existing conditions The existing conditions of the site has been described as an “eye-sore.” Rose Hill is the first thing you see coming into the City of Porterdale. C.A.R.E, the city’s local non-profit group, has received funding to enhance the site. Rose Hill was once filled with roses. The installation of new roses and other colorful plantings will create a presence when passing through the city and Rose Hill.
A 12’concrete driveway will also be installed and help Rose Hill become more ADA accessible. Because the concrete driveway will create stormwater runoff, it is very important for Rose Hill to have plantings that will slow down and collect the stormwater.
suggested plant list
The following suggested plants will create a colorful plant pallet all year around. All plants are low maintenance and will do well in full sun. common small street trees
Acer buergeranum Trident Maple Native to China. Small tree with a height of 20-25 feet. Adaptable to urban conditions. Good tree for tight locations and under utility lines. Displays a nice red or orange fall color.
Cercis canadenisis Eastern Redbud Native to Eastern USA. Great small tree that can grow in a standard and multi-trunk form. This tree displays great flowers in March and April. Good tree for tight locations and under utility lines.
Phlox subulata Woodland Plox Spring-flowering accent groundcover, commonly found in rock gardens, along paths, at foundations, and at the edge of beds or low walls (in these cases, it can acheive a prostrate mat, stone-rambling, edger, or short cascading effect)
Juniperus conferta ‘Blue Pacific’ Blue Pacific Juniper Low trailing habit and ocean bluegreen foliage color that keeps good color year round. Ground cover type juniper used in foundation plantings, around tall shrubs and trees.
herbaceous perinnials
Hemerocallis Daylily Daylilies are rugged, adaptable, vigorous perennials that endure in a garden for many years with little or no care. Daylilies adapt to a wide range of soil and light conditions. They establish quickly, grow vigorously, and survive winters with little or no injury.
Aucuba Japonica Gold Dust This easy, super-drought-tolerant, adaptable evergreen for sun or shade earns high marks as a hero of climate change. It looks great after the worst drough
Nandina domestica Nandina The colorful Nandina shrub is easy to grow and maintain. In fact, the most compact of our plants, the Harborbelle Nandina, requires absolutely no pruning at all. It grows well in the sun as well as the shade.
The digital perspective images are all suggestions. Alterations will adjust to funding and community preferences. Ann Nguyen