Roswell Daily Record
Buddy Walk rousing success THE VOICE OF THE PECOS VALLEY
Vol. 119, No. 249 50¢ Daily / $1 Sunday
About 450 students at Valley View Elementary, located at 1400 S. Washington Ave., were assembled for an important announcement in the school’s gym on Friday at 8 a.m., concerning the Roswell Independent School District’s participation in National Character Counts! Week. - PAGE A2
For The Past 24 Hours
• Patsy Chesser: From ranch to Auxiliary ... • City manager short list gets shorter • Silver Taps honors fallen NMMI alumni • After 95 years, Roswell will lose Cobean’s ... • Character Counts! in Chaves County ...
October 17, 2010
Mark Wilson Photo
Seth Dannhein dances with the Goddard Cheer Squad during the 6th annual Buddy Walk for the National Down Syndrome Society, Saturday, at the Spring River Park & Zoo.
Scandal plagues sec state office
SANTA FE (AP) — New Mexico Secretary of State Mary Herrera has been dragged through the mud over the last several months by everyone from bloggers and newspaper columnists to concerned county clerks and disgruntled former employees. There have been allegations made by former top officials of criminal wrongdoing in the secretary of state’s office, disputes over the election code, cryptic requests for public records, e-mail threats and rumblings of stolen documents and staged burglaries.
As a 4-year-old girl with Down syndrome sporting pink plastic glasses and a bright yellow ribbon in her curly blonde hair finished the last stretch of a 1-mile trek through Spring River Park & Zoo, she was greeted by Goddard High School cheerleaders yelling her name and applause from a group of onlookers. “Go, Madison!” they cheered. The girl’s grandmother, Becky Neel, who was push-
ing Madison in a stroller, paused so the group of paparrazzi that for med could snap a picture of her achievement. “Show them your medal,” Mom, Lisa Neel, urged later. Madison and her family from Artesia were just some of the hundreds of people who partcipated in the 6th annual Buddy Walk Saturday morning to promote awareness and acceptence for those with Down syndrome. The walk was created in 1995 by the National Down Syndrome
Where’s The Great Pumpkin?
Society, and it first came to Roswell in 2004 via the two local co-founders of the Down Syndrome Foundation of Southeastern New Mexico. “I just think it’s a great organization,” Madison’s grandmother said. The walk is the biggest fundraiser for the organization, Teresa McCreary, DSFSENM president, said. She noted that Easter n New Mexico Medical Center donated $5,000 and Blue See WALK, Page A9
Mark Wilson Photo
Cadets from the New Mexico Military Institute, area high school students and church volunteers unload a truck full of pumpkins at the St. Mark's Lutheran Church pumpkin patch, Saturday.
NMMI HAM radio operators prepare for disaster See SCANDAL, Page A9
New Mexico Military Institute cadet Ryan Turner operates a ham radio, Saturday morning, during a NMMI Amateur Radio Club meeting.
Snowfall blanketed the streets of Roswell Saturday morning, leaving countless travelers stranded in the sudden blizzard. At least, that was the simulated scenario played out by amateur radio operators across the state yesterday to improve communication during disasters. The Amateur Radio Emergency Service and the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service, along with
Chaves County Emergency Operation Center, held the annual exercise on the New Mexico Military Institute campus, mocking the December 2006 snowstorm. Three members of the NMMI HAM Radio Club huddled over a computer screen displaying satellite images and made calls over high-frequency radios in a tiny room decorated with world clocks running on Zulu time and an official ARRL Radio Amateur world map. “Did we get a name on
that missing person?” Dan Musgrave, NMMI chaplain and adviser to the club, asked the cadets. “No name,” Pvt. R yan Turner, 16, responded. The cadets communicated with the EOC in Santa Fe and Las Cruces, WSTV and four local participants using their radio equipment from home. They transmitted messages about snow depths and transporting persons to the designated shelter, God-
Treasury confirmed that Krueger, assistant secretary for economic policy, would return to Princeton University, where he previously served as a professor of economics. The Wall Street Journal first reported the news late Friday. Krueger has served as the top adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner since the administration took power last year.
News of Krueger’s departure comes after several other high-profile announcements of Obama economic advisers resigning amid concerns over the sluggish pace of the recovery. With unemployment remaining stuck at painfully high levels, Democrats are bracing for heavy losses in the upcoming congressional elections.
Peter Orszag, Obama’s budget director, and Christina Romer, head of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers, resigned earlier this summer. And last month Lawrence Summers, the president’s top economist, announced he would return to Harvard University at the end of this year. Secretary Geithner is the only member of Obama’s
top-tier economic advisers to remain with the administration. Krueger’s published work focuses on the economics of education, unemployment, social insurance and other policy decisions. He previously served as the Department of Labor’s chief economist during the Clinton administration.
exercise “for their future.” The 12 young men, outfitted with boots, camouflage pants, tan shirts, canteens, wide-brim hats and a heavy coating of mosquito repellant, responded vigorously. After partaking in a halftree planting practice, halfbiology lesson with Jef f Sanchez, refuge biologist, each cadet quickly covered the 100 yards back to the truck, swung up one of 40 cottonwood trees, and gal-
Sometimes in sports assists don’t appear on the stat sheet at the end of the game. In Roswell’s 2-0 win over Goddard Saturday, the Coyotes assisted Mary Romero’s two goals in more ways than just making a pass. “I was having trouble in the beginning, kicking it straight to the goalie,” Romero said. “But with my teammates telling me and giving me advice from the back, saying ‘Shoot it corner, corner,’ I was like, Oh yeah, and I just shot it in. ...” - PAGE B1
• Malcolm Lee Johnson • Barbara A. Zaideman • Martel Jerome Priest - PAGE B6
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Mark Wilson Photo
Another top Treasury official returning to academia MATTHER PERRONE AP BUSINESS WRITER
Alan Krueger, a top economics of ficial at the Department of Treasury, will leave his post next month to return to academia, becoming the latest in a string of departures from the Obama administration’s economic team. A spokesman for the
ChalleNGe cadets clear, plant at Bitter Lake
Joe D. Moore Photo
Christian Trout, 16 of Santa Fe, waits to water the cottonwood tree he just planted.
On a sunny Friday afternoon, New Mexico’s Youth ChalleNGe cadets and the Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge engaged in a symbiotic relationship. In the sandy soils along the banks of the Pecos River, refuge staff led motivated cadets in restoring native vegetation. Sgt. 1st Class James Ward, the group’s leader, introduced the tree planting to the cadets as an
See NMMI, Page A9
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