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Ελλάδα / Greece
Lot. 8371 Starting Price: 70 € ORTELIUS Abraham, “Graecia”, 1577-1609. Miniature map of Greece from a French pocket edition of Ortelius Atlas. Map dim. 12x8.8cm, text in French on verso. Modern full handcolouring. Zacharakis 2522.

Lot. 8373 Starting Price: 260 € ORTELIUS Abraham, “Ελλας. GRAECIA, SOPHIANI./ Abrahamo Ortelio descriptore”, 1579-1624. Hand-coloured copper engr. map, depiction of ancient Greece, western Turkey and the Grecian islands based on the in uential woodcut map prepared by the great Greek Hellenist and cartographer Nikolaus Sophianos (Νικόλαος Σοφιανός) and printed in Basel, 1545 (or in Rome 1542). e Sophianos map of Greece, was established as a model for the Geographic depiction of Greece, and has been issued for more than 150 years a er the rst issue, until 1699. is is the rst state of the map a er the 1545 Sophianos issue, many other maps issued a er are based on the current plate. Architectural title cartouche anked by two mythological gures, and a strapwork scale of miles. Latin text on verso. Map dim.50x35cm. Zacharakis 2495. Lot. 8372 Starting Price: 65 € ORTELIUS Abraham, “Graeciae Universae...”, 1577-1697. Miniature map of Greece from an Italian pocket edition of Ortelius Atlas. Map dim. 11x8cm, text in Italian on verso. Modern full hand-colouring. Soiling. Zacharakis 2522.

Lot. 8374 Starting Price: 160 € Munster Seb., “ Griechenlandt nach seinen Landscha en und Eigenscha en”, c.1580. Woodblock 16x13cm very early map of Greece on sheet (24x35cm), from a German edition of “Cosmographia”with text in German on both sheet sides. Modern hand-colouring. Zacharakis 2443.

Lot. 8375 Starting Price: 100 € PTOLEMAEUS Claudius, “GRAECIA” copper engr. map from “Geographia” 1596-1617, with Latin text on verso. Map dim: 18x14cm. Very ne condition. Zacharakis 2848.

Lot. 8376 Starting Price: 130 € PTOLEMAEUS C., MAGINI G. A., “TABULA EUROPAE X”, Venice, Calignani, 1596. is is a new Latin edition, edited by the mathematician G. A. Magini, with the plates engraved by Girolamo Porro, the skillful engraver that had previously prepared the plates for Porcacchi’s isolario. Map dim.18x13.8cm. Few only marginal pinholes otherwise Very Fine. Zacharakis 2843. Lot. 8377 Starting Price: 80 € Mercator G., “Graecia”, 1607-1639. Copper engraved map (18,5x14,5cm) of Greece, with Latin text on verso. Uncoloured as issued. Very small tears along edges of the margins. is map represents a set of Mercator maps re-engraved in smaller size making them available for a wider public. Zacharakis 2220

Lot. 8378 Starting Price: 200 € MERCATOR Gerardum, “Macedonia Epirus et Achaia / Per Gerardum Mercatorem cum Privilegio” from “Atlas Novus” or “ Descriptio Maris..” 1638-1680. Beautifully copper plate map, partly hand-coloured, with an impressive decorative title cartouche. e map presents both ancient and late 16th – middle 17th century toponyms. Macedonia is divided in the eastern part named “Iamboli” and the western part named “Macedonia”, while, according to the text on reverse (in Latin), Macedonia extends from the Ionian to the Aegean Sea. Further descriptive text about the boundaies and history of Epirus & Achaia. Map. dim. 44x36cm with full margins. Overall toning, srip of later paper reinforcing attached along middle-fold on reverse. Zacharakis 2216, “Μακεδονία Χαρτογραφία και Ιστορία”, ΜΙΕΤ, 19 & 53.
For additional and more detailed images, visit the online auction catalogue at: www.karamitsos.com

Lot. 8379 Starting Price: 65 € SPEED John, “Ελλας / GREECE / Petrus Kaerius caelav.”, 1646 – 1676. Miniature map 12.5 x 8.5cm of Greece, from a miniature edition of John Speed’s “Prospects of the most famous parts of the world”, one of the few maps bearing the title in Greek “Ελλάς”.Text in English on verso. Few marginal tears. Zacharakis 3426. Lot. 8380 Starting Price: 80 € CLUVERIUS P., “HELLAS seu GRAECIA Universa”, c.1650. Copper plate map (26x23cm) of Greece, a variation of the map usually appearing in Cluver’s “Introductionis in Universam Geographiam”. Outline hand-colouring, light overall toning. Zacharakis 964

Lot. 8381 Starting Price: 50 € VAL Pierre du, “TURQUIE en Europe”, 1655-1712. Miniature map of Turkey in Europe, centered in Greece. Map dim. 13x11cm. No text on verso. Zacharakis 3547. Lot. 8382 Starting Price: 100 € MOLL H., “Turky in Europe”, printed only once in “ esaurus Geographicus”, London, 1695. Rare map of Turkey in Europe depicting Greece and the southern Balkans. Title cartouche depicting Venetians defeating & enslaving Ottomans. Copper plate map 20 x 15cm, in pp.373 with text in English about the Ottoman Empire. Zacharakis 2331.

Lot. 8383 Starting Price: 220 € SEUTTER M., “Graeciae pars Septentrionalis / Cum Gratia et Privil. S.R.I….”, 1728-1742. Scarce copper plate map (59x48cm) of central & northern Greece based on Delisle’s map published at the beginning on 18th century. Comparing to Delisle’s map, the current cartographic frame extents further southern to include Cephalonia, Attica, Norther parts of Morea and Chios. Beautiful handcolouring, strong impression and Extremely Fine condition. Zacharakis 3352.

Lot. 8385 Starting Price: 180 € Harenberg J.C.,”Imperii Turcici Europaei terra, in primis Graecia... 1741 cum privil. S.C.M.”, from “Major Atlas Scholasticus”, Homann Haeres, Nürnberg, 1752-1775. Copper plate map of European Turkey / Ancient Greece, partly with contemporary hand-colouring. Title cartouche framed with 23 ancient Greek coins. One of the few examples of maps at the end of 18th century depicting coins. e route of Apostle Paul from Kaesaria to Rome is also highlighted. Haremberg was a theologist and historian that le only a couple of samples of his cartographic work. ere are strong indications that this map was used as one of the base maps for the design of Rigass Charta (Χάρτα του Ρήγα). Light toning along middle-fold and upper corners, paper strip covering tear on upper part of middlefold, light creasing. Zacharakis 1613. Lot. 8384 Starting Price: 150 € Delisle G., Covens J. & Mortier C., “Carte de la Grece”, Paris, c.1740. Impressive copper engraved map (58x47cm) of Greece, including western Asia Minor and Cyprus. Based on Delisle’s map rst printed in early 1700s. Impressive title cartouche presenting ancient Greek ruins with an Ottoman soldier and war ships at the background. Outline contemporary hand-colouring. Marginal tear on lower part of middle-fold, otherwise Very Fine. Zacharakis 1338.

Lot. 8386 Starting Price: 150 € JEFFERYS omas, “A Map of race and Greece”, 17451786. Copper plate map (40x30cm) of Greece, produced by the English cartographer omas Je erys to accompany Pococke’s important work “A description of the East…”. Impressive title cartouche presenting a wonderfull scene of ancient Greek ruins. e map is important as it is one of the richest 18th century maps in presenting accurate contemporary toponyms.Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 1743.

Lot. 8387 Starting Price: 55 € Callarius C., “Hellas sive Graecia Propria / R.W. Seale sculp”, c.1770. Uncommon print with the map of central & southern Greece mainland followed by a ne engraved title cartouche. Partly hand-coloured. Map dim.31x21cm. Zacharakis 889. Lot. 8388 Starting Price: 50 € ANVILLE J. B. B., «La Grece proprement dite pour l’Histoire Romaine de Rollin par le d’ Anville…», 1818. Partly handcoloured map of Greece produced for the Rollin’s Ancient History and for the 1818 edition, printed at the eve of the Greek War for Independence. In Very Fine condition. Map dim.32x33cm, with full margins.

↠ Οι επόμενοι 4 λαχνοί (Lot.8389-8392) αποτελούν χάρτες του “General-Karte des Königreiches Griechenland” (1885), την γερμανόφωνη έκδοση του εμβληματικού χαρτογραφικού έργου “ΧΑΡΤΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ”, γνωστού και ως χάρτη του Ιφικράτη Κοκκίδη. Θεωρείται το πρώτο επίσημο χαρτογραφικό εγχείρημα του ελληνικού κράτους, τυπώνεται στο ιδιαίτερα προηγμένο καισαροβασιλικό στρατιωτικό χαρτογραφικό Ινστιτούτο της Βιέννης (k.u.k), και είναι αποτέλεσμα συνδυασμού αξιοποίησης παλαιών χαρτογραφικών εργασιών αλλά και μετρήσεων στο πεδίο υπό τον Έλληνα στρατιωτικό μηχανικό Ιφικράτη Κοκκίδη.

Lot. 8389 Starting Price: 150 € ΚΟΚΙΔΗΣ Ιφικράτης & KIEPERT Heinrich, BL III: [ΔΥΤΙΚΗ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ], 1885. Κλίμακα 1:300.000. Χάρτης της Δυτικής Ελλάδας διαστ. 54x48cm. Lot. 8390 Starting Price: 150 € ΚΟΚΙΔΗΣ Ιφικράτης & KIEPERT Heinrich, BL VII: [ΑΤΤΙΚΗ, ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ, ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ, ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΑ], 1885. Κλίμακα 1:300.000. Χάρτης της Δυτικής Ελλάδας διαστ. 54x48cm.

Lot. 8391 Starting Price: 150 € ΚΟΚΙΔΗΣ Ιφικράτης & KIEPERT Heinrich, BL II: [ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ, ΧΑΛΚΙΔΙΚΗ, ΠΙΕΡΙΑ], 1885. Κλίμακα 1:300.000. Χάρτης της Δυτικής Ελλάδας διαστ. 54x48cm. Lot. 8392 Starting Price: 150 € ΚΟΚΙΔΗΣ Ιφικράτης & KIEPERT Heinrich, BL I: [ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ, ΤΡΙΚΑΛΑ, ΓΡΕΒΕΝΑ, ΚΟΖΑΝΗ], 1885. Κλίμακα 1:300.000. Χάρτης της Δυτικής Ελλάδας διαστ. 54x48cm.

Lot. 8393 Starting Price: 70 € ”Η ΝΕΑ ΕΛΛΑΣ” Σχεδιασθείσα υπό Ι. Σαρρή, Βιβλιοπωλείον Ιωάννου Ν. Σιδέρη εν Αθήναις, εκ του Λιθ. Β. Παπαχρυσάνθου, π.1950. Κλίμακα 1:1.000.000. Μεγάλων διαστάσεων, 75x105εκ., χάρτης της Ελλάδας. Ένθετος μικρός χάρτης, «Αι Επεκτάσεις του Βασιλείου της Ελλάδος» (1830, 1864, 1881, 1913), στην κάτω αριστερή γωνία. Ίχνη υγρασίας στα κεντρικά διπλώματα, μικρά σκισίματα στις άκρες και επιδιορθώσεις στην πίσω πλευρά. Καλή κατάσταση συνολικά. Lot. 8394 Starting Price: 20 € ΕΛΠΑ - Οδικοί Χάρται και Τουριστικός Οδηγός Ελλάδος, “Εργίνος - Ματσούκης”, Αθήναι, 1958. Σε μικρό 8ο, σε 42 τμηματικές διαδρομές (περ. 90 σελ.). Φθορά χρήσης, καλό αντίτυπο.