viability 25june09

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viability 25june09 June letter back in January, true to form, someone very dear to me sent me a short and simple email: “i’ve decided i’m going to Gaza... can you help me?” from there began a series of exchanges in which i forwarded emails stuffed with links for funding ideas, delivered stacks of print-outs on unions and solidarity groups, grant resources and the like. meanwhile doing my own research because sadly, like many, i had been too enmeshed in the fifty-car-pile-up of my life to look beyond my sniffer. but once i started i couldn’t stop. i printed maps, arms reports, amnesty international reports, UN refugee reports, every UN resolution from the last two years; altogether nearly three reams of information. out of all this, one particular detail stood out for me... while reading the most current UN security council resolution, i skipped to the end of the report to see who voted and how. what i discovered was that the US and Israel were not in attendance. why would the US not show up at a UN conference that called for the sanctioning of Israel’s repeated violations of international law? this one detail sent me digging even further. and what i unearthed is not pretty. but it is the reality of things. it is the truth. the US is directly involved in the Arab – Israeli conflict, the term “terrorist” has been used as a backstage pass to violate human rights in our own backyards and across the globe, and the fate of Palestinians will directly affect the fate of citizens around the world. by February, Jason earned himself an internship as a photojournalist with ICAHD (Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, a pro-active organization, fighting on many levels to oppose the oppression of the Palestinian people). the only problem was getting him there and keeping him fed and housed while in Jerusalem. he immediately began his own letter writing campaign to solicit funds from family, friends, and solidarity groups. that’s when i came up with the idea to gather other artists to work together and contribute music or artwork or writing to raise funds and public awareness. when i considered the word “artists” i meant writers, painters, musicians, actors etc, because... aren’t all artists a little zany since artists are accustomed to looking beyond the surface and operating outside confines and established norms? in otherwords, aren’t they all like me? isn’t art about revelation? music about raging against injustice? theater about opening a window? poetry and prose about the truth, ugly or beautiful? of course, right? i set to work day and night on a site organizing and condensing all the information i had researched, and with the help of two close friends, the site went live in March. i obtained my non-profit certification and wa state business license. i partnered the organization with ICAHD, American Jews for a Just Peace, Voices of Palestine, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, and the Palestine Solidarity Committee. we were ready with t-shirt designs, contributors for a music cd, lit mag, and plans for interviews and events. we were going to make some noise and people were going to listen. ha! the reality: everyone has their lives and their priorities and just so much time to spare. as Ed Mast said, “we are all time paupers.” the country lies in the midst of an economic crisis. many people shy from the political nature of my goal or because of preconceptions about the conflict that i could not budge. all

in all i ended up with nothing but a well-informed website to offer. enthusiasm from other parties fizzled within weeks of their initial excitement (there is only so much dedication you can inspire over the internet). and by May, i was a one-man band. our first event, our introduction to the activist community, in a word was hijacked by an ego. it was a wonderful experience because i was able to meet and pick the brain of Jimmy Johnson, ICAHD researcher and international coordinator, but it was also a learning experience on many levels. and truly, my organization raised a pittance of funds. Jason’s letters have done most of the work as far as contributions toward his goal. so here i am. i have regrouped and realigned my focus. i have a small local venue booked for the fourth saturday over the next 6 months. we will be hosting evenings of a social atmosphere, with an art sale and music. if that doesn’t work out, i’ll regroup and realign again. but of course, i’ll always be looking for other artists.

come join us for art and entertainment at the Green Bean Coffeehouse on 211 N 85th St on the fourth Saturday of every month from seven to ten thirty in the evening. the work of JC Elkins and Motaz Abuthiab will be available for purchase at an event discount as prints last. information on our cause will be available as will i and i’m more than happy to discuss our work and what we support with you. or whatever else you like. i am always interested in the truth and the reinvention of the fourth estate. our kick-off will be held on July 10, during the Greenwood-Phinney Artwalk at the Green Bean Coffeehouse (details below). also, coming soon, in solidarity with the exodus of Nickelsville and Tent City, we will be hosting a poetry reading by displaced artists and authors. if you are a musician, a writer, an actor, or an artist and would like to participate in fourth estate saturdays, please email me at for your participation and contributions, i will give you as much exposure as possible including a bio and link on our patron saints page on the website. i’m sorry i am unable give more until we bring in sufficient funds where production costs and fees can be paid outside my wallet.

art by Seattle Photographer

performances by

j.c. elkins

cardboard theater “No Problem: an unpleasant experience” Cornish College of the Arts puppeteers

the electro magno sets folkabilly

green bean coffeehouse 210 n 85th st seattle, wa

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