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Αιγαίο / Aegean
Lot. 8399 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Cerigo”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Kythera island (Κύθηρα). Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2688. Lot. 8400 Starting Price: 50 € «Canal entre Zante & Moree», c.1850 Scarse chart of the passage between Zakynthos and Peloponnese from «Recueil des plans des ports & rades de la Mer Méditerranée de la Mer Noire & de la Mer d’Azof ... / par Mrs. Gauttier ..., Monnier ..., Hell ... et Berard ... d’après le Portulan de Mr. Sas. Baudin... et par ... W.H. Smith et Beau ort». Some spotting, few places indicated handwritten in greek.
Lot. 8401 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Engia”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Aegina island (Αίγινα). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2686. Lot. 8402 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Isole Solari”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Hydra, Spetses & the small islands of ArgoSaronic Gulf (Ύδρα, Σπέτσες, Αργοσαρωνικός). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Light spotting. Zacharakis 2687.
Lot. 8403 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Pelagnisi”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Alonnesos (Αλόννησος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2680. Lot. 8404 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Schiro”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Skyros island (Σκύρος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2683.
Lot. 8405 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Cicynnethus”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Skiathos island and the north coasts of Euboea (Σκιάθος και βορειοανατολικές ακτές της Εύβοιας). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2684. Lot. 8406 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Isole Gregarie”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Skiathos & Alonisos (Σκιάθος & Αλόνησος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Light spotting, marginal paper crease. Zacharakis 2681.
Lot. 8407 Starting Price: 55 € [Σκιάθος – Σκόπελος / Κέα] DAPPER Olfert, “Schiatti Scopoli” & “Zea”, 1703. Two (2) maps on single sheet 17x13,5cm & 17,5x12.35cm, of the islands of Skiathos & Skopelos and Kea . Without text on verso. Very Fine. Zacharakis 1309. Lot. 8408 Starting Price: 55 € [Βόρειες Σποράδες / νησίδεςΠλατύκαιΣαρακηνό] DAPPER Olfert, “Pelagnisi” & “Dromi”, 1703. Two (2) maps on single sheet 17,5x13,5cm each, of the islands of North Sporades (Κυρά Παναγιά, Γιούρα, Ψαθούρα, Πιπέρι και Πρασσόνησο) and small islands of Plati and Sarakino (South of Skyros). Without text on verso. Zacharakis 1308.

Lot. 8409 Starting Price: 300 € CAMOCIO Giovanni Francesco, “NEGROPONTE Insula”, c.1566-1574, from “Isole famose, porti fortezze e terre maritime…” publ. in Venice. Scarce map of Euboea (Εύβοια) and part of mainland, highlighting the town of Chalcis (Χαλκίδα) and its forti cation and bridge. Map dim. 21 x 16 cm, on sheet 25 x 18.5 cm with full margins. From the rst state without the plated numbering. ree marginal pinholes, signs of glue on the reverse of only the le edge. e obverse engraved area with strong immpression and very ne. Zacharakis 792.

Lot. 8410 Starting Price: 150 € BOSCHINI Marco, Dapper Olfert “Negroponte / Insula Authore Marco Boschino”, 1688. Copper engraved double page map of Euboea, from Olfert Dappers” Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel...” 1688. e current map published by Dapper, is based on the Boschinis map of Euboea published 30 years earlier, in 1658 (Zacharakis 590). Dim.37x27cm. Framed. Zacharakis 644. Double-page map of Euboea and the sourounding lands reaching the Pagasetic Gulf to the North and Athens & Aegina to the South. Major towns and forti ed places and landscape features are presented pictorially, while the forti ed town of Negroponte is presented in greater details. Sailing ships and scenes of naval battles depicted in the sea, representing the con ict between the Venetians and the Ottomans for the occupation of this very important fort. e Venetian attack of 1688, the same year this map was issued, was unsuccessful. Map dim. 36 x 27.5 cm. Tears along middle-fold & edges, lisght spotting. Zacharakis 644
Lot. 8413 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “SCIO”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Chios island (ΧΙΟΣ). Map dim. 18.5x14cm, Very Fine. Zacharakis 2669. Lot. 8411 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Negroponte”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Euboea and adjacent mainland (Εύβοια), the forti cations of Negroponte are presented pictorially. Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Light spotting. Zacharakis 2685.
Lot. 8412 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Samandrachi”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Samothraki island (Σαμοθράκη). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Very Fine. Zacharakis 2676.
Lot. 8414 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Caloiero”, 1688. Rare bird-eye view of the impressive monastery on Kalogeros islet (Μοναστήρι στη νησίδα Καλόγεροι Ψαρών ή Άνδρου) from Piacenza’s isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), dim. 18.5x14cm, staining.
Lot. 8415 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Tenedo”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Tenedos island (Τένεδος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2672.
Lot. 8417 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Samo”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting most possible Samos island (Σάμος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2639.

Lot. 8419 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Mandria”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting most possible Mandri islet east of Icaria. Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2643. Lot. 8416 Starting Price: 120 € [Ψαρά] PIACENZA F., “PSARA”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “LEgeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition). Depicting the Psara and Antipsara island (ΨΑΡΑ & ΑΝΤΙΨΑΡΑ). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2640.
Lot. 8418 Starting Price: 55 € [Σάμος / Χίος] DAPPER Olfert, “Samos” & “Sio”, 1688. Two (2) maps on single plate 17,5x26,5cm each, of the islands of Samos & Chios (Σάμος, Χίος) in single sheet. Without text on verso. From Dappers “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilande”, 1688. Zacharakis 1304.
Lot. 8420 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Lembro”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Imbros island (Ίμβρος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2675.
Lot. 8421 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Crusia, Lipso, Tragia, Fornoli”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Leipsoi, Fournoi and the islands between Samos & Icaria (Λειψοί, Φούρνοι). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2641. Lot. 8422 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Nicaria”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenza’s isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting most possible Icaria island (Ικαρία). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2642.

Lot. 8423 Starting Price: 90 € “Gulf of Kassandra aso and Lemnos islands, from admiralty surveys between 1883-40, with small additions to 1872”. Ναυτικός χάρτης του Βρετανικού Ναυαρχείου που αποτυπώνει τη Σιθωνία, Άγιο Όρος, Θάσος, βόρειες ακτές μέχρι και το Πόρτο Λάγος και μέρος της Λήμνου. Δεύτερη έκδοση μετά τις διορθώσεις του 1892. Διαστ. 86x69εκ. Καλή κατάσταση.

Lot. 8424 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Milo”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting most possible Milos island (Μήλος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Zacharakis 2655. Lot. 8425 Starting Price: 100 € BOSCHINI Marco, “NAMPHIO”, 1658. Rare map (18x13cm) from Boschini’s isolario “ L’Archipelago con tutte le Isole...”, 1658 (one and only edition). Depicting the island of Ana (Ανάφη). Full contemporary hand-colouring. Zacharakis 553.

Lot. 8426 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Zea”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting most possible Kea island (ΚΕΑ). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2658.

Lot. 8428 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Sdile”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Delos and Rhinia islands (Δήλος - Ρήνεια). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Show through of text from verso, very light spotting. Zacharakis 2664.

Lot. 8430 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Cythnus”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Kea island (ΚΕΑ). e map is wrongly titled by Piacenza as “Cythnus”. Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2661. Lot. 8427 Starting Price: 160 € [Άνδρος] PIACENZA F., “ANDRO”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition). Depicting Andros (ΑΝΔΡΟΣ) island. Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Light paper crease. Zacharakis 2662.

Lot. 8429 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Paris”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Paros & Antiparos (Πάρος & Αντίπαρος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Light paper crease. Zacharakis 2668.

Lot. 8431 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Sirna”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Syros island (Σύρος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm, Light printer’s paper crease. Zacharakis 2669.

Lot. 8432 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “NIO”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Ios island (ΙΟΣ). Map dim. 18.5x14cm, Very Fine. Zacharakis 2651.

Lot. 8434 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “THERA”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Show through of text from verso, marginal tear repaired. Zacharakis 2683.

Lot. 8436 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Milo”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting most possible Milos island (Μήλος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2655. Lot. 8433 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Amorgo”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting most possible Amorgos island (Αμοργός). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2649.

Lot. 8435 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Santorini”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Santorini island (Σαντορίνη). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Show through of text from verso, light spotting. Zacharakis 2654.

Lot. 8437 Starting Price: 120 € [Σίφνος] PIACENZA F., “SIPHANO”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “LEgeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition). Depicting Sifnos (ΣΙΦΝΟΣ) island. Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2656.

Lot. 8438 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Namphio”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Ana island (Ανάφη). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Show through of text from verso, light marginal staining. Zacharakis 2653.
Lot. 8440 Starting Price: 55 € [Σαντορίνη] DAPPER Olfert, “PARIS”, 1703. Maps on single sheet 16x13cm of the island of Paros (ΠΑΡΟΣ), on sheet with text in French. Without text on verso. Very Fine. Zacharakis 1311.
Lot. 8442 Starting Price: 55 € [ΤΗΝΟΣ - Εξώμβουργο] DAPPER Olfert, “TINO”, 1703. A map of Tinos accompanied by a bird-eye view of Exombourgo mountain, Tinos island, with the fortress on the top, 13,5x16,5cm each, without text on verso. Very ne. Zacharakis 1312. Lot. 8439 Starting Price: 55 € [Σαντορίνη] DAPPER Olfert, “Santorini”, 1703. Maps on single sheet 16x13cm of the islands of Santorini, on sheet with text in French. Without text on verso. Very Fine. Zacharakis 1315.
Lot. 8441 Starting Price: 55 € [Άνδρος - Ψαρά] DAPPER Olfert, “ANDRO” & “SARA”, 1703. Two (2) maps on single sheet 17,5x13,5cm each, of the islands of Andros and Psara in central Aegean (Άνδρος & Ψαρά). Without text on verso. Very Fine. Zacharakis 1313.

Lot. 8443 Starting Price: 60 € LANGENES B., “RHODI / Petrus Kaerius caelavit”, 1600, 1602, 1609. Miniature map of Rhodes, from Langene’s “Tresor des Chartes”, one of the 3 editions in French issued in the early 17th century. Descriptive text on verso for Rhodes & Cyprus. Map dim. 12x8.5cm. Toning. Zacharakis 1845.

Lot. 8444 Starting Price: 70 € BOSCHINI Marco, “PISCOPIA”, 1658. Rare map (18x13cm) from Boschini’s isolario “ L’Archipelago con tutte le Isole...”, 1658 (one and only edition). Depicting the island of Tilos (Επισκοπή / Τήλος). Zacharakis 550.

Lot. 8446 Starting Price: 120 € [Νίσυρος] PIACENZA F., “NISARE”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “LEgeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition). Depicting the Nisiros (ΝΙΣΥΡΟΣ) island. Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2656.

Lot. 8448 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “RHODI”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenza’s isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting the island of Rhodes (Ρόδος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2689. Lot. 8445 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Lango”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting most possible Kos island (ΚΩΣ). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2637.

Lot. 8447 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Carchi e Limonia”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenza’s isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting the islands of Halki & Alimia (Χάλκη & Αλιμιά). Map dim. 18.5x14cm, Very Fine. Zacharakis 2632.

Lot. 8449 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Piscopia”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenza’s isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting the island of Tilos (Τήλος / Επισκοπή). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2634.

Lot. 8450 Starting Price: 120 € [Σύμη] PIACENZA F., “SIMIE”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenza’s isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition). Depicting Simi (ΣΥΜΗ) island and adjacent coasts of Asia Minor. Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2633.

Lot. 8452 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Calamo”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Calymnos island (Κάλυμνος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2646.

Lot. 8454 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “STAMPALIA”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenza’s isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting the island of Astypalaia (ΑΣΤΥΠΑΛΑΙΑ). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2647. Lot. 8451 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Agathonissi, Eleo, Fermaco”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Agathonissi and surrounding islands (Αγαθονήσι). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2638.

Lot. 8453 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Pathmus”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting most possible Patmos island (Πάτμος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Zacharakis 2644.

Lot. 8455 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Zinara e Levita”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Levitha & Kinaros islands (Λέβιθα & Κίναρος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm. Light spotting. Zacharakis 2648.