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SUMMARIES 1.1 Overview 1.2 Problem

1.3Solution 1.4Marketing

MARKET 2.1 Target Market 2.2 Our Solution 2.3 Key Customer

EXECUTION 3.1 Marketing Plan 3.2 Sales Plan 3.3 Technology

CONTENTS COMPANY 4.1 Administration Team 4.2 Sales Team 4.3 Marketing Team 4.4 Advisors

FINANCING 5.1 Sources of Funds 5.2 Use of Funds

STATEMENTS 6.1 Projected Profit & Loss 6.2 Projected Balance Sheet

SUMMARIES 1.1 Overview 1.2 Problem

1.3Solution 1.4Marketing

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Green building, also called sustainable design and development, is the practice of using healthier and more resource-

efficient land planning, construction, renovation, operation, maintenance and demolition. Today, it's much more than the

original understanding of simply incorporating recycled materials into a home. Green building focuses on five key areas: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.

1.2Problem • Vegetative roofs, which are riskier than conventional roofs due to constantly wet conditions and must be carefully designed, constructed, and monitored after construction. • Improved energy performance through increased insulation and the use of new materials, which may change the dew point location in walls, resulting in damaging condensation and a reduced drying potential for wall assemblies. Lower-risk buildings emphasize the drying potential of the envelope over increased insulation. While it is desirable to increase insulation for energy savings, the designer also must evaluate moisture impacts. • Reuse of existing buildings or recycled components, which may not provide optimum water-shedding performance in new configurations or may not be readily integrated to the adjacent new materials.

1.3Solution The purpose of this project is to identify the effect that surface modifications have on the urban heat island phenomenon and related ozone problem in the metropolitan area of Chicago, IL. The basic hypothesis is that urban, summertime temperatures can be significantly lowered by increasing the vegetative landscape cover and enhancing the solar reflectivity of paved and roofed surfaces within an urban area. It is proposed that in addition to a decrease in temperature, the modification of an urban surface to include more vegetative cover and lighter, lower albedo surfaces will also reduce energy consumption, ozone exceedances, and detrimental environmental and human health effects associated with high levels of ozone. The analysis is divided into three main parts. The first section of this report introduces the causes of ground level ozone and its effects in urban areas. It explains both the chemistry and transport associated with ozone exceedances.


1. Compile chapters of your sustainability story, including the reasons for your customers to believe it. 2. Distill all of these into one benefitoriented, emotionally compelling platform. 3. Focus your messaging on product benefits – on what your customers want most – rather than on features. 4. When you speak about your products environmental benefits, be specific. 5. When you speak about your products environmental benefits, be specific. 6. When you speak about your products environmental benefits, be specific. 7. When you speak about your products environmental benefits, be specific.

Market 2.1 Target Market 2.2 Our Solution 2.3Key Customer

2.1 Target Market Green Building, also known as green construction or sustainable building, is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. Although new technologies are constantly being developed to complement current practices in

1. Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources 2.Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity 輸入⽂文字

3.Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation A similar concept is natural building, which is usually on a smaller scale and tends to focus on the use of natural materials that are available locally.[2] Other related topics

2.2 Our Solution Energy is our domain. The green building is a result of our work. Sustainable construction is our expertise. Therefore, we designed our own office building as an example of sustainable construction, so that our customers can see in practice, how an energy solution and minimum use of energy actually look like. The Menerga office building is an energyefficient green building and provides proof of an optimum fusion of architectural sophistication, elaborate construction-physics and optimum energy .The goal of such an integral approach is to achieve the highest possible environmental friendliness or minimum pollution. design.

We deliberately designed our own office building as an example of a green energy solution, to use it as a demo facility. Over the years, we have shown the “heart� of the Menerga building to numerous investors, local and foreign educational institutions and government organisations. The building serves as an example of actual sustainability and proves that it is possible to build a green building according to the most demanding sustainability criteria with an investment, comparable to classic investment costs. A building with minimum energy consumption that serves as an example for low-energy buildings.

2.3 Key Customer Research has shown that there are two specific audiences that primarily drive the decision to adopt green building principles. These audiences have been identified as: Developer/ Owners Commercial Tenants Green Building is a new and as of yet unproven concept in the real estate industry. This is especially true in the private sector. Developers are not building large numbers of green buildings and tenants are not seeking out green building space. The green buildings that have been built by developers and owners to date have been built by market innovators.

These are the people that see green building as the trend of the future and are willing to take risks to become leaders in the marketplace. They are people that have the influence to make the choice to build green and are personally driven by their values to make the change. These innovators are blazing the trail and creating the case studies and success stories that can be used to move the rest of the marketplace towards green building. The chart below illustrates the curve for the adoption of Green Building in the marketplace



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Fariy Adopters

Early Majority

Later Majority


Execution 3.1 Marketing Plan 3.2 Sales Plan 3.3Technology

3.1 ar M



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Beyond Green Regenerative Buildings Indoor Environmental Quality Building Type Talk is Cheap(But Essential) Existing Building

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Overall Trends •

Competitive Differentiator

Attract Tenants

Cost Effective

Increased Productivity and Worker Satisfaction

• Better Health Standards for Commercial Building Tenants •

Increased Rental Rates

For the Residential Market


• Public Relations & Community Benefits •

Lower Operating Costs

Immediate & Measurable Results

3.2 Sales

3.3 Technology


Thermal Enclosure

Air Sealing


Company 4.1 Administrative Team 4.2Sales Team 4.3Marketing Team 4.4Advisors

4.1 Administrative Team Kaylee Sterling

Chief Administrative Officer

Nicholas Griffin Administrative Section Manager

Brendan Benton Project Manager

4.2 Sales Team Kyle Robinson Chief Sales Officer

Jared Doohan Chief Sales Officer

Alvin Crouch Sales Execution

4.3 Marketing Team Rosie Stella Chief MarketingOfficer

Isabelle Haye Marketing Section Manager

Lena Keith Project Manager

4.4Advisors Kyle Robinson Administrative Advisors

Kyle Robinson Sales Advisors

Kyle Robinson Marketing Advisors

Financing 5.1Sources of Funds 5.2 Use of Funds

5.1 Sources of Funds

Sweepstakes Funds Tumpike Funds

Other Funds

General Funds

Federal Funds

Green buildings represent a major global investment opportunity, with buildings making up the largest segment of the US$231 billion energy efficiency market. In EBRD countries of operations, however, they also represent a challenge. Currently, green-building renovation rates and practices in these countries are far below Paris Agreement targets. Furthermore, most of these efforts are not costoptimal due to capacity and supplychain limitations, as well as regulatory and policy constraints.

5.2 Use of Funds The GET approach offers direct, sustainable financing to large corporate clients in sectors such as agribusiness, industry, power and energy utilities, property, tourism and transport, as well as to municipalities. Indirect financing is extended through Green Economy Finance Facilities (GEFFs), which provide credit lines to local financial institutions for on-lending to small

Statement 6.1 Projected Profit & Loss 6.2 Projected Balance Sheet

6.1 Projected

Profit & Loss

6.2 Projected

Balance Sheet

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