The newsletter from Access to Nature Ipswich
Winter/ Spring 2013
Garden Bird PhotoGraPhy/Winter tree id/Friends GrouP and Much More‌
Welcome to the winter issue of
The newsletter from Access to Nature Ipswich WELCOME TO the 9th edition of WildLife, the a2nipswich newsletter! This is coming to you a little later than planned, so we hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are looking forward to spring – nearly here now!! We had a busy autumn/winter with bonfire parties, megabashes, festive crafts and the climax of our Ipswich Cleanup Competition – read reports inside! As we head into 2013 we are now looking toward the end of our project, so this will be our last newsletter. a2nipswich comes to an end in May this year, but we hope we will leave a legacy of motivated people, who have learned about their local green spaces, care about those spaces, and will continue to enjoy them and look after them into the future! Much of our focus in the coming months will be on creating this legacy, trying to make sure that as many people as possible benefit from the opportunities we can offer while we’re still here,
The a2nipswich project is funded by Natural England, with a Big Lottery grant, runs until May 2013. It is a partnership project between the CSV Media Clubhouse and The Greenways Countryside Project. Our aim is to engage people with their local natural environment through a variety of fun, creative and educational activities and conservation work. Our long term aim is to increase the number of people involved in looking after the natural world and to help with this we offer opportunities to take part in, and learn about, anything from conservation work to hosting a radio show – you can find out more about getting involved on the back page of this magazine.
Black tailed Godwits landing and a Redshank by Paul Smith
such as support and training to help strengthen “Friends of ” groups and other community groups that can work together after we’re gone. Take a look at the back page for more information, and please do get in touch! Enjoy the newsletter, and hopefully we’ll see you at one of our events, activities or workshops before May. Our last big event will be attending this year’s Spring Wood Day on May bank holiday, 6th May, so make sure you all come along and see us to say goodbye!! Becky
Contents What to look out for this season 3 We have been busy! 4 A round up of events that have taken place last year Ipswich Clean Up Awards Night 5 Garden Bird Photography 6-7 Paul Smith lends some helpful tips to beginners Winter Tree ID Guide 8-9 How to spot the difference between an chestnut tree and a cherry tree An Introduction to Environmental History 10 The Dancers 11 Join a Friends Group 12-13 Meet the Volunteers 14 Ria Ford chats to Flo Hive of Activities 15 Get Involved 16 Can you help? Contributors to this edition Editor - Becky Marley Design - Anthony King, Richard Wendt, Charles Matthews Article Contribution - James Davidson , Flo Kemsley, Ben Driver, Jon Tyler, Paul Smith, Lesley Nye Cover Photo - Paul Smith Photography -Paul Smith, Marc Akehurst, Becky Fox, Tim Bennet, Ben Driver, Jon Tyler
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What to look out for this season
By James Davidson
Late in November and into December 2012 Waxwings were arriving in good numbers into Ipswich. A low number of berries in Scandinavia, led them to travel south in search of food. A flock will strip a tree of its berries and then move on in search of more so as the food supplies are depleted they will continue south. Hopefully several will stay with us for the winter. If all the berries have been eaten they can be attracted by apples which you can skewer onto sticks or branches. They are a great bird to watch and look at, and they take their name from small red waxy looking extensions to the tips of their wing feathers. In silhouette, when perched in trees or on TV aerials, they can be identified by their crest. In flight they are similar to Starlings but should look paler, have a more ‘bull-like’ head and a slightly different tail.
Waxwing by Paul Smith
Thrush by dubhs, Flickr
Bullfinch by Hohn Barrett, Flickr
Bullfinches are great birds to see, whether it is a bright pink male or birds flying away showing a pure white rump. The colour is striking especially when the birds are seen against a white background of haw frost or snow at this time of year. They eat fruit and buds and so orchards can be a good place to find them but they also like thick hedges and areas of woodland. Bobbits Lane and the track by the side of the allotments, along with the western part of Spring Wood are good places to spot them. Listen for their soft ‘huu’ calls as pairs or small groups keep in contact with one another. For the latest information log on to or follow us on
Song Thrush
One of the first birds to start singing early in the New Year before the real dawn chorus starts up is the Song Thrush. They have a loud song, which is a series of different musical notes, but each note is usually repeated three times. They are telling other males nearby that this territory is theirs and trying to attract a mate. They usually perch in prominent locations in a tree while they sing. They eat worms and invertebrates like slugs and snails but have decreased in number in the last 3040 years. They are scattered across Ipswich and can be encountered in the parks and some gardens. Some other places to hear and see them are the lower part of Birkfield Drive and along the tow path opposite the Ramada hotel. or
Access to Nature ran some great events over the last few months and we would like to say a big thank you to all the volunteers who came along to help. Photo by Richard Wendt
There was a fantastic turnout at the Night Walk in October – thank you to all who came along. We listened for bats, talked to owls and created some night magic. It was a clear night and the stars seemed brighter than ever, so we did some star-gazing and learnt about a few constellations.
James led two great walks this autumn, one to discover the autumn birds at Spring Wood and one to explore wildlife along the River Gipping. The Gipping runs right through Ipswich town centre, past the Photo by Becky Fox train station and under Stoke Bridge to the Waterfront so it is easy to reach and a great place for a walk. We saw swans, a little egret and even a kingfisher along the river.
We went in search of Photo by Jon Tyler ‘funky fungi’ in After the regular work Bridge Wood party, volunteers had the and discovered chance to try coppicing. that it’s been a Coppicing is a woodland good autumn management technique for fungi, due Photo by Jon Tyler which involves cutting to all the rain. down trees to encourage We filled up our baskets with fungi of all different shapes and sizes. We pretended to be fungi and saw new growth and create how some fungi drop their spores whilst others pro- a variety of wildlife habitats. Steve and Jon showed ject the spores into the air. Some people even took people how to use their coppiced wood to create candleholders. mushrooms home for their tea! The weather before the event was rather wet, however once the bonfire was underway the sky brightened and we were treated to a lovely evening: it was a pleasure to be out in the woods. It gradually got dark during the event – finishing with Access to Nature joined up a candlelit procession around the wood. Each person made with Greenways and Ipswich their own lantern, using natural materials from the wood, Wildlife Group for the Belstead ready for the procession at the end. You can find out how to Brook Mega Bash, which atmake your own lantern later in the magazine. We enjoyed tracted about 40 volunteers. food and drink around the bonfire, but the marshmallows were not so good Many hands made light work of after they’d been set the task of coppicing, clearing on fire! We made and dead hedging and we all our own ‘pine cone enjoyed crisp, sunny autumn wishes’ which burnt weather and hot jacket potatoes brilliantly when they by the fire afterwards. You can find more photos and were put on the fire a video online. There will be more Mega Bashes in sending the wishes up into the sky. the New Year – we’ll keep you informed!
We’ve continued with our regular work parties in Stoke Park Wood, Belstead Brook Park and Alderman Canal, however we recognised that many people don’t really know what practical conservation work entails so we are hoping to run some training courses in the New Year – get in touch with Flo on if you would like to take part.
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The Ipswich Cleanup Awards Night
ANY OF YOU came along to our Ipswich Cleanup Awards Night, which we combined with our Volunteer Christmas Party for added fun! Thanks to everyone who came along! We gave out prizes, enjoyed lovely free food and drink, and a good time was had by all. Uptake of the Ipswich Cleanup competition was very good, with about one hundred people registering altogether. Of course, not everyone managed to do as much as they had hoped, and not everyone made it to the Awards Night, but it was a great way to get people thinking about how a little-and-often approach to doing our bit in our local area can work. Keep an eye on our website and Facebook for some organised litterpicks over coming months, and if you were inspired to start litterpicking but didn’t enter the competition, you can still get a hi-vis vest and pen from us to help you do your bit!
Back to the Awards Night, we would like to thank the businesses that very kindly donated wonderful prizes – Waitrose (both the Little Waitrose, and the new big Waitrose), Tesco Copdock, Sainsbury Hadleigh Road, The New Wolsey Theatre and Ipswich Borough Council. The winners were:
First Treasure Hunt Form returned – Joe Nye Most Cans Recycled – The Kerala Community Supplementary School (252 cans in a 2-hour period!) Most Glass Recycled – Lesley Nye, with 35 items all from the Alderman Canal area Worst Weather Collected In – the 6 hardy volunteers who came out in freezing sleet and snow on 4th November: Stefan Andreou, Sam Howard, Clive and Bethany Webb, Heather Richards, Paul Horne and Robert Kensit (sadly Heather and Robert couldn’t make it) Funniest Item Found – a pair of pants by the Kerala School Best Documentary Film – Clare Page Most Unusual Item Found – Lesley Nye (200 medals stolen from a Sainsbury’s charity bin – reported to the police) Most Unpleasant Items Collected – discarded dog-poo bags on Purdis Heath, Liz Marley
Top left: Joe Nye collecting his award Top: Representatives of KCSS collect their prizes Top right: Flo and Jon present the raffle Left: A lucky raffle winner Right: Lesley Nye collects her award Many thanks to Paul Smith who took the evenings photos
Jon and Becky enjoying a joke at the Clean Up awards!
Having a great time Jon presenting Richard Wendt with a raffle prize
Well done and thank you to everyone who took part, and a big thank you to Katie Parker who worked really hard on getting prize donations and organising the event.
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Garden Bird Photography by Paul Smith
t is important to help our birds out during the winter months, so consider setting up a feeding station. This can also help in getting some stunning garden bird photos. When you want to do some garden bird photography, you need to observe, plan then prepare before you can capture that perfect shot.
station, 6 to 10 meters should do. This will make it a lot easier to blur the background.
Know Your Camera First of all, get to know your camera really well so you can make adjustments without having to hunt through menus and look for the right button to press, or you could miss the shot!
A Much More Natural Shot Place branches next to the feeders so that they bring the birds to where you want them to be to get the shot, as this will give you the chance to capture a more natural shot as the birds will land on the branch before heading to the feeder.
Feeding Area Setup Next, you need to set up your feeding area correctly. You need to coax the birds out of the trees into your garden and on to your feeding area, so creating ready-made perches in front of an uncluttered background is the simplest way to get a great looking photo. Backgrounds Using a hedge as a background is one option, as when you take the picture and blur the background, the colours will look natural. If you don’t have a hedge, try hanging camouflage netting over a fence to make it more photogenic. When you have decided on your background, place your feeders in a position where your background will help make your subject stand out. Make sure there is a good distance between the hedge and feeding 6
Feeders & Branches Fill the feeders with a variety of good bird food as different types of food attract different types of birds.
Use twigs from different plants within the garden and change them regularly to give a different look to your photos. Having feeders with different food in can also help attract different types of birds. Be patient. Give the birds a chance to get used to your new set up. Once they are used to it, you will stand a better chance of getting a sharper shot as they won’t be so nervous.
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Keep your feeders topped up all year round, varying the type and quantity of food available, depending on the season. Also make sure your feeders are out of the reach of predators. Keep Hidden Make sure you are well hidden from the birds. Using a camouflage net or portable hide will give you more chance of getting great shots.
minimum focal length of 300mm. A telephoto lens will also help with blurring the background and get frame filling shots. Be Patient It’s likely that you will be twiddling your thumbs for long periods of time waiting for the birds to come to your feeding station, so get the camera in place and get comfortable. And most of all enjoy nature!!
Getting Sharp Shots For pin-sharp images, place your camera on a tripod or use a bean bag to rest the camera on. Using a wider aperture will enable you blur the background and always keep an eye on your shutter speed, as this can cause blurred shots. Another important thing is composition, so don’t forget about were your subject is when framing up. This can make a huge difference to your shot. And remember, focus on the eye nearest to you. Lenses When it comes to lenses you should be looking at a telephoto lens with a For the latest information log on to or follow us on or
ver the winter months as the temperature drops and the leaves come down brush up on your tree identification skills with our handy guide. Although tree identification without leaves is a bit tricky at first, you may be surprised what a closer look at trees this time of year will reveal. Evergreens like Holly and Yew keep their leaves so no problems there! For the broadleaves that shed leaves, there are features that allow accurate identification and the chance to get close enough to see some of the less obvious parts that are often overlooked. Each species can be identified by looking at the buds on the twigs and the bark. Sometimes there are other features that are useful, such as seed remains or bark patterns. Here is a quick guide to 12 species that can be found in the A2N sites within the Belstead Brook area.
Stoke Park Wood
oak On the twigs buds are set in a spiral pattern ending in a cluster of light brown buds at tips. The trunk bark is rough, fissured and grey brown.
Sweet Chestnut Buds are round, green and set alternately on the twigs. The young twigs are shiny and conspicuously spotted. The bark has distinctive “tracks” forming a twisting pattern on old trees.
Sycamore The buds are bright green and have a leaf scar below them on the twig (where the leaf stem was attached). The bark is pale grey and smooth on young trees, but on older trees comes off in large flakes (as in our photo)
elm Twigs have a zigzag pattern often with an irregularly ridged corky growth. Buds are small dark brown and oval shaped. The grey bark forms narrow ridged furrows.
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Spring Wood
Hornbeam Buds are slender br and cone shaped. O remains of the seed persist over the win brown papery deco The bark is browndistinctive fluted pa
Birch Often easy to ident it’s silver-white, pee bark alone. Look ou distinctive catkins t
Words by Jon Tyler and pictures by Tim Bennett
rown Often the dcases nter as orations. -grey with a attern.
tify by eling ut for the too.
Lime Twigs have a strong zigzag pattern and along with the fat buds are both an unmistakable red colour. The bark is rough and fissured on old trees.
Cherry Buds are brown and placed alternately along the twigs. The distinctive shiny bark, reddish or grey has a hoop/ ringed pattern.
Millennium Wood
Ash Easily recognised by its distinctive large black buds, which like Sycamore have leaf scars below the buds. The bark is grey-green and smooth, until the tree is quite mature.
Spindle Young twigs are green and four angled. Likewise the buds are small and green. Look out for the vivid pink seed cases with orange coated seeds inside (if you’re lucky).
Field Maple The buds are paired on opposite sides of the twigs, small and brown; the twigs may have cork ridges that stick out (see elm).
Hazel Twigs are greyish and downy with small buds that start off brown, turning green by February. The bark is smooth, shiny and brownish red to greenish red.
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An Introduction to Environmental History The 20th Century has seen the adoption and development of many sub-disciplines to the broader subject of history: military, political, social, cultural, gender etc. Through these, new ideas, concepts and controversies have been highlighted academically. Environmental history, though relatively young, is recognised as an official sub-discipline which is rapidly advancing our view of the world. It is accepted that the term “Environmental History” was coined around 1970 in California, by Roderick Nash. A publication in the Pacific Historical Review (1972) popularised the term but Nash was writing around the subject since 1967. Of course the natural world has been written and spoken about, experienced and witnessed for generations but academically it was predominantly seen as a scientific discipline rather than one which interacted with humanity. Traditionally nature was to be studied by scientists, to identify, categorise, dissect and understand various species. History dealt with the development of human life on Earth. Now most academic areas of study are interdisciplinary, drawing information across multiple disciplines and environmental history is a clear example of such collaboration. Nature becomes the context of humanity. Changes in the natural environment whether caused by humans or otherwise has an effect on the existence of human lives. Rivers, trees, landscapes, and horizons become historical documents providing evidence of the development of technology, thought, culture, and generally how humans live, survive, and advance. As well as seeing this collaboration between subjects there is also 10
by Ben Driver
integration. Environmental history manages various subjects, becoming an umbrella term. This is dependent on which country you look at. Before the term was popularised in America, Britain talked about nature in its widest sense through art history, historical geography, archaeology and very specific scientific areas such as palynology and dendrochronology. Environmental history has bound all these separate academic entities into a more coherent group. America always had a strong sense of its own wilderness, and environmental history became a stronger platform for this to be expressed and related more comprehensively to humanity, integrating itself into America’s intellectual world. Environmental history is the study of interactions between nature and humanity over time. Like all subdisciplines to history, a new trend will inevitably look back further than its creation and because of its ability to collaborate and integrate subjects from various disciplines it is a huge subject. Not to mention its relevance globally. To put it simply it generates an official academic recognition that nature exists, changes and provides the context for human history. It covers changing perceptions of nature, how we have changed nature and how it has limited us, the role of individuals and formal powers in their outlook and protection of the environment, major issues locally and globally, investigation of different ideas and concepts about what nature
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is and it’s future. This is merely a general description. The majority of topics will also fall across multiple themes, for example the history of pollution, the reintroduction of animals to specific habitats, and the development of laws regarding nature’s protection and sustainability. The recognition of environmental history as a sub-discipline holds great significance. A public appreciation of nature has been acknowledged and responded to academically. The expression of views that previously would have taken second place to the discussion of politics, the economy and even gender in modern society, has now become more balanced. Find out more: B. W. Clapp, An Environmental History Britain since the Industrial Revolution (1994) J. D. Hughes, What is Environmental History? (2006) John Sheail, An Environmental History of Twentieth-Century Britain (1976) T. C. Smout, Nature Contested (2000) or
The Dancers by Lesley Nye
Close your eyes for a moment and let your imagination go…. They stand so tall and very proud and then it starts - the music. They count themselves in and gracefully start off; it’s a waltz and with a sway they gently move from side to side. They move their top halves in time with each other and the music. The swirling around in different directions makes it look so easy, so peaceful. The costumes are lovely and there are no two the same; so very subtle shades of oranges and yellows, you need to be there to appreciate it, all of it. The dance is ending now and there they are facing each other just like the beginning, getting ready for the next one, a definite 10/10. Well the jive is next, fast and furious and shows no mercy. The music starts and the torso is “thrown around like a rag doll” but it’s all in time to the beat of the music. To an innocent bystander it looks like the top half is going to snap in two - is there some hidden strength in there somewhere? How much longer can they be chucked around like this, back and forth, to and fro, surely it’s got to end soon? The costumes are taking a battering as well with all the sequins and diamantes falling onto the grand floor, slightly changing colours as the light hits them. Don’t worry though they won’t go to waste as the kids think that the best part is to pick them all up when the show has finished. As the music dies down and the dance comes to an end they look tired and blown away but they’re still standing strong, opposite each other. Well, have you guessed? The grand dance floor is Alderman Park, the dancers are the trees, the music is the wind and lastly the sequins and diamantes are the leaves. It’s great to take a few minutes and let your imagination go….. If you would like to join Friends of Alderman Canal get in touch with Becky on 01473 418 033 or
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Do you want to improve your area and make new friends? Why not join a Friends Group? Access to Nature are looking for people to care for two wonderful nature reserves in Ipswich – Alderman Canal and Belstead Brook Park.
Alderman Canal Nature Reserve
Alderman Canal Nature Reserve is a great site for both wildlife and people! The reed beds and grasslands provide a rare and important habitat for birds and insects whilst the river path is a lovely place for people to walk at all times of year. Alderman is located right next to Portman Road football stadium so it is very easily accessible from the town centre. Did you know that much of the practical management of the site is carried out by volunteers? Volunteers have coppiced trees, cut reeds, planted hedges and laid pathways – there’s certainly a lot to do! The Friends of Alderman Canal 12
are a group of local residents who help look after the area by reporting problems and getting involved with practical work. If you are interested in getting involved, why not come along to CSV to discuss your ideas? Email Flo on for the date of the next meeting”. Come and join the work party at Alderman every 4th Saturday of the month from 10am – 1pm or contact Steve Pritchard on spritchard@csv. or 07834 750970 to find out more.
Belstead Brook Park Belstead Brook Park is a brilliant site, with loads of different habitats to explore. Bourne Park contains the largest reed bed in south Suffolk, whilst Bobbits Lane Meadow
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supports one of England’s largest colonies of Common Toad. Spring Wood and Millennium Wood are popular areas of Belstead Brook Park and each supports a wealth of wildlife. You may have attended Access to Nature events here, like Spring Wood Day, the Bonfire Party or the Bat Walk. The success of these events shows that this area is important for the community as well as for wildlife. Volunteers from the Friends of Belstead Brook Park have laid pathways, put up sign posts and even constructed a viewing platform to appreciate the birds at the reed beds. The Friends Group were also strong opponents of housing development on Kiln Meadow and campaigned to protect the area. To find out more, come along to a work party at Belstead Brook Park on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10am to 1pm. If you contact Steve Pritchard on uk or 07834 750970 he will explain where to meet. or
by creating a website or mailing list.
WHAt WiLL i Be doiNG? There is a role for everyone within the Friends Group, whatever your interests and skills. As a rough guide, a Friends Group needs people who can: MAKe tHiNGS HAPPeN! If you are organised and friendly, you might be good at organising meetings, taking notes and managing membership. LeAd PRACtiCAL CoNSeRvAtioN WoRK Do you like getting out in the fresh air and caring for a site? You might be able to help by showing other people how to use tools, deciding what needs to be done during each session and making sure everyone is safe.
RuN eveNtS A Friends Group isn’t all about conservation and physical work – when you have been caring for a space, you want to have fun there too! So a Friends Group needs someone with a lot of energy and enthusiasm to organise events at the park, whether for families, young people or members. MANAGe tHe FiNANCeS Every group needs a treasurer who can manage the funds of the group. This person can be in touch with Ipswich Borough Council for support and will always be keen to fundraise for the group. Of course, these roles are flexible and each group can decide which tasks are relevant to them. If you are keen to get involved, but want to feel a bit more confident about what you will be doing, there are opportunities for training in all these areas. Just get in touch with Flo at or 01473 418 033 to find out more about training.
CoMMuNiCAte WitH MeMBeRS ANd tHe LoCAL CoMMuNitY If you are friendly and good at talking to people, using computers, making posters and writing newsletters, this could be the role for you. You will need to let people know what is going on at the park, maybe For the latest information log on to or follow us on
Benefits of Joining a Friends Group: • • • • • • • • or
Making your green space cleaner, safer and more accessible Improving wildlife habitats Getting exercise out in the fresh air Meeting new people and making friends Creating a sense of community Working in partnership with Ipswich Borough Council and the police Getting your voice heard on local issues Learning new skills / training opportunities
Parrot fashion
Ria Ford In this issue, Flo Kemsley asks Ria Ford some questions about how and why she got involved with Access to Nature. What do you do for Access to Nature? Normally I volunteer in sessions and events where children and families are involved and I’d supervise and aid them where necessary. Why did you get involved with Access to Nature? I wanted more experience with children and I also wanted something to occupy myself so it seemed like a good idea. What do you enjoy about volunteering? I enjoy the activities and helping the children find and make things. I’ve also enjoyed the walks and flower planting that I’d been involved in.
Have you learnt any new skills whilst volunteering? I’ve learnt a lot about bugs and birds. In particular, I learnt about creating bird nests which I think my niece would enjoy doing in the spring. What interests you most about the natural world? I love flowers and the scenic aspects, also animals and what they do. I like a lot of insects, but I still need a lot of work with some! (Especially spiders!) When you are not volunteering for Access to Nature, what do you enjoy doing? I work with children now, which is very enjoyable. I like to take pictures, blog, read, write and learn languages (currently Spanish). I really like learning and developing.
The photos of these beautifully coloured birds were taken by Marc Akenhurst whilst on a trip to Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds. 14
Photo: Paul Smith
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We have a regular schedule of conservation activity at different sites every month. It’s a chance to get outdoors and discover your local natural environment throughout the changing seasons, learn new skills, have fun and get some fresh air and exercise!
Because conditions are always changing, the tasks vary and are not decided until close to the day, so could be anything from hedge trimming to litterpicking, surveying to path maintenance.
We often combine our conservation work with additional activities such as a wildlife identification session or walk, practical skills like foraging and cooking, creative activities, or fun things to involve kids with. These will also be scheduled closer to each session and so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on our website, facebook and twitter for up to the moment information on what’s going on! Saturdays at Alderman Canal
Work Parties: Thu Alderma rsdays at River G n Canal and ipping Time: 1 0am-4:0 0pm Dates: 2 1st F 21st Ma ebruary, rch, 18th Ap ril
Saturdays at Belstead Brook Park
Time: 10:00am-1
:00pm Dates: 23rd Febr uary, 23rd March, 27th April
Thursdays at Belstead Brook Park Time: 10:00am-4:00pm Dates: 7th February, 7th March, 4th April
Time: 10:00am-1:00p
Dates: 9th February, 9th March, 13th April
w w roero Hed Hegedg Weaving
Weaving arch date: Sunday 4th M ruary Feb 3rd , day Dacate: n: TBC tioSun Lo TBC n: C Loc e: TB matio ti Time: TBC
For all work pa exact location rties, the and details of to be confirm tasks ed For more info nearer the time. rmation cont Pritchard on ac spritchard@cs t Steve or 07834 75 0970, or chec k the a2nipswic hw www.a2nipsw ebsite: ich. www.facebook .com/a2nipsw ich twitter name: @a2nipswich
rafts Mother’s Day CMarch
, 9th Date: Saturday Location: TBC Time: TBC
Date: Monday, 6th May Location: Spring Wood Time: 11am-4pm
Easter Egg EpicApril
, 6th Date: Saturday Location: TBC Time: TBC
Outdoor Pancakes
Date: Thursday, 14th February Location: TBC Time: TBC
Spring Wood Day
Beanpole Festival
Date: Sunday, 28th April Location: Spring Wood Time: 11am - 3pm
Full details available on the For more details on these and webevents/activities, site; to book yvisit other our our website: www.a2nipswich. p la c e c o n tact Bbecky or contact eckyon on or 01473 or 01473 418033
dawn Chorus Walk Daw n Chor us Walk
date: Sunday 28th April Date: Tuesd ay, 30th April Location: Spring Wood Locati on: Spring Wood time: TBC Time: TBC
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If you’ve enjoyed any of the a2nipswich events, activities and conservation work over the last 3 years, why not get active yourself to help them to continue after we’ve gone? While a2nipswich lasts (up until end of May 2013) we can offer support and training to help you take on an active role in the future, and there are so many different ways you can help... You could be a hands-on person who wants to take part in conservation activities... Maybe you love organising social events that could help people get out and enjoy the green space... Perhaps you have the silver tongue required to persuade your friends and neighbours to pitch in and help, or to raise funds for the group... Maybe you are a brilliant cake maker, or would be happy to take responsibility for bringing the tea kit along to work parties... Perhaps you are a technical whizzkid who can blog about what’s happening on the site, and post photos of the latest event... whatever your talents, whatever your time availability, whatever your interest, there’s always something you can do to help – and the more people who get involved, even in the smallest of ways, the better our whole community feels! So make the most of us while we’re here! We can support the setting up of websites, pay for training courses, help organise events and meetings, and give practical advice, guidance and support – but only until May!! Get in touch and we can chat about which of our sites you are closest to, what your interests are, and how we can work with you.
Contact Flo on 01473 418033 or
Becky Marley, Project Manager Steve Prichard, Project Officer 01473 418033 or 07834 750970 or or write to us at: Becky Marley, CSV Media Clubhouse, 120 Princes Street, Ipswich IP1 1RS Follow us on or @a2nipswich
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