Full file at https://testbankuniv.eu/Cost-Management-A-Strategic-Emphasis-6th-Edition-Blocher-Solutions-Manual Chapter 02: Implementing Strategy: The Value Chain, the Balanced Scorecard, and the Strategy Map
CHAPTER 2: IMPLEMENTING STRATEGY: THE VALUE CHAIN, THE BALANCED SCORECARD, AND THE STRATEGY MAP EXERCISES 2-28 Execution; Competitive Strategy (20 min) 1. The critical aspect of the analysis of this special order is how it will affect the brand image of Deaine’s clothing. Deaine appears to compete on the basis of product differentiation, that is, its clothing is perceived to be of higher quality, attractiveness, etc. DEI is thus able to sell its clothing in upscale designer clothing retail stores, probably at a premium price. Sale of the same or similar clothing to department stores could dilute the brand image, and thus hurt the sales in the upscale retail stores. Customers who are willing to pay the premium to purchase the clothing in the designer stores may not be willing to do so if the same or similar clothing is available in department stores. Thus, while the special order might be very profitable in the short run, in the long run it is potentially very damaging for the company. The main point of this case, and a pervasive theme of strategic cost management, is that cost analysis from a strategic perspective can often provide a different answer from the cost analysis which has a short-term point of view. In practice, many cost systems have a short-term focus, and the strategic emphasis of strategic cost management is used to bring the firm’s operations and decision making back to consistency with the firm’s strategic objectives. 2. A SWOT analysis would be useful to Joel to help him more thoroughly understand the key critical success factors of his strategy and to therefore help him more effectively implement the strategy. Also, a value chain analysis would help him to understand his overall strategy and the linkages of the critical success factors in a more systematic and detailed manner. A balanced scorecard would provide Joel a means to organize 2-1 © 2013 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
Full file at https://testbankuniv.eu/Cost-Management-A-Strategic-Emphasis-6th-Edition-Blocher-Solutions-Manual