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See photo plate (b&w) / Βλέπε φωτογραφία (Α/Μ)
FC See color photo / Βλέπε έγχρωμη φωτογραφία
**,u/m. Unmounted mint / Ασφράγιστο χωρίς σαρνιέρα
*,m. Mounted mint / Ασφράγιστο με σαρνιέρα ή ίχνος σαρνιέρας
(*),mng. Mint without gum / Ασφράγιστο χωρίς γόμμα
o,u. Used, cancelled / Σφραγισμένο
P Forgery, fake / Πλαστό
pu Postally used / Ταχυδρομημένο κανονικά
o.g. Original gum / Γνήσια γόμμα
E Essay of proof / Δοκίμιο
S Specimen / Δείγμα
W Wrapper / Περιτύλιγμα (ράπερ)
EL Entire letter / Επιστολή αναδιπλούμενη (χωρίς φάκελο)
C,cov. Cover, envelope / Φάκελος
Δ On fragment, on piece / Επί τεμαχίου (χαρτιού ή φακέλου)
PS Postal stationery (card, letter card, print. envelope) / Ταχυδρ. μονόφυλλο (δελτάριο, βραχεία επιστολή, έντυπος φάκελος)
PPC Picture postcard / Εικονογραφημένη κάρτα
RP Real photograph, photocard / Φωτοκάρτα, πραγματική φωτογραφία
M Map / Χάρτης
Hellas HELLAS Greek catalogue / Κατάλογος ΕΛΛΑΣ
Fr. FRANGOUDIS Cyprus catalogue / Κατάλογος Κύπρου ΦΡΑΓΚΟΥΔΗ
Yv. YVERT & TELLIER French catalogue / Κατάλογος ΙΒΕΡ
Mi. MICHEL German catalogue / Κατάλογος ΜΙΧΕΛ
SG. S. GIBBONS British catalogue / Κατάλογος ΓΚΙΜΠΟΝΣ
AG.PA. AGAOGULLARI PAPUÇCIOGLU Turkish Postmarks catalogue /Κατάλογος Τουρκικών Σφραγίδων ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΟΓΛΟΥ
EST. Our estimation / Προσωπική μας εκτίμηση
R,RR Rare, very rare, etc. / Σπάνιο, πολύ σπάνιο κλπ. wmk. Watermark / Υδατόσημο
MS Minitature or souvenir sheet / Μπλόκ φεγιέ
var. Variety / Ποικιλία
trans. Transit cancellation / Διαβατική σφραγίδα
G Good quality or condition / Ανεκτή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
F Fine quality or condition / Καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
VF Very ne quality or condition / Πολύ καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
B Library book / Βιβλίο
doc. Document / Έγγραφο
NEWS Newspaper / Εφημερίδα
ENGR Engraving / Γραβούρα
MAG Magazine / Περιοδικό
EPH Ephemera / Εφήμερα
BOND Bonds & Certi cates / Μετοχές FFC
MF Military Flight / Στρατιωτική Πτήση
CF Crash Flight / Αεροπορικά Ατυχήματα
CER Ceramic / Κεραμικό
LABEL Label / Ετικέτα
PC Postal Cards / Επιστολικά Δελτάρια
PL Postal Letter Cards / Βραχείες Επιστολές
PE Postal Envelopes / Φάκελοι
PW Postal Wrappers / Ταινίες Εντύπων
PO Postal Money Orders / Ταχυδρομικές Επιταγές
PP Parcel Postal Cards / Δελτίο Αποστολής Δεμάτων
PA Aerograms, Air Letters / Αερογράμματα
B/UNC Brilliant Uncirculated / Λαμπρό Ακυκλοφόρητο
UNC Uncirculated / Ακυκλοφόρητο
A/UNC Almost Uncirculated / Σχεδόν Ακυκλοφόρητο
XF Extra Fine / Εξαιρετική Κατάσταση
Very Fine / Πολύ Ωραίο
F Fine / Ωραίο
VG Very Good / Πολύ Καλό
G Good / Καλό
FDC Fleur de Coin / Κατάσταση Νομισματοκοπείου
S Specimen / Δείγμα
TR/S Trial Strike / Δοκιμή Μήτρας
Pn Pattern / Μοτίβο
PRF Proof / Δοκίμιο
E Essay / Προσχέδιο
Note: e grading guide we use in this catalogue for the certi ed coins and banknotes is not our personal estimation but the one established by the internationally approved companies in the eld.
e “Top grade” characterization is about coins that the moment when this catalogue goes for printing, they have the best grade (compared to other similar coins) given from the two grading companies (NGC & PCGS).
Σημείωση: Η κατάσταση που αναγράφεται στα πιστοποιημένα νομίσματα
προσωπική εκτίμηση,
χαρακτηρισμός “Top grade” αφορά σε νομίσματα τα οποία, την ώρα που αυτός ο κατάλογος εκτυπώνεται, κατέχουν τον μεγαλύτερο βαθμό (σε σύγκριση με άλλα παρόμοια νομίσματα) από τις 2 εταιρίες πιστοποίησης (NGC & PCGS).
επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από
πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς. Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς. Μεγάλοι λαχνοί μπορεί να μην μεταφερθούν για viewing στην Αθήνα ή να μεταφερθούν κατ’επιλογή. Viewing λαχνών, που δεν μεταφέρονται στην Αθήνα, μπορεί να γίνει στα γραφεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας. Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως. Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών.
αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου”
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1l. brown, plate aw “broken inner frame” (pos.25), used. One closing corner. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 1a). o100€
1l. red-brown in vertical strip of 4 tied by “67” (Syros) cds. Second stamp with an ironed out horizontal crease, while bottom stamp with 3 margins. Still ne for this rare multiple. Certi cate P.Holcombe (1986). (Hellas 1b).
1l. brown with vertically laid background, mint no gum. Plate aw rounded corner (pos.91). Fine to Very Fine. Certi cate by e British Philatelic Association, 1972. (Hellas 1A).
10 2l. bistre, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 2a). o12€
11 2l. olive-bistre, used, dot. “74” (ΝΑΞΟΣ). Superb. (Hellas 2b). o15€
2l. brown-bistre, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 2c). o10€
5l. yellow-green on fragment tied by “95” (Constantinoupolis) cds and oval “ΔΠ”. Very ne. (Hellas 3a). ?30€
14 5l. green, plate aw thin circle (type II), used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 3bCF2). o30€
15 10l. orange on blue, used. Very ne. (Hellas 4b). ?120€
16 10l. orange on blue (pos.93), plate aw Greek border connected to the circle, used. Fine - very ne and rare. (Hellas 4b10F21). o200€
17 20l. blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 5a). o30€
18 20l. blue tied by “4” (ΜΕΓΑΡΑ) cds. Very Fine and scarce. (Hellas 5a). ?50€
19 Entire letter fr. with 20l. blue (stamp touched at lower le ) canc. “ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ*21.ΦΕΒΡ.62”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*24. ΦΕΒΡ.62”. Fine overall. (Hellas 5a). EL40€
20 20l. blue on thin paper (5.8-6μ) in right marginal copy, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 5aPa). o50€
21 40l. mauve on blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 6a). o27€
22 40l. dull mauve on blue used, good to large margins, tiny thin spots just mentioned for accuracy, otherwise very ne. (Hellas 6b). o27€
23 80l. rose-carmine, used. Very ne. (Hellas 7a). o27€
24 80l. rose-carmine, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 7a). o25€
25 80l. carmine, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 7b). o25€
26 80l. carmine in deep shade, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 7b). o20€ 1861/1862AthensProvisionalPrintings
2l brown-bistre, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 10Ib). *27€
2l. brown-bistre, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 10Ib). o20€
2l bistre, used. Very ne. (Hellas 10Ic). o30€
30 2l pale bistre in le marginal copy, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 10Id). *27€
5l. greyish green, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 11Ia). o35€
32 5l. green, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 11Ib). o35€
5l. deep olive green (pos.51), plate aw thin circle, used. Fine to Very Fine and scarce. (Hellas 11IcCF2). o55€
34 5l. vivid green, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 11Id). o50€
35 10l. orange with yellowish wash, used. Fine to Very ne and scarce. (Hellas 12Ib). o40€
36 20l. deep ultramarine, used. Very Fine. Rare, especially in this quality. (Hellas 13Ia). o180€
37 20l. indigo blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 13Ib). o180€
38 20l. prussian blue, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 13Ic). o60€
39 Entire letter cover from “ΑΡΓΟΣ*30.ΟΚΤ.62” fr. with 20l. prussian blue with greyish wash, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2. NOE.62”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*3.ΝΟΕ.62”. Stamp creased horizontally but scarce. (Hellas 13Ic).
40 20l. deep blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 13Id). o50€
41 20l. deep blue (pos.89), inverted “0” on CF (Kound.12.2), used. Two very narrow margins but rare and important. (Hellas 13IdNb). o320€
42 40l. dull mauve on blue in upper marginal copy, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 14Ib). o135€
43 1l. bistre-brown, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 9IIb). o150€
44 1l brown in light shade with signs of contour behind the head (pos.90), plate a open cross, unused. Finevery ne and scarce. (Hellas 9IIcCF1). (*)90€
45 2l bistre, used. Very ne. (Hellas 10IIa). o27€
46 5l. green, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 11IIa). o30€
47 10l. orange, used. Fine to Veru Fine. (Hellas 12IIa). o20€
48 20l. blue in upper marginal copy, used. Very ne. (Hellas 13IIb). o25€
Entire letter from “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*15.ΣΕΠΤ.62” fr. with 20l. blue, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17.ΣΕΠΤ.62”. (Hellas 13IIb).
50 40l. mauve on blue, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 14IIa). o120€
51 Quadraple weight cover, fr. with 2x40l. mauve on blue canc.
arr. “ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ*19. ΙΑΝ.64”. Quadraple weight covers are extremely rare. Cover cut at le and separated in two pieces. (Hellas 14IIa).
1l. chocolate-brown with vertically laid background, mint. Very Fine. (Hellas 15a).
1l. chocolate-brown with vertically laid background, unused, plate aw deformed frame type I, pos.47. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 15a).
1l. copper-brown, mint. Very Fine. (Hellas 15b).
55 1l. brown, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 15b). o15€
1l. red-brown in upper marginal copy, mint. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 15c).
4x2l. yellow-bistre and bistre, mint. Fine to ne-very ne. (Hellas 16a+16b).
58 2l. bistre in mint bl.4. Very ne. (Hellas 16b).
59 2l. bistre in right marginal strip of 3, mint no gum. (Hellas 16b).
60 2l. bistre, used canc. “ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*1 ΣΕΠΤ. 65”. Superb. (Hellas 16b).
4x2l. bistre, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 16b). o25€
2x2l. bistre (shades), used. Both copies very ne. (Hellas 16b). o12€
2l. brown-bistre in mint marginal bl.40. Full original gum, wide margins all around and fresh colour. Creased vertically in margin between in middle and several stamps with small de ciencies as expected for such a large block, but still very ne and attractive. (Hellas 16c).
2l. brown-bistre, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 16c). o15€
5l. green, mint (heavy hinge). Fine. (Hellas 17a).
5l. green in used pair. Top margin narrow, otherwise ne-very ne. (Hellas 17a). o12€
3x5l. green, yellow-green and olive-green, used. Very ne to superb copies. (Hellas 17a+17b+17c). o27€
4x5l. green and yellow-green, used. Very ne to Superb. (Hellas 17a+17b). o25€
4x5l. green and yellow-green, used. Very ne. (Hellas 17a+17b).
5l. olive-green in used pair. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 17c). o45€
71 6x10l. yellow-orange, orange, orange on blue and red-orange on blue, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 18a+18b+18d+18e). o50€
10l. orange in used pair. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 18b). o27€
73 10l. orange, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 18b). o10€
74 10l. orange, used. Very ne. (Hellas 18b). o10€
75 3x10l. orange, red-orange and orange on blue, used. Very Fine to Superb. (Hellas 18b+18ba+18d). o30€
76 10l. red-orange on greenish paper in right marginal copy, used. Superb. (Hellas 18ba). o12€
77 10l. orange, displaced control numbers (Kound. 30.7), used. Very ne and rare. (Hellas 18b). o200€
78 10l. orange on blue in le marginal copy, mint. Full original gum. Very Fine and Scarce in mint. (Hellas 18d). *160€
79 10l. orange on blue, tied by “25” (ΚΥΠΑΡΙΣΣΙΑ) cds. Very Fine. (Hellas 18d). o8€
80 3x10l. orange on blue, and red-orange on blue, used. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 18d+18e).
81 10l. red-orange on blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 18e).
82 10l. red-orange on blue (pos.70), “01” instead of “10” (Kound.30.4), used. Fine to Very ne. (Hellas 18eNd).
83 20l. sky-blue on thick paper (paper thickness more than 9,3μ), plate aw “white line at the upper inscription” (pos.29), used. One very narrow margin. Fine and very rare. (Hellas 19aPb).
84 20l. sky-blue (pos.57), double printing of the digit “2” on CF (Kound. 31.3.p), canc. “9” (=ΠΑΤΡΑΙ). Also plate aw “spot on the neck”. Very ne and rare. (Hellas 19aNoI).
85 3x20l. sky-blue and blue (shades), used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 19a+19b).
86 3x20l. blue, grey-blue and deep grey-blue (strongly oxidized corners), used. Very Fine. (Hellas 19b+19c+19d). o22€
87 Entire letter fr. with 20l. blue canc. dot. “25” and posted from “ΚΥΠΑΡΙΣΣΙΑ (25)*22 ΦΕΒΡ. 63”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (1)*25 ΦΕΒΡ. 63”. Very ne. (Hellas 19b).
88 Double weight entire letter fr. with 20l blue in pair (P.O. precut between) tied by “5” cds and canc. “ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ*16.ΜΑΡΤ.65”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17.ΜΑΡΤ.65”. Very ne. (Hellas 19b).
Entire letter from “Κυδωνίες” with oval cachet “ΕΠΛΗΡΩΘΗ” (PAID) for maritime rate and manuscript “20” for domestic postal rate. On arrival “ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*4 ΜΑΙΟΣ 66” taxed with 20l. blue. Rare. (Hellas 19b).
90 20l. blue on front cover canc. dot. “9” and “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ (9)*2 ΦΕΒΡ. 67”. Very ne. (Hellas 19b). ?8€
Entire letter fr. with 20l. grey-blue (pos.53) cancelled with dot. “2” and posted from “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ (2)*24 ΟΚΤ. 69”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (1)” to Stilida. Administrative cachet on the letter “ΤΑΜΕΙΟΝ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΟΝ”. Very ne. (Hellas 19c). EL15€
92 2 Ιανουρίου 1865 entire letter with illegible municipal “ΔΤ/??” pmk fr. with 20l. light grey-blue (strongly oxidized corners) dot. “43” and posted from “ΛΑΜΙΑ (43)*7 ΙΑΝ. 65” (month and year inverted), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (1)*11 ΙΑΝ. 65”. (Hellas 19d).
93 20l. blue on green, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 19e). ?10€
94 20l. deep blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 19f). o18€
95 Prepaid entire from “ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ*30.ΑΥΓ.67” fr. with 20l. deep blue in strip of 3 (faults), via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2. ΣΕΠΤ.67”, arr. “TRIEST” (13kr.=40l. for Austrian and ship rate +20l. Greek inland rate). Strip with faults but still ne and scarce. (Hellas 19f).
40l. light mauve on blue,
Very ne. (Hellas 20Ia).
3x40l. light mauve on blue, mauve on blue and grey-mauve on blue, used. Very ne. (Hellas 20Ia+20Ib+20Id).
100 3x40l. light mauve on blue and mauve on blue, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 20Ia+20Ib).
101 40l. mauve on blue, unused. Small part of gum and narrow margins all around but still ne. (Hellas 20Ib).
102 40l. deep mauve on blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 20Ib). o10€
103 40l. grey-mauve on blue, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 20Id). o12€
104 40l. greyish rose on grey-lilac, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 20IIa). o10€
105 Unpaid entire letter canc. “ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*14.IOYN.68”, endorsed “Lloyd Austriaco” to Athens. Marked “40” fr. on arrival with 40l. greyish rose on grey lilac and canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17.ΙΟΥΝ.68”. On reverse Piraeus transit postmark. Fine. (Hellas 20IIa).
106 80l. carmine (orange C.F.), used. Very Fine. (Hellas 21a).
107 80l. rose-carmine with vertically laid background and strong relief, used. Le lower corner creased in margin only (not a ecting stamp). Fine-very ne. (Hellas 21b).
108 80l. rose-carmine, used. A tiny thin spot on margin, still a nice copy. (Hellas 21b).
109 80l rose-carmine (pos.91), “8” inverted on CF (Kound. 33.3), used. Very large margins but a closing corner, still very ne for this. (Hellas 22aNa)
110 2x80l rose-carmine and carmine tied by “96” (ΣΜΥΡΝΑ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ) and “97” (ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ) cds accordingly. Very ne. (Hellas 22a+22b).
111 80l. carmine, good margins all around, fresh colour, mint. Very Fine. (Hellas 22b).
112 80l carmine (pos.38), plate aw thin circle, used. Very ne. (Hellas 22bCF2).
113 80l. dull carmine, mint. Plate aw thin circle pos.149. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 22d).
114 1866 Prepaid cover fr. with 5l. green, 20l. light grey-blue and 40l greyish rose on grey-lilac from Smyrna to Syros. Linear “Π.Ε.Λ”. Fine. (Hellas 17a+19d+20IIa).
115 Entire letter fr. with 20l. blue on greenish + 40l. mauve on blue (to pay Greek and Lloyd postage to Triest for a letter up to 15g 1.11.1866-30.4.68), posted from “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ (9)*12 ΜΑΡΤ. 67”, arr. “TRIEST”. (Hellas 19e+20Ib).
116 Unpaid EL from “MANCHESTER*1.AP.67” to Patras. Endorsed “Via Brindisi” and boxed “PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/ ITALIANI”. Transit canc. on reverse “LONDON*2.APR.67”, “BRINDISI*5.APR.67” and “ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*27.ΜΑΡΤ.67”.
On arr. taxed with 10l. orange on blue and 80l. carmine (90l.=single weight England-Greece via Italy rate) and canc. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*29.ΜΑΡΤ.67”. Opinion M.Tseriotis. (Hellas 18d+22b).
117 Unpaid letter sheet cover from “ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*29.ΣΕΠΤ.67” to Athens, fr. on arrival with 10l. orange and 40l. mauve on blue and canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2.OKT.67” (to pay the Lloyd fee). (Hellas 18b+20Ia).
118 Cover canc. “BRINDISI”, handwritten “65”, arr. “ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*25.ΔΕΚΕ.67”. Franked with 5l. olive green & 20l. blue & 40l. mauve on blue to pay Lloyd and Greek fee for a letter up to 10g (1.2.65-30.6.75). (Hellas 17c+19b+20Ib).
119 1l red-brown, mint. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 23a).
120 1l red-brown (pos.44), plate aw broken plate, unused. Very ne. (Hellas 23aFa).
1l. greyish-brown in mint right marginal pair with printers mark. (Hellas 23b).
122 1l deep greyish brown, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 23b).
123 5l. yellow-green, good margins all around, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 25a).
124 10l. red-orange, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 26a).
125 2x10l red-orange, one with control numbers widely spaced with “0” inverted (pos.2/2nd setting-Kound.37.6), while the other with “1” inverted (pos.101/1st setting-Kound.37.3)-also plate aw deformed frame line, on an entire letter from Piraeus to Argos. Fine and rare. (Hellas 26aNbNk+26aNa).
126 10l red-orange in pair (pos.) canc. “ΞΥΛΟΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ*6.ΦΕΒΡ.75”, inverted “1” on CF (Kound. 37.3) on both stamps, just touched at lower right. Fine. (Hellas 26aNa).
127 10l red-orange in used pair (pos.31-32/2nd setting), “0” inverted on control number (Kound. 37.4/pos.32). Pos.32 stamp creased vertically, while pos.31 very ne. (Hellas 26a+26aNb).
128 10l. red-orange in used pair (pos.61-62), inverted “0” on control number (Kound. 37.4/pos.61). One closing corner (pos.62), other wise very ne. (Hellas 26Nb+26a).
129 10l. red-orange (pos.5), both digits inverted on CF (Kound. 37.5-1st setting-3 positions per sheet), used. Rare and Very Fine. (Hellas 26aNc). o200€
130 20l. blue (pos.45) on thick paper (0.89-0.91μ), uneven CF (Kound. 37.7), used. Fine and very rare. (Hellas 27aPb). o400€
131 20l. blue (pos.7), “0” inverted on control number (Kound. 38.2), used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 27aNb). o8€
132 20l. sky-blue (pos. 49), “0” inverted on control number (Kound. 38.2), used. Very ne. (Hellas 27aNb). o8€
133 40l. grey-mauve on blue, used. Superb. (Hellas 28a). o10€
134 40l. grey-mauve on blue (pos.1), “0” inverted on control number (Kound.39.3), good margins all around, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 28aNb). o75€
135 Entire letter from “ΑΡΤΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*22.ΙΑΝ.72” fr. with 40l. greyish mauve on blue canc. “105” (=APTA), via “ΑΜΦ. ΑΡΓΟΣ*23.ΙΟΥΝ.72” (greenish postmark) to Vonitsa. Fine and rare. (Hellas 28a).
136 2x40l. grey-mauve on blue and mauve on blue, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 28a+28b). o14€
137 40l mauve on blue, used. Very ne. (Hellas 28b). o8€
138 40l. deep mauve on green, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 28c). o15€
139 80l. rose-carmine, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 29a).
140 80l. rose-carmine, partial impression of “0” on CF, used. Two narrow margins, one of them just touches frame at lower part, still ne for this. (Hellas 29aNj).
141 80l carmine, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 29b). o50€
142 1868 EL fr. with 5l. green (1862/67 issue), superb + 40l. mauve on blue, with faults, cancelled with dot. “95” and posted from “ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*18 ΔΕΚΕ. 68” with oval “ΔΠ”, via “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ (2)*20 ΔΕΚΕ. 68”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (1)*20 ΔΕΚΕ. 68”. 45l. postage rate for French steam boat. (Hellas 17a+28b).
143 1869 cover franked with 5l. green plus 20l. blue in marginal strip of 3 (pos.8-10) var. “0 inverted” (pos.10), all stamps with faults, but di cult combination, cancelled with dot. “108” and posted from “ΛΕΥΚΑΣ (108)*19 ΑΠΡ. 69”, via “ΚΕΡΚΡΚΥΡΑ (106)*20 ΑΠΡ. 69” and “BRINDISI*5 MAG. 69”. Boxed “PD” and “PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/ITALIANI”. 65L. rate from Greece to Italy through Corfou with Italian steam. (Hellas 17a+27a+27aNb).
144 Prepaid EL from “ΣΥΡΟΣ*25.ΟΚΤ.(70)” fr. with 5l. yellow-green and 10l. red-orange in pair, on one stamp “0” inverted on CF, (25l.
148 Entire letter sent to Mr. Barbarigon, member of Parliament elected in Kithira, to Athens, franked with 20l. sky-blue and posted from “ΜΟΝΕΜΒΑΣΙΑ (36)*21 ΜΑΡΤ. 71”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (1)*25 ΜΑΡΤ. 71”. (Hellas 31b). EL16€
149 20l. blue, used. Very ne. (Hellas 31c). o8€
150 Entire letter franked with 20l. blue (pos.80), plate aw identation of the bottom frame line, canc. “119” and posted from “ΚΙΑΤΟΝ (119)*23.ΟΚΤ.70”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”. Very ne. (Hellas 31c). EL20€
151 Cover from “ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ (ΚΕΦΑΛΛ)*13.ΜΑΙΟΣ.70” fr. with 5l. yellow-green and 20l. sky-blue (25l. interionian rate), arr. “ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*14.ΜΑΙΟΣ.70”. Fine. (Hellas 17b+31b).
152 2l. rose-bistre (canc. to order), 5l. yellow-green, 20l. blue and 40l. rose-bistre, used. Fine-very ne copies. (Hellas 33b+34a+35c+36b). o55€
153 2l yellow-bistre, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 33a). *7€
154 5l. yellow-green, used. Fine. (Hellas 34a). o30€
155 5l sage-green, used. Very ne. (Hellas 34b). o45€
156 20l. sky-blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 35a). o8€
157 20l. sky-blue (pos.6), uneven control numbers (Kound. 47.8), used. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 35a). o20€
158 20l. grey-blue (pos.30), plate aw white spot at the angle of the neck, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 35b).
159 20l. grey-blue (pos.101) canc. “ΜΕΣΟΛΟΓΓΙΟΝ*26.ΝΟΕΜ.72” (not clear), double control numbers in vertical distance 2.5mm (Kound. 47.1.o). Faults but rare. (Hellas 35bNoI).
160 20l blue in used strip of 3 (pos.145-147). Post o ce cut between a ects stamps pos. 146+147. Grooms characteristic “2” No.2 (pos.147). Still ne for this. (Hellas 35c).
161 20l. blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 35c). o8€
162 20l. blue, used. Gharasteristic Grooms “2” N.9 and “0” N.26 (pos.134). Very Fine. (Hellas 35c). o10€
163 Large part of EL fr. with 20l. blue canc. “ΣΠΑΡΤΗ (32)*5 ΑΠΡ.74”, via “ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΣ” to Argos, “02” instead of “20” on control number (Kound.47.3). Rare on cover. (Hellas 35cNd) ?150€
164 20l. steel blue in right marginal copy printed on intense folded paper (vertically), used. Lower margin narrow just touches at lower le but ne and scace. (Hellas 35d). o30€
165 20l. deep blue (pos.31), “0” inverted on control number (Kound. 47.4), used. So yellow toning in margin, still a ne-very ne with very fresh and vivid color copy. (Hellas 35eNb).
166 40l. bistre on greenish, used. Very ne. (Hellas 36b). o18€
167 40l. rose-bistre on greenish, used. Very ne. (Hellas 36b). o18€
168 40l. yellow-bistre on greenish, used. Very ne. (Hellas 36c).
169 Small entire fr. with 20l. sky-blue and 5l. sage-green (3 margins) canc.
via “ΣΥΡΑ*16. ΙΑΝ.72” to Kythira. (Hellas 34b+35a).
170 1l. grey-brown, clear to good margins, mint. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 37a).
171 1l brown in le marginal copy, unused. Very ne. (Hellas 37b).
172 6x5l sage-green, yellow-green, greyish green and deep green, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 39a+39b+39c+39e).
173 5l. emerald-green, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 39d). o14€
174 10l. orange in used pair. One closing corner touches frame line at upper le , roght stamp very ne. (Hellas 40a).
175 10l. orange, used. Very ne. (Hellas 40a). o8€
176 10l. orange, displaced CF (Kound. 52.13) canc. probably “ΣΥΡΟΣ”. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 40a). o20€
177 10l. orange with triple “1” on control number, one in 2 mm distance to the le while another one to the right printed more lightly due to sliding (Kound. 52.7.j) canc. “106” (=KEPKYPA). Second choise stamp but rare and impressive. (Hellas 40a).
178 10l. orange (pos.130), “110” instead of “10” on control gure due to printing of the edge of the spacer (Kound. 52.15), used. Large margins all around but a small thin at upper margin and lower right corner slightly creased. Still a ne example of this error. (Hellas 40a).
179 10l. orange (pos.142), without control number (Kound. 52.6), used. A second choice item but rare. (Hellas 40aNp). o150€
180 Entire letter from “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*4.ΙΑΝ.1875” fr. with 2x10l. orange, both with inverted CF (Kound. 52.4), arr. “ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ (ΚΕΦΑΛΛ.)*6.ΙΑΝ.75”. (Hellas 40aNm).
181 3x10l. orange and red-orange, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 40a+40b). o25€
182 10l. red-orange in used pair (pos.19-20), one stamp superb, the other with small cut. (Hellas 40b). o9€
183 2x10l. red-orange, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 40b). o18€
184 10l. red-orange, “0” instead of “10” (pos.51), used. Clear to good/even margins all around. Very ne for this. (Hellas 40bNh). o120€
185 20l. deep blue (pos.18), uneven CF (Kound. 53.8.a) and plate aw thin circle, used. Clear/good margins all around but a light thin spot. Scarce. (Hellas 41bCF2). o15€
186 20l. blue, clear to good margins, unused. Lower le corner creased, ironed out Still ne for this. (Hellas 41d). (*)100€
187 20l. blue printed on folded (2 intense foldings) paper, used. Two closing corners, one just touches at upper right. A very impressive and rare item. (Hellas 41d). o200€
188 20l. indigo blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 41e).
189 1876 Entire letter fr. with 20l. indigo blue (pos.31), keyhole shaped “0” (Kound.53.10), canc. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ (15)*7 ΜΑΙΟΣ 76” to Zaholi. Touched at right but very rare on cover. (Hellas 41eNlΙΙ).
190 20l. Lilac-blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 41f).
191 20l. blue on blue, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 41h).
192 1876 Cover franked with 20l. blue on blue from Athens to Syros. Very ne. (Hellas 41h).
193 40l. bistre on blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 42Ib). o18€
194 Entire letter from “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*2.ΑΠΡ.75” fr. with 40l. bistre on blue to Zaholi. Stamp superb. (Hellas 42Ib).
195 40l. greysih magenta on blue, used. Very ne. (Hellas 42IIa).
196 40l greyish magenta on blue (pos.99), Grooms characteristic “0” No.6, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 42IIa). o14€
197 40l greyish magenta on blue (pos.114), keyhle shaped “0” (Kound. 54.7), used. Two light thin spots, one at top in margin. Still ne for this. (Hellas 42IIaNl).
198 40l. dull grey-mauve on blue, used. Very ne. (Hellas 42IIb). o18€
199 40l. dull grey-mauve on blue, control munber displaced (Kound. 54.6), canc. “ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ
(PO not mentioned in Koundouros study). Stamp with good/even margins but a closing corner. inned but still very ne for this very rare and impressive error. (Hellas 42IIb).
200 40l.deep bright purole
Light thin on bottom margin, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas
entire letter
Very ne
(Hellas 41b+40d).
203 30l yellowish brown, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 43a).
204 30l. deep olive brown, used. Large margins all around. Very ne. (Hellas 43b).
205 30l. deep olive-brown used on fragment. Very ne. (Hellas 43b).
206 30l deep olive-brown, used. Fine. (Hellas 43b).
207 30l. deep olive brown and 60l. deep green on green, used. 30l. stamp ne, while 60l. very ne copy. (Hellas 43b+44a).
208 60l deep green on green, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 44a).
209 60l deep green on green, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 44a).
210 60l deep green on green, unused. Very ne. (Hellas 44a).
211 30l deep green on green, used. Very ne. (Hellas 44a).
222 5l. yellow-green on white, light double control numbers due to slide, used. One narrow margin, otherwise ne. (Hellas 49a).
5l. yellow-green in used bl.4 (pos.49-50/59-60), plate aw “thin circle” (pos.50). Upper pair cut and touched, while right pair vertically creased (both stamps). Faults but rare. (Hellas 49b-2000E).
224 3x5l. yellow-green and deep yellow-green, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 49b+49c). o18€
225 5l. deep yellow-green, mint no gum. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 49c).
226 10l. orange on white, printed on vertically laid paper. Also spacer printed and plate aw swallen circle (pos.40). On “Etude sur les Timbres de Grece” (Study of Greek stamps) pages 179-180, paragraph 179 refer: “Les timbres sur papier batonne sont tres rares et preciaux”. RRR. (Hellas 50a(Vd)10F6).
227 10l. orange in used pair. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 50b). o14€
228 10l. orange in le marginal used pair. Upper right corner creased, otherwise very ne. (Hellas 50b). o10€
229 10l. orange in used pair (pos.141-142), “00” on control gure (Kound.62.7.1/pos.141). Le margin narrow touches frame line. (Hellas 50bNeI+50b). o40€
230 10l. orange (pos.80), “110” instead of “10” on CF (very impressive spacer printing) with “1” doulbe (Kound. 62.3.1.m+62.15) canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”. Light thin at upper right in margin only, otherwise ne and rare. (Hellas 50b). o500€
231 10l orange, displaced control numbers (Kound. 62.13), canc. “ΚΥΘΝΟΣ” Post o ce not mentioned in Koundouros study. Small faults but scarce and impressive. (Hellas 50b).
232 10l. orange, displaced control numbers (Kound. 62.13), canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (1)”. Very ne. (Hellas 50b). o20€
233 3x10l. orange, red-orange and orange on yellowish, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 50b+50c+50d). o17€
234 10l. orange (pos.143), plate aw thin circle and 10l. red-orange (pos.75), plate aw line below the chin, used. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 50bCF2+50c10F16).
235 10l. red-orange in used pair. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 50c). o14€
236 10l. red-orange (pos 53), “0” instead of “10” on control number (Kound.62.6), used. Very ne. (Hellas 50cNh). o50€
237 1878 Cover fr. with 10l. red-orange in marginal strip of 3, posted from “ΒΩΛΟΣ
in blue, boxed “PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI”, via “BRINDISI*7.4.78”, arr. “LIVORNO*9.4.78”. Le stamp cut but still ne and scarce. (Hellas 50c).
238 1878 entire letter fr. with 10l. red-orange in vertical pair and posted from “ΑΙΓΙΟΝ
(9)*4 ΑΥΓ. 78”. Stamps creased due to cover fold. (Hellas 50c).
239 10l. orange on yellowish (pos.142), both digits inverted and widely spaced (Kound.62.10), used. Light thin, otherwise VF. (Hellas 50dNcII - 260 euros).
240 20l. light prussian blue on white, large margins all around, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 51a). o18€
241 20l. light prussian blue on white (pos.142), widely spaced CF with “0” inverted (Kound. 3.14.1). Also plate aw narrow borders. Lower margin narrow just touches frame line at right and thinned but still an interesting copy. (Hellas 51aNkII).
242 20l. blue with the rare variety “meshed background”, used. Very ne and very rare. (Hellas 51bVa). o1000€
243 20l. blue, displaced control number (Kound. 63.16), canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 51b). ?20€
244 3x20l. blue, indigo blue and ultramarine, used. Fine to Very ne. (Hellas 51b+51d+51f).
245 20l royal blue, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 51c). o15€
246 20l. indigo blue (pos.1), CF displaced (Kound. 63.16), canc. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ”. Very ne. (Hellas 51d). o25€
247 20l. indigo blue (pos.77/very deep shade), displaced control numbers with “0” higher (Kound. 63.15.2+63.16), canc. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ”. Also plate aw white spot on the oret. Very ne and very rare. (Hellas 51d20F17).
248 Cover fr. with 20l. indigo-blue canc. “ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ*3.ΜΑΙΟΣ.77”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”, arr. “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ”. Fine. (Hellas 51d). C15€
249 20l. ultramarine (pos.119), inverted and broken “2” on C.F. (Kound. 63.4), used. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 51fNaII). o32€
250 20l. ultramarine (pos.81), “02” instead of “20” on C.F. with “0” inverted (Kound. 63.8), used. One closing corner, otherwise very ne. (Hellas 51fNdII).
251 1879 entire letter fr. with 20l. ultramarine and posted from “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ (9)*9 ΑΠΡ. 79”, arr. “ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ (5)*10 ΑΠΡ. 79”. (Hellas 51f).
252 40l. grey-bistre, used. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 52a). o16€
253 4x40l. grey-bistre and rose-bistre, all used copies. Mainly good margins. Fine-very ne. (Hellas 52a+52b). o60€
254 Entire letter fr. with 20l deep blue and 10l orange canc. “ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*3.ΜΑΡΤ.76”, arr. “TRIEST*18/3.76”.
255 Complete set of 6 values with overprint “SPECIMEN”. Some with small faults. 5l. with plate aw thin circle. S40€
256 1l yellowish brown in mint bl.4. Lower pair u/m. Very ne. (Hellas 53b). */**16€
red-brown in used bl.4. Fine - very ne. (Hellas 53c).
green in bl.4 canc.
yellow spot on gum, still very ne. (Hellas 54a).
IV). Very ne. (Hellas 55c).
260 5l. deep green on thin paper, mint. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 55dPa).
261 5l. deep green on thin paper perf. 11 1/2, mint. (Hellas 55dPa).
262 5l. yellow-green, mint. Very Fine. (Hellas 55f).
263 5l. deep yellow-green in upper marginal used strip of three. Vertically creased between le and middle stamp in margin only, otherwise ne and very rare. (Hellas 55f).
264 5l. deep yellow-green, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 55f).
265 10l orange-red, used. Very ne. (Hellas 56b).
266 10l yellow-orange in used pair. Very ne. (Hellas 56c).
267 10l. orange in marginal block of 4 (pos.133-134/143-144), plate aw vertical line crossing multiple positions on pos.133 and 143, good margins all around, mint. Very Fine. (Hellas 56d10F28+56d10F30+56d).
268 10l. orange in pair, used, canc. “ΠΑΞΟΙ*25 ΝΟΕΜ. 9?” type V. Very Fine. (Hellas 56d).
269 20l. ultramarine quadrille background, mint. inned because of hinge removal. (Hellas 57aVa).
270 20l. ultramarine (pos.67), used. Plate aws identation of the bottom frame line and double lip. Very Fine. (Hellas 57a).
271 20l. grey-blue, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 57b).
272 3x40l. bright violet-brown, dull violet-brown & light dull violet-brown, used. Very ne. (Hellas 58a+58b+58c).
273 4x20l. carmine and deep carmine, used. Fine to Very Fine. (Hellas 59Ia+59Ib).
274 20l. dull rosine in block of 4, a tiny scratch in top frame line of lower le stamp, mint. Very Fine. (Hellas 59IIb). **/*8€
275 “RECEPISSE A RENVOYER (pour envoi recommande)” from Bruges (Belgium) to Patras. On arrival fr. with 20l. dull rosine canc. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*10.ΜΑΡΤ.1895”. Very ne and rare. (Hellas 59IIb). Doc600€
276 20l dull rosine (aniline) in mint never hinged upper marginal pair. Superb. (Hellas 59IIb). **6€
277 Envelope fr. with 20l. bright rosine and posated from “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*31 ΟΚΤ. 18..” to Lavrio. (Hellas 59IIa). C10€
278 4x30l grey-ultramarine, slate blue, deep ultramarine and ultramarine, used. Very ne. (Hellas 60a+60b+60c+60d). o17€
279 30l. grey-ultramarine, used. Very Fine. (Hellas 60a). o5€
280 1dr. with “SPECIMEN” (type I), touched corner, m. (Hellas 61b-140 euro).
281 Belgian print. Complete set of 9 values, used (2l. with fake cancellation). Very Fine. (Hellas 61/69). o10€
282 1l brown and 20l intense red, both canc. by type V railroad postmark “ΤΑΧ. ΓΡΑΦ. ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΥ - ΑΘΗΝΩΝ”, “27.ΙΟΥΛ.88” and “28.ΑΥΓ.88” accordingly. Very ne. (Hellas 61+65).
283 50l green-grey in mint sheet margin copy with large part of control cachet “ATELIER DU TIMBRE”. Just touched at top le . Fine - very ne and scarce. (Hellas 68).
284 Belgian print, complete set of 3 values perf. 11 1/2, used. (Hellas 70/72).
285 40l. violet perf. 11 1/2, m. VF. (Hellas 70).
286 1l brown perf. uno cially 11 1/2, imperforate vertically between in mint bl.4. Some perf. stained, still ne and scarce. (Hellas 61D).
287 Registered commercial (printed) cover fr. with 40l. violer (Belgian) + 5l. green (Athens) cancelled with “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*?? ΔΕΚΕ. 89”, via “BRINDISI*26 DIC. 89”, arr. “LEIPZIG”. Rare mixed franking. (Hellas 67+74).
288 Forged 40 lepta Stamp canc. with genuine postmark “(KY)MΗ” (type V). Rare.
289 5l. deep green (coarse printing), m. VF. (Hellas 74b).
290 10l. red-orange, mint. VF. (Hellas 75).
291 10l red-orange in vertical pair canc. “ΑΙΓΙΟΝ*16.ΙΟΥΛ.90” (type III). Superb. (Hellas 75).
292 20l. red with WMK, u. (Hellas 76).
293 25l. light indigo blue, mint. (Hellas 77).
294 25l. deep indigo blue with WMK, mng. (Hellas 77a).
295 1l. chocolate perf. 11 1/2 in used strip of 3 imperforate vertically. (Hellas 78).
296 20l. red, oily printing in mint bl.4 perf. 11 1/2, imperforate between. Lower pair never hinged. Very ne and rare. (Hellas 81cd).
297 25l. deep indigo perf. 11 1/2, u. VF. (Hellas 82a-50E).
298 2nd Period Athens printings: complete set of 10 values, used. Very ne. (Hellas 85/94).
299 1l. brown on cardboard in mint bl.10, 8 never hinged stamps. Very ne. (Hellas 85e).
300 5l. yellow-green in corner bl.4, u/m (hinged on margin only), upper pair with minor faults, otherwise Very Fine. (Hellas 87a).
301 Commercial cover fr. with 10l mustard in pair canc. “ΘΠΡΑ*2.ΑΠΡ.95”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.ΑΠΡ...”. On arrival postmans cachet “11”. Fine. (Hellas 88).
302 20l deep red in strip of 4 canc. “ΤΡΙΚΚΑΛΑ*21.ΦΕΒΡ.96” (type V). Very ne. (Hellas 89a).
303 Commercial cover fr. with 25l deep violet canc. “ΧΑΛΚΙΣ*15.ΔΕΚΕΜ.93”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16.ΔΕΚΕΜ.93”, arr. “COLLN*3.1.94”. Very ne. (Hellas 91).
304 40l deep violet on cardbroad in mint never hinged imperforate corner bl.10 (pos.41-45/46-50). Plate aw broken “0” of “40” (pos.50). WMK on margin. Superb and Rare. (Hellas 92b).
mint. Very
(Hellas 92).
(Hellas 94).
(Hellas 95/104).
hinged bl.15. (Hellas 95d).
uncommon. (Hellas 96b).
(Hellas 98a).
1/2, m.
(Hellas 99c-145euro).
blue perf. 11 1/2, u/m. VF. (Hellas 100a).
315 Cover fr. with 25l. deep violet canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*13.ΦΕΒΡ.1896”, arr. “WIEN”. (Hellas 101).
316 Cover fr. with 25l. pale violet in pair canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”, arr. “SHERBORNE*16.DE.94”. Minor faults. (Hellas 101b).
317 40l. violet perf. 11 1/2, mng. (Hellas 102).
fr. with
red and
319 2l pale bistre and 40l violet, both perf 13 1/2, used. (Hellas 107/108).
320 2l pale bistre in bl.4 canc. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ
ΔΕΜΑΤΑ”. Lower pair with perforation partly separated. Bottom le and top right stamps with minor faults, still a ne used multiple. (Hellas 107).
321 5l red 1896 “Drunk” issues, mint no gum. A tiny thin spot due to hinge removal, otherwise very ne. (Hellas 97B).
322 1l. brown in u/m bl.30 (pos.121-150), one stamp hinged. Very ne. (Hellas 121).
331 Cover fr. with 20l grey-rose canc. “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*20.ΜΑΡΤ..”, via “ΣΥΡΟΣ*22.ΜΑΡΤ.1900” to Santorini. Very ne. (Hellas 125d). C20€
332 Commercial cover fr. with 20l grey-rose canc. “ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΣ” to Santorini. Flap is missing. (Hellas 125d).
333 Cover fr. with 25l. light violet canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*9.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1899”, arr. “LOOSDORF*3.6.99”. (Hellas 126). C8€
334 Cover fr. with 25l. violet canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*8.ΙΑΝ.1899” to England. (Hellas 126a). C8€
335 Printed matter cover “ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΣ “ΑΚΡΟΠΟΛΙΣ” fr. with 1l. brown perf 11 1/2 in vertical pair canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ2*11.ΜΑΡΤ.1900” to ira. Very ne. (Hellas 127).
336 5l. green cancelled with maritime “ΗΠΕΙΡΟΣ” Πανελλήνιος Ατμοπλοία. (Hellas 129a).
337 Cover fr. with 10l. yellow-orange perf 11 1/2 in vertical pair canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*5.ΑΠΡ.1900” to Santorini. Miscut at top and ap is missing. (Hellas 130a). C10€
338 20l. grey deep red perf 11 1/2, mint. (Hellas 131e). *60€
339 Cover fr. with 25l. light violet canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*12.ΦΕΒΡ.1899”, arr. “LONDON*1.MR.99”. (Hellas 132). C8€
340 1dr grey perf. 13 1/4, used. Very ne and rare. (Hellas 106a). o120€
341 10l. yellow orange with Akarnania perforation in pair imperforate between used on fragment. Very rare. (Hellas 130AaK). o100€
342 25l. pale violet (2nd period) perf. 10 3/4 canc. “(ΑΘΗ)ΝΑΙ”. A tiny thin spot but UNIQUE SO FAR. (Hellas 101Ebvar). o1500€
343 1dr grey perf. 10 1/2 canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-7”. Very rare. (Hellas 104Ea). o150€
344 1896 Olympic Games, complete set of 12 values. 5dr in used copy very ne. e rest either mint hinged (heavy hinge) or no gum or new gum. 1l+5l+60l with a blunt corner. (Hellas 109/120).
345 1896 Olympic Games, complete set of 12 values. 10l. canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1”, while all the rest “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-3”. Very ne set. (Hellas 109/120). o350€
346 1l 1896 Olympic Games in mint never hinged upper marginal strip of 3 with part of the internal gutter. Superb. (Hellas 109). **12€
347 1896 1st Olympic Games, 2x10l. (shades), var. “engravers name omitted”, u. (Hellas 110Fa). ?15€
348 5l 1896 Olympic Games in mint never hinged bl.4. Upper le stamp thinned, rest very ne. (Hellas 111). **25€
349 Registered o cial cover fr. with 2x25l 1896 Olympic Games canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-3*23.ΔΕΚΕ.1897”, arr. “PARIS*9.JANV.98”. One 25l stamp a xed on the cover folded. On reverse wax seal “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΟΝ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤΗΡΙΟΝ”. Very ne. (Hellas 114).
350 Cover fr. with 60l 1896 Olympic Games canc. “ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*22.ΔΕΚΕΜ”, arr. “FIRENZE”. Receivers name and address cut o . (Hellas 116).
351 1dr 1896 Olympic Games, white spot a er “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”, used. Rare. (Hellas 117Fa).
352 5dr 1896 Olympic Games canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-7*25.ΜΑΡΤ...”. Very ne. (Hellas 119).
353 10dr 1896 Olympic Games, mint. (Hellas 120). *150€
354 Registered cover fr. with 25l + 1dr 1896 Olympic Games and 4x5l deep green Small Hermes Heads in pairs, canc. “ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*16.ΙΟΥΛ.97”, arr. “DELSNITZ*31.7.97”. 145 lepta for 5 weight units registered letter. Very ne and rare. (Hellas 114+117+87b).
355 1900 Small Hermes Heads surcharges, complete set of 4 values, used. Very ne. (Hellas 133/136b).
356 20l/25l. blue on white paper ( ne impression) 1900 Small Hermes Heads Surcharges perf. 11 1/2, double surcahrge, mint. (Hellas 133ac).
357 20l/25l deep indigo blue 1900 Small Hermes Heads Surcharges in mint right marginal bl.4. (Hellas 134b). *100€
358 20l/25l ultramarine 1900 Small Hermes Heads surcharges in upper marginal copy, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 135).
359 2x1dr/40l violet-red and violet on cardoard 1900 Small Hermes Heads surcharges, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 136b+136c).
360 2dr./40l. violet 1900 Small Hermes Heads Surcharges (Belgian print) never issued stamp, m. (Hellas 137). *150€
361 1900 Small Hermes Heads Surcharges, complete set of 4 values perf. 11 1/2 plus 1dr/40l in violet-red, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 139/142).
362 20l/25l light blue 1900 Small Hermes Heads Surcharges in mint le marginal pair perf 11 1/2 imperforate between with triple surcharge. Very rare. (Hellas 139id).
363 20l/25l deep indigo blue 1900 Small Hermes Heads Surcharges perf 11 1/2 in mint vertical pair imperforate between. Lower stamp mint never hinged. (Hellas 140bk).
364 1dr/40l violet 1900 Small Hermes Heads Surcharges in vertical pair perf. 11 1/2, imperforate between. Lower stamp mint never hinged. (Hellas 142d).
365 1900 Small Hermes Heads surcharges, perf. 13 1/2, complete set of 2 values, mint. A so brown spot on 1dr/40l values. (Hellas 145/146).
366 1900 “Large and Small Hermes Heads AM Surcharges”. Complete set of 4 values, imperforate values, u. 2dr/5l. in oily yellow-green. VF. (Hellas 147/150b-230E).
367 50l/25l blue 1900 “AM” Small Hermes Heads surcharges in mint never hinged bl.4. Superb. (Hellas 148).
368 1900 Large and Small Hermes Heads “AM” Surcharges, complete set of 4 values perf. 11 1/2, mint. (Hellas 151/154).
369 25l/40l violet 1900 “AM” Small Hermes Heads Surcharges in vertical mint pair perf 11 1/2 imperforarte between. (Hellas 151k).
370 1900 Large Hermes Heads Surcharges, complete set of 4 values imperforate, mint. Narrow space 1 1/2mm on all stamps. 5dr/40l high value 1867/69 issue stamp. Very ne and scarce. (Hellas 155a+156Aa+157Ba+158a+159Aa).
371 30l./40l. bright violet-brown 1900 Large Hermes Heads Surcharges in bl.4, space 1 1/2mm on both upper pair stamps, u/m. (Hellas 155+155a-128E).
372 30l/40l light violet-brown 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges (pos.50), “ΑΕΠΤΑ” instead of “ΛΕΠΤΑ”, used. (Hellas 155d). o20€
373 3x30l/40l dull light violet-brown 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, all with narrow “0”s, distance 3mm, 1 1/2mm (pos.105) and 2mm (pos.40), mint. Very ne. (Hellas 155B+155Ba+155Bb).
374 40l/2l grey-bistre 1900 Large Hermes Heads Surcharges in mint lower marginal bl.4. Lower pair u/m. Very ne. (Hellas 156).
375 2x40l/2l grey-bistre 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, space 1.5mm on both stamp, one with wide “0”, used. Very ne. (Hellas 156a+156Aa).
376 40l/2l grey-bistre 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges (pos.50), “ΑΕΠΤΑ” instead of “ΛΕΠΤΑ”, used. (Hellas 156d).
377 1900 Large hermes heads surcharges, 40l/2l. (wide and narrow 0) in marginal block of 8 (pos.97-100/107110), u/m. Var. “space 1 1/2mm” on bottom strip. Superb. (Hellas 156+156A+156Aa - 400++ euro).
378 50l/40l grey-bistre 1900 Large Hermes Heads Surcharges in used strip of 3 (pos.107-109), space 1 1/2mm on all stamps, Grooms characteristic “0” Νο.28 (pos.109)and surcharge error broken right leg of “Π” (pos.107). Pos.107 stamp with faults. Rare. (Hellas 157aC+157a+157Aa).
379 50l/40l rose-bistre 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges (pos.35), “ΑΕΠΤΑ” instead of “ΛΕΠΤΑ”, used. (Hellas 157Bd). o20€
380 50l/40l grey-bistre 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges (pos.31), inverted keyhole shaped “0”, used. Very ne. (Hellas 157Ag). o50€
381 3dr/10l yellow-orange (pos.61) 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, space 1 1/2mm, mint never hinged. Superb. (Hellas 158Aa).
382 5dr/40l. grey-mauve on blue 1900 Large Hermes Heads Surcharges in mint bl.4 (pos.139-140/149-150), space 4mm (pos.149). Oval cachet “ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ” on gum side. 3 stamps mint never hinged. Signed Spanos. Very ne and very rare. (Hellas 159I+159Ic).
383 5dr/40l grey-mauve on blue 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges in mint pair (pos.101-102), space 1 1/2mm on both stamps. Pos.101 stamp mint never hinged. Surcharge dispaced. Very ne and rare. (Hellas 159Ia).
384 5dr/40l grey-mauve on blue 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, mint. 2 gummless spots. (Hellas 159A). *40€
385 1900 Large hermes heads surcharges, 30l/40l. (wide 0) in block of 4 (101-102/111-112), bottom pair u/m. Var. “space 1 1/2mm” on upper pair and space 4mm” (pos.112). Unique block in the sheet of 150. VF. R. (Hellas 160A+160Aa+160Ac - 500 euro).
386 30l/40l dull light violet-brown 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges in mint pair (pos.129-130) space 1 1/2 on both stamps, perf 11 1/2, imperforate between. Very ne. (Hellas 160Ca+160Ba).
387 40l/2l grey-bistre 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, space 1.5mm, perf 11 1/2, mint. (Hellas 161a). *9€
388 40l/50l grey-bistre 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges in mint vertical pair perf 11 1/2, imperforate between. (Hellas 162).
389 1900 Large Hermes heads surcharges, 50l./40l. rose-bistre (wide 0) in perforated bl.4 (pos.71-72/81-82), bottom pair u/m. Two vertical pairs imperforated between” and plate aws (pos.71 and 81). VF. (Hellas 162C 40F4 + 162C + 162C 40F6).
390 3dr/10l orange (pos.40) 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, plate aw swollen circle, perf 11 1/2, mint. Signed S.F. (Spetsiotis). Very ne. (Hellas 163/10F6).
391 5dr/40l greyish magenta on blue 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges perf. 11 1/2, surcharge displaced so theat appears “I ΔΡΑΧΜΑ”, mint. Rare. (Hellas 164B).
392 1901 First Olympic “AM” surcharges, complete set of 5 values. 25l/40l+1dr/5dr in used copies, while the rest mint. (Hellas 165/169).
393 2x5l/1dr 1901 First Olympic “AM” surcharges, one with double surcharge (so brown stain at top) mint hinged, the other with Gothic “M”, mint no gum. (Hellas 165a+165b).
394 25l./40l. 1901 First Olympic “AM” Surcharges, additional surcharge “ΛΕΠΤΑ 50” with narrow “0”, m. VF. (Hellas 166b).
395 1dr/5dr 1901 First Olympics “AM” surcharges in pair on fragment canc. to order
(Hellas 168).
396 2dr./10dr. 1901 First Olympics AM Surcharges in mint never hinged sheetlet of 10 (pos.11-20) wit margins at 2 sides. SUPERB. (Hellas 169).
397 30l Fl.Mercury, nal proof on thick paper with watermark without gum in right marginal imperforate pair. Very ne.
398 1l. Fl. Mercury on thick paper in mint lower marginal imperforate pair. Right stamp never hinged. Very ne. (Hellas 170a).
399 3l Fl.Mercury on thin paper in mint upper marginal imperforate strip of 3. (Hellas 172Aa).
400 5l Fl.Mercury on thin paper in mint imperforate pair. (Hellas 173Ba).
401 5l. Flying Mercury on thin paper (type I) in blue color in u/m imperforate pair. Trace of hinge in margin only. Very ne. (Hellas 173Aba).
(Hellas 175A+174Ae).
404 25l Fl.Mercury on thin paper in mint never hinged lower marginal imperforate vertical pair. (Hellas 176Aa).
405 50l Fl.Mercury on thin paper in mint no gum le marginal imperforate bl.6. (Hellas 179Aa).
406 1901 Fl.Mercury. 50l. (thin paper) in imperforated marginal bl.10, 3 stamps m. (Hellas 179Ba - 650 + euros).).
407 1dr. Fl. Mercury on thin paper in u/m vertical horizontally imperforate pair. Superb. (Hellas 180Ai).
408 1dr Fl. Mercury on thin paper in u/m lower right imperforate pair (dull color). Rare. (Hellas 180Aja-600E). **180€
409 1902 Metal value issue, complete set of 5 values, used. (Hellas 184/188). ?10€
410 5l. 1902 Metal value issue in mint never hinged le marginal imperforate pair. (Hellas 184a).
411 1906 “Olympic games” issue in complete set of 14 values, m. (Hellas 189/202-600 euro).
412 1906 Olympic Games, complete set of 14 values. 3dr mint hinged (heavy), all the rest without gum. (Hellas 189/202).
413 1906 Olympic Games, complete set of 14 values, used. (Hellas 189/202). o70€
414 25l. 1906 Olympic Games in imperforate single, mint. Very ne. (Hellas 195a).
415 “PHALERE - Regates pendant les jeux Olympiques 1906” colored post card (Farazis & Michalopoulos No.39), unused. Very ne and rare.
black (read.
set from 1l to 1dr plus 5dr, without 5l+25l engraved stamps,
multiples included. One 40l stamp u/m and 25l in u/m pair (hinged on margin). 50l+1dr in used copies. Nice lot, di cult to be collected in a very good starting price. (Hellas 229a/233a+235 a/239a+241a/245a+248a).
double ovpt.
428 1912-1913
overprint, 1l. in marginal block of 4 “ΛΗΜΝΟΣ” overprint (setting V) pos.78/17-18, u/m. Var. “ΙΜΝΟΣ” (pos.8), “ΗΜΝΟΣ” (pos.18) and additional error “N.I for NI” (pos.17). Superb. RRR. (Hellas 231+231Σ61+231g+231 var “ΙΜΝΟΣ” - 860++ euro).
429 5l. litho ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in black (read. up) in u/m bl.8. On one stamps add. ovpt error letter “E” without the lower corner. Superb. (Hellas 235+235Σ27-24E).
430 10l. engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in black (read. up) in u/m bl.4. On lower right stamp add. ovpt error large letter “Ι” in “ΣΙΣ”, while on the upper le long letter “Ι”. Superb. (Hellas 236Σ14+236Σ17-32E+).
2dr engraved in orange-red ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in black (read. up), ovpt error “ΕΛΗΛΝΙΚΗ”, mint. Very rare. (Hellas 246dG).
432 10dr engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in black (read. up), ovpt error “ΔΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ”, mint never hinged. Very ne and very rare. (Hellas 249BN).
1l. engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in black (read. down) in mint pair (pos.91-92), ovpt error “ΕΛΛΗΝ_ ΚΗ” (pos.92). Very rare. (Hellas 251+251Α).
434 2l engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in black (read. down), double ovpt, mint. (Hellas 253a).
435 10l engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in black (read. down), used. (Hellas 257).
436 25l. Litho (225A) in corner bl.4 (pos.9-10/19-20), u/m. Var. “Large E” (pos.10), “”H.N” fro “HN”” (pos.9) and “slanted Ι in ΝΙΚ” (pos.20). Signed by A.Zeis. A UNIQUE SO FAR BLOCK. Superb. RRR. EST. 7000 euros. (Hellas 262b+26bK+262Σ68+26bΣ62).
437 40l engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in black (read. down), mint. (Hellas 264).
438 25dr engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in red-carmine (read. up), mint. (Hellas 283N).
439 5dr engraved in grey-blue ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in red-carmine (read. up), u/m. A very rare stamp. (Hellas 281Ne).
440 10dr engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in red (ovpt up), double ovpt, one in black with add ovpt error all letters broken in the middle, mint. THE ONLY KNOWN CPY. (Hellas 282dΣ35).
441 1l+3dr engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in carmine (read. up), u/m. Both superb copies. (Hellas 290+292).
442 2dr engraved ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in carmine (read. up), used. (Hellas 297).
o50€ RedOvpt.ReadingDown.
443 25l. litho (1st period) ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in red (read. down) with ovpt “a cheval”. Stuck on a piece of an old album. (Hellas 287).
444 25dr. ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in red (reading down), mint. Certi cate by A.zeis (1190). Very Fine and very rare. (Hellas 289N).
445 1912-1913 “ΛΗΜΝΟΣ” ovpt, complete set of 21 values, mint. 10l litho with double ovpt in u/m copy signed S.F. (Spetsiotis), and one additional 2dr in red-orange sigend AA (Argyropoulos), while 25dr high value in u/m copy. Very ne. (Hellas 300/306+307b+308/320+316h).
446 20l engraved ovpt “ΛΗΜΝΟΣ”, double ovpt, one “a cheval”, u/m. (Hellas 309b).
447 1dr engraved ovpt “ΛΗΜΝΟΣ”, double ovpt, one “a cheval” vertically giving the impression of a triple ovpt, u/m. Very ne and impressive. (Hellas 315b).
448 10dr engraved ovpt “ΛΗΜΝΟΣ” in red, mint. Certi cate Zeis (1989). (Hellas 328).
449 25dr engraved ovpt “ΛΗΜΝΟΣ” in carmine, double ovpt, one inverted. Normal ovpt “a cheval”, mint (trace). Very ne and rare. (Hellas 339d).
450 1913 “Campaign 1912”. complete set of 17 values, mint (heavy hinge). 1l+3l+40l on paper “B”. (Hellas 340/355).
451 1l+40l Campaign, both on paper “B”, mint. (Hellas 340h+348h).
452 3dr 1913 “1912 Campaign” on paper “B” in mint imperforate pair. Right stamp mint never hinged. Extremely rare. (Hellas 352ha-14000E++).
453 10dr 1913 “1912 Campaign”, mint. (Hellas 354). *90€
454 1916 “Ε.Τ.” ovpt, complete set of 17 values plus 2dr in red-orange in mint bl.4. In most blocks two stamps hinges, some one stamp hinged. 50 lepta high value three stamps hinged. Set priced as mint hinged bl.4. Very ne. (Hellas 357/374+371e - 1385E).
455 1916 “E T” ovpt, complete set of 17 values plus 25l litho on paper B, used. (Hellas 357/374+265).
456 2l litho (2nd period) 1916 “ET” overprint, double overprint, one inverted, mint (very light hinge). Very ne and rare. (Hellas 358ec).
457 2x10l lithos 1916 ovpt “E T”, one mint copy with ovpt inverted, the other mint no gum copy with double ovpt, plus a used pair with double ovpt, one inverted. (Hellas 362a+362b+362c).
458 1916 “ET” overprint, 40l. litho (paper A) in marginal block of 4, u/m. (Hellas 368h - 290 euro).
459 1917 Provisional Government issue, complete set of 12 values. On 25dr WMK, m. (Hellas 375/385a+386). *90€
460 1917 Provisional Government, complete set of 11 values in imperforate pairs. 4dr mint no gum, 1l+10l+50l+1dr+3dr+10dt u/m, 10l+50l+3dr with vertical gum creasings, 10dr with thin, the rest mint hinged. (Hellas 375b/386b).
461 25l 1917 Provisional Government in pale ultramarine, mint. Brown spots on gum. (Hellas 378A).
462 25dr 1917 Provisional Government with WMK, mint. (Hellas 385a).
1922” on 1908 Cretan postage due in u/m pair, “Λ” much broken on le stamp. (Hellas 430a+430)
468 1923
1922” ovpt on 1913 Campaign stamps, complete set of 10 values, m. (Hellas 439/448112E).
469 50l./50l. 1923
1922” overprint on 1913 Campaign stamp, ovpt inverted, mint. (Hellas 444a). *40€
470 1923 “ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922” ovpt on 1917 Provisional Government stamps, complete set of 7 values, m. (Hellas 449/455-41E).
Government stamp, ovpt inverted, mint. (Hellas 449a).
overprint on 1900 Cretan stamps (never issued), m. (Hellas 456/457).
10l/25l 1923
1922” ovpt on 1900 Cretan state “ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΟΝ”, never issued stamp, m. (Hellas 458).
overprint on 1913 Campaign never issued stamp, mint. (Hellas 460).
Landscapes issue proofs,
bright violet, all not adopted designs. All stamps thinned at top due to hinge removal.
476 1927 Landscapes, copmlete set of 14 values, u/m. (Hellas 467/480).
477 1927 Landscapes, complete set of 14 values, m. (Hellas 467/480).
478 5l. 1927 Landscapes, var printing, also, on the gum side, u/m. VF and RRR. (Hellas 467d-1500E).
479 1dr 1927 Landscapes in mint never hinged imperforate vertical pair. Upper stamp creased. (Hellas 474a). **60€
480 1l 1927 Landscapes, never issued stamp, mint (very light trace). (Hellas 481).
481 1927-1928 Navarino, complete set of 6 values, m. (Hellas 485/490).
482 1.50dr 1927 Navarino in mint vertically imperforate pair. (Hellas 485a).
483 1930 Independence, PERKINS, BACON & Co Ld Essays and proofs: 2dr essay, stages of making the stamp in 4 di erent die proofs (one dated), before burnishing, in sheetlet format. (Hellas 500).
484 1930 Independence, PERKINS, BACON & Co Ld Essays and proofs: 2x5dr die proofs on di erent papers, one a er hardening. Number of the die 852. (Hellas 503).
485 1930 Independence, complete set of 18 values, u/m. (Hellas 491/508).
486 1930 Independence, complete set of 18 values, m. (Hellas 491/508).
487 1930 Independence, complete set of 18 values, u. (Hellas 491/508).
488 8dr 1930 Arkadi, u/m. (Hellas 509).
489 1932 Surcharges, complete set of 6 values, m. (Hellas 510/515).
490 1,50dr/5dr. 1932 “Surcharges”, double ovpt, u/m. (Hellas 511b). **40€
491 3dr 1927 Fabvier printed on folded paper, m. (Hellas 512).
495 1933 Republic issue, complete set of 3
pair, m. RRR. (Hellas 519a).
the 50dr value in marginal copy with plate No1, u/m. (Hellas 523/525).
496 1933 “Republic issue” in complete set of 3 values, mint. (Hellas 523/525).
497 1933 Republic issue, complete set of 3 values, used. (Hellas 523/525).
498 8dr 1934 Stadium, u/m. (Hellas 526).
499 8dr 1934 Stadium perf 13 x 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 526f).
500 4dr 1935 Mystras, u/m. (Hellas 527-45E).
501 4dr 1935 Mystras in vertically imperforate single right marginal copy, mint. (Hellas 527a).
502 1935 Restoration of monarchy, complete set of 5 values in u/m vertical pairs. (Hellas 528/532-60E).
503 50l/40l 1935 Restoration of monarchy in u/m pair. Le stamp perf 10 1/2+13 1/2 at top, while right stamp perf 10 1/2 at top. (Hellas 528c+528a).
504 1937 King George II, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 535/538).
505 6dr 1938 Balkan Entente I, u/m. (Hellas 557).
506 1939 Ionian Islands union, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 560/564).
507 1939 Balkan Games, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 565/568). **4€
508 1940 National Youth Organisation, complete set of 10 values, u/m. (Hellas 571/580).
509 1940 National Youth Organization, complete set of 10 values, mint. (Hellas 571/580).
510 2dr 1942 Landscapes, printed on the gum side, u/m. Very ne. (Hellas 581a).
511 10dr 1942 Landscapes in u/m imperforate single stamp printed on folded paper. (Hellas 583a)
512 100dr 1942 Landscapes in u/m le marginal pair, le stamp printed on folded paper. (Hellas 589).
513 1942,1944 Landscapes. 1000dr. in vartical pair, u/m. Var. “imperforate pair”. VF. (Hellas 591a).
514 15.000dr. in imperforate marginal pair printed on the gum side too, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 594c). **30€
515 25l.+25l. 1943 Childrens welfare in imperforate pair, u/m. (Hellas 600a).
516 100000dr/25l. 1944 Piraeus bombardment, var surcharge inverted, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 604a).
517 50.000+450.000dr./5dr. of “Childrens camps” issue. Var. “ΝΑΥΟΛΙΟΝ” instead of “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ”, u/m. (Hellas 614a).
518 50000+450000/25dr 1944 Childrens camps, double surcharge, u/m. (Hellas 619b).
519 50000dr+450000dr/50dr 1944 Childrens camp, surcharge inverted, u/m. (Hellas 620a).
520 50000dr+450000dr/100dr 1944 Childrens camp, surcharge inverted, u/m. (Hellas 621a). **10€
521 2dr 1944 New currency, double ovpt, u/m. (Hellas 624a).
**15€ 1945-2013
522 3dr 1945 Glory in u/m upper marginal imperforate pair printed inverted on the gum side too. (Hellas 628c). **30€
523 5dr 1945 Glory in u/m lower marginal imperforate pair with double impression. (Hellas 629b). **30€
524 1945 Glory, 10dr. in imperforated marginal pair with double impression”, u/m. VF. (Hellas 630c). **30€
525 50dr 1945 Glory in u/m imperforate pair. Both stamps incomplete printed due to paper fold. (Hellas 632a). **40€
526 200dr 1945 Glory with the horizontal perforation displaced so that the printers inscription at top, u. (Hellas 634).
527 1945 “NO” anniversary, 20dr. in marginal pair, u/m. Var. “double impression”. Superb. (Hellas 635b). **15€
528 1945 “NO” anniversary, 40dr. in pair, u/m. Var. “imperforated pair printed only on the gum side only”. Plate N.3. VF. (Hellas 636c).
529 30dr 1945 F. Roosevelt in imperforate corner pair with inverted centre, u/m. (Hellas 637da)
530 30dr 1945 Roosevelt in u/m pair, imperforate double impression but the mourning frame. Superb. (Hellas 637h). **25€
531 60dr 1945 F.Roosevelt in imperforated pair in issued color, printed on both sides, without gum and WMK. Final proof. (Hellas 638).
532 60dr 1945 F.Roosevelt with double impression, u/m. (Hellas 638b). **5€
533 200dr F.Roosevelt in imperforate pair printed on the gum side only on vertically ribbed paper, u/m. (Hellas 639g).
534 1945 Roosevelt, 200dr. with “double impression”, u/m. Very Fine. (Hellas 639b).
535 1946-47 Chain surcharges, complete set of 18 values, u/m. (Hellas 640/657).
536 1946-47 Chains surcharges, complete set of 18 values, mint. (Hellas 640/657).
537 20dr./50dr. 1946 Chains surcharges, surcharge inverted, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 641a).
538 50dr/25000dr 1946 Chains surcharges, double surcharge, u/m. (Hellas 647a). **40€
539 5000dr./15000dr 1946 Chains surcharges, surcharge in blue, m. (Hellas 657a).
540 150dr/20l. 1946-47 Chains surcharges, never issued stamp, m. Superb. (Hellas 658).
541 1946 Ele herios Venizelos, 130dr in pair, u/m. Var. “imperforated pair”. Diagonal crease. (Hellas 659a). **10€
542 1946 Ele herios Venizelos, 300dr. in marginal imperforated pair, u/m. Var. “double impression”. Superb. (Hellas 660c).
543 1946 Reinstatement of King George II, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 661/664).
544 600dr/8dr 1946 Reinstatement of K. George II, surcharge in red, u/m. (Hellas 663a)
545 1946 Tsaldaris, complete set of 2 values in imperforated pairs, u/m. Both with mirror printing. (Hellas 665a/666a). **50€
546 1947 King George II mourning issue, 50dr/1dr var. “double surcharge”, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 667a - 80 euro).
547 600dr/8dr 1947 KGII mourning issue, used. Without the mourning frame at bottom. (Hellas 669).
548 1947 “Victory” issue in complete set of 9 values, u/m. (Hellas 671/678).
549 1947-51 Dodecanese union, complete set of 23 values, u/m. (Hellas 679/701).
550 20dr 1947 Dodecanese Union in u/m imperforate pair on horizontally ribbed paper. (Hellas 679a).
551 30dr in pair 1947 Dodecanese union, var double impression, u/m. VF. (Hellas 680b).
552 450dr.1947/1951 Dodecanese in imperforated u/m pair printed on folded paper. (Hellas 688a).
553 1947-1951 Dodecanese union, 600dr. imperforate single copy, u/m. Var. “imperforate with double impression, one inverted”. Superb. (Hellas 690c).
554 1000dr 1947 Dodecanese union in u/m imperforate pair. (Hellas 694a).
555 1947-1951 Dodecanese union, 1000dr. marginal, u/m. with var double impression, one inverted. Mirror printing on reverse. (Hellas 694d).
556 1949 Childrens abduction, complete set of 3 values, m. (Hellas 702/704).
557 1000dr 1950 U.P.U., var double year, u/m. (Hellas 707d).
558 1951 St. Paul, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 708/711). **45€
559 1951 “Marshall plane” issue in complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Hellas 712/717). **45€
560 1952 “Royal birthday” issue in complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 718/721).
561 1952 Royal birthday, complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas 718/721).
562 1953 National products, complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas 722/728). **22€
563 1953 National products, complete set of 7 values, m. (Hellas 722/728).
564 1954 Ancient art (I), complete set of 12 values, u/m. (Hellas 729/740).
565 1954 Ancient art (part I), 2.400dr., u/m. Var. “double impression”. VF. (Hellas 737a - 220 euros).
566 1954 Union of Cyprus, complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Hellas 741/746). **22€
567 1954 Union of Cyprus, complete set of 6 values, m. (Hellas 741/746).
568 1955 Ancient art (part II), complete set of 8 values in u/m corner bl.4. (Hellas 747/754).
569 1955 Ancient art (part II), complete set of 8 values, u/m. (Hellas 747/754).
570 1955 Ancient art II, complete set of 8 values, m. (Hellas 747/754).
571 1955 Pythagoras, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 755/758). **24€
572 1955 Pytahgoras, complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas 755/758).
573 1956 “Royal families (part I)” issue in complete set of 14 values, u/m. (Hellas 760/773).
574 1956 Royal families I, complete set of 14 values, m. (Hellas 760/773). *10€
575 1957 “Royal Families (part II)” issue in complete set of 14 values, u/m. (Hellas 777/790).
576 1957 Royal families II, complete set of 14 values, m. (Hellas 777/790). *10€
577 1958 Merchant marine, complete set of 6 values in u/m lower right corner bl.4. (Hellas 791/796). **16€
578 1958 Nature protection, complete set of 8 values in u/m upper right corner bl.4. (Hellas 797/804). **9€
579 3.50 1958 Nature protection in imperforate pair. Light crease AS ALL THE KNOWN COPIES OF THIS VARIETY, u/m. RRR. (Hellas 803a)
580 1958-60 Ancient art (part III), complete set of 8 values in u/m bl.4. 2,50dr marginal, all the rest corner bl. (Hellas 805/812).
581 1958-60 Ancient art (part III), complete set of 8 values, u/m. (Hellas 805/812).
582 1959 Ancient coins (I), complete set of 10 values in u/m bl.4. 10l. in marginal bl.4, all the rest corners. (Hellas 813/822).
583 1959 Ancient theatre, complete set of 7 values in u/m corner bl.4. (Hellas 823/829).
584 1959 Red Cross, complete set of 7 values in u/m marginal bl.4. (Hellas 831/837).
585 4.50dr 1960 Europa, var double impression, u/m. VF. (Hellas 862a).
586 1961 Tourist publicity, complete set of 17 values, u/m. (Hellas 864/880).
587 1969 Liberation, 5dr. in imperforated pair, u/m. Very Rare. (Hellas 1133a - 600 euro).
589 1983 Booklet comprising a strip of 10x15dr 1983 Homers epics. VF. (Hellas B9).
590 1988 Microscopic sea life, complete set of 5 values horizontally imperforate with number 55 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1788B/1792B).
591 1988 Microscopic sea life, complete set of 5 values horizontally imperforate with number 65 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1788B/1792B).
592 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 25 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
593 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 30 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
594 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 40 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
595 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 45 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
596 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 55 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
597 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 60 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
598 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 65 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
599 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 70 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
600 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 75 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
601 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 80 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
602 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 85 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
603 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 90 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
604 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 95 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B).
605 1988 Waterfalls, complete set of 3 values horizontally imperforate with number 100 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1800B/1802B). **22€
606 70dr 1988 Christmas in u/m imperforate pair. (Hellas 1822a).
607 1988 European Council, complete set of 2 values vertically imperforate with number 60 underprint, u/m. (Hellas 1823B/1824B).
608 70dr 1989 Greece-Homelnad of the Olympic Games in u/m imperforate bl.4 with inscription on margin. (Hellas 1827Ac).
609 2010 Greek art m/s, u/m. (Hellas F59).
610 2010 Christmas m/s with self-adhesive stamps, u/m. (Hellas F62).
611 2013 100 Years from Mt. Olympus rst Ascent, set of 4 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F76/F79). **25€
612 2014 Songbirds of the Greek Country side, set of 5 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F83/F87). **14€
613 2014 e bicycle, set of 4 miniature sheets, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F88/F91).
614 2015 Railways of Greece, set of 4 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F95/F98).
615 2016 Year of Greece in Russia m/s, u/m. (Hellas F111). **10€
616 2016 2400 Years since the birth of Aristotle, set of 3 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F112/114). **9€
617 2017 150 Years National Archaeological Museum, set of 6 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F118/F123). **20€
618 2,62E 2017 Euromed 2017 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F126).
619 2017 Year of cultural exchanges and cooperation of creative industries of Greece-China, set of 2 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F127/F128).
620 2018 World Bee day, set of 4 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F139/F142).
621 2018 Euromed 2018, set of 4 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F144/F147).
622 2019 Euromed 2019 m/s, u/m. Inside special folder. (Hellas F152).
623 1985 (22/11), complete advance registration set of 3 values (15, 20 and 27dr) plus 80dr+100dr, commemorative for the Philatelic Exhibition of Piraeus, u/m. (Hellas M11).
624 1986 (6/6), complete advance registration set of 3 values (18, 27 and 35dr) plus 110dr, commemorative for the Panhellenic Philatelic Literature Exhibition, u/m. (Hellas M12).
625 25.10.1986 Frama stamps HERAKLION86 complete advanced registration set of 3 values plus 130dr value, u/m. (Hellas M13II).
626 1995 (22/11) Commemorative issue for the Philatelic Exhibition Athens-Piraeus95, complete advance registration set of 5 values (type II) 80dr, 120dr, 150dr, 350dr and 400dr canc. with Exhibitions opening day cacahet. (Hellas M33I).
627 2003 self adhesive stamps printed on yellow paper in u/m strip of 4, without printed value. (Hellas M78n).
628 2003 self adhesive stamps printed on yellow paper in u/m strip of 2, without printed value. (Hellas M78n). **17€
629 2004 Type II self-adhesive stamp in strip of 3 stamps without printed values, u/m. (Hellas M79IIn). **12€
630 2004 Type II self-adhesive stamp with multiple printing “ΑΚΥΡΟ”, u/m. (Hellas M79IIs).
631 2007 Type II self-adhesive stamp in strip of 3 stamps without value printed, u/m. (Hellas M80IIn). **22€
632 2007 Type II self-adhesive stamp in strip of 2 stamps without value printed, u/m. (Hellas M80IIn). **18€
633 2007 Type II self-adhesive stamp in strip of 2 stamps without value printed, u/m. (Hellas M80IIn). **18€
634 2011 self adhesive stamp in strip of 2 without printed value, u/m. (Hellas M81n).
635 1926 Sounio set, complete set of 3 values in vertical gutter pairs, u/m. (Hellas AI/AIII).
636 1926 Patagonia, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas A1/A4). **18€
637 3dr 1926 Patakonia, in bl.4 incl. one blanc label. Hinged on top selvage, stamps u/m. (Hellas A2a).
638 1926 Patakonia, complete set of 4 values on airmail cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ*3.VI.32” and “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ*3.VI.32” via Italy to Berlin. A small part of ap is missing. (Hellas A1/A4).
639 Patakonia issue, Bari Exhibition 1933, complete set of 4 values, u/m. VF. (Hellas A1A/A4A). **550€
640 1933 Zeppelin, complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Hellas A5/A7). **70€
641 1933 Zeppelin, complete set of 3 values, u. VF. (Hellas A5/A7). o30€
642 1933 Aeroespresso, complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas A8/A14). **40€
643 1933 Aeroespresso, complete set of 7 values, m. (Hellas A8/A14). *20€
644 1933 Governments issue, complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas A15/A21).
645 1933 Governments issue, complete set of 7 values, used. (Hellas A15/A21).
646 1935 Mythological issue and 1937 re-issue, complete sets of 9 and 5 sets, m. (Hellas A22/A30 + A31/A35).
647 1938-1942 “Airplane” overprint, complete set of 8 values, m. VF. (Hellas A36/A44 - 75 euros catalog value).
648 1938-1942 Airplane overprints, 1dr/2dr. with “inverted surcharge”, u/m. Signed by O.Vlastos. (Hellas A37b).
649 1938-1942 Airplane overprints, 1dr/2dr. with “inverted surcharge”, u/m. (Hellas A40a).
650 1938-1942 Airplane overprints, 10dr. with “inverted overprint”, u/m. (Hellas A42a).
651 10dr. 1941 Post.Due (perforat.13 1/2) ovpt. “Airplane” in vertical pair, m. Var.”imperforate horizontally pair”. in spot on upper stamp. (Hellas A42b).
652 1940 National Youth Organization, complete set of 10 values, u/m. (Hellas A45/A54).
653 1940 National Youth Organization, complete set of 10 values, mint. (Hellas A45/A54).
654 5dr 1942 Winds, double impression, u/m. Superb. (Hellas A56b).
655 50dr 1942 Winds (part I), double impression, u/m. Signed Sanabria. Very ne. Signed by O.Vlastos. (Hellas A60b). **40€
656 1943 Winds (II), 100dr. in marginal vertical pair, u/m. Var. “imperforated pairand double impression”. (Hellas A64c). **30€
657 1952 Grammos-Vitsi, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas A67/A70).
658 1954 N.A.T.O., complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas A71/A73).
659 1958 Harbours, complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas A74/A80).
660 1912-1913 Struggle against Tuberculosis never issued stamp: 2l. in strip of three perf 10 1/2 at top, two stamps hinged, 2l. in mint no gum pair perf 10 1/2 at top and bottom and 2l u/m single perf 10 1/2 at top and at bottom as well. (Hellas CIb+CId).
661 2l. 1914 National Welfare Fund in imperforate pair, mng. One stamp with faults. (Hellas C1c).
662 6x1l/1l 1917 “Κ.Π.” surcharges on Fl.Mercury stamps, ovpt inverted (2 copies), double ovpt, double ovpt, one inverted (2 copies) and ovpt in red-brown (used copy). (Hellas C5a+C5b+C5c+C5e).
1l/1l 1917 “Κ.Π.” Surcharges in mint upper right corner pair without the new value due to surcharge sho ed downwards. Also di erent accent on both. On le stamp trace of hinge. Very rare. (Hellas C5kXII).
664 1l/3l. 1917 “Κ.Π.” surcharges on Fl. Mercury stamp in u/m. bl.4. On one stamp di erent type of accent and “ε” calligraphic and on the stamp below “K.M.”. (Hellas C6+C6XI+XII+C6II).
665 1l/3l 1917 “Κ.Π.” surcharges on Fl.Mercury stamps in u/m bl.4., “Κ.Π,” and di erent accent on lower pair stamps. (Hellas C6+C6XII+C6IX).
666 9x1l/3l 1917 “Κ.Π.” surcharges on Fl.Mercury stamps, surcharge inverted, surcharge double, 2 copies with double surcharge, one inverted plus additional ovpt varieties, mint. Very ne lot. (Hellas C6a+C6b+C6c+C6IX +C6XIV+C6XVIII+C6XVI+C6XV).
667 K.Π. 5l./1l. Fl. Mercury in mint block of 4, var. “Surcharge inverted”. 3 stamps mint. (Hellas C7a).
668 7x5l/1l 1917 “Κ.Π.” surcharges on Fl.Mercury stamps, ovpt inverted (2 copies), double ovpt (4 copeis) and double ovpt, one inverted, mint. (Hellas C7a+C7b+C7c).
669 5l./20l. 1917 “Κ.Π.” Surcharges on Fl. Mercury stamp in u/m pair, ovpt var “Κ Π” instead of “Κ.Π.”. Very rare. (Hellas C8XXVI).
670 5l/40l 1917 “Κ.Π.” surcharges on Fl.Mercury stamps, surcharge albino, u/m. One blunt corner but very rare and impressive. (Hellas C9Dvar).
671 2x30l/30l 1917 “Κ.Π.” surcharges on Fl.Mercury stamps, both copies with double surcharge, one u/m, while the other mint hinged. (Hellas C13b).
672 1917 “Κ.Π.” surcharges on 1906 Olympic Games, never issued stamps: 1l/1l in mint pair with light yellowtoning and 1l/3l in mint single with surcharge inverted. (Hellas C14+C15a).
673 1917 “Κ.Π.” surcharges on 1913 Campaign stamps: 4x5l/25l surcharge inverted, surcharge double and doudle surcharge, one inverted, 7x5l/40l surcharge inverted, double surcharge, double surcharge, one inverted, triple surcharge, one inverted and perf 10 1/2 at right, 4x5l/50l surcharge inverted, double surcharge and double surcharge, one inverted. Very ne lot. (Hellas C16a+C16b+C16c+C17a+C17b+C17c+C17d+C17e+C18a +C18b+C18c).
mint (trace). Very ne. (Hellas C29).
Corfu local issues, Archaic “K”, used. (Hellas C50b).
676 5l. 1918 Red Cross Fund, u/m. (Hellas C51-30E).
677 10l 1926 Red Cross Fund in mint upper marginal pair, imperforate between. Very ne. (Hellas C61b).
678 10l 1937 Social Welfare Fund ovpts on postage due stamp (with accent), ovpt inverted, mint. (Hellas C70b).
679 50l. 1940 Postal sta Anti-Tb Fund, var ovpt inverted, u/m. Superb. (Hellas C83a).
680 50l/10l 1941 Postal sta Anti-TB Fund, double surcharge, u/m. Superb. (Hellas C86b).
681 1dr/20l. 1942 essaloniki International Fair Fund, var. “horizontal strip of 3 imperforate between”, u/m. (Hellas C87e).
682 10dr/25l 1943 Postal sta Anti-TB Fund in u/m pair, one stamp imperforate at le . Superb. (Hellas C89var).
683 100dr 1944 Postal sta Anti-Tuberculosis Fund, in u/m bl.4 with ovpt inverted. VF. (Hellas C90a). **10€
684 25000dr/2dr 1944 Postal sta Anti-TB Fund, double surcharge, mint. (Hellas C92a).
685 2x20dr/40l 1946 Postal sta Welfare Fund, one with surcharge inverted, the other with surcharge in violet, u/m. Superb. (Hellas C96a+C96b).
686 20dr/40l 1946 Postal sta Welfare Fund, surcharge incomplete printed, mint no gum. Uncommon and impresive. (Hellas C96).
687 2x50dr/10l 1950 Postal sta Welfare Fund, surcharge reading up on both stamps, u/m. (Hellas C97b+C98b). **16€
688 1946-1947 Postal sta Welfare Fund, complete set of 2 values plus 50dr/50l with surcharge inverted and 50dr/1dr with surcharge in violet, u/m. Superb. (Hellas C99+C99a+C100+C100a).
689 2x50dr/50l 1947 Postal sta Anti-TB Fund, one without “ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΦΥΜΑΤΙΚΩΝ”, mint. (Hellas C101+C101b).
690 50dr 1948 essaloniki of essaloniki Monuments Funds in grey-brown color in u/m imperforate pair. (Hellas 102a). **10€
691 1951-1952 Postal sta Welfare Fund, 50dr/3dr. var. “surcharge inverted”, u/m. (Hellas C104a). **20€
692 1875 1st Vienna issue perf. 10 1/2, complete set of 12 values, u. VF. (Hellas D1A/D12A - 257 euro). ?60€
693 40l. 1875 1st Vienna issue perf 9 1/4x10 1/2, mng. Signed Deilakis, Ex Photiadis. Very rare. (Hellas D6H). (*)300€
694 1dr 1875 1st Vienna issue perf 9 3/4x10 3/4, used. Very rare. (Hellas D11H). o400€
695 10l 1876 2nd Vienna issue in u/m imperforate pair perf 12 1/2 at le side. (Hellas D16a). **25€
696 20l 1876 2nd Vienna issue in u/m imperforate pair. (Hellas D17c). **24€
697 100l 1876 2nd Vienna issue in u/m imperforate pair. Signed Argyropoulos. Overguming at right resulting in a natural gum crease. Very ne. (Hellas D23a). **70€
698 1902 London issue: 2l+3l+5l+25l+30l+50l+1dr in mint imperforate pairs. Di cult to be collected. (Hellas D31a/D40a).
699 1912 “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” ovpt in black (read. up), complete set of 10 values, m. (Hellas D44/D53).
700 1912 “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” overprint, 2l. black overprint (reading up), m. Var. “double overprint” and additional error “letter Δ without le corner”. RR. (Hellas D45aΣ38 - est. 300 euro).
701 10l 1912 “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” ovpt in black (read. up) in two mint pairs, one with “ΕΛΛΗΝ_ΚΗ”, the other with large “E”. (Hellas D48A+D48K).
702 1912 “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” overprint, 2dr. to 5dr. (reading down), m. 2dr. thined and 5dr signed. VF. RRR. (Hellas D56/D58).
703 1912 “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” ovpt in red (read. up), complete set of 11 values, mint. (Hellas D59/D69). *32€
704 5l 1912 “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” ovpt in red (read. up) in two mint pairs, one with “ΕΛΛΗΝ_ΚΗ”, the other with large “E”. (Hellas D61A+D61K).
705 2l. ovpt “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” in carmine (read. down) in bl.9 with oblique ovpt. Large “E” in pos.100 instead of pos.80, and add ovpt error letter “Δ” without le corner in pos.90+89+88 instead of 70, 69 and 68 due to ovpt displacement. Two stamps hinged, the rest u/m. Very ne and rare. (Hellas D76+D76K+D76Σ38).
708 1dr Lithographic issue (3rd period) perf. 10 1/2 at bottom, mint (just trace). Very ne and very rare. (Hellas D95Cb).
709 1926 Issue with no accent: 1dr used with one perf short, 2x2dr, one mint one used and 3 dr used, all copies perf 10 1/2 at top. (Hellas D95Db+D96Db+D97Db).
710 1930 lithographic issue, complete set of 8 values, mint. (Hellas D99/D106).;
711 2x100dr 1943 lithographic issue, one with displaced vertical perforation, the other with mirror printing. Superb. (Hellas D112). **15€
712 200dr 1943 lithographic issue in u/m imperforate pair with the horizontal perfotation displaced. (Hellas D113a). **15€
713 50l+1dr+2dr+5dr+10dr 1933 Governments issue on airmail cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2.XI.33” ( rst day of issue). (Hellas A15/A19).
714 2x3dr/3dr+2x5dr/100dr 1935 Restoration of monarchy, on registered airmail cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*24. XI.35” ( rst day of issue) also fr. with 10dr+25dr+30dr+50dr 1935 Mythilogical airmail issue, via “ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*25.XI.35”, arr. “NEW YORK*7.12.1935”. Very ne. (Hellas 530+531+A26A/A29).
715 1940 Youth Organization (airpost),compl.set of 10 values (plus 2 other stamps) on 2 Air-Mail covers canc.”ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*3-VIII-40” (First Day of Issue),arr.”ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ-ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ*3-VΙΙΙ-40”. (Hellas A45/A54). Rare covers.
716 1946 Reinstatement of KGII, complete set of 4 values on registered cover canc. “ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΝ*28 ΣΕΠ. 46” (1st day of issue), via “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*2.X.46”, arr. “ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ*4.Χ.46” and returned to “ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΝ*13 ΟΚΤ. 46”. Manuscript “Αγνωστος εις Ηράκλειον/ ο Διανομευς”. (Hellas 661/664).
717 Cover fr. with complete set of Victory issue, posted from “ATHINAI*1 V 47” (1st day of issue) In Town. (Hellas 670/678) FDC60€
718 1949 Children abduction, complete set of 3 values on cover canc. “ATHINAI*1.II.49” ( rst day of issue) to USA. (Hellas 702/704). FDC25€
719 1952 Grammos - Vitsi, complete set of 4 values on registered air cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29.VIII.52” ( rst day of issue) air cachet “BY AIR MAIL/ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ” in red, arr. “BEXLEYHEATH KENT*1.SP.52”. (Hellas A67/A70).
720 1953 National products, complete set of 7 values on registered cover canc. “ATHINAI*1.VII.53” ( rst day of issue). On reverse boxed “ΕΞΗΛΕΓΧΘΗ” and signature, arr. “ALBANY OREG.*6.JUL.1953”. (Hellas 722/728)
721 1954 Ancient art (part I), complete set of 12 values on cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.I.54” ( rst day of issue). (Hellas 729/740).
722 1951 Marshakk plan ,complete set of 6 values on o cial prospectus cancelled with “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΚΟΝ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ*20.IX.51” (1st Day of issue). R. (Hellas 712/717).
723 1954 N.A.T.O., complete set of 3 values on cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.V.54”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΝΕΑ ΣΜΥΡΝΗ*16.V.54”. (Hellas A71/A73)
724 1955 Pythagoras, complete set of 4 values on large cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*20.VIII.55” (1st day of issue) posted In Town. (Hellas 755/758).
725 2dr 1956 Rotary on special illustrated cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.V.56” (1st day of issue). (Hellas 759). FDC10€
726 1956 Royal families I, complete set of 14 values on a air mail cover canc. “ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ*21.V.56” (1st day of issue), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ*22.V.56”. (Hellas 760/773).
727 1957 Dionyssios Solomos, complete set of 3 values on cover, canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΚΟΝ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ*26. ΙΙΙ.57” ( rst day of issue). (Hellas 774/776)
728 1958 Harbours, complete set of 7 values on o cial FDC mailed registered, arr. “NORWALK*5.JUL.1958”. (Hellas A74/A80). FDC120€
729 1958 Nature protection, complete set of 8 values on registered cover canc.
58” ( rst day of issue), arr. “ISTABUL”. (Hellas 797/804).
730 1959 Ancient coins (part I), complete set of 10 values on 2 o cial FDC. (Hellas 813/822).
731 1959 Ancient theatre, complete set of 7 values on o cial FDC. (Hellas 823/829).
732 2.50dr 1959 Victory issue on cover canc. “ATHINAI*29.VIII.59” (1st day of issue). (Hellas 830).
733 1959 Red Cross, complete set of 7 values on cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*21.IX.59” (1st day of issue). (Hellas 831/837).
734 1959 I.Nagy, complete set of 2 values on cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17.XII.59” (1st day of issue), arr. “ΧΑΝΙΑ11. XII.59”. (Hellas 838/839).
735 2.50dr 1960 C.Palamas on cover canc. “ATHINAI*25.I.60” ( rst day of issue). (Hellas 840).
736 1960 Rome Olympic Games, complete set of 11 values on two o cial FDC. (Hellas 851/861).
737 1961 Tourist publicity, complete set of 17 values on 3 covers canc. “ATHINAI*15.II.61” ( rst dday of issue). (Hellas 864/880).
738 1963 Ancient coins (part II), complete set of 9 values on cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.VII.63” ( rst day of issue), arr. “ΛΕΒΙΔΟΥ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ*8.VII.63”. (Hellas 923/931).
739 1964 King Paul, complete set of 10 values on cover canc. “ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*6.V.64” ( rst day of issue), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.V.64”. (Hellas 951/960). FDC20€
740 1966 Popular art, complete set of 12 values on two registered covers canc. “ΒΟΛΟΣ*21.XI.66” (1st day of issue), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”. (Hellas 1037/1048). FDC20€
741 Athens - Akyab (26.9.33) by IA/ITA, special illustrated cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*25.IX.33”, arr. “AKYAB*1.OCT.33”. Air-mail cachet type 5A in red. (Hellas 321A). FFC70€
742 8.2.1934 Corfu (7.2.34)-Bushire (10.2.34) Registered airmail cover from Corfu Fevr, 7 to Bushire Fevr, 10. Return to Corfu at March, 10. Boxed “PREMIER COURRIER AERIEN. CORFOU-BOUCHIR AIR FRANCE”. (Hellas FF326A). FFC12€
743 26.5.1934 Drama - Agrinion (via Athens) Airmail cover canc. “ΔΡΑΜΑ*26.V.34”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*26.V.34”, arr. “ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΝ*28.V.34”.
750 1945 Alexandroupoli surcharge (ΑΥΤΟΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΗ ΕΒΡΟΥ), set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas R40/R44). **40€
751 5λ./25000dr 1945 Alexandroupoli surcharge (ΑΥΤΟΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΗ), var surcharge inverted, m. (Hellas R45a). *15€
752 1913 1st label issue in sheetlet (3 horiz./4 vert. perf.) with WMK at bottom, mng. (Hellas F6-260E). (*)75€
753 1913 3rd Label issue sheetlet of 6, used. Very ne. (Hellas F8). o280€
754 1893, 1896, 1900 “Dedeagh” ovpt, complete set of 9 values, u. (Hellas 1/9-410E). o120€
755 Cover fr. with 8x5c. (4 pairs) and 2x10c. (pair) Italian stamps and cancelled with “MUNICIPIO.LEROS. ΔΗΜΟΓΕΡ.ΛΕΡΟΥ*POSTE” to “in town”. C80€
756 PPC “Rhodes. Depot des munitions de guerre Turques” (colour, Husni) fr. with 5c. Italian ovpt. “Rodi” canc. “RR. POSTE ITALIANE-PSITHOS (Rodi-Egeo)*21.6.17” to Modena. (Hellas 4XI)
757 Italian PS card print.10c.Italian plus 15c.1912 ovpt.”LIPSO” (Hellas 6 VII) canc.”POSTE ITALIANE-LIPSO (EGEO)*16-8-19” & purple “COMMANDO PRESIDIO MILITARE*LIPSO (Egeo) plus green boxed “VERIFICATO PER CENSURA/CENSORE N.1-RODI (EGEO)”,arr.”DEURNE-1*6-IX-19” (Belgium).Rare item.
PPC “Rhodes. Bibliotheque & Mosquee Suleimanie” (colour, Husni 40) fr. with 5c. Italian canc. “POSTA MILITARE 94*12.6.79” and weak Italian cencorship cachet to Santuario.
759 1930 Ferucci issue ovpt “CASO”, complete set of 6 values on registered cover canc. “CASO (EGEO)*20.11.30” to Firenze. (Hellas 59V/63V).
760 1932 Garibaldi issue ovpt “CARCHI”, complete set of 10 values on registered cover canc. “CARCHI (EGEO)*12.9.32” to Roma. (Hellas 108XIV/117XIV).
761 Italian PS form (12,50 Lire) for a parcel sent from Rhodes to Italy, franked with Italian parcel post stamps 4L. and 25c. canc. “POSTE ITALIANE PACCHI * RODI (EGEO) *13.9.33”.
762 1940 O cial document printed “COMUNE DI Patmo” fr. with 20c. RODI and posted from “PATMO (EGEO)*1.4.40” to Rodi.
763 Document (franchise) canc. “RR.POSTE ITALIANE*CATTAVIA (RODI EGEO)*17.4.40” and green “MUNICIPIO DI CATTAVIA-RODI (EGEO)” to Rodi.
764 1940 O cial document printed “COMUNE DI Lero Santa Marina” and posted from “POSTA AEREA LERO SANTA MARINA (EGEO)*7.12.40” to Rodi.
765 Air-Mail commercial cover franked with 1,25L.(1932) RODI + 50c.+1L. RODI AEREA, canc. “POSTA AEREARODI (EGEO)*..-3-41” & Italian censor. tape “Veri cato per Censura” + boxed violet cachet “C6” to the Red Cross in Geneva (Switzerland).
766 Telegram receipts from Castelrosso, Coo, Rodi, Lero and Scarpando
767 Public document (Franchise) canc. oval “RR. PP. Municipio di Molito RODI” and “MONOLITO-RODI EGEO*13.8.42”, arr. boxed “MUNICIPIO DI RODI (EGEO)*17 AGO. 1942”.
768 Full Italian money order (Vaglia cent.10) cancelled with “POSTA MILITARE N.62*4.9.42”.
769 1944 O cial document printed “COMUNE DI S.ISIDORO” to Rodi. DOC60€ GermanMilitaryAdministrationIssues
770 1943 “PRO ASSISTENZA EGEOA” surcharge, complete set of 8 values on special card sheet canc. “RODI EGEO*1.11.43”. Very ne.
771 1944 “PRO SINISTRATI DI GUERRA” surcharge, complete set of 4 values on special card sheet canc. “POSTA AEREA RODI EGEO*11.10.44”. Very ne.
772 1862 entire letter from “Σύμη τη 15/27 Ιουλίου 1862” via “SMIRNE*2/8”, arr. “TRIEST*7 VIII”. EL90€
773 1869 entire letter from “Σύμη τη 30/11 Σεπτεμβρίου 1869” fr. with 15sld. Austrian and posted from “RHODUS/16 SETT.”, arr. “TRIEST*23/9 69”. EL140€
774 1871 EL from Simi, dated 9/21 Sept 1871, bearing 3-line “THE ASIA MINOR SCREW STEAMSHIP Co SYMI AGENCY” cachet in blue-green, via “RHODUS*28 SETT”, arr. “TRIEST”. Disinfective slits. EL2200€
775 1879 entire letter from “Σύμη τη 21/2 Φεβρ.ου 1879” fr. with 10sld ne whiskers and linear “PD” and posted from “RODI*6/2 9” (9 instead of 79), arr. “TRIEST*13/2 79”. On reverse blue hand stamp of the forwording agent. Ex. Andronicus collection. VF. EL100€
776 Mourning cover fr. with 1p. Ottoman stamp and posted from “RHODES*28.6.93” to France. C60€
777 PPC “Rhodes. Phare du posrt St.Nicolas” fr. with 10pa. Ottoman stamp and posted from “RHODES (ECHELLE)*5 11 903”. PPC40€
778 PPC fr. with 10pa. Turkish stamp posted from “STANKEUI*14-9-906” (Galinos 64-3), arr. “SMYRNE 2*16-9906”. PPC40€
779 20pa Ottoman stationary postal card canc. “KALYMNOS*12.3.908”, via “SMYRNE*13.3.908” to Germany. PS40€
780 PS card print.20pa. 1908 canc. bilingual “RHODES*14-11-908”, via bilingual “SMYRNE-1”, arr. “ENGHIEN-LESBAINS*19-11-08” (France). PS20€
781 1c 1920 “B.N.F. CASTELLORIZO” ovpt stamp, inverted “CASTELLORIZO”, used. (Hellas 1b). *80€
782 30c 1920 “B.N.F. CASTELLORIZO” ovpt stamp in mint bl.4, albino ovpt. Signed A.Brun. (Hellas 9). *250€
783 40c 1920 “B.N.F. CASTELLORIZO” ovpt stamp, ovpt “a cheval”, mint. Signed A.Brun. (Hellas 10). *140€
784 2pi/50c 1920 “B.N.F. CASTELLORIZO” ovpt stamp, without dot a er “N”, used. (Hellas 11g). o400€
785 5c 1920 “O F CASTELLORIZO” ovpt stamp, ovpt reading up, mint. Signed by A.Brun. Very rarre. (Hellas 38l1500E). *450€
786 2dr 1914 Infantrymen in u/m right marginal imperforate bl.4. Rare. (Hellas 11a).
787 1914 Argyrokastro issue, 20l/1pi+25l/1pi. in sheetlet of 10 (2x5), u/m. Var. “displaced overpint”, so in pos. 1 and 2 ovpt. “0 ΛΕΠΤΑ” (pos.1) and “5 ΛΕΠΤΑ” (pos.2) and in all other pos. ovpt. “0 ΛΕΠΤΑ 2” and “5 ΛΕΠΤΑ 2”. VF. (Hellas 22f var.)
788 40l./2pi+80l./1pi 1914 Argyrokastro issue, both copies mint. (Hellas 34+35).
789 1914 Moschopolis issue, 2l. black, u/m. Var. “imperforated pair”. (Hellas 51a - 67 euros).
790 1914 Chimarra issue, 5l. Litho (paper C), u/m. Signed by Zeis. RRR. (Hellas 71a - 1375 euro). **380€
791 1914 Chimarra issue, 20l. Litho in pair, u/m. Signed by Zeis. R. (Hellas 73).
792 25l. 1914 Epirus ag, perf. 10 1/2 at top, used. (Hellas 79aHT). o6€
793 50l. 1914 Epirus ag, perf. 10 1/2 at bottom, used. (Hellas 80bHB).
794 1914 Epirus ag, 2dr, mng. Var. “centre inverted”. (Hellas 82b - 850 euros).
795 5l. 1914 King Constantine issue, white spot on forehead, used. Very rare. (Hellas 86a).
796 1914 King Constantine I, 10l+2l. se-tenant horizontal pair, u/m. VF. (Hellas 87+85 - 6000 euros).
1914 Campaign stamps overprinted, complete set of 12 values, m. (Hellas 96/107).
798 1914 Campaign stamps overprinted, 1l. var. “overprint inverted”, u/m. (Hellas 96a - 96 euro).
799 1914 Campaign stamps overprinted, 2l. (paper A), u/m. Var. “displaced overprint, ΗΠΕΙΡΟΣ Β.” and “dot inside the lower circlr of B” (pos.24). VF. (Hellas 97fC - 70+++ euro).
810 1913 Autonomous Government of Western race overprint, 2pi/3ct in vertical strip of 3, u. Var. “inverted new value”. VF. (Hellas 11D - 290+ euro).
811 20l. Engraved ovpt “Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης” in le marginal block of 10, 7 stamps u/m. Signed Deilakis. Very ne and scarce. (Hellas 59).
812 30l Engraved ovpt “Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης” in u/m bl.4. Very ne. (Hellas 61).
813 25dr Engraved ovpt “ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΘΡΑΚΗΣ” in u/m lower marginal pair with printers inscription. Signed Deilakis. Very ne. (Hellas 64).
814 1920 “Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης” ovpt on lithos, set of 11 values (20l. is missing), m. All values signed “S.F.” (Spetsiotis Freres). (Hellas 68/73+75/79-68E).
815 1920 “Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης” ovpt on “ET” stamps, set of 9 values (5l.+25l. lithos and 30l. engraved are missing, all never issued), m. (Hellas 80/81+83/84+86+88/91-200E).
816 1920 “Υπάτη Αρμοστεία Θράκης” ovpt on 1913-20 Turkish stamps, complete set of 9 values in u/m bl.4. Superb. (Hellas 92/100-360E).
817 1920 “Υπάτη Αρμοστεία Θράκης” overprint, 1l/5pa. in marginal block of 4, var. “inverted overprint” and “distant “ρ” and “μ” in Αρμοστεία” on bottom le stamp, u/m. RRR. (Hellas 92a+92al).
818 1920 “Υπάτη Αρμοστεία Θράκης” overprint, 1l/5pa. var. “double overprint, one inverted”, u/m. (Hellas 92c75 euro).
819 20l/1pi 1920 “Υπάτη Αρμοστεία Θράκης” overprint, overprint on the gum side too, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 94d).
820 5l. litho ovpt “Διοίκησις Θράκης”, double ovpt, u/m. (Hellas 108a).
821 1920 “Διοίκησις Θράκης” overprint, 10l. Litho in marginal bl.10, u/m. Var. “double overprint, one slanded” and “one overprint slanded and a cheval”. EX.Benakis collection. RRR. (Hellas 109ao+109ap).
822 1920 “Διοίκησις Θράκης” ovpt on “ET” stamps, complete set of 8 values, m. All values but 1l.+5l. signed “S.F.” (Spetsiotis Freres). (Hellas 117/124-148E).
A 10ct Bulgarian scal stamp was a xed on arrival. Scarce.
825 1859 EL fr.1/2d.blue 1859 British Ionian State (Hellas 1) (deleted by pen) & oval “Δ 1 Π” canc.oval “ΚΕΦΑΛΛΗΝΙΑ*1859/ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ 6” to Iθάκη.
826 Cover fr. with 5x5c Italian stamps canc. “CORFU POSTE ITALIANE*15.6.917” to London. Italian censor tape “VERIFICATO PEZR CENSURA” and circular censors cachet “41”.
827 1941 Corfu overprint on Mythological issue stamps, complete set of 10 values in horizontal pairs, u/m. Cert. by Dr. Helmuth Avi-SBPV (11/11/2009). Superb. RRR. (Hellas 20/29).
828 1941 “ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana isole Cefalonia e Itaca” ovpt on KG II stamps in pairs, complete set of 3 pairs. Signed ORESTIS VLASTOS. Superb. RRR. (Hellas 53/55-6900E).
829 1941 Argostoli overprints, 2dr. airpost in pair ovpt. “ITALIA/Occupazione Militare/Italiana isole/Cefalonia e Itaca”, m. (Hellas 72, Sassone 3 - 1400 euro).
830 50dr+50dr Mythological in pair 1941 ovpt “ITALIA/Occupazione Militare Italiana isole Cefalonia e Itaca” with the letter “C” of “Cefalonia” in di erent character. Very rare. (Hellas 78/Sassone 9hb-15000E).
831 1941 Argostoli issue, “ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana isola Cefalonia e Itaca” overprint on SINGLE stamps, 1dr. K.George II with diagonal overprint, bright and fresh, original gum. Very ne . Signed by A.Diena. Certi cate vy Raybaudi. (Hellas 104 - 750 euros).
832 1893, 1900 “Cavalle” overprint, complete set of 9 values, mint. (Hellas 1/9).
833 1902-1913 “CAVALLE” inscription, complete set of 7 values plus 15c rose, u. VF. (Hellas 10/16+12a-64E).
834 1913 “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ” surcharge, complete set of 11 values + 50l/10ct with blue sucharge, u. VF. (Hellas 1/11+8A). o350€
( rst day of issue). RR. (Hellas 10/13).
839 1900 Black ovpt.
complete set of 5 values, mint. (Hellas 15/19)
840 25l. 1901 Local black ovpt “ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΟΝ”, with spacer printed, u. (Hellas 20d).
841 1905 second issue of the Cretan state, complete set of 9 values in bl.4, bottom pairs u/m. Rare. (Hellas 24/32 - 1860 euro). **/*380€
842 1905 Second issue of the Cretan State, complete set of 9 values, u. (Hellas 24/32-131E). o40€
843 1908 “Small ΕΛΛΑΣ” ovpt, complete set of 11+1 values, u. (Hellas 36/46+47-157E).
Superb. (Hellas
instead of ΕΛΛΑΣ”. (Hellas 39+39d
u. VF. (Hellas 36/46).
on lower le stamp. Lower pair u/m. (Hellas 50+50a).
850 1909 Provisional issues, 5l/20l., m. (Hellas 52).
851 1909-1910 “Large ΕΛΛΑΣ” overprint, complete set of 10 values, u. VF. (Hellas 63/72).
852 “ΓΑΡΑΖΟ*9 ΙΟΥΝ. 1901” on 10l. 1st Cretan state issue. (190 euro).
853 1903-1904 “Overprint on Austrian stamps”, 4 complete sets of 7+4+2+3 values, mint. Some low values u/m. (Hellas 1/16-306E+).
854 1903-1906 overprints on Austrian stamps, 1f/1k, m. Var. “perforation 9x12 1/2”. VF. R. (Hellas 5e).
855 5c/5h 1905 Ovpts on Austrian stamps in u/m bl.9. (Hellas 12-1710E).
863 1 μετ. in rose, 1899 First lithographic issue. Control mark in blue, u. (Hellas 21).
864 1899 1st Litho issue, 1m. blue (type 2), u. VF. (Hellas 22 - 130 euros). o40€
865 1 μετ. in green 1899 First lithographic issue, without control mark. Hinged on margin only, u/m. A small gumless spot. (Hellas 23).
866 1met. yellow of 1899 “First lithographic” issue, m. VF. (Hellas 26-200 euro).
867 1899 1st. Label issue, 2met. rose (type 1) without cotrol mark, m. VF. (Hellas 28).
868 1899 1st Litho issue, 2m. green (type 3), u. VF. (Hellas 30 - 130 euros).
869 1899 1st. Label issue, 2met. green (type 4) without cotrol mark, m. VF. (Hellas 31).
870 1899 1st Litho issue, 2m. lilac (type 2) with blue control mark, u. VF. (Hellas 32 - 130 euros).
871 1gr rose 1899 First lithographic issue, broken “T” in “ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ”, used on fragment. (Hellas 35b). o60€
872 1899 1st Litho issue, 1gr. blue (type 3), u. VF. (Hellas 36 - 130 euros).
873 1γρ.green 1899 rst lithographic, type 3, var broken “T” in ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ, mng.(Hellas 37b). (*)40€
874 1gr.orange 1899 Litho (without stars) canc.round “ΡΕΘΥΜΝΟΝ”.Blue contr.mark.Var.”broken T in ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ”. (Hellas 38b).
875 1899 1st Litho issue, 1gr. lilac (type 3) with blue control mark, u. Var. “broken T”. VF. RR. (Hellas 39b - 210 euros). o60€
876 1899 1st Litho issue, 1gr. yellow (type 3) with mauve control mark, u. Var. “broken T”. VF. (Hellas 40b - 210 euros).
877 O cial cover fr. with 2L Bulgarian stamp canc. railroad “P.P. P-SHITE*DEMIR HISAR-SOFIYA I*22.X.4?” to So a. On reverse municipal double ring cachet “BALGZTBORITELNO DRUZHESTVO MILOSERDNE”.
878 Bulgarian 1L stationary post card canc. “DRAMA*15.IX.42” (MACHINE TYPE), arr. “KAVALA*16.IX.42”. Very rare.
879 Parcel dispatch note franked with 1leva + 10leva and posted from “LIMEN*9 VII 43”, arr. “LETNITZA*15 VII 43”. RRRR.
880 Bulgarian 1L stationary postal card canc. “SER...” (written “3.XI.43) to Drama. Bulgarian prison censor 3-line cachet “DRAMSKI M.ZATVOR-Ser/PROVERIL”. File hole.
881 1912 Map of Samos, complete set of 3 values in sheetlets of 18 (3x6), cancelled with “ΒΑΘΥ*20 ΝΟΕΜ. 1912”. Superb, Rare. (Hellas F4/F6-2090E).
882 1912 Hermes head, complete set of 5 values in imperforate pairs. Superb. (Hellas 14a/18a-215E++). **/*60€
883 1912 “Large ΕΛΛΑΣ”, complete set of 6 values. 1dr hinged, the rest u/m. (Hellas 19/24).
884 1913 Samos castles, complete set of 5 values, m. R. (Hellas 25/29-440E).
885 1dr 1913 Samos castles, imperforate at right, m. Signed Diena. (Hellas 25).
886 1912 “ in ΕΛΛΑΣ” ovpt, complete set of 5 values, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 30/34).
887 1914 General Administration of Samos (I), complete set of 6+1 values, used. (Hellas 35/41).
888 1l. 1914 General Adnimistration of Samos (I), without safety mark only, used. Very rare. (Hellas 35d). o120€
889 1914 General Administration of Samos (I): 1l. with ovpt in black and 5l.+10l.+25l.+50l. with ovpt in red, m. Very ne and very rare. Very hard to be collected alltogether. (Hellas 35h/39h-1130E).
890 1dr 1914 General Administration of Samos (I), inverted ovpt, mint. Zeis Certi cate (1987). (Hellas 40a).
891 EL written in “Κυδωνίε 11/07/1863” and posted from “MYTELINE*24/9” with linear canc. “FRANCO” and red manuscript postage rate “20l”. On arrival “ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*15 ΣΕΠΤ. 63” taxed with 20l. sky-blue 1862/67 issue (internal postage rate).
892 Cover fr. with 20pa 1884 Empire Ottoman stamp canc. double ring in old Turkish “MIDILLI CARSISI” in blue (METELIN MARCHE/NG1) and bilingual “METELIN TURQUIE*21.MARS.1885” (NG2), arr. “STAMBOUL”.
(pos.5), “ι” inverted, m. (Hellas 5B).
894 50 ΛΕΠΤΑ/20pa 1912 New values on Mytilene stamps in pair (pos.19-20) on fragment, broken “ι” in “Μυτιλήνη” (pos.20), canc. “MIDILLI*9.11.12” with the Turkish date and inscription without been removed. VF and R. (Hellas 16). ?50€
895 1912 New values on Mytilene stamps, ΔΙΔΡΑΧΜΟΝ/1pι. var. “ι inverted” (pos.5), u. VF. (Hellas 18B - 200 euro). ?60€
1c. French stamp in pair with linear “POSTES SERBES”, m. (Yv.1 - 60 euros).
897 2c. in pair canc. with linear “POSTES SERBES”, canc. “MINISTARSKA” (Yv.2). o15€
898 5c. in pair with linear “POSTES SERBES” canc. with “MINISTARSKA”. (Yv.4 - 180 euros). o35€
899 25c. in interpaneau bl.4 with plate n.7 and linear “POSTES SERBES”, u/m. Superb. RR. (Yv.8 - 140+++ euros). **50€
900 30c. in pair with linear “POSTES SERBES” and canc. with “MINISTARSKA*15.10.918”. RR. (Yv.9 - 350 euros).
901 40c. with linear “POSTES SERBES, m. R. (Yv.11 - 90 euros).
902 Brown-rose PPC “Stromnitsa.Macedonie (Grece)” animated (Alexakis No.1300) canc.4-line “Aviation Militaire Francaise/Aupres de lArmee Serbe/Escadrille MF 82 S(erbie)/Par Salonique”.
903 1914 money order 2dinars and 75para sent from the Serbian 1st Army HQ FPO “I APMNJA/23.X.914” (canc. type used during Balkan Wars) to the Invalids Fund at Nis, via Belgrade “27.10.14” and with arrival to Nis postmark.
1914 money order 40dinars sent from the Serbian 2nd Army HQ FPO “II APMNJA/14.XI.914” (canc. type used during Balkan Wars) to the Inland Revenue O ce at Uzica, with “28.XII.14” arrival postmark.
905 1914 money order 500dinars sent from the Serbian Sumadija Div. II Call FPO “WYM. DNB.II.Π/22.11.14” to the Ministry of Finance at Nis, received at Nis on November 27.
906 1915 PPC of Gevgelija, posted from Gevgelija to Leskovac with boxed censor mark in Serbian “Examined by Dr. Venijamin”.
907 1915 money order 121dinars and 8 para sent from the Serbian Timok Div. II Call FPO “TNMOK.DNB. II.Π/12.4.15” to Sumadija Div.HQ at Kragujevac. On reverse three line cachet in Serbian “COMMAND/SUMADIJA DIVISION/REF No.18415”.
908 1915 Serbian 5para military PS sent from Arandjelovac to Nis, with Arandjelovac departure and Nis arrival “9.5.15” postmarks, black round military censor cachet “9.5.15” and orange pencil handwriten censormark.
909 1915 Serbian PS posted from Nis, with Nis PO postmark and orange pencil censor mark. PS20€
910 1915 Serbian military PS posted from a Serb refugee at Podgorica to Cacak, following the way through Albania from where the refugees were mainly transfered to Corfu. Fr. with 10para Montenegro stamp canc. with departure “PODGORITZA”, transit Albania “SCUTARI/1.12.1915” postmarks and violet “Examined by Censor” (in Cyrilic) censormark. Very rare combination of localities and dates.
911 1916 cover posted from Marseille to a Serb o cer at Sidi Fath-Allah, Bizerte with hand stamp “HOPITAL TEMPORAIRE No6 SIDI FATH-ALLAH*LE MEDECIN CHEF”. e letter was not delivered and sent back to Marseille a er several attempts, noted on back of the cover.
912 PS card print.10π.Serbian (special edition by Aspiotis,Corfou),pu.25-5-1916 & Serbian censor.cachet (20). Very rare item.
913 Beautiful colour.PPC “Hommage a la France” from Corfou (22 Aug.1916) (franchise) with Serbian censor. cachet “Π Β U (1)” (signed) to Veveg-France.
914 1916 French military PS card from Serbian 11th Sumadska Div. FPO BP.44 to France with 801 FPO canc. “bP.801/9.8.16”, type IV “(21)” black censormark and transit HQ FPO “bP.999/13.8.16” postmark, arr. on 6.9.1916.
915 1916 PPC “BIZERTE-Fontaine et Place de France” sent from Bizerte to Lausanne, fr. with 10c Tunisian stamp canc. by “BIZERTE TUNISIE/28-10 16” and arrival “LAUSANNE/10.XI.16”. e PPC has two very rare censormarks, one Serbian type III “MC” in violet and one Tunisian small red “VISE”.
916 1917 rare illustrated French military PS from a Serb soldier at Sidi Abdallah hospital at Bizerte to Paris, with “FERRYVILLE TUNISIE/15 3 17” and arrival to Paris postmarks, without any sign of censorship.
917 1917 PPC “BIZERTE-Caserne des Chasseurs” posted from Bizerte to Nice,France with “BIZERTE TUNISIE/13-6 17” postmark and type VIII Serbian censormark.
918 Brownish-grey PPC “War 1914/5 in the Balkans.Landing troops in the roadstead” (E.L.D.No.1331) canc.”ΒΠb.P.999*26-11-16”,trans.French militaire “T.& P.-502*7-12-16” (Salonica) & censor.cachet “OUVERT PAR LAUTORITE/MILITAIRE SERBE” to b.P.603 (Serbian Infantry Division).
1917 French military PS posted from Toulon to Corfu with very rare three line “DEPOT MILITAIRE SERBE/a TOULON/No____”, departure “TOULON/5-11 17” and arrival Corfu Serbian Ministerial PO “-7.11.-917” postmarks and type X Serbian censormark in black ink.
920 1917 Money order receipt sent from Serbian HQ at Salonica with rare money order “bP.999 POSHT UPUTNITSA/13.12.17” postmark.
1918 Serbian military PS card (printed at Corfu) posted from 24 Inf. Reg. with rare FPO “bP.96” postmark to HQ FPO “bP.999/-5.1.18” with type V “(56)” censormark.
922 1918 cover posted from 1st Cavalry Reg. to Geneva with very rare “bP.Oa/21.1.18”, transit HQ FPO “bP.999/25.1.18”, fr. with 25c Sower stamp and canc. with “TRESOR ET POSTES 504/9-2 18” at French PO of Salonica and arrival “GENEVE/8.IV 1918”. Censored by French “OUVERT AUTORITE MILITAIRE/309” and rare Serbian type V “(39)” censormark.
923 1918 postcard posted from Serbian 3rd Reserve Call up FPO “bP.XX/28.1.18” to Bizerta, Tunisia with transit HQ FPO “bP.999/29.1.18” and type IV “(3)” censormark.
924 Serbian 10 pa military PS in pinkish gray colour paper printed on Corfu (by G. Aspiotis). Extra Fine condition. PS30€
925 1918 Serbian money order receipt for sending 400fr to Belgrade with extremely rare 17 Inf. Reg. FPO “bP.68 POSHT UPUTNITSA/3-3.18” POSTMARK. e amount of postage charged was 33 dinar.
926 1921 very rare postal receipt for registered letter sent from Priboj Serbia for total postage of 45para (25p for the letter and 20p for registration) with circular bilingual “ΠΡΝΒΟJ PRIBOY/ BOJNA POWTA/ -7.4.21” postmark used during the Balkan wars of 1912-1913 period (due to lack of new cancelations for registered mail until 1923).
927 Cover fr. with 25l. “ET” and posted from “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*9 ΔΕΚ. 17” with censorship tape “CENSURE HELLENIQUE” and oval “ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑΣ/ΑΘΗΝΩΝ” to Nice.
928 Cover fr. with 25l. “ET” and posted from “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΟΝ*15 ΙΟΥΛ. 17” with censorship tape “CONTROLE POSTAL MILITAIRE” and oval “OUVERT Par lAUTORITE MILITAIRE/301” to Marseille. C10€
929 1940 Cover with printed 8dr. 1937 King George II and 1dr. 1939 Queens, canc. “ΔΙΑΒΟΛΙΤΣΙΟΝ*20 Χ.40” with greek censorship tape and blue round “ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ*242” cachet.
930 Canc. “4” (ΜΕΓΑΡΑ) on 20l 1862/67 (pos.30/last setting) LHH stamp. Fine strike and stamp ne-very ne. o20€
931 Canc. “36” (ΜΟΝΕΜΒΑΣΙΑ) and “48” (ΝΑΥΠΑΚΤΟΣ) on 2x20l 1862/67 LHH stamps. Fine strikes. Also stamps ne. o8€
932 Canc. “73” (ΜΥΚΩΝΟΣ) on 20l 1870 LHH stamp. Very ne strike. o14€
933 Canc. “121” (ΜΕΛΙΓΑΛΑ) on 20l 1862/67 LHH stamp. Fine strike. Scarce. o70€
934 Canc. “127” (ΓΑΥΡΙΟΝ ΑΝΔΡΟΥ) on 20l 1875/80 LHH stamp. Very ne strike. Rare. o220€
935 “145” (=ΚΑΜΑΡΙΟΝ) on 20l. Large Hermes Head. EXTREMELY RARE. o450€
936 Canc. “150” (ΔΕΡΒΗΤΣΕΛΕΠΗ) on 20l 1875/80 LHH stamp. Very ne strike and rare. In addition, stamp very ne. o140€
937 “ΑΜΟΥΡΓΟΣ (79)*9 ΑΠΡ. 83” on 20l. deep carmine LHH. ?20€
938 “ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΕΛΙ (193)*8 ?? 95” on 5l. pair SHH. ?20€
939 Blue “ΜΟΛΟΣ (116)*13 ΣΕΠΤ. ??” on 5l. pair SHH. ?10€
940 “ΠΕΤΑΛΙΔΙΟΝ (30)*22 ΟΚΤ. 900” on 5l. pair SHH. ?6€
941 Canc. “ΜΑΛΑΚΑΣΙΟΝ*23.ΜΑΡΤ.84” on 20l 1882 LHH stamp. Fine strike. o5€
942 “ΠΡΟΥΣΣΟΝ ((148))*7 ΑΥΓ. 78” on 10l. in pair orange 1868/69 issue VF. RR. ?150€
943 Canc. “ΣΤΗΛΙΣ”, “ΤΗΝΟΣ” and “ΤΡΙΚΚΑΛΑ” on 1880/86 LHH stamps. Very ne strikes. o6€
Fl.Mercury in vertical pair.
(date inverted) on 25l. SHH.
Canc. “ΒΟΥΝΑΡΙΑ*30.ΑΥΓ.99” on 20l SHH. Very ne strike.
Canc. “ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ”, “ΓΑΛΑΞΕΙΔΙΟΝ” and “ΓΑΡΓΑΛΙΑΝΟΙ” on LHH and SHH stamps. Very ne strikes.
“ΔΕΛΦΟΙ*27 NOEM 07” blue canc. on PPC with 2x10l. of Flying Mercury issue.
Very ne strike.
stamp. Fine strike.
on Small Hermes Heads.
on 2Χ20l.+10λ. Small Hermes Heads. (Hellas 56E).
on 20l. perforated SHH. ?22€
986 Canc. “ΤΕΜΕΝΗ (ΑΙΓΙΑΛΙΑΣ)*9.ΦΕΒΡ.902” on 3l. Fl.Mercuty in bl.5. o8€
987 Blue “Φ(ΟΛΕΓ)ΑΝΔΡΟΣ*16
99” (year inverted) on 25l. SHH. ?10€
988 Canc. “ΦΙΣΚΑΡΔ(ΟΝ)*13.ΦΕΒΡ.94” on 20l Small Hermes Head, 2nd period. Fine strike. o20€
colour and bilingual tape “CONTROLE
Registered cover fr. with 2x1pi Austrian Levant stamps canc. “BEIRUT OESTERREICHISCHE POST*29/11/04”, arr. “TRIEST”.
997 5h Austrian stationary post card fr. with 5h stamp canc. “WIEN*10.VII.06”, arr. “BEIRUT OESTERR. POST*16. VII.06”.
998 Post card fr. with 10c Austrian P.O. in Crete stamp canc. “CAIFA OESTERREICHISCHE POST*13/1/10” to Austria.
999 Cover fr. with 15sld Austrian Levant stamp (faults) canc. “CONSTANTINOPEL*8/11/73”, arr. “TRIEST*14/11/73”.
1000 1pi/10kr Austrian Levant stationary letter card mailed registered and fr. add. with 1pi/10kr stamp canc. “CONSTANTINOPEL III OESTERREICHISCHE POST*8/10/90”, arr. “WIEN*11/10/90”.
1001 Cover fr. with 2x10pa/3kr+20pa/5kr Austrian Levant stamps canc. “CONSTANTINOPEL III OESTERREICHISCHE POST*27/3/93”, arr. “COSSNITZ”.
1002 Post card fr. with 10pa/5h Austrian Levant stamp canc. “CONSTANTINOPEL I OESTERREICHISCHE POST*4/10/02” to Bruxelles.
1003 Cover fr. with 1pi Austrian Levant stamp canc. “a CONSTANTINOPEL I OSTERR. POST*26.VI.10”, arr. “ZURICH*28.VI.10”.
1004 Cover fr. with 2x20pa Austrian Levant stamps canc. “a CONSTANTINOPEL I OSTERR. POST*11.III.13” to Wien. C8€
1005 20pa/5kr, 20pa/10h, 20pa/5kr+20pa/5kr and 20pa/10h+20pa/10h Austrian Levant stationaries, nine in total, mailed with various “CONSTANTINOPEL” Austrian P.O. cancellations.
1006 Cover fr. with 20pa+10pa+1pi Austrian Levant stamps canc. “b CONSTANTINOPEL OSTERR.POST*15.VII.09”, arr. “LEEDS*19.JY.09”.
1007 Post card fr. with 20pa Austrian Levant stamp canc. “a JAFFA OSTERR. POST*27.VIII.10”. PPC15€
1008 Cover fr. with 2x1pi/25h Austrian Levant stamps canc. “JANINA OESTERREICHISCHE POST*17.8.08”, arr. “TRIEST*29.8.08”. C10€
1009 10pa/5H. Wrapper posted from “JERUSALEM b*21.VIII.05” to Koeln. W10€
1010 Entire letter fr. with 2x5sld. and posted from “METELINE*28/12”, arr. “LLOYD AGENZIE CONSTANTINOPOLI*2/1”. EL30€
1011 1872 Entire letter fr. with 15sld Austrian Levant stamp canc. 2-line “SALONICH/27.AOUT”, arr. “WIEN*7/9”. EL30€
1012 Colour PPC franked with 20pa. and posted from “SALONICH I*24/8/04”. PPC5€
1013 Registered cover fr. with 3x20pa+2x10pa Austrian Levant stamps canc. “c SALONICH I OSTERR. POST*6. VIII.12”, arr. “CHAMBERY*10.VIII.12”.
1014 Cover fr. with 10pi/10kr Austrian Levant stamp canc. “SAMSUN OESTERREICHISCHE POST*18/1/99” to Leipziog, arr. “25.I”. C10€
Entire letter canc. small “SMIRNE*30/1/69”, arr. “TRIEST*4/2”. Handwritten “20” fro postage to be collected. EL10€
1016 20pa/5kr Austrian Levant stationary post card canc. “SMIRNE*6/10/90”, arr. “NYBORG*12.10”, Danmark. PS8€
1017 Smyrne postal card fr. with 20pa/5kr. Austrian levant canc. with “VATHY*8/5/97” to Miesbach. PS12€
1018 Commercial cover fr. with 1pi. Austrian levant stamp canc. “VATHY*23/1/07”, arr. “BERLIN*1.2.07”. C18€ BritishP.O.
1019 Seven Constantinople post cards fr. with British or British Levant stamps, canc. “BPO CONSTANTINOPLE A”, “B” or “C”. PPC30€
1020 Commercial cover fr. with 7 1/2pi/5d British Levant stamp canc. “BPO CONSTANTINOPLE C*7.DE.21” to London. C8€
1021 Registered cover fr. with 15pi/10d+3 3/4/2 1/2d British Levant stamps canc. “BPO CONSTANTINOPLE M*5. FE.23, arr. “MILANO*8.2.23”. C20€
1022 Post card fr. with 1d QV GB stamp canc. “BPO SMYRNA A*24.DE.01” to London. PPC10€
1023 1913-1914 Surcharges on KG V stamps, complete set of 6 values, mint. (SG 35/40). *18€
1024 18 3/4pi/1s 1921 surcharges in Ottoman currency on KGV stamp in u/m bl.4. (SG 47). **10€ GermanP.O.
1025 German PO in Turkey: 1900 Surcharges on D.Reich stamps (type II), complete set of 6 values, m. (Mi. 12II/23II-650E).
1026 German P.O. in Turkey: 25pi/5m 1902/04 surcharges, m. (Mi. 23IV-400E).
1027 German P.O. in Turkey: 4pi/80pf 1905/13 surcharges, u. (Mi. 43-28E). o5€
1028 German P.O. in Turkey: 5pi/1m 1905/13 surcharges canc. “CONSTANTINOPEL”. (Mi. 44-40E). o8€
1029 German P.O. in Turkey: 100c/80pf 1908 surcharges, m. (Mi. 52-70E).
*12€ ItalianP.O.
1030 Commercial cover from Constantinople fr. with 25c Italian stamp canc. “POSTA MILITARE 15*4.3.20”, arr. “CHICAGO*7.APR.1920”.
C10€ RussianP.O.
1031 10k 1895 Russian Levant stationary letter card, unused. VF. PS5€
1032 ΡοΠΗΤ Issues: (2Pia) 1865 issue, used. Fine. (Mi. 2-1000E). o180€
1033 2x8(k)/10kop 1876 Surcharge and 7(k)/kop 1879 type II surcharge, in black and in blue, used. (Mi. 10a+10b+11IIa+11IIb-2200E). o500€
1034 8(k)/10kop 1876 Surcharge and 7(k)/kop 1879 type II surcharge, both in black, used. (Mi. 10a+11IIa-1100E). ?250€
1035 “Metelin.Le phare de Fikiotrypa” b&w (Tchivoglou Fr. No.8) fr.10pa./2κοπ.Russian LEVANT canc. lilac Russian “Ρ.Ο.Π.ηΤ.-ΜΝΤΕΛΝΗb*29 ΔΕΚ.1908” to Lausanne-Switzerland.
1036 1919 Polish Consulat Post, “LEVANT” ovpt, complete set of 12 values, mint. Certi cate Mikulski (1983). (Mi. 1/12-2400E). *350€
1037 1916 military PS printed 5l. “Evzon” blue on yellow (thin), posted from “ΤΗΛ. ΓΡ. ΛΕΧΑΙΝΩΝ*21 ΙΑΝ. 16”, arr. “ΣΤΡΑΤ. ΤΑΧ.....ΤΑΞ. ΙΠΠΙΚΟΥ*29 ΙΑΝ. 16”. (Hellas PC41a).
1901 International money order, 50l dull green in blue Fl. Mercury, unused. (Hellas PO2).
1039 1901 International money order, 1dr green in blue Fl. Mercury, unused. (Hellas PO4).
1040 1901 Domestic use money order, 30l violet Fl. Mercury, unused. Torn at upper right. (Hellas PO13).
1041 1901 Domestic use money order, 30l violet Fl. Mercury, unused. (Hellas PO13).
1042 1901 Domestic use money order, 50l slate blue Fl. Mercury, unused. (Hellas PO14). PS7€
1043 1911 25l. blue on green blue postal money order, unused. (Hellas PO29a). PS7€
1044 50l. slate-violet 1901 Fl.Mercury parcel post, unused. (Hellas PP2). PS7€
1045 1dr red 1901 Fl.Mercury parcel post, unused. (Hellas PP3).
1046 5l/1.50dr green 1915 Fl.Mercury parcel post, unused. (Hellas PP10). PS5€
1047 Bulgaria: collection placed in album including stamps from 1881 to 1902 plus postage dues early issues. Nice range of postmarks.
1048 Great Britain: Collection placed in album including stamps from 1864-1879 issues (plates) to early 70s in used copies. Also postage dues, Army O cials and Govt Parcels issues. Not all sets complete. Fine accumulation.
1049 Balkans: Collection including stamps from Hungary, race, Greece, North Epirus, Crete, Romania, Hungary under Romanian Occupation and Turkey, from late 19th century to mid 30s, mounted on pages. ousands of stamps, many multiples included.
1050 Fire dpt vehicles: lot including 18 u/m complete sets and m/s from various countries.
1051 Flowers: lot including 20 u/m complete sets and m/s from various countries.
1052 Concorde: lot including 19 u/m complete sets and m/s from various countries.
1053 Cats & dogs: lot including 14 u/m complete sets and m/s from various countries.
1054 Space: lot including 14 u/m complete sets and m/s from various countries. **15€
1055 Civil Aviation: lot including 15 u/m complete sets and m/s from various countries. **15€
1056 Mint never hinged collection from 1960 to 2007, complete, placed on two KABE albums. In addition booklets included. Very ne lot. (Cyprus 190/1217+F1/F28).
1057 1/2d rose-red 1880, RU (1st April) “CYPRUS” ovpt (plate 15), u. A couple of perfs are missing. (Cyprus 1b125E). o14€
1/2d rose-red 1880, NG (1st April) “CYPRUS” ovpt (plate 15), u. Upper right corner perf creased. (Cyprus 1b125E). o25€
1059 1d red 1880, SH, (1st April) “CYPRUS” ovpt (plate 181), u. Faults. (Cyprus 2b-150E). o12€
1060 1d red 1880, ME, (1st April) “CYPRUS” ovpt (plate 205), canc. “975” (Limassol). Two perfs with yellow toning. (Cyprus 2g-55E). o12€
1d red 1880, GG, (1st April) “CYPRUS” ovpt (plate 208), m. inned. (Cyprus 2h).
1062 1d red 1880 (1st April) “CYPRUS” ovpt (plate 215), u. (Cyprus 2i-60E). o22€
1063 1d red 1880 (1st April) “CYPRUS” ovpt (plate 218), m. (Cyprus 2l-25E).
1064 4d sage-green 1880, EF, (1st April) “CYPRUS” ovpt (plate 16), canc. “942” (Larnaca). Right wing margin. Mediocre perf at right. (Cyprus 4-225E).
1065 1/2d/1d 1881 Surcharge on “CYPRUS” ovpt stamp (pl.201), m. (Cyprus 7c).
1066 1/2d/1d 1881 (June 1st) Surcharge (13x2mm) on “CYPRUS” ovpt stamp (pl.215), m. A couple of short perfs at lower le . (Cyprus 9b).
1067 “HALF-PENNY” Type III, FG, (June 1, 1881) “CYPRUS” ovpt and surcharged (plate 215), u. (Cyprus 9b-70E). o24€
1068 “HALF-PENNY” Type III, MB, (June 1, 1881) “CYPRUS” ovpt and surcharged (plate 218), m. Heavy hinge. (Cyprus 9d-90E).
1069 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee, complete set of 4 values in u/m le marginal pair. (Cyprus 140/143).
1070 1960 “ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ” ovpt, complete set of 15 values, u/m. (Cyprus 190/204).
1071 1985 Complete year, all stamps with ovpt. “SPECIMEN”, u/m. (Cyprus 641/665).
1072 2005 complete year with specimen overprint. (Cyprus 1073/1085). S25€
1073 2006 complete year with specimen overprint. (Cyprus F25+1086/1102). S40€
1074 1960 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 190/207). **50€
1075 1962 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 213/225). **28€
1076 1963 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 226/238). **80€
1077 1967 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 298/315). **6€
1078 1975 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 435/446). **OFFER
1079 1976 complete year in u/m corner bl.4. (Cyprus 447/476). **20€
1080 1977 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 477/495). **2€
1081 1978 complete year in u/m corner bl.4. (Cyprus 496/512). **8€
1082 1979 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 513/530). **3€
1083 1984 complete year in u/m corner bl.4 (refugee stamp in marginal bl.4). (Cyprus 622/640). **16€
1084 1984 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 622/640). **4€
1085 1985 complete year in u/m corner bl.4. (Cyprus 641/665). **60€
1086 1985 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 641/665). **16€
1087 1987 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 687/707). **5€
1088 1990 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 762/784). **8€
1089 1991 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 785/801). **4€
1090 1992 complete year, u/m. (Cyprus 802/821). **9€
1091 1998 Complete year in u/m corner bl.4. M/s one item. (Cyprus 928/945). **40€
1092 2000 Complete year in u/m corner bl.4. M/s one item. (Cyprus 963/991). **75€
1093 2005 Complete year in u/m corner bl.4. (Cyprus 1073/1085). **30€
1094 2006 Complete year (m/s not included) in u/m corner bl.4. (Cyprus 1086/1102). **40€
1095 2008 issues (Christmas set not included) in u/m corner bl.4. M/s one item each. (Cyprus F28+1136/1155). **50€
1096 1.12.1929 Airmail ovpt issue, complete set of 7 values, mint. (Mi.210/216).
*200€ Germany(Reich-West-East-Berlin)
1097 D.Reich: 1/3gr yellow-green 1872 eagle with small breast shield, used. (Mi. 2-50E).
1098 D.Reich: 2kr reddish-orange 1872 eagle with small breast shield, used. (Mi. 8-400E). o80€
1099 18kr ochre-brown 1872 Eagle with large breast shield canc. “FRANKFURT*18/11 74/8-12N”. Certi cate M.W.Sommer (1988). (Mi. 28-2800E).
1100 D.Reich: 9/9kr 1874 surcharges, u. (Mi. 30-600E). o120€
1101 D.Reich: 2M Apr 1902 issue, inscription “DEUTSCHE REICH”, u/m. (Mi. 79A-350E+). **50€
1102 D.Reich: 20M+1000M 1923 Rhein and Ruhr Assistance, the high value of the set, used. (Mi. 260-110E).
1103 D.Reich: 1931 Zeppelin (Polar ight), complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Mi. 456/458-4000E).
1104 D.Reich: 40 (pf) 1934 Airmail issue, u/m. (Mi. 534).
1105 D. Reich: 1934 Profession, complete set of 9 values, u/m. (Mi. 556/564-550E).
1106 D.Reich: 25 (pf) 1935 Saar plebisctite, the high value of the set, in u/m le marginal bl.4. (Mi. 568-360E).
1107 D.Reich: 6+19pf 1938 Reich Party convention on front cover canc. “HAMBURG*1.9.38” ( rst day of issue). (Mi 672-200E). FDC/?15€
1108 D.reich: 25+50pf 1939 German Derby 70th anniv. on cover canc. “HAMBURG*18.6.39” ( rst day of issue). (Mi 698-120E).
1109 D.Reich: Pane (from booklet) of 2x20pf 1925 coat of arms stamp, u/m. VF. (Mi. HB43-800E).
1110 D.Reich: 15pf with A1.3 label (from booklet) 1930 Building stamp, m. (Mi. S86).
1111 D.Reich: 15pf+8pf+15pf (from booklet) 1930 Building stamps in vertical strip of 3. Lower pair u/m. (Mi. S79). */**14€
1112 D.Reich: Pane (from booklet) of 3x8pf+4x15pf with A1.2 label 1931 Building stamps. Lower strip u/m. (Mi. HB71).
1113 D.Reich: Strip (from booklet) of 2x15pf with A1.2 label 1931 Building stamps. Label and lower stamp u/m. (Mi. S99). */**40€
1114 D.Reich: Pair (from booklet) of 15pf with A1.2 label 1931 Building stamp, m. (Mi. S98-190E).
1115 D.Reich: Strip (from booklet) of 2x8pf with X label 1931 Building stamp, m. (Mi. S93-240E).
D. Reich: 4+2pf and 6+4pf 1933 Wagner in vertical tete-beche pair. 6+4pf stamp u/m. (Mi. SK19).
D. Reich: 8+4pf and 12+3pf 1933 Wagner in vertical tete-beche pair. 12+3pf stamp u/m. (Mi. SK20). */**18€
1118 D. Reich: 2x8+4pf 1933 Wagner in strip of 3 with “X” label between. Stamps u/m. (Mi. W54).
1119 D. Reich: 12+3pf 1933 Wagner in vertical pair with “X” label. Stamp u/m. (Mi. S114).
1c green-olive 1885 Prince Charles III, u/m. Superb. (Yv. 1).
1121 2c violet-grey 1885 Prince Charles III, m (tiny trace). Very ne. (Yv. 2).
1122 5c blue 1885 Prince Charles III, m. (Yv. 3). *11€
1123 10c lilac-brown 1885 Prince Charles III, m (heavy hinge). (Yv 4).
1124 15c rose 1885 Prince Charles III, m. (Yv 5).
1125 25c green 1885 Prince Charles III, m (just a tiny trace). VF. (Yv. 6).
1f black on yellow 1885 Prince Charles III, m. Certi cate E.Diena (1983). (Yv. 9).
1127 1891-94 Prince Alber 1er, set to 1Fr without the 25c, u/m. 10c light vertical crease, 15c torn at lower le and 75c gum crease. Rest very ne. (Yv. 11/15+17/20).
1128 15c 1891 rose Prince Alber 1er, u/m. (Yv 15).
1129 5F rose 1891-94 Prince Alber 1er, m (just trace). Very ne. (Yv. 21b).
1130 1901 Prince Alber 1er, complete set of 4 values plus 5c/10c 1914 Red Cross surcharged stamp, u/m. Very ne. (Yv. 22/25+26).
1131 5c+5c, 15c+10c and 25c+15c 1915 War orphans, u/m. (Yv. 28+29+30).
1132 1F+1F 1915 War orphans, u/m. (Yv. 32). **100€
1133 25c+15c 1920 Duchesses Charlotte mariage, u/m. (Yv. 40). **OFFER
1134 1920-21 Prince Albert 1er, complete set of 4 values, u/m. Very ne. (Yv 44/47).
1135 1921 Princesse Antoinette baptisme, complete set of 3 values, u/m. Very ne. (Yv 48/50).
1136 1922-1924 Prince Albert 1er surcharges and 1923-24 Price Louis II, 3 complete sets of 3+5+3 values, u/m. Very ne. (Yv. 51/53+70/72).
1137 1922-1923 Prince Albert 1er and vues, complete set of 11 values, u/m. Very ne. (Yv. 54/64).
1138 1924-1929 De nitives, complete set of 31 values, u/m. Very ne. (Yv. 73/103).
1139 1926 Surcharges and 1928 Monte Carlo Philatelic Exposition, 2 complete sets of 7+3 values, u/m. (Yv. 104/110+111/113).
1140 1933-37 Prince Louis II, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Yv. 115/118).
1141 1933-37 Vues, complete set of 17 values. 2F+10F+20F with tiny trace of hinge, the rest u/m and very ne. (Yv. 119/134).
1142 1937 Gardens and Prince Louis II, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Yv. 135/139).
1143 1937 Surcharges on 1924-1932 postage due stamps, complete set of 14 values, u/m. (Yv. 140/153).
1144 1937-39 Coat of Arms and Prince Louis II, complete set of 13 values, u/m. (Yv. 154/166).
1145 1938 P. & M. Courie and Monaco Hospital, complete set of 2 values, u/m. (Yv. 167/168). **5€
1146 1939-41 Vues, complete set of 20 values, u/m. (Yv. 169/183).
1147 10F 1939 Stade Louis II, u/m. (Yv. 184).
1148 1939 Princes, complete set of 10 values, u/m. (Yv. 185/194).
1149 1939 International University Games, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Yv. 194/199). **3€
1150 1940 Red Cross surcharges, complete set of 15 values, u/m. (Yv. 200/214).
1151 1941 Complete year, u/m. (Yv. 215/233).
1152 1942 Princes, complete set of 15 values, u/m. (Yv. 234/248).
1153 1943 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 249/264). **OFFER
1154 1944 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 265/273). **OFFER
1155 1946 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 274/300). **4€
1156 1948 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 301/323).
1157 1949 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 324/337+334A/337A). **18€
1158 1950 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 338/348). **2€
1159 1951 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 349/382+379A/382A).
1160 1952 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 383/391).
1161 1953 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 392/396).
1162 1954 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 397/411).
1163 1955 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 412/440).
1164 1956 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 441/477).
1165 1957 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 478/488).
1166 1958 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 489/502).
1167 1959 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 503/522).
1168 1960 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 523/550).
1169 1961 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 551/570).
1170 1962 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 571/598).
1171 1963 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 599/635).
1172 1964 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 636/663). **3€
1173 1965 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 664/676). **2€
1174 1966 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 677/707). **2€
1175 1967 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 708/735). **4€
1176 1968 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 736/771). **5€
1177 1969 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 772/808). **5€
1178 1970 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 809/846). **7€
1179 1971 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 847/878). **7€
1180 1972 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 879/915). **5€
1181 1973 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 916/952+Bl.933). **11€
1182 1974 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 953/985+Bl.966A). **9€
1183 1975 complete year, u/m. (Yv. 986/1042). **20€
1184 1F50c/5F 1933 Airmail stamp, u/m. (Yv. A1). **9€
1185 1941-1947 Airmails, 7 complete sets of 6+5+2+4+3+3+3 values plus 200F 1946 violet stamp, u/m. Very ne. (Yv. A2/27+A18a).
1186 1948 Bosio airmail issue, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Yv. A28/A31). **13€
1187 1948 Olympic Games and 1949 Prince Albert I centenary airmails, 2 complete sets of 4+6 values, u/m. (Yv. A32/A41). **16€
1188 1949 Coat of arms and aviation airmails, complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Yv. A42/A44).
1189 1949-50 UPU 75th anniversary and 1950 Prince Rainier airmails, 2 complete set of 4+2 values, u/m. (Yv. A45/ A50).
1190 1952 Helsinki Olympic Games airmails, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Yv. A51/A54).
1191 1955 Sea birds airmails, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Yv. A55/A58).
1192 2x200F 1955 Schweitzer and Verne airmails stamps, u/m. (Yv. A59+A60).
1193 1955 100F/20F+100F/20F Surcharges on triangular postage dues and 1956 Mariage of the Prince Rainier III airmails, 2 complete sets of 2+3 values, u/m. (Yv. A61/A65).
1194 1957 Sea birds airmails, complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Yv. A66/A68). **70€
1195 1958-1959 airmails, 2 complete sets of 2+2 values, u/m. (Yv. A69/A72).
1196 1960-1961 airmails, complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Yv. A73/A78). **15€
1197 1962-1966 airmails (without Prince couple set) airmail stamps, u/m. (Yv. A79/A86). **3€
1198 1966 Prince Rainier and Princess Grace airmail, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Yv. A87/A90A). **8€
1199 1967-1976 Airmail issues, u/m. (Yv. A91/A99). **6€
1200 10F Prince Louis II m/s, u/m. (Yv. Bl.1). **20€
1201 200F+300F Prince Louis II jubilee m/s, u/m. (Yv. Bl.2). **8€
1202 1956 Mariage of Prince Rainier III m/s regular and airmail, u/m. (Yv. Bl.5/6). **65€
1203 1960 and 1977 (May) pre-oblitaires, 2 complete sets of 4+4 values, u/m. (Yv. 19/22+50/53). **2€
1204 1949 Red Cross m/s perforated, u/m. (Yv. Bl.3). **60€
1205 1949 Red Cross m/s imperforated, u/m. (Yv. Bl.3A). **60€
1206 1951 Red Cross surcharged m/s perforated, u/m. (Yv. Bl.4). **60€
1207 1951 Red Cross surcharged m/s imperforated, u/m. (Yv. Bl.4A). **60€
1208 1974 Europa m/s, u/m. (Yv. Bl.8). **5€
1209 1975 Europa m/s, u/m. (Yv. Bl.9). **5€
1210 12c 1851 QI II lilac in used pair. VF. (Mi. 7-400E).
1211 1854 QI II: 6cs carmine, 2R vermillon and 5R green in used pairs, u. (Mi. 26+28+29-420E). o75€
2R 1855 Queen Isabella II brown-violet, mng. Good/large margins all around. (Mi. 34-800E for mint stamp). (*)90€
1R blue 1856 QI II on thick white paper (no WMK) in pair, m. Superb. (Mi. 41-40E).
2R violet 1856 QI II on thick white paper (no WMK), m. Gumless spot due to hinge removal. (Mi. 42-70E). *13€
1215 12cs 1860 Queen Isabella II carmine on yellowish, m. Very narrow margins. (Mi. 45-350E).
1216 19cs 1865 Queen Isabella II brown-rose, u. Cut at upper right corner. (Mi. 70-2500E).
1R green 1865 QI II, m. (Mi. 71-1800E).
1218 50c green 1878 King Alfonso XII, m. (Mi. 172-100E).
1219 1924 King Alfonso XIII, complete set of 3 values, m. 10ptas perf. 13x12 1/2, the other two 13 1/2x12 1/2. (Mi. 294Ab/296Ab).
1220 25c+1pt+5pr 1876 war tax stamps, the high values of the set (5c+10c low values are missing), m. (Mi. 9/111240E).
1924 Airmail issue (ordinary
lower right corner bl.4. (Mi. 189x-40E).
bl.4 canc. “ZURICH FLUGPLATZ LUFTPOST*12.VIII.29”. (Mi. 190x-
1225 1949 Pro Patria, complete set of 4 values in u/m upper le corner bl.4. (Mi. 525/528-36E).
1226 1952 Pro Patria, complete set of 5 values in u/m upper le corner bl.4. (Mi. 570/574-64E).
1227 1954 Pro Patria, complete set of 5 values in u/m lower right corner bl.4. (Mi. 597/601-52E).
1228 1956 Pro Patria, complete set of 5 values in u/m lower right corner bl.4. (Mi. 627/631-44E).
1229 1957 Pro Patria, complete set of 5 values in u/m upper le corner bl.4. (Mi. 641/645-44E).
1230 1958 Pro Patria, complete set of 5 values in u/m upper right corner bl.4. (Mi. 657/661-44E).
1231 1959 Pro Patria, complete set of 5 values in u/m upper right corner bl.4. (Mi. 674/678-26E).
1232 1960 Pro Patria, complete set of 5 values in u/m upper right corner bl.4. (Mi. 714/718).
1233 1961 Pro Patria, complete set of 5 values in u/m upper right corner bl.4. (Mi. 731/735).
1234 1938 Aarau philatelic exhibition m/s, u/m. (Mi. Bl.4).
1235 1941 Pro Juventute m/s, u. (Mi. Bl.6-450E). o90€
1236 1943 Swiss stamp centenary m/s, u/m. (Mi. Bl.8).
1237 1945 Pro Juventute m/s, u/m. (Mi. Bl.12-160E).
1238 BIT: 5Fr 1927/30 issue, u. (Mi. 30).
1239 SDN: 3Fr 1937 issue, u. (Mi. 56).
1240 China P.R.: 1951 National Emblem, complete set of 5 values, mng. 200+400 values reprints. (Mi. 122I+123II+124II+125I+126I-66E).
1241 China P.R.: 1952 Liberation of Tibet, complete set of 4 values, reprints, mng. (Mi. 137II/140II-20E).
1242 China P.R.: 1958 Ancient China Pagodas and Early Fossils of China, 2 complete sets of 4+3 values, mng. (Mi.365/368+369/371-27E).
1243 China P.R.: 1958 Forestry, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Mi.416/419-20E).
1244 China P.R.: 1961 Zhan Tianyous birth centenary, complete set of 2 values, u/m. One stamp with yellow spot. (Mi.595/596-45E).
1245 China P.R.: 1962 Lu Xuns birthday stamp plus 1965 10th anniversary of Bandung Conference, complete sets of 1+2 values, u/m. (Mi.621+861/862-17E).
1246 P.R.China: 1963 Chinese Folk Danses, complete set of 6 values, mng. (Mi. 720/725-30E).
1247 P.R.China: 1964 Buildings, complete set of 12 values, u/m. (Mi. 846/857-30E).
1248 China P.R.: 1965 Chinese and Japanese Youth Friendship gathering, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Mi.890/894-25E).
1249 China P.R.: 1971 Revolutionary monuments, complete set of 11 values, u/m. (Mi.1083/1093-25E).
1250 China P.R.: 1973 Asian-African-Latin American Table Tennis tournament, complete set of 5 values, u/m. Mi. 1142 creased corner. (Mi. 1140/1143).
1251 China P.R.: 1976 Revolutionary Sacred Place, complete set of 4 values on FDC. (Mi. 1309/12-24E).
1252 T.A.A.F.: 30F 1968 Dumont dUvrille, m. (Yv. 25).
1253 T.A.A.F.: 30F 1968 XXe Anniversaire de lO.M.S., m. (Yv. 26).
1254 T.A.A.F.: 30F 1968 Annee internationale des Droits de lhomme, m. (Yv. 27).
1255 T.A.A.F. (airmail issues): 30F 1965 Centenaire de lUIT, m. (Yv. A9).
1256 T.A.A.F. (airmail issues): 50F 1966 satelite D1, m. (Yv. A12).
1257 T.A.A.F. (airmail issues): 50F 1968 Port-aux-Francais, m. (Yv. A14).
1258 T.A.A.F. (airmail issues): 40F 1969 Ile Saint-Paul, m. (Yv. A17).
1259 T.A.A.F. (airmail issues): 85F 1969 Avion Concorde, m. (Yv. A19).
1260 Lot including u/m complete sets (not all years complete) in u/m bl.10. New York from 1975 to 1983, from Geneve from 1975 to 1982 and from Vienna from 1979 to 1982. Total catalog value (Yvert) = 1700 Euros. Very nice accumulation.
1261 Collection including stamps from Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Jamaica and Natal, from QV to QE issues, not in complete sets. Mixed quality. Fine accumulation.
1262 Falkland, Flkland Dependencies, Fiji, Gambia, Gibraltar, Gilbert & Ellice, Gold Coast, Ghana, Greneda, Hong Kong, India and jamaica. Collection of Br. Colonies, mounted on pages, mostly KGVI and QE stamps in complete sets but also earlier issues. Fine accumulation.
1263 N.Guinea, N.Hebrides, Nigeria, South Cameroon, Niue, Norfolk, N.Borneo, N. Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Pakistan, Pitcairn, papua & N.Guinea, Qatar, B.S.A.C., Rhodesia and Nyasaland and Rhodesia. Collection of Br. Colonies, mounted on pages, mostly KGVI and QE stamps in complete sets but also earlier issues. Fine accumulation.
1264 St Lucia, St Vincent, Samoa, Sarawak, Seychelles, Somaliland, South Africa, South Arabia, Kenya Tanganyika Uganda, S.Georgia, S. Rhodesia, S.W. Africa, Straits Settlements, Sudan, Swaziland. Collection of Br. Colonies mounted on pages, mostly in KGVI and QE in complete sets but also earlier issues. Several stamps have been stucked on. Fine accumulation.
1265 Mauritius: collection placed on old 34 pages including stamps from QV to QE issues. Not all sets complete. Also some stamps with faults, 560 stamps approx., multiples included. Good accumulation in overall.
1266 South Africa and S.W.Africa: Dealers stock of used unused stamps including pairs, singles and complete sets. Hundreds of stamps. Very high catalog value. Very ne lot.
1267 Barbados: 1953 QEII de nitives, complete set of 13 values. 1c+3c+5c+6c+8c values hinged, the rest u/m. (SG 289/301). **/*20€
1268 Bermuda: 1953-62 QEII de nitives, complete set of 18 values. 2s+26s+10s values hinged, the rest u/m. (SG 135/150). */**30€
British Antarctic Territory: 2008 De nitives (Polar explorers and their ships), complete set of 12 values plus miniature sheet, u/m. (Mi. 459/470+Bl.1-71E).
British Virgin Islands: 1956-62 QEII de nitives, complete set of 13 values, u/m. (SG 149/161). **30€
1271 Montserrat: 1953-62 QII de nitives, complete set of 15 values. 2c value hinged, the rest u/m. (SG 136a/149). **/*20€
1272 St Vincent: 1d drab 1881 QV issue perf 12 1/2, mint. (SG 37-700GBP).
“Cavalleria in montagna” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero No.14), pu. (stamp removed). Brown spot. PPC12€
1274 “Cavalleria in montagna” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero No.14), unused. Brown spots. PPC20€
1275 “Canea. 2a Compagnia del VI Reggimento Fanteria” b&w real photo (SAlin Zeki), used. VF. PPC22€
1276 “Canea. La 2a Compagnia del 5o Reggimento Fanteria” early b&w (Elie A. Cavaliero), pu. Minor imperfections. PPC18€
1277 “12a Compagnia del 6o Reggimento Fanteria. Distaccamenti di Canea 1903-1904” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero), unused. VF. PPC20€
1278 “17 Maggio 1902. Castelbolognese ai caduti in Grecia. Giovanni Capra e Ugo Silvestrini” b&w (Electra), unused. Slightly creased corner. PPC25€
1279 “Vue de la ville de Rethymo” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero), pu.1905. Slightly creased corner. PPC20€
1280 “LAmiral Scridlof au Monastere dArcadi” early yellowish-black (E. Spandagakis & Cie), unused. VF. PPC30€
1281 “Troupes Russes a la Canee. La 7e Compagnie du 13 Regiment” b&w (Socrates Madbak), unused. Minor imperfections. PPC12€
1282 “Sergents Cretois” b&w (A. eophanus & Cie), unused. VF. PPC25€
1283 “Gendarmerie Cretoise” b&w (E.A. Cavaliero), unused. VF. PPC25€
1284 “Gendarmi barcaiuoli” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero No.15), unused. VF. PPC20€
“Gendarme a cavallo - grande uniforme” early yellowish-black (E.A. Cavaliero No.3), unused. VF. PPC20€
“Gendarmeria Cretese. Brigadiere a piedi - grande uniforme” early yellowish-black (E.A. Cavaliero No.2), unused. VF. PPC20€
“Gendarmeria Cretese. Reparto in grande uniforme” early yellowish-black (E.A. Cavaliero No.4), unused. VF. PPC25€
1288 “Gendarmeria Cretese. Corrispondenza” early yellowish-black (E.A. Cavaliero No.5), unused. VF. PPC18€
1289 “Gendarmeria Cretese. Musica e compagnie in marcia” early yellowish-black (E.A. Cavaliero No.7), pu.1904. VF. PPC35€
1290 “GrandAlt” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero No.8), unused. VF. PPC25€
1291 “Musica durante il grandalt” early PPC35€
“Gendarmeria Cretese. Squadriglia mobile di ciclisti” early yellowish-black (E.A. Cavaliero No.10), unused. VF. PPC25€
1293 “Squadriglia mobile di ciclisti in marcia” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero No.11), pu.1905. VF. PPC20€
1294 “Gendarmeria Cretese. Esercitazione di combattimento” early yellowish-black (E.A. Cavaliero No.12), pu.1904. VF. PPC18€
“Gendarmerie Cretoise” early b&w (Georges Marayannis No.7706), unused. VF. PPC15€
1296 “Κρης
yellowish-black (N. Douras No.61), used. VF. PPC15€
1297 “Canea. Via Castelli ora Amiraglio Cannevaro” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero No.4), unused. VF. PPC25€
1298 “Musique de la Gendarmerie Cretoise” early b&w (No.26), pu.1903. VF. PPC30€
1299 “Musique de la Gendarmerie Cretoise” early b&w (Perakis, Fortzakis & Cie No.26), unused. VF. PPC35€
1300 “Καταδιωκτικόν
b&w (G.N. Alexakis No.150), used. Slightly creased corners. PPC20€
1301 “Souvenir of Aios-Miron. Chefs et notabilites de Malevizie 1906” early yellowish-black (Behaeddin No.93), unused. VF. PPC30€
1302 “Sous-o ciers de la Gendarmerie Cretoise, candidats en grade superieur et leurs Instructeurs 1904” early b&w (Perakis, Fortzakis & Cie No.59), unused. VF.
1303 “Gendarmeria Cretese. Fuochi a salve” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero), pu.1905. Slightly creased. PPC18€
1304 “Revue de soldats Cretois” early b&w, pu.1901. Slightly creased corner. PPC18€
1305 “19.12.1902. Revue de la Gendarmerie Cretoise par S.A.R. le Prince heritier Constantin” early grey-black (E.A. Cavaliero), unused. VF. PPC20€
1306 “Souvenir de Crete. Gendarmerie Cretoise” yellowish-black (N. Douras No.66), unused. VF. PPC20€
1307 “Groupe de Sous-o ciers Grecs et Cretois de la Garde Municipale de Crete” b&w (Perakis, Fortzakis & Co No.220), unused. VF.
1308 “Compagnia Gendarmeria Cretese di Candia” early b&w (Behaeddin No.24), unused. VF. PPC20€
early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero), unused. VF.
internazionale in Canea” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero), unused. VF.
International de la Canee” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero), unused. VF.
b&w real photo, unused. F.
“La Canee. Groupes de sous-o ciers internationaux” early b&w (Perakis, Fortzakis & Cie No.19), pu.1904. VF. PPC30€
“Souvenir of Kandia. An English Regiment at the ruins of Cnossos” early b&w (Behaeddin No.108), unused. VF. PPC28€
“Candia. English Camp” b&w (Behaeddin), unused. VF.
“English Barracks on the remparts of Kandia. Mont Jupiter” early b&w (Behaeddin), pu.1905 (stamp removed). VF.
“Caserne des Anglais. Forteresse de Candie de Crete” early b&w (N. Alikiotti No.31), unused. VF. PPC10€
“Candie. Une Parade des troupes Anglaises a lhonneur de S.A.R. le Prince Georges” early b&w (Behaeddin No.50), unused. VF.
“Arrival of the 1st R. Inniskillings Fufrs to Candia” yellowish-brown (Behaeddin No.146), unused. VF. PPC20€
“Tris Kamares. e Band 2nd Batt. the Queens own Cameron Hers” early grey-black (Behaeddin No.55), pu. F. PPC35€
1324 “Coronation day in Kandia” early b&w (Behaeddin), unused. VF.
1325 “Kandia. Arrival of the 2nd Batt. the Queens own Cameron Hers, 6 April 1902” early b&w (Behaeddin), unused. VF. PPC15€
1326 “Candia. Signallers 2nd R. Sussex Regiment” early b&w (Behaeddin No.127), unused. VF. PPC15€
“Candia. Parade of British troops on the Kings birthday” brownish (Behaeddin No.145), unused. VF. PPC12€
“De lement des Troupes Anglaises” b&w (N. Alikiotis No.250), unused. VF. PPC10€
1329 “Candia. Parade of British troops on the Kings birthday” brownish (Behaeddin No.144), unused. VF. PPC12€
“La Canee. Soldats Francais devant la Banque Cretoise” yellowish-black (N. Douras), pu. VF. PPC25€
“La 8 Comp. del 65 Fant. ad Izzedin. Creta Ottob.1906” grey-black (A. eophanus & Cie), used. Brown spots. PPC25€
“Terza Comp. del 6 fanteria in Canea” brownish real photo (N.P.G.), pu.1906. Creased corner. PPC30€
“Caserne Francaise a Neapolis-Crete” early yellowish-black (Behaeddin No.125), pu.1907. Slightly creased corner. PPC20€
1334 “Souvenir de Crete. Soldats francais” b&w (N. Douras No.86), unused. VF. PPC25€
“122 Regiment dInfanterie. Detachement de Crete” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero), pu.1907. VF. PPC25€
“O ciers du 122 Regiment dInfanterie. Detachement de Crete” early b&w (E.A. Cavaliero), pu.1904. Minor imperfections.
1337 “Caserne Francaise a Sude” b&w (Perakis, Fortzakis & Cie No.89), pu. VF. PPC30€
1338 “Caserne Francaise a la Canee” early b&w (A. eophanus & Cie), used. VF. PPC15€
Quartiere Turco.
(Museo di Rodi), unused.
Piazza dellOrologio” b&w (S. Modiano No.19410), pu.1927. Slightly creased
1348 “Rodi. S. Giorgio” brownish (Anastassiadis No.80543), unused. VF.
1349 “Rodi. Il Porto” b&w (Anastasiades No.19256), unused. Slightly creased corner.
1350 “Rhodes. Vue de debarcadere” early yellowish-black, unused. Minor stains.
1351 “Rodi. Forte S. Nicola” b&w (Modiano No.19412), unused. VF.
1352 “Rodi. Caserna della Berca” b&w (Anastasiades No.19259), pu. (stamp removed). Stained.
1353 “Rhodes. Ancienne salle darmes des chevaliers” early b&w, pu.1905. VF.
1354 “Rhodes. Porte rouge du Chateau” early b&w, unused. VF.
1355 “Rhodes. Porte de Saint-Jean” b&w (Anastasiades No.19407), unused. VF.
1356 “Rhodes. Porte du chateau (cote nord)” early grey-black, canc.French “RHODES-TURQUIE DASIE*1905”, unused. Pinhole.
1357 “Rhodes. La Porte St. Jean (Koskinou)” grey-black real photo (No.5), unused. VF.
1358 “Rhodes. Les grands jardins” grey-brown early, unused. Faults.
1359 Rhodes. Interieur de la Forteresse, cote Nord” color., unused. F.
1360 “Rhodes. Rue des Chevaliers” grey-black (Anastasiades No.19109), unused. VF.
1361 “Rhodes. Prieure de Toulouse. Rue des chevaliers” grey-black (Anastasiades No.19408), unused. VF. PPC6€
1362 “Rodi. Palazzo del Governatore” b&w (Anastasiades No.34605), unused. VF. PPC6€
1363 “Rhodes. College Saint-Jean-Baptiste” early b&w, unused. VF. PPC7€
1364 “Rodi. Le Regie Terme di Calitea. Scendendo alla Fonte” yellowish-black (Bestetti & Tumminelli No.10), unused. VF. PPC6€
1365 “Rodi. Le Terme di Calitea” b&w real photo (Dragonetti No.82), unused. VF. PPC6€
1366 “ΚΩΣ. Λεωφόρος των Φοινίκων” b&w real photo, used. VF. PPC5€
1367 “ΚΩΣ. ΑΝΟΔΟΣ ΠΡΟΣ ΦΡΟΥΡΙΟΝ” b&w real photo, pu.1957. Minor imperfections. PPC4€
1368 “Cos. Le palais de Couverneur” b&w real photo (Delta No.2272-14), unused. VF. PPC6€
1369 “Cos. Hotel Actaion” b&w real photo (Calapodas), unused. VF. PPC6€
1370 “Cos. Museum” b&w real photo (Papazachariou), unused. F. PPC5€
“Patmos. Vue de Port” b&w real photo, unused. VF. PPC6€
1372 “Πάτμος. Δ. πλευρά Σκάλας” b&w real photo, unused. VF. PPC6€
1373 “Patmos. Scala Baptistere du eologos” b&w real photo (Fokakis No.8), pu.1960. Minor imperfections. PPC3€
“Patmos” b&w real photo, unused. VF. PPC6€
1375 “Patmos. Chora” b&w real photo (Kozas), unused. F. PPC5€
“Patmos. Saint Couvent” b&w real photo (Photo-Kozas), unused. VF. PPC6€
“Patmos. Le Monastere” b&w real photo (Fokakis No.19), unused. F. PPC5€ AegeanIslands(NorthAndEast)
1378 “Vue generale de Metelin” b&w (V. Pantelides No.7767), used. Minor stains. PPC7€
1379 “Grand Panorama de Metelin” b&w (E. Tchivoglou), used. VF.
1380 “METELIN. La Forteresse” early b&w (P. Vasel et Co. No.2247), unused. VF. PPC8€
1381 “Metelin. A linterieur de la forteresse” b&w, pu.1914. VF.
1382 “Metelin. Rue Venizelos et la site pittoresque Vounaraki” b&w, pu.1914. VF. PPC7€
1383 “Metelin. Aclidiou” b&w (Hadzi Daniel Fils), unused. VF. PPC6€
“Metelin. La Campagne de Sourada” grey-black (V. Pandelis), unused. Creased corners. PPC6€
1385 “Λουτρόπολη
Μυτιλήνη” b&w real photo (Photo-Electric Houdjeos-Kemerlis), used. Creased corner. PPC5€
1386 “Sarlitza Pallas ermis” sepia real photo (Photo-Electrique Houdjeos-Kemerlis), unused. VF. PPC6€
1387 “Mytilene. Molyvos” b&w real photo (Houdjeos Freres), pu.1961. VF. PPC6€
1388 “Mytilene. Agiassos” b&w real photo (Houdjeos Freres), unused. VF. PPC7€
1389 “Lesvos. Petra” b&w real photo (Kemerlis), used. F. PPC6€
1390 “Lesvos. Geras golf” sepia real photo (Houdjeos-Kemerlis), unused. VF. PPC6€
1391 “Island of Mytilene” b&w real photo (Houdjeos Freres), used. VF. PPC5€
1392 “Types de femmes du village de Metelin” b&w (Tchivoglou freres), pu.1915. VF. PPC5€
1393 “Metelin. Georges le fou” b&w (E. Tchivoglou), unused. VF. PPC15€
1394 “Metelin. Stavros le lepreux” b&w (E. Tchivoglou), unused. VF. PPC15€
1395 “Metelin. Le mendiant Christo Troubounis” b&w (E. Tchivoglou), unused. VF. PPC15€
“Vue de la Capitale de SAMOS” color. (Hadjigeorgiou freres), pu.1909 (stamp removed). F.
1397 “Samos. Port Vathy, Capital” b&w (Nicolaou freres), unused. VF.
1398 “Souvenir de la Capitale de SAMOS avec montagnes neigeuses en hiver 1905” color. (Hadjigeorgiou freres), unused. Stained.
“Quai de Vathy Samos” b&w (Hadjigeorgiou Freres), used. Minor imperfections.
1400 “Samos. La ville de Nouveau Carlovassi” grey-black (Hadjigeorgiou Freres), pu.1914. F.
“La grande route a nouveau Carlovassi-Samos” grey-black (Hadjigeorgiou Freres), pu.1913. VF.
1402 “Chio. Vue du port de Chio” yellowish-black, pu.1912 (stamp removed). Slightly creased corner.
1403 “ e High School of Chios” color., unused. VF.
1404 “Provation Mount. Cloister St. Fathers in Chios” color., unused. VF.
“View of the Asylum of Lepers in Chios” color., unused. VF.
1406 “Charmingly view of North Vrontados, Chios” color., pu.1925 (stamp removed). Creased corners.
1407 “Patras. Vue prise de mer” color. (Variantzas & Co), unused. VF.
1408 “Vue de Patras prise de la jetee” early color. (Paschas No.69), unused. VF.
1409 “Vue de Patras prise de la jetee” early color. (Paschas No.66), unused. Minor imperfections.
1410 “Patras. Le Mole” color. (Synadinos No.17), pu. (stamp removed). F. PPC7€
1411 “Souvenir de Patras. Le Quai” early color. (Paschas No.68), unused. VF. PPC12€
1412 “Patras. La benediction des eaux” color. (Synadinos No.30), unused. VF. PPC20€
1413 “Patras. Les Jeux de tir” color. (Synadinos No.19), unused. VF. PPC20€
1414 “Patras. Rue Maizonos. La Mairie” early color. (Paschas No.300), unused. VF. PPC10€
“Patras. Rue dHermes” early color. (Paschas No.304), unused. VF. PPC10€
1416 “Patras. Rue St. Andre” color. (Synadinos No.24), used. Slightly creased. PPC8€
1417 “Patras. Rue Riga Ferraiou” color. (Synadinos No.6), unused. F. PPC8€
1418 “Patras. Rue Corinthe” color. (Synadinos No.11), used. VF. PPC10€
1419 “Patras. Rue St. Nicolas” color. (Synadinos No.15), used. F. PPC8€
1420 “Patras. Rue Colocotronis” color. (Synadinos No.8), used. VF. PPC8€
“Patras. Rue de lIndependance” color. (Synadinos No.10), unused. VF. PPC8€
1422 “Patras. Place Georges Ier” color. (Synadinos), unused. VF. PPC5€
1423 “Patras. Place Georges I” color. (Synadinos No.16), used. F. PPC8€
1424 “Patras. Place Georges I” color. (Synadinos No.21), unused. VF. PPC10€
1425 “Patras. Ipsila Alonia” color. (Synadinos No.7), unused. VF. PPC8€
1426 “Patras. Place de Benizelos Roufos” early color. (Paschas No.308), unused. VF. PPC10€
1427 “Patras. Place Psila-Alonia” color. (Variantzas), unused. VF. PPC8€
1428 “Patras. La Monastere Gerocomiou” color. (Variantzas & Co.), unused. VF. PPC8€
1429 “Patras. Couvent Gerocomio” color. (Synadinos No.3), unused. Minor imperfections. PPC8€
1430 “Deutsche Studienfahrt nach Griechenland. Olympia-Blick zum Kronoshuegel und ins Alpheiostal, OlympiaHeraion, Olumpia-Eingang zum Stadion & Truemmer vom Zeustempel” yellowish-black, unused. VF.
1431 “Calamata. Vue par avion” b&w real photo (Papachristou No.4), pu.1947. F.
1432 “Calamata. Vue partielle vers la mer” b&w real photo (No.953-4), used. Slightly creased corners. PPC5€
1433 “Calamata. Le quartier du port” b&w real photo (No.969-20), used. Slightly creased corner. PPC6€
1434 “Calamata. Place Roi Georges II” b&w real photo (Kontargyris Freres No.18), unused. VF. PPC7€
1435 “Calamata. A la place 23 Mars” b&w real photo (No.957-8), used. VF. PPC6€
1436 “Calamata. Saints-Apotres” b&w real photo (A. Papachristou No.0148-2), unused. F. PPC7€
1437 “Calamata. Englise de la Chandeleur” b&w real photo (A. Papachristou No.1), unused. VF. PPC7€
1438 “Pylos-Navarinon” olive-grey (Sarantopoulos), pu.1915 (Marine Francaise). F. PPC8€
1439 “ e Front, Navarine. Prison Fort in backround” b&w real photo, unused. VF. PPC8€
1440 “Pylos (Navarinon). Vue de Quai” b&w real photo (Delta No.876), unused. VF. PPC7€
1441 “PYLOS (Navarinon). In the coast” b&w real photo (Delta No.873), unused. F. PPC6€
1442 “PYLOS (Navarinon). e sea-side” b&w real photo (Delta No.1546-15), unused. VF. PPC6€
1443 “ e ancient and only Well at Nanarine” b&w real photo, unused. VF. PPC7€
1444 “Forteresse Palamede a Nauplie” color. (Christopoulos), pu.1910. VF. PPC6€
1445 “Nauplie. Palamidi” color., used. F. PPC6€
1446 “Nauplie. Vue partielle” color., used. Creased corners. PPC5€
1447 “Nauplie. Leglise dEvangelistria” b&w (Christopoulos), unused. VF. PPC7€
1448 “Deutsche Studienfahrt nach Griechenland. Mykene-Kuppelgrab & Mykene-Loewentor” yellowish-black, unused. VF. PPC10€
1449 “Deutsche Studienfahrt nach Griechenland. Tiryns-Blick zum Palamidi & Tiryns-Galerie von Innen” yellowishblack, unused. VF. PPC8€
1450 “Spetsai. Light House” b&w real photo (Kardiasmenos No.20), used. VF. PPC7€
1451 “Spetsai” b&w real photo (L.P.), unused. Creased corner. PPC6€
1452 “Spetsai” b&w real photo (F.S. No.2013), unused. VF. PPC7€
1453 “Spetsai. La rade de Dapia” b&w (Delta No.530-68), used. VF. PPC7€
1454 “Spetsai. Vue partielle du vieux port” b&w real photo (Tsaparas No.0393-38), unused. VF. PPC7€
1455 “Spetsai” b&w real photo, unused. Creased & cut corner. PPC3€
1456 “Spetsai” yellowish-brown real photo, unused. VF. PPC7€
1457 “Spetsai. Hotel Posidonion” b&w real photo (F.S. No.2010), unused. VF. PPC7€
1458 “Vue de lEcole Anargyreios, Spetse” b&w real photo, unused. VF. PPC7€
1459 “SPETSAI. Le Lycee Anargyreion et Corgialeneion” b&w real photo (Diakakis No.560-12), pu.1954. Slightly creased corner. PPC6€
1460 “Spetsai” b&w real photo (F.S. No.2003), unused. VF. PPC7€
1461 “Corinthe. Vue generale” color. (Michalopoulos No.1), unused. VF. PPC7€
1462 “Corinthe. La place du quai Flisvos” color. (Michalopoulos No.6), unused. Minor imperfections. PPC6€
1464 “Corinthe. Bac de Canal” early yellowish-black (Michalopoulos No.5), pu.1911. Minor imperfections. PPC7€
1465 “Corinthe. Passage du Canal” color. (Farazis & Michalopoulos No.41), pu.1916. F. PPC7€
1466 “Corinthe. Le Canal de Corinthe” color. (Farazis & Michalopoulos), unused. VF. PPC7€
1467 “Deutsche Studienfahrt nach Griechenland. Korinth-Apollotempel und Akrokorinth” yellowish-black, unused. VF. PPC6€
1468 “Corinthe. Vue generale prise des Bains Loutraki” color. (E. Michalopoulos), pu.1912. Creased corner. PPC7€
1469 “Corinthe. Debarcadere de Loutraki” color. (Farazis & Michalopoulos), used. VF. PPC8€
1470 “Loutraki. Source des Bains” brownish (Michalopoulos No.7), unused. VF. PPC15€
“Grand Hotel Palmyra [Pelopidas Fr.] in Loutrakion” grey early, pu.1904. VF. PPC7€
1472 “Lac de Stymphalia” b&w (Ele heroudakis No.116), used. VF. PPC6€ Athens&Area
1473 “Hydra. Port” b&w, unused. Slightly creased corners. PPC8€
“Cap dHydra (ile de Grece)” early b&w (Pallis & Cotzias No.386), used. Minor imperfections. PPC6€
1475 “Hydra. Avlaki” b&w early, pu.1928. Slightly creased corners. PPC5€
1476 “Panorama de Poros” yellowish-black (A. Pallis & Cie), used. VF. PPC8€
1477 “Poros. Vue de Stavros” yellowish-black (S. Komatsoulis), unused. Minor imperfections. PPC7€
1478 “Poros. Vidi” b&w (Ele heroudakis No.106), unused. VF. PPC8€
1479 “Poros. Monastere” early color. (No.1978), unused. Minor imperfections. PPC5€
1480 “Πόρος. Εξωτερική άποψις προγυμναστηρίου” yellowish-black, unused. VF.
1481 “ΜΕΡΙΚΗ ΑΠΟΨΙΣ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΑΣ ΑΙΓΙΝΗΣ” grey-black (Sakkiotis), pu. F. PPC6€
1482 “Egine. Temple dAthena” yellowish-brown (Braun & Cie), unused. VF. PPC6€
1483 “Ile de Salamis” b&w (A. PAllis & Cie No.200), unused. VF. PPC8€
1484 “Femme de Salamis” early b&w (No.35), pu.1903. F. PPC5€
1485 “Paysanne de Salamis” early b&w (No.72), pu.1905. VF. PPC7€
1486 1910-1920s “ANTIQUITES ATHENES” folder/booklet with 12 joined sepia small cards with antiquities of Athens. Size of each card: 9x5 cm. VF. PPC8€
1487 “Deutsche Studienfahrt nach Griechenland. Athen-Parthenon, Athen-Nordhalle des Erechtheions, AthenNiketempel, Athen-Alter Friedhof am Dipylon & Athen-Grabmal der Hegeso” yellowish-black, unused. VF. PPC12€
1488 “Deutsche Studienfahrt nach Griechenland. Athen- eseion und Lykabettos, Athen-Blick vom eater zum Stadion und Hymettos, Athen-Dionysos eater, Athen-Alter Friedhof am Dipylon & Athen-Grabmal der Hegeso” yellowish-black, unused. VF.
1489 “Souvenir dAthenes. Lycabete & Temple de esee” early color. (Pallis & Cotzias No.991), pu.1899. Creased corner. PPC7€
1490 “LAcropole dAthenes” early brownish, unused. VF. PPC7€
1491 “Athenes. Vue generale de lAcropole du Temple de Jupiter” color. early (Ele heroudakis No.18), unused. VF. PPC10€
“Athenes. Le Parthenon apres lorage” brownish (Boissonnas), unused. VF. PPC6€
1493 “Athenes. Caryatides” early b&w (Alexandrou), pu.1900. Slightly creased corners. PPC6€
1494 “Athenes. Palais dexposition Zappeion” grey-black (Aspiotis Freres), used. VF. PPC6€
1495 “Athenes. Palais de lExposition Zappion” color. (Kopeliaris), unused. VF. PPC7€
1496 “Athenes. Statue Varvakis au Jardin Zappion” color., unused. VF. PPC7€
1497 “Athenes. Jardin Zoologique” b&w early (P & C No.157), pu.1903. VF. PPC8€
1498 “Athenes. Arc dAdrien” early b&w, pu.1900. VF. PPC6€
1499 “Souvenir dAthenes. Temple de Jupiter” early yellowish-black, unused. VF. PPC7€
1500 “Athenes. Stoa dAdrien” early yellowish-black (P & C No.145), unused. Brown spots. PPC5€
1501 “Athenes. Stade vue interieure” yellowish-black, unused. VF. PPC6€
1502 “Athenes. Place de la Constitution” early b&w (P & C No.147), unused. VF. PPC7€
1503 “Athenes. Place de la Constitution” b&w (G.N. Alexakis), pu.1920. VF.
1504 “Athenes. Palais Royal” color. (No.26), used. Creased corner. PPC5€
1505 “Athenes. Palais Royal” yellowish-black, used. F. PPC6€
1506 “Athenes. Le Palais Royal” color. early (Ele heroudakis No.57), pu.1906. VF. PPC8€
1507 “Athenes. Relevement de la garde du palais” color. (Aspiotis Freres No.179), pu.1916. F. PPC5€
1508 “Athenes. Riviere dIlissos apres la pluie” b&w early (Ele heroudakis No.112), pu.1903. VF.
1509 “Dafni” b&w, used. VF.
1510 “Athenes. Couvent de Daphni” b&w (N. Zographos), unused. VF.
1511 “Athenes. Une Ruche a Chalandri” b&w early, (Ele heroudakis No.117), unused. Torn.
“Eleusis. Temple de Demeter” b&w early (Ele heroudakis No.42), unused. VF.
1513 “Chateau Royal a Decelie” early b&w (Ele heroudakis No.54), pu. Slightly creased corners. PPC6€
1514 “Athenes. Tatoi” early b&w (Ele heroudakis No.349), used. VF.
1515 “Athenes. Tatoi-Sous bois” b&w early (Ele heroudakis No.104), pu.1904. VF. PPC6€
1516 “Ki ssia. La Gare” color. (Farazis & Michalopoulos), unused. VF. PPC10€
1517 “Ki ssia. Place de la Gare” color. (M. Michalopoulos No.103), unused. VF.
1518 “Ki ssia. Hotel Mellas” color. (Farazis & Michalopoulos), unused. VF.
1519 “Ki ssia. Kefalari” color. (Farazis & Michalopoulos), used. Small torn. PPC8€
“Ki ssia. Kefalari” color. (Farazis & Michalopoulos), unused. VF.
“Vue de Volo, prise du sommet de Pilion” color. (St. Stournaras No.167), pu. (stamp removed). VF. PPC8€
“Vue de Volo, prise du sommet de la colline Dimitrias” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.208), used. VF. PPC10€
“Volo. Quai” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.176), pu.1922. F. PPC7€
1524 “Volos. Enceinte delleglise dellAscension” color. (Aspiotis Freres No.362), unused. VF. PPC7€
1525 “Volo. Goritsa” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.27), pu.1908. VF. PPC8€
1526 “Haut-Volo. Saint Onoufrio” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.172), pu.1909 (stamp removed). Small tear. PPC6€
“Haut-Volo. Anacassia” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.177), unused. VF. PPC10€
1528 “Haut-Volo. Sainte Trinite” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.174), used. F. PPC7€
1529 “Makrinitza. Village de Pelion” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.201), unused. VF. PPC12€
1530 “Tzangarada. Village du Pelion” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.135), unused. VF. PPC10€
1531 “Tzangarada. Village sur le Pilion” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.110), used. VF. PPC8€
1532 “Volo. Vue de Portaria” color.(Stef. Stournaras No.58), pu.1908. F. PPC7€
1533 “Portaria, village du Pelion” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.56), unused. VF. PPC10€
1534 “Zagora. Source de Kralli” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.318), used. VF. PPC10€
1535 “Zagora. Eglise de St. Kyriaki” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.133), pu.1914. Slightly creased corners. PPC6€
1536 “Velestino” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.204), used. VF. PPC10€
1537 “ essalie. Pilion” early color. (Ele heroudakis No.61), pu.1914. F. PPC7€
1538 “Almyro. Couvent de Xenias” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.14), pu.1907. VF. PPC8€
1539 “ essalie. Larisse” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.113), used. VF. PPC8€
1540 “ essalie. Larisse” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.28), pu.1912 (stamp removed). Minor imperfections. PPC6€
1541 “Vue partielle de Tempe” color. (Athanassiades Freres No.2836), unused. VF. PPC8€
1542 “ essaly. Pineios” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.237), pu.1916. F. PPC7€
1543 “Ancient pont dElassona” color. (Hadjigrigorios Pitenis No.37), unused. VF. PPC8€
1544 “ essaly. Farsala” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.200), pu.1911. Minor imperfections. PPC6€
1545 “ essalie. Phanarion” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.119), unused. VF. PPC8€
1546 “Costume de juive de essalie” early color., pu.1904. Creased corner. PPC6€
1547 “Costume de Trikeri” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.185), used. VF. PPC8€
1548 “Costumes de la Nouvelle Anchialos” color. (Stef. Stournaras No.144), used. VF. PPC8€
“Paysans de essalie” color. early (Ele heroudakis No.62), pu.1908. Slightly creased corner. PPC7€ IonianIslands
“Panorama de Corfou. Vue prise de lile de Vido” early color. (No.3948), used. VF. PPC7€
“Corfou. Citadelle et Boulevard Elisabeth” b&w early (Borri et Fils), unused. VF. PPC6€
1552 “Corfou. Canone” early yellowish-black, pu.1901. F. PPC6€
1553 “Corfou. Ponticonissi” early color. (No.4325), pu. (stamp removed). VF. PPC6€
1554 “Corfou. Le Quai” early color. (No.3929), unused. VF. PPC8€
1555 “Corfou. Promenade marine de Castrades” b&w (Aspiotis freres No.464), unused. VF. PPC8€
“Corfou. LEsplanade” b&w (No.2), unused. VF.
1557 “Souvenir de Corfou. Palais royal” early color. pu.1904 (stamp removed). F.
1558 “Corfou. Ville Imperiale. Entree Achilleion” b&w early, unused. VF.
“Corfou. Village Gasturi” early grey-black (A. Kasphikis), used. F.
1560 “Paxo. Le Port” yellowish-black (J. Zorbas), unused. VF.
1561 “Jetty at LEYKAS” b&w real photo, unused. VF. PPC5€
1562 “Paysanne de Leucade” b&w (Aspiotis Freres), pu.1929. Stained. PPC5€
1563 “Panorama general dArgostoli et son port avec lescadre Francaise” 3fold yellowish-black (Nicolatos), unused. VF. PPC60€
“Vues de Cephalonie. Argostoli, Ville et port” early grey-black (Kuenzli No.3682), pu. F.
“Argostolion. Street of Quay” color. (A. Lykoudis), pu.1910. Minor imperfections.
1566 “Argostoli. Lithostroto” yellowish-black early (Librairie Nicolato), pu.1913 (stamp removed). Slightly creased corner.
“Argostoli. Rue Marchants de bles” b&w (Nicolatos), used. VF.
1568 “Argostoli. Rue P. Vallianos” b&w (Nicolatos), pu.1916. VF.
“Argostoli. Panaghis Vaglianos Street” b&w, unused. VF.
1570 “Argostoli. Place Meitland” b&w (Nicolatos), used. Brown spots.
1571 “Argostoli. Place du Tribunal” grey-black (S. Maratos), unused. VF.
1572 “Deutsche Studienfahrt nach Griechenland. Ithaka-Blick vom Aetos nach Sueden & Ithaka-Blick in die Bucht von Vathy” yellowish-black, unused. VF.
1573 “Ithaque dHomere. Le port Rheithron, vu du sud-est” b&w (Philarmonic Society of Ithaca No.8), unused. VF. PPC7€
1574 “Zante. Acrotiri” early b&w (Samaras No.11993), unused. VF.
1575 “Zante. Le clocher de Saint Denis” brownish (Foussiani), unused. VF.
“Souvenir de Salonique. Vue generale de la ville” color., used. F. PPC6€
“Salonique. La vieille ville (Jedi Koule)” color., unused. Minor imperfections. PPC5€
1578 “Souvenir de Salonique. Route des Campagnes” early color. (Albert Nissim), unused. Torn at the le part. PPC5€
1579 “Souvenir de Salonique. Vue panoramique de la mer” color. (Hananel Naar No.23), used. F. PPC6€
“Salonique. Ceremonie. Benediction des eaux” color. (Henri Manuel), used. VF. PPC8€
1581 “Salonique. Transport en decbargement” b&w (Rollet No.86), used. VF. PPC5€
1582 “Salonique. La rue de la Liberte” color. (Bajdaro No.247), unused. VF. PPC8€
1583 “Salonique. Les quais et la rade” b&w, used. VF. PPC6€
1584 “Salonique. Le Quai” b&w (Benroubi Pessah & Cohen), used. VF. PPC7€
1585 “Souvenir de Salonique. Le Quai” b&w (Matarasso Saragoussi & Rousso No.50), used. F. PPC6€
1586 “Souvenir de Salonique. La Tour Blanche et le quai” color. (Hananel Naar), used. VF. PPC6€
1587 “Salonique. La Tour Blanche et les Quais” b&w early (No.35), unused. VF. PPC7€
1588 “Salonique. La Tour Blanche” yellowish-black, pu.1916. Creased right part. PPC3€
1589 “Salonique. La Tour Blanche” b&w (Benroubi Pessah & Cohen), used. Slightly creased corner. PPC6€
1590 “Salonique. Le Jardin dans la Tour Blanche” b&w (Jacques Saul), used. VF. PPC7€
1591 “Salonique. Entree du Parc de la Tour Blanche” b&w (M.S.R. No.23), pu.1919. VF. PPC7€
1592 “Salonique. Rue Egnatia (Vardar)” yellowish-black (K.B. Bazar Militaire), used. Slightly creased corner. PPC6€
1593 “Salonique. Rue Egnatia Sinistree” b&w (Levy Fils No.36), unused. VF. PPC7€
1594 “Souvenir de Salonique. Avenue du Roi Constantin” color. (M.N. Michalopoulos), used. VF. PPC6€
1595 “Souvenir de Salonique. LArc de Triomphe dAlexandre le Grand” yellowish-black, unused. VF. PPC7€
1596 “Salonique. Arc de triomphe de Galere” brownish (Librairie Francaise No.1003), unused. VF. PPC7€
1597 “Lhistorique Arc de Triomphe (Camara) a Salonique” color. (M.N. Michalopoulos), used. Slightly creased corners. PPC5€
1598 “Vue de Salonique. Mosquee de St. Georges” early b&w (Librairie Italienne), pu.1906. VF. PPC6€
1599 “Salonique. LEglise Sainte Sophie” b&w (A. Barzilai), used. VF.
1600 “Salonique. Eglise Ste Sophie” color. (No.22), used. VF.
1601 “Salonique. Mosquee Saatli Djami” color. (Hananel Naar), unused. F.
“Salonique. Mosquee Babak” b&w (E. Le Deley), unused. VF.
1603 “Salonique. Eglise des 12 Apotres” b&w (Rollet No.25), used. VF.
1604 “Salonique. Vlateon-Mouni” b&w (Vise Paris No.36), unused. VF.
1605 “Salonique. Cimetiere Turc dans la cour de lEnglise Saint-Georges” yellowish-brown (Librairie Francaise No.1013), pu.1917. VF.
1606 “Salonique 1916. Vieux quartier Turc” color. (Malinvaud No.11), unused. VF.
1607 “Salonique. La Citadelle et la Tour de Ciceron” b&w (E. Le Deley), unused. Minor imperfections.
1608 “Salonique. La ville prise des cimetieres israelites” b&w (E. Le Deley), unused.VF.
“Muraille-Rempart de Salonique” early grey-black (G. Bader No.182), pu.1903. Minor imperfections. PPC3€
1610 “Souvenir de Salonique. Femme Turque, costume dinterieur” yellowish-brown (Parisiana No.44), unused. VF. PPC6€
“Les Petits Metiers. Conducteur de bu es” yellowish-brown (C. COllas & Cie), unused. Minor stains on both sides. PPC5€
“Salonique. Le retameur” color. (No.251), used. VF. PPC5€
“Salonique. Les Petits Metiers. Le petit marchand de bonbons” yellowish-brown (Ch. Collas), used. VF. PPC6€
1614 “Souvenir de Salonique. La toilette au regiment” yellowish-brown (Ghedalia No.77), unused. VF. PPC6€
“SEDES. Vue densemble” b&w (E. Le Deley), unused. VF. PPC6€
“Environs de Salonique. La lessive a Arapli” b&w (Dusart), used. VF. PPC5€
1617 “Macedoine. La genie a recours a la main doevre cuvile aux environs de Salonique” b&w (L. Gaillard-Pretre), used. VF. PPC5€
“SALONIQUE. Vue du Village de Ambarkeu” (Μάνδρες Κιλκίς), b&w (No.10), used. VF. PPC6€
1619 “Costumes Grecs. Femme de Kilkich” b&w (K.B. Bazar), used. VF. PPC5€
1620 “La Macedoine pittoresque. Yenidje Vardar. La Fontaine dAlexandre le Grand” color. (Librairie Francaise No.1042), pu.1919. Minor imperfections. PPC6€
1621 “Veria. Fabrique de lature Sossides” b&w, used. VF. PPC7€
1622 “Verria. Passage dun gue par troupes se dirigeant sur le Front” b&w (Moulis), used. VF. PPC6€
1623 “KAVALA. Vue de la Ville” greenish, used. VF. PPC6€
1624 “Souvenir dOrient. Macedoniennes au Travail” b&w, used. Creased. PPC3€
1625 “Mazedonischer Brautigam” b&w, unused. Yellow spots. PPC3€ Smyrne,Constantinople,AsiaMinor
1626 “Guerre 1914-15. Aux Dardanelles-Au retour des tranchees les soldats prennent un bain” b&w (E. Le Deley), pu.1916. F. PPC6€
“Constantinople. Palais Imperial de Dolma-Bagtche” color. (M.J.C. No.44), unused. F. PPC5€
1628 “Constantinople. Mosquee de Uzun Keuprou” early color. (G. Fexis), used. VF. PPC7€
1629 “Constantinople. Yildiz Ceremonie du Selamlik” early color. (Au Bon Marche No.540), pu.1905. VF. PPC6€
1630 “Salut de Constantinople. Le Selamlik. Revue militaire” b&w, pu.1912. VF. PPC6€
1631 “Constantinople. Seraskierat” color. glossy (F.A.C. No.17), used. Slightly creased corners. PPC5€
1632 “Constantinople. La colonne Brulee” early b&w (Max Fruchtermann No.354), used. VF. PPC5€
“Constantinople. Nouveau Pont de Galata” b&w early (No.60), pu.1903. VF. PPC6€
1634 “Salut de Constantinople. Le pont de Galata (Karakeuy)” b&w (No.2), unused. VF. PPC7€
1635 “Istanbul. Le pont du cote de Galata” b&w (IMA No.436137), used. Creased corner. PPC5€
1636 “Constantinople. Juksek-Kaldirim” color. (No.5428), unused. VF. PPC6€
“Constantinople. Mosquee dAhmed et lHippodrome” early b&w (Librairie Weiss & Heydrich No.3901), used. VF. PPC7€
1638 “Salut de Constantinople. Hyppodrome-La Colonne Serpentine” early color. (No.73), unused. VF. PPC8€
1639 “Souvenir de Constantinople. Colonne serpentine sur la place de lHippodrome” early yellowish-black, unused. VF. PPC7€
“Konstantinopel. Moschee v. Tophane” brownish (Ipekdji Freres No.24), used. VF. PPC6€
1641 “Constantinople. Tophane” color. (M.J.C. No.182), pu.1910. Creased corner. PPC5€
1642 “Constantinople. Vue panoramique de la Mosquee Suleymanie” early b&w (No.453), pu.1905. Slightly creased corners. PPC5€
“Constantinople. Mosquee Suleymanie (Facade du Nord)” early b&w, unused. VF. PPC8€
1644 “Constantinople. La Mosquee Ste Sophie” early color. (Max Fruchtermann No.1460), unused. VF. PPC7€
1645 “Salut de Constantinople. Mosquee St. Sophie” early b&w, unused. Stained. PPC5€
“Constantinople. La Fontaine Guillaume II et Sainte-Sophie” yellowish-brown (Rochat No.1207), unused. VF. PPC6€
1647 “Salut de Constantinople. Fontaine et Tombeaux des Sultans a Gyoub” early greenish (Postcartoglob), pu. (stamp removed). VF. PPC6€
1648 “Salut de Constantinople. Fontaine a Pacha-Bachtche” early color. (No.8766), unused. VF. PPC6€
1649 “Constantinople. Fontaine dablutions” color., unused. VF. PPC5€
1650 “Devant une Mosquee” color. ( .E.L.), unused. VF. PPC5€
1651 “Salut de Constantinople. Le regiment des Zouaves” early grey-black (Postcartoglob), pu.1901. Slightly creased corner. PPC5€
“Constantinople. Hamales de la douane” early color. (Georges Papantoine No.76), pu.1917. Creased corners. PPC3€
“Les eaux douces dEurope, Constantinople” early color. (Max Fruchtermann No.1665), unused. VF. PPC7€
“Constantinople. Les eaux douces dEurope” color. (M.J.C. No.310), unused. VF. PPC7€
“Salut de Constantinople. Les Eaux douces dAsie” color., unused. VF. PPC7€
1656 “Smyrne. Mouvement du port” early b&w, pu.1904. Brown spots. PPC6€
“Quais de Smyrne” early b&w (J. Molko No.2711), pu.1903. VF. PPC6€
1658 “Smyrne. Les Quais” early yellowish-brown (Librairie Abajoli), unused. VF. PPC8€
1659 “Smyrne. Mouvement du Port” b&w (Sarantopoulos), unused. VF. PPC7€
1660 “Smyrne. Bureaux des Passeports et les quais” early b&w, unused. Creased corner. PPC6€
1661 “Smyrne. Les Quais” b&w (Decipris No.128), unused. Slightly creased corner. PPC7€
1662 “Smyrne. Les Quais” early yellowish-black (Photo Acropole No.161), unused. VF. PPC8€
1663 “Smyrne. Les Quais” early olive-grey (Rubellin No.41), pu.1905. VF.
1664 “Smyrne. Les Quais de Belle Vue” color., unused. F. PPC6€
1665 “Smyrne. Belle-Vue” color. (S. Sarantopoulos), unused. VF. PPC7€
1666 “Souvenir de Smyrne. Golfe de Smyrne” b&w (J. Molko No.4851), unused. VF. PPC8€
1667 “Faubourgs de Smyrne. Le Golfe de Queuz-tepe” color. (K.S.L. No.30), unused. VF. PPC8€
1668 “Souvenir de Smyrne. Les Quais de Cordelio” color. (J. Molko No.2209), unused. VF. PPC8€
1669 “Faubourgs de Smyrne. Cordelio” color., unused. F. PPC6€
1670 “Smyrne. Vue generale de la Quarantaine” color. (Sabetay J.Cohen), unused. Small torn. PPC6€
1671 “Smyrne. Faubourg de Caratach” grey-black (S. Sarantopoulos), unused. VF. PPC7€
1672 “Faubourg de Smyrne. Queuz Tepe” color., used. Minor imperfections. PPC5€
1673 “Dikili. Les Quais” color. (S. Sarantopoulos), used. Minor imperfections. PPC5€
1674 “Smyrne. Panorama” b&w (Decipris No.86), used. VF. PPC7€
1675 “Smyrne. Vue generale du Quartier Turc” early greenish, pu. (stamp removed). F. PPC6€
“Vue generale du quartier Turc a Smyrne” yellowish-black (Pallis & Cie), unused. VF. PPC7€
1677 “Smyrne. Mont-Pagus (Interieur du chateau)” early yellowish-black, unused. F. PPC7€
1678 “Smyrne. Linterieur dune Mosquee” color. (No.49), unused. VF. PPC6€
1679 “Smyrne. Tombeau de St Polycarpe et la Ville” color. (No.8837), pu. VF. PPC7€
1680 “Smyrne. Tombeau de St. Polycarpe et la Rade” color. unused. VF. PPC8€
1681 “Smyrne. Eglise du Prophete Elie” early grey-black, unused. VF. PPC8€
1682 “Faubourgs de Smyrne. Eglise de Queuz-Tepe” b&w (K.S.L. No.40), unused. F. PPC7€
1683 “Vue de Bairaki (Smyrne). Mission des Peres Capucins” early b&w (No.1), unused. VF. PPC8€
1684 “Smyrne. Ancien pont a Pergame” color. (No.45), pu.1913. Minor imperfections. PPC3€
1685 “Smyrne. Bains de Diane” color. (Decipris No.174), unused. VF. PPC7€
1686 “Smyrne. Bains de Diane” color., unused. VF. PPC8€
1687 “Smyrne. Bains de Diane” early bluish, unused. VF. PPC7€
1688 “Smyrne. Pont de Caravanes” b&w (Decipris No.84), unused. VF. PPC7€
1689 “Smyrne. Caravanne de Chameaux” color. (No.9), unused. VF. PPC7€
1690 “Smyrne. Jeunes lles turques travaillant aux tapis” early b&w (P. Dermont), pu. VF. PPC7€