information and digital citizenship
Outcomes to be assessed
Weight: 25%
A student:
Time allowed: 7 weeks
Part one
Due date: 13rd Sept Term3 Week 8
5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving
Group: Pairs or individual Focus:
processes when creating solutions 5.2.3 critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions
Web site critiquing Collaborative activities Evaluation process Web 2.0 tool manipulation Digital communication
5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems 5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner Part two 5.3.1 justifies responsible practices and ethical use of information and software technology 5.5.1 applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks 5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience
Introduction With information only the touch of a button away, schools have harnessed the information superhighway to give school communities a wide range of information about the services they provide, through such mediums as web sites. This project involves addressing the challenge faced by schools in maintaining a positive profile for their school community through the use of resident inspired web sites. Your brief is to select and review a school web site and document exclusions and additions that you would make. The brief has been broken into two main parts: Part one: Design/Production Critique the design taking all aspects into consideration. You will need to give specific evidence to support your design critique. Present this as a report to be given to the schools board or parent body. Critique the workability of the web site in point form Part two: Evaluation This is your report with all recommendations supported suitably to be presented to the school board or parent body. Requirements for assessment In order to undertake this task you will need to:
Carefully consider schools and their needs manage the time you have been allocated efficiently.
To be submitted for assessment purposes: Part one: Design 1. 2.
Critique of the design identify the six elements of design listing them with your responses to them Critique the web site as a fully working web site that meets the following requirements: contains a minimum of six pages, including introduction page has utilised correct naming conventions features well organised web folders all links are active (they work!) navigation buttons are clear, easily recognisable and efficient digital media elements fit the nature of design displays imagination and continuity of design Assess features necessary on a school website Evaluate your specific website as to how it meets these criteria Make recommendations of areas that your selected website could be improved on (This will be displayed on your presentation)
P art two: Production Preparation of presentation for board or parent body
attach visual evidence to your report supporting your critique (this will be on your visual presentation for the board or parent body) Present this is as presentation to be given to the board or parent body using either Prezi or Animoto any handout support material is to be written and presented in professional manner. The evaluation: identifies student name, group has a sample of people who have evaluated your presentation ( 5 at least) is comprehensively completed and shows authentic reflective processes about both the Part one and Part two of the Assessment 5 has a clear conclusion or recommendations
Web development: Guidelines for marking and feedback Student name:
Part one: Design 5.2.1 5.2.3
The student describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions. visual evidence to your report supporting your critique. Present this is a report to be given to the Parkes Shire Council this can be in a written professional folder or it may be a digital presentation. list details of information sources you may have referred to support your responses The student critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions.
Web site
identify the six elements of design listing them with your responses to them
/3 /6 /3 /3
Part two: Production 5.2.2
The student designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems. Web site Contains a minimum of six pages, including introduction page. Has utilised correct naming conventions. Web folders are well organised. All links are active (they work!). Navigation buttons are clear, easily recognisable and efficient. Digital media elements fit the nature of design. Displays imagination and continuity of design. 5.3.2 The student acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner. 5.3.1
Correctly acknowledges data selected from other sources.
/1 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2
Evaluation Identifying student name, group.
Comprehensively completed showing authentic reflective processes.
Clear conclusion noting degree to which project was successful. 5.5.1 The student applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks.
/3 /3
Evidence of shared work load in report presentations and critique style 5.5.2 The student communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience
Recommendations are clearly articulated and suitable for presentation to a school or parent body. Teacher comment
Evaluation total
Project total
/15 /45
Assessment criteria
Level of achievement
19-20 A (Excellent)
Examine most features of design required in the web site Concisely analyse the effectiveness of the web site to convey its message
12-13 (satisfactory)
Examine all features of design required in the web site Strong analyse the effectiveness of the web site to convey its message
14-16 (Substantial)
Thoroughly examine all features of design required in the web site Critically analyse the effectiveness of the web site to convey its message
17-18 (High)
A student in this stage will:
Examine some features of design required in the web site Satisfactorily analyse the effectiveness of the web site to convey its message
10-11 E
Examine a few features of design required in the web site Some analyse of the effectiveness of
(Elementary) the web site to convey its message 0-9 N
Very few features of design examined in the web site Unable to analyse the effectiveness of
(Unsatisfactory) the web site to convey its message