A. Karamitsos
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F See photo plate (b&w) / Βλέπε φωτογραφία (Α/Μ)
FC See color photo / Βλέπε έγχρωμη φωτογραφία
**,u/m. Unmounted mint / Ασφράγιστο χωρίς σαρνιέρα
*,m. Mounted mint / Ασφράγιστο με σαρνιέρα ή ίχνος σαρνιέρας
(*),mng. Mint without gum / Ασφράγιστο χωρίς γόμμα
o,u. Used, cancelled / Σφραγισμένο
P Forgery, fake / Πλαστό
pu Postally used / Ταχυδρομημένο κανονικά
o.g. Original gum / Γνήσια γόμμα
E Essay of proof / Δοκίμιο
S Specimen / Δείγμα
W Wrapper / Περιτύλιγμα (ράπερ)
EL Entire letter / Επιστολή αναδιπλούμενη (χωρίς φάκελο)
C,cov. Cover, envelope / Φάκελος
Δ On fragment, on piece / Επί τεμαχίου (χαρτιού ή φακέλου)
PS Postal stationery (card, letter card, print. envelope) / Ταχυδρ. μονόφυλλο (δελτάριο, βραχεία επιστολή, έντυπος φάκελος)
PPC Picture postcard / Εικονογραφημένη κάρτα
RP Real photograph, photocard / Φωτοκάρτα, πραγματική φωτογραφία
M Map / Χάρτης
Hellas HELLAS Greek catalogue / Κατάλογος ΕΛΛΑΣ
Fr. FRANGOUDIS Cyprus catalogue / Κατάλογος Κύπρου ΦΡΑΓΚΟΥΔΗ
Yv. YVERT & TELLIER French catalogue / Κατάλογος ΙΒΕΡ
Mi. MICHEL German catalogue / Κατάλογος ΜΙΧΕΛ
SG. S. GIBBONS British catalogue / Κατάλογος ΓΚΙΜΠΟΝΣ
AG.PA. AGAOGULLARI PAPUÇCIOGLU Turkish Postmarks catalogue /Κατάλογος Τουρκικών Σφραγίδων ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΟΓΛΟΥ
EST. Our estimation / Προσωπική μας εκτίμηση
R,RR Rare, very rare, etc. / Σπάνιο, πολύ σπάνιο κλπ.
wmk. Watermark / Υδατόσημο
MS Minitature or souvenir sheet / Μπλόκ φεγιέ
var. Variety / Ποικιλία
trans. Transit cancellation / Διαβατική σφραγίδα
G Good quality or condition / Ανεκτή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
F Fine quality or condition / Καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
Very ne quality or condition / Πολύ καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση
B Library book / Βιβλίο
doc. Document / Έγγραφο
NEWS Newspaper / Εφημερίδα
ENGR Engraving / Γραβούρα
MAG Magazine / Περιοδικό
EPH Ephemera / Εφήμερα
BOND Bonds & Certi cates / Μετοχές FFC
MF Military Flight / Στρατιωτική Πτήση
CF Crash Flight / Αεροπορικά Ατυχήματα
CER Ceramic / Κεραμικό
LABEL Label / Ετικέτα
PC Postal Cards / Επιστολικά Δελτάρια
PL Postal Letter Cards / Βραχείες Επιστολές
PE Postal Envelopes / Φάκελοι
PW Postal Wrappers / Ταινίες Εντύπων
PO Postal Money Orders / Ταχυδρομικές Επιταγές
PP Parcel Postal Cards / Δελτίο Αποστολής Δεμάτων
PA Aerograms, Air Letters / Αερογράμματα
B/UNC Brilliant Uncirculated / Λαμπρό Ακυκλοφόρητο
UNC Uncirculated / Ακυκλοφόρητο
A/UNC Almost Uncirculated / Σχεδόν Ακυκλοφόρητο
XF Extra Fine / Εξαιρετική Κατάσταση
Very Fine / Πολύ Ωραίο
F Fine / Ωραίο
VG Very Good / Πολύ Καλό
G Good / Καλό
FDC Fleur de Coin / Κατάσταση Νομισματοκοπείου
S Specimen / Δείγμα
TR/S Trial Strike / Δοκιμή Μήτρας
Pn Pattern / Μοτίβο
PRF Proof / Δοκίμιο
E Essay / Προσχέδιο
Note: e grading guide we use in this catalogue for the certi ed coins and banknotes is not our personal estimation but the one established by the internationally approved companies in the eld. e “Top grade” characterization is about coins that the moment when this catalogue goes for printing, they have the best grade (compared to other similar coins) given from the two grading companies (NGC & PCGS).
Σημείωση: Η κατάσταση που αναγράφεται στα πιστοποιημένα νομίσματα και χαρτονομίσματα, δεν αποτελεί προσωπική εκτίμηση, αλλά εκτίμηση της εταιρίας πιστοποιήσεων. Ο χαρακτηρισμός “Top grade” αφορά σε νομίσματα τα οποία, την ώρα που αυτός ο κατάλογος εκτυπώνεται, κατέχουν τον μεγαλύτερο βαθμό (σε σύγκριση με άλλα παρόμοια νομίσματα) από τις 2 εταιρίες πιστοποίησης (NGC & PCGS).
επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από
πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς. Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς. Μεγάλοι λαχνοί μπορεί να μην μεταφερθούν για viewing στην Αθήνα ή να μεταφερθούν κατ’επιλογή. Viewing λαχνών, που δεν μεταφέρονται στην Αθήνα, μπορεί να γίνει στα γραφεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας. Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως. Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου
All descriptions are reliable and accurate and the lots are sold as genuine and authentic, unless the contrary is indicated. e purchaser may reject the lot and return it within 7 days (post o ce date stamp) a er the end of the auction, if he proves it is not genuine or incorrectly described. e lots must be returned intact and as originally despatched. Lots which have been examined by the buyers before the auction cannot be returned. Also, lots purchased in the room cannot be returned a er leaving the place. Buyers have no right to reject mixed lots, collections containing undescribed items, or described as having defects. Any illustration is part of the description and items cannot be returned for defects visible in it. When the value of a lot lies in the cancellation and not in the stamp, any defects of the latter shall not be a reason for rejecting the lot.
e highest bidder shall prevail. In case of equal mail bids, the earlier arrived will be considered as succesful. Telephone bids are acceptable, but should be con rmed in writing.
Before start selling or the date of the auction the Auctioneer has the right to withdraw any of the lots, to divide it into two or more parts, or to join two or more lots into one.
Large lots may not be available for viewing in Athens unless especially selected. Viewing of those unavailable lots is still possible in our o ces in essaloniki.
Bids should be received at least 2 hours before the start of the Sale.
Payment must be made in full just a er the end of the sale in the room, or within 10 days a er receipt of our invoice. Foreign buyers can pay by credit card (we accept Visa and Mastercard) or by Bank Cheque, personal cheque and money order in foreign currency or in euro. Interest shall be payable by the purchaser on any overdue account. e Auctioneer has a descretion to waive payment of the interest. Title shall remain to A. KARAMITSOS until payment in full is received. Any buyer could be excluded if he is not a person of good faith, according to the Auctioneer’s opinion.
e invoices and the lots will be mailed to the address given on the bidding form. Postage and insurance is charged to the buyers. e receipt for “Registered” letter by the Post O ce constitutes delivery receipt for the Auctioneer.
A 18% buyer’s commission will be added to the “hammer price” for each lot, plus the respective Value Additive Tax (VAT) on our commission. All prices expressed in the catalogue and all bids are in euro, unless otherwise is stated.
Unsold lots with starting price “OFFER” are not available for sale a er the end of the auction.
e sale price of lots marked as “OFFER” is de ned by the highest o er, highest bid wins the item at said price.
e bidder (either via mail or in the room) is responsible for the invoice’s payment, unless otherwise aggreed, in writing, with the company.
Anyone who will take part in this Auction is familiar to the conditions of sale and accepts them. Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Court in essaloniki, Greece.
προγραμματοσημικών σφραγίδων. Μεγάλο του προσόν
της βαθειάς αυτής γνώσης στους νεώτερους Φιλοτελιστές, κάτι το οποίο είναι και ένας από τους λόγους της δημιουργίας πολλών νέων Φιλοτελιστών σε αυτούς τους δύο τομείς. Στις συναλλαγές του ήτανε πάντοτε εξαιρετικά έντιμος. Ήταν πολύ ευθύς και ειλικρινής, ακόμη και αν δεν γινόταν αρεστός από κάποιους. Θεωρώ μεγάλη μου τύχη και τιμή που συνεργάστηκα σχεδόν 50 χρόνια με τον φίλο μου Γιώργο Κότση.”
“Ο πατέρας μου γεννήθηκε στο Λονδίνο το 1925! Για όσους τον γνώριζαν είχε κάτι ¨Αγγλικό¨ επάνω του. Ήταν το στήσιμο και το περπάτημα του, το μουστάκι του, το στυλ ντυσίματος του με το κοτλέ παντελόνι, το τουιντ σακάκι, τη μεγάλη δερμάτινη τσάντα περασμένη στον ώμο, ο τρόπος που μιλούσε (πάντα στον πληθυντικό), τα τέλεια αγγλικά του, οι εξαιρετικοί τρόποι του, η ευγενια και η ευθύτητα του. Ένα ένα από αυτά και όλα μαζί τον έκαναν να διαφέρει! Ήταν λίγο μονοκόματος, κάπως αυστηρός, απόλυτα ειλικρινής και τίμιος, εύστροφος, ακούραστα εργατικός αλλά και με καρδιά γεμάτη αγάπη! Χρόνια δωρητής του Κέντρου Βρεφών Μητέρα και μετέπειτα του Ταμείου Υποτροφειων του Κολλεγίου Αθηνών. Άνθρωπος της
Laura Lappas“George Kotsis was a distinguished Philatelist with a profound knowledge on Large Hermes Heads and on Preadhesive period as well. It was this profound knowledge that he could very easily pass on to young people, one of the main reasons that many new Philatelists came up on these two speci c elds.
He was very honest in his transactions, a very straight and honest man, even in cases he became unpleasant to some people.
I consider my self very lucky to collaborate with him over the last y years. It was my honour.”
Karamitsos Argyrios“My father was born in London in 1925. For those who knew him, he had something “British” on him. Something in his way he walked, his moustache, the way he dressed – his cordyroy trousers, his tweed suit, his large leather bag around his neck- the way he talked (always in plural), his perfect English, his manners, how gentle and straight he was.
A little bit strict, totally honest, brilliant and hard-working but in the same time with a heart full of love. All these aspects made him unique. A donator for years to “Mitera” Infant Center and later to Athens College Scholarships Fund, always by your side to listen to you, to encourage you, to help you to support you.”
Laura Lappas5001 Diptych entire letter, one sheet dated “....ocbre 1820”, while the other “Athenes en Janvier 1821”, text in French, to London. Boxed “AUTRICHE PAR HUNINGUE” and “AT” (Autriche Transit), canc. “FPO*MY 15.1821”, a Foreign O ce Postmark during the Greek War of Independence. Poor condition.
5003 Greek War of Independence, Philhellenism: letter on Aarau February 9, 1823 to poet Friedrich von Matthison in Stutgart about the activities of Philhellenic assosiations to support the Greek Struggle for Freedom. In the letter publisher Sauerlander and the Danish author Friederike Brun are mentioned. “We visit almost every city in Swiss and collect gi s....i bought 1100 complete ri es for it”. Letter written by the German – Swiss Heinrich Zschokke (1771-1848). A rare document of Philhellenism across Europe during the 1821-1830 Greek War of independence.
5005 Greek war of Independence: Entire letter written “Milo le 7 janvier 1827” addressed to “Meur de Chauliac Colonel de Cavalerie a Beziers”. Two-line cachet “COLONIES/PAR TOULON”. In the text mentioned “...d’ un brik marchand qui se rend a Agde. Le pauvre capitaine a ete depouille entierment pad des corsaires Grecs...”. Postmark in France on reverse “13.FEVR.1827”. Postage marking “7” (decimes) to be paid. Disinfection slits. Very ne and rare.
5006 Greek War of Independence/I. Capodistria in Aegina: letter written “Egine le 5/17 Aout 1828” sent to Geneva, signed by Ioannis Caposdistria. Capodistria arrived in Nafpion in January 18, 1828 and four days later went to Aegina, the rst Capital of Greece. A very ne and rare document.
5007 Greek War of Independence
Entire letter written
5008 Entire letter, Ioannis Capodistria private mail written “Εν
1828” addressed to Mr Radinos in Geneva, giving instructions for the education of the sons of Miaoulis Demetrios and Boudouris Stamatis. Signed by Capodistria. Boxed “LAZZERETTO SAN ROCCO DI LIVORNO” and marked “40” for postage paid. Very ne and rare.
5011 Greek war of Independence: Entire letter written “Coribee, 23 7bre 1828” to Dijon, France. 2-line cachet “QER GAL/ARM. DE MOREE” (the French army came to Greece in August 1828 to drive away Ibrahims army), canc. in Paris “24.OCT.1828”. Disinfection slits. Very rare.
5012 Entire letter written “Beaumont 5 Fevrier 1829”, 3-line cachet “P.115 P/BEAUMONT/DELOMAGNE” and canc. “7.FEVR.1829” addressed to “Monsieur Brieu Capitaine d’ Artillerie attacque a l....Francaise en Moree”. “P115P” is the “Port Paye” (postage paid). Fine and rare.
5013 8.3.1829 ARMEE DE MOREE-French military post: unpaid Entire letter from Patras to Paris. Rare black 2-line departure cachet “B/ ARM DE MOREE”, handwriten rate “10” (decimes). Arrival postmark on reverse “19 Avril 1829” in red. Disinfection slit. Fine and rare.
5014 5.7.1830 ARMEE DE MOREE-French military post: unpaid Entire letter to Paris. Black 2-line departure cachet “QER GAL/ ARM DE MOREE”, handwriten rate “10” (decimes). Arrival postmark on reverse “3 Aout 1830” in red. Fine and rare.
Entire letter written “Napoli de Romanie, 9 Octombre 1830” to Angouleme, France. 2-line cachet “QER GAL/ARM. DE MOREE” and Greek P.O. canc. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ :ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛ./ΑΡ/Λ.”χάρις” (postage free), canc. in Paris “5.NOV.1830”. Disinfection slits. Very ne and extremely rare.
5016 Entire letter written “armee de Moree, Grece.....(a small part cut o )...Decembre 1831” to France. Boxed “P.P.”, canc. in Paris “14.JANV.1832”. Fine and rare.
5017 Entire letter from written “Modon (Methoni) 22 7bre 1832” to Paris. Τwo-line cachet “QER. GAL./ARM.DE MOREE” and boxed “P.P.” (port paye), arr. “27.Oct.1832”. Postage marking on reverse for fee paid by the sender “10” (decimes). Certi cate Roumet (2016). Very ne and very rare with “PP”.
5018 King Ottos reign, early period. Letter from Franz Fuchsle canc. “MUNCHEN 30 OCT 1832” to Bamberg. In the letter mentioned “i want to let you know that i have to go to Greece because my company will be in there for two years... t for Field service....we will be leaving Munich by November 16, please write to me....”. A ne and rare document.
5019 Bavarish Militar Post in Greece, Letter written “Koniglich griechischen Truppen Corps Comando”, paper seal “KONIGLICH GRIECHISCHEN TRUPPEN CORPS”, sent to Munich by diplomatic mail, postage free, and handed over to the post o ce on December 25, 1833. Addressed to Oberstotzingen/Wurttemberg. On front note “K.g.M.d.S.” (Koniglich griechischer Majestat Dienst Sache). Very ne and very rare.
5020 Anton Freiherr Graf Prokesch von Osten: handwritten letter from Athens dated 12.7.1840 to a friend abroad. Came in Greece in 1824 as an Austrian O cer in the Levant, 1825 consul, 1828 prisoner exchange between Greeks and Turks. Since 1834 ambassador of Austria in Athens and advisor to King Otto. A most enthusiastic Philhellene.
5021 Otto A, King of Greece (1832-1862): handwritten letter, in Italian, dated “Atene 30 Gennaio 1859” to a Cardinal in Rome, signed Ottone. Very ne and rare.
5022 Courier letter from the Port of Patras to the Port of Piraeus. A er the royal couple, Otto and Amalia, was being deposed during the October 1862 revolution and le Greece, riots broke out. Letter from captain A. Barry on the Austrian corvette “Friedrich” to the K.K. Fleet Command in Piraeus in December 30, 1862, reporting the situation from Patras. A document from a period a er King Ottos reign, before King George arrived in Greece.
town. Very ne and very rare.
letter written
1833, Ναύπλιον” mailed in town. Administrative cachet “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ
ΑΡΚΑΔΙΑΣ”. Scarce.
5032 Entire letter written “εν Αθήναις τη 21 Οκτοβρίου 1833”, administrative cachet “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙ ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ Κ ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑΣ”. Very ne.
5033 Entire letter written “15 Μαρτίου 1834 Καλύβια”, administrative cachet “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΕΠΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΑΣ” to Nafplion. Fine and scarce.
5036 Entire
Fine and rare.
blue cachet
to Nafplion. Administrative blue cachet
5042 Entire letter written “Εν 10 9βρίου 1834 αρκαδία” canc. “ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑ ΜΕΣΣΗΝΙΑΣ, arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*13.ΝΟΕΜΒ.1834”. Very ne and rare.
5043 Large part of entire letter to Nafplion. Administrative blue cachet “ΕΠΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΓΥΘΕΙΟΥ”, arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*22.ΝΟΕΜΒ.1834”. Scarce. Δ40€
5044 Entire letter written “4 Δεκεμβρ 1834 είς Χαλκίδας” to Athens. Administrative cachet “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΝΟΜΑΡΧ. ΕΥΒΟΙΑΣ”. Scarce.
5045 Entire letter written “Βοστιτζα τη 6 10βρίου 1834”, administrative cachet “ΕΠΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΑΙΓΙΑΛΕΙΑΣ” (sub-prefecture), arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*8.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1834”. Ex Lascaridis.
5046 Large part of entire letter to Nafplion. Administrative cachet “ΤΕΛΩΝΕΙΟΝ ΑΡΚΑΔΙΑΣ”. Postage marking “λ20”. Rare. Δ50€
5047 Entire letter written “Νεόκαστρον 22
1834” to Nafplion. Administrative cachet “ΤΕΛΩΝΕΙΟΝ
Very ne and rare.
Very ne.
Entire letter written “Εν Λιβόρνω τη 2 7βρίου 1834”, administrative cachet “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ ΠΡΟΞΕΝΕΙΟΝ ΕΙΣ ΛΙΒΟΡΝΟΝ” to Nafplion. Very ne and rare.
Entire letter written “την 17 Ιανουαρ 1834: Βοστιτζα” to Nafplion. Marked “αρ.18/λ.5” (5 lepta postage to be paid). Cachet “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ 183?/ΥΓΕΙΟΝ/ΟΜ ΛΙΜΕΝ/Α ...” (by ship to Corintos). No arrival postmark either. Fine and very rare.
5052 Large part of Entire letter canc. “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΣΥΡΑΣ” and oval “ΠΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟΝ” (paid) to Nafplion. Disinfection slits. Fine and scarce. Δ100€
5053 Entire letter canc. “CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE*7.AOUT.44”, via “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*31. ΙΟΥΛΙ.1844”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*31.ΙΟΥΛΙ.1844”. On reverse cachet “ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ”. Postage to be paid “1.40” (drachmai). Very ne and rare.
5054 Entire letter written “ορφανον την 14 Φευβρουαρίου 1848/είς Σύρον”. Mentioned in the letter that “the ship set sail today from the port intown....please inform our people in Serres”. e letter was carried by private means to Syros. Without postmark in arrival, only “ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΣΥΡΑΣ” (two strikes). Very ne and rare.
5055 Entire letter written “17 7βρίου 1848” to Kalamas. Cachet “ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΚΑΛΑΜΩΝ”. Very ne strike.
5056 Entire letter written “Εν Αρτα τήν 10 8βρίου 1856”, without Arta postmark, transit “ΒΟΝΙΤΖΑ*18.ΟΚΤΩΒ.1856”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*23.ΟΚΤΩΒ.1856”. Postage “40” (lepta) as due on arrival. Cachet “ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΒΟΝΙΤΣΗΣ”. ONLY TWO EXAMPLES OF THIS CACHET KNOWN TO EXIST. Very ne and very rare.
5057 Military mail: Entire letter written “Σώμα Τακτικόν/4ον Τάγμα/Α 1,52-Αίγινα την 30 8βρίου 1832” addressed to the Commander of the garrison of Acrokorinthos, cancelled “4ΟΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ ΠΕΖΙΚΟΥ ΤΑΓΜΑ 1832”. Maybe unique. A great rarity.
to Nafpion. Rare.
to Andreas Lontos,
of Military
postmarks. Very ne
5059 Entire letter on letter sheet printed “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΝΑΥΤΙΚΟΝ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΤΗΡΙΟΝ/ΕΝ Πόρω,” written “τη 16 7 βρίου 1836”, mailed from Athens canc. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*18.ΣΕΠΤΕΜ.1836” to Skiathos island. Cachet “ΝΑΥΤΙΚΟΝ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΤΗΡΙΟΝ”. Signed by J. Sahtouris. Very ne and scarce.
5061 Cover with 2-line cachet “ΜΟΙΡΑΡΧΟΣ/ΕΥΒΟΙΑΣ” canc. “ΧΑΛΚΙΣ*10.ΣΕΠΤΕΜ.1843” to Athens, addressed to Andreas Lontos, Minister of Military a airs. On reverse administrative cachet “ΕΛΛΗΝ.ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΗ ΜΟΙΡ.ΧΩΡΟΦΥΛ. ΕΥΒΟΙΑΣ”. Very ne and rare. Ex Lascarides.
5063 O cial cover with 2-line cachet
ΝΟΕΜΒ.1843” to Athens, addressed to Andreas Lontos, Minister of Military a airs. On reverse administrative cachet “ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ
Very ne and rare.
Very ne.
Greek modern history.
5064 Entire letter canc. “ΜΕΣΟΛΟΓΓΙ*1.ΙΟΥΝ.1847” to Vonitza. 2-line administrative cachet “ΝΟΜΑΡΧΗΣ/ΑΚΑΡΝΑΝΙΑΣ ΚΛ.”. Fine and scarce.
5065 O cial document written “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/Ο ΔΗΜΑΡΧΟΣ ΕΡΜΟΥΠΟΛΕΩΣ”, dated “Εν Ερμουπόλει, την 17 Δεκεμβρίου 1866” addressed to the mayor of Spetses Island. Administraive cachets “ΔΗΜΟΣ ΣΠΕΤΣΩΝ” and “ΑΣΤΥΝΟΜΙΑ ΣΠΕΤΣΩΝ”.
5070 Entire letter written “εν
linear “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ” (before the use of circular postmarks), boxed “GRECE”,
NOVEMBRE 1834”. Very rare.
5071 Entire letter from Syros with
post mark shown on book cover of Mr. Ra opoulos) with
and manuscript postage rates “30” (lepta) on front,
5072 Entire letter written “Nauplia 24 Ottobre 1834” to Athens. On arrival canc. “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ”.
5073 Judicial cover canc. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*14.ΦΕΒΡΟ.1836” to Syros. is is the earliest known date of use for this postmark according to Ra opoulos. On reverse administrative cachet “Η ΕΠΙ ΤΗΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗΣ ΓΡΑΜΜ. ΤΗΣ ΕΠΙΚΡΑΤ.”.
(16/2)”. O cial Gazette No8/1857, complete (pages 29-33). State postal sta appointments with G.Skoufos as director and .Leonardos as assistant manager. A very ne postal history document.
.Leonardos, Greek P.O. assistant
(1852)”. O cial Gazette No22/1852, pages 23-42 including the November 27, 1850 postal treaty between Greece and Austria, with the second part of the Treaty being the Greece-Austrian Lloyd contract. Signed for Greece by G.Skoufos and for Austria by F. Ingelheim. e 1850 treaty signed March 29, 1852, put in force at July 7, 1852. A very ne and scarce postal history document.
5077 Entire letter wriiten in Greek Consulate in Marseille, sent to Malta. Cachet “CONSULAT DE S.M. LE ROI DE GRECE/MARSEILLE” and oval “ΠΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟΝ” in Greek, canc. on arrival “3 Nov.8d” in Malta. is is the only known example. Ex Franz See collection.
5078 Entire letter canc. 2-line “MUENCHEN/10.JUN.1843”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*25.ΙΟΥΝ.1843”. Postage markings “18+16=34” (kreuzer) for German - Austrian route and 1.40 (drachmai) to pe paid on arrival, including the Greek inland rate. Very ne and scarce.
5079 Entire letter written in Greek “Τεργέστη
1836”, oval “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΑ”, arr. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ
Postage to be paid “20” (lepta).
5080 Entire letter canc. “CONSTANTINOPLE (TURQUIE)*28.MARS.1838” (French P.O.) and boxed “PP” (Port Paye) to Nafplion. Oval cachet “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΑ”, transit postmarks “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ” (type I) and “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*21.ΜΑΡΤΙ.1838”, arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*21.ΜΑΡΤΙ.1838”. Postage markings “30” (decimes) and “18” (kreuzer). Very ne and scarce.
5081 Entire letter canc. “ALEXANDRIE (EGYPTE)*7.MAI.1838” (French P.O.) and boxed “P.P.” (Port Paye) to Syros. Oval “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΑ”, arr. “ΣΥΡΑ*28.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1838”. Cachet “ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΣΥΡΑΣ”. Postage “10” (lepta) to be collected.
5082 Entire letter written “Venezia 6 Agosto 1838” addressed “...Consolato Austriaco in Salonichio”. Transit postmark “ΣΥΡΑ*12.ΑΥΓΟΥ.1838” and oval “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΑ” in Syros. Cachet “I. (Imperiale) R. (Regio) MAGISTRATO DI SANITA MARITTIMA”. Postage marking “10” (kreuzer?). Very ne and rare.
5083 Entire letter canc.”TRIEST*16.NOV.1839” to Nafplion. Linear “FRANCO” in red and “Π.Ε.Μ.Σ.”, boxed “ΕΛΛΑΣ ΔΙΑ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ”, via “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*9.NOEMB.1839”, arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*12.NOEMB.1839”. Handwritten “18” (kr) for the prepaid fee and “30” (lepta) to be collected on arrival.
5085 Entire letter canc. “ALEXANDRIA (EGYPTE)*27.FEVR.1840” (French P.O.) to Athens. Boxed “ΕΛΛΑΣ ΔΙΑ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ” in red, via “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*23.ΦΕΥΡ.1840”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*24. ΦΕΥΡ.1840”. Postage to be paid “90” (lepta). Disinfection slits. Very ne. EL100€
Entire letter written “Βώλου τη 19 10βρίου 1838” to Syra. On arrival oval cachet “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΑ” and canc. “ΣΥΡΑ*2.ΙΑΝΟΥ.1839”. Disinfection slits. EL40€
5086 Entire letter canc. “LIVORNO*23.DIC.1840”, oval cachet “Consolato G. Sardo in Livorno” to Sira. Inscribed “col Vapore...francese”, linear “Π.Ε.Μ.Σ.”, arr. “ΣΥΡΑ*2.ΙΑΝΟΥ.1841”. Postage to be paid on arrival “35” (lepta).
5087 Entire letter written “Marseille le 12 Mai 1841” to Syra. Carried privately to Piraeus where canc. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*27.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1841”, arr. “ΣΥΡΑ*28.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1841”. In Syra oval cachet “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΑ” in red. Few examples are known. Postage “20” (lepta) to be paid on arrival.
5088 Entire letter written “ e Pireus 19th June 1841”, canc. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*8.ΙΟΥΝ:1841” and boxed “ΔΠ” to London. Endorsed “Par le Paquebot a Vapeur Francaise”, cachet “... LAZARET/MALTE” and transit in red “MARSEILLE”, fr. on arrival with 1d red-brown on blue 1841 British stamp tied by Maltese Cross, arrival postmark “LS 9 JY 1841”. e letter re-addressed to Aberdeen. Disinfection slits. Very ne.
5089 Entire letter canc. “CARLSRUHE*15.JUN.41” to Athens. Inscirbed “franco Triest” ,transit postmarks “ST GALLEN*18.JUN.41”, boxed “ΕΛΛΑΣ ΔΙΑ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ”, and “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*24. ΙΟΥΝΙ.1841”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*26.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1841”. Postage markings “16+18/34” (kreuzer for German-Austrian route and Lloyd, and “170+30/200” (lepta) to be paid by the receiver including the Greek inland rate. Very ne and scarce.
5090 Entire letter written “15 7βρίου 1842 θεσσαλ” ( essaloniki), canc. “DARDANELLES (POSTES)*18.SEPT.1842” (French P.O.), arr. “ΣΥΡΑ*9.ΣΕΜΠΤ.1842”. Postage marking on front to be collected upon arrival. Fine and scarce.
Entire letter canc. two-line “VENEZIA/28.APR” and oval “VENEZIA FRANCO”, via “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*2?.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1843”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*26.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1843”. On reverse “6+18/24” (kreuzer) paid, while on front “30” (lepta) to be paid upon arrival. Inscribed “Col Vapore del Lloyd Austriaco”. Very ne.
5092 Entire letter inscribed “Col vapore francese”, canc. “SMYRNE (TURQUIE)*29.JUIL.1843” (French P.O.), via “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*21.ΙΟΥΛ.1843”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*21.ΙΟΥΛ.1843”. Postage “70” (lepta) on arrival.
5093 Entire canc. “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO ANCONA” to Nafplion. Oval “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΟΝ”, via “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*2?.ΣΕΠΤΕ.1843”, arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*26.ΣΕΠΤΕ.1843”. Postage markings “40” (lepta) to be collected.
5094 Entire letter on two fold illustrated letter sheet (Das Universitaets Gebaude in Berlin) canc. “BERLIN*22/12”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*27.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1843”, arr. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*27.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1843”. Postage markings “18+16=34” (kreuzer) and “290” (lepta) to be paid on arrival, including the Greek inland rate. Very ne.
5095 Entire letter written in Greek “Σμύρνη 14/26 Ιαννουαρ 1845” canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO SMIRNE”, via “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*17.ΙΑΝΟΥΑ.1845”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17. IANOYA.1845”. Cachet “ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ”. Postage “30” (lepta) to be collected.
5096 Cover (envelope) inscribed “Greece via France” canc. “BRISTOL*8.JY.1845”, oval “PD” to Athens. Postamrks “W PAID*9.JY.1845” and “CLIFTON” in England, “ANGL. 2 BOULOGNE*11.JUIL.45” in France, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17.ΙΟΥΛ.1849”. Postage markings “1/2”, “5+5=10”, “18” and “75” (lepta) to pay England inland fee, England-France ship carriage, France to Greece and Greek inland rate. C80€
5097 Entire letter written “Κων/λις τη 15/27 Μαίου 1846” canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO CONSTANTINOPEL”, oval “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΑ”, arr. “ΣΥΡΑ*20.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1846”. Charged “20” (lepta) in Syra. Disinfection slit. Scarce.
5098 Entire letter canc. “CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE*27.MAI.48”, oval cachet “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΟΝ”, transit postmarks “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*18.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1848”, “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*18. ΜΑΙΟΣ.1848” and “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*20.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1848” to Spetses island. Postage to be paid “60” (lepta).
5099 Entire letter from London to Patras. Inscribed “Via Ostend & Trieste”, canc. “LONDON*2. APR.1849”, boxed “Aus England per Aachen Franco”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1849”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*7.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1849”. Circular “P”, paid to the Greek border, “24/12” (kreuzer) to the German- Austrian Union/Lloyd fee and “20” (lepta) due on arrival.
5100 Entire letter written “Ιμπραίλα την 25 Μαρτίου 1850”, canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Ibraila” in blue, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*4.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1850”. Charged on arrival with 10 lepta for the internal delivery. Very ne and rare.
5101 Prepaid cover canc. “BERN*5.MAI.50”, addressed to the British Mission in Athens, carried by the French Messageries Nationales. “PD” in black and “TF” (Transit France) in red. On reverse marked “80” (Rappen) for postage paid. Transit postmarks “LYON*8.MAI.50” and “MARSEILLE*10.MAI.50”, arrived “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6.ΜΑΙΟΣ.50” (type II) in blue. Earliest recorded letter from Switzerland to Greece.
5102 Cover canc. “JASSY*9/11” (Austrian P.O.), via “WIEN*16/11” and “TRIESTE*17...”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*1?.ΝΟΕΜ.18??” (type ΙΙ) in blue. C50€
5103 Entire letter canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO BERUTTI” written in arabic, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*27.ΜΑΡΤ.1851”. Disinfection slit. Rare.
5104 Entire letter written “εν Οδησσό την 30 Ιουλί 1851” (Odecca, Russia) to Syros. Transit postmark “ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ*4.ΑΥΓΟΥΣ.1851” and oval “ΔΠ”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*?.ΑΥΓ...”. Postage paid “60” (lepta) on reverse, while “10” (soldi) to pay the Austrian Lloyd. From Odecca to Constantinopolis letter carried privately, where handed to Greek consulate and from there forwarded to Syros.
5105 Small cover (envelope) canc. “STOCKHOLM*29/8 1851” and boxed “Aus Schweden” to Athens. On reverse 2-line “OSTBAHN 3/9” and ambulant “BERLIN - LEIPZIG VII T*3.9”, “BERLIN-BRESLAU II T*3.9.” and “COSEL-ODERBERG II T*4.9”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6.ΣΕΠΤ...” (not very clear). Also two more ambulant German postmarks, dated 2.9 and 4.9 but illegible. Very ne and scarce.
Entire letter canc. “ANVERS*6.OCT.51”, postmark “LIGNE 5 VALENCIENNES*7.OCT.51”, transit “FELDKIRCH*10.OCT” and “TRIEST*14.OCT.1851” in Austria, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*12. ΟΚΤ.1851” in blue. Postage markings “16/9/9” (kreuzer) and “180” (lepta). Fine and scarce.
Entire letter with oval cachet “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Ancona”, fr. with 4Baj+3x7Baj 1852 Papal State stamps (Sas. 5+8) canc. “ANCONA*10.MAR.52”, via “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*12.ΜΑΡΤΙ.1852”, arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*14.ΜΑΡΤΙ.1852”. Postage markings “10” and “15” (kreuzer) for and “40” (lepta) to be paid upon arrival. Very ne.
5108 Entire letter from Liverpool to Syros. Inscribed “Via Marseilles p. French Packet”, canc. “LIVERPOOL*6.DE.1853”, postmarks “AC*7.DE.1853” in London, “ANGL. CALAIS*8. DEC.53”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*6.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1853”. Postage markings “160” (lepta) due on arrival, including 20 lepta Greek postage.
5109 Entire letter written “Αμστελδαμ 2 φευρουαρ 1854” to Athens. Inscribed “Par Bateau a Vapeur de Trieste”, canc. “AMSTERDAM*2/2.1854”. Transit postmarks “WIEN*5/2” and “TRIEST*7/2”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*?.ΦΕΥΡ...”. Postage markings “6/9/9” (kreuzer) and “15” (kreuzer), Netherlands-Austria, Austrian postage and Lloyd fee and “100” (lepta) to be paid on arrival, including Greek inland rate. Very ne and scarce.
Entire letter fr. with 4cr+6cr 1851-52 Toscana stamps (Sas. 6+7) canc. “LIVORNO*18. FEB.1854”, “P.D” in black, via “TRIESTE*21/2” and “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17.ΦΕΥΡ.1854.”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*19.ΦΕΒΡΟ.1854”. Postage “6/4/6” (kreuzer). Fine.
5111 Entire letter written in Greek “Θεσσαλ 24 10βρίου 1854”, canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Salonicco”, arr. “ΣΥΡΑ*30.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1854”. Postage “10” (lepta) to be collected upon arrival.
5112 Entire letter written “Canea 10 Febbraio 1855” to Marseille. Transit “ΣΥΡΟΣ*5. ΦΕΒΡ.1855”, boxed “ΔΠ”, marked “VIA DEGLI/STATI SARDI” and “T.A.”, postmarks “2 GRECE MARSEILLE*27.FEVR.55” and “GAP*27.FEVR.55”, arr. “MARSEILLE*28.FEVR.55”.
5113 Entire letter canc. “MARSEILLE*20.JUIN.55”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*15.ΙΟΥΝ.1855”. Postage “183” (lepta) to be paid, a rate too high (12dec France - Greece rate for a letter up to 7.5gr at that time was about 135 lepta + 20 lepta Greek rate).
5114 Entire letter fr. with 1cr+9cr 1851-52 Toscana stamps (Sas. 4+8) canc. “LIVORNO*1. LUG.1855”, via “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ” and “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ”. Postage “30” (lepta) as due on arrival. Fine and scarce.
5115 Entire letter fr. with 3Baj 1852 Papal State stamp (Sas. 4) canc. “ROMA*11.LUG.55”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*6.ΙΟΥΛ.1855”. Postage marking “10” (lepta) to be paid on arrival.
Entire letter written “Κώς 8 8βρίου 1855” to Syros. Oval cachet “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΑ” in red, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*15.ΟΚΤΩΒ.1855”. Charged with “10” (lepta) on arrival.
Entire letter written “Σέρρες την 10βρίου 1855/παραλαβή
26/7 Φευρουαρίου 1856” canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO SERRES”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*12.ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡ.1856”. Rare.
Entire letter from Ancona to Syra, franked with 2x7Baj+6Baj 1852 Papal State stamps (Sas.7+8) tied by grid, canc. “ANCONA*16.GEN.56” and oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Ancona”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*14.ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡ.1856”. Marked “10” (lepta) due on arrival. Fine and scarce.
Entire letter written “Σμύρνη 21 10βρίου 1856” canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO SMIRNE”, arr. “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*24.ΔΕΚ.1856”. Postage markings “20” (lepta) to be paid upon arrival.
5120 Entire letter written “Malta 11 Novemb 56” to Sira. Oval “ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΑ”, canc. “ΣΥΡΑ*2.ΝΟΕΜ.1856”. Marked “15” (lepta) to be collected on arrival.
5121 Entire letter written in Greek “εν λεμησσώ τη 11 Φευρουαρίου 1857”, canc. 2-line Austrian P.O. “LARNACA/13.MAR” and “FRANCA” to Athens. On arrival marked with a large “X” (mean the cover was paid in full from Cyprus to Greece), transit postmark “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*10.ΜΑΡ.1857”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*10.ΜΑΡ.1857” in blue. Postage markings “20” (lepta) to be collected upon arrival for Greek inland fee. Very rare.
Entire letter written “Σέρρες την 13 Φερβουαρίου 1857”, canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO CAVALLA”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*24.ΦΕΥΡ.1857”. Charged on arrival with 10 lepta for the internal delivery. Fine and rare.
Entire letter fr. with 20c+2x40c 1855 Sardinian stamps (Sas 15+16) canc. “GENOVA*31. MAR.57” and marked “P.D.” in red, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*27.ΜΑΡΤ.1857”. Postage “20” (lepta) to be paid on arrival. Very ne.
5124 Entire letter written “Τούλσα 14 Ιουλίου 1857”, canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Tulcia”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*21.ΙΟΥΛ.57”. Charged on arrival with 10 lepta for the internal delivery. Certi cate P.Holcombe (1992). Fine and rare.
5125 Entire letter fr. with 10c+40c 1853 French stamps (Yv 13I+16) tied by “3707” small numbers and canc. “CONSTANTINOPLE (TURQUIE)*26.AOUT.57” to Athens. Boxed “PD” on red, via “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*16.ΑΥΓ.57”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16.ΑΥΓ.57” (both type III). Fine.
5128 Entire letter from London to Athens. Inscribed “Via Ostend & Trieste”, canc. “FU LS*30. JA.1858” in London, postmarks “AUS ENGLAND PER AACHEN*31/1” in Belgium and “TRIEST*3/2” in Austria, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*31.ΙΑΝ.58” (type III). Postage markings “2” d, “9/9/12” (kreuzer) to German-Austrian Union/Lloyd fee and “180” (lepta) due on arrival, including 20 lepta Greek postage.
5129 Entire letter inscribed “Col Vapore del Lloyd Austriaco/Via di Trieste”, canc. “GENOVA*4. MAG.58”, via “TRIEST*6/5”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*30.ΑΠΡ.58”. Postage markings on kreuzer and on lepta.
Entire letter canc. lozenge “1858 ST PETERSBOURG XII/29” to Athens, Poste Restante. Transit postmarks “WIEN*16/1” and “TRIEST*17/1”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.ΙΑΝ.59” in blue (type III). Handwritten “franco 25” and “15/10” (kreuzer) on reverse for Austrian and Lloyd fee.
5131 Cover from Genova to Piraeus. Inscribed “Grece, Col Vapore Portale Francese”, franked with 80c+20c Sardinian State stamps canc. “GENOVA*23.LUG.58”, arr. “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*17. ΙΟΥΛ.1858”. Postage “10” (lepta) as due on arrival. Fine and rare.
5134 Entire letter fr. with 15kr+10kr+3kr Austrian stamsp (Mi. 14I+15I+11II) canc. “TRIEST*6/11 FRUCH”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29.ΟΚΤ.58”, arr. “ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ*2.ΝΟΕΜ.58”. 3kr for the inland rate, 15kr for the Austrian Lloyd fee and 10kr for Greece. Signed Ferchenbauer. Very ne and very rare.
5135 Entire letter written in Greek “Μερσίνη την 8 Φεβρ 1859” canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO MERSINA”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*22.ΦΕΒΡ.59”. Charged “30” (lepta) on arrival. Fine and rare.
5136 Entire letter inscribed “Via Marseille & French steamer” written in Greek “1859 25 απριλίου”, fr. with 6d (SG 68) canc. barred “16” to Athens. Oval “PD” in red and “LONDON PAID*27.AP.59”, trasnit postmarks “ANGL. AMB. CALAIS*28.AVRIL.59” and “PARIS*28.AVRIL.59”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*23.ΑΠΡ.59”. Very ne and scarce.
5137 Cover fr. with 2x4d 1855/57 GB stamps canc. “A25/MALTA C*23.MY.59” and circular “P.”, via “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*21.ΜΑΙ.1859” to Hydra. Postage marking “10” (lepta) to be paid on arrival. Very ne.
5138 Entire letter fr. with 3x1d 1857 GB stamp canc. “C MALTA*17.AU.59/A 25”, ovap “P.”, via “ΣΥΡΟΣ*8.ΑΥΓ.59” and “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*9.ΑΥΓ.59”, both type III to Hydra. Fine.
5139 Entire letter written “Κυδωνίαις την 28 Αυγουστου 1859” fr. with 10c+40c 1853/60 French stamps canc. small numbers “3771” and “METELIN TURQUIE*10.SEPT.59”, boxed “PD”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*2.ΣΕΠΤ.59”. Fine and scarce.
5140 Entire letter written “1859 7βρίου 9 Μάλτα” fr. with 6d GB stamps (SG 69) canc. “A25/ MALTA C*10.SP.59” and circular “P.”, via “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*3.ΣΕΠΤ.59” and “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*3. ΣΕΠΤ.59”, arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*5.ΣΕΠΤ.59” in blue. Postage markings “40” (lepta) to be paid on arrival. Very ne.
Entire letter written in Greek “Χανια 26 Ιανουαρ 1860” canc. with oval cachet “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Canea”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*30.ΙΑΝ.60” (type III). Charged “20” in Syros. Rare.
5142 Entire letter from Bruxelles to Athens, fr. with 5x40c 1858-61 Belgian stamps tied by P24, for a total of 2F (rate of 1/4/58 via France for a letter weight 10gr), “PD” and canc. “BRUXELLES*5.4.60”. Transit postmarks “AMB MIDI*5.4.60” and “PARIS*6.AVRIL.60”, arr.
(type III) in blue. Very ne and rare.
5143 Entire letter written “Ηράκλειον 18 Απριλίου 1860” canc. oval “AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO CANDIA”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*20.ΑΠΡ.60” (type III). Very rare.
EL1500€5144 Entire letter from Constantinople to Athens. 3-line cachet “LETTERE ARRIVATE COL VAPORE DAL LEVANTE”, transit postmark “TRIEST*12/7”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6.ΙΟΥΛ.60” in blue (type III). Postage markings “115” (lepta) and “20/15” (kreuzer). Unsual route. Very ne.
5145 Entire letter canc. “GALATZ MOLDAVIE*1.SEPT.60” (French P.O.) in blue, via “CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE*4.SEPT.60”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*27.ΑΥΓ.60” (type III). Marked “40” for postage to be collected.
5146 Entire letter written “Χίος την 21 Απριλίου 1861”, oval cachet “ΠΡΑΚΤΟΡΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛ. ΑΤΜΟΠΛΟΙΑΣ ΕΝ ΧΙΩ” (weak) to Syros. Handwritten “ΔΠ 40” for postage paid, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*22.ΑΠΡ.61” (type III) where charged “20” (lepta), Greek postage. Handwritten “Δια της Αμαλίας” (steamer). Folded in middle but still ne and rare.
5147 Cover (envelope) fr. with 1d+2d+1S (SG 42+45+73) tied by “SW16” barred cds and canc. LONDON SW*22.AP.61” to Athens (Poste Restante). Oval “PD” in red, transit postmarks “ANG. AMB. CALAIS*23.AVRIL.61” and “PARIS*23.AVRIL.61”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*20.ΑΠΡ.61” (type III). Flap on reverse miscut but complete. 1S stamp defective. Fine and scarce.
5148 Entire letter canc. “CANDIA*13/5” (Austrian P.O.) and linear “FRANCO”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*8. ΜΑΙΟΣ.61” (type III). Postage “10” (lepta) to be paid on arrival.
5149 Entire letter written in Greek “Χανιά 31 Ιουλ 1861” canc. linear “CANEA*12.AGO” and “FRANCA”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*2.ΑΥΓ.61” (type III). Postage markings “10” (kreuzer), and “10” (lepta) to be collected upon arrival.
Entire letter written “11/23 Ιουνίου 1831 Τζίμοβα” (Αρεόπολις) to Corfu, cachet “UFFICIO DELLA POSTA GENERALE CORFU”, arr. “CORFU*4.AGOSTO.1831”. Scarce.
5151 Entire letter canc. “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ” to Arras, France. Oval cachet “ΠΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟΝ” (paid - earliest use for this cachet), via “MARSEILLE*17.JANV.1834”, arr. “ARRAS*23.JANV.1834”. Linear “Purifee a Marseille”, boxed “PAYS DOUTREMER” and tax mark “1D”. Postage paid in Greece “80” (lepta) and “12” (decimes) to be collected upon arrival. Fine and scarce.
5152 Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΑ*28.ΝΟΕΜΒ.1834”, oval cachet “ΠΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟΝ” (paid), arr. “TRIEST 17 JANNER 1835”. Markings “4 1/2” (kreuzer) and “60+10/70” for postage paid in lepta. Miscut.
5153 Entire letter canc. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*12.ΦΕΒΡΟ.1835”, oval cachet “ΠΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟΝ” (paid) to Malta, canc. on arrival “12 March...”. On reverse prepaid fee “40” (lepta).
5154 Entire letter canc.
(type I) to Homburg. Inscribed “par Patras & Trieste”, boxed “CHARGE” and “AT”, via “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*8.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1835”, arr. 2-line “HOMBURG*14 JUNY”. Postage markings on front and on reverse.
on arrival “31.AOUT.1836”. Postage markings “40+20=60” (lepta) paid in Greece. Fine and scarce.
Huningue” in
Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*24.ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤ.1835” to Italy and forwarded to Belgium. Inscribed “a Verona”, oval “ΠΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟΝ” (paid), transit “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*26.ΑΥΓΟΥ.1835”, boxed “GRECE” and “ALLEMAGNE PAR....”, arr. “ANVERS” in red. Postage markings “60+10=70” (lepta) to Patras and foreign letter fee, “10” (kreuzer?) to Trieste, “25+10=35” (kreuzer) and “41”. Also cachet “F.C.”. Fine and rare.
5157 Cover (envelope) canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13.ΣΕΠΤΕΜ.1835” addressed to “...Commandeur de lorde du Sauveur chevalier...” in Munich, Bavaria. Oval cachet “ΠΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟΝ” (paid), transit postmark “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*23.ΣΕΠΤΕ.1835”, cachet “AT” (Autriche Transit) and boxed “GRECE”, re-addressed to Nurnberg. Postage markings “24+12=36” (kreuzer), “20” (lepta) and several accountings on reverse. Fine and scarce.
5160 Entire letter canc. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ
to Edinburgh, Scotland. Inscribed “Vapore” (steamer) and “Angleterre via Patras”, postmarks “LONDON*30.MAR.1837” and “R MR 30 1837”, also in London, and “APR C 1 A 1837”. Rate markings “30+10=40” (lepta), 30l. to Patras, 10l. ship letter fee, “50+30=80” (lepta), deleted, “3/3”d, 2/3d packet rate plus inland charges in Britain and “1/2”d the Scottish wheel tax. Very ne and rare.
5161 Entire letter canc. “ΛΑΜΙΑ*21.ΜΑΡΤ.1838” to “Nurbourg/Royamme dHannover”. Oval cachet “ΠΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟΝ” (paid), boxed “GRECE” and “AT” (Autriche Transit), transit postamark “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*25.ΜΑΡΤΙ.1838”. Inscribed “trans Triest par Patras”, arr. “1.MAY”. Postage markings “90+30=1.20” (drachmai) paid in Greece, Austrian - German rates on front. Very ne and scarce.
5162 Entire letter canc. “ΧΑΛΚΙΣ*26.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1839”, inscribed “Δια Αθηνών κ Τριέστιον” and “επί συστάσει”, linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (registered) to Frankurt. Transit postmarks “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*27.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1839”, “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*28.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1839” and “RECOMANDIRT TRIEST*19. JUN.1839”, arr. “D.1*28/6”. Postage markings “1.40+1.40/2.80” (dracmai) and “18/11” (kreuzer) for ship and Austrian rates. “2/6” (d) in Malta. Fine and rare.
5163 Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΑ*14.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1839” and boxed “ΔΠ”, arr. “TRIEST*5.JAN.1840”. Postage markings “24+10/34” (kreuzer) on front and “30” (lepta) on reverse.
5164 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*26.ΦΕΥΡ.1840” to Edinburgh, Scotland. Boxed “ΔΠ”, transit postmarks “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*26.ΦΕΥΡ.1840”, “GRECE 2 MARSEILLE*27.MARS.40” and “LONDON*29.MAR.1840” where boxed “BRITISH FOREIGN”, arr. at Endiburgh “C*30. MR.1840”. Disinfected in Malta, cachet “PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTE”, with carefully applied slits. Manuscript “2/8 1/2” (uncommon rate). Very ne and scarce.
5165 Cover canc. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*7.ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡ.1840” to Brest. Linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (registered) in red, cachet “PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTE” for disinfection in Malta, postmark “GRECE 2 MARSEILLE*5.FEVR.40”, arr. “BREST*8.FEVR.40”. Postage markings on reverse “1.45+1.45=2.90” drachmai paid. Disinfection slits. Fine.
5166 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1840” to Paris, addressed to Monsieur “J.Colettis Ministre de S.Majeste le Roi de Grece”, ambassador of Greece in Paris at the time. Linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (registered), transit “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*8.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1840”, cachet “PURIFIE AU LAZARET MALTE”, postmark “2 GRECE MARSEILLE*7.JANV.41”, arr. “PARIS*7.JANV.41”. Disinfection slits. Postage markings “18+18=36” on front, also on reverse but not clear due to wax seal.
Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΑ*14.ΙΟΥΛΙ.1841”, via “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*18.ΙΟΥΛ.1841”, “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*18. ΙΟΥΛ.1841” and “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*20.ΙΟΥΛΙ.1841”, arr. “CORFU*14.AGOSTO.1841”. EL30€
5168 Entire letter writen “L’ eveque de Tyne” (Tinos Island) canc. “ΣΥΡΑ*18.ΝΟΕΜ.1841” to Lyon. Linear “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red, French cachet “GRECE 1 MARSEILLE*13.DEC.41” in red, arr. LYON*1?.DEC.1841”. Disinfected in Malta, cachet “PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTE”, disinfection slits. Very ne. EL80€
5169 Entire letter canc. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*29.ΙΟΥΛΙ.1842” to New York. Written “Ingleterre via France”, canc. “ΣΥΡΑ*30.ΙΟΥΛΙ.1842”, cachet “PURIFIE AU LAZARET MALTE” (during the cholera pandemic of the 1830s and 40s mail from the east were disinfected, Malta being the chief place used by French paquebots), canc. “2 GRECE 2 MARSEILLE*23.AOUT.42” in France, “X 27 AUG 1842” and “E PAID 27 AU 1842” in London and “L AU 28 42” in Liverpool. An indistinct mark with “MS” at the base, probably Boston. Rate marks “2/8 1/2d, the rate for a letter up to ¼ oz by French Packet via France, “4” in red, the packet rate to the USA and “40” on reverse. Very rare and remote destination at that time.
5170 Entire letter canc. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*15.ΑΥΓΟΥ.1842” to Ancona. Boxed “ΔΠ” and oval cachet “Via di Mare”, transit postmark “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*17.ΑΥΓΟΥ.1842”, arr. “1SETTEMBRI”. Also box cachet for disinfection. Postage markings on reverse.
5171 Cover (envelope) canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*31.ΙΟΥΛ.1842” to Munich. Inscribed “Vapore Austriaco”, boxed “ΔΠ” and “AT”, arr. “MUNCHEN*24.AUG.1842”. Two transit postmarks, one Greek on reverse and one German on front, illegible. Postage markings on both sides, wax seal on back. A small part of ap is miising. Fine overall.
5172 Cover (envelope) canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*31.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1842”, linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (Registered) and boxed “ΔΠ” to Roma. Transit postmarks “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*2.IANOY.1843” and “TRIEST RECOM...*21.GEN”, arr. “DIRECTIONE DI ROMA*28.GEN.43”. Boxed “Netto di fuori/Netto di dentro” in red for disinfection. Postage marking on reverse “130+130=260” (lepta).
5173 Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΑ*30.ΙΟΥΛΙ.1843” to Boston. Boxed “PD” and “Π.Ε.Δ.”, inscribed “par le Havre, recommandee aux loins obligants de Mons le Directeur des Postes”, cachet “PURIFIE AU LAZARET MALTE”, postmarks “2 GRECE MARSEILLE*25.AOUT.43”, “PARIS*25.AOUT.43” and “BUREAU MARITIME (HAVRE)*26.AOUT.1843” in France, canc. “NEW YORK SHIP OCT.8”. Very ne and scarce.
5174 Entire letter written in French “Tyne le 26 janvier 1844, l’ Eveque de Tyne” (Tinos Island) to Lyon. Inscribed “Par Marseille”, linear cachet “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red, disinfected in Malta, caceht “PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTE”, usual for letters carried by French steamers, postmark “GRECE 1 MARSEILLE*14.FEVR.44”, arr. “LYON*16.FEVR....”. Disinfection slits. On reverse prepaid postage “110” (lepta). Very ne and very rare.
5175 Entire letter canc. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*6.ΙΑΝΟΥ.1845” to Livorno. Handwritten “δια του Γαλλικού ατμόπλοιου”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8.ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡ.1845”, cachet “PURIFIE AU LAZARET MALTE”, arr. “LIVORNO SANITARE”. Postage markings “16” on front and on reverse “100+20=120” lepta. Disinfection slits.
5176 Cover canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1846” and boxed “ΔΠ” to Geneve, Swiss. Inscribed “rue de Londres”, transit postmarks “GRECE 1 MARSEILLE*17.JUIN.46” and “FERNEY*20. JUIN.46”, arr. “GENEVE*20.JUIN.46”. Readdressed to Paris and canc. “GENEVE 2 FERNEY*22.JUIN.46”. Postage markings on reverse for fee paid in Greece and on front to be paid in France by the receiver. Very ne and scarce.
5177 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*7.ΣΕΠΤΕΜ.1846” in blue to Rolle, Swiss. Boxed “ΔΠ”, postmarks “1 GRECE MARSEILLE*28.SEPT.46” and “LYON*30.SEPT.46” in France, and “BERNEX*1.OCT.46”, “COPPET*1.OCT.46” and nally arr. “ROLLE*1.OCT.46” in Swiss. Postage marking on lepta paid on reverse. Very ne and rare.
5178 Entire letter on illustrated letter sheet (ACROPOLIS ATHENS) canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*28. ΣΕΠΤΕΜ.1846” to England. Transit postmarks “GRECE 2 MARSEILLE*23.OCT.46” and “MJ 25.OC.1846” in London, arr. “BRIDGEND*OC.27.1846” in Wales. Postage marking “115” (lepta). Uncommon destination. Fine and scarce.
Entire letter written “Athenes le 6/18 Avril 1849” signed by G. Stavros, director of the National Bank of Greece, addressed to “Monsieur Le Chevalier Eynard”, Swiss banker and a Philhellene. Transit postmarks “MARSEILLES*1.MAI.49” and “LYON*2.MAI.49”, arr. “GENEVE*3.MAI.49”, re-addressed to “ROLLE*3.MAI.49”. Very ne and rare.
5180 Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*15.ΙΟΥΛ.??” and “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red to Silesia, Prussia. arrival postmark illegible. EL40€
5181 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*18.ΝΟΕΜ.1850” to Galatz. Inscribed “Via Trieste” and boxed “ΔΠ” and “AT”, Triest transit postmark on reverse, arr. 2-line “GALLATZ*21.DEZ” (Austrian P.O.). Postage markings on front for the sea carriage to be paid and on reverse for the inland fees paid.
5182 Entire letter written in French “Calamatta 15/29 avril 1851” to Bruxelles. Transit postmarks “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*20.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1851”, “GRECE 2 MARSEILLE*19.MAI.51” and “FRANCE PAR.... No.2*19.MAI”, arr. “BRUXELLES*19.MAI.1851”. Very ne and rare.
5183 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*27.ΜΑΙ.1851” to Stockholm, Sweden. Inscribed “Paquebot Francaise”, postmark “1 GRECE MARSEILLE*1?.JUIN.51”, transit “HAMBURG*20.6.1851” in Germany and “YSTAD*27.6.1851” in Sweden. Postage markings “49”, “19” and “19 1/2”. Very ne and scarce.
5184 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.ΙΟΥΝ.1853” to South Mullingar, Ireland. Inscribed “Via France”, postmarks “2 GRECE MARSEILLE*22.JUIN.53” in France, “BV 30 JU.1853” and “4 B*JY 1 1853” in England, arr. “MULLINGAR*JY...”. Very ne and rare.
5185 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13.ΙΟΥΝ.1854”, linear “Π.Ε.Δ.”, arr. “WIEN*14.JUL”. Postage markings for fees paid “9/9” (kreuzer) and “100” (lepta).
5186 Entire letter canc. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*7.ΙΟΥΝ.58” (type III) to Amsterdam. Inscribed “Col Vapore Austriaco”, transit “LEIPZIG*26.6.III/MAGDEB”, arr. “AMSTERDAM*27.6.1858”. Postage markings “60” and “9/10” (kreuzer) and “100” (lepta) paid, on reverse. Also tax mark “8 1/4”. Very ne and rare.
5187 Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*17.ΑΥΓ.58” (type III), linear “Π.Ε.Δ.”, arr. “STEYER*4/9”. Postage markings for fees paid “9/9” (kreuzer) and “100” (lepta).
5188 Letter written “athenes le 16/28 Octobre 1858”, signed Notaras included in envelope carried privately to Triest, then forwarded by post, canc. “TRIEST*4/11”, “AUTRICHE CULOZ*8.NOV.58”, arr. “PARIS*8.NOV.58”, re-addressed to “MONTMERENCY*9. NOV.58”. Senders details “P.Notaras, Grand Marechal du Palais de S.M. Helleniques”. Very ne and rare.
5189 Cover (envelope) canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*1.ΝΟΕΜ.58” (type III) in blue to Crayova Valachie. Handwritten “par Vienne” and in Greek “είς Κραιόβα της Βλαχίας”, via “ALT ORSOVA*26/11” and “TEMESVAR*27/11”, arr. “POST EXPE KRAIOVA”. Postage markings on front for the ship “15/15” (kreuzer), Austrian inland fee “15/10”.
5190 Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*26.ΝΟΕΜ.58” (type III) and boxed “ΔΠ”, arr. “MALTA*22. DE.58”. Postage markings “10” (lepta) Greek inland rate, “18” (kreuzer) for the ship and charged “2” d in Malta.
5191 Entire letter (almost complete, a small part of back side is missing) canc. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*9. ΔΕΚΕ.59” (type III) to Gera - Saxony, Italy. Transit postmark “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*12.ΔΕΚΕ...” (Type III), arr. “GERA*1/1/1860”. Postage marking on front.
5192 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*19.ΙΑΝ.60”, “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red, via “ΣΥΡΟΣ*20.ΙΑΝ.60” to Chios. Very ne. EL20€
5193 Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*1.ΔΕΚΕ.60” (type III) carried by an Austrian steamer to Marseille. “Π.Ε.Δ.” and “P.D.” in red, canc. “AUTRICHE 2 CULOZ*27.DEC.60”, transit “LYON*27. DEC.60” and “LYON A MARSEILLE*27.DEC.60”, arr. “MARSEILLE*27.DEC.60”. On reverse postage paid “122” (lepta) in Greece and also Austrian and Lloyd rates marked. Very ne. EL50€
5194 Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*8.ΜΑΡΤ.61” (type III) and “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red to Cyprus. Postage paid marking on reverse. EL20€
Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11.ΜΑΙΟΣ.61” (type III), “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red, via “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*11. ΜΑΙΟΣ.61” (type III) and “LES DARDANELLES TURQIE*25.MAI.61” (French P.O.), arr. “SALONIQUE TURQUIE*26.MAI.61”. Very ne.
Entire letter written “Εν Ωρωπώ την 26 Ιουλίου 1854” boxed municial post canc. “ΔΤ 2” (Κάλαμος - ΑΘήναι), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*27.ΙΟΥΛ.1854”. Very ne and scarce.
letter written
municipal post canc. “ΔΤ
to Chalkis. Very ne and scarce.
5201 Entire letter written “την 26 Μαιου 1858 Καστροβολά” boxed municipal post canc. “ΔΤ 29” (Καστροβολά - Κύμη) via “ΚΥΜΗ*26.ΜΑΙΟΣ.58” (type III), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*28. ΜΑΙΟΣ.58”. Very ne and rare. EL300€
5202 Entire letter written “Στυλίς Ιουνίου.11.1853”
boxed municipal post canc. “ΔΤ30” (Στυλίς - Λαμία), via “ΛΑΜΙΑ*11.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1853” and “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1853”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*16. ΙΟΥΝ.1853”. Fine and scarce. EL85€
5203 Large part of cover boxed with municipal post canc. “ΔΤ 31” (Γαρδίκι - Λαμία) addressed to “...Βάσον Μαυροβουνιώτην”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*25.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1847”. Scarce. Δ100€
5204 Entire letter written “12 απριλίου 1844, ηπάτι” boxed municipal post canc. “ΔΤ 33” (Υπάτη - Λαμία) via “ΛΑΜΙΑ*13.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1844” and “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1844” to Palia Patra. Fine and scarce.
5205 Entire letter written “Βόλος την 26 απριλίου 1849” to Athens. Inscribed “υπερθαλ”, boxed municipal post “ΔΤ 36” (Αμαλιούπολις - Γαρδίκι), cachet “ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΑΜΑΛΙΟΥΠΟΛΕΩΣ”, via “ΛΑΜΙΑ*1.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1849”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*4.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1849”. Postage “40” (lepta) as due on arrival. Fine and scarce.
Entire letter written “Χρυσόν την 10 10βρίου 1859”, boxed municipal post canc. “ΔΤ 39” (Χρυσός - Αμφισσα), via “ΑΜΦΙΣΣΑ*16.ΔΕΚΕ.59” (type III), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*21.ΔΕΚΕ.59”. Very ne and scarce.
5207 Entire letter written “Δομβρενα την 8 Ιουνίου 1851” boxed municial post canc. “ΔΤ 13” (Δόμβραινα - Θήβαι) via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*?.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1851”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*10.ΙΟΥΝ.1851”. Very ne and scarce.
5208 Entire letter canc. circular municipal post “ΔΤ 49” (Πλάτανος - Ναύπακτος) via “ΝΑΥΠΑΚΤΟΣ” (type I), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*21.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1850”. Fine and rare.
5209 Cover boxed municipal post canc. “ΔΤ90” (Τρίκαλα - Κλιμέντι), via “ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ” (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.ΣΕΜΠΤ.1843”. Postage paid “40” (lepta). Miscut but still ne and rare.
Entire letter written “Βερσοβα 20 Απριλίου 1861” (today Chrysanthio) canc. triangular municipal post cachet “Αρ 106 ΔΤ” (Βερσοβα - Αιγιον) via “(ΑΚΡΑ)ΤΑ (6)*20.ΑΠΡ.61” (type III), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*21.ΑΠΡ.61”. Fine and very rare.
Entire letter written “λεχαινά 20 φευρ 1850” boxed municipal post canc “ΔΤ 111” (Λεχαινά - Κυλλήνη) via “ΚΥΛΛΗΝΗ” (type I), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ”. Very ne and rare.
Large part of entire letter written “εν Ζάτουνα την πρώτη αυγουστου 1851” canc. circular municipal post cachet “ΔΤ 141” (Δημητσάνα - Καρύταινα), via “ΚΑΡΥΤΑΙΝΑ” (type I), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*4.ΑΥΓΟΥ.1851”. Fine and rare.
Entire letter boxed municipal post canc. “ΔΤ 165” (Μαυρομμάτι - Ναζήρι), arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*26.ΦΕΒΡΟ.1856”. Inscribed “λίαν αναγκαίον” (very necessary). Fine and scarce.
Entire letter boxed municipal post canc. “ΔΤ 166” (Μελιγαλά - Ναζήριον), via “ΝΗΣΙΟΝ*2. ΣΕΠΤ.59” in blue (type III), arr. “ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ*3.ΣΕΠΤ.59” (type III). Postage paid “20” (lepta). Very ne and rare.
Entire letter with municipal post canc. “Δ.Τ.174”, via “ΑΡΕΟΠΟΛΙΣ*29.ΙΟΥΛ.60” (type IΙΙ), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*1.ΑΥΓ.60”. Written in pencil but still ne and rare.
Entire letter written “εν Μυστρά τη 11 Μαίου 1849” boxed municipal post canc. “ΔΤ 185” (Ξηροκάμπι - Σπάρτη), via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*14.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1849”, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*16.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1849”. Signed Lascarides. Very ne and scarce.
Cover written “Επαρχος Ολυμπίας” with small part of administrative cachet “ΕΠΑΡΧΙΑ....” canc. “ΑΓΟΥΛΙΝΙΤΖΑ” (type I) to Andritsaina. Fine and scarce. C100€
5218 Entire letter canc. “ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΝ” (type I), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*20.ΝΟΕΜΒ.1856”. EL30€
5219 Entire letter canc. “ΑΙΓΙΝΑ” (type I) and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (Registered), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.ΙΑΝΟΥ.1844”. Postage paid “40+40=80” (lepta).
5220 Entire letter canc. “ΑΙΓΙΟΝ” (type I), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*20.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1842”.
5221 Entire letter canc. “ΑΙΤΩΛΙΚΟΝ” (type I with laurel-strike superb) and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (registered), via “ΜΕΣΟΛΟΓΓΙ*15.ΟΚΤΟΜ.1844”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*16. ΟΚΤΩΒ.1844”. Postage “20+20=40” (lepta) paid.
5222 Entire letter canc. “ΑΙΤΩΛΙΚΟΝ” (type I with laurel), via “ΜΕΣΟΛΟΓΓΙ*1.ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡ.1847”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*3.ΙΑΝΟΥ....”. Very ne.
5223 Cover canc. “ΑΚΡΑΤΑ” (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16.ΣΕΜΠΤ.1849”. Letter sheet watermarked “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ” and coat of arms. Fine and scarce.
5224 Large part of entire letter canc. “ΑΛΙΒΕΡΙΟΝ” (type I) via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13.ΔΕΚΕΜΒ.1850”, arr. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*13.ΔΕΚΕΜΒ.1850”. Postage paid “40” (lepta).
5225 Entire letter written “28 7βρίου εν λεχενοίς”, canc. “ΑΜΑΛΙΑΣ” (type I with laurel, not very clear), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*1.ΟCΤΟΜ.1843”. Postage paid “40” (lepta).
5226 1839 Entire letter canc. “ΑΜΦΙΛ.ΑΡΓΟΣ” (type I), canc. on arrival “Β.ΔΑΣΟΝ.ΒΑΛΤΟΥ”, administrative cachet. Very ne and rare.
5227 Entire letter canc. “ΑΜΦΙΛ. ΑΡΓΟΣ” (type I) and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (Registered), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6.ΟCΤΟΜ.1845”. On reverse postage marking “40+40=80” (lepta). Receivers name deleted.
5228 Entire letter canc. “ΑΝΔΡΟΥΣΑ” in green (type I with laurel). Very ne strike. EL100€
5229 Entire letter written “21 δεκεμβ 1839” canc. “ΑΡΓΟΣ” (type I) to Vonitsa. Postage paid “40” (lepta). EL10€
5230 Entire letter canc. “ΑΡΕΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ” (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6.ΑΥΓ.1841”. Postage paid “30” (lepta). Very ne and rare.
5231 Entire letter canc. “ΑΡΤΗ” (type I), via “ΑΜΦ.ΑΡΓΟΣ*12.ΝΟΕΜ.60”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*16. ΝΟΕΜ.60” (both type III). Postage to be paid “40” on arrival.
5232 Entire letter canc. “ΑΣΤΑΚΟΣ” (type I with laurel, strike superb), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*31. ΙΑΝΟΥ.1852”. Postage paid “20” (lepta).
5233 Entire letter written “2 Φευρουαρίου 1855” canc. “ΑΣΤΡΟΣ” (type I) to Tripolis. EL140€
5234 Entire letter canc. “ΑΤΑΛΑΝΤΗ” (type I), via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*21.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1848”, arr. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*21.ΔΕΚΕΜΒ.1848”. Postage paid “20” (lepta). EL70€
5235 Entire letter canc. “ΒΟΝΙΤΣΑ” in blue (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17.ΟΚΤΟΜ.1842”. Postage paid “1:40”. Fine and scarce. EL35€
5236 Large part of entire letter (text complete), canc. “ΒΟΝΙΤΣΑ” (type I) and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (Registered), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*17.ΜΑΡΤΙ.1844”. Postage paid “30+30=60” (lepta). Δ80€
5239 Cover canc. “ΔΗΜΗΤΣΑΝΑ” (type I), arr. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*1. ΙΟΥΛΙ.1836”. Postage paid “10” (lepta). C100€
5240 Entire letter canc. “ΕΠΙΔΑΥΡ. ΛΙΜΗΡΑ” (type I), arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*28.ΟΚΤΩΒ.1841”. Postage paid “20” lepta. Rare. EL150€
5241 Cover canc. “ΕΡΜΙΟΝΗ” (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*9.ΑΥΓ.1851”. Receivers name erased. C60€
Entire letter on letter sheet printed “ΧΑΡΤΟΣΗΜΟΝ ΤΑΞΕΩΣ ΛΕΠΤΑ 25”, canc. “ΘΗΒΑΙ” (type I) and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (Registered), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6.ΙΟΥΛΙ.1838”. Postage paid “10+10=20” (lepta). EL30€
5244 Cover canc. “ΘΗΒΑΙ” (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17.ΝΟΕΜ.1843”. Postage paid “10” (lepta). Receivers name deleted. C18€
5245 Entire letter canc. “ΘΗΡΑ” (type I), arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*18.ΑΥΓ.1855”. Postage paid “10” (lepta). EL50€
5246 Entire letter canc. “ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ” (type I), arr. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29. ΑΠΡΙΛ.1836”. EL40€
5248 Cover canc. “KAΡΠΕΝΗΣΙΟΝ” (type I) In blue to Lamia. Very ne. C75€
5249 O cial mail, Letter sheet printed “ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ
dated “28 Xβρίου 1838” addressed to Mayor of Serifos canc. “ΚΕΑ” (type I). Transit postmark “ΣΥΡΑ*2.ΙΑΝΟΥ.1839” and cachet “ΔΗΜΑΡΧΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΝΗΣΟΥ ΚΕΑΣ”. Very ne and rare.
5250 Cover from “ΚΟΥΜΗ” (type I), via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*23.ΝΟΕΜ.1840”, arr. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*23. ΝΟΕΜ.1840”. Postage indication “40” and label “ΛΕΠΤΑ 40”. e purpose of this label was to nd out resources for Cretan refuges in Greece. Signed O.Vlastos. Extremely rare.
Entire letter canc. “ΚΟΥΜΗ” (type I) and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ”, transit postmarks “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*24.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1842” and “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*24.ΙΟΥΝ.1842”, arr. “ΣΥΡΑ*27.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1842”. Postage paid “45+45/90” (lepta). Rare.
Entire letter canc. “ΚΥΛΛΗΝΗ” (type I) linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*26. ΙΑΝΟΥ.1844”. Postage paid “50+50=100” (lepta).
5253 Entire letter canc. “ΚΥΝΑΙΘΑ” (type I- superb strike), arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*12.ΙΟΥΝ.1837”. Postage paid “20” (lepta). EL50€
5254 Entire letter canc. “ΚΥΠΑΡΙΣΣΙΑ” (type I), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*6.ΜΑΡΤΙ.1848”. Postage paid “60” (lepta). EL12€
5255 Cover canc. “ΛΑΜΙΑ” (type I), arr. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1836”. Very ne and rare. C150€
5256 Entire letter canc. “ΛΑΡΙΣΣΑ” (type I), via “ΛΑΜΙΑ*2.ΦΕΒΡΟΥ.1850”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6. ΦΕΥΡ.1850”. Postage “50” (lepta) as due on arrival. Scarce. EL140€
5259 Entire letter written “εν Νάξω την 2 Ιουνίου 1855” sent by a forwarding agent from “ΣΥΡΟΣ*4.ΙΟΥΝ.1855”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1855”, arr. “ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ” (type I). Linear “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red in Syros, the letter was carried by an Austrian steamer (weekly itenerary). Very ne.
Entire letter canc. “ΜΕΓΑΡΑ” (type I), arr. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8. ΟΚΤΟΒ.1836”. Postage paid “10” (lepta). Fine and scarce.
5261 Entire letter written “11 Ιουν 1847”, canc. “ΜΗΛΟΣ” (type I) and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (Registered), arr. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ”. Postage paid “15+15/(30)” (lepta).
5262 Entire letter canc. “ΜΗΛΟΣ” (type I) “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red (the letter was carried by Austrian streamer), via “ΣΥΡΟΣ...” and “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8.ΟΚΤ.1856” in blue to Aeghion. Very ne and rare.
5263 Entire letter canc. “ΣΥΡΑ*20.ΙΑΝΟΥ.1843”, arr. “ΜΥΚΩΝΟΣ” (type I). Administrative cachet “ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ
5264 Cover canc. “ΝΑΖΗΡΙ” (type I with laurel, superb strike), linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (Registered), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6.ΟΚΤΟΜ.1843”. Postage paid “45+45=90” (lepta). Receivers name deleted. C100€
5265 Entire letter canc. “ΝΑΥΠΑΚΤΟΣ” (type I), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*1.ΦΕΒΡΟ.1845”. Very ne and scarce. EL150€
5266 Cover canc.
(type I), via
5267 Cover canc. “ΞΗΡΟΧΩΡΙΟΝ” (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*14.ΣΕΠ....”. Postage paid “30” (lepta). C60€
Entire letter canc. “ΟΙΤΥΛΟΝ” (type I), arr. “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*9. ΜΑΙΟΣ.1836”. Very ne and rare. EL250€
5269 O cial mail, entire letter with cachet “ΔΗΜΑΡΧΙΑ ΝΑΟΥΣΗΣ” written “8. Μαρτίου 1837”, canc. “ΠΑΡΟΣ” (type I) to Naxos. Rare. EL150€
5270 Entire letter canc. “ΠΑΡΑΣΣΙΑ” (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*30.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1844”. Postage paid “30” (lepta). EL80€
5271 Entire letter canc. “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ.” (type I), transit “ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ
“ΣΥΡΑ*21.ΣΕΠΤΕ.1836”. Postage paid “30” (lepta). Very ne.
5272 O cial mail, entire letter with cachet
1839”, canc. “ΠΕΤΑΛΙΔΙ” in green (type I) to Athens. Very rare.
5275 Entire letter written “την 20 7βρίου 1834 εν Σερίφω”, administrative cachet “ΔΗΜΟΣ ΣΕΡΙΦΟΥ” and canc. “ΣΕΡΙΦΟΣ” (type I) addressed to Prefecture of Cyclades, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*6.ΟΚΤΟΒ.1834”. Oval cachet on arrival “ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑ ΚΥΚΛΑΔΩΝ/ελήφ. την 6.βρίου.1834”. Very ne and scarce.
5276 Entire letter canc. “ΣΙΦΝΟΣ” in green (type I) and administrative “ΔΗΜΑΡΧΙΑ ΣΙΦΝΟΥ” to Milos island.
5277 Entire letter canc. “ΣΚΙΑΘΟΣ” (type I) boxed “ΔΠ”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*21.ΜΑΡΤ.1851”, arr. “TRIEST*10.APR.1851”. Postage paid “60+40/100” (lepta). Fine and scarce. EL120€
5278 Entire letter canc. “ΣΚΟΠΕΛΟΣ” (type I), arr. “ΧΑΛΚΙΣ*?.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1847”. Postage paid “30” (lepta). Scarce. EL150€
5279 Entire letter canc. “ΣΠΑΡΤΗ” (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1841”. EL10€
5280 Entire letter canc. “ΣΠΕΤΣΑΙ” (type I), via “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*10.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1850”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*10. ΙΟΥΝ.1850”. EL90€
5281 O cial entire letter inscribed “Κατεπείγον” (urgent), canc. “ΤΗΝΟΣ” (type I) addressed to “Πρός την εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει Ελληνικήν Πρεσβείαν”, via “ΣΥΡΑ*18.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1844”, arr. “CONSTANTINOPLE (TURQUIE)*4.AVRIL.1844” (French P.O.). Administrative cachet “ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΤΗΝΟΥ”. Fine and scarce. EL100€
5282 Cover with 3-line cachet “Ο ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΥΣ ΕΠΙ ΤΩΝ ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΩΝ”, canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*27. ΣΕΜΠΤ.1843” in blue and 2-line “ΕΠΙ ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΕΙ”, addressed to “υποστράτηγον Βάσσον Μαυροβουνιώτην”, arr. “ΛΑΜΙΑ*29.ΣΕΠΤΕ.1843”. Very ne and scarce.
5283 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*10.ΑΥΓΟΥ.1844” and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (Registered), via “ΛΑΜΙΑ*12.ΑΥΓ.1844” to Stylis. Oval cachet “ΕΛΥΘΕΡΟΝ ΤΕΛΟΥΣ” (Postage free). Addressed to “Γραμματεύς Στρατιωτικών” (Minister of Military a airs), name deleted. Rare.
5284 Entire letter (a part is missing but text is complete) canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8.ΟΚΤΟΜ.1845” 3-line cachet “Γεν.Διεύθυνσις των Ταχυδρομείων” and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (Registered) to Chalkis. Rare.
(Minister of internal
Koundouriotis Government) addressed to P.Notaras. A small part is missing and le holes. Still ne and a rare document of Greek modern political history.
5287 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*22.ΝΟΕΜ.1848” (type ΙΙ) in blue, 3-line cachet “ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΤΗΣ/ΤΩΝ Β/ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΩΝ”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*24.ΝΟΕΜΒ.1848”. Very rare.
5288 Cover canc. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*11.ΑΥΓ.1849” and 2-line cachet “ΕΠΙ ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΕΙ”, addessed to “Εθνική Τράπεζα”, arr. “ΑΙΓΙΟΝ*13.ΑΥΓ.1849”.
5289 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8.ΝΟΕΜ.1849” to Aeghion. 2-line cachet “ΕΠΙ ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΕΙ”, addressed to “Εθνική Τράπεζα”. EL70€
5290 Cover canc. “ΑΙΓΙΟΝ*5.ΟΚΤΩΒ.1843” and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6. ΟΚΤΟΜ.1843”. Postage paid “45+45=90” (lepta). Receivers name deleted. C40€
Postage paid
5292 Entire
Postage paid “50” (lepta). Fine and scarce.
5293 Entire letter canc.
Postage paid “20” (lepta). Rare.
II), arr.
5294 Entire letter canc. “ΑΤΑΛΑΝΤΗ*7.ΦΕΥΡ.1852” in blue, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*9.ΦΕΥ.1852”. Postage paid “50” (lepta). Very ne. EL18€
5295 Entire letter canc. “ΒΟΝΙΤΖΑ*10.ΙΟΥΛΙ.1852”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16.ΙΟΥΛ.1852”. Postage paid “80” (lepta). Very ne. EL30€
5296 Entire letter canc. “ΓΑΛΑΞΕΙΔΙΟΝ*28.ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡ.1856” in blue, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*31. ΙΑΝΟΥ.1856”. EL40€
5297 Entire letter canc. “ΔΗΜΗΤΖΑΝΑ*18.ΝΟΕΜ.1859”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*21.ΝΟΕΜ.59”. Postage paid “40” (lepta). EL40€
5298 Entire letter canc. “ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ*11.ΑΥΓ.1859”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*7.ΑΥΓ.59”. Postage “10” (lepta) as due on arrival.
5299 Entire letter canc. “ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*29.ΜΑΡΤ.1851” in red and boxed “ΠΕΔ” in black, arr. cancellations “ΣΥΡΟΣ*2.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1851” and “ΣΥΡΟΣ*5.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1851”. On reverse “100” (lepta) for postage paid.
5300 Entire letter written “εν Θήβαι την 14 Ιουλίου 1850”, canc. “ΘΗΒΑΙ*14.ΙΟΥΛ.1850” (type II), via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.ΙΟΥΛ.1850”, arr. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*15.ΙΟΥΛ.1850”. On reverse prepaid postage “10” (lepta). “ΘΗΒΑΙ” type II postmark, ONLY TWO KNOWN. Very ne. An item of the greatest rarity.
5301 Entire letter canc. “ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ*4.ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡ.1853” (Type II), via “ΑΜΦΙΛ.ΑΡΓΟΣ” (type I), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11.ΙΑΝΟΥ.1853”. Postage paid “60” (lepta). Very ne and very rare. EL500€
5302 Entire letter canc. “ΚΑΛΑΒΡΥΤΑ*31.ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ.1858” (Type II), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*?.ΑΠΡ.58”. Postage paid “10” (lepta).
Entire letter canc. “ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*15.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1854” and boxed “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*16.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1854”, postage “30” (lepta). Cachet “Π.Ε.Δ.” was used for postage to be paid to foreign post o ces or/and maritime companies. is letter was carried by Austrian steamer (weekly itenerary Piraues - Syros).
Cover written “Sparta 3 giugno 1839” and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ”, arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*6. ΙΟΥΝΙ.1839”. Postage paid “30+30/60”.
5316 Entire letter canc. “ΥΔΡΑ*18.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1859” (type II), linear “Π.Ε.Δ.”, via “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*19. ΜΑΙ.1859”, arr. “TRIEST*22/6”. On reverse “15/3” (kreuzer) for Looyd and Austrian inland fees. Very ne and rare.
30 1861”, just one day before the introduction of the stamp into the Greek postal system. Postmark “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*30..” (type III), rest of the postmark stroke on the wrapper which did not survive.
5318 Entire letter canc. “ΑΛΙΒΕΡΙΟΝ*23.ΣΕΠΤ.57”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*25.ΣΕΠΤ.57”, both type III. Postage paid “20” (lepta). Very ne.
5319 Entire letter canc. “ΑΛΣΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*26.ΙΟΥΛ.60” in blue (type III), “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red, via “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*1.ΑΥΓ.60”, arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*1.ΑΥΓ.60”. Postage paid “165” (lepta). Folded in middle but still ne and rare.
Entire letter canc. “ΑΜΦ.ΑΡΓΟΣ*11.ΜΑΡΤ.60” (type III), linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (registered), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*14.ΜΑΡΤ.60”. Fine and scarce.
Entire letter canc. “ΑΝΔ.(ΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ)*11.ΙΟΥΝ.60”, “Π.Ε.Δ.” and “PD” in red, via “ΣΥΡΟΣ*12.ΙΟΥΝ.60” to France. Prepaid postage “122” (lepta). Very ne.
5324 Cover canc. “ΔΗΜΗΤΣΑΝΑ*24.ΙΟΥΛ.61” and boxed municipal post canc. “ΔΤ122” (Καλτεζιές - Τρίπολίς) to Tripolis. Very ne and scarce.
Entire letter canc. “ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*30.ΑΠΡ.58” and boxed “Π.Ε.Δ.” in red, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*4.ΜΑΙΟΣ.58”. On back side written “40” (lepta) for postage paid. Very ne.
5326 Entire letter canc. “ΘΗΡΑ*1.ΜΑΡΤ.58” (type III) in greenish blue, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*2. ΜΑΡΤ.58” (type III). Very ne and rare.
Entire letter
all in blue type III. Postage paid “120” (lepta). Very ne and extremely rare.
Entire letter written “την 3 οκτοβρίου 1858, βραίλαν”, canc. “ΙΒΡΑΙΛΑ (ΒΛΑΧΙΑ)*4. ΟΚΤ.58” in blue (type III) at departure, via “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ*13.ΟΚΤ.58”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*15. ΟΚΤ.58”. Postage “130” (lepta) as due on arrival. Very ne and very rare. EL1000€
5329 Entire letter canc. “ΚΑΛΑΒΡΥΤΑ*19.ΙΟΥΝ.58” (Type III), arr. “ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ*23.ΙΟΥΝ.58”. EL35€
Entire letter canc. “ΚΑΡΠΕΝΗΣΙΟΝ*24.ΦΕΒΡ.61” in blue, via “ΝΑΥΠΑΚΤΟΣ*26.ΦΕΒΡ.61”, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*2.ΜΑΡΤ.61”. (all type III). Postage paid “30” (lepta). Very ne.
5331 Entire letter canc. “ΛΕΩΝΙΔΙΟΝ*29.ΑΥΓ.59”, arr. “ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ*30.ΑΥΓ.59”, both in green, type III. EL40€
5333 Entire letter canc. “ΜΗΛΟΣ*9.ΜΑΡΤ.61” in blue (type III) and linear “Π.Ε.Δ.” (the letter was carried by Austrian ship), arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*?.ΜΑΡΤ.61”. Postage paid “10” (lepta). Very ne and very rare.
5334 Entire letter canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*7.ΙΟΥΛ.58” and linear “ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ” (registered), via “ΣΥΡΟΣ*9.ΙΟΥΛ.58”, arr. “ΝΑΞΟΣ*24.ΙΟΥΛ.58” (type III). Folded in middle, still ne and scarce.
5335 Entire letter canc. “ΝΑΥΠΑΚΤΟΣ*18.ΙΟΥΝ.61” (inverted month), arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*19. ΙΟΥΝ.61”. (all type III). Postage paid “10” (lepta). Very ne.
5338 Entire letter canc. “ΣΚΥΡΟΣ*30.ΙΟΥΝ.59” (type III), arr. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*4.ΙΟΥΛ.59”. Postage paid “30” (lepta). Scarce.
5339 17.12.1857. EL from Kos (Turkey) by private means to Smyrna, handed over to the forwarding agent G. Foscolos who forwarded it to the Greek Post O ce & from there by Austrian Lloyd to Syros. Depart. “ΣΜΥΡΝΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*4.ΙΑΝ.58” plus “Π.Ε.Δ.” (Foreign Fee Paid), arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*5.ΙΑΝ.58”. Pre-paid fee marking on back, manuscript “100” (lepta, Smyrna-Syros = 90l. for a letter up to 10g., Greek inland fee = 10l. for a letter up to 15g.). Very rare.
5340 Entire letter canc. “ΣΠΕΤΣΑΙ*18.ΑΠΡ.60” (type III), arr. “ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*19.ΑΠΡ.60”.Prepaid postage “40” (lepta).
5341 Entire letter written “Σύρος 7βρίου 30 1861”, canc. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*30.ΣΕΠΤ.61” to Gytheion, THIS IS THE LAST DAY BEFORE THE OFFICIAL INTRODUCTION OF THE STAMP IN GREEK POSTAL SYSTEM. Transit “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*1.ΟΚΤ.61”, arr. “ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ*5.ΟΚΤ.61”. Red “Π.Ε.Δ.” indicates that the letter was carried by Austrian ship. On reverse “15” for the ship fee. No other postage marking, neither a postage stamp was a xed. A very rare and important postal history document.
5342 Entire letter canc. “ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΣ*4.ΙΟΥΛ.1857”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 1857*6 ΙΟΥΛ.” (Ra opoulos Σ24) in blue, arr. “ΣΥΡΟΣ*7.ΙΟΥΛ.57. Very ne.
5343 Entire letter canc. “ΦΙΛΙΑΤΡΑ*9.ΙΟΥΛ.61” (type III) in blue, arr. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*2.ΑΥΓ.61”. Very ne and rare. EL300€
5344 Cover canc. “ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ*29.ΣΕΠΤΕΜ.1861” (two days before the circulation of the Greek stamps) to Athens. Handwritten “50”, according to article “95/ Sep 15, 1861”, fr. on arrival with 10l+40l Paris issue stamps tied by “1” Athens cds and canc. “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2.ΟΚΤ.61” (2nd day of issue). Receivers name erased and a hole due to wax seal removal, still ne and very rare. An important cover connecting the pre-adhesive period with the stamps
5345 Unpaid cover canc. “ΑΛΣΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*30.ΣΕΠΤ.61” (type III) to Athens. is is the last day before the o cial introduction of the stamps in the Greek postal system. According to article 95/Sep 15-1861, letters in the P.O.s in Sep 30 1861 upon payment of the postage in cash, would have a stamp a xed equal to the postage paid. Taxed on arrival with 80l. Paris issue stamp tied by Athens cds. Arrival postmark “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*9. ΟΚΤ.61”. A rare usage of Alexandria pre-adhesive postmark on a very important cover connecting pre-adhesive era with the stamp period. Cover and stamp very ne.
5346 Unpaid cover written “Αρτα 5 Οκτωβρίου 61” canc. “ΑΡΤΗ” (type I) to Patras. Taxed on arrival with a pair of 40l Paris issue stamp tied by “9” Patras cds. Arrival postmark “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*12.ΟΚΤ.61” and transit “ΑΜΦ.ΑΡΓΟΣ*9.ΟΚΤ.61” in blue. Very ne and rare. C400€
5347 Entire letter fr. with 2x10l Paris issue stamps tied by “2” Piraeus lozenge cds and canc. pre-adhesive “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*28.ΝΟΕ.1861”, arr. “ΧΑΛΚΙΣ*30.ΝΟΕΜ.61”. Fine and very rare. EL600€
5348 Prepaid entire letter fr. with 40l+10l Paris issue stamps tied by “2” Piraeus cds and canc. pre-adhesive “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*30.ΝΟΕ.1861” to Taganrog. 50 lepta postage paid to Constantinopolis.
5349 Entire letter fr. with 20l Paris print (Hellas 5b) tied by “9” Patras cds, canc. “ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*21. ΔΕΚΕ.61”, via “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*24.ΔΕΚΕ.61”, arr. pre-adhesive “ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*24.ΔΕΚ.1861”. Very ne and rare. (Hellas 5b).
to Athens. Endorsed “Col Vapore Lloyd Austriaco”, fr. on arrival with 10l. orange with yellowish wash and 40l mauve on blue, both provisional Athens printings, tied by “1” Athens cds. Arrival postmark “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*23.ΙΟΥΛ.62”. (Hellas 12IIa+14IIa).
Unpaid entire letter canc.
5351 Unpaid entire letter canc.
to Athens, fr. on arrival with 10l. orange 40l mauve on blue, provisional and Athens consecutive printings, tied by “1” Athens cds. Arrival postmark “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17.ΔΕΚΕ.62”. (Hellas 12IIa+20Ib).