A. Karamitsos 34 Tsimiski Str., 546 23 Thessaloniki, Greece T: +30 2310 264 366 F: +30 2310 274 031 E: karamitsos@karamitsos.gr www.karamitsos.com Working hours: 07:00–15:00
Public & Live Internet Auction № 621 Coins, Medals & Banknotes
Saturday, 8 September 2018 Start time 10:30 HILTON ATHENS HOTEL Viewing arrangements Athens Auctions Store Monday (2 July 2018) to Friday (7 September 2018) Working hours: Monday to Friday 09:30–17:30 Saturday 09:30–15:00 (closed 6-19 August 2018)
Hilton Athens Hotel Saturday (8 September 2018) 10:00–10:30
Pindarou 7 & Alexandrou Soutsou 2, Athens T: +30 210 3250173 / F: +30 210 3250176
46 Vasilissis Sofias Ave., Athens T: +30 210 7281000 / F: +30 210 7281111
Auction №
A. Karamitsos 34 Tsimiski Str., 546 23 Thessaloniki, Greece T: +30 2310 264 366 F: +30 2310 274 031 E: karamitsos@karamitsos.gr www.karamitsos.com
Έλαβα γνώση των όρων της δημοπρασίας και παρακαλώ να πλειοδοτήσετε για λογαριασμό μου τους παρακάτω λαχνούς, μέχρι το ποσό που έχω σημειώσει αντίστοιχα. Please bid on my behalf op to the limits, only if necessary, for the following lots. I have read and agree to the Conditions of Sale stated in the present Catalogue. Name Address Client’s code
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Όροι δημοπρασιών Όλοι οι λαχνοί περιγράφονται προσεκτικά και πωλούνται ως γνήσιοι και αυθεντικοί εκτός αν περιγράφονται άλλως. Ο αγοραστής μπορεί να απορρίψει το λαχνό και να τον επιστρέψει εντός 7 ημερών (ημερομηνία σφραγίδας ταχυδρομείου) απο την λήξη της δημοπρασίας, αν αποδείξει ότι δεν είναι γνήσιος ή ότι περιγράφηκε λανθασμένα. Οι λαχνοί πρέπει να επιστρέφονται όπως παραλήφθηκαν αρχικά, χωρίς καμμία διαφοροποίηση. Λαχνοί που εξετάσθηκαν προηγουμένως από τους υποψηφίους αγοραστές δεν επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από αυτή. Οι αγοραστές δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα επιστροφής μικτών λαχνών, συλλογών, λαχνών που έχουν ελαττώματα σε μικtροαξίες, καθώς και φωτογραφημένων στον κατάλογο λαχνών, για ελαττώματα ορατά στη φωτογραφία (κεντράρισμα, περιθώρια, οδόνττωση). Όταν η αξία του λαχνού είναι στη σφραγίδα και όχι στο γραμματόσημο, ο λαχνός δεν μπορεί να επιστραφεί για ελάττωμα του γραμματοσήμου. Κάθε λαχνός περιέρχεται στον πλειοδότη, που προσφέρει την υψηλότερη τιμή. Σε περίπτωση ίσων ταχυδρομικών προσφορών, πλειοδότης θεωρείται αυτός που η προσφορά του έφθασε πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς. Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς. Μεγάλοι λαχνοί μπορεί να μην μεταφερθούν για viewing στην Αθήνα ή να μεταφερθούν κατ’επιλογή. Viewing λαχνών, που δεν μεταφέρονται στην Αθήνα, μπορεί να γίνει στα γραφεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας. Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως. Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου αποτελεί για την Εταιρία και απόδειξη παραλαβής του υλικού από τον αγοραστή. Στην τιμή κατακυρώσεως προστίθεται ποσοστό 18% για προμήθειά μας και επί πλέον ο αναλογών ΦΠΑ επί της προμήθειάς μας. Όλες οι τιμές στόν κατάλογο είναι σε ΕΥΡΩ. Απούλητοι λαχνοί με τιμή εκκίνησης “OFFER” δεν διατίθενται προς πώληση μετά τη λήξη της δημοπρασίας. Η τιμή πώλησης των λαχνών με την ένδειξη “OFFER” ορίζεται από το ποσό της προσφοράς, με κατοχύρωση του λαχνού στην υψηλότερη. Ο πλειοδότης (είτε βρίσκεται στην Αίθουσα, είτε έχει καταθέσει την προσφορά του μέσω τηλεφώνου/email) είναι υπεύθυνος για την εξόφληση του τιμολογίου, εκτός αν έχει συνεννοηθεί γραπτώς ειδάλλως με την Εταιρία. Οποιοσδήποτε λαμβάνει μέρος στη δημοπρασία είναι γνώστης των προαναφερομένων όρων και τους αποδέχεται πλήρως. Οποιαδήποτε διαφωνία μεταξύ των συμβαλλομένων μερών τίθεται στην κρίση και δικαιοδοσία του αρμοδίου Δικαστηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης.
Conditions of sale All descriptions are reliable and accurate and the lots are sold as genuine and authentic, unless the contrary is indicated. The purchaser may reject the lot and return it within 7 days (post office date stamp) after the end of the auction, if he proves it is not genuine or incorrectly described. The lots must be returned intact and as originally despatched. Lots which have been examined by the buyers before the auction cannot be returned. Also, lots purchased in the room cannot be returned after leaving the place. Buyers have no right to reject mixed lots, collections containing undescribed items, or described as having defects. Any illustration is part of the description and items cannot be returned for defects visible in it. When the value of a lot lies in the cancellation and not in the stamp, any defects of the latter shall not be a reason for rejecting the lot. The highest bidder shall prevail. In case of equal mail bids, the earlier arrived will be considered as succesful. Telephone bids are acceptable, but should be confirmed in writing. Before start selling or the date of the auction the Auctioneer has the right to withdraw any of the lots, to divide it into two or more parts, or to join two or more lots into one. Large lots may not be available for viewing in Athens unless especially selected. Viewing of those unavailable lots is still possible in our offices in Thessaloniki. Bids should be received at least 2 hours before the start of the Sale. Payment must be made in full just after the end of the sale in the room, or within 10 days after receipt of our invoice. Foreign buyers can pay by credit card (we accept Visa and Mastercard) or by Bank Cheque, personal cheque and money order in foreign currency or in euro. Interest shall be payable by the purchaser on any overdue account. The Auctioneer has a descretion to waive payment of the interest. Title shall remain to A. KARAMITSOS until payment in full is received. Any buyer could be excluded if he is not a person of good faith, according to the Auctioneer’s opinion. The invoices and the lots will be mailed to the address given on the bidding form. Postage and insurance is charged to the buyers. The receipt for “Registered” letter by the Post Office constitutes delivery receipt for the Auctioneer. A 18% buyer’s commission will be added to the “hammer price” for each lot, plus the respective Value Additive Tax (VAT) on our commission. All prices expressed in the catalogue and all bids are in euro, unless otherwise is stated. Unsold lots with starting price “OFFER” are not available for sale after the end of the auction. The sale price of lots marked as “OFFER” is defined by the highest offer, highest bid wins the item at said price. The bidder (either via mail or in the room) is responsible for the invoice’s payment, unless otherwise aggreed, in writing, with the company. Anyone who will take part in this Auction is familiar to the conditions of sale and accepts them. Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Court in Thessaloniki, Greece.
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Brilliant Uncirculated / Λαμπρό Ακυκλοφόρητο Uncirculated / Ακυκλοφόρητο Almost Uncirculated / Σχεδόν Ακυκλοφόρητο Extra Fine / Εξαιρετική Κατάσταση Very Fine / Πολύ Ωραίο Fine / Ωραίο Very Good / Πολύ Καλό Good / Καλό Fleur de Coin / Κατάσταση Νομισματοκοπείου Specimen / Δείγμα Trial Strike / Δοκιμή Μήτρας Pattern / Μοτίβο Proof / Δοκίμιο Essay / Προσχέδιο
Note: The grading guide we use in this catalogue for the certified coins and banknotes is not our personal estimation but the one established by the internationally approved companies in the field. The “Top grade” characterization is about coins that the moment when this catalogue goes for printing, they have the best grade (compared to other similar coins) given from the two grading companies (NGC & PCGS). Σημείωση: Η κατάσταση που αναγράφεται στα πιστοποιημένα νομίσματα και χαρτονομίσματα, δεν αποτελεί προσωπική εκτίμηση, αλλά εκτίμηση της εταιρίας πιστοποιήσεων. Ο χαρακτηρισμός “Top grade” αφορά σε νομίσματα τα οποία, την ώρα που αυτός ο κατάλογος εκτυπώνεται, κατέχουν τον μεγαλύτερο βαθμό (σε σύγκριση με άλλα παρόμοια νομίσματα) από τις 2 εταιρίες πιστοποίησης (NGC & PCGS).
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8001
Lot: 8002
Lot: 8003
Lot: 8004
1 Lepton (1828) (type A.1) in copper with "Phoenix" with converging rays. Variety: "105-D.c" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 BN". (Hellas 1).
MS 63
1.300 €
5 Lepta (1828) (type A.1) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety "135-E.b" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "MS 62 BN" (Hellas 7).
MS 62
1.300 €
5 Lepta (1828) (type A.1) in copper with "Phoenix" with converging rays in solid circle. Variety "135-E.b - Late Die State" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "XF BN". (Hellas 7).
XF 40
200 €
5 Lepta (1828) (type A.1) in copper with "Phoenix" with converging rays. Variety "136-F.c" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "XF 45 BN". (Hellas 7).
XF 45
320 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8005
Lot: 8006
Lot: 8007
Lot: 8008
5 Lepta (1828) (type A.2) in copper with "Phoenix" with unconcentrated rays. Variety: "138-H.d" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "XF 40 BN". (Hellas 8).
XF 40
220 €
10 Lepta (1828) (type A.1) in copper with "Phoenix" converging rays. Variety "162-B.b" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "AU 55 BN". (Hellas 13).
AU 55
420 €
10 Lepta (1828) (type A.1) in copper with "Phoenix" with converging rays. Variety "166-D.e / Late Die State" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "AU 53 BN". (Hellas 13).
AU 53
480 €
10 Lepta (1828) (type A.1) in copper with "Phoenix" with converging rays. Variety "170-F.g" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS - PLANCHET FLAW". (Hellas 13).
400 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8009
Lot: 8011
Rare variety
Lot: 8012
Lot: 8010
Very Rare variety
Lot: 8014
Very Rare variety
Lot: 8013
Rare variety
1 Phoenix (1828) in silver. Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". (Hellas 20).
MS 61
3.100 €
5 Lepta (1830) (type A.3) in copper with "Phoenix" with unconcentrated rays in solid circle. Variety "231-A.a" (Very rare) by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "VF DETAILS - REV DAMAGE". (Hellas 9).
400 €
5 Lepta (1830) (type B.1) in copper with "(Small) Phoenix" in pearl circle. Variety: "233d-C.b" (Rare) by Peter Chase. (Hellas 10). Very Fine.
250 €
10 Lepta (1830) (type A.3) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety "261-A.a" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "VF 20 BN". (Hellas 15).
VF 20
210 €
10 Lepta (1830) (type B.2) in copper with "(Big) Phoenix" in pearl circle. Variety "272a-I1.h" (Rare) by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "VF DETAILS - CORROSION". (Hellas 17).
230 €
10 Lepta (1830) (type B.1) in copper with "(Small) Phoenix" in pearl circle. Variety: "275-K.i1" (Very rare) by Peter Chase. (Hellas 17). Almost Fine.
100 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8015
Lot: 8016
Lot: 8019
Lot: 8017
Lot: 8018
Rare variety
10 Lepta (1830) (type B.2) in copper with "(Big) Phoenix". Variety "301-Z.v" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "AU 50 BN". (Hellas 17).
AU 50
220 €
10 Lepta (1830) (type B.2) in copper with "(Big) Phoenix" in pearl circle. Variety "307-AB.y" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "XF 45 BN". (Hellas 17).
XF 45
450 €
10 Lepta (1830) (type B.2) in copper with "(Big) Phoenix" in pearl circle. Variety "316a-AG1.af" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "VF 30 BN". (Hellas 17).
VF 30
220 €
5 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety: "373-B.a" (Rare) by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "XF DETAILS - SCRATCHES". (Hellas 12).
160 €
10 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety: "401-A.a" by Peter Chase. (Hellas 18). Very Fine.
120 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8020
Lot: 8021
Scarce variety
Lot: 8023
Lot: 8024
Lot: 8022
Rare variety
Very Rare variety
Excessively Rare variety
Lot: 8025 8020
10 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety "402-B.b" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "AU 55 BN". (Hellas 18).
AU 55
250 €
10 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety "405-D.b" (Scarce) by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "AU 55 BN". (Hellas 18).
AU 55
180 €
10 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety "411-F.e" (Excessively Rare) by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "XF 40 BN". (Hellas 18).
XF 40
1.200 €
10 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety: "430-S1.n" (Rare) by Peter Chase. (Hellas 18). Fine.
200 €
10 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety "433-S2.p" (Very Rare) by Peter Chase. Strike on perimeter. (Hellas 18). Very Fine.
175 €
10 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety "434-S2.q" by Peter Chase. (Hellas 18). Extra Fine.
210 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8026
Lot: 8027
Lot: 8028
Lot: 8029
10 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety "437-W.r" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "MS 62 BN". (Hellas 18).
MS 62
1.400 €
20 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety: "477-D.d" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "AU 55 BN". (Hellas 19).
AU 55
550 €
20 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety: "493-K.m" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "XF 40 BN". (Hellas 19).
XF 40
400 €
20 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety: "496-M.n" by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "AU 58 BN". (Hellas 19).
AU 58
900 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8030
Scarce variety
Lot: 8032
Lot: 8031
Lot: 8033
20 Lepta (1831) in copper with "Phoenix". Variety: "500-P.q" (Scarce) by Peter Chase. Inside slab by NGC "XF 45 BN". (Hellas 19).
XF 45
420 €
1 Drachma (1832) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (Hellas 102).
MS 62
450 €
1 Lepton (1833) in copper. Pattern planchet by Ertel House for 1 Lepton coins. Legend in 5 lines on reverse. Coin alignment. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 BN" & "DIVO - P42 MUNICH". (Hellas T.6) & (KM Pn5).
MS 64
500 €
1 Drachma (1833) in copper. Pattern planchet by Ertel House for 1 drachma coins. Diameter: 23mm. Coin alignment. Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS - ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE / DIVO - P40 MUNICH COPPER". (Hellas T.11).
400 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8034
Lot: 8035
Lot: 8036
Lot: 8037
5 Lepta (1833) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 BN". (Hellas 55).
MS 64
200 €
1/4 Drachma (1833) (Type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (Hellas 88).
MS 63
350 €
1/2 Drachma (1833) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (Hellas 94).
MS 65
750 €
1 Drachma (1833) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (Hellas 103).
MS 63
550 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8038
Lot: 8039
Lot: 8040
Lot: 8041
5 Drachmas (1833) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" (young head). Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 110).
MS 64
4.000 €
5 Drachmas (1833) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" (young head). Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS - OBV REPAIRED". (Hellas 110).
290 €
20 Drachmas (1833) in gold (0,900) with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "UNC DETAILS - OBV CLEANED". (Hellas 117).
1.000 €
1 Lepton (1834) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 65+ BN". (Hellas 23).
4.800 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8042
Lot: 8043
Lot: 8044
Lot: 8045
2 Lepta (1834) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 55 BN". (Hellas 41).
AU 55
250 €
1/4 Drachma (1834 A) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 89).
MS 64
1.400 €
1/2 Drachma (1834 A) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (Hellas 95).
MS 62
1.200 €
2 Lepta (1836) (τυπε Ι) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Rare date for coins of 2 Lepta. Inside slab by NGC "VG 10 BN". (Hellas 42).
VG 10
1.450 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8046
Lot: 8047
Lot: 8048
Top grade
5 Lepta (1837) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 55 BN". (Hellas 58).
AU 55
580 €
10 Lepta (1837) (type I) in copper with “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ”. Inside slab by NGC “MS 63 BN”. (Hellas 74).
MS 63
1.500 €
1 Lepton (1838) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 BN". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 25).
MS 64
4.500 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8049
Lot: 8051
Lot: 8050
Top grade
5 Lepta (1838) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 61 BN". (Hellas 59).
MS 61
550 €
2 Lepta (1840) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62 BN". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 46).
MS 62
4.300 €
2 Lepta (1842) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62 BN". (Hellas 47).
MS 62
1.000 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8052
Lot: 8054
Lot: 8053
5 Lepta (1842) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58 BN". (Hellas 63).
AU 58
800 €
1/2 Drachma (1842) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "VF 35". (Hellas 96).
VF 35
2.400 €
10 Lepta (1844) (type I) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58 BN". (Hellas 78).
AU 58
600 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8055
Lot: 8056
Lot: 8057
5 Drachmas (1844) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" (young head). Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (Hellas 113).
AU 58
14.000 €
1 Lepton (1845) (type II) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 61 BN". (Hellas 32).
MS 61
1.050 €
5 Lepta (1845) (type II) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab NGC "MS 61 BN". (Hellas 65).
MS 61
1.700 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8060
Lot: 8058
Top grade
Lot: 8059
10 Lepta (1845) (type II) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 BN". (Hellas 79).
MS 63
1.950 €
1/4 Drachma (1845) (type I) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". Only one coin known slabbed with better grade. (Hellas 90). Very Rare especially in this condition.
MS 61
9.000 €
1 Lepton (1846) (type II) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 BN". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 33).
MS 64
3.900 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8061
Lot: 8062
Lot: 8063
Lot: 8064
5 Lepta (1846) (type II) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 BN". (Hellas 66).
MS 64
2.500 €
10 Lepta (1846) (type II) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 60 BN". (Hellas 80).
MS 60
900 €
1 Lepton (1848) (type III) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62 BN". (Hellas 35).
MS 62
3.500 €
2 Lepta (1848) (type III) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 BN". (Hellas 51).
MS 63
3.400 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8065
Lot: 8066
Lot: 8067
Lot: 8068
Lot: 8069 8065
10 Lepta (1848) (type III) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "XF 45 BN". (Hellas 82).
XF 45
160 €
2 Lepta (1849) (type III) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 61 BN". (Hellas 52).
MS 61
1.500 €
5 Lepta (1849) (type III) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "XF 45 BN". (Hellas 69).
XF 45
160 €
10 Lepta (1850) (type III) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62 BN". (Hellas 84).
MS 62
1.800 €
10 Lepta (1850) (type III) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "UNC DETAILS CLEANED". (Hellas 84).
1.000 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8070
Lot: 8071
Lot: 8072
2 Lepta (1851) (type IV) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 BN". (Hellas 53).
MS 63
1.000 €
5 Lepta (1851) (type IV) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS CLEANED". (Hellas 70).
80 €
5 Drachmas (1851) (type II) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Struck on mexican pesos, obvious on reverse "REPUBL(ICA MEXICANA)" and the wreath from mexican pesos coins. Inside slab by NGC "XF 45". (Hellas 116).
XF 45
3.900 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8073
Lot: 8074
Lot: 8075
Lot: 8076
1/4 Drachma (1855) (type II) in silver with "ΟΘΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (Hellas 93).
AU 58
950 €
2 Lepta (1857) (type IV) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 62 BN". (Hellas 54).
MS 62
650 €
5 Lepta (1857) (type IV) in copper with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 61 BN". (Hellas 71).
MS 61
600 €
MS 61
250 €
1 Drachma (1868 A) (type I) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". (Hellas 149).
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8077
Lot: 8079
Lot: 8078
Lot: 8080
2 Drachmas (1868 A) (type I) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS - CLEANED". (Hellas 155).
420 €
1 Lepton (1869 BB) (type I) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 RB". (Hellas 118).
MS 63
90 €
10 Lepta (1869 BB) (type I) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Small "BB" mintmark. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 RB". (Hellas 132).
MS 63
330 €
5 Lepta (1870 BB) (type I) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 63 BN". (Hellas 125).
MS 63
950 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8081
Lot: 8082
Lot: 8083
Lot: 8084
10 Lepta (1870 BB) (type I) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62 BN". (Hellas 133).
MS 62
1.600 €
1 Drachma (1873 A) (type I) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (Hellas 150).
MS 62
250 €
20 Lepta (1874 A) (type I) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (Hellas 140).
MS 65
250 €
50 Lepta (1874 A) (type I) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 147).
MS 64
400 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8085
Lot: 8086
Lot: 8087
Lot: 8089
1 Drachma (1874 A) (type I) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (Hellas 151).
MS 62
1.000 €
5 Drachmas (1875 A) (type I) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (Hellas 159).
AU 58
280 €
5 Drachmas (1876 A) (type I) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58" (Hellas 160).
AU 58
250 €
5 Drachmas (1876 A) (type II) in gold with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". Rare in so good condition. (Hellas 161).
MS 64
5.800 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8088
Lot: 8090
Lot: 8091
5 Drachmas (1876 A) (type II) in gold with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (Hellas 161).
AU 58
2.200 €
10 Drachmas (1876 A) in gold with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 55". (Hellas 162).
AU 55
800 €
1 Lepton (1878 K) (type II) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 64 RB". (Hellas 120).
MS 64
90 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8092
Lot: 8093
Lot: 8094
Lot: 8095
5 Lepta (1878 K) (type II) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62 BN". (Hellas 126).
MS 62
150 €
10 Lepta (1878 K) (type II) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 RB". (Hellas 134).
MS 63
2.000 €
1 Lepton (1879 A) (type II) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 65 RB". (Hellas 121).
MS 65
220 €
5 Lepta (1879 A) (type II) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58 BN". (Hellas 127).
AU 58
1.950 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8096
Lot: 8097
Lot: 8098
Lot: 8099
5 Lepta (1882 A) (type II) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62 BN". (Hellas 128).
MS 62
150 €
10 Lepta (1882 A) (type II) in copper with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 BN". (Hellas 136).
MS 63
90 €
50 Lepta (1883 A) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 148).
MS 64
660 €
1 Drachma (1883 A) (type I) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". (Hellas 152).
MS 61
1.900 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8100
Lot: 8101
Lot: 8102
Lot: 8103
20 Drachmas (1884 A) (type II) in gold with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". (Hellas 164).
MS 61
350 €
5 Lepta (1894 A) (type III) in copper-nickel with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 129).
MS 64
175 €
20 Lepta (1894 A) (type II) in copper-nickel with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (Hellas 143).
AU 58
40 €
20 Lepta (1895 A) (type II) in copper-nickel with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (Hellas 144).
AU 58
80 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8104
Lot: 8106
Lot: 8105
Mint Error
Lot: 8107
1 Drachma (1910) (type II) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 65+". (Hellas 153).
600 €
1 Drachma (1910) (type II) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "VF 30 - MINT ERROR CHALSHED DIES". (Hellas 153).
VF 30
150 €
1 Drachma (1911) (type II) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (Hellas 154).
MS 62
350 €
2 Drachmas (1911) (type II) in silver with "ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63+". (Hellas 158).
1.600 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8108
Lot: 8110
Lot: 8109
Mint Error
Lot: 8111
5 Lepta (1912) (type IV) in nickel with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (Hellas 131).
MS 66
90 €
5 Lepta (1912) (type IV) in nickel with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "AU 58 - MINT ERROR / PARTIAL COLLAR". (Hellas 131).
AU 55
80 €
10 Lepta (1912) (type IV) in nickel with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (Hellas 139).
MS 65
50 €
10 Lepta (1912) (type IV) in nickel with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Essai coin with mintmarks. Inside slab by NGC "PF 64 - WITH MINTMARKS". (Hellas T.80).
PF 64
3.500 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8112
Lot: 8114
Lot: 8113
Lot: 8115
Mint Error
1924-1935 GREEK REPUBLIC 8112
20 Lepta (1926) in copper-nickel with "Head of Goddess Athena". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 170).
MS 64
25 €
50 Lepta (1926) in copper-nickel with "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 64". (Hellas 171).
MS 64
15 €
50 Lepta (1926 B) in copper-nickel with "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 172).
MS 64
30 €
1 Drachma (1926) in copper-nickel with "Head of Goddess Athena". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 - MINT ERROR / OFF CENTER". (Hellas 173).
MS 64
90 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8116
Lot: 8118
Lot: 8117
Lot: 8119
10 Drachmas (1930) in silver (0,500) with "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ" & "Demeter". Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (Hellas 178).
MS 62
320 €
20 Drachmas (1930) in silver (0,500) with "Poseidon". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 64". (Hellas 179).
MS 64
350 €
50 Lepta (1954) in copper-nickel with "ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (Hellas 188).
MS 66
45 €
5 Drachmas (1954) in copper-nickel with "ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66 HOLLOW CHEEK". (Hellas 201a).
MS 66
40 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8120
Lot: 8121
Lot: 8122
Lot: 8123
50 Lepta (1959) in copper-nickel with "ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 190).
MS 64
15 €
2 Drachmas (1959) in copper-nickel with "ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 65". (Hellas 199).
MS 65
250 €
10 Drachmas (1959) in nickel with "ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 202).
MS 64
25 €
20 Drachmas (1960) in silver with "ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (Hellas 203).
MS 66
50 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8124
Lot: 8126
Lot: 8125
Lot: 8127
Top grade
50 Lepta (1962) in copper-nickel with "ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 REEDED EDGE". (Hellas 191).
MS 63
10 €
1 Drachma (1962) in copper-nickel with "ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (Hellas 196).
MS 65
25 €
30 Drachmas (1963) commemorative coin in silver (0,835) for "Dynasty". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 63". (Hellas 204).
MS 63
15 €
50 Lepta (1964) in copper-nickel with "ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 192).
MS 68
80 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8128
Lot: 8129
Top grade
Lot: 8130
1965 Proof set of 7 pieces (10 Lepta to 20 Drachmas) in aluminium, copper-nickel, nickel & silver. All in official special plastic case. (Hellas M.2). PROOF.
45 €
20 lepta (1964) in aluminium with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 211).
MS 68
60 €
30 Drachmas (1964) commemorative coin in silver for the Royal Wedding. Kongsberg Mint. Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (Hellas 239).
MS 66
35 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8131
Lot: 8133
Lot: 8132
Top grade
Lot: 8134
Top grade
10 Lepta (1966) (type I) in aluminium with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (Hellas 207).
MS 66
15 €
20 Lepta (1966) (type I) in aluminium with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 67". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 212).
MS 67
20 €
50 Lepta (1966) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 66". (Hellas 216).
MS 66
15 €
1 Drachma (1966) (type I) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 67". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 220).
MS 67
40 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8135
Lot: 8137
Lot: 8136
Lot: 8138
2 Drachmas (1966) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "PF 64 CAMEO". (Hellas 225).
PF 64
900 €
5 Drachmas (1966) (type I) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 230).
MS 64
15 €
5 Drachmas (1966) (type I) in silver with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Pattern coin listed in worldwide catalogues. Inside slab by PCGS "SP 62". (Hellas T.141) & (KM PN#87).
SP 62
1.200 €
10 Drachmas (1968) (type I) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (Hellas 234).
MS 66
30 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8139
Lot: 8141
Lot: 8140
Lot: 8142
Top grade
5 Drachmas (1970) (type I) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (Hellas 231).
MS 63
15 €
100 Drachmas (1970) (type II) commemorative coin in gold (0,900) for "April 21st 1967". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 67". (Hellas 243).
MS 67
1.650 €
10 Lepta (1971) (type I) in aluminium with "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (Hellas 209).
MS 66
15 €
2 Drachmas (1971) (type II) with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 228).
MS 68
40 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8143
Lot: 8145
Lot: 8144
Lot: 8146
Top grade
5 Drachmas (1971) (type II) with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (Hellas 232).
MS 66
25 €
10 Drachmas (1971) (type II) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (Hellas 235).
MS 66
20 €
50 Lepta (1973) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Variety: Large head of King Constantine. Inside slab by PCGS "MS 67 - Large Head". (Hellas 219).
MS 67
50 €
1 Drachma (1973) (type II) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 69". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 224).
MS 69
50 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8147
Lot: 8149
Top grade
Lot: 8148
Top grade
Lot: 8150
Top grade
5 Drachmas (1973) (type II) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (Hellas 233).
MS 64
15 €
10 Drachmas (1973) (type II) in copper-nickel with "ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 236).
MS 68
35 €
1973-1974 GREEK REPUBLIC 8149
10 Lepta (1973) in aluminium with "Dolphins" & "Trident". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 244).
MS 68
30 €
2 Drachmas (1973) in copper-zinc with "Owl". Inside slab by NGC "MS 69". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 248).
MS 69
40 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8151
Top grade
Lot: 8152
Top grade
Lot: 8153
Top grade
Lot: 8154
Top grade
5 Drachmas (1973) in copper-nickel with "Pegasus". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 249).
MS 68
35 €
10 Drachmas (1973) in copper-nickel with "Pegasus". Inside slab by NGC "MS 69". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 250).
MS 69
50 €
20 Drachmas (1973) in copper-nickel with "Athena". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 251).
MS 68
35 €
MS 68
30 €
10 Lepta (1978) in aluminium with "Bull". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 253).
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8155
Top grade
Lot: 8156
Top grade
Lot: 8157
Top grade
Lot: 8158
Top grade
20 Lepta (1978) in aluminium with "Horse". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 255).
MS 68
30 €
50 Lepta (1978) in copper-zinc with "Markos Mpotsaris". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 257).
MS 68
30 €
1 Drachma (1978) (type I) in copper-zinc with "Konstantinos Kanaris". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 263).
MS 68
30 €
2 Drachmas (1978) (type I) in copper-zinc with "Georgios Karaiskakis". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 275).
MS 68
30 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8159
Top grade
Lot: 8162
Top grade
Lot: 8160
Lot: 8163
Top grade
Lot: 8161 8159
5 Drachmas (1978) (type I) in copper-nickel with "Aristotle". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 287).
MS 68
30 €
1978 Mintstate set including 8 pieces (10 Lepta, 20 Lepta, 50 Lepta, 1 Drachma, 2 Drachmas, 5 Drachmas, 10 Drachmas & 20 Drachmas) in official blister. (Hellas M.5). Uncirculated.
10 €
1978 proof set of 8 pieces (10 Lepta to 20 Drachmas) in aluminium, brass & copper-nickel. All in special official plastic case. (Hellas M.6). Proof.
20 €
50 Lepta (1984) in copper-zinc with "Markos Mpotsaris". Inside slab by NGC "MS 68". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 260).
MS 68
30 €
20 Drachmas (1984) (type Ia) in copper-nickel with "Pericles". Inside slab by NGC "MS 67+". Top grade in both companies. (Hellas 314).
35 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8164
Lot: 8166
Lot: 8165
Lot: 8167
100 Drachmas (1990) in copper-aluminium with "ΜΕΓΑΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 66 - PLAIN BORDER". (Hellas 336 var.).
MS 66
50 €
500 Drachmas (1994) commemorative coin in silver (0,925) for "VOLLEYBALL CENTENNIAL 1895-1995". Inside slab by NGC "PF 66 CAMEO". (Hellas CD.31).
PF 66
250 €
1 cent to 2 Euro (2002) (8 pieces). All in “2002 - Euro Coins” official blister (Amsterdam Mint). MINTAGE: 5000 pieces. (HELLAS M.16). Brilliant Uncirculated.
120 €
10 Euro (2012) commemorative coin in silver (0,925) for "Greek Culture - Philosophers (Socrates)". Inside slab by NGC "PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO".
PF 69
130 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8168
Lot: 8169
Lot: 8170
Lot: 8171
10 Euro (2012) commemorative coin in silver (0,925) for "Greek Culture - Philosophers (Aeschylus)". Inside slab by NGC "PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO".
PF 69
130 €
10 Euro (2013) commemorative coin in silver (0,925) for "Greek Culture - Philosophers (Sophocles)". Inside slab by NGC "PF 66 ULTRA CAMEO".
PF 66
180 €
1 ECU (1993) in copper-nickel with "Ancient galley, Greek flag and the 12 stars of the EU" & "Head of Alexander the Great". Issuer: Chelsea Coins, London. Mintage: 900 pieces. Inside slab by NGC "MS 69". (X# 32).
MS 69
30 €
20 ECU (1993) in copper-nickel with "Ancient galley, Greek flag and the 12 stars of the EU" & "Head of Alexander the Great". Issuer: Chelsea Coins, London. Mintage: 900 pieces. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (X# 33).
MS 64
20 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8172
Lot: 8174
Lot: 8173
Lot: 8175
CRETE 8172
2 Lepta (1900 A) in bronze with "ΚΡΗΤΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ". Inside slab by PCGS "MS 65 RD". (Hellas C.3).
MS 65
160 €
2 Lepta (1901 A) in bronze with "ΚΡΗΤΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 RB". (Hellas C.4).
MS 64
150 €
10 Lepta (1900 A) in copper-nickel with "ΚΡΗΤΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (Hellas C.6).
MS 63
400 €
50 Lepta (1901) in silver with "ΠΡΙΓΚΗΨ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΥΠΑΤΟΣ ΑΡΜΟΣΤΗΣ ΕΝ ΚΡΗΤΗ". Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". (Hellas C.8).
MS 61
800 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8176
Lot: 8178
Lot: 8177
Lot: 8179
5 Drachmas (1901) in silver (0,900) with "ΠΡΙΓΚΗΨ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΥΠΑΤΟΣ ΑΡΜΟΣΤΗΣ ΕΝ ΚΡΗΤΗ". Inside slab by NGC "VF 35". (Hellas C.11).
VF 35
350 €
CYPRUS: 1/2 Piastre (1879) in bronze. Obv: Head of Queen Victoria. Rev: Denomination within circle. Inside slab by PCGS "AU 58". (KM 2).
AU 58
120 €
1 Piastre (1879) in bronze. Obv: Head of Queen Victoria. Rev: Thin "1". Inside slab by NGC "XF 40 BN". (KM 3.1).
XF 40
90 €
1/2 Piastre (1881) in bronze. Obv: Crowned head. Rev: Denomination within circle. Inside slab by NGC "XF 45 BN". (KM 2).
XF 45
90 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8180
Lot: 8181
Lot: 8182
Lot: 8183
1/4 Piastre (1902) in bronze. Obv: Crowned bust. Rev: Denomination within circle, date below. Inside slab by NGC "VF 30 BN". (KM 8).
VF 30
60 €
18 Piastres (1921) in silver (0,925) with "Head of King George V". Inside slab by NGC "XF 45". (KM 14).
XF 45
40 €
1/4 Piastre (1926) in bronze. Obv: Crowned bust. Rev: Denomination within circle, date below. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 RB". (KM 16).
MS 64
180 €
1 Piastre (1934) in copper-nickel. Obv: Crowned bust. Rev: Denomination, date at right. Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (KM 21).
MS 65
40 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8184
Lot: 8185
Lot: 8186
Lot: 8187
4-1/2 Piastres (1938) in silver (0,925). Obv: Crowned head. Rev: Two stylized rampant lions, denomination and date 3/4 surround. Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (KM 24).
AU 58
80 €
9 Piastres (1938) in silver (0,925). Obv: Crowned head. Rev: Two stylized rampant lions, date at right, denomination below. Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (KM 25).
MS 62
30 €
18 Piastres (1938) in silver (0,925). Obv: Crowned head. Rev: Two stylized rampant lions, date and denomination 3/4 surround. Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (KM 26).
MS 62
60 €
CYPRUS: 100 Mils (1955) in copper-nickel. Obv: Crowned bust of Queen Elizabeth II. Rev: Stylized ancient merchant ship, denomination upper left, date below. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 37).
MS 64
100 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8188
Lot: 8189
Lot: 8190
Lot: 8191
ALBANIA: 1/2 Lek (1926R) in nickel. Obv: Two-headed eagle. Rev: Hercules wrestling Nemeah lion. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 4).
MS 64
60 €
ALBANIA: 1 Lek (1926R) in nickel. Obv: Head facing right. Rev: Caped man on horse. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 5).
MS 64
60 €
ALBANIA: 1/4 Leku (1927R) in nickel. Obv: Lion advancing left. Rev: Oak branch above value. Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (KM 3).
MS 65
50 €
AUSTRALIA: 10 cents (1966)(c) in copper-nickel. Obv: Elizabeth II. Rev: Lyrebird and value. inside slab by NGC "PF 67 ULTRA CAMEO". (KM 65).
PF 67
25 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8192
Lot: 8193
Top grade
Lot: 8194
Lot: 8195
Top grade
AUSTRALIA: 20 cents (1966)(c) in copper-nickel. Obv: Elizabeth II. Rev: Duckbill Platypus. Inside slab by NGC "PF 67 ULTRA CAMEO". (KM 66).
PF 67
50 €
AUSTRIA: 20 Kreuzer (1769B EVM-D) in silver (0,583). Obv: Joseph II. Rev: Crowned imperial double eagle, shield on breast, value below. Top grade in NGC. Inside slab by NGC "AU 53". (KM 2067.1).
AU 53
110 €
AUSTRIA: 1 Taler (1829 A) in silver (0,833). Obv: Head of Franz II with short hair. Rev: Crowned imperial double headed eagle. Weight: 28gr. Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS - ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE". (KM 2163).
80 €
AUSTRIA: 4 Kreuzer (1860A) in copper. Obv: Crowned imperial double eagle. Rev: Denomination and date within wreath. Top grade in NGC. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63 BN". (KM 2194).
MS 63
45 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8196
Top grade
Lot: 8198
Lot: 8197
Lot: 8199
AUSTRIAN STATES / OLMUTZ: 15 Kreuzer (1662) in silver. Obv: Leopold Wilhelm. Rev: Arms below mitre and crown. Top grade in NGC. Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (KM 210).
MS 62
250 €
BOLIVIA: 8 Soles (1841 PTS LR) in silver (0,903). Obv: Llamas beneath tree with short branches, stars above. Rev: Laureate head. Weight: 27gr. Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (KM 103).
AU 58
180 €
BULGARIA: 5 Leva (1885) in silver (0,900). Obv: Crowned and mantled arms with supporters. Rev: Denomination within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (KM 7).
AU 58
150 €
BULGARIA: 10 Stotinki (1888) in copper-nickel. Obv: Crowned arms. Rev: Denomination within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "AU 55". (KM 10).
AU 55
30 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8200
Lot: 8201
Lot: 8202
Lot: 8203
BULGARIA: 20 Stotinki (1888) in copper-nickel. Obv: Crowned arms. Rev: Denomination within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "XF 45". (KM 11).
XF 45
30 €
BULGARIA: 5 Leva (1892 KB) in silver (0,900). Obv: Ferdinand I. Rev: Denomination within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (KM 15).
AU 58
900 €
BULGARIA: 50 Stotinki (1910) in silver (0,835). Obv: Ferdinand I. Rev: Denomination above date within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS - OBV CLEANED". (KM 27).
150 €
BULGARIA: 5 Stotinki (1912) in copper-nickel. Obv: Crowned arms within circle. Rev: Denomination above date within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "UNC DETAILS - CLEANED". (KM 24).
30 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8204
Lot: 8206
Lot: 8205
Mint Error
Lot: 8207
BULGARIA: 1 Lev (1925) in copper-nickel. Obv: Crowned arms with supporters on omate shield. Rev: Denomination above date within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 37).
BULGARIA: 1 Stotinka (1974) in brass. Obv: National arms within circle, dates 681-1944 on ribbon. Rev: Denomination above date within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 - MINT ERROR / STRUCK 25% OFF CENTER". (KM 84).
BULGARIA: 10 Leva (1979) in silver (0,925) from the series of International Year of the Child. Obv: Arms divide date above denomination. Rev: Children divide symbols, date below. Inside slab by NGC "PF 68 ULTRA CAMEO". (KM 104).
PF 68
90 €
BULGARIA: 10 Leva (1979) in silver (0,500) commemorating the Bulgarian-Soviet Cosmonaut Flight. Obv: National arms above denomination and date. Rev: Cosmonaut flight, space shuttle. Inside slab by NGC "PF 66". (KM 105).
PF 66
40 €
MS 63
220 € 220 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8208
Lot: 8209
Lot: 8210
Lot: 8211
BULGARIA: 10 Leva (1979) in silver (0,900). Obv: National arms above denomination and date. Rev: Cosmonaut flight, space shuttle. Inside slab by NGC "PF 67 CAMEO". (KM 105a).
PF 67
70 €
BULGARIA: 1 Stotinka (1981) in brass commemorating the 130th Anniversary of Bulgaria. Obv: National arms within circle. Rev: Denomination above date within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 111).
MS 64
30 €
BULGARIA: 50 Leva (1981) in silver (0,900) commemorating the 1300th Anniversary of Nationhood. Obv: Buildings above date and denomination. Rev: Warrior figures. Inside slab by NGC "PF 66 ULTRA CAMEO". (KM 138).
PF 66
60 €
BULGARIA: 10 Leva (1984) in silver (0,925) from Winter Olympics in Sarajevo series. Obv: National arms above denomination, date at bottom left. Rev: Downhill skier. Inside slab by NGC "PF 66 ULTRA CAMEO". (KM 146).
PF 66
50 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8212
Lot: 8213
Lot: 8214
Lot: 8215
BULGARIA: 10 Leva (1984) in silver (0,925) commemorating the International Decade for Women. Obv: National arms within wreath of roses, denomination and date below. Rev: Woman carrying baskets of flowers, dates above. Inside slab by NGC "PF 67 ULTRA CAMEO". (KM 149).
PF 67
60 €
BULGARIA: 25 Leva (1986) in silver (0,925) commemorating Soccer. Obv: National arms. Rev: Stylized eagle with soccer ball, denomination and date at left. Inside slab by NGC "PF 67 ULTRA CAMEO". (KM 156.1).
PF 67
50 €
CHILE: 10 Pesos (1968 SO) commemorative coin in silver (0,999) for the Arrival of Liberation Fleet in 1820 under command of Lord Cochrane. Inside slab by NGC "PF 67 ULTRA CAMEO". (KM 183).
PF 67
150 €
EGYPT: 100 Qirsh (Pound) (AH1255//15 - 1852) in gold (0,875). Obv: Toughra, rose at right. Rev: Legend. Inside slab by NGC "UND DETAILS / SCRATCHES". (KM 235.2).
300 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8216
Lot: 8217
Lot: 8218
Lot: 8219
EGYPT: 100 Piastres (AH1340 // 1922) in gold (0,875). Obv: Fuad I. Rev: Denomination above center circle, dates flank below. Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". (KM 341).
MS 61
350 €
ETHIOPIA: 1 Gersh (EE 1895 A) in silver (0,835). Obv: Crowned bust. Rev: Crowned lion facing left, left foreleg raised holding ribboned cross. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 12).
MS 63
30 €
ETHIOPIA: 1 cent (EE 1936) in copper. Obv: Halle Selassie I. Rev: Crowned lion, right foreleg raised holding ribboned cross. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 BN". (KM 32).
MS 64
40 €
ETHIOPIA: 5 cents (EE 1936) in copper. Obv: Halle Selassie I. Rev: Crowned lion, right foreleg raised holding ribboned cross. Inside slab by NGC "MS 65 RB". (KM 33).
MS 65
70 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8220
Lot: 8221
Lot: 8222
Lot: 8223
ETHIOPIA: 10 Cents (EE 1936) in copper. Obv: Bust facing left, date below. Rev: Crowned lion. Inside slab by NGC "UNC DETAILS - OBV SCRATCHED". (KM 34).
50 €
FRANCE: Gros de Nesle (1551A) in silver. Inside slab by NGC "XF 45".
XF 45
90 €
FRANCE: 5 Francs (1827 B) in silver (0,900). Obv: Head of Charles X (type II). Rev: Crowned arms. Weight: 25gr. Mint: Rouen. Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS - CLEANED". (KM 728.2).
80 €
FRANCE: 20 Centimes (1867 BB) in silver (0,835). Obv: Napoleon III. Rev: Crown above denomination. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 808.2).
MS 64
30 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8224
Lot: 8226
Lot: 8225
Lot: 8227
Top grade
FRANCE: 1 Franc (1895 A) in silver (0,835). Obv: Laureate head. Rev: Denomination within wreath. Inside slab by PCGS "MS 63". (KM 822.1).
MS 63
50 €
GERMAN STATES / ANHALT-BERNBURG: 1/6 Thaler (1861 A) in silver (0,520). Obv: Crowned bear walking right on wall. Rev: Denomination, date within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". (KM 87).
MS 61
80 €
GERMAN STATES / ANHALT-DESSAU: 3 Mark (1914 A) commemorative coin in silver (0,900) for the Silver Wedding Anniversary. Obv: Jugate heads facing left. Rev: Crowned imperial German eagle, shield on breast. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 30).
MS 64
180 €
GERMAN STATES - BAVARIA: 1 Taler (1771 A) in silver. Obv: Draped bust of Maximilian III. Rev: Seated Madonna with Child, upturned crescent moon and clouds below, rays around. Mint: Amberg. Inside slab by NGC "MS 61" Top grade in both NGC and PCGS. (KM 519.2) & (Davenport 1954).
MS 61
400 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8228
Lot: 8230
Top grade
Lot: 8229
Lot: 8231
Lot: 8232
GERMAN STATES / BAVARIA: 1 Thaler (1835) in silver (0,833) commemorating the monument for King Otto Leaving his Mother. Obv: Ludwig I. Rev: Monument. Hairlines. (KM 778). Uncirculated.
250 €
GERMAN STATES / BAVARIA: 2 Thaler (1837) in silver (0,900) commemorating the Monetary Union of Six South German States. Obv: Ludwig I. Rev: Standing female surrounded by six shields, date below. Strike on the perimeter. (KM 792). Very Fine plus.
120 €
GERMAN STATES / BAVARIA: 1/2 Gulden (1842) in silver (0,900). Obv: Ludwig I. Rev: Denomination and date within wreath. Top grade in NGC. Inside slab by NGC "AU 58". (KM 794).
AU 58
90 €
GERMAN STATES / BAVARIA: 2 Thaler (1842) in silver (0,900) commemorating the Walhalla. Obv: Ludwig I. Rev: Building on terraces. (KM 811). Very Fine plus.
100 €
GERMAN STATES / FRANKFURT: 2 Gulden (1848) in silver (0,900) commemorating the Constitutional Convention, May 18,1948. Obv: Double eagle with wings open. Rev: Crowned eagle. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 337).
MS 63
400 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8233
Lot: 8234
Lot: 8235
Lot: 8236
GERMAN STATES / HESSE-CASSEL: 1/2 Thaler (1776 BR) in silver. Obv: Friedrich II. Rev: Lion arms within inner circle of star, value above, sate below. Inside slab by NGC "AU 55". (KM 515).
AU 55
400 €
GERMAN STATES / PRUSSIA: 1 Thaler (1861A) in silver (0,900) commemorating the Corronation of Wilhelm & Augusta. Obv: Crowned conjoined busts. Rev: Arms at center of crowned monograms. Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". (KM 488).
MS 61
40 €
GERMAN STATES / PRUSSIA: 2 Mark (1888A) in silver (0,900). Obv: Friedrich III. Rev: Crowned imperial eagle. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 510).
MS 63
110 €
GERMAN STATES / PRUSSIA: 2 Mark (1901 A) in silver (0,900) commemorating the 200th Anniversary Kingdom of Prussia. Obv: Friedrich I and Wilhelm II. Rev: Crowned imperial eagle with shield on breast. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 525).
MS 64
50 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8237
Lot: 8238
Lot: 8239
Lot: 8240
GERMAN STATES / PRUSSIA: 3 Mark (1908 A) in silver (0,900). Obv: Wilhelm II. Rev: Crowned imperial eagle with shield on breast. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 527).
MS 64
200 €
GERMAN STATES / PRUSSIA: 2 Mark (1913 A) in silver (0,900) commemorating the 100th Anniversary - Victory over Napoleon at Leipzig. Obv: Figure on horseback surrounded by people. Rev: Eagle with snake in talons. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 532).
MS 63
60 €
GERMAN STATES / PRUSSIA: 3 Mark (1913 A) in silver (0,900) commemorating the 100 Years - Defeat of Napoleon. Obv: Figure on horseback surrounded by people. Rev: Eagle with snake in talons. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 534).
MS 63
90 €
GERMANY: 1 Mark (1887 A) in silver (0,900). Obv: Crowned imperial eagle. Rev: Denomination within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 7).
MS 64
170 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8241
Lot: 8242
Lot: 8243
Lot: 8244
GERMANY: 1 Mark (1903 G) in silver (0,900). Obv: Denomination within wreath. Rev: Crowned imperial eagle with shield on breast. Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (KM 14).
MS 65
80 €
GERMANY: 1/2 Mark (1913E) in silver (0,900). Obv: Denomination within wreath. Rev: Crowned imperial eagle with shield on breast within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64". (KM 17).
MS 64
120 €
GERMANY: 1 Mark (1913 J) in silver (0,900). Obv: Denomination within wreath. Rev: Crowned imperial eagle with shield on breast. Inside slab by NGC "MS 66". (KM 14).
MS 66
90 €
GERMANY: 1/2 Mark (1917D) in silver (0,900). Obv: Denomination within wreath. Rev: Crowned imperial eagle with shield on breast within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (KM 17).
MS 65
50 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8245
Lot: 8247
Lot: 8246
Top grade
Lot: 8248
GUATEMALA: 8 Reales (1802 NG M) in silver (0,896). Obv: Charles VI. Rev: Crowned arms between pillars. Inside slab by NGC "AU 55". (KM 53).
AU 55
750 €
HUNGARY: 20 Krajczar (1840B) in silver (0,583). Obv: Ferdinand V. Rev: Madonna and child. Top grade. Inside slab by NGC "AU 53". (KM 422).
AU 53
35 €
INDIA - BRITISH: 1 Rupee (1840 / B&C) in silver (0.9170). Obv: "W. W. raised". Rev: 28 berries. Mintmark: Calcutta. Inside slab by NGC "AU 55". (KM 458.2)
AU 55
60 €
INDIA - BRITISH: 1 Rupee [1917(B)] in silver (0.9170). Obv: George V King Emperor. Rev: Denomination and date within circle, wreath surrounds. Inside slab by NGC "XF 45". (KM 524).
XF 45
35 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8249
Lot: 8251
Lot: 8250
Lot: 8252
ITALIAN STATES - SARDINIA: 5 Lire (1836 FERRARIS//P) in silver (0,900). Obv: Head of Carlos Alberto. Rev: Crowned squarish shield of Savoy arms between two laurel branches. Inside slab by NGC "AU 55". (KM 130.2).
AU 55
500 €
ITALIAN STATES - SARDINIA: 5 Lire (1837 FERRARIS//P) in silver (0,900). Obv: Head of Carlos Alberto. Rev: Crowned squarish shield of Savoy arms between two laurel branches. Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS - ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE". (KM 130.2).
150 €
ITALIAN STATES / VENICE: 1 Gazzetta (1688-91) in copper. Obv: Lion of St Marco. Rev: "ISOLE E.T ARMATA". Inside slab by NGC "XF DETAILS - CORROSION". (Montenegro #154).
380 €
ITALIAN STATES / VENICE: Ducato (ND 1688-94 GM) in silver (0,826). Ruler: Francesco Morosini. Inside slab by PCGS "AU 55". (DAV 4280).
AU 55
450 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8253
Lot: 8254
ITALIAN STATES / VENICE: 1 Gazzetta (1710), Inside slab by NGC "XF DETAILS - CORROSION". (Paolucci #797).
KEELING COCOS ISLANDS: Set of 7 coins of 1977 series. Obv: Bust of John Clunies Ross. Rev: Palm tree and value. Inside slabs by NGC with grades from "MS 64" to "MS 65 RB". (KM 1-7).
70 € 490 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8255
Lot: 8256
Lot: 8257
Lot: 8258
MEXICO: 8 Reales (1803MO FT) in silver (0,896). Obv: Armored bust of Charles IIII. Rev: Crowned shield flanked by pillars with banner. Mint mark: Mexico City. Inside slab by NGC "AU 53". (KM 109).
AU 53
180 €
MEXICO: 8 Reales (1809/8MO TH) in silver (0,896). Obv: Armored laureate bust of Ferdinand VII. Rev: Crowned shield flanked by pillars with banner. Mint mark: Mexico City. Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS CORROSION". (KM 110).
150 €
MEXICO: 8 Reales (1821MO JJ) in silver (0,896). Obv: Draped laureate bust of Ferdinand VII. Rev: Crowned shield flanked by pillars with banner. Mint mark: Mexico City. Inside slab by NGC "AU 53". (KM 111).
AU 53
140 €
MEXICO: 8 Reales (1821Zs RG) in silver (0,903). Obv: Draped laureate bust of Ferdinand VII. Rev: Crowned shield flanked by pillars with banners. Mint mark: Zacatecas. Inside slab by NGC "AU DETAILS - OBV SCRATCHED". (KM 111.5).
220 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8259
Lot: 8261
Top grade
Lot: 8260
Lot: 8262
MONTENEGRO: 1 Para (1906) in bronze. Obv: Crowned arms. Rev: Value. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 RB". (KM 1).
MS 64
120 €
MONTENEGRO: 2 Pare (1906) in bronze. Obv: Crowned arms. Rev: Value. Inside slab by NGC "MS 64 RD". (KM 2).
MS 64
180 €
MONTENEGRO: 1 Perper (1914) in silver (0,835). Obv: Nicholas I. Rev: Crowned mantled arms within springs above value and date. Top grade in NGC. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 14).
MS 63
120 €
PERU: 8 Reales (1806LIMAE JP) in silver (0,896). Obv: Bust of Charles IIII. Rev: Crowned arms flanked by pillars with banners. Mint: Lima. Inside slab by NGC "XF 40". (KM 97).
XF 40
140 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8263
Lot: 8265
Lot: 8264
Lot: 8266
Very Rare
PERU: 8 Reales (1841LIMAE MB) in silver (0,903). Obv: Medium (Small) wreath above arms with sprigs. Rev: Standing Liberty. Mint: Lima. Inside slab by NGC "MS 60". (KM 142.8).
MS 60
280 €
ROMANIA: 1 Leu (1906) in silver (0,835) commemorating the 40th Anniversary - Reign of Carol I. Obv: Carol I. Rev: Carol I. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 34).
MS 63
120 €
ROMANIA: 100000 Lei (1946) in silver (0,700). Obv: Mihai I. Rev: Standing figure releasing dove with crowned shield at lower right, value at lower left. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 71).
MS 63
70 €
RUSSIA: 1 Rouble (1826CNB HT) in silver (0,868). Obv: Crowned double head imperial eagle with wings up. Rev: Crown above inscription and value within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "AU 50". Very rare in this condition. (C 130).
AU 50
1.700 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8267
Lot: 8268
Lot: 8269
Lot: 8270
RUSSIA: 1 Rouble (1826CNB HT) in silver (0,868). Obv: Crowned double head imperial eagle with wings down. Rev: Crown above inscription and value within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "VF DETAILS - ENVIR. DAMAGE, CLEANED". (C 161).
180 €
RUSSIA: 1 Rouble (1842CNB AY) in silver (0,868). Obv: Crowned double head imperial eagle. Rev: Crown above inscription and value within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (C 168.1).
MS 63
550 €
RUSSIA: 1 Rouble (1846CNB NA) in silver (0,868). Obv: Crowned double head imperial eagle. Rev: Crown above inscription and value within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "AU 53". (C 168.1).
AU 53
350 €
SERBIA: 10 Para (1868) in bronze. Obv: Obrenovich Michael III. Rev: Value, date within crowned wreath. Inside slab by NGC "AU 58 BN". (KM 3).
AU 58
250 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8271
Lot: 8273
Lot: 8272
Lot: 8274
Top grade
SERBIA: 5 Para (1879) in bronze. Obv: Milan I. Rev: Value, date within crowned wreath. Inside slab by NGC "AU 58 BN". (KM 7).
AU 58
170 €
SERBIA: 1 Dinar (1912) in silver (0,835). Obv: Peter I. Rev: Crown above value and date within wreath. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 25.1).
MS 63
50 €
SPAIN: 2 Reales (1820M GJ) in silver (0,812). Obv: Laureate bust facing right. Rev: Crowned Spanish shield. Inside slab by NGC "MS 61". (KM 460.2).
MS 61
120 €
SWEDEN: 2 Kronor (1893 EB) in silver (0,800). Obv: Oscar II. Rev: Crowned arms with supporters. Top grade in NGC. Inside slab by NGC "MS 62". (KM 761).
MS 62
1.000 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8275
Lot: 8277
Lot: 8276
Lot: 8278
TUNISIA: 2 Kharub {AH1281 (1864)} in copper. Obv: Legend within circle and wreath. Rev: Text, date within circle and wreath. Inside slab by NGC "PF 65 RD". (KM 156).
PF 65
70 €
TUNISIA: 4 Kharub (AH1281) in copper. Obv: Legend within circle and wreath. Rev: Text, date within circle and wreath. Inside slab by PCGS "SP 64 RD". (KM 158).
SP 64
70 €
USA: 1 Dollar (1878 S) in silver (0,900). Obv: Liberty and legend "E.PLURIBUS.UNUM". Rev: American eagle and legend "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". Designed by George T. Morgan. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 110).
MS 63
80 €
USA: 1 Dollar (1881 S) in silver (0,900). Obv: Liberty and legend "E.PLURIBUS.UNUM". Rev: American eagle and legend "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". Designed by George T. Morgan. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 110).
MS 63
60 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8279
Lot: 8280
Lot: 8281
Lot: 8282
USA: 1 Dollar (1882 S) in silver (0,900). Obv: Liberty and legend "E.PLURIBUS.UNUM". Rev: American eagle and legend "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". Designed by George T. Morgan. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 110).
MS 63
60 €
USA: 1 Dollar (1883 O) in silver (0,900). Obv: Liberty and legend "E.PLURIBUS.UNUM". Rev: American eagle and legend "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". Designed by George T. Morgan. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 110).
MS 63
60 €
USA: 1 Dollar (1885) in silver (0,900). Obv: Liberty and legend "E.PLURIBUS.UNUM". Rev: American eagle and legend "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". Designed by George T. Morgan. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 110).
MS 63
60 €
USA: 1 Dollar (1885 O) in silver (0,900). Obv: Liberty and legend "E.PLURIBUS.UNUM". Rev: American eagle and legend "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". Designed by George T. Morgan. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 110).
MS 63
60 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8283
Lot: 8284
Lot: 8285
Lot: 8286
USA: 1 Dollar (1886) in silver (0,900). Obv: Liberty and legend "E.PLURIBUS.UNUM". Rev: American eagle and legend "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". Designed by George T. Morgan. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63". (KM 110).
MS 63
60 €
USA: 50 Cents (1937) in silver (0,900). Obv: Walking Liberty. Rev: American eagle. Designed by Adolph A. Weinman. Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (KM 142).
MS 65
170 €
USA: 5 Cents (1942 S) in copper-silver-manganese. Obv: Jefferson. Monticello and mintmark at top on reverse. Designed by Felix Schlag. Inside slab by NGC "MS 67". (KM 192a).
MS 67
100 €
VATICAN CITY: 5 Lire (1929 VIII) in silver (0,835). Obv: Bust facing left. Rev: St Peter in a boat. Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (KM 7).
MS 65
210 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8287
Lot: 8289
Lot: 8290
Lot: 8291
Lot: 8288
Top grade
Lot: 8292 8287
VATICAN CITY: 10 Lire (1929 VIII) in silver (0,835). Obv: Plus XI. Rev: Mary, Queen of Peace holding infant. Inside slab by NGC "MS 65". (KM 8).
MS 65
250 €
YUGOSLAVIA: 50 Para (1938) in aluminium-bronze. Obv: Crown. Rev: Denomination above date. Top grade in NGC. Inside slab by NGC "MS 67". (KM 18).
MS 67
90 €
YUGOSLAVIA: 2 DInara (1938) in aluminium-bronze. Obv: 12mm crown. Rev: Denomination above date, large numeral. Top grade in NGC. Inside slab by NGC "MS 67". (KM 21).
MS 67
70 €
Private token in alluminum. Obv: "ΡΑΠΤΟΜΗΧΑΝΑΙ ΣΙΓΓΕΡ". Rev: Greek stamp of 5 ΛΕΠΤΑ value. Coin alignment. Diameter: 31mm. Weight: 1.07gr. Extra Fine.
125 €
Private token in brass(?). Obv: "CRAFTING CLUB" with a wheel. Rev: "ΚΕΦΑΛΛΗΝΙΑΣ 53 / ΤΗΛ 8614449". Medal alignment. Diameter: 26mm. Weight: 8,98gr. Extra Fine.
15 €
Private token in bronze. Obv: "GRAND-CAFE / 4 BILLARDS - B. ZOUNIS". Rev: "GRAND CAFE / 4 BILLARDS 15 c". Medal alignment. Diameter: 30mm. Weight: 5,72gr. Extra Fine.
15 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8293
Lot: 8295
Lot: 8294
Lot: 8296
Lot: 8297
Lot: 8299 Lot: 8298
Lot: 8300
Lot: 8301
Lot: 8302
Private token in bronze. Obv: "GRAND-CAFE / 4 BILLARDS - B. ZOUNIS". Rev: "GRAND CAFE / 4 BILLARDS 40 c". Medal alignment. Diameter: 30mm. Weight: 5,72gr. Very Fine.
15 €
Private holed token in bronze(?). Obv: "ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" with the engraved number "1113". Rev: Plain. Diameter: 30mm. Weight: 3,85gr. Extra Fine.
15 €
Private token in brass(?). Obv: "ΓΕΛ (ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΟΛΗΠΤΙΚΗ ΛΑΡΙΣΣΗΣ)". Rev: ΔΡΧ 100. Coin alignment. Diameter: 22mm. Weight: 2,15gr. Very Fine.
15 €
Private token in alluminum. Obv: "ΟΣΜΟΣ" / 1976. "6" is struck on "4". Rev: "ΟΣΜΟΣ" / 1973. Diameter: 25mm. Weight: 1,34gr. Very Fine.
15 €
Private token in brass. Obv: "ΕΡΓΟΣΤΑΣΙΟΝ ΧΗΜ. ΠΡΟΙΟΝΤΩΝ & ΛΙΠΑΣΜΑΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΙ" with "20" at center. Rev: Plain. Diameter: 29mm. Weight: 4,41gr. Extra Fine.
20 €
Private token in brass. Obv: "ΕΡΓΟΣΤΑΣΙΟΝ ΧΗΜ. ΠΡΟΙΟΝΤΩΝ & ΛΙΠΑΣΜΑΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΙ" with "40" at center. Rev: Plain. Diameter: 34mm. Weight: 5,62gr. Very Fine.
20 €
Private token in brass. Obv: "ΕΡΓΟΣΤΑΣΙΟΝ ΧΗΜ. ΠΡΟΙΟΝΤΩΝ & ΛΙΠΑΣΜΑΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΙ". Rev: "ΓΣ" is struck on this side. Diameter: 24mm. Weight: 1,30gr. Very Fine.
15 €
Private token (probably in silver) for the New Years Eve. Obv: Owl (The symbol of wisdom according to the green mythology). Rev: "ΠΝΕ ΚΑΛΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ 1984". Weight: 11,63gr. Extremely Fine.
15 €
Private token in silver (0,950) for the New Years Eve. Obv: Goddess Athena. Rev: "ΚΑΛΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΠΝΕ 1993". Weight: 8,3gr. Diameter 25mm. Extremely Fine.
15 €
Private token in silver (0,925) for the New Years Eve (1994). Weight: 7gr. Diameter: 22mm. Extremely Fine.
15 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8303
Lot: 8304
Lot: 8305
FRANCE: Silver token (1814). Obv: A cow. Rev: Vaccinations municipales de Paris. Weight: 15,69gr. Diameter: 32mm. Extremely Fine.
25 €
FRANCE: Token (1875) in silver. Obv: Round cartridge between two allegories EPARGNE and PREVOYANCE. Rev: "COMPAGNIE/ ANONYME/ DASSURANCES/ CONTRE/ LINCENDIE". Weight: 18,5gr. Diameter: 35mm. Extremely Fine.
40 €
40 €
Order of the Redeemer - ΤΑΓΜΑ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ. Knights silver Cross (5th class) in silver. Manufacturer: PomoniS / Athens. With ribbon but the crown is separated (cracked) from the bottom part of the medal. Extremely Fine.
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8306
Lot: 8307
Lot: 8308
Lot: 8309
Lot: 8310
Lot: 8311
GREECE: Bronze commemorative medal (1835) from the collection of medals that were engraved by Konrad Lange. Obv: "Andreas Miaoulis". Rev: Fame inscribing the Admirals victories on a rostral column. Diameter: 44mm. Weight: 52gr. Extremely Fine.
450 €
Bronze commemorative medal (1841) from the collection of medals that were engraved by Konrad Lange. Obv: "Governor Kapodistrias". Rev: The figure of "Greece" is standing up with the help of the other european forces. Weight: 52gr. Diameter: 44mm. Extremely Fine.
1.400 €
Bronze commemorative medal (1841) from the collection of medals that were engraved by Konrad Lange. Obv: "Kolokotronis-Nikitaras". Rev: Scene from the Greek War of Independence - A greek revolutioner is killing a Turk". Diameter: 44mm. Weight: 50,00gr. Strikes on the perimeter. Very Fine Plus.
200 €
GREECE: Bronze medal by Lange (1844). Rev: "ΟΘΩΝ ΠΡΙΓΚΗΨ ΤΗΣ ΒΑΥΑΡΙΑΣ". Rev: "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΣΑΛΗΜ Ο ΕΣΤΙ ΒΑΣΙΛ. ΕΙΡΗΝΗΣ" (ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΠΡΟΣ ΕΒΡΑΙΟΥΣ, Ζ2) & "ΜΟΝΑΧΟΝ*3-ΟΚΤ.1832". Weight: 45,3gr. Diameter: 44 mm. Extremely Fine.
450 €
GREECE: Silver medal commemorating the death of Charilaos Trikoupis at 1896 at Cannes. Obv: Charilaos Trikoupis. Rev: "ΕΝ ΚΑΝΝΑΙΣ / 30 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 1896". Engraver: Allan Wuon. Weight: 21,70gr. Diameter: 32mm. Small strike on the perimeter. Almost Extremely Fine.
50 €
Greek bronze medal (1936). Obv: Allegorical scene. Rev: "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ 1936 / ΥΔΡΑΥΛΙΚΑ ΕΡΓΑ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ". Weight: 21,7gr. Diameter: 37mm. Extremely Fine.
30 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8312 Lot: 8313
Lot: 8315 Lot: 8314
Lot: 8316
Lot: 8317
Silver plated medal commemorating Eleftherios Venizelos. Obv: "Ο ΣΩΤΗΡ ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ Ε. ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΟΣ / ΕΡΓΟΣΤΑΙΟΝ Α. ΣΟΥΤΗ". Weight: 5,65gr. Diameter: 23mm. Very Fine.
25 €
A Hallmarked Sterling silver medallion struck to commemorate the Maiden Voyage in 1975 of RMS Queen Elizabeth 2. Weight: 40,85gr. Diameter: 45mm. Extremely Fine.
15 €
GERMANY: Silver medal (1828) on the centenary of the civic constitution. Obv: The Hamburg coat of arms, around five subjects with the coats of arms of the parishes and five other decorated subjects. Rev: A councilman and four church leaders standing around a shrine. Weight: 28,5gr. Diameter: 41mm. Extremely Fine.
50 €
GERMANY / SAXONY: Silver medal (1889) on the construction of the Wettin obelisk on the Lilienstein on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the house Wettin. Obv: View of the obelisk. Weight: 5,44gr. Diameter: 25mm. Extremely Fine.
130 €
GREAT BRITAIN: Commemorative medal in White metal (1874) for the marriage of Maria Alexandrowna and Alfred, Duke of Edinburg. Obv: Duke of Edinburg and Grand Duckess Marie. Weight: 18,7gr. Diameter: 38mm. Extremely Fine.
80 €
ITALY: Silver commemorative medal for the Occupation of Greece (1941). Obv: Eagle, perched on a lictorian beam, which spreads its wing over the Greek territory. Rev: View of the Parthenon. Weight: 11,9gr. Diameter: 33mm. Extremely Fine.
120 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8318
Lot: 8319
Lot: 8320
Lot: 8321
Lot: 8322
Lot: 8323
FRANCE: Silver medal (Attempt to guilding?) for the Marseille Chamber of Commerce (1775). Obv: Boats in front of the quay of the port of Marseille on which are placed bales and an anchor. Weight: 20gr. Diameter: 35mm. Almost Extremely Fine.
25 €
FRANCE: Silver medal commemorating the coronation of the emperor (1804). Obv: Laureate head of Napoleon I. Rev: Napoleon I standing in front of a bulwark, in a coronation suit, holding a long scepter ended with an eagle. Weight: 8,28gr. Dimension: 25mm. Almost Extremely Fine.
40 €
FRANCE: Bronze medal commemorating Matthieu Mole (1821). Obv: Matthieu Mole. Rev: "Ne a Paris en M.D.LXXXIV Mort en M.DC.LVI". Weight: 36gr. Diameter: 40mm. Extremely Fine.
20 €
FRANCE: Bronze medal commemorating A.R. JACQUES TURGOT (1821). Obv: A.R. Jacques Turgot. Rev: "Ne a Paris en M.DCC.XXVII Mort en M.DCC.LXXXI". Weight: 39,1gr. Diameter: 40mm. Extremely Fine.
30 €
FRANCE: Bronze medal commemorating A. LAURENT LAVOISIER (1821). Obv: A. Laurent Lavoisier. Rev: "Ne a Paris en M.DCC.XLIII Mort en M.DCC.XCIVI". Weight: 39,4gr. Diameter: 41mm. Extremely Fine.
30 €
FRANCE: Bronze medal commemorating ARM.J. DU PLESSIS RICHELIEU (1821). Obv: Plessis Richelieu. Rev: "Ne a Paris en M.D.LXXXV Mort en M.DC.XLII". Engraver: Jacques E. Gatteaux. Weight: 37gr. Diameter: 41mm. Extremely Fine.
30 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8324
Lot: 8325
Lot: 8326
Lot: 8327
Lot: 8329
Lot: 8328 8324
FRANCE: Bronze medal commemorating the Battle of Navarino (1827). Obv: Helmeted head of Athena. Rev: The three crowns of the allies, with the names of the respective Admirals "CODRINGTON / HEIDEN / DE RIGNY". Weight: 16,38gr. Diameter: 34mm. Few strikes on the perimeter. Fine plus.
40 €
FRANCE: Notaries of the XIX century (1833). Obv: Female allegory holding in one hand a rudder marked with an ear of wheat and on the other an antique lamp with two flames, a code of laws and a caution at her feet. Rev: "COMPAGNIE DES NOTAIRES MARSEILLE". Weight: 15,3gr. Diameter: 31mm. Extremely Fine.
30 €
FRANCE: Silver medal of the Rhone Professional Education Society that was awarded in 1897. Weight: 37,40. Diameter: 40mm. Extremely Fine.
50 €
France: Silver medal for Marseilles Chamber of Commerce - Opening of the Rove maritime tunnel (1927). Weight: 35,70gr. Diameter: 40mm. Extremely Fine.
60 €
FRANCE: Silver jeton struck for the States of Languedoc. Obv: Bust of Louis XVI. Rev: Arms of the Province of Languedoc. Diameter: 30mm. Inside slab by NGC "MS 63+".
100 €
SWITZERLAND: Shooting medal/thaler for the Federal Rifle Festival in Geneva (1851). Obv: Coat of arms on crossed rifles. Rev: City goddess in front of city view. Weight: 24,22gr. Diameter: 38mm. Few strikes on the perimeter. (Richter#572b). Very Fine plus.
70 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8330 (40%)
Lot: 8333 (45%)
Lot: 8331 (45%)
Top grade
Lot: 8332 (50%) 8330
1 Drachma (Law 21.12.1885) in black on blue and yellow unpt with "Hermes" at left. Back in blue. Serial no "Σ425 09329". Signature by Petropoulos. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 30" . (Pick 34) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 34b).
VF 30
150 €
500 Drachmas (2.1.1901) in brown and green with "Portrait of Athena" at center, "Portrait of G.Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Serial no "ΣΑ.003 178807". Printed by ABNC. Very rare banknote especially in this condition. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35". Top grade in PMG. (Pick 49a).
VF 35
5.500 €
10 Drachmas (20.3.1913) in black on purple and green unpt with "Portrait of G.Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Serial no "TB2 903131". Plate letter "Θ". Printed by ABNC. Signature by Valaoreitis. Very rare in this condition. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Choice Unc 64". (Pick 51a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 49a).
UN 64
4.500 €
25 Drachmas (7.1.1912) in black on red and blue unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Commanders signature by Valaoreitis. (Pick 52a). Very Good.
35 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8334 (40%)
Lot: 8335 (40%)
Lot: 8336 (40%)
Lot: 8337 (40%)
Lot: 8338 (55%)
Lot: 8339 (60%)
25 Drachmas (24.8.1914) in black on red and blue unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Signature by Eftaxias. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25". (Pick 52a).
VF 25
110 €
25 Drachmas (4.12.1916) in black on red and blue unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Serial no "HO 734151 κψ". Signature by Zaimis. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25 - Minor Rust". (Pick 52a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 51a).
VF 25
90 €
25 Drachmas (10.3.1912) in black on red and blue unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left, "Arms of King George I" at right and "Agriculture and Commerce" at center. Red ovpt "SPECIMEN" and two cancellation holes over signatures. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 52s) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 51b).
UN 66
750 €
100 Drachmas (22.4.1917) in black on purple and green unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Serial no "ΓΓ38 622874". Signature by Zaimis. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Extremely Fine 40 - EPQ". (Pick 53a).
XF 40
650 €
5 Drachmas (7.9.1914) in black on purple and green unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Printed by ABNC. Governors signature by Eftaxias. Creased, washed & pressed, traces of self-adhesive tape on back. (Pick 54a). Almost Very Fine.
25 €
5 Drachmas (6.12.1915) in black on purple and green unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Printed by ABNC. Governors signature by Zaimis. (Pick 54a). Very Good.
15 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8340 (40%)
Lot: 8341 (40%)
Lot: 8344 (55%)
Lot: 8342 (40%)
Lot: 8343 (55%)
Top grade
5 Drachmas (24.6.1916) in black on purple and blue unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Printed by ABNC. Governors signature by Zaimis. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35". (Pick 54a).
VF 35
50 €
5 Drachmas (15.11.1916) in black on brown and blue unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Serial no "ΦΕ1942 581777". Signature by Zaimis. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Extremely Fine 45 NET - Rust". (Pick 54a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 48b).
XF 45
90 €
5 Drachmas (24.3.1918) in black on purple and blue unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Printed by ABNC. Commanders signature by Zaimis. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55 - Minor Thinning". (Pick 54a).
AU 55
150 €
500 Drachmas (18.8.1917) in brown and green with "Portrait of Athena" at center, "Portrait of G.Stavros" at left and "Arms of King George I" at right. Serial nos "ΣΑ37 633583". Printed by ABNC. Rare in this condition. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 50 - EPQ". Top grade in PMG. (Pick 56a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 46a).
AU 50
3.800 €
5 Drachmas (11.6.1918 - 1922 NEON issue) in black on red and multicolor unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left. Black ovpt "NEON" over arms. Printed by ABNC. (Pick 64a). Good.
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8345 (40%)
Lot: 8346 (40%)
Lot: 8348 (40%) Lot: 8347 (30%)
Lot: 8349 (40%)
Lot: 8350 (40%)
5 Drachmas (11.8.1918 - 1922 NEON issue) in black on red and multicolor unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left. Black ovpt "NEON" over arms. Serial no "ΑΘ1669 312739". Signature by Zaimis. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 64a).
VF 25
40 €
5 Drachmas (5.6.1918) final proof of face in black on red and multicolor unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left & "Arms of King George I" at right. Two cancellation holes on signatures. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Uncirculated 62 - Paper Damage". (Pick 64p) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 60c).
UN 62
1.200 €
1000 Drachmas (21.1.1922) in blue on multicolor unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left, "Woman" at center and "Arms of King George I" at right. Red ovpt "NEON". Serial no "ΓΙ093 976144". Signature by Papadakis. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 30 - Annotation". (Pick 69a).
VF 30
250 €
25 Drachmas (5.3.1923) in brown with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Very Fine 25". (Pick 71a).
VF 25
150 €
Final Proof of 25 Drachmas (15.4.1923) in black on green and multicolor unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - PROOF". (Pick 74p).
UN 64
450 €
50 Drachmas (6.5.1923 - 1926 NEON issue) in purple on green and orange unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left. Red circular ovpt "NEON". Signature by Papadakis. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice About Unc 58". (Pick 84a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 80a).
AU 58
700 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8352 (40%) Lot: 8351 (40%)
Lot: 8353 (40%)
Lot: 8355 (40%)
Lot: 8354 (40%)
Lot: 8356 (40%)
100 Drachmas (20.4.1923 - 1926 NEON issue) in green with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at center. Red circular ovpt "NEON 1926" at upper right. Serial no "AN079 071191". Printed by BWC. Royal commissioners signature Papadakis in red. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice UNC 63 - OPQ". (Pick 85b) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 81b).
UN 63
450 €
5 Drachmas (10.1.1927) in brown on green unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at center. Never issued, only as provisional banknote. Serial no "MZ100 000000". Two red ovpt "SPECIMEN" over values and three cancellation holes over signatures. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 87s) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 83b).
UN 65
550 €
10 Drachmas (5.8.1926) in blue on yellow and orange unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at center. Three cancellation holes over signatures & two red diagonal ovpts "SPECIMEN". Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 88s) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 84f).
UN 66
1.300 €
500 Drachmas (12.11.1926) in purple on multicolor unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at center. Serial no "ΛΚ100 000000". Three cancellation holes over signatures & two red diagonal ovpts "SPECIMEN". Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55". (Pick 89a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 88a).
AU 55
1.500 €
50 Drachmas (30.4.1927) in brown on green and orange unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at center. Never issued, only as provisional banknote. Serial no "NΗ050 000000". Two red ovpt "SPECIMEN" over values and three cancellation holes over signatures. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Pinholes". (Pick 90s) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 86a).
UN 64
550 €
100 Drachmas (6.6.1927) in green on orange and brown unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left. Never issued, only as provisional banknote. Serial no "ΞΦ010 000000". Red ovpt "SPECIMEN" over value and three cancellation holes over signatures. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ". (Pick 91s) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 87a).
UN 65
400 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8357 (40%)
Lot: 8359 (40%)
Lot: 8358 (75%)
BANK OF GREECE (Provisional Issues) 8357
5 Drachmas (ND 1928 - old date 17.12.1926) in brown on green and orange unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left. Black ovpt "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" on Pick #87a. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 53 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 94a).
AU 53
150 €
25 Drachmas of 1928 Third Provisional issue (ND 1928 - old date 15.4.1923) in brown on multicolor unpt with "G. Stavros" at left. Red ovpt "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" (on Pick 74a). Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25". (Pick 96a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 91).
VF 25
2.250 €
50 Drachmas of 1928 Third Provisional issue (ND 1928 - old date 30.4.1927) in brown on orange and green unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at center. Serial no "NM100 003463". Red ovpt "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" (on Pick 90a). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Extremely Fine 40 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 97a).
XF 40
35 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8360 (40%)
Lot: 8361 (40%)
Lot: 8362 (35%)
Lot: 8363 (40%)
100 Drachmas of 1928 Third Provisional issue (ND 1928 - old date 25.5.1927) in green on orange and brown unpt with "Portrait of G. Stavros" at left. Serial no "ΞΙ002 821248". Red ovpt "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" (on Pick 91a). Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 53 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 98a).
AU 53
90 €
BANK OF GREECE (Regular Issues) 8361
500 Drachmas (1.10.1932) in multicolor with "Portrait of Athena" at center. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 102).
UN 64
40 €
5000 Drachmas (1.9.1932) in brown with "Portrait of Athena" at center. Serial no "ΑΖ044 564771". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 103a).
UN 64
45 €
5000 Drachmas (1.9.1932) in brown with "Portrait of Athena" at center. Serial no "ΑK007 939720". Inside plastic folder by PCGS "About New 53 - Apparent / Mounting Remarks on Back". (Pick 103a).
AU 53
20 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8364 (40%)
Lot: 8365 (40%)
Lot: 8366 (40%)
Lot: 8367 (40%)
50 Drachmas (1.1.1939) in green with "Hesiod" at left. Serial number in dark red color. Inside plastic folder "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 107a).
UN 64
30 €
50 Drachmas (1.1.1939) in green with "Hesiod" at left. Serial no "A-150 000000" (Red serial numbers). Printed by TDLR (without imprint). WMK: Archaic head. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 107s).
UN 66
1.100 €
500 Drachmas (1.1.1939) in purple and lilac with "Woman in national costume" at left. Error: "ENI" instead of "EΠI". Serial no "Α-040 003709". Printed by BWC (without imprint). WMK: Goddess Demeter. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 109b).
UN 64
30 €
500 Drachmas (1.1.1939) in purple and lilac with "Woman in national costume" at left. Serial no "A-040 000000". Two red ovpts "SPECIMEN" over signatures, perfin "CANCELLED" at right and perfin "ΑΚΥΡΟΝ" at left. Printed by BWC (without imprint). WMK: Demeter. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Pinholes". (Pick 109s).
UN 64
280 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
1941 TOWN CACHETS (Re-issue)
Ο βαθμός ποιότητας αναφέρεται στην ποιότητα των χαρτονομισμάτων με κάποια επιείκεια δεδομένης της δυσκολίας να βρεθούν σε καλές καταστάσεις Όσον αναφορά στην ποιότητα της σφραγίδας, την παραθέτουμε σε μεγαλύτερη φωτογραφία όπου αυτό είναι δυνατό. The quality grade referred to the quality of banknotes is subject to some leeway given the difficulty in finding high quality notes As far as the quality of the seal is concerned, we are handling them over with a largest photograph when it is possible
Lot: 8368 (50%)
Lot: 8369 (40%)
Lot: 8370 (40%) 8368
100 Drachmas (14.6.1927) 1941 Emergency re-issue cancelled banknote with black box-cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΕΝ ΠΑΤΡΑΙΣ" on back and six cancellation holes. (Pick 113) & (Grabowski 5c). Good.
10 €
1000 Drachmas (15.10.1926) 1941 Emergency re-issue cancelled banknote with black box-cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΕΝ ΠΑΤΡΑΙΣ" on back and six cancellation holes. (Pick 115) & (Grabowski 8a). Very Good.
15 €
1000 Drachmas (4.11.1926) 1941 Emergency re-issue cancelled banknote with black box-cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΕΝ ΠΑΤΡΑΙΣ 1937" on back and six cancellation holes. (Pick 115) & (Grabowski 8b). Very Good.
15 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8371 (50%)
Lot: 8372 (40%)
Lot: 8373 (40%)
Lot: 8374 (50%) 8371
100 Drachmas (14.6.1927) 1941 Emergency re-issue cancelled banknote with blue box-cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΕΝ ΠΟΡΩ 1939" on back and six cancellation holes. (Pick 113) & (Grabowski 5c). Very Good.
25 €
100 Drachmas (1.9.1935) 1941 Emergency re-issue cancelled banknote with blue box-cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΕΝ ΠΟΡΩ 1939" on back and six cancellation holes. (Pick 113) & (Grabowski GR 6). Poor.
25 €
1000 Drachmas (1.5.1935) 1941 Emergency re-issue cancelled banknote with black box-cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΕΝ ΠΡΕΒΕΖΗ" on back and six cancellation holes. (Pick 115) & (Grabowski 9). Good.
20 €
100 Drachmas (6.6.1927) 1941 Emergency re-issue cancelled banknote with black box-cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΕΝ ΦΛΩΡΙΝΗ" on back and six cancellation holes. (Pick 113) & (Grabowski 5b). Good.
10 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8375 (40%)
Lot: 8376 (40%)
Lot: 8377 (40%)
Lot: 8378 (40%)
Lot: 8379 (40%)
1000 Drachmas (15.10.1926) 1941 Emergency re-issue cancelled banknote with black box-cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΕΝ ΦΛΩΡΙΝΗ" on back and six cancellation holes. (Pick 115) & (Grabowski 8a). Very Good.
15 €
100 Drachmas (10.7.1941) in brown with "Bird frieze" at left and right. Serial no "ΒΘ 072136". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 - EPQ". (Pick 116a) & (Grabowski GR 12a).
UN 67
50 €
1000 Drachmas (1.10.1941) in blue and brown with "Coin of Alexander" at left. Serial no "KN 701729" with prefix letters. Title of picture on white background. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ". (Pick 117b) & (Grabowski GR 13b).
UN 64
90 €
1000 Drachmas (1.10.1941) in blue and brown with "Coin of Alexander" at left. Serial no "313624 MB" with suffix letters. Title of picture on white background. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 Small Tear". (Pick 117b) & (Grabowski GR 13c).
UN 64
90 €
5000 Drachmas (20.6.1942) in black on pale red, blue and multicolor unpt with "Factories and ships" at lower left, "Fisherman and shoreline" at lower right and "Statue of Nike of Samothrace between male workers" at center. Paper without watermark. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 119a) & (Grabowski GR14a).
UN 64
30 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8380 (40%)
Lot: 8382 (40%)
Lot: 8384 (40%)
Lot: 8381 (40%)
Lot: 8383 (40%)
Lot: 8385 (40%)
5000 Drachmas (20.6.1942) in black on pale red, blue and multicolor unpt with "Factories and ships" at lower left, "Fisherman and shoreline" at lower right and "Statue of Nike of Samothrace between male workers" at center. Watermarked paper. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 119b) (Grabowski GR 14b).
UN 64
30 €
10000 Drachmas (29.12.1942) in brown with "Young farm couple from Delphi" at left. Title of picture on illustration. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 120a) & (Grabowski GR 16a).
UN 65
50 €
10000 Drachmas (29.12.1942) in brown with "Young farm couple from Delphi" at left. Title of picture on white background. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 120b) & (Grabowski GR 16b).
UN 64
40 €
50 Drachmas (1.2.1943) in brown on blue unpt with "Woman from Paramythia" at left. Serial no "ΑA 307727". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 121a), (Stratoudakis/ Pitidis 121) & (Grabowski GR 17).
UN 65
20 €
5000 Drachmas (19.7.1943) in green and brown with "Athena" at center. Prefix serial no "ΘΙ 422310". Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55 - Minor Foreign Substance". (Pick 122a) & (Grabowski GR 18a).
AU 55
30 €
5000 Drachmas (19.7.1943) in green and brown with "Athena" at center. Serial no with suffix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 122a) & (Grabowski GR 18b).
UN 66
40 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8386 (40%)
Lot: 8387 (40%)
Lot: 8388 (40%)
Lot: 8389 (40%)
Lot: 8390 (40%)
Lot: 8391 (40%)
25000 Drachmas (12.8.1943) in black on brown and light blue-green unpt with "Bust of Nymph Deidamia" at left. Serial no with prefix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63". (Pick 123a) & (Grabowski GR 19a).
UN 63
20 €
25000 Drachmas (12.8.1943) in black on brown and light blue-green unpt with "Bust of Nymph Deidamia" at left. Serial no with prefix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 123a) & (Grabowski GR 19b).
UN 64
25 €
50000 Drachmas (14.1.1944) in blue with "Youths head" at center. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 124a) & (Grabowski GR 20).
UN 65
35 €
100000 Drachmas (21.1.1944) in black on brown and light blue-green unpt with "Ancient silver tetradrachm coin of Athens" at left and right. Serial no with prefix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 125a) & (Grabowski GR 21a).
UN 64
50 €
100000 Drachmas (21.1.1944) in black on brown and light blue-green unpt with "Ancient silver tetradrachm coin of Athens" at left and right. Serial no with suffix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 125b) & (Grabowski GR 21d).
UN 64
45 €
500000 Drachmas (20.3.1944) in black on dull violet-brown unpt with "Head of Zeus" at left. Serial no "ΛΖ 452695". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 126a) & (Grabowski GR 22a).
UN 64
20 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8392 (40%)
Lot: 8393 (40%)
Lot: 8394 (40%)
Lot: 8395 (40%)
Lot: 8396 (40%)
Lot: 8397 (40%)
500000 Drachmas (20.3.1944) in black on dull violet-brown unpt with "Head of Zeus" at left. Serial no with prefix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 126a) & (Grabowski GR 22b).
UN 65
25 €
1 million Drachmas (29.6.1944) in black on blue-green and pale orange unpt with "Bust of youth from Antikythera" at left. Serial no with prefix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63 - EPQ". (Pick 127a) & (Grabowski GR 23a).
UN 63
20 €
1 million Drachmas (29.6.1944) in black on blue-green and pale orange unpt with "Bust of youth from Antikythera" at left. Serial no with prefix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 127a) & (Grabowski GR 23b).
UN 65
25 €
5 million Drachmas (20.7.1944) in brown with "Arethusa on dekadrachm of Syracuse" at left. Serial no with prefix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 128a) & (Grabowski GR 24b).
UN 64
25 €
5 million Drachmas (20.7.1944) in brown with "Arethusa on dekadrachm of Syracuse" at left. Serial no with suffix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 128b) & (Grabowski GR 24c).
UN 64
20 €
10 million Drachmas (29.7.1944) in brown with "Dark brown fringe" around denomination guilloche and signature. Serial no with suffix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 129b) & (Grabowski Gr 25b).
UN 65
25 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8398 (40%)
Lot: 8399 (40%)
Lot: 8400 (40%)
Lot: 8402 (40%)
Lot: 8401 (40%) 8398
25 million Drachmas (10.8.1944) in green with "Ancient Greek coin" at left and right. Serial no "ΙΓ 683121" with prefix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 130a) & (Grabowski GR 26a).
UN 66
35 €
Uncut pair of 500 million Drachmas (1.10.1944) in blue-green with "Apollo" at left. Serial nos with suffix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 132b) & (Grabowski GR 29b).
UN 64
50 €
10 billion Drachmas (20.10.1944) in black and blue-black on tan unpt with "Arethusa on dekadrachm of Syracuse" at left. Serial no with prefix letters. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 134a) & (Grabowski GR 31a).
UN 64
20 €
50 Drachmas (1.1.1941 - issued on 2.1.1945) in red-brown on lilac unpt with "Hesiod" at left. Printed by TDLR (without imprint). WMK: Young males head. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 168a).
UN 66
35 €
100 Drachmas (ND 1944) in blue on gold unpt with "Canaris" at right. Serial no "ζ.γ-045 543053". Printed by W&S (Without imprint). WMK: Themistocles head. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 170a).
UN 66
70 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8403 (40%)
Lot: 8405 (40%)
Lot: 8407 (40%)
Lot: 8404 (40%)
Lot: 8406 (40%)
Lot: 8408 (40%)
1000 Drachmas (ND 1944) in brown with "Kolokotronis" at left. First type serial number "Ο.Φ-014 305169". WMK: Miltiades. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Choice About New 58". (Pick 172a).
AU 58
45 €
1000 Drachmas (ND 1944) in brown with "Portrait of Kolokotronis" at left. Serial no "ν.Γ-200 000000". Two cancellation holes on serial numbers, red ovpt "SPECIMEN" on signatures and two perfins "CANCELLED" & "SPECIMEN". Printed by BWC (without imprint). WMK: Miltiades. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 172s).
UN 66
450 €
10000 Drachmas (ND 1945) in orange (Α issue / Large format) with "Aristotle" at left. First type of serial no "Α.146 049817". Printed by BWC (without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 30". (Pick 174).
VF 30
120 €
10000 Drachmas (ND 1946) in blue with "Aristotle" at left. Serial no "Γ.11- 370818". Printed by BWC (without imprint). WMK: Apollo from Olympia. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Unc 55 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 175a).
AU 55
450 €
5000 Drachmas (ND 1947) in purple on orange unpt with "Woman with children" at center. Serial no "M.12117146". WMK: Apollo from Olympia. Printed by BWC (Without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 177a).
UN 64
350 €
20000 Drachmas (ND 1947) (A issue / Small format) in dark green with "Athena" at left. Variety: Without security strip. Serial no "T.05- 615606". WMK: Apollo from Olympia. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Extremely Fine 45". (Pick 179a).
XF 45
290 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8409 (40%)
Lot: 8410 (40%)
Lot: 8411 (40%)
Lot: 8412 (40%)
Lot: 8413 (40%)
Lot: 8414 (40%)
1000 Drachmas (9.1.1947) in brown with "Kolokotronis" at left. WMK: Miltiades. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 180a).
UN 66
160 €
5000 Drachmas (9.6.1947) in brown with "Woman with children" at center. Inside Plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 53". (Pick 181a).
AU 53
500 €
10000 Drachmas (29.12.1947) in orange with "Aristotle" at left. B Issue. With "ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ" at bottom on back. Serial no "EΠ 304896". WMK: Apollos head. Printed by BWC (without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55". (Pick 182b).
AU 55
350 €
20000 Drachmas (29.12.1949) (B Issue / Small format) in blue with "Athena" at left. Printed by BWC (Without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PCGS "About New 53". (Pick 183a).
AU 53
200 €
50000 Drachmas (1.12.1950) in olive and gray with "Portrait of woman" at left. Serial no "B.10 176446". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 185a).
UN 64
180 €
10 Drachmas (15.1.1954) (New Issue / ΝΕΑ ΕΚΔΟΣΙΣ) in orange with "Aristotle" at left. Serial no "αα- 248156". Printed by Bank of Greece. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 53". (Pick 186a).
AU 53
700 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8415 (40%)
Lot: 8416 (40%)
Lot: 8417 (40%)
Lot: 8418 (40%)
Lot: 8419 (40%)
Lot: 8420 (40%)
20 Drachmas (15.1.1954) (New Issue / ΝΕΑ ΕΚΔΟΣΙΣ) in blue with "Athena" at left. Serial no "A.09- 631051". WMK: Apollo from Olympia. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63 NET - Previously Mounted, Thinning". (Pick 187a).
UN 63
580 €
10 Drachmas (15.5.1954) in orange with "King George I" at left. Serial no "ατ 046332". WMK: Apollo from Olympia. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Extremely Fine 45". (Pick 189a).
XF 45
90 €
10 Drachmas (1.3.1955) in orange with "King George I" at left. Serial no "ε.05 234751". WMK: Apollo from Olympia. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55". (Pick 189b).
AU 55
140 €
20 Drachmas (1.3.1955) in blue with "Demokritos" at left. Serial no "Δ.05 790195". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 190a).
UN 66
550 €
100 Drachmas (1.7.1955) in red on multicolor unpt with "Themistocles" at left. Serial no "Θ.10 526515". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 192b).
UN 64
65 €
500 Drachmas (8.8.1955) in green on multicolor unpt with "Portrait of Socrates" at center. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 193a).
UN 64
260 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8421 (40%)
Lot: 8422 (40%)
Lot: 8423 (40%)
Lot: 8424 (40%)
Lot: 8425 (40%)
Printing Error
Lot: 8426 (40%)
50 Drachmas (1.10.1964) in blue on multicolor unpt with "Arethusa" at left. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Choice New 63 PPQ". (Pick 195a).
UN 63
30 €
500 Drachmas (1.11.1968) in olive on multicolor unpt with "Relief of Eleusis" at center. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Choice About New 58 PPQ". (Pick 197a).
AU 58
30 €
1000 Drachmas (1.11.1970) in brown with "Zeus" at left. WMK: Aphrodite of Knidus. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 198a).
UN 64
80 €
1000 Drachmas (1.11.1970 - 1972 issued) in brown on multicolor unpt with "Zeus" at left. Serial no "58N 188872". WMK: Ephebus of Anticythera. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 198b).
UN 66
40 €
100 Drachmas (8.12.1978) in brown and violet on multicolor unpt with "Athena Peiraios" at left. Serial no "10Δ 951011" on back. WMK: Head of Charioteer of Delphi. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25 - EPQ / Serial Number On Back Error". (Pick 200a).
VF 25
80 €
100 Drachmas (8.12.1978) in brown and violet on multicolor unpt with "Athena Peiraios" at left. Serial no "00A 284390" (Replacement). WMK: Head of Charioteer of Delphi. With "Λ" at lower left on back. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 200b).
UN 66
25 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8427 (40%)
Printing Error
Lot: 8429 (40%)
Lot: 8431 (40%)
Lot: 8428 (40%)
Printing Error
Lot: 8430 (40%)
Lot: 8432 (40%)
Printing Error
1000 Drachmas (1.7.1987) in brown on multicolor unpt with "Apollo" at center right. Serial no "03B 935030". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Extremely Fine 40 - Printing Error". (Pick 202a).
XF 40
70 €
5000 Drachmas (23.3.1984) in deep blue on multicolor unpt with "Theodoros Kolokotronis" at left. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25 / Printing Error". (Pick 203a).
VF 25
120 €
5000 Drachmas (1.6.1997) in deep blue on multicolor unpt with "Theodoros Kolokotronis" at left. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 205a).
UN 65
55 €
20 Euro (2002) in blue and multicolor. Serial no "Y01832369059". Banknotes code "N001B2". Signature by Willem Duisenberg. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 3y).
UN 65
50 €
200 Euro (2002) in yellow-brown and multicolor. Serial no "Y00030150343". Signature by Willem Duisenberg. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 6y).
UN 65
300 €
5 Euro (2013) in gray and multicolor. RADAR serial no "YA1777007771". Banknotes code "Y00213". Signature by Mario Draghi. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25 - Radar Serial Number". (Pick 20y).
VF 25
100 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8433 (40%)
Lot: 8435 (40%)
Lot: 8437 (40%)
Lot: 8434 (40%)
Top grade
Lot: 8436 (40%)
Lot: 8438 (40%)
1 Drachma (Law 21.12.1885 - 1917 ovpt on Pick #40) of 1917 Provisional issue in black on blue and brown unpt with "Helmeted Athena" at left. Serial no "Σ1689 08795". Printed by BWC, the overprint in Athens. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 301) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 256).
AU 55
280 €
2 Drachmas (Law 1917 / 21.12.1885) in black on blue and orange unpt with "Hermes" at right. Overprint "ΝΟΜΟΣ 991 του 1917" on Pick #41. Serial no "Σ1643 02609". Printed by BWC. Very rare in this condition. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". Top grade in PMG. (Pick 302) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 257).
UN 64
1.500 €
50 Lepta (ND 1920) in blue with "Standing Athena" at center. Serial no "Ξ/1 298041". Printed by Aspiotis. Square perforation. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 303a).
UN 65
70 €
2x50 Lepta (ND 1920) in blue with "Standing Athena" at center. Zig-zag perforation. Printed by Aspiotis. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 53 - Uncut pair". (Pick 303b).
AU 53
140 €
1 Drachma (27.10.1917 - 1924 issued) in darker brown without unpt with “Hermes seated” at center. Inner line in diamond surrounding Hermes, diamond brown. Serial no “Δ/20 69004”. Inside slab by PMG “Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ”. (Pick 304b).
UN 64
70 €
2 Drachmas (27.10.1917 - 1925 issued) in blue and brown with "Hermes seated" at center. Serial no "A/12 46195". Printed by Aspiotis. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice About Unc 58 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 306).
AU 58
60 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8439 (40%)
Lot: 8440 (40%)
Lot: 8441 (40%) Lot: 8442 (40%)
Lot: 8443 (40%)
Lot: 8444 (40%)
2 Drachmas (ND 1918) in black on gold unpt with "Pericles" at left. Printed by Aspiotis. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Minor Stain". (Pick 307).
UN 64
250 €
1 Drachma (27.10.1917 - 1922 issued) with "Hermes seated at right" in purple on lilac and multicolor unpt. Serial no "A/47 056405". Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 309).
UN 64
170 €
2 Drachmas (27.10.1917 - issued 1922) in red-brown on multicolor unpt with "Orpheus with lyre" at center. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 311).
UN 64
120 €
Color proof of face of 20 Drachmas (9.11.1944) in pair only in blue color. Uniface. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Exceptional Paper Quality - Uncut Pair". (Pick 323pp).
UN 64
80 €
100 Drachmas (10.7.1950) in blue on orange unpt with "Constantine the Great" at center. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 324a).
UN 65
40 €
500 Drachmas (10.7.1950) in green on brown unpt with "Byzantine coin" at left. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 325a).
UN 66
40 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8445 (40%)
Lot: 8446 (40%)
Lot: 8447 (35%)
Lot: 8448 (35%)
Lot: 8450 (40%)
Lot: 8451 (40%)
500 Drachmas (1.11.1953) in green on brown unpt with "Byzantine coin" at left. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 325b).
UN 66
40 €
1000 Drachmas (1.11.1953) in brown on orange and green unpt with "Ancient coins" at left and right. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 326b).
UN 66
40 €
25000 Drachmas (27.11.1942) (1st Serie) Agricultural treasury bond in light orange. Serial no "AB 054527". Watermarked paper. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35". (Pick 136a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 136).
VF 35
700 €
100000 Drachmas (27.11.1942) (A Series) Agricultural Treasury Bond in dark green. Serial no "AΓ 052904". Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55 - Minor Repair". (Pick 137a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 137).
AU 55
550 €
1 billion Drachmas (3.10.1944) handwritten check used as banknote by “Bank of Greece, Agrinio branch”. Serial no “294011/4563”. After the German left the city of Agrinio, the bank issued checks used as banknotes with the banks director “G. Fanos” signature, to pay for the salaries of the employees of the public sector. Only few in the beginning were handwritten, later they were printed. There are only three or four known with the value of 1 billion handwritten and they are extremely rare! Inside plastic folder by PMG “About Uncirculated 50 - Small Tear”. The specific check is redeemed and has cachet by the bank on back. (Pick 150A) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 424).
AU 50
7.500 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8449 (80%)
Lot: 8452 (40%)
Lot: 8453 (40%)
50 million Drachmas (6.10.1944) Treasury note issued by Bank of Greece, Cephalonia - Ithaka branch. Serial no "A 01988". Four cachets (two on face and two on back) and red linear cachet "6.OKT.1944" on back. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63 - EPQ". (Pick 151) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 420).
UN 63
160 €
100 million Drachmas (17.10.1944) treasury note issued by "Bank of Greece, Kerkyras branch" in green on yellow. Stamp with smaller letter (stamp type 2). Serial no "066767". Inside slab by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 156).
UN 64
140 €
25 million Drachmas (20.9.1944) Treasury note in brown, issued by Bank of Greece, Kalamata branch. Serial no "A 06759". Bank cachet, two signatures and linear violet cachet "ΕΞΗΛΕΓΧΘΗ" (CHECKED). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 157) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 415).
UN 65
170 €
100 million Drachmas (20.9.1944) Treasury note in light blue, issued by Bank of Greece, Kalamata branch. Serial no "A 45630". Bank cachet, two signatures and linear violet cachet "ΕΞΗΛΕΓΧΘΗ" (CHECKED) on back. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 159).
UN 65
220 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8454 (40%)
Lot: 8456 (40%)
Lot: 8455 (40%)
Lot: 8457 (40%)
200 million Drachmas (5.10.1944) treasury note issued by "Bank of Greece, Kalamatas branch" (Second issue) in orange. Serial no "B 285545". Variety: Greek black cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ*5.ΟΚΤ.44" on back. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 161a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 419).
UN 64
150 €
200 million Drachmas (5.10.1944) treasury note issued by "Bank of Greece, Kalamatas branch" (Second issue) in orange. Serial no "B 109004". Variety: Greek black cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ*5.ΟΚΤ.44" on back. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 53 - EPQ". (Pick 161a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 419b).
AU 53
90 €
200 million Drachmas (5.10.1944) in uncut sheet of 4 notes, treasury remainders note issued by "Bank of Greece, Kalamatas branch" (Second issue) in orange. Without handstamp at back and serial number. Very Rare in sheet. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice About Unc 58". (Pick 161r) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 419e).
AU 58
3.500 €
100 million Drachmas (7.10.1944) treasury note issued by "Bank of Greece, Patras branch" in brown with "Ancient coin" at left. Uniface. Small serial no "212581". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Uncirculated 62". (Pick 164) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 422).
UN 62
70 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8458 (40%)
Lot: 8459 (40%)
Lot: 8460 (40%)
Lot: 8461 (40%)
1 Reichspfennig (ND 1941) in blue with "Eagle with small swastika in unpt" at center, Wermacht notes of German armed forces. Violet cachet of Thessaloniki in German on back (type II) and red cachet "ΓΕΝ. ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ * ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ" on back (Large type). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick M19) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 370).
UN 65
90 €
50 Reichspfennig (ND 1941) in orange with "Eagle with small swastika in unpt" at center, Wermacht notes of German armed forces. Violet cachet of Thessaloniki in German on back (type III) and red cachet "ΓΕΝ. ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ * ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ" on back (Large type). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Fine 12 - Edge & Internal Damage, Annotation". (Pick M22) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 373).
F 15
200 €
50 Reichspfennig (ND 1940-45) in green on tan unpt, German treasury notes issued for occupied teritories. Serial no "129-953865". Embossed stamp. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice About Unc 58 - EPQ". (Pick R135) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 358).
AU 58
30 €
5 Reichsmark (ND 1940-45) in blue-black on brown and gray unpt with "Portrait of farmer" at left, German treasury notes issued for occupied teritories. Serial no with 7 digits "O-5559857". Without embossed stamp. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick R138a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 361).
UN 66
50 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8462 (40%)
Lot: 8465 (40%)
Lot: 8463 (40%)
Lot: 8466 (35%)
Lot: 8464 (40%) 8462
50 Reichsmark (ND 1940-45) in blue-black on dull violet unpt with "Portrait of woman" at right, German treasury notes issued for occupied teritories. Serial no "B-3715896". With embossed stamp. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick R140) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 363).
UN 66
70 €
5 Drachmas (ND 1941) by "CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA" in green with "Hermes of Praxiteles" at right. Serial no "0018 525455". Printed in Italy. WMK: "5". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick M1) & Stratoudakis / Pitidis 337).
UN 65
80 €
10 Drachmas (ND 1941) by "CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA" in red-orange with "Hermes of Praxiteles" at right. Serial no "0007 246416". Printed in Italy. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick M2) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 338).
UN 65
80 €
500 Drachmas (ND 1941) by "CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA" in dark green with "Michelangelos David" at left. Serial no "0003 395008". WMK: Goddess Athena. Rare in this condition. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Choice Unc 64 - OPQ". (Pick M5) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 341).
UN 64
1.800 €
5000 Drachmas (ND 1941) by "CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA" in lilac with "Michelangelos David" at left. Serial no "0001 045827". Printed in Italy. WMK: Goddess Athena and curved lines. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35 - Minor Splits". (Pick M7) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 343).
VF 35
240 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8467 (35%)
Lot: 8468 (35%)
Lot: 8469 (40%)
Lot: 8470 (40%)
Lot: 8471 (40%)
Lot: 8472 (40%)
10000 Drachmas (ND 1941) by "CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA" in gray with "Michelangelos David" at left. Serial no "0001 240761". Printed in Italy. WMK: Goddess Athena and curved lines. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick M8) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 344).
UN 64
800 €
20000 Drachmas (ND 1941) by "CASSA MEDITERRANEA DI CREDITO PER LA GRECIA" in blue with "Michelangelos David" at left. Serial no "0002 000929". WMK: Goddess Athena and curved lines. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice About Unc 58". (Pick M9) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 345).
AU 58
900 €
10 Drachmas (ND 1941) by "ISOLE JONIE" in green with "Alexander the Great" at left. Serial no "003 354153". Printed in Italy. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick M13) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 348).
UN 64
60 €
50 Drachmas (ND 1941) by "ISOLE JONIE" in brown with "Archaic head" at left. Serial no "0002 933255". Printed in Italy. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick M14).
UN 64
40 €
500 Drachmas (ND 1941) by "ISOLE JONIE" in lilac on blue unpt with "Ceasars head" at left. Serial no "0003 137921". Printed in Italy. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick M16a).
UN 65
450 €
VF 30
300 €
1 Drachma (21.12.1885) in brown on gray unpt with "Hermes" at left. Serial no "Σ043 09343". Signature by Petropoulos. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 30". (Pick S104) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 244b).
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8473 (40%)
Lot: 8474 (55%)
Lot: 8475 (100%) 8473
2 Drachmas (21.12.1885 - 1897) in black on blue and brown unpt with "Hermes" at right. Back: Green with "Arms" at center. Serial no "Σ352 00922". Signature by Panourias. Printed by BWC. inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 53 - Previously Mounted". (Pick S107) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 247b).
AU 53
750 €
5 Drachmas (1905) in blue, Therissos patriotic loan issue. Serial no "12262". Thin at top left corner and pinhole at top right corner, otherwise uncirculated. Note from Pitidis collection & book. (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 253). Almost Uncirculated.
1.500 €
10x5 Drachmas (1905) in blue, Therissos patriotic loan issue. Serial no "0261 70". Thin at top left corner, vertical crease in the middle and few small creases. Pressed. Four banknotes known. Extremely rare! (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 255). Very Fine plus.
7.500 €
25 Drachmas (8.1.1914) in black on orange and green unpt with "Ancient coin" at upper left, "Portrait of King George" at upper right and "Arms" at upper center. Serial no "A010 206512". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Extremely Fine 40 - Annotation". (Pick S153) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 251b).
XF 40
170 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8476 (40%)
Lot: 8477 (40%)
Lot: 8478 (40%)
Lot: 8479 (40%) 8477
100 Drachmas (9.9.1916) in black on orange and green unpt with "Αrms" at upper center, "Ancient coin" at upper left and "Portrait of King George I" at upper right. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35". (Pick S154b).
VF 35
290 €
5 Okas (5.6.1944) in black on green and yellow unpt with "Burning houses" at left, "Farmers" at right and "Standing soldier with rifle" at center. Blue stamps of Epirus & E.T.A. on back. Handwritten serial number "A 11284". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick S161a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 409ab).
UN 64
180 €
25 Okas (5.6.1944) in black on green and yellow unpt with "Burning houses" at left, "Farmers" at right and "Standing soldier with rifle" at center. Red stamp of Peloponnese on back. Handwritten serial number "A 2074". Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 50 - Erasure, Previously Mounted". (Pick S162a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 410).
AU 50
400 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8480 (40%)
Top grade
Lot: 8481 (40%)
Lot: 8482 (40%)
Lot: 8483 (40%)
25 Okas (5.6.1944) in black on green and yellow unpt with "Burning houses" at left, "Farmers" at right and "Standing soldier with rifle" at center. Blue stamp of Epirus & E.T.A. on back. Handwritten serial number "A 3047". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63 - Ink Stamps". (Pick S162a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 410ab).
UN 63
1.450 €
100 Okas (5.6.1944) in black on green and yellow unpt with "Burning houses" at left, "Farmers" at right and "Standing soldier with rifle" at center. Handwritten serial no "A 615". Black stamp of Pelopponnese on back. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice UNC 64". (Pick S163a) & (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 411).
UN 64
1.400 €
100 Drachmas (1.7.1945) in multicolor, Payment Order issued at Zagora - Thessaly. Never issued. Large machine numbered serial no "749" (type III). Plain back. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ". (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 441).
UN 66
250 €
500 Drachmas (1.7.1945) in multicolor, Payment Order issued at Zagora - Thessaly. Never issued. Large machine numbered serial no "4289" (type 3). Plain back. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 442).
UN 64
200 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8484 (40%)
Lot: 8485 (40%)
Lot: 8486 (40%)
Lot: 8487 (40%)
1000 Drachmas (1.7.1945) payment order in multicolor (Uniface). Never issued. Large machine numbered serial no "9939" (type 3). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Stratoudakis / Pitidis 443).
UN 64
80 €
CYPRUS: 1 Pound (6.10.1947) in brown on green unpt with "Portrait King George VI" at upper right. Printed by TDLR. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice About Unc 58". (Pick 24).
AU 58
350 €
CYPRUS: 5 Pounds (6.10.1947) in green with "Portrait King George VI" at upper right. Printed by TDLR. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 30 - Stains, Tear". (Pick 25).
VF 30
400 €
500 Mils (1.9.1979) in green on multicolor unpt with "Arms" at right, "Map of Cyprus" at lower right. Serial no "N/51 080039". WMK: Eagles head. Printer: BWC (without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 - EPQ". (Pick 42c) & (Spink CBC B2l).
UN 67
90 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8488 (40%)
Lot: 8489 (40%)
Lot: 8491 (40%) Lot: 8490 (40%)
Lot: 8492 (40%)
Lot: 8493 (40%)
AFGHANISTAN: 20 Afghanis (ND 1939) in violet and multicolor with "King Muhammad Zahir". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 20 - NET / Tape Repair". (Pick 24a).
VF 20
200 €
AFGHANISTAN: 50 Afghanis (SH1318 - 1939) in blue and multicolor with "(first) Portrait of King Muhammad Zahir". Serial no "24X 305345". WMK: King Muhammad Zahir. Printed by BWC (Without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Superb Gem New 68 - PPQ". (Pick 25a) & (Spink DAB B5a).
UN 68
650 €
AFGHANISTAN: 10 Afghanis (SH1340 - 1961) in brown on multicolor unpt with "King Muhammad Zahir (third portrait)". Serial no "49280060". WMK: Muhammad Zahir. Printed by TDLR. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ". (Pick 37a) & (Spink DAB B19a).
UN 65
25 €
AFGHANISTAN: 500 Afghanis (SH1370 - 1991) in reddish-brown, deep green and deep brown on multicolor unpt with "Horsemen competing in Buzkashi" at right. Serial no "34/TH 6053399". Printed by Goznak (Without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 - EPQ". (Pick 60c) & (Spink DAB B44c).
UN 67
25 €
ALBANIA: 1/2 Franc (10.10.1917) with double-headed eagle at center. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 30 - NET / Tear". (Pick S145b).
VF 30
100 €
ALGERIA: 50 Francs (27.11.1940) in multicolor with "Veiled woman and man with red fez" at right. WMK: Womans head. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 53 - EPQ". (Pick 84).
AU 53
60 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8494 (35%)
Lot: 8497 (40%)
Lot: 8495 (40%)
Lot: 8496 (40%)
Lot: 8498 (40%)
ANGOLA: 100000 Kwanzas Reajustados (1.5.1995) in dark blue and brown-violet on multicolor unpt with "Conjoined busts of Jose Eduardo dos Santos and Antonio Agostinho Neto" at right. Serial no "RN 0822960". WMK: The sculpture of Thinker. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Superb Gem New 67 - PPQ". (Pick 139) & (Spink BNA B30a).
UN 67
30 €
AUSTRALIA: 10 Shillings (ND 1942) in orange on multicolor unpt with "Portrait of King George VI" at right. WMK: Captain Cook. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 20". (Pick 25b).
VF 20
20 €
AUSTRALIA: 1 Pound (ND 1942) in dark green on multicolor unpt with "Portrait of King George VI" at right. WMK: Captain Cook. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25". (Pick 26b).
VF 25
25 €
AUSTRIA: 1 Gulden (1.1.1800) in black. WMK: Value as Arabic and Roman numeral. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25 - Minor Rust, Pencil". (Pick A29).
VF 25
150 €
AUSTRIA: 2 Gulden (1.1.1800) in black. WMK: Value as Arabic and Roman numeral. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Fine 15". (Pick A30).
F 15
100 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8499 (40%)
Lot: 8500 (40%)
Lot: 8501 (40%)
Lot: 8502 (40%)
Lot: 8503 (40%)
Lot: 8504 (40%)
BAHAMAS: 1 Pound (ND 1930) in black with "Ship seal" at left and "King George V" at right. Printed by W&S. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 20". (Pick 7).
VF 20
550 €
BAHAMAS: 10 Shillings (ND 1953) in red with "Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II" at right. Serial no "A/1 835699". Printed by TDLR. Signatures by Higgs, Sweeting and Burnside. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice About Unc 58 - EPQ". (Pick 14b) & (Spink BG B13b).
AU 58
120 €
BAHRAIN: 100 Fils (1964) in ochre on multicolor unpt with "Dhow" at left and "Arms" at right. WMK: Falcons head. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 1a).
UN 66
35 €
BELGIAN CONGO: 10 Francs (10.7.1942) in brown on green and pink unpt with "Dancing Watusi" at left. WMK: Okapi head. Printed by W&S. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25". (Pick 14Ba).
VF 25
100 €
BELGIAN CONGO: 10 Francs (10.6.1944) in gray-blue on pink unpt with "Dancing Watusi" at left. WMK: Okapi head. Printed by W&S. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 14D).
UN 64
500 €
BELGIUM: 100 Francs (20 Belgas) (25.5.1943) in gray on light brown unpt with "Portrait Queen Elisabeth" at left, "Woman with crown and fruit" at center and "Portrait King Albert" at right. WMK: King leopold I. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Gem New 65 PPQ". (Pick 107).
UN 65
80 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8505 (40%)
Lot: 8506 (40%)
Lot: 8507 (40%)
Lot: 8508 (40%)
Lot: 8509 (40%)
Lot: 8510 (40%)
BERMUDA: 1 Pound (12.5.1937) in blue on multicolor unpt with "Portrait of King George VI" at right. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 50". (Pick 11b).
AU 50
220 €
BERMUDA: 2 Dollars (1.1.2009) in blue and multicolor with "Bluebird" at center and "Bust of Queen Elizabeth II" at lower left (Vertical). Serial no "A/1 015226". WMK: Hibiscus flower. Printed by TDLR (Without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Superb Gem New 67 - PPQ". (Pick 57a) & (Spink BMA B30a).
UN 67
40 €
BRITISH CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES: 5 Dollars (5.1.1953) in green on multicolor unpt with "Map" at lower left and "Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II" at right. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35 - EPQ". (Pick 9a).
VF 35
160 €
BRITISH NORTH BORNEO: 1 Dollar (1.1.1930) in black on dark green unpt with "Mount Kinabalu" at upper center. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 30 - Minor Rust". (Pick 20).
VF 30
3.500 €
BULGARIA: 500 leva (1945) in blue on multicolor unpt with "Arms" at left. Printed by Goznak. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Choice New 63". (Pick 71a).
UN 63
70 €
CENTRA AFRICAN REPUBLIC: 10000 Francs (ND 1983) in brown, green and multicolor with "African woman" at right and "Five antelopes heads" at left. Serial no "H.001 311489". WMK: The woman of the banknote. Printed by BDF (Without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 13) & (Spink BEAC B9a).
UN 66
280 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8511 (40%)
Lot: 8512 (40%)
Lot: 8513 (40%) Lot: 8514 (40%)
Lot: 8516 (40%) Lot: 8515 (40%) 8511
CEYLON: 1 Rupee (1.2.1941) in olive, lilac and blue with "Portrait King George VI" at left. WMK: Chinze. Printed by Indian. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Fine 12 - Ink Stamps". (Pick 30).
F 12
20 €
CEYLON: 1 Rupee (7.5.1946) in olive, lilac and blue with "Portrait King George VI" at left. WMK: Chinze. Printed by Indian. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25". (Pick 34).
VF 25
25 €
CEYLON: 1 Rupee (12.7.1944) in olive, lilac and blue with "Portrait King George VI" at left. WMK: Chinze. Printed by Indian. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 34).
UN 64
80 €
DANZIG: 10000 Mark (26.6.1923) in dark brown and blue with "Portrait Danzig merchant" at left and "Ship" right. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Extremely Fine 40 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 18).
XF 40
300 €
EAST AFRICA: 5 Shillings (1.6.1939) in blue-black on brown unpt with "Portrait King George VI" at left. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55". (Pick 26Ab).
AU 55
450 €
EAST AFRICA: 1 Shilling (1.1.1943) in blue-black on purple unpt with "Portrait King George VI" at left. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 30". (Pick 27).
VF 30
30 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8517 (40%)
Lot: 8519 (40%)
Lot: 8521 (40%)
Lot: 8518 (40%)
Lot: 8520 (40%)
Lot: 8522 (40%)
EAST AFRICA: 20 Shillings (ND 1964) in blue on multicolor unpt with "Sailboat" at left center. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35". (Pick 47a).
VF 35
80 €
EAST CARIBBEAN STATES: 10 Dollars (ND 2012) in blue and black on multicolor unpt with "Queen Elizabeth II" at center right and "Turtle" at lower center. Printed by DLR. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - Exceptional Paper Quality - Replacement / Star". (Pick 52a*).
UN 66
15 €
EAST CARIBBEAN STATES: 20 Dollars (ND 2012) in purple and slate blue on multicolor unpt with "Queen Elizabeth II" at center right and "Turtle" at lower center. Printed by DLR. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 - Exceptional Paper Quality - Replacement / Star". (Pick 53a*).
UN 67
20 €
ECUADOR: 10 Sucres (1966) in black on multicolor unpt with "Portrait of Sebastian de Benalcazar at center, with different guilloches and ornate background. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 101Aa).
UN 66
60 €
EGYPT: 5 Pounds (22.12.1941) in green and purple. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 19c).
VF 35
70 €
EGYPT: 50 Piastres (18.5.1940) in green and multicolor with "Tutankhamen profile" at left. WMK: Scarab. Signature by Cook. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Extremely Fine 40". (Pick 21a).
XF 40
110 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8524 (40%) Lot: 8523 (40%)
Lot: 8525 (40%)
Lot: 8527 (40%)
Lot: 8526 (40%)
Lot: 8528 (40%)
EQUATORIAL AFRICAN STATES / GABON: 500 Francs (ND 1963) in green and multicolor with "Girl wearing bandana" at right. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 25". (Pick 4d).
VF 25
90 €
FIJI: 1 Penny (1.7.1942) in black on green unpt with "Arms in underprint" at left and "Penny coin" at lower right. Printed by Commonwealth Printer. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 47a).
UN 64
25 €
FIJI: 5 Shillings (1.12.1962) in gray-blue on lilac, green and blue unpt with "Arms" at upper center and "Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II" at right. WMK: Fijian youths bust. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 30". (Pick 51c).
VF 30
70 €
FIJI: 5 Shillings (1.9.1964) in gray-blue on lilac, green and blue unpt with "Arms" at upper center and "Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II" at right. WMK: Fijian youths bust. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 51d).
VF 35
40 €
FIJI: 1 Dollar (ND 1969) in brown, green and pink unpt with "Queen Elizabeth" at right, "Arms" and heading "GOVERNMENT OF FIJI" at upper center. WMK: Profile Fijian head. Printed ny TDLR. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 53 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 59a).
AU 53
30 €
FIJI: 5 Dollars (ND 1992) in orange and violet on multicolor unpt with "Modified portrait of Queen Elizabeth II" at right, "Arms" at center and "Artifact" at right. WMK: Profile Fijian head. Printed ny TDLR. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 93a).
UN 66
40 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8530 (40%) Lot: 8529 (30%)
Lot: 8532 (30%) Lot: 8531 (40%)
Lot: 8533 (40%)
Lot: 8534 (35%)
FRANCE: 1000 Francs (26.1.1939) in ochre, blue and multicolor with "Ceres" at left, "Mercury" at right and "Two small angels" below. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Gem New 65 - PPQ / Pinholes at Left as Typical". (Pick 90c).
UN 65
230 €
FRANCE: 10 Francs (7.11.1968) in red and multicolor with "Paris Palais des Tuileries" at center and "Voltaire" at right. WMK: Voltaire. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 147c).
UN 66
50 €
FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA: 5 Francs (ND 1941) in green brown and multicolor with "Man" at center. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 6).
UN 66
70 €
FRENCH INDO-CHINA: 100 Piastres (ND 1936-39) in multicolor with "Golden vessel with dog on top" at left. Inside palstic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63". (Pick 51d).
UN 63
300 €
FRENCH PACIFIC TERRITORIES: 500 Francs (ND 2010-12) in multicolor with "Fisherman" at right. Serial no "V.015 29688". WMK: Marianne head wearing Phrygian cap. Printed by BDF (Without imprint). Signatures by Barroux, Noyer and Besse. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Superb Gem New 67 - PPQ". (Pick 1g) & (Spink IEOM B1g).
UN 67
30 €
FRENCH WEST AFRICA / TOGO: 1000 Francs (5.10.1955) in multicolor. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Extremely Fine 45 - Previously Mounted". (Pick 48).
XF 45
200 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8535 (75%)
Lot: 8537 (75%)
Lot: 8539 (75%)
Lot: 8536 (75%)
Lot: 8538 (75%)
Lot: 8540 (40%)
GERMANY: 1 Mk (o.D.) by Neheim a.d. Ruhr (Wfl/NW) Gemeinde. (Grabowski/Mehl 931.1/a). Uncirculated.
GERMANY: 1 Mk (1.9.1921) by Neundorf (Anh/SA) Gemeinde. (Grabowski/Mehl 955.1/a). Uncirculated.
GERMANY: 2 Mk (1.3.1922) by Nieheim (Wfl/NW) Vorschubverein. (Grabowski/Mehl 972.1). Uncirculated.
GERMANY: 50 Pf (1921) by Oldenburg i.O. (Old/Ns) Handelskammer. (Grabowski/Mehl 1017.1/b4). Extra Fine.
1 million drx (29.6.1944) in bottom marginal with "Youth of Anticuthera" at left, color proof of face in bluegreen and pale orange and final proof of back. (Pick 127pp). Uncirculated.
55 €
GERMANY - DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: 50 Deutsche Mark (1948) in green on brown unpt. Serial no "AH 2637686". With plate number "101". WMK: Arrows pattern. Printed by VEB (Without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 - EPQ". (Pick 14b) & (Spink DN B7b).
UN 67
40 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8541 (40%)
Lot: 8543 (40%)
Lot: 8545 (40%)
Lot: 8542 (40%)
Lot: 8544 (40%)
Lot: 8546 (40%)
GIBRALTAR: 10 Shillings (3.10.1958) in blue on yellow-brown unpt with "Rock of Gibraltar" at left. Printed by TDLR. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35". (Pick 17).
VF 35
90 €
GIBRALTAR: 1 Pound (4.8.1988) in brown and red on multicolor unpt with "Queen Elizabeth II" at center right. WMK: Queen Elizabeth II. Printed by TDLR. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - Exceptional Paper Quality". (Pick 20e).
UN 66
25 €
ICELAND: 10 Kronur (1981) in blue on multicolor unpt with "Arngrimur Johnsson" at right. WMK: J. Sigurthsson. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Superb Gem New 68 - PPQ". (Pick 48a).
UN 68
40 €
INDIA: 5 Rupees (ND 1962-67) in green on brown unpt with "Hindi corrected" and "Redesigned panels" at left and right. WMK: Asoka column. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 - EPQ". (Pick 36a).
UN 67
25 €
INDIA: 10 Rupees (ND 1949-57) with "Asoka column" at right. WMK: Asoka column. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Gem New 66 - PPQ". (Pick 38).
UN 66
60 €
IRAN: 20 Rials (ND 1974-79) in brown on orange, lilac and multicolor unpt with "Perian carpet design, shepherd and ram" and "Type VIII portrait of Shah Pahlavi" at right. WMK: Young Shah Pahlavi. Printed by TDLR. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Gem New 66 - PPQ". (Pick 100c).
UN 66
25 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8547 (40%)
Lot: 8549 (40%)
Lot: 8551 (40%)
Lot: 8548 (40%)
Lot: 8550 (40%)
Lot: 8552 (40%)
ITALY: 10 LIre (1944) in blue With "Jupiter" at left. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 32b).
UN 66
40 €
ITALY: 100000 Lire (3.7.1967) in brownish black, brown and deep olive-green on multicolor unpt with "A. Manzoni" at right. WMK: Archaic female bust. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Very Fine 25 - Apparent / Writing in Ink on Face and Back". (Pick 100a).
VF 25
300 €
ITALY: 100000 Lire (19.7.1970) in brownish black, brown and deep olive-green on multicolor unpt with "A. Manzoni" at right. WMK: Archaic female bust. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Very Fine 20". (Pick 100b).
VF 20
250 €
JERSEY: 1 Pound (2004) commemorative banknote in dark green and purple on multicolor unpt with "Queen Elizabeth II" at right. Serial no "J8C481254". WMK: Jersey cow. Printed by De La Rue. Signature by Ian Black. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 31a) & (Spink SOJ B26a).
UN 66
20 €
LAOS: 10 Kip (ND 1962) in blue on yellow and green unpt with "Costumed Lao woman" at left. Serial no "Y/10 51497". WMK: Elephants head. Printed by TDLR (Without imprint). Signature by Souvannavong. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 - EPQ". (Pick 10b) & (Spink BNL B10b).
UN 67
20 €
LIBYA: 1 Dinar (ND 2009) in blue and multicolor with "Muammar Qaddafi" at right. Serial no "7 J/36 050031". WMK: Qaddafi and number "1". Printed by TDLR (Without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 71) & (Spink CBL B35a).
UN 66
25 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8553 (40%)
Lot: 8554 (40%)
Lot: 8555 (40%) Lot: 8556 (40%)
Lot: 8557 (40%)
Lot: 8558 (40%)
MADAGASCAR: 5000 Ariary (25000 Francs) (ND 2003) in violet, dark blue and yellow on multicolor unpt with "Fishing boats" at left. Serial no "A7176721J". WMK: Zebu cattle head and number "5000". Printed by G&D (Without imprint). Signature by Ravelojaona. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Superb Gem New 69 - PPQ". (Pick 84) & (Spink BFM B18a).
UN 69
40 €
MALAYA: 1 Dollar (1.7.1941) in blue on orange and multicolor unpt with "Portrait of King George VI" at right. Serial no "R/52 076623". WMK: Lions head. Printed by W&S. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Choice AU 58 OPQ". (Pick 11) & (Spink BCC B12a).
AU 58
90 €
MEXICO: 20 Pesos (D. 1913) in black on multicolor unpt with "Harvesting scene" at center. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Very Choice New 64". (Pick S134a).
UN 64
60 €
MOROCCOA: 100 Francs (1.3.1944) in multicolor with "Gate in city wall" at center. Printed by EAW. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 27).
UN 64
160 €
MOROCCO: 25 Dirhams (2012) in red and multicolor with "Nohammed VI" at upper center. Commemorative issue in vertical format for the 25th anniversary of Dar As Sikkah. Serial no "S07D731078". WMK: King Mohammed VI. Printed by DAS (Without imprint). Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 73a) & (Spink BAM B14a).
UN 66
20 €
MOZAMBIQUE: 20 Centavos (25.11.1933) in blue. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick R29).
UN 64
35 €
September 8th, 2018 / Athens Hilton
Lot: 8559 (40%)
Lot: 8560 (40%)
Lot: 8561 (40%)
Lot: 8563 (30%)
Lot: 8562 (40%)
POLAND: 500 Marek (23.8.1919) in green on brown unpt with "Portrait of woman" at right. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 - EPQ". (Pick 28).
UN 67
50 €
POLAND: 500 Zlotych (28.2.1919) in purple and green with "Portrait of Tadeus Kosciuszko" at left. WMK: Tadeus Kosciuszko. Printed by W&S. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Gem New 65 PPQ". (Pick 58).
UN 65
40 €
PERU: 2 Soles (30.6.1879) in black on green and brown unpt with "Steam passenger trains" at lower left and right and "Woman at fountain" at lower center. Printed by ABNC. Inside plastic folder by PCGS "Very Fine 20". (Pick 2).
VF 20
90 €
RUSSIA: 10 Rubles (1898) in red on multicolor unpt with "Allegory of Russia seated holding shield and laurel branch". Inside plastic folder by PMG "Very Fine 20". (Pick 4a).
VF 20
250 €
RUSSIA (NORTHWEST): 100 Rubles (1919) in black-green on light brown unpt with "Flags and shields" around value at left and "Double eagle" at right. Printed by Centraltryckeriet. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55 - EPQ". (Pick S210).
AU 55
100 €
Public & LIVE Bid Auction 621
Lot: 8564 (40%)
Lot: 8565 (40%)
Lot: 8566 (40%)
Lot: 8567 (40%)
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1 Dollar (1.1.1935) in dark blue with "Portrait of King George V" at right. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55". (Pick 16b).
AU 55
300 €
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 5 Dollars (1.1.1935) in violet with "Portrait of King George V" at right. Printed by BWC. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Choice Very Fine 35". (Pick 17b).
VF 35
420 €
SYRIA: 10 Pounds (1991/AH1412) in purple and violet on multicolor unpt with "Al-Azem Palace in Damascus" at center and "Dancing woman" at right. WMK: Arabian horses head. Inside plastic folder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 101e).
UN 66
20 €
SYRIA: 500 Pounds (1992/AH1413) in dark-violet-brown and brown on multicolor unpt with "Motifs from ruins of Kingdom of Ugarit". WMK: Arabian horses head. Inside plastic folder by PM "Superb Gem Unc 67 EPQ". (Pick 105f).
UN 67
35 €