 400 € FF 293D2
6114 550 € FF 293D2
6115 500 € FF 293D2
6116 500 € FF 293D2
6117 520 € FF 293D2
6118 520 € FF 293D2
6119 280 € RODI (EGEO)*24.5.33 second Zeppelin flight registered PPC to “ROMA*29.V.33” with destination “PERNAMBUCO*6.VI.33” by AEI/GZ, (FF 293C2). Front
6120 280 € RODI (EGEO)*24.5.33 second Zeppelin flight registered PPC to “ROMA*29.V.33” and “FRIEDRICHSHAFEN*30.5.33” with destination “GENEVE*31.V.33” by AEI/GZ. (FF 293C2a).
6121 280 € RODI (EGEO)*24.5.33 second Zeppelin flight registered cover to “ROMA*29.V.33” and “FRIEDRICHSHAFEN*30.5.33” with destination “HARWICH-ESSEX*1.JU.33” by AEI/GZ. (FF 293C2a). Back
6122 280 € RODI (EGEO)*24.5.33 flight registered PPC to “ROMA*29.V.33” by AEI/GZ, (FF 293C2c).
6123 280 € RODI (EGEO)*23.5.33 flight registered cover to “ROMA*29.V.33” by AEI, with destination “FIRENZE*31.5.33” (by train) via “NAPOLI*30.5.33”. (FF 293C2c).
6137 350 € RODI (EGEO)*26.7.33 Fourth Zeppelin Flight registered cover to “PERNAMBUCO*9.VIII.33” (all appropriate cachets) and commemorative canc. “LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN - 4.SUDAMERIKAFAHRT 1933”. (FF 293C4).
6124 180 € FF 293E2
6125 200 € FF 293E2
6126 90 € FF 293E2
6127 100 € FF 293E2
6128 100 € FF 293E2
6129 50 € FF 293E2
6130 310 € FF 293A3
6131 290 € FF 293A3
6132 360 € FF 293B3
6133 120 € FF 293A3
6134 400 € FF 293C3
6135 350 € FF 293A4
6136 350 € FF 293A4
6138 350 € FF 293A5
6139 350 € FF 293A5
6140 300 € FF 293A6
6141 320 € FF 293A6
6142 400 € FF 293B6
6143 300 € FF 293A7
6144 300 € FF 293A7
6145 320 € FF 293A8
6146 300 € FF 293A8
6147 480 € FF 293A9
6148 450 € FF 293A9
6149 500 € FF 293A9a
6150 800 € FF 293D9
6151 100 € FF 322.1
6152 30 €
6153 250 € FF 341A1
6154 260 € FF 341A1
6155 450 € FF 341B1
6156 200 € FF 341A2
6157 75 €
6158 200 € FF 341A3
6159 180 € FF 341A3
6160 200 € FF 341A4
6161 200 € FF 341A4
6162 200 € FF 341A5
6163 330 € FF 341C5
6164 240 € FF 341A6
6165 600 € FF 341D6
6166 500 € FF 341A7
6167 350 € FF 341A8
6168 250 € FF 341A8
6169 250 € FF 341A1
6170 250 € FF 341A9
6171 450 € FF 341D9
6172 200 € FF 341A10
6173 180 € FF 341A10
6174 350 € FF 341A11
6175 250 € FF 341A11
6176 250 € FF 341A11
6177 450 € FF 341D11
6178 550 € FF 341A12
6179 180 € FF 342A6
6180 200 € FF 342A1
6181 200 € FF 354A3
6182 200 € FF 354A3
6183 200 € FF 354A3
6184 200 € FF 354A3
6185 250 € FF 354A5
6186 350 € FF 354A7
6187 450 € FF 354A16
6188 200 € FF 363.1
6189 250 € FF 363.2
6190 500 € FF 371B3
6191 350 € FF 372A1
6192 450 € FF 372B1
6193 400 € FF 372D1
6194 350 € FF 372A1
6195 400 € FF 372A2
6196 400 € FF 372A2
6197 400 € FF 372A3
6198 400 € FF 372A3
6199 400 € FF 372A3
6200 550 € FF 372A6
6201 450 € FF 372B7
6202 500 € FF 372A8
6203 200 € FF 372.1 A5
6204 400 € FF 372A2
6205 30 € FF 373.1