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ΟΡΟΙ ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΩΝ Όλοι οι λαχνοί περιγράφονται προσεκτικά και πωλούνται ως γνήσιοι και αυθεντικοί εκτός αν περιγράφονται άλλως. Ο αγοραστής μπορεί να απορρίψει το λαχνό και να τον επιστρέψει εντός 7 ημερών (ημερομηνία σφραγίδας ταχυδρομείου) απο την λήξη της δημοπρασίας, αν αποδείξει ότι δεν είναι γνήσιος ή ότι περιγράφηκε λανθασμένα. Οι λαχνοί πρέπει να επιστρέφονται όπως παραλήφθηκαν αρχικά, χωρίς καμμία διαφοροποίηση. Λαχνοί που εξετάσθηκαν προηγουμένως από τους υποψηφίους αγοραστές δεν επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από αυτή. Οι αγοραστές δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα επιστροφής μικτών λαχνών, συλλογών, λαχνών που έχουν ελαττώματα σε μικροαξίες, καθώς και φωτογραφημένων στον κατάλογο λαχνών, για ελαττώματα ορατά στη φωτογραφία (κεντράρισμα, περιθώρια, οδόνττωση). Όταν η αξία του λαχνού είναι στη σφραγίδα και όχι στο γραμματόσημο, ο λαχνός δεν μπορεί να επιστραφεί για ελάττωμα του γραμματοσήμου. Κάθε λαχνός περιέρχεται στον πλειοδότη, που προσφέρει την υψηλότερη τιμή. Σε περίπτωση ίσων ταχυδρομικών προσφορών, πλειοδότης θεωρείται αυτός που η προσφορά του έφθασε πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς. Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς. Μεγάλοι λαχνοί μπορεί να μην μεταφερθούν για viewing στην Αθήνα ή να μεταφερθούν κατ’επιλογή. Viewing λαχνών, που δεν μεταφέρονται στην Αθήνα, μπορεί να γίνει στα γραφεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας. Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως. Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου αποτελεί για την Εταιρία και απόδειξη παραλαβής του υλικού από τον αγοραστή. Στην τιμή κατακυρώσεως προστίθεται ποσοστό 18% για προμήθειά μας και επί πλέον ο αναλογών ΦΠΑ επί της προμήθειάς μας. Όλες οι τιμές στόν κατάλογο είναι σε ΕΥΡΩ. Απούλητοι λαχνοί με τιμή εκκίνησης “OFFER” δεν διατίθενται προς πώληση μετά τη λήξη της δημοπρασίας. Η τιμή πώλησης των λαχνών με την ένδειξη “OFFER” ορίζεται από το ποσό της προσφοράς, με κατοχύρωση του λαχνού στην υψηλότερη. Ο πλειοδότης (είτε βρίσκεται στην Αίθουσα, είτε έχει καταθέσει την προσφορά του μέσω τηλεφώνου/email) είναι υπεύθυνος για την εξόφληση του τιμολογίου, εκτός αν έχει συνεννοηθεί γραπτώς ειδάλλως με την Εταιρία. Οποιοσδήποτε λαμβάνει μέρος στη δημοπρασία είναι γνώστης των προαναφερομένων όρων και τους αποδέχεται πλήρως. Οποιαδήποτε διαφωνία μεταξύ των συμβαλλομένων μερών τίθεται στην κρίση και δικαιοδοσία του αρμοδίου Δικαστηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης.
Contents Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Engravings & Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Maps & Engravings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Archive Photographs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stereoscopic Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 CDV & Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 WWI Salonica - Macedonian Front memorabilia. . . 118
Catalogue Authoring and Editing:
Spyros Tsipidis
Lot. 5001 ΤΟΥ ΕΝ ΑΓΙΟΙΣ ΠΑΤΡΟΣ ΗΜΩΝ ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ ΑΡΧΙΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑΣ ΤΑ ΕΥΡΙΣΚΟΜΕΝΑ ΑΠΑΝΤΑ. Ex Officina Commeliniana, cum Gratia & Privilegio 1600, 1601. Σε δύο τόμους δεμένους μαζί. Ο δεύτερος τόμος κυκλοφόρησε πρίν από τον πρώτο. Πρώτη έκδοση Hoffman. Editio Princeps. 2ο, σ.858+1χ.α.+1λ.+643+120+102 χ.α. index. Περγαμηνή. Δερματόδετο εποχής, με μερικές φθορές. Λείπει η πρώτη σελίδα του πρώτου τόμου. Κείμενα στα ελληνικά και λατινικά. Vol.1 - B. Athanasii archiepiscopi Alexandrini Opera quae reperiuntur omnia, in duos tomos tributa. Graece nunc primum (ex mss. Codd. Basil. Cantabrig. Palatt. & aliis) in lucem data, cum interpretatione Latina Petri Nannii Alcmariani, & aliorum vbi illa desiderabatur. Accesserunt fragmenta varia: notae variarum lectionum: index triplex Vol.2 - Operum sancti patris nostri Athanasii archiepiscopi Alexandrini. Tomus secundus. Continens ea, quae a diuersis interpretibus ex Graeco in Latinum sermonem conuersa sunt ... Subiecta ad finem veterum de Athanasio Elogia, Fragmenta operum amissorum ... Additus Index novus, copiosus, triplex \ ex Officina Commeliana, 1600, cum gratia & Privilegio Vol.3 - Ad opera s. patris nostri Athanasij archiepiscopi alexandrini appendix : in qua elogia Athanasio a veteribus tributa, fragmenta et tituli operum amissorum, extantium etiam lectiones variae copiosissimae: insertis non raro obseruationibus & emendationibus: collecta omnia opera et studio P. F. C Missing First page from first volume. 20 x 34 cm. Leatherbound. Some wearing on outside and in some pages. Heidelberg, 1600-1601. Starting Price: 700 €
Lot. 5002 Diogenes Laertius: “Diogenis Laertii De vitis, dogmatis & apophthegmatis clarorum philosophorum libri X / Hesychii Ill. de iisdem philos. [et] de aliis, scriptoribus liber; Pythagoreorum philosoph. fragmenta ; Is. Casauboni Notae ad lib. Diogenis multo auctiores [et] emendatiores ; Eunapii Sardiani De vitis philosophorum & sophistarum liber ; cui accesserunt eiusdem auctoris Legationes”, Geneuae : apud Samuelem Crispinum, 1616. 8vo, 16, p.1-364, [4], p.365-884, p.7-88, 120,[4], 47, [27], 169, [7]. Full vellum with handwritten title on spine. Some sheets creased (including title page), light spotting throughout. Starting Price: 160 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5003 [Gale, Thomas]. “Rhetores Selecti. Demetrius Phalereus, Tiberius Rhetor, Anonymus Sophista, Severus Alexandrinus. Graece & Latine”, Oxford, Sheldon, 1676. 8vo, pp.[20],262. Greek and Latin parallel text on adjacent pages. Engraving on title page (Oxford library). Leather boards & spine (raised bands). Front cover detached, few pen notes on first blanc page and pages margins. Overall a clean and Fine copy. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5004 “ΗΡΟΔΙΑΝΟΥ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΩΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΑ Η / HERODIANI HISTORIARUM LIBRI 8. Recogniti & Notis illustrati” Oxford, Sheldon, 1699. 8vo, pp.[6],288. Greek and Latin parallel text. Engraving on title page (Oxford library). Label title on spine. Leather boards & spine (raised bands). Covers detached, few pen notes on first blanc page and pages margins. Overall a clean and Fine copy. Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5006 Corneille, Thomas, “Poemes dramatiques de T. Corneille...: Tome III”, Paris, Charles Osmont, 1722. 12mo, pp.464. 6 full-page copper engravings, woodcut initials and chapter decorations. Full leather, spine with raised bands, title and decorions in gilt. Light external wear, interior in extremely fine condition. Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5005 Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura, libri sex, Londini, Ex Officina Jacobi Tonsen & Johannis Watts, 1713. 12mo, pp.[26] 214 [190]. Full-page engr. frontispiece depicting Titus Lucretius Carus at work. Woodcut initials, head & tail pieces. Tight & clean. A philosophical explanation of phenomena such as vision and the senses, sex and reproduction, natural forces and agriculture, the heavens, and disease. Excellent copy. Starting Price: 55 €
Lot. 5007 ROBERTI Antonius “Clavis Homerica, sive Lexicon vocabulorum omnium quae continentur in Homeri Iliade et potissima parte Odyssaeae: Cum brevi De Dialectis appendice, nec non Mich. Apostolii Proverbiis graeco-latinis. Accessere... varia elogia seu testimonia de Homero [etc.]”, London, J. Walthoe, 1727. 8vo, pp.340, index: [64], 36. Woodcut initials, head & tail pieces. Full leather, raised bands, handwritten spine label. Wear along joints, small chipped part on lower right corner of title page, otherwise an Excellent copy. Starting Price: 240 €
Lot. 5008 [AMMONIUS], “Αμμωνίου Περί ομοίων και διαφόρων λέξεων / Ammonius De adfinium vocabulorum differentia. Accedunt opuscula nondum edita, Eranius Philo de differentia significationis...”, [BOUND WITH] VALCKENAER (LUDOV. CASP.), “Animadversionum ad Ammonium grammaticum…” Lugduni Batavorum: apud Johannem Luzac, 1739. 4to, pp. [8], xxix, [3], 263, [1] + [6], 249, [13] Index. Title pages in red & black. Text in Greek, comments in Latin. Woodcut printer devices and head & tail pieces. Colophon. 2 sheets added between two books with handwritten notes. Leather spine and boards with extended wear. Interior tight and except few marginal notes in Extremely Fine condition. Starting Price: 190 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5009 VERWEY J., KETEL R., “Nova via docendi Graeca...index vocum graecarum R. Ketelii” Amstel[odami] [etc], Waesbergen 1737. pp.384[156] extended index. Text in Latin & Greek. Four (4) folding plates. Title & plates in red/black ink. Original vellum. Occasional spotting. Good & tight copy. Scarce. Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 5011 ΠΑΤΟΥΣΑΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ, “Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Φιλολογική εις τέσσαρας τόμους διηρημένη...”, παρά Νικολάω Γλυκεί τω εξ Ιωαννίνων, Ενετίησιν αωδ 1804. Ο τελευταίος τόμος από το τετράτομο έργο. 12mo, pp.416. Δυσανάγνωστη σφραγίδα βιβλιοθήκης. Ενιαίο δέρμα εποχής έκδοσης με εμπίεστη διακόσμιση. Σχίσιμο στην τελευταία σελ., φθορές και ίχνη από έντομο εξωτερικά. Starting Price: 95 €
Lot. 5013 ΚΟΙΝΤΟΥ ΤΑ ΜΕΘ ΟΜΗΡΟΝ. QUINTI SMYRNAEI POSTHOMERICORUM LIBRI XIV, Argentorati ex typographia Societatis Bipontinae, 1807. Introduction in Latin, text in Greek. 8vo, pp. cviii,366. Leather spine- gilt decorative. Front cover detached, spine- gilt decorative. Front cover detached, spine with faults. Few pen notes on 3 pages, interior clean & fine. Scarce. Starting Price: 130 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5010 Anacreontis Carmina. Cum lectionis varietate cura Iohann Ludolf Holst, Lipsiae, Crusius, 1782. 8vo, pp.lxvi,[2],164,[4]. Text in Greek, comments in Latin. Paper hard-covers, occasional spoting. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5012 ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΗΣ Ευγένιος, “ΤΑ ΑΡΕΣΚΟΝΤΑ ΤΟΙΣ ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΟΙΣ ήτοι τα περί των φύσει όντων Φιλοσοφούμενα”, Εν Βιέννη της Αυστρίας 1805, εν τη Ελληνική τυπογραφία Γ. Βενδώτη. 8vo, pp.VI+432+1 χ.α.+1λ.+ 20 αναδιπλούμενοι χαλκόγραφοι πίνακες. Σφραγίδα ex libris αλλοιωμένη, σημάδια από έντομο στα πρώτα και τελευταία 4 φύλλα, μερικώς αποκολλημένη ράχη. Μεταγενέστερο δέσιμο. (Ηλιού 1805.93). Starting Price: 290 €
Lot. 5014 Constantinus Anastasiades PHILITES (Κωνσταντίνος ΦΙΛΙΤΗΣ), “De Decremento Altera Hominum Aetatis Periodo Seu De Marasmo Senili In Specie: Dissertatio Inauguralis Medica”, Halae, In officina Batheana, 1808. 8ο, σελ.174. Κείμενο σε ελληνικά και λατινικά. Δέρμα, με χρυσή εμπίεστη διακόσμηση στα καλύμματα και τη ράχη. Διαδακτορική διατριβή του Κωνσταντίνου Φιλίτη, ιατρού Βλάχικης καταγωγής και αργότερα επισκόπου Βουζαίου Ρουμανίας. Starting Price: 320 €
Lot. 5015 Ψαλτήριον Δαβίδ του προφήτου και βασιλέως μετά των Ωδών και ερμηνείας, Τυπογραφία Νικολάου Γλυκεί του εξ Ιωαννίνων, Ενετίησιν 1812. 8ο, σελ.231. Σφραγίδα βιβλιοθήκης. Τίτλος & κείμενο σε μαύρο/ κόκκινο. Ολοσέλιδη ξυλογραφία “Ο ΠΡΟΦΗΤΑΝΑΞ ΔΑΒΙΔ”. Ενιαίο μαύρο δέρμα με εμπίεστη χρυσή διακόσμηση στα εξώφυλλα. Λίγες τσακισμένες σελ., εσωτερικό πολύ καθαρό, μικρές φθορές και ίχνη από έντομο εξωτερικά. Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 5017 ΔΟΥΚΑΣ ΝΕΟΦΥΤΟΣ, “ΛΟΓΟΙ ΤΩΝ ΑΤΤΙΚΩΝ ΡΗΤΟΡΩΝ εν οις προσετέθησαν και η Ερμηνεία του Ουλπιανού εις Δημοσθένην και Αρποκρατίωνος το Λεξικόν. Επεξεργασθέντες δε και εκδοθέντες υπό Νεοφύτου Δούκα εις τόμους δέκα. Τόμος Πέμπτος - ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝΟΣ”, Εν Βιέννη της Αουστρίας, εκ της τυπογραφίας Ιωάν. Βαρθ. Σβεκίου πρώην Βενδώτου, 1812. 8ο, σελ.495. Δερμάτινη ράχη με χρυσή διακόσμηση και φθορές στο άνω της τμήμα. Συνολικά καλό αντίτυπο. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5016 ΔΟΥΚΑΣ Νεόφυτος, “Απολλοδώρου του Αθηναίου γραμματικού βιβλιοθήκης ή περί θεών βιβλία Γ. εν οις προσετέθησαν και οι τους μύθους εις τα πράγματα μεθαρμόσαντες οίον Παλαίφατος Ηράκλειτος Ανώνυμος Φουρνούτος Σαλλούστιος προς οις και Γνώμαι τινες Δημοφίλου”, Εν Βιέννη της Αουστρίας, Εκ της Τυπογραφίας Ιω. Βαρθολ. του Σβηκίου, πρώην Γ. Βενδώτου, 1811. 12mo, σελ.η+416. Σφραγίδα κτητορική. Μεταγενέστερο σκληρόδετο (χάρτινα εξώφυλλα & ράχη). με φθορές εξωτερικά, πολύ καλή κατάσταση εσωτερικά. Σπάνιο. Starting Price: 160 €
Lot. 5018 Viger Francois, “Francisci Vigeri rotomagensis De praecipuis graecae dictionis idiotismis liber / cum animadversionibus Henrici Hoogeveeni et Ioannis Caroli Zevnii et Godofredi Hermanni”, Oxford, E Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1813. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 735. Leather boards (decorations) and spine, marbled edges. Covers detached (contemporary self adhesive tape), light spotting, a couple of creased pages. Scarce Oxford Edition. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5019 [ΚΟΡΑΗΣ Αδαμάντιος],”ΣΤΡΑΒΩΝΟΣ ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΚΩΝ, ΒΙΒΛΙΑ ΕΠΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΔΕΚΑ, εκδιδόντος και διορθούντος Α. Κοραή, Μέρος Δεύτερον”, εκ της τυπογραφίας Ι.Μ. Εβεράρτου, εν Παρισίοις 1817. Μικρό 8ο (ξακρισμένο), σσ.[2],4,515,[1]. Σύγχρονο δέσιμο. Σε άριστη κατάσταση. (Ηλιού 1817.100). Starting Price: 75 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5020 Walpole Robert, “Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey”, London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1817. First edition. Small Folio (30x23cm), pp.viii,607. Complete with 4 maps and 10 plates. Period thick paper boards rubbed & almost detached. This work contains 40 memoirs, all first published, including many travel accounts, such as Moritt’s for Mani, Sibthorp’s for Fokida, Biotia, Attica, Zakinthos and Thraki, Hunt’s accounts for Troad and Athos, Hawkins’s account for Tempi etc. Of particular interest are the accounts about Athens, including Haygarth’s panoramic view in 4 double page plates and Hawkins Topography of Athens with a detailed engraved map of Athens, just before the revolution with its contemporary road plan in detail. A scarce work, despite the title dealing mainly with Greece in the eve of the revolution. Atabey 1310, Blackmer 1762. Starting Price: 480 €
Lot. 5021 BARTHELEMY Jean Jacques, Χρυσοβέργης Κουροπαλάτης εξ Αγχιάλου, “Περιήγησις του Νέου Αναχάρσιδος εις την Ελλάδα / Παρά του Αββά Βαρθολομαίου Μετενεχθείσα δ’ εκ της Γαλλικής εις την καθ’ ημάς διάλεκτον και τύποις εκδοθείσα με τουςανήκοντας αυτή πίνακας παρά του ρωσσικού επωνύμ. Συμβούλου Χρυσοβέργη Κουροπαλάτου του εξ Αγχιάλου...», Βιέννη, Johann Schnierer, 1819. Τόμοι Ε’, ΣΤ’ & Ζ΄. 8ο, σελ.368 + 350 + 355,[2]. Προμετωπίδες και σελ. τίτλου με βινιέτες. Ελαφρά στίγματα στο εσωτερικό, περιορισμένες φθορές από έντομο στον τόμο Ζ΄. Δερμάτινες ράχες με εμπίεστη χρυσή διακόσμηση (ελαφρές φθορές). Ηλιού 1819.109, 110 & 111. Starting Price: 135 €
Lot. 5022 Jaubert Amedee,”Voyage en Armenie et en Perse, fait dans les annees 1805 et 1806”, Paris, Chez Pelicier et Nepveu, 1821. First Edition. Tall 8vo (22,5x15cm), half title, pp.xij,506. period carton binding rubbed, with wear along joints, covers partly detached. Text complete with 5 (of 10) plates. Jaubert, orientalist, was the envoy of Napoleon in the Court of Persia, in charge of an important diplomatic mission to negotiate with the Shah in order to assert the position of France in this region. He had travelled through the Black sea to Trebizond and Armenia in his way towards Persia, writing an account that is practically the first of a European for these parts of the Ottoman Empire, after Tournefort. Atabey 613, not in Blackmer Starting Price: 250 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5024 Aristophanes, Rich Fr Phil Brunck, “Aristophanis comoediae : ex optimis exemplaribus emendatae, cum versione Latina”, 3 VOLS, London, G. et W.B. Whittaker, 1823. 8vo, pp.367+509+467. Text in Greek & Latin. Half vellum, highly decorated gilt spine. Lightly rubbed, overall tight & Very Fine copies. Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 5023 “ΕΛΛΑΣ, ΝΕΩΤΕΡΑ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ, Η ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ, Η ελληνική επανάστασις από του 1821 μέχρι της εν Πύλω ναυμαχίας, 8 8βρίου 1827”. σελ.80, 15x22 cm. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5025 VAN HALEN, “Memoires de Don Juan Van Halen, chef d’Etat-Major d’une de divisions de l’armee de Mina en 1822 et 1823”, Bruxelles, H. Tarlier, 1827. First edition. 8vo (20x13cm), pp.[2],238,[1]+v,[1],310. Complete with 2 half titles, 2 engraved portraits, & 5 plates and a folding engraved map of Georgia and south Caucasus. Modern binding, spotting in few pages. Juan Van Halen (1788-1864) was a Spanish adventurer and a military officer. The first part of his memoirs focus on events taking place in Spain in 1817/8. The second part are the memoirs of his campaign with the Russian army under general Yermolov in the Caucasus in 1819 and 1820 and his travels in Georgia. He gives a detailed account of Southern Caucasus, already mostly under Russian occupation and vivid descriptions of the military campaigns in the mountains of the northern Caucasus where the resistance of the Muslim tribes were still stiff. For his participation in the campaign he received the medal of the Russian order of St George. RARE. Not in Atabey or Blackmer Starting Price: 260 €
Lot. 5026 Στούρζας Αλέξανδρος, “Εγχειρίδιον του ορθοδόξου χριστιανού”, Εν Πετρουπόλει, Εκ της Τυπογραφίας Γρετς, ΑΩΚΗ (1828). 8vo, pp.VIII+329+[3]. ex libris: “Biblioteca Academiei Romane”. Σκληρόδετο, δερμάτινη ράχη, τίτλος ράχης τυπωμένος ανάποδα. Φθορές στα εξώφυλλα, λεκέδες στο εσωτερικό. Scarce Starting Price: 130 €
Lot. 5027 Αλκιβιάδης του Μαϊζνερ / μεταφρασθείς ελευθέρως εκ του Γερμανικού παρά Δρ. Μανσόλα, Εν Αθήναις εκ της τυπογραφίας Ι. Φιλήμονος, 1837. 4 τόμοι δεμένοι σε έναν. 8ο, σελ. 115+131+91+86. Ο 2ος τόμος χωρίς σελ. τίτλου. Δερμάτινη διακοσμημένη ράχη. Φθορές εξωτερικά. Ορισμένα φύλα χαλαρά, λεκές από νερό στο ανω γωνιακό περιθώριο στα μισά φύλλα. Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5028 ΚΟΡΑΗΣ Α., “Συλλογή των εις την Ελληνικήν Βιβλιοθήκην, και τα Πάρεργα Προλεγομένων, καί τινων συγγραμματίων του Αδαμαντίου Κοραή...”, Τόμος πρώτος (δεν εκδόθηκε άλλος), εν Παρισίοις, εκ της τυπογραφίας Κ. Εβεράρτου, 1833. 8ο, σελ. λβ , 577, [2]. Από τη βιβλιοθήκη του Μητροπολίτη Αμάσειας Άνθιμου Αλεξούδη (ex libris ετικέτα), με χειρόγραφη υπογραφή του στη σελ. τίτλου «Εκ του Βελεγραδών Άνθιμου Αλεξούδη». Προμετωπίδα με χειρόγραφο κείμενο του 1831! στην πίσω όψη. Χειρόγραφα περιεχόμενα στην τελευταία λευκή σελ. Δερμάτινη ράχη με χρυσή διακόσμηση. Ασθενείς λεκέδες. Starting Price: 80 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5029 ΔΟΥΚΑΣ Νεόφυτος, “Αισχύλος. Παραφρασθείς, σχολιασθείς τε, και εκδοθείς υπό Νεοφύτου Δούκα, εις τόμους δύο”, Εν Αιγίνη, Εκ της Τυπογραφίας Ανδρέου Κορομηλά 1839. 8ο. Πλήρες. Δύο τόμοι δεμένοι σε έναν, σελ. ιστ,4χ.α.,370+432. Δερμάτινη ράχη με διακόσμιση. Λεκέδες κυρίως στην αρχή και το τέλος κάθε τόμου. Συνολικά καλό αντίτυπο. Γκίνη Μέξα 3078. Starting Price: 160 €
Lot. 5030 [Καραμανλίδικα] “Ιώβ Παροιμίαι Σολομώντος Εκκλησιαστής, γιανι Ιωβουν Εμσαλι Σολομωνουν βε Βαϊζην κιτάπη κι χάλια μουτζεττεν Ατζήκ τούρκτζεγε τερτζουμέ ολουνούπ”, Αθηνατα (Αθήνα), Φιλαδελφειάλου Χ. Νικολαιδηνιν Πασμαχανεσιντέ τάπ ολουνμούστουρ, 1844. 12ο, σελ.206. Πλήρες, Καραμανλήδεια γραφή. Πάνινα καλύμματα. Starting Price: 200 € Lot. 5031 Keith Alexander, “The Land of Israel, according to the covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob”, Edinburgh, William Whyte and Co, 1844. First edition. 8vo (20x13cm), pp.xix,500. COMPLETE with 2 folding engraved maps, 2 double page engraved plates/views and 16 plates/views. Half leather period binding. One of the first systematic efforts to describe the land of Israel, focusing on Palestine, South Syria and the areas around. Based on first hand information, the effort of this work was to bridge the biblical Israel with contemporary areas. It could be considered as one of the first steps towards the establishment of Israel, founded 100 years later. Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 5032 Gustaf Wilhelm Gumaelius (ed.), “ΞΕΝΟΦΩΝΤΟΣ ΑΝΑΒΑΣΙΣ ΚΥΡΟΥ. Xenophons Berattelse om Cyri falttag. Ofversedd. text med bifogade anmarkningar... utgifven af G. W. Gumaelius”, OREBRO, N.M.Lindhs Boktryckeri, 1845. 8vo, pp.L+224+106 with one folding map. Text in Greek, comments in Swedish. Leather spine with gilt title. Foxed, spots throughout, few tears on map. Scarce edition from Sweden. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5033 PARDOE Julia, “The Bosphorus & the Danube” The Beauties of the Bosphorus. [Bound with] The Danube Illustrated, c.1850. 4to, 6 Volumeswith 141 plates after BARTLETT & 2 maps. Vol.I: Engr. title, frontpiece, xii,1-34+4adv., Vol.II: 39-86, Vol.III: 87-134, Vol.IV: 135-164,iv(missing title page, i & ii), 1-20, Vol.V:2168, Vol.VI:69-116. Original red cloth, decorative gilt on front & back board, gilt title on spine, gilt edges. Rubbing, occasional spotting & soilling. Overall Fine. Rare although not complete. Starting Price: 400 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5034 Stanley Arthur Penrhyn, “Sinai and Palestine: In Connection with Their History”, London, John Murray, 1857. Tall 8o, (22x15cm), half title, pp.lviii,550. Complete with 5 woodcuts and 7 rare folding chromolithograph maps covering: 1.Diagram of elevation of Mount Sina, 2.Egypt, 3.Mount Sina, 4.Map of the traditional Sina, 5.Palestine, 6.South of Palestine, 7.Plain of Estraelon and Galilee. All plates published separately in 1857 and inserted in the book. Fine period half leather with red edges, a clean and fine copy. First printed in 1856, the current 4th edition is significantly enriched with the set of chromolithograph maps and is one of the earliest examples of publications that apply this complex and expensive technique to present cartographic information. The map plates can be considered as probably the earliest chromolithograph maps of the Middle East. Stanley extensively travelled in Sinai and Palestine in 1852 and 1853, finally reaching Lebanon and Damascus, composing a very accurate account of the visited lands. Starting Price: 160 €
Lot. 5035 [Horace] “Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera cum Novo Commentario ad Modum Joannis Bond”, Paris, Firminorum Didot, 1855. With six small mounted tissue-guarded albumen photographs this book is considered as one of the earliest examples of the usage of photographies in book illustration. Also engraved title page, 10 tissue-guarded head pieces. Contemporary binding. Starting Price: 130 €
Lot. 5036 ΠΟΛΥΖΩΙΔΗΣ Α., “ΤΑ ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΚΑ κατά το ενεστώς και παρελθόν. Συγκριτικώς, ωσεπιτοπολύ, και εν συναφεία μετά της ιστορίας των Εθνών...Τόμος πρώτος περιέχων τας γενικάς αρχάς της γεωγραφίας, τα Ασιατικά και Αφρικανικά. Τόμος δεύτερος περιέχων τα Ευρωπαϊκά, Αμερικανικά και Αυστραλιακά.», Αθήνα τυπ. της Αυγής 1859. Δύο (2) Τόμοι. 8ο, σ.ιη’,476+749,[1]. Δερμ. Ράχες με διακόσμηση. Ασθενείς λεκέδες. Ορισμένες τσακισμένες σελ. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5037 Π.Α.Σ. (Π. Α. Σαλαπάντας), “ΤΟ ΣΟΥΛΙ ήτοι τα ηρωικά θαύματα των Σουλιωτών και Σουλιωτιδων”, Αθήνα 1860, τύποις Γ. Καρυοφύλλη. 8ο, σελ.304, αναδιπλούμενη λιθογραφία “το όρος Σούλι και ο ποταμός Αχέρων?. Εx libris (αυτοκόλλητο). Γ.Μ. 8474. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5038 NEWTON Charles Thomas, “Travels & Discoveries in the Levant”, Day and Son, London, 1865. FIRST EDITION. 2 Volumes. 8vo, pp.xiv+360 & xiv+275. Richly illustrated with 41 plates, many of them mounted ALBUMEN photographs after photographs by FRANCIS BEDFORD and others. Green cloth, rubbed, bumped corners, wear on spine although tight, spotting inside. Newton was a British archaeologist, served as vice-consul in Mitylene (1852) & as a consul in Rhodes (1853-1854). He has undertaken excavations in the Levant and explored Mitylene, Rhodes, Kalymnos & the shores of Asia Minor between 1852 and 1859. Blackmer 1193, Weber 636, Contominas 503. Starting Price: 420 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5039 “Τo θεανδρικόν πρόσωπον του Κυρίου ημών Ιησού Χριστού, τό θαύμα της ιστορίας, συγγραφέν γερμανιστί υπό Φιλίππου Chaff, μεταφρασθέν ελληνιστί υπό Γρ. Ι. Γώγου του Λεσβίου”, Σμύρνη, τυπογραφείο της Αμαλθείας, 1869. 8ο, σελ.ξδ,ε,149,[17] Κατάλογος συνδρομητών. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Ηλιού & Πολέμη, 1869.536. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5040 ΚΑΡΑΓΙΑΝΝΗ Α., “Δεισδαιμονίας Δοκίμιον”, τόμος πρώτος (δεν έχει εκδοθεί άλλος), ΣΜΥΡΝΗ, Τύποις “Σμύρνης”, 1872, σελ.272 ΔΕΜΕΝΟ ΜΑΖΙ Χαμουδόπουλος Μηνάς & Χρήστος, “Ιστορία της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας”, Τόμος Α, ΣΜΥΡΝΗ, τύποις ΠΡΟΟΔΟΥ, 1874, σελ.148. 8ο, δερμάτινη ράχη με χρυσό τίτλο. Εx libris σφραγίδα. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. ΣΠΑΝΙΑ. Starting Price: 110 €
Lot. 5041 Smith George, “Assyrian discoveries; an account of explorations and discoveries on the site of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874”, S. Low, Marston, Low & Searle, London, 1875. First edition. Tall 8vo, (23x15cm), pp.xvi,461. Complete with a folding map and numerous illustrations, including photographs. Original brown cloth, lettering in gilt, wear along inner joints. An account of Smith’s travels from London to Mosul and to many archaeological sites in Upper Mesopotamia, especially focusing on the excavations and new Assyrian discoveries at Ninevi, Nimrud and other ancient Assyrian sites. Except the archaeological nature of this work, Smith also provides valuable information along many aspects of the upper Mesopotamian area of the 1870s. A fine copy. Uncommon. Starting Price: 220 € Lot. 5042 LASAULX VON ERNST, ΒΙΟΣ, ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΚΡΑΤΟΥΣ εκ του Γερμανικού υπό Δ. Γ. Μοστράτου, Κων/πολη 1875, τύποις Βουτυρά και Σίας. 8ο, σ.128, [δεμ. μαζι] Τα κατά την εορτήν της Πεντηκονταετηρίδος του Εθνικού Πανεπιστημίου ... επιμελεία δε Γεωργίου Καραμήτσα πρυτάνεως τω 1886-87, Αθήνα, “Παλιγγενεσία” Ιω. Αγγελοπούλου, 1888, σελ.479. 8ο, βιομηχανικό δέσιμο, κομμένα περιθώρια. Starting Price: 30 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5043 ΙΑΣΕΜΙΔΗΣ Π. Π., “Αναγνώσματα εκ της Διοδώρου του Σικελιώτου Ιστορικής Βιβλιοθήκης”, Αθήνα, τυπ. Θ. Παπαλεξανδρή, 1877. Μικρό 8ο, σελ.200. Δερμ. Ράχη, ελαφρές φθορές στα κλύματα. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5044 KOECHLIN-Schwartz Alfred, “Un touriste au Caucase: Volga Caspienne, Caucase”, Paris, J. Hetzel et Cie, n.d. [1880]. Second edition. Small 8o (18x12cm), pp.351,[2]. Green period cloth binding rubbed. Complete with a folding map. Light spotting throughout. Koechlin-Schwartz (1829-1895) was a French industrialist and politician. As royalist, he left from France after 1871 and travelled to Tsarist Russia. Through Daghestan (after the Shamyl rebellion in the 1860s), he arrived in BakuAzerbaijan and headed towards Tiflis-Georgia. After describing Georgia, he passed through the mountains towards Northern Caucasus and Vladikafkaz. Scarce book, one of the first examples of the new style of travelling “tourism” in those areas. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5045 Ελληνικός Διδασκαλικός Σύλλογος, “ΠΛΑΤΩΝ Σύγγραμμα περιοδικόν παιδαγωγικόν και φιλολογικόν”. 3 τόμοι με πλήρη τεύχη Έτος Α` (1878-1879), Β` (1879-1880) & Γ` (1880-1881). 8ο, σσ.504, 536, 467+55. Δερμάτινες ράχες, λεκέδες εσωτερικά. Σπάνιο. Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 5047 Παπαιωάννου Λουκάς, “Ανατομική του Ανθρώπου... Περιέχουσα και Ιστολογίαν και Εμβρυολογίαν μετ εικόνων περίπου 900”, Τόμος Α, Αθήνα, τυπ. Α. Κωνσταντινίδου, 1888. 8ο, σσ.871. Δερμάτινη ράχη με διακόσμηση. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5046 ZALONKEMENY Etienne Kakasch, “Iter Persicum ou Description d’un Voyage en Perse entrepris en 1602”, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1887. First edition. 12mo (17x11cm), frontispiece, pp.xii,120, complete. Original soft paper boards, a very good copy. Etienne Kakasch de Zalonkemeny was an imperial diplomatic envoy to the Persian court. Zalonkemeny travelled through Russia, the Caucasus and Armenia to Persia during his mission to conclude an alliance with the Ottoman Empire. The account was written by his secretary Tectander von der Jabel. His travel account to Russia and the Armenian regions under Persian rule of the early 17th century are precious. This account remained manuscript up to its discovery in the late 19th century by the famous orientalist Schefer who published it. RARE. Starting Price: 110 €
Lot. 5048 ΒΑΦΑΣ Γ. Χ. “Περί Συνεχών Πυρετών”, Αθήνα, τυπ. Π. Δ. Σακελλαρίου, 1888. 8ο, σελ.285. Δερμάτινη διακοσμημένη ράχη. Επιδιόρθωση στο άνω (λευκό) τμήμα σελ. τίτλου. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 70 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5049 Κυριακου, Αριστείδου Ν.: “ΤΑ ΚΑΤΑ ΝΙΚΟΝ ΚΑΙ ΚΙΚΗΝ - Α έκδοση. Σελ. 64. Εν Αθήναις, Τύποισ Νέων Ιδεών, 1888”. Χαρτόδετο. 11x16 mm. Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 5050 Στουργιαννόπουλος Ευθύμιος, “Εγχειρίδιον Οικοδομικής”, Αθήνα, τυπ. Αφων ΠΕΡΡΗ, 1889. 8ο, 136+[13]. Με 11 αναδιπλούμενους πίνακες στο τέλος. Ελαφρές φθορές στα περιθώρια των πινάκων. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5053 ΓΙΡΑΡΔΙΝΟΣ ΣΑΙΜΜΑΡΚΟΣ, “ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΑ ΔΡΑΜΑΤΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ, κατά μετάφρασιν Άγγελου Βλάχου”, Βιβλιοθήκη ΜΑΡΑΣΛΗ, Αθήνα 1898, τύποις Π. Δ. Σακελλάριου. Τόμοι 2 & 3. Μεγάλο 8ο, σελ.502+564. Δερματινες ράχες με διακόσμηση. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση εσωτερικά. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 5054 ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΟΥ Π. Π., “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΚΑΙ Η ΠΕΡΙΞ ΧΩΡΑ, δοκίμιον πατριδογραφίας προς χρήσιν των σχολείων και προς ιδιαν μελέτην, μετ εικόνων και τοπογραφικών χάρτων”, Αθήνα , τυπ. Ανέστη Κωνσταντινίδου, 1899. σ.424,[1]. Δερμάτινη ράχη. Μικρές φθορές εξωτερικά, οξειδώσεις εσωτερικά. Starting Price: 45 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5051 JOKAI Maurus / Nisbet Bain (transl.), “The Lion of Janina or, The last days of the janissaries, a Turkish novel…”, London, Jarrols & sons, 1897. 8vo, pp.326,10. Frontispiece photo of the author. Original red cloth with gilt title. English translation of the Hungarian novel with ALI PASHA as major character. Light wear on board and spine, interior very fine. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5052 COUSIN Emile, “Nouveau Dictionnaire De Poche Francais Allemand pour Le Voyage et La Conversation”, Brunsvic, George Westermann, 1894. 16mo, pp.660. Excellent copy. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5055 Latimer Elizabeth Wormeley, “Russia and Turkey in the Nineteenth Century”, Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1899. First edition. 8vo pp.413. Complete with numerous illustrations. Original blue cloth with the imperial Russian eagle in gilt. A classical work about the relations between Russia & the Ottoman Empire during the 19th century and the Russian expansionism in Caucasus and the Balkans. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5056 Η ΚΑΙΝΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ Novum Testamentum, In quo Tum selecti versiculi 1900, quibus omnes Novi Testamenti voces continentur, asteriscis notantur; Tum omnes & singulae voces, semel vel saepius occurrentes, peculiari nota distinguuntur, Auctore Johanne Leusden, professore, Lugduni Batavorum, Ex Officina Luchtmanniana, 1751. 6x11cm, σελ.504. Κείμενο στα ελληνικά. Χαλκόγραφη προμετωπίδα. Ex Libris “Constantini Demetrii STURZA”, σφραγίδα βιβλιοθήκης Ρουμανίας. Αποκολλημένα προμετωπίδα, σελ. τίτλου και πρώτο φύλλο. Διακοσμημένη περγαμηνή εποχής έκδοσης με εμφανή κατάλοιπα ζωγραφικών παραστάσεων, επιχρυσωμένες άκρες. Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 5057 COUPIN Henri, “Les Animaux excentriques”, Paris, Librairie Vuibert, c.1900. Small 4to, pp.422. Numerous illustrations in text. Contemporary binding. Few pages with short tearing otherwise a Fine copy. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5058 Νουχάκης Ι. Εμ. “Ελληνική χωρογραφία: Γεωγραφία Ιστορία Στατιστική πληθυσμού και αποστάσεων”, εκδ. Σπυρ. Κουσουλινός, Αθήνα, 1901. 8ο, σελ.1059. Πλήθος αναλυτικών πινάκων αποστάσεων και πληθυσμού ανά επαρχία. Δερμάτινη ράχη με διακόσμηση. Φθορές εξωτερικά, ένας σχισμένος πίνακας στην τελευταία σελ., κατά τα άλλα σε καλή κατάσταση εσωτερικά. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5060 Κυριακίδης, Επαμεινώνδας Κ., “Η δεκάτη ενάτη εκατονταετηρίς / Εκδίδοντος Επαμεινώνδα Κ. Κυριακίδου” Εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει, Τυπ. Καταστημάτων Αδελφών Γεράρδων, 1902. Φολιο, σελ.348+60 (ολοσέλιδες διαφημίσεις). Πλούσια εικονογράφηση. Αυθεντικά καλύμματα με χρυσή διακόσμηση. Επιχρυσωμένες ακμές. ~4 φύλα αποκολλημένα, μικρές φθορές στα καλύμματα και τη ράχη. Συνολικά πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 280 €
Lot. 5061 Νικολαϊδης Ρήγας, “Φυσιολογία του ανθρώπου. Τόμος 1ος μετά 172 εικόνων εν τω κειμένω”. Εν Αθήναις, τύποις Σακελλαρίου, 1903, 8ο, σ. ιστ+524. Δεμένο με δερμάτινη διακοσμημένη ράχη. Starting Price: 20 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5062 Lesser, Edmond, “Αφροδίσια Νοσήματα μετάφρασις εκ της τελευταίας εκδόσεως υπό Σ. Ζωγραφίδου και Α. Γεωργιάδου, μετ εικόνων”, Αθήνα, εκδ. ΦΕΞΗ, 1903. 8ο, σελ.400. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5063 ΒΑΦΑΣ Γ. Χ., “Μαθήματα Ιατροδικαστικής διδαχθέντα εν τω Εθνικώ Πανεπιστημίω” Τόμοι 2 & 4 “Ζητήματα Αναφερόμενα εις την λειτουργίαν της γενέσεως” & “Περί κακώσεων ΙΙ”, 1903 Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5067 DIEHL Charles “Manuel d’Art Byzantin”, 1910. Large 8vo, pp.837. Richly illustrated with heliogravures in text. Leather spine, missing the title page, first page chipped on the top, slightly cocked spine. One the famous historian’s selected works, about Byzantine art, standing out for its precision and literary style. Starting Price: 25 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5064 Οικονομίδου, Σοφία Κ.: “ΠΑΛΜΟΙ - Α έκδοση. Σελ. 64. Τυπογραφείο Καταστημάτων Αποστολοπούλου, εν Αθήναις, 1906”. Χαρτόδετο. 123x173 mm. Εικονογραφημένα εξώφυλλα. Starting Price: 8 €
Lot. 5065 Baedekers CANADA / The Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland and an excursion to Alaska / Handbook for Travelers by Karl Baedeker with 13 maps and 12 plans / Third revised and augmented edition?, Leipzig, 1907. Complete in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5068 “Le Tour d’Europe: Livre de Lecture Courante A L’Usage des Ecoles du Levant”, Enclos St Benoit, Constantinople n.d., but with note “Imprimatur D. Darmanin Syra, le 11 mars 1912”, referring to Archbishop Dominikos Darmanin of Syra (Σύρος) died in 3 March 1912. 12mo, pp.424. Original thick paper boards. Cracked spine and pencil notes in text. A unique book, probably published for use from the Levantine high schools. It contains a description of all European countries, focusing in the Levant. A vivid description of the very late ottoman world very shortly before its end. RARE. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5069 KOLDEWAY Robert Johann, “The excavations at Babylon”, London, 1914. First English edition, following the first in German in 1913. Tall 4to, (24x14cm), pp. xx,335. Original cloth. Complete with 255 illustrations and maps. Koldewey was the chief of the German archaeological mission in Mesopotamia famous for his in-depth excavation of the ancient city of Babylon. He has conducted nearly twenty years of excavations there with spectacular results. He was one of the first to propose the scientific approach of the archaeological excavation process. The current work starts with a description of Mesopotamia before giving a detailed account of the excavation. Still a reference. Rare. Starting Price: 180 €
Lot. 5072 Lot. 5073 ΛΑΜΨΑΣ Σωτήριος, ΣΚΛΑΒΟΥΝΟΣ Γ.,”ΑΝΑΤΟΜΙΚΗ “Διαφορική Διαγνωστική των ΤΟΥ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥ” Τόμος Β: Εσωτερικών Νοσημάτων”, Σπλαγχνολογία, τα 2 τεύχη δεμένα σε 1 Τόμος 1ος, Αθήνα, εκδ. (χωρίς τη σελ. τίτλου του πρώτου τεύχους), Δ. Δημητράκου, 1918. 8ο, Μόναχο, Akademische Buchdruckerei F. σελ.400. Straub, 1920. 4ο, σελ.691,V. Πολυάριθμες Starting Price: 15 € χρωμολιθόγραφες εικόνες εντός κειμένου. Εξαιρετική κατάσταση. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5070 ΣΚΛΑΒΟΥΝΟΣ Γ., “ΑΝΑΤΟΜΙΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥ” Τόμος Α: “Οντογονία, Οστεολογία, Συνδεσμολογία και Μυολογία”, Αθήνα, τυπ. Σ. Ν. Ταρουσόπουλου, 1926. 4ο, σελ.ζ,751,[1]. Πολυάριθμες χρωμολιθόγραφες εικόνες εντός κειμένου. Εξαιρετική κατάσταση. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5071 ΛΑΜΨΑΣ Σωτήριος, “Εγχειρίδιον Κλινικής Διαγνωστικής των εσωτερικών νοσημάτων, μετά 104 εν μέρει κεχρωσμένων εικόνων”, Αθήνα, εκδ. Δ. Δημητράκου, 1916. 8ο, σελ.456,[2]. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5074 ΣΚΛΑΒΟΥΝΟΣ Γ., “ΑΝΑΤΟΜΙΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥ”, Τόμος Γ: “Αγγειολογία, Νευρολογία και Αισθητήρια”, Wien, A. Holzhausen, 1921. 4o, σελ.ζ,827. Πολυάριθμες χρωμολιθόγραφες εικόνες εντός κειμένου. Εξαιρετική κατάσταση. Starting Price: 90 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5075 Papadopoulos Alexander Archimandrite, “Persecutions of the Greeks in Turkey before the European War”, Oxford University Press, New York 1919. Large 8vo, pp.147. Original soft paper covers. Library cachets. Published in New York, this work targets an international audience, presenting testimonies for the Turkish atrocities against Greek populations of Eastern Thrace and Asia Minor before the war. Rare. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5078 ΒΕΡΝ ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ, “Η ΣΧΟΛΗ ΤΩΝ ΡΟΒΙΝΣΩΝΩΝ κατά μετάφρασιν Παναγιώτου Ι. Φέρμπου, έκδοσις τρίτη, μετά 51 εικόνων”, Αθήνα 1923, βιβλιοπωλείον Ι. Ν. Σιδέρη. 8ο, σελ.203,[1]. Bιομηχανικό δέσιμο. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5079 ΚΑΡΚΑΒΙΤΣΑΣ Ανδρέας, “Παλιές Αγάπες”, εκδ. 3η, Αθήνα, Ιωάννης Δ. Κολλάρος, 1925. Μικρό 8ο, σελ.167,[1]. Μικρές φθορές στη σελ. τίτλου. Starting Price: 10 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5076 ΠΑΛΑΜΑΣ Κωστής, “Ο Δωδεκάλογος του Γύφτου”, Β έκδοση, Αθήνα, τυπ. Εστία, 1921. 8ο, σ.187,[3]. Πανόδετο. Εξαιρετική κατάσταση. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5077 ΗΜΕΡΟΛΟΓΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ. Ιδρυτής - Διευθυντής Γεώργιος Δροσίνης, έκδ. Σιδέρης 1922, σσ. 439. Με ποιήματα των Κ. Παλαμά, Ι. Πολέμη, Ι. Γρυπάρη και διηγήματα των Α. Καρκαβίτσα, Δ. Βουτυρά, Σπ. Θεοτόκη κ.α. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5080 ΒΕΡΝ ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ, “ΠΕΡΙ ΤΗΝ ΣΕΛΗΝΗΝ κατά μετάφρασιν Δ. Η. Κυριακοπουλου?, έκδοσις τρίτη, μετά 52 εικόνων”, Αθήνα 1926, βιβλιοπωλείον Ι. Ν. Σιδέρη. 8ο, σελ.208. Bιομηχανικό δέσιμo. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5081 Εγκυκλοπαιδικόν Ημερολόγιον Τη συνεργασία των απανταχού λογίων, προς προαγωγήν της σκέψεως και της προόδου του Ελληνικού κόσμου” Έτος 1ον, Herald Printing Syndicate, New York, 1928, p. 448. Διακοσμημένη πανόδετη βιβλιοδεσία. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5082 Πολίτης Γ.Αθανάσιος, Ο Ελληνισμός και η νεωτέρα Αίγυπτος”, Αλεξάνδρεια, Εκδοτικός Οίκος “Γράμματα” Τόμος Α, 1928. 4ο, σελ. 465. Με εικονογράφηση. Τρύπες από έντομο, βιβλιοδεσία με ελαφρές φθορές. Διακοσμημένη ράχη. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5086 ΛΑΜΨΑΣ Σωτήριος, “Επίτομος Φυσιολογία του ανθρώπου εφηρμοσμένη εις την γυμναστικήν”, [ΔΕΜΕΝΟ ΜΑΖΙ] “Επίτομος Ανατομική του ανθρώπου εφηρμοσμένη εις την γυμναστικήν” Τύποις: Παπανικολάου, 1929. 8ο, σελ.238,[1]+231,[1]. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5083 PUAUX Rene, “La Grece, visions dautrefois et daujourd hui, conference faite a Marseille le 18 mars 1928”, Marseille, Societe anonyme du Semaphore, 1928. Limited numbered copy 3/50. 12mo, pp.29. Original paper softcover, in overall very fine condition. Scarce. Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5087 ΜΕΛΙΣΣΗΝΟΣ Κωνσταντίνος, “Τεχνική των ΝΕΚΡΟΤΟΜΙΩΝ. Μετά Διαγνωστικής Παθολογικών Ανατομικών Αλλοιώσεων επί του Πτώματος και Τεχνική Παθολογική Ιστολογία”, ΠΛΗΡΕΣ εκδ. 1934. Μέρος Α + Β. 8ο, σσ.718. Δερματόδετη ράχη. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5084 ETHERTON T. & ALLEN D., “Through Europe and the Balkans. The Record of a Motor Tour”, Cassell, [1928]. First Edition. 8vo, pp.308, with 32 photographic plates & endpapers map. Driving 6300 miles from London, through France and Northern Italy in the Balkans of the 20s. Original green cloth. Frontpiece detatched, occasional spotting. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5085 Εγκυκλοπαιδικόν Ημερολόγιον Τη συνεργασία των απανταχού λογίων, προς προαγωγήν της σκέψεως και της προόδου του Ελληνικού κόσμου Έτος 2ον, Herald Printing Syndicate, New York, 1929, p. 448. Διακοσμημένη πανόδετη βιβλιοδεσία. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5088 ΜΠΑΡΜΠΑΣΤΑΘΗΣ Χρίστος, “Πρακτική Αριθμητική δια τας κατωτέρας τάξεις των Γυμνασίων και διά τα αστικά σχολεία”, Οργανισμός Εκδ. Σχολικών βιβλίων, Αθήνα, 1939. 8ο, σελ.352. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5089 ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ Κοσμάς, “ΤΟ ΓΥΡΙ”. Αθήνα, Ίκαρος, 1945. Α ΕΚΔΟΣΗ. Μικρό 8ο, σελ.216,[3]. Starting Price: 30 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5090 Dr. Pascault & G. Moreau, “Πώς να ζήσετε εκατό χρόνια, όλη η υγιεινη εις 22 παραγγέλματα”, Αθήνα, εκδ. ΑΓΚΥΡΑΣ. 12ο, σελ.89,[3]. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5094 “ΝΑΖΙΜ ΧΙΚΜΕΤ Ποιήματα / μετάφραση απ τα Γαλλικά Γιώργου Παπαλεονάρδου”, Αθήνα, εκδόσεις Σύγχρονα Βιβλία, 1957. 8ο, σ.124. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5091 ΠΑΠΑΝΟΥΤΣΟΣ Ε.Π., “Ο ΚΟΣΜΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΝΕΥΜΑΤΟΣ Β ΗΘΙΚΗ”, εκδ. Ίκαρος, 1949. 8o, σελ. 453. Αρχικά εξώφυλλα. Με αφιέρωση μαθητών του Α Γυμν. Αρρένων Θες/νίκης γυμνασίου προς τον καθηγητή τους. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5092 “ΣΦΙΓΓΑ” Εβδομαδιαίον περιοδικόν ποικίλης ύλης, διευθυντής Α. Ν. Μαγγανάρης. 4 τεύχη δεμένα μαζί: έτος ΙΕ (1949), Νο.1 (189), Νο.4 (192), Νο.8 (196), Νο.12 (200). 16ο, σ.130+130+98+66+98. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5095 ΜΑΣΚΑ Εβδομαδιαίο περιοδικό, 1955, 1956, Γ Περίοδος. 30 τεύχη (1955: No.1-10 & 1956: Νο.61-80) δεμένα σε 3 τόμους. Χρωμολιθογραφημένα εξώφυλλα και οπισθόφυλλα (σκισμένο μόνο το εξώφυλλο του Νο.62). Starting Price: 110 €
Lot. 5097 Jagot Paul, “Ηθικη Ψυχική Πνευματική Ανάπλαση / μεταφραστής Αντ. Μοσχοβάκης”, εκδ. Βιβλιοθήκη για όλους, Αθήνα 1961. 8ο, σελ.125,[3]. Starting Price: 5 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5093 ΛΑΣΚΟΣ ΟΡΕΣΤΗΣ, “ΑΓΡΙΟΧΗΝΕΣ, ολόκληρο το ποιητικό του έργο”, Αθήνα 1950. Άκοπο. Συγκεντρωτικός τόμος σε έκδοση του ιδίου του Ο. Λάσκου. Σχέδια Γ. Μούγιου. Ολοσέλιδο σκίτσο του ποιητή προ της σελ. τίτλου από τον Αλεξανδρινό ζωγράφο Νίκο Γώγο. 4ο, σελ.204,[1]. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5096 “TROYA” (TPOIA) colour small size (17x12cm) tourist guide, in Turkish. 32 pages with text & photos plus two maps in the inside covers. 1950-1960s. VF. Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 5098 Mr. America, Demi-Gods, The Young Physique, Wrestling Revue 1958-1962. Collection of 11 issues. Mr. America: Vol.1: 7, 9, Vol.2: 9, 10, Vol.3: 1, 2, 3. Demi-Gods: Vol.1: 6, Vol.2: 3. The Young Physique: Vol.2: 4. Wrestling Revue: Vol.1: 4. Bounded in one Volume. All but one, missing upper part of front covers. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5099 VAMPIRELLA Warren Publishing 1969-1977. Collection of 37 issues (Numbers: 1, 2, 4, 6, - 15, 20 25, 35, 37, 39, 40 - 43, 45, 50, 52 - 54, 63, 64) bounded in 4 volumes. Margins slightly narrowed. Occasional light creasing, overall in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5100 The Savage Sword of CONAN the Barbarian, 1975-1980, Magazine Management Co & Marvel Comics Group. Collection of 49 issues including the No.1 published in 1975 (Numbers: 1, 6, 8, 10 - 19, 21, 23 - 29, 30, 33 - 60) bounded in 5 volumes. Margins slightly narrowed. Occasional light creasing, overall in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 110 €
Lot. 5101 Περιοδικό ΑΝΤΙ 1977-1994. 430 τεύχη από του πολιτικού-καλλιτεχνικού περιεχομένου περιοδικό που σημάδεψε την μεταπολίτευση. Περιλαμβάνονται τα τεύχη: 81-84,93-96,106-250,267-294,301-373,375-379,382-431,433-456,458-481,483491,493-501,503-510,512-521,523-527,529-533,535-550,552-553,555-557. Περίπου 20 τεύχη με λεκέ υγρασίας, τα υπόλοιπα σε άψογη κατάσταση. Starting Price: 90 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Engravings & Prints
Lot. 5102 RHODIS complete page with a woodcut engraving of the town of Rhodes (17,5 x 22,5 cm) from the book “Liber chronicarum Secunda etas Mundi” by Hartmann Schedel, popularly known as “The Nuremberg Chronicle”. German edition, published in Nuremberg 1493 by Anton Koberger for Sebald Schreyer and Sebastian Kammermeister. Sheet size: 28 x 40 cm. Three tears on margins repaired, few brown spots & two small holes. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5103 Prise de Rhodes par les Chevaliers de St. Jean (15 Aout 1310) steel engraving “Peint par Feron, grave par P. Brunelliere, dessine par Girardet, diagraphe et pantographe Gavard” from the “Gallerie historiqoe de Versailles. Size of engraving: 18,5 x 18 cm., size of sheet: 46x31cm. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5105 Ordinis RHODIORU militu initium complete page with a woodcut engraving of the town of Rhodes (6,5 x 8,3 cm) from the book “Pomponii Melae de situ Orbis Libri Tres..” first published in 1534 by Sebastian Munster, followed by Sebastian Henric Petri in 1576 (latin) & 1595 (italian). This sheet has latin text. Sheet size: 20 x 30. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 15 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5104 Lacedemonia complete page with a woodcut engraving of the town of Sparta (14,5 x 22,5 cm) from the book “Liber chronicarum Secunda...” by Hartmann Schedel, popularly known as “The Nuremberg Chronicle”. German edition, publ. in Nuremberg 1493 by Anton Koberger for Sebald Schreyer and Sebastian Kammermeister. Sheet size: 28 x 40 cm. One large & three small tears on margins repaired, few brown spots & two small holes. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5106 RHODUS copper engraving of the town of Rhodes (16 x 23,5 cm), complete page with wide margins, from the book “Civitates Orbis Terranum” by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg published 1657 in Amsterdam by Joannes JANSSONIUS under the title “Theatrum Celebriorum Urbium Italiae, Aliarumque in Insulis Maris Mediterranei...”. Sheet size: 24 x 28. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5107 Dame de Caramanie, Callinoe de Rhodis, Femme de la basse Armenie copper engraving from the book “Habitus variarum orbis gentium. Habitz de nations estranges (par J. J. Boissard). Trachten mancherley Volcker des Erdskreytz” by Abraham Bruyn, published 1581. Size: 28x22.5 cm. Very rare. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5110 “Femme De lIsle de Malthe” engraving from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Engraving with faults, stuck on thick buff paper. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5111 “Femme Turque, vestue a la Moresque” engraving from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Engraving with faults, stuck on thick buff paper. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5108 MERCANTE GRECO Fullpage woodcut costume, design by Cesare Vecellio & woodcut prob. by C. Krieger, publ. in “Degli Habiti Antichi e Moderni di Diversi Parti di Mondo”, Venice 1590. Sheet size: 115x182 mm. Colas 2976. VF. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5112 “Femme turque De moyen estat En chambre” engraving from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Engraving with faults, stuck on thick buff paper. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5109 Concubina Rhodiana woodcut engraving from the book “Habiti antichi e moderni di tutto il mondo” by Cesare Vecelio, published 1598 in Venice by Sessa. Size of engraving: 9,5 x 15,5 cm. Sheet size: 11,5 x 18,5 cm. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5113 “Femme Turque menant les Enfans” engraving from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Engraving with faulty top left corner, stuck on thick buff paper. Starting Price: 30 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5114 “Femme Turque allant par la ville” engraving from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Engraving with faults, stuck on thick buff paper. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5115 “Villageoise Greque” engraving from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Engraving with faulty corners, stuck on thick buff paper. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5118 Two untitled engravings from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions des principaux officiers et autres personnes de lEmpire Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Engravings with faults, both stuck on thick buff paper. Starting Price: 40 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5116 “Femme destat Greque de la Cite dAndrinople ville De Thrace” engraving from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Engraving with faulty corners, stuck on thick buff paper. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5119 “Femme vestue a la Surienne” engraving from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Engraving with small faults, stuck on thick buff paper. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5117 “Fille Moresque esclaue en Alger ville de Barbarie” copper engraving from the extensive collection of Nicolas de Nicolays 1570s illustrations in “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, TOME SECOND, by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. 22.5x35cm, with French text on verso. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5120 “Esclaue more” copper engraving from the book “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions des principaux officiers et autres personnes de lEmpire Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Full complete page No.38 (22.5x35cm), with French text on verso. Rare. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5121 “AZZAPPI. (10)”. Soughtafter hand-coloured copper engraved plate from the book “HISTOIRE DES TURCS, Tome Second par Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663. Les figures et descriptions des principaux officiers et autres personnes de lEmpire Turc, par NICOLAS NICOLAI.” Size: 27.5 x 17.1 cm. VF. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5123 Large 17th century engr. 34x28cm with “C. Decker fec” iscr. presenting antiquities. Waterstain on margins, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Very Interesting item. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5125 “Rouine di Fabbriche nel Scoglio Capra, o Anticlare del Mare di Mandria” copper engraving 18x13cm. from “Isola di Rodi geografica storica antica e moderna collaltre adiacenti...Vincenzo Coronelli, Cosmografo della Serenissima Republica di Venetia...”, 1688. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5122 “Jannissaire ou Jannissarler Soudart a pied de la garde ordinaire du grand Seigner” sought-after hand-coloured copper engraved plate from the book “HISTOIRE DES TURCS... par NICOLAS NICOLAI.”. Size: 27.5 x 17.4 cm with French text on verso. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 55 €
Lot. 5124 “DAPHNE” Full colour copper plate by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in Frankfurt 1685 in “Description de lUnivers”. View of Daphne, near Antioch (Antakya, Turkey). Map dim.11x14cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 5126 MACHAON AESCULAPII F. Graecorum ad Troiam Medicus, copper engr. of the famous surgeon & medic MACHAON (Μαχάων), son of Asclepius. Machaon with his brother Podalirius, led an army from Thessaly in the Trojan War on the side of the Greeks. From “Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum”, Jacobus Gronovius, Van Der Aa, 1698. Double page with full page engr. & full page descr. text. Engr. dim. 17x29cm. Starting Price: 45 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5127 CANDIA copper engraved view of the city. Late 18th century ed. of Sebastien de Pontault de Beaulieu, with slight differences from original mid. 17th century engr. Dim: 35,5x12,5cm in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 5128 “RHODUS - Plate 66” Large view of Rhodes with ships on the foreground. Copperplate engraving on a verge type hand laid paper. Original folds & some repairs. The overall size is ca. 70 x 31.5 cm. The image size is ca. 63 x 22 cm. This scarce plate originates from “Voyage au Levant cest a dire dans les principaux endroits de lAsie Mineure dans les Isles de Chio, de Rhodes, de Chypre...” by Corneille le Brun (Cornelis de Bruyn), published 1700. VF Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5129 HUCHTENBURG, Jan van - Vue et Representation de la Bataille de Zenta, donnee le 11 de Septembre 1697. Impressive plate depicting the Battle of Zenta. Dim.57x46cm. Lightly sunned, one large and few smaller brown spots, tear along lower middle-fold. Starting Price: 70 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5130 HUCHTENBURG, Jan van - Vue et Representation de la Bataille de Luzzara donnee le 15 dAoust 1702. Impressive plate depicting the battlefield of Luzzara. Dim.57x46cm. Lightly sunned, tear along lower middle-fold. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5131 HUCHTENBURG, Jan van - Vue et Representation de la Bataille de Chiari, donnee le 1 de Septembre 1701. Impressive plate depicting the Battle of Chiari. Dim.57x46cm. Lightly sunned, large tear along lower middle-fold. Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5132 HUCHTENBURG, Jan van - Vue et Representation de la Bataille de Hochstedt, donnee le 13 Daoust 1704. Impressive plate depicting the Battle of Hochstadt. Dim.57x46cm. Lightly sunned, large tear along lower middle-fold. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5133 HUCHTENBURG, Jan van - Vue et Representation de la Bataille de Cassano, donnee 16 Daoust 1705. Impressive plate depicting the Battle of Cassano. Dim.57x46cm. Lightly sunned, foxed along middle-fold, tear along lower middle-fold. Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5134 HUCHTENBURG, Jan van - Vue et Representation de la Bataille donnee deuant Turin le 7 de Septembre 1706. Impressive plate depicting the battlefield of Turin. Dim.57x46cm. Lightly sunned, few spots, small tear along lower middle-fold. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5135 HUCHTENBURG, Jan van - Vue et Representation de la Bataille Doudenarde donnee le 11 Juillet 1708. Impressive plate depicting the Battle of Oudenarde. Dim.57x46cm. Lightly sunned, two brown spots, tear along lower middle-fold. Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 5136 HUCHTENBURG, Jan van - Vue et Representation de la Bataille de Mons ou de Malplaquet, donnee le 11 September 1709. Impressive plate depicting the Battle of Malplaquet. Dim.57x46cm. Lightly sunned, large tear along lower middlefold, two spots. Starting Price: 65 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5138 “Pretres Armeniens en habits Sacerdotaux / Tom.II.pag.165” & “Diacre et Soudiacre Armeniens” two copper engravings, c. 15x10cm. each, on one page from the book “Illustrations de Relation dun voyage du Levant” by J. P. de Tournefort, first published 1717, in Paris. VF. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5139 Greek Women of Constantinople / Vol.I.Pag.355 coloured copper engraving c. 16x10cm. from the book “A Voyage into the Levant...” by Joseph Pitton de Tournefort. First edition in English. London: D. Browne, A. Bell, J. Darby et al., 1718. VF. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5141 Scheuchzer Johann Jacob, b&w copper engr. 16x18cm, presenting a DRAGON flying over mountainous landscape, in “Ouresiphoites Helveticus...” 1723. Very small holes within engr.area. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5140 “COLOSSE” (Der Colossus in der Insel Rhodis) copper plate engraving by MALLET, Allain Manesson, publ. in Paris 1686 or 1719 in “Description de lUnivers” (German edition). Attractive & impressive, extracted from the book, with text pages in French attached. Size of the plate: 10x14 cm. VF. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5142 Copper engr. depicting man & a Dragon, prob. from “Ouresiphoites Helveticus...”, Scheuchzer Johann Jacob, 1723. Dim.16x17cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5143 [ΠΑΤΜΟΣ] Calmet Augustinus, “Gezicht van het Eiland en Haven van Pathmos”, from the Dictionary of the Holy Bible: “Het Algemeen groot historisch, oordeelkundig...” 1725. Scarce hand colored engr. view of the city and harbour of Patmos (Πάτμος). Engr. dim.44x32cm. In Excellent condition. Starting Price: 170 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5144 Bruyn, Abraham de, copperplate engraving “Rhodius ordo atratus / Germanicus ordo albatus / Melitensis ordo atricolor cum alba cruce / Hungaricorum equitum ordo tunica coloris sanguinei chlamyde vubea in quaerus est viridis” c.1750, 22.4 cm x 32.8 cm. One of a set of 18 prints depicting costume for members of various Christian religious groups & ecclesiastical orders from “Costumes de differents ordres monastiques”.VF. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5146 3 sheets prob. from the same book “Abbidung des Tempels von der Minerva zu Athen / T.V. p.187” copper engr. 27x16.5cm, “Tempel der Minerva zu Athen & Der Tempel Erectheion zu Athen” & “Zeichuing von Athen & Ein Tempel zu Athen”, presenting the monuments, topographical diagrams and detailed plans, mid. 18th century. Foxing, small tears along folds (as issued). Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 5148 “Vue du Kiosk du Palais dAinalu - Kavak” & Vue de la Porte dite dAndrinople”, 1782, two copper engr. on single sheet from “Voyage pittoresque de la Grece” by M. G. Choiseul Gouffier. Sheet dim.53x33cm, engr. dim. 22x16cm (each). Few very small brown spots, otherwise Very Fine. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5145 Helepole de Demetrius Poliorcete au Siege de Rhodes avec ses Ponts Baissans 1729 folding copper engraving 32x22cm. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5147 A Grecian Woman of the Island of Siphanto, and her Children, 10x15cm. copper engraving from the Universal Magazine, 1780 (incl. the page of the magazine with the description). VF. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5149 CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER (M. G. F. A. de): “Bourgeoises de lile de Tine” & “Servantes de lile de Tine” two handcoloured copper engravings in one page, designed by J.B. Hilair and engraved by J.L. Delignon, extracted from the first volume of “Voyage pittoresque de la Grece” published 1782 in Paris. Engr. size: 44 x 24 cm. Sheet size: 50 x 32 cm. A few stains on the margins. Starting Price: 60 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5150 “Nobile Greco di Rodi / Isola del Arcipelago - Noble Grec du Rodi / Isle de l Archipel Apud Theodorum Viero Ven.” profusely handcoloured copper engraving by Teodoro Viero (Venice, 1783). Size 17 x 23 cm. with good margins all round. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5154 “Femme de la Carie”, Marichal Sylvain from Costumes Civils Actuels de Tous les Peuples Connus, Paris:Pavard (et al.) 1788. Original hand coloured copper engraving depicting woman of Caria (Asia Minor). Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5151 “Tchingui ou Danseur Turc”, Marichal Sylvain from Costumes Civils Actuels de Tous les Peuples Connus, Paris:Pavard (et al.) 1788. Original hand coloured copper engraving depicting dancing Turkish woman. Dim. 12x18cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5155 “Femme Grecque”, Marichal Sylvain from Costumes Civils Actuels de Tous les Peuples Connus, Paris:Pavard (et al.) 1788. Original hand coloured copper engraving depicting Greek woman. Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5152 “Homme Grecque”, Marichal Sylvain from Costumes Civils Actuels de Tous les Peuples Connus, Paris:Pavard (et al.) 1788. Original hand coloured copper engraving depicting Greek man with musical instrument (TAMBURA). Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5156 “Turc amoureux”, Marichal Sylvain from Costumes Civils Actuels de Tous les Peuples Connus, Paris:Pavard (et al.) 1788. Original hand coloured copper engraving. Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5153 “Femme Turc allant par les rues”, Marichal Sylvain from Costumes Civils Actuels de Tous les Peuples Connus, Paris:Pavard (et al.) 1788. Original hand coloured copper engraving depicting Turkish woman. Dim.12x18cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5157 “Plan dune maison Grecque dapres Vitruve, dessine par M. Foucherot dapres le Croquis de M.Mariette” copper engraving from “Recueil de Cartes Geographiques, Plans...”; Paris, 1791, 3rd Edition. Size: 17 x 22 Cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5158 “Plan et Elevation des Propylees, dessine par M. Foucherot” from “Recueil de Cartes Geographiques, Plans...”; Paris, 1791, 3rd Edition. Size: 17 x 22 Cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5159 “Plan d une Palestre Grecque dapres Vitruve” designed by H. Godin, from “Recueil de Cartes Geographiques, Plans...”; Paris, 1791, 3rd Edition. Size: 17 x 22 Cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5160 “Falstaffs escape / Henry Bunbury Esqr. delt. / J. Chapman sculpt”, 1792, “London, published by Thos Macklin Poets Gallery Fleet St. Nov 30th 1792”. Original engraving taken from “Bunburys Illustrations To Shakspeare...”. Engr. Dim. 47x42cm, overall 56x47cm. Creased corner and marginal tears. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5161 Lot. 5162 Lot. 5163 “The Tameing of the Shrew. Vide Tameing of Winged Victory, from the Incantadas Aura, from the Incantadas monument, the shrew Act 4th Sc 1st / H Bunbury Esqr. monument, Thessaloniki / Η Φτερωτή Thessaloniki / Η Αύρα από το delt. / Leney sculpt”, 1793, “London publishd Νίκη από το μνημείο της Στοάς μνημείο της Στοάς των Ειδώλων (ή Feb 27th 1793 by Thos Macklin Poets Gallery των Ειδώλων (ή Μαγεμένες) στη Μαγεμένες) στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Copper Fleet Street”. Original engraving taken from Θεσσαλονίκη. Copper plate engr. from plate engr. from the monumental “Bunburys Illustrations To Shakspeare...”. the monumental work of STUART work of STUART & REVETT “The Engr. Dim. 47x42cm, overall 56x47cm. & REVETT “The Antiquities of Antiquities of Athens...”, London, Creased corner and marginal tears. Athens...”, London, 1794. Engr. 1794. Engr. Dim.19x35.5cm. Brown Starting Price: 40 € Dim.19x35.5cm. Narrowed margins, spots mainly on white margins. signs of cachet, engr. area clean & fine. Horizontal crease. Starting Price: 150 € Starting Price: 100 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5164 CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER, M. Gabriel: “III. Tabelle, von der Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece, zu dem aus dem grossen ins kleine gebrachten...seltener und kostbarer Wercke gehorig” 9 views (Cos, Rhodes,Carie, Tscaousch-Oglou, Temple de Mars, Caravane, Fournoi, Meandre, Smyrne” copper plate engraved by Kohlman, designed by J.B. Hillair, from “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece” published c.1800 in Augsburg. Two tiny wormholes, o/w VF. Plate Size: 31.5 x 45 cm. Starting Price: 55 €
Lot. 5167 Η Σαμάρεια. Ο Ιησούς συνομιλεί με τη Σαμαρίτιδα γυναίκα. Σπάνια ξυλογραφία του 1807 από το Χρύσανθος εκ Προύσσης, Προσκυνητάριον της Αγίας Πόλεως Ιερουσαλήμ και Πάσης Παλαιστίνης?, Βιέννη, Ιοάννα Σχραιμβλ, 1807. Διαστ. 20χ30εκ. Εκτεταμένος λεκές. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5165 Ιησούς Χριστός και Μαρία Μαγδαληνή. Σπάνια ξυλογραφία του 1807 από το Χρύσανθος εκ Προύσσης, Προσκυνητάριον της Αγίας Πόλεως Ιερουσαλήμ και Πάσης Παλαιστίνης?, Βιέννη, Ιοάννα Σχραιμβλ, 1807. Διαστ. 20χ30εκ. Επιδιορθωμένο. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5168 Η λίμνη της Τιβεριάδας, ο Ιορδάνης και η Νεκρά Θάλασσα. Σπάνια ξυλογραφία του 1807 από το Χρύσανθος εκ Προύσσης, Προσκυνητάριον της Αγίας Πόλεως Ιερουσαλήμ και Πάσης Παλαιστίνης?, Βιέννη, Ιοάννα Σχραιμβλ, 1807. Διαστ. 20χ30εκ. Εκτεταμένος λεκές. Starting Price: 30 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5166 Η Κανά της Γαλιλαίας. Σπάνια ξυλογραφία του 1807 από το Χρύσανθος εκ Προύσσης, Προσκυνητάριον της Αγίας Πόλεως Ιερουσαλήμ και Πάσης Παλαιστίνης?, Βιέννη, Ιοάννα Σχραιμβλ, 1807. Διαστ. 20χ30εκ. Εκτεταμένος λεκές στην δεξιά πλευρά. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5169 Μοναστήριον του αββά Γερασίμου. Σπάνια ξυλογραφία του 1807 από το Χρύσανθος εκ Προύσσης, Προσκυνητάριον της Αγίας Πόλεως Ιερουσαλήμ και Πάσης Παλαιστίνης?, Βιέννη, Ιοάννα Σχραιμβλ, 1807. Διαστ. 20χ30εκ. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5170 STACKELBERG Otto Magnus, “Lebadee aujourd hui Livadie”, 1834. Double-page lithograph of Livadeia (ΛΙΒΑΔΕΙΑ) from the impressive work “La Grece: vues pittoresques et topographiques dessinees par O. M. Baron de Stackelberg”. Lithograph on thin paper mounted on thick carton (as issued). Engr. Dim. 44x69cm. Marginal light edge-wear & 2 marginal spots. Overall Very Fine. Starting Price: 270 €
Lot. 5171 STACKELBERG Otto Magnus, “Vue Generale De Delphes”, 1834. Large double-page lithograph of Delphi (ΔΕΛΦΟΙ) from the impressive work “La Grece: vues pittoresques et topographiques dessinees par O. M. Baron de Stackelberg”. Lithograph on thin paper mounted on thick carton (as issued). Engr. Dim.44x69cm. Marginal edge-wear & few marginal spots. Overall Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 270 €
Lot. 5172 DUPRE Louis, “Bilesikdji, Armenien / L. Dupre del. / Lith. De Lemercier” from “Voyage a Athenes et a Constantinople, ou collection de portraits, de vues et de costumes grecs et ottomans....” 1825. Rare hand-coloured lithograph dim.28x40cm on sheet 45x60cm. Marginal tears (not affecting lithogr. area), light creasing and light marginal spotting. Starting Price: 400 €
Lot. 5173 The Sunday Magazine, No.245, April 30th, 1836 (8 pages) with a 14x20.5cm engraving on the front page: “The market place, and celebrated plane tree, at Kos”. VF. Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5174 Kopru / William H. Bartlett-XIX. ASIR large 39x26cm b&w engr. from book “The Beauties of the Bosphorus”, Miss Pardoe, 1838. Tears on lower margin, not affecting engr. area. attached with tape on carton frame. Fine. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5176 Remains of the Church of St John Pergamus c.1840 steel engraving drawn by T.Allom, engraved by J.Tingle from R.Walsh “Constantinople and the Scenery at the Seven Churches of Asia Minor”. Engr. Dim.: 19x12.5cm. Few stains mainly along margins. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5179 Malte. c. 1840 steel engraving by Bouargue, publ. by Furne, Paris. Engr. Dim.:14.5x10cm. Tear on right margin otherwise in Fine condition. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5175 Bogazicinde Yalilar / William H. Bartlett-XIX. ASIR large 39x26cm b&w engr. from book “The Beauties of the Bosphorus”, Miss Pardoe, 1838. Tears on lower margin, not affecting engr. area. attached with tape on carton frame. Fine. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5177 Damas (Asie) c. 1860 steel engraving by Auber, “Imp. Gilquin et Dupain de la Calandre 19 Paris”. Publ. by Dufour, Mulat at Boulanger. Fine condition. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5181 Ruines de Palmyre (Syrie) mid 19th century steel engraving by J.Schroeder. Fine condition. Starting Price: 12 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5178 DAMAS c. 1840 steel engraving by Rouargue. Very Fine condition Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 5180 “DELPHI (Site du Celebre Oracle) en Grece” steel engr. drawn by C.Stanfield c.1840. Publ. by “L Institut Bibliographique” Paris. Engr.Dim.: 15x10cm. Marginal ink mark and diagonal crease on upper left margin. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5182 Prince Grigori Gagarine, from the Atlas: Le Caucase pittoresque, Paris 1847. “Tiflis, Vu du jardin botanique”, lithographed by Bayot and Ciceri, after Gagarine.39x30cm in 57x40cm. Paris 1849.Fine lithographed view of the capital of Georgia, Tiflis, with the castle of Narikala in the foreground (843 in Boghossian bibliography). VERY RARE Starting Price: 220 €
-- The following 4 lots present a collection of rare views from the atlas of Tchihatcheff Piotr entitled “Asie Mineure Description physique, statistique et archeologique”, Paris, 1853. Piotr Tchihatcheff (1808-1890) was a Russian naturalist, geologist and the first to undertake a scientific exploration of Asia Minor, including in his work diverse scientific fields such as zoology, geology, archaeology, botanology. The Atlas “Asie Mineure Description physique…”, contains in total only 27 plates, that were being published in livraisons from 1853 and onwards for more than 20 years. All these texts and views are extremely rare. --
Lot. 5183 “Vu de Telaf (en Cahetie)”, lithographed by Ciceri after Gagarine, 38x27cm in 57x40cm. Paris 1847. Fine lithographed view of Telavi in Kakhetia, Eastern Georgia and the Caucasian mountains. (861 in Boghossian Bibliography). VERY RARE Starting Price: 140 €
Lot. 5184 [Unye-Οίναιον] “Palais d’Onie”, 25x21cm, this impressive 17th century Derebey palace was one of the most important landmarks of the Pontic coast in the early 19th century. It was completely destroyed (burned down) later. Drawn and lithographed by Laurens, Paris 1854 (plate 23 of the Atlas). RARE Starting Price: 150 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5185 “Nagara, L’ancienne Abydos (Dardanelles)”, 25x21cm, view from the sea of Abydos and Asiatic site of Dardanelles, drawn by Dorogoff and lithographed by Ciceri, Paris 1853 (plate 7 of the Atlas). RARE Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5186 Maystos (Dardanelles), 26x21cm, view from inland of the small town and the Dardanelles,drawn by Dorogoff and lithographed by Ciceri,(Alexander Dorogoff, a Russian painter travelled with Tchihatcheff in Asia Minor), Paris 1853 (plate 5 of the Atlas). RARE Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5187 “Mosquee de Salonique. Dessin de Girardet dapres M. A. Proust” b&w engr. 17x17cm, from “Le Tour De Monde. Voyage de M. Guillaume...” Paris, 1860. Attached with tape on carton frame. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5188 “Monastere dIveron - Dessin de Karl Girardet dapres une photographie” hand-coloured full-page engraving from “Le Tour du Monde, nouveau journal des voyages”, published in Paris, 1860. Size: 24 x 16 cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 20 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5189 TEXIER Ch. - PULLAN Popplewell R. “CARAVANSERAI THESSALONICA”, 1864. Chromolithography from the “Byzantine Architecture” printed in London. Architectural plans of the Byzantine Inn (Karavan Sarai) of Thessaloniki. Engr. dim.25x38cm. Wooden frame, overall dim.43x57cm. Very Fine. (Πατιερίδης & Σταμάτης, pp.114). Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 5192 Platanes pres de la riviere Eileos full page 24x16cm engr. & “Ruines de Beza-Pyrgos” in “Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5190 “LINVASION” engraving illustrated by Gustave Dore, part of sheet from LIlustration 1868. Dim.19x12cm. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5193 Le defile des Thermopyles full page 24x16cm engr. “Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 magazine pp.85-86, with part of corresponding article. Few brown spots. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5195 Nauplie et la forteresse Palamede full page 24x16cm & “Galeries de Tirynthe” 12x8cm, in “Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 magazine. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5198 Temple de Minerve a Egine full page 24x16cm engr. in “Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 magazine pp.355-356, with part of corresponding article. Few brown spots. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5194 “Portique dAdrien” full page 24x16cm engr. “Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 magazine pp.23-24, with part of corresponding article. Very Fine. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5196 “Vue dArgos et du chateau franc de Larissa” full page 24x16cm engr. in “Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 with part of corresponding article. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5199 Caravane turque full page 24x16cm engr. in “Le Tour Du Monde” 18761878 magazine pp.153-154, with part of corresponding article. Fine. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5197 La plaine de Marathon full page 24x16cm engr. in “Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 magazine pp.345-346, with part of corresponding article. Fine. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5200 Port Panormos, a Scopelos full page 24x16cm engr. & “Pierres encastrees dans une tour du chateau de Scopelos” 16x7cm engr. on reverse, in “Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 magazine Starting Price: 10 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5201 Vue de Delphes full page 24x16cm engr. in “Le Tour Du Monde” 18761878 magazine pp.149-150, with part of corresponding article. Fine. Starting Price: 7 €
Lot. 5202 Monastere de Daphne full page 24x16cm engr. & “Route de Daphne a Eleusis” 12x8cm engr. on reverse in “Le Tour Du Monde” 1876-1878 magazine Starting Price: 7 €
Lot. 5203 View of new Mycenae colour engr. 23x15cm, from the British magazine “The illustrated London News” Feb. 3, 1877. Very Fine. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5205 Visit of the Princess of Wales to Greece: In the Palace gardens, Athens halfpage (16x22cm) engraving on a page from the British magazine “The Illustrated London News”, May 5, 1877. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5206 Our special artist in Greece: Part of the wall of Tiryns, with doorway and passage colour engr. 22x17cm, from the British magazine “The illustrated London News” April 14, 1877. Very Fine. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 5204 Prise de Rhodes par les chevaliers de St. Jean (15 Aout 1310) copper engr. drawn by Feron, engraved by P. Brunelliere, in book “Galeries historiques du palais de Versailles”, Musee national de Versailles, mid. 19th cent. Engr. dim. 19x18.5cm. Faults on white margins, engraved area in Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5207 Visit of the Princess of Wales to Greece: In the Palace gardens, Athens, half-page copper engraving (15x21cm) from the British magazine “The Illustrated London News”, May 5, 1877. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5208 [Architecture] 23 full page lithographies from “La brique ordinaire au point de vue decorative” Paris, Ducher et Cie, 1878. Displaying architectural motifs and various ways to use brick as a decorative element in building constructions, also chimneys, pillars, enclosure walls, gates etc. The chromolithographic plates were lithographed by Daumont and Leveil and printed by Monrocq. Starting Price: 110 €
Lot. 5210 Tourelle pour 2 canons de 15 c/m. Coupe transversale, Ech. 1/10, Societe Norddenfelt, 1-10-1894. Μεγάλο σχέδιο κανονιών του 1894. Very large drawing of two canons, 1894. Size: 70 x 100 cm. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5213 “The sports held by the Royal Welsh fusiliers at Candia, Crete” small print (9x12cm) among others related to the “Celebrations abroad in honour of the Queens Diamond Jubilee” on a page from the British magazine “The Graphic”, July 31, 1897. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5209 “Η ΑΜΙΣΟΣ” engr. 23x14.5 on front page of magazine “ΕΣΠΕΡΟΣ/Εν ΛΕΙΨΙΑ τη 1/ 13 Απριλίου 1883 Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 5211 “Η ΑΜAΣΕΙΑ” engr. 23x17cm on front page of magazine “ΕΣΠΕΡΟΣ/Εν ΛΕΙΨΙΑ τη 15/27 Φεβρουαρίου 1885 Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5212 [Architecture] Collection of 8 full page engravings. 2 engr. from Lambert TH. - Nouveaux elements darchitecture : maisons de campagne et villas. Paris, C. Schmid, c.1890. 4 engr. from “Larchitecture privee au XIXe siecle, sous Napoleon III: nouvelles maisons de Paris et des environs... / par M. Cesar Daly” 1864. Starting Price: 45 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5214 “The Graeco-Turkish War / 1) Interior of a Greek blockhouse: The garrison awake all night expecting to be attacked by three thousand Turks, 2) Men from H.M.S. RODNEY and the PRINCESS STEPHANIE pulling down unsafe ruins in Canea”, two half-page prints on a page from the British magazine “The Illustrated London News”, May 8, 1897. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5217 The Insurrection in CRETE: A turkish war-ship off Platanias shelling Christian villages full front page 24x29cm b&w lithogr. in “The Illustrated London News” 20 June 1896, No.2983. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5215 Prince George of Greece, officers and sailors print (12x15cm) in the middle of a page from the British magazine “Black and White”, May 8, 1897. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5216 The Eastern Crisis: A protestation meeting outside the Royal Palace, Athens whole-page (22x32cm) lithographed print on a page from the British magazine “The Illustrated London News”, March 20, 1897. Also, “Mutiny of the Mussulman gendarmes in Canea: Colonel Bor endeavouring to control the mutineers, and their colonel, Suleiman Bey, shot dead” whole-page print (24x33cm) on back page. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5218 The Eastern Crisis: The Turkish Bastion in Canea, with the flags of the six powers flying whole-page (21x32cm) lithographed print on a page from the British magazine “The Illustrated London News”, March 20, 1897. Also, “Mutiny of the Mussulman gendarmes in Canea: Italian and Russian marines attacking the mutineers” wholepage print (24x33cm) on back page. Starting Price: 25 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5219 The trouble in Crete: Retimo, one of the chief towns of the island, and the scene of many murders by Turkish soldiers front-page (24x30cm) engraving from the British magazine “The Illustrated London News”, Aug. 1, 1896. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5221 Drawing with detailed plan & particulars of the steamship S.S.”ARCADIA”, built by John Readhead & Sons. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5220 The new Commander-in-Chief of the Greek Army half-page photopraphic print in the middle of a page from the British magazine “The Sphere”, Dec. 27, 1900. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5224 Vintage lithograph pre-WWII printed poster of the Governor of Greece Ioannis Metaxas. Printed by Ang. Apergis & Son, Athens. Sized 42x58 cm. Two small wormholes. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5222 “Fragments Antiques Vol. II. / Sarcophage d Alexandre / releves et restauration de Hebrard 1904 / Ch. Schmid Editeur, Heliog. Chauvet, Imp. A. Porcabeuf, Paris” large engraving on thick matted paper. Size: 33 x 23.5 cm. Sheet size: 45 x 32 cm. Light water stain. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5226 STERLING, [CASTELLORIZO, ASTYPALAEA, CALYMNOS, NISYROS (DODECANESE)] four (4) chromolithographic prints: “Castellorizo - peasant, young girl”, “Astypalaea - bridal dress”,”Calymnos - peasant”, “Nisyros - Urban” costumes, ed. [1952], Benaki Museum, Athens, Nos. 3,80,81,81A. Dimensions [35x51 cm]. Starting Price: 80 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Maps & Engravings
Lot. 5227 “Nio” (Ios) early woodcut maps (size 14x8cm.) with Italian text beneath and on verso of a sheet from the Lot. 5228 Second Book of Benedetto Bordone “Libro de tutte Rhodi Citta Fortissima woodlIsole del Mundo” (better known as his Isolario) engraving 8x6.5cm on page from published in Venice. There were six editions between “Supplementi Delle Croniche Lot. 5229 1528-1562. Excellent condition. Ref. Zacharakis del Vernando Padre Frate Jacobo MUNSTER Sebastian. Early Town 501/304. Philippo...” 1535. Small wormhole plan of Rhodes from a German Starting Price: 60 € on top-righr corner of page. ed. of “Cosmografia” 1544-1572. Starting Price: 20 € Woodcut in sheet, dim 12x15cm. One brown spot and few small wormholes, one within map. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5230 MUNSTER S. “New Griechenlandt...” 1544-1572 from “Cosmographia” German ed. The map presents Greece, Aegean, part of Crete & Asia Minor. Cartouche with text “Griechenlandt...”. Size: 37 x 22 cm. Few tears along centre-fold restored. Zacharakis 2439. Starting Price: 140 €
Lot. 5231 RHODUS handcoloured copper engraving of the town of Rhodes (15,5 x 23,5 cm), complete page with wide margins, from the book “Civitates Orbis Terranum” by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg published 1572 in Cologne. Sheet size: 20 x 27,5 cm. Latin text on back. Very Rare. Starting Price: 100 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5232 FERRETTI F. “Ragione VolForma et vera postura delIsola di Rodi”, 15791580, 1604, 1608, rare presentation of Rhodes in round cartographic frame, island surrounded by ship and sea-monsters, dim: 13x9cm. Rare & Fine. Zach.1499 Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 5233 ORTELIUS, Abraham: “Corcyra vel Corfu”, Antwerp, 1595, Italian text. 8 x 11 cm. A delightful copper engraved hand-coloured miniature map of the island of Corfu, decorated with a sailing vessel and a sea monster. From the “Epitome theatri Orteliani” by Philip Galle. Zach. 2515. Starting Price: 100 € Lot. 5234 ORTELIUS Abraham, “Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Corographicus...”, German edition of “Additamentum? 1584, 1591, 1597. Full hand-coloured, first state of this splendid map depicting the travels of St. Paul throughout the Eastern Mediterranean based on various sources. The title cartouche is flanked by two Biblical views including the shipwreck of the Apostle Paul at Malta. At the bottom is a verse of scripture from St. Paul’s letters (Corinthians, 2:5). The Mediterranean Sea is highlighted with a pair of sea monsters and sailing ships. German text on verso. Signs of colour oxidization due to folding, and few small brown spots along middle-fold. Zacharakis 2493. Starting Price: 400 €
Lot. 5235 ORTELIUS A., “CRETA Iouis magni, medio iacet insula ponto. Ex conatibus geographicis Abrahami Ortelij”, 1584-. A handsome map of Mediterranean islands. Large map of Crete and three smaller maps of Corsica, the Ionian Islands and Sardinia. Compiled from both classical and contemporary sources, including Strabo and Plinius. Strapwork cartouches. Latin text on verso. Map dim. 50x34cm. Corner waterstains & tiny 1mm chipped part. Zach.2504. Starting Price: 300 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5236 CORCYRA, CORFV. copper engraved coloured miniature map by Ortelius A., in “Epitome” French ed. (1577-1609). Dim. 11x8cm in a Very Fine condition. Ref. Zacharakis 2516/1627. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5237 PORCACCHI Da Castilione T., “STALIMENE / Descrittione DellIsola di Lenno...” copper engraved map of Lemnos 14.5x10.5cm on a complete page from the book “LIsole piu famose del mondo” 1572-1713. Sheet size: 20.5x30cm. Excellent condition. Zacharakis 2741. Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 5238 “ARCIPELAGO” copper engraved map by Porcacchi da Castilione on a complete page “DESCRITTIONE DELLARCIPELAGO” (p.74) from book “LIsole piu famose del mondo” published in 1605 at Padova. Size: 15x11cm (map), 19x27cm (sheet), VF condition with stain on sheets left part. Ref. Zacharakis 2727/1779. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5240 Mercator G., “CANDIA cum Insulis aliquot circa Graeciam / Per Gerardum Mercatorem / Cum Privilegio” 1589-1638, beautifully hand coloured copper engr. map with inset maps of “Corfu”, “Zante”, “Milo”, “Nicsia”, “Santorini”, “Scarpanto”. Labyrinth placed on centre of map. Latin text on verso. Map dim. 47x34cm. Light toning, otherwise Extremely Fine. Zacharakis 2209. Starting Price: 370 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5241 PTOLEMAEUS, C. “Tabula Europae IX” copper engraved map (17.2 x 12.6 cm.) from the book “GEOGRAPHIAE UNIVERSAE...OPUS...” by G.A. Magini, Venice 1596 (the first Latin edition). Sheet size: 16 x 21 cm. Excellent condition. Ref. Zacharakis 2845. Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5242 PTOLEMAEUS C., “CANDIA INSULA, OLIM CRETA” copper engr. map on sheet entitled “XXII DESCRITTIONE DELL ISOLA DI CRETA, O DI CANDIA” from “Geographia” 1621 Padua ed. by the Galignani brothers. Sheet dim:20,5x29cm, Map dim:18x14cm. Excellent condition. Zacharakis 2856. Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 5243 MERIAN M., “Turcicum Imperium Turkische Reich”, Frankfurt c.1635. Decorative copper plate map of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, finely etched by Matthaus Merian. The cartouche shows a seated Ottoman Emperor saluted by two female military figures. Based on G.Blaeu’s map, this version has the addition of a German title and omits the dedication cartouche. Map dim.36x28cm. Lightly creased corners. Overall Extremely fine condition. Starting Price: 290 €
Lot. 5244 BLAEU “Morea Olim Peloponnesus. Guilj. Blaeu exc.”, 1635-1665. Outline coloured (contemporary) copper plate map of Peloponnese, with dutch texxt on verso. Beautiful title cartouche with crescent on top. Sailing vessels depiction. Extended waterstain onupper map part and along center-fold. Zacharakis.385. Starting Price: 120 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5245 MERCATOR G., “MOREA olim Peloponnesus / Per Gerardum Mercatorem cum privilegio”, from “Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes” 1633, 1636, 1640, 1641. Copper engr. map of Peloponnese from a German edition (german text on verso). Map dim. 41x34cm. One small brown spot, otherwise in excellent condition. Zach. 2208. Starting Price: 180 €
Lot. 5246 MERCATOR G., “Macedonia Epirus et Achaia / Per Gerardum Mercatorem cum Privilegio”, from “Atlas Novus” or “ Descriptio Maris..” 1638-1680. Hand-coloured copper engr. map of central and northern Greece, with decorative title cartouche. Map. dim. 44x36cm. Tear on white margins restored. Zacharakis 2216. Starting Price: 230 €
Lot. 5247 ACHAIAE Noua & accurata DESCRIPTIO. Autore I.Laurenbergio by J. Laurenberg, after 1650 copper engraved map with German text on verso. German edition (not included in Zacharakis) probably by Janssonius “Atlantis majoris” Amsterdam c. 1660.Handcoloured, with two beautiful cartouches. Map Dim: 57x39.5cm, in Very Fine condition with slight browning spots. Zacharakis 1910/1281 Starting Price: 200 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5248 CORONELLI V. M. “S. GIORGIO di SCHIRO” 17th cent. Copper engr. map of the island of SKYROS (Aegean) & fortifications of the monastery of St. George, in page with text. Map. dim. 17x13cm. Sheet dim. 33x46.5cm. Very Fine condition. Not in Zacharakis Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5249 CORONELLI Vincenzo, “SANTA MAURA.” 1686, 1687. High detailed map of Lefkada and the coast of Acarnania, charting the castle of Santa Maura. 3 vertical folds, lightly soiled along middle fold. Overall Very Fine. Map dim. 44x27.5cm. Zacharakis 1049. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5250 DANCKERTS, J., “REGNI HUNGARIAE, GRAECIAE, ET MOREAE ac Regionum quae ei quandam fuere Christiani.../ Novissima delineation per Justinum Danckerum” 1614-1709.Impressive hand-coloured copper engr. map, dim: 59x51cm, with Greece in centre, presenting all the Balkans, Hungary, Romania and parts of Austria, Italy and Germany of the 17th cent. Title cartouche with Christian Saint and armed Hapsburg eagle. Except few repaired tears on the edges the map has an extremely fine overall impression. Zacharakis 1279. Starting Price: 250 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5251 BLAEU G., “Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, Romania / Per Gerardum Mercatorem / Guiljemus Blaeu excudebat”, 1635-1665. Outline hand-coloured copper plate map dim. 51x39cm. Dutch text on verso. The map after Mercator, shows part of the Ottoman Empire: the countries of the Balkans, including part of the Greek province of Macedonia and Thrace across to the Albanian coast with part of Moldavia to the north. Decorative title cartouche surmounted by Ottoman weapons and shield. Marginal age toning. One marginal tear. Zacharakis 390. Starting Price: 260 €
Lot. 5252 Levanto, “Prima Parte dello Speccio del Mare” Genoa, 1664, pages 1-12. Numerous woodcuts presenting astronomical instruments, observations, compass roses etc. Starting Price: 130 € Lot. 5253 SANSON Guillaume, “Geographia Synodica Sive regionum urbium et locorum ubi celebrata sunt Concilia Oecumenica Nationalia Provincialia et Synodi Dioecesanae / Tabula Geographia Prima... Ex Conatibus Geographicis Gulielmi Sanson Nicolai Filii Christianissimi Galliarum Regis Geographi”, c.1667. Full hand-coloured copper engr. dim.40x56cm. Historical map of Europe showing the places that Church councils and Synods have been held. Decorated title cartouche showing a church council in session. Loss of lower right margin, otherwise in Excellent condition. Starting Price: 140 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5254 CORONELLI Vichenzo Maria, Venice 1685. “Citta, e Fort di CORON assediata, e Presa Dalla Serenis Repub MDCLXXXV” copper engr. high detailed plan of Koroni (Κορώνη Μεσσηνίας) and its fortifications depicting the positions of Venetian and Ottoman armies. Dim.44x28cm. NOT in Zacharakis. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5256 CORONELLI V. M. “Isola di STANCHIO o LANGO”, 1688-1707. Highly decorative map of COS island on full sheet with engraving showing the town & castle of COS on reverse entitled “STANCHIO o STANGIO”. Map dim.17x13cm, Engr. dim.17x13cm, sheet dim.37x49cm. Very Fine condition. Zach.1133. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5257 DAPPER O. “Eylant STANKO of LANGO”, 1688 from the “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilande in de Arcipel..” (German ed.). Island of Cos with town fortifications, relief and land use depicted pictorially. Numerous sailing ships. On complete sheet. Map Dim.16x12cm. Sheet dim.20x31cm. EXCELLENT condition. Zach.1301. Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 5259 CORONELLI, V.M. “Parte dell Isola de NIXIA” copper engraved map (17 x 12.5 cm.) on the upper part of a complete page No.231 [complete description of Nixia (= Naxos) in Italian on verso, p.232] from “Atlante Veneto - Isolario del P. Coronelli” published 1696-7. Full sheet size: 37.5 x 50.5 cm. Ref. Zacharakis: 1128/689. Starting Price: 60 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5258 SANSON, N. “TROIANUM REGNUM novem dinasteia complectens, Priami dum regna manebant. Adjecta sunt ea quae etiam innotuere posterioribus temporibus nomina / ex conatibus geographicis Gulielmi Nicolai Sanson filii, regis christianissimi geographi, 1696” copper engraved map from “Atlas Geographique, Contenant Les Cartes pour servir a lintelligence de lhistoire prophane” published by Apud Autorem. Size: 42,4x50,3 cm. RARE. Zacharakis No.3190/2097. Starting Price: 250 €
Lot. 5260 “Is de LERO. CALAMO et de LANGO” copper engraving by MALLET, A. M., publ. in Paris 1683 in “Description de lUnivers” (French edition). Size of the sheet: 14x21cm, Plate: 106x146mm. Zach. 2129. Excellent quality. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5261 B&w map (engrav.) “I.de Micone de Nixia” (=Myconos & Naxos Islands). Size 10x15cm.Printed in 1683 by Mallet. Starting Price: 40 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5262 B&w map (engrav.) “I.de Zea,Thermia et Serifo” (=Kea,Kythnos & Serifos Islands).Size 10x14,5cm.Printed in 1683 by Mallet. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5263 RHODOS handcoloured copper engraving on a complete page from the book “Naukeurige, Beschryving der Eilanden, in de Archipel der Middelantsche zee...” by DAPPER Dr. Olfert, Amsterdam 1688. Size of engraving: 12,5 x 16 cm. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 55 €
Lot. 5265 Alexis Hubert JAILLOT, “Tabula Nova Imperii Turcarum in Europa, Ad Usum Serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis / Estats de LEmpire des Turqs en Europe divises suivant l’estendue des Beglerbeglicz ou govenements... / A Amsterdam chez Covens et Mortier avec Privil.” 1674-1751. Large copper engr. map of the Ottoman Empire in Europe centred on Greece based on Sanson’s maps. Original outline colour. Decorative title cartouche. Handwritten pen notes on lower margin, lower part of middle-fold reinforced on verso. Overall impression Extremely Fine. Scarce. Zacharakis 1702. Starting Price: 280 €
Lot. 5264 CORONELLI V. M. “Le Sdile oDelo” from “Atlante Veneto-Isolario” 16901696 copper engr. dim. 17x13cm on sheet dim. 34x47cm. Map of Rineia & Delos islands. Tears along white margins, waterstain & some foxing. Zach.1124. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5266 LANGO / I.Peeters excudit Jacques Peeters 1690 from “Description des principales Villes, Havres et isles...”. Copper engraved map of Cos isl. depicting pictorially the settlements and relief & 9 sailing ships. In EXCELLENT condition. Zach.2569. Starting Price: 130 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5267 RHODUS (view of port) original copper engraving from “Philonem Chronographum...”, a book published in 1693 in Augsburg. Size: 12,5 x 17,5 cm. This engraving is based on the one that appeared in “Archipelagus Turbatus” published in the same town in 1686. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5268 P. Du Val, “Expeditiones Hannibalis per Hispaniam, Galliam, Italiam, Africam & c., ex Plutarcho & c. / authore Petro duVal abbavillaeo Christianissimi Galliarum Regis Geographo. Patavii ex typographia Semin. Anno 1694 / F. Bertin Sculp” Copper engr. map depicting the areas of Hannibal expedition. Map dim.53x36cm. Light waterstain below title cartouche & one spot on middle-fold. Starting Price: 160 €
Lot. 5269 VALK Gerard & Leonard, “Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa...” c.1700. Detailed map of the Ottoman Empire presenting the extent of the empire from the Balkan peninsula through the Caspian Sea and from northern Africa through the Arabian Peninsula. An inset continues to include the kingdoms of Tangiers and Algeria. The title is engraved at top flanked by a key on the left and distance scales on the right. One brown spot, lightly soiled lower right corner, small marginal worm-holes. Overall in Extremely Fine condition. Scarce. Starting Price: 220 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5270 SANSON N., “[Est]ats de LEmpire du Grand Seigneur des Turcs Europe, en Asie, et en Afrique divise en tous ses Beglerbeglicz ou Gouvernements ou sont aussi remarques les Estats qui luy sont Tributaires dresse sur les plus nouvelles relations / A Amsterdam P. Schenck, avec privil”, c.1702. Impressive map of the Ottoman Empire covering the Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt and Arabia. Outline hand-colouring. Decorative title and scale cartouche. One light brown spot, few marginal tears and light soiling along lower part of middle-fold. Overall Extremely Fine impression. Map dim. 58x46cm. Scarce. Starting Price: 220 €
Lot. 5271 WELLS Edward, “A New Map of the So. & Mid. Parts of antient Greece viz Epirus, Hellas, or Graecia Propria and Peloponnesus, together with the adjoining Islands / Sutton Nicholls sculp.”. Beautifully hand-coloured copper plate map from “A new sett of maps of Ancient and Present Geography” 1700-1738. Map dim.51x38cm. Tear on lower part of middlefold (2cm in engr. area), marginal pinholes. Zacharakis 3674. Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 5272 Merian M., “Peloponnesus Hodie Moreae Regnum Distincte Divisum in omnes suas provincias hodiernas atque veteres cui et adiuguntur Insulae Cefalonia, Zante, Cerigo et St. Maura”. The map appears in 1691, in only one ed. of the “Theatrum Europaeum”. The map offers valuable information as it presents the Peloponnesus of the end of 17th cent. The map share the same title and presents many similarities with De Wit’s map printed ~50 years earlier. Map dim. 38.5x29.5cm. Small tear on upper white margin otherwise Excellent condition. Zacharakis 2293. Starting Price: 180 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5273 SANSON N., HALMA F., “Romani Imperii Occidentalis et Orientalis Decriptio Geographica...” from “Beschryving van oud en nieuw Rome” c.1700. Impressive hand-coloured copper plate map of the Roman Empire, cantered in Mediterranean Sea and extending from Great Britain to the Persian Gulf. Two impressive title cartouches on upper corners “Wreathed Roman emperor holding winged Nike in front of Roman army surrounded by Roman gold coins”. Folded as issued. Except a small light waterstain in lower edge, the map has an overall Excellent impression. Map dim. 86x38cm. Starting Price: 500 €
Lot. 5275 “Het Eilant STANDIA” Decorative hand colored in wash engraved map from the “Description exacte des Isles de l Archipel...” by O. Dapper, French edition, 1703. Size: [17 x 13 cm]. Condition: Excellent, in frame. Ref. Zacharakis No. 902. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5276 SANSON Nicholas, “Kaart van de Reis-Tochten en Verblyf-Plaatsen der Heilige Apostelen Petrus en Paulus... door N. Sanson te Amsterdam by R. en G. Wetstein”, from “Geographica Sacra”, Amsterdam, 1704. Interesting map of the Eastern Mediterranean presenting the travels of the Apostles Peter and Paul and those places visited during the journey from Jerusalem to Rome. Large inset plan of Jerusalem and decorative title cartouche flanked by Solomon and a high priest. Map dim. 53x37cm. 3 vertical & 2 horizontal folds. Few small brown spots. Zacharakis 3200. Starting Price: 140 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5277 CHATELAIN H. A., “Carte Historique et Geographique de lancienne Grece, avec des remarques curieuses pour lintelligence de lhistoire”, from Chatelians monumental 7 volume “Atlas Historique”, 1705-1720,1721, 1732-1739. Names of Greek cities, kings, poets, heroes are framing the map. Map dim. 44x33.5cm. Wide margins. Self adhesive tape along middle fold. Zacharakis 917. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5278 CHATELAIN H. A., “Carte Geographique de lAsie Mineure avec un Etat des Premiers Rois Qui lont Possedee Avant que de Passer Sous LEmpire des Romains & Sous La Domination Des Turcs” c.1710. Detailed map of the Mediterranean Region, framed with the names of the Kings and Rulers before the Roman empire. Map dim. 45x38cm. Zacharakis 921. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5279 Halma, Franciscus (Francois): “Descriptio Paradisi et Terrae Canaan, regionumque a Patriarchis primum habitatarum” copper engraved map of Canaan, Armenia, Syria, Mesopotamia and Arabia, published 1707. 33.1cm x 20.9cm plus margins. Water stains. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5280 SENEX John, “Daciarum Moesiarum et Thraciae Vetus et Nova Descriptio / John Senex sculpt.” c.1710. Appealing hand-coloured map of North Greece and the Balkans centered on the Danube River, decorated with an allegorical strapwork cartouche. Map dim. 24x20cm. Folded as issued. Extremely Fine. Zacharakis 3342. Starting Price: 95 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5281 Hanc Lyciae, Cariae, Ioniae, Aeolides, Troados, insularumq, adjacentium, tabulam...[William Musgrave] / p.17 hand-coloured copper engraved map by Mela, Pomponius, from “... De situ orbis libri tres, ad omnium Angliae & Hiberniae codicum mss. fidem, summa cura & diligentia recogniti & collati...Iscae Dunmoniorum [Exeter]. Typis Farleanis. Apud Philippum Bishop. MDCCXI” [1711]. Rare map. Zach. 2904/1896. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5282 [Thom. Waterhouse]...hac Syriae, Ciliciae, Pamphyliae, cum porrecta inter illas Cypro inf... / P.14 25x18cm. hand-coloured copper engraved map by Mela, Pomponius, from “...De situ orbis libri tres, ad omnium Angliae & Hiberniae codicum mss. fidem, summa cura & diligentia recogniti & collati...Iscae Dunmoniorum [Exeter]. Typis Farleanis. Apud Philippum Bishop. MDCCXI” [1711]. Rare map. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5283 MOLL H., “A Chart of the Mediterranean Sea According to Monsr. Berthelot &c.”, London c.1710. Attractive and accurate map of the Mediterranean with small inset map of Gibraltar, from Herman Moll Britains greatest cartographer of the eighteenth cent.. Information taken from Berthelot. Compass rose, rhum lines. Excellent hand colour. Pieces of self adhessive tape on edges on verso. Overall Very Fine copy. Starting Price: 280 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5284 TOURNEFORT J. PITTON, “Isle de Thermia”, 1717 copper engr. map of the island of Kythnos. Map dim. 10.5x16cm. Slight foxing. Zach.3529. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5285 “Die Stadt Rhodes. Rhodes” Copper-engraving. Small decorative birds eye view of the city of Rhodes with its port, ornated with ships in the foreground. Artist: Mallet, Allain Manesson. Published: Frankfurt, 1719. Size: [ca. 15 x 10 cm]. Condition: Excellent, hand-coloured. Ref. Zacharakis p.108. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5286 WEIGEL Christoph, “Portae Ottomanicae regna & ditiones per Europam, Asiam & Africam diffusae summo studio descriptae”, Nuremberg, c.1720.Highly detailed map of the Ottoman Empire, including the eastern Mediterranean, the Black, Caspian, Red Seas and the Persian Gulf. Title cartouche features two Moorish figures in full costume, eagles and a fierce cat’s face. A reduction of Homann’s map of the Turkish Empire, engraved by Michael Kauffer of Augsburg for Koeler’s Atlas Manualis. Extremely Fine condition. Map dim. 29x36cm. Starting Price: 170 €
Lot. 5287 WEIGEL C., “Danubius & Ister cum dominio Turcico in Europa... / Michael Kauffer sculpsit”, 1720, 1730, 1755. Scarce hand-coloured copper plate map featuring the Turkish domain in Europe. Centred in Greece, the map is focusing on the countries of the Danube river basin from Germany to the Black Sea. Figurative title cartouche. Middle-fold partly reinforced. Lightly faded along middle-fold. Overall extremely fine impression. Zacharakis 3662. Starting Price: 180 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5288 Delisle G., Covens J. & Mortier C., “Carte de la Turquie de lArabie et de la Perse / A Amsterdam Chez Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier” from “Atlas Nouveau” c.1720. Superb map of the Ottoman Empire stretching from the Balkans through present-day Turkmenistan in the north and including Northeastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The map is packed with information and decorated with a fine title cartouche. Restoration along lower part of of center-fold, lower margin and corner. Map dim. 57x46cm. Starting Price: 180 €
Lot. 5290 Die Insel Lero, Calamo und Lango / Isles de Lero, Calamo, et de Lanco 10x15cm. hand-coloured engraved framed map. Cartographer: Mallet, Allain Manesson. Published: Frankfurt. Date: 1719. Excellent condition. Zach. 2129/1393. Starting Price: 50 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5291 CHATELAIN Henry Abraham, “Nouvelle Carte pour Servir a lHistoire de lEmpire dOrient Depuis les Premiers Empereurs Romains Jusques Apres les Successeurs de lEmpereur Theodose avec des Tables et des Remarques Trens Instructives”, from “Atlas Historique” c.1720. Copper plate map presenting the extent of the Roman Empire into Asia. Framing additional information and an index to the major cities on the map. Strong impression, very light toning.Overall Very Fine. Map dim. 58x50cm. Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 5292 SEUTTER G. M., “Peloponnesus Hodie MOREA ad normam Veterum... / Cum Gratia et Privil S. R. I. Vicariatus...”, 1725-1753, striking large hand coloured copper engr. map, 58x49cm, presenting Peloponnesus along with Zante, Cefalonia, Cerigo, Leykada islands. Towns, settlements, fortifications in high details, mountains & forests pictorially presented. Impressive cartouche showing victorious Venetian Lion of San Marco fighting the Turks. Restoration along middle-fold (paper pulp), lightly faded along middle-fold. Zacharakis 3345. Starting Price: 180 €
Lot. 5293 ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, “ASIA MINOR in suas partes seu provincias...1756” 1749-1793, hand coloured copper engr. map from “Atlas Universel”. Asia Minor, Turkey, Cyprus & South coasts of Black Sea. Map dim. 58x46cm. Self adhesive tape on margin edges on verso, slight foxing otherwise Very Fine. Zach.2919. Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 5294 MARE MEDITERRANEUM, juxta Regna.../ Cum Gratia... Juris Franconici Seutter M., large handcoloured copper engr. map, c.1730. Dim.: 57x50cm presenting in high details the regions bordering Mediterranean Sea. Beautifull title cartouche with Neptune, wind-god & sailors. Restoration along centerfold, small waterstain on lower right side, small chip on upper left corner. Starting Price: 140 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5295 Lot. 5296 “Carte des Premiers Ages du Monde. Geographie Pierre DU VAL, “Alcibiadis Expeditionum Tabula Geographica ex Ecclesiastique de la Turquie, dAsie et de la Perse. Plutarcho Auctore P. du Val Abbavillaeo Christianissimi Galliarum Par Robert de Vaugondy Geogr. Corrigee par le Cn. Regis Geographo / A Paris Ches le Sr Robert...1730”.Large copper Lamarche son Succesr. An III. de la Repub? Franc? engr. map 56 x 35 cm. Outline hand-coloured. Strong impression with Gravee par E. Dussy.” Copper engraved map on wide margins. A striking historical chart of Greece and its islands thick paper, with later hand colouring of the country illustrating the expeditions of Alcibiades. The map also covers the boot borders, published 1795. Centerfold as issued. Map of Italy, part of Sicily, the western shore of Turkey and part of Crete. size: 24.5 x 24 cm. Paper size: 46.5 x 31.5 cm. Two Decorated with an engraved decorative title cartouche. Extremely Fine wormholes on top center (outside map area) o/w VF condition. Zacharakis 3569. Starting Price: 50 € Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 5297 BYZONDERE KAART VAN DE LANDEN DAAR APOSTOLE... Covens J. & Mortier P., in “Atlas antiquus, sacer, ecclesiasticus et profanus” 1735, by Le Clerc. Beautifully coloured copper engr. map, presenting the travel of St. Paul from Rome to Jerusalem. The wide map frame includes Italy, Easter Mediterranean, Greece, Turkey, Middle East & Southern Balkans. Depiction of mountains & vegetation. Map. dim.47x40cm. Minor tear on lower margin. Very Fine. Starting Price: 160 €
Lot. 5298 HOMANN J.B., “Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa...”, c,1737. Gorgeous map of the Ottoman Empire, extending from the Persian Gulf and Red Sea to the Mediterranean and Caspian Seas., centered on Cyprus. High detailed with an attractive cartouche. Map dim. 49x56cm. Middle-fold reinforced, soiled along middle fold, one light small stain on upper part. Starting Price: 260 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5299 Delisle G., “Tabula Geographica Provinciarum et Urbium Colonia Romana... 1715”, c.1745. Outline hand-coloured copper plate map of the provinces of the Roman empire in Greece, Turkey, Cyprus & the Middle East. Wide margins, nice impression, light fading along middle-fold. Zacharakis 1374. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5300 TIRION Isaak & LOVERINGH Jacobus, “Kaart van de landen en plaatzen in de handelingen der apostelen” c.1750. Hand-coloured copper engr. Map of The Apostles Travels. Map dim.45x30cm. Folded as issued. In Excellent condition. Scarce. Starting Price: 110 €
Lot. 5301 TIRION Isaak. “Niuwe Kaart van het TURKSCHE RYK...”, c.1750. Attractive copper engraved map of the Ottoman Empire in Europe & Asia. Dim.36x30cm. Light foxing & tiny tears along white margins. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5302 DANVILLE J.B.B., “The East. Drawn by Mr DAnville for Rollins Antient History”, mid 18th century. Hand-coloured map of middle East including Cyprus. Paper reinforced on right margin. Overall Very Fine. Map dim. 35x27cm. Starting Price: 70 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5303 SALMON M. A., “Carta geografica del Levante Veneto o sia delle isole del Mar Jonio nella Grecia”, from “Atlas”, ed. G. Albrizzi 1740-1754. SCARCE map of Greece & Asia Minor of the 18th century. Dim.43x33cm. Tear on right margin repaired & very light occasional toning. Zacharakis 3097. Starting Price: 150 €
Lot. 5304 VAUGONDY De, Robert. “Antiquor? Imperiorum tabula, in qua prae caeteris, Macedonium seu Alexandri Magni Imperium et Expeditiones exarantur”,Paris, 1753. Copper plate map extending from Greece and Caspian sea to Arabian Sea. Almost the whole of Arabia is blank and unexplored with few parts indicated. The campaigns of Alexander the Great are traced by a dotted line. Printer s crease parallel to middle-fold. Inset map of part of India and a decorative title cartouche. Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 5305 Homann Heirs, “Imperii Turcici Europaei Terra in primis GRAECIA...” 1741 copper engr. map of Ottoman Empire extending from Corsica-Sardinia to Black Sea & Balkans to Egypt, including Cyprus. Cartouche with 25 medallions-coins of ancient Grece. Map dim. 57x51cm. Hand-coloured. Restored along middle-fold. Starting Price: 170 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5306 “Divers ports sur lIsle de Termie” (Κύθνος). Copper engr. by Joseph Roux, from “Recueil des principaux plans des Ports...”, Pl. 148, ed. 1779. Dim.: 123x180mm., in frame. Very good condition. This atlas of Mediterranean harbor charts was first published in 1764. Zacharakis No. 2024. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5307 Port de Piscopi, Pl.148 copper engraved portolano map 123x184mm. + margins, engraved by J. Roux, published in “Recueil des principaux plans, des ports et rades de la Mer Mediterranee..., Marseille, 1764”. Zach. 3049/2011. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5308 NAPLES DE Romanie Copper eng. by Joseph Roux, prob. from “Recueil des principaux plans des Ports...”,editions 1764, 17779, 1795. Pl.93.A, Engr.Dim: 19.2x12.5. One worm hole otherwise in very fine condition. NOT IN Zacharakis catal. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5309 Port de Schiato (Σκιάθος). Copper engr. by Joseph Roux, from “Recueil des principaux plans des Ports...”, Pl. 157, ed. 1779. Dim. 122x184mm., in frame. Very good condition. This atlas of Mediterranean harbor charts was first published in 1764. Zacharakis No. 2022. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5310 “PORT Lion autrefois Port dAthenes” J. Roux 1779 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports...” by J.J. Allezard, Pl.96, ed. 1779. Copper eng. map, Dim.: 19x13.5cm. Self adhesive tape on verso not affecting the map area, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 3026/1988 Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5311 Golfe De Stanchio J. Roux, 1779 from “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports...”, ed. by J.J. Allezard, Pl.134. Copper engraved map “Golf of Kos” depicting BODRUM Peninsula & Gulf of GOKOVA. Two stain spots. Ref. Zach. 3052/2014. Starting Price: 30 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5312 A page from the first edition of the famous book “M[arie] G[abriel] F[lorent] A[uguste] Comte de Choiseul-Gouffier: Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece, c.1, Paris, 1782” with the plates 60: “Plan de la ville et de ports de Rhodes / Redige par F. Kauffer & Grave par J. Perrier” & 61: “Vue du port des bateaux a Rhodes A,P.D.R. / Dessine par J.B. Hilair & Grave par N.C. Varin”. Sheet size: 31 x 48 cm. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5314 CHOISEUL - GOUFFIER M. G. F. A. Comte de, “Plan de lIle de DELOS”, from “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece”, Paris, 1782. Copper engr. map on single sheet of DELOS island. Map dim. 24x36cm. Light toning on margins, engr. area Very Fine. Zach.939. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5313 CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER M. G. F. A. Comte de, “Vue du Village de St. George de SKYROS A.P.D.R.” & “Carte de lIle de SKYROS”, from “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece”, Paris, 1782. Copper engr. view & map of Skyros island on single sheet, dim.33x51cm. Light spotting. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5315 CHOISEUL - GOUFFIER M. G. F. A. Comte de, “Plan du Golfe et des Iles Volcaniques de SANTORIN”, from “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece”, Paris, 1782. Copper engr. map on single sheet of SANTORINI island. Map dim. 24x36cm. Light toning on margins otherwise Very Fine. Zach.937. Starting Price: 50 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5316 CHOISEUL - GOUFFIER M. G. F. A. Comte de, “Carte detailee de la Route de LAuteur, Depuis le Meandre, jus quan Golfe dAdramytti” from “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece”, Paris, 1782. Copper engr. map of Asia Minor. Map dim. 24x36cm. One brown spot, otherwise Very Fine. Zach.957. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5317 CHOISEUL - GOUFFIER M. G. F. A. Comte de, “Vue dun Chateau et de Plusieurs Tombeaux pres des Ruines de Telmissus A.P.D.R.” & “Plan du Golfe De MACRI anciennement Claucus Sinus”, from “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece”, Paris, 1782. Copper engr. view & map on single sheet, dim.34x52cm. Light toning, large tear on right margin not affecting rngr. area. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5318 Comte de CHOISEULGOUFFIER, KAUFFER F., “Plan du port St. Antoine sur l Ile de Lemnos” from “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece” 1782. Map dim.36x24cm. Poor condition. Υδρογραφικός χάρτης του λιμανιού του Αγίου Αντωνίου στη Λήμνο. Φθορές. Zacharakis 943. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5319 DUNN Samuel, “Second Part of Turkey in Europe, Containing Valakia, Croatia, Dalmatia, Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria and Albania, with the Roum-Ili, Morea and Archipelago...1786”, from “A new atlas...” 1786. Detailed map of the Balkans extending from Crete to the Black Sea, centered on North Greece. Nice detail throughout. Moderate foxing, spot on top of title and a 7cm tear at the left centerfold. Var of Zacharakis 1435. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5320 ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon D,: “Orbis Romani Pars Orientalis Auspicus Serenissimi Principis Ludovici Philippi, Aurelianorum Ducis, Publicijuris Facta / Auctor D ANVILLE ... Published 12th may 1794 by LAURIE and WHITTLE, No. 53, Fleet Street, London” large copper engr. map with handcoloured outline from “D Anville, J. B. B., Complete Body of Ancient Geography, Laurie and Whittle, London, 1795.”. Sheet size: 55 x 72 cm. Map size: 55 x 66 cm. Condition: Stained along centerfold, o/w very fine. A large and dramatic J. B. B. D Anville map of the eastern part of the Roman Empire. Covers from Greece (Graecia) and Dacia east as far as Babylonia, Arabia and Armenia. Extends south as far as Thebes in Upper Egypt. Includes the eastern part of the Mediterranean (Mare Internum) and the Black Sea (Pontus Euxinus). Details mountains rivers, cities, roadways, and lakes with political divisions highlighted in outline color. Decorative title cartouche bearing the Roman Eagle appears in the lower left quadrant. Includes eight distance scales, bottom right, referencing various measurement systems common in antiquity. Text in Latin and English. Drawn by J. B. B. D Anville in 1764 and published in 1794 by Laurie and Whittle, London. Ref. Zach. 122/95. Starting Price: 200 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5321 L. S. de la ROCHETTE, “Griechenland der Archipelagus und ein Theil von Anadoli nach der Charte von L.S. de la Rochette London 1790”, from “General Atlas” 1791 & 1794 and “Antiquities of Athens” 1794. Appearing in only 3 ed. this scarce map provides valuable information about the place-names of Greece and Asia Minor in the end of 18th century. Title cartouche. Folded as issued. Occasional toning, one small tear on fold, overall Fine. Map dim. 55x39cm. Zacharakis 2941. Starting Price: 120 €
Lot. 5323 DANVILLE, J. B. B.: “The COASTS of GREECE and the ARCHIPELAGO: from DANVILLES Atlas, Executed under the patronage of the DUKE of ORLEANS. Engravd for Jn.o Harrison No.n5 Newgate Street. London April 1, 1788. Haywood del.” handcoloured engraved map. Sheet size: 52 x 42 cm. Map size: 46 x 33 cm. Torn & repaired with tape at lower left cornerc. Ref. Zach. 118. Starting Price: 100 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5322 DANVILLE J.B.B., “Graeciae Antiquae specimen Geographicum in quo Macedonia, Thessalia, Epirus, Achaia wt Peloponesus...MDCCLXII Venetiis Apud P. Santini...” inset: “Graeciae (laxe sumptae) Partes Boreales”, from “Atlas Universel”, 1776, 1784. Beautifully hand-coloured copper engr. map of Greece with inset map of Macedonia. Impressive title cartouche. Light signs of waterstain on right edges. Map dim. 50x58cm. Zacharakis 102. Starting Price: 130 €
Lot. 5324 Franz Johann Joseph von REILLY, “Die Landschaft Romanien”, from “Schauplatz der funf Theile der Welt...” 1789, 1791 (only two editions). Hand-coloured map of parts of Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria (including Constantinople), with indication of main settlements. Map dim.30x22cm. Excellent condition. Zacharakis 2892. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5325 POIRSON Jean Baptiste, “Carte generale du Levant... pour servir au voyage de C. S. Sonnini en Grece et en Turquie,... / par J. B. Poirson, ... gravee oar J.B.D. Tardieu”, c.1799 from “Voyage en Grece et en Turquie...” Paris, ed. by F. Buisson. Impressive (100x91cm!) map of the eastern Mediterranean, centering on Aegean Sea & Turkey and including Cyprus & the Holy Land. Folded as issued. Two marginal tears (one slightly touching the limitis of the engr. area). Zacharakis 2726. Starting Price: 500 €
Lot. 5326 Lot. 5327 PHILIPPE DE PRETOT, ?Carte Generale de la Turquie d LECHEVALIER J.B., CASSAS L. F., “Carte de la Troade, Europe, et de la Hongrie?, from only two 1787 editions. Handlevee par J. B. Lechevalier et L.F.Cassas en 1786”, from the coloured. An interesting map of Greece, Turkey, the Balkans and “Description of the plain of Troy.” 1791, 1794, 1799. Large Black Sea. Place-names of the end of 18th cent. Decorative title copper engr. map dim. 55x40cm, depicting in high details cartouche. Extremely Fine. Map dim. 41x28cm. Zacharakis 2626. the topography of the Troy plain & part of Tenedos island. Starting Price: 75 € Zacharakis 2014. Starting Price: 100 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5328 “TURQUIE DEUROPE. Par M.Bonne, Ingenieur Hydrographe de la Marine”, 1787 copper engraved map by R.Bonne from “Atlas encyclopedique contenant la geographie...”, Paris. Engr. Dim.: 35x24cm. Depicting southeast Europe with Greece in centre of map and scale at lower right corner. Light brown stains, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 468/277. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5329 “Suite Du Royaume De Bithinie. Depuis lAn 3689...”, c. 1790, colour engr. map of ancient Bithynia, with descriptive historical text & decorative frame cartouche. Map dim. 51x35cm. Slight foxing & abrasion along centerfold. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5330 BAARSEL C. Van, “La Grece ancienne pour lInteligence de lHistoire Romaine, de M. Stuart. 1796” & inset map of Macedonia entitled: “Les parties les plus etendues Septentrionals de la Grece...” from “Histoire Romaine” by M. Stuart, 1796. Scarce map of Greece & ancient Macedonia. Copper engr. 47x53, folded as issued. Title cartouche. In Excelent condition. Zacharakis 166. Starting Price: 110 €
Lot. 5331 LECHEVALIER J. B., “Plan de l Ile de Zante / Grave par B. Tardieu...” from “Description of the plain of Troy..” 1791, 1794 & 1799 (only 3 editions). Impressive copper plate map of Zakynthos (ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ) with relief and land use depicted pictorially. Map dim.35x25cm. Chipped parts of lower white margin, not affecting the engr. area that is in Extremely Fine condition. Zacharakis 2011. Starting Price: 120 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5332 FADEN William, “European Dominions of the Ottomans, or Turkey in Europe”, from “General Atlas” 1797. Large (73x55cm), outline coloured copper plate map of Greece, Balkan Peninsula, southern Ukraine and Russia, all of the Black Sea, and Asia Minor. Filled with detail including roads connecting major cities. Impressive title cartouche. Self adhesive tape along part of centre-fold and part of edges, few tears along edges. Zacharakis 1468. Starting Price: 170 €
Lot. 5333 Untitled map of the end of 18th century, impressive dim.82x54cm, outline hand-coloured. The map frame extends from the shores of Egypt to the Black Sea and from Greece to Armenia & Iraq, including part of the Balkans, Turkey, Cyprus & Syria. Extended scale on lower right. Four traces of folding & mainly marginal wear. Self adhensive tape on small parts along centerfold. Starting Price: 270 €
Lot. 5334 VAUGONDY R. DE, “Turquie Europeenne Par Le Sr. Robert”, c.1800. Copper engr. map of European parts of Ottoman Empire centered in Greece & including part of Southern Balkanbs Minor Asia, part of Italy & Creta. Copper engr, outline coloured, large title cartouche with bust of “Mahomet II. Light creases, slightly faded, chipped part of right white margin. Var. of Zacharakis 2912. Starting Price: 80 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5335 VAUGONDY R. DE, “Imperii Occidentis Tabula synoptica.”, c.1800. Copper engr. map outline coloured, dim.59x50cm, with large margins. Map of the Western part of the Empire of Julius Caesar. The map includes Western Europe, up to the east coast of Greece & the western part of the Mediterranean. On the left a table with Latin names of the different ancient regions and towns with their translation into modern toponymy. Slightly faded. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5336 “Turkey in Europe and Hungary” engraved by J.Barlow and published in 1806 by Brightly & Kinnersley, Bungay in Suffolk, in the Rev. E.Blomfields “A Complete and Universal Dictionary”. Copper engraved map with full subtle handcolouring. Simple, attractive cartouche to bottom right hand cornern. Size 21.5 x 18.5 cm. plus margins. Good condition. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5338 Copper engraved map of Greece, Asia minor, southern Balkans and Crete in lower left inset, “Published Nov.1st.1814 by S & G.Neele 352 Strand”, with “J WHATMAN/1813” paper watermark, size: 28x43cm in excellent condition. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5337 “TURKEY IN EUROPE by John Cary. London Published by J. Cary Engraver & Mapseller No. 181 Strand June 1. 1813” copper engraved map from “Carys new universal atlas...”. Engraved area measures 23 x 29 cm. Large margins all around. VF. Starting Price: 40 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5339 THOMSON J. “TURKEY in ASIA” 1817, engr. by Dessauville W. Hand coloured copper engr. map of the Ottoman Empire in Asia, the map frame extending from Asia Minor to Iran & from Black Sea to Egypt. Including Cyprus & Middle East. Map dim.: 51x39cm. In Excellent condition. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5340 “Carte Reduite de la Partie Meridionale de lArchipel redigee dapres les travaux executes, dan les annees 1818 et 1819 par M. Gauttier Capitaine de Vaisseau Seconde par M. Benoist Ingenieur Hydrographe de la Marine... 1827” attractive engraved French nautical chart of the coast and the islands of the Southern Aegean Sea. Size: 92x61 cm. This is the rare edition without the hachuring of coastal mountains. VF except for a small wormhole in Piscopi Starting Price: 250 €
Lot. 5341 Lapie Pierre M., “Candie Criti ou Crete…”, Paris 1825. Impressive (81x55cm) separate printed lithographic map of the island, including inset plans of the main towns: “La Canee”, “Port de la Sude”, “Retimo”, “Candie”, “Plan du Labyrinthe”. Attached on linen. Based on French military semi triangulations for the land (map referred to officers Dumas and Hase), accurate sea charting surveys of the Hydrographer Capitaine Gautier for the island coastlines and several traveller observations for place names. Very important, probably the first scientific and accurate map of Crete, a reference for the mapping of Crete up to the very end of 19th century. Published in a critical year (1825) for the Greek revolution, especially for Crete island. In original case with wear on extremities. Very light spotting. EXTREMELY RARE. Starting Price: 700 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5342 GREECE/London Published Jan.4.1825 by A & S Arrowsmith No.10 Soho Square copper engraved map No 19 prob. for “Comparative Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography”, size: 23x30cm, condition: VF. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5344 NORTHERN GREECE/With the Islands./London Published Jan.2.1828 by A.Arrowsmith Hydrographer to His Majesty No.10 Soho Square copper engraved map by A.Arrowsmith, map 15 of “Comparative Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography”, size: 23x29cm,condition: VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5343 GRAECIA SEPTENTRIONALIS cum INSULIS,/London Published Jan.2.1828 by A.Arrowsmith Hydrographer to His Majesty No.10 Soho Square copper engraved map by A.Arrowsmith, map 15 of “Comparative Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography”, size: 23x29cm, condition: VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5345 Ancient Macedonia, Thracia, Illyria, Moesia, and Dacia. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. J. & C. Walker sculpt. Published March 1st. 1830 by Baldwin & Cradock, 47 Paternoster Row, London. (1844). Steel engraved map with country borders hand coloured. Size 39 x 32 cm. plus good margins. Very good condition. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5346 Asia Minor, Gulf of Kos / YEDI ATALA / by Commander Saumarez Brock, H.M.S. Magpie, 1838 27.5 x 28.5 cm. steel engraved map on thick paper, engraved by J. & C. Walker, “published...at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty Jan. 1st 1844”. VF. Starting Price: 40 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5347 Turkey in Europe Greece & Hungary. Engraved by S Hall. London Published by Longman & Co. Paternoster Row. (plate XV) from “An Atlas of Modern Geography” by Samuel Butler, published c.1840. Copper engraved map with outline hand colouring and in fine condition, measuring 19 x 25 cm. map area only, with good margins beyond. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5348 Petit Bocas de SAMOS copper engraved map, complete page No. 48, prob. from “Recueil des Principaux Plans des Ports... Genes 1848...” with works of the cartographer Joseph Roux. Size: 17 x 22,5 cm. Sheet size: 21,5 x 29 cm. Some stain spots - mainly on the margins. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5349 Two maps “Call & Inglis MAP of Ancient ASIA MINOR 1850” & “Call & Inglis MAP of Modern ASIA MINOR 1850”. Handcoloured large (54x45cm) lithographic maps presenting Ancient & modern placenames of Turkey, extending from Black Sea to Cyprus & from Aegean to Armenia. Cut of one corner on one map, folded corner on other map. Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5350 TARDIEU A. “TURQUIE DEUROPE & GRECE” mid. 19th cent. steel engr. map of Balkans, Greece & Asia Minor. Detailed & accurate topography & hydrography. Outline hand coloured. Map dim.34x43cm. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5351 Turkey in Asia. Drawn & Engraved by I. Dower Pentonville, London. London, Published by Orr & Compy. Amen Corner, Paternoster Row. from “A Desciptive Atlas of Astronomy and of Physical and Political Geography” by Rev. Thomas Milner...” published 1850. Copper engraved map printed on one side only on good quality thick paper. Size: 27 x 21 cm. plus large margins. Very good condition. Starting Price: 30 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5352 TURKEY IN EUROPE / GREECE AND THE IONIAN ISLANDS / BY T. ETTLING. Four (4) lithographed (by E. Weller) maps from “The Weekly Dispatch Atlas” published London 1860. Later hand colouring. Each sheet measures 430mm x 310mm (map area only) with margins beyond, on light grade paper, blank verso. Very fine condition and an attractive scarce set. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5354 ASIA MINOR by Edwd. Weller F.R.G.S. / Engraved by Edwd. Weller, 34 Red Lion Square large finely engraved hand coloured original lithograph early map of Turkey & Cyprus, engraved by Edward Weller and published in 1860 for The Weekly Dispatch Atlas by Cassell, Petter & Galpin London. Country borders outlined in pink. Size: 425 x 305 mm. Traces of previous folds. Starting Price: 35 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5353 TURKEY IN EUROPE / GREECE AND THE IONIAN ISLANDS / BY T. ETTLING. A lithographed (by E. Weller) map from “The Weekly Dispatch Atlas” published London 1860. Later hand colouring. 430mm x 310mm map area only, with margins beyond, on light grade paper, blank verso. Fine condition other than a couple or repaired small cuts at margin and a few stain spots. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5355 Turkey in Europe, Greece & Ionian Islands by A.K. Johnston, F.R.S.E., Engraved & Printed in Colours, William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & London. (Plate 14), c.1865. Large Map with centerfold - Binders tape on reverse side to keep the map sturdy and intact. Blank on reverse side. Size 27 x 35 cm. Very good condition. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5356 RAPKIN J. “ASIA MINOR” c.1856 (Tallis J. London) Original outline colour. Double page steel engr. map concentrating on modern Turkey. Three vignette illustrations including one of Rhodes. Decorative scrolling and title cartouche around the edges of the image. Stamp of Barrow Public Library on verso. Map dim. 24.5x32.5cm. Very good condition. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5357 Negropont to Gulf of Kassandra including Gulf of Saloniki, corrections up to 1905. Impressive chart dim.65x100cm, extending from Thermaikos Gulf and Chalkidiki peninsula to the Pagasetic Gulf, including the islands of Skiathos and Skopelos. Creased, tear on right centrefold (mainly marginal), one extra horiz. fold. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5358 Map of the OTTOMAN DOMINIONS in ASIA with the adjacent frontiers of the Russian and Persian Empires... WYLD J. 1855/1864 large 50x70cm hand coloured, high detailed map. Presenting the extent of Ottoman Empire, including Turkey, Cyprus, Anatolia, Middle East, Irak, Iran etc. Tears along margins. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5359 “Carte DES ILES DE RHODES, KOS, &. et des Golfes de Kos, Doris, Symi et Marmariee. Dressee par Mr. Keller, Ingenieur Hydrographe. dapres les travaux du Capit_ne Th. Graves. Publiee...1855, Corrige en 1859-1865. 1866. Sept.1886” large French maritime map, folded vertically in the center. Thick paper. Size 95 x 65 cm. VF. Starting Price: 200 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5361 “Turquie dAsie et les provinces du Caucase / Gravee par Sengteller; dressee par A.T. Chartier geographe” ed. J. MIgeon, Paris, 1873. Handcoloured engraved map with an inset of Smyrna. Size: 35 x 48 cm. Centerfold as published. VF. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5360 Greece Chiefly According To The English Admiralty Surveys & Keipert. Drawn by Augustus Petermann. F.R.G.S. Engraved by G.H. Swanston. (with) The Northern Ionian Islands. L. A. Fullarton & Co. Edinburgh, London & Dublin. published 1872, from “The Royal Illustrated Atlas, Of Modern Geography...”. Double page map with original outline colour. Size: 40.9 x 53.7 cm. map area only. Binders tape on reverse side to keep the map sturdy and intact. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5363 “De la Turquie D Europe”, end of 19th cent. Unidentified handcoloured copper engr. map, including Turkey, Black Sea, Turkey, Greece & the Balkans. Balkan “states” are highlighted both on map & the extensive text framing the map. Very Fine condition, wide margins. Zacharakis 3785. Starting Price: 90 € Lot. 5362 DELAGRAVE Ch. “Carte Du Theatre De La Guerre”, c.1877, large 62x94cm. map of the RUSSO-TURKISH WAR. Detailed map centered on Black Sea & Crimea, including Greece, Turkey & Cyprus. Hand coloured according to the colour key of the map. Tears along foldings, one hole 1cm & few tiny holes. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5364 Nice colour map “Portion of Turkey in Europe amd North Greece” by Letts Son & Co.Ltd, London. Details of the region in 1880 (import & export of merchandise). Nice. Starting Price: 75 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5365 “The BALKAN PENINSULA / Quarto Atlas Series. Stanfords Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W.” full colour lithographed map from “Stanfords Atlas of Modern Geography”, published 1892. Size: 26 x 32.5 cm. Very good condition. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5366 A. Philippson: Geologische Karte des westlichen Kleinasien Batt 6, publ. 1914 by Gotha: Justus Perthes. Geological map of Asia Minor (Bodrum Marmaris & Antalya) with indication of archaeological sites. Lithographic map dim.67x60cm. FINE Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5367 ΧΑΡΤΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΝΕΑΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ, Έκδοσις Εσπερίας, Λονδίνον 1920 large colour lithographed map of the “New Large Greece” printed in London, 1920, printed by “Έκδοσις Εσπερίας” (“Esperia” printing house). Size: 50x70cm. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5368 ROMA 1928: Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche Legge 7 Aprile 1921 - N.610 & “Pianta della Rete (Linee tramviarie e di autobus in Esercizio al 1o Septembre 1928 - anno VI) Azienda delle tramvie e Autobus del Governatorato di Roma”. Two maps maps on single sheet of Rome dated in 1928. Dim.53x74cm. Small tear. Overall Fine. Starting Price: 25 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5369 “SALONIQUE” Service Geographique de LArmee, 1925. Map of central & Northern Greece from the series “Balkans” of Armee dOrient. Scale 1:1000000, detailed road network & place names. Meridians from Paris. Map dim. 55x39cm. Small tears along folds, crease on upper margin, some places circled by pencil. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5370 ΤΟΠΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟΝ ΔΙΑΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΤΗΣ ΠΟΛΕΩΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ / ΚΛΙΜΑΞ 1:10000. Detailed plan of Thessaloniki c.1935, hand-drawn in black ink on tracing paper. Some areas (dashed lines) in Harilaou are probably under construction. Plan dim.76x42cm. One tear on left edge & small water-stains on corners. In frame. (“Θεσσαλονίκης Ανάδειξις...” pp.318). Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 5371 Town Plan of Thessaloniki, 512 Fd. Survey Coy., R.E., 1944, scale 1:10000. Acurate plan of the town based on air photograph dated 1943. An extensive numbered “Key to government municipal and industrial establishments” is provided, locating the hotspots of the economic, administrative and everyday life of that period. Map dim.92x64cm. In frame. Creases mainly along folds & corners & some brown spots. (“Θεσσαλονίκης ανάδειξις...”, pp.326). Starting Price: 100 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5372 Lot. 5373 “Touring Club Italiano “Touring Club Italiano Milano / Carta delle zone Milano / Carta delle zone turistiche d Italia / VAL turistiche d Italia / GOLFO GARDENA, CATINACCIO, DI NAPOLI - FOGLIO I GRUPPO di STELLA, (NAPOLI, IL VESUVIO, MARMOLADA” folded I CAMPI FLEGREI, colour litho. map in folder. ISCHIA)” folded colour litho. Scale 1:50.000. Size 80x54 map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. cm. Cartographer P. Size 80x55 cm. Cartographer Corbellini, 1929. With 8 P. Corbellini, 1930. With 8 pages index of names. VF. pages index of names. VF. Starting Price: 5 € Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5374 “Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta delle zone turistiche d Italia / S. MARTINO DI CASTROZZA E LE ZONE ADIACENTI” folded colour litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 80x56 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1930. With 8 pages index of names. VF. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5375 “Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta delle zone turistiche d Italia / MERANO E DINTORNI” folded colour litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 40x54 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1928. With 4 pages index of names. VF. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5376 “Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta delle zone turistiche d Italia / BOLZANO E DINTORNI” folded colour litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 54x40 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1928. With 4 pages index of names. VF. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5378 “Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta delle zone turistiche d Italia / LA RIVIERA di SAN REMO, OSPEDALETTI e BORDIGHERA” folded colour litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 75x60 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1929. VF. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5379 “Touring Club Italiano Milano / Carta delle zone turistiche d Italia / LA RIVIERA DI LEVANTE DA GENOVA A SESTRI” folded colour litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 80x36 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1928. With 4 pages index of names. VF. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5377 “Touring Club Italiano Milano / Carta delle zone turistiche d Italia / IL CERVINO E IL MONTE ROSA” folded colour litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 80x54 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1928. With 8 pages index of names. VF. Starting Price: 5 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5380 “Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta delle zone turistiche d Italia / PALERMO, LA CONCA D ORO E DINTORNI” folded colour litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 80x45 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1928. With 8 pages index of names. VF. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5382 Greek map of Africa 1931, dim.70x90cm. “Χάρτης της ΑΦΡΙΚΗΣ / Έκδοσις Μιχαήλ Ι. Σαλίβερου / Εν Αθηναις 1931”. Έγχρωμος αναδιπλούμενος χάρτης συν. διαστ. 70χ90 εκ. με ένθετο χάρτη “ΣΤΟΜΙΑ ΝΕΙΛΟΥ”. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5381 “Touring Club Italiano - Milano / Carta delle zone turistiche d Italia / GOLFO DI NAPOLI - FOGLIO II (LA PENISOLA SORRENTINA, SALERNO, CAPRI)” folded colour litho. map in folder. Scale 1:50.000. Size 80x53 cm. Cartographer P. Corbellini, 1930. With 8 pages index of names. VF. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5383 ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟΣ ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΚΟΣ ΑΤΛΑΣ, επιμέλεια Γ. Α. Καρατζά και Χ. Δασκαλάκη, Περιοδική Έκδοσις ΠΡΩΪΑΣ, Αθήνα 1936. Πρώτος τόμος. Με πολυάριθμους αναδιπλούμενους χάρτες. Πανόδετο. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5384 1:200.000 Turkey sheet E.2 AYVALIK British colour lithographed map reproduced by 512 A.Fd. Survey Coy., R.E., March 1942, revised and reprinted by 512 Fd Survey Coy., R.E. Aug. 1943. Information taken from Greek & Turkish maps. Size: 90 x 58 cm. Starting Price: 20 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5385 Small School Map of Greece by D. Diamantopoulos, printed 1948. Interesting colour map with 39 prefectures plus one of the newly annexed Dodecanese and Cyprus. Size 56x60cm. VF & scarce. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5386 Γεωφυσικός χάρτης της Ασίας, Εκδοτικός οίκος Ν. Αλικιώτης & Υιοί, Αθήνα, Β? Έκδοσις 1947, Λιθ. Β. Παπαχρύσανθου. Χρωμολιθόγραφος χάρτης διαστάσεων 70χ100εκ. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5387 Large Print Map of Europe / Produced under the directions of Alexander Gross F.R.G.S, Geographia Map Co, c.1950. Wall map of Europe dim.135x100cm. Fair condition. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5389 Ideal map of the United States for Quick Reference / Including 1950 census, Geographia Map Co. Map dim.52x45cm. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5391 Colour.map of main London (“Picture Map of London”) containing many details for the tourists issued by “Fr.Chichester”. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5388 “RODI” by “Ufficio Cartografico della C.T.I. (Consociazione Turistica Italiana)” from “Edizione provvisoria 1941 - XIX per lIstituto Geografico Militare” large colour map, scaled 1:500.000, showing the SW cost of Turkey and the islands of Rhodes, Simi, Piscopi, Nisiro, Coo, etc. Size: 65 x 55 cm. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 5390 ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΗ ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΑ 1957 (Σχεδιαγράμματα), υπό Νικ. Λυγιδάκη, Αθήνα 1957. Military Geography book with 24 colour-lithographed military maps of areas incl. North Epirus, WesternCentral-Eastern Macedonia & Thrace, Bulgaria & Serbia, Asia Minor & Turkey, Cyprus, Middle East, Albania, Italy, Europe, etc. Size of the book: 25x33cm. Size of the maps varies. VF. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5392 “Χάρτης της νήσου ΚΑΣΟΥ”, chromolithographed map of the island Kassos (75x58cm.), a reproduction (probably from the 1970s) of the map included in the book “ΕΠΙΤΟΜΟΣ ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ ΤΗΣ ΝΗΣΟΥ ΚΑΣΟΥ και η περί αυτής επιστολή του Γάλλου περιηγητού Σαβαρη, σ. 72, Έκδοση Αλεξάνδρεια, τυπογρ. Ι. Κ. Λαγουδάκη, 1894”. Starting Price: 60 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5393 Mittelmeer / Turkische Kuste / Bodrum bis Fethiye large hydrographic map Nr.614 of the German Hydrographic Institute of Hamburg, edition of October, 1976 (with 8 detailed maps incl. some of the Dodecanese islands). Size: 115 x 90 cm. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5394 Agaisches Meer / Haffen und Ankerplatze der Kykladen und Dodekanes, Blatt III large hydrographic map Nr.1091 of the German Hydrographic Institute of Hamburg, edition of March, 1978 (14 detailed maps of islands). Size 115x85cm. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5395 Ιωάννης ΠΥΡΛΑΣ. Δύο επιστολές προς τον Έλληνα ιατρό και πολιτικό σταλμένες το 1844 και 1857 από το Παρίσι και την Αθήνα. Η μία σταλμένη από υιό του τον ενημερώνει ότι δουλεύει συχνά στον υπουργό?. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5397 Οδιγίαι περί διαλογής των Ψήφων 4 Μαϊου 1865. Βασίλειον της Ελλάδος, Το Υπουργείο των Εσωτερικών, Αρ. εγκ.81. Σελίδες 7. Starting Price: 35 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5396 Αγωγή Ενώπιον του ΕΙΡΗΝΟΔΙΚΕΙΟΥ ΑΜΑΛΙΑΔΟΣ 20.3.1852. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5398 GRECE ACTUELLE / Precis geographique, Apercu historique, Administration, Statistique, two-page extract from a printed Atlas, c.1874. Interesting information. Size: 47 x 35 cm. VF. Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 5399 Σχέδιο Υδροδότησης Αθήνας και Πειραιά από τη λίμνη Στυμφαλία π.1889 / Athens & Piraeus Water Supply Plan c.1889. Αναλυτική τεχνική μελέτη με τίτλο “Assainissement de la Ville d’Athenes / Estimation” & “Assainissement de la Ville du Piree / Estimation”. 20 σελ (αρίθμηση από σελ.55) + 1 αναδιπλούμενος χάρτης και 2 αναδιπλούμενα σχέδια, 14 σελ. με αναλυτικούς πίνακες. Στον αναδιπλούμενο χάρτη κλίμακας 1:200000 αποτυπώνονται το αρχαίο υδραγωγείο του Αδριανού, καθώς και δύο εναλλακτικές χαράξεις του προτεινόμενου δικτύου με επισημάνσεις τούνελ και αγωγών. Τα σχέδια παρουσιάζουν με λεπτομέρεια το προφίλ του έργου με αναφορά στις τομές, τις αποστάσεις, του υψομέτρου κτλ. Στους πίνακες παρουσιάζονται αναλυτικά τα οικονομικά στοιχεία του έργου. Με την πρόταση του έργου είναι πιθανόν να σχετίζεται ο μηχανικός Ηλίας Αγγελόπουλος που το 1889 κατέθεσε αντίστοιχες μελέτες και προτάσεις. Επίσης είναι πολύ πιθανόν η μελέτη να είναι έργο του αρχιμηχανικού της Γαλλικής Αποστολής Δημοσίων έργων στην Ελλάδα, Ε. Quellenec που διενήργησε σειρά σχετικών μελετών ενόψει πιθανής υδροδότηση της Αθήνας από τη Στυμφαλία. Διαστάσεις χάρτη και σχεδίων 80χ31εκ. Starting Price: 280 €
Lot. 5401 Smyrne 1895. “EΡΓΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ Δ. ΙΣΗΓΟΝΗ” 10/22.2.1895. Complete sheet, watermarked paper. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5400 “PARROCCHIA SANCTAE MARIAE SMYRNARUM” (the parish of St. Mary in Smyrna), “i.n.d.a.” printed certificate of baptism, dated 9 January 1891, with ecclesiastic handstamp & administrative “CONSOLATO D ITALIA IN SMIRNE”. Text in Latin. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5402 ΦΙΛΟΠΤΩΧΟΣ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΚΥΡΙΩΝ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΔΡΟΜΙΟΥ (Πέρα Κων/πόλεως / Pera, Constantinople). Receipt for 120 gr., annual subscription in the club, issued on 17th January, 1890, printed at the Neologos printing house in Constantinople. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5403 ΠΡΟΞΕΝΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ ΕΝ ΣΥΡΙΑ Βηρυτός 1892 / GREEK CONSULATE OF SYRIA BEIRUT 1892. Ετήσιο διαμονητήριο σε έλληνα υπήκοο με σφραγίδες “ΠΡΟΞΕΝΕΙΟΝ Τ. ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ ΕΝ ΒΗΡΥΤΩ” Starting Price: 40 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5404 Three (3) receipts from Galati, Rumania, all dated 1894, two for telegrams sent to Chios and one issued by the harbour master, giving permission for boarding on a ship sailing to Chios. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5405 Πίνακας αναλυτικής καταγραφής 31 ετών υπηρεσίας στο Εμπορικό Ναυτικό, ναυτικού (Μηχανικός) από την Τροιζήνα για το διάστημα 1899-1937. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5407 Πληρεξούσιο Αθήνα 1905 σχετικό με την πώληση γης στο χωριό ΔΑΦΝΕΣ, επαρχίας ΤΕΜΕΝΟΥΣ - ΚΡΗΤΗ. Το έγγραφο αναγνωρίζεται και από τις αρχές της ΚΡΗΤΙΚΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑΣ. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5409 4 έγγραφα Αυτοκρατορικής Αδείας του 1907 σε παλαιοΟθωμανική γραφή, με αρνητικές σφραγίδες και ένα ενημερωτικό σημείωμα στα ελληνικά (“Τεσκερές κοινοποιών την έκδοσιν του Υψηλού Αυτοκρατορικού διατάγματος...”). Starting Price: 20 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5406 Printed merchant document of Monsieurs Evangelou & Yannikis in Smyrna, dated 13/26 November 1900, with Ottoman revenue affixed & cancelled. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5408 Πίνακας αναλυτικής καταγραφής 10ετούς υπηρεσίας στο Εμπορικό Ναυτικό, ναυτικού (δίπλωμα Κυβερνήτη) από την Ζάκυνθο για το διάστημα 1904-1922. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5410 ΙΕΡΑ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΙΣ ΧΑΛΔΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΕΡΑΣΟΥΣ - Άδεια Γάμου. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5411 Ottoman Signet Ring dated AH 1327 (1909) prob. for wax sealing or negative cachet. Origin probably Chios island. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5412 Printed letterhead of Thomas Georgiadis, agent of the Steam Navigation Company “Archipelago Hadji Dhaout Farkouch” in Rhodes, written on September 7, 1909. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5415 1914-1926: Two (2) documents with revenues and administrative cachets from places of Volos: Zagora, Euxeinoupolis. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5413 1913-1933: Five (5) Documents with administrative cachets from Amades (Chios), Kastron (Achaia), Grevenosoulion, Domokos, Cefalonia. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5416 Lot. 5417 ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ / ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ / ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ 12.2.1914. Επίσημο ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ έγγραφο διορισμού Αγρονόμου 1914. Δύο επίσημα στην περιφ. Ηρακλείου, με έγγραφα, το ένα με κυκλική κυκλική σφραγίδα και υπογραφή σφραγίδα και υπογραφή του του Γενικού Διοικητή (Λουκάς Γενικού Διοικητή (Λουκάς Κανακάρης - Ρούφος). Κανακάρης - Ρούφος). Starting Price: 20 € Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5419 HIGH COMMISSION OF GREECE IN SMYRNA printed letter-sheet, dated 9 November 1919, with handwritten letter of a soldier addressed to his sister, with information about the weather and the postal services conditions, together with an independent narrative chronicle. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5414 ΔΗΜΟΣ ΕΡΥΘΡΩΝ 1914. Πιστοποιητικό με σφραγίδα δήμου και υπογραφή δημάρχου. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5418 1916-1923: Two (2) documents with revenues and administrative cachets from places of Arcadia: Falanos, Dara. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5420 Smyrne 25.8.1920, Notarization document (Πληρεξούσιο) drawn up the Greek Orthodox Council of Elders Office (Δημογεροντία Σμύρνης), with three cachets: “ΥΠΑΤΗ ΑΡΜΟΣΤΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ ΣΜΥΡΝΗ”, “ΙΕΡΑ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΙΣ ΣΜΥΡΝΗΣ” & “ΟΡΘ. ΔΗΜΟΓΕΡΟΝΤΙΑ ΣΜΥΡΝΗΣ 1903”. Starting Price: 40 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5421 Φάκελος που περιέχει: 1) Αντίγραφο Γεν. Ισολογισμού Χρήσης 1921-22 των Φαρμακείων Γ. Μωραίτου στη Σμύρνη, 2) Φύλλο συνταγής, 3) Τιμολόγιο με εντυπωσιακή εικονογράφηση, 4) Έγγραφο της Banque Imperiale Ottomane, 5) Προξενικό έγγραφο με Οθωμανικά & Βρετανικά χαρτόσημα & σφραγίδες Προξενείων Ολλανδίας & Βρετανίας, 6) 2 έγγραφα της Υγειονομικής Υπηρεσίας Σμύρνης και 7) 2 μεγάλες φωτογραφίες με απόψεις του εσωτερικού & του προσωπικού του φαρμακείου. Starting Price: 140 €
Lot. 5422 Printed receipt of deposit of 10.000 Marks at the Orient Bank, Branch of Smyrna, dated 24.12.1920. Ottoman revenue affixed & cancelled. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5423 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΣΜΥΡΝΗΣ / Διεύθυνσις Οικονομικών 19.10.1921. “Φύλλον Ταυτότητος”. Σφραγίδες και υπογραφή του διευθυντή οικονομικών. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5426 HIGH COMMISSION OF GREECE IN SMYRNA printed sheet, dated 13 July 1921, typewritten addressed to the Ministry of Military Operations in Athens, with violet administrative cachets of the Hellenic High Commission in Smyrna & other administrative handstamps of the Ministry. Starting Price: 15 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5424 ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ 1922. Τρία (3) έγγραφα: δύο διαταγές και ένα φύλλο Πορείας με σφραγίδες “ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922 - 11 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ”, “ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΙ ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΙΑΣ”, “ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟΝ ΥΓΙΕΙΝΗΣ, ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΙΛΗΨΕΩΣ” & “ΦΡΟΥΡΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ”. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5425 Private check, issued on 26th JuLY, 1920, drawn on the Irving National Bank of New York City. VF. Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 5427 Care booklet belonging to a reservists family from Eski Sehir in Asia Minor, issued in Athens on 14 November, 1922. Handstamps of the American Red Cross in Greece and a handstamped note that 2 blankets were given to the family. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5430 Πίνακας αναλυτικής καταγραφής 3ετούς υπηρεσίας στο Εμπορικό Ναυτικό, ναυτικού από την Θεσσαλονίκη για το διάστημα 1924-1939. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5434 ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΣ ΠΑΛΑΙΟΜΑΝΙΝΗΣ ΑΚΑΡΝΑΝΙΑΣ & ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΣ ΑΣΤΑΚΟΥ. Έγγραφο για απονομη στρατιωτικής σύνταξης. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5429 ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ Γυμναστικός Σύλλογος Θεσσαλονίκης 23.5.1922. Πρόγραμμα Β Ετήσιων Εφηβικών και Αθλητικών Αγώνων. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 5428 A printed receipt of the Treasury Services of the province & municipality of Smyrna, issued on 12th March 1922, for the collection of owed construction taxes. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5432 Piraikos League 1894 / dance soiree for night schools / at the South Faliron Station Hotel / personal invitation issued on 21st February 1925, with violet handstamp of the League. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5431 ΦΩΤΑΡΙΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ - Compaagnie Internationale Du Gaz. 1925. Λογαριασμός φωταερίου. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5433 Private check, issued on 10th June, 1927, drawn on the Bank of Coney Island New York City, with 5 different cachets of the Bank of Laconia, Sparti & Athens branches. VF & scarce. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5435 ΔΙΕΘΝΗΣ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ / FOIRE INTERNATIONALE DE SALONIQUE 1930. Δελτίον Αποδοχής Εκθέτου / Carte DAdmission. Official fair cachets. Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5436 Ministry of Transport / Department of Postal Savings / Confirmatory statement for a deposit over 3000 drachmas issued in Mytilene on 16th Nov. 1930, enclosed in official envelope & posted in town of Mytilene, with arr. canc. on back. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5437 Lot. 5438 Λιμενάρια ΘΑΣΟΣ 1930. “Αδεια ΦΙΛΑΡΜΟΝΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ Οινοπνευματοποιού Α Κατηγορίας”, ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ. 2 Documents dated “Πρωτόκολλον Αποσφραγίσεως Αμβύκων in 1930 & 1937 with circular cachets Οινοπνευματοποιών Α Κατηγορίας” & “ΦΙΛΑΡΜΟΝΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΣΕΠ. “Πρωτόκολλον Σφραγίσεως Μηχανημάτων 12. 1840”. Κατάλληλων προς Απόσταξιν Οινοπνεύματος”. 3 Starting Price: 10 € φύλλα με σφραγίδες “ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΣ ΚΑΣΤΡΟΥ ΛΙΜΕΝΑΡΙΩΝ”. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5439 Lot. 5440 Certificate of the Standard Document of the Central Greek School of Thanos J. Committee of the island of Liberopoulos in the district of Lesvos, for the raising of Pangrati, issued on September funds for the refugees of Asia 29, 1931. Minor, issued in Mytilene on Starting Price: 5 € 13 August, 1931. It is referred to the distribution of goods to the refugees in Plomari. Starting Price: 15 € Lot. 5443 MAC ANDREWS & FORBES Company. SOKE. Turkey in Asia”. 1935. Referee letter for an employee of the SOCHIA FACTORY. Greek fiscals & round cachet. Starting Price: 15 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5441 ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΣ ΑΡΧΟΝΤΟΧΩΡΙΟΥ ΑΚΑΡΝΑΝΙΑΣ 1931. Αίτηση για απονομή στρατιωτικής σύνταξης. Σφραγίδα κοινότητας Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5442 ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ Απόδειξη δρχ.200. 25.11.1935. Χαρόσημο και σφραγίδα τράπεζας. Starting Price: OFFER
Lot. 5444 Ναυτικόν Απομαχικόν Ταμείον - Δίπλωμα Συντάξεως, 87 δρχ. 1936. Το “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ” έχει χειρόγραφα διαγραφεί και συμπληρωθεί το “Βασίλειον της Ελλάδος”. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5445 Lot. 5446 Σ. ΛΥΚΟΥΔΗΣ Ναύαρχος. Πράξη κατάσχεσης αγαθών Έγγραφο της Υδρογραφικής λόγω χρεών προς την εφορία: Υπηρεσίας 29.12.1939, για “Esattoria Imposte e Tasse την αποστολή του ναυτικού Governative - Coo / Atto di βιβλίου “Πλοηγός Τομ. ΙΙΙ Pignoramento di fitti”, Act of β μέρος” στο Υποναύαρχο seizure of goods due to debts Σ. Λυκούδη. to the tax office, issued in Cos Starting Price: OFFER island, on 14th December 1940. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5447 Βιβλιάριο Ταχυδρομικού Ταμιευτηρίου / Postal Savings Bank Deposit Book issued in 1940 by the Central Office in Athens. Very fine. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5448 ΦΥΛΛΟΝ ΑΤΟΜΙΚΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΕΩΣ σε Πολιτική επιστράτευση, εκδοθέν την 10.3.1941, στην Καλαμάτα, από τη Νομαρχία Μεσσηνίας. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5451 Patriarchate of Alexandria, 1943. ΠΑΤΡΙΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑΣ / Έρανος υπέρ ανοικοδομήσεως του Ναού του Αγίου Μηνά... Αλεξάνδρεια 1943. Starting Price: 5 €
Lot. 5449 Lot. 5450 Greek Consulat in Δύο Έντυπα ΕΠΙΤΑΞΗΣ ΚΤΙΡΙΟΥ Constantinople 1943. “Β. στην οδό Σόλωνος 13 από τα Γ. Προξενείον της Ελλάδος Γερμανικά στρατεύματα κατοχής εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει”, στην Αθήνα, 1942. βεβαίωση για εγγεγραμμένη Starting Price: 20 € στο Προξενικό Μητρώο Ελληνίδας. Σφραγίδες και υπογραφή του Υποπροξενου. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5453 ΒΙΒΛΙΑΡΙΟΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΣ - Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων, 1945. Υποκατάστημα Βόλου. 5 σελ. με χαρτόσημα και σφραγίδες. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5452 Δελτίο Ταυτότητας / Identity Card issued by the Police in Athens, on 30th May 1945. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5455 Απόφαση 1948. Αναγνώριση θανάτου ναύτη του Α/Π “ΝΙΚΟΚΛΗΣ” “εφονεύθη ή επνίγη κατα συνέπεια πολεμικής αιτίας ναυαγίου... 14/7/1941”. Starting Price: 10 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5454 ΚΑΠΡΑΛΟΣ Τάκης. Αποχαιρετιστήρια δακτυλογραφημένη επιστολή κατά την διάρκεια της αναχώρησής του με την ΕΣΑΣ (Εθνικός Σύνδεσμος Ανωτάτων Σχολών) για την Ήπειρο προκειμένου να συμμετάσχει στις επιχειρήσεις κατά των κατακτητών στο πλευρό του Ναπολέοντα Ζέρβα. Ο Τάκης Καπράλος ήταν από τα βασικότερα στελέχη της φοιτητικής οργάνωσης ΕΣΑΣ το 1942 και βασικότερος εμπνευστής της συγκρότησης του Ιερού Λόχου, την μάχιμη μονάδα του ΕΣΑΣ. Τον Ιούνιο του 1944 (στις 3 Ιουνίου όπως αναφρεται στην επιστολή) ο Καπράλος μαζί με περίπου 30 μέλη του ΕΣΑΣ καταφθάνουν στην Ήπειρο και εντάσσονται στον 6ο λόχο. Μετά από πολλές συμμετοχές σε μάχες και μεγάλες απώλειες ο Τάκης Καπράλος σκοτώνεται τον Ιούλιο του 1944 στη μάχη του Αρχαγγέλου στην Πρέβεζα. Η επιστολή παρότι έχει ένδειξη «Άθήναι τη 1/6/1944» έχει γραφτεί μάλλον κατά τη διάρκεια της μετάβασης στην Ήπειρο. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5456 Αδεια Ταξειδίου 1950 από Ελληνική Βασιλική Χωροφυλακή, για την μετάβαση γυναίκας από Αθήνα προς Ρόδο. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5457 Smyrne / Σμύρνη 1902. Loterie De LOrphelinat Grec de Smyrne - 4me tirage le 11 Mai 1902 / Λαχείον Ορφανοτροφείου Σμύρνης - Β περίοδος του 31ου έτους. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5459 Ελληνικός Κινηματογράφος. Αφίσα μεγάλων διαστ. 100x70cm από την ταινία “ΕΠΙΚΙΝΔΥΝΗ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ”, 1961. Εκτύπωσις “Β. ΠΑΠΑΧΡΥΣΑΝΘΟΥ”. Διπλωμένη, σε καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 50 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5458 Κάτω χωριό Φουρνής - Λασίθι - Κρήτη π.1955. Δύο χρηματικά εντάλματα από το εκκλησιαστικό συμβούλιο Κάτω Χωρίου Φουρνής και μία χειρόγραφη απόδειξη. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5460 1.10.1963. Προκήρυξη της Τοπικής Επιτροπής της Ενωσης Κέντρου στην Κάλυμνο, για συμμετοχή του λαού στον Ανένδοτο Αγώνα του Γεωργίου Παπανδρέου. Λείπει κομμάτι από την επάνω γωνία του εντύπου. Starting Price: OFFER
Archive Photographs Lot. 5463 Επίδαυρος Epidaurus c.1870. Local sheperd, photographed within the ruins of ancient Epidaurus. Albumen photo mounted on thick carton. Albumen dim 14x21cm, overall dim.27x35cm. In Excellent condition. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 5461 c.1860. prob. D. Constantinou. Rare photo, with handwritten title on mount “The Theseum from between Areopagus & the Acropolis”. Dim.37x28cm, attached on carton. Almost EXCELLENT condition. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5462 Athens & Malta, seven (7) albumen photographs c.1860 (34.5x24cm). Six early photos of Athenian antiquities & one of Maltas fortifications. All except one attached on 3 thick cartons, with handwritten captions. 4 photos with faded edges, overall Fine condition. Starting Price: 220 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5464 Church of Panaghia KAPNIKAREA, c.1870. Albumen photo (20x14cm) on carton with title in italian (red pen on carton). Numbered “53”. SCARCE. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5465 MORAITIS P. Monument of Lysicrates. Early c.1870 albumen photo 13.5x20cm. Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5466 MORAITIS P. Four (4) early c.1870 albumen photos ~25x19cm of Athenian antiquities: Pnyx, Temple of Athena Nike, Erechtheion & Caryatids and Areopagus. Few corner & horizontal crease, otherwise in Fine condition. Starting Price: 140 €
Lot. 5467 Acropolis c.1870. Nineteen (19) early photographs on six (6) cartons prob. detached from photo album depicting various views of Acropolis - Athens. 5 photos dim.~26x21cm, 14 photos dim.~14x20cm. Most numbered in negative (various types of numbering). Titles & detailed captions on mounts in pen & in French. Unknown photographers. Very Good to Fine condition. Starting Price: 150 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5468 MORAITIS P. (ΜΩΡΑΙΤΗΣ Πέτρος). c.1870. Four (4) photos, dim.25x19.5cm, depicting monuments of Acropolis & the city of Athens. Numbered: “18”,”19”,”24”. Attached on carton. Slightly faded. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5469 Athens c.1870. Albumen photo (27x21cm), presenting a panoramic view of the city of Athens. Unknown photographer. Faded edges. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5472 ΜΩΡΑΙΤΗΣ Π. - MORAITES P. c.1875. Panoramamic view of “Athens environs” consisted by two (2) albumen photos (total dim.62x23cm). Signed “P. Moraites 2.”. One glued on thin carton. Signs of glue (foxing) on one photo. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5470 Continued in next page
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5470 Athens c.1875. Eight (8) large albumen (27x22cm) photos on four thick cartons, depicting the city, views of Acropolis and monuments, Athens Cathedral and the Royal Palace. Few brown spots, photos in Fine condition. Descriptions in pen. Unknown photographer. Starting Price: 160 €
Lot. 5471 [ΜΩΡΑΙΤΗΣ Π.] Eight (8) large albumen (33x25cm) photos c.1875, with impressive views of Acropolis and its monuments. One signed “P. MORAITIS” and few numbered. Overall Fine condition. Starting Price: 100 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5473 Seven (7) albumen photos c.1875. Presenting scarce views of Kerameikos, Theatre of Herodes Atticus, Eleusis (2), Mycenae, Argos & Acrocorinth. dim.27x20cm, attached on thick cartons. Unknown photographer. Photos in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 180 €
Lot. 5474 Smyrna - Izmir c.1880. Two (2) albumen photos (24.5x20cm) depicting the town with Mont Pagus & Aqueduct. Unknown photographer. One with creased upper edge, slightly chipped along edges. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5475 Acropolis c.1880. Unknown photographer. Two (2) photos (24.5x18cm) on 2 thick cartons presenting Scarce views of Acropolis. Titles on mount in pen. Some light brown spots. Starting Price: 100 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5476 The Old Royal Palace (Greek Parliament) & Syntagma Square. c.1880. Real photo (photomechanic), numbered “7”, dim.30x22cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5478 ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ Κ. - ATHANASIOU K. c.1880. Two (2) albumen photos (21x26cm) presenting rare views of Areopagus & the Tower of Winds in Athens. Numbered in negative, attached on single carton. Handwriten titles in pensil. Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5477 ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ Κ. - ATHANASIOU K. c.1880. Six (6) albumen photos (26x21cm) depicting Acropolis monuments. Numbers in negative. Four photos attached on two thick cartons. Very Fine. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5479 ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ - Thessaloniki, Paul Zepdji (?), Vintage albumen photo c.1880. Σπάνια αλμπουμίνα που απεικονίζει τον Ναό Αγίων Αποστόλων με εμφανή τον μιναρέ. Χωρίς λεζάντα ή σφραγίδα φωτογράφου. Διαστάσεις 26.5x20.4cm. Ελαφρές τσακίσεις. Starting Price: 85 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5480 Athens - Acropolis c.1880. Photographer prob. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ Κ. - Athanasiou. Six impressive sized (38x28cm) photographs (photo-mechanic?) attached on three thick cartons (two photos on each carton). Numbered in negative. Very Fine. Starting Price: 200 €
Lot. 5481 [ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ Δ.] Acropolis - Athens, c.1880. Seventeen (17) large size (39x28cm) photographs with scarce views of Acropolis and its monuments as well parts of town, from large photographic album. In one photo Parthenon photographed with wideangle lens. One with photographer sign. “D. Constantin” in negative. All numbered in negative, some with K. Athanasiou numbering. Rare collection. Starting Price: 500 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5482 Athens c.1880. Unknown photographer. Five (5) albumen photos (18x24cm) depicting Acropolis monuments & Schliemann house in Athens. Slightly creased. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5483 Larisa / Λάρισα c.1884. Albumen photo from the photographer D. Michailides, Adrianople / Δ. Μιχαηλίδης, Ανδριανούπολη. Title in negative “Λάρισσα 1”. Μια από τις πιο πρώιμες γνωστές φωτογραφίες. Lightly creased with small strike spot. Dim.29x22cm. Starting Price: 180 €
Lot. 5484 Meteora Holy Monastery of Varlaam / Μετέωρα Μονή Βαρλαάμ c.1884. Albumen photo from the photographer D. Michailides, Adrianople / Δ. Μιχαηλίδης, Ανδριανούπολη. Title in negative “Μετέωρα Βαρλαάμ”. Lightly creased with small strike spot. Dim.29x22cm. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5485 Temple of Jupiter, Athens c.1890. Coloured with the PHOTOCHROM technique by P.Z. (Photoglob Zurich). Title: “17295, P.Z. - ATHENES. TEMPLE DU JUPITER OLYMPIEN”. Dim.23x17cm. Slightly creased corners. Starting Price: 25 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5487 BUENOS AIRES / G. Bourquin y Cia, Editores c.1900. Album with 31 lithographic reproductions of G. Bourquin photographs. Dim.24x16cm. Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 5488 BOHRINGER Athen. Photogravure of Theatre of Herodes Atticus (22x16cm). Relief cachet of photographer. Very Fine. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5486 Corfu - Achilleion Palace c.1900. Real albumen photo (27x20cm) on thick carton with glued title “CORFU, KONIGL. PALAST.” & numbered by pencil “No 3454”. Small brown spots mainly on carton. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5489 View of Meteora b/w printed photo, framed, ca. 1910. Size: 27x20 cm. VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5490 Panorama de Piree b/w printed photo, framed, ca. 1910. Size: 27x20 cm. VF. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5492 Royal Hellenic Navy c.1910. Three photographs (17x12cm) on thick cartons depicting Captain & crew of a greek battle ship. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5491 Royalty - King George A of Greece. Βασιλιάς Γεώργιος Α. Φωτογραφία μεγάλων διαστάσεων 31x46cm, με φθορές. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5494 Greek Royal family c.1914. Βασιλική οικογένεια c.1914. Απεικονίζονται σε δείπνο ο Βασιλιάς Κωνσταντίνος, Βασίλισσα Σοφία, Γεώργιος Β, Αλέξανδρος Α, Πριγκίπισσα Ελένη, Παύλος Α, Πριγκίπισσα Ειρήνη & Πριγκίπισσα Αικατερίνη. Φωτογράφος BOEHRINGER ATHEN. Dim.21.5x16cm. Starting Price: 50 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5493 Athens - Acropolis 1911. Ten (10) b&w photographs (19x24cm) by NPG (Neue Photographische Gesellschaft) presenting interesting views of Acropolis monuments. Some creased, generally Fine. Starting Price: 250 €
Lot. 5495 Macedonia - Greece World War I, 23.10.1917. Real photo picture postcard depicting an unusual scene: Women in traditional costumes and a woman on a swing!!. Edge-wear and creased. Scarce. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5498 Cocaryali - May / Μάιος 1919 Κοκάργιαλι (suburb of Smyrna, by the sea) commemorative photograph of an excursion of Greek families. B/w 16x10cm. on thick carton. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5496 Atelier de Moleurs Salonique 1918 b&w, PPC size. Dated 1.4.1918. VF. Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 5497 “Salonica” in 4 differ.real-photos (small size) in bistre adhered on cardboard canc.ARMEE DORIENT-DEPOT INTERMEDIAIRE DU GENIESECTEUR 517 (1918).Rare & F. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5499 Photograph of the footbal team “Esperia” of Port Said. It was founded in 1919 by people of Port Said, originating from the island of Kasos of Dodecanese, who had founded the club “Apollon” one year earlier. Bad condition but rare. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5500 Wreckage of a train that was blown up in Usak by the Greek army (16-81920), b/w real photo from the Greek expedition in Asia Minor, 14 x 9 cm. Starting Price: 30 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5501 Collection of 14 silver print photographs c.1920 depicting actors/dancers in theatrical/ballet scenes. Photos dim.12x16cm. Mostly light wear. Scarce. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5502 “La Cote dAzur. Album Nο.2”, Publ. Artistiques de la COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER P.L.M. 24 full page photographs with descriptions. Dim.21x15cm. Two pages detached. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5505 BON Antoine, c.1920. Μονή Μεγάλου Σπηλαίου, αργυροτυπία 14x23cm. Yπογεγραμμένη “a. Bon” & με χειρογραφο τίτλο στο passe-partout 26x38cm. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 5503 BON Antoine, c.1920. ΣΟΥΝΙΟ. Αργυροτυπία 17.2x23.5cm. Yπογεγραμμένη “a. Bon” & με χειρογραφο τίτλο “Cap. Sounion” στο passe-partout 32x40cm. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5504 BON Antoine, c.1920. ΑΡΤΑ, Ναός της Παναγίας της Παρηγορήτισσας. Αργυροτυπία 17.5x23.5cm. Yπογεγραμμένη “a. Bon” & με χειρογραφο τίτλο στο passe-partout 32x40cm. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5506 MILIONIS Antonios (ΜΗΛΙΩΝΗΣ Αντώνιος). ALEXANDRIA c.1920. Greek officials and members of the Alexandria Patriarchate participating in public event. Photographers relief cachet on face, and cachet on reverse. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5507 B/w real photo, 13cm x 18cm, showing the politicians Eleftherios Venizelos and Alexandros Papanastasiou. VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5508 PLASTIRAS N. - ΠΛΑΣΤΗΡΑΣ Νικόλαος. Portrait of the Greek general & politician. SIGNED (in pen) and dedicated to a woman. Dated August 1924. Photographer: ZOGRAPHOS N., photographer relief cachet on lower right corner. Slightly creased. Starting Price: 65 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5510 Σμύρνη - Smyrne 1922. Σχολή ΑΡΩΝΗ - Ελληνογαλλικό Λύκειο, η ορχήστρα. The orchestra of the Greek-French school - Aroni. Silver print, (prob. reproduction of the 30s), dim.30x24cm. Lightly creased. Scarce. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5509 (Rhodes - View of a street with tobacco shops) b/w photograph, 9x11cm., c.1920. Very beautiful. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5512 Italian Dodecanese 1924, 1927. Two (2) photographs depicting celebrations for the reception of MARIO LAGO, the Governor of the Italian Aegean Islands. Both with handwritten caption, date and signature of the photographer “Alexandre Yallutakis”. Mounted on passe-partouts. Photo dim 23x17cm, overall 34x27cm. One photo creased vertically. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5511 T. MATEEB - Plovdiv (Φιλιππούπολη) 1922. Silverprint photo on passe-partout depicting students & teacher. The names of the students are written on back (several Greek names). Photographers cachet on face & reverse. Phot dim.17.5x13cm, overall 19x24cm. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5513 Eruption of Mt - ETNA. 1928. Real photo picture postcard in excellent condition. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5514 Acropolis c.1930. Twenty three (23) b&w photos, interesting views of Acropolis (19) and museum antiquities (4). Most with cachet “Association Guillaume Bude...Cliche Bude No..” on reverse. Three signed on face. Dim.13x17cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 75 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5515 ΡΟΔΟΣ - RHODES 1932. Four b&w photographs (silver-prints) taken by proffesional photographer depicting views of the port and the Kastello. Mounted on thick cartons. Handwritten caption on reverse. Photo dim.15x23cm, overall 35x46cm. Starting Price: 70 € Lot. 5516 ΦΛΩΡΙΝΑ - Florina 1933. Real photo picture postcard. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5517 13cm x 18cm, Γ. Παπανδρέου & Α. Παπαναστασίου, 12 Φεβρουαρίου 1935. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5518 OLYMPIA Ancient c.1930. Eighteen (18) b&w silver print photographs (dim.17x12cm) of ancient Olympia & surrounding landscape. Very Fine. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5519 AGIA LAVRA (Μονή ΑΓΙΑΣ ΛΑΥΡΑΣ) c.1930. Six (6) b&w silver print photographs (dim.17x12cm) of Agia Lavra monastery & surrounding landscape. Very Fine. Starting Price: 45 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5520 MONASTERY MEGA SPILAION (ΜΟΝΗ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΣΠΗΛΑΙΟΥ) c.1930. Τwo (2) b&w silver print photographs (dim.17x12cm). Very Fine. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5521 KALAVRYTA (ΚΑΛΑΒΡΥΤΑ) c.1930. Five (5) b&w silver print photographs (dim.17x12cm). Portraits of locals & everyday life. Rare. Very Fine. Starting Price: 65 €
Lot. 5522 “Lhaire de la soupe camp Serbe” brownish-grey, animated (editor unknown),unused. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5525 Βασιλιάς Γεώργιος Β, 1936. “Ο Βασιλεύς προσφωνών Γαλλιστί τους συνέδρους εις το Πανεπιστήμιον / Ιατρικόν Συνέδριον Απρίλιος 1936”. Αργυροτυπία 18χ13εκ με την παραπάνω χειρόγραφη περιγραφή. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5523 A selection of 5 photos, including 3 with the Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas (in the car, at ceremonies, etc.), by photographers incl. Dem. Yankoglou, Sp. Alexiou & Sp. Chalkides. Approx. size: 18x12cm. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5526 Βασιλιάς Γεώργιος Β, 1936. “Πρώτο Πάσχα μετά την επάνοδο του Βασιλέα / Ο Βασιλεύς στο Ορειβατικό πυροβολικό / Πάσχα 1936”. Αργυροτυπία 18χ12εκ με την παραπάνω χειρόγραφη περιγραφή. Starting Price: 30 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5524 Ασπρόμαυρη φωτογραφία Μητροπολίτη Καστοριάς Νικηφόρου 17x23.5cm, με ιδιόχειρη αφιέρωσή του 22-4-36. σε χάρτινο φάκελο με σφραγίδα φωτογράφου “Δ. Μπούρας”. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5527 Βασιλιάς Γεώργιος Β, π.1936. “H Α. Μ. ο Βασιλεύς επιθεώρησεν σήμερον... εις το Γουδί τα συντάγματα...και παρήλασαν προ Αυτού. Εδώ διατάσσει την εκδίωξιν του φωτορεπόρτερ”. Αργυροτυπία 15χ11εκ με την παραπάνω χειρόγραφη περιγραφή. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5528 Βασιλιάς Γεώργιος Β, Λάρισα π.1936. Αργυροτυπία 24χ18εκ με χειρόγραφη περιγραφή: “Λάρισα / Σταθμός”. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5529 Ο Βασιλιάς Γεώργιος Β, ο Πρίγκιπας Παύλος, στρατιωτική, πολιτική και εκκλησιαστική ηγεσία π.1936. Αργυροτυπία 24χ18εκ με χειρόγραφη λεζάντα. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 5531 Four (4) b/w real photos, size of a postcard (9x14 cm), showing French soldiers in the island of Rhodes (WWI period). VF & scarce. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5530 (Staff Travel of the Military Academy in Kozani area in 1935) (no description) brownish-grey, very animated.Size 18x13 cm.(Foto IRIS P.Panagiotou,Kozani). Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5532 Two (2) b/w real photos, size of a postcard (9x14 cm), showing crowds outside the Statuto at the island of Rhodes (post-WWI period). Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5533 B/w real photo, size of a postcard (9x14 cm), showing the “Caserna Regina” at Rhodes, base of the Italian “9° reggimento di fanteria Regina”. VF. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5534 Two (2) b/w real photos, size of a postcard (9x14 cm), showing ship TERGESTE & other ships at the entrance of the port of Rhodes. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5535 Rhodes: B/w real photo - scene of the port, 195x145mm, from the personal album of the famous archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans. VF. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5536 Rhodes: B/w real photo - scene of the port, 195x145mm, from the personal album of the famous archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans. VF. Starting Price: 25 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5537 Από την έκθεσιν των Ζωγραφικών έργων του Πρίγκιπος Νικολάου εις την αίθουσα του Παρνασσού” / Εξ αριστερών η Δις Σκουζέ, η Πρ. Ολγα, και η Πρ. Ελένη σύζυγος του Πρ. Νικολάου”. Αργυροτυπία 24χ18εκ με την παραπάνω χειρόγραφη περιγραφή. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5540 Ο Αδριάς του Βασ. Κωνσταντίνου εις το Πεδίον του Αρεως. Σπάνια αργυροτυπία 18χ12εκ. με την παραπάνω χειρόγραφη περιγραφή, π.1936. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5542 Πολυμελές συγκρότημα λαϊκών εγχόρδων (κιθάρες, μπουζούκια) στη Θεσσαλονίκη (πιθανώς στο Σιδηροδρομικό Σταθμό). “Foto - ASTORIA Thessaloniki”. Διαστ.30Χ24εκ. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5538 Κ. Δημητριάδης - Αθήναι. Αργυροτυπία επικολλημένη σε passe-partout (16x23.5cm). Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5539 Real-photo of French military people on Tenedos Island in front of a sign “BUREAU DE LA PLACE” & a French flag.Size 10 x 7 cm.in brownish-grey,unused. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5541 ΓΑΖΙΑΔΗΣ Αλεξ. 1940 Αλβανία, 9 ασπρ. φωτογραφίες απεικονίζουν Ελληνες στρατιώτες σε χωριά περιοχής κατά τον Ελληνο-Αλβανικό πόλεμο. 3 φωτογρ. 7Χ5εκ, 6 φωτογρ. 8.5Χ6εκ. Με σφραγίδα φωτογράφου στο πίσω μέρος. Εξαιρετική κατάσταση. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5543 ΚΑΡΑΜΑΝΛΗΣ Κωνσταντίνος. 62 σπάνια αρνητικά ασπρόμαυρων φωτογραφιών που αποτυπώνουν τόν Κ. ΚΑΡΑΜΑΝΛΗ κατά τις επίσημες επισκέψεις του στη ΡΟΔΟ και την ΚΩ το 1956, 1958, 10.10.1961, 15.10.1963 & 1965. ΣΠΑΝΙΟ Starting Price: 250 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5544 ΠΑΟ-Ολυμπιακός (Κοτρίδης-ΘεοδωρίδηςΣοφιανός??), Η Βόρεια Πλευρά του Γηπέδου (Λεωφ. Αλεξάνδρας) πίσω απο τον προβολέα διακρίνεται το Αντικαρκινικό. Real Photo. Unused. VF. Starting Price: 12 €
Lot. 5545 B&w large real PPC Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5547 Lot. 5548 1950s b/w real photo, 18cm x 24cm, Royalty, “Crown Prince (later King) showing Queen Frederica, dressed Constantine of Greece, cleaning his rifle in white fur, embracing a man. during his special military training at the Photo Studio Kourbeti, Athens. raiding forces center at Vouliagmeni” press Starting Price: 10 € photo taken on 12.2.1956, copyright UNITED PRESS PHOTO. Photo size: 18 x 23 cm. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5550 1950s b/w real photo, 18cm x 24cm, showing Queen Frederica at a public event. Photo Studio Kourbeti, Athens. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5546 B/w real photo, 18cm x 24cm, showing Queen Frederica getting off an ambulant Unit for Dental Treatment. Photo Studio Kourbeti, Athens. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5549 1950s b/w real photo, 18cm x 24cm, showing Queen Frederica among boyscouts. Photo Studio Kourbeti, Athens. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5551 “Views of Mycenae, Tiryns, Nauplion & Argos” collection of 10 photos (from 7x10cm. to 9x14cm.) and 12 b/w postcards, all mounted on 4 double carton pages detached from a photo album of the 1950s. Handwritten inscriptions in German. Starting Price: 15 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5553 Lot. 5554 Royalty, “King Paul & Queen Frederika of Royalty, “King Paul & Queen Frederika of Greece with people” real photo, 14 cm x 9 cm. Greece at a reception in Athens” photo Starting Price: 6 € on carton. Photo size: 18 cm x 11.5 cm. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 5556 Ξενοδοχείον ΘΕΟΞΕΝΙΑ εν ΠΟΡΤΑΡΙΑ ΒΟΛΟΥ ΠΗΛΙΟΝ, ύψος 700μ. Υπό την ιδίαν Διεύθυνσιν του ξενοδοχείου Σίτυ-Πάλας b&w real photo 29x22cm. Faults on upper right corner, chipped upper side & creased lower left corner. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5557 Kalathos AIRPORT Rhodes, c.1960?. Two (2) aerial real b&w photographs (21x21cm) on single sheet. FINE. Rare. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5555 Royalty, “Crown Prince (later King) Constantine of Greece, with his 3 silver cups, won at a military show-jumping competition held at the Athens racing stadium” press photo taken on 18.10.1962, copyright KEYSTONE PRESS Agency inc., New York. Photo size: 21 x 25 cm. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5558 Rhodes AIRPORT c.1960?. Two (2) aerial real b&w photographs (21x21cm) on single sheet with information (in Greek) about the airport. Slightly creased. Rare. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5559 1960s b/w real photo of the cargo ship “S.S. Panayia Moutsaina” from Vrontados, Chios. Photo size: 18x24 cm. VF. Starting Price: 10 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Stereoscopic Images
Lot. 5561 FRITH Francis. 1860. Three (3) stereoscopic albumen photographs of Acropolis. Very Fine. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5560 SEBAH Pascal. Athens c.1875. Seven (7) stereoscopic albumen photos, presenting panoramic views of Lycabettus, Athens centre & Acropolis. On passe-partouts of Sebahs photo studio in Constantinople. Titles & numbers in negative. Detailed descriptions & numbers in pen on reverse. Rare vies of Athens. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5562 Frank M. GOOD. c.1870. Four (4) stereoscopic photos of Acropolis & area, one with signature in negative. On passe-partout with printed captions & copyright on reverse. Frank Good was an English photographer, active during the 1860s and 1970s best known for his stereographic photographs of the Near East (Greece included). Excellent condition. Starting Price: 80 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5563 CONSTANTIN D. SYROS - SYRA c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Early panoramic view. Rare. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5564 CONSTANTIN D. Athens c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Panoramic view of Athens. Very Fine. Rare. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5565 Early 1860s, “Athens, The Parthenon”, albumen photograph print, very early stereoscopic & VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5566 Early 1860s, “Athens, The Temple of Victory (Aptere) without the wings”, albumen photograph print, very early stereoscopic & VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5567 Late 19th cent. stereoscopic real b&w photo “53. Smyrne Panorama pris du Mont Pagos” attached on carton 18x9cm. Fine condition. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5568 Early 1860s, “Athens, The Temple (Erechthium) East”, albumen photograph print, very early stereoscopic & VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5569 1860, “Ruins of the Odeum of Herodes Atticus, at Athens”, No.258 by Francis Frith, albumen photograph print, very early stereoscopic & VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5570 Early 1860s, “Le Parthenon sur lacropole, Athenes”, No.269, albumen photograph print, very early stereoscopic & VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5571 Early 1860s, “Vue generale de lErechteum, pres du Parthenon a Athenes”, No.276 “fabrique RICHARD” handstamped on back, albumen photograph print, very early stereoscopic & VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5572 Early 1860s, “Grece, Les Propylees prises a lEntree de lAcropole”, No.262 “fabrique RICHARD” handstamped on back, albumen photograph print, very early stereoscopic & VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5573 Early 1860s, “Athens, another view of the Acropolis & the Temple of Jupiter (Olympion), No.4”, albumen photograph print, very early stereoscopic & VF. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5574 The International Exhibition of 1862 / No. 15.- Grecian Court. (1) b&w stereoscopic photos by “London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company”. Plain back. Rare and Very Fine. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5575 The International Exhibition of 1862 / No. 16.Grecian Court. (2) b&w stereoscopic photos by “London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company”. Plain back. Rare and Very Fine. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5576 Athens - Acropolis c.1865. Scarce albumen stereoscopic images depicting people of various nationalities visiting Acropolis monuments. Title in negative “267 Athenes. Entree des Propylae”. Extremely Fine. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5577 CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Early view of the Temple of the Winds. Handwritten caption in pen. Rare. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5578 CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Early view of Erechtheion & Temple of Athena Nike. Rare. Starting Price: 25 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5579 “The areopagus-Mars Hill-where Paul preached (Acts xvii), Athenes, Greece” brown, two (same) views on thick PPC. VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5580 CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Depicting Erechtheion. Caption in pen. Very FIne. Rare. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5581 CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Depicting NW view of Acropolis with the Frankish tower still standing. Caption in pen. Very FIne. Rare. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5582 CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Depicting Parthenon. Rare. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5583 CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Depicting Acropolis and theatre of Herodes Atticus. The Frankish tower still standing on Acropolis hill. Very Fine. Rare. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5584 CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Depicting Propylaea. Rare. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5585 CONSTANTIN D. Acropolis c.1870. Stereoscopic albumen photo on passe-partout with cachet “D. CONSTANTIN Photographe, 20 Rue dEole, Athenes”. Depicting Parthenon. Rare. Starting Price: 35 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5586 1911. Thirty seven (37) original, prob. private, unissued stereoscopic b&w photos from a journey from Marseille to Constantinople via Greece & Smyrne. Including interesting views of Marseille (2), Athens (14), Delphi (4), Smyrne-Cordelio (3), Constantinople/Istanbul (14). Tear on one photo, the rest with rounded corners but generally Very Fine. RARE. Starting Price: 180 €
Lot. 5587 (69) 4190 Nauplia and the Lofty Fortress of Palamidi, Greece b&w stereoscopic photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Fine Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5588 (64) 4171 The Ship Canal looking East, Isthmus of Corinth, Greece b&w stereoscopic photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1902 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Very Fine Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5589 (6) 4201 The Temple of the Olympian Jupiter and the Acropolis b&w stereoscopic photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Very Fine Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5590 19th century, “The Mountains Look on Marathon and Marathon Looks on the Sea - Greece”, *9300 Underwood & Underwood Keystone stereoscopic photograph #31. VF. Starting Price: 15 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5591 (36) 4204 Piraeus and the distant Bay and Island of Salamis b&w stereoscopic photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Fine Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5592 (55) 4209 Monasteries of St. Barlaam and Meteoron... b&w stereoscopic photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Very Fine Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5593 “(67)-9332-Picturesque interior of a modern Greek villagers home, Messene, Greece” stereoscopic b&w photos by “Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood”. Descriptive text on reverse. Fine Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5594 (24) 4128 Athens, looking east from the Acropolis, Greece b&w stereoscopic photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Text on rev. Very Fine Starting Price: 18 €
Lot. 5595 (36) 4204 Piraeus and the distant Bay and Island of Salamis b&w stereoscopic photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Very Fine Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5596 (72) 4187 Traveler and Tradesman... in the Streets of ARGOS, Greece b&w stereoscopic photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Very Fine Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5597 (37) 4144 Street of Shoes, a Glimpse of Modern Athens, Greece stereoscopic b&w photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Fine Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5598 Athens. Looking N.E. up through the Propulaea - entrance to Acropolis. Nike Temple at right stereoscopic (double) bistre-brown, animated (Underwood & Underwood No.59281, 1907). Plain back. Very Fine. Starting Price: 15 €
Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5599 4201 The Temple of the Olympian Jupiter and the Acropolis. Athens, Greece b&w stereoscopic photos by “The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH,... copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO”. Text in English on reverse. Very Fine. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5600 Athens, Lysikrates monument, oldest structure of Corinthian order, Acropolis at W.N.W. sepia stereoscopic (double) card [Underwood & Underwood (16) 2385], published in Canada. Text in English on reverse. Very fine. Starting Price: 15 €
Lot. 5601 27. Tower of the Winds, Athens, Greece brownishgrey Stereoscopic photos by “Stereo - Travel Co.”, published in New York. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5602 Η παρέλασις των μαθητών Διεθνείς Ολυμπιακοί αγώνες 1906 / Εκδότης Β. Πετράτος φωτογράφος Κεφαλήν stereoscopic b&w photos, Olympic Games 1906. Creased corners, small cracks. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5603 36. Athenes. Panorame b&w stereoscopic photo by “Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905”. Very Fine. Starting Price: 12 €
CDV & Cabinet Lot. 5604 George I, King of Greece, early (ca.1870) CDV albumen portrait photo, probably taken by the photographer P. Moraites. Photo size: 5cm x 8.5cm. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5605 “Γ. ΔΑΜΙΑΝΟΣ, ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΟΣ εν ΕΡΜΟΥΠΟΛΕΙ” early (ca.1870) CDV albumen photo, a portrait of Queen Olga of Greece, on nicely ornated carton, with photographers sign on back. Rare. Starting Price: 30 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5606 Royalty - Queen Olga of Greece. Βασίλισσα Όλγα, αλπουμίνα μέγεθος cabinet σε passe-partout του φωτογράφου Π. Μωραϊτη. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5610 Princess Alexandra of Greece - Grand Duchess Georgievna of Russia, c.1870. Early CDV, albumen photo depicting the princess in young age. Unknown photographer, prob. P. Moraites. RARE. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5607 King Constantine I of Greece c.1870. Early CDV, albumen photo depicting King Constantine I in young age. Unknown photographer, prob. P. Moraites. RARE. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5611 QUEEN OLGA of Greece, early cabinet photo, dim.10.5x15cm. One pinhole, rounded corners. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5608 Royalty KING GEORGE I of Greece, c.1870. Cabinet photo by ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ). Albumen photo on passepartout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870s in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5612 Princess ALEXANDRA of Greece - Grand Duchess Alexandra Georgievna of Russia, Early portrait. Cabinet photo, dim 10.5x15cm. One pinhole, left & bottom passepartout black frame is missing. Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5609 Royalty QUEEN OLGA of Greece, c.1870. Cabinet photo by ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ). Albumen photo on passepartout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870s in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5613 Colour cabinet photo, “The Crown Prince Heir Alexander of Greece”, 10x15cm. VF. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5614 Royalty - Prince Andrew of Greece, signed photo 1901. Πρίγκιπας Ανδρέας, φωτογραφία υπογεγραμένη, με χρονολογία 1901. Σε passe-partout του φωτογράφου Carl Boehringer. Starting Price: 50 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5615 CH. BUKMEDJI, P. ZEPDJI. Two early CDV albumen photos c.1865, depicting man & woman in traditional costumes. Paul ZEPDJI was a famous Armenian photographer based in Thessaloniki & Monastir. These unusual photographs are probably coming from the first period of Zepdji probably in Constantinople and show his cooperation with another photographer, Bukmedji (?). Very Fine condition. RARE. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5616 Albumen CDV photo, portrait of two women, ca. 1890. Attached on thick carton with photographers sign on reverse: “Α.Ζ. ΒΛΑΧΑΚΗΣ, Φωτογράφος / Α.Ζ. VLACHARI, Photographe” (Herakleion & Ermoupolis). Photo size: 6 x 9 cm. Very fine condition. Starting Price: 10 €
Lot. 5617 “Ξ. ΒΑΘΗΣ / Photography of X. BATHIS, Athens” early CDV, portrait of a man in traditional costume, ca. 1870. Attached on thick carton with photographers sign on reverse. Photo size: 6cm x 9cm. Very Fine & Scarse. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5619 “R. CARACACHIAN PHOT. (Constantinople)” albumen CDV photo, portrait of a woman, 6cm x 9.5cm, on thick carton paper with photographers sign on back. VF & Rare. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5620 “C. MERLIN, Athens / Photographer by appointment to the Royal Family of Greece” albumen cabinet photo, portrait of two women (probably mother & daughter), ca. 1870. Attached on thick carton with photographers sign on reverse. Photo size: 10cm x 14cm. Superb quality & rare. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5618 CONSTANTINIDIS S. Constantinople c.1870. Cabinet photo (albumen) depicting prob. SERBIAN in traditional costume. “ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ ΣΤ. ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΙΔΟΥ / ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ 11 ΓΑΛΑΤΑ”. Two pinholes & creased lower edge. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5621 ΚΑΛΥΒΩΚΑΣ Σ. ΠΑΤΡΑΙ. Six (6) early c.1870-1880 CDVs, with two different passe-partou types. Starting Price: 50 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5622 Ρωμαϊδαι Αθήναι - Πάτραι, π.1875. Φωτογραφία δύο αρματωμένων ανδρών με περίτεχνες στολές που ποζάρουν στο στούντιο πίνοντας κρασί. Διαστάσεις cabinet. Starting Price: 35 €
Lot. 5623 J. P. FOSCOLO & M. M. PAPAZIAN LIMASOL CHYPRE. Cyprus c.1875, albumen CDV photo, portrait of a man. Starting Price: 20 €
Lot. 5626 ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, man in traditional military costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870s in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5628 (Probably) “P. MORAITES, Photographer” early exceptionally handcoloured albumen cabinet photo, portrait of a woman in traditional costume, ca. 1860. Attached on thick carton. Photo size: 10cm x 14.5cm. Very fine condition & rare. Starting Price: 80 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5624 ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, woman in traditional costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870s in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5625 ΡΩΜΑΙΔΑΙ - ΑΘΗΝΑΙ albumen CDV photo, showing at young age the Prime Minister of Greece Alexandros Papanastasiou - Αλέξανδρος ΠΑΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΥ (born 1876). 6,5 x 10,5 cm. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5627 “P. MORAITES, Photographe de la famille Royale, Athenes” early exceptionally handcoloured albumen cabinet photo, portrait of a young woman in traditional costume, ca. 1860. Attached on thick carton with photographers sign on reverse. Photo size: 10cm x 14cm. Excellent condition & rare. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5629 (Probably) “P. MORAITES, Photographer” early exceptionally handcoloured albumen cabinet photo, portrait of a sitting woman in traditional costume, ca. 1860. Attached on thick carton. Photo size: 10cm x 14.5cm. Very fine condition & rare. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5630 “Π. ΜΩΡΑΙΤΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΙΑ - P. MORAITES & CO.” albumen cabinet photo depicting three young men in uniforms of the Greek Army, 10.5cm x 14 cm, on passe-partout with nice photographers sign of studio in Athens on verso. VF. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5631 Π. Μωραϊτης / P. Moraites Athens c.1870 Cabinet albumen photo portrait of a young woman in traditional costume. Numbered in negative. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 €
Lot. 5634 Portrait photograph of Capuano Jacques from Thessaloniki late 18th to early 19th century, by “PAUL ZEPDJI PHOTOGRAPHE SALONIQUE” 10.5x16cm, b&w, attached on thick carton with manuscript “Jacques Capuano 1896-1975”. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5632 ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, man in traditional military costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870s in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. Starting Price: 50 €
Lot. 5635 ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, woman in traditional costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870s in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5633 Early Cabinet photo probably depicting QUEEN OLGA of Greece in traditional costume. dim. 10.5x15cm. One pinhole, rounded carton corners. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5636 ZAFEIROPOULOS P. (Π. ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ), c.1870. Cabinet photo, woman in traditional costume. Albumen on passe-partout. Part of glue on reverse otherwise Very Fine. Panagis Zafeiropoulos - though an active photographer of the 1870s in Athens - is a scarce name in the collecting field. Starting Price: 40 € A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5637 P. POLYCHRONIS Peintre & Photographe METELIN / Π. ΠΟΛΥΧΡΟΝΗ EN MYTINHNH, Lesvos c.1880. Collection of 3 Cabinet & 2 CDV (total 5 photos), all in variant passe-partouts. Starting Price: 60 €
Lot. 5638 Lot. 5639 Balkan Wars 1912-1913, Greek ΚΑΙΣΑΡΗΣ Σπυρίδων. soldier in Novi Sad, cabinet photo. c.1910. Φωτογραφία cabinet Φωτογραφία Έλληνα στρατιώτη (14x21cm) του διάσημου με χειρογραφη αφιέρωση “Τη έλληνα μουσικοσυνθέτη, λατρευτή μου Σταυρούλα - Souvenir επικολλημένη σε passeΒαλκανικού πολέμου”. Phot. “Sigm. partout. Φωτογράφος “Α. Breiner - NEUSATZ” Gaziades Athenes -Piree”. Starting Price: 10 € Starting Price: 40 €
Lot. 5640 ΚΡΗΤΗ- ΧΑΝΙΑ, Crete - Chania 1915. Cabinet photo of a man in traditional costume by the photographer Π. ΔΙΑΜΑΝΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ (cachet on reverse). Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5641 Portrait of a man photo on large carton, signed “Gio. Goulas”. Photo size: 9.2cm x 13.7cm. VF. Starting Price: 30 €
Lot. 5642 (1909) Three men riding donkeys with hats (!), cabinet photo, size 20x24cm (photo size 115x155mm). Photographer: I. N. GEORGALAS, HALKI (Marmara islands, Constantinople). VF. Starting Price: 15 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
WWI Salonica - Macedonian Front memorabilia
Lot. 5643 An original WWI embroidered cloth and blue velvet large cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1917 / RA MC / Royal Army Medical Corps”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of a laureate Rod of Asclepius cipher, topped by Eastern Orthodox style crown, with a gold metal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and measuring 47x47 cm, framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5644 An original WWI embroidered cloth and black velvet large cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of the Allied flags of France and Great Britain, measuring 42x43 cm, artistically framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 5645 An original WWI embroidered cloth and black velvet large cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1916”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of the Allied flags of France and Great Britain, measuring 50x49 cm, artistically framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 80 €
Lot. 5646 An original WWI embroidered cloth and yellow silk large cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of a laureate Rod of Asclepius cipher, topped by Eastern Orthodox style crown, with a gold metal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and measuring 47x47 cm, framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 75 €
A. Karamitsos # 585
Lot. 5647 An original WWI souvenir, an embroidered cloth & blackish brown silk square cushion cover “Souvenir de Salonique 1918”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of a mosque and flowers, bordered with 3cm. wide strip of handmade lace, measuring 48x48 cm, artistically framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5649 An original WWI souvenir, an embroidered cloth & black silk square cushion cover “Arme d Orient / Souvenir of Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of the flags of the 8 Allied countries, topped by Eastern Orthodox style crown,with a gold metal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and measuring 45x45 cm, artistically framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 75 € Rare Maps, Books, Photography, Documents & Prints
Lot. 5648 An original WWI embroidered cloth and black velvet large cushion cover “Souvenir 7th Wilts Salonica 1916”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of the two official Greek flags, measuring 45x45 cm, artistically framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 90 €
Lot. 5650 An original WWI souvenir, an embroidered cloth & deep claret silk square cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of Army Service Corps cipher “Honi soit qui mal y pense” (the motto of the British chivalric Order of the Garter) topped by Eastern Orthodox style crown,with a gold metal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and measuring 48x45 cm, artistically framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 70 €
Lot. 5651 An original WWI souvenir, an embroidered cloth & scarletvermillion silk square cushion cover “Souvenir de Salonique”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of the flags of the 7 Allied countries, measuring 49x49 cm, artistically framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 75 €
Lot. 5653 An original WWI embroidered cloth and white silk cushion cover “Souvenir of Salonica 1917”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of a “messenger” pigeon carrying mail. It has a gold metal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and it measures 24x25 cm. A lovely original memento from this important part of WWI, framed and ready to hang. Starting Price: 45 €
Lot. 5652 An original WWI souvenir, an embroidered cloth & deep violet silk square cushion cover “Souvenir de Salonique 1916”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of flowers and rosettes, with 2cm. wide strip with a handmade gold metal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and measuring 48x50 cm, artistically framed and ready to hang. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 100 €
Lot. 5654 An original WWI embroidered cloth and royal blue silk cushion cover “Souvenir de Salonique 1916”, beautifully hand-crafted with an ornate embroidery of an art-nouveau design, with a gold medal thread fringe with silk inner on all four sides and measuring 26x26 cm, framed and ready to hang. Superb. Starting Price: 45 €
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A. Karamitsos # 585