A.Karamitsos Public Auction 512

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A.KARAMITSOS 34, Tsimiski Str. - 54623 Thessaloniki - GREECE tel.: +30 2310 264 366 - fax: +30 2310 274 031 www.karamitsos.com e-mail: karamitsos@karamitsos.gr

WORKING HOURS: 07.00 - 15.00

Saturday, 7 February 2015 PUBLIC AUCTION

No 512

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs

Start Time: 14.00 Viewing Arrangements: “Athens Auctions” Store

Monday, 12 January 2015 - Friday, 6 February 2015 (working hours)

“Hilton Athens” Hotel

Saturday, 7 February 2015: 09.00 - 10.00 “Hilton Athens” Hotel 46, Vasilissis Sofias Ave. - Athens • tel.: +30 210 7281000 • fax: +30 210 7281111 “Athens Auctions” Store Pindarou 7 & Alexandrou Soutsou 2 - Athens • tel.: +30 210 3250173 • fax: +30 210 3250176

ΟΡΟΙ ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΩΝ Όλοι οι λαχνοί περιγράφονται προσεκτικά και πωλούνται ως γνήσιοι και αυθεντικοί εκτός αν περιγράφονται άλλως. Ο αγοραστής μπορεί να απορρίψει το λαχνό και να τον επιστρέψει εντός 7 ημερών (ημερομηνία σφραγίδας ταχυδρομείου) απο την λήξη της δημοπρασίας, αν αποδείξει ότι δεν είναι γνήσιος ή ότι περιγράφηκε λανθασμένα. Οι λαχνοί πρέπει να επιστρέφονται όπως παραλήφθηκαν αρχικά, χωρίς καμμία διαφοροποίηση. Λαχνοί που εξετάσθηκαν προηγουμένως από τους υποψηφίους αγοραστές δεν επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από αυτή. Οι αγοραστές δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα επιστροφής μικτών λαχνών, συλλογών, λαχνών που έχουν ελαττώματα σε μικροαξίες, καθώς και φωτογραφημένων στον κατάλογο λαχνών, για ελαττώματα ορατά στη φωτογραφία (κεντράρισμα, περιθώρια, οδόνττωση). Όταν η αξία του λαχνού είναι στη σφραγίδα και όχι στο γραμματόσημο, ο λαχνός δεν μπορεί να επιστραφεί για ελάττωμα του γραμματοσήμου. Κάθε λαχνός περιέρχεται στον πλειοδότη, που προσφέρει την υψηλότερη τιμή. Σε περίπτωση ίσων ταχυδρομικών προσφορών, πλειοδότης θεωρείται αυτός που η προσφορά του έφθασε πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς. Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς. Μεγάλοι λαχνοί μπορεί να μην μεταφερθούν για viewing στην Αθήνα ή να μεταφερθούν κατ’επιλογή. Viewing λαχνών, που δεν μεταφέρονται στην Αθήνα, μπορεί να γίνει στα γραφεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας. Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως. Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Έξοδα συσκευασίας δεν χρεώνονται. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου αποτελεί για την Εταιρία και απόδειξη παραλαβής του υλικού από τον αγοραστή. Στην τιμή κατακυρώσεως προστίθεται ποσοστό 18% για προμήθειά μας και επί πλέον ο αναλογών ΦΠΑ επί της προμήθειάς μας. Όλες οι τιμές στόν κατάλογο είναι σε ΕΥΡΩ. Απούλητοι λαχνοί με τιμή εκκίνησης “OFFER” δεν διατίθενται προς πώληση μετά τη λήξη της δημοπρασίας. Η τιμή πώλησης των λαχνών με την ένδειξη “OFFER” ορίζεται από το ποσό της προσφοράς, με κατοχύρωση του λαχνού στην υψηλότερη. Ο πλειοδότης (είτε βρίσκεται στην Αίθουσα, είτε έχει καταθέσει την προσφορά του μέσω τηλεφώνου/email) είναι υπεύθυνος για την εξόφληση του τιμολογίου, εκτός αν έχει συνεννοηθεί γραπτώς ειδάλλως με την Εταιρία. Οποιοσδήποτε λαμβάνει μέρος στη δημοπρασία είναι γνώστης των προαναφερομένων όρων και τους αποδέχεται πλήρως. Οποιαδήποτε διαφωνία μεταξύ των συμβαλλομένων μερών τίθεται στην κρίση και δικαιοδοσία του αρμοδίου Δικαστηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης.

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Contents Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Documents - Ephemera. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Archive Photographs. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Cabinet - CDV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Maps & Engravings. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Thessaloniki Collectables. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Engravings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Catalogue Authoring and Editing:

Spyros Tsipidis


Picture postcard / Εικονογραφημένη κάρτα Real photograph, photocard / Φωτοκάρτα, πραγματική φωτογραφία Map / Χάρτης Rare, very rare, etc. / Σπάνιο, πολύ σπάνιο κλπ. Good quality or condition / Καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Very good quality or condition / Πολύ καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Fine quality or condition / Ωραία ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Very fine quality or condition / Πολύ ωραία ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Library book / Βιβλίο Document / Έγγραφο Newspaper / Εφημερίδα Engraving / Γραβούρα Magazine / Περιοδικό Ephemera / Εφήμερα Bonds & Certificates / Μετοχές Ceramic / Κεραμικό Advertisement / Διαφήμιση


Lot. 8001 Β CAMOCIO Giovanni Francesco. 81 maps, charts & views from the rare ISOLARIO, “Isole famose porti, fortezze, e terre maritime sottoposte...”, Venice, 1566-1574. Without title page. Oblong 4to (~28 x 22 cm.), 81 full-page numbered plates 6-84 & 86-88 (plate 85 missing). Plates Nos not always on sequence. 9 plates with “privilegio” to Camocio & 1 to “D.B.” (Donato Bertelli). Handwritten numbered pages starting from 4 to 88 with page 85 missing. Varying plate sizes. Contemporary boards, light vertical crease on some maps, creased corners (marginal) on 4 maps, tear restored on plate no.53. This rare collection of maps illustrates the war between Turkey and Venice (1570-73), comprising maps of the coasts and of the most important ports of Austria, Dalmatia, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Malta, charts of the Aegean islands and of principal islands of the Mediterranean sea, also early depictions of England, Ireland and Iceland. Maps for this Isolario were first printed on individual sheets and later as collections with a title-page. Although the handwritten page numbering is starting from “4”, it is uncertain if the current copy was printed with a title page. Starting Price: 27000 €

“ For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com ” Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8002 B CHANDLER Richard, “Travels in Asia Minor” 1776 & “Travels in Greece” 1776 in one volume. “Travels in Asia Minor: or an account of a tour...”, Second edition, J. Dodsely [&c.], London, 1776. 4to, pp. xiv+xiii+283 + Errata. Notes in pen on one page. With one folding map by Thomas Kitchin. ?Travels in Greece: or an account of a tour??, first edition, Clarendon Press , Oxford, 1776. 4to, pp.xiv+304+Errata. 7 engraved maps (2 folding) by Thomas Kitchin. [Blackmer 318]. Period binding, paneled calf, raised bands. Rubbed boards, bumped corners, cracked back joint. Restoration. Two important works containing the day to day experiences of Chandler’s travels in Asia Minor & Greece. Chandler has undertaken a tour of exploration in Asia Minor and Greece organised by The Society of Dilettanti. Starting Price: 700 €

Lot. 8003 B GALT John, “Letters from the Levant; Containing Views of the State of Society, Manners, Opinions, and Commerce, in Greece, and Several of the Principal Islands of the Archipelago”, printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, London, 1813. 8vo, pp.xv+386. FIRST EDITION, with engraved map frontispiece of Greece oriented with west at the top. Book label: “John Fitchett”. Original boards, prob. re-backed. Dampstaining mainly on first and last pages. Starting Price: 350 €

Lot. 8004 B POUQUEVILLE F.C.H.L., “Travels in Southern Epirus, Acarnania, Aetolia, Attica, and Peloponesus, or the Morea, in the years 18141816”, Richard Phillips, London, 1822. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp.128. With one folding map of Peloponesus & one full page map of Ioannina. Contemporary boards. Full page map loose, overall fine condition. Starting Price: 90 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8005 B SPENCER Edmund, “TRAVELS IN CIRCASSIA, KRIM TARTARY, Etc. Including a steam voyage down the Danube, from Vienna to Constantinople and round the Black Sea, in 1836”, Henry Colburn, London, 1837. 2 vols, 8vo, pp.355+425. First edition. Two hand-coloured frontis plates, two folding maps, two lithographic plates, 16 wood engr. vignettes. Half calf with marbled boards, raised bands - gilt title. Creased map, dampstained mainly on title pages & edges rubbing. Overall Fine. An account of great historical significance of a voyage down the Danube from Vienna to the Black Sea, Constantinople Krim Tartary (the Crimea,) and Circassia. Starting Price: 300 €

Lot. 8006 Β WORDSWORTH Christopher, “Greece, pictorial, descriptive and historical”, William S. Orr, London, 1839. FIRST EDITION. Large 8vo (16x24cm), pp.xxvii+356. Engraved pictorial title, 26 steel engravings (2 maps) & numerous woodcuts in text. Half leather decorative gilt on spine. Rubbing and light edge-wear, some plates and text spotted. Blackmer 1840. Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 8009 Β SPENCER Edmund, “Travels in European Turkey, in 1850, through Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thrace, Albania, and Epirus; with a Visit to Greece and the Ionian Isles”, Colburn and Co, London 1851. 2 vol., FIRST EDITION, pp.xi+416, xv+484. Large folding map and 2 tinted lithographed frontispieces. Original decorative cloth, restorations, chipped spine with reinforcing tape on spine tail & head. Starting Price: 150 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8007 B WICKENDEN, Joseph Frederic, “SEVEN DAYS IN ATTICA in the summer of 1852”, Harrison, LONDON, 1853. FIRST EDITION. 8vo (26.5x18.5cm.), xi+35pp. With 2 lithographed maps & 23 impressive lithographed plates, 11 of which doublepage or folding panoramas, all backed on linen. Text in original wrappers, plates loose as issued, the whole housed in the original slipcase. Tear on a single plate (#21), occasional soiling mainly marginal, signs of pinholes on some of the marginal plate corners, the 2 maps with edge-wear, wear along spine head & tail, faults on interior slipcase. Slipcase exterior, Plates & text in overall Fine condition. RARE. Weber notes that according to the prospectus, only 67 copies were printed. Blackmer 1792, Weber I 1158. Starting Price: 2500 €

“ For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com ” 4

A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8008 B PARDOE Julia, “The Bosphorus & the Danube” The Beauties of the Bosphorus. [Bound with] The Danube Illustrated, c.1850. 4to, 6 Volumeswith 141 plates after BARTLETT & 2 maps. Vol.I: Engr. title, frontpiece, xii,1-34+4adv., Vol.II: 39-86, Vol. III: 87-134, Vol.IV: 135-164,iv(missing title page, i & ii), 1-20, Vol.V:21-68, Vol.VI:69-116. Original red cloth, decorative gilt on front & back board, gilt title on spine, gilt edges. Rubbing, Occasional spotting & soilling. Overall Fine. Rare although not complete. Starting Price: 500 €

Lot. 8010 Β LEAR, Edward, “Journals of a landscape painter in Albania, Illyria”. Richard Bentley, London, 1852. Second enlarged edition. Large 8vo (16.5x26.5cm), pp. xiii, 418. Complete with one map and 20 lithographed plates printed in 3 tints. Original blue cloth gilt, with edge-wear, cracked hinge and one loose page in the beginning. Lear travelled to Constantinople, Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly & Albania creating a remarkably detailed account of the places he passed through including Constantinople, Thessaloniki, Kastoria, Gianitsa, Monastiri, Durazzo, Avlona, Tirana. The charming plates provide, among other, rare views of: Edessa, Ioannina, Nikopolis, Arta, Suli, Parga, Meteora, Tempe, Gianitsa, Monastiri, Tirana, Vlore, Durres, Tepeleni, Argyrokastro, Himare. Starting Price: 650 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8011 B [SKENE James Henry], “The Frontier Lands of the Christian and the Turk; comprising Travels in the Regions of the Lower Danube in 1850 and 1851”, Richard Bentley, London, 1853. 2nd ed., 2 volumes. 8vo, pp.viii+423 & viii+421. Engraved plate and folding map frontispiece. Original decorative green cloth. Spots on plate & map, otherwise Fine. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8012 Β CREASY E. S., “History of the Ottoman Turks: From the Beginning of their Empire to the Present Time. Chiefly founded on Von Hammer”, Richard Bentley, London, 1854. 2 Vols, pp.413+548. FIRST EDITION, with 6 maps (4 folding) and a lithograph view of Malta. Small crack on Vol I head of the spine & lightly rubbed edges, otherwise Very Fine copy. Starting Price: 270 €

Lot. 8014 B WYSE Sir Thomas, “An excursion in the Peloponnesus in the year 1858”, Day & Son, 1865. FIRST EDITION. 2 volumes, large 8vo, pp.xii+314 & ix+343. With two frontpieces, 1 folding map and 22 plates (including 2 folding panoramas) after Wyse or V. Lanza. Contemporary binding, red cloth. One folding panorama with large tear and a small tear on 1 plate, otherwise in Fine condition. Wyse was the English ambassador in Athens (1849-1862). He travelled all over the country in order to prepare a detailed report on Greek economy. Blackmer 1848, Weber 703, Contominas 819. Starting Price: 450 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8013 B TEXIER Charles, PULLAN Popplewell, “Byzantine architecture illustrated by examples of edifices erected in the East during the earliest ages of Christianity, with historical & archaeological descriptions”, Day & Son, London 1864. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. Large Folio (30x44cm), pp.vi,218. Color engraved title page and 70 tinted lithographed or chromolithographed plates mostly after Texier, original gilt-stamped brown cloth, edges gilt. Some spotting / dampstaining on plates. Rubbed & sunned boards with wear on joint. Interior tight. The monumental work of Texier & Pullan was the first book in English specifically devoted to the Byzantine architecture. This study still acts as a main reference for most relating studies, offering comprehensive descriptions & unique depictions of Byzantine monuments. Atabey 1213, Blackmer 1647. Starting Price: 2300 €

“ For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com ” Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8015 B TOZER Henry Fanshawe, “Researches in the Highlands of Turkey; Including Visits to Mount Ida, Athos. Olympus and Pelion. To the Mirdite Albanians and Other Remote Tribes”, John Murray, London, 1869. 2 Vols. First edition. Small 8vo (14x20cm), pp.Vol.I: xi+397, Vol.II: vii+390. With 3 maps (1 folding), plans & rare depictions of Mount Athos monasteries. Brown cloth (not original, scraped cachet on Vol.II title page, occasional spotting and soiling, frontpiece & titlepage of Vol.I slightly loose. Much of the first volume is taken up with a description of Mount Athos, there are also chapters on Mount Ida, Montenegro, Dalmatia, Thessaloniki, Ochrida, Monastiri, the Mirdite Albanians, Olympus and Suli. Scarce. Starting Price: 450 € Lot. 8016 B JOHNSON E. C., “On the track of the Crescent. Erratic notes from the Pirus to Pesth”, Hurst and Blackett, London 1885. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp.xvi,324. with numerous illustrations full-page and in text. Original cloth, decorative gilt, rubbed. Cracked hinge, few pen notes. Travelogue from Athens & Constantinople through the Balkans (Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania-Transylvania). Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 8017 B Bianconi F., “Turquie dEurope: province de Macedoine”, Series: Region dOrient, Paris 1885. pp.iv+17. With folded map “Carte Commerciale de la Province de MACEDOINE”, dim.54x42cm. Information, tables & charts along the human geography, economy, production, transportation, population etc. RARE. Starting Price: 100 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8018 B COCHRAN William, “Pen and Pencil in Asia Minor; or, Notes from the Levant”, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, London 1887. 8vo, pp.xxiv,464. 89 illustrations in text. Travelogue focusing on Smyrne & silk-growing techniques & districts. Slight rubbed, overal, FINE. RARE. Starting Price: 150 €

Lot. 8020 B 1896 ATHENS OLYMPIC GAMES. “Κανονισμός της Αστυνομίας του Παναθηναϊκού Σταδίου κατά τους Διεθνείς Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνας”, Τύποις Π. Δ. Σακελλαρίου, Αθήνα, 1896. Rare book describing in details the tasks & duties of the Panathinaiko Stadium Police during the Athens Olympic Games 1896. pp.12 + [1]. Cachet “ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΩΝ ΑΓΩΝΩΝ” (Olympic Committee). Missing two plans. Starting Price: 200 €

Lot. 8019 B BAEDEKER, “Greece Handbook for Travellers”, Leipzig, 1889. 11x16cm, pp.374. With large panorama of Athens, 6 maps and 14 plans. Shaken joints, rubbing, interior Very Fine. Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 8021 B WALKER Mary Adelaide, “Old Tracks and New Landmarks: Wayside Sketches in Crete, Macedonia, Mitylene etc.”, Richard Bentley and Son, London, 1897. First Edition. 8vo, pp.xv,365. Original green cloth with decorative gilt figure of man in traditional costume. 25 full page illustrations. Light toning & foxing on title page otherwise Very Fine. Rare account of travels from Constantinople & Broussa to Macedonia, Lesvos, Crete & the Danube. RARE. Starting Price: 270 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8022 B FETZER C. A. (lieutenant) “Aus dem thessalischen Feldzug der Trkei Frhjahr 1897. Berichte und Erinnerungen eines Kriegscorrespondenten”, Stuttgart/ Leipzig, Deutsche Verlags Anstalt, 1898. Dim.20x29cm, pp.171 (+4 advert.). Numerous illustrations of Crete, Thessaloniki, Larissa, Volo, Kalabaka, Sallona, Velestino, Constantinople & personalities. Original boards, rubbing & edgewear. Foxing, 1 small tear on title page. Rare edition. Starting Price: 140 €

Lot. 8023 Β DOCUMENTS DIPLOMATIQUES, arrangement financier avec la Grece. Travaux de la commission inernationale Chargee de la preparation du projet, Paris 1898, Imprimerie Nationale. Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres. 4to, pp.206. Numerous tables & diagrams, some folded. Documents of the International comittee, that settled in Greece from 1897 to 1978 & was responsible for the repayment of the depths of Greece after the loans of 1897. Contemporary half leather. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8024 B MACMILLANs Guides, “Guide to the Eastern Mediterranean”, Macmillan & Co, London, 1901. Dim.11.5x17cm, pp.xxviii + 245 + 14 (adverts), with 27 maps and plans, many folding. Yachting notes, hotel lists, Italy, Adriatic, Greece & islands, Constantinople, Brusa, Smyrna, & Ephesus. Scarce guide in very fine condition. Starting Price: 85 €

Lot. 8025 B ADLER Elkan Nathan, “Jews in Many Lands”, The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1905. 12mo, pp.259. With 19 photographs (1898), some extremely rare. Original green cloth. Faults on spine, cracked hinge, some pages shaken. Interior clean & Fine. Judaica of the world including Salonica, Smyrne & Aleppo. Two very rare photographs of the Catalan synagogue & the Talmud Torah at Thessaloniki. Starting Price: 100 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8026 Β FURTWNGLER Adolf, “Aegina, das Heiligtum der Aphaia. Unter mitwirkung von Ernst R. Fiechter und Hermann Thiersch”, K.B. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, 1906. 2 vols. (complete). 4to, Vol.I: 8 + ix + 504 pp. with 410 figs. & 6 plates (3 folding; 1 in color), 1 double-page map, Vol.II: xx + 130 plates (20 folding, 5 in color). In Excellent condition. Thorough and scientific record of the Bavarian excavations of the temple on Aegina in 1901 and analysis of the earlier excavations of 1811. The study is considered revolutionary in character giving the book a foremost place among the archaeological works of the 20th century. The architectural study of the temple and other buildings is carried out very thoroughly by Dr. Fiechter. The illustrations are mostly excellent. Rare in this condition. Starting Price: 1700 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8027 B PRELLER Friedrich, “Briefe und Studien aus Griechenland”, E. Boden. Dresden, 1907. 4to (38x27cm), pp34+13. With 13 prints of engravings pasted on thick cartons. Original covers, creased, chipped part on back cover. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8028 Β POUGET Pierre, “Terre dInconstance et dAcceptation, Albanie, Macedoine, Thessalie 1916-1917”, F. Detaille, Marseille, [c.1921], 4to, pp.70. Numerous b&w photo illustrations in text, 4 full page photogr. plates & 5 plans-sketches. Detached covers, tape along spine, most pages loose, spotting throughout. Very interesting views from Macedonia, Albania & Thessaloniki during the WWI. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8029 Β PERILLA F., “LE MONT ATHOS”, Salonique, 1927. 4to, pp.XV+188. Numbered “XLVI” copy, ONE OF THE 60 NOT FOR SALE COPIES. With 12 full page colour plates based on Perilla aquarelles, sketches in text, photographic plates & one folded plate. Paper boards, spine edge-wear, Light occasional spotting & few pen notes. Nice copy. Starting Price: 250 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8030 B HOFFMANN Max Major-General, “War Diaries and Other Parers”, Martin Secker, London, 1929. First English edition. 2 volumes, 8vo, original cloth, pp.271 & 407. Memoirs of the WWI German officer & strategist, that conceived the victorious operational plan for Tannenberg. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 85 €

Lot. 8031 B “Souvenir De Grece”, ed. G. Papadimitriou, Athenes, printed by Aspiotis ELKA c.1930. 4to (30x23cm). 9 colour plates based on Perilla aquarelles. Water stain on boards & signs of rust on spine. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8032 B PERILLA F., “Aquarelles De Grece”, Editions F.Perilla, Athens, 1943. 8vo (15.5x23.5cm), 50pp. 22 chromolithographies and 23 vignettes within text. Paperback, hardcover. Chipped edges, UNCUT. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8033 B PERILLA F., “1821 Fragments De La Vie Heroique De MAKRYJANNIS suivis de ses images de lepopee Grecque”, Editions F.Perilla, Athens, 1949. 4to (25x34cm). Limited edition (480 copies), numbered “216”. Portrait of Makryjannis by C. Kraxeisen, five (5) fuul-page lithographies by Perilla & 24 b&w and colour illustrations by P. Zografos about Greek Revolution. Dampstained cover & cracked hinge. Starting Price: 130 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Documents - Ephemera

Lot. 8034 DOC ADMIRAL SIR EDWARD CODRINGTON. Letter writen and signed on 24 July 1827 at Smyrna. Edward Codrington was expecting a letter from Stratford Canning who was the envoy to Constantinople to obtain recognition of Greek independence after the signing of the Treaty of London (6 July 1827). The political fermentations & intrigues will lead few days after to the naval Battle of Navarino (20.10.1827) between the Ottoman & the Allied (British, , French & Russian) fleet. “Smyrna 24 July 1827 I have found no letter but this for either you or me from Mr. Canning. The answer to the Turkish manifesto cannot come for some time. No Dartmouth as Martin reported, nor anything from England. Tablot got here this afternoon before us. Certainly keep an eye on ????? & tell your Greek friends to watch all his movements & ??? whom he communicates with. Our straight-forward ?? will beat the “intrigants” yet. It will do much good to prepare our Greek friends for the tricks of dear R. Provide? me the Greek papers in which Doctor Bailly may say anything. Edw. Codrington (signature) I have sent off the letter to Mr. Canning.” Starting Price: 650 €

Lot. 8036 DOC 01.07.1835. Greek Kingdom. Official “free pass” to Turkey document issued in Athens. Cachets “ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑ ΕΥΟΙΑΣ” & “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ*ΓΡΑΜ:ΤΗΣ/ ΕΠΙΚΡ:ΕΠΙ/ΤΟΥ ΒΑΣ:OIKOY/ΚΑΙ ΤΩΝ ΕΞΩ/ ΤΕΡΙΚΩΝ”. Dim.54x41cm. Scarce. Starting Price: 100 €


Lot. 8037 DOC 1836 - Βασίλειον της Ελλάδος, Ο Νομάρχης Αχαϊας, “Περί της τιμής των πωλουμένων φαρμάκων”. Επίσημο δημόσιο έγγραφο με οδηγίες “Προς τους κατά τας Π. Πάτρας Φαρμακοποιούς...” υπογεγραμμένο από τον τότε Νομάρχη Ιωάννη ΑΜΒΡΟΣΙΑΔΗ. Χαρτί με υδατόσημο “AL MASSO”. Σφραγίδα “ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑ ΑΧΑΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΗΛΙΔΟΣ”. Σπάνιο. Starting Price: 60 € A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8035 DOC 1835 Βασιλικόν Ελληνικόν Ιατροσυνέδριον. Πρώιμη άδεια άσκησης του επαγγέλματος του Φαρμακοποιού. Με κυκλική σφραγίδα ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΟΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ ΙΑΤΡΟΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΝ, υπογραφές του Γραμματέα του Συνεδρίου Ιωάννη Νικολαίδη Λιβαδέα και του προέδρου (μάλλον Δημητρίου Αλεξ. Μαυροκορδάτου). Φθορές στις άκρες του χαρτιού, σκισμένο οριζόντια στο κάτω τμήμα, σημάδια από κολλητική ταινία, επιδιορθωμένο με αντιόξινη ταινία. Πρόκειται για μια από τις πρώτες άδειες άσκησης του επαγγέλματος του Φαρμακοποιού στην σύγχρονη Ελλάδα. Στην Οθωνική Ελλάδα και πριν την ίδρυση του Οθωνικού – Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου, οι περισσότεροι ιατροί & φαρμακοποιοί ήταν εμπειρικοί και ελάχιστοι διέθεταν επίσημους τίτλους σπουδών. Το «Ιατροσυνέδριον της Ελλάδος» που συστήνεται το 1834 δίνει προσωρινές άδειες άσκησης επαγγέλματος γιατρών και φαρμακοποιών χωρίς τίτλους σπουδών με την προϋπόθεση να παρακολουθήσουν το πρόγραμμα των επίσημων σχολών και να υποβληθούν εκ νέου σε εξετάσεις, όταν αυτές ιδρυθούν και λειτουργήσουν. Starting Price: 400 €

Lot. 8038 DOC 1840 Εμποροι Θεσσαλονίκης - Σερρών. Επιστολή συνταχθείσα την 1.7.1840 στο Μάντσεστερ προς εμπορ. πράκτορες στη Σύρο για την αποστολή εμπορευμάτων σε λίστα 11 εμπόρων από τη Θεσσαλονίκη και τις Σέρρες. Η λίστα περιλαμβάνει και την αναλυτική περιγραφή των εμπορευμάτων και της αξίας τους. Σπάνιο. Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 8040 DOC 1852 letter from Nathanail Domeneginis (Ναθαναήλ ΔΟΜΕΝΕΓΙΝΗΣ) - member of the Ionian Parliament - to Andreas Mustoxidis (Ανδρέας Μουστοξύδης) -Greek historian and philologist from Corfu. With faults. Starting Price: 25 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs

Lot. 8039 DOC 1851, letter sent to Emilio Tipaldo (Αιμίλιος Τυπάλδος) from Venetia to Corfu. Venetia, Trieste & Corfu post cachets. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8041 DOC ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ (National Bank of Greece), 1852. Cover sent from Athens to Poros, bearing signature of Georgios Stavros (Γεώργιος Σταύρος), Governor of the Bank. Also signature of Θ. Χαιρέτης, General Secretary of the Bank. Athens & Pireaus post cachets. Starting Price: 10 €


Lot. 8043 DOC Crete 1880. Document with Turkish fiscals & cachets “ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗΝ ΟΡΦ. ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΛΑΣΙΘΙΟΥ 1871”, “ΔΗΜΟΓΕΡΟΝΤΕΣ ΧΡΙΟΥ ΚΑΡΙΔΙ”, “ΠΡΩΤΟΔΙΚΕΙΟΝ Δ. ΛΑΣΙΘΙΟΥ ΕΝ ΝΕΑΠΟΛΕΙ 1880” & Turkish negative cachets. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8042 DOC ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ ΝΟΜΟΥ 1869. Χειρόγραφη “Τροπολογία του άρθρου 885 της πολιτικής δικονομίας” με ιδιόχειρες υπογραφές 6 βουλευτών ανάμεσά τους και οι Γεώργιος & Χαράλαμπος Τυπάλδος Ιακωβάτος. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8045 DOC 1881 document from “ΧΩΡΙΟΝ ΠΡΙΝΑ ΜΕΡΑΜΒΕΛΛΟΝ”, concerning the concession of a house and amount of money in Kurus (Turkish currency). Turkish fiscal, negative cancellations, one:”ΔΗΜΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΚΡΙΤΣΑΣ ΜΕΡΑΜ 1879”. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8046 DOC Smyrne 1888. “APOSTOLIDES & RICCHI / Commission, Representation, Consignation Avances sur Consignations / Agence generale en Orient du Registre Maritime Francais...”. Watermarked paper. Starting Price: 15 €

Lot. 8044 DOC Crete 1881. Document for a loan with Turkish fiscal, and negative canc. “ΔΗΜΟΓΕΡΟΝΤΕΣ ΧΩΡΙΟΥ ΠΛΤΙΠΟΔΙ 1870”. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8048 DOC Crete 1894. Document for a loan with Turkish fiscals and canc. “ΔΗΜΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΝΕΑΠΟΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΡΑΜ. 1880” & “Ο ΥΠΟΘΗΚΟΦΥΛΑΞ ΜΕΡΑΜΠΕΛΟΥ 1879”. Starting Price: 10 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8047 DOC ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΣ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ. Καταστατικό ίδρυσης του συλλόγου (1891) και Υμνος του Συλλόγου. “ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟΝ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΥ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΤΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΥ”, Αθήνα 20.2.1891, με κυκλική σφραγίδα (dim.25x36cm). “Πανελλήνιος Γυμναστικός Σύλλογος υπό Προστάτη, Τη Α.Β.Υ. Τω Διαδόχω, ΥΜΝΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΥ διάσμα και κλειδοκύμβαλον. Ποίησις Κ. ΜΑΝΟΥ Μουσική Σ. ΣΑΜΑΡΑ”, λιθ. Γ. ΣΤΑΓΓΕΛ, Αθήνα. Με σφραγίδα του συλλόγου. Ο Υμνος συνδέθηκε με την Αναβίωση των Ολυμπιακών αγώνων με τον Σ. Σαμαρά να συνθέτει τον Ύμνο για τους πρώτους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες της Αθήνας το 1896. Starting Price: 250 €

Lot. 8049 DOC Crete 1896. Document concerning lands auction, with Turkish fiscal & canc. “ΕΙΡΗΝΟΔΙΚΕΙΟΝ ΚΑΛΟΧΩΡΙΟΝ ΠΕΔΙΑΔΟΣ”. Starting Price: 10 €

Lot. 8051 DOC Constantinople 1909, “MAISON PSALTY / Grands Magasins D Ameublements FABRIQUE DE MEUBLES... Pera - Rue Cabristan”. Starting Price: 20 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs

Lot. 8052 DOC ΑΥΛΩΝΑ - Β ΠΡΟΞΕΝΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΔΙΑΜΟΝΗΤΗΡΙΟΝ 1910. Υπογεγραμμένο από τον Ελληνα πρόξενο στς 14.1.1910. Starting Price: 70 €


Lot. 8050 DOC 1905 - 1909. Important archive consisting of ~60 documents, ~20 statistical tables & 2 telegraphs, outlining the criminality in Greece at the beginning of the 20th century. Information about the structure of Greek police, policemen training, lists of police stations and their capacity. Also, analytical lists of criminal offences, records of facts about robberies, gang activities and clashes between gangs and police. 1905 – 1909. Σημαντικό αρχείο εγγράφων από το Αρχηγείο χωροφυλακής και τα κατά τόπους αστυνομικά τμήματα προς το Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών που σαν σύνολο σκιαγραφούν την εγκληματικότητα στην Ελλάδα των αρχών του 20ου αιώνα μέσα από ~60 έγγραφα, ~20 πίνακες και 2 τηλεγραφήματα. Σημαντικό τμήμα του αρχείου αφορά στην καταγραφή γεγονότων σχετικά με ληστείες, δράσεις συμμοριών και συμπλοκές μεταξύ συμμοριών και αστυνομίας. Αναφορές για συμπλοκές με συμμορίες ληστών όπως του των Μποτάση – Τατση και των Σκουμπαίων στην Ήπειρο (1908), Χαρδουλιά – Ντελή στα Μετέωρα (1907), Χαρδαλιά – Ραϊκου στη Θεσσαλία και τη Φθιώτιδα 1908, Κλεφτογιάννη – Καρακώστα & Πρίφτη στη Θεσσαλία, Μυλωνά – Κουτσίκου, Κουτσοθόδωρου & Αφών Κουκαίων. Εκτός από έγγραφα υπάρχουν και δυο τηλεγραφήματα που αναφέρονται σε απαγωγές και συμπλοκές. Επίσης στο τμήμα αυτό εντάσσεται και πίνακας των επικηρυγμένων ληστών (με παράθεση και των ποσών επικήρυξης). Μια άλλη ομάδα εγγράφων του αρχείου περιλαμβάνει εκθέσεις εγκληματικότητας με καταγραφή του συνόλου των αξιόποινων πράξεων ανά περιοχή και κατάταξή τους σε κατηγορίες και υποκατηγορίες («Κατά της Τιμής: Βιασμοί / Αποπλανήσεις και Ασέλγειαι / Παρά φύσιν ασέλγειαι / Μοιχείαι»). Οι αξιόποινες πράξεις παρουσιάζονται και σε πίνακες και σε πολλές περιπτώσεις τα αποτελέσματα παρουσιάζονται συγκριτικά ανά έτος (π.χ σύγκριση εγκληματικότητας ανάμεσα στα έτη 1905-1906). Ένα άλλο τμήμα του αρχείου αποτελείται από έγγραφα – επιθεωρήσεις των Αστυνομικών Διευθύνσεων του κράτους, με πληροφορίες για τη δομή, λειτουργία της Ελληνικής χωροφυλακής, την εκπαίδευση των αστυνομικών για το έτος, αναλυτικούς πίνακες καταγραφής αστυνομικών τμημάτων και της δυναμικότητάς τους, προτάσεις – εκθέσεις για την αναδιάρθρωση του σώματος και της βελτίωσης λειτουργίας τους. Starting Price: 1200 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8053 DOC SMYRNE 1914. “Contrat De Location” (Rental Agreement) for annual rental of a store on Smyrna quay by a Greek in 1915. 2 sheets dim.~30x40cm. Turkish fiscal. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8055 DOC Μικρασιατική Εκστρατεία - Greco Turkish War 1921. Φύλο πορείας - Λόχος ΓΕΦΥΡΟΠΟΙΩΝ. Travel warrant by Greek Band of Bridge Constructions bearing scarce cachets: “ΦΡΟΥΡΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΙΑΣ” & “ΛΟΧΟΣ ΓΕΦΥΡΟΠΟΙΩΝ Α Σ. ΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ”. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8054 DOC ΠΑΛΑΜΑΣ Κωστής, Αθήνα 11/21 Ιουνίου 1915. Τετρασέλιδη χειρόγραφη επιστολή του Ελληνα ποιητή στην Μαίρη Δροσίνη, πρώην σύζυγο του ποιητή Γεωργίου Δροσίνη. Υδατογραφημένο χαρτί. Υπογραφή του ποιητή στο τέλος. Ο Γεώργιος και η Μαίρη Δροσίνη ήταν παντρεμένοι από το 1891. Οταν ο γάμος διαλύθηκε η Μαίρη Δροσίνη μαζί με τα παιδιά τους εγκαταστάθηκε στη Λοζάνη όπου και πέθανε, ενώ ο Δροσίνης έζησε ως το τέλος του με τον καημό της στέρησης των παιδιών του. Starting Price: 600 €

Lot. 8056 DOC Μικρασιατική Εκστρατεία - Greco Turkish War 1921. Official document from the Greek Temporary Hospital of Usak bearing scarce cachet “ΠΡΟΣΚΑΙΡΟΝ ΝΟΣΟΚΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΟΥΣΑΚ”. Starting Price: 20 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs

Lot. 8057 DOC Μικρασιατική Εκστρατεία - Greco Turkish War 1922. Official Identification document of a Greek Corporal, bearing rare cachet “ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΙΣ ΑΛΛΕΥΡΩΝ & ΝΟΜΗΣ”. ID photo of the soldier. Starting Price: 25 €


“ All items are presented in the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com � 20

A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8062


Alexander IOLAS. A collection of items, bearing aspects from the everyday life and the artistic activities of the famous gallery owner.

A Guestbook from Iolas Gallery (Galleria Iolas, Milano) exhibitions in Milan between 1966 and 1968. More than 100 pages with featuring artists & thousands of signatures of visitors from at least five exhibitions held by Iolas Galleries in Milano: Jean TINGUELY held on 24.11.1966, Martial RAYSSE on 1.2.1967,Pino PASCALI on 16 and 27.11.1967, Jannis KOUNELLIS on 29.2.1968 & Eugene BERMAN on 2.4.1968. A collection of important artists’ and V.I.P.’s signatures (& occasional sketches) including: Pasquale d’Orlando, Lucio Fontana, Bruno Fanesi, Mario Spinella, Corrado Levi, Luciano Fabro, Italo Zetti, Giuliano Scabia, Martial Raysse, Luigi Bracchi, Milena Milani (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Milena_Milani_-_Alassio. JPG), Arturo Schwarz, Corradi Alfonso, Paolo Lodigiani, Rodolfo Aricò, Milo Cattaneo, Gino Fossali, Giangiacomo Spadari, Sergio Lombardo, Franco Passoni, Luigi Veronesi, Mario Bacciocchi, Silvia Danesi, Renato Laffranchi, Valentina Berardinone, Maurice Cerasi, Vittorio Pigazzini, Ruggero Savinio, Vittorio di Muzio, Claudia Gian Ferrari, Fernando Scianna, J. Kounellis, Leonor Fini, Salvatore Fiume, Pino Pascali, Donato d’ Urbino, Rosaria Redini, Piero Gilardi, Massimo Minini, Eugene Berman, Giorgio de Chirico, Cardona Torrandelli, Pino Donati, Paolo Sprovieri, Hiro Yamagata, Francesco de Rocchi, Alik Cavaliere, J. Eielson, Attilio Bacci, Maurice Henry, Fernando de Filippi, Dino Buzzati, Nicola Benois, Marinella Pirelli, Emilio Tadini, Simeti, Sergio Dangelo, Yoko Toda, Nakai, Nikolo Segota, Guido Aghina, Giorgio Kaisserlian, Piero Albizzati, L. Mosconi, Hisachika Takahashi. Cup traces of spilled coffee on a couple of pages. In the digital version all guestbook pages are displayed. Fourteen (14) photographs (13 b&w silver prints ~19x24cm & 1 coloured ~17x13cm): Seven (7) photographs depicting artworks by Jean TINGUELY dated 1960-1966. All photos with title & technical info on reverse. Three with handwritten caption. The rest four photographs with cachets “IOLAS GALLERY / MILANO”, “GALLERIA IOLAS / MILANO” & photographer cachets “BACCI ATTILIO” & “Adelaide de Menil”. Two (2) (~19x24cm) photographs of TAKIS sculpture “Sebastian” dated in 1974, with title and technical information on reverse & photographer cachet “Photo Horace”. Iolas is photographed along the sculpture in one photo. Three (3) photographs depicting artworks probably by Jean TINGUELY with no caption or cachets on reverse. One (1) colour photo depicting Iolas along with Greek painter Tsarouhis and other people. One (1) photograph depicting Melina MERCOURI (Μελίνα Μερκούρη) probably in A. Iolas’ villa in Athens. Some photos with creased corners and minor edge-wear. Items from the personal belongings of Alexandros Iolas: Three health booklets (1980) of Iolas beloved dog Frini (Φρύνη). A Packet of medicines sent to Alexander Iolas two years before his death and while he was hospitalized in New York. Sent to Delmonico Hotel by his personal doctor Dr. I. Rosenfeld. Iolas personal phone notebook, with handwritten names (most in Greek), phones & addresses. Many famous personalities of the 70’s are included, namely Vardinoyiannis, Vernicos, Goulandris, Eutaxias, Costalas, Cacoyiannis, Counadis, Lalaounis, Latsis, Lykourezos, Tsoklis, Xenakis and more. Greeting card sent to A. Iolas by Despoina Papadopoulou in 1971 (in Greek). Two sheets “Grand Hotel Continental / Milano”, with handwritten notes by A. Iolas. An Iolas RONSON Shaver in case. & Minox B camera. One green silk “Turnbull and Asser” waistcoat. Starting Price: 6500 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8058 DOC Dodecanese Italian Occupation. Passport issued in 1933. Variety of Italian & Turkish cachets and fiscals. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8059 DOC 20 έγγραφα Δημοτικών σχολείων Σύρου και Ανδρου 1935-1950. Μεταξύ αυτών, έγγραφα επιβολής προστίμων σε γονείς μαθητών για παράβαση του νόμου περί υποχρεωτικής φοίτησης καθώς και δημοπρασίας για ενοικίαση χώρου για σχολείο Σύρου. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8060 DOC Rhodes, 1943 & 1945. Rodi - Egei. Two (2) Taxation document, one for T.E.M.I (Tobacchi Egei Manifattura Italiana). The documents present the transition from the Italian Administration to the British Military Administration. The 20.10.1943 document bears official Italian cachets over 4x50c, 20c, 10 lire, 5 lire & 20 lire Italian fiscals. On the 24.9.1945 document two bilingual cachets “BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION / Η Η ΒΡΕΤΑΝΙΚΗ ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ / REVENUE OFFICER” cover the “…Isole Italiane Dell’Egeo” part of the document title. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8061 DOC Rhodes, 1947. Rodi - Egei. Two (2) Official Insurance documents for T.E.M.I (Tobacchi Egei Manifattura Italiana), provided by “Assicurazioni Generali - Trieste”. The first doc. is signed on 28.5.1945 few days after the surrender of the German garrison commander in Rhodes to the British & the fees are in Italian Lire. The second doc. is conducted on 30.7.1947, after the Treaty of Peace with Italy and the unification of Dodecanese with Greece. The fees are in drachmas. Starting Price: 50 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Archive Photographs

Lot. 8063 RP Athens 1855-1875. Photographic Album containing 50 early & rare CDV photographs of 19th century personalities & Athenian bourgeosie. Among them two unique photos of King OTTO & Queen AMALIA of Greece on passe-partout “Rodolphe Maifarth”. Great collection of early Greek photographers such as: “ΜΑΡΓΑΡΙΤΗΣ και ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ”, Π. ΜΩΡΑΙΤΗΣ, Ξ. ΒΑΘΗΣ, Σ. ΚΑΛΥΒΩΚΑΣ, Γ. ΚΟΛΟΜΒΟΣ. Some very early passe-partouts with photographer signatures Few CDV from Constantinople. Highly decorative boards with all gilt edges. Cracked hinge, few of the album pages detached. Rare collection. Starting Price: 950 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8064 RP BONFILS, ZAGKAKIS, RUBELLIN. c.1870. Large photographic album with fourty eight (48) albumen photographs dim.~28x23cm. Depicting everyday life, people portraits & monuments (focusing on Churches) from JERUSALEM (31), JAFFA (2), DAMASCUS, BETHLEHEM, SIDON, EPHESE (3), RHODES, PORTRAITS (5). Signed in negative by BONFILS F. (29), ZANGAKIS (10) & RUBELLIN (1). Titles also in negative fr most of the photos. Half leather boards, detached. Loose cartons, faults on carton edges. Photographs generally in VERY FINE condition. RARE collection with unique portraits and views of Middle East everyday life. Starting Price: 1000 €

“ For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com ” 24

A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8065 RP KILIAN Hannes, RHODES c.1955. Rare collection of 42 original gelatine silver print photographs from Rhodes. These photographs are probably the original portfolio for the publication of the book “RHODOS [Portrat einer Insel] by Hannes Killian”, Frankfurt a.M, Umschau-Verl, [1959]. 38 of 42 photos with KILIAN copyright stamp & cachet: “EUROP. REISEZIELE RHODOS” (the rest 4 with other copyright cachets). 17 of 42 photos with “K” in negative. All with handwritten descriptions & technical notes on reverse. 39 photographs dim.~24x30cm, 2 photos dim.18x24cm & 1 photo dim.23x27cm. Few photos with small brown spots, 2 photos with signs of waterstain. Hannes Kilian (1909-1999) has earned a reputation as one of Germany’s foremost photographers, being famous as a great ballets photographer, working for some of the most important newspapers and magazines (including Time, the Picture Post, Spiegel, and stern), and publishing numerous books as well. In the current collection from Rhodes, the photographer presents impressive views of Rhodes architecture, landscape and everyday life. All photographs are characterised by an unfading expressive power, while his motifs seem to be aligned towards a central axis or embedded in a clearly drawn linear scaffold. Rare. Starting Price: 4000 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8068 RP MARTIMIANAKIS D. - Δ. ΜΑΡΤΙΜΙΑΝΑΚΗΣ c.1880. Large albumen photo (26.5x19.5cm) signed by the photographer in photo in red pen. On thick carton with photographer cachet on back. Faults on carton edges. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8066 RP ΚΑΡΑΚΑΛΟΣ ΣΜΥΡΝΗ. Impressive (55x64cm) b&w photograph, portrait of a woman. Some spots on photo. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 8069 RP Athens, Tzitzifies Outdoor Gym - Training field, end of 19th century. Real sepia photograph dim.27.5x19.5cm. People trained in Rope Climbing & Rings in an outdoor training field. Label on mount “TZITZIFIES”. Scarce. Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 8067 RP ΚΑΡΑΚΑΛΟΣ ΣΜΥΡΝΗ. Impressive (55x64cm) b&w photograph, portrait of a man. One strike spot on photo. Starting Price: 120 €


Lot. 8070 RP The ZAPEION, real photo (photomechanic) c.1890 by Rhomaides with printed caption “No 8 Palais de lExposition” on reverse. Numbered “8” in negative. Dim.29x22. Light creases. The Zapeion was the first building to be erected specifically for the revival of the Olympic Games in the modern World. Starting Price: 30 € A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8071 RP ATHENS Intercalated OLYMPIC GAMES 1906. Real sepia photograph taken during the Games in Panathinaiko Stadium & showing a Javelin throw. Photo dim.17x12cm. 5cm & 2cm tears starting on left edge. Scarce. Starting Price: 70 €

Lot. 8073 PPC ATHENES - Etablissement de tir a Callithea / ΑΘΗΝΑΙ Σκοπευτήριον Καλλιθέας b&w Picture Postcard (ed. M.N. Michalopoulos). Rare view of a group of armed men (shooters). The Kallithea Shooting Range was constructed for the First Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. Rare. Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 8072 G. & N. ALIPRANTIS (Γεώργιος & Νικόλαος Αλιπράντης) 1906 Olympic medalists. Lot of five (5) items: Two (2) photographs of Alipranti brothers 9x14cm on passe-partouts, one (1) postcard with G. Aliprantis prob. derived from the aforementioned photo, one (1)compilation of the Pole Vault attempts of G. Aliprantis, presented in four photo frames with numbered descriptive text & portrait of the athlete, all mounted on thick carton (22x29cm) , one (1) b&w photo (reprint) of G. Aliprantis attempt on Rope Climbing game (18x24cm). Pinholes, creased corners & large horiz. crease on the 2 Aliprantis photographs, mostly light wear on calendar like item. Rare. Starting Price: 320 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8074 RP PRINCESS MARIE BONAPARTE, c.1907. Portrait photograph SIGNED “Μαρια” by the Princess. Photographers signature on passe-partout “B. Melcy / Paris” (Benjamin Melcy). Photo dim.15x19cm, overall dim.17.5x29cm. Photo in excellent condition. Princess Marie Bonaparte, wife of Prince George of Greece and Denmark, was closely linked with Sigmund Freud contributing to the popularity of psychoanalysis, and enabling Freuds escape from Nazi Germany. Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 8075 RP PRINCE GEORGE of Greece and Denmark, c.1907. Portrait photograph SIGNED “Γεώργιος” by the Prince. Photographers signature on passe-partout “B. Melcy / Paris” (Benjamin Melcy). Photo dim.11.5x22.5cm, overall dim.17.5x29cm. Photo in excellent condition. Starting Price: 180 €


Lot. 8076 RP Αcropolis c.1930. Two (2) silver print photographs dim.39x29cm, both signed by the photographer “Σ. Καρίπης ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”. Signs of rust, faults along edges. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8077 RP Αλεξανδρούπολη (Alexandroupoli). Silver print photograph depicting group of men along with the Mayor of Alexandroupoli Konstantinos Altinalmazis (Κωνσταντίνος ΑΛΤΙΝΑΛΜΑΖΗΣ). Dim.29x21cm. Attached on thick carton. Two strike spots & light edge-wear. Starting Price: 70 € A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8078 F Ο γεναίος Λοχαγός ΚΟΥΡΟΥΚΛΗΣ / Θρυλικός ΚΟΝΔΥΛΗΣ / Ο ήρως Συνταγματάρχης ΤΡΕΠΕΚΛΗΣ / Οι Συντρίψαντες τους Στασιαστάς του Προτύπου Τάγματος κατά την νύκτα της 1ης Μαρτίου 1935. Εκδ. Χαρ. Καϊράκης, Αθήνα. Διαστάσεις 35x50cm. Ελαφρές τσακίσεις. Starting Price: 80 €

Lot. 8079 RP ΧΑΤΖΗΣΣΑΡΑΝΤΟΣ Δ. Τύπωμα αργύρου επικολλημένο σε χαρτόνι c.1935, διαστ. 30x23cm, με υπογραφή του φωτογράφου στο χαρτόνι. Ο Δ. Χατζησαρράντος υπήρξε πρόεδρος του Συνδέσμου Ερασιτεχνών Φωτογράφων. Φθορές κυρίως στα άκρα της φωτογραφίας. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8080 RP 18 Αυγούστου 1938 “Εις το Εξοχικόν Παράδεισος από την εκδρομήν και εορτήν του ακαδημαϊκού Σταματίου... επί προεδρίας Κων/νου Γεωργόπουλου”. Ασπρόμαυρη φωτογρ. διαστ.24x18cm. Επικολλημένη σε χαρτόνι, με φθορές. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8083 RP Royalty. King George II of Greece (Γεώργιος Β της Ελλάδας) inspecting Greek army in field, c.1937. Silver print photograph (38x30cm) printed on “LEONAR” paper. Very Fine. Starting Price: 70 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs

Lot. 8081 RP Royalty. Prince George of Greece and Denmark. Silver print portrait with SIGNATURE “Γεώργιος 1940”. Photographer Geo Boucas signature in pencil & cachet on reverse. Rare item, signed in 1940 the year that Greece entered the WWII. Overall dim.28.5x38.5cm. Starting Price: 200 €


Lot. 8082 RP Αρχιεπίσκοπος ΔΑΜΑΣΚΗΝΟΣ. Φωτογραφία του αρχιεπισκόπου c.1945 με ιδιόχειρη αφιέρωση στον Σπυρίδωνα ΔΟΝΤΑ και υπογραφή “Ο Αθηνών Δαμασκηνός”. Τύπωμα αργύρου σε passe-partout. Υπογραφή φωτογράφου “N. Zωγράφος” με μολύβι και σφραγίδα. Archibishop Damaskinos silver print photo with dedication and signature. Photo dim.17x23cm. Overall dim.30x40cm. Starting Price: 100 €

Lot. 8084 RP ΣΕΦΕΡΗΣ Γιώργος (Seferis Giorgos). Large photograph dim. 51x61cm! portrait of the famous Greek poet & diplomat. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 8086 RP Δημήτρης ΧΟΡΝ & Ελλη ΛΑΜΠΕΤΗ (Dimitris Horn & Ellie Lampeti). Two (2) impressive photographs dim. 51x61cm! of the couple. Starting Price: 200 €


Lot. 8085 RP Μαρία ΚΑΛΛΑΣ (Maria CALLAS). Large photograph dim. 51x61cm! portrait of the influential Greek soprano. Starting Price: 120 €

Lot. 8087 RP ΚΑΡΟΛΟΣ ΚΟΥΝ (Karolos Koun). Large silver print portrait photograph (30x40cm) of the Greek theater director. Very Fine. Starting Price: 70 € A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8088 RP Γεώργιος Παπανδρέου (Georgios Papandreou). Large silver print photograph (30x40cm) depicting the Greek politician & founder of the Papandreou political dynasty. Creased corners. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8089 RP PAPANDREOY Family (Οικογένεια Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου). Large silver print (30x40cm) depicting Andreas Papandreou with his wife Margaret Chant and his children George Papandreou (Γιώργος Παπανδρέου), Nikos Papandreou, Andreas Papandreou Jr. & Sofia Papandreou. Very Fine. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8090 RP Royalty. Constantine II of Greece, Queen Anne-Marie of Greece & Archibishop of Cyprus Makarios III. Large silver print photo dim.30x40cm. Photographer cachet “ΑΦΟΙ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΚΟΝΟΜΟΥ”. Tape on corners & edges otherwise Very Fine. Starting Price: 60 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs

Lot. 8095 RP ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΚΑΡΑΜΑΝΛΗΣ (Konstantinos KARAMANLIS). Large size (31x40cm) portrait of the Greek politician, that served as Prime Minister & President of Greece. Silver print with light edge-wear. Starting Price: 60 €

Lot. 8091 RP Αρχιεπίσκοπος Κύπρου ΜΑΚΑΡΙΟΣ Γ (Archibishop MAKARIOS III of Cyprus). Silver print photograph large dim.30x40cm. Photographer cachet “ΑΦΟΙ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΚΟΝΟΜΟΥ” on reverse. Light edge-wear on upper & right edges. Starting Price: 60 €


Lot. 8092 RP Large silver print photo (30x40cm) c.1970. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8094 RP Acropolis 1971. Large silver print photo (30x40cm). Cachet “VII Πανελλήνιος Διαγωνισμός Φωτογραφίας / Ελληνική Φωτογραφική Εταιρεία - Αθήνα”. Creased corners. Starting Price: 30 €


Lot. 8093 RP Stymphalia lake 1971. Large silver print photo (40x30cm). Cachet “VII Πανελλήνιος Διαγωνισμός Φωτογραφίας / Eλληνική Φωτογραφική Εταιρεία - Αθήνα”. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8096 RP METHONI (ΜΕΘΩΝΗ) c.1960. Two (2) aerial photographs, dim.46x23cm each. Creased corners, otherwise Very Fine. Starting Price: 70 € A. Karamitsos # 512

Cabinet - CDV

Lot. 8097 RP Π. ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ Φωτογράφος ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ. Very early 1862-1864 CDV portrait of a young lady with photographer cachet on reverse in blue ink. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8099 RP Early c.1870 CDV photo of a old man & a child in traditional costumes. Scarce. Unknown photographer. Faults. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8098 RP Αικατερίνη ΤΡΙΚΟΥΠΗ ΜΑΥΡΟΚΟΡΔΑΤΟΥ. Rare early c.1865 CDV portrait of the wife of the Greek Prime Minister Spyridon Trikupis (Σπυρίδων Τρικούπης) and sister of Alexandros Mayrokordatos (Αλέξανδρος Μαυροκορδάτος). Albumen photo on passe-partout “ADOLPHE BEAU 283, Regent Street”. Starting Price: 55 €

Lot. 8101 RP J. P. FOSCOLO & M. M. PAPAZIAN - LIMASOL CHYPRE. Cyprus c.1875, albumen CDV photo, portrait of a man. Starting Price: 40 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs

Lot. 8100 RP Π. Μωραϊτης / P. Moraites Athens c.1870 Cabinet albumen photo portrait of a young woman in traditional costume. Numbered in negative. Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8102 RP G. MORAITES - Γεώργιος Μωραϊτης. Royalty, CDV portrait of a Greek prince. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8103 RP Jean H.Daniel Metelin / Ιωάννης Χατζηδανιήλ Μυτιλήνη, Lesvos c.1880. Albumen Cabinet photo. Very Fine. Starting Price: 20 €


Lot. 8105 RP “Atelier LOlympe C. Stavrinos & C. Galata”. Rare Albumen Cabinet photo Constantinople c.1880. Handwritten photographer firm on reverse. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8104 RP Photographie PHEBUS Constantinople. Constantinople, Albumen Cabinet photo c.1880. Starting Price: 25 €


Lot. 8106 RP Π. Μωραϊτης / P. Moraites Athens c.1880 Cabinet albumen photo portrait of a man. Scarce size (10x21cm) & passe-partout. Fine. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8108 RP Jean H.Daniel Metelin / Ιωάννης Χατζηδανιήλ Μυτιλήνη, Lesvos c.1890. Cabinet photo. Very Fine. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8107 RP J. de Boe - Contaldi / Photographie Francaise - ATHENES. Athens c.1890. Scarce Cabinet Albumen photo on passe-partout. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8109 RP C. Merlin ATHENS, cabinet photo, c.1890. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8110 RP Ι. Γ. ΦΟΥΡΝΑΡΑΚΗΣ ΦΙΛΙΑΤΡΑ. Filiatra - Messenia c.1900. Cabinet photo. Men company outdoors. Edge-wear & pinholes. Starting Price: 30 € A. Karamitsos # 512

Maps & Engravings

Lot. 8111 M MUNSTER, Sebastian, 1568: “La nouvelle Grece selon toutes les regions & provinces dicelle tant deca que de la lHellespont” woodcut map 34 x 25 cm. on a folded sheet 38.5 x 30.5 cm., from the french edition of “Cosmographia Universalis”. Very good condition overall. Ref. Zach. 2438/1579. Starting Price: 180 €

Lot. 8112 M Pantaleon Henricus, [Balkans] 19x15cm rare map of east-central Europe including Hungary, Siebenburg / Romania, Wallachia, Macedonia, Thrace / Bulgaria, woodcut by or after Sebastian Muenster, from a page 20x30cm in book eight of the 12 volume “Militaris Ordinis Johannitarum, Rhodiorum, Aut Melitensium Equitum Rerum Memorabilium Terra Marique, A Sexcentis fere annis pro republica Christiana, in Asia, Africa, & Europa contra Barbaros, Saracenos, Arabes & Turcas fortiter gestarum, ad praesentem usque 1581 annum, Historia Nova : libris duodecim comprehensa, omnibus Christianis lectu iucundissima / In Honorem Strenuissimi Ordinis, Nunc Primum summa diligentia conscripta, & in lucem aedita.” Henricus Pantaleon, 1581. Starting Price: 135 €

Lot. 8114 M RUE, Ph. de la: “La partie septentrionale de la Turquie en lEurope avec les trois Principautes Electives de Transylvanie, Moldavie et Valachie, Lesquelles se sont agreer par le g. Seigneur / Par Ph. de la Rue / A Paris / Chez Pierre Mariette en la Rue St. Iacques a lenseigne de lEsperance / Avec Privilege du Roy 1651 / J Sommer sculpsit” scarce handcoloured copper engraved map of the northern part of the Turkish Empire in Europe, from “Cartes de geographie les plus nouvelles et les plus fideles, Avecque leurs divisions regulieres, par P. Du Val, Géographe Ordinaire du Roy. Paris, 1654”. Sheet size: 60 x 44 cm. Map size: 54 x 38 cm. Condition: Very good. A few light water stains on margins. Ref. Zach. 3088. Starting Price: 220 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8113 M BUNTING (Heinrich): “Een Taffla pa the Landskap och Stadher / thar ther helighe Apostel S. Paulus predicat och mandrat haffuer” (Travels of St. Paul) a naive woodcut map of the Eastern Mediterranean, designed to show St Pauls missionary route from Palestine to his death in Rome, via shipwreck on Malta. From the “Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae” with Swedish text on verso, from the rare issue in Stockholm, 1600. Size: 345 x 285 mm. This is an historic and geographic map of the Eastern Mediterranean, showing the regions affected by St. Paul the Apostle during his itinerant preaching that affected the whole area of the Eastern Mediterranean: from the Holy Land to North Africa, Asia Minor, Greece, Italy and the southern Sicily. On the map are the names and profiles of the major cities, while in the sea - engraved with narrow wavy lines - are depicted sea monsters & city and regional names printed over. The map is inserted in Itinerarium Sacrae Scriptura, for the first time, published in 1581, and subsequently reprinted in ten different editions (1585, 1594, 1600, 1606, 1611 through 1650). The work is accompanied by various cartographic curiosities very unusual for the time. Ref. Zach. 767/501. Starting Price: 500 €

Lot. 8115 M JANSSONIUS, Jan, 1660: “DESCRIPTIO PEREGRINATIONIS D. PAULI, APOSTOLI, Exhibens Loca fere omnia tam in Novo Testamento quam in Actis Apostolorum memorata: Opera ABRAHAMI ORTELII” copper engraved map 50.5 x 36.5 cm. on a folded sheet 56.5 x 50.5 cm. from Janssons “Accuratissima orbis Antiqui Delineatio”, published 1660 by G. Hornius in Amsterdam (7 editions from 1652-1700). A striking map of the Mediterranean and its surrounding areas. It depicts the travels of St. Paul. The decorative cartouche, presented in a curtain style design, follows the incidences St. Paul faced during his travels. Capsized ships are depicted in the map, one being attacked by a sea monster. Very fine condition throughout. Ref. Zach. 1720/2509. Starting Price: 300 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8116 M JANSSONIUS, Jan, 1660: “Alexandri Magni Macedonis Expeditio” copper engraved map 47 x 37 cm. on a folded sheet 58 x 50.5 cm., from Janssons “Accuratissima orbis Antiqui Delineatio”, published by G. Hornius in Amsterdam (from 1652-1700, 7 editions). A decorative map showing the region covered by Alexander the Great and illustrating the region based upon geography contemporary to his reign. Includes numerous notes throughout. Extends from the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas to the Indus valley. The large decorative cartouches emphasize the military theme. Very fine condition throughout. Ref. Zach. 1723. Starting Price: 280 €

Lot. 8124 M CORONELLI V. M. “Parallelo geografico dellantico col Moderno ARCIPELAGO...”, 1690-1707. Large scale map centered in North Aegean extending from Thessaloniki & Euboea at the west to Constantinople and Smyrne at the east. Two large title & scale deorative cartouches. Map dim.60x45cm. In wooden frame, overall dim.91x74cm. Creased along centerfold, small light spots. Starting Price: 280 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


-- The following seven (7) lots are all copper engr. maps by DAPPER Olfert from the book “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee, en ontrent dezelve, gelegen: Waer onder de voornaemste Cyprus, Rhodes, Kandien, Samos, Scio, Negroponte, Lemnos, Paros, Delos, Patmos, en andere, in groten getale...”, Amsterdam, Wolfgangh, Waesbergen, Boom, Someren, Goethals, 1688. Map dim. 16 x 12.5 cm. in a page ~20.5 x 32 cm --

Lot. 8117 M DAPPER, Olfert, 1688: “GARABUSE” (Gramvousa, Crete). Zach. 1317/901. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8121 M DAPPER, Olfert, 1688: “Sinus CORINTHIACUS, Golfo di LEPANTO”. Zach. 1293/877. Starting Price: 35 €


Lot. 8118 M DAPPER, Olfert, 1688: “HAVEN en VESTINGH van SPINA LONGA”. Zach. 1322. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8119 M DAPPER, Olfert, 1688: “HAVEN en VESTING van SUDA”. Ref. Zach. 1321. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8122 M DAPPER, Olfert, 1688: “De klip van KALOIERO”. Ref. Zach. 1325. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8120 M DAPPER, Olfert, 1688: “De stad en kasteel van KORINTHEN”. Not in Zacharakis. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8123 M DAPPER, Olfert, 1688: “Het KANAEL van Constantinopolen”. Constantinople. Zach. 1324. Starting Price: 60 € A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8125 M FER, N. de : “Cette carte est faite pour linteligence des affaires des Turcs et des Venitiens dans le PELOPONESE aujourdhuy LA MOREE Et les isles de Zante, Cefalonie, Ste Maure, Cerigo, &c. / Dresse sur les memoires de Mercator, P.Briet, Cantelli, Wischer &c. par son tres humble et tres obeisst. Serviteur DE FER / Grave par Liebaux / A Paris chez N. de Fer, dans lIsle du Palais sur le quay de lOrloge a la Sphere Royale. Avec Privil. du Roy pour vingt ans. 1705” scarce copper engraved map of Peloponese and part of Greece and the Greek Isles, with outline colour, published by De Fer. Sheet size: 74 x 53 cm. Map size: 53 x 42 cm. Excellent condition. Highly detailed map, which includes 12 inset plans of fortified towns and harbors for places within the bounds of the map. The dedication note that the map was prepared from Intelligence gathered from the Venetians and Ottoman Turks, with the plans of each of the forts bearing a date between 1685 and 1687. Zacharachis notes that most editions of the map have the dates in the lower right corner changed in manuscript. De Fer s maps are very rare. The maps were typically separately issued or bound into composite atlases by other publishers and there are very few surviving atlases which are De Fer s maps only. De Fer s maps are also noteworthy for being consistently updated. For example, there are 6 know editions of this map, plus 2 variant state with different titles. Ref. Zach. 1490/999. Starting Price: 500 €

Lot. 8126 M CORONELLI, Vincenzo, 1706: “Isola della Standia” (DHIA island), copper engraved map, 17,5 x 13 cm., in a 26x18 cm. page from “Citta, Fortezze, Porti, ed Altri Luoghi del regno et Isola di Candia” printed in Venice, 1706. Ref. Zach. 1107/741. Starting Price: 30 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8127 ENGR CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: “DESCRIPTION DE LA VILLE SMYRNE”, Amsterdam, c.1719, handcoloured copper engraving 49 x 18 cm. from Chatelains monumental 7 volume “Atlas Historique”. This elegant view presents the Turkish city of Smyrna (Izmir) from a vantage in the Gulf of Izmir. The city is shown in excellent detail before a mountainous backdrop, while numerous ships sail through the water in the foreground. Kadifekale, the ancient castle on the hill of the same name, can be seen overlooking the city. Twenty other places of interest are numbered in the view, with corresponding information found in the French text below the image. In the text there are notes containing geographical and historical information relating to the years of achievement and a list of all the major population centers with their location. With text measures 49 x 38 cm. An excellent impression issued folding on watermarked paper. The “Atlas Historique” published by Chatelain in Amsterdam between 1705 and 1720, was part of a larger work, one of the most important era: a seven-volume encyclopedia, which included geography as a core subject and it was innovative for its time because it combined the geographic maps and engravings with geographic, historical, ethnographic and military information. The text was by Nicholas Gueudeville. Starting Price: 280 €

Lot. 8128 M MOLL, Hermann, 1721: “Imperium Persarum in viginti Provincias sortitum a Dario Histaspis filio.” copper engraved map 24 x 16 cm. in a page 29 x 19 cm. from the book Lot. 8133 M “Geographia classica emendata, ex Graecorum latinorumque BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas, 1764: “Plan de la Ville et Chateau de authoribus antiquis ubi tabellis XXXII veterum locorum GALLIPOLI, Tome IV.No.124” copper engraved map 17 x 22 appellationes geographiae recentissimae et accuratissimae cm. in a page 24 x 32 cm. from the book “Le petit atlas maritime, summa cum diligentia accommodantur” Printed for and sold recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du monde. En cinq by H. Moll ... by Tho. Bowles, 1721. Not in Zacharakis. volumes... par le S. Bellin, Paris, 1764”. Not in Zacharakis. Starting Price: 15 € Starting Price: 30 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8129 Μ Jean Baptiste Bourguignon DANVILLE, “Les Cotes de la Grece et lArchipel”, 1727-80. A very scarce map of the coastlines of Greece and Turkey with the Grecian Archipelago, covering from Otranto (Italy) to the western end of the Black Sea and from Constantinople to Cyprus. Details include towns and ports along the coast of the mainland and the islands. Beautifull title cartouche and compass rose. Very Fine. In wooden frame. Zach.116. Starting Price: 240 €

Lot. 8130 M DELISLE Gullielmo “GRAECIAE PARS SEPTENTRIONALIS, Auctore Gullilemo Delisle.” copper engraved handcoloured map from the book “Atlas geographique des quatre parties du Monde, faits pour les geographies elementaires de Mrs Buache et de lAbbe Nicolle de la Croix”, Paris, c.1710. Sheet app.: 54 x 45 cm. Image app.: 48 x 38 cm. Condition: Enforced & carefully repaired at parts, retains very good appearance. With folds as published. Zach. 1346/919. Starting Price: 180 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8131 M SALMON M. A., “Carta geografica del Levante Veneto o sia delle isole del Mar Jonio nella Grecia”, from “Atlas”, ed. G. Albrizzi 1740-1754. SCARCE map of Greece & Asia Minor of the 18th century. Dim.43x33cm. Tear on right margin & water stain tonning. Zach.3097. Starting Price: 150 €

Lot. 8132 M [Unknown], “Prospetto della Grecia Antica e delle Isole”, from “Polibio Storico Greco De Fatti De Romani...”, Verona 1741. Map of Ancient Greece, with two nice cartouches. In Italian. Map dim.31x21cm. Light tonning on upper part of centerfold. SCARSE. NOT in Zacharakis. Starting Price: 100 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8134 M ROUX Joseph, [NOTHERN ARCHIPELAGO], “XII. Feuille - Avec Privelege du Roy a Marseille...” from “Carte de la Mediterranee en 12 feuilles”, 1764 (first & only edition). Copper engraving chart, hand colored, presents the Northern Aegean with Thessaloniki at NW edge & the neighboring Asia Minor including the Sea of Marmara and Constantinople. Map dim. 55x81cm. In nice wooden frame decorated. Overall dim.112x85cm. Zacharakis 2990. Starting Price: 380 €

Lot. 8135 M ROUX Joseph, 1764. “Carte des Isles Sainte Maure, Cephalonia et Zante” from “Recueil des principaux plans des ports & rades de la Mediterranee... A Marseille 1764” copper engraved map. Sheet size: 24 x 17 cm. Map size: 19 x 14 cm. Ref. Zach. 3018/1980. Starting Price: 30 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs

Lot. 8146 M BARBIE du Bocage, J.D., 1789: “Essai sur la topographie d OLYMPIE, dresse uniquement sur le rapport des Auteurs Anciens, pour le voyage du Jeune Anacharsis, par J.D. BARBIE DU BOCAGE. Mai 1780. Grave par P.F.Tardieu” copper engraved map 33 x 23 cm. in a sheet 47 x 30 cm. from “Recueil De Cartes Geographiques, Plans, Vues Et Medailles De Lancienne Grece, Relatifs Au Voyage Du Jeune Anacharsis...” published in Paris by J.J. Barthelemy, 1789. Starting Price: 10 €


-- The following ten (10) lots are all copper engr. maps & views by CHOISEUL - GOUFFIER M. G. F. A. Comte de from the book “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece”, Paris, 1782. --

Lot. 8136 M “Vue dun Chateau et de Plusieurs Tombeaux pres des Ruines de Telmissus A.P.D.R.” & “Plan du Golfe De MACRI anciennement Claucus Sinus”. Dim.34x52cm. Light toning, large tear on right margin not affecting rngr. area. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8137 M “Details Geometriques de la Porte du Temple de Bacchus A.P.D.R.” & “Plan de LEcueil sur Lequel etoit le Temple de Bacchus”. Portara Naxos - Temple of Apollo on single sheet, dim.34x52cm. Light toning. Very Fine. Zach.938. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8139 M “Carte Generale de lIle de PAROS”. PAROS island. Map dim. 24x36cm. Very Fine. Zach.940. Starting Price: 50 €


Lot. 8138 M “Plan du port de NAUSSA”. NAUSSA - PAROS. Map dim. 24x36cm. Very Fine. Zach.941. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8140 M “Plan du Golfe et des Iles Volcaniques de SANTORIN”. SANTORINI island. Map dim. 24x36cm. Light toning on margins otherwise Very Fine. Zach.937. Starting Price: 50 € A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8141 M “Plan de lIle de DELOS”. DELOS island. Map dim. 24x36cm. Light toning on margins, engr. area Very Fine. Zach.939. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8142 M “Vue du Village de St. George de SKYROS A.P.D.R.” & “Carte de lIle de SKYROS”. Skyros island on single sheet, dim.33x51cm. Light spotting. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8144 M “Carte detailee de la Route de LAuteur, Depuis Golfe de Macri, jus quau Meandre”. CARIA & LYCIA Asia Minor. Map dim. 24x36cm. Large folding margin, toning. Fine. Zach.955. Starting Price: 50 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs

Lot. 8143 M “Carte detailee de la Route de LAuteur, Depuis le Meandre, jus quan Golfe dAdramytti”. Asia Minor. Map dim. 24x36cm. One brown spot, otherwise Very Fine. Zach.957. Starting Price: 50 €

Lot. 8145 M “Plain DEPHESE, olim Caystrius Campus” Map dim. 24x36cm. Light waterstain on lower right margin, otherwise Very Fine. Zach.958. Starting Price: 55 €


Lot. 8147 M BARLOW P. “TURKEY in EUROPE from the latest Authorities by T. BOWEN” 1791, copper engr. map from “The general History of Europe”, London. Presenting Balkans Greece, Turkey, Black Sea, Crimea. Sea route from Koroni to Lemnos. Wide margins, handcoloured, with very fine clean impression. Tiny wormhole in “Tartary”. Sheet size: 44 x 38 cm. Map size: 41 x 32 cm. Ref. Zach. 238. Starting Price: 75 €

Lot. 8148 M Andre Grasset de Saint Sauveur, Paris 1799. “Mouillage de lIsle de CERIGO”, copper engr. map depicting anchorages of Kythera island, from “Voyage historique, litteraire, et pittoresque dans les isles et possessions ci-devant venitiennes du Levant: savoir, Corfou, Paxo, Bucintro, Parga, Prevesa, Vonizza, Sainte-Maure, Thiaqui, Cephalonie, Zante, Strophades, Cerigo et Cerigotte:...Tome Seconde, A Paris”. Size: 24.9x17cm. Very Fine. Zach.1579. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8149 M ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon D,: (without title - Map of the Eastern Roman Empire) large copper engraved map with handcoloured outline and an imprint “De la Haye” at lower left corner. Date: c.1800, from “Atlas generale...”. Sheet size: 84 x 55 cm. Map size: 81 x 52 cm. Condition: Very Fine. Wide clean margins. Blank on verso. Starting Price: 150 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8150 M Guillaume-Antoine Olivier, 1801: “Plan du Port de LERO. Pl.20” & “Plan du Port PARTHENI au Nord de lIsle de Lero, Pl.21” two full-page copper engraved maps, 24.5x17.5 cm each, in 24.5x33.5 cm pages, from the book “Voyage dans lempire Othoman, lEgypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du gouvernement, pendant les six premieres annees de la republique; par G.-A. Olivier,...avec atlas, Paris, Chez Agasse, imprimmeur-libraire, 1801”. Light water stains. Starting Price: 55 €

Lot. 8151 M “ΑΣΙΑΣ ΠΙΝΑΞ κατά ΔΙΟΝΥΣΙΟΝ και ΕΥΣΤΑΘΙΟΝ”, from ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΙΔΗΣ Δημήτριος, “Συλλογής των εν επιτομή τοις πάλαι γεωγραφηθέντων τύποις εκδοθέντων...Περιέχων Διονυσίου Οικουμένης Περιήγησιν μετά των παρεκβολών του Ευσταθίου...Εν Βιέννη της Αυστρίας: τυπ. Σχραιμβλ, Φραντζ Αντωνίω, 1808” 1808, [Map of Asia according to Dionysios and Eustathios, page 164]. Rare Historical map in Greek language. Size: 340 x 210 mm. (incl. borders), 29x17 cm. the engraved area. Ref. Gkinis and Mexas 519. Traces of tape on top and light water stain but very rare. Starting Price: 180 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8152 M PASQUALI VALERIO, Venice, 1810. “Carta delle Regioni e Luoghi di cui si parla nel Nuovo Testamento, Venezia 1810” hand-coloured outline engraved map with insets of Palestine and Jerusalem. Sheet size: 29 x 21.5 cm. Map size: 21 x 17 cm. Water stains. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8153 M CLARKE, E.D., 1813: “Isle of PAROS” copper engraved map, 14 x 10 cm., in a page from “Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa: Part the Second / Greece, Egypte and the Holy Land ... New York, 1813”. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8154 M RUGA Pietro, “Carta Della Grecia Antica Secondo le Osservazioni di Sir William Gell per Servire alla Traduzione di Pausania di A. Nibby / P. Ruga inc.”, from “Descrizione della Grecia di Pausania nuovamente”, 1818. Scarse map of Peloponnese & Central Greece, relief shown pictorially. Map dim45x50cm. Folded as issued. Very Fine. Starting Price: 130 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8155 M ROSSI, Luigi, 1820: “TURCHIA D EUROPA” copper engraved map 21.5 x 18 cm. on a sheet 44.5 x 28 cm. from “Nuovo atlante di geografia universale in 52 carte” published in Milano, 1820. Hand-coloured outline and very fine condition. Starting Price: 20 €

Lot. 8158 Μ Map of the Seat of War, on the Danube, 1853. Map of Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and part of Greece from the british magazine “London Illustrated News”. Coloured woodcut. Dim.24x23cm. Nice wooden frame, overall dim.42x42cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 35 €

Lot. 8156 Μ “Carte Reduite de la Partie Septentrionale de lArchipel redigee dapres les travaux executes, dan les annees 1818 et 1819 par M. Gauttier Capitaine de Vaisseau Seconde par M. Benoist Ingenieur Hydrographe de la Marine... 1827”. Attractive French nautical chart of the coast and the islands of the Northern Aegean, including Constantinople. Map dim.92x60cm. In wooden frame, overall dim.115x85cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 220 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8157 M DOMINGO ESTRUC, 1830: “Planos para la Historia de la Grecia Antigua / (with) Campo de Batalla de Marathon Cercanias de Athenas - Las Thermopylas - Runias de Athenas - Campo de Batalla de Platea - Combate Naval de Salamina / Domingo Estruc lo grabo 1830. El Norte se halla en la parte superior de cada plano segun se practica generalmente, menos en el de Maraton.” copper engraved map 31 x 42 cm. in a folded sheet 39 x 51 cm. from “Coleccion De Mapas Geograficos, Antiguos Y Modernos Del Acreditado Tardieu Y Otros Autores Clasicos, Publicada Por Los Redactores Del Diccionario Geografico Universal En El Ano 1835. Barcelona, En La Libreria de Jose Torner, calle del Pegomi num. 4, Donde tambien se hassa el Diccionario.”. These maps present six historic Greek scenes including “Campo De Batalla de Marathon”- Battle of Marathon with a legend for Greek Platoons; “Cercanias de Athenas” Region surrounding Athens; “Las Thermopylas”- Battle of Thermopylae between the Spartans and Persians; “Ruinas de Athenas” - Ruins of Athens surrounding the Acropolis; “Campo De Batalla De Platea” - Battle of the Acropolis between Athenians and Persians; and “Combate Naval de Salamina” - Naval Battle of Salamis between the Greeks and Persians with great detail including names of buildings, cities, mountain ranges, bodies of water and geographic relief. Each individual map contains an ancient Greek (Olimpicos) distance scale. As per the description, all maps are oriented with North at the top, Marathon being the exception (to the right). Very Fine condition with Fine plate marking. Starting Price: 40 €

Lot. 8161 M “GREECE and the BALKANS”, The Times Atlas, Edinburgh Geogr. Inst., c.1920. Map showing the results of the Treaty of Sevres, with East Thrace & Smyrna under Greek occupation. Three small inset maps of Athens, Dardanelles & Constantinople/Bosporus. Map dim.55x44cm. Wooden frame. Very Fine. Starting Price: 60 €


Lot. 8162 M “ΧΑΡΤΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΝΕΑΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - Πώς ο Βενιζέλος ευρηκε την Ελλάδα εις τα 1912 και πως...”, Έκδ. Εσπεριάς, Λονδίνο 1920. Χάρτης που παρουσιάζει την Ελλάδα πριν το 1912, μετά τους Βαλκανικούς πολέμους και πριν την Συνθήκη της Λωζάνης. Διαστ. 43x57cm. Ξύλινο κάδρο. Starting Price: 60 € A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8160 M CIVELLI, Giuseppe, 1877: “Carta del teatro della Guerra dORIENTE, 1876, estratta dalla Gran Carta dEuropa di Gius. Civelli / Pubblicazione dello Stabilimento di Edoardo Sonzogno” lithographed map 47 x 31 cm. on a sheet 50.5 x 38.5 cm. from an Atlas published by Ronchi in Milano. Starting Price: 25 €

Lot. 8159 M Ubersichtskarte vom Russisch - Turkischen Kriegsschauplatze 1853, 1854, Wien, Wallishauser. Map for the CRIMEAN WAR. Black Sea at center, extending from Greece & the Balkans to Caspian sea.In wooden frame. Map dim. 83x30cm, overall 99x48cm. Brown spots. Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 8163 M ATHENS Peristeri-Galatsi (ΠΕΡΙΣΤΕΡΙ - ΓΑΛΑΤΣΙ), c.1920. Large town plan showing the urban transformations in the beggining of the 20th century. Dim. 34x130cm. Small tears & creases along folds. Starting Price: 100 € Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Thessaloniki Collectables

Lot. 8164 M ROUX Joseph. Two (2) maps of Thermaikos Gulf - Thessaloniki both from “Recueil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades...” one of the 1764 or 1779 ed. and one of the 1795 edition with small differences of the plates. In single wooden frame 34x45cm. Both Very Fine. Zacharakis 2999,3000. Starting Price: 90 €

Lot. 8166 M Piano del Golfo di SALONICCO (ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ) / Tom. Santoni inc., c.1860. Scarce chart of Thermaikos Gulf, reaching Volos to the South. Interesting points, such as “Casa Bianca” in Thessaloniki. Map dim.16x21cm. Nice wooden frame 30x37cm. One brown spot. Starting Price: 65 €

Lot. 8167 Μ Thermaikos Gulf & Thessalia, c.1900. Greek & turkish placenames & landmarks in greek language. Road network & detailed relief shown pictorially. Map dim. 48x52cm. In wooden frame. Probably part of a larger map. Folded, six paper map parts on linen. Foxing throughout. Starting Price: 75 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8165 M SALONIKI BAY - the ancient Thessalonica / surveyed by Captain Thomas Graves, British Hydrographic Office, 1850 (publ.1851). A rare FIRST EDITION chart of Thermaikos gulf. Although not focusing on inland it provides usefull information about the formation of the town before the demolition of the walls (1870) and the fire of 1890. Road network, settlements and tumuli (!) of the sorounding landscape are recorded. Tears along edges some in map, few brown spots. Dim.63x49cm. In wooden frame. Rare. Starting Price: 260 â‚Ź

Lot. 8168 M Makedonien, Altserbien und Albanien, Peuker Karl, Artaria, Vienna 1903, scale 1:864000. Rich informative map of the Balkans, released at a time of tension & national rivalries. Indication of the seats held by patriarchate- and exarchate-bishops. The ethnological, linguistic & religious formation of the balkans is displayed through inset map, statistical tables & diagrams. Map dim.64x69cm. Wooden frame. Tears & chipped spots. Starting Price: 90 â‚Ź Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8169 M “SALONIKI BAY / SALONIKI HARBOUR / SALONIKI ANCHORAGE”, Commander J. A. Edgell (British Admiralty) 1916 (corrections 1927). Detailed chart of Thermaikos gulf (scale 1:50000), with inset charts of the Anchorage (scale 1:25000) and the harbour (scale 1:7500). Interesting information about hydrography, inland place names, port facilities, towns main landmarks & indication of the city expansion to the east. Creases along folds. One tear in map. In frame. Di.123x70cm. («Θεσσαλονίκης αναδειξις…» pp.62, 245, 273) Starting Price: 350 €

Lot. 8171 M “ΒΟΡΕΙΟΣ ΘΕΡΜΑΙΚΟΣ - THERMAIKOS KOLPOS (NORTH PART)”, 1952, Greek Royal Navy Hydrographic Service. Map of Thermaikos gulf with two inset maps of “Thessaloniki Anchorages” & “Thessaloniki Harbour”. The map provides interesting information along the extent of Thessaloniki in the 50s & the formation of settlements of the broad area. Map dim.84x69cm. Tears along folds & brown spots. Starting Price: 70 €


A. Karamitsos # 512

Lot. 8170 M “ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ” ed. Δ. & Β. ΛΟΥΚΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Athens, 1938, scale 1:10000. This high detailed plan of Thessaloniki can act as a valuable source of information about the everyday life at the end of 1930s. Public spaces, important buildings, monuments, hospitals, educational centers, cinemas, theaters, hotels etc are thoroughly indicated in the urban space. Creases along folds. Overall Very Fine. In frame. Dim.86x60cm. (“Θεσσαλονικης αναδειξις...” pp.255) Starting Price: 260 €

Map Details

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8172 NEWS Τα νέα της ΑΠΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΩΣΗΣ της ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ από την εφημερίδα “NEA ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ”, τυπωμένη στη Θεσσαλονίκη στις 28 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ 1912, μια μέρα μετά την είσοδο ταγμάτων ελληνικού στρατού στην πόλη. Κεντρικός τίτλος: “ΖΗΤΩ Ο ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΣ ΣΤΡΑΤΟΣ ΚΑΙ Ο ΔΙΑΔΟΧΟΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ”. Αρθρα: “Αναστάσεως ημέρα Ευλογημένος ο Ερχομενος”, “Ο Θρίαμβος της Ελληνικής Σημαίας” (ποίημα), “Ενω σας περιμέναμε” (στιγμές πριν την αναγγελία της απελευθέρωσης), “Ιερόν Μνημόσυνον” (για τις ελληνικές απώλειες στα Σέρβια, κατά την τουρκική υποχώρηση), “”Η Προμελέτη” (οι φόβοι για τουρκικά αντίποινα), ”Ερωταποκρίσεις” (πτήσεις αεροσκαφών και ανατίναξη τούρκικου θωρηκτού από τον Βότση), ”Έτρωγαν Χαλβά” & ”ΜΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ ΑΠΕΣΟΥΑ” (Ο Χαδη πασάς και το τηλεγράφημα της ήττας). “ΝΕΑ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ – Εθνική Εφημερίς Καθημερινή”, Αθ. & Ι ΚΟΥΣΚΟΥΡΑΣ, Έτος 10, Αρ. (2026) 120, 28.10.1912. Διαστ. φύλλου 40x55cm. Σε ξύλινο κάδρο. RARE. Starting Price: 400 €

Lot. 8173 ENGR THESSALONIKI - HELLAS / Mosaik von der St. Georg-Kirche (V. Jahrh.), 1956, ed. of Greek National Tourism Organization, in German, No. 7 - 15000. Dim.58x78cm. In nice wooden frame. Very Fine. Starting Price: 90 €


Lot. 8174 ENGR ΔΙΕΘΝΗΣ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ 6-27 Σεπτεμβρίου 1959, Ιωάννης Σβορώνος, Εκτύπωσις Κοντογόνη - Μαλικούτη. Large poster of the 24th Thessaloniki International Trade Fair 1959. Dim.65x95cm. Several crease along folds, one hole and few tears. Nice overall impression. Starting Price: 140 € A. Karamitsos # 512


Lot. 8175 ENGR ΒΑΤΟΠΕΔΙ, wood engraving prob. early 19th century. Very Rare engraving presenting in high details the building complex of the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos. Many small buildings inside the courtyard are shown and are named with the majority not existing today: “Παρακλησιον του Αγίου Χριστόφορου”, “τραπεζαριον”, μαγυρίον”, “μαγγοπίον”, “χαρτουλάριον”, “βαϊνάριον”. Inset depictions of Virgin Mary, Emperor Theodosius & his son Arcadius (& his miraculous rescue from the sea) and Saint Sabbas. Sketes, monastic buildings & churches are named on surrounding landscape while ships, fishing boats & sea monsters are gathered on the sea front. Litany / procession scene is also depicted at the eastern gate “πρώτη πόρτα”. Engr. Dim.75x40.5cm. In wooden frame, overall dim.97x63cm. Starting Price: 2800 €

Lot. 8176 ENGR [Russian monastery in Mount Athos.] (in russian), 1840 from DAVIDOV VLADIMIR P. “ATLAS K PUTESHESTVYU VLADIMIRA DAVIDOVA PO YUNICHESKIM OSTROVAM, GRETSII, MALOI ASSII I TURTSII [VIEWS IN THE IONIAN ISLANDS, GREECE AND ASIA MINOR], St. Petersburg. Rare lithograph dim.29x22cm. In frame, overall dim.52x44cm. Rare & ready to hang. Starting Price: 350 €

Maps, Engravings, Books, Documents & Archive Photographs


Lot. 8177 ENGR “OUR OLYMPIC GAMES. Parliamentary Athletes at Westminster”. Caricature print by “SWAIN” from the British weekly magazine “Punch, or the London Charivari. - April 11, 1896”. Dim.40x25cm. Middle folded, creased corners, chipped lower right corner. Starting Price: 30 €

Lot. 8178 ENGR ΧΡΗΣΤΙΔΗΣ Σ. “Η Α.Β.Υ. Ο ΔΙΑΔΟΧΟΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ / S.A.Rle. LE PRINCE HERITIER CONSTANTIN / Σ.Χρηστίδης 1901”, λιθογρ. Γ. Κολμαν. Dim.40.5x59cm. With faults, professional restoration. (ΔΟΥΡΒΑΡΗΣ, σελ.125). Starting Price: 180 €


Lot. 8179 CHEMINS DE FER ORIENTAUX, lithograph in colours, c.1905, printed by Steyrermhl, Vienne. The Chemins de fer Orientaux was an Ottoman railway company operating in the European part of the empire and later European Turkey, from 1870 to 1937. It was one of the five pioneer railways in the Ottoman Empire and built the main trunk line in the Balkans. Between 1889 and 1937, the railway hosted the world-famous Orient Express. This rare print Presents three beautifull views of Constantinople entitled “The Bosphore”, “Palais Imperial de Dolma-Baghtche” & “Mosquee Ste. Sofie” and a map of the about 1300km railroad network in the European part of the Ottoman empire & the interconnected railroad networks in Europe. Creases & tears along folds, restoration on the upper right part & two blurred areas (prob. caused by water stains). One of the few examples of that print has been sold by Christies (Sale 9635 - 2003) for ~2500 USD. Dim.97x67cm. In frame. Starting Price: 650 €

A. Karamitsos # 512

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