Roswell Daily Record
Kintigh introduces curfew bill
Vol. 120, No. 30 50¢ Daily / $1 Sunday
EGYPT CHAOS CAIRO (AP) — Menacing gangs backing President Hosni Mubarak attacked journalists and human rights activists Thursday in an ugly turn in Egypt’s crisis as government ... - PAGE A6
A local lawmaker wants to give municipalities a local option in deciding whether to enact curfew laws for minors. Rep. Dennis Kintigh, RRoswell, introduced a bill that would give local governments the authority to restrict minors from being unattended in public during the night and would also give police power to escort children back to schools during the day. Similar bills died in the Roundhouse when they
February 4, 2011
were introduced by Democrats in 2002 and 2004. In addition, a local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union indicate that they would challenge the bill if it were passed into law. Despite the obstacles, Kintigh says the proposal would allow local cities and municipalities to decide if the system would work best for their respective communites. He described the legislation as a “rescue bill” and said it would help to keep people under the age of 18 safe from potential crimes. “This is a way ... to pro-
Snow trekkers
tect kids from being victims,” Kintigh said. “Occasionally, (young people are) going to be the instigators, but more likely they are going to be the victim.” Kintigh, a former interim chief of the Roswell Police Department and an FBI agent, said he believes the proposal would be a useful tool for law enforcement. “I think the key thing here is that it cuts down on the chances of young people becoming victimized in the evening,” he
Democrats assail governor’s immigration order
SANTA FE (AP) — Democratic legislators on Thursday vowed to fight a directive by Republican Gov. Susana Martinez requiring state law enforcement to ask about the immigration status of criminal suspects. More than a dozen House and Senate members opposed the governor’s executive order, saying it would lead to racial profiling of Hispanics. They likened the policy to a controversial immigration enforcement law in Arizona and said it was contrary to New Mexico’s tradition of cultural diversity.
Budget slashes See ORDER, Page A3
See CURFEW, Page A3
TOP 5 WEB For The Last 24 Hours
• Weather affects motorists • Xcel Energy to customers: Conserve your energy • Ponce caught in a conflict of interest • CC! lauds cheer athletes • Horton murder: Family wants closure, asks public for help
INSIDE SPORTS Mark Wilson Photo
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans now controlling the House promised Thursday to slash domestic agencies’ budgets by almost 20 percent for the coming year, the first salvo in what’s sure to be a bruising battle over their drive to cut spending to where it was before President Barack Obama took office. “Washington’s spending spree is over,” declared Paul R yan, the House Budget Committee chairman who announced the plan. “The spending limits will restore sanity to a broken budget process,” he said, returning “to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels.” Republicans won’t get everything they want. Democrats are in charge of the White House and the
Snowstorm does not stop good Samaritans New Mexico Military Institute cadets trek across a snow-covered Stapp Field between classes, Tuesday morning.
ALL-STAR RESERVES ANNOUNCED NEW YORK (AP) — Blake Griffin is going to his first AllStar game, and Kevin Garnett matched an NBA record with his 14th straight selection as one of a record-tying - PAGE B1
• Nena Maria Porter • Felix O. Sepulveda • J.B. Hopper - PAGE B4
HIGH ...38˚ LOW ....16˚
Good Samaritans ventured out into the community, as weather storms rolled into Roswell this week. Although the Community Kitchen and St. Peters Catholic Church food pantry, 111 E. Deming, closed their doors Wednesday and Thursday, attendants on hand gave out goods to those who rang their bell. “They walk in, or they ride their bikes in,” Teresa Duran, Community Kitchen kitchen manager said. “Our numbers are down because they are not going to be out in this weather, but we’re here. If they ring the doorbell we’ll get them a sandwich, chips.” Today the Community Kitchen plans to be open during regular hours. Duran said weather affects the populations served at the kitchen in several ways. “They don’t have health
care,” she said. “They can’t spend five or six dollars to go buy a bottle of Nyquil [if they get sick]. They’re very wise about exposing themselves to the elements. If you don’t have a doctor, or money to go to the doctor they stay where they’re warm.” Rev. Rubie Rubinstein, Harvest Ministries evangelist and counselor, has kept his ministry working around the clock, in wake of weather storms. Rubinstein said Christian Services, a food pantry partner in Ruidoso, collected food from Harvest’s pantry, Thursday. “They called us this morning, asking us if we could distribute some food,” he said. “It was 22 below zero in Ruidoso and they were having some difficulties, power outages and frozen pipes. They made it down and they collected food for their ministry up there.” See GOOD, Page A3
Dreaming of summer days
Jonathan Entzminger photo
Thousands in NM without natural gas service
Adam Barela, Harvest Ministries freight staff worker, stocks goods, Thursday.
CLASSIFIEDS..........C1 COMICS.................B5 ENTERTAINMENT.....C1 FINANCIAL .............B6 GENERAL ..............A2 HOROSCOPES ........C2 LOTTERIES ............A2 OPINION ................A4 SPORTS ................B1 WEATHER ..............A8 WORLD .................A6
See SLASHES, Page A6
Mark Wilson Photo
Snow partially covers the ‘Reading Bench’ sculpture at the Roswell Public Library, Thursday as sub-freezing temperatures continue in the area.
ALBUQUERQUE (AP) — Tens of thousands of people across New Mexico were without natural gas service Thursday, prompting Gov. Susana Martinez to declare a state of emergency for the entire state. Demand soared because of extremely cold weather across the state since Tuesday. New Mexico Gas Company said rolling blackouts in West Texas also impeded the delivery of natural gas into New Mexico. The company said service was disrupted throughout the state — in Bernalillo, Placitas, Taos, Questa, Red River and parts of Albuquerque, Silver City, Alamogordo, Tularosa and La Luz. Martinez sent all nonessential state workers home for the day, and urged all residents to turn down their thermostats, bundle up and shut off appliances they don’t need for the next 24 hours. “As New Mexicans, we’ve always gotten through difficult situations,” she said. “We will get through this situation as well.” Emergency shelters were set up in several areas. Martinez See SERVICE, Page A3