Aukland Waterfront - RepresentationIII booklet

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AUKLAND WATERFRONT Positive Developments between 2013 and 2016-18

Tze Weng E m m e lin e Y ip a 17435 89

Contents Pa g e



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Introduction to the 2012 Waterfront Plan

Pa g e


Site Zoning And Layout

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Westhaven Area - 2012 Proposed Development

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Difference Between 2013 And 2016-18 data

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Development Purpose

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Final Model 1

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Via Duct Harbour - 2012 Proposed Development

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Difference Between 2013 And 2016-18 data

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Details On Features

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Final Model 2

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Mo del 1 L ink h t t p s:/ / sk v Mo del 2 L in k h t t ps :/ / sk f n6Ks I ssuu L in k

Site Location: A uk la n d

Wa ter fro nt,

A u k land



2 0 13

20 16 -1 8


Introduction to the 2012 Waterfront Plan The visions if for Aukland to be the world’s most livable city. Under this vision, the desired outcomes are: –– –– –– –– –– –– ––

A fair, safe an d h ea lthy A uk la nd A g reen Au klan d An A u klan d of prosper ity a nd oppor tunity A well-c on n ec ted a nd a cces sibl e A ula nd A beautifu l Au kland tha t is loved by its peopl e A cultu ral ly ri c h and crea tive A uk la nd A Maori Iden ti ty th at is A uk la nd’s point of dif fere n c e i n t h e wo r ld .

To achieve th ese visi ons, the city ha s fur ther s et- up f i ve c at e g o r i e s:




A sustain able appro a ch Leadersh i p S e a level rise Re mediation Wat er Energy an d Cllimate C ha nge Wat er Qu ality

–– –– –– –– –– ––

Re g i o n al t r a n s p o r t st r a t e gy A t h i rd H a r b ou r c ro s si n C i t y C e n t re t r a ns p o r t p r i o r i t i e s F e r r y se r v i c e s Wy ny a rd Qu a r t e r Tr a n s p o r t Plan I n fr ast r u c t u re - p hy si c a l an d s o c i al c o nn e c t i v i t y


Pub l ic


Li vable

–– ––

C ult ure an d h eri tage Hig h- qual ity urban des ign a nd architec tu re p eople-frien dly pub lic spa ces Publ ic ac c ess to th e w ter Even ts an d ac ti vati on


A re s i l i e n t wat e r fro n t community Re si d e n t i al m i x an d wat e r o b j e c t i ve s Community i nfr ast r u c t u re

–– –– –– –– –– –– ––

–– –– ––

G re e n

Water fro n t

Water fro n t

–– ––



A S m a r t Wo rk in g Wa ter fro n t –– –– –– ––


Eco n omic development a nd t ourism Innovati on Prec i n t M ar in e an d F i sh in g C r uise - Queen s Wa r f

Auk land Council, 2012.

About the Site

Blue Promo n t o r y

Hi g hw ay

Par k

Qu ay


Axi s

201 3 m odel

184 0s

We st


Wy n a rd Qu ar t e r N OT fo cu s se d o n wi t hi n t h i s b o o kle t .

Vi a

D uct

Fores ho re

Harb ou r


Westhaven Area - Proposed Developments (2012)

Waterfront-wide walkway and cycleway Upgrade Harbour B r i d g e Pa r k - Te Koraenga or O-Ka

Marina Land and Waterspace Development

Westhaven Marine Village St Mary’s Bay Open Space

Road Improvements on Westhaven Drive


Improved Water Quality

Identifying Changes Between The Two Data Sets

2 0 16-1 8

Key features and the reulting positively affected areas.

2 0 13


St Mary’s Bay Open Space Project aimed to link Aukland Harbour Bridge Pathway from the west to Waynyard Quarter and then Queens Wharf and Tamaki Drive.

Road Improvements on Westhaven Drive

Goal is to increase the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. Via a waterfront pedestrian walkway and cyclingway connecting to the proposed Harbour Bridge cycleway.


Final Model 1

By simultaniously improving both sectors of the area, they work together to encourage more people to visit the area. As the St Marys Bay was originally located in an difficult to reach location, with only a single entrance and exit point, and next to a busy road. Simply developing it by itself would not produce any benificial results. Therefore, additionally developing the walkway allows the area to have a barrier between the main road and the greenery as well as providing a secondary entrance and exit point, encouraging more foot traffic through the area. Resulting in a less abandoned and lively area for visitors to relax. As the footbridge remains snug to the main road, a portion overhangs the waterway. An additional feature to the walkway/cycleway which will entice more users and visitors to interact with it, and water. Fulfilling the 2012 Waterfront Plan goals.


Via Duct Harbour - Proposed Developments (2012) Halsey Street wharf extension

Waterfront transit

Voyager NZ Maritime Museum entrance

Greening of Waitemata Plaza Urban Boulevard


Harbour Edge Stitch

Successful Devlopments Between 2013 and 2016-18

2 0 16 -1 8

Key features and the reulting positively affected areas.

2 0 13


Waterfront Transit A modern, low impact, frequent, high volume transit service in the longer term, which supports the regional passenger transport network. A first phase will be an extnesions of the tram service over the wWynard Crossing to the Voyager Museum, largely as a visitor attraction. It will be future-proffed for modern light rail vehicles, should this be the selected mode.

Greening of Waitemata Plaza Goal is to increase the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. Via a waterfront pedestrian walkway and cyclingway connecting to the proposed Harbour Bridge cycleway.


Final Model 2

As this location is directly on the ‘spine’ of the waterfront (on the quay street axis), a higher emphsis is placed on increasing and maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for pedestrians and cyclists. Through the lidar model, we were able to gain a better understanding of the views which the Waterfrony transit will acheive. A higher emphsis was placed on the greening of Waitemata Plaza. As its proximity to the transit allows visitors to view a patch of greenery, most likely a much needed break from the sea of blues, whites and greys usually surrounding the docks. The greening of Waitemata Plaza is also an attraction to draw pedestrains out towards the shore. Again, giving the docks a more lively, comfortable and less industrial feel. All the features of the two devleopements have have allowed this space to successfully emulate all five of the catergories listed in the 2012 Waterfron Plan. Therefore, actively helping to enhance the Aukland Waterfront.


Conclusion As see n i n th e i mages from the w a ter front tr a nsit, du r i n g 20 1 6 -18 t he tr ansi t was sti l l i n the proces s of being built. But , s i n c e 20 20, t he lo cation is n ow hou sing a Pa r k H ya tt H otel. A lthou g h i t i s n o lo ng e r t he in tial traspor ta tion hub tha t the council in t e n t e d . T h e re sult sti ll man ages to fulf il l their tour ism enha ncme n t d e si re s and poss i bly i s an improvement from a tr a por t hub. A s s t ay i n g a t a t ransp o rt stop is n ot a pla ce ma ny would w a nt to rem a i n i n fo r lo n g p er iod s of ti me. Wherea s a hotel implies l eisure, w it h i t s b ar s a n d re saur ants, th is loc ation is not l onger a commercia l sp a c e, bu t o n e for no r mal people to inha bit a nd v ist. T he or ig in al vi sion th at the A uk la nd council ha d hel d an e m p h s i s o n Gree ne ry, Con nec ti on (community) a nd improv ing the e c o no m i c s o f t he w at erfron t. Fro m the four devoped projectes devel oped between 20 13 t o 20 16 -18, t he hig hest i mprovements woul d be a greener w a ter fro n t , a s we ll as creatin g poepl e-friendly pla ces, w hich in tur n enc ou r a g e s pu b li c access to th e water. As mentioned prev iousl y the Pa rk H y a t t H o t al also fulf i lls th e c oun c i ls des ire to increa se economic d eve lo p e m n t and touri sm. Alt houg h many of th e i ntended projects were not com p le t e d i n t he tim e frame between the two da ta s ets. They s till s h ow o t h e r i mprovemen ts in area. S uch a s , increa sed tr a f f ic, or b o t h lan d a n d w ate r veh i c les. The ove r a l l increa s ed developmenta l p ro j e c t s, a s se en throu gh th e c rane s w ithin the lida r da ta . S uch i m p rove m e n t s i mply up c oming c h an ge s. These results woul d now b e s e e n i n 20 21, but d ue to th e lac k of d a ta s ets, these cha nges ca nno t b e ac cu r a t e l y note d . Th erefore, in th e future, a n a dditiona l a na l ysis m ay h e lp Aukland i mprove th e eff iciency of their ta s k , by moni t o r i ng t h e i r cit y ’s progres di gitally.


Referencing •

Aukland Council, 2012, The Waterfront Plan 2012, Waterfront Aukland, Aukland City Council.

Aukland Council, 2013, Sustainable development Framework, Waterfront Aukland, Aukland City Council.

Aukland Council, 2014, Wynyard Quater-urban design framwork, Waterfront Aukland, Aukland City Council.

Aukland Council, Nd, Looking after Auklands water, 02/04.2021.

20 13 LIDAR data - h ttps :/ / por ta l.opentopogr a phy.o rg / l i d ar D a t as e t ? j o b I d =p c 16 16 9 26 0 7 10 47

20 16-18 LIDAR data - https: / / por ta l.opentopogr a p hy.o rg / li d a r D at a se t ?j o b I d =p c 16 1 6 9 26 0 839 5 0

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