idc@pcs Program 2011

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idc@pcs 2011 PROGRAM Constructed by Andrea Lovell Teacher Librarian January 2011

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CONTENTS Rationale………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Program Aims……………………..…………………………………………………. ..4 Program Objectives…..……………………………………………………….….. …5 Organisation of Content……………………………………………………………6 Outcomes………………………………………………………………………………….7 Key Domains & Themes…………………………………………………………….9 Scope & Sequence & course outline.……………………………….………. 11 Program Contents Term 1…………………………………………………..…..14 Term 2………………………………………………….……18 Term 3….…………………………………………………….22 Term 4….……………………………………………….……26 Assessments & Projects……………………………………………………..……..29 Assessment 1…………………………………………………………………….….…..34 Assessment 2 & Project 1………………………………………………………….44 Assessment 3& Project 2.…………………………………………..……………..50 Assessment 4 & Project 3………………………………………………………….53 Assessment 5 ……………………………………………………………………………58 Exams………………………………………………………….…………………………....63 Project 4…………………………………………………..……………………………..… 69 January 2011

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Rationale This Program has been compiled based on the parameters set by the Board of Studies NSW in its K-10 Curriculum Framework as well as the material available on Digital Citizenship and Information and Library Services. Today as “Global Citizens” students need to be well equipped to handle competently and responsibly the technology available. Students are required to be able to take existing knowledge and apply it to rapidly changing technologies and this requires students to be equipped for a process of lifelong learning and to be capable of actively manipulating digital media. This course combines elements of the Digital Citizenship, Information Technology and Library Information Courses and is designed to facilitate students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to solve a range of problems presented in real life contexts. To achieve this, a range of techniques will be used incorporating creativity, collaboration & communication. ”Students will engage in the processes of analysing, designing, producing, testing, documenting, implementing and evaluating information and software technology-based solutions. In addition creative, critical and meta-cognitive thinking skills will be developed through students’ practical involvement in projects”. (Information and Software Technologies Syllabus 2003 Board of Studies New South Wales). This program will build on the prior knowledge of students and skills and aims to enhance students in Years 9 – 10 in their skills in the 3 key areas of Digital Literacy – ICT literacy, INFORMATION literacy and CRITICAL THINKING literacy. An integral part of this program will be the development of a high level of student interest, enjoyment and critical reflection. This is being presented within a Christian Schooling framework and as such the ability to use the skills learnt to contribute to the Christian community and the community at large is very important. It is also essential that students have an understanding of the ethical and positive contribution that technology can play in supporting their spiritual growth.

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Aim: To incorporate the Digital Literacy’s below in the Information and Software Technology Course to equip students for collaborative learning in the 21



DIGITAL LITERACY • e-safety • Functional skills • Creativity • Collaboration • Effective communication • Cultural & social understanding

INFORMATION LITERACY • Defining • Locating • Selecting • Processing and Organsing • Creating and Sharing • Evaluation Strategies

CRITICAL THINKING LITERACY • Questioing • Problem Identification • Problem Solving Skills • Reflective Thinking This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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Objectives It is essential that the objectives set by the Board of Studies NSW syllabus document be the basis of this program in partnership with the Christian ethos of Parkes Christian School. They are as follows:Knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes Students will develop: 1. Knowledge and understanding of a range of computer software 2. Problem-solving and critical thinking skills in order to design and develop creative information and software technology solutions for a variety of real-world problems 3. Responsible and ethical attitudes related to the use of information and software technology 4. Knowledge and understanding of the effects of past, current and emerging information and software technologies on the individual and society 5. Effective communication skills and collaborative work practices leading to information and software technology solutions for specific problems 6. Understanding of the use of technology to further the spread of the Gospel

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Organisation of Content This is a 100 hour course offered for 2 years incorporating Years 9 and 10 being taught concurrently. Using the three options, four selected projects will be constructed each year within which the core contents will be integrated. CORE CONTENT


Design, Produce and Evaluate Data Handling Hardware Issues Past, Current and Emerging Technologies

Authoring & Multimedia Digital Media Internet & Website Development Issues

People Software January 2011

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Outcomes Objectives Students will develop: 1.

knowledge and understanding of a range of computer software and hardware


problem-solving and critical thinking skills in order to design and develop creative information and software technology solutions for a variety of real-world problems


responsible and ethical attitude related to the use of information and software technology


knowledge and understanding of the effects of past, current and emerging information and software technologies on the individual and society effective communication skills and collaborative work practices leading to information and software technology solutions for specific problems


Stage 4 Outcomes A student:

Stage 5 Outcomes A student:

4.1.1 recognises and uses software programs that are suitable for specific tasks 4.1.2 identifies and demonstrates appropriate use of a range of hardware 4.2.1 identifies and uses problem-solving processes when creating solutions 4.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of problems 4.2.3 justifies decisions made when creating information and software technology solutions 4.3.1 uses ethical practices when dealing with information and software technology 4.3.2 describes ethical practices used when dealing with data and information 5.4.1 analyses the effects of past, current and emerging information and software technologies on the individual and society

5.1.1 selects and justifies the application of appropriate software programs to a range of tasks 5.1.2 selects, maintains and appropriately uses hardware for a range of tasks 5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions 5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems 5.2.3 critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions 5.3.1 justifies responsible practices and ethical use of information and software technology 5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner 5.4.1 analyses the effects of past, current and emerging information and software technologies on the individual and society

4.5.1 identifies the benefits of collaborative work practices when completing a task 4.5.2 documents ideas and solutions for targeted audiences 4.5.3 identifies key roles and responsibilities of people in the field of information and software technology

5.5.1 applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks 5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience 5.5.3 describes and compares key roles and responsibilities of people in the field of information and software technology

Stage 4 outcomes have been provided to assist the assessment and reporting of student achievement in those schools that choose to begin elective study before Year 9. Teachers are advised to select from the syllabus content to target the specific needs of students who commence study in Stage 4.

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Term Term Term Term Asses 1 2 3 4 1

Asses Asses Asses Asses Yearly Project 2 3 4/ 5/ Exam 4 Project Half- Project Project 1 Yearly 2 3 Exam

5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4.1 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3

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Domain 1

Information Technology

Domain 2

Information Management

Domain 3 Web 2.0 Tools Weebly Blogs

Hardware Software Computer Language Develop Info systems Information Representation Networks Internet

Information Literacy Process Web Searching Skills Referencing Skills

Glogster Popplet Issuu Question Form


Survey Monkey

Note Taking Skills


File Management


Website Authority


Critical Thinking Skills

Animoto Creative Commons

January 2011

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idc@pcs SCOPE AND SEQUENCE & COURSE OUTLINE PARKES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Information & Digital Citizenship All class notes are placed on the idc@pcs blog at which allows for all students to have access to material 24/7. Assessments, projects and exams are all accessed via – Secondary School – idc@pcs. Also available at this site is a large volume of support material at Home – Information Literacy.

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Information & Digital Citizenship idc@pcs Years 9 & 10 (Stage 4) Scope and Sequence 2011 WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

John1:3 things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.

WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CORE CONTENT – Authoring & Multimedia

ASSESSMENT &PROJECT WORK – Authoring & Multimedia

Digital Citizenship – Relationships, Health and Wellbeing 5.3.1, 5.3.2


Information Management – Selecting, Organising, Referencing Skills, Website authority Critical Thinking Skills 5.2.2, 5.2.3

5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.2, 5.5.2

Information Technology – Computer Language, Develop Info Systems 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.4.1

5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.2.1, 5.3.2, 5.4.1, 5.3.1

WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

CORE CONTENT – Digital Media


Digital Citizenship – Digital Law, Digital Financial Literacy 5.3.1, 5.3.2

Presenting Information – Prezi, Animoto

Information Management – Presenting, Assessing File Management 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3

5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.3.1

CORE CONTENT – Internet & web development

ASSESSMENT & PROJECT WORK -Internet & web development

Digital Citizenship – digital conduct, digital footprint 5.3.1, 5.3.2

Website design – criteria, elements 5.3.2,5.2.3

Information Management– Defining, Locating (web searching skills), Referencing Skills, Critical Thinking Skills 5.2.2, 5.2.3

Website construction – using Weebly, Creative Commons License 5.5.2 ,5.3.1, 5.3.2,5.2.2

Information Technology – Hardware, Software

5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.4.1

Presenting Information – Glogster, Voicethread

Information Technology – Information Representation, Networks 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.4.1

WEEK CORE CONTENT - Issues 1 2 Digital Citizenship – Cyberbullying, cyber safety 5.3.1, 5.3.2 3 4 Information Management - Delicious account 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3 5 6 Information Technology – Internet 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.4.1 7 8 weekly9class organisation 10

ASSESSMENT & PROJECT WORK - Issues Presenting Information –Popplet, Smilebox 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3, 5.2.2, 5.1.1, 5.3.2

Information & Digital Citizenship idc@pcs Years 9 & 10 (Stage 4)


Outline of

5.2.1, 5.2.2

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Week 1


P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

Term 2 P 1 Digital Relationships P 2 Selecting P 3 Computer Language P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments


P 1 Digital Conduct P 2 Defining P 3 Hardware P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

P 1 Digital Relationships P 2 Organising P 3 Computer Language P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

P 1 Digital Law P 2 Presenting P 3 Information Representation P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

P 1 Digital Conduct P 2 Locating P 3 Hardware P 1 & 2 Project & Assignments

P 1 Digital Health & Wellbeing P 2 Creative Commons P 3 Develop Info Systems P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments Exam Preparation P 1 Digital Health & Wellbeing P 2 Website Authority P 3 Develop Info Systems Mid- Year Exams

P 1 Digital Financial Literacy P 2 Assessing P 3 Networks P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

P 1 Digital Health & Wellbeing P 2 Critical Thinking Skills P 3 Tie together Yr 10 away on Mission Trip P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments Yr 10 away on Mission Trip

P 1 Work on Assessments/Yr 10 Trial Exams P 2 File Management P 3 Networks



6 7


Term 1 Orientation Yr 9/10

P 1 Digital Footprint P Referencing P 3 Software P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments


P 1 Digital Footprint P 2 Critical Thinking Skills P 3 Software


Completion of any work outstanding

January 2011

Term 3 P 1 Digital Law P 2 Presenting P 3 Information Representation P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

P 1 Digital Financial Literacy P 2 Assessing P 3 Networks P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

Term 4 P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

P 1 Cyber bullying P 2 Delicious Account P 3 Internet P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

P 1 Cyber Safety P 2 Preparation for Exam P 3 Preparation for Exam P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments / Yr 10 School Certificate(Yr 10 absent) Yr 7-9 Yearly Exams P 1 & 2 Project & Assessments

P 1 Project Fun P 2 Project Fun P 3 Project Fun P 1 & 2 Project Fun

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idc@pcs Stage 5 Information & Digital Citizenship Term 1: Internet & Web Development: Digital Citizenship –digital conduct, digital footprint Information Management- defining , locating, referencing, critical thinking Digital Technology – Hardware, software

Project 1 -Title: Personal Website 2 Assessments - Title 1:Website Analysis, Title 2: Website Construction Duration: 10 weeks Sequence: Term 1 2011 Core Outcomes Core Overview Internet & Web Development

5.3.1,5.3.2,5.2.2,5.2.3,5.1.1,5.1.2,5.4.1 Digital Citizenship – Supersecrecy, Digital Limits Information Management – Defining, Locating (Web searching skills), referencing skills, critical thinking sills Information Technology – Hardware, Software

THEORY – CORE CONTENT Students learn about: Students learn to: Week 1 – Orientation 9/10 Subject Overview School Website File Management Referencing Plagiarism Information Literacy Process Assessing Website Authority

Cyber Safety Critical Thinking Skills Week 2

Assessment 1 Outcomes Aseessment 1 Overview Assessment 2/Project 1 Outcomes

5.3.2, 5.2.3 Analyse key design features that make excellent websites 5.5.2,5.3.1, 5.3.2 5.2.2

Assessment 2/Project 1Overview Create and publish a personal web site using weebly PRACTICAL – ASSESSMENTS/PROJECTS Completed Students learn about: Students learn to: Completed

Unpack Information Package Use resources on website Set up email files/subfolders Open account for Bibme & practice using Use note taking tool Complete research using ILP Complete evaluation of the authority of a range of given websites Online Cyber Safety activity Exercise on applying CTS Assessment 1 – structure content presentation reflective thinking ie self assessment


January 2011

Go to website & retrieve information on assessment Do a modelled exercise on evaluating websites Students select website to evaluate Start to do evaluation

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Students learn about: Week 3 Digital Conduct i. Responsibilities and rights in an online world ii. The concepts of ethical, responsible and respectful online use. iii. Positive online conduct and codes of practice Defining How to identify what they are being asked

Hardware 1.Peripheral Devices 2.Computer Logic

Students learn to:


Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Students introduced to Weebly as a website tool How to manipulate Weebly for the creation of a personal website Assessment 2/Project 1

Register and create their own Weebly account Start to create their own personal website as a platform for their web 2.0 tools and assessment work to be stored and displayed



enhance interpersonal relationships to act on a new collective responsibility: the values of a good digital citizen, how to be a good digital citizen Use the website complete the activities Supersecrecy -

Clarifying the task /question Assess what they know already and what they need to find out. Use strategies to clarify what they are being asked use Use work sheet from Becta to evaluate this section Use the information grid at Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Week 4

Week 5 Digital Conduct v. How to deal with inappropriate advertising and pop-ups vi. What to do when seeing things you wish you hadn’t vii. How to report online security concerns

January 2011


To shape online environments that are communities Help to shape these communities Use the website complete the activities to reinforce the 5 learning outcome above explore Digital Limits

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Students learn about: Locating Sorting out what hard copy is available and from where What online resources, which search engines to use Where to store information & referencing for retrieval Issues relating to copyright and plagiarism Hardware Processor Memory Range of Computers Generations of computers

Students learn to: Use futurelab online tools for information gathering Use a range of suggested search engines eg “sweet search� Use information grid to go through the process at

Software Systems Software Word Processors Spreadsheets

January 2011

Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Further factors to consider when designing websites More tools available to use on weebly for website design optimisation

Continue to construct their personal website


Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Week 6

Week 7 viii. Recognising inappropriate or suspicious behaviour on line and know how to report it. ix. Protecting internet connected computers, privacy and safe practices when sharing information online. Referencing Formatting protocols Why we need to reference


Use the website complete the activities related to digital limits


Use 2 different types of referencing tools Identify formatting flaws and to correct when using online referencing tools Continue to use the information grid at Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

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Students learn about:

Students learn to:


Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Finalisation of Assessment and presentation expections

Prepare their assessment, check and complete all elements and present


Week 8

Week 9 Use the website complete the activities Critical Thinking Skills Analyse what CTS is How to implement simple CTS techniques

Software Data Bases Desktop Publishing

Week 10 Consolidation of information

January 2011


Look up definitions of CTS Discuss and formalise an explanation of CTS Do an exercise of putting into action CTS skills in getting more out of their work than normally Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete Catch-up on information or activities not completed

Present to colleagues their personal websites

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idc@pcs Stage 5 Information & Digital Citizenship Term 2: Digital Citizenship –going places, leaving footprints Information Management- selecting, organising, creative commons, website authority, critical thinking Information Technology: Computer language, develop Information systems Project 2 -Title: Authoring & Media Ethically 2 Assessments - Title : Mid-Year Exam, Title 2: Internet Issues- web authority Duration: 10 weeks Sequence: Term 2 2011 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.4.1 Assessment 3 Outcomes 5.2.1,5.2.2,5.3.2,5.5.2 Digital Citizenship – digital relationships, digital Aseessment 3 Overview Mid – Year Exam – Website Construction Review health & wellbeing Information Management –selecting, organising, Assessment 4/Project 2 Outcomes 5.3.1,5.4.1,5.3.2,5.5.1,5.5.2,5.2.1 creative commons, website authority, critical thinking skills Information Technology – computer language, Assessment 4/Project 2 Overview Internet Issues – website authority/Using Web 2.0 tools develop information systems Glogster and Voicethread to author digital media THEORY – CORE CONTENT PRACTICAL – ASSESSMENTS/PROJECTS Students learn about: Students learn to: Completed Students learn about: Students learn to: Completed Core Outcomes Core Overview

Week 1 Digital Footprint i. Understanding of the trail left by activity in a digital environment ii. Recognising that nothing in the online world is confidential Selecting How to choose the material that is relevant to the topic you are trying to find information for, checking for accuracy and reliability Computer Language Introduction Language elements

Use the website complete the activities Going Places

Select the information types best for the task and audience eg words, pictures, data Using the information grid at develop a simple method for themselves Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Week 2 Assessment 4/Project 2 Project 2 using Glogster, how to register and start to construct info using glogster.

January 2011

To manipulate data on a glog and to use the information literacy process to most effectively collect info data

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Students learn about: Week 3

Students learn to:

Digital Footprint iii. Thinking about potential consequences before posting and tagging of photos and videos or blogging and understanding how things can be used online. iv. Considerations when using a webcam

building of a positive online reputation Experience a breadth of online communication experiences and the sense of satisfaction and excitement from feeling part of a global online community. complete the activities Going places

Organising Developing and refining information not just copy and paste

Accurately take information read and rewrite without plagiarising Use work sheet from Becta to evaluate this section Use the information grid at Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Computer Language st nd 1 & 2 generation languages Compilers and interpreters rd th 3 & 5 generation languages Week 4


Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Assessment 3 The way in which their MidYear Exam will be presented and content outline

Start to prepare their information for the Mid-Year Exam paying particular detail to presentation and all criteria of the assessment being met. Use the skills demonstrated to manipulate and produce a glog


Continue work on Project 2 Introducing more skills in the manipulation of glogster

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Students learn about: Week 5

Students learn to:

Digital Footprint v. Identifying inappropriate or offensive content vi. Microblogging e.g. Twitter vii. Being a positive creator as well as user of online content

Use the website complete the activities to reinforce the 5 learning outcome above and complete the activities Leaving Digital Footprints

Creative Commons What creative commons are and how to search and use and licensing

Explore Creative Commons licensing Construct a creative commons license for their own website Use information grid to go through the process at

Develop Info Systems Analysis Feasibility study

Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

January 2011

Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Final details for Exam – Assessment 3 Project 2 – finalisation of information assembly on Glogster Voicethread and how to manipulate this tool

Complete preparation for their exam Finalise work for presentation



Week 6

Week 7 viii. Understand the idea of collaborative, social learning using online tools and pooling / sharing knowledge, resources,


Do some work on voicethread and learn to manipulate this Web 2.0 tool.

Use the website complete the activities Leaving Digital Footprints

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reflections, brainstorming etc for positive ends. Students learn about: Website authority How to evaluate the authority that a website has

Develop Info Systems Design Testing

Students learn to: Take a range of websites and assess them for their authority using a simple check list Continue to use ALSO Web detective check list Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete


Students learn about:

Students learn to:


Week 8 EXAMS


Week 9 viii. Understand the idea of collaborative, social learning using online tools and pooling / sharing knowledge, resources, reflections, brainstorming etc for positive ends. Critical Thinking Skills Analyse what CTS is How to implement simple CTS techniques

Use the website complete the activities Leaving Digital Footprints

Develop Info Systems Implementation

Using the website below work through a online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Week 10 Consolidation of information

January 2011

Intro the Assessment 4 written work How to function well and fairly in a group piece of work

Students commence work on Assessment 4 This includes team work

Continuing to work on a group Assessment in a fair and equitable way. Continue to learn new skills on Voicethread

Work together on an Assessment

Deepen their abilities to think critically using a number of techniques in analysis a given piece of information Use key questions to ask themselves

Catch-up on information or activities not completed

Practise the manipulation of Voicethread

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idc@pcs Stage 5 Information & Digital Technology Term 3: Digital Citizenship –creative sharing, to friend or spend Information Management- presenting, assessing file management, critical thinking Information Technology – Information representation, networks Project 3 -Title: Upgrading Power Point Assessment 5 – Title: Highlights of my year or Life at PCS Duration: 9 weeks Sequence: Term 3 2011 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.4.1 Assessment 5/Project 3 Outcomes 5.2.1, 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.2.2, 5.3.1, 5.5.1, 5.5.2 Digital Citizenship – creative sharing, to friend or Assessment 5/Project 3 Web Development/Use of Web 2.0 tools such as prezi and spend Animoto to prepare a presentation on an agreed topic Information Management –presenting, assessing file management, critical thinking sills Information Technology – Information representations, networks THEORY – CORE CONTENT PRACTICAL – ASSESSMENTS/PROJECTS Students learn about: Students learn to: Completed Students learn about: Students learn to: Completed Week 1 Creative Sharing Use the creative commons and viscopy Students learn about: Students learn to: Completed Students learn about: Students learn to: Completed Have some understanding of Australian copyright law Use the website complete the activities Presenting Present work, assess personally and accept Physical presentation of a peer assessment piece of work-what format is Improve the presentation and re-evaluate the best for this workDo exercises and share information critically exchanging information and l information -Use the information grid at ideas, what are the benefits Core Outcomes Core Overview

Information Representations Information Number systems

Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Week 2 Assessment 5 Review of School Websites Features to observe Ranking of the quality of Give recommendation to a school Board

January 2011

Identify features of: Functionality Usefulness Distracting Unnecessary

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Students learn about: Week 3

Students learn to:

Creative Sharing

Use creative commons, viscopy and work within Australian copyright law Use the website complete the activities Present a piece of work as a collaborative activity Use work sheet from Becta to evaluate this section Use the information grid at Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete


Information Representations Codes Computer arithmetic

Week 4


Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Using Prezi & Animoto Part 2 Assessment 5 Expectations of constructing a presentation to Board of your findings

Manipulate both Digital Tools Decide which tool to use Transfer data to the site for presentation.


Week 5 To friend or spend

Read and interpret information on social media marketing Use the website complete the activities to reinforce the 5 learning outcome above

Assessing File management

Look at ways to organise information in files on the internet Assess and reorganise their personal school files Use information grid at:

January 2011

Page 23 Students learn about: Networks Type of network Servers and security

Students learn to: Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Week 6

Week 7 To friend or spend

Assessing File Management

Networks computers Data & Packets connecting Top & Technology


Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Additional features in using both Animoto and Prezi

Continue to construct their presentation of information about school site evaluations

Finalisation of Assessment and presentation expectations Introduction of Project 4 for end of next term – Christmas presentation

Prepare their assessment, check and complete all elements and present Forward plan for a task that is sometime in the future.


Complete tasks related to social media marketing Use the website complete the activities Establish an organisation of files that is meaningful allowing for easy access. Collaborative activity with peer and class sharing of ideas. Continue to use the information grid at Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Week 8

Week 9


Consolidation of information

Responsibly complete tasks for creative sharing and to friend or share Use the website complete the activities

January 2011

Presentations to class or other classes

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Critical Thinking Skills Deeper into critical thinking

Deepen critical thinking skills using specific keys

Students learn about: Networks Protocols & elements Advanced advantages

Students learn to: Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

January 2011


Students learn about:

Students learn to:


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idc@pcs Stage 5 Information & Digital Technology Term 4: Digital Citizenship –global citizenship, netiquette Information Management- delicious account, critical thinking Information Technology - internet Project 4-Title: Christmas presentations Yearly Exam – Glog construction Duration: 9 weeks Core Outcomes Core Overview

5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.4.1 Digital Citizenship – global citizenship, netiquette

Information Management – Delicious account, critical thinking sills Information Technology – internet THEORY – CORE CONTENT Students learn about: Students learn to: Week 1 Global Citizenship Safely conduct activities on the CyberNetrix internet Complete Tasks that are cyber safe What a delicious account is Register a delicious account Construct their own account as a Build their account by tracking storage repository resources used over the year Internet What is the internet Ip and TCP/IP

Sequence: Term 4 2011 Yearly Exam Outcomes Yearly Exam Overview

Project 4 Outcomes

Compile a Glog on a specific topic reflecting the elements of Information management or digital citizenship studied over the year. 5.5.1,5.5.2,5.5.3, 5.2.2, 5.1.1, 5.3.2

Project 4 Overview Completed

Christmas Presentation using popplet and smilebox PRACTICAL – ASSESSMENTS/PROJECTS Students learn about: Students learn to: Completed

Week 2 Preparation of an information rich online product that will reflect their learning for the year Criteria and expectations for this task.

January 2011

Identify the task that they are going to complete for the final exam Collect information using the information literacy process for their Exam Exhibit ethical and responsible behaviour when collecting information

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Students learn about: Week 3

Students learn to:

Global Citizenship

Conduct themselves in a cyber safe manner Use the website complete the activities

Organising a delicious account Internet Connecting to the internet Services Internet


Students learn about: Week 5

Students learn to: Yr 10 School Cetificate- Yr 10 finished


Discuss and suggest ways to communicate online in manner that is better for them and others Use the website Use futurelab online tools for information gathering Use a range of suggested search engines eg “sweet search” Use information grid to go through the process at

Other Internet Technology’s

January 2011

Students learn to:

Refining their information collection for the exam Final information that they will require to have available for the exam

Utilize the time given in class to maximise their study time for other subjects Collect and store material efficiently for easy retrieve when completing a task under time pressure.

Students learn about:

Students learn to:


Use the information grid at Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Week 4

Critical Thinking Skills

Students learn about:



Using the website below

Page 27 work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete Week 6


Students learn about: Week 7 Netiquette

Students learn to:

Critical Thinking Skills

Complete outstanding tutorials and tests

Exams Completed

Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Project 4 and the web 2.0 tools popplet and smilebox

Work in teams or individually if preferred to construct two different types of presentations with a Christmas message suitable for different aged children.

Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Etiquette of presenting material to another persons class

Complete a task ready for presentation to other students


Complete cyber safe activities on the internet Use the website Use 2 different types of referencing tools Identify formatting flaws and to correct when using online referencing tools Continue to use the information grid at Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Week 8

Students learn about:

Students learn to:



Week 9 Summary of all Digital Citizenship topics Critical Thinking Skills Summarising how do I think how can I improve my thinking

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Use the website complete the activities Activities to extend critical thinking

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Wrap up of the year

January 2011

Using the website below work through a comprehension online tutorial with assessment questions and exercises to complete

Presentations and wrap up of the year

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Constructed by Andrea Lovell Teacher Librarian January 2011

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January 2011 Communic ation skills & collaborat ive work practices

Weight %

× × × × ×

Informati on Literacy Skills

× × ×

Responsib le & ethical attitude to Technolog y Issues

Critical Thinking Skills


× × × ×

Past, Current and Emergin g Technolo gies

Knowledge of Software & Hardware

Areas of Assessment



T2 W8 T3 W2


Authoring & Multimedia/ Web development

Internet Issues/Digital Media

T1 W10 Mid-Year Exam

T1 W4 Internet & Web Site Development

Web Analysis




× × × × ×

20% 20% 15% 20% 25%

Page 31

Assessment activity rationales Rationale: Web site analysis - Assessment 1 Web analysis is not only the introductory assessment activity for this option (Internet and web site development), but also for the course. Reasons for its design include:    

the need for a guided framework, as students are new to the course. Specific expectations for the standard of student work are clearly outlined. the desire to refresh student understanding of the design process to ensure students have fundamental knowledge and skills needed for web development, creating a foundation for which the other assessment activity can grow from. students will have already worked with the evaluation structure during class work, so the Web analysis assessment activity provides a link between classroom knowledge and the Web development assessment activity.

Rationale: Internet & Web Site Development – Assessment 2 Project 1 My Website is the first project that also forms part of the assessment for Year 10 students (Internet and web site development), Reasons for its design include:    

the need for a guided work framework, as students are new to the course. Specific expectations for the standard of student work are clearly outlined. the desire to refresh student understanding of the design and information literacy processes, use of critical thinking skills. to ensure students have fundamental knowledge and skills needed for web development, creating a foundation for which further assessment activity can grow from. For students to do task as part of their class work, so the use of weebly as their platform for the web site should build understanding and skill levels in Web Development for Mid-Year Exam and later projects.

Rationale: Half – Yearly Exam – Assessment 3 Half- Yearly Exam will be the first exam that some students will have completed online. Reasons for its design include:   

the evidence for understanding in the this course is best illustrated through students producing a product which shows their level of understanding. the application of information literacy skills requires documented evidence at each stage of the process showing research skills. to ensure students have gained skills and can apply material taught in class.

January 2011

Page 32

Rationale: Internet issues – Assessment 4/Project 2 Internet Issues is the second assessment activity for this option, providing an opportunity for students to focus on the reliability of information that surrounds them. Reasons for its design include:   

giving students a broad understanding of the issues associated with the Internet and web site authority. refining students’ abilities to think critically about information that is put in front of them. developing information gathering and research skills.

Rationale: Digital Media – Project 2 Glogster and Voicethread are two digital media is the third assessment activity and uses Digital media.    

providing a positive focus on the local community combining the digital media elements using Glogster and Voicethread to communicate a specific message to a chosen audience using an assessment activity that mirrors a real world scenario, with deadlines to be met throughout the project and a timeline to be monitored and adhered to having flexibility in design and content to allow students the opportunity to show individuality and flair. Students have the chance to take ownership of their product, allowing for reflection and evaluation to take place throughout the activity and ensuring greater success for students.

Rationale: Web site evaluation – Assessment 5/Project 3 Web site development and assessment is the fifth assessment activity and bridges two options (Internet and web site development and Digital media). The task is split into three parts, with students expected to have greater autonomy in delivering a product according to the brief. Reasons for its design include:    

providing a positive focus on the school community combining the digital media elements within a web environment using an assessment activity that mirrors a real world scenario, with deadlines to be met throughout the project and a timeline to be monitored and adhered to having flexibility in design and content to allow students the opportunity to show individuality and flair. Students have the chance to take ownership of their product, allowing for reflection and evaluation to take place throughout the activity and ensuring greater success for students.

January 2011

Page 33

Rationale: Final Exam Yearly Exam will be the final exam that students will be completing for this subject and will done online. Reasons for its design include:   

the evidence for understanding in the this course is best illustrated through students producing a product which shows their level of understanding. the application of information literacy skills requires documented evidence at each stage of the process showing research skills. to ensure students have gained skills and can apply material taught in class.

Rationale: Authoring & Multimedia – Project 4 Christmas Business is the fourth project and will contribute to the Yr 9/10 final mark for school reports. This provides a positive focus on a product students can share with whole school community, supporting what underpins Christians education and gives them experience with other web2.0 tools they will not be familiar with. Reasons for its design include:      

providing a platform to support the uniqueness of Christian education combining a range of digital media elements to produce product the opportunity to do a relatively quick project in class that is creative using an assessment activity that can contribute to the real world, having flexibility in design and content to allow students the opportunity to show individuality and flair. Students have the chance to take ownership of their product, allowing for reflection and evaluation to take place throughout the activity and ensuring greater success for students. Giving students the opportunity to implement the design process utilizing other skills taught during the year

January 2011

Page 34

information & digital citizenship


A student:

Time allowed: 2 weeks

5.2.3 critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions.

Due date: 21st Feb- Term 1 Week 4 Group: Individually


Outcomes to be assessed

5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner.

Focus: Web site analysis

As the Internet continues to expand and become more a part of our everyday lives, users need to better understand web site production and navigation. Clever Report writing planning at the defining and designing stages of the design process can make a web site attractive and intuitive to use, this then captures a wider audience. For this assessment activity you have to critically analyse a web site and submit a report that meets the following requirements.

Requirements for assessment In order to undertake this task you will need to:   

deconstruct the web site allocated to you and record your notes using the analysis sheets attached consider the key features of the site and determine whether they are effective or otherwise create a summary of the site that you can use to write your report.

January 2011

Page 35

To be submitted for assessment purposes: 1. Your analysis and summary sheets. Ensure:  the name of the web site is clearly marked  the sheets are completed clearly and legibly. 2. A two page written report. The report should:  clearly outline the prospective audience of the web site  identify key features of the web site  explain the degree to which the web site is able to appeal to its audience  discuss the way the end user perceives and is able to/or not to use the website effectively  be structured in a concise and logical manner.

January 2011

Page 36

Guidelines for marking and feedback Web analysis Student name:



The student critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions. Analysis sheet Effectively deconstructs the website allocated and records responses clearly. /3 Summary sheet Identifies all key features of the web site. /5 5.3.2

Acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner /2

Applies referencing to any quotes or material required 5.5.2

Communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience.

Report   

Clearly outlines the prospective audience of the web site. Comprehensively explains the degree to which the website is able to appeal to its audience Structured in a concise and logical manner

/2 /5 /3

Teacher comment


January 2011


Page 37

Assessment criteria Range

Level of achievement

A student in this stage will: 

19-20 A (Excellent)

 

17-18 B


14-16 (Substantial)


12-13 (satisfactory)


10-11 E (Elementary)

 

0-9 N (Unsatisfactory)

January 2011

Thoroughly examine all features and strategies used in the design of a range of web sites Critically analyse the effectiveness of a web site to convey its message. Examine all features and strategies used in the design of a range of web sites Strong analysis of the effectiveness of a web site to convey its message. Examine most features and strategies used in the design of a range of web sites. Satisfactorily analyse the effectiveness of a web site to convey its message. Examine some of the features and strategies used in the design of a range of web sites. Complete some analysis of the effectiveness of a web site to convey its message. Examine a few of the features and strategies used in the design of a range of web sites. Be unable to analyse the effectiveness of a web site to convey its message. Show very few features and strategies examined in the design of a range of web sites. Be unable to analyse the effectiveness of a web site to convey its message.

Page 38

Analysis sheets Web site address

: ________________________________________

Instructions •

Read each question carefully.

Write your answers in point form in the appropriate column.

A stopwatch or a watch with stopwatch functions would be useful when trying to time the downloading of each site.

Graphical style: colour and font Questions


Colour How would you describe the colours? e.g. bright, natural looking or washed out. Why do you think these particular colours have been chosen? What atmosphere do the colours create? e.g. excited, reflective, active or serious.

Font How has the web site designer made certain text stand out? e.g. through use of colour, size, style, bolding or underlining. Why has the designer made this text stand out? Does the text have borders? What type of borders have been used? e.g. shadow, double line or fine line.

January 2011

Page 39

Web site address: ___________________________________________ Name:_____________________ Layout


What first caught your eye when you looked at the site? How are the text and images balanced on the page? Is there a central focus on each page? What is it? Is it written or visual? What is at the top of the screen? Why do you think the page has been designed this way? What is at the bottom of the screen? Why do you think the page has been designed this way? What is on the left hand side of the screen? Why do you think the page has been designed this way? What is on the right hand side of the screen? Why do you think the page has been designed this way? What elements (graphic or written) occupy more space on each page? Why do you think the page has been designed this way? What type of background is used? Why do you think the page has been designed this way? What changes and what remains the same from page to page? Why do you think the page has been designed this way? Has a template been used on each page? Why do you think the page has been designed this way?

January 2011

Page 40

Has the web site designer made use of white space on the page? What effect does this have on the impact of the page? Explain your answer.

Web site address: ___________________________________________ Name:_____________________

Technical considerations: navigation and download time Questions


Navigation What is included on the navigation bar, e.g. arrows, words or images? Does the site use consistent navigation buttons? Why do you think the page has been designed this way? Is it easy or difficult to move forwards through the site? Is it easy or difficult to move backwards around the site? What effect does navigation of the site have on the user? Explain your answer.

Download time How many seconds did it take for the site to be downloaded onto your computer? Did text or images take longer to download? What effect could download time have on the user of the site? Explain your answer.

January 2011

Page 41

Web site address: ___________________________________________ Name:_____________________

Content Questions


Text What texts (written, visual, sound or moving) are used on the page? What is the purpose of the written texts? Is the language used suitable for the audience and purpose of the site? Explain your answer. Is the organisation and flow of ideas suitable for the intended audience? Explain your answer. When was the information created? When was it updated? Is the site designer also the creator of the information? Is the creator credible? How do you know? What might the creator be attempting to achieve with the web site, i.e. what is his or her purpose? What sorts of facts are presented? Are they accurate? How do you know this? Are the facts written? Are they supported by images? January 2011

Page 42

Web site address: ___________________________________________ Name:_____________________

Images What pictures or images are included? Why do you think they have been included? What is the purpose of the visual texts? What type are images are used, e.g. cartoon style, photos, and diagrams? What effect does this type of image have on the viewer? What do the images represent? Are they natural, scientific or abstract? How do the images relate to the written text and web site purpose? Why do the designers choose to present visual information in this natural, scientific or abstract form? What impact does this have on the viewer? What images are not used that could have been used? Do people or animals look directly at the viewer? Why would the web site designer have presented them this way?

January 2011

Page 43

Summary Sheet

Important elements of effective web design List the things you need to think about under the appropriate headings below. Use this sheet to develop your report




Navigation and download time

Content: text

Content: images

January 2011

Page 44

information and digital citizenship


Outcomes to be assessed

Weight: 20%

A student:

Time allowed: 7 weeks

5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems

Due date: 5th April Term 1 week 10 Group: Individual Focus: Development of analysis ability and to apply what is learnt to the next assessment. Critical Thinking skills

5.3.1 justifies responsible practices and ethical use of information and software technology 5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner 5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

Researching skills Referencing Design


Suitability for audience

This is an in class assessment/project, it is designed to establish students use of a web design tool to construct their own web site, utilizing the skills taught in class of critical thinking, researching, referencing, design considerations and the audience they are preparing the site for and general appeal. The construction of a personal website has been selected to provide students with a platform for them to display not only idc@pcs material but also other digital material for other subjects. This website can be used not only this year but in future years as well. Because this task is real and personal it is designed to promote high interest. This is designed to allow for individuality of students and promote creativity.

January 2011

Page 45

For this assessment/project create and publish a web site using weebly for your personal use for all school subjects, and to promote a professional digital presence. Your written material must meet the following requirements.

Requirements for assessment/project In order to undertake this task you will need to:        

Clearly follow each step of instruction in class Use researching skills comprehensively Show accurate attribution of information, images and any other material used by using an online bibliography tool Follow steps in the use of critical thinking skills Show thoughtful use of web design criteria learnt from Assessment 1 Worked individually, however also used collaboration with fellow students with information gathering and skill sharing in the use of weebly particularly Show understanding of targeting an audience well That you can manage the time you have been allocated efficiently.

To be submitted for assessment purposes: 1. Present your web site to the class and present it on the class blog for whole school access 2. Prepare a survey sheet for other class members to fill in to evaluate website, using or , collect your data and present with either in hard copy or online on their personal website. 3. Student concludes work with a reflective note about their own assessment of their web site either using template provided or their personally designed reflective note which can be in hard copy or online on their personal website.

January 2011

Page 46

Guidelines for marking and feedback Web analysis Student name:


5.3.1 The student critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions.

5.3.2 The student acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner 5.2.2 The student designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems. Material Submitted   

Web site is complete, published and presented on class forum with url and referencing attached Design and presentation reflect application of design criteria from Assessment 1 Attribution reflects an understanding of the ethical conduct required

/5 /5 /5

5.5.2 Communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience Evaluation /5  

Evaluates using online survey of the appeal of the website to its target audience Reflective comments are accurate and constructive


Teacher comment

Total January 2011


Page 47

Assessment criteria Range

Level of achievement

A student in this stage will:  

18-20 A (Excellent)

   



 


  




   




   


E (Elementary)

 

0-9 N

   

present class notes which reflect students use of critical thinking tools in an outstanding manner present a web site that is above standard, complete, published and presented on class blog Comprehensively present attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required Thoroughly evaluate, using an online survey the appeal of the website to its target audience State reflective comments that are accurate, constructive and perceptive present class notes which reflect students use of critical thinking tools in an excellent manner present a web site that is of an excellent standard, complete, published and presented on class blog Accurately present attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required Comprehensively evaluate, using an online survey the appeal of the website to its target audience State reflective comments that are accurate, constructive and insightful present class notes which reflect students use of critical thinking tools in clear manner present a web site that is of an good standard, complete, published and presented on class blog present complete attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required evaluate, using an online survey the appeal of the website to its target audience State reflective comments that are accurate and constructive present class notes which reflect students use of critical thinking tools in a clear manner present a web site that is of an satisfactory standard, complete, published and presented on class blog present almost complete attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required do some evaluation, using an online survey the appeal of the website to its target audience State reflective comments present some class notes which reflect students use of critical thinking tools present a web site that is of a elementary standard, published and presented on class blog present some attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required do a few evaluation, using an online survey the appeal of the website to its target audience State some reflective comments Work handed in was fraudulent No task handed in No class note handed in


January 2011

Page 48

Survey Question Scaffold

These are suggestions only, feel free to formulate your own questions

Give each question a rating from 1-5 1 low 5 very high

Question How appealing is this web site on first viewing? Is the identity of the website owner clearly represented? Are the links clear and active? Is it easy to navigate around this website? Have elements of web design been applied to this site? After exploring this web site how appealing is it? Is there a balance of information, graphics and links

January 2011






Page 49

Reflective Thinking Scaffold

These are suggestions only, feel free to formulate your own reflective thoughts Think about Are you happy with your work, in what way?


Do you think you could improve, in what way?

What facts or ideas really stick in your mind from this project?

What was the most difficult part of this project?

How did you feel about using this technology? (Confident, not confident etc)

What two things did you most enjoy about this project? Any other comments you would like to make

January 2011

Page 50

information and design citizenship


Outcomes to be assessed

Weight: 15%

A student:

Time allowed: 2 Hours

5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving

Due date: 13/14th June Term 2 Week 8 Group: Individually Focus: Web -Research Skills Website construction Ethical attribution Critical Thinking skills

processes when creating solutions 5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems 5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner 5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

Requirements for assessment 1. Gather information using a range of web search engines including Google advanced search tools. 2. Show evidence of critical thinking skills 3. Show an understanding of intellectual property and how to use creative commons in attribution and other correct attribution of material 4. Show skill in manipulating weebly to produce a website which meets the criteria set in the time required January 2011

Page 51

Guidelines for marking and feedback Internet issues Student name: 5.2.1


The student describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions

Show evidence of critical thinking skills


5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems

Gather information using a range of web search engines including Google advanced search tools.

/15 /10

Shows evidence of understanding the elements of web design 5.3.2

The student acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner

Show an understanding of intellectual property and how to use creative commons in attribution and other correct attribution of material


5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

Show skill in manipulating weebly to produce a website which meets the criteria set in the time required




Assessment criteria January 2011

Page 52


Level of achievement

A student in this stage will: 

19-20 A (Excellent)

   

17-18 B (High)

14-16 C (Substantial)

D (satisfactory)

Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines  Adequately construct an example of a web site  Attribute correctly some material sourced  Show some use of critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to a sound level. 

10-11 E (Elementary)

Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines  construct an example of a web site  Some correct attribution of material sourced  Show a little use of critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to a basic level. 

0-9 N

January 2011

Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines  Competently construct an example of a web site  Attribute correctly most material sourced  Show use of critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to a good level. 



   an

Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines Show sophistication in construction of an example of a web site Attribute correctly all material sourced showing understanding of creative commons Show outstanding critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to an outstanding level. Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines Expertly construct an example of a web site Attribute correctly all material sourced Show good critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to excellent level.

Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines  some construction of an example of a web site  No attribution of any material sourced  Show no use of critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to a poor level.

Page 53

information and digital citizenship


Outcomes to be assessed

Weight: 20%

A student:

Time allowed: 2 weeks/6 weeks

5.3.1 justifies responsible practices and ethical use of information and software technology


Due date :2 /16 th August Term 3 Week4 Collaboration: Individual Focus: Research skills

5.4.1 analyses the effects on past, current and emerging information and software technologies on the individual society. 5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner

Authoritative websites Presentation of information

5.5.1applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks 5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

Introduction The Internet has made our world smaller and our lives faster. We can communicate directly to friends anywhere in the world; we can watch world events as they occur, information is only the touch of a button away. However, this technology can also cause problems, create enormous social and economic changes, both good and bad. In this assessment you will apply research skills to identify authoritative websites describing how you assessed their authority.

Requirements for assessment In order to undertake this task you will need to: January 2011

Page 54

   

assess the authenticity of the material given to your group by the teacher state ethical issues associated with the material identify other information sources you would use to authenticate the information identify the key issues from the materials.

Part 1 – Assessment 4/ weeks To be submitted for assessment purposes: This can presented on your personal website for marking or as hardcopy A copy of the websites you are checking for their authority A copy of the criteria you formulate to evaluate their authority A statement of your findings Referencing of all material used in the preparation of this piece of work Have evaluation by 2 other class members Include personal reflection on your work Part 2 – Project 2/8 weeks To complete using Glogster and Voicethread 2 pieces of work for a specific audience that will communicate a specific message (Chosen in class with the teachers) You will need to research your topic, provide links to video, audio and website Present it to the class Have evaluation by 2 other class members Include personal reflection on your work Referencing of all material used in the preparation of this piece of work

January 2011

Page 55

Internet issues: Guidelines for marking and feedback Student name: Part 1- Assessment5.4.1 The student analyses the effects on past, current and emerging information and software technologies on the individual society. 5.3.1.

justifies responsible practices and ethical use of information and software technology

 Identifies the title, type, origin and ethical issues of the source materials.  Clearly outlines how authentication of materials occurred.  Assesses the validity of the source material. 5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner    

Referencing is complete Evaluation by 2 students complete Has an appropriate conclusion Personal reflection shows understanding application of critical thinking

Mark /2 /5 /5

/3 /4 /3 /3

Part 2 – Project 5.5.1 applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks 5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience


5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions


    

Has worked as an active member of the team The standard of the presentation is high and targets specified audience Referencing is complete Evaluation of 2 students complete Personal reflection complete

Total/ Teacher comment

January 2011

/5 /5 /5


Page 56

Assessment criteria Range

Level of achievement

A student in this stage will: 

19-20 A (Excellent)

17-18 (High)



Justify most of the responsible and irresponsible practices relating to information technology  Satisfactorily justify the ethical use of information technology  analyse most of the effects of past current and merging information technologies on the individual society 

12-13 (satisfactory)

Justify all of the responsible and irresponsible practices relating to information technology  Strongly justify the ethical use of information technology  Strong analysis of all the effects of past current and emerging information technologies on the individual society 

14-16 (Substantial)

Thoroughly justify responsible and irresponsible practices relating to information technology  Thoroughly justify the ethical use of information technology  Critically analyse all the effects of past current and emerging information technologies on the individual society


justify some of the responsible and irresponsible practices relating to information technology  justify some of the ethical use of information technology  analyse some of the effects of past current and emerging information technologies on the individual society

10-11 E (Elementary)

justify a few of the responsible and irresponsible practices relating to information technology  justify a few of the ethical use of information technology  analyse a few of the effects of past current and emerging information technologies on the individual society 

0-9 N (Unsatisfactory)

January 2011

justify very few of the responsible and irresponsible practices relating to information technology justify very few of the ethical use of information technology Unable to analyse the effects of past current and emerging information technologies on the individual society

Page 57

Research sheet Title of material being assessment for authenticity Type of source material. Origin of material.

Information sources used for authentication.

Summarise the main idea of the piece of work being analysed.

Is the piece of work accurate in giving the information – How do you know?

My conclusion about the authority of this piece of work

January 2011

Page 58

information and digital citizenship


Outcomes to be assessed

Weight: 25%

A student:

Time allowed: 7 weeks

Part one

Due date: 13rd Sept Term3 Week 8

5.2.1 describes and applies problem-solving

Group: Pairs or individual Focus:

processes when creating solutions 5.2.3 critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions

Web site critiquing Collaborative activities Evaluation process Web 2.0 tool manipulation Digital communication

5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems 5.3.2 acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner Part two 5.3.1 justifies responsible practices and ethical use of information and software technology 5.5.1 applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks 5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

January 2011

Page 59

Introduction With information only the touch of a button away, schools have harnessed the information superhighway to give school communities a wide range of information about the services they provide, through such mediums as web sites. This project involves addressing the challenge faced by schools in maintaining a positive profile for their school community through the use of resident inspired web sites. Your brief is to select and review a school web site and document exclusions and additions that you would make. The brief has been broken into two main parts: Part one: Design/Production Critique the design taking all aspects into consideration. You will need to give specific evidence to support your design critique. Present this as a report to be given to the schools board or parent body. Critique the workability of the web site in point form Part two: Evaluation This is your report with all recommendations supported suitably to be presented to the school board or parent body. Requirements for assessment In order to undertake this task you will need to:  

Carefully consider schools and their needs manage the time you have been allocated efficiently.

To be submitted for assessment purposes: Part one: Design 1. 2.

Critique of the design  identify the six elements of design listing them with your responses to them Critique the web site as a fully working web site that meets the following requirements:  contains a minimum of six pages, including introduction page  has utilised correct naming conventions  features well organised web folders  all links are active (they work!)  navigation buttons are clear, easily recognisable and efficient  digital media elements fit the nature of design  displays imagination and continuity of design  Assess features necessary on a school website

January 2011

Page 60

 

Evaluate your specific website as to how it meets these criteria Make recommendations of areas that your selected website could be improved on (This will be displayed on your presentation)

P art two: Production Preparation of presentation for board or parent body  

attach visual evidence to your report supporting your critique (this will be on your visual presentation for the board or parent body) Present this is as presentation to be given to the board or parent body using either Prezi or Animoto any handout support material is to be written and presented in professional manner. The evaluation:  identifies student name, group  has a sample of people who have evaluated your presentation ( 5 at least)  is comprehensively completed and shows authentic reflective processes about both the Part one and Part two of the Assessment 5  has a clear conclusion or recommendations

January 2011

Page 61

Web development: Guidelines for marking and feedback Student name:


Part one: Design 5.2.1   5.2.3

The student describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions. visual evidence to your report supporting your critique. Present this is a report to be given to the Parkes Shire Council this can be in a written professional folder or it may be a digital presentation. list details of information sources you may have referred to support your responses The student critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions.

Web site 

/3 /6 /3 /3

identify the six elements of design listing them with your responses to them

Part two: Production 5.2.2

The student designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems. Web site Contains a minimum of six pages, including introduction page.

/1 /2

 Has utilised correct naming conventions.  Web folders are well organised.  All links are active (they work!).  Navigation buttons are clear, easily recognisable and efficient.  Digital media elements fit the nature of design.  Displays imagination and continuity of design. 5.3.2 The student acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner. 5.3.1

/2 /2 /2 /2

Correctly acknowledges data selected from other sources.

/2 Evaluation Identifying student name, group.


Comprehensively completed showing authentic reflective processes.


 Clear conclusion noting degree to which project was successful. 5.5.1 The student applies collaborative work practices to complete tasks.

/3 /3

 Evidence of shared work load in report presentations and critique style 5.5.2 The student communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience


Recommendations are clearly articulated and suitable for presentation to a school or parent body. Teacher comment Project total

January 2011

Evaluation total

/15 /45

Page 62

Assessment criteria Range

Level of achievement

19-20 A (Excellent)



Examine most features of design required in the web site  Concisely analyse the effectiveness of the web site to convey its message 

12-13 (satisfactory)

Examine all features of design required in the web site  Strong analyse the effectiveness of the web site to convey its message 

14-16 (Substantial)

Thoroughly examine all features of design required in the web site  Critically analyse the effectiveness of the web site to convey its message 

17-18 (High)

A student in this stage will:


Examine some features of design required in the web site  Satisfactorily analyse the effectiveness of the web site to convey its message 

10-11 E

Examine a few features of design required in the web site  Some analyse of the effectiveness of

(Elementary) the web site to convey its message  0-9 N

Very few features of design examined in the web site  Unable to analyse the effectiveness of

(Unsatisfactory) the web site to convey its message

January 2011

Page 63

information & digital citizenship


Marks: 100

Outcomes to be assessed A student:

Weight: 30%

5.2.1 Student describes and applies problemsolving processes when creating solutions

Time allowed: 2 Hours 5.2.2 Designs, produces and evaluates appropriate

Due date: 14/15th November

Requirements for assessment Group: Individually

solutions to a rnage of challenging problems

5.3.2 The student acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner

To pre-prepare information using the Define, Locate, Select Literacy processSkills including text, graphics, audio and video. Focus: Information 5.5.2 Communicates ideas, processes and

In the exam using glogster construct a glog with the pre-prepared information, Organising, Presenting and Assessing the information on a topic of your own choice. (Selected from and school subject topic already researched.

solutions to a targeted audience

Exam is presented on the website below January 2011

Page 64


COMPLETE: Both PART A & B PART A (30 minutes) Multiple Choice questions and some short answer questions you need to complete all questions reading instructions carefully.

PART B (1 hour 30 minutes) Practical Section : Construct a Glog and submit with a Reference list attached to the Glog and a reflective statement also attached to the Glog.

January 2011

Page 65

Reflective Thinking Scaffold

These are suggestions only, feel free to formulate your own reflective thoughts

Think about Are you happy with your work, in what way?


Do you think you could improve, in what way?

What was the most difficult part of this project?

How did you feel about using this technology?

What two things did you enjoy most about this work?

January 2011

Page 66

Marking Rubric Year 9 Exam 2010 – Information Technology Students Name


Part A – Multiple choice questions

/ 30

Part B – Practical Task



The student describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions

Show evidence of critical thinking skills in the way text is put together and the topic is approached, giving solid details


5.2.2 designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems

Gather information using a range of web search engines including Google advanced search tools Information sources are reliable and represented correctly as text on the glog Includes links to other websites

/5 /5 /3 /2

Uses video footage appropriate to the topic 5.3.2

The student acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner

Show an understanding of intellectual property and how to correctly reference and to use creative commons

January 2011

/10 /5

Page 67

Referencing attached to glog 5.5.2 communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

Show skill in manipulating glogster to produce a glog which meets the criteria set in the time required The design of the glog is appropriate for the audience and subject chosen


/10 /5

Reflection on task completed shows understanding of the purpose of assessing your own work when complete. /5

Reflection is attached to the glog as a separate file

Total /100

January 2011

Page 68

Assessment criteria Range

Level of achievement

A student in this stage will: 

19-20 A (Excellent)

   

17-18 B (High)

14-16 (Substantial)


Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines  Competently construct an example of a glog  Attribute correctly most material sourced  Show use of critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to a good level. 

12-13 (satisfactory)

   an

Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines Show sophistication in construction of an example of a glog Attribute correctly all material sourced showing understanding of creative commons Show outstanding critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to an outstanding level. Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines Expertly construct an example of a glog Attribute correctly all material sourced Show good critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to excellent level.


Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines  Adequately construct an example of a glog  Attribute correctly some material sourced  Show some use of critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to a sound level. 

10-11 E (Elementary)

Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines  construct an example of a glog  Some correct attribution of material sourced  Show a little use of critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to a basic level. 

0-9 N (Unsatisfactory)

January 2011

Thoroughly show ability to use a range of web based search engines  some construction of an example of a glog  No attribution of any material sourced  Show no use of critical thinking skills in completing a task in time, to a poor level.

Page 69

information & digital citizenship


Outcomes to be assessed A student:

Weight: 20%


designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems

Time allowed: 4 - 8 weeks


describes and compares key roles and responsibilities of people in the field of information and software technology.

Due date: 13th Dec Term 4 Week 10 5.1.1

selects and justifies the application of appropriate software programs to a range of

Group: Individual/group

tasks. 5.3.2

acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner.

Focus: Critical Thinking skills Researching skills


applies collaborative work practices to complete


tasks. communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience.

Referencing Design Suitability for audience January 2011

Page 70

Introduction This project is designed to be some fun for students bringing together the skills they have achieved over the year. This includes the application of the Information Literacy Process in the way the student approach their work, and also the application of all the Digital Literacy skills that they have learnt. The task is to create a presentation for the school assembly using a web 2.0 tool that the student selects. The presentation is to show the real meaning of Christmas in a fresh creative way that is not clichéd but shows a genuine exploration of Christmas.

Requirements for assessment In order to undertake this task you will need to:        

Clearly follow each step of instruction in class Show accurate attribution of information, images and any other material used using an online bibliography tool Follow steps in the use of critical thinking skills and the information literacy process Show thoughtful use of multimedia That you can work on your won expressing your individual style. Show an understanding of the goal of the project ie to present creatively the Christmas message Show understanding of targeting an audience well That you can manage the time you have been allocated efficiently.

To be submitted for assessment purposes: 4. Your presentation to the class as well as on the class blog for whole school access must reflect the message that Christians are trying to share. 5. Prepare a survey sheet or online survey for other class members to fill in as to their evaluation of your website, using or collect your data and present with your class notes 6. Student concludes work with a reflective note about their own production also commenting on the different types of people’s skills they have utilized in the production of their presentation.

January 2011

Page 71

Guidelines for marking and feedback Web 2.0 Tools Presentation Student name:



designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems


5.1.1 selects and justifies the application of appropriate software programs to a range of tasks 5.3.2

acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner


Task  Effectively constructs a presentation using a Web 2.0 tool  Clearly shows evidence of understanding how the Web2.0 tool can be used 5.5.1 Selects and justifies the application of appropriate software programs to a range of tasks. 5.5.3 Communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience. 5.5.4 Describes and compares key roles and responsibility of people in the field of information and software technology Reflection

/2 /2

/5 /3

 

Shows an understanding of the importance of reflection Shows the use of Digital Literacies in the planning and construction of the presentation.

Shows an understanding of the range of different people’s skills utilised to construct the presentation.

Teacher comment

Total /20

January 2011

Page 72

Assessment criteria


Level of achievement

A student in this stage will:  

19-20 A (Excellent)

    

17-18 B (High)

    

14-16  (Substantial)


   

12-13 (satisfactory)


    

10-11 E

(Elementary) 

0-9 N (Unsatisfactory)

January 2011

   

Expertly uses digital literacy processes present a presentation that is above standard, complete, and presented on class blog Comprehensively present attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required Thoroughly evaluate, using an online survey the appeal of the presentation to its target audience State reflective comments that are accurate, constructive and perceptive Excellently uses digital literacy processes present a presentation that is of an excellent standard, complete and presented on class blog Accurately present attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required Comprehensively evaluate, using an online survey the appeal of the presentation to its target audience State reflective comments that are accurate, constructive and insightful Shows evidence of the use of digital literacy processes present a presentation that is of a good standard, complete, published and presented on class blog present complete attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required evaluate, using an online survey the appeal of the presentation to its target audience State reflective comments that are accurate and constructive Use of digital literacy processes in clear and concise way present a presentation that is of an satisfactory standard, complete, and presented on class blog present almost complete attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required do some evaluation, using an online survey the appeal of the presentation to its target audience State reflective comments Presentation shows some us of digital literacy processes present a presentation that is of a elementary standard, and presented on class blog present some attribution reflecting an understanding of the ethical conduct required do a few evaluation, using an online survey the appeal of the presentation to its target audience State some reflective comments Work handed in was fraudulent No task handed in No class notes handed in

Page 73

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