Established in 1955, the A. O. Smith Foundation has been supported by donations from the A. O. Smith Corporation and has provided over $42 million in financial support to worthwhile community organizations, institutions and programs.
In 1985, the Foundation established a Matching Gift Program to encourage employees of the corporation to financially support education. The Foundation believes education to be one of the most important investments individuals can make in the future. Under the terms of the program, the Foundation matches dollar for dollar all employee contributions, up to a maximum of $3,000 per year, to qualified colleges, universities and high schools.

The Foundation also supports a scholarship program to assist employees’ children who plan to continue education in college or vocational-technical school. Renewable scholarships are offered each year for full-time study at an accredited institution of the student’s choice.
community together friendship
The A. O. Smith Foundation is committed to make our communities a better place to live and to work. We achieve this by partnering with and supporting education, arts and cultural, medical and human services in the communities in which we operate. At the same time, the Foundation encourages A. O. Smith employees around the world to live the company’s values through volunteerism and community involvement.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ajita Rajendra received the 2017 Bene Award from Alverno College in Milwaukee for his outstanding commitment to the school.

Ajita, who is a member of the Alverno Board of Trustees, was recognized for his personal time and donations as well as the A. O. Smith Foundation’s support of Alverno’s Power and Promise capital campaign. The school has been presenting the Bene award annually since 1996.
The Foundation approved a five-year program to support the capital campaign. The campaign’s goals are to expand classroom, invest in technology, and address Alverno’s growing enrollment. The funding will help the school with four major improvements:
Enhancing nursing education with simulation laboratories that enhance learning opportunities for nursing students. The simulators use computer-controlled mannequins to mimic a wide range of medical needs and allow students to practice procedures;
Add nine new classrooms and upgrade existing classrooms to integrate internet access and multiple digital displays to allow for online meetings as well as face-to-face activities. The new and improved classrooms are designed to support Alverno’s interactive teaching methods;
Create a new student commons that doubles the size of the existing commons. The expanded dining/meeting area will help improve student engagement and provide them with easier access to a number of resources such as financial aid, advising, and counseling;
Add new art classrooms and a dance studio to help develop students’ aesthetic abilities.
Alverno is one of the largest Catholic women’s colleges in the U.S. The school offers weekday and flexible weekend undergraduate courses for women as well as graduate programs for both women and men. The A. O. Smith Foundation has supported Alverno since 1992.
Chairman receives award from Alverno College volunteer values
support teamwork vision

partners inspire developing care purpose

183 community partners $1.6 million donated
A.W.E. Inc.
Al Menah Shriners
Alliance for Strong Families
Alverno College
American Cancer Society
American Heart Association
American Red Cross Americans In Wartime Museum
Aquinas Academy
Army Emergency Relief Fund
Arthritis Foundation
Ashland City Firefighters Fund
Ashland City Police Department
Audio & Braille Literacy Enhancement
Augustana College Aurora at Home
Beecher Dunbar Pembine School District
Beechwood High School
Bethesda Center
Betty Brinn Children’s Museum
Big Brother/Big Sisters
Books from Birth

Boone County High School
Boy Scouts of America Boys & Girls Clubs
Cumberland River Challenge
Cumberland University
Darlington County Sheriff’s Office
Davidson College
Dawn of Hope Foundation
Discalced Carmelistas Monastery
Discovery World
Divine Savior Holy Angels High School
Downs Syndrome Clarksville Association
East Tennessee State University
Bristol Rotary Club Children
Charities of Tri Cities
Bristol Speedway’s Children’s Charities
Brooks House
Camp Ernst Middle School
Cardinal Stritch University
Caroll University
CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates
Castle Heights Upper Elementary
Catholic Central High School Catholic Charities
Centro De La Comunidad Unida
Cheatham County Battered Women’s Shelter
Cheatham County Schools
Cheatham County Sheriff’s Department
Chesterton Academy of Milwaukee
Children’s Hospital & Health System
Children’s Miracle Network
Clemson University
COA Youth & Family Centers
Coalition For Kids College Possible
Columbia Central High School Communities in Schools
Cookeville High School
Economic’s Wisconsin Empower Me Day Camp
Fairview High School
First Stage Fisher House
Fordham Preparatory School
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 81 Friends of Villa Terrace “Gala in the Garden”
Girl Scouts
Goodwill Industries of SE Wisconsin Governor’s School for Science and Math
Grand River Conservation Authority

Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Groves Memorial Hospital
Habitat for Humanity Hands on Regional Museum
Hope Christian Schools
Howard County General Hospital Foundation
Hunger Task Force
Imagination Library Jericho Shriners
Johnson City Senior Citizen Center Foundation Joseph’s Storehouse
Journey House
Junior Achievement
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Kids Battle Diabetes Golf Classic
Lace Up for Pink, Inc.
Lake Robinson Rescue Squad
Leadership Middle Tennessee
Leadership Wilson
Lebanon/Wilson County Chamber of Commerce
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Life Navigators
Life Point Solutions
Literacy Council of Kingsport
Literacy Services of Wisconsin, Inc.
Loaves and Fishes
Lourdes High School
Make A Wish Foundation
Marathon Kids
Marquette University High School
McBee Rescue Squad
Medical College of WI Mercy Children’s’ Hospital
Meta House
Milwaukee Art Museum
Milwaukee Montessori School
Milwaukee Public Library
Milwaukee Public Museum
Milwaukee Public Television
Milwaukee Rescue Mission
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
Milwaukee Women’s Assn
Missouri University of Science & Technology
Mountain States Health Foundation

Muscular Dystrophy Association
Mustard Seed Ranch
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Neighborhood House of Milwaukee, Inc.
New Leash on Life
Next Door Foundation
Ohio State University Foundation
Pee Dee Coalition Against Criminal & Domestic Violence
Pegram Volunteer Fire Department
Penfield Children’s Center
Pewaukee Lake Water Ski Club –Water Festival
Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department
Prospect, Inc.
Purdue University Radio Milwaukee
Rees Scholarship Foundation
Riveredge Nature Center
Ronald McDonald House
Rotary Club
Safe & Sound Saint Thomas Hospital
Salvation Army
Schlitz Audubon Nature Center School Choice School House Players Schools That Can Milwaukee Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Second Harvest Food Bank Serenity Inns, Inc.
Service Club of Milwaukee
Sharp Literacy Sherry’s Run
Shirley Mann Elementary School
Sojourner Family Peace Center Southern Starrs, Inc. Special Olympics of Washington
St. Anne’s Center
St. Francis Children’s Center
St. Joan Antida High School St. Marcus School
STEM Forward-Engineers & Scientists of MKE Teen Challenge
Tempo Mentor Award
Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition
Texas A & M University
The Water Council
Two Rivers Volunteer Fire Department United Performing Arts Fund
United Way
University of South Carolina University of Utah University of WI-Milwaukee Business School
University of Wisconsin Foundation Madison University of WI-Oshkosh Foundation Upper Grand Learning Foundation UW-Eau Claire
UWM Foundation Engineers without Borders War Memorial Waves Whip Crackin Rodeo Williams College
Wilson County Christmas for All Wilson County Community Help Center Wilson County Promotions
Wisconsin Assn of Independent Colleges & Universities Wisconsin Business World Wisconsin Equal Justice Fund
Wisconsin Lutheran College Youth Leadership Cheatham County Zoological Society
We encourage organizations requesting financial support from our foundation to submit materials that help tell the story of their organization. This will allow the Foundation to assess their request holistically because we know organizations are more than just forms and numbers.
There is no standard application form, but we have a few requirements to get you started. Please make inquiries on your organization’s official letterhead and include the following:
Verification of IRS 501© (3) tax-exempt status
Exact name and location of the organization

Description of the organization, including objectives & purpose
Geographic area served by the organization
Explanation of the activity for which support is requested
Description of benefits to be achieved and who will receive benefits
Amount of support being requested
community purpose teamwork

Budget information, including resources of income
Plans for reporting results
Any brochures, pamphlets or other material that describes your organization in greater detail
Please mail application inquiries to: Rita Schwalbach Foundation Manager
A. O. Smith Foundation, Inc. P. O. Box 245008 Milwaukee, WI 53224-9508
Requests are reviewed in the order in which we receive them. To be considered for the following year’s Foundation Budget, applications should be received by October 30.
Note: The Bylaws of A. O. Smith Foundation prohibit contributions to politically active organizations or any other organization whose chief purpose is to influence legislation.

Promote learning and intellectual development for all ages through a variety of programs.
A service that is provided to people in order to help them stabilize their life and find self-sufficiency through guidance, counseling, treatment and the providing of basic needs.
Arts and culture bring the performing arts to the public; preserve and commemorate the events, places and cultures that created and continue to shape the nation.
Organizations concerned with the body or mind. Hospitals, substance abuse, treatment programs, diseases, medical research, mental health and crisis services.
The A. O. Smith Foundation is governed by a five member Board of Directors and its operations are administered by the Foundation’s Secretary, who is a member of the Board. The Foundation Board of Directors meet regularly in June and December. Special meetings are held periodically throughout the year as deemed necessary by the President or Secretary. The Foundation’s fiscal year is January 1 through December 31.

Edward J. O’Connor Mark A. Petrarca
Ajita Rajendra
Bruce M. Smith Roger S. Smith
Bruce M. Smith President
Mark A. Petrarca Secretary John J. Kita Treasurer
Patricia K. Ackerman Assistant Treasurer
A. O. Smith Corporation
P. O. Box 245008, Milwaukee, WI 53224 www.aosmith.com
Copyright © 2018. A. O. Smith Corporation. All Rights Reserved.