The workshops Discover the process of co-creation and the game in action Click on the screen once and watch the slideshow
No animals were used for these experiments, just kids.
Co-creation process Part 1
Participants guessed the answers to the questions on the online platform.
Co-creation process The answers collected were combined with the experts questions to create a question game.
Game in action
Part 2 The young participants gathered in small groups to test the game they cocreated online.
Workshop Informal gathering
With a group after school
Workshop after school Workshop A group of 6 girls individually answered to the questions online. They gathered after school for the workshop where they tested the game they had cocreated.
Workshop after school Workshop The girls admitted that they searched for the answers online, helped each other using Skype and that they had learned a lot of things they did not know by searching for the answers in stead of guessing. Sara was part of this group.
Workshop Formal gathering
With a group in a school
Workshop in a school Workshop 1/2 Co-creation A group of 12 high ability Gifted and Talented pupils from a secondary girl school near London participated in the co-creation workshop. They navigated through the platform and answered to the question. They collaborated and enjoyed seeing their peers answers appearing on the screens.
Workshop in a school
Comments from girls
Workshop in a school Comment from teacher “The pupils learnt a lot and told me that it was a fun way to learn. They want to continue learning in this way� Mrs Frances W. Textiles teacher
Workshop in a school Workshop 2/2 Live game The same pupils took part in the live game. They worked together in teams of 4 to answer to the questions. They used wooden letter provided to submit their answers and the goal was to fill in a plastic t-shirt with stickers. The question cards generated a lot of discussion and the pupils were very focused and competitive.
Workshop in a school Workshop 2/2 Final feedback and conclusions from the teacher
“The pupils told me that they were able to remember many facts by playing the live game and debating the answers.” “The website and the game were a huge success in terms of furthering pupils’ knowledge and awareness about topics on fashion and ethics.” “The game could be easily applied to other subjects and topics.” “It’s been a pleasure for us all to discover this new approach to learning.” Mrs Frances W. Textiles teacher
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