2021 Worship Tab

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March 2021

A Special Supplement to the

Roswell Daily Record


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Sunday, March 28, 2021

PARTICIPATING HOUSES OF WORSHIP BERRENDO BAPTIST CHURCH ......................... 9 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ROSWELL ............... 11 FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE.................. 8 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ..................... 15 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH .............. 6 GATEWAY CHURCH ........................................ 10

Publisher Barbara Beck Writer Juno Ogle

General Manager SaraLei Fajardo

HOPE FAMILY CHURCH OF GOD..................... 15 ROSWELL BAPTIST CHURCH ............................ 7 ST PETERS CATHOLIC CHURCH........................ 3 WAYMAKER CHURCH ....................................... 6 WEST COUNTRY CLUB CHURCH OF CHRIST .... 2 WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ........ 3

Editor John Dilmore

Cover & Layout Design Aric Loomis

Advertising Director Manny Gonzalez

Advertising Sales Merle Alexander Melanie Page

Circulation Director Jim Dishman

Graphic Design Sandra Martinez

Composing Director Aric Loomis Paginator Noely Martintez



Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Support remains strong at First United Methodist Church

By Juno Ogle Roswell Daily Record

Resilient is a word the Rev. Laird Cross uses to describe the congregation at the First United Methodist Church throughout the last year. “Their faith and their loyalty, their support to the congregation has remained strong. The people that we think of as strong supporters of the church have perhaps become stronger,” Cross said. He and his wife, the Rev. Tina Cross, are co-senior pastors at the church, 200 N. Pennsylvania Ave. The strength of support comes not just from long-time members, but also from newer members who have a strong commitment to their faith, he said. “They’ve been very, very loyal and very faithful,” he said.

Easter 2020 was the first parkinglot and online services the church conducted after state health orders restricted the size of public gatherings, Cross said. Each attracted about one-third the number of their usual gatherings. In July, the parking-lot sermons moved back into the sanctuary, observing COVID-safe practices. “Our numbers worshipping in person have grown somewhat,” he said. Some of the church’s small groups have also been meeting virtually. Cross said he expects to see more people at Easter services based on their experiences at Christmas. “We had two services, thinking that we could have smaller crowds at each one rather than one large

crowd,” he said of the Christmas service. “There were folks that came to that service that we had not seen pretty much since March and that obviously went out of their way to come to that service. “We expect the same thing at Easter, too,” he said. “This is beyond the normal Christmas and Easter folks, it’s regular, stable members that had not felt like it was safe to come.” There are members of the congregation, particularly older ones, the church has had to make more of an effort to reach, Cross said. For those with internet access, a weekly email newsletter was started along with the services online. For those who are not online, that meant reaching out through the U.S. mail with a printed newsletter or a

DVD copy of the week’s sermon. “We’ve also systematically tried to keep track of folks that we haven’t seen for a while or heard from or don’t know what’s happening with them. We actually have a couple of staff members that are tasked with that,” he said. “We just kind of called people and asked them if they were OK and that sort of thing,” he said. Cross said that even as restrictions ease, the church will continue to offer its congregation a virtual service. “As a church we made the decision to actually upgrade our technology and to have a better-looking service online and have it be more reliable as far as sound quality, picture and all of that,” he said.

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easter traditions meet digital tech at local churches

Submitted Photo Senior Pastor Rick Hale of Grace Community Church says the pandemic and its health restrictions had a “silver lining” in encouraging the church to increase its ways of reaching people.


ogy, which involved posting a recording

December when stricter health restric-

Senior Pastor Rick Hale of Grace

of the service later on Sundays, to now

tions were in place. The pandemic-re-

Community Church on West Mescalero

include livestreaming and social media

lated changes also have meant that the

Road said his planned message comes

events. He said it took a lot of work,

choir doesn’t sing, but Guthrie said an

from the Biblical verses that promise

technology and skill to create broad-

organist still provides live music and a

“joy cometh in the morning.”

casts where both sermons and music

few song leaders perform each week.

“The whole idea is that we can feel

are of the quality that people appreci-

The COVID-era also led First Pres-

it is very dark during night, but joy co-

ated. Now technology in churches is

byterian to increased use of technol-

meth in the morning,” Hale said. “Just

here to stay, he said.

ogy. Now it streams services live on

like on Good Friday, it was pretty dark

“It has been a huge help for us,” he

Facebook and YouTube.

and on Saturday it was pretty dark, but

said. “So many people, for whatever

About half of the congregation has

then joy came with the resurrection.”

reasons, cannot come or do not want

chosen to attend at the church, Guthrie

He said that the message has an

to come to in-person services.”

said, while the other half is opting for

additional meaning this year, as many

Pastor John Guthrie of First Pres-

the online services.

people are seeing a return to normalcy

byterian Church on West Third Street

after a year of hardships due to CO-

said his church is offering both online

one method is preferable over the oth-

VID-19, including no in-person Easter

and in-person as well.

er, especially at the current time.

services or gatherings last year.

He said the congregation has been

“We are trying to meet the needs of

Grace Community will hold three

meeting at the church again since May

those who don’t feel comfortable at-

in-person services on Saturday, April

2020 for its 10 a.m. Sunday service. In-

tending in person and those who do,”

3, at 6 p.m. and on Sunday, April 4, at

person service was discontinued for a

Guthrie said. “We are trying to serve

9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. As is the case

time around Thanksgiving and in early

the two populations as best we can.”

most weeks, the 9 a.m. service will be

By Roswell Daily Record

streamed live on the church’s Face Two local pastors say that they will honor the centuries-old Easter tradition at the same time that they embrace the modern technological changes sped up by coronavirus concerns and public health restrictions. The pastors intend to reach people with the resurrection message whether those people are gathered in pews or watching the screens of computers or

book page and website, www.roswellgrace.com, with a recording of the live service posted after 2 p.m. on the web-

He said that he does not believe that


site. A child’s ministry is also offered as a Facebook Live event on Sundays. “We really want to offer ‘both/and,’ not ‘either/or,’ ” Hale said. He said the last year brought the “silver lining” of stretching the organization beyond its original use of technol-

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How to navigate Easter celebrations in the era of social distancing


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Metro Creative

Holidays have been celebrated differently since the outbreak of COVID-19 in late 2019. Easter was among the first major holidays to be celebrated differently in 2020, and celebrations likely won’t return to normal in 2021. Celebrations and social distancing make strange bedfellows. However, it’s possible for people to safely celebrate Easter with their loved ones. • Watch virtual Mass together. Though it might not be the same as attending Mass in person together as a family, watching virtual Mass together can allow families to engage with their faith alongside one another. If the weather permits, use a projector and set it up out-

In-Person, on Facebook Live, and YouTube Masks & Social Distancing Observed

side so families can safely watch in the backyard. Make sure everyone wears masks and keeps their distance. If the weather is not cooperating, families can still watch Mass together, even if they’re not gathered in the same space. Set up a family Zoom call via a smartphone or laptop and then ask all on the call to watch a live stream of Mass on another device. • Take Easter brunch outside. An outdoor brunch provides another way for families to gather this Easter without compromising their health. Brunch makes more sense than dinner since it can be eaten in early afternoon when the weather is likely to be warmer than it will be at dinnertime. Heat lamps can add some warmth to outdoor Easter brunches.

EASTER WORSHIP featuring The Pecos Valley Brass

APRIL 4, 2021 10:30 AM


• Host an egg hunt in the backyard. The Easter egg hunt is one tradition that need not be sacrificed during the pandemic. Easter egg hunts traditionally take place outdoors, and children can wear masks like many are already doing when going to school or participating in sports and other extracurricular activities. • Host an Easter movie night. Families isolating and spending the day with only those in their own households can watch a movie that commemorates their Christian faith. Various films are set around Easter, including the classic “The Greatest Story Ever Told” (1965) starring Max von Sydow and Claude Rains and the more recent “Risen” (2016), which focuses on efforts by a Roman military tribune

named Clavius (Joseph Fiennes) who is tasked with investigating what happened to Jesus Christ’s body after the Crucifixion. Families can embrace some old and new traditions as they celebrate Easter in the era of social distancing.

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Holy week celebrates the origins of the Eucharist

Metro Creative

The Eucharist is a central component of the Christian faith. During the Eucharistic celebration, the sharing of bread and wine, which many Christians believe symbolizes the actual body and blood of Christ after the process of transubstantiation, takes place. The Easter season is a key time to reflect on the origins of sharing communion and the Eucharist. Church teaching and Biblical study says the origin of the Eucharist occurred at the Last Supper of Jesus, which is commemorated on Holy Thursday. According to the religious resource The Catholic Tradition, the Last Supper in the New Testament set the course for the tenets of the


Christian faith. Christian liturgies ex-

In like manner also the chalice,

a symbol for his blood and would be

ist because Jesus Christ told people

after He had supped, saying: This

poured out for their sins to be for-

to do what he had done, in memory

chalice is the new testament in My

given, indicates Bible Study Tools.

of him.

Blood: this do ye, as often as you

Additional Christian traditions which

The most detailed account of the

shall drink, for the commemoration

emerged during the Last Supper

first sharing of the Eucharist is found

of Me. For as often as you shall eat

include the washing of feet. Jesus

in St. Paul’s First Epistle to the Corin-

this Bread, and drink the Chalice,

washed his disciples’ feet as an ex-

thians, which predates the Gospels.

you shall show the death of the Lord,

ample to be servants to all.

St. Paul 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11,

until He come.

From the Last Supper on, faithful

offers nearly verbatim the terminol-

Jesus and his disciples gathered

Christians follow the guidance of Je-

ogy used in today’s Apostolic liturgy.

on the first day of Passover for the

sus Christ, and the Eucharist is the

St. Paul’s words read:

Last Supper. In addition to sharing

central component of masses within

For I have received of the Lord

food and wine, Jesus explained that

many Christian churches. Keeping

that which also I delivered unto you,

one in their midst would betray Him

this feast renews repentance and

that the Lord Jesus, the same night in

and another would deny knowing

people’s faith in Jesus’ blood and

which He was betrayed, took bread,



and giving thanks, broke, and said:

Jesus also explained to the dis-

Easter is an opportunity to dive

Take ye, and eat: This is My Body,

ciples how the bread was a symbol

deeper into the Christian faith and

which shall be delivered for you: this

of his body and would be broken

the meanings behind the tenets of

do for the commemoration of Me.

for them. In addition, the wine was



Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Passover is a celebration of freedom

Metro Creative

Passover is a Jewish celebration that begins this year at sundown on March 27 and ends on April 4. Passover typically occurs around the same time as Christian Easter. In 2021, the holidays overlap and share April 4 as the culmination of

prayer for Jews and Christians. According to the religious resource My Jewish Learning, Passover is a festival of freedom that marks the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. The term “passover,” which is also known as “pesach,” coordinates to a key moment in religious history. According to texts, the Egyptian Pharaoh refused to liberate the children of Israel, despite requests from Moses and his brother, Aaron. The pharaoh was warned that his people and he would be punished if the pharaoh did not comply. Persistent and obstinate in his refusal, Pharaoh was subjected to 10 plagues, each of which was more devastating than the previous one. These plagues included blood, frogs, bugs,

flies, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and finally the demise of all firstborn males. To be spared the penultimate devastation, Israelites were instructed to sacrifice a lamb for a meal and to mark their doors with its blood. The Lord would see the blood and pass over that household, sparing the occupants’ sons. Because Passover is so symbolic, Passover seders, which take place either on the first Friday or both the first and second Friday of Passover, feature many traditions. Some traditions may need to be modified to maintain health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is customary to read the Haggadah at the seder table, but celebrants who cannot come together may share these important stories, blessings

and songs via an online video chat. In addition, if Passover celebrants cannot make it to the store or find all of the ingredients for their seder plates, substitutions may need to be made. Traditionally, an egg, bitter herbs, a shank bone, parsley, haroset (chopped mixed nuts, fruits and cinnamon), and lettuce are included. Celebrants can even experiment with making unleavened bread at home if necessary. If horseradish for a bitter herb is unavailable, any item that can cause tears, such as ginger or raw lemon, may be substituted. Passover is an important part of Jewish history and a holiday that is celebrated each year with vigor.

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Easter Worship & Celebrating

The meaning of Palm Sunday Metro Creative

Easter Sunday is the most sacred day on the Christian calendar. A celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion

Sunday, March 28, 2021


Upon Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem,

that, because palms are blessed,

the townspeople who revered him

they cannot simply be discarded

showered him with praise, and some may even have thrown palm at his feet in front of him to pay homage.

as trash. In fact, palms are sometimes collected by churches and incinerated. The resulting ashes

on Good Friday, Easter Sunday



are then used to create the ashes

marks the culmination of the Lent-

symbol for Christians. Upon ar-

en season, a 40-day period when

riving at church on Palm Sunday,

that will be used on Ash Wednes-

Christians across the globe reflect

Christians are given palms before

on their faith and make sacrifices

proceeding to their seats. These

to honor the ultimate sacrifices

palms are blessed at the beginning

made by their God.

of Palm Sunday Mass, and many

notes that it is acceptable to bury

The final week of Lent is known

Christians ultimately fashion their

the palms.

as Holy Week, and the week be-

palms into small crosses.

gins with Palm Sunday, the final

Palms can be kept in a home for

Palm Sunday marks the begin-

Sunday before Easter. According

the year, though Christians who

to Catholic Online, Palm Sunday

cannot do that can return them to

commemorates the triumphant ar-

their church. That’s important to

endar, Palm Sunday is steeped in

rival of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.

note, as Catholic Online indicates

meaningful tradition.




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Lent. If returning palms to church is not feasible, CatholicCulture.org

ning of Holy Week. And like many other days on the Christian cal-


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day, which marks the beginning of


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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Why Good Friday is ‘good’

Metro Creative

people use it today. According to Christianity.com,




the word “good” might be the re-

crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good

sult of an older name once used to

Friday, which is the Friday before

commemorate Good Friday, which

Easter Sunday. Christians believe

Christians believe is one of the ho-

that Jesus Christ was flogged and

liest days of the year. Christianity.

abused in other ways en route to his

com notes that Good Friday was

crucifixion, which ultimately ended

once referred to as “God’s Friday.”

with his death. So why would such

That name, the theory suggests,

a day ever be commemorated with

gradually evolved into “Good Fri-

the word “good”?


There are different theories as

Many practicing Christians do

to how the word “good” came to be

not question the name Good Friday,

used in connection with the day that

feeling that the day, while one of sol-

commemorates the crucifixion of

emn commemoration, also marks

Christ. In a 2014 article for the BBC,

the beginning of the celebration of

a senior editor with the Oxford Eng-

the Resurrection of Jesus Christ,

lish Dictionary, Fiona MacPherson,

traditionally been used to designate

servance is held. So in that context,

a celebration that culminates two

noted that the adjective “good” has

day or season in which religious ob-

“good” is not used in the way many

days later on Easter Sunday.

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Easter Worship & Celebrating

Explaining the Easter vigil

Metro Creative

1. Service of Light

2. Liturgy of the Word

Sunday, March 28, 2021


also renew their baptismal promises during this portion of the Eas-

Easter is the most significant date

The atmosphere in the church

During the Liturgy of the Word,

on the calendar for Christians across

is noticeably different during the

readings are chosen from among

the globe. A celebration of the belief

Service of Light, when all lights

seven Old Testament and two New

in the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

are turned out and the tabernacle


passages. All nine

The Mass resumes during the

Easter serves as the foundation of

is empty. The Service of Light be-

need not be read, but three from

Liturgy of the Eucharist, and spe-

the Christian faith. So it’s no surprise

gins outside the church and a new

the Old Testament must be read.

cial prayers are inserted during

that a day as significant as Easter is

fire is lit and blessed upon enter-

CatholicCulture.org notes that the

the Eucharist prayer. According

steeped in such incredible tradition.

ing. A Paschal candle is prepared

Gloria is sung before the reading

to CatholicCulture.org, the whole

The Easter vigil is one such tradi-

and the priest lights the candle

of the Epistle of the Romans, while

church is called to join at the sac-

tion. According to CatholicCulture.

from the new fire. The candle is

Alleluia is sung before the Gospel.

rificial table that Christ prepared

org, the vigil is a liturgy celebrated

processed through the church as

on the eve of Easter Sunday, a day

each celebrant lights his or her

known as “Holy Saturday” within the

own candle from the Paschal can-

During the Liturgy of Baptism, the


dle, which symbolizes Christ. The

Easter water is blessed and new

The celebration of Easter includes

CatholicCulture.org notes that the

Easter proclamation is then sung,

members are welcomed into the

many inspiring traditions. The Eas-

Easter Vigil is divided into four parts,

explaining the significance of Eas-

church through the ceremony of

ter vigil is one such tradition that the

each with their own unique charac-


baptism. The faithful in attendance

faithful participate in each Holy Sat-

who have already been baptized


teristics and traditions.

ter vigil. 4. Liturgy of the Eucharist

for Christians during his death and 3. Liturgy of Baptism


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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Finding faith during Easter celebrations

Metro Creative

For many Christians, modern Easter celebrations would not be complete without bonnets, bunnies and colored eggs. As fun as those components can be, Christianity is at the heart of Easter, which is the most important date on the Christian religious calendar. Easter Sunday marks the culmination of events that shaped the beliefs and teachings of an entire faith. Easter marks the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which Christians believe occurred within days of his crucifixion and burial. The New Testament indicates that the Resurrection of Jesus is one of the chief tenets of the Christian faith and established Jesus as the Son of God. Easter is an example that God will righteously judge the world by sacri-

ficing His son for the sins of others. And any person who chooses to follow Jesus receives everlasting life thanks to Christ’s Resurrection. Easter is linked to the Jewish celebration of Passover due to its proximity on the calendar and the fact that Jesus was Jewish. The Bible states that Jesus participated in the Passover meal during The Last Supper. At The Last Supper, Jesus identified the matzo (bread) and wine as his body and blood, soon to be sacrificed and shed. Christians believe The Last Supper marked the first transubstantiation, or the turning of bread and wine into the actual substance of Christ’s body and blood. This also was the first celebration of the Eucharist and Holy Mass that would become another core component of the Christian faith. Easter is a time of great celebra-

tion that is preceded by Lent, a weeklong period of reflection, prayer and repentance. The days immediately prior to Easter are commonly referred to as Holy Week. This encompasses Palm Sunday and lasts through Holy Thursday (the day of The Last Supper), Good Friday (when Jesus was crucified and placed in the tomb), and Holy Saturday (the 40-hour-long vigil that the followers of Jesus Christ held after his death and burial). On Easter Sunday, four women, including Mary Magdalene, went to Christ’s tomb to anoint his body with spices and oils. They found the tomb was empty and were met with an angel who told them that Jesus had been raised from the dead. A biblical account in John 20:1416 indicates that Mary Magdalene was the first to speak with the risen

Jesus. She mistakes Jesus for a gardener and says to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him, “Rabboni!” In regard to his apostles Simon Peter was the first to see the risen Christ. Easter is a time of joy and celebration, and a great opportunity for Christians to immerse themselves in their faith.

Easter Worship & Celebrating

What is the ‘good news’?

Metro Creative

The term “good news” is often used by Christians in reference to their faith. Good news is at the heart of Christianity, and it has both symbolic and literal meaning in reference to the New Testament. According to the online biblical reference Bible Odyssey, “good news” is the literal translation of the Greek word “euangelion.” It also can be interchanged with gospel, which is “good spiel” or “godspel,” which means good news. New Testament authors offer that the good news means the salvation and liberation from sin and estrangement from God. The Apostle Paul summarized the gospel, and in turn the good news, in this way: Now, brothers and sisters, I want to

remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you

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hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that

Sunday, March 28, 2021


Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. Christians believe Christ’s death symbolizes the ultimate sacrifice and paved the way for Jesus’ resurrection. The death and resurrection — proving that their would be life after death for the faithful — became the core tenet of the Christian faith. Everyone who accepts the gospel and has faith in God will receive salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven. Easter celebrations are important to Christians because this holiday is the most meaningful on the liturgical calendar. Easter highlights the good news in its most potent form.


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Easter trees make festive spring decorations ing right now that trees are for an



bons and Easter eggs. Pussy wil-

entirely different Christian holiday,

branched out with his own Osterei-

low branches work well, though any

you are both right and wrong. Even

erbaum tradition. Volker Kraft deco-

branches can stand in.

though trees may be more widely

rated an apple tree on his property

associated with Christmas, Easter

in the town of Saalfeld, Germany,

When decorating Easter trees,

trees are an increasingly popular

adding more eggs each year as the

and festive tradition that trace their

tree grew larger. The tradition came

roots to Germany.

to an end in 2015. At one point the

The Easter tree is known as

tree held 10,000 eggs, all hand-

Ostereierbaum in Germany and is

crafted by Kraft and his family. How-

a centuries-old custom. Eggs are

ever, a tree in Rostock, Germany

hung on outdoor tree branches and

held the Guinness World Record for

bushes or are placed on cut branch-

tree with the most eggs — a display

es displayed inside. While the tradi-

of 80,000.

tion is traced to Germany, German-

While Easter trees are typically

influenced locales like Hungary,

more modest than Kraft’s tree, the

Poland, the Czech Republic, and

displays can be as large or as small

Decorating an outdoor tree also is

the Pennsylvania Dutch region of

as one desires. Many Easter trees

possible and very visible. It can be a

Easter is coming and it’s time

the United States also are popular

consist of a few branches placed in

great way to share Easter blessings

to put up the tree. For those think-

places for Easter trees to appear.

a vase decorated with flowers, rib-

with others in the community.

Metro Creative




families can use plastic eggs or even real ones. Using a sharp knife or needle, make two small holes in a raw egg. Blow out the inside of the egg until the shell is hollow. Then decorate the egg and thread a ribbon through the holes so it can be hung on the tree. If desired, place sweet Easter treats, such as chocolate eggs or pastel-colored cupcakes, under the Easter tree.

Easter Worship & Celebrating

Sunday, March 28, 2021


Join us in person or online


Sunday, March 28, 10:00 a.m.

MAUNDY THURSDAY– Thursday, April 1, 5:30 p.m.


Friday, April 2, 5:30 p.m.


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Corner of Kentucky Avenue & Third Street



Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easter Worship & Celebrating


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