Roswell Daily Record
Jurney backs Kintigh curfew THE VOICE OF THE PECOS VALLEY
Vol. 120, No. xx 50¢ Daily / $1 Sunday
Roswell’s mayor is throwing his support behind a local state lawmaker’s attempt to push legislation that would allow municipalities to enact cur few laws for minors. In an e-mail to members of the House Judiciary
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The Campbell Soup Co. sold more cans of soup in its fiscal second quarter, but at such deep discounts it drove down the company’s profit. The quarterly decline was expected, but it came with some other bad news from the food maker. . - PAGE C4
For The Past 24 Hours
• RPD seeks daughter, arrests son on elder abuse charges • Madsen has pre-trial ... • Roswell Expo celebrates Baby Boomers • Animal Control does more than catch dogs • Bingaman to retire
Committee, Mayor Del Jurney asked the lawmakers to approve Rep. Dennis Kintigh’s, R-Roswell, bill that would give local governments the authority to restrict minors from being unattended in public at night and would also give police the power to escort truant children back to schools during the day.
• Henry W. Allen • Augustina Amesqua • Helen Bourandas • Marjorie Sidd - PAGE B6
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mal school hours, as well
“It is imperative that
It’s being opposed by the American Civil Liberties Union, which helped strike down a similar curfew attempt by the city of Albuquerque in the 1990s.
Tally Ho!
as during late night hours,” stated Jurney in the letter. “I believe that this piece of legislation will allow us to
municipalities have the tools necessary to address the growing concer n of youth activities during nor-
With bellies full of port and sherry, the ladies and gentlemen of an Albuquerque-based fox hunting group cantered over the eastern escarpment of the Pecos River Valley for the first time, Saturday morning. The group, Juan Tomás Hounds, is a member of the Masters of Foxhounds Association of America established in the 1960s, and usually hunts only on ranches located between Albuquerque and Santa Fe or the undeveloped land on the Duke City’s West Mesa. But two Roswell JTH members persuaded the red-coated masters and their hounds to hunt coyotes on Bureau of Land Management-owned land just opposite Bottomless Lakes State Park. “We like to hunt in various places,” Leandro Gutierrez, a veterinarian at Casa Querencia Animal Adren Nance readies the hounds for the hunt, Saturday morning.
A quick glance at everything but the score on the stat sheet from the New Mexico Military Institute men’s basketball team’s game against Clarendon College might make you think ... - PAGE B1
February 20, 2011
Roswell man shot, killed in El Paso
Leandro Gutierrez, co-host of the Juan Tomás Hounds Roswell hunt.
One Roswell man is dead and another has been arrested in El Paso, charged with murder, following a shooting near the entrance to the short-term parking area of El Paso International Airport, early Friday afternoon, according
Courtesy Photo
See MURDER, Page A7
David Quinonez arrested for murder
WASHINGTON (AP) — The GOP-run House, jolted by freshmen determined to drive down the deficit, snatched $61 billion from hundreds of federal programs while shielding coal companies, oil refiners and farms from new federal regulations. Passage early Saturday of the $1.2 trillion bill, covering every Cabinet agency through Sept. 30, when the current budget year ends,
sent the measure to the Senate, where it faces longer odds, and defied a White House veto threat. The largely party-line vote of 235-189 was the most striking victory to date for the 87 freshman Republicans elected last fall on a promise to attack the deficit and reduce the reach of government. Three Republicans joined Democrats in opposing the measure.
Health in Roswell who scouted the land three weeks before the hunt, said. “We’re from here, and it’s a great honor for us to host a hunt here.” In traditional 16th-century British form, the riders sipped their wine from plastic cups (well, almost traditional) during the “Stirrup Cup” prior to the hunt, then donned traditional English hunting attire. Masters and former masters wear scarlet coats, while women wear colored collars on their riding jackets. Everyone
sports breeches, English dress riding boots and black hunt caps with ribbons on the back. The co-host of the hunt, D a v i d Durham, of Roswell, says the social traditions of fox hunting first attracted him to the sport after college. “A lot of it is the camaraderie and horsemanship, and there’s a certain culture to it that’s kind of cool,” Durham, a psychiatrist and neurologist at Eastern New Mexico Medical
begin that process.” Jurney’s support of the measure makes it likely that the city of Roswell may be one of the first municipalities to move to enact the ordinance if the bill were to be signed into law. measure Kintigh’s cleared its first hurdle earSee JURNEY, Page A7
horn sounded, signaling the release of the hounds. Eleven couples, or 22 hounds, leapt from a horse trailer, and sniffed the ground for the scent of coyotes. Adren Nance, the huntsman who directs the hounds, says the length of the hunt depends on the weather — the colder, the better since the hounds prefer not to run in the heat. Saturday’s weather was perfect, he said. “This fog is awesome,” he told the hunt, which consisted of about 15-20 riders. Nance also says that English-style riding is not foreign to Roswell, where New Mexico Military Institute once had a cavalry unit. “I used to be a commander of the cavalry unit,” Nance said, smiling while showing off his gold NMMI belt buckle. “It all comes from when NMMI used to have a big horse program until they
Fox hounds search for the coyotes’ scent. Center, said. At 10 a.m., sharp, the
stopped in 1998.” See FOX HUNT, Page A7
McGrath leaves ENMMC
Eastern New Mexico Medical Center CEO Bradley K. McGrath left his post Monday to accept the position of project CEO at Community Health System. CHS is ENMMC’s parent organization. Eloise Blake, ENMMC chairwoman of the Board, sung high praises of McGrath in a note to hospital staff,
Thursday. “We are grateful for his leadership,” Blake wrote. “[We] are proud of our hospital’s accomplishments during the past three and a half years [of his tenure], including the opening of our new Emergency Department, achieving designation as a Level III Trauma Center, becoming an Accredited Chest Pain Center, reaccredita-
Courtesy Photo
Freshmen spur GOP-run House on big spending cuts “The American people have spoken. They demand that Washington stop its out-of-control spending now, not some time in the future,” said freshman Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan. The legislation imposes severe spending cuts on domestic programs and foreign aid. Targets include schools, nutrition programs, environmental protection, and heating and housing subsidies for the
See MCGRATH, Page A7
poor. The measure faces a rough ride in the Democratic-controlled Senate. That was the case even before late GOP amendments pushed the bill further to the right on health care and environmental policy. Senate Democrats are promising higher spending levels and are poised to defend President Barack Obama’s health care bill,
Bradley K. McGrath
environmental policies and new efforts to overhaul regulation of the financial services industry. Changes rammed through the House on Friday and Saturday would shield greenhouse-gas polluters and privately owned colleges from federal regulators; block a plan to clean up the Chesapeake Bay; and bar the gover nment See CONGRESS, Page A7