Roswell Daily Record
Vol. 120, No. 22 50¢ Daily / $1 Sunday
Obama: Leadership is ‘shared responsibility’
WASHINGTON (AP) — Reaching for unity in a new era of divided government, President Barack Obama implored Democratic and Republican lawmakers to rally behind his vision of economic revival for an anxious nation, declaring in his State of the Union address Tuesday night: “We will move forward together, or not at all.” Obama made his State of the Union address to a Congress sobered by the recent shootings in Arizona and talking about a new
tone of political civility. A number of Democratic and Republican lawmakers walked into the House chamber alongside each other and planned to sit together rather than on clearly marked sides as usual. One seat was to remain empty in honor of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, who is recovering from the Jan. 8 assassination attempt against her that left six people dead. Many in both parties were wearing black-
MOSCOW (AP) — Prime Minister Vladimir Putin vowed revenge Tuesday for the suicide bombing that killed 35 people at a Moscow airport — a familiar tough-on-terrorism stance that has underpinned his ... - PAGE A2
AP Photo President Barack Obama greets Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, prior to delivering his State of the Union address. Justices, from left are, Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Sotomayor.
TOP 5 WEB For The Last 24 Hours
• Rep. Kintigh introduces amendment • DA won’t charge • Dexter fire • Monroe and UFOs part 2 • United Way of Chaves County reaches campaign goal
January 26, 2011
AP Photo President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday. Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio are at rear.
and-white lapel ribbons, signifying the deaths in Tucson and the hopes of the survivors. Family members of some victims were sitting with first lady Michelle Obama in the gallery. Trying to lift the nation and his own political fortunes, Obama stood before the joint session of Congress at the halfway point of his term as aides prepared the launch of his 2012 re-election campaign. In excerpts from the speech, released in advance by the White House, Obama called for more federal spending on core areas — but alongside a long,
hard commitment to reining in the nation’s debt. He promised to veto any bill that contained pet projects and said the nation’s political leadership is now a “shared responsibility.” The president called on Congress to simplify the tax system and get rid of loopholes, saying the saved money could be used to lower the corporate tax rate for the first time in 25 years without adding to the deficit. He called for freezing discretionary gover nment spending outside of national security for the next five years, saying that would save $400 billion as a step
toward reducing the country’s staggering debt. The president said the budget discipline would require “painful cuts” in cherished programs without identifying any of them. The president cast the challenges facing the United States as bigger than either party. He said the nation was facing a new “Sputnik” moment, and he urged efforts to create a wave of innovation to create jobs and a vibrant economic future, just as the nation vigorously responded to the Soviets beating the U.S. See UNION, Page A3
Kintigh looks to strip speakers’ committee authority MATTHEW ARCO RECORD STAFF WRITER
ROCKETS EDGE HOBBS When it comes to tradition and winning, one program stands alone atop the basketball heap in New Mexico — the Hobbs Eagles. For one night ,,, - PAGE B1
A local state lawmaker hopes to start a debate on House member committee assignments and ultimately seeks to strip nearly all of Speaker Ben Lujan’s authority to craft each committee. Rep. Dennis Kintigh, RRoswell, is seeking a House rule change that would give the majority and minority party leadership the authority to dole out their own committee assignments. Currently, Lujan, D-Santa Fe, decides who serves on each committee that bills navigate
through before, if at all, heading to the House floor for a vote. “The system of having the speaker appoint the representatives from both parties is not appropriate,” Kintigh said. “Each party needs to decide how to best use their resources to advocate for their positions.” Under the rule change proposal, the speaker of the House would retain the authority to assign each committee’s chair and vice chair positions. Lujan told the Daily Record on Tuesday, he favors the current House rules, but added he works
Just hanging out
to satisfy each members’ committee request. “While the speaker of the New Mexico House has the authority to appoint all members to various committees, I work with both the majority and the minority leadership to consider their members’ requests and their recommendations to dif ferent committees,” he said. “I cooperate as much as I can.” Lujan also said he would listen to the decision of the House Rules and Order of Business Committee, on which he serves, in See STRIP, Page A3
House memorial declares Chaves County Every 15 Minutes Program Day MATTHEW ARCO RECORD STAFF WRITER
A Chaves County program that seeks to warn youth of the dangers associated with drinking and driving is getting some statewide attention, today. Rep. Candy Spence Ezzell, R-Roswell, is sponsoring a House memorial declaring today Chaves County Every 15 Minutes Pro-
gram Day. The memorial comes on the same day about 70 students from three high schools in the county are traveling to Santa Fe to spend a day in the Roundhouse. “We’re excited about that,” said Ezzell, regarding meeting the students from Dexter, Hager man and Lake Arthur high schools, who are slated to meet
See 15, Page A3
OBITUARIES • Bess Langenegger • Seth Eugene Smith • Wilma Inez George • Debra Louise Hebert • Fredda “Sue” Boggs • Johnny H. Herrera - PAGE A6
Lawmakers across the state introduced about 40 education-related bills after the Legislature convened in Santa Fe last week. Issues range from school lunch nutrition, grade promotions and moratoriums on building new schools. Here is a breakdown of House bills on the table. A list of Senate bills will run in tomorrow’s paper. More detailed legislation infor mation can be found online at
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House Bill 3: Known as the “Education Appropriation Act.” Proposes education budget for fiscal year 2011-2012. Allocates about $2.22 million for state equalization guarantee, which is the primary funding source for school district operations.
Mark Wilson Photo
Taking advantage of spring-like weather siblings Liam and Dana Kennedy climb the 'Spacenet' at Cielo Grande playground, Saturday morning.
HB 21: Limits grade promotions. If a student is not reading proficient by third grade, the student will not See BILLS, Page A3